command /team [] []: trigger: if arg-1 is "create": if {team.%player%} is not set: if arg-2 is set: if {team list::*} contains arg-2: send "&cName is taken" else: set {team create date.%arg-2%} to now broadcast "%arg-2% team has been created" set {team.%player%} to arg-2 set {team status.%arg-2%} to "Closed" send "&aCreated a team named &3%arg-2%" set {team owner.%arg-2%} to "%player%" parsed as player add player to {team members players.%arg-2%::*} add 1 to {team members.%arg-2%} add arg-2 to {team list::*} stop else: send "&cLeave your current team to create one" stop else if arg-1 is "list": set {_teams list::*} to {team list::*} set {_size} to size of {team list::*} loop {_size} times: set {_team} to a random element out of {_teams list::*} remove {_team} from {_teams list::*} send "%{_team}%" stop else if arg-1 is "leave": if {team.%player%} is set: if {team owner.%{team.%player%}%} is player: send "&cYou cant leave your own team" send "&c/team delete to delete it" stop else: loop {team members players.%{team.%player%}%::*}: if "%loop-value%" != "%player%": send "%player% left your team" to loop-value remove 1 from {team members.%{team.%player%}%} remove player from {team members.%{team.%player%}%} send "&aLeft %{team.%player%}%" delete {team.%player%} stop else: send "&cYou are not in a team" stop else if arg-1 is "chat": if {team.%player%} is set: if {team chat.%player%} is true: delete {team chat.%player%} send " " send "&a Disabled team chat" send " " stop else: set {team chat.%player%} to true send " " send "&a Enabled team chat" send " " stop else if arg-1 is "join": if arg-2 is set: if {team.%player%} is not set: if {team status.%arg-2%} is "Closed": send "&cteam is Closed" else: set {team.%player%} to arg-2 add player to {team members players.%arg-2%::*} add 1 to {team members.%arg-2%} send "&aJoined %arg-2%" loop {team members players.%{team.%player%}%::*}: if "%loop-value%" != "%player%": send "%player% joined your team" to loop-value else: send "&cLeave you current team to join a new one" else if arg-1 is "delete": if {team.%player%} is set: if {team owner.%{team.%player%}%} is player: if {wanna delete.%{team.%player%}%} is set: broadcast "%{team.%player%}% has been disbanded" delete {wanna delete.%{team.%player%}%} delete {team owner.%{team.%player%}%} delete {wanna delete cooldown.%{team.%player%}%} remove player from {team members players.%{team.%player%}%::*} loop {team members players.%{team.%player%}%::*}: delete {team.%loop-value%} send "Your team has been disbanded" delete {team members players.%{team.%player%}%::*} delete {team members.%{team.%player%}%} remove {team.%player%} from {team list::*} delete {team.%player%} else: set {wanna delete.%{team.%player%}%} to true send "&c/team delete to confirm" set {wanna delete cooldown.%{team.%player%}%} to 10 send "&cYou have 10 seconds" else: send "&cYou must be the team owner to delete the team" else if arg-1 is "kick": if {team members players.%{team.%player%}%::*} contains arg-2: if {team.%player%} is set: if {team owner.%{team.%player%}%} is player: set {_p} to arg-2 parsed as player send "&aKicked &e%arg-2% from &3%{team.%player%}%" remove arg-2 from {team members players.%{team.%player%}%::*} remove 1 from {team members.%{team.%player%}%} send "You have been kicked from %{team.%arg-2%}%" to {_p} delete {team.%arg-2%} else: send "&cYou must be the team owner to kick players" else: send "&c%arg-2% &cis not in your team" else if arg-1 is "invite": if arg-2 is set: if {team owner.%{team.%player%}%} is player: loop all players: add loop-player to {_players::*} if {_players::*} contains arg-2: if {team.%arg-2%} is not set: set {_p} to arg-2 parsed as player set {invited to.%arg-2%} to {team.%player%} send "&aInvited %arg-2%" send "You have been invite to join %{team.%player%}%" to {_p} send "/team accept" to {_p} send "/team decline" to {_p} else: send "&c%arg-2% &cis in a team" else: send "&c%arg-2% &cis not online" else: send "&cYou must be the team owner to invite people" else if arg-1 is "close": if {team owner.%{team.%player%}%} is player: set {team status.%{team.