function (fn, lower, upper, control = DEoptim.control(), ..., fnMap = NULL) { if (length(lower) != length(upper)) stop("'lower' and 'upper' are not of same length") if (!is.vector(lower)) lower <- as.vector(lower) if (!is.vector(upper)) upper <- as.vector(upper) if (any(lower > upper)) stop("'lower' > 'upper'") if (any(lower == "Inf")) warning("you set a component of 'lower' to 'Inf'. May imply 'NaN' results", immediate. = TRUE) if (any(lower == "-Inf")) warning("you set a component of 'lower' to '-Inf'. May imply 'NaN' results", immediate. = TRUE) if (any(upper == "Inf")) warning("you set a component of 'upper' to 'Inf'. May imply 'NaN' results", immediate. = TRUE) if (any(upper == "-Inf")) warning("you set a component of 'upper' to '-Inf'. May imply 'NaN' results", immediate. = TRUE) if (!is.null(names(lower))) nam <- names(lower) else if (!is.null(names(upper)) & is.null(names(lower))) nam <- names(upper) else nam <- paste("par", 1:length(lower), sep = "") ctrl <-, as.list(control)) ctrl$npar <- length(lower) if ($NP)) ctrl$NP <- 10 * length(lower) if (ctrl$NP < 4) { warning("'NP' < 4; set to default value 10*length(lower)\n", immediate. = TRUE) ctrl$NP <- 10 * length(lower) } if (ctrl$NP < 10 * length(lower)) warning("For many problems it is best to set 'NP' (in 'control') to be at least ten times the length of the parameter vector. \n", immediate. = TRUE) if (!is.null(ctrl$initialpop)) { ctrl$specinitialpop <- TRUE if (!identical(as.numeric(dim(ctrl$initialpop)), as.numeric(c(ctrl$NP, ctrl$npar)))) stop("Initial population is not a matrix with dim. NP x length(upper).") } else { ctrl$specinitialpop <- FALSE ctrl$initialpop <- 0 } ctrl$trace <- as.numeric(ctrl$trace) ctrl$specinitialpop <- as.numeric(ctrl$specinitialpop) ctrl$initialpop <- as.numeric(ctrl$initialpop) if (!is.null(ctrl$cluster)) { if (!inherits(ctrl$cluster, "cluster")) stop("cluster is not a 'cluster' class object") parallel::clusterExport(cl, ctrl$parVar) fnPop <- function(params, ...) { parallel::parApply(cl = ctrl$cluster, params, 1, fn, ...) } } else if (ctrl$parallelType == 2) { if (!foreach::getDoParRegistered()) { foreach::registerDoSEQ() } args <- ctrl$foreachArgs fnPop <- function(params, ...) { my_chunksize <- ceiling(NROW(params)/foreach::getDoParWorkers()) my_iter <- iterators::iter(params, by = "row", chunksize = my_chunksize) args$i <- my_iter args$.combine <- c if (!is.null(args$.export)) args$.export = c(args$.export, "fn") else args$.export = "fn" if (is.null(args$.errorhandling)) args$.errorhandling = c("stop", "remove", "pass") if (is.null(args$.verbose)) args$.verbose = FALSE if (is.null(args$.inorder)) args$.inorder = TRUE if (is.null(args$.multicombine)) args$.multicombine = FALSE foreach::"%dopar%"(, args), apply(i, 1, fn, ...)) } } else if (ctrl$parallelType == 1) { cl <- parallel::makeCluster(parallel::detectCores()) packFn <- function(packages) { for (i in packages) library(i, character.only = TRUE) } parallel::clusterCall(cl, packFn, ctrl$packages) parallel::clusterExport(cl, ctrl$parVar) fnPop <- function(params, ...) { parallel::parApply(cl = cl, params, 1, fn, ...) } } else { fnPop <- function(params, ...) { apply(params, 1, fn, ...) } } if (is.null(fnMap)) { fnMapC <- function(params, ...) params } else { fnMapC <- function(params, ...) { mappedPop <- t(apply(params, 1, fnMap)) if (all(dim(mappedPop) != dim(params))) stop("mapping function did not return an object with ", "dim NP x length(upper).") dups <- duplicated(mappedPop) np <- NCOL(mappedPop) tries <- 0 while (tries < 5 && any(dups)) { nd <- sum(dups) newPop <- matrix(runif(nd * np), ncol = np) newPop <- rep(lower, each = nd) + newPop * rep(upper - lower, each = nd) mappedPop[dups, ] <- t(apply(newPop, 1, fnMap)) dups <- duplicated(mappedPop) tries <- tries + 1 } if (tries == 5) warning("Could not remove ", sum(dups), " duplicates from the mapped ", "population in 5 tries. Evaluating population with duplicates.", call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE) storage.mode(mappedPop) <- "double" mappedPop } } outC <- .Call("DEoptimC", lower, upper, fnPop, ctrl, new.env(), fnMapC, PACKAGE = "DEoptim") if (ctrl$parallelType == 1) parallel::stopCluster(cl) if (length(outC$storepop) > 0) { nstorepop <- floor((outC$iter - ctrl$storepopfrom)/ctrl$storepopfreq) storepop <- list() cnt <- 1 for (i in 1:nstorepop) { idx <- cnt:((cnt - 1) + (ctrl$NP * ctrl$npar)) storepop[[i]] <- matrix(outC$storepop[idx], nrow = ctrl$NP, ncol = ctrl$npar, byrow = TRUE) cnt <- cnt + (ctrl$NP * ctrl$npar) dimnames(storepop[[i]]) <- list(1:ctrl$NP, nam) } } else { storepop = NULL } names(outC$bestmem) <- nam iter <- max(1, as.numeric(outC$iter)) names(lower) <- names(upper) <- nam bestmemit <- matrix(outC$bestmemit[1:(iter * ctrl$npar)], nrow = iter, ncol = ctrl$npar, byrow = TRUE) dimnames(bestmemit) <- list(1:iter, nam) storepop <- as.list(storepop) outR <- list(optim = list(bestmem = outC$bestmem, bestval = outC$bestval, nfeval = outC$nfeval, iter = outC$iter), member = list(lower = lower, upper = upper, bestmemit = bestmemit, bestvalit = outC$bestvalit, pop = t(outC$pop), storepop = storepop)) attr(outR, "class") <- "DEoptim" return(outR) }