#-------------------------------- #Fortune #-------------------------------- command /fortuneadd: trigger: if {fortune::%player%} < 30000: if {tokens::%player%} >= 5000: remove 5000 from {tokens::%player%} add 1 to {fortune::%player%} send "&2&LEnchant &f» &7+1 Fortune" else: send "&2&LEnchant &f» &7You Need 5k &7Tokens For Upgrade Fortune!" else: send "&2&LEnchant &f» &7Max Level" command /fortuneadd10: trigger: if {fortune::%player%} < 30000: if {tokens::%player%} >= 50000: remove 50000 from {tokens::%player%} add 10 to {fortune::%player%} send "&2&LEnchant &f» &7+10 Fortune" else: send "&2&LEnchant &f» &7You Need 50K &7Tokens For Upgrade Fortune 10 Times !" else: send "&2&LEnchant &f» &7Max Level" #-------------------------------- #Greed #-------------------------------- command /greedadd: trigger: if {greed::%player%} < 5000: if {tokens::%player%} >= 50000: remove 50000 from {tokens::%player%} add 1 to {greed::%player%} add 0.003 to {greedmultis::%player%} send "&2&LEnchant &f» &7+1 Greed" else: send "&2&LEnchant &f» &7You Need 50K &7Tokens For Upgrade Greed!" else: send "&2&LEnchant &f» &7Max Level" command /greedadd10: trigger: if {greed::%player%} < 5000: if {tokens::%player%} >= 500000: remove 500000 from {tokens::%player%} add 10 to {greed::%player%} add 0.03 to {greedmultis::%player%} send "&2&LEnchant &f» &7+10 Greed" else: send "&2&LEnchant &f» &7You Need 500K &7Tokens For Upgrade Greed 10 Times !" else: send "&2&LEnchant &f» &7Max Level" #------------------ #Enchant Menu #------------------- command /upgrade: trigger: open chest with 6 rows named "&3&LEnchants Menu" to player wait 3 ticks set {_slot} to -1 loop 54 times: add 1 to {_slot} format gui slot {_slot} of player with black stained glass pane named "&3&LEnchants Menu" to do nothing format gui slot 13 of player with player's tool named "&3&LSays&f&lMC" to do nothing if {fortune::%player%} < 30000: format gui slot 28 of player with emerald named "&AFortune" with lore "" and "&7Give You More &bBlock &7Every Block Break" and "" and "&bCost »" and "" and "&3x1 &7» &b5K Tokens" and "&3x10 &7» &b50K Tokens" and "&3x100 &7» &b500K Tokens" and "" and "&bMax Level &7» &b30K" to do nothing else: format gui slot 28 of player with emerald named "&AFortune" with lore "" and "&4Maxed Enchant" to do nothing if {greed::%player%} < 5000: format gui slot 29 of player with paper named "&AGreed" with lore "" and "&7Give You &b+0.003x Multis &7Every Level" and "" and "&bCost »" and "" and "&3x1 &7» &b50K Tokens" and "&3x10 &7» &b500K Tokens" and "&3x100 &7» &b5M Tokens" and "" and "&bMax Level &7» &b5K" to do nothing else: format gui slot 29 of player with paper named "&AGreed" with lore "" and "&4Maxed Enchant" to do nothing if {lucky::%player%} < 300: format gui slot 30 of player with sponge named "&eLucky" with lore "" and "&7Got More Chance To Activate &bLucky &7Event While Mining !" and "" and "&bCost »" and "" and "&3x1 &7» &b50K Tokens" and "&3x10 &7» &b500K Tokens" and "" and "&bMax Level &7» &b300" to do nothing else: format gui slot 30 of player with sponge named "&eLucky" with lore "" and "&4Maxed Enchant" to do nothing if {tokengreed::%player%} < 3000: format gui slot 31 of player with magma cream named "&6TokenGreed" with lore "" and "&7Give You More &bTokens &7Every &bLucky &7Event !" and "" and "&bCost »" and "" and "&3x1 &7» &b100K Tokens" and "&3x10 &7» &b1M Tokens" and "&3x100 &7» &b10M Tokens" and "" and "&bMax Level &7» &b3K" to do nothing else: format gui slot 31 of player with magma cream named "&6TokenGreed" with lore "" and "&4Maxed Enchant" to do nothing if {combo::%player%} < 100: format gui slot 32 of player with iron bar named "&6Combo" with lore "" and "&7Chance Of Getting Double The &bTokens &7From &bLucky &7Event !" and "" and "&bCost »" and "" and "&3x1 &7» &b100K Tokens" and "&3x10 &7» &b1M Tokens" and "" and "&bMax Level &7» &b100" to do nothing else: format gui slot 32 of player with iron bar named "&6Combo" with lore "" and "&4Maxed Enchant" to do nothing if {keygreed::%player%} < 10: format gui slot 33 of player with tripwire hook named "&bKeyGreed" with lore "" and "&7Give You More &bKeys &7Every Lucky Event" and "" and "&bCost »" and "" and "&3x1 &7» &b1M Tokens" and "&3x10 &7» &b10M Tokens" and "" and "&bMax Level &7» &b10" to do nothing else: format gui slot 33 of player with tripwire hook named "&bKeyGreed" with lore "" and "&4Maxed Enchant" to do nothing if {fly::%player%} < 1: format gui slot 34 of player with Feather named "&fFly" with lore "" and "&7Allow You To &fFly &7When You Holding Your Pickaxe" and "" and "&bCost »" and "" and "&3x1 &7» &b100K Tokens" and "" and "&bMax Level &7» &b1" to do nothing else: format gui slot 34 of player with Feather named "&fFly" with lore "" and "&4Maxed Enchant" to do nothing if {charity::%player%} < 500: format gui slot 37 of player with gold ingot named "&5Charity" with lore "" and "&7Chance Of Receive A Lot Of &5Tokens &7While Mining !" and "" and "&bCost »" and "" and "&3x1 &7» &b1M Tokens" and "&3x10 &7» &b10M Tokens" and "" and "&bMax Level &7» &b500" to do nothing else: format gui slot 37 of player with gold ingot named "&5Charity" with lore "" and "&4Maxed Enchant" to do nothing if {event::%player%} < 500: format gui slot 38 of player with golden nugget named "&5Event" with lore "" and "&7Chance Of Receive A Lot Of &5Keys &7And &5Tokens &7While Mining !" and "" and "&bCost »" and "&3x1 &7» &b1M Tokens" and "" and "&3x10 &7» &b10M Tokens" and "" and "&bMax Level &7» &b500" to do nothing else: format gui slot 38 of player with golden nugget named "&5Event" with lore "" and "&4Maxed Enchant" to do nothing if {Gems::%player%} < 100: format gui slot 39 of player with emerald named "&AGemsFinder" with lore "" and "&7Give You More Chance Of Getting &AGems &7WHile Mining !" and "" and "&bCost »" and "&3x1 &7» &b10M Tokens" and "" and "&3x10 &7» &b100M Tokens" and "" and "&bMax Level &7» &b100" to do nothing else: format gui slot 39 of player with emerald named "&aGemsFinder" with lore "" and "&4Maxed Enchant" to do nothing if {JackHammer::%player%} < 10000: format gui slot 40 of player with hopper named "&4JackHammer" with lore "" and "&7Chance of destroy a all layer by mining !" and "" and "&bCost »" and "&3x1 &7» &b100K Tokens" and "" and "&3x10 &7» &b1M Tokens" and "&3x100 &7» &b10M Tokens" and "" and "&bMax Level &7» &b10K" to do nothing else: format gui slot 40 of player with hopper named "&4JackHammer" with lore "" and "&4Maxed Enchant" to do nothing if {autosell::%player%} < 1: format gui slot 41 of player with chest named "&AAutosell" with lore "" and "&7Sell Automatly The Content of your backpack when its full !" and "" and "&bCost »" and "&3x1 &7» &b10M Tokens" and "" and "&bMax Level &7» &b1" to do nothing else: format gui slot 41 of player with chest named "&AAutosell" with lore "" and "&4Maxed Enchant" to do nothing if {jackpot::%player%} < 100: format gui slot 42 of player with beacon named "&CJackPot" with lore "" and "&7A Little Chance of getting a donator keys while mining !" and "" and "&bCost »" and "&3x1 &7» &b10M Tokens" and "" and "&3x10 &7» &b100M Tokens" and "" and "&bMax Level &7» &b100" to do nothing else: format gui slot 42 of player with beacon named "&CJackPot" with lore "" and "&4Maxed Enchant" to do nothing if {global::%player%} < 100: format gui slot 43 of player with nether star named "&2Global" with lore "" and "&7Chance of Activate a global booster" and "" and "&bCost »" and "&3x1 &7» &b10M Tokens" and "" and "&3x10 &7» &b100M Tokens" and "" and "&bMax Level &7» &b100" to do nothing else: format gui slot 43 of player with nether star named "&2Global" with lore "" and "&4Maxed Enchant" to do nothing on inventory click: if inventory name of player's current inventory is "&3&LEnchants Menu": cancel event if clicked slot is 28: if clicked type is right mouse button: make player execute command "fortuneadd10" if clicked type is left mouse button: make player execute command "fortuneadd" if clicked type is middle mouse button: make player execute command "fortuneadd100" if clicked slot is 29: if clicked type is right mouse button: make player execute command "greedadd10" if clicked type is left mouse button: make player execute command "greedadd" if clicked type is middle mouse button: make player execute command "greedadd100" if clicked slot is 31: if clicked type is right mouse button: make player execute command "tokengreedadd10" if clicked type is left mouse button: make player execute command "tokengreedadd" if clicked type is middle mouse button: make player execute command "tokengreedadd100" if clicked slot is 30: if clicked type is right mouse button: make player execute command "luckyadd10" if clicked type is left mouse button: make player execute command "luckyadd" if clicked slot is 32: if clicked type is right mouse button: make player execute command "comboadd10" if clicked type is left mouse button: make player execute command "comboadd" if clicked slot is 33: if clicked type is right mouse button: make player execute command "keygreedadd10" if clicked type is left mouse button: make player execute command "keygreedadd" if clicked slot is 34: if clicked type is left mouse button: make player execute command "flyadd" if clicked slot is 37: if clicked type is right mouse button: make player execute command "charityadd10" if clicked type is left mouse button: make player execute command "charityadd" if clicked slot is 38: if clicked type is right mouse button: make player execute command "eventadd10" if clicked type is left mouse button: make player execute command "eventadd" if clicked slot is 39: if clicked type is right mouse button: make player execute command "GemsFinderAdd10" if clicked type is left mouse button: make player execute command "GemsFinderAdd" if clicked slot is 40: if clicked type is right mouse button: make player execute command "jackhammeradd10" if clicked type is left mouse button: make player execute command "jackhammeradd" if clicked type is middle mouse button: make player execute command "jackhammeradd100" if clicked slot is 41: if clicked type is left mouse button: make player execute command "autoselladd" if clicked slot is 42: if clicked type is right mouse button: make player execute command "jackpotadd10" if clicked type is left mouse button: make player execute command "jackpotadd" if clicked slot is 43: if clicked type is right mouse button: make player execute command "globaladd10" if clicked type is left mouse button: make player execute command "globaladd" #--------- #EXTRA #--------- on break: if player's inventory contains chest: if name of chest is "&3&LBackPack": set lore of chest to "||&3Bp Slots &7- &3%{bpslots::%player%}% ||&3Bp Capacity &7- &3%{bpcapicity::%player%}% Items ||&3Max Capacity &7- &3%{maxbpcapicity::%player%}%" #--------------- #Reset #--------------- command /reset []: executable by: console and player trigger: if player is op: set {tokens::%arg 1%} to 0 set {ranks::%arg 1%} to 0 set {prestiges::%arg 1%} to 0 set {commonkeys::%arg 1%} to 0 set {rarekeys::%arg 1%} to 0 set {LegendaryKeys::%arg 1%} to 0 set {multis::%arg 1%} to 1 set {greedmultis::%arg 1%} to 1 set {Fortune::%arg 1%} to 1 set {Greed::%arg 1%} to 0 set {Jackhammer::%arg 1%} to 0 set {Lucky::%arg 1%} to 0 set {TokenGreed::%arg 1%} to 0 set {KeyGreed::%arg 1%} to 0 set {Gems::%arg 1%} to 0 set {Combo::%arg 1%} to 0 set {Jackpot::%arg 1%} to 0 set {charity::%arg 1%} to 0 set {Global::%arg 1%} to 0 set {AutoSell::%arg 1%} to 0 set {Event::%arg 1%} to 0 set {bpslots::%arg 1%} to 1 set {bpcapicity::%arg 1%} to 0 set {maxbpcapicity::%arg 1%} to 64 set {fly::%arg 1%} to 0 set {rankscost::%arg 1%} to 100000 if arg 2 is "-s": broadcast "" if arg 2 is not set: broadcast "&7----- &3&LRe&b&lSet &7-----" broadcast "" broadcast "&b%player% &3Just Reset &b%arg 1%!" broadcast "" broadcast "&bReason &7- &bThere Is No Reason" broadcast "" broadcast "&7----- &3&LRe&b&lSet &7-----" else: broadcast "&7----- &3&LRe&b&lSet &7-----" broadcast "" broadcast "&b%player% &3Just Reset &b%arg 1%!" broadcast "" broadcast "&bReason &7- &b%arg 2%" broadcast "" broadcast "&7----- &3&LRe&b&lSet &7-----" else: send "&3&LRe&b&lSet &7» &3You Don't Have Permission , Sorry" command /offreset []: trigger: if player is op: set {tokens::%arg 1%} to 0 set {ranks::%arg 1%} to 0 set {prestiges::%arg 1%} to 0 set {commonkeys::%arg 1%} to 0 set {rarekeys::%arg 1%} to 