[11:19:41] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Selamat datang {ffff00}Vincent_Lee{ffffff}. [11:19:41] Faction MOTD: {FFFF00}Diharapkan untuk aktif In-Game dan Forum, panggilan /r tolong fast response. [11:19:41] MOTD: {ffff00}Mohon menggunakan '/report' dengan benar, berikan informasi yang jelas dan detail {ff0000}- Ian [11:19:41] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Anda terakhir login {ffff00}16 jam yang lalu [11:19:42] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Today is {ffff00}Mon 23 Sep 2019, 11:19:42 [11:19:42] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Server memerlukan waktu {ffff00}234 milisecond{ffffff} untuk memuat data char anda! [11:19:50] PHONE: {FF0000}Number 890001 {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [11:19:52] Business Status [11:19:52] Business Name: {FF0000}{FF00FF} Linx Electronic [11:19:52] Bank: {FF0000}$578.00 [11:19:52] Product {FF0000}1{FFFFFF}:[ Name: {FF0000}Handphone{FFFFFF} Price: {FF0000}$22.50{FFFFFF} Stock: {FF0000}57 unit(s) {FFFFFF}] [11:19:52] Product {FF0000}2{FFFFFF}:[ Name: {FF0000}Camera{FFFFFF} Price: {FF0000}$30.00{FFFFFF} Stock: {FF0000}29 unit(s) {FFFFFF}] [11:19:52] Product {FF0000}3{FFFFFF}:[ Name: {FF0000}GPS{FFFFFF} Price: {FF0000}$37.50{FFFFFF} Stock: {FF0000}16 unit(s) {FFFFFF}] [11:19:52] Product {FF0000}4{FFFFFF}:[ Name: {FF0000}Walkietalkie{FFFFFF} Price: {FF0000}$22.50{FFFFFF} Stock: {FF0000}23 unit(s) {FFFFFF}] [11:19:52] Product {FF0000}5{FFFFFF}:[ Name: {FF0000}Toll Card x50{FFFFFF} Price: {FF0000}$23.50{FFFFFF} Stock: {FF0000}31 unit(s) {FFFFFF}] [11:19:52] Product {FF0000}6{FFFFFF}:[ Name: {FF0000}SIM Card{FFFFFF} Price: {FF0000}$7.50{FFFFFF} Stock: {FF0000}83 unit(s) {FFFFFF}] [11:19:52] Product {FF0000}7{FFFFFF}:[ Name: {FF0000}Phone credit (1000){FFFFFF} Price: {FF0000}$7.50{FFFFFF} Stock: {FF0000}123 unit(s) {FFFFFF}] [11:20:6] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (890001) [11:20:6] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}ngapain make Lee? Make Ballack cepet. [11:20:10] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [11:20:10] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [11:20:14] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [11:20:37] (( PM from [31] Adriana_Jollie: gajelas lu nu ah tai )) [11:20:48] (( PM from [31] Adriana_Jollie: gua udh du flint jga )) [11:20:58] * Vincent Lee transfer uang ke rekening adriana [11:21:4] KEGUNAAN: /transfer [Full_Name] [amount] [11:21:15] KEGUNAAN: /transfer [Full_Name] [amount] [11:21:18] ERROR: Invalid target player name! [11:21:20] BANK: {FFFFFF}You've transfered {00FF00}$5,000.00 {FFFFFF}to {FFFF00}Adriana Jollie [11:21:27] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [11:21:27] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 890001 [11:21:27] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}kelebihan kwokow [11:21:28] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (890001) [11:21:28] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}cie acc shar [11:21:30] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (890001) [11:21:30] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}cie acc share [11:21:38] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [11:21:38] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 890001 [11:21:38] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}eh kelebihan maksudnya 500 [11:21:42] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (890001) [11:21:42] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}otw bank [11:21:50] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (890001) [11:21:50] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}gua mao investasi dong [11:21:54] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (890001) [11:21:54] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}1k ke ballack [11:21:55] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [11:21:55] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 890001 [11:21:55] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}wkokow, kasian gua kalau 5k. [11:22:33] (( PM to [31] Adriana_Jollie: lu di halim? )) [11:22:39] (( PM from [31] Adriana_Jollie: yoi )) [11:22:45] (( PM to [31] Adriana_Jollie: w di rumah. )) [11:22:50] (( PM from [31] Adriana_Jollie: boong amat )) [11:22:52] (( PM to [31] Adriana_Jollie: ga belajar. )) [11:22:58] (( PM to [31] Adriana_Jollie: pulang cepet. )) [11:23:5] (( Randal Simmons: gua duty sendiri )) [11:23:6] (( PM to [31] Adriana_Jollie: guru2 pada rapat. )) [11:23:9] (( Randal Simmons: bau bau ada rampok ini )) [11:23:9] (( Blanchard Rechauffer: ada rober? )) [11:23:12] (( Blanchard Rechauffer: hmm )) [11:23:13] Vincent Lee says: tf [11:23:17] 911: Crime: [ Ada robber pake pakaian putih dan bertopi putih di Gym temple tadi ] [11:23:17] 911: Reporter: [ Alvis Blaymark ] Phone: [ 9079693 ] [11:23:17] Vincent Lee says: Lee [11:23:23] (( Randal Simmons: gua lagi jaga MC )) [11:23:24] ERROR: You are not a member of the {FF0000}San Andreas Network [11:23:31] BANK: {FFFFFF}You've received {00FF00}$4,500.00 {FFFFFF}from {FFFF00}Adriana Jollie [11:23:32] ERROR: You are not a member of the {FF0000}San Andreas Network [11:23:52] Adriana Jollie says: Eh [11:23:54] Vincent Lee says: Berapa 1k? [11:23:55] Adriana Jollie says: Gua mao investasi [11:23:59] Adriana Jollie says: ke elu [11:24:1] Adriana Jollie says: Ke Ballack [11:24:1] Vincent Lee says: Ga 1k [11:24:4] Adriana Jollie says: nanti malem gua mau mentri [11:24:6] Adriana Jollie says: 2 ucp doang [11:24:7] Adriana Jollie says: )) [11:24:9] Vincent Lee says: 1 lebih dikit. [11:24:11] Adriana Jollie: (( 2 ucp doang )) [11:24:16] Vincent Lee says: 1000produk $530 [11:24:34] ENGINE: Anda telah mematikan Mesin. [12:19:5] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Selamat datang {ffff00}Vincent_Lee{ffffff}. [12:19:5] Faction MOTD: {FFFF00}Diharapkan untuk aktif In-Game dan Forum, panggilan /r tolong fast response. [12:19:5] MOTD: {ffff00}Mohon menggunakan '/report' dengan benar, berikan informasi yang jelas dan detail {ff0000}- Ian [12:19:5] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Anda terakhir login {ffff00}59 menit yang lalu [12:19:5] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Today is {ffff00}Mon 23 Sep 2019, 12:19:05 [12:19:5] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Server memerlukan waktu {ffff00}132 milisecond{ffffff} untuk memuat data char anda! [12:19:8] PHONE: {FF0000}Ingga kontol (988555) {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [12:19:14] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Anda telah menjawab telpon. [12:19:14] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Gunakan chat biasa untuk berkomunikasi lewat telpon, '/h' untuk menutup telpon. [12:19:14] Ingga kontol [phone]: Lee. [12:19:17] Vincent Lee [phone]: Apa su [12:19:20] Ingga kontol [phone]: sini [12:19:23] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [12:19:23] Vincent Lee [phone]: Dimana? [12:19:24] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [12:19:24] Ingga kontol [phone]: depan job sampah [12:19:28] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [12:19:28] Vincent Lee [phone]: Ngapain? [12:19:29] (( PM from [12] Owen_Pearson: a )) [12:19:30] Ingga kontol [phone]: borgol si damian. [12:19:33] Ingga kontol [phone]: bikin ulah. [12:19:41] Vincent Lee [phone]: Dia ngapain? [12:19:47] (( PM to [12] Owen_Pearson: a )) [12:19:51] Ingga kontol [phone]: sini dulu [12:19:53] (( PM from [12] Owen_Pearson: bales Wa :v )) [12:19:54] Ingga kontol [phone]: depan job sampah. [12:19:54] Vincent Lee [phone]: Gua ke ws [12:19:59] Ingga kontol [phone]: anjeng [12:20:1] Ingga kontol [phone]: borgol [12:20:2] Ingga kontol [phone]: aja [12:20:4] Ingga kontol [phone]: 1 hari [12:20:7] Ingga kontol [phone]: tangannya [12:20:8] Vincent Lee [phone]: Telfon 9-1-1- [12:20:9] Vincent Lee [phone]: Telfon 9-1-1 [12:20:10] Telepon terputus... [12:20:17] PHONE: {FF0000}Gema KENTOD (931000) {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [12:20:18] (( PM to [12] Owen_Pearson: nnti )) [12:20:19] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Anda telah menjawab telpon. [12:20:19] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Gunakan chat biasa untuk berkomunikasi lewat telpon, '/h' untuk menutup telpon. [12:20:20] Gema KENTOD [phone]: Lee [12:20:25] Vincent Lee [phone]: Apa beb [12:20:27] (( PM from [12] Owen_Pearson: Yee _- )) [12:20:34] Gema KENTOD [phone]: Kesini ke depan Job Sampah. [12:20:41] Vincent Lee [phone]: Halah anjink ngapain? [12:20:42] AdmCmd: Dylan_Brown has been kicked by Rishad_McCortez. [12:20:42] Reason: Kamu gak nge-bug. [12:20:51] Gema KENTOD [phone]: ada si damian. [12:20:53] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [12:20:57] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [12:20:58] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [12:20:59] [ID] ID: 7 | Name: Damian_Hancock | Level: 9 | Ping: 41 | Launcher: Yes [12:20:59] Gema KENTOD [phone]: noh gelud su. [12:20:59] (( PM from [15] Ballack_Santos: gila lu pulang kolah langsung buka laptop kwokow )) [12:21:1] Vincent Lee [phone]: Emangnya kenapa [12:21:5] Gema KENTOD [phone]: gelut [12:21:9] (( PM to [15] Ballack_Santos: kok tau? wapowwkowakowa )) [12:21:13] Gema KENTOD [phone]: si ingga down. [12:21:14] TOLL: {FFFFFF}Used 1 toll card point to pay toll access. [12:21:14] ERROR: Please wait untill the gate is closed! [12:21:19] Vincent Lee [phone]: Pake tangan kan? [12:21:29] Gema KENTOD [phone]: iya. [12:21:42] Vincent Lee [phone]: Kalo pake tangan mah bodo amat [12:21:45] [RADIO] PO-I Blanchard Rechauffer: 4-JOHN-1 10-27 4-ADAM-3 [12:21:45] Gema KENTOD [phone]: sini makanya. [12:21:51] (( PM to [15] Ballack_Santos: bege )) [12:21:59] (( PM to [15] Ballack_Santos: ebeg )) [12:22:1] (( PM to [15] Ballack_Santos: ebeg )) [12:22:1] (( PM to [15] Ballack_Santos: ebeg )) [12:22:2] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [12:22:2] (( PM to [15] Ballack_Santos: ebegt )) [12:22:4] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [12:22:5] (( PM to [15] Ballack_Santos: ebeg )) [12:22:7] Vincent Lee [phone]: Ada apA? [12:22:10] Saladin Abraham says: n20 mank [12:22:13] Vincent Lee Shouts: Ok! [12:22:14] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [12:22:15] Telepon terputus... [12:22:21] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{fff000}[Sell] Rumah di daerah miner minat CP 3ruang. [12:22:21] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Ballack_Santos{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}2141{FF0000}] [12:22:22] Vincent Lee says: Bentar benerin nih motor [12:22:29] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}Finished examining vehicle {00FFFF}NRG-500 [12:22:29] NOTE: {FFFFFF}You are now able to use '{FFFF00}/vehmenu{FFFFFF}' on this vehicle [12:22:38] * Vincent Lee repairing engine using mc tools [12:22:39] proses. ((Vincent Lee)) [12:22:44] Vincent Lee says: 50$ Mas N20 [12:22:52] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}You've used {FFFF00}68 components {FFFFFF}to repair the engine of the {00FFFF}NRG-500 [12:23:32] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Budi_Ramdhan ] Phone: [ 1157500 ] [12:23:32] Message: mobil saya diimpound, saya mau ngambil mobil pak [12:24:15] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}Finished examining vehicle {00FFFF}Sadler [12:24:15] NOTE: {FFFFFF}You are now able to use '{FFFF00}/vehmenu{FFFFFF}' on this vehicle [12:24:18] AME: {C2A2DA}examineveh [12:24:22] Vincent Lee says: 50$ [12:24:31] WORKSHOP: {FFFFFF}You've deposited {00FF00}$50.00 {FFFFFF}in the workshop vault! [12:24:38] [RADIO] Sergeant I Ezio Romano: Sergeant I 5875, is there any TEU unit on field? [12:24:42] (( PM from [17] Ingga_Fresly: nan )) [12:24:53] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Black Santos (2141) [12:24:53] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}hey [12:24:57] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Black Santos (2141) [12:24:57] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}itu 200k [12:24:59] [RADIO] PO-I Blanchard Rechauffer: There's nothing TEU unit in now Sergeant, 4-ADAM-3 speaking. [12:25:5] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Black Santos (2141) [12:25:5] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}idari mana [12:25:29] Saladin Abraham: (( afk teroes )) [12:27:6] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Selamat datang {ffff00}Vincent_Lee{ffffff}. [12:27:6] Faction MOTD: {FFFF00}Diharapkan untuk aktif In-Game dan Forum, panggilan /r tolong fast response. [12:27:6] MOTD: {ffff00}Mohon menggunakan '/report' dengan benar, berikan informasi yang jelas dan detail {ff0000}- Ian [12:27:6] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Anda terakhir login {ffff00}8 menit yang lalu [12:27:6] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Today is {ffff00}Mon 23 Sep 2019, 12:27:06 [12:27:6] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Server memerlukan waktu {ffff00}285 milisecond{ffffff} untuk memuat data char anda! [12:27:9] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Black Santos (2141) [12:27:9] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}jawab [12:27:13] PHONE: {FF0000}Ingga kontol (988555) {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [12:27:17] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [12:27:17] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}Black Santos (2141) [12:27:17] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Apa anjink [12:27:28] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Black Santos (2141) [12:27:28] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}jual elektronik [12:27:32] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [12:27:32] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}Black Santos (2141) [12:27:32] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Maksudnya? [12:27:37] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Black Santos (2141) [12:27:37] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}nah ganti resto [12:27:48] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telpon berhenti berdering! [12:27:48] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [12:27:48] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}Black Santos (2141) [12:27:48] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}HAH? [12:27:51] Vincent Lee says: 50$ [12:27:56] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Ingga kontol (988555) [12:27:56] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}bagi nomor si Ballack [12:27:59] PAYINFO: {ffffff}You've received {00ff00}$50.00 {ffffff}from {ffff00}Saladin Abraham [id:31] [12:28:0] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{66ffff} [BUY] Ada Yang Jual Mobil Full Sticker |Sultan|Elegy|Savana|DLL Ada? CP [12:28:0] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Arabelle_Auristela{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}696959{FF0000}] [12:28:1] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Black Santos (2141) [12:28:1] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}elektronik lu nganggur wkowko [12:28:4] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}Finished examining vehicle {00FFFF}Sadler [12:28:4] NOTE: {FFFFFF}You are now able to use '{FFFF00}/vehmenu{FFFFFF}' on this vehicle [12:28:7] AME: {C2A2DA}accept it [12:28:10] ERROR: You need 50 component and mechanic level 3 to modify vehicles! [12:28:15] WORKSHOP: {FFFFFF}You've taken {FFFF00}200 units {FFFFFF}of components from the workshop! [12:28:23] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Ingga kontol (988555) [12:28:23] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}bagi nomor si Ballack [12:28:40] * Vincent Lee installing mod using mc tools [12:28:41] proses. ((Vincent Lee)) [12:28:42] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [12:28:42] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}Ingga kontol (988555) [12:28:42] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}2141 [12:29:8] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Black Santos (2141) [12:29:8] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}w kan ngasih lu 20k nan tambahin ye 50k wkowk buat beli bizz nya Mario [12:29:26] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [12:29:26] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}Black Santos (2141) [12:29:26] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}ANJINK [12:29:36] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [12:29:36] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}Black Santos (2141) [12:29:36] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Ga ada duid [12:29:45] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [12:29:45] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}Black Santos (2141) [12:29:45] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Bizz mario dimana? [12:29:54] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Black Santos (2141) [12:29:54] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Angelpine [12:29:55] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [12:29:55] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}Black Santos (2141) [12:29:55] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}BALLACKKKKKKKKKKK BAYAR PAJAKKKKKKK LUPA KONTOL [12:30:5] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Black Santos (2141) [12:30:5] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}kwokwok otw [12:30:9] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}You've installed mod {FFFF00}10x Nitro {FFFFFF}on {00FFFF}Sadler [12:30:10] done. ((Vincent Lee)) [12:30:13] Vincent Lee says: Dah mas [12:30:13] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Black Santos (2141) [12:30:13] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}di? [12:30:14] Vincent Lee says: apa lagi? [12:30:15] Saladin Abraham says: ok [12:30:18] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [12:30:18] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}Black Santos (2141) [12:30:18] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}City hall [12:30:18] Saladin Abraham says: udah [12:30:22] Vincent Lee says: Makasih ya [12:30:25] ERROR: You don't have any pending salaries! [12:30:30] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Black Santos (2141) [12:30:30] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}klu g bayar pajak gapapa [12:30:32] Saladin Abraham says: ya sama sama [12:30:41] (( PM to [15] Ballack_Santos: kena asell kentod )) [12:30:44] PHONE: {FF0000}Gema KENTOD (931000) {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [12:30:47] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Anda telah menjawab telpon. [12:30:47] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Gunakan chat biasa untuk berkomunikasi lewat telpon, '/h' untuk menutup telpon. [12:30:47] Vincent Lee [phone]: Apa [12:30:48] Gema KENTOD [phone]: Lee [12:30:49] (( PM from [15] Ballack_Santos: ga la )) [12:30:54] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [12:30:55] Gema KENTOD [phone]: Si Ingga Down lagi. [12:30:56] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [12:30:57] Gema KENTOD [phone]: kesini. [12:31:0] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [12:31:0] Vincent Lee [phone]: Biarin lah bahaha [12:31:1] Telepon terputus... [12:31:5] (( PM to [15] Ballack_Santos: ask aja )) [12:31:20] WORKSHOP: {FFFFFF}You've withdrawn {00FF00}$800.00 {FFFFFF}from the workshop vault! [12:31:39] Q:Vincent Lee[6]: min kalau pajak tidak di bayar selama 2 minggu apa yang bakal terjadi di bisnisnya? [12:31:40] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Black Santos (2141) [12:31:40] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}tf [12:31:46] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [12:31:46] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}Black Santos (2141) [12:31:46] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Dih kok minta tf [12:31:51] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Black Santos (2141) [12:31:51] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}ga ada uang [12:31:55] Answer: {ffff00}Lit peraturan bisnis di forum [12:31:55] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [12:31:55] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}Black Santos (2141) [12:31:55] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}:)) [12:31:56] TOLL: {FFFFFF}Used 1 toll card point to pay toll access. [12:31:56] ERROR: Please wait untill the gate is closed! [12:31:58] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Black Santos (2141) [12:31:58] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}kwokw [12:32:3] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Black Santos (2141) [12:32:3] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}brp sih? [12:32:3] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [12:32:3] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}Black Santos (2141) [12:32:3] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Sini city hall [12:32:6] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [12:32:6] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}Black Santos (2141) [12:32:6] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Gatau [12:32:28] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Black Santos (2141) [12:32:28] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}mahal [12:32:30] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Black Santos (2141) [12:32:30] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}wkowkow [12:32:31] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [12:32:31] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}Black Santos (2141) [12:32:31] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Brp [12:32:36] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Black Santos (2141) [12:32:36] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}790 [12:32:46] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [12:32:52] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [12:32:52] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}Black Santos (2141) [12:32:52] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Hayolo [12:33:4] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Black Santos (2141) [12:33:4] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}untung gua naek [12:33:9] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [12:33:9] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}Black Santos (2141) [12:33:9] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}kowakowakow [12:33:20] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [12:33:24] TAX: {FFFFFF}Paid {00FF00}$750.00 {FFFFFF}tax for business {00FFFF}Workshop #2 [12:33:25] ERROR: You do not have enough cash to pay this tax! [12:33:27] Ballack Santos says: /bayarpajak [12:33:29] Ballack Santos says: )) [12:33:37] (( PM to [15] Ballack_Santos: /paytax )) [12:33:41] (( PM to [15] Ballack_Santos: kontol )) [12:34:4] BANK: {ffffff}You've taken {ffff00}$250.00 {ffffff}from the bank. Current balance: {ffff00}$201,196.27 [12:34:41] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [12:34:45] TAX: {FFFFFF}Paid {00FF00}$270.02 {FFFFFF}tax for business {00FFFF}{FF00FF} Linx Electronic [12:34:45] ERROR: You do not have unpaid taxes! [12:35:2] Ballack Santos says: ws berapa? [12:35:2] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (9079693) [12:35:2] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Gua nongkrong dibengkel lu bisa ga [12:35:3] Ballack Santos says: pajak nya [12:35:10] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [12:35:10] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 9079693 [12:35:10] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Atas nama siapa [12:35:11] Ballack Santos says: anjingan [12:35:18] Vincent Lee: (( halah )) [12:35:19] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Black Santos (2141) [12:35:19] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}wokwokow [12:35:20] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (9079693) [12:35:20] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Dih, temen sendiri jir [12:35:23] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [12:35:24] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (9079693) [12:35:24] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Alvis [12:35:32] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [12:35:32] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 9079693 [12:35:32] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}oh gua ga save nomor lu [12:35:32] Mask 832315 says: woe [12:35:34] Vincent Lee says: Apa [12:35:35] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [12:35:37] Mask 832315 says: jih [12:35:41] Vincent Lee says: Hati hati kontol [12:35:43] Ballack Santos says: Ahahha [12:35:59] (( PM to [15] Ballack_Santos: rp abis tuh reportr dia )) [12:36:3] * Ballack Santos mencoba bangun dengan bantuan tangan [12:36:9] Gema Fajar says: kenapa om? [12:36:9] Vincent Lee: (( report aja dia )) [12:36:10] Ballack Santos says: Bantu [12:36:14] Ballack Santos says: Angkat [12:36:22] kaki ke tabrak yang kiri. ((Ballack Santos)) [12:36:25] * Vincent Lee mengankat tubuh ballack agar bisa bangun [12:36:30] bangun? ((Vincent Lee)) [12:36:33] Gema Fajar says: Eh Lee. [12:36:34] ya ((Ballack Santos)) [12:36:35] Vincent Lee says: Apa [12:36:40] Gema Fajar says: Itu si Ingga kasian. [12:36:43] Vincent Lee says: Kenapa [12:36:48] Gema Fajar says: di siksa sama di Damian. [12:36:50] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [12:36:51] Vincent Lee says: Bahaha [12:36:56] Vincent Lee: (( report cuk )) [12:36:57] [id:3] Helper Regency (Blanchard_Rechauffer) [12:36:57] [id:4] Volunteer Jarvis (Kierran_Freeman) [12:36:57] [id:21] Volunteer kukuku (Rileys_Dempster) [12:36:57] NOTE: {ffffff}Volunteer tidak memiliki kedudukan yang sama dengan Helper / Admin [12:37:4] Vincent Lee: (( report lack )) [12:37:7] Vincent Lee: (( DANU KONTOL )) [12:37:11] ERROR: No queued reports! [12:37:12] ERROR: No queued reports! [12:37:13] ERROR: No queued reports! [12:37:13] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [12:37:14] ERROR: No queued reports! [12:37:14] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [12:37:20] Ballack Santos: (( Mask 832315 Non RP Crash. )) [12:37:29] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (9079693) [12:37:29] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Mana lu? [12:37:29] ERROR: You don't have the privilege to use this command! [12:37:31] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [12:37:31] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 9079693 [12:37:31] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Di SAPD [12:37:34] Gema Fajar: (( yg naik sepeda yak? )) [12:37:35] Ballack Santos: (( nabrak2 terus. )) [12:37:37] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (9079693) [12:37:37] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Ngpaen [12:37:43] {ff0000}Regency: {ffffff}(( kenapa kamu ga RP crash? )) [12:37:44] Ballack Santos: (( saksi id26. )) [12:37:45] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [12:37:45] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 9079693 [12:37:45] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Habis bayar pajak [12:37:47] [ID] ID: 26 | Name: Gema_Fajar | Level: 9 | Ping: 27 | Launcher: Yes [12:37:54] Ballack Santos: (( wkowkow )) [12:37:56] Vincent Lee: (( halah anjir )) [12:37:59] Vincent Lee: (( non rp drive owakowa )) [12:38:2] Gema Fajar: (( wkkw. )) [12:38:8] Ballack Santos: (( sampe