function(arg) if WeakAuras.IsOptionsOpen() then return end if not UnitExists("target") or UnitIsDead("target") or UnitIsDead("player") or UnitPlayerControlled("target") then return end local tGUID = UnitGUID("target"); local npc_id = select(6, strsplit("-",tGUID)); local bossname = aura_env.bossName[npc_id] local bossnameTrigger = bossname .. "Trigger" local bossnameStart = bossname .. "Start" if not bossname then return end local classcolor = RAID_CLASS_COLORS[select(2,UnitClass("player"))].colorStr local adaptivesentence2 = "(There " .. aura_env.verb .. " " .. WrapTextInColorCode(aura_env.textNumbers[aura_env.classcount] .. " " .. aura_env.classname, classcolor) .. " in your raid group)"; if aura_env.classcount >= 13 then adaptivesentence2 = "(There " .. aura_env.verb .. " " .. WrapTextInColorCode(aura_env.classcount .. " " .. aura_env.classname, classcolor) .. "in your raid group)"; end local optionMatch = aura_env.config[npc_idStart]; local optionTrigger = aura_env.config[npc_idTrigger] if instanceID == 469 and aura_env.config.bosstoggle[1] and aura_env.config.bwl.[bossnameTrigger] == 1 then if not aura_env.config.adaptivetoggle[1] or not EquipSet(bossnameStart); end elseif instanceID == 531 and aura_env.config.bosstoggle[2] and aura_env.config.aq40.[bossnameTrigger] == 1 then if optionMatch and optionTrigger == 1 then EquipSet(optionmatch); end elseif instanceID == 533 and aura_env.config.bosstoggle[3] and aura_env.config.nax.[bossnameTrigger] == 1 then if optionMatch and optionTrigger == 1 then EquipSet(optionmatch); end end -- aura_env.bossName = { --BWL [12435] = "razorgore", [13020] = "vael", [12017] = "broodlord", [11983] = "firemaw", [14601] = "ebonroc", [11981] = "flamegor", [14020] = "chromaggus", [11583] = "nefarian", --AQ40 [15263] = "skeram", [15543] = "bugTrio", [15511] = "bugTrio", [15544] = "bugTrio", [15516] = "battleguard", [15984] = "battleguard", [15510] = "fankriss", [15299] = "blob", [15509] = "princess", [15275] = "twinEmperors", [15276] = "twinEmperors", [15963] = "twinEmperors", [15517] = "ouro", [15727] = "cthun", --NAXX [15956] = "anub", [15953] = "faerlina", [16506] = "faerlina", [15952] = "maexxna", [15954] = "noth", [15936] = "heigan", [16011] = "loatheb", [16061] = "razuvious", [16060] = "gothik", [16063] = "horsemen", [16064] = "horsemen", [16065] = "horsemen", [16062] = "horsemen", [16028] = "patchwerk", [15931] = "grobbulus", [15932] = "gluth", [15928] = "thaddius", [15989] = "sapphiron", [15990] = "kelthuzad", } aura_env.adaptiveNumber = { --BWL [12435] = 1, [13020] = 2, [12017] = 3, [11983] = 4, [14601] = 5, [11981] = 6, [14020] = 7, [11583] = 8, --AQ40 [15263] = 1, [15543] = 2, [15511] = 2, [15544] = 2, [15516] = 3, [15984] = 3, [15510] = 4, [15299] = 5, [15509] = 6, [15275] = 7, [15276] = 7, [15963] = 7, [15517] = 8, [15727] = 9, --NAXX [15956] = 1, [15953] = 2, [16506] = 2, [15952] = 3, [15954] = 4, [15936] = 5, [16011] = 6, [16061] = 7, [16060] = 8, [16063] = 9, [16064] = 9, [16065] = 9, [16062] = 9, [16028] = 10, [15931] = 11, [15932] = 12, [15928] = 13, [15989] = 14, [15990] = 15, }