Does your supplier deliver? Some work sites, such as mines, can be located in remote areas. Look for a supplier that can arrange delivery of the parts you require. You can order aftermarket and OEM online today. . It's a great way to save money. Furthermore, you can have peace of mind, knowing that you're not compromising quality. Anyone who feels thrilled about creating something of their own will certainly benefit from kit parts. Even if you do not like getting your hands dirty, you can still get a car with all the features you want. There are enthusiastic technicians ready to build a custom car for you. You will not get the thrills of building one of your own, but then again, you will get a car that looks like a sterling nova, or that will run smoothly over sand dunes. You can also drive a car that looks just like an antique car. Everyone likes a model that no one else has. Lastly, price is another great reason to shop online. This is due to competition. auto parts dealers in certain neighborhoods simply do not have a lot of competition. When consumers have limited options, this means that those businesses can charge a higher price to benefit from this lack of competition. Every Saturday morning in the spring and fall my oldest son and husband pack up in the truck complete with coffee, donuts, and a trailer and off they go to yard sales, flea markets and junk stores. They are searching for used go carts, whole or in parts it does not matter. They barter and trade everything imaginable for go cart pieces. My husband is a plumber he once fixed a gas leak for these people in exchange for a non running used go cart. My son hailed him as a hero. Apparently there is no set number of used carts to have and finally say I need no more. Once you buy your fist used it becomes a never ending quest for more used parts and buggies. In most cases, the part you need will come with a short-term warranty. However, is a better idea to find out if the company offers a return policy. What if you get the part, get home, and then find out you bought the wrong thing? Most companies offer some type of exchange policy and that can make all of the difference. Know what you are buying and what type of guarantee or warranty you are getting when you do so. Even if an auto part isn't working for you, it may be of some use to someone else. It takes time to track down someone that needs the part so the recycling center may be the perfect middleman for the job. You can drop off all of the parts that you are not using. Eventually, someone else may call up the facility and ask about that exact part. Some broken parts can be repaired and reused. While dealers and other car repair shops may not be able to use these items, someone looking to fix his or her own vehicle will be able to save some cash by putting on a used part.