ga bisa loncat. )) [12:38:12] Mask 832315: (( apaan? )) [12:38:14] {ff0000}Regency: {ffffff}(( kenapa kamu ga RP crash? )) [12:38:20] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (9079693) [12:38:20] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Sni dah bengkel, gua sklian nungguin orang [12:38:21] Mask 832315: (( rp crash )) [12:38:23] Gema Fajar: (( gw liat yg naik sepda cepet bat larinya. )) [12:38:26] Mask 832315: (( dia ajah langsung lari )) [12:38:29] Mask 832315: (( yaudah )) [12:38:30] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (9079693) [12:38:30] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Ada yang gua incar [12:38:35] Vincent Lee: (( dia nabrak nabrakin terus tanpa ada rasa takut )) [12:38:35] Ballack Santos: (( lari gimana? )) [12:38:42] Mask 832315: (( yaudah )) [12:38:42] Gema Fajar: (( dia tergeletak tadi. )) [12:38:46] Gema Fajar: (( disini. )) [12:38:48] Vincent Lee: (( Yaudah apa? )) [12:38:49] Ballack Santos: (( lu main kabur tidak ada RP Crash. )) [12:38:49] {ff0000}Regency: {ffffff}(( kalo dia lari misalnya )) [12:38:49] Mask 832315: (( rp lagi )) [12:38:52] {ff0000}Regency: {ffffff}(( lu ttp RP crash lah )) [12:38:53] Vincent Lee: (( ga )) [12:38:58] Mask 832315: (( yuadha )) [12:38:59] Vincent Lee: (( Ga ada re rp )) [12:39:1] Mask 832315: (( dari ulangi )) [12:39:6] Vincent Lee: (( rules tetep rulesss )) [12:39:6] {ff0000}Regency: {ffffff}(( re rp aja )) [12:39:8] Vincent Lee: (( Woi heal )) [12:39:10] Mask 832315: (( oke )) [12:39:12] Vincent Lee: (( Parah kik )) [12:39:12] Ballack Santos: (( Heal )) [12:39:21] Ballack Santos: (( Kok RE RP )) [12:39:21] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [12:39:21] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 9079693 [12:39:21] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Bentar [12:39:25] Mask 832315: (( cepet )) [12:39:28] Mask 832315: (( rerp )) [12:39:29] Ballack Santos: (( Nabrak nya gimana )) [12:39:30] Vincent Lee: (( halah anjir )) [12:39:32] Mask 832315: (( miss )) [12:39:32] Vincent Lee: (( :)) )) [12:39:38] Gema Fajar: (( hadeh. )) [12:39:41] Scott Harper: (( sorry )) [12:39:45] Vincent Lee: (( barbar anda )) [12:39:46] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Black Santos (2141) [12:39:46] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}caw ae [12:39:52] Vincent Lee says: Ayo [12:39:56] 911: Crime: [ ada orang mencurigakan di mc ] [12:39:56] 911: Reporter: [ Budi Ramdhan ] Phone: [ 1157500 ] [12:40:17] BUSINESS: {ffffff}You've taken {ffff00}$270.00 {ffffff}from the business, total in vault: {ffff00}$308.00 [12:40:28] Vincent Lee says: Gua mao ke ws [12:40:53] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Rileys Dempster: 12132 respond last niner. [12:41:2] Ballack Santos says: Ke City Hall [12:41:4] Vincent Lee says: Ngapain [12:41:10] Ballack Santos says: Eh ke ws [12:41:20] BANK: {ffffff}You've stored {ffff00}$269.00{ffffff} into your bank account [12:41:20] BALANCE: {ffff00}$201,465.27 [12:41:31] Vincent Lee: (( dikit lagi mc level 5:v )) [12:41:38] Ballack Santos says: Beli produk [12:41:47] Vincent Lee says: Buat toko mana? [12:41:53] Ballack Santos says: Resto [12:42:5] Ballack Santos says: Cuma beli $800 pas [12:42:7] TOLL: {FFFFFF}Used 1 toll card point to pay toll access. [12:42:7] ERROR: Please wait untill the gate is closed! [12:42:23] Ballack Santos says: Buat bayar pajak [12:42:46] Ballack Santos says: Tunggu [12:42:49] Vincent Lee says: ke WS Aje [12:42:56] ENGINE: Anda telah mematikan Mesin. [12:43:2] BIZFUEL: Anda telah membeli 14 unit bensin dengan harga $24.78 [12:43:25] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [12:43:26] (( PM from [42] Tom_Olivier: a )) [12:43:28] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [12:43:32] [ID] ID: 42 | Name: Tom_Olivier | Level: 8 | Ping: 35 | Launcher: Yes [12:43:36] (( PM to [42] Tom_Olivier: hai pepek )) [12:43:44] (( PM from [42] Tom_Olivier: hay juga kntl )) [12:43:49] (( PM to [42] Tom_Olivier: kasar:( )) [12:43:55] (( PM from [42] Tom_Olivier: becanda doang )) [12:44:3] (( PM to [42] Tom_Olivier: aku gasuka kasar ya ngentot:( )) [12:44:6] (( PM from [42] Tom_Olivier: masa anak tawuran digituan baper. )) [12:44:7] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Black Santos (2141) [12:44:7] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}eh klu pajak di bayar minggu nambah? [12:44:13] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Black Santos (2141) [12:44:13] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}shere NRG [12:44:23] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}You have shared your {00FFFF}NRG-500 {FFFFFF}to {FFFF00}Ballack_Santos [12:44:32] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [12:44:32] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}Black Santos (2141) [12:44:32] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Di sita pemerintah [12:44:43] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Black Santos (2141) [12:44:43] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}anterin gua kuy [12:44:46] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [12:44:46] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}Black Santos (2141) [12:44:46] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Ke? [12:44:47] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [12:44:49] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [12:44:50] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Black Santos (2141) [12:44:50] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}pajak [12:44:52] Handbrakes {FF0000}OFF [12:44:52] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [12:44:54] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [12:44:54] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}Black Santos (2141) [12:44:54] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Sendiri aja beb [12:45:0] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Black Santos (2141) [12:45:0] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}ayo ga tau [12:45:9] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [12:45:9] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}Black Santos (2141) [12:45:9] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}apanya:( [12:45:13] Ballack Santos says: ayo [12:45:13] Vincent Lee: (( tlol )) [12:45:23] ERROR: You must be on foot to use this command! [12:45:24] ERROR: You must be on foot to use this command! [12:45:28] COMPONENT: You've loaded 155 components into the Tow Truck, total: 255 [12:45:28] AME: {C2A2DA}loads 155 units of component in the back of the Tow Truck [12:45:32] WORKSHOP: {FFFFFF}You've taken {FFFF00}250 units {FFFFFF}of components from the workshop! [12:45:33] COMPONENT: You've loaded 250 components into the Tow Truck, total: 505 [12:45:33] AME: {C2A2DA}loads 250 units of component in the back of the Tow Truck [12:45:33] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [12:45:37] WORKSHOP: {FFFFFF}You've taken {FFFF00}250 units {FFFFFF}of components from the workshop! [12:45:38] ERROR: You can only load component to a pickup truck! [12:45:39] Ballack Santos says: Buru [12:45:40] ERROR: You can only load component to a pickup truck! [12:45:42] ERROR: You can only load component to a pickup truck! [12:45:43] ERROR: You can only load component to a pickup truck! [12:45:44] Ballack Santos says: nanti gua kasin compo [12:45:45] Vincent Lee says: Awas [12:45:46] COMPONENT: You've loaded 250 components into the Tow Truck, total: 755 [12:45:46] AME: {C2A2DA}loads 250 units of component in the back of the Tow Truck [12:45:47] Vincent Lee says: Awas [12:45:48] Vincent Lee says: Awas [12:45:50] Vincent Lee says: Awas [12:45:54] WORKSHOP: {FFFFFF}You've taken {FFFF00}250 units {FFFFFF}of components from the workshop! [12:45:58] COMPONENT: You've loaded 245 components into the Tow Truck, total: 1000 [12:45:58] AME: {C2A2DA}loads 245 units of component in the back of the Tow Truck [12:46:5] WORKSHOP: {FFFFFF}You've taken {FFFF00}245 units {FFFFFF}of components from the workshop! [12:46:9] Vincent Lee Shouts: ISENG BANGSAT! [12:46:15] Vincent Lee says: Taroh motor [12:46:39] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}|Heroes Garage| Menerima Jasa Upgrade, Modif, Neon, dll | Type: WAA | Commerce | [12:46:39] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}David_Marc{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}679000{FF0000}] [12:46:42] PHONE: {FF0000}Number 435957 {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [12:46:42] ADO: {ffffff}ADO Text has been placed on your location, to delete it use '{ffff00}/delado{ffffff}' [12:46:44] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [12:46:46] ERROR: Unable to perform that action! [12:46:49] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Anda telah menjawab telpon. [12:46:49] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Gunakan chat biasa untuk berkomunikasi lewat telpon, '/h' untuk menutup telpon. [12:46:50] Telepon terputus... [12:46:55] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (435957) [12:46:55] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}dimana kamu? [12:47:0] Vincent Lee: (( anjg )) [12:47:2] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Black Santos (2141) [12:47:2] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}hahaa [12:47:2] INFO: {ffffff}Character anda telah terluka berat dan sekarat [12:47:2] NOTE: {ffffff}Anda dapat menggunakan command '{ffff00}/accept death{ffffff}' setelah menunggu {00ff00}3 menit [12:47:6] Vincent Lee: (( what? )) [12:47:13] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Black Santos (2141) [12:47:13] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}dapet [12:47:16] REPORT: Report anda telah terkirim kepada admin yang online! [12:47:19] Vincent Lee: (( mati kontol )) [12:47:23] REPORT: {ffffff}Your report has been issued to the queue, use '{ffff00}/reports{ffffff}' to see your report [12:47:37] (( PM to [15] Ballack_Santos: darah gua masih full padahal )) [12:47:37] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Gracious Esquevelle: Ajudant 10094 to all unit, any unit available for partner? [12:47:38] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Black Santos (2141) [12:47:38] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}anjay [12:47:40] (( PM to [15] Ballack_Santos: anjing )) [12:47:47] REPORT: Report anda telah terkirim kepada admin yang online! [12:47:47] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Black Santos (2141) [12:47:47] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}buat maenan [12:47:49] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}|Heroes Garage| Menerima Jasa Upgrade, Modif, Neon, dll | Type: WAA | Commerce | [12:47:49] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}David_Marc{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}679000{FF0000}] [12:47:49] REPORT: Report anda telah terkirim kepada admin yang online! [12:47:51] REPORT: Report anda telah terkirim kepada admin yang online! [12:47:53] REPORT: Report anda telah terkirim kepada admin yang online! [12:47:55] ADVERT: {ffffff}You've paid {33AA33}$11.10 {FFFFFF}(111 letters) for the advertisement [12:47:55] ADVERT: {ffffff}Your advertisement has been added to the queue and it'll be displayed in {ffff00}3 minutes [12:47:57] ADVERT: {ffffff}You've paid {33AA33}$11.10 {FFFFFF}(111 letters) for the advertisement [12:47:57] ADVERT: {ffffff}Your advertisement has been added to the queue and it'll be displayed in {ffff00}4 minutes [12:47:58] ADVERT: {ffffff}You've paid {33AA33}$11.10 {FFFFFF}(111 letters) for the advertisement [12:47:58] ADVERT: {ffffff}Your advertisement has been added to the queue and it'll be displayed in {ffff00}5 minutes [12:47:58] ADVERT: {ffffff}You've paid {33AA33}$11.10 {FFFFFF}(111 letters) for the advertisement [12:47:58] ADVERT: {ffffff}Your advertisement has been added to the queue and it'll be displayed in {ffff00}7 minutes [12:47:59] ADVERT: {ffffff}You've paid {33AA33}$11.10 {FFFFFF}(111 letters) for the advertisement [12:47:59] ADVERT: {ffffff}Your advertisement has been added to the queue and it'll be displayed in {ffff00}8 minutes [12:48:0] ADVERT: {ffffff}You've paid {33AA33}$11.10 {FFFFFF}(111 letters) for the advertisement [12:48:0] ADVERT: {ffffff}Your advertisement has been added to the queue and it'll be displayed in {ffff00}10 minutes [12:48:0] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [12:48:2] ADVERT: {ffffff}You've paid {33AA33}$11.10 {FFFFFF}(111 letters) for the advertisement [12:48:2] ADVERT: {ffffff}Your advertisement has been added to the queue and it'll be displayed in {ffff00}11 minutes [12:48:2] ADVERT: {ffffff}You've paid {33AA33}$11.10 {FFFFFF}(111 letters) for the advertisement [12:48:2] ADVERT: {ffffff}Your advertisement has been added to the queue and it'll be displayed in {ffff00}12 minutes [12:48:4] ADVERT: {ffffff}You've paid {33AA33}$11.10 {FFFFFF}(111 letters) for the advertisement [12:48:4] ADVERT: {ffffff}Your advertisement has been added to the queue and it'll be displayed in {ffff00}13 minutes [12:48:5] ADVERT: {ffffff}You've paid {33AA33}$11.10 {FFFFFF}(111 letters) for the advertisement [12:48:5] ADVERT: {ffffff}Your advertisement has been added to the queue and it'll be displayed in {ffff00}14 minutes [12:48:5] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [12:48:6] PHONE: {FF0000}Number 435957 {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [12:48:7] ADVERT: {ffffff}You've paid {33AA33}$11.10 {FFFFFF}(111 letters) for the advertisement [12:48:7] ADVERT: {ffffff}Your advertisement has been added to the queue and it'll be displayed in {ffff00}15 minutes [12:48:7] ERROR: Advertisements text cannot go below 10 or above 120 letters! [12:48:10] ADVERT: {ffffff}You've paid {33AA33}$11.10 {FFFFFF}(111 letters) for the advertisement [12:48:10] ADVERT: {ffffff}Your advertisement has been added to the queue and it'll be displayed in {ffff00}17 minutes [12:48:12] ADVERT: {ffffff}You've paid {33AA33}$11.10 {FFFFFF}(111 letters) for the advertisement [12:48:12] ADVERT: {ffffff}Your advertisement has been added to the queue and it'll be displayed in {ffff00}19 minutes [12:48:13] ADVERT: {ffffff}You've paid {33AA33}$11.10 {FFFFFF}(111 letters) for the advertisement [12:48:13] ADVERT: {ffffff}Your advertisement has been added to the queue and it'll be displayed in {ffff00}20 minutes [12:48:19] Vincent Lee: (( kontol si )) [12:48:23] RESPOND: {ff0000}Nezactra18 {FFFFCC}has responded to your report [12:48:28] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telpon berhenti berdering! [12:48:29] Ballack Santos says: kalau matiin robbry gitu ae [12:48:32] You have been healed [12:48:35] Vincent Lee: (( anjay )) [12:48:35] Ballack Santos says: topar [12:48:49] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}You have revoked your shared {00FFFF}NRG-500 {FFFFFF}from {FFFF00}Ballack_Santos [12:48:58] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Savana 3insu 4up Fullmodift Price? 