// Set up the canvas size(200, 300); background(230); // The contour of the face fill(226, 182, 129); ellipse(100, 150, 100, 200); // The contours of the eyes fill(255); ellipse(75, 120, 30, 15); ellipse(125, 120, 30, 15); // Pupil contours fill(0); ellipse(75, 120, 15, 7); ellipse(125, 120, 15, 7); noFill(); // The contours of the nose rect(95, 120, 10, 50); quad(95, 170, 105, 170, 110, 180, 90, 180); fill(139, 108, 66); ellipse(100, 195, 30, 5); ellipse(100, 198, 30, 5); stroke(226, 182, 129); line(95+1, 170, 105-1, 170); // Nostrils fill(255); stroke(0); ellipse(97, 177, 5, 3); ellipse(104, 177, 5, 3); noFill(); noStroke();