options: t: &6[&9EasySV&6]&b czat: &6{RANK} &8[&a{TAG}&8] {DISPLAY}: {MESSAGE} pobraniejeslibrak: &8[&a{TAG}&8] item1: none item2: none item3: none item4: none variables: {ranking.%player%} = 1000 on first join: set join message to "&9{@t} &a%player% +" set {gildia.%name of player%.brak} to true set {prez.%player%} to true add 1000 to {ranking.%player%} on join: if {ranking.%player%.jest} is false: add 100 to {ranking.%player%} set {ranking.%player%.jest} to true command /zaloz [] []: trigger: if arg 1 is not set: send "{@t} Poprawne uzycie /zaloz " stop if {gildia.tag.%arg 1%} is true: send "{@t} Gildia o podanym tagu juz istnieje!" stop if {gildia.%player%.owner} is true: send "{@t} Masz juz gildie!" stop if {gildia.%player%.member} is true: send "{@t} Jestes czlonkiem gildii!" stop if arg 2 is not set: send "{@t} Nie podales nazwy gildii" stop if arg 1 is not empty: if arg 2 is not empty: player don't have {@item1}: send "&6Itemy" send "&9Proch &c%number of gunpowder in the player's inventory%&a/5" send "&9Zlote Jablka &c%number of golden apple in the player's inventory%&a/2" send "&9Diamenty &c%number of diamond in the player's inventory%&a/5" send "&9Ender Perly &c%number of ender pearl in the player's inventory%&a/3" stop player don't have {@item2}: send "&6Nie posiadasz {@item2}" stop player don't have {@item3}: send "&6Nie posiadasz {@item3}" stop player don't have {@item4}: send "&6Nie posiadasz {@item4}" stop player cannot build at block under player: send "&4Teren pod toba jest zajety :P" stop player cannot build at block 100 meters northwest: send "&4Teren na polnocny zachod jest zajety" stop player cannot build at block 100 meters north: send "&4Teren na polnoc jest zajety" stop player cannot build at block 100 meters northeast: send "&4Teren na polnocny wschod jest zajety" stop player cannot build at block 100 meters west: send "&4Teren na zachod jest zajety" stop player cannot build at block 100 meters east: send "&4Teren na wschod jest zajety" stop player cannot build at block 100 meters southwest: send "&4Teren na poludniowy zachud jest zajety" stop player cannot build at block 100 meters south: send "&4Teren na poludnie jest zajety" stop player cannot build at block 100 meters southeast: send "&4Teren na poludniowy wschod jest zajety" stop if distance between {spawn} and location of player is greater than 150+50/2: execute console command "pex user %name of player% add worldedit.*" execute console command "pex user %name of player% add worldguard.*" wait 1 tick execute player command "//pos1" execute player command "//pos2" execute player command "//expand 50 w" execute player command "//expand 50 n" wait 2 tick execute player command "//expand 50 e" execute player command "//expand 50 s" execute player command "//expand vert" execute player command "region define gildia-%arg 1%" execute player command "region flag gildia-%arg 1% chest-access allow" execute player command "region flag gildia-%arg 1% use allow" wait 2 tick execute player command "region addowner gildia-%arg 1% %name of player%" execute console command "pex user %name of player% remove worldedit.*" execute console command "pex user %name of player% remove worldguard.*" loop 98 times: send "" message "{@t}Stworzyles Gildie" set block at player to dragon egg wait 3 tick set {gildia.%name of player%.brak} to true set {gildia.tag.%name of player%} to arg 1 execute console command "ne prefix %name of player% &c[**][%arg 1%]" set {gildia.%name of player%.owner} to true set {gildia.home.%arg 1%} to location of player broadcast "{@t}&a Gildia o TAGu [%arg 1%] zostala zalozona przez &9%name of player%" set {gildia.