######################## # Opcje Do Młotu Thora # # Od xN0MANDx # ######################## ####################################################################################################### # standardowo czy ma działać bez wchodzienia na regiony z worldguard True = Odrazu False = Po wejściu # ####################################################################################################### variables: {Thor.%player%} = True # Dodatkowe opcje do worldguard jeżeli masz usuń # i w miejsce "spawn" wpisz swoja nazwe cuboida na spawnie by tam nie bralo obrazen # Te Kratki Blokuja Opcje itp #on region exit: # if event-region is "spawn" parsed as region: # set {Thor.%player%} to true #on region enter: # if event-region is "spawn" parsed as region: # set {Thor.%player%} to false #on death: # set {Thor.%player%} to false #command /InfoMlot: # trigger: # send "True - Damage Działa A False - Damage nie działa Stan: %{Thor.%player%}%" # stop # Broń (Tutaj możesz ruszyć tylko 3 linijke od leftclick i rightclick (czas) i damage (damage loop-player by ? heart) (Ignoruje zbroje) (1 heart to 1 serce) On leftclick: if player is holding Diamond Pickaxe named "&a&lMłot Thora": if difference between {MlotThora::%player%::lastuse} and now is smaller than 15 seconds: send "&a[Server] &c&lCo 15 sekund strzał &a&lMłotem Thora! &c&lZaczekaj" stop set {MlotThora::%player%::lastuse} to now if {Thor.%player%} is true: spawn 9000 of particle Magic Crit:1 offset by 10, 256, 10 at player wait 0.2 second spawn 9000 of particle Magic Crit:1 offset by 10, 256, 10 at player wait 0.2 second spawn 9000 of particle Magic Crit:1 offset by 10, 256, 10 at player wait 0.2 second spawn 9000 of particle Magic Crit:1 offset by 10, 256, 10 at player strike lightning at targeted block loop all players within 10 meters of the player: damage loop-player by 7 heart stop else: send "&c&lNie możesz używać &a&lMłotu Thora &c&lw tym regionie!" On leftclick:: if player is holding Diamond Pickaxe named "&a&lMłot Thora": if difference between {MlotThora::%player%::lastuse} and now is smaller than 15 seconds: wait 0.6 second execute console command "god enable" wait 1.5 second execute console command "god disable" On rightclick with Diamond Pickaxe: if name of player's tool is "&a&lMłot Thora": if difference between {MlotThoraLot::%player%::lastuse} and now is smaller than 15 seconds: send "&a[Server] &c&lLot pioruna co 15 sekund! Zaczekaj!" stop set {MlotThoraLot::%player%::lastuse} to now push the player upwards at velocity 3 push the player horizontally forward at speed 40 set {falldmg.%player%} to true on damage: if damage is caused by fall: if {falldmg.%victim%} is set: cancel event clear {falldmg.%victim%} command /AdminMlot: trigger: execute console command "give %player% DiamondPickaxe 1 name:&a&lMłot_Thora" send "&a[Server] &6&lDostales Mlot Thora" stop