# config file... FORMAT: MESSAGE: sender: '&7(To %GROUP_PREFIX%%PLAYER%&7) &7%MESSAGE%' target: '&7(From %GROUP_PREFIX%%PLAYER%&7) &7%MESSAGE%' MESSAGE: ONLY_PLAYER: This command can only be performed in game ! PLAYER_NOT_FOUND: '&cThis player is not online!' TOGGLE_SOUND: enabled: '&eMessaging sounds are now &aOn' disabled: '&eMessaging sounds are now &cOff' TOGGLE_PM: toggled: '&cThis player has messages turned off' enabled: '&eYou have turned private messages &aOn' disabled: '&eYou have turned private messages &cOff' IGNORE: ADD: '&c%PLAYER% &ewill now not be able to send you any private message!' REMOVE: '&eYou just removed &d%PLAYER% &efrom your ignore list !' IGNORING: '&cThat player doesn''t want to receive any private message from you!' IGNORE_BYPASS: enabled: true permission: pm.bypass ignore_bypass_msg: '&cSorry ! &eBut you can''t ignore this player!' USAGE: - '&7&l&m-------------------------------------------' - '&4&lAnthraxHCF Network &7- &eHelp information' - '&7&l&m-------------------------------------------' - '&9Useful Commands:' - '&e/msg &7- &7Send a private message' - '&e/r &7- &7Reply to a message' - '&e/ignore &7- &7Ignore a player' - '&e/togglepm &7- &7Toggle private message' - '&e/togglesound &7- &7Toggle sound notification' - '&7&l&m-------------------------------------------' OTHER: PM_SOUND: ORB_PICKUP