Dementia Agitation Treatment A large study of long-term care home residents showed that agitated behaviours are very common in people with dementia. These behaviours cause distress and are often difficult to manage. People who become agitated and aggressive may be unable to receive the care they need or they may endanger themselves or others. In some cases, medication can help. dementia wandering However, the use of antipsychotic drugs needs to be carefully considered. They have serious side effects. They are only recommended in certain circumstances if non-drug approaches have been tried without success and the person is at risk of harming themselves or others. tracking device for alzheimer's patients These include when the person has a very severe and persistent behavioural disturbance, has a significant decline in function or is having difficulty receiving needed care. Antipsychotics work by altering brain chemicals and can have a wide range of adverse effects. tracker for dementia patients They should only be used when there is a clear need to do so, such as when a person with dementia is at risk of harming themselves or others. A person with dementia should always be fully informed before they are given an antipsychotic drug. They should be aware that they can have serious adverse effects, including sedation. A person-centered approach to care, providing a meaningful activity program that fits the individual and medication for pain are much preferable to using drugs to treat agitation in people with dementia. Especially since the drugs that have been shown to improve agitated behaviours, such as risperidone and citalopram, appear to achieve their effect through general sedative side effects. My website: