import discord import asyncio from discord.ext.commands import bot from discord.ext import commands import platform import time bot =commands.Bot(command_prefix='.') @bot.event async def on_ready(): print ('I am online.') print('I am running as ' +',''with the ID:' +' and I am connected in '+str(len(bot.servers))+' servers.'' I am connected with '+str(len(set(bot.get_all_members())))+' members') @bot.command() async def ping(): await bot.say('Pong!') await bot.say('Pinged!') @bot.command(pass_context=True) async def kick (ctx,target:discord.Member): await bot.kick(target) await bot.say('Kicked someone...') @bot.command(pass_context=True) async def warn(ctx,target:discord.Member): await bot.send_message(target,'You got warned.. Plss stop doing what you did..') await bot.say('You warned someone... Feel better now..') @bot.command(pass_context=True) async def ban(ctx,target:discord.Member): await bot.ban(target) await bot.say('Succesfully banned')'NTQ0OTUyMTAwNjMxNjA5MzQ1.D0ll9Q.7tbICYif8GU1IGbQE4NrFyTA058')