Buonasera, sto cercando di runnare uno script MATLAB da Python e portare le variabili del workspace di MATLAB su Python. Faccio così: # Run the main MATLAB script eng.run('MAIN.m', nargout=0) # Retrieve all variables from MATLAB workspace variable_names = eng.eval('who()') # Iterate over variable names and retrieve their values matlab_workspace = {} for var_name in variable_names: var_value = eng.eval(var_name) matlab_workspace[var_name] = var_value # Do something with the retrieved variables for var_name, var_value in matlab_workspace.items(): print(f"{var_name}: {var_value}") Ottengo questo errore: var_value = eng.eval(var_name) matlab.engine.EngineError: MATLAB function cannot be evaluated