Total Defense Immunity Blend The idea of having to take them from now on and until I die as a way of dealing with pain is not a future that I am willing to fulfill. There are better options to consider. When I first explored the use of cannabis as part of my long-term pain treatment, I honestly thought it only worked by acting more like a mental mask or a distraction from pain. I did not fully understand what cannabis would be beneficial for managing the enormity of my chronic vertebral condition. It turns out that a lot of people I know still believe that cannabis only provides a happy distraction from pain, so, as far as I write the following ... Cannabis is a natural pain reliever. Cannabis not only masks pain or distracts it, it works with the body to relieve physical pain. One of the biggest points of using cannabis (for me) has been pain relief without the unpleasant side effects of synthetic medications and their potential risks associated with their long-term use. When you are looking for something to fight a lifetime chronic pain, which have long-term medications side effects, can be very serious. Having aches and pains caused by inflammation is a miserable experience and over time can have a negative impact on your overall health. Cannabis reduces inflammation, relieving pain and discomfort. Ideally, in addition to managing pain you are also able to find what can trigger inflammation in the body so that it can be approached from all angles. Back spasms produce chronic pain at a whole new level. I used to take muscle relaxants regularly to treat muscle spasms, but now that I have been regularly using cannabis, muscle spasms and super pain in my back muscles rarely occur. Experiencing chronic pain creates anxiety, stress and tension in the body. Anxiety, stress and tension in the body create more pain thus building a vicious circle of pain that never ends.