OK lets break this down I will go with what i started with and that is what i had prior information on from past research and that was antifa and the one who is behind antifa is William Charles Ayers born December 26, 1944) is an American elementary education theorist. During the 1960s, Ayers was a leader of the Weather Underground that opposed US involvement in the Vietnam War. Teaching Toward Freedom, Fugitive Days, Public Enemy, and To Violent domestic terrorist Bill Ayers is officially linked to Antifa through his group “Refuse Fascism”. Ayers is infamous for the Weather Underground, a domestic terror organization he co-founded with other degenerates, and for bombing the Pentagon. “Refuse Fascism“, a fascist organization that wishes to inhibit and deny the speech of conservatives, is partly funded by George Soros. It has organizers like Bill Ayers and is targeting youth across the country with the intention of indoctrinating and brainwashing individuals who nascent politically. We know Ayers was associated with Barrack Obama and is a big supporter of various socialists and communists as well as violent terrorists. Today, it has come out that Ayers is partnering with Antifa in the spread of militant violence against pro-America demonstrators. Leftists have historically turned Ayers into a folklore figure who they cherish and respect despite his violent past.etailed Former Nazi Sympathizer George Soros’ involvement in sponsoring all of the protests against the presidency of Donald Trump and the appearances of Milo and Ann Coulter on the campus of UC Berkeley. However, when I was filtering all of this information which I have related so far through my head, the hairs on the back of my neck started to stand up, as I realized that Ayers and Soros have a “protégé” in common, who has recently announced a return to his first profession: Community Organizing. In 1995 “Bomber” Bill Ayers and his wife Bernadette Dohrn hosted a fund-raiser for Obama prior to Obama’s run for Alice Palmer’s seat in the state Senate and Ayers donated $200 to Obama’s upcoming state Senate campaign. In 1996 at age 34, he ran for the state Senate in dubious campaign that is barely known of, outside of Chicago. Alice Palmer, the incumbent, had decided to run for Congress and supported Obama as her successor. But after Palmer’s congressional campaign ran into trouble, she changed her mind and decided to run for re-election to the Illinois Senate after all. Obama refused to step aside and the melee ensued. One of Scooter’s volunteers challenged whether Palmer’s nominating petitions were even legal. Obama’s campaign pulled the same chicanery concerning the petitions of other candidates. Palmer dropped out, and the other candidates were disqualified. So, Obama won unopposed in the Democratic primary—guaranteeing his victory in the general election. This was truly an example of Chicago-style politics at it’s finest…or dirtiest. Around this same time, at a Bill Clinton White House event, philanthropist Walter Annenberg announced that he was making a $500 million grant to cities across the nation to put towards the reform of public schools. Bill Ayers was the head of the Chicago group that, with$49.2 million in hand, formed the Chicago Annenberg Challenge. The launch party in 1995 was attended by the governor of Illinois and the mayor of Chicago, as well as anybody was influential among the Chicago Political Elite. Guess who the first chairman of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge was? You guessed. Obama held the post until 1999. At that time, he stepped down and remained on the board. Bill Ayers worked closely with the Challenge as a leader of the newly formed Chicago School Reform Collaborative. They also both served on the board of the charitable Woods Fund of Chicago from 1999 to 2002. Just a “guy from the neighborhood”. Huh, Scooter? As far as George Soros is concerned, the “Puppet Master” has been pulling the strings of Barack Hussein Obama both before and throughout his Presidency, For example, I reported the following information on June 15, 2010… “Reuters is reporting that Brazil is going to benefit from the BP oil spill catastrophe as the US moratorium on offshore drilling makes more rigs available for other countries. IN the middle of the devastating effects on offshore drilling caused by the Gulf Coast Oil Disaster, Brazil is proceeding with a $220 billion five-year plan to tap oil fields even deeper than BP’s (BP.L) ill-fated Gulf well. Thirty five rigs are now sitting idle in the Gulf of Mexico. Brazil is already corresponding with companies wanting to move their rigs there. Brazil’s state-owned oil company, Petrobras, already supplies about a fourth of the world’s deep water oil. Analysts say oil companies operating in the Gulf of Mexico—most notably BP and Chevron (CVX.N)—may have to decide between paying standby fees while the rigs are idle, moving them to other projects, or canceling the contracts. The U.S. moratorium may last longer than six months because of U.S. sentiment against offshore drilling and plans for an overhaul of safety standards. Our horrendous disaster could make Brazil a major oil exporter. Wow! What an amazing happenstance of good luck for The Puppetmaster, unrepentant Nazi collaborator, George Soros! Soros just happens to be invested in offshore oil drilling in Brazil, assisted by the American taxpayers. Newsmax: The Wall Street Journal reports: ‘The United States, through the U.S. Export-Import Bank, has issued a ‘preliminary commitment’ of $2 billion and more if needed’ to Petroleo Brasileiro SA, a Brazilian government-owned oil exploration and development corporation known as ‘Petrobras.’ Soros Fund Management, LLC has a stake in Petrobras worth approximately $900 million as of December 31, 2009. George Soros’ principal investments are in oil; one in particular is Petrobras, the Brazilian-owned company. This happens to be the largest investment in the Soros portfolio at the present time. Now that word is out that the facilities of the U.S. Export-Import Bank SA is offering guarantees for loans to Brazil’s state-owned oil company Petrobras, U.S. citizens are beginning to complain. Soros also holds quite a lot of real estate in Brazil. Soros’ Adecoagro, which invests in renewable energy, owns or leases about 840,000 acres of farmland in Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay growing coffee, soybeans and other commodities. Royal Dutch Shell Plc and Bunge Ltd. Are also expanding into ethanol in Brazil. Meanwhile, if you want to see what Scooter is going to do next in response to the Deepwater Horizon disaster, read what the Center for American Progress, a Soros-funded entity, is urging him to do. The Liberal think tank with close White House ties appears to have more influence on the response to the disaster than the president’s in-house advisers.” “So, what?” You