Section 7 – “Approaching Darkness” Fuzzy Good job! You guys got the light element with no problem at all. Fuzzy Only one more element left to go. Where’s the next one? You guys wanna know, right? You do, right? Fuzzy ...Oh? What’s up with the atmosphere around here? What is it? Kazuma It’s certainly great that we got the element but... that’s beside the point right now. Kazuma Hazama-san! Just what the hell are you trying to pull!? Hazama ...I beg your pardon? That is... what is it that you’re asking me, exactly? Kazuma Please stop with the games. Kazuma Ever since we came here, again and again every single person we’ve encountered has wanted your head on a pike! Kazuma Are you trying to get us caught up in your problems? Kazuma You’ve known something this whole time and have just been keeping it a secret. ...Am I wrong? Hazama You’ve got it all wrong, I’m not trying to get you guys wrapped up in anything. I’m not sure how I’d be able to accomplish that in the first place. Hazama I want to get out of here just as much as you do. Hazama And like I’ve told you before, I don’t know much about myself to begin with. Hazama I haven’t known any of these people. Even if they’re going to blame me for something I don’t have any memory of... I still can’t give you any answers. Raabe We heard you the first six times. Raabe Still, there’s no mistaking the fact that everyone we’ve come across has known who you are. Hazama I just want to get out of this situation. Hazama ...You feel the same way, don’t you, Kazuma-san? Kazuma I mean, that’s true, but... Hazama Right? You want to get out as well. Hazama I understand where you’re coming from. Kazuma What...? Hazama Right now you’re trapped within your current “self.” You’ve always wanted to escape from it, haven’t you? Kazuma ...Are you referring to how I can’t remember anything? But then, if this is related... Hazama There’s nothing, is there? Hazama It’s a big deal, after all. I’d love to know your answer. Do you really want your memories back? Kazuma What sort of memories are you talking about? Hazama I suppose that would depend on what you would consider a memory. Hazama Is it your parents’ names? Is it where you were born? Is it remembering days long past? Or maybe it’s just your own personal history? Hazama Are those the things that you want? Hazama What is it that you’re really looking for? What do you truly desire? Kazuma W-What are you... saying... Kazuma Th... That isn’t what we’re talking about right now. Kazuma Every time I talk to you, I feel like I’m going crazy... My apologies, but please stop talking to me that way from now on. [Kazuma flees] Hazama Oh dear, he must really hate me. Raabe ...... Hazama ...Is something wrong? Raabe No, I think Kazuma’s already said it well enough. Raabe It sounded like you were prioritizing your conversation with him over getting out of this place. Hazama Oof, you got me there. I should’ve been more focused on our current predicament. Hazama Whenever I look at him I just can’t seem to leave him alone. He looks as clueless as a newborn faun that hasn’t quite found its legs yet. Raabe Clueless, huh... That’s rich, given that you don’t know anything about yourself either. Hazama That certainly is a sore spot for you, isn’t it? Hazama But sadly I can’t do anything more to change your mind right now. We should find that last element while we still can. Hazama Fuzzy-san, could you take us to where the final element is located? Fuzzy Hehehe, you got it. Up next is... Hazama Goodness, something definitely happened here. Looks like whatever it was wasn’t pretty. Ciel Biological reaction detected. Someone is approaching us at alarming speed. Ciel But this reaction is... [a slash is aimed at Hazama] Hazama Uwaah!? [enter Saya] Saya Ah... a near miss. Just a little bit closer and he would have lost his head... how annoying. Raabe Saya, huh? She must have the last element. Raabe You heard her, Hazama. I’m assuming you don’t remember anything about her either? Hazama Y-You’re kidding, right!? Hazama Why would I do anything that would turn a terrifying sword-wielding woman against me!? Hazama I think I’d remember if someone wanted to decapitate me!! Saya You don’t remember? Allow me to refresh your memory. Saya You’ve stolen what is most important to me. Surely you don’t believe I would be able to let that stand? Saya You’re despicable. You