#---------------------------------# # Autor - xN0MANDx # # Skrypt - CraftStrike - CS # # Wersja - 1.1.2 # # Zakaz Kopiowania Skryptu Na # # Inne Fora I Usuwanie Informacji # # O Autorze Oto Tego Skryptu # #---------------------------------# #---------# # [OPCJE] # #---------# variables: {EQ.%player%} = false {RundaCS.%player%} = false {Red.CS} = false {Blue.CS} = false {Lobby.CS} = false {LobbyA.%player%} = false {RedA.%player%} = false {BlueA.%player%} = false {LobbyL.CS} = 0 {RedL.CS} = 0 {BlueL.CS} = 0 {CSSpam.%player%} = false {Czas.CS} = false {Start.CS} = false options: Pasek: &9&m[----------------------------------------------------------] #----------# # [SKRYPT] # #----------# on skript start: set {EQ.%all players%} to false set {RundaCS.%all players%} to false set {LobbyA.%all players%} to false set {RedA.%all players%} to false set {BlueA.%all players%} to false set {LobbyL.CS} to 0 set {RedL.CS} to 0 set {BlueL.CS} to 0 set {CSSpam.%all players%} to false set {Czas.CS} to false send "[CraftStrike] Uruchomiono Skrypt" to console command /CS [] []: trigger: if arg 1 is not set: send "{@Pasek}" if player has permission "Admin.CS": send "&e&o/CS Ustaw Red &8- &f&oUstawia respawn druzyny czerwonych" send "&e&o/CS Ustaw Blue &8- &f&oUstawia respawn druzyny niebieskich" send "&e&o/CS Ustaw Lobby &8- &f&oUstawia poczekalnie gry CraftStrike" send "&e&o/CS Restart &8- &f&oRestartuje cale statystyki gry itp (Przydatne gdy sie buguje)" send "&e&o/CS Dolacz &8- &f&oDolacza automatycznie do gry CraftStrike" send "&e&o/CS Start &8- &f&oNatychmiastowy Start &7&o[Musi byc conajmniej 1 czerwony i 1 niebieski]" send "&e&o/CS Wyjdz &8- &f&oWychodzi z gry CraftStrike" send "&e&o/CS Lista &8- &f&oLista graczy" send "&6&oAutor Skryptu &8- &a&oxN0MANDx" send "&6&oWersja Skryptu &8- &a&o1.1.2" send "{@Pasek}" if arg 1 is "Lista": send "{@Pasek}" send "&a&o[&6&oCS&a&o] &b&oLista Graczy Czerwony: &6&o%{RedL.CS}%" send "&a&o[&6&oCS&a&o] &b&oLista Graczy Niebieskich: &6&o%{BlueL.CS}%" send "&a&o[&6&oCS&a&o] &b&oLista Graczy Oczekujacych: &6&o%{LobbyL.CS}%" send "{@Pasek}" if arg 1 is "Ustaw": if player has permission "Admin.CS": if arg 2 is "Red": set {Red.Spawn} to location of player send "{@Pasek}" message "&9Spawn czerwonych ustawiony" set {Red.CS} to true send "{@Pasek}" if arg 2 is "Blue": set {Blue.Spawn} to location of player send "{@Pasek}" message "&9Spawn niebieskich ustawiony" set {Blue.CS} to true send "{@Pasek}" if arg 2 is "Lobby": set {Lobby.Spawn} to location of player send "{@Pasek}" message "&9SPoczekalnie ustawiono" set {Lobby.CS} to true send "{@Pasek}" else: send "{@Pasek}" send "&a&l[&b&lCS&a&l] &c&lNIE POSIADASZ UPRAWNIENIA DO TEGO DZIALANIA!" send "{@Pasek}" if arg 1 is "Start": if player has permission "Plus.CS": if {RundaCS.%player%} is true: if {Czas.CS} is false: if {Start.CS} is false: if {BlueL.CS} is more than or equal to 1: if {RedL.CS} is more than or equal to 1: loop all players: if {RundaCS.%loop-player%} is true: set {Start.CS} to true teleport the loop-player to {Lobby.Spawn} set {Czas.CS} to false send "&5&lWymuszono Start Areny!" to loop-player send "&5&l20 SEKUND DO STARTU!" to loop-player send "&5&lWYBIERZCIE DRUZYNY [CI CO NIE WYBRALI]!" to loop-player send "{@Pasek}" to loop-player wait 20 second if {RedA.%loop-player%} is true: set {Czas.CS} to true set {Start.CS} to true teleport the loop-player to {Red.Spawn} equip loop-player with Leather Helmet dye loop-player's helmet (255, 1, 1) equip loop-player with Leather Chestplate dye loop-player's chestplate (255, 1, 1) equip loop-player with Leather Leggings dye loop-player's leggings (255, 1, 1) equip loop-player with Leather Boots dye loop-player's boots (255, 1, 1) send "&b&oCzas Zaczac Strzelanine [180 Sekund Do Konca Rundy]" to loop-player execute console command "give %loop-player% 417 1 name:&e&oKarabinek" execute console command "give %loop-player% 418 1 name:&e&oPistolet" else: if {BlueA.