01/01/2016 Sen·ti·nel /ˈsent(ə)nəl/ noun noun: sentinel; plural noun: Sentinels 1. 1. a soldier or guard whose job is to stand and keep watch. a thing that acts as an indicator to the presence of disease. "a sentinel surveillance program for totalitarianism” Sentinel A Manifesto of Privacy A White Hats Optic "Sentinel is the voluntary action of a responsible individual that has decided to take the action of freedom into his own hands, to defend himself and others from totalitarian dystopia.” “A specter is haunting the modern world, the specter of crypto anarchy “– Timothy C. May. The Crypto Anarchist Manifesto “Computer Technology is on the verge of providing the ability for individuals and groups to communicate and interact with each other in a totally anonymous manner. Two persons may exchange messages, conduct business, and negotiate electronic contracts without knowing the true name, or legal identity, of the other, interactions over networks will be untraceable, via extensive re-routing of encrypted packets, and tamper-proof boxes which implement cryptographic protocols with nearly perfect assurance against any tampering. Reputations will be of central importance, far more important in dealings than even the credit ratings of today. These developments will alter completely the nature of government regulation, the ability to tax and control the economic interactions, the ability to keep information secret, and will even alter the nature of trust and reputation.” – Timothy C. May. The Crypto Anarchist Manifesto Freedom is a difficult ideal to define from the infinite optics which make up a global society and its thousands of cultures, as freedom itself contains a cornucopia of virtues; but individually, every human can define privacy as a virtue within the freedom index. Sentinels do not act alone, Sentinels protect one another, just as any guardian relationship does. The more individuals embrace the virtues of a Sentinel the more privacy for the whole will increase. Privacy as a hardwired moral virtue in society, reduces the surface area risk for centralized totalitarian dystopia. But it must exist as a layer one action, inherently an unconscious act, this is the ultimate goal the Sentinel strives for. “No Social stability without individual stability” – Aldus Huxley Brave New World A conversation in the park 20 years ago between two average persons was private without any entity having to take any conscious precautions to keep the environment hygienic from uninvited parties. This reduces the cognitive load on society at large, allowing for intellect, knowledge, capital, and ideas to flow like water. The environment of the past allowed for the foundation in which the modern world rest; strip the foundation, and the modernity declines. “People will come to adore the technologies that undo their capacities to think” – Neil postman Entertaining Ourselves to Death. "Anonymity for many by many” Cannot exist in a moral Vacuum. A Sentinel watches himself, and thus his own community. Guardianship is the ideal, and the ideal is what a Sentinel strives for. The adherence to the virtues is the means to reach the ultimate goal, individually, and at scale. The end justifies the memes. “One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors” – Plato, The Republic Society at large, past and present has had many Sentinels. It is an individual’s job to practice the virtues that create a sound society. Individuals and their ideals, as a collective consciousness make up the whole, that becomes the society we are born unto. Without the conscious understanding of this cycle, the society you are born unto fades away into a totalitarian dystopia. “Appearance tyrannizes over truth.” ― Plato The Republic Being grateful to heroes who have come before us is paramount to the reconciliation process of a modern Sentinel. In the recent past; cryptographers were labeled as weapon producers, intellectuals labeled as domestic terrorist, and figures such as Christians labeled heretics for denouncing the purity of the Papal. Today is not any different, states and corporate entities have become increasingly totalitarian, interested in the day to day affairs of the individual, using abrasive techniques such as data foot print monitoring, IP forensics, behavioral prediction modeling and other techniques; as well as individuals becoming increasingly held hostage to authority bias over the information they consume or for the opinions they project in the public or private sphere. De-platforming of individuals and societal ostracization of individuals for their opinions is on the rise, free speech is under attack, and the culture of fear has sunk her teeth into the flesh of society. Once the poison of fear hits the blood of the collective consciousness of a society, the self-regulating cannibalization process of that society begins. Everyone becomes an enemy of everyone and all ideas outside of the created overtone window, manufactured by transnational global corporatist priesthood disappear and what is left is a synthetic form of mankind’s original nature, myths, ethos, phenomenological and epistemological systems or more fashionably put, a dystopian Hell. It is thus paramount to build robust systems that allow ideological phenomena formed over eons to exist in a self-protected state. A past modern day equivalent is the virtue in securing the bio-diversity of different plants and animals to secure humanity’s food stock from the fat tail risk of corporate monoculture techniques. Robust network systems that allow for privacy as a default is one step into protecting the bio diversity of humanities ideological and information heirlooms (art, heritage, culture, expression) from total state and corporate hijacking. “We have to create culture, don't watch TV, don't read magazines, don't even listen to NPR. Create your own roadshow. The nexus of space and time where you are now is the most immediate sector of your universe, and if you're worrying about Michael Jackson or Bill Clinton or somebody else, then you are disempowered, you're giving it all away to icons, icons which are maintained by an electronic media so that you want to dress like X or have lips like Y. This is shit-brained, this kind of thinking. That is all cultural diversion, and what is real is you and your friends and your associations, your highs, your orgasms, your hopes, your plans, your fears. And we are told 'no', we're unimportant, we're peripheral. 