%name of player%} to true set {_cos} to "%{gildia.tag.%name of player%}%" add player to {gildia.ownerklanu.%{_cos}%::*} add arg 1 to {listagildii::*} wait 1 seconds remove {@item1} from the player's inventory remove {@item2} from the player's inventory remove {@item3} from the player's inventory remove {@item4} from the player's inventory set {gildia.tag.%arg 1%} to true wait 2 tick set {baza.%arg 1%} to true else: send "&6Zbyt blisko spawnu!" command /lista: trigger: if size of {listagildii::*} is 0: send "&7Nie ma jeszcze gildii na serwerze :)" else: send "&9Lista gildii: &6 %{listagildii::*}%" command /baza: trigger: if {baza.%{gildia.tag.%name of player%}%} is true: teleport player to {gildia.home.%{gildia.tag.%name of player%}%} send "&bPrzeteleportowales sie na Home swojej Gildii :)" stop send "&6Nie posiadasz gildii!" command /opis []: trigger: if arg 1 is not set: send "&cNie poprawne uzycie. poprawne /opis " stop if {gildia.%name of player%.owner} is true: execute console command "pex user %name of player% add worldguard.*" execute player command "region flag gildia-%{gildia.tag.%name of player%}% greeting %arg 1%" execute player command "region flag gildia-%{gildia.tag.%name of player%}% farewell %arg 1%" execute console command "pex user %name of player% remove worldguard.*" broadcast "&6Opis gildii &2(%{gildia.tag.%name of player%}%) &6zostal ustawiony na &b%arg 1%" else: send "&9Nie masz gildii lub nie posiadasz zalozyciela" command /usun: trigger: if {gildia.%name of player%.owner} is true: broadcast "{@t} Gracz %player% usunal gildie (%{gildia.tag.%name of player%}%)" set {_cot} to {gildia.tag.%name of player%} remove {_cot} from {listagildii::*} set {gildia.%name of player%.brak} to false set {_tag} to {gildia.tag.%name of player%} loop {czlonkowie.%{_tag}%::*}: set {gildia.tag.%loop-value%} to "" execute console command "ne prefix %loop-value% &7" delete {gildia.tag.%loop-value%} set {gildia.%loop-value%.member} to false execute console command "pex user %name of player% add worldguard.*" execute player command "rg remove gildia-%{gildia.tag.%player%}%" execute console command "pex user %name of player% remove worldguard.*" set {gildia.tag.%{gildia.tag.%name of player%}%} to false wait 1 tick set {baza.%{gildia.tag.%name of player%}%} to false set {gildia.%name of player%.brak} to true execute console command "ne prefix %name of player% &7" set {gildia.tag.%name of player%} to "" set {gildia.%player%.owner} to false set {gildia.%name of player%.tagg} to false else: send "{@t} Nie masz gildii" command /zapros []: trigger: if arg 1 is not set: send "&6Poprawne uzycie &a/zapros " else: if {gildia.%name of player%.owner} is true: send "&6Zaproszono cie do gildi %{gildia.tag.%name of player%}% wpisz /dolaczam %{gildia.tag.%name of player%}% &baby dolaczyc" to arg player send "&2Zaproszono gracza %arg player% do gildii" set {gildia.zapro.%arg player%.%{gildia.tag.%name of player%}%} to true wait 30 seconds set {gildia.zapro.%arg player%.%{gildia.tag.%name of player%}%} to false command /dolaczam []: trigger: if arg 1 is not set: send "&6Porawne uzycie &b/dolaczam " else: if {gildia.%name of player%.owner} is true: send "&4Posiadasz juz gildie!" if {gildie.%name of player%.member} is true: send "&4Jestes juz w gildii!" stop if {gildia.zapro.%name of player%.%arg 1%} is true: set {gildia.tag.%name of player%} to arg 1 broadcast "{@t} Gracz %player% dolaczyl do gildii &2(%{gildia.tag.%name of player%}%)" set {gildia.%name of player%.member} to true execute console command "pex user %name of player% add worldguard.*" execute player command "rg addmember gildia-%{gildia.tag.