%loop-player%} is true: teleport the loop-player to {Blue.Spawn} equip loop-player with Leather Helmet dye loop-player's helmet (1, 255, 255) equip loop-player with Leather Chestplate dye loop-player's chestplate (1, 255, 255) equip loop-player with Leather Leggings dye loop-player's leggings (1, 255, 255) equip loop-player with Leather Boots dye loop-player's boots (1, 255, 255) send "&b&oCzas Zaczac Strzelanine [180 Sekund Do Konca Rundy]" to loop-player execute console command "give %loop-player% 417 1 name:&e&oKarabinek" execute console command "give %loop-player% 418 1 name:&e&oPistolet" else: send "&4Nie mozesz grac bez przeciwnikow" to player stop else: send "&4Nie mozesz grac bez przeciwnikow" to player stop else: send "&4Gra sie juz rozpoczela" to player stop else: send "&4Gra sie juz rozpoczela" to player stop else: send "&4Nie jestes uczestnikiem gry" to player stop else: send "{@Pasek}" send "&a&l[&b&lCS&a&l] &c&lNIE POSIADASZ UPRAWNIENIA DO TEGO DZIALANIA!" send "{@Pasek}" stop if arg 1 is "Restart": if player has permission "Admin.CS": send "&c&oCraftStrike Zostal Zrestartowany Gracze Zostali Podporzadkowani!" loop all players: if {RundaCS.%loop-player%} is true: restore inventory of loop-player from {ekwipunek.%loop-players%} equip loop-player with {Helm.%loop-players%} parsed as item equip loop-player with {Zbroja.%loop-players%} parsed as item equip loop-player with {Spodnie.%loop-players%} parsed as item equip loop-player with {Buty.%loop-players%} parsed as item teleport the loop-player to {BackGame.%loop-player%} send "&4&oAdmin zrestartował CraftStrike zapraszamy ponownie" to loop-player set {EQ.%all players%} to false set {RundaCS.%all players%} to false set {LobbyA.%all players%} to false set {RedA.%all players%} to false set {BlueA.%all players%} to false set {LobbyL.CS} to 0 set {RedL.CS} to 0 set {BlueL.CS} to 0 set {CSSpam.%all players%} to false set {Czas.CS} to false loop all players: set {EQ.%loop-player%} to false set {RundaCS.%loop-player%} to false set {LobbyA.%loop-player%} to false set {RedA.%loop-player%} to false set {BlueA.%loop-player%} to false set {CSSpam.%loop-players%} to false else: send "{@Pasek}" send "&a&l[&b&lCS&a&l] &c&lNIE POSIADASZ UPRAWNIENIA DO TEGO DZIALANIA!" send "{@Pasek}" if arg 1 is "Dolacz": if {Red.CS} and {Blue.CS} and {Lobby.CS} is true: if {RundaCS.%player%} is false: heal player set {BackGame.%player%} to location of player set {ekwipunek.%player%} to serialized inventory of player teleport the player to {Lobby.Spawn} set {Helm.%player%} to "%helmet of the player%" set {Zbroja.%player%} to "%chestplate of the player%" set {Spodnie.%player%} to "%legging of the player%" set {Buty.%player%} to "%boots of the player%" set {EQ.%player%} to true set {RundaCS.%player%} to true add 1 to {LobbyL.CS} set {LobbyA.%player%} to true wait 0.1 second execute console command "clear %player%" loop all players: if {LobbyA.%loop-player%} is true: send "&b&oLista Graczy Oczekujacych: &6&o%{LobbyL.CS}%" to loop-player else: send "&a&l[&b&lCS&a&l] &c&lJESTES JUZ W GRZE" else: send "&c&lADMIN NIE USTAWIL WSZYSTKICH STANOWISK GRY" if arg 1 is "Wyjdz": if {RundaCS.%player%} is true: execute console command "clear %player%" heal player teleport the player to {BackGame.%player%} restore inventory of player from {ekwipunek.%player%} equip player with {Helm.%player%} parsed as item equip player with {Zbroja.%player%} parsed as item equip player with {Spodnie.%player%} parsed as item equip player with {Buty.%player%} parsed as item set {EQ.%player%} to false set {RundaCS.%player%} to false set {CSSpam.%player%} to false if {LobbyA.%player%} is true: remove 1 from {LobbyL.CS} set {LobbyA.