Locales['en'] = { -- Cloackroom ['cloakroom'] = 'locker room', ['citizen_wear'] = 'civilian Outfit', ['fire_clothes'] = 'Fireman Gear', ['fems_clothes_ems'] = 'Female Ambulance Gear', ['mems_clothes_ems'] = 'Male Ambulance Gear', ['open_cloackroom'] = 'press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to change', -- Armory ['get_weapon'] = 'get Weapon', ['put_weapon'] = 'put Weapon', ['buy_weapons'] = 'buy Weapons', ['armory'] = 'armory', ['open_armory'] = 'press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to access the armory', -- Vehicles ['vehicle_menu'] = 'vehicle', ['vehicle_out'] = 'there is already a car out of the garage', ['vehicle_spawner'] = 'press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to take out a vehicle', ['store_vehicle'] = 'press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to store the vehicle', ['service_max'] = 'Max officers in service: ', -- Action Menu ['citizen_interaction'] = 'citizen Interaction', ['vehicle_interaction'] = 'vehicle Interaction', ['object_spawner'] = 'object Spawner', ['animations'] = 'animations', ['id_card'] = 'iD Card', ['search'] = 'search', ['handcuff'] = 'cuff / Uncuff', ['drag'] = 'drag', ['put_in_vehicle'] = 'put in Vehicle', ['out_the_vehicle'] = 'take out of vehicle', ['fine'] = 'fine', ['no_players_nearby'] = 'no players nearby', ['vehicle_info'] = 'vehicle Info', ['pick_lock'] = 'lockpick Vehicle', ['vehicle_unlocked'] = 'vehicle ~g~Unlocked~s~', ['no_vehicles_nearby'] = 'no vehicles nearby', ['traffic_interaction'] = 'Interaction Voirie', ['cone'] = 'cone', ['barrier'] = 'barrier', ['spikestrips'] = 'spikestrips', ['box'] = 'box', ['cash'] = 'Box of cash', ['police_animations'] = 'Police Animations', ['dotraffic'] = 'Do a traffic stop', ['take_note'] = 'Take notes', ['stand_by'] = 'Stand by', ['stand_by_2'] = 'Stand by 2', ['stand_by_3'] = 'Stand by 3', ['crowd_control'] = 'Crowd control', ['doinvestigate'] = 'Investigate', ['dobinoculars'] = 'Use the binoculars', ['taking_notes'] = 'Im done with taking notes', ['dealing_with_traffic'] = 'Dealing with traffic is hard', ['standing_cop'] = 'I cant be here anymore', ['standing_cop_2'] = 'I cant be here anymore', ['standing_cop_3'] = 'I cant be here anymore', ['use_binoculars'] = 'I cant see nothing', ['do_crowd_control'] = 'The crowd is contained', ['investigate_done'] = 'My investigation is done', ['docrouch'] = 'Crouch', ['kneel'] = 'Let me get up', ['hang_out'] = 'Free time 1', ['hanging_out'] = 'Lets go work', ['doleaning'] = 'Free time 2', ['dosmoking'] = 'Free time 3', ['dodrinking'] = 'Free time 4', ['domobile'] = 'Free time 5', ['aacoffe'] = 'Morning coffe', ['push_ups'] = 'Exercise a little', ['exercise'] = 'Im tired', ['cancel_emote'] = 'Cancel animation', ['emotecanceled'] = 'Animation stoped', -- ID Card Menu ['name'] = 'name : ', ['bac'] = 'bAC : ', -- Body Search Menu ['confiscate_dirty'] = 'confiscate dirty money: $', ['guns_label'] = '--- Guns ---', ['confiscate'] = 'confiscate ', ['inventory_label'] = '--- Inventory ---', ['confiscate_inv'] = 'confiscate x', ['traffic_offense'] = 'traffic Offense', ['minor_offense'] = 'minor Offense', ['average_offense'] = 'average Offense', ['major_offense'] = 'major Offense', ['fine_total'] = 'fine: ', -- Vehicle Info Menu ['plate'] = 'Plate: ', ['owner_unknown'] = 'owner: Unknown', ['owner'] = 'owner: ', -- Weapons Menus ['get_weapon_menu'] = 'armory - Take Weapon', ['put_weapon_menu'] = 'armory - Put Weapon', ['buy_weapon_menu'] = 'armory - Buy Guns', ['not_enough_money'] = 'you do not have enough money', ['evidence_out'] = 'take out of storage', ['evidence_in'] = 'put in storage', -- Boss Menu ['take_company_money'] = 'withdraw Company Money', ['deposit_money'] = 'deposit Money', ['amount_of_withdrawal'] = 'amount of Withdrawal', ['invalid_amount'] = 'amount Invalid', ['amount_of_deposit'] = 'amount of Deposit', ['open_bossmenu'] = 'press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to open the menu', ['quantity_invalid'] = 'invalid quantity', ['have_withdraw'] = 'you have withdrawn x', ['added'] = 'you added x', ['quantity'] = 'quantity', ['inventory'] = 'inventory', ['fire_stock'] = 'Fire Stock', -- Misc ['remove_object'] = 'press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to delete the object', ['map_blip'] = 'Fire Station', -- Notifications ['from'] = '~s~ from ~b~', ['you_have_confinv'] = 'you have confiscated ~y~x', ['confinv'] = '~s~ confiscated from you ~y~x', ['you_have_confdm'] = 'you have confiscated ~y~$', ['confdm'] = '~s~ confiscated from you ~y~$', ['you_have_confweapon'] = 'you have confiscated ~y~x1 ', ['confweapon'] = '~s~ confiscated from you ~y~x1 ', ['alert_fire'] = 'alert fire', -- Authorized Vehicles ['police'] = 'patrol Vehicle 1', ['police2'] = 'patrol Vehicle 2', ['police3'] = 'patrol Vehicle 3', ['police4'] = 'unmarked Vehicle', ['policeb'] = 'motorcycle', ['policet'] = 'transport Van', -- Revive ['revive_inprogress'] = 'revive in progress', ['revive_complete'] = 'you have been revived ', ['isdead'] = 'is dead', ['unconscious'] = 'is not unconscious', ['fire_menu_revive'] = 'Revive Player', }