local Keys = { ["ESC"] = 322, ["F1"] = 288, ["F2"] = 289, ["F3"] = 170, ["F5"] = 166, ["F6"] = 167, ["F7"] = 168, ["F8"] = 169, ["F9"] = 56, ["F10"] = 57, ["~"] = 243, ["1"] = 157, ["2"] = 158, ["3"] = 160, ["4"] = 164, ["5"] = 165, ["6"] = 159, ["7"] = 161, ["8"] = 162, ["9"] = 163, ["-"] = 84, ["="] = 83, ["BACKSPACE"] = 177, ["TAB"] = 37, ["Q"] = 44, ["W"] = 32, ["E"] = 38, ["R"] = 45, ["T"] = 245, ["Y"] = 246, ["U"] = 303, ["P"] = 199, ["["] = 39, ["]"] = 40, ["ENTER"] = 18, ["CAPS"] = 137, ["A"] = 34, ["S"] = 8, ["D"] = 9, ["F"] = 23, ["G"] = 47, ["H"] = 74, ["K"] = 311, ["L"] = 182, ["LEFTSHIFT"] = 21, ["Z"] = 20, ["X"] = 73, ["C"] = 26, ["V"] = 0, ["B"] = 29, ["N"] = 249, ["M"] = 244, [","] = 82, ["."] = 81, ["LEFTCTRL"] = 36, ["LEFTALT"] = 19, ["SPACE"] = 22, ["RIGHTCTRL"] = 70, ["HOME"] = 213, ["PAGEUP"] = 10, ["PAGEDOWN"] = 11, ["DELETE"] = 178, ["LEFT"] = 174, ["RIGHT"] = 175, ["TOP"] = 27, ["DOWN"] = 173, ["NENTER"] = 201, ["N4"] = 108, ["N5"] = 60, ["N6"] = 107, ["N+"] = 96, ["N-"] = 97, ["N7"] = 117, ["N8"] = 61, ["N9"] = 118 } local PID = 0 local GUI = {} local cokeQTE = 0 ESX = nil GUI.Time = 0 local coke_poochQTE = 0 local weedQTE = 0 local weed_poochQTE = 0 local methQTE = 0 local meth_poochQTE = 0 local opiumQTE = 0 local opium_poochQTE = 0 local myJob = nil local PlayerData = {} local GUI = {} local HasAlreadyEnteredMarker = false local LastZone = nil local CurrentAction = nil local CurrentActionMsg = '' local CurrentActionData = {} Citizen.CreateThread(function() while ESX == nil do TriggerEvent('esx:getSharedObject', function(obj) ESX = obj end) Citizen.Wait(0) end end) AddEventHandler('esx_drugs:hasEnteredMarker', function(zone) ESX.UI.Menu.CloseAll() --coke if zone == 'CokeFarm' then if myJob ~= "police" then CurrentAction = 'coke_harvest' CurrentActionMsg = _U('press_collect_coke') CurrentActionData = {} end end if zone == 'CokeTreatment' then if myJob ~= "police" then if cokeQTE >= 5 then CurrentAction = 'coke_treatment' CurrentActionMsg = _U('press_process_coke') CurrentActionData = {} end end end if zone == 'CokeResell' then if myJob ~= "police" then if coke_poochQTE >= 1 then CurrentAction = 'coke_resell' CurrentActionMsg = _U('press_sell_coke') CurrentActionData = {} end end end --meth if zone == 'MethFarm' then if myJob ~= "police" then CurrentAction = 'meth_harvest' CurrentActionMsg = _U('press_collect_meth') CurrentActionData = {} end end if zone == 'MethTreatment' then if myJob ~= "police" then if methQTE >= 5 then CurrentAction = 'meth_treatment' CurrentActionMsg = _U('press_process_meth') CurrentActionData = {} end end end if zone == 'MethResell' then if myJob ~= "police" then if meth_poochQTE >= 1 then CurrentAction = 'meth_resell' CurrentActionMsg = _U('press_sell_meth') CurrentActionData = {} end end end --weed if zone == 'WeedFarm' then if myJob ~= "police" then CurrentAction = 'weed_harvest' CurrentActionMsg = _U('press_collect_weed') CurrentActionData = {} end end if zone == 'WeedTreatment' then if myJob ~= "police" then if weedQTE >= 5 then CurrentAction = 'weed_treatment' CurrentActionMsg = _U('press_process_weed') CurrentActionData = {} end end end if zone == 'WeedResell' then if myJob ~= "police" then if weed_poochQTE >= 1 then CurrentAction = 'weed_resell' CurrentActionMsg = _U('press_sell_weed') CurrentActionData = {} end end end --opium if zone == 'OpiumFarm' then if myJob ~= "police" then CurrentAction = 'opium_harvest' CurrentActionMsg = _U('press_collect_opium') CurrentActionData = {} end end if zone == 'OpiumTreatment' then if myJob ~= "police" then if opiumQTE >= 5 then CurrentAction = 'opium_treatment' CurrentActionMsg = _U('press_process_opium') CurrentActionData = {} end end end if zone == 'OpiumResell' then if myJob ~= "police" then if opium_poochQTE >= 1 then CurrentAction = 