%player%} to false if {BlueA.%player%} is true: remove 1 from {BlueL.CS} set {BlueA.%player%} to false if {RedA.%player%} is true: remove 1 from {RedL.CS} set {RedA.%player%} to false else: send "&a&l[&b&lCS&a&l] &c&lABY WYJSC Z GRY MUSISZ BYC W GRZE" on login: wait 5 second if {EQ.%player%} is true: restore inventory of player from {ekwipunek.%player%} equip player with {Helm.%player%} parsed as item equip player with {Zbroja.%player%} parsed as item equip player with {Spodnie.%player%} parsed as item equip player with {Buty.%player%} parsed as item set {EQ.%player%} to false if {RundaCS.%player%} is true: set {RundaCS.%player%} to false teleport the player to {BackGame.%player%} on quit: if {RundaCS.%player%} is true: broadcast "&a&l[&b&lCS&a&l] %player% wyszedł z serwera w trakcie CraftStrike" if {LobbyA.%player%} is true: remove 1 from {LobbyL.CS} set {LobbyA.%player%} to false if {BlueA.%player%} is true: remove 1 from {BlueL.CS} set {BlueA.%player%} to false if {RedA.%player%} is true: remove 1 from {RedL.CS} set {RedA.%player%} to false set {CSSpam.%player%} to false on rightclick on sign: If line 1 is "&9[CS]": If line 2 is "Blue": if {RundaCS.%player%} is true: if {RedA.%player%} is true: if {Czas.CS} is false: set {CSSpam.%player%} to true remove 1 from {RedL.CS} set {RedA.%player%} to false send "&a&oZmieniles druzyne na niebieska" to player add 1 to {BlueL.CS} set {BlueA.%player%} to true loop all players: if {RundaCS.%loop-player%} is true: send "&b&oLista Graczy Niebieskich: &6&o%{BlueL.CS}%" to loop-player stop else: send "&7&oPoczekaj az skonczy sie runda i bedzie mozna wybierac druzyny" else: if {CSSpam.%player%} is false: if {Czas.CS} is false: remove 1 from {LobbyL.CS} set {LobbyA.%player%} to false add 1 to {BlueL.CS} set {BlueA.%player%} to true set {CSSpam.%player%} to true send "&a&oWybrales Druzyne &bNiebieska" loop all players: if {RundaCS.%loop-player%} is true: send "&b&oLista Graczy Niebieskich: &6&o%{BlueL.CS}%" to loop-player stop else: send "&7&oPoczekaj az skonczy sie runda i bedzie mozna wybierac druzyny" If line 2 is "Red": if {RundaCS.%player%} is true: if {BlueA.%player%} is true: if {Czas.CS} is false: set {CSSpam.%player%} to true remove 1 from {BlueL.CS} set {BlueA.%player%} to false send "&a&oZmieniles druzyne na czerwona" to player add 1 to {RedL.CS} set {RedA.%player%} to true loop all players: if {RundaCS.%loop-player%} is true: send "&b&oLista Graczy Czerwony: &6&o%{RedL.CS}%" to loop-player stop else: if {CSSpam.%player%} is false: if {Czas.CS} is false: remove 1 from {LobbyL.CS} set {LobbyA.%player%} to false add 1 to {RedL.CS} set {RedA.%player%} to true set {CSSpam.%player%} to true send "&a&oWybrales Druzyne &cCzerwona" loop all players: if {RundaCS.%loop-player%} is true: send "&b&oLista Graczy Czerwony: &6&o%{RedL.CS}%" to loop-player stop else: send "&7&oPoczekaj az skonczy sie runda i bedzie mozna wybierac druzyny" on death: if {RundaCS.%victim%} is true: clear drops if {RedA.%victim%} is true: add 1 to {LobbyL.CS} set {LobbyA.%victim%} to true remove 1 from {RedL.CS} set {RedA.%victim%} to false set {CSSpam.%victim%} to false teleport the victim to {Lobby.Spawn} if {BlueA.%victim%} is true: add 1 to {LobbyL.CS} set {LobbyA.%victim%} to true remove 1 from {BlueL.CS} set {BlueA.%victim%} to false set {CSSpam.%victim%} to false teleport the victim to {Lobby.Spawn} loop all players: if {RundaCS.%loop-player%} is true: send "&2%player% &4zostal zastrzelony" to loop-player send "&b&oLista Graczy Czerwony: &6&o%{RedL.CS}%" to loop-player send "&b&oLista Graczy Niebieskich: &6&o%{BlueL.CS}%" to loop-player send "&b&oLista Graczy Oczekujacych: &6&o%{LobbyL.CS}%" to loop-player on respawn: if {RundaCS.%player%} is true: teleport the player to {Lobby.Spawn} on death: if {RundaCS.