For those who are working on a budget, there is a great alternative to the standard home security cameras that is the "point-and-shoot" camera. The advantage to this type of home security cameras is the fact that they require no special software or hardware. The camera just needs to have a digital camera lens that can capture an image. These point-and-shoot cameras are popular because they are easy to install and use, which makes them a favorite for those on a tight budget. They also provide excellent security because unlike other types of cameras, they don't require any kind of software or special hardware in order to work. There are many options when it comes to home security cameras. Whether you're looking for a traditional surveillance camera or a point-and-shoot camera, you should definitely look over the benefits that both cameras have to offer. If take the time to research the many options that you have, you will be able to make an informed decision about the surveillance system you need.