-- made by Manic local Players = game:GetService("Players") local Player = Players.LocalPlayer local Chat = game:GetService("Chat") local Messages = { "No one is around to help", "Life is hard, life is stressful", "I need peace and tranquility", "I don't have to prove myself to anyone", "No one is around to help", "Life is hard, life is stressful", "I need peace and tranquility", "I don't have to prove myself to anyone", "No one is around to help", "Life is hard, life is stressful", "I need peace and tranquility", "I don't have to prove myself to anyone", "No one is around to help", "Life is hard, life is stressful", "I need peace and tranquility", "I don't have to prove myself to anyone", "No one is around to help", "Life is hard, life is stressful", "I need peace and tranquility", "I don't have to prove myself to anyone", "No one is around to help", "Life is hard, life is stressful", "I need peace and tranquility", "I don't have to prove myself to anyone", "No one is around to help", "Life is hard, life is stressful", "I need peace and tranquility", "I don't have to prove myself to anyone", "No one is around to help", "Life is hard, life is stressful", "I need peace and tranquility", "I don't have to prove myself to anyone", "No one is around to help", "Life is hard, life is stressful", "I need peace and tranquility", "I don't have to prove myself to anyone", "No one is around to help", "Life is hard, life is stressful", "I need peace and tranquility", "I don't have to prove myself to anyone", "No one is around to help", "Life is hard, life is stressful", "I need peace and tranquility", "I don't have to prove myself to anyone", "No one is around to help", "Life is hard, life is stressful", "I need peace and tranquility", "I don't have to prove myself to anyone", "No one is around to help", "Life is hard, life is stressful", "I need peace and tranquility", "I don't have to prove myself to anyone", "No one is around to help", "Life is hard, life is stressful", "I need peace and tranquility", "I don't have to prove myself to anyone", "No one is around to help", "Life is hard, life is stressful", "I need peace and tranquility", "I don't have to prove myself to anyone", "No one is around to help", "Life is hard, life is stressful", "I need peace and tranquility", "I don't have to prove myself to anyone", "No one is around to help", "Life is hard, life is stressful", "I need peace and tranquility", "I don't have to prove myself to anyone", "No one is around to help", "Life is hard, life is stressful", "I need peace and tranquility", "I don't have to prove myself to anyone", "No one is around to help", "Life is hard, life is stressful", "I need peace and tranquility", "I don't have to prove myself to anyone", "No one is around to help", "Life is hard, life is stressful", "I need peace and tranquility", "I don't have to prove myself to anyone", "No one is around to help", "Life is hard, life is stressful", "I need peace and tranquility", "I don't have to prove myself to anyone", "No one is around to help", "Life is hard, life is stressful", "I need peace and tranquility", "I don't have to prove myself to anyone", } while wait(7) do for i, message in ipairs(Messages) do Chat:Chat(Player.Character.Head, message) end end