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Hi, Mario. Can you help me prepare some things for the next month? Okay. Sure.nnWhat can I help you with? I need to visit the customer in Germany. It's important. What can I do to help? Can you send an email to the customer?nnAsk them when I can visit them next week. Please do this fast. It's a priority and very urgent. Right. I'll do it today.nnThanks. This next task is also important. Can you invite everyone to the next team meeting? Yes. I will.nnBut first, you need to book a meeting room After that, please send everyone an email about it. Yes. Of course. And finally, Can you write a short report about our new project? I have to give a presentation to our managers next month.nnPlease do it when you have time. Sometime in the next 2 or 3 weeks. It's not too urgent. Sure. No problem.nnI can do it this week. There is no hurry. Take your time. This recording is from the British Council. To find more activities to practice your English, visit www.britishcouncil.orgforward/learn English." }, "transcript": "This recording is from the British Council. Hi, Mario. Can you help me prepare some things for the next month? Okay. Sure. What can I help you with? I need to visit the customer in Germany. It's important. What can I do to help? Can you send an email to the customer? Ask them when I can visit them next week. Please do this fast. It's a priority and very urgent. Right. I'll do it today. Thanks. This next task is also important. Can you invite everyone to the next team meeting? Yes. I will. But first, you need to book a meeting room After that, please send everyone an email about it. Yes. Of course. And finally, Can you write a short report about our new project? I have to give a presentation to our managers next month. Please do it when you have time. Sometime in the next 2 or 3 weeks. It's not too urgent. Sure. No problem. I can do it this week. There is no hurry. Take your time. This recording is from the British Council. To find more activities to practice your English, visit www.britishcouncil.orgforward/learn English." } ] } ] }, "metadata": { "models": [ "b227621c-0920-4128-b4b5-a3e0f525d2d7" ], "sha256": "b8a69e0be939d29c05348b852b76fa8d9ec1fee73d6bd271bc125ad2c3a24606", "created": "2023-09-30T17:20:54.913Z", "channels": 1, "duration": 99.34375, "model_info": { "b227621c-0920-4128-b4b5-a3e0f525d2d7": { "arch": "nova", "name": "general-nova", "version": "2023-07-28.18608" } }, "request_id": "be77b7f6-3756-4acc-aeab-2436ead93176", "transaction_key": "deprecated" } }