0 set {LegendaryKeys::%arg 1%} to 0 set {multis::%arg 1%} to 1 set {greedmultis::%arg 1%} to 1 set {Fortune::%arg 1%} to 1 set {Greed::%arg 1%} to 0 set {Jackhammer::%arg 1%} to 0 set {Lucky::%arg 1%} to 0 set {TokenGreed::%arg 1%} to 0 set {KeyGreed::%arg 1%} to 0 set {Gems::%arg 1%} to 0 set {Combo::%arg 1%} to 0 set {Jackpot::%arg 1%} to 0 set {charity::%arg 1%} to 0 set {Global::%arg 1%} to 0 set {AutoSell::%arg 1%} to 0 set {Event::%arg 1%} to 0 set {bpslots::%arg 1%} to 1 set {bpcapicity::%arg 1%} to 0 set {maxbpcapicity::%arg 1%} to 64 set {fly::%arg 1%} to 0 set {rankscost::%arg 1%} to 100000 if arg 2 is "-s": broadcast "" if arg 2 is not set: broadcast "&7----- &3&LRe&b&lSet &7-----" broadcast "" broadcast "&b%player% &3Just Reset &b%arg 1%!" broadcast "" broadcast "&bReason &7- &bThere Is No Reason" broadcast "" broadcast "&7----- &3&LRe&b&lSet &7-----" else: broadcast "&7----- &3&LRe&b&lSet &7-----" broadcast "" broadcast "&b%player% &3Just Reset &b%arg 1%!" broadcast "" broadcast "&bReason &7- &b%arg 2%" broadcast "" broadcast "&7----- &3&LRe&b&lSet &7-----" else: send "&3&LRe&b&lSet &7» &3You Don't Have Permission , Sorry" every 10 ticks in "SaysMCS": loop all players: if {greedmultis::%loop-player%} is not set: set {greedmultis::%loop-player%} to 1 if {GemsChance::%loop-player%} is not set: set {GemsChance::%loop-player%} to 0.0001 if {teboost::%loop-player%} is not set: set {teboost::%loop-player%} to 1 #--------------- #Fly #--------------- command /flyadd: trigger: if {fly::%player%} < 1: if {tokens::%player%} >= 100000: remove 100000 from {tokens::%player%} add 1 to {fly::%player%} send "&2&LEnchant &f» &7+1 Fly" else: send "&2&LEnchant &f» &7You Need 100K Tokens For Upgrade Fly" else: send "&2&LEnchant &f» &7Maxed Enchant" on jump: if player's tool is a pickaxe: if {fly::%player%} >= 1: set player's flight mode to true else: set player's flight mode to false command /refresh: trigger: if player's tool is pickaxe: set lore of player's tool to "||&7Right click on your &2pickaxe &7for &2enchant&7 GUI||||&2Fortune &f» &7%{Fortune::%player%}%||&2Greed &f» &7%{Greed::%player%}%||&2Explosive &f» &7%{Explosive::%player%}%||&2JackHammer &f» &7%{JackHammer::%player%}%||&2Lucky &f» &7%{Lucky::%player%}%||&2TokenGreed &f» &7%{TokenGreed::%player%}%||&2GemFinder &f» &7%{Gems::%player%}%||&2KeyGreed &f» &7%{KeyGreed::%player%}%||&2Combo &f» &7%{Combo::%player%}%||&2Experienced &f» &7%{Experienced::%player%}%||&2Charity &f» &7%{Charity::%player%}%||&2Global &f» &7%{Global::%player%}%||&2AutoSell &f» &7%{AutoSell::%player%}%||&2Event &f» &7%{Event::%player%}%" #--------------- #Gems #--------------- every 1 second in "SaysMCS": loop all players: if {GemsChance::%loop-player%} is not set: set {GemsChance::%loop-player%} to 0.0001 if {teboost::%loop-player%} is not set: set {teboost::%loop-player%} to 1 On break: chance of {GemsChance::%player%}: chance of 100%: set {_teboost} to a random integer between 1 and 3 give 1 emerald named "&A&LGems" with lore "&ATokens Boost &f» &a%{_teboost}%" to player send "&A&LGems &f» &AYou Find A %{_teboost}% &aTokens Boost Gems !" command /fakegems : trigger: if arg 1 is "tokens": give 1 emerald named "&A&LGems" with lore "&ATokens Boost &f» &a%arg 2%" to player send "&A&LGems &f» &AYou Received A &aTokens Gems Of %arg 2% Pourcent Boost !" on rightclick with emerald: if name of player's tool is "&a&lGems": if lore of player's tool contains "&ATokens Boost": if lore of player's tool contains "&a1": add 0.01 to {teboost::%player%} send "&A+1 Pourcent &ATokens Boost" if lore of player's tool contains "&a2": add 0.02 to {teboost::%player%} send "&A+2 Pourcent &ATokens Boost" if lore of player's tool contains "&a3": add 0.03 to {teboost::%player%} send "&A+3 Pourcent &ATokens Boost" remove 1 emerald from player's tool command /GemsFinderAdd: trigger: if {Gems::%player%} < 100: if {tokens::%player%} >= 10000000: remove 10000000 from {tokens::%player%} add 1 to {Gems::%player%} add 0.0001 to {GemsChance::%player%} send "&2&LEnchanr &f» &7+1 GemsFinder" else: send "&2&LEnchant &f» &7You Need 7.5M Tokens For Upgrade GemsFinder !" else: send "&2&LEnchant &f» &7Maxed Enchant !" command /GemsFinderAdd10: trigger: if {Gems::%player%} < 100: if {tokens::%player%} >= 100000000: remove 100000000 from {tokens::%player%} add 10 to {Gems::%player%} add 0.001 to {GemsChance::%player%} send "&2&LEnchanr &f» &7+10 GemsFinder" else: send "&2&LEnchant &f» &7You Need 75M Tokens For Upgrade GemsFinder 10 Times !" else: send "&2&LEnchant &f» &7Maxed Enchant !" command /boostcheck: trigger: send "&ATokens Boost &f» &a%{teboost::%player%}%" command /GemsReset []: trigger: if arg 1 is not set: set {teboost::%player%} to 1 set {GemsChance::%player%} to 0.0001 set {Gems::%player%} to 0 else: set {teboost::%arg 1%} to 1 set {GemsChance::%arg 1%} to 0.0001 set {Gems::%arg 1%} to 0 command /tokensreset: trigger: set {tokens::%Player%} to 0 command /bp: trigger: open chest with 3 rows named "&3&LBack&b&lPack" to player wait 3 ticks set {_bpprice} to 1000 set {_bpprice2} to 10000 set {_bpprice3} to 100000 set {_bpprice4} to 1000000 format slot 4 of player with ender chest named "&7Your &3&LBack&b&lPack" with lore "" and "&7Info &7» &71 Slot = 64 Items" and "" and "&3&LSlots &7» &B&L%{bpslots::%player%}%" and "&3&LItems &7» &B&L%{bpcapicity::%player%}%" to be unstealable format slot 10 of player with chest named "&3+1 Slot" with lore "" and "&3Cost &7» &b%{_bpprice}% Tokens" to run [make player execute command "bpup1"] format slot 12 of player with chest named "&3+10 Slot" with lore "" and "&3Cost &7» &b%{_bpprice2}% Tokens" to run [make player execute command "bpup2"] format slot 14 of player with chest named "&3+100 Slot" with lore "" and "&3Cost &7» &b%{_bpprice3}% Tokens" to run [make player execute command "bpup3"] format slot 16 of player with chest named "&3+1000 Slot" with lore "" and "&3Cost &7» &b%{_bpprice4}% Tokens" to run [make player execute command "bpup4"] command /bpup1: trigger: if {tokens::%player%} >= 1000: remove 1000 from {tokens::%player%} add 1 to {bpslots::%player%} add 64 to {maxbpcapicity::%player%} else: send "&3BackPack &7» &bYou Need &31K &bTokens &bFor Upgrade Your BackPack By &31 &BSlots !" command /bpup2: trigger: if {tokens::%player%} >= 10000: remove 10000 from {tokens::%player%} add 10 to {bpslots::%player%} add 640 to {maxbpcapicity::%player%} else: send "&3BackPack &7» &bYou Need &310K &bTokens &bFor Upgrade Your BackPack By &310 &BSlots !" command /bpup3: trigger: if {tokens::%player%} >= 100000: remove 100000 from {tokens::%player%} add 100 to {bpslots::%player%} add 6400 to {maxbpcapicity::%player%} else: send "&3BackPack &7» &bYou Need &3100K &bTokens &bFor Upgrade Your BackPack By &3100 &BSlots !" on rightclick with chest: make player execute command "bp" on break: if player's inventory contains chest: if name of chest is "&3&LBackPack": set lore of chest to "||&3Bp Slots &7- &3%{bpslots::%player%}% ||&3Bp Capacity &7- &3%{bpcapicity::%player%}% Items ||&3Max Capacity &7- &3%{maxbpcapicity::%player%}%" command /bpup4: trigger: if {tokens::%player%} >= 1000000: remove 1000000 from {tokens::%player%} add 1000 to {bpslots::%player%} add 64000 to {maxbpcapicity::%player%} else: send "&3BackPack &7» &bYou Need &31M &bTokens &bFor Upgrade Your BackPack By &31000 &BSlots !" command /autosell: aliases: as permission: essentials.autosell trigger: if {AutoSell::%player%} is not set: set {AutoSell::%player%} to 1 send "&aAutoSell &f» &7Activate" stop if {AutoSell::%player%} = 0: set {AutoSell::%player%} to 1 send "&aAutoSell &f» &7Activate" stop if {AutoSell::%player%} = 1: set {AutoSell::%player%} to 0 send "&aAutoSell &f» &7Disable" stop on break: cancel event delete event-block if {AutoSell::%player%} = 1: set {_tokens} to 1 * {fortune::%player%} * {greedmultis::%player%} * {teboost::%player%} * {multis::%player%} add {_tokens} to {Tokens::%player%} stop if {AutoSellEnchant::%player%} = 1: if {bpcapicity::%player%} < {maxbpcapicity::%player%}: add {Fortune::%player%} to {bpcapicity::%player%} stop else: cancel event delete event-block set {_tokens} to 1 * {bpcapicity::%player%} * {greedmultis::%player%} * {multis::%player%} add {_tokens} to {tokens::%player%} set {_multis} to {multis::%player%} set {bpcapicity::%player%} to 0 stop else: cancel event delete event-block if {bpcapicity::%Player%} < {maxbpcapicity::%player%}: add {fortune::%Player%} to {bpcapicity::%player%} else: send "&7[&6SellAll&7] &7BackPack full , please &eSell &7The Content By Using &e/sell" cancel event command /autoselladd: trigger: if {AutoSellEnchant::%player%} = 1: if {Tokens::%player%} >= 10000000: set {AutoSellEnchant::%player%} to 1 send "&2&lEnchant &f» &7+1 AutoSell!" stop else: send "&2&lEnchant &f» &7You don't have enough tokens!" else: send "&2&lEnchant &f» &7MAX LEVEL" command /asench : trigger: send "&A%arg 1% got As Ench %{AutoSellEnchant::%player%}%" to player command /sell: trigger: if {bpcapicity::%player%} >= 1: set {_tokens} to 1 * {bpcapicity::%player%} * {greedmultis::%player%} * {multis::%player%} add {_tokens} to {tokens::%player%} set {_multis} to {multis::%player%} send "&ASell &7» &7You Gain &a%{_tokens}% &7Tokens By Selling &a%{bpcapicity::%player%}% &7Items &7(x%{_multis}%&7)" set {bpcapicity::%player%} to 0 else: send "&ASell &7» &7You Need Altleast &a1 &7Items In Your &aBackPack &7For Sell The Content !" command /keyall : trigger: if player is op: if player has permission "*": if arg 1 is "common": loop all players: add arg-2 to {commonkeys::%loop-player%} if arg 1 is "rare": loop all players: add arg-2 to {rarekeys::%loop-player%} if arg 1 is "legendary": loop all players: add arg-2 to {legendarykeys::%loop-player%} if arg 1 is "prestige": give tripwire hook named "&3Prestige &bKeys" to all players broadcast "&A&LKeyAll &7» &A%player% Give To Everyone %arg 2% &a&l%arg 1%!" on break: if {blocksr::%Player%} >= 100: remove 100 from {blockr::%player%} add 25 to {commonkeys::%Player%} add 5000 to {tokens::%player%} on break: add 1 to {blockr::%player%} command /teadd : trigger: if player is op: if player has permission "*": add arg 2 to {tokens::%arg 1%} on break: if {blocksr::%Player%} >= 100: remove 100 from {blockr::%player%} add 25 to {commonkeys::%Player%} add 5000 to {tokens::%player%} on break: add 1 to {blockr::%player%} command /cbc []: permission: bc.use #or custom perm node aliases: /broadcast trigger: if arg-1 is not set: send "&cCorrect usage: /bc" stop if arg-1 is set: broadcast "#YOUR BROADCAST" stop command /teadd : trigger: if player is op: if player has permission "*": add arg 2 to {tokens::%arg 1%} #---------- #Charity #----------- every 5 minute: loop all players: send "&4&lSALES !! 50% REDUCTION http://saysmc.craftingstore.net/" to loop-player send "&4&lSALES !! 50% REDUCTION http://saysmc.craftingstore.net/" to loop-player command /fakecharity: trigger: if player has permission "fakecharity": set {_player} to player set {_char} to a random integer between 1000000 and 10000000 set {_char} to round({_char} * (1 + {Boost::%player%})) set {_charall} to {_char} / 100 set {_charall} to round({_charall}) add {_char} to {Tokens::%player%} remove {_charall} from {Tokens::%player%} loop all players: add {_charall} to {Tokens::%loop-player%} loop all players: if loop-player is {_player}: send "&3&lCHARITY &8» &bYou have received &3%{_char}% &3Tokens &bfrom your &3Charity &b!" to loop-player else: send "&3&lCHARITY &8» &bYou have received &3%{_charall}% &3Tokens &bfrom &3%{_player}%&3's Charity &b!" to loop-player command /charityadd: trigger: if {Tokens::%player%} >= 1000000: if {Charity::%player%} = 0: set {Charity::%player%} to 1 set {CharityChance::%player%} to 0.00001 send "&2&lEnchant &f» &7+1 Charity" remove 1000000 from {Tokens::%player%} set {CharityCost::%player%} to 1000000 stop else: send "&2&lEnchant &f» &7You not have enough tokens!" if {Tokens::%player%} >= {CharityCost::%player%}: if {Charity::%player%} < 500: add 1 to {Charity::%player%} send "&2&lEnchant &f» &7+1 Charity" remove {CharityCost::%player%} from {Tokens::%player%} stop else: send "&2alEnchant &f» &7Max Level" else: send "&2&lEnchant &f» &7You not have enough tokens!" command /charityadd10: trigger: loop 10 times: make player execute command "charityadd" on break: chance of {Charitychance::%player%} * {charity::%player%}: set {_player} to player if {Charity::%player%} is greater than 1: set {_char} to a random integer between 1000000 and 10000000 set {_char} to round({_char} * (1 + {Boost::%player%})) set {_charall} to {_char} / 100 set {_charall} to round({_charall}) add {_char} to {Tokens::%player%} remove {_charall} from {Tokens::%player%} loop all players: add {_charall} to {Tokens::%loop-player%} loop all players: if loop-player is {_player}: send "&3&lCHARITY &8» &bYou have received &3%{_char}% &3Tokens &bfrom your &3Charity &b!" to loop-player else: send "&3&lCHARITY &8» &bYou have received &3%{_charall}% &3Tokens &bfrom &3%{_player}%&3's Charity &b!" to loop-player #-------------- #DONORCRATES #---------------- on rightclick on enchanting table: if name of player's tool is "&2&lDonator": chance of 65%: set {TokenSee::%player%} to a random integer between 10000000 and 50000000 add {TokenSee::%player%} to {Tokens::%player%} set {TokenSee::%player%} to format({TokenSee::%player%}) broadcast "&2&lDonator Crates &8&l» &a&l%player% has opened Donator Crates and gain %{TokenSee::%player%}% Tokens!" remove 1 tripwire hook from player's tool set {TokenSee::%player%} to 0 cancel event stop chance of 30%: chance of 50%: give tripwire hook named "&2&lDonator Keys" to player broadcast "&2&lDonator Crates &8&l» &a&l%player% has opened Donator Crates and gain 1 Donator Keys!" remove 1 tripwire hook from player's tool cancel event stop else: set {KeysSee::%player%} to a random integer between 10000 and 250000 add {KeysSee::%player%} to {LegendaryKeys::%player%} set {KeysSee::%player%} to format({KeysSee::%player%}) broadcast "&2&lDonator Crates &8&l» &a&l%player% has opened Donator Crates and gain %{KeysSee::%player%}% Legendary Keys!" remove 1 tripwire hook from player's tool cancel event stop chance of 5%: chance of 80%: broadcast "&2&lDonator Crates &8&l» &a&l%player% has opened Donator Crates and gain &8&lCoal Ranks!!" remove 1 tripwire hook from player's tool chance of 10%: broadcast "&2&lDonator Crates &8&l» &a&l%player% has opened Donator Crates and gain &f&lIron Ranks!!" remove 1 tripwire hook from player's tool chance of 7.5%: broadcast "&2&lDonator Crates &8&l» &a&l%player% has opened Donator Crates and gain &e&lGold Ranks!!" remove 1 tripwire hook from player's tool chance of 2.5%: broadcast "&2&lDonator Crates &8&l» &a&l%player% has opened Donator Crates and gain &b&lDiamond Ranks!!" remove 1 tripwire hook from player's tool on leftclick on enchanting table: open chest with 3 rows named "&2&lDonator View!" to player wait 2 tick format slot 0 of player with black stained glass pane named "" to be unstealable format slot 1 of player with black stained glass pane named "" to be unstealable format slot 2 of player with black stained glass pane named "" to be unstealable format slot 3 of player with black stained glass pane named "" to be unstealable format slot 4 of player with diamond named "&a&lReward :" to be unstealable format slot 5 of player with black stained glass pane named "" to be unstealable format slot 6 of player with black stained glass pane named "" to be unstealable format slot 7 of player with black stained glass pane named "" to be unstealable format slot 8 of player with black stained glass pane named "" to be unstealable format slot 9 of player with black stained glass pane named "" to be unstealable format slot 10 of player with magma cream named "&6Tokens!" to be unstealable format slot 11 of player with tripwire hook named "&bKeys!" to be unstealable format slot 12 of player with coal block named "&8Coal Ranks!" to be unstealable format slot 13 of player with iron block named "&fIron Ranks!" to be unstealable format slot 14 of player with gold block named "&6Gold Ranks!" to be unstealable format slot 15 of player with diamond block named "&bDiamond Ranks!" to be unstealable format slot 16 of player with black stained glass pane named "" to be unstealable format slot 17 of player with black stained glass pane named "" to be unstealable format slot 18 of player with black stained glass pane named "" to be unstealable format slot 19 of player with black stained glass pane named "" to be unstealable format slot 20 of player with black stained glass pane named "" to be unstealable format slot 21 of player with black stained glass pane named "" to be unstealable format slot 22 of player with black stained glass pane named "" to be unstealable format slot 23 of player with black stained glass pane named "" to be unstealable format slot 24 of player with black stained glass pane named "" to be unstealable format slot 25 of player with black stained glass pane named "" to be unstealable format slot 26 of player with black stained glass pane named "" to be unstealable #----------------- #Event #-------------- on break: chance of {eventchance::%player%} * {event::%player%}: loop all players: if loop-player is player: chance of 50%: chance of 10%: set {EventKeysReceived::%loop-player%} to random integer between 10 and 1000 * 7 send "&aEvent &f» &7%player% &7Start a event, you received &a%{EventKeysReceived::%loop-player%}% &7Legendary Keys!" to loop-player add {EventKeysReceived::%loop-player%} to {LegendaryKeys::%loop-player%} stop chance of 25%: set {EventKeysReceived::%loop-player%} to random integer between 10 and 1000 * 7 send "&aEvent &f» &7%player% &7Start a event, you received &a%{EventKeysReceived::%loop-player%}% &7Rare Keys!" to loop-player add {EventKeysReceived::%loop-player%} to {Rarekeys::%loop-player%} stop chance of 65%: set {EventKeysReceived::%loop-player%} to random integer between 10 and 1000 * 7 send "&aEvent &f» &7%player% &7Start a event, you received &a%{EventKeysReceived::%loop-player%}% &7Common Keys!" to loop-player add {EventKeysReceived::%loop-player%} to {CommonKeys::%loop-player%} stop chance of 50%: set {EventTokensReceived::%loop-player%} to random integer between 1000 and 100000 * 7 send "&aEvent &f» &7%player% &7Start a event, you received &a%{EventTokensReceived::%loop-player%}% &7Tokens!" to loop-player add {EventTokensReceived::%loop-player%} to {Tokens::%loop-player%} stop command /fakeevent: trigger: loop all players: chance of 50%: chance of 10%: set {EventKeysReceived::%loop-player%} to random integer between 10 and 1000 * 7 send "&aEvent &f» &7%player% &7Start a event, you received &a%{EventKeysReceived::%loop-player%}% &7Legendary Keys!" to loop-player add {EventKeysReceived::%loop-player%} to {LegendaryKeys::%loop-player%} stop chance of 25%: set {EventKeysReceived::%loop-player%} to random integer between 10 and 1000 * 7 send "&aEvent &f» &7%player% &7Start a event, you received &a%{EventKeysReceived::%loop-player%}% &7Rare Keys!" to loop-player add {EventKeysReceived::%loop-player%} to {Rarekeys::%loop-player%} stop chance of 65%: set {EventKeysReceived::%loop-player%} to random integer between 10 and 1000 * 7 send "&aEvent &f» &7%player% &7Start a event, you received &a%{EventKeysReceived::%loop-player%}% &7Common Keys!" to loop-player add {EventKeysReceived::%loop-player%} to {CommonKeys::%loop-player%} stop chance of 50%: set {EventTokensReceived::%loop-player%} to random integer between 1000 and 100000 * 7 send "&aEvent &f» &7%player% &7Start a event, you received &a%{EventTokensReceived::%loop-player%}% &7Tokens!" to loop-player add {EventTokensReceived::%loop-player%} to {Tokens::%loop-player%} stop command /eventadd: trigger: if {Event::%player%} = 0: if {Tokens::%player%} >= 1000000: set {Event::%player%} to 1 set {EventChance::%player%} to 0.000001 set {eventcost::%player%} to 10000000 send "&2&lEnchant &f» &7+1 Event" remove 1000000 from {Tokens::%player%} stop else: send "&2&lEnchant &f» &7You not have enough tokens!" if {Event::%player%} < 1000: if {Tokens::%player%} >= {eventcost::%player%}: add 1 to {Event::%player%} remove {eventcost::%player%} from {Tokens::%player%} send "&2&lEnchant &f» &7+1 Event" stop else: send "&2&lEnchant &f» &7You not have enough tokens!" else: send "&2&lEnchant &f» &7Max Level" command /eventadd10: trigger: loop 10 times: make player execute command "eventadd" ----------- #JackHammer #-------------- every second: loop all players: make loop-player execute command "/refresh" command /refresh: trigger: if player's tool is pickaxe: set lore of player's tool to "||&7Right click on your &2pickaxe &7for &2enchant&7 GUI||||&2Fortune &f» &7%{Fortune::%player%}%||&2Greed &f» &7%{Greed::%player%}%||&2JackHammer &f» &7%{JackHammer::%player%}%||&2Lucky &f» &7%{Lucky::%player%}%||&2TokenGreed &f» &7%{TokenGreed::%player%}%||&2GemFinder &f» &7%{GemFinder::%player%}%||&2KeyGreed &f» &7%{KeyGreed::%player%}%||&2Combo &f» &7%{Combo::%player%}%||&2JackPot &f» &7%{JackPot::%player%}%||&2Charity &f» &7%{Charity::%player%}%||&2Global &f» &7%{Global::%player%}%||&2AutoSell &f» &7%{AutoSellEnchant::%player%}%||&2Event &f» &7%{Event::%player%}%" every 10 tick: loop all players: if {Jackhammer::%loop-player%} is not set: set {Jackhammer::%loop-player%} to 0 if {Explosive::%loop-player%} is not set: set {Explosive::%loop-player%} to 0 if {Experienced::%loop-player%} is not set: set {Experienced::%loop-player%} to 0 if {Lucky::%loop-player%} is not set: set {Lucky::%loop-player%} to 0 if {TokenGreed::%loop-player%} is not set: set {TokenGreed::%loop-player%} to 0 if {GemFinder::%loop-player%} is not set: set {GemFinder::%loop-player%} to 0 if {KeyGreed::%loop-player%} is not set: set {KeyGreed::%loop-player%} to 0 if {Event::%loop-player%} is not set: set {Event::%loop-player%} to 0 if {Combo::%loop-player%} is not set: set {Combo::%loop-player%} to 0 if {Charity::%loop-player%} is not set: set {Charity::%loop-player%} to 0 if {JhSend::%loop-player%} is not set: set {JhSend::%loop-player%} to 0 if {Global::%loop-player%} is not set: set {Global::%loop-player%} to 0 if {AutoSell::%loop-player%} is not set: set {AutoSell::%loop-player%} to 0 if {Fortune::%loop-player%} is not set: set {Fortune::%loop-player%} to 0 if {Greed::%loop-player%} is not set: set {Greed::%loop-player%} to 0 if {TokenGreedInteger1::%loop-player%} is not set: set {TokenGreedInteger1::%loop-player%} to 100 if {TokenGreedInteger2::%loop-player%} is not set: set {TokenGreedInteger2::%loop-player%} to 1000 if {KeyGreedSend::%loop-player%} is not set: set {KeyGreedSend::%loop-player%} to 1 if {Blocks::%loop-player%} is not set: set {Blocks::%loop-player%} to 1 if {LuckyMessage::%loop-player%} is not set: set {LuckyMessage::%loop-player} to 0 if {CharityCondition::%loop-player%} is not set: set {CharityCondition::%loop-player} to 0 if {Prestiges::%loop-player%} is not set: set {Prestiges::%loop-player%} to 0 if {PrestigeCost::%loop-player%} is not set: set {PrestigeCost::%loop-player%} to 500000 if {PrestigeView1::%loop-player%} is not set: set {PrestigeView1::%loop-player%} to 1000000 if {PrestigeView2::%loop-player%} is not set: set {PrestigeView2::%loop-player%} to 1500000 if {PrestigeView3::%loop-player%} is not set: set {PrestigeView3::%loop-player%} to 3000000 if {PrestigeView4::%loop-player%} is not set: set {PrestigeView4::%loop-player%} to 6500000 if {PrestigeView5::%loop-player%} is not set: set {PrestigeView5::%loop-player%} to 13500000 if {PrestigeView6::%loop-player%} is not set: set {PrestigeView6::%loop-player%} to 27500000 if {PrestigeView7::%loop-player%} is not set: set {PrestigeView7::%loop-player%} to 55500000 if {PrestigeView8::%loop-player%} is not set: set {PrestigeView8::%loop-player%} to 111500000 if {PrestigeView9::%loop-player%} is not set: set {PrestigeView9::%loop-player%} to 223500000 if {PrestigeView10::%loop-player%} is not set: set {PrestigeView10::%loop-player%} to 447500000 if {Blocks::%loop-player%} is not set: set {Blocks::%loop-player%} to 0 if {Tokens::%loop-player%} is not set: set {Tokens::%loop-player%} to 0 if {Ranks::%loop-player%} is not set: set {Ranks::%loop-player%} to 0 if {TokenSee::%loop-player%} is not set: set {TokenSee::%loop-player%} to 0 if {KeysSee::%loop-player%} is not set: set {TokenSee::%loop-player%} to 0 command /jackhammeradd: trigger: if {Jackhammer::%player%} = 0: if {Tokens::%player%} >= 100000: set {Jackhammer::%player%} to 19 set {JackhammerCost::%player%} to 100000 remove 100000 from {Tokens::%player%} set {Jackhammerchance::%player%} to 0.00001 send "&2&lEnchant &f» &7+1 JackHammer" stop else: send "&2&lEnchant &f» &7You not have enought tokens!" if {Jackhammer::%player%} < 10000: if {Tokens::%player%} >= {JackHammerCost::%player%}: add 1 to {Jackhammer::%player%} send "&2&lEnchant &f» &7+1 JackHammer" remove {JackHammerCost::%player%} from {Tokens::%player%} stop else: send "&2&lEnchant &f» &7You not have enought tokens!" else: send "&2&lEnchant &f» &7MAX LEVEL" command /jackhammeradd10: trigger: loop 10 times: make player execute command "/jackhammeradd" on break: if {AutoSell::%player%} = 1: chance of {JackHammerchance::%player%} * {JackHammer::%player%}: set {yjh.