Are you a Christians woman who wants prayer for weight loss and prayer to control eating? 

prayer for weight loss | prayers for weight loss and a short daily devotional

Hello and welcome to Conquer Cravings for Christians! 

This is how to pray for weight loss and control eating. My prayer life has been my number one means of healing to overcome overeating and avoid gaining weight. We all know how horrible it is to lose weight and then beat ourselves up for overeating and gaining the weight back. Our transition is a process of progress. What we need to try to do is take our struggles to God in prayer and ask him to stabilize our eating behaviors. 

I know this too well! You know about the challenge of social get-togethers. Well my BIGGEST CHALLENGE! It happens every time I get invited to go out to eat with friends. While waiting for my meal, here comes the waitress and brings over that wonderful warm white bread in a basket and she places it on the table. We promise ourselves “JUST A SMALL PIECE” but  then we give in to eating the bread and eating too much. Yup, overeating even before the plate (entree’) is placed in front of me.  The next day I'd say, “ That's OK I'll just work out an extra hour at the gym.” Yes, that’s right!  So tomorrow I'm gonna hit the gym. I'll just run five or 10 extra miles on the treadmill. 

That’s why I really want to pray for you today if you need prayer for weight loss and prayer to avoid gaining weight after you find yourself overeating. I Thank God for his POWER - I would never be who I am today with God's healing mercy. Today's prayer is for those of us who seem to be caught up on the roller coaster ride of extreme eating and then working out really hard to avoid weight gain after overeating. Mainly the feeling of being obsessed with food needs to diminish as we seek God in prayer. You will receive the fruit of the Holy Spirit we all long for which is self-control. 

We need prayer, especially when there's a special event coming or holiday coming or even when weekends come. You know how it is, we have that set thought (MINDSET) that we're going to do good all week and then when the weekend comes we sabotage it by overeating. Right? The mindset has to change. That’s why a food plan and diet don’t work. We need our mindset about change and the steps to take to break bad habits. 

Does this seem impossible? It should not because God wants to lift your burden and bless you with good health. Weight loss is all about your health, not about the body you see in the mirror. We just need to grow in faith and keep asking God in prayer and strive in doing our part to change our focus. So, let’s change our focus on prayer. 

In the name of Jesus, I declare victory over you today that you will make a wise decision to protect yourself with food that God created with His own hands. I declare to you Oh Heavenly Father that you will fill our hearts, minds and tummy’s with your love and help us to stop overeating and control eating. Strengthen our minds, body and belief in you oh Heavenly King! 

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things we can and the wisdom to know the difference. 

Dear Lord, Your word is truly a lamp unto our feet and a light upon our path. Help me know how to prepare myself to know what to eat and how much to eat. Help me to handle temptation from overeating at social events. Let not the enemy triumph over us, mentally, physically and emotionally about food. 

I learned the serenity prayer when I was a little girl at overeaters anonymous and it has been such a big help for me to lose weight. The serenity prayer is a way to meditate  where I can take the time for self examination and really look at what's going on in my life and the things that I have a hard time accepting. The serenity prayer helps me to get over temptation when I am willing to turn to God and ask him to give me the courage to change the things that I can.

Remember when two or more are gathered in the name of Jesus that He is in your midst. Through the serenity prayer I know that with the guidance of the Holy Spirit I will be giving you the directions on how to best prepare yourself so that you don't fall into overeating and the frustration of staying in that trap!  Start today by praying for weight loss and start using devotionals as a way of prayer, guidance and strength to lose weight and live the healthy life God wants you to live. Visit youtube todday to learn more about prayer for weight loss, prayers for weight loss and a short daily devotional

May God bless you with abundant joy and healing!

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