2k Bonus BMX. [12:48:58] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Tom_Olivier{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}435957{FF0000}] [12:49:12] Vincent Lee: (( diem lah anjing )) [12:49:16] (( {FF0000}Admin Nezactra18: {FFFFFF}Jika ada /report yang tertunda, silahkan /report kembali. )) [12:49:18] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Gracious Esquevelle: Ajudant 10094 taking S4 under 1-ADAM-1 as LINCOLN clearing from Central HQ, over. [12:49:20] Ballack Santos says: ayo [12:49:37] Ballack Santos says: 400k doang [12:49:37] TOLL: {FFFFFF}Used 1 toll card point to pay toll access. [12:49:41] Vincent Lee says: Apanya? [12:49:43] Ballack Santos says: ga usah di jual kali ye? [12:49:46] Vincent Lee says: Apanya? [12:49:51] Ballack Santos says: bisnis [12:49:58] Vincent Lee says: Lah mau ngapain tolol [12:50:3] (( PM from [26] Gema_Fajar: lu punya senjata? )) [12:50:7] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Savana 3insu 4up Fullmodift Price? 2k Bonus BMX. [12:50:7] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Tom_Olivier{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}435957{FF0000}] [12:50:11] (( PM to [26] Gema_Fajar: senjata sapd owakowa )) [12:50:19] (( PM from [26] Gema_Fajar: yeh gw mau CK. )) [12:50:31] (( PM to [26] Gema_Fajar: ck apa pk kontol )) [12:50:40] (( PM from [26] Gema_Fajar: CK ganti Nama. )) [12:50:46] (( PM to [26] Gema_Fajar: knp ganti )) [12:50:53] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Budi_Ramdhan ] Phone: [ 1157500 ] [12:50:53] Message: mobil saya diimpound, saya mau kerja mau ngambil mobil [12:51:1] (( PM from [26] Gema_Fajar: bosen pake nama ini. )) [12:51:3] Ballack Santos says: wait [12:51:4] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Gracious Esquevelle: TEU Senior 10094 on last fivers. [12:51:7] Ballack Santos says: hey [12:51:10] (( PM from [26] Gema_Fajar: ini jg nama asli gw asw. )) [12:51:16] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[ST Vincent's Garage] menyediakan berbagai modift modift mobil WAA dan Upgrade yang sangat KECE @Flint County [12:51:16] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Vincent_Lee{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}1029{FF0000}] [12:51:25] (( PM to [26] Gema_Fajar: keren tolol )) [12:51:33] (( PM from [26] Gema_Fajar: jelek. )) [12:51:38] (( PM to [26] Gema_Fajar: keren tolol )) [12:51:57] LIMITSPEED: {ffffff}Vehicle speed limit set to {33AA33}15 mph [12:52:1] JOBDUTY: Anda sekarang on-duty sebagai mekanik! [12:52:3] (( PM from [26] Gema_Fajar: ini Nama Asli gw,ga seharus nya di pake. )) [12:52:25] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [12:52:25] ERROR: This vehicle is a property of {FF0000}Workshop #4 [12:52:25] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[ST Vincent's Garage] menyediakan berbagai modift modift mobil WAA dan Upgrade yang sangat KECE @Flint County [12:52:25] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Vincent_Lee{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}1029{FF0000}] [12:53:0] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Ingga kontol (988555) [12:53:0] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}ada lowongan ga ? [12:53:2] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [12:53:9] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [12:53:9] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}Ingga kontol (988555) [12:53:9] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}penuh sayang ga mau buka lowongan lagi:( [12:53:18] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Ingga kontol (988555) [12:53:18] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}aduh... [12:53:26] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [12:53:26] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}Ingga kontol (988555) [12:53:26] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Aduh:( [12:53:34] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[ST Vincent's Garage] menyediakan berbagai modift modift mobil WAA dan Upgrade yang sangat KECE @Flint County [12:53:34] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Vincent_Lee{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}1029{FF0000}] [12:53:39] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Ingga kontol (988555) [12:53:39] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}pecat 1 orang haha [12:53:48] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [12:53:51] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [12:53:51] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}Ingga kontol (988555) [12:53:51] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Mata mu;v [12:53:51] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Ingga kontol (988555) [12:53:51] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Nggak lah bercanda :(( [12:53:52] [ID] ID: 17 | Name: Ingga_Fresly | Level: 11 | Ping: 32 | Launcher: Yes [12:53:55] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [12:53:57] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [12:54:43] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}|HoF Sportshop| Menjual berbagai alat olahraga dengan harga yang terjangkau| Marina | [12:54:43] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}David_Marc{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}679000{FF0000}] [12:54:51] (( PM from [26] Gema_Fajar: mau bantu ga? )) [12:55:2] (( PM to [26] Gema_Fajar: bantu apa )) [12:55:12] (( PM from [26] Gema_Fajar: bantu CK -_- )) [12:55:15] [RADIO] PO-I Blanchard Rechauffer: 4-ADAM-3 performing 10-15 for one suspect IC1 Male to Central Prison, over. [12:55:20] Vincent Lee: (( Vincent_Stewart. )) [12:55:28] (( PM to [26] Gema_Fajar: gimna caranya okawokwaowa )) [12:55:51] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[ST Vincent's Garage] menyediakan berbagai modift modift mobil WAA dan Upgrade yang sangat KECE @Flint County [12:55:51] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Vincent_Lee{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}1029{FF0000}] [12:55:52] (( PM from [26] Gema_Fajar: gw mau rp in nipu barang ilegal. )) [12:57:0] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[ST Vincent's Garage] menyediakan berbagai modift modift mobil WAA dan Upgrade yang sangat KECE @Flint County [12:57:0] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Vincent_Lee{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}1029{FF0000}] [12:57:14] (( PM from [26] Gema_Fajar: bisa kaga? )) [12:57:42] (( PM to [26] Gema_Fajar: ga bisa )) [12:57:45] SALARY: {ffffff}Your salary statement has been updated, please check command {ffff00}'/mysalary' [12:57:49] (( PM to [26] Gema_Fajar: bulan depan kalo may )) [12:57:54] (( PM from [26] Gema_Fajar: yeh asw. )) [12:57:58] (( PM to [26] Gema_Fajar: bulan depan kalo mau )) [12:58:9] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}|HoF Sportshop| Menjual berbagai alat olahraga dengan harga yang terjangkau| Marina | [12:58:9] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}David_Marc{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}679000{FF0000}] [12:58:9] (( PM from [26] Gema_Fajar: gw mumpung level 9. )) [12:58:29] (( PM from [26] Gema_Fajar: level 10 charity nya 5k )) [12:58:39] (( PM to [26] Gema_Fajar: masih lama kan lu ke level 10? )) [12:58:49] (( PM from [26] Gema_Fajar: bentar lagi. )) [12:58:54] (( PM from [26] Gema_Fajar: 10 jam lagi, )) [12:59:16] ERROR: You need to open the engine hood of the car to begin examination [12:59:16] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[ST Vincent's Garage] menyediakan berbagai modift modift mobil WAA dan Upgrade yang sangat KECE @Flint County [12:59:16] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Vincent_Lee{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}1029{FF0000}] [12:59:17] Alvis Blaymark says: Si entot. [12:59:18] Vincent Lee says: Buka kap vi [12:59:18] ERROR: You need to open the engine hood of the car to begin examination [12:59:22] ERROR: You need to open the engine hood of the car to begin examination [12:59:23] ERROR: Vehicle is locked! [12:59:29] * Vincent Lee examine veh [12:59:30] Alvis Blaymark says: Body. [12:59:34] Alvis Blaymark says: Eh duit gua tinggal jir. [12:59:37] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}Finished examining vehicle {00FFFF}Stafford [12:59:37] NOTE: {FFFFFF}You are now able to use '{FFFF00}/vehmenu{FFFFFF}' on this vehicle [12:59:37] * Alvis Blaymark laugh. [12:59:43] Vincent Lee says: Body 45$ [12:59:47] Vincent Lee: (( a )) [12:59:51] Vincent Lee: (( lag anjing )) [12:59:52] Alvis Blaymark says: Gua bawa 43. [12:59:54] Alvis Blaymark says: Mau ga? [12:59:55] Vincent Lee says: Yaudah [13:0:2] * Alvis Blaymark pay to Vincent. [13:0:4] AME: {C2A2DA}accept it. [13:0:5] PAYINFO: {ffffff}You've received {00ff00}$43.00 {ffffff}from {ffff00}Alvis Blaymark [id:29] [13:0:14] * Vincent Lee repairing body using mc tools [13:0:15] Alvis Blaymark says: Gak ke bengkel lu? [13:0:20] Vincent Lee says: Nanti tunggu di telfon [13:0:25] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[ST Vincent's Garage] menyediakan berbagai modift modift mobil WAA dan Upgrade yang sangat KECE @Flint County [13:0:25] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Vincent_Lee{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}1029{FF0000}] [13:0:29] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}You've used {FFFF00}72 components {FFFFFF}to repair the body of the {00FFFF}Stafford [13:0:30] done. ((Vincent Lee)) [13:0:40] Vincent Lee says: Udah beb [13:0:44] Alvis Blaymark says: Iya. [13:0:49] * Alvis Blaymark take spray. [13:1:2] * Alvis Blaymark examine vehicle. [13:1:25] Carlo_Stevenson telah keluar dari server. (Pergi) [13:1:34] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[ST Vincent's Garage] menyediakan berbagai modift modift mobil WAA dan Upgrade yang sangat KECE @Flint County [13:1:34] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Vincent_Lee{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}1029{FF0000}] [13:3:16] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Selamat datang {ffff00}Vincent_Lee{ffffff}. [13:3:16] Faction MOTD: {FFFF00}Diharapkan untuk aktif In-Game dan Forum, panggilan /r tolong fast response. [13:3:16] MOTD: {ffff00}Mohon menggunakan '/report' dengan benar, berikan informasi yang jelas dan detail {ff0000}- Ian [13:3:16] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Anda terakhir login {ffff00}36 menit yang lalu [13:3:17] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Today is {ffff00}Mon 23 Sep 2019, 13:03:17 [13:3:17] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Server memerlukan waktu {ffff00}232 milisecond{ffffff} untuk memuat data char anda! [13:3:53] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[ST Vincent's Garage] menyediakan berbagai modift modift mobil WAA dan Upgrade yang sangat KECE @Flint County [13:3:53] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Vincent_Lee{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}1029{FF0000}] [13:4:28] JOBDUTY: Anda sekarang on-duty sebagai mekanik! [13:4:59] ERROR: You already have a pending advertisement in the queue list! [13:5:2] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[ST Vincent's Garage] menyediakan berbagai modift modift mobil WAA dan Upgrade yang sangat KECE @Flint County [13:5:2] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Vincent_Lee{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}1029{FF0000}] [13:5:11] AdmCmd: Trever_Oneil has been kicked by Nezactra18. [13:5:11] Reason: Admin bukan tukang teleport, IC kan naik Taxi. [13:5:12] AME: {C2A2DA}examine veh [13:5:18] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}Finished examining vehicle {00FFFF} [13:5:18] NOTE: {FFFFFF}You are now able to use '{FFFF00}/vehmenu{FFFFFF}' on this vehicle [13:5:21] ERROR: Unable to find vehicle near you! [13:5:21] AdmCmd: Brooklyn_Olsen has been kicked by Nezactra18. [13:5:21] Reason: Admin bukan tukang teleport, IC kan naik Taxi. [13:5:22] ERROR: Unable to find vehicle near you! [13:5:30] Admin Nezactra18: Salah ID [13:5:31] (( Vincent Lee: salah kik? )) [13:5:35] (( Gloria Stuart: yup )) [13:5:38] (( Gloria Stuart: ID )) [13:5:42] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Damian Hancock ] Reporter: [ Blanchard Rechauffer ] [13:5:42] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Illegaly Manufactures. ] [13:5:47] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Damian Hancock ] Reporter: [ Blanchard Rechauffer ] [13:5:47] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Failure to Comply. ] [13:6:10] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Dijual Rumah 1 Garasi Las Colinas Minat?CP Me [13:6:10] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}David_Marc{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}679000{FF0000}] [13:6:43] ERROR: You already have a pending advertisement in the queue list! [13:6:47] HQ: {00ffff}Damian_Hancock have been arrested by Blanchard_Rechauffer [13:7:19] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[ST Vincent's Garage] menyediakan berbagai modift modift mobil WAA dan Upgrade yang sangat KECE @Flint County [13:7:19] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Vincent_Lee{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}1029{FF0000}] [13:7:22] * Vincent Lee repairing engine sanchez using mc tolls [13:7:31] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}You've used {FFFF00}42 components {FFFFFF}to repair the engine of the {00FFFF}Sanchez [13:7:39] Vincent Lee says: Mesin body? [13:7:43] Gema Fajar says: benerin. [13:7:46] * Vincent Lee examine veh [13:7:50] Vincent Lee: (( gua dah level 4 cuk:v )) [13:7:51] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}Finished examining vehicle {00FFFF}Sadler [13:7:51] NOTE: {FFFFFF}You are now able to use '{FFFF00}/vehmenu{FFFFFF}' on this vehicle [13:7:58] Bannan Berg: (( gile )) [13:8:2] Gema Fajar: (( ga nanya. )) [13:8:17] Gema Fajar: (( lu ga bisa bantu gw CK? )) [13:8:17] Vincent Lee says: Mesin body 70$ [13:8:21] Vincent Lee: (( nanti gampang )) [13:8:25] * Gema Fajar pass money. [13:8:27] Vincent Lee: (( tunggu gua mood )) [13:8:28] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Dijual Rumah 1 Garasi Las Colinas Minat?CP Me [13:8:28] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}David_Marc{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}679000{FF0000}] [13:8:28] AME: {C2A2DA}accept it [13:8:31] PAYINFO: {ffffff}You've received {00ff00}$70.00 {ffffff}from {ffff00}Gema Fajar [id:26] [13:8:35] Gema Fajar: (( lama. )) [13:8:48] * Vincent Lee repairing engine using mc tools and component [13:8:57] Vincent Lee: (( buat ck itu ss doang kan? )) [13:8:58] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}You've used {FFFF00}103 components {FFFFFF}to repair the engine of the {00FFFF}Sadler [13:8:58] JOBDUTY: You've less than 50 component, you are now off-duty! [13:9:2] done ((Vincent Lee)) [13:9:4] Vincent Lee says: Ambil compo bentar [13:9:14] COMPONENT: You've withdraw 217 components from Tow Truck! [13:9:14] AME: {C2A2DA}takes 217 units of components from the back of the Tow Truck [13:9:21] JOBDUTY: Anda sekarang on-duty sebagai mekanik! [13:9:37] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[ST Vincent's Garage] menyediakan berbagai modift modift mobil WAA dan Upgrade yang sangat KECE @Flint County [13:9:37] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Vincent_Lee{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}1029{FF0000}] [13:9:39] AME: {C2A2DA}repairing body using mc tools [13:9:44] proses. ((Vincent Lee)) [13:9:44] Gema Fajar: (( tinggal ss terus edit jadi story )) [13:9:47] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}You've used {FFFF00}32 components {FFFFFF}to repair the body of the {00FFFF}Sadler [13:9:47] done. ((Vincent Lee)) [13:9:50] Vincent Lee: (( owh )) [13:10:4] JOBDUTY: Anda sekarang off-duty! [13:10:4] Gema Fajar: (( lebih bagus sih sambil di rp in. )) [13:10:6] JOBDUTY: Anda sekarang on-duty sebagai mekanik! [13:10:9] Vincent Lee: (( ribettttttt )) [13:10:17] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [13:10:18] KEGUNAAN: /robman [1-2] [13:10:30] Gema Fajar: (( afk kencing. )) [13:10:34] SALARY: {ffffff}Your salary statement has been updated, please check command {ffff00}'/mysalary' [13:10:36] Vincent Lee: (( okeh )) [13:10:46] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[ST Vincent's Garage] menyediakan berbagai modift modift mobil WAA dan Upgrade yang sangat KECE @Flint County [13:10:46] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Vincent_Lee{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}1029{FF0000}] [13:11:4] [ID] ID: 19 | Name: Jaylen_Arkwood | Level: 4 | Ping: 22 | Launcher: Yes [13:11:5] [ID] ID: 18 | Name: Bannan_Berg | Level: 3 | Ping: 34 | Launcher: No [13:11:6] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (435957) [13:11:6] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}kamu dimana? [13:11:9] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [13:11:10] HUD: {FFFFFF}Player HUD is {FF0000}hidden [13:11:10] HUD: {FFFFFF}Player HUD is {00FF00}visible [13:11:15] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [13:11:15] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 435957 [13:11:15] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Dimana maunya beb? [13:11:20] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (435957) [13:11:20] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}hati [13:11:26] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [13:11:26] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 435957 [13:11:26] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}UNCH :* [13:11:27] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (435957) [13:11:27] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}hati kita berdua [13:11:29] Gracious Esquevelle says: Body dong. [13:11:34] Vincent Lee says: Buka kap su [13:11:35] ERROR: You need to open the engine hood of the car to begin examination [13:11:43] AME: {C2A2DA}examine veh [13:11:44] Gracious Esquevelle Says [low]: Kenapa ga duty PD? [13:11:47] Vincent Lee says: Absen [13:11:48] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}Finished examining vehicle {00FFFF}Police Car (LSPD) [13:11:48] NOTE: {FFFFFF}You are now able to use '{FFFF00}/vehmenu{FFFFFF}' on this vehicle [13:11:54] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{DIJUA}Rumah di Marina 2 Lantai 5 ruagan minat [13:11:54] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Blaxton_Carrington{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}8468561{FF0000}] [13:11:58] Vincent Lee says: Body 15$ [13:11:58] Tom Olivier says: mesin [13:11:59] Gracious Esquevelle Says [low]: Yaudah duty aja [13:12:0] Vincent Lee says: bentar [13:12:2] Vincent Lee says: Nanti aja [13:12:6] Vincent Lee says: gua duty ga dapet gaji [13:12:7] Gracious Esquevelle Says [low]: Lu mah absen tapi ada di kota terus heran. [13:12:7] Tom Olivier says: mesin [13:12:8] Vincent Lee says: Anjing emang [13:12:17] Vincent Lee: (( wifi lan gua di pc error )) [13:12:18] Gracious Esquevelle says: Lah nape ga dapet gaji? [13:12:24] Vincent Lee: (( jadinya gua paake llaptop )) [13:12:28] Vincent Lee: (( GABISA TS KIMAK )) [13:12:29] * Bannan Berg examining sanchez using mech tool's [13:12:33] Tom Olivier: (( kwokowkwo )) [13:12:33] Gracious Esquevelle: (( tinggal ts )) [13:12:37] AME: {C2A2DA}examine veh. [13:12:39] Gracious Esquevelle says: Benerin ini hey [13:12:40] Gracious Esquevelle says: Gimana si [13:12:41] Vincent Lee says: 15$ [13:12:42] Vincent Lee says: Sayang [13:12:47] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}Finished examining vehicle {00FFFF}Sanchez [13:12:47] NOTE: {FFFFFF}You are now able to use '{FFFF00}/vehmenu{FFFFFF}' on this vehicle [13:12:48] Bannan Berg says: $28 pak [13:12:51] Vincent Lee says: Mesin 30$ [13:12:54] Gema Fajar says: repair? [13:12:54] Vincent Lee says: Ke gua tom [13:12:58] Vincent Lee Shouts: Gua aja gem! [13:13:2] * Tom Olivier pays up to Vincent [13:13:3] (( PM to [26] Gema_Fajar: gua butuh xp gem )) [13:13:3] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{DIJUAL}Rumah 2 lantai 5 ruagan minat lokasi di marina [13:13:3] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Blaxton_Carrington{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}8468561{FF0000}] [13:13:5] Vincent Lee says: Sini duitnya gra [13:13:5] Gema Fajar Shouts: lama.! [13:13:6] PAYINFO: {ffffff}You've received {00ff00}$30.00 {ffffff}from {ffff00}Tom Olivier [id:42] [13:13:6] AME: {C2A2DA}accept it [13:13:9] Gema Fajar Shouts: yaudah nih.! [13:13:14] Gema Fajar Shouts: ngalah gua mah,! [13:13:20] * Vincent Lee repairing engine using mc tools [13:13:24] Vincent Lee: (( yang level 5 diem aja )) [13:13:25] Tom Olivier says: pak [13:13:28] Gracious Esquevelle says: Yaa? [13:13:29] Vincent Lee: (( yang level 5 diem aja )) [13:13:32] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}You've used {FFFF00}55 components {FFFFFF}to repair the engine of the {00FFFF}Sanchez [13:13:32] done. ((Vincent Lee)) [13:13:34] Gema Fajar: (( -_- )) [13:13:34] Vincent Lee says: 15$ [13:13:35] Tom Olivier says: kalo requitemen PD kapan ya? [13:13:39] Vincent Lee says: Masih lama [13:13:47] AME: {C2A2DA}examine [13:13:47] Gracious Esquevelle says: Pelit amat [13:13:48] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}Finished examining vehicle {00FFFF}Police Car (LSPD) [13:13:48] NOTE: {FFFFFF}You are now able to use '{FFFF00}/vehmenu{FFFFFF}' on this vehicle [13:13:48] Tom Olivier says: oh masih lama [13:13:49] Gema Fajar says: lu kaga duty Lee? [13:13:49] Vincent Lee says: 15$ [13:13:50] PAYINFO: {ffffff}You've received {00ff00}$15.00 {ffffff}from {ffff00}Gracious Esquevelle [id:31] [13:13:51] Vincent Lee says: Bahaha [13:13:59] Gracious Esquevelle says: Ga guna duty juga dia mah.. [13:14:1] Vincent Lee says: ANJING [13:14:6] Gema Fajar says: emang. [13:14:7] * Vincent Lee repairing engine using mc tools [13:14:12] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{DIJUAL}Rumah 2 lantai 5 ruagan lokasi di marina [13:14:12] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Blaxton_Carrington{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}8468561{FF0000}] [13:14:12] Gema Fajar says: nyusahin mulu dia. [13:14:14] Vincent Lee says: Gua pembasmi robber [13:14:17] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}You've used {FFFF00}24 components {FFFFFF}to repair the body of the {00FFFF}Police Car (LSPD) [13:14:19] Vincent Lee says: Selalu bunuh robber [13:14:22] Vincent Lee says: Kerad kan gua [13:14:24] Gema Fajar says: matalu. [13:14:28] Vincent Lee says: Bahaha [13:14:35] Bannan Berg says: Disini banyak robber loh. [13:14:38] Vincent Lee says: Ga takut [13:14:44] Vincent Lee says: Gua kasih duit palingan [13:14:51] Bannan Berg says: Yaa bukan gitu. tadi ada korban. [13:14:56] Vincent Lee says: jam berapa [13:15:1] Gema Fajar says: )) [13:15:6] * Vincent Lee udud sambil nunggu pelanggan [13:15:10] Bannan Berg says: Jam 11 kayaknya tadi. [13:15:20] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[JUAL] Rumah di Marina, 2 lantai dan 5 ruangan. Tawar harga di SMS! [13:15:20] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Geovanie_Fortyne{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}2311{FF0000}] [13:15:21] Gema Fajar says: pake Sanchez? [13:15:21] Vincent Lee says: Pake senjata apa [13:15:28] Bannan Berg says: Pake sepeda. [13:15:33] Gema Fajar says: njir. [13:15:37] [RADIO] PO-I Blanchard Rechauffer: 4-ADAM-3 10-99 from 10-15 procedure, back to last status, over. [13:15:42] Bannan Berg says: Pake silenced pistol. [13:15:44] Gema Fajar says: ngerob pake sepeda. [13:15:47] (( PM to [42] Tom_Olivier: woi kontol )) [13:15:47] Bannan Berg says: Langsung tembak tembak gitu. [13:15:51] (( PM from [42] Tom_Olivier: yo? )) [13:15:52] (( PM to [42] Tom_Olivier: ss rumah lu kirim ke gua )) [13:15:53] Gema Fajar says: hmm... [13:15:54] (( PM to [42] Tom_Olivier: ss rumah lu kirim ke gua )) [13:15:57] Gema Fajar says: kek kenal. [13:16:2] Bannan Berg says: Helm putih. [13:16:5] (( PM from [42] Tom_Olivier: wait,habis batre )) [13:16:9] (( PM to [42] Tom_Olivier: halah anjing )) [13:16:11] Daryl Willd says: Bentar [13:16:16] Gema Fajar says: oh kirain kaga pake helm. [13:16:17] SALARY: {ffffff}Your salary statement has been updated, please check command {ffff00}'/mysalary' [13:16:18] (( PM from [42] Tom_Olivier: sekalian liat aja langsung gimana? )) [13:16:20] Daryl Willd says: Ada mao up co ? [13:16:23] (( PM to [42] Tom_Olivier: ic in gua )) [13:16:28] Geraldo Mouta says: Nigga. [13:16:29] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[WilldS Mech] Workshop anda butuh mechanic berpengalam 5 tahun ? Hubungi saya. [13:16:29] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Daryl_Willd{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}455664{FF0000}] [13:16:32] Geraldo Mouta says: Mechanic [13:16:32] Vincent Lee says: What??? [13:16:33] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (435957) [13:16:33] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}liat rumah gua ga? [13:16:37] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [13:16:37] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 435957 [13:16:37] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Dimana [13:16:44] Caller [phone]: Bro. [13:16:46] Geraldo Mouta says: Gajadi liat rumah? [13:16:47] Gema Fajar says: Bagi udud lee. [13:16:49] Caller [phone]: Ini Gua Aamory. [13:16:49] (( {FF0000}Admin Kendorize: {FFFFFF}awikwok )) [13:16:51] Daryl Willd [phone]: Whats ? [13:16:51] (( {FF0000}Admin Kendorize: {FFFFFF})) )) [13:16:51] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (435957) [13:16:51] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}tunggu di situ gua jemput [13:16:54] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [13:16:54] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 435957 [13:16:54] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Okeh [13:16:57] Daryl Willd [phone]: So ? [13:16:58] Gema Fajar says: Bagi udud lee. [13:16:59] Vincent Lee: (( anjing gemaaaaa )) [13:17:7] * You gave Gema Fajar 3 pieces of cigar. [13:17:7] AME: {C2A2DA}hands 3 cigar(s) to Gema Fajar. [13:17:8] PAYCHECK: {FFFF00}Pergi ke bank dan /signcheck untuk mendapatkan gaji anda atau pergi ke salah satu ATM! [13:17:8] Gema Fajar: (( emang kena? )) [13:17:12] Vincent Lee: (( ke hit tolol;v )) [13:17:18] Daryl Willd [phone]: Oke wait [13:17:18] (( {00FFFF}Get a Life! Kierran_Freeman: {FFFFFF}Gunakan /ask untuk bertanya seputar server )) [13:17:18] Daryl Willd [phone]: SMS [13:17:20] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Zarion Whittemore: Prob. Sergeant 6956 reporting onduty from East Beach Precinct, over [13:17:23] Gema Fajar: (( oh, )) [13:17:25] Gema Fajar: (( maap. )) [13:17:26] (( Zarion Whittemore: Siang all )) [13:17:28] Vincent Lee: (( ;v )) [13:17:30] (( Blanchard Rechauffer: siang )) [13:17:33] Bannan Berg: (( buset )) [13:17:35] (( Rileys Dempster: Siang )) [13:17:36] Vincent Lee: (( awkwaowa )) [13:17:38] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Sell Rumah di Tanajak ELS 3ruangan Or Trade With Mobil Sticker Hub: [13:17:38] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Brooklyn_Olsen{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}593959{FF0000}] [13:17:38] (( Gracious Esquevelle: unch )) [13:17:48] Vincent Lee says: Ga mau di modif ini gem? [13:17:51] Vincent Lee says: Ganti velg mantap [13:17:57] QUIZ: Entah apa yang? [13:17:57] NOTE: use '/quiz answer' to answer that quiz! [13:18:1] Gema Fajar says: gua juga bisa. [13:18:2] QUIZ: Vincent_Lee have won the quiz! [13:18:2] QUIZ: The answer was 'merasuki mu' [13:18:5] Vincent Lee: (( kowaokwaowa )) [13:18:7] (( PM from [42] Tom_Olivier: yey )) [13:18:10] (( PM to [42] Tom_Olivier: owapkokwakowaowa )) [13:18:13] (( PM from [42] Tom_Olivier: jij )) [13:18:15] (( PM from [43] Aarich_Steven: owkwowkwowk )) [13:18:17] (( Zarion Whittemore: Ga di IG, WA, JG itu mulu yng muncul -_- )) [13:18:18] (( PM to [43] Aarich_Steven: kowaokwaowa )) [13:18:21] QUIZ: hingga kau tega? [13:18:21] NOTE: use '/quiz answer' to answer that quiz! [13:18:28] QUIZ: Wrong answer! [13:18:29] Gema Fajar says: gua 2 minggu kaga di gaji bangsad. [13:18:30] QUIZ: Geraldo_Mouta have won the quiz! [13:18:30] QUIZ: The answer was 'mengkhianati ku' [13:18:33] ERROR: No quiz available at the moment! [13:18:33] (( {FF0000}Helper Rhytm420: {FFFFFF}yang di sanews /pm dong )) [13:18:37] ERROR: No quiz available at the moment! [13:18:47] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Sell Rumah di Tanajak ELS 3ruangan Or Trade With Mobil Sticker Hub: [13:18:47] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Brooklyn_Olsen{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}593959{FF0000}] [13:19:11] Tom Olivier says: ayo [13:19:13] Vincent Lee says: Hey nigga [13:19:17] Tom Olivier says: goblog nigga [13:19:21] Tom Olivier says: gua orang kota putih [13:19:22] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Zarion Whittemore: Prob. Sergeant 6956 available for partner, any basic unit unpartnered? [13:19:25] Vincent Lee says: Lets go bitch [13:19:27] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Gracious Esquevelle: 1-ADAM-1 [13:19:34] JOBDUTY: Anda sekarang off-duty! [13:19:36] [RADIO] PO-I Blanchard Rechauffer: 4-ADAM-3 negative. [13:19:43] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Owen_Pearson ] Phone: [ 460087 ] [13:19:43] Message: Flatbed saya izin ke kota [13:19:48] Tom Olivier says: bagu mobil gue? [13:19:50] (( PM to [12] Owen_Pearson: gaboleh )) [13:19:53] Vincent Lee says: Mayan [13:19:56] Daryl Willd says: Bacot [13:20:1] [RADIO] Sergeant I Finn Riley: Sergeant I 6490 reporting for duty. [13:20:3] (( PM from [12] Owen_Pearson: em :v )) [13:20:4] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Zarion Whittemore: Prob. Sergeant 6956 to 1-ADAM-1, please come to infront of East Beach Precinct for teaming up with me [13:20:8] (( PM to [12] Owen_Pearson: bayar lewat kota owaokwawa )) [13:20:13] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Zarion Whittemore: Do you copy, 1-ADAM-1? [13:20:17] [RADIO] Sergeant I Finn Riley: Sergeant I 6490 to all unit on field please 10-1 '20 Central Basement. [13:20:19] (( PM from [12] Owen_Pearson: bapak kau bayar )) [13:20:24] (( PM to [12] Owen_Pearson: dih aku preman goblok )) [13:20:29] TELEPORT: {FFFF00}Aurora_Felicia {FFFFFF}has teleported to you! [13:20:34] (( PM from [12] Owen_Pearson: haha )) [13:20:34] Vincent Lee: (( njir teleport )) [13:20:35] [RADIO] Sergeant I Finn Riley: Sergeant I 6490 to all unit on field please 10-1 '20 Central Basement. [13:20:39] (( {FF0000}Admin Nezactra18: {FFFFFF}Ada yang di flint? )) [13:20:40] [id:3] Helper Regency (Blanchard_Rechauffer) [13:20:40] [id:4] Volunteer Jarvis (Kierran_Freeman) [13:20:40] [id:13] Admin Level 1 Nezactra18 (Aurora_Felicia) [13:20:40] [id:14] Helper Rhytm420 (Sebastian_Trippier) [13:20:40] [id:21] Volunteer kukuku (Rileys_Dempster) [13:20:40] [id:39] Admin Level 3 Kendorize (Cliff_Wazoski) [13:20:40] NOTE: {ffffff}Volunteer tidak memiliki kedudukan yang sama dengan Helper / Admin [13:20:41] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Gracious Esquevelle: 1-ADAM-1 Enroute to East Beach Precint ETA 2 Minutes. [13:20:47] (( PM to [13] Nezactra18: kenapa cu )) [13:20:49] (( PM to [13] Nezactra18: teleport )) [13:20:50] [RADIO] Sergeant I Finn Riley: Sergeant I 6490 to all unit on field please 10-1 '20 Central Basement. [13:20:50] (( PM from [13] Nezactra18: gapapa )) [13:20:56] (( {FF0000}Admin Nezactra18: {FFFFFF}Sudah, terima kasih. )) [13:20:57] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Zarion Whittemore: Alright, I'll waiting for your arrival 1-ADAM-1. [13:21:1] Vincent Lee says: bajing rumah apaan ini cuk [13:21:17] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Gracious Esquevelle: 1-ADAM-1 Hold on Sergeant, after i come to East Beach i will enroute to Central Basement. [13:21:19] [RADIO] Sergeant I Finn Riley: Sergeant I 6490 to all unit on field please 10-1 '20 Central Basement. [13:21:22] Tom Olivier says: bagus [13:21:27] [RADIO] Sergeant I Finn Riley: Any copy ? Sergeant I 6490 speak. [13:21:35] [RADIO] PO-I Blanchard Rechauffer: 4-ADAM-3 copy that. [13:21:39] Tom Olivier says: mau ora? [13:21:39] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Zarion Whittemore: Prob. Seregant 6956 to Sergeant Riley, I'll be there ETA 4 minute with Adjduant Esquevelle under 4-ME [13:21:41] Vincent Lee says: Berapa [13:21:42] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Zarion Whittemore: ..4-METRO-1 [13:21:49] Tom Olivier says: $30 nego [13:21:52] Tom Olivier says: $30k nego [13:21:54] Vincent Lee says: BANGSAT [13:21:56] Vincent Lee says: UP KERASSSS [13:22:1] Tom Olivier says: becanda goblog [13:22:2] Tom Olivier says: becanda goblog [13:22:6] Tom Olivier says: $15k nego [13:22:9] Vincent Lee says: Bajing [13:22:10] (( Zarion Whittemore: *Sergeant )) [13:22:15] Tom Olivier says: gua beli segitu [13:22:21] Vincent Lee says: Hem [13:22:24] Vincent Lee says: Bayarnya minggu depan tapi [13:22:29] Vincent Lee says: Gua mau beli ws lagi soalnya [13:22:29] Tom Olivier: (( di payang gate enak )) [13:22:32] Vincent Lee says: Gua mau beli ws lagi soalnya [13:22:37] Tom Olivier says: minggu depan? [13:22:45] Vincent Lee says: Iya bayarnya minggu depan, kasih rumahnya sekarang [13:22:47] Vincent Lee: (( mau pasang gate:v )) [13:22:48] [RADIO] PO-I Blanchard Rechauffer: 4-ADAM-3 now in '20 Central Basement. [13:22:56] Tom Olivier says: kalo minggu depan jadi $20k [13:22:57] Tom Olivier says: haha [13:23:0] Vincent Lee says: HALAH ANJINK [13:23:4] Tom Olivier says: gimana?t [13:23:7] Tom Olivier says: )) [13:23:8] Vincent Lee says: 16k [13:23:13] Tom Olivier says: kali kali ngasih rejeki ke gua [13:23:20] Vincent Lee says: Itu 16k rejeki kontol [13:23:21] Tom Olivier says: kali kali ngasih rejeki ke gua [13:23:23] Vincent Lee says: Itu 16k rejeki kontol [13:23:42] Tom Olivier says: tambahin dikit lagi beb [13:23:44] Tom Olivier says: UNCH [13:23:46] Vincent Lee says: Gamau yaudah [13:23:57] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Zarion Whittemore: Prob. Sergeant 6956 to 1-ADAM-1, you can come to Central Basement. [13:23:58] Tom Olivier says: sini [13:24:1] Tom Olivier says: jangan gitu beb [13:24:5] Tom Olivier says: yaudah ayok [13:24:11] Tom Olivier says: lari goblog [13:24:15] Tom Olivier says: jangan jalan [13:24:17] Vincent Lee says: Santai lah tolol [13:24:17] Tom Olivier says: haha [13:24:25] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Gracious Esquevelle: 1-ADAM-1 Arrived at East Beach Precint. [13:24:43] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BELI]Sadler 3-5 insurance, jual? SMS [13:24:43] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Miloslav_Mcintyre{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}115693{FF0000}] [13:24:50] Tom Olivier says: ayok [13:25:9] Jayden Clayton says: Yow sup y'all [13:25:15] Vincent Lee says: Wassup? [13:25:18] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Zarion Whittemore: Prob. Sergeant 6956 teaming up with Adjduant Esquevelle under 4-METRO-1 take status four clearing fr [13:25:20] Tom Olivier says: yo [13:25:25] * Jayden Clayton stares out to the crowd. [13:25:26] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Zarion Whittemore: ...from East Beach Precinct, [13:25:38] Jayden Clayton says: Whatcha' doin' ayE? [13:25:40] Jayden Clayton says: Really? [13:25:40] (( Zarion Whittemore: *Adjudant )) [13:25:42] Jayden Clayton says: Ignore me? [13:25:47] Vincent Lee says: Nope dude. [13:25:48] Vincent Lee says: Wait [13:25:50] Vincent Lee: (( give aja )) [13:25:51] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BELI]Sadler 3-5 insurance, jual? SMS [13:25:51] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Miloslav_Mcintyre{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}115693{FF0000}] [13:25:56] Jayden Clayton says: Yeah, see ya. [13:26:0] Vincent Lee: (( kalo gua bisanya lewat give )) [13:26:6] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [13:26:9] * Tom Olivier memberikan kunci kepada Vincent dengan harga $16k [13:26:22] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}You've received a house from {FFFF00}Tom Olivier [13:26:28] tidak diterima ((Vincent Lee)) [13:26:34] (( Gloria Stuart: jar lu lulus pengangguran ya? )) [13:26:35] itu udah diambil juga ((Tom Olivier)) [13:26:38] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Zarion Whittemore: 4-METRO-1 arrived on Central Basement [13:26:39] (( Gloria Stuart: woakkwao )) [13:26:42] oke gratis ((Vincent Lee)) [13:26:43] (( Finn Riley: mantap )) [13:26:47] ah goblog ((Tom Olivier)) [13:26:49] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Bryan_Stewart ] Phone: [ 210070 ] [13:26:49] Message: mau bayar mobil yang di impound [13:26:52] (( Zarion Whittemore: Apa sih lu )) [13:26:52] bodo amat gratis ((Vincent Lee)) [13:26:52] (( Blanchard Rechauffer: njay )) [13:26:58] Tom Olivier says: anjir [13:26:59] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BELI]Sadler 3-5 insurance, jual? SMS [13:26:59] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Miloslav_Mcintyre{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}115693{FF0000}] [13:27:0] Tom Olivier: (( :( )) [13:27:0] Vincent Lee: (( cara minta gate sama tembok gimana? )) [13:27:1] (( Zarion Whittemore: Gua lagi nunggu umur 18 tahun )) [13:27:6] (( Gloria Stuart: tiap hari login JG, jadi sarjana JG lau )) [13:27:6] Tom Olivier: (( forum )) [13:27:14] (( Blanchard Rechauffer: S3 roleplay )) [13:27:18] Tom Olivier says: dari sini pagernya [13:27:18] Vincent Lee: (( ss giniannya? )) [13:27:22] (( Finn Riley: umur ditunggu wkwkwk )) [13:27:24] Vincent Lee says: Tembok sini mah kontol [13:27:25] (( Gloria Stuart: Mangkanya )) [13:27:28] Vincent Lee: (( ss rumahnya gitu? )) [13:27:33] (( Gracious Esquevelle: login salah ga login salah )) [13:27:33] (( Zarion Whittemore: Yaialah, belum bisa buat NPWP )) [13:27:33] Tom Olivier: (( kurang tau gue )) [13:27:34] (( Gracious Esquevelle: mati aja )) [13:27:35] Tom Olivier: (( tanya askw )) [13:27:36] Vincent Lee: (( tlol )) [13:27:38] Tom Olivier: (( wkowkow )) [13:27:43] Vincent Lee says: Dari sini aje [13:27:46] Tom Olivier says: enak kalo pake pager. [13:28:7] (( Zarion Whittemore: Skrng perusahaan butuh NPWP dan mesti genap 18 )) [13:28:8] Tom Olivier says: ayok [13:28:8] Vincent Lee: (( req forum dulu btr )) [13:28:11] Tom Olivier says: oke [13:28:15] Vincent Lee says: Mobil siapa kontol in [13:28:16] Vincent Lee says: Mobil siapa kontol ini [13:28:19] Vincent Lee says: Mau gua impound? [13:28:19] Tom Olivier says: yang gue kontol [13:28:24] Vincent Lee says: Mau gua impound? [13:28:24] Tom Olivier says: anjing jangan [13:28:28] (( Gloria Stuart: Berarti tuaan gua ye. )) [13:28:29] Tom Olivier says: nitip dong njir [13:28:34] Vincent Lee: (( req forum btr )) [13:28:37] (( Blanchard Rechauffer: untung udh 18 tahun h3h3 )) [13:28:38] (( Zarion Whittemore: Ya, keliatan dari mukanya )) [13:28:42] (( Zarion Whittemore: umur lu udh 20an )) [13:28:54] (( Gloria Stuart: gblk 20, 19 gw mau ke 20. )) [13:29:33] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}For Sale 405th mulholland road 1 garage 4 room.SMS! [13:29:33] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Maynard_Southwell{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}690069{FF0000}] [13:30:12] Q:Vincent Lee[11]: min kalau minta maapingna di forum bagian mana? [13:30:16] Answer: {ffff00}mapping sendiri [13:30:21] Tom Olivier says: bisa? [13:30:23] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Bryan_Stewart ] Phone: [ 210070 ] [13:30:23] Message: Mau unimpound [13:30:27] Q:Vincent Lee[11]: gatenya engga? [13:30:38] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [13:30:38] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}Robi NEw (210070) [13:30:38] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Lu bau [13:30:45] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [13:30:45] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}Robi NEw (210070) [13:30:45] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Ga