'opium_resell' CurrentActionMsg = _U('press_sell_opium') CurrentActionData = {} end end end end) AddEventHandler('esx_drugs:hasExitedMarker', function(zone) CurrentAction = nil ESX.UI.Menu.CloseAll() TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:stopHarvestCoke') TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:stopTransformCoke') TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:stopSellCoke') TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:stopHarvestMeth') TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:stopTransformMeth') TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:stopSellMeth') TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:stopHarvestWeed') TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:stopTransformWeed') TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:stopSellWeed') TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:stopHarvestOpium') TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:stopTransformOpium') TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:stopSellOpium') end) -- Create Blips Citizen.CreateThread(function() local blip = AddBlipForCoord(Config.Zones.WeedFarm.x, Config.Zones.WeedFarm.y, Config.Zones.WeedFarm.z) SetBlipSprite (blip, 140) SetBlipDisplay(blip, 4) SetBlipScale (blip, 1.0) SetBlipColour (blip, 49) SetBlipAsShortRange(blip, true) BeginTextCommandSetBlipName("STRING") AddTextComponentString("Ziolo") EndTextCommandSetBlipName(blip) end) -- Create Blips Citizen.CreateThread(function() local blip = AddBlipForCoord(Config.Zones.WeedTreatment.x, Config.Zones.WeedTreatment.y, Config.Zones.WeedTreatment.z) SetBlipSprite (blip, 140) SetBlipDisplay(blip, 4) SetBlipScale (blip, 1.0) SetBlipColour (blip, 49) SetBlipAsShortRange(blip, true) BeginTextCommandSetBlipName("STRING") AddTextComponentString("Przerabianie") EndTextCommandSetBlipName(blip) end) -- Create Blips Citizen.CreateThread(function() local blip = AddBlipForCoord(Config.Zones.WeedResell.x, Config.Zones.WeedResell.y, Config.Zones.WeedResell.z) SetBlipSprite (blip, 140) SetBlipDisplay(blip, 4) SetBlipScale (blip, 0.9) SetBlipColour (blip, 49) SetBlipAsShortRange(blip, true) BeginTextCommandSetBlipName("STRING") AddTextComponentString("Sprzedaz") EndTextCommandSetBlipName(blip) end) -- Weed Effect RegisterNetEvent('esx_drugs:onPot') AddEventHandler('esx_drugs:onPot', function() RequestAnimSet("MOVE_M@DRUNK@SLIGHTLYDRUNK") while not HasAnimSetLoaded("MOVE_M@DRUNK@SLIGHTLYDRUNK") do Citizen.Wait(0) end TaskStartScenarioInPlace(GetPlayerPed(-1), "WORLD_HUMAN_SMOKING_POT", 0, true) Citizen.Wait(5000) DoScreenFadeOut(1000) Citizen.Wait(1000) ClearPedTasksImmediately(GetPlayerPed(-1)) SetTimecycleModifier("spectator5") SetPedMotionBlur(GetPlayerPed(-1), true) SetPedMovementClipset(GetPlayerPed(-1), "MOVE_M@DRUNK@SLIGHTLYDRUNK", true) SetPedIsDrunk(GetPlayerPed(-1), true) DoScreenFadeIn(1000) Citizen.Wait(600000) DoScreenFadeOut(1000) Citizen.Wait(1000) DoScreenFadeIn(1000) ClearTimecycleModifier() ResetScenarioTypesEnabled() ResetPedMovementClipset(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0) SetPedIsDrunk(GetPlayerPed(-1), false) SetPedMotionBlur(GetPlayerPed(-1), false) end) -- Coke Effect RegisterNetEvent('esx_drugs:onCoke') AddEventHandler('esx_drugs:onCoke', function() RequestAnimSet("MOVE_M@DRUNK@SLIGHTLYDRUNK") while not HasAnimSetLoaded("MOVE_M@DRUNK@SLIGHTLYDRUNK") do Citizen.Wait(0) end TaskStartScenarioInPlace(GetPlayerPed(-1), "WORLD_HUMAN_SMOKING_POT", 