moutegle: Gg moutegle: As in Good gay Np92: gg moutegle: Gg moutegle: Pussy you got no bantz Np92: gg moutegle: Say it again Np92: gg moutegle: Say it morr Np92: gg moutegle: I order you to say it one more time Np92: gg moutegle: Again Np92: u mad bro? moutegle: Go on bitch moutegle: I told you so Np92: wot moutegle: Go fucking on moutegle: Say it again Np92: are you like 12? moutegle: Didnt u reaf moutegle: Why did u stop tho Np92: because i feel bad Np92: for getting you so angry Np92: that's ok Np92: twelvies get mad Np92: i understand moutegle: Lol moutegle: Gg moutegle: You are just weak Np92: gg moutegle: Again Np92: gg moutegle: You feel bad for yourself moutegle: Stop projecting Np92: gg moutegle: "U r 12 lol" moutegle: Says the one spamming the same message moutegle: Damn you really showed me moutegle: How autistic u are that is Np92: gg