%player%}%} to "Closed" broadcast "%{team.%player%}% team has been closed" send "Closed your team" else: send "&cYou must be the team owner to change the team status" else if arg-1 is "open": if {team owner.%{team.%player%}%} is player: set {team status.%{team.%player%}%} to "Open" broadcast "%{team.%player%}% team has been opened" send "Opened your team" else: send "&cYou must be the team owner to change the team status" else if arg-1 is "accept": if {invited to.%player%} is set: set {team.%player%} to {invited to.%player%} add player to {team members players.%{invited to.%player%}%::*} add 1 to {team members.%{invited to.%player%}%} loop {team members players.%{team.%player%}%::*}: if "%loop-value%" != "%player%": send "%player% joined your team" to loop-value send "You joined %{team.%player%}%" delete {invited to.%player%} else: send "&cYou have no invites" else if arg-1 is "decline": if {invited to.%player%} is set: send "&cDeclined the invite from %{invited to.%player%}%" send "&c%player% &cdeclined your invite" to {team owner.%{invited to.%player%}%} delete {invited to.%player%} else: send "&cYou have no invites" else if arg-1 is "info": if arg-2 is set: if {team list::*} contains arg-2: send "&eName: &6%arg-2%" send "&eMembers: &6%{team members.%arg-2%}%" send "&eOwner: &6%{team owner.%arg-2%}%" send "&eStatus: &6%{team status.%arg-2%}%" send "&eMade On: &6%{team create date.%arg-2%}%" else: send "&c%arg-2% &cis not a team" else if arg-1 is "trust": if {team members players.%{team.%player%}%::*} contains arg-2: if {team.%player%} is set: if {team owner.%{team.%player%}%} is player: set {_p} to arg-2 parsed as player set {team trusted.%arg-2%} to true send "%arg-2% is now trused and can't be damaged" send "you are now trusted in your team" to {_p} else: send "&cOnly the team owner can trust people" else: send "&c%arg-2% &cis not in your team" else if arg-1 is "untrust": if {team members players.%{team.%player%}%::*} contains arg-2: if {team.%player%} is set: if {team owner.%{team.%player%}%} is player: set {_p} to arg-2 parsed as player delete {team trusted.%arg-2%} send "%arg-2% is no longer trused" send "you are no longer trusted in your team" to {_p} else: send "&cOnly the team owner can trust people" else: send "&c%arg-2% &cis not in your team" else if arg-1 is "help": send "/team delete - deletes the team" send "/team chat - this command you can toggle it off and on" send "/team create (team name ) - creates the team name" send "/team invite (player) - invites the player to the team" send "/team kick (player) kicks the player from the team" send "/team join (team) - joins the team" send "/team list - List of teams" send "/team info (team) - shows the invitation of the team" send "/team open - Anyone can join your team without invite" send "/team close - Closes the team" else if arg-1 is "clear": if player has permission "team.clear": if {team list::*} contains arg-2: delete {team owner.%arg-2%} loop {team members players.%arg-2%::*}: send "Your team was disbanded by %player%" to loop-value delete {team.%loop-value%} delete {team members players.%arg-2%::*} delete {team members.%arg-2%} remove arg-2 from {team list::*} send "You cleared team %arg-2%" else: send "&cThis is not a real team" else: make player execute command "/team help" else: make player execute command "/team help" every 2 seconds: loop all players: if {wanna delete.%{team.%loop-player%}%} is set: remove 2 from {wanna delete cooldown.%{team.%loop-player%}%} if {wanna delete cooldown.%{team.%loop-player%}%} is 0: send "&cTime is over" to loop-player delete {wanna delete cooldown.%{team.%loop-player%}%} delete {wanna delete.%{team.%loop-player%}%} on quit: delete {invited to.%player%} on chat: if {team chat.%player%} is set: cancel event loop {team members players.%{team.%player%}%::*}: send "&6&l[TEAM CHAT] &e%player%: &e%message%" to loop-value else: stop on damage: attacker is a player victim is a player: if {team.%attacker%} is equal to {team.%victim%}: if {team trusted.%victim%} is true: cancel event send "&c%victim% &cis trusted in your guild" to attacker