bakal di impound okawkowa [13:30:47] Vincent Lee: (( wait )) [13:30:58] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Robi NEw (210070) [13:30:58] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}ngapa? [13:31:24] Hans Pendleton [phone]: yang fish storage itu bukan pak? [13:31:29] Answer: {ffff00}Gatenya ntar si budi yang gituin, lu mapping rumahnya aja [13:32:52] AdmCmd: Roomero_Calvizer has been kicked by Nezactra18. [13:32:52] Reason: Relogin [13:33:20] (( PM to [42] Tom_Olivier: woi )) [13:33:26] (( PM from [42] Tom_Olivier: leduk mobil gue )) [13:33:29] (( PM to [42] Tom_Olivier: kontol kok gua masih di market 69? okwakowa )) [13:33:31] (( PM to [42] Tom_Olivier: lah? )) [13:33:42] (( PM to [42] Tom_Olivier: leduk dimana awkowakowa )) [13:33:49] (( PM from [42] Tom_Olivier: mobil gue leduk )) [13:33:55] (( PM to [42] Tom_Olivier: okwakoawkowa mamps )) [13:33:58] (( PM to [42] Tom_Olivier: ic in gua )) [13:33:59] AdmCmd: Gilbert_Douglas has been kicked by Nezactra18. [13:33:59] Reason: Relog dengan launcher. [13:34:13] (( PM from [42] Tom_Olivier: gua mau minta refund )) [13:34:20] (( PM to [42] Tom_Olivier: emgnya knp )) [13:34:27] (( PM from [42] Tom_Olivier: mobil gue leduk gara bug )) [13:34:31] AdmCmd: Bang_Heyru has been kicked by Nezactra18. [13:34:31] Reason: Non RP name, buat nama lebih realistis contoh : Finn_Riley [13:34:36] (( Gracious Esquevelle: naisu )) [13:34:39] (( PM to [42] Tom_Olivier: mampos kowakowaowa )) [13:34:43] (( Blanchard Rechauffer: nama yang bagus )) [13:34:44] (( PM from [42] Tom_Olivier: rugi )) [13:34:51] (( Gracious Esquevelle: eh fik itu gimana ada yang nicknya Garcius Esquevelle nyinggs )) [13:34:51] Tom Olivier says: anjing ah [13:34:51] Q:Vincent Lee[11]: code extra mappingan itu apa? [13:34:52] (( Finn Riley: nama ngarang juga )) [13:34:54] Vincent Lee: (( okwakowa )) [13:34:54] (( {00FFFF}Get a Life! Kierran_Freeman: {FFFFFF}Gunakan /ask untuk bertanya seputar server )) [13:34:59] Tom Olivier: (( cek forum gue )) [13:35:2] Tom Olivier: (( wait )) [13:35:3] Vincent Lee: (( udah ? )) [13:35:4] Tom Olivier: (( lu juga )) [13:35:6] Answer: {ffff00}liat guide mapping di forum gan [13:35:8] Tom Olivier: (( minta gate )) [13:35:15] (( Zarion Whittemore: Kenapa ga nama gua "Ahmad Fajarudin"? :v )) [13:35:16] AdmCmd: Hans_Pendleton has been kicked by Nezactra18. [13:35:16] Reason: Relogin [13:35:24] (( Blanchard Rechauffer: garcius_esquelleve )) [13:35:25] (( Blanchard Rechauffer: anjay )) [13:35:32] (( Gracious Esquevelle: ada yang gitu kan kemarin? sue emang )) [13:35:33] (( Finn Riley: Fajarion Whittemore. )) [13:35:34] (( Blanchard Rechauffer: emng ada )) [13:35:40] (( Zarion Whittemore: Anjay )) [13:35:50] (( Rileys Dempster: anjay )) [13:35:53] (( Blanchard Rechauffer: mabar )) [13:37:14] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL]Petrol Tanker 3 insu 2up , 1k nett , cocok untuk hauling bagi kaum trucker, CP : [13:37:14] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Roderigo_Archibaldo{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}585800{FF0000}] [13:38:6] Tom_Olivier telah keluar dari server. (Terputus/Crash) [13:39:0] (( {FF0000}Admin Nezactra18: {FFFFFF}Memang launcher belum di wajibkan, tapi untuk menghindari kefitnahan dipakai aja launchernya. )) [13:39:54] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Black Santos (2141) [13:39:54] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}lu telfon [13:39:57] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [13:39:57] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}Black Santos (2141) [13:39:57] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Apa? [13:40:4] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Black Santos (2141) [13:40:4] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}mau prank pegawai lu [13:40:12] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [13:40:12] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}Black Santos (2141) [13:40:12] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Prank gimana asu [13:40:12] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Black Santos (2141) [13:40:12] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}nanti gua ceritanya sapd [13:40:25] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [13:40:25] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}Black Santos (2141) [13:40:25] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Terus [13:40:31] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Black Santos (2141) [13:40:31] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}gua telfon lu ws lu gua tutup [13:40:37] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Black Santos (2141) [13:40:37] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}1bulan [13:40:40] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [13:40:40] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}Black Santos (2141) [13:40:40] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Karena masalah apa gitu;v [13:40:57] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Black Santos (2141) [13:40:57] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}telfon gua buru [13:41:2] PHONE: {FFFFFF}Calling {00FFFF}Black Santos (2141){FFFFFF}, please wait for answer! [13:41:4] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telepon telah dijawab. [13:41:4] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Gunakan chat biasa untuk berkomunikasi lewat telpon, '/h' untuk menutup telpon. [13:41:6] Black Santos [phone]: Hallo [13:41:6] Vincent Lee [phone]: Yaa? [13:41:14] Black Santos [phone]: Dengan bapak Vincent Lee? [13:41:21] Vincent Lee [phone]: Lu ngapain gitu kontol [13:41:28] Vincent Lee [phone]: Pegawai gua belum pada di kota [13:41:31] Vincent Lee [phone]: Nanti aje [13:41:45] Black Santos [phone]: Saladin [13:41:49] Vincent Lee [phone]: Apasi [13:42:16] Telepon terputus... [13:42:36] Alexander Ican says: body bisa ora [13:42:38] Vincent Lee says: Mesin body? [13:42:38] Vyacheslav Kusnarev says: sa [13:42:40] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [13:42:45] * Vincent Lee examine veh [13:42:49] * Vyacheslav Kusnarev examine vehicle. [13:42:53] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}Finished examining vehicle {00FFFF}Windsor [13:42:53] NOTE: {FFFFFF}You are now able to use '{FFFF00}/vehmenu{FFFFFF}' on this vehicle [13:42:58] Vyacheslav Kusnarev says: $15 [13:42:58] Vincent Lee says: Mesin body 17$ [13:43:2] Alexander Ican says: ke siapa [13:43:4] Vincent Lee says: Gua aja [13:43:6] Vincent Lee says: cepat [13:43:7] Vyacheslav Kusnarev says: bebas. [13:43:12] Vincent Lee says: Ke gua aja [13:43:14] Alexander Ican says: murah hehe [13:43:27] * Vyacheslav Kusnarev repair body with mechanic tools. [13:43:44] Vyacheslav Kusnarev says: sudah. [13:43:52] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[DIJUAL] Buffalo 3insu 2up Call Or Sms Me: [13:43:52] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Deangelo_Hudson{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}113020{FF0000}] [13:43:56] Alexander Ican says: sama sama [13:44:8] (( Zarion Whittemore: Biasaan klw ngePM di blok -_- )) [13:44:34] [ID] ID: 27 | Name: Ballack_Santos | Level: 13 | Ping: 47 | Launcher: Yes [13:44:47] (( PM from [27] Ballack_Santos: id22 pegawai ws lo? )) [13:45:19] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [13:45:26] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Black Santos (2141) [13:45:26] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}shere NRG [13:45:26] (( PM to [27] Ballack_Santos: mana ga ada )) [13:45:30] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}You have shared your {00FFFF}NRG-500 {FFFFFF}to {FFFF00}Ballack_Santos [13:46:6] * Tae Yoon i di mc [13:46:9] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[DIJUAL] Buffalo 3insu 2up Call or Sms Me: [13:46:9] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Deangelo_Hudson{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}113020{FF0000}] [13:46:15] Tae Yoon: (( miss )) [13:47:7] (( Zarion Whittemore: Fik )) [13:47:10] (( Gloria Stuart: oit )) [13:47:11] (( Zarion Whittemore: Duty admin apa PD? )) [13:47:12] (( Gloria Stuart: /report )) [13:47:15] Brooklyn Olsen says: Mampus kau [13:47:15] (( Blanchard Rechauffer: njay )) [13:47:17] Tae Yoon says: masukin [13:47:19] (( Gloria Stuart: oh gua kira )) [13:47:20] (( Zarion Whittemore: Apaan sih )) [13:47:20] (( Gloria Stuart: oawkoakwoa )) [13:47:23] ERROR: You need to open the engine hood of the car to begin examination [13:47:25] (( Gloria Stuart: Masih admin gua )) [13:47:26] Brooklyn Olsen says: Mesin body ama ban [13:47:26] (( Blanchard Rechauffer: haus report lu fik )) [13:47:26] (( Zarion Whittemore: Gaje lu, mabok )) [13:47:30] Brooklyn Olsen says: Bannya atu aja [13:47:32] (( Gracious Esquevelle: /do Terlihat fikri mencari point )) [13:47:34] (( Gloria Stuart: Lagi butuh point, admin dulu )) [13:47:36] AME: {C2A2DA}examine veh [13:47:39] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}Finished examining vehicle {00FFFF}Cheetah [13:47:39] NOTE: {FFFFFF}You are now able to use '{FFFF00}/vehmenu{FFFFFF}' on this vehicle [13:47:41] * Tae Yoon examine veh with tools [13:47:52] (( Zarion Whittemore: Mau point? )) [13:47:52] (( Blanchard Rechauffer: asiyop )) [13:47:55] (( Blanchard Rechauffer: gua )) [13:47:56] Vincent Lee says: Semuanya 904 [13:47:58] (( {FF0000}Admin Nezactra18: {FFFFFF}Jika anda /reportnya tertunda silahkan /report. )) [13:47:58] Vincent Lee says: Semuanya 90$ [13:48:0] Vincent Lee says: Mas [13:48:1] (( Finn Riley: mau duit )) [13:48:5] Brooklyn Olsen says: Mahal bener [13:48:10] [RADIO] Prob. Detective Kendrick Alvarez: Prob. Detective 6870 is now on duty. [13:48:10] (( Zarion Whittemore: Maen point blank sono, dapet point klw habis maen )) [13:48:12] Brooklyn Olsen says: ama temen gua aja dah nih [13:48:17] (( Blanchard Rechauffer: lucu lu badut )) [13:48:17] (( Zarion Whittemore: :v )) [13:48:17] Vincent Lee says: Waduh [13:48:20] Vincent Lee says: 80$ sini [13:48:27] (( Georges_Parker: Apa sih fik )) [13:48:27] AdmCmd: Zarion_Whittemore has been kicked by Nezactra18. [13:48:27] Reason: Misusing /ro [13:48:35] Vincent Lee says: 80$ sini [13:48:43] (( Gloria_Stuart: Maaf kaka, butuh point )) [13:48:45] Vincent Lee: (( jangan banting cuk )) [13:48:52] (( Georges_Parker: /reportnya itu cmd baru kah? )) [13:48:56] Brooklyn Olsen: (( siapa yang banting )) [13:49:4] Tae Yoon: (( satu faction cuk discon pasti )) [13:49:4] Brooklyn Olsen: (( BILANG AJA MAU )) [13:49:4] Vincent Lee: (( 80 kebawah itu banting )) [13:49:9] Vincent Lee: (( 80 kebawah itu banting )) [13:49:9] Brooklyn Olsen: (( HEHE. )) [13:49:11] (( Gloria_Stuart: /report yang benar, tolongbantu )) [13:49:18] Brooklyn Olsen: (( Iya cuk satu Faction )) [13:49:20] AdmCmd: Georges_Parker has been kicked by prisakti1999. [13:49:20] Reason: missusing /report. [13:49:24] Brooklyn Olsen: (( bisa dibayar entar entar )) [13:49:26] (( Kendrick_Alvarez: wkwkkw )) [13:49:27] Brooklyn Olsen: (( santuy ae )) [13:49:28] (( Blanchard_Rechauffer: lol )) [13:49:29] Vincent Lee: (( wkwk )) [13:49:32] (( Rileys_Dempster: wkwk )) [13:49:34] 911: Crime: [ Unimpound mobil ] [13:49:34] 911: Reporter: [ Alvis Blaymark ] Phone: [ 9079693 ] [13:49:35] Brooklyn Olsen: (( dipermasalahin ae )) [13:49:38] Brooklyn Olsen: (( puyeng pala )) [13:49:39] Vincent Lee: (( slow ih;v )) [13:49:42] * Tae Yoon take the money [13:49:51] * Brooklyn Olsen pays up Tae [13:49:57] * Tae Yoon fix engine with mech tools [13:49:57] [RADIO] Prob. Detective Kendrick Alvarez: Prob. Detective 6870 rolling down under 7-UNION-1 from CI HQ. [13:49:59] proses ((Tae Yoon)) [13:50:3] Brooklyn Olsen says: WS Tf yang buka dimana ya? [13:50:9] Tae Yoon says: ga tau [13:50:10] Brooklyn Olsen says: Mau masang N20 gua dah [13:50:12] (( Zarion Whittemore: Woy )) [13:50:13] (( Georges_Parker: WTF )) [13:50:17] Brooklyn Olsen says: Kampret dasar [13:50:18] (( Zarion Whittemore: Ngapain slap gua Fikri )) [13:50:18] (( Rileys Dempster: kok ilang woy )) [13:50:20] Tae Yoon says: situ abis di rob yak brok? [13:50:21] (( Gloria_Stuart: Bukan aku georges )) [13:50:22] (( Kendrick_Alvarez: wkwkw )) [13:50:26] Brooklyn Olsen says: Bukan [13:50:27] (( Gloria Stuart: sapa yang slap lo kambing )) [13:50:29] (( Georges_Parker: Resah emang )) [13:50:30] (( Blanchard Rechauffer: e kok gaada ajg ilang goblo )) [13:50:35] Brooklyn Olsen says: ada orang goblog gua katain marah [13:50:37] Brooklyn Olsen says: Malah nebak [13:50:38] * Tae Yoon fix body with mech tools [13:50:40] proses ((Tae Yoon)) [13:50:42] Brooklyn Olsen says: KOnToL [13:50:53] (( Rileys Dempster: Zarion ilang gaes )) [13:50:59] (( Gracious Esquevelle: innalilahi )) [13:51:1] * Maynard Southwell menggeber motor [13:51:3] done ((Tae Yoon)) [13:51:5] Brooklyn Olsen says: HI [13:51:5] (( Georges_Parker: Uhuuh monzo udah PD )) [13:51:14] [RADIO] PO-I Blanchard Rechauffer: Police Officer I 4615 teaming up with Adjudant 10094 reporting status 4 under 1-ADAM-1, clearing from... [13:51:18] [RADIO] PO-I Blanchard Rechauffer: Central HQ, over. [13:51:19] * Tae Yoon menambal ban yang bocor [13:51:21] Mathias Courtland says: Msin body [13:51:21] proses ((Tae Yoon)) [13:51:23] * Maynard Southwell meletakkan audio [13:51:24] Vincent Lee says: Mana [13:51:25] Mathias Courtland says: Msin body [13:51:31] Mathias Courtland says: Nih [13:51:31] QUIZ: Login level 1 ada berapa? [13:51:31] NOTE: use '/quiz answer' to answer that quiz! [13:51:31] ERROR: Vehicle is locked! [13:51:36] Vincent Lee says: Kap [13:51:37] ERROR: You need to open the engine hood of the car to begin examination [13:51:44] done ((Tae Yoon)) [13:51:55] (( Gloria Stuart: Ea pada nyari )) [13:51:59] ERROR: You need to open the engine hood of the car to begin examination [13:52:2] ERROR: Vehicle is locked! [13:52:3] QUIZ: Geraldo_Mouta