command /daj []: permission: trigger: send "&7Dostałes &a1 skrzynke PREMIUM CASE" to the argument 1 give 1 chest named "&5Premium Case" to the argument 1 command /dostan: permission: trigger: send "&2Dosta�e� &664 skrzynki &5&lPREMIUM CASE" give 64 chest named "&5Premium Case" to the player command /giveall: permission: trigger: broadcast "" broadcast "&7 &7Cały server otrzymal &c1x &5Premium Case!" give 1 chest named "&5Premium Case" to all players on place chest: if player's tool is chest named "&5Premium Case": set block to air wait 0.1 second set block to stone wait 0.1 second set block to gravel wait 0.1 second set block to iron block wait 0.1 second set block to bedrock wait 0.1 second set block to diamond block wait 0.1 second set block to 35:15 wait 0.1 second set block to 35:13 wait 0.1 second set block to 35:14 wait 0.1 second set block to 95:14 wait 0.1 second set block to 95:13 wait 0.1 second set block to 95:10 wait 0.1 second set block to 95:5 wait 0.1 second set block to 17:0 wait 0.1 second set block to 17:1 wait 0.1 second set block to 17:2 wait 0.1 second set block to 17:3 wait 0.1 second set block to air broadcast "&7Gracz &c&l%player% &7otworzyl skrzynie &5Premium Case&7 i wydropil:" chance of 70%: drop 64 diamond broadcast "&864x &2diaxy" chance of 30%: drop 1 311 of protection 4 and unbreaking 3 named "&5&lSet 4/3" broadcast "&b1x &2Klata &e&l4/3" chance of 10%: drop 64 emerald block broadcast "&a64x &2 bloki emeraldy" chance of 30%: drop 1 310 of protection 4 and unbreaking 3 named "&5Set 4/3" broadcast "&31x &2Helm &e4/3" chance of 50%: drop 64 gold ingot broadcast "&f64x &2zelazo" chance of 30%: drop 1 312 of protection 4 and unbreaking 3 named "&5Set 4/3" broadcast "&71x &2Spodnie &e4/3" chance of 5%: drop 1 278 of efficiency 6 and unbreaking 3 and fortune 3 broadcast "&c1x &2Kilof &e6/3/3" chance of 30%: drop 1 313 of protection 4 and unbreaking 3 named "&5Set 4/3" broadcast "&71x &2butki &e4/3" chance of 40%: drop 1 276 of sharpness 5 and fire aspect 3 named "&5Miecz 5/3" broadcast "&51x &2Miecz &e5/3" chance of 30%: drop 64 TNT broadcast "&464x &1TNT" chance of 2.5%: drop 1 138 broadcast "&c1x &5&lB&4&lE&3&lA&c&C&6&lO&7&lN&a&lA!" broadcast "&8| &7PremiumCase zakupisz na: &3&lSTRONA" broadcast "&8| &7Za &cPSC &7& &cPRZELEW &7kupisz na: &3&lSTRONA" broadcast "&8######################################" remove 1 chest named "&5Premium Case" from player's inventory command /premiumcase [] []: permission: rex.premiumcase trigger: if arg 1 is not set: if arg 2 is not set: send "&3&lBEDIHARD &8/&cpremiumcase &c[&eNick&8] [&eIlosc&8]" if arg 1 is set: if arg 2 is set: execute console command "daj %arg 1% chest %arg 2%" send "&3&lBEDIHARD &a&lOtrzymales &4&lPremium &4&lCase &7&lx&c&l%arg 2% &a&l!" to player-arg