# Skrypt napisany przez _MATRIX_D5 dla Drezzo variables: {Chat.Sparta.%player%} = false {Poziom.SPARTA.%player%} = 0 {Klasa.Wybierz.%player%} = false {Chat.Nazisci.%player%} = false {Poziom.NAZISCI.%player%} = 0 {Chat.Mega.%player%} = false {Poziom.MEGA.%player%} = 0 {Klasa.Mega.Exp.%player%} = false {Klasa.Nazisci.Exp.%player%} = false {Klasa.Sparta.Exp.%player%} = false command /Klany []: trigger: arg 1 is not set: send "&a&l(&9Mosura&6Klan&a&l) &aUzyj komendy /Klany pomoc" arg 1 is "Pomoc": player has permissions "Klany.Pomoc": send "&9&l= = = = = = = = = = =&a&l (&9Mosura&6Klan&a&l)&9&l = = = = = = = = = = =" send " &d/Klan Wybierz [klan] - Wybierasz Klan" send "&5-----------------------------------------" send " &d/Klan Zrezygnuj - Rezugnujesz z Klanu" send "&5-----------------------------------------" send " &d/Klan Info - Informacje o skrypcie" send "&5-----------------------------------------" send " &d/Klan Lista - Ukazuje liste Klanow," send " &ddo ktorych mozesz dolaczyc" send "&5-----------------------------------------" send " &d/Klan Staty - Pokazuje twoj poziom i inne informacje o bohaterze" send " &d i inne informacje o bohaterze" send "&5-----------------------------------------" send " &d/Klan Pomoc - Pomoc dotyczaca Klanow" send "&9&l= = = = = = = = = = =&a&l (&9Mosura&6Klan&a&l)&9&l = = = = = = = = = = =" else: send "&a&l(&9Mosura&6Klan&a&l) &cNie posiadasz uprawnien!" arg 1 is "Lista": player has permissions "Klany.Lista": send "&9&l= = = = = = = = = = =&a&l (&9Mosura&6Klan&a&l)&9&l = = = = = = = = = = =" send " &a»&d SPARTA &7- Twoj obecny LvL - &&9[&b%{Poziom.SPARTA.%player%}%&9]" send "&5-----------------------------------------" send " &a»&d NAZISCI &7- Twoj obecny LvL - &&9[&b%{Poziom.NAZISCI.%player%}%&9]" send "&5-----------------------------------------" send " &a»&d MEGA &7- Twoj obecny LvL - &9[&b%{Poziom.MEGA.%player%}%&9]" send "&9&l= = = = = = = = = = =&a&l (&9Mosura&6Klan&a&l)&9&l = = = = = = = = = = =" else: send "&a&l(&9Mosura&6Klan&a&l) &cNie posiadasz uprawnien!" arg 1 is "Info": send "&9&l= = = = = = = = = = =&a&l (&9Mosura&6Klan&a&l)&9&l = = = = = = = = = = =" send " &a»&d Autorem skryptu jest _MATRIX_D5!" send " &a»&d Zakaz kopiowania skryptu!" send "&9&l= = = = = = = = = = =&a&l (&9Mosura&6Klan&a&l)&9&l = = = = = = = = = = =" arg 1 is "Zrezygnuj": player has permissions "Klany.Zrezygnuj": set {Chat.Sparta.%player%} to false set {Chat.Nazisci.%player%} to false set {Chat.Mega.%player%} to false set {Klasa.Wybierz.%player%} to false set {Klasa.Nazisci.Exp.%player%} to false set {Klasa.Sparta.Exp.%player%} to false set {Klasa.Mega.Exp.%player%} to false remove speed from the player remove night vision from the player remove regeneration from the player execute console command "/clear %name of player%" send "&a&l(&9Mosura&6Klan&a&l) &cPomyslnie zrezygnowales z klanu!" command /Klany Wybierz []: trigger: if {Klasa.Wybierz.%player%} is true: send "&a&l(&9Mosura&6Klan&a&l) &cJestes juz w jednym klanie!" if {Klasa.Wybierz.%player%} is false: arg 1 is not set: send "&a&l(&9Mosura&6Klan&a&l) &aUzyj komendy /Klany pomoc" arg 1 is "Sparta": player has permissions "Klany.Wybierz.Sparta": send "&a&l(&9Mosura&6Klan&a&l) &aWybrales klan &6SPARTA&a!" send "&a&l(&9Mosura&6Klan&a&l) &aZa chwile otrzymasz wszystkie itemy wybranego klanu!" send "&a&l(&9Mosura&6Klan&a&l) &9- trwa ustawianie konfiguracji wybranego klanu przez Ciebie.." wait 2 second send "&2Loading:&6 1%" wait 1 second send "&2Loading:&6 21%" send "&2Loading:&6 45%" wait 1 second send "&2Loading:&6 59%" send "&2Loading:&6 72%" wait 1 second send "&2Loading:&6 84%" wait 1 second send "&2Loading:&6 98%" send "&2Loading:&6 100%" wait 2 second strike lightning effect at the player apply speed 1 to the player for 999 days set tool of player to diamond sword of sharpness 2 named "&7&o#&6 Bron" set chestplate of the player to a diamond chestplate named "&7&o#&6 Ochrona" set helmet of the player to a diamond helmet of protection 2 named "&7&o#&6 Ochrona" set leggings of the player to a diamond leggings named "&7&o#&6 Ochrona" set boots of the player to a diamond boots of protection 2 named "&7&o#&6 Ochrona" send "&a&l(&9Mosura&6Klan&a&l) &aDodano Cie do danego klanu!" set {Chat.Sparta.%player%} to true set {Klasa.Wybierz.%player%} to true set {Klasa.Sparta.Exp.%player%} to true add 1 to {Poziom.SPARTA.