import config, discord, time client = discord.Client() message_cache = {} previous_delays = {} last_updated = 0 def get_delay(message_count): # get message limits in descending order, compare with message count message_limits = sorted(config.time_configs.keys(), reverse=True) for limit in message_limits: if message_count >= limit: # return delay determined in config return config.time_configs[limit] # if nothing already returned, return a slowmode delay of 0 return 0 async def update_slowmode(): global last_updated, message_cache, previous_delays new_channel_delays = {} # iterate through cache and fetch new delay times for channel_id in message_cache.keys(): delay = get_delay(message_cache[channel_id]) # if delay is the same as previous delay, skip iteration if channel_id in previous_delays.keys(): if previous_delays[channel_id] == delay: new_channel_delays[channel_id] = delay continue # edit channel slowmode and update new_channel_delays channel = client.get_channel(channel_id) await channel.edit(slowmode_delay=delay) new_channel_delays[channel_id] = delay # reset message cache and update last_updated & previous_delays message_cache = {} last_updated = time.time() previous_delays = new_channel_delays @client.event async def on_message(message): global last_updated, message_cache channel_id = # update slowmode if it has been x seconds since last update if time.time() >= last_updated + config.check_frequency: await update_slowmode() # ignore message if channel blacklisted or not whitelisted if config.channel_whitelisting_enabled: if channel_id not in config.whitelisted_channels: return else: if channel_id in config.blacklisted_channels: return # add channel id to cache if not already added if not in message_cache.keys(): message_cache[channel_id] = 1 return # increase message count by 1 for channel if cache exists message_cache[channel_id] += 1 if not config.i_have_read_config: # user has not read config file, don't start code print("You must modify before running!") input("Press enter to continue...") exit()