Thus, the vacation of "Pesach" truly started the day of the 14th, ending the night of the 15th. Within the narrative of the Exodus, the Bible tells that God helped the Children of Israel escape from their slavery in Egypt by inflicting ten plagues upon the ancient Egyptians earlier than the Pharaoh would launch his Israelite slaves. sixty eight This holiday commemorates the day the Youngsters of Israel reached the Pink Sea and witnessed both the miraculous "Splitting of the Sea" ( Passage of the Purple Sea ), the drowning of all the Egyptian chariots, horses and troopers that pursued them. Actually, left in such a hurry that there wasn't time for their bread dough to rise, which is why no risen (leavened) bread is eaten throughout Passover now. Because the monarchy was established and a centralized religion took type, the two holidays began merging into one. 35 The Israelites did as Moses instructed and asked the Egyptians for articles of silver and gold and for clothing. In doing so, Jubilees establishes that the Competition of Unleavened Bread, and implicitly the Passover, was established previous to the Israelite exodus out of Egypt. 15 For seven days you are to eat bread made with out yeast. At the time Moses was born, Pharaoh had ordered the dying of all Hebrew males, but God spared Moses when his mom hid him in a basket along the banks of the Nile. For , Jewish outreach organization Chabad has been organizing mass Seders for backpackers in the Kathmandu area, reaching visitor lists of two,000 individuals.