'Get a degree, get a job, get a this, get a that.' And then you're a player, you don't want to even play in that game. You want to reclaim your mind and get it out of the hands of the cultural engineers who want to turn you into a half-baked moron consuming all this trash that's being manufactured out of the bones of a dying world.” – Terence McKenna Right now, we exist in a modern paradigm that an individual is guilty of narrow mindedness for standing against lukewarm virtues. Too have conviction in oneself is a practice of faith and risk. Risk defines the fate of the individual man as well as the creation patterns that propel humanity forward, without risk of the individual, society faces monopolization from one congruent structure and power. The Sentinels job is to define the risk ahead, while not volunteering to surrender to the despot at hand. “Some people think we are narrow minded just because we hold to the truth, some people think we are narrow minded because we hold too facts, and they think you are not broad minded unless you go all the way over to them and their thinking, if you stand on your own feet people think your narrow minded; they think you are not broad minded unless you surrender your feelings and your standards and your views, and your faith, and in the name of being broad minded they ask you to surrender, that goes for many fields of life” – Mark E. Peterson. Sentinels understand that modern day tolerance is a false illumination that request individuals from all walks of life, from an international communities of different heirloom cultures to submit to the overtone window of what a select intolerant minority define as “tolerance”. Sentinels define this as intolerance, and a threat to the nature of open source community structures and slacks which have provided freedom for decades. A recent example is the compromising of the Tor foundation by using narrow minded identity politics hiding under the veneer of tolerance with goal of executing key assets/persons out of strategic positions of importance. Education is another task, the importance of keeping dialogue and discourse open among different enclaves and niches. Keeping such virtues as privacy attached to the foundation of society at large only works with education of the moral standard. The Sentinel must not only be in constant pursuit of education but willing to pass forward the nuances of the virtue sets via parables, mimetics, and other easily digestible content streams. Encryption brings freedom the CCP does not The current fight that Sentinels must face 1.The slow pollution of bandwidth 2. The acquisition of public utility infrastructure into private transnational monopolies (cable. WIFI, sat-coms, radio) 3. The corrosion of privacy as a moral virtue in a hygienic society 4. The commoditization of personal data footprints 5. The weaponization of data footprints against individuals by private and state actors. 6. Censorship attacks for breaking out of the engineered cultural traps 7. CCP morality over internet culture A global marketplace for clean i.e. (fungible) bandwidth unrelated to a hard-wired static IPs, where networks become malleable and software based, where every node inherits risk upon itself for the benefit of the collective yeo-man network. The understanding of fungibility from a technical perceptive is necessary in understanding the moral imperatives of privacy and the structure that produces to create an environment that host the ideals of freedom. “Crypto anarchy will create a liquid market for any and all material which can be put into words and pictures” - Timothy C. May The Crypto Anarchist Manifesto. We cannot thank the ideal of fungibility enough for the creation of the modern world. Energy and sustenance markets offer a good view of this structure. Nation states do not have the burden of bias/ being judged for where they purchase basic commodities that sustain human life. This process is paramount to today’s limited free world. It allows economics to thrive, capital to move, and commodities to flow without judgement of buyer or purchaser’s history and or identity. This nature of business can only exist if conversation, and personal interest is not molded into a data footprint that can be levied against the individual or business at any given whim. An oil tanker company accepts the risk to create a fungible state for oil to exist ‘in’, so that two nations with differing views can still participate in the realm of trade. Neither entity is judged on its natural environmental bias. Sentinels accept risk to bring peer to peer bandwidth to people in need. A Sentinel acts both in the shadows, keeping their digital identity safe, while providing railways of bandwidth; so that data remains fungible and not attached to individual, corporate, or state identity. Just as speech disappears to the winds of time, so shall the data of the people. “They who voluntarily put power into the hand of a tyrant or an enemy, must not wonder if it be at last turned against themselves” – Aesop Aesop’s Fables XI, The Kite and the Pigeons There is only one way. Run a Sentinel Node, turn your data into a fungible identity free state. Every community needs a node, that promotes the correct character traits and archetypes for the community to emulate as a whole. The Sentinel DAO is made up of all kind of talented individuals from all nationalities across the globe who united under the ideals as old as time itself, ideals that built the civilized world. The Sentinel DAO resembles the Yeoman farmers of ancient Greece. Every man, a self-proprietor, for himself, on the free market. The computer your trade ship, the Bandwidth your ocean, and your OPSEC your shield and sword. Everyman according to his own will, for his own nature, in right of the virtues. Technical overview The future technical stack of the Sentinel ecosystem is to provide universal access to the web in a provable and trusted state. This identity will manifest by allowing organizations and individuals around the globe to build scalable distributed systems that are decentralized and cost effective on Sentinels Cosmos blockchain, by taking advantage of 1. Sentinels robust decentralized consensus 2. Sentinels open source networking slack 3. Sentinels distributed community-based node matrix. Modus operandi 1) Provable Encryption - Proving that end to end encryption is being established between the user and the server which the user intends to access data from. 2) Proof of Bandwidth - Having a system of bandwidth provability which allows for the provision of bandwidth by the server provider in exchange for the agreed upon compensation from the user in a trustless and provable manner. 3) Proof of No Logs - Being able to prove that no logs pertaining to the user’s browsing or data access history are being centrally stored by the application creators. 4) Distributed Exit Nodes - Having a network of ‘exit nodes’ (dVPN servers) whose ownership is distributed amongst many participants who do not know the identity of the user. 5) Distributed Relay Network - Having a robust relay network with strong governance and participation to mitigate the risk of bad actors, while ensuring that exit-node hosts do not know the identity of the user & more Stake holders in the Sentinel community • Exit-Node Hosts • Relay Node Hosts • Validators • Users • Dvpn Application creator - Anon1776