%player%} to y-coordinate of block loop blocks in radius 40 around the block: if loop-block is air: if y-coordinate of loop-block is {yjh.%player%}: cancel event if loop-block is not bedrock: if y-coordinate of loop-block is {yjh.%player%}: set {JhSendPast::%player%} to {Fortune::%player%} * {greedmultis::%player%} * {teboost::%player%} * {Multis::%player%} / 10 add {JhSendPast::%player%} to {_jhsend} set loop-block to air else: cancel event wait 1 tick if {JhMessage::%player%} = 0: set {_jhsend} to format({Jhsend::%player%}) send "&c&lJackhammer &f» &7You received &c%{JhSend::%player%}% &7with your jackhammer!" add {_jhsend} to {Tokens::%player%} stop else: add {_jhsend} to {Tokens::%player%} else: chance of {JackHammerchance::%player%} * {JackHammer::%player%}: set {yjh.%player%} to y-coordinate of block loop blocks in radius 40 around the block: if loop-block is air: if y-coordinate of loop-block is {yjh.%player%}: set loop-block to air stop if loop-block is not bedrock: if y-coordinate of loop-block is {yjh.%player%}: set loop-block to air set {JhSendPast::%player%} to {Fortune::%player%} add {JhSendPast::%player%} to {bpcapicity::%player%} if {bpcapicity::%player%} >= {maxbpcapicity::%player%}: set {bpcapicity::%player%} to {maxbpcapicity::%player%} stop if loop-block is quartz block: cancel event else: cancel event command /jhmessage: trigger: if {jhmessage::%player%} is not set: set {jhmessage::%player%} to 1 send "&c&lJackHammer &f» &7You &cdisable your Jackhammer's message!" stop if {jhmessage::%player%} = 1: set {JhMessage::%player%} to 0 send "&c&lJackHammer &f» &7You &cenable your Jackhammer's message!" stop if {jhmessage::%player%} = 0: set {JhMessage::%player%} to 1 send "&c&lJackHammer &f» &7You disable your Jackhammer's message!" stop #-------- #RankUp #-------- plugins/Skript/scripts/RankUP.sk command /rankup: trigger: if {Ranks::%player%} = 1: if {Tokens::%player%} >= 50000: set {Ranks::%player%} to 2 set {RanksCost::%player%} to 100000 remove 50000 from {Tokens::%player%} send "&6Ranks &f» &7You have Rankup to %{Ranks::%player%}%" stop else: send "&6Ranks &f» &7You don't have enough tokens!" stop if {Ranks::%player%} < 100: if {Tokens::%player%} >= {RanksCost::%player%}: add 1 to {Ranks::%player%} add 100000 to {RanksCost::%player%} remove {RanksCost::%player%} from {Tokens::%player%} send "&6Ranks &f» &7You have Rankup to %{Ranks::%player%}%" stop else: send "&6Ranks &f» &7You don't have enough tokens!" stop else: send "&6Ranks &f» &7You cannot rankup because you must /prestige!" command /prestigeadd: trigger: if {Ranks::%player%} = 100: if {Prestige::%player%} = 0: if {Tokens::%player%} >= 50000: set {Prestige::%player%} to 2 set {PrestigeCost::%player%} to 500000 give 1 tripwire hook named "&3Prestige &bKeys" to player remove 50000 from {Tokens::%player%} send "&ePrestige &f» &7Succes you prestige to &e%{Prestige::%player%}%!" stop else: send "&ePrestige &f» &7You don't have enough tokens!" stop else: if {Tokens::%player%} >= {PrestigeCost::%player%}: add 1 to {Prestige::%player%} add 1000000 to {PrestigeView1::%player%} add 1500000 to {PrestigeView2::%player%} add 3000000 to {PrestigeView3::%player%} give 1 tripwire hook named "&3Prestige &bKeys" to player add 6500000 to {PrestigeView4::%player%} add 13500000 to {PrestigeView5::%player%} add 27500000 to {PrestigeView6::%player%} add 55500000 to {PrestigeView7::%player%} add 111500000 to {PrestigeView8::%player%} add 223500000 to {PrestigeView9::%player%} add 447500000 to {PrestigeView10::%player%} add 500000 to {PrestigeCost::%player%} remove {PrestigeCost::%player%} from {Tokens::%player%} send "&ePrestige &f» &7Succes you prestige to &e%{Prestige::%player%}%!" stop else: send "&ePrestige &f» &7You don't have enough tokens!" stop else: send "&eYou cannot prestige because you must Ranks 100 !" command /maxrankup: trigger: loop 100 times: if {Ranks::%player%} = 1: if {Tokens::%player%} >= 50000: set {Ranks::%player%} to 2 set {RanksCost::%player%} to 100000 remove 50000 from {Tokens::%player%} else: stop if {Ranks::%player%} < 100: if {Tokens::%player%} >= {RanksCost::%player%}: add 1 to {Ranks::%player%} add 100000 to {RanksCost::%player%} remove {RanksCost::%player%} from {Tokens::%player%} else: send "&6Ranks &f» &7You don't have enough tokens!" stop if {Ranks::%player%} = 100: send "&6Ranks &f» &7You cannot &eRankup &7because you must &e/prestige!" command /prestige: trigger: open chest with 6 rows named "&9&lKEYS" to player format slot 0 of player with black stained glass pane named "" to be unstealable format slot 1 of player with black stained glass pane named "" to be unstealable format slot 2 of player with black stained glass pane named "" to be unstealable format slot 3 of player with black stained glass pane named "" to be unstealable format slot 4 of player with black stained glass pane named "" to be unstealable format slot 5 of player with black stained glass pane named "" to be unstealable format slot 6 of player with black stained glass pane named "" to be unstealable format slot 7 of player with black stained glass pane named "" to be unstealable format slot 8 of player with black stained glass pane named "" to be unstealable format slot 9 of player with black stained glass pane named "" to be unstealable format slot 11 of player with black stained glass pane named "" to be unstealable format slot 10 of player with black stained glass pane named "" to be unstealable format slot 13 of player with diamond named "&a&lPrestige" with lore "&aCost &f» &7%{PrestigeCost::%player%}% " and "&7on &aPrestige &7you obtein :" and "&7x0.01 &amultiplier&7," and "&7and &a1&7 keys &aPrestige." and "" and "&7click for &aPrestige&7 !" to run [make player execute command "/prestigeadd"] format slot 12 of player with black stained glass pane named "" to be