%player%} strike lightning effect at the player else: send "&a&l(&9Mosura&6Klan&a&l) &cNie posiadasz uprawnien!" arg 1 is "Nazisci": player has permissions "Gods.Wybierz.Nazisci": send "&a&l(&9Mosura&6Klan&a&l) &aWybrales klan &6NAZISCI&a!" send "&a&l(&9Mosura&6Klan&a&l) &aZa chwile otrzymasz wszystkie itemy wybranego klanu!" send "&a&l(&9Mosura&6Klan&a&l) &9- trwa ustawianie konfiguracji wybranego klanu przez Ciebie.." wait 2 second send "&2Loading:&6 1%" send "&2Loading:&6 21%" send "&2Loading:&6 45%" wait 1 second send "&2Loading:&6 59%" send "&2Loading:&6 72%" wait 1 second send "&2Loading:&6 84%" send "&2Loading:&6 98%" send "&2Loading:&6 100%" wait 2 second strike lightning effect at the player apply speed 1 to the player for 999 days set tool of player to diamond sword of sharpness 2 named "&7&o#&6 Bron" set chestplate of the player to a diamond chestplate named "&7&o#&6 Ochrona" set helmet of the player to a diamond helmet named "&7&o#&6 Ochrona" set leggings of the player to a diamond leggings named "&7&o#&6 Ochrona" set boots of the player to a diamond boots of protection 2 named "&7&o#&6 Ochrona" send "&a&l(&9Mosura&6Klan&a&l) &aDodano Cie do danego klanu!" set {Chat.Nazisci.%player%} to true set {Klasa.Wybierz.%player%} to true set {Klasa.Nazisci.Exp.%player%} to true add 1 to {Poziom.NAZISCI.%player%} strike lightning effect at the player else: send "&a&l(&9Mosura&6Klan&a&l) &cNie posiadasz uprawnien!" arg 1 is "Mega": player has permissions "Gods.Wybierz.Mega": send "&a&l(&9Mosura&6Klan&a&l) &aWybrales klan &6MEGA&a!" send "&a&l(&9Mosura&6Klan&a&l) &aZa chwile otrzymasz wszystkie itemy wybranego klanu!" send "&a&l(&9Mosura&6Klan&a&l) &9- trwa ustawianie konfiguracji wybranego klanu przez Ciebie.." wait 2 second send "&2Loading:&6 1%" send "&2Loading:&6 21%" send "&2Loading:&6 45%" wait 1 second send "&2Loading:&6 59%" send "&2Loading:&6 72%" wait 1 second send "&2Loading:&6 84%" send "&2Loading:&6 98%" send "&2Loading:&6 100%" wait 2 second strike lightning effect at the player apply speed 1 to the player for 999 days set tool of player to diamond sword of sharpness 2 named "&7&o#&6 Bron" set chestplate of the player to a diamond chestplate named "&7&o#&6 Ochrona" set helmet of the player to a diamond helmet named "&7&o#&6 Ochrona" set leggings of the player to a diamond leggings named "&7&o#&6 Ochrona" set boots of the player to a diamond boots of protection 2 named "&7&o#&6 Ochrona" send "&a&l(&9Mosura&6Klan&a&l) &aDodano Cie do danego klanu!" set {Chat.Mega.%player%} to true set {Klasa.Wybierz.%player%} to true set {Klasa.Mega.Exp.%player%} to true add 1 to {Poziom.MEGA.%player%} strike lightning effect at the player else: send "&a&l(&9Mosura&6Klan&a&l) &cNie posiadasz uprawnien!" on death of player: attacker is a player victim is a player: if {Klasa.Sparta.Exp.%player%} is true: add 1 to {Poziom.SPARTA.%attacker%} if {Klasa.Nazisci.Exp.%player%} is true: add 1 to {Poziom.NAZISCI.%attacker%} if {Klasa.Mega.Exp.%player%} is true: add 1 to {Poziom.MEGA.%attacker%} on respawn of player: attacker is player victim is a player: if {Klasa.Sparta.Exp.%player%} is true: if {Klasa.Nazisci.Exp.%player%} is true: if {Klasa.Mega.Exp.%player%} is true: wait 2 second send "&2Loading:&6 1%" send "&2Loading:&6 21%" send "&2Loading:&6 45%" wait 1 second send "&2Loading:&6 59%" send "&2Loading:&6 72%" wait 1 second send "&2Loading:&6 84%" send "&2Loading:&6 98%" send "&2Loading:&6 100%" wait 2 second strike lightning effect at the player apply speed 1 to the player for 999 days set tool of player to iron sword of sharpness 2 named "&7&o#&6 Bron" set chestplate of the player to a iron chestplate named "&7&o#&6 Ochrona" set helmet of the player to a iron helmet named "&7&o#&6 Ochrona" set leggings of the player to a iron leggings named "&7&o#&6 Ochrona" set boots of the player to a iron boots of protection 2 named "&7&o#&6 Ochrona" send "&a&l(&9Mosura&6Klan&a&l) &aZostaly Ci oddane itemy Klanowe!" strike lightning effect at the player on chat: if {Chat.Mega.%player%} is true: broadcast "&8[&6MEGA&8] &9[&b%{Poziom.MEGA.%player%}%&9]&r %name of player%&d&o >>&f %message%" cancel event if {Chat.Nazisci.%player%} is true: broadcast "&8[&6NAZISCI&8] &a[&b%{Poziom.NAZISCI.%player%}%&1]&r %name of player%&d&o >>&f %message%" cancel event if {Chat.Sparta.%player%} is true: broadcast "&8[&6SPARTA&8] &9[&b%{Poziom.SPARTA.%player%}%&9]&r %name of player%&d&o >>&f %message%" cancel event