ask. Well…do you remember when all of the Democratic minions in the MSM and up on Capitol Hill were attacking Trump’s nominee for Attorney General, Jeff Sessions? During one of his Opening Monologues on his Nationally-Syndicated Radio Talk Show, Rush Limbaugh stated at the time that, This story is not about Jeff Sessions. This story is not about illegal talks between Trump and his campaign people and the Russians. This story is about Barack Obama and the Democrat Party attempting to sabotage the Trump presidency and do everything they can to either render it meaningless and ineffective or to get him impeached or force him to resign. That’s what the story is. And that is what has to be attacked, not defended. …The story is Valerie Jarrett moving in to the Obama family home. What the hell’s up with that? There’s a story here is about how Obama and his people are running the resistance operation from that home, and that’s why she’s moved in. The story here is the Democrat Party being blown out of the water in election after election after election. The story here is Barack Obama’s agenda has been totally reputed by the American people. It has been rejected in 2010. It was rejected in 2012. It was rejected in 2016. It was sent packing. The story here is that Barack Obama is humiliated and angry and embarrassed that his effort to transform the United States of America into some kind of socialist paradise has been interrupted, that he was the architect of the Democrat Party defeat. And that cannot stand for the history books! And so this story is all about the Democrat Party trying to rewrite history and make it look like they actually won were it not for the cheating of the Russians and Trump. They’re trying to convince the Europeans of this. They’re doing everything they can to delegitimize Trump, his administration, his victory. That is the story that people need to focus on because there’s evidence for that. There is evidence at every town hall protest. There is evidence all over this country every day that this sabotage is going on. Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals”, a favorite of the 60s counter culture, was also on the reading list of the 44th President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama, and his First Secretary of State and Failed 2016 Democratic Party Presidential Candidate, Hillary Rodham Clinton. Let’s look at rule #8 – rule #13: 8. Keep the pressure on with different tactics and actions, and utilize all events of the period for your purpose. 9. The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself. 10. The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition. 11. If you push a negative hard and deep enough, it will break through into its counterside. 12. The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative. 13. Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. It’s very apparent from what is happening during Trump’s Presidency that somebody’s read Alinsky’s book. In American Politics, as far as anybody can remember, that is still alive and kicking, you have had those of a political ideology who were Pro-American and Gung Ho about all the things that this country stands for. And, on the other side, you had those of a political ideology who criticized everything that America stood for, and still stands for, to this day. From those who believed that Communism would be great for America back in the 1950s, to those in the 1960’s, who wanted to “tune in, turn on, and drop out”, and spit on our returning Servicemen, to those of the 1970s who were naive pacifists like their President, Jimmy Carter, to those in the 1980s, who were part of the “Me Generation”, to those whom we call “Progressives” (a misnomer) or “Modern Liberals” in our present generation, Including Former President Barack Hussein Obama and all of his minions, there has always been a minority segment of American Society, who despise everything that this land, which was given us by the Almighty and was fought for and died for by those before us, stands for, while they reap all the benefits of America the Beautiful. As I have written, during Obama’s two terms as President, America suffered under a “Tyranny of the Minority”. Obama owes everything that he is to the benevolence and largess of America and her people. In his tenure as President, he proved that he was president of some of the people, not all of the people. And, those of us, whom his failed political ideology did not appeal to, had enough of his failed leadership and decided not to go “quietly into that good night” by voting for Donald J. Trump, instead of Obama’s chosen successor, Hillary Rodham Clinton. So now, it is apparent that Ex-President Obama and his Mentors and Benefactors George Soros and “Bomber” Bill Ayers are a part of a movement whose purpose is to make average Americans submit to their political ideology of “forced Socialism through Fascism” by sabotaging the Presidency of Donald J. Trump and eliminate the Constitutional Right to Free Speech for Conservative Americans “by any means necessary”. President Trump is going to have to deal with this situation head on. Or, as the late Fred Thompson, in his great role as Admiral Josh Painter, in “The Hunt for Red October” said, This business will get out of control. It will get out of control and we’ll be lucky to live through it. I have a couple of suggestions as to how to deal with this situation: As I have written before, George Soros needs to be deported…NOW! “Bomber” Bill Ayers needs to undergo a thorough investigation on his present activities by the Feds. All Federal Funding to UC Berkeley needs to stop until they purge their student body of the thugs and outsiders responsible for the violent Liberal Fascism on display there. And, as far as the “clean and articulate” Ex-President is concerned… Can an Ex-President be tried for TREASON? Until He Comes, Now we have an acme brick company leaving bricks and other things that so called protesters can have easy access to with a few other tolls for riots in blue states where the police seem to be helping with this set up But who is this acme brick company and who owns it well lets have a look Search Results Web results Berkshire Hathaway and who is the CEO of that company What Is Berkshire Hathaway? Berkshire Hathaway is a holding company for a multitude of businesses, including GEICO and Fruit of the Loom. It's run by chairman and CEO Warren Buffett. Berkshire Hathaway is headquartered in Omaha, Neb., and was originally a company comprised of a group of textile milling plants So who else is involved in Berkshire Hathaway lets have a look Oh look at that it's bill Gates the guy who works on vaccines and a number of other things strange he is involved seeing we just had a virus going around...what happened with that anyway. So if you take 2 of the richest men in the united states you can fuck shit up