unstealable format slot 15 of player with black stained glass pane named "" to be unstealable format slot 14 of player with black stained glass pane named "" to be unstealable format slot 16 of player with black stained glass pane named "" to be unstealable format slot 17 of player with black stained glass pane named "" to be unstealable format slot 18 of player with black stained glass pane named "" to be unstealable format slot 19 of player with black stained glass pane named "" to be unstealable format slot 20 of player with black stained glass pane named "" to be unstealable format slot 21 of player with black stained glass pane named "" to be unstealable format slot 22 of player with black stained glass pane named "" to be unstealable format slot 23 of player with black stained glass pane named "" to be unstealable format slot 24 of player with black stained glass pane named "" to be unstealable format slot 25 of player with black stained glass pane named "" to be unstealable format slot 26 of player with black stained glass pane named "" to be unstealable format slot 27 of player with black stained glass pane named "" to be unstealable format slot 28 of player with black stained glass pane named "" to be unstealable if {Tokens::%player%} >= {PrestigeView1::%player%} * {Prestige::%player%}: format slot 29 of player with green stained hardened clay named "&aYou can Prestige!" with lore "&7Cost &f»&7 %{PrestigeView1::%player%}%" to be unstealable else: format slot 29 of player with red stained hardened clay named "&cYou cannot Prestige!" with lore "&7Cost &f»&7 %{PrestigeView1::%player%}%" to be unstealable if {Tokens::%player%} >= {PrestigeView2::%player%}: format slot 30 of player with green stained hardened clay named "&aYou can Prestige!" with lore "&7Cost &f»&7 %{PrestigeView2::%player%}%" to be unstealable else: format slot 30 of player with red stained hardened clay named "&cYou cannot Prestige!" with lore "&7Cost &f»&7 %{PrestigeView2::%player%}%" to be unstealable if {Tokens::%player%} >= {PrestigeView3::%player%}: format slot 31 of player with green stained hardened clay named "&aYou can Prestige!" with lore "&7Cost &f»&7 %{PrestigeView3::%player%}%" to be unstealable else: format slot 31 of player with red stained hardened clay named "&cYou cannot Prestige!" with lore "&7Cost &f»&7 %{PrestigeView3::%player%}%" to be unstealable if {Tokens::%player%} >= {PrestigeView4::%player%}: format slot 32 of player with green stained hardened clay named "&aYou can Prestige!" with lore "&7Cost &f»&7 %{PrestigeView4::%player%}%" to be unstealable else: format slot 32 of player with red stained hardened clay named "&cYou cannot Prestige!" with lore "&7Cost &f»&7 %{PrestigeView4::%player%}%" to be unstealable if {Tokens::%player%} >= {PrestigeView5::%player%}: format slot 33 of player with green stained hardened clay named "&aYou can Prestige!" with lore "&7Cost &f»&7 %{PrestigeView5::%player%}%" to be unstealable else: format slot 33 of player with red stained hardened clay named "&cYou cannot Prestige!" with lore "&7Cost &f»&7 %{PrestigeView5::%player%}%" to be unstealable format slot 34 of player with black stained glass pane named "" to be unstealable format slot 35 of player with black stained glass pane named "" to be unstealable format slot 36 of player with black stained glass pane named "" to be unstealable format slot 37 of player with black stained glass pane named "" to be unstealable if {Tokens::%player%} >= {PrestigeView6::%player%}: format slot 38 of player with green stained hardened clay named "&aYou can Prestige!" with lore "&7Cost &f»&7 %{PrestigeView6::%player%}%" to be unstealable else: format slot 38 of player with red stained hardened clay named "&cYou cannot Prestige!" with lore "&7Cost &f»&7 %{PrestigeView6::%player%}%" to be unstealable if {Tokens::%player%} >= {PrestigeView7::%player%}: format slot 39 of player with green stained hardened clay named "&aYou can Prestige!" with lore "&7Cost &f»&7 %{PrestigeView7::%player%}%" to be unstealable else: format slot 39 of player with red stained hardened clay named "&cYou cannot Prestige!" with lore "&7Cost &f»&7 %{PrestigeView7::%player%}%" to be unstealable if {Tokens::%player%} >= {PrestigeView8::%player%}: format slot 40 of player with green stained hardened clay named "&aYou can Prestige!" with lore "&7Cost &f»&7 %{PrestigeView8::%player%}%" to be unstealable else: format slot 40 of player with red stained hardened clay named "&cYou cannot Prestige!" with lore "&7Cost &f»&7 %{PrestigeView8::%player%}%" to be unstealable if {Tokens::%player%} >= {PrestigeView9::%player%}: format slot 41 of player with green stained hardened clay named "&aYou can Prestige!" with lore "&7Cost &f»&7 %{PrestigeView9::%player%}%" to be unstealable else: format slot 41 of player with red stained hardened clay named "&cYou cannot Prestige!" with lore "&7Cost &f»&7 %{PrestigeView9::%player%}%" to be unstealable if {Tokens::%player%} >= {PrestigeView10::%player%}: format slot 42 of player with green stained hardened clay named "&aYou can Prestige!" with lore "&7Cost &f»&7 %{PrestigeView10::%player%}%" to be unstealable else: format slot 42 of player with red stained hardened clay named "&cYou cannot Prestige!" with lore "&7Cost &f»&7 %{PrestigeView10::%player%}%" to be unstealable format slot 43 of player with black stained glass pane named "" to be unstealable format slot 44 of player with black stained glass pane named "" to be unstealable format slot 45 of player with black stained glass pane named "" to be unstealable format slot 46 of player with black stained glass pane named "" to be unstealable format slot 47 of player with black stained glass pane named "" to be unstealable format slot 48 of player with black stained glass pane named "" to be unstealable format slot 49 of player with black stained glass pane named "" to be unstealable format slot 50 of player with black stained glass pane named "" to be unstealable format slot 51 of player with black stained glass pane named "" to be unstealable format slot 52 of player with black stained glass pane named "" to be unstealable format slot 53 of player with black stained glass pane named "" to be unstealable