%name of player%}% %player%" execute console command "ne prefix %name of player% &c[%arg 1%]" execute console command "pex user %name of player% remove worldguard.*" set {gildia.%name of player%.brak} to true add player to {czlonkowie.%arg 1%::*} add player to {members.%{gildia.tag.%name of player%}%::*} stop send "&6Nie masz zaproszenia do gildii %arg 1%" command /opusc: trigger: if {gildia.%name of player%.owner} is true: send "&4Jestes adminem gildii nie mozesz jej opuscic /usun!" stop if {gildia.%name of player%.brak} is false: send "{@t} Nie masz gildii!" stop else: if {gildia.%name of player%.member} is true: set {gildia.%name of player%.member} to false execute console command "pex user %name of player% add worldguard.*" execute player command "rg removemember gildia-%{gildia.tag.%name of player%}% %player%" execute console command "pex user %name of player% remove worldguard.*" broadcast "{@t} Gracz %player% opuscil gildie &2(%{gildia.tag.%name of player%}%)" execute console command "ne prefix %name of player% &7" set {gildia.%name of player%.brak} to true set {gildia.tag.%name of player%} to "" else: send "&8Nie jestes w gildii" command /wywal []: trigger: if arg 1 is not set: send "&6Poprawne uzycie &b/wywal " else: if {gildia.%name of player%.owner} is true: if {gildia.tag.%name of player%} is {gildia.tag.%arg player%}: if {gildia.%arg player%.owner} is true: send "&6Nie wywalisz siebie xd" stop execute console command "pex user %name of player% add worldguard.*" execute player command "rg removemember gildia-%{gildia.tag.%name of player%}% %arg player%" execute console command "pex user %name of player% remove worldguard.*" broadcast "{@t} &4Gracz %player% wyzucil z gildii gracza &c%arg player% &2(%{gildia.tag.%name of player%}%)" execute console command "ne prefix %arg-player% &c[%arg 1%]" set {gildia.tag.%arg player%} to "" set {gildia.%arg player%.member} to false set {gildia.%arg-player%.brak} to false teleport argument to spawn send "&3Wywalono Ciebie z gildi! &bPrzeteleportowano cie na spawn!" to arg player command /setbaza: trigger: if {gildia.%name of player%.owner} is true: set {gildia.home.%{gildia.tag.%name of player%}%} to location of player send "&{@t} ustawiles baze gildii!" set {gildia.%name of player%.tagg} to true else: send "&6Nie jestes zalozycielem nie mozesz przestawiac bazy!" on death of player: set {_x} to a random integer between 1 and 500 set {_z} to a random integer between 1 and 300 attacker is a player victim is a player set death message to "&c%victim% &c-%{_z} &bzostal zabity przez &c%attacker% &6+%{_x}%" add {_x} to {ranking.%attacker%} remove {_z} from {ranking.%victim%} on chat: set {_chat} to "{@czat}" if {gildia.%name of player%.owner} is true: replace all "{TAG}" with "**%{gildia.tag.%name of player%}%" in {_chat} if {gildia.%name of player%.member} is true: replace all "{TAG}" with "%{gildia.tag.%name of player%}%" in {_chat} if {gildia.%name of player%.mod} is true: replace all "{TAG}" with "*%{gildia.tag.%name of player%}%" in {_chat} replace all "{@pobraniejeslibrak}" with "" in {_chat} replace all "{PLAYER}" with "%player%" in {_chat} replace all "{DISPLAY}" with "%display name of player%" in {_chat} replace all "{MESSAGE}" with "%message%" in {_chat} replace all "{RANK}" with "%{ranking.%name of player%}%" in {_chat} send "%{_chat}%" to all players cancel event command /Gildie_Setspawn: trigger: if player has permission "sk": set {spawn} to location of player send "{@t} ustawiono set spawn blokady cuboidow!" else: send "&6Brak permisji" command /lider : trigger: if {gildia.%name of player%.owner} is true: if arg 1 is set: if {gildia.%arg-player%.brak} is false: send "&9Ten gracz nie ma gildii" stop set {gildia.