on rightclick: block is a sign line 1 of clicked block is "==========" line 2 of clicked block is "checkpoint" line 3 of clicked block is "[rightclick]" line 4 of clicked block is "==========" player is on ground set {checkpoint.%player%.%world%} to location of player message "&6チェックポイントを設定しました!" play "NOTE_PLING" specifically to player with pitch 2 and volume 1 log "%player% clicked checkpoint sign at %location of player% in %world%" to "ckeckpoint/checkpoint.log" if player has permission "skript.admin": message "&7Location of player not jump" on rightclick: block is a sign line 1 of clicked block is "==========" line 2 of clicked block is "checkpoint" line 3 of clicked block is "[rightclick]" line 4 of clicked block is "==========" set {checkpoint.%player%.%world%} to location of clicked block message "&6チェックポイントを設定しました!" play "NOTE_PLING" specifically to player with pitch 2 and volume 1 log "%player% clicked checkpoint sign at %location of clicked block% in %world%" to "ckeckpoint/checkpoint.log" if player has permission "skript.admin": message "&7Location of block" on rightclick: block is a sign line 1 of clicked block is "==========" line 2 of clicked block is "checkpoint" line 3 of clicked block is "[rightclick]" line 4 of clicked block is "==========" set {checkpoint.%player%.%world%} to location of player message "&6チェックポイントを設定しました!" play "NOTE_PLING" specifically to player with pitch 2 and volume 1 log "%player% clicked checkpoint sign at %location of player% in %world%" to "ckeckpoint/checkpoint.log" if player has permission "skript.admin": message "&7Location of player" on rightclick with fire charge: cancel event if clicked block is sign: stop if {checkpoint.%player%.%world%} is set: teleport player to {checkpoint.%player%.%world%} else: message "&cチェックポイントが設定されていません!" on sign change: line 1 is "-" or "ー" set line 2 to "checkpoint" set line 3 to "[rightclick]" set line 4 to "==========" set line 1 to "==========" on sign change: line 1 is "--" or "ーー" set line 2 to "checkpoint" set line 3 to "[rightclick]" set line 4 to "==========" set line 1 to "==========" on sign change: line 1 is "^" or "^" set line 2 to "checkpoint" set line 3 to "[rightclick]" set line 4 to "==========" set line 1 to "==========" on walking on normal quartz block: player's gamemode is adventure or survival if {checkpoint.%player%.%world%} is not set: teleport player to block at world's spawn point message "&cチェックポイントが設定されていません!スポーンへTPされました!" else: teleport player to {checkpoint.%player%.%world%} command /cpd: description: Delete 's checkpoint executable by: players trigger: delete {checkpoint.%player%.%world%} message "&cチェックポイントが削除されました。" on walking on block of coal: player's gamemode is adventure or survival delete {checkpoint.%player%.%world%} teleport player to block at world's spawn point message "&cチェックポイント削除。スポーンへTPされました。" command /adcps: description: Set player's ckeckpoint executable by: players trigger: player has permission "skript.admin" set {checkpoint.%player%.%world%} to location of player message "&6チェックポイントを設定しました!" play raw sound "note.pling" at player with pitch 2 volume 1 command /item: trigger: if player do not have fire charge named "&r&6Go to checkpoint": give fire charge named "&r&6Go to checkpoint" to player if player do not have slimeball named "&r&6Go to spawn point": give slimeball named "&r&6Go to spawn point" to player command /cp: aliases: checkpoint trigger: if {checkpoint.%player%.%world%} is not set: message "&cチェックポイントが設定されていません!" else: teleport player to {checkpoint.%player%.%world%} on damage: y-coordinate of victim is less than 0 cancel event if {checkpoint.%victim%.%world%} is not set: teleport victim to block at world's spawn point else: teleport victim to {checkpoint.%victim%.%world%} command /cptp []: permission: skript.admin trigger: if arg 2 is not set: if {checkpoint.%arg 1%.%world%} is not set: message "checkpoint is not set" else: teleport player to {checkpoint.%arg 1%.%world%} else: if {checkpoint.%arg 1%.%arg 2%} is not set: message "checkpoint is not set" else: teleport player to {checkpoint.%arg 1%.%arg 2%}