The lottery is such a common phenomenon all over the world that even the lotto players in Thailand tend to be influenced by it. They play the lottery with an intention of winning millions. This is the reason why there are two types of lotto: American Lotto and the Malay Lotto. Both lotto games have the same set of numbers but the differences between the two lie on the type of ticket, which the player will use. Overall chances of winning a lotto prize in either of the two are 1 in 21. * Generally, the prize money increases every time the player wins. However, the jackpot amount is dependent on how many tickets were sold. On the other hand, American Lotto has a specific jackpot amount on a single ticket. In American lotto, the player can also purchase additional tickets for the following draws: * provincial lotto: The prize pool offered in this game is quite large. It amounts to more than a billion dollars in the states of Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Hawaii, Kansas, Massachusetts, Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, and Washington. It is believed that this may be the largest prize pool in the history of lotto. In provincial lotto, the winner gets not just one million dollars but two million or more. However, this prize cannot be won in the interprovince lotto. * Canadian lotto: Like the American version, the prize money in Canadian lotto is based on the sales made during the previous year. As in American lotto, the winners can receive not just one million dollars but two million or more. Unlike in American lotto, however, players in Canadian provinces that allow playing the lottery through a gaming corporation do not actually stand a chance of winning such huge prizes. A gaming company is a private institution in Canada that handles all draws for the Canadian lottery. * Lottery balls: In a pure lotto game, balls are randomly selected to be picked up by a machine. When these balls are then crumbled and mixed with lotto tickets, there is a great possibility that a person will come out with a certain number combinations. This process is called picking out the winning numbers by a random number generator. Through this process, an expert can predict and identify what lotto combination the particular person is likely to get. These are the main article of this article. To learn more about these and other ways on how you can identify what lotto combinations are going to come out, check out my main article. It details other tips that I have formulated after playing and experiencing winning lotto for myself. Lotto systems: Lotto systems are designed to help gamblers predict the winning numbers in any lotto draw. These have been proven to work and can be bought over the counter or online. Some of the lotto systems that have proven successful to me include Fibonacci numbers and the lottery code. Another lotto system that has been working successfully for me is the lotto position calculator. This system calculates the best possible position that any given number can take in any given lotto draw. There are a lot of ways to identify what lotto combination will come out, but one thing that I have found time and again is that the best way is through trial and error. You need to start by choosing some numbers and see which ones come out. You then go back to these same numbers and try them out on different kinds of bets. By doing this, you will know for yourself which ones will surely give you the biggest wins.