%victim%} is true: wait 1 second if {BlueL.CS} is equal to 0: broadcast "&6&l[CS] &a&oDruzyna czerwona pokonala niebieskich" loop all players: if {RedA.%loop-player%} is true: teleport the loop-player to {Lobby.Spawn} execute console command "clear %loop-player%" stop if {RedL.CS} is equal to 0: broadcast "&6&l[CS] &a&oDruzyna niebieska pokonala czerwonych" loop all players: if {BlueA.%loop-player%} is true: teleport the loop-player to {Lobby.Spawn} execute console command "clear %loop-player%" stop on damage: if {RundaCS.%attacker%} is true: cancel event # Powyzsze 3 linijki po to aby gracze sie nie masturbowali :D #---------# # [RUNDA] # #---------# every 180 second: loop all players: if {RundaCS.%loop-player%} is true: teleport the loop-player to {Lobby.Spawn} set {Czas.CS} to false send "{@Pasek}" to loop-player send "&5&lSKONCZYLA SIE RUNDA!" to loop-player send "&5&l20 SEKUND DO STARTU NOWEJ!" to loop-player send "&5&lWYBIERZCIE DRUZYNY!" to loop-player send "{@Pasek}" to loop-player wait 20 second if {BlueL.CS} is more than or equal to 1: if {RedL.CS} is more than or equal to 1: loop all players: if {RundaCS.%loop-player%} is true: if {RedA.%loop-player%} is true: set {Czas.CS} to true teleport the loop-player to {Red.Spawn} equip loop-player with Leather Helmet dye loop-player's helmet (255, 1, 1) equip loop-player with Leather Chestplate dye loop-player's chestplate (255, 1, 1) equip loop-player with Leather Leggings dye loop-player's leggings (255, 1, 1) equip loop-player with Leather Boots dye loop-player's boots (255, 1, 1) send "&b&oCzas Zaczac Strzelanine [180 Sekund Do Konca Rundy]" to loop-player execute console command "give %loop-player% 417 1 name:&e&oKarabinek" execute console command "give %loop-player% 418 1 name:&e&oPistolet" if {BlueA.%loop-player%} is true: teleport the loop-player to {Blue.Spawn} equip loop-player with Leather Helmet dye loop-player's helmet (1, 255, 255) equip loop-player with Leather Chestplate dye loop-player's chestplate (1, 255, 255) equip loop-player with Leather Leggings dye loop-player's leggings (1, 255, 255) equip loop-player with Leather Boots dye loop-player's boots (1, 255, 255) send "&b&oCzas Zaczac Strzelanine [180 Sekund Do Konca Rundy]" to loop-player execute console command "give %loop-player% 417 1 name:&e&oKarabinek" execute console command "give %loop-player% 418 1 name:&e&oPistolet" else: loop all players: if {RundaCS.%loop-player%} is true: send "&aBrak Graczy Czerwonych Ponowna Proba Startu Gry Za 180 Sekund" to loop-player stop else: loop all players: if {RundaCS.%loop-player%} is true: send "&aBrak Graczy Niebieskich Ponowna Proba Startu Gry Za 180 Sekund" to loop-player stop #----------# # [BRONIE] # #----------# on rightclick: if name of player's tool is "&e&oKarabinek": if difference between {Karabinek::%player%::lastuse} and now is smaller than 0.4 seconds: stop set {Karabinek::%player%::lastuse} to now if {BlueA.%player%} is true: if {BlueA.%targeted player%} is false: damage targeted player by 0.5 hearts if {RedA.%player%} is true: if {RedA.%targeted player%} is false: damage targeted player by 0.5 hearts play raw sound "mob.zombie.woodbreak" at player with pitch 2 volume 3 spawn 20 of particle flame:0.00000000000001 offset by 0.4, -0.5, 0.4 at block above player stop if name of player's tool is "&e&oPistolet": if difference between {Pistolet::%player%::lastuse} and now is smaller than 0.8 seconds: stop set {Pistolet::%player%::lastuse} to now if {BlueA.%player%} is true: if {BlueA.%targeted player%} is false: damage targeted player by 1 hearts if {RedA.%player%} is true: if {RedA.%targeted player%} is false: damage targeted player by 1 hearts play raw sound "mob.zombie.woodbreak" at player with pitch 1 volume 3 spawn 20 of particle flame:0.00000000000001 offset by 0.4, -0.5, 0.4 at block above player stop