Get in here fuckers. We have discovered the way to end all of the bullshit mandates, expose the pedos and save western civilization. It all starts with Operation Black Rake. >The Dirty Secret Trudeau paid over $2 million to settle sexual assault allegations made by a girl under 13 in West Grey. Even the deboonknerz call it “unproven” instead of denying it! >The Attack According to the article, the child cannot disclose what happened. If she tells the truth, she will have to pay "liquidated damages," or a set cash penalty. The child's liquidated damages are only 500k-1 million. This means that 500k is all that is separating Trudeau from instant (and justifiable) political death. It also exposes a G7 head of state as a pedo. >What can I do? Organize. I’m an American; I can’t do this for you and it will look suspicious. Someone needs to track down the girl, raise the money and push the message. >Track Down the Girl A Canadian needs to call the editorial staff at Buffalo Chronicle or Frank and get the ball rolling. Once she has been found, someone who is compassionate and gentle (preferably a woman) needs to talk to her and her father. >Start a Fund and Raise the Money If you pledge 500k toward her liquidated damages, she will be able to tell the media everything with no concerns. The truckers have already raised over 10 million. Divert 500k from the Trucker Fund, raise it independently; do whatever it takes. A Canadian anon needs to start a fund for legal defense specifically for her legal fees -only- and not for profit. It would also be helpful to have it supervised by a based Canadian lawyer or accountant. If you can do this, reach out immediately and take charge. >Tell The Truth Even if you can't raise the money, this plan needs to be made famous. Tell a fren. GENERAL TEMPLATE: