const delay = 0.1 // delay to wait between shooting HMMs on the Ghost. MonsterName = 'Hydra' MinHP = 0 // if YOU have under this HP you will not shoot HMM. MonsterHP = 50 // if MONSTER has this % of HP or less it will not shoot on it. RuneID = 3155 // enter the ID of the rune you want to shoot function GetCreatureByName(Name: string): TCreature; var x: integer; begin Result := nil; for x := 0 to Creatures.Count - 1 do begin if x >= Creatures.Count then Break; if Creatures.Creature[x].Name = Name then begin Result := Creatures.Creature[x]; Exit; end; end; end; procedure Attack(Name:string); var Player:TCreature; x:integer; begin updateworld; Monster :=GetCreatureByName(Name); if monster <> nil then if Self.Health>MinHp then begin Self.Containers.UseItemWithCreature(RuneID, Monster); updateworld; end end; while not terminated do begin Yes := false; UpdateWorld; for i := 0 to creatures.Count - 1 do begin if creatures.Creature[i].Z = Self.Z then If Creatures.Creature[i].Name = MonsterName then begin Yes := true; repeat Attack(MonsterName); Sleep(Delay * 1000); UpdateWorld; for g := 0 to creatures.Count -1 do begin if creatures.Creature[i].Z = Self.Z then If Creatures.Creature[i].Name = MonsterName then Yes := True else Yes := false; else yes := false; end; until Yes = false; end; sleep(100); end; Sleep(100); end;