0, true) Citizen.Wait(5000) DoScreenFadeOut(1000) Citizen.Wait(1000) ClearPedTasksImmediately(GetPlayerPed(-1)) SetTimecycleModifier("spectator5") SetPedMotionBlur(GetPlayerPed(-1), true) SetPedMovementClipset(GetPlayerPed(-1), "MOVE_M@DRUNK@SLIGHTLYDRUNK", true) SetPedIsDrunk(GetPlayerPed(-1), true) DoScreenFadeIn(1000) Citizen.Wait(360000) DoScreenFadeOut(1000) Citizen.Wait(1000) DoScreenFadeIn(1000) ClearTimecycleModifier() ResetScenarioTypesEnabled() ResetPedMovementClipset(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0) SetPedIsDrunk(GetPlayerPed(-1), false) SetPedMotionBlur(GetPlayerPed(-1), false) SetPedArmour(GetPlayerPed(-1), 100) end) -- Render markers Citizen.CreateThread(function() while true do Wait(0) local coords = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(-1)) for k,v in pairs(Config.Zones) do if(GetDistanceBetweenCoords(coords, v.x, v.y, v.z, true) < Config.DrawDistance) then DrawMarker(Config.MarkerType, v.x, v.y, v.z, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, Config.ZoneSize.x, Config.ZoneSize.y, Config.ZoneSize.z, Config.MarkerColor.r, Config.MarkerColor.g, Config.MarkerColor.b, 100, false, true, 2, false, false, false, false) end end end end) -- RETURN NUMBER OF ITEMS FROM SERVER RegisterNetEvent('esx_drugs:ReturnInventory') AddEventHandler('esx_drugs:ReturnInventory', function(cokeNbr, cokepNbr, methNbr, methpNbr, weedNbr, weedpNbr, opiumNbr, opiumpNbr, jobName, currentZone) cokeQTE = cokeNbr coke_poochQTE = cokepNbr methQTE = methNbr meth_poochQTE = methpNbr weedQTE = weedNbr weed_poochQTE = weedpNbr opiumQTE = opiumNbr opium_poochQTE = opiumpNbr myJob = jobName TriggerEvent('esx_drugs:hasEnteredMarker', currentZone) end) -- Activate menu when player is inside marker Citizen.CreateThread(function() while true do Wait(0) local coords = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(-1)) local isInMarker = false local currentZone = nil for k,v in pairs(Config.Zones) do if(GetDistanceBetweenCoords(coords, v.x, v.y, v.z, true) < Config.ZoneSize.x / 2) then isInMarker = true currentZone = k end end if isInMarker and not hasAlreadyEnteredMarker then hasAlreadyEnteredMarker = true lastZone = currentZone TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:GetUserInventory', currentZone) end if not isInMarker and hasAlreadyEnteredMarker then hasAlreadyEnteredMarker = false TriggerEvent('esx_drugs:hasExitedMarker', lastZone) end end end) -- Key Controls Citizen.CreateThread(function() while true do Citizen.Wait(0) if CurrentAction ~= nil then SetTextComponentFormat('STRING') AddTextComponentString(CurrentActionMsg) DisplayHelpTextFromStringLabel(0, 0, 1, -1) if IsControlJustReleased(0, 38) then if CurrentAction == 'coke_harvest' then TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startHarvestCoke') end if CurrentAction == 'coke_treatment' then TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startTransformCoke') end if CurrentAction == 'coke_resell' then TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startSellCoke') end if CurrentAction == 'meth_harvest' then TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startHarvestMeth') end if CurrentAction == 'meth_treatment' then TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startTransformMeth') end if CurrentAction == 'meth_resell' then TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startSellMeth') end if CurrentAction == 'weed_harvest' then TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startHarvestWeed') end if CurrentAction == 'weed_treatment' then TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startTransformWeed') end if CurrentAction == 'weed_resell' then TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startSellWeed') end if CurrentAction == 'opium_harvest' then TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startHarvestOpium') end if CurrentAction == 'opium_treatment' then TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startTransformOpium') end if CurrentAction == 'opium_resell' then TriggerServerEvent('esx_drugs:startSellOpium') end CurrentAction = nil end end end end)