#include <iostream> #include <map> #include <string> // Define a struct to represent a cheat/mod option struct CheatOrModOption { std::string name; bool enabled; CheatOrModOption(std::string n) : name(n), enabled(false) {} void toggle() { enabled = !enabled; } }; // Define a map of cheat/mod options const std::map<std :string, CheatOrModOption> cheatOrModOpti {"beam_deform", CheatOrModOption("BeamDeform")}, {"time_delay", CheatOrModOption("Time Delay")}, {"control", CheatOrModOption("Control")}, {"road_spikes", CheatOrModOption("Road Spikes")}, {"car_turbos", CheatOrModOption("Car Turbos")}, {"monster_trucks", CheatOrModOption("Monster Trucks")} }; // Function to display the admin panel void displayAdminPanel() { std::cout << "======== BEAMNG.Drive Admin Panel ========n"; for (const auto& option : cheatOrModOptions) { std::cout << option.first << ": " << (option.second.enabled ? "ON" : "OFF") << "n"; } std::cout << "==================================n"; } // Function to enable/disable a cheat/mod option void toggleCheatOrModOption(const std::string& optionName) { auto it = cheatOrModOptions.find(optionName); if (it != cheatOrModOptions.end()) { it->second.toggle(); } else { std::cout << "Invalid option name: " << optionName << "n"; } }