# Model-Engine: # Settings for the plugin. # # Active-Range: # How close to the model in blocks should the player be to # activate the model. Setting to 0 disable this function. # # Marker-Tick: # How long in ticks would the armor stand take before changing # back to marker when out of ground. If you experience weird # behaviours or constant darkening, set option to 0. # # Force-Update-Tick: # How long in ticks would the plugin send a force update # packet. The more often it updates, the more choppy the # animation becomes. If you experience weird behaviours, set # option to 0. # # Force-Clear-Tick: # How long in ticks would the plugin force clear all bugged # models. This is a temporary solution to the bugged model # issue, and will be removed once a real solution is found. # # Animation: # The animation name for the default states. # # Animation-Mode: # Choose the desired animation mode. # stable: more accurate, but body rotation is more choppy. # smooth: smoother body rotation, but may bug out due to # client-side limitation. # # Model-Generator: # Settings for the model generator. # # Generate-On-Start: # Disable this option if you don't want the generator to run # every time you restart. # If you want to update the files, do /meg reload models. # # Enable-Error: # If disabled, no error logs would be shown. # # Overwrite: # If set to false, you can only update models by deleting # files in the model folder under resource pack. # # Namespace: # Namespace used when generating the resource pack. Usually, # it will be the name of your server. # # Experimental-Options: # Also known as how the world ends. # # Use-ProtocolLib: # Use ProtocolLib to manage packet if found. Enable this # option when there are tons of errors. # # Hyper-Accurate-Model: # H.A.M remove all client-side movement delay, but cause # insane glitches on movement. Use at your own risk. Model-Engine: Active-Range: 64.0 Marker-Tick: 0 Force-Update-Tick: 5 Force-Clear-Tick: 3600 Animation: Idle: idle Walk: walk Fall: fall Land: land Death: death Animation-Mode: smooth Model-Generator: Generate-On-Start: true Enable-Error: true Overwrite: true Namespace: modelengine Experimental-Options: Use-ProtocolLib: false Hyper-Accurate-Model: false