#Yugioh probability estimator that takes Prosperity, Desires, Upstart, Extravagance, Duality into account #Can copy all this into or another online compiler if you don't want to learn how to download python. #In input_cards_here: Enter card name *space* quantity, then hit enter. Leave no spaces in card names #After the quantity, you can write other names the card can by. For instance, things it directly/indirectly searches... #or something like Monster or TriBrigadeMonster etc if you have some combos that can use any card of that type. #Certain draw/excavation cards have their effects built in. Write Desires, Prosperity, Extravagance, Upstart, Duality as the names for those cards #For input_possibilities_heare, list the acceptable combinations of cards in hand. Follow the syntax in the example #For example 2 + A AND 1 - B AND 0 = C means "2 or more of A, 1 or fewer of B, exactly 0 of C #Instead of 1 + A, you can just write A. So the first line means "1 or more Fluffal and 1 or more Edge and 1 or more poly" #Each line represents a different acceptable combination of cards in hand #Final line is the number of trials #outputs the estimated probability you get one of these desired combinations deck_size = 43 hand_size = 5 input_cards_here=""" Lo 3 Diviner 3 Saffira 3 Skull 2 Saur 2 BranFu 3 Barrier 3 Preprep 3 Trias 1 """ input_possibilities_here=""" Lo Diviner Saffira AND Skull Skull AND Barrier Preprep AND Skull Preprep AND Saffira Barrier AND Preprep Barrier AND Saffira Saffira AND Saur Preprep AND Saur Preprep AND Trias Saffira AND Trias Barrier AND Trias Lo AND Trias Preprep AND Diviner BranFu AND Preprep BranFu AND Saffira BranFu AND Skull BranFu AND Barrier """ num_trials=10000 #Below is the actual code; can ignore from itertools import product import random import sys def empty_deck(n): deck=[] for i in range(0, n): deck.append("blank") return deck def add_card(deck, name, quantity): for i in range(0, quantity): del deck[0] deck.append(name) return deck def get_hand(deck, k, num_extras): for i in range(0,k+num_extras): rand=random.randint(i,len(deck)-1) temp=deck[rand] deck[rand]=deck[i] deck[i]=temp hand=[] extras=[] for i in range(0,k): hand.append(deck[i]) for i in range(k,k+num_extras): extras.append(deck[i]) return([hand,extras]) def hand_comb(hand): cats=[] for c in hand: if c!="blank": cats.append(card_hash[c]) return product(*cats) def is_valid(hand, condition): for cond in condition: card=cond[0] sign=cond[2] num=0 for c in hand: if c==card: num+=1 if numcond[1] and sign!="+": return False return True def is_one_valid(hand,possibilities): combs = hand_comb(hand) for comb in combs: for p in possibilities: if is_valid(comb,p): return True return False def is_one_valid_draw(hand,extras,possibilities,can_extrav,can_desires,can_upstart,can_prosperity,can_duality): if is_one_valid(hand,possibilities): return True if can_desires and "Desires" in hand: temp_hand=hand.copy() temp_extras=extras.copy() temp_hand.append(temp_extras.pop()) temp_hand.append(temp_extras.pop()) if is_one_valid_draw(temp_hand,temp_extras,possibilities,False,False,can_upstart,False,can_duality): return True if can_extrav and "Extravagance" in hand: temp_hand=hand.copy() temp_extras=extras.copy() temp_hand.append(temp_extras.pop()) temp_hand.append(temp_extras.pop()) if is_one_valid_draw(temp_hand,temp_extras,possibilities,False,False,False,False,can_duality): return True if can_prosperity and "Prosperity" in hand: for i in range(0,6): temp_hand=hand.copy() temp_extras=extras.copy() temp_hand.append(temp_extras[i]) del temp_extras[0:6] if is_one_valid_draw(temp_hand,temp_extras,possibilities,False,False,False,False,can_duality): return True if can_upstart and "Upstart" in hand: temp_hand=hand.copy() temp_extras=extras.copy() temp_hand.append(temp_extras.pop()) temp_hand.remove("Upstart") if is_one_valid_draw(temp_hand,temp_extras,possibilities,False,can_desires,can_upstart,False,can_duality): return True if can_duality and "Duality" in hand: for i in range(0,3): temp_hand=hand.copy() temp_extras=extras.copy() temp_hand.append(temp_extras[i]) del temp_extras[0:3] if is_one_valid_draw(temp_hand,temp_extras,possibilities,False,can_desires,can_upstart,can_prosperity,False): return True return False card_hash = dict() deck=empty_deck(deck_size) all_cats=[] deck_count=0 num_extras=0 cardlines=input_cards_here.splitlines() cardlines.pop(0) for cardline in cardlines: s=cardline.split(" ") #catch int error here try: deck=add_card(deck,s[0],int(s[1])) except: print("Error in input_cards_here, check line "+cardline) sys.exit(0) deck_count+=int(s[1]) all_cats.append(s[0]) if s[0]=="Upstart": num_extras+=int(s[1]) card_cats=[] card_cats.append(s[0]) for i in range(2, len(s)): card_cats.append(s[i]) if s[i] not in all_cats: all_cats.append(s[i]) card_hash[s[0]]=card_cats if "Prosperity" in deck or "Extravagance" in deck: num_extras+=6 if "Duality" in deck: num_extras+=3 if "Desires" in deck: num_extras+=2 if deck_count>deck_size: print("Inputted cards: "+str(deck_count)+". Exceeds deck size: "+str(deck_size)) sys.exit(0) possibilities=[] text_possibilities=input_possibilities_here.splitlines() text_possibilities.pop(0) for possibility in text_possibilities: if len(possibility)==0: continue conditions=[] text_conditions=possibility.split("AND") for condition in text_conditions: parts=condition.split() if len(parts)==3: if parts[2] not in all_cats: print("Possibility: " +possibility+ " contains unlisted card or category "+ parts[2]) sys.exit(0) if parts[1] not in ['-','+','='] or not parts[0].isdigit(): print("Check formatting of line: "+possibility) sys.exit(0) conditions.append([parts[2],int(parts[0]),parts[1]]) elif len(parts)==1: if parts[0] not in all_cats: print("Possibility: " +possibility+ " contains unlisted card or category "+ parts[0]) sys.exit(0) conditions.append([parts[0], 1, '+']) else: print("Check formatting of input_possibilities_here, line: "+possibility) possibilities.append(conditions) counter=0 for i in range(0,num_trials): hand=get_hand(deck,hand_size, num_extras) if is_one_valid_draw(hand[0],hand[1],possibilities,True,True,True,True,True): counter+=1 print("probability of success: "+ str(counter/num_trials*100)+"%")