$ kscreen-doctor -o Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. Output: 1 DP-1 enabled connected priority 1 DisplayPort Modes: 0:1920x1080@144*! 1:1920x1080@120 2:1920x1080@120 3:1920x1080@100 4:1920x1080@96 5:1920x1080@72 6:1920x1080@60 7:1920x1080@60 8:1920x1080@60 9:1920x1080@60 10:1920x1080@50 11:1920x1080@50 12:1920x1080@48 13:1680x1050@60 14:1280x1024@75 15:1280x1024@60 16:1440x900@60 17:1280x960@60 18:1280x800@144 19:1152x864@75 20:1280x720@60 21:1280x720@60 22:1280x720@60 23:1280x720@50 24:1440x576@50 25:1440x576@50 26:1024x768@75 27:1024x768@70 28:1024x768@60 29:1440x480@60 30:1440x480@60 31:1440x480@60 32:1440x480@60 33:800x600@75 34:800x600@72 35:800x600@60 36:800x600@56 37:720x576@50 38:720x576@50 39:720x480@60 40:720x480@60 41:720x480@60 42:720x480@60 43:640x480@75 44:640x480@73 45:640x480@67 46:640x480@60 47:640x480@60 48:640x480@60 49:720x400@70 50:1280x1024@60 51:1024x768@60 52:1280x800@60 53:1920x1080@60 54:1600x900@60 55:1368x768@60 56:1280x720@60 Geometry: 0,0 1920x1080 Scale: 1 Rotation: 1 Overscan: 0 Vrr: Automatic RgbRange: unknown HDR: incapable Wide Color Gamut: incapable ICC profile: none Output: 2 DP-3 disabled connected priority 0 DisplayPort Modes: 0:640x480@60*! Geometry: 0,0 640x480 Scale: 1 Rotation: 1 Overscan: 0 Vrr: incapable RgbRange: unknown HDR: incapable Wide Color Gamut: incapable ICC profile: none