took away Nii-sama... my brother. Even if I were to gouge out your heart, I would still never forgive you for what you’ve done. Saya Nii-sama gave my life meaning. He was the only reason I was able to exist in this world. Hazama Is that so? I can’t imagine making someone other than myself the sole reason for my existence. Hazama Whether I did something or not, it’d be unfair to expect them to stick around forever, wouldn’t it? Hazama And even though you say it’s my fault, I can’t really say I feel much resentment coming from you. Kazuma A reason to exist... Why... do I...? Saya You must be bold to utter such lunacy to my face. Saya No more unnecessary questions. Regardless of the truth, the outcome will remain the same. Saya I’ll devour you whole. [a black mist covers the area] Raabe That Drive... it’s Soul Eater! This isn’t good. Raabe If it goes out of control, we’ll all be destroyed, not just Hazama. Hazama From the looks of it she’s a dark type. Hazama That would make her the same type as me. We’re not exactly a poor match-up but I’m not at an advantage either. Hazama I’ll probably have to rely on Rei-san for this one, but let’s go get that last element! >L-Let’s do our best then. Raabe We don’t have much of a choice. Right now we need to focus on getting Soul Eater under control. >Do we really have to...? Raabe It is what it is. Let’s focus on subduing Saya first. Hazama This is our last fight then. Let’s do this! Saya Gah--! Ciel The target’s battle level has dropped substantially. I don’t believe further combat to be necessary. Saya Heh, haha... so that’s it... Saya I finally understand the reason behind this inexplicable unease. Saya Hazama... it’s that “thing” inside you that’s the true reason for my distress... Hazama That “thing”? ....Oh, I see... I suppose that may be it, yes. Raabe What are you talking about? You’re not making any sense. Hazama Ah, I guess I never mentioned it... I’ve felt it ever since I woke up in this world. Hazama That there’s “something” inside me. Some sort of unsettling shadow that I can’t put my finger on. Hazama Originally I had thought I was just imagining things. I assumed it had something to do with this strange city. Saya Heh... you’re nothing but a “snake.” I hope that shadow of yours swallows you down until there’s nothing left. You’re a truly deplorable man. Saya The rest of you should heed my advice. It’s not wise to leave your necks exposed around a “snake”... [Saya vanishes into static and leaves behind a sphere containing the Dark symbol] Kazuma ...... Fuzzy Congratulations! You got all the elements~! Fuzzy This is certainly a relief for me, don’t you think? Fuzzy This is what you’d call a load off my shoulders, isn’t it? I can finally retire from being your guide. Fuzzy Haah~, now I can play around as much as I want. Fuzzy Ah, I still have one last job to do though. Ciel What’s left for you to do? Fuzzy Now that you have all the keys, I still need to take you to the right place. Fuzzy After that, my job here will be done. Fuzzy Although it’s really up to you guys if you want to go or not, isn’t it? Even if you guys pussy out now, my job here is finished. Fuzzy So what’ll it be? You wanna keep going? Or do you wanna stop here? Fuzzy Choosing to stay put will leave you trapped here forever though. Ahahaha. Raabe You’re talking about the “innermost part of this world,” correct? Hazama I came this far with the intention of finding my way out of this world. Hazama Of course I plan on heading to this “innermost part.” As for the rest of you... what shall you do? >Let’s go. Raabe Fair enough. The only way to proceed is to go forward. >Maybe it’s better if we stopped here... Raabe I understand how you feel, but I’m afraid we’re going to have to. Even if we’re walking into a trap, it’s our only way forward. Raabe By going there we’re likely to find out more about the cauldron as well. Hazama Ah, that’s a relief. Well, now that we’re all on the same page, we should... Raabe Don’t get the wrong idea. Our goals just happened to align this time. Raabe We’re not doing this to cooperate with you. Hazama Still so cold... Words can hurt too, you know. Ouch. Kazuma ...... Kazuma Something inside me... Ciel Kazuma-san, we’re leaving. Is everything alright? Kazuma Ah, no, I’m fine. Let’s go! Kazuma Let’s hurry up and get back to where this all started... back to Ishana.