import time import math import Adafruit_Nokia_LCD as LCD import Adafruit_GPIO.SPI as SPI from PIL import Image from PIL import ImageFont from PIL import ImageDraw # Set fonts font_speed = ImageFont.truetype('pixelmix.ttf', 28) font_kmh = ImageFont.truetype('pixelmix.ttf', 8) font_parameter = ImageFont.truetype('pixelmix.ttf', 16) class DisplaySetter(object): ## Raspberry Pi hardware SPI config: DC = 23 RST = 24 SPI_PORT = 0 SPI_DEVICE = 0 # Hardware SPI usage: disp = LCD.PCD8544(DC, RST, spi=SPI.SpiDev(SPI_PORT, SPI_DEVICE, max_speed_hz=4000000)) image ='1', (LCD.LCDWIDTH, LCD.LCDHEIGHT)) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) def __init__(self): # Initialize library. self.disp.begin(contrast=50) # Clear display self.disp.clear() self.disp.display() # Draw a white filled box to clear the image self.draw.rectangle((0, 0, LCD.LCDWIDTH, LCD.LCDHEIGHT), outline=255, fill=255) # Variables in use speed = 85 distance = 10.3 laptime = 430.0 screen = 0 # flag that informs which screen to show (for example: distance, time, etc) signalbar = False # true if there is signal, false otherwise currentposition = False # false if you have to speed up, true if you are faster than before def printmenu(self): # km/h self.draw.text((62, 17), 'km/h', font=font_kmh) # left menu (rectangle) self.draw.line((13, 0, 13, 47), fill=0) self.draw.line((0, 0, 0, 47), fill=0) self.draw.line((0, 0, 13, 0), fill=0) self.draw.line((0, 47, 13, 47), fill=0) # left menu (?shelves?) self.draw.line((0, 12, 13, 12), fill=0) self.draw.line((0, 24, 13, 24), fill=0) self.draw.line((0, 36, 13, 36), fill=0) #print letters in submenu self.draw.text((4, 2), 'S', font=font_kmh) self.draw.text((4, 14), 'T', font=font_kmh) self.draw.text((4, 26), 'L', font=font_kmh) self.draw.line((6, 39, 6, 44), fill=0) def printspeed(self): # Clear the speed self.draw.rectangle((17, 0, 61, 28), outline=255, fill=255) # Print the speed self.draw.text((17, -3), str(self.speed), font=font_speed) ## Test of speed #self.speed += 5 #if self.speed > 80: # self.speed = 1 ## End of the test return def nextscreen(self): #Changes the flag of a screen after clicking the button self.screen += 1 if self.screen == 4: self.screen = 0 #Lines below print currently chosen submenu if self.screen == 0: self.draw.rectangle((1, 1, 12, 11), outline=0, fill=255) self.draw.rectangle((1, 37, 12, 46), outline=255, fill=255) self.draw.text((4, 2), 'S', font=font_kmh) self.draw.line((6, 39, 6, 44), fill=0) elif self.screen == 1: self.draw.rectangle((1, 1, 12, 11), outline=255, fill=255) self.draw.rectangle((1, 13, 12, 23), outline=0, fill=255) self.draw.text((4, 14), 'T', font=font_kmh) self.draw.text((4, 2), 'S', font=font_kmh) elif self.screen == 2: self.draw.rectangle((1, 13, 12, 23), outline=255, fill=255) self.draw.rectangle((1, 25, 12, 35), outline=0, fill=255) self.draw.text((4, 26), 'L', font=font_kmh) self.draw.text((4, 14), 'T', font=font_kmh) elif self.screen == 3: self.draw.rectangle((1, 25, 12, 35), outline=255, fill=255) self.draw.rectangle((1, 37, 12, 46), outline=0, fill=255) self.draw.line((6, 39, 6, 44), fill=0) self.draw.text((4, 26), 'L', font=font_kmh) def printdistance(self): ## Used for test #self.distance+=0.25 #if self.distance > 99: # self.distance -= 99 # Clear the display self.draw.rectangle((14, 26, 83, 47), outline=255, fill=255) self.draw.text((70, 35), 'km', font=font_kmh) # Print the distance self.draw.text((17, 28), str(self.distance), font=font_parameter) def printlaptime(self): # Clear the display self.draw.rectangle((14, 26, 83, 47), outline=255, fill=255) self.draw.text((75, 35), 's', font=font_kmh) # Print lap time self.draw.text((17, 28), str(self.laptime), font=font_parameter) def something1(self): # Clear the display self.draw.rectangle((14, 26, 83, 47), outline=255, fill=255) self.draw.text((70, 35), '', font=font_kmh) # Print sth self.draw.text((17, 28), str('sth :('), font=font_parameter) def something2(self): # Clear the display self.draw.rectangle((14, 26, 83, 47), outline=255, fill=255) self.draw.text((70, 35), '', font=font_kmh) # Print sth self.draw.text((17, 28), str('sth :)'), font=font_parameter) def printsubmenu(self): if self.screen == 0: self.printdistance() elif self.screen == 1: self.printlaptime() elif self.screen == 2: self.something1() else: self.something2() def printsignalbar(self): #prints gps signal if self.signalbar == True: self.draw.rectangle((62, 0, 69, 8), outline=255, fill=255) self.draw.rectangle((62, 4, 63, 8), outline=0, fill=0) self.draw.rectangle((65, 2, 66, 8), outline=0, fill=0) self.draw.rectangle((68, 0, 69, 8), outline=0, fill=0) elif self.signalbar == False: self.draw.rectangle((62, 0, 69, 8), outline=255, fill=255) self.draw.text((64, 1), 'X', font=font_kmh) # Used for tests #self.signalbar = not self.signalbar def printcurrentposition(self): #prints information about current position if self.currentposition == False: self.draw.rectangle((72, 0, 83, 15), outline=255, fill=255) #draw SPEEDUP symbol self.draw.rectangle((76, 4, 79, 15), outline=0, fill=0) self.draw.line((73, 4, 82, 4), fill=0) self.draw.line((74, 3, 81, 3), fill=0) self.draw.line((75, 2, 80, 2), fill=0) self.draw.line((76, 1, 79, 1), fill=0) self.draw.line((77, 0, 78, 0), fill=0) elif self.currentposition == True: self.draw.rectangle((72, 0, 83, 15), outline=255, fill=255) #draw SLOWDWON symbol self.draw.rectangle((76, 0, 79, 10), outline=0, fill=0) self.draw.line((73, 11, 82, 11), fill=0) self.draw.line((74, 12, 81, 12), fill=0) self.draw.line((75, 13, 80, 13), fill=0) self.draw.line((76, 14, 79, 14), fill=0) self.draw.line((77, 15, 78, 15), fill=0) # Used for test #self.currentposition = not self.currentposition # SETTERS for speed, distance, laptime # TOGGLERS for signalbar currentposition # TO TURN SWITCH TO NEXT SCREEN USE displayInUse.nextscreen() def setspeed(self, new): self.speed = new def setdistance(self, new): self.distance = new def setlaptime(self, new): self.laptime = new def togglesignalbar(self): self.signalbar = not self.signalbar def togglecurrentposition(self): self.currentposition = not self.currentposition displayInUse = DisplaySetter() print('It works (Press Ctrl+C to stop)') displayInUse.printmenu() while True: displayInUse.printspeed() displayInUse.printsubmenu() displayInUse.printsignalbar() displayInUse.printcurrentposition() displayInUse.disp.image(displayInUse.image) displayInUse.disp.display() displayInUse.nextscreen() # Used to tests time.sleep(1)