%arg-player%.owner} to true set {gildia.%name of player%.owner} to false set {gildia.%name of player%.member} to true execute console command "pex user %name of player% add worldguard.*" execute console command "ne prefix %name of player% &c[%{gildia.tag.%name of player%}%]" execute console command "ne prefix %arg-player% &c[**][%{gildia.tag.%name of player%}%]" execute player command "rg removeowner %{gildia.tag.%name of player%}% %name of player%" execute player command "rg addowner %{gildia.tag.%name of player%}% %arg-player%" execute console command "pex user %name of player% remove worldguard.*" broadcast "&6Lider gildii &2(%{gildia.tag.%name of player%}%) zostal oddany &b%arg-player%" else: send "&6Poprawne uzycie &b/lider " else: send "&9Nie jestes Liderem gildii" command /f: aliases: g, gildia, factions, frakcje, gildie trigger: send "&7======================&9PlaYMaX&7====================" send "&6/Zaloz - &a Zakladasz gildie" send "&6/Wywal - &a Wywalasz wybrana osobe z gildii" send "&6/Zapros - &a Zapraszasz wybrana osobe do gildii" send "&6/Dolaczam - &a Dolaczasz do wybranej gildii" send "&6/Gildia - &aInfo o wybranej gildii" send "&6/SetBaza - &a Ustawiasz baze gildii w miejscu stania" send "&6/Baza - &a Teleport Do Gildii" send "&6/Opusc - &a Opuszczasz Gildie" send "&6/Usun - &a Usuwasz swoja gildie" send "&6/Opis - &a Ustawiasz opis swojej gildii" send "&6/Lider - &a Oddajesz lidera gildii" send "&6/Lista - &a Lista gildii na serwerze" send "-----------------------------------------------------" command /help: aliases: pomoc, pl, pluginy, plugins trigger: send "&bDostepne dla Ciebie komendy:" send "&a/gildie - gildie" send "&4I wiecej nie patrz w pluginy :D" #command /drop: #trigger: #send "&6Dropy - Informacje" #send "" #send "&9Wszystkie Przedmioty &c30 Procent!!" #send "&b Diaxy &a30 Procent" #send "" #send "&e Zloto &a30 Procent" #send "" #send "&c RedStone &a7 Procent" #send "" #send "&1 Lapis &a5 Procent" #send "" #send "&8 Zelazo &a30 Procent" #send "" #send "&0 Wegiel &a6 Procent" #send "&9{@t} - &a Z nami masz zawsze koxy! :)" on region enter: if player is the owner of the region: create timed bar with text "&2Wszedles na teren swojej gildii :)" to player for 10 seconds stop if player is member of the region: create timed bar with text "&bCzlonek twojej gildii - %player% wszedl na wasz cuboid!" to all owners of the region for 10 seconds create timed bar with text "&bCzlonek twojej gildii - %player% wszedl na wasz cuboid!" to all members of the region for 10 seconds stop create timed bar with text "&cNie Przyjaciel - %player% wszedl na twoj teren!" to all owners of the region for 10 seconds create timed bar with text "&cNie Przyjaciel - %player% wszedl na wasz teren!" to all members of the region for 10 seconds create timed bar with text "&cWszedles na teren gildyjny - %{gildia.tag.%owner of region%}%" to player for 10 seconds on region exit: if player is the owner of the region: create timed bar with text "&cWychodzisz z terenu swojej gildii uwazaj na siebie!" to player for 10 seconds stop if player is member of the region: create timed bar with text "&cCzlonek twojej gildii - %player% opuscil teren!" to all owners of the region for 10 seconds create timed bar with text "&bOpuszczasz teren swojej gildii!" to player for 10 seconds stop create timed bar with text "&aKtos opuscil twoj teren" to all owners of the region for 10 seconds create timed bar with text "&aKtos opuscil twoj teren" to all members of the region for 10 seconds create timed bar with text "&7Opusciles teren gildii %{gildia.tag.%owner of region%}%" to player for 10 seconds