String [] names = {"Kojo"," Ama", "Randall", "Abraham", "Rockson", "Adwoa", "Akua", "Lydia", "Mohammed", "Madyou", "Tsidi", "Mary", "Simone", "Chelsea", "Billy", "Khalid", "Kendrick", "Jermaine", "Hailey", "Naima"}; int[] ages = new int[20]; float[] heights = new float[20]; void setup() { size(600, 600); // Increased canvas size generateData(); displayData(); } void generateData() { // Populate arrays with random data for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { ages[i] = int(random(1, 101)); // Generate random age between 1 and 100 heights[i] = random(1.0, 2.0); // Generate random height between 1 and 2 meters } } void displayData() { // Display data in a tabular format background(255); textAlign(CENTER, CENTER); textSize(16); // Headers fill(0); text("Names", 100, 50); text("Age (years)", 300, 50); text("Height (meters)", 500, 50); // Draw grid lines and display data stroke(0); for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { float y = 80 + i * 25; line(50, y, 550, y); // Horizontal lines if (i < 19) { line(50, y + 25, 550, y + 25); // Extra horizontal line } text(names[i], 100, y + 12); // Index text(ages[i], 300, y + 12); // Age text(heights[i], 500, y + 12); // Height } // Vertical lines line(50, 50, 50, 575); // Index line(250, 50, 250, 575); // Age line(450, 50, 450, 575); // Height line(550, 50, 550, 575); // End of the table save("Assignment6_part1.png"); }