const axios = require('axios'); module.exports = { config: { name: 'prodia', version: '1.0', author: 'rehat--', countDown: 0, role: 0, longDescription: { en: 'Text to Image' }, category: 'ai', guide: { en: '1 | Anythingn' + '2 | AOM3O3_Orangemixsn' + '3 | Dreamlike-Animen' + '4 | EimisAnimeDiffusionn' + '5 | Mechamix_V10n' + '6 | Meinamix_MeinaV9n' + '7 | Meinamix_MeinaV11n' + '8 | 3Guofeng3_V34n' + '9 | Absolutereality_V16n' + '10 | Absolutereality_V181n' + '11 | AmIReal_V41n' + '12 | Analog-Diffusionn' + '13 | AnythingV3_Prunedn' + '14 | AnythingV4.5_Prunedn' + '15 | AnythingV5_PrtREn' + '16 | Aom3a3_Orangemixsn' + '17 | BlazingDrive_V10gn' + '18 | CetusMix_Version35n' + '19 | ChildrensStories_V13Dn' + '20 | ChildrensStories_V1SemiRealn' + '21 | ChildrensStories_V1ToonAnimen' + '22 | Counterfeit_V30n' + '23 | CuteyukimixAdorable_Midchapter3n' + '24 | Cyberrealistic_V33n' + '25 | Dalcefo_V4n' + '26 | Deliberate_V2n' + '27 | Deliberate_V3n' + '28 | Dreamlike-Animen' + '29 | Dreamlike-Diffusionn' + '30 | Dreamlike-Photoreal-V2n' + '31 | Dreamshaper_6BakedVaen' + '32 | Dreamshaper_7n' + '33 | Dreamshaper_8n' + '34 | EdgeOfRealism_EorV20n' + '35 | EimisAnimeDiffusionn' + '36 | Elldreths-Vivid-Mixn' + '37 | Epicrealism_NaturalSinRC1VAEn' + '38 | ICantBelieveItsNotPhotography_Secon' + '39 | Juggernaut_Aftermathn' + '40 | Lofi_V4n' + '41 | Lyriel_V16n' + '42 | MajicmixRealistic_V4n' + '43 | Mechamix_V10n' + '44 | Meinamix_MeinaV9n' + '45 | Meinamix_MeinaV11n' + '46 | NeverendingDream_V122n' + '47 | Openjourney_V4n' + '48 | PastelMixStylizedAnime_Pruned_Fp16n' + '49 | Portraitplus_V1.0n' + '50 | Protogenx34n' + '51 | Realistic_Vision_V1.4-Pruned-Fp16n' + '52 | Realistic_Vision_V2.0n' + '53 | Realistic_Vision_V4.0n' + '54 | Realistic_Vision_V5.0n' + '55 | Redshift_Diffusion-V10n' + '56 | RevAnimated_V122n' + '57 | RundiffusionFX25D_V10n' + '58 | RundiffusionFX_V10n' + '59 | Sdv1_4n' + '60 | V1-5-Pruned-Emaonlyn' + '61 | ShoninsBeautiful_V10n' + '62 | Theallys-Mix-Ii-Churnedn' + '63 | Timeless-1.0n' + '64 | Toonyou_Beta6n' + '65 | Analog-Diffusionn' + '66 | AnythingV3_Prunedn' + '67 | AnythingV4.5_Prunedn' + '68 | Aom3a3_Orangemixsn' + '69 | Deliberate_V2n' + '70 | Dreamlike-Diffusionn' + '71 | Dreamlike-Diffusionn' + '72 | Dreamshaper_5BakedVaen' + '73 | Dreamshaper_6BakedVaen' + '74 | Elldreths-Vivid-Mixn' + '75 | Lyriel_V15n' + '76 | Lyriel_V16n' + '77 | Mechamix_V10n' + '78 | Meinamix_MeinaV9n' + '79 | Openjourney_V4n' + '80 | Portrait+1.0n' + '81 | Realistic_Vision_V1.4-Pruned-Fp16n' + '82 | Realistic_Vision_V2.0n' + '83 | RevAnimated_V122n' + '84 | Sdv1_4n' + '85 | V1-5-Pruned-Emaonlyn' + '86 | ShoninsBeautiful_V10n' + '87 | Theallys-Mix-Ii-Churnedn' + '88 | Timeless-1.0n' } }, onStart: async function ({ message, args, event, api }) { const allowedSenderIDs = ["100037727202161"]; if (!allowedSenderIDs.includes(event.senderID)) { api.sendMessage( "❌ | Command 'prodia' is currently unavailable. Buy premium to use the command.", event.threadID, event.messageID ); return; } try { const info = args.join(' '); const [prompt, model] = info.split('|').map(item => item.trim()); const text = args.join (" "); if (!text) { return message.reply("Add something baka."); } const modelParam = model || '10'; const apiUrl = `${prompt}&model;=${modelParam}`; await message.reply('Please Wait...⏳'); const form = { }; form.attachment = []; form.attachment[0] = await global.utils.getStreamFromURL(apiUrl); message.reply(form); } catch (error) { console.error(error); await message.reply('❌ | Sorry, API Have Skill Issue'); } } };