have won the quiz! [13:52:3] QUIZ: The answer was 'Empat.' [13:52:4] Vincent Lee says: Buka kap mas [13:52:11] ERROR: You need to open the engine hood of the car to begin examination [13:52:12] (( Gracious Esquevelle: gw pake angka )) [13:52:13] Mathias Courtland says: Mesin body [13:52:13] (( Zarion Whittemore: Apasih, missuing /ro )) [13:52:14] ERROR: You need to open the engine hood of the car to begin examination [13:52:15] Vincent Lee says: Buka kap [13:52:17] (( Blanchard Rechauffer: kick )) [13:52:27] Mathias Courtland says: Buka ada [13:52:30] (( Blanchard Rechauffer: "ada titik" )) [13:52:34] (( Blanchard Rechauffer: miss )) [13:52:40] AME: {C2A2DA}examine veh [13:52:42] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Rileys Dempster: Police Adjudant 12132 teaming up with Adjudant 6956 reporting status 4 under 4-METRO-1 clearing from.. [13:52:47] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}Finished examining vehicle {00FFFF}Elegy [13:52:47] NOTE: {FFFFFF}You are now able to use '{FFFF00}/vehmenu{FFFFFF}' on this vehicle [13:52:47] Vincent Lee says: Gausah ganggu [13:52:59] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Rileys Dempster: Central HQ. [13:53:3] Vincent Lee says: Mesin body 60$ [13:53:4] Brooklyn Olsen says: Siapa yang ganggu sih [13:53:6] Brooklyn Olsen says: Hadehh [13:53:14] Brooklyn Olsen says: Ehh maap [13:53:18] Vincent Lee says: Mesin body 60$ [13:53:30] * Mathias Courtland pays to mechanic [13:53:32] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Rileys Dempster: Correction. [13:53:33] AME: {C2A2DA}accept it [13:53:34] PAYINFO: {ffffff}You've received {00ff00}$65.00 {ffffff}from {ffff00}Mathias Courtland [id:45] [13:53:41] Vincent Lee says: Woah ga kelebihan? [13:53:44] Mathias Courtland says: cepatan [13:53:46] Vincent Lee says: Oke [13:53:57] * Vincent Lee repairing engine using mc tools [13:53:59] Brooklyn Olsen says: Ayo atm [13:53:59] proses. ((Vincent Lee)) [13:54:2] Vincent Lee says: Apa [13:54:7] Vincent Lee says: Mesin body? [13:54:10] Mathias Courtland Shouts: woy! [13:54:10] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}You've used {FFFF00}93 components {FFFFFF}to repair the engine of the {00FFFF}Elegy [13:54:11] done ((Vincent Lee)) [13:54:17] (( PM from [27] Ballack_Santos: itu saladin pegawai ws lo? )) [13:54:17] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Rileys Dempster: Police Adjudant 12132 teaming up with Prob Sergeant 6956 reporting status 4 under 4-METRO-1 clearing f [13:54:22] AME: {C2A2DA}repairing body using mc tools [13:54:25] HUD: {FFFFFF}Player HUD is {FF0000}hidden [13:54:26] HUD: {FFFFFF}Player HUD is {00FF00}visible [13:54:28] (( PM to [27] Ballack_Santos: kaga )) [13:54:28] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (435957) [13:54:28] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}beb [13:54:36] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}You've used {FFFF00}22 components {FFFFFF}to repair the body of the {00FFFF}Elegy [13:54:43] done ((Vincent Lee)) [13:54:44] Vincent Lee says: Makasih mas [13:54:47] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [13:54:47] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 435957 [13:54:47] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Apa [13:54:58] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (435957) [13:54:58] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}bisa 12k dulu ga? [13:55:4] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (435957) [13:55:4] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}buat bayar utang gue. [13:55:13] (( Zarion Whittemore: Fik )) [13:55:16] (( Zarion Whittemore: Colormod bagi )) [13:55:17] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [13:55:17] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 435957 [13:55:17] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Ga adaaaa [13:55:21] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [13:55:21] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 435957 [13:55:21] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}BUAT BELI WS BARUUUUUUUUUU [13:55:25] (( Gloria Stuart: afk dia )) [13:55:26] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Rileys Dempster: ... from Central HQ, over. gini ya? [13:55:32] (( Zarion Whittemore: ITU YANG JAWAB LU WOY )) [13:55:33] (( Rileys Dempster: Miss )) [13:55:34] (( Vincent Lee: wkwk )) [13:55:34] (( Blanchard Rechauffer: kick )) [13:55:37] (( Blanchard Rechauffer: kick )) [13:55:37] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Rileys Dempster: ... from Central HQ, over. [13:55:39] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[DIJUAL] Buffalo 3insu 2up 2,5k Nego. Call Or Sms Yang ada di bawah: [13:55:39] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Deangelo_Hudson{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}113020{FF0000}] [13:55:44] ERROR: You need at least 50 components to join this job! [13:55:48] AdmCmd: Gloria_Stuart has been kicked by prisakti1999. [13:55:48] Reason: Relog bang. [13:55:48] (( Zarion Whittemore: Fikri lama lama ngeselin ya )) [13:55:50] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (435957) [13:55:50] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}mantap [13:55:52] (( Rileys Dempster: Miss terus lah keyboard ampas sumpah )) [13:55:54] (( Zarion Whittemore: Anjay di kick pisan )) [13:55:55] (( Blanchard Rechauffer: kwoakwoaw )) [13:55:56] (( Rileys Dempster: Kesel gue )) [13:56:1] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (435957) [13:56:1] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}SABTU nih? [13:56:2] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [13:56:2] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 435957 [13:56:2] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}oawokwakowwa pepek:v [13:56:5] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [13:56:5] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 435957 [13:56:5] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Minggu asw [13:56:11] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [13:56:11] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 435957 [13:56:11] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Kalo engga senen, gua baru gajian [13:56:11] (( Blanchard Rechauffer: banting aja )) [13:56:25] (( Rileys Dempster: Beli baru aja lah kesel bat gue laptop kimak )) [13:56:36] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (435957) [13:56:36] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}fix 18k [13:56:36] ERROR: You need at least 50 components to join this job! [13:56:38] (( Gracious Esquevelle: makannya jangan nangung R.O.G sekaliyan )) [13:56:38] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (435957) [13:56:38] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}haha [13:56:40] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [13:56:40] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 435957 [13:56:40] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}BAHHHHHH [13:56:47] COMPONENT: You've withdraw 226 components from Tow Truck! [13:56:47] AME: {C2A2DA}takes 226 units of components from the back of the Tow Truck [13:56:52] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (435957) [13:56:52] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}becanda [13:56:53] JOBDUTY: Anda sekarang on-duty sebagai mekanik! [13:57:2] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [13:57:2] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 435957 [13:57:2] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}berantem aja dulu kita [13:57:2] (( Zarion Whittemore: Keyboard tambahan? )) [13:57:8] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (435957) [13:57:8] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}gua ga berani [13:57:26] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [13:57:26] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 435957 [13:57:26] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}dih gaberani kenapa:v [13:57:35] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (435957) [13:57:35] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}kan elo PD [13:57:41] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [13:57:41] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 435957 [13:57:41] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}dih gua udah keluar kowakowawa [13:57:42] (( PM from [37] Michael_Etheridge: a )) [13:57:45] (( PM to [37] Michael_Etheridge: apa nan )) [13:57:46] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (435957) [13:57:46] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}belum juga [13:57:55] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [13:57:55] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 435957 [13:57:55] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}UDAHHHHH [13:57:58] (( PM from [37] Michael_Etheridge: miss )) [13:58:2] (( PM to [37] Michael_Etheridge: tolol gajls )) [13:58:4] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [13:58:13] Rizky Muchtar Shouts: ada yang minat buffalo ?! [13:58:13] Vincent Lee says: Sini [13:58:17] Vincent Lee says: NGGA [13:58:22] Vyacheslav Kusnarev says: Tidak. [13:58:27] Vincent Lee: (( alah lagunya ginian )) [13:58:29] Rizky Muchtar Shouts: murah aja! [13:58:31] Rizky Muchtar: (( matiin bangsad )) [13:58:33] (( PM from [29] Brian_Kenneth: woi anjenk )) [13:58:34] 911: Crime: [ Tolong ke market ada orang memakai mobil dengan kencang dan sedang balapan. ] [13:58:34] 911: Reporter: [ Martin Carlos ] Phone: [ 112431 ] [13:58:47] (( PM from [37] Michael_Etheridge: report? i )) [13:58:55] Rizky Muchtar says: mba [13:58:56] Maynard Southwell: (( bilang bangsat itu )) [13:58:56] {ff0000}Nezactra18: {ffffff}(( Insult gimana? )) [13:59:1] {ff0000}Nezactra18: {ffffff}(( OOC apa IC? )) [13:59:3] Tae Yoon: (( anjiiiiir )) [13:59:3] Maynard Southwell: (( ooc )) [13:59:5] Maynard Southwell: (( (()) )) [13:59:8] Vincent Lee: (( siapa )) [13:59:8] Tae Yoon: (( dimana mana lagunya ini )) [13:59:11] Rizky Muchtar Shouts: ada yang minat buffalo ?! [13:59:12] {ff0000}Nezactra18: {ffffff}(( Coba chatlog? )) [13:59:13] Maynard Southwell: (( id 8 )) [13:59:13] * Bannan Berg membuka cap mesin dengan kedua tangan [13:59:31] Rizky Muchtar Shouts: minat buffalo?! [13:59:44] Maynard Southwell: (( [13:58:34] Rizky Muchtar: (( matiin bangsad )) )) [13:59:49] {ff0000}Nezactra18: {ffffff}(( Oke )) [13:59:53] {ff0000}Nezactra18: {ffffff}(( Bentar ya )) [13:59:53] * Bannan Berg examining cabbie using mech tool's [13:59:54] Vincent Lee: (( wkkw )) [13:59:59] {ff0000}Nezactra18: {ffffff}(( Gua tanganin ntar )) [14:0:2] Maynard Southwell: (( ok )) [14:0:6] Maynard Southwell: (( :3 )) [14:0:7] Tae Yoon: (( ganti dong )) [14:0:13] Jessica Jones says: Makasih mas. [14:0:20] Tae Yoon: (( make it bun dem aja )) [14:0:24] [RADIO] Prob. Detective Kendrick Alvarez: Prob. Detective 6870 is now off duty. [14:0:27] memberika uang ke mekanik ((Budi Ramdhan)) [14:0:35] * Bannan Berg mengambil uang tersebut [14:0:49] (( PM to [29] Brian_Kenneth: apa )) [14:0:56] (( PM to [37] Michael_Etheridge: najis teman reportan )) [14:0:57] (( PM from [29] Brian_Kenneth: bagi duit )) [14:0:57] * Bannan Berg repairing cabbie engine using wrench and some components. [14:1:2] (( PM from [29] Brian_Kenneth: modal ngerob )) [14:1:5] Process.. ((Bannan Berg)) [14:1:15] Done. ((Bannan Berg)) [14:1:19] Bannan Berg says: Sudah ni pak. [14:1:20] (( PM to [29] Brian_Kenneth: dih awokwakowa )) [14:1:23] (( PM to [29] Brian_Kenneth: akun rollando kemana? )) [14:1:24] Budi Ramdhan says: oh terima kasih pak [14:1:31] (( PM from [29] Brian_Kenneth: dibanned )) [14:1:32] [RADIO] Sergeant I Finn Riley: Sergeant I 6490 start of watch under 0-METRO-1. [14:1:39] (( PM to [29] Brian_Kenneth: berapa hari )) [14:1:41] Bannan Berg says: Body nya gak sekalian, pak? [14:1:42] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SAFD] Bagi anda yang membutuhkan pelayanan kesehatan, bisa kunjungi ASGH atau CGH. [14:1:42] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Georges_Parker{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}24081994{FF0000}] [14:1:44] (( PM from [29] Brian_Kenneth: gw kan CN gblok )) [14:1:47] Bannan Berg says: Mumpung ada bapak ini. [14:1:48] (( PM from [29] Brian_Kenneth: malah bilang Rollanod )) [14:1:49] Budi Ramdhan says: ada yang bisa benerin [14:1:53] (( PM from [29] Brian_Kenneth: Rollando )) [14:1:55] Budi Ramdhan says: oh kalau begitu sekalian deh [14:2:2] [ID] ID: 29 | Name: Brian_Kenneth | Level: 3 | Ping: 103 | Launcher: Yes [14:2:3] Bannan Berg says: Ini mas yang baju biru, biasanya benerin body. [14:2:5] (( PM to [29] Brian_Kenneth: maksudnya? )) [14:2:7] Budi Ramdhan says: pak tolong betulkan body mobil saya ya [14:2:11] (( PM from [29] Brian_Kenneth: Rollando dah CN )) [14:2:12] (( PM to [29] Brian_Kenneth: ini siapa si )) [14:2:13] Budi Ramdhan says: pak vincent [14:2:15] (( PM to [29] Brian_Kenneth: jadi apaan? )) [14:2:21] (( PM from [29] Brian_Kenneth: Lah lu gatau? )) [14:2:25] (( PM from [29] Brian_Kenneth: wowkwokw )) [14:2:26] (( PM to [29] Brian_Kenneth: kaga:v )) [14:2:26] Budi Ramdhan says: pak [14:2:30] (( PM from [29] Brian_Kenneth: astaga goblok )) [14:2:35] (( PM to [29] Brian_Kenneth: wkwk jadi apa/ )) [14:2:36] Vincent Lee says: Apa [14:2:39] Budi Ramdhan says: pak [14:2:40] (( PM from [29] Brian_Kenneth: Giancarlos itu GUE NJENK )) [14:2:45] Budi Ramdhan says: saya mau benerin body [14:2:49] (( PM to [29] Brian_Kenneth: WHAT????????????? )) [14:2:57] (( PM to [29] Brian_Kenneth: lah boong anjing )) [14:3:8] Budi Ramdhan says: paak [14:3:9] (( PM to [29] Brian_Kenneth: lu rank dah naik? gila lu ndro aowkkowawa )) [14:3:10] (( PM from [43] Tom_Olivier: ciah langsung di acc )) [14:3:10] Vincent Lee says: Apa [14:3:11] Vincent Lee says: Mana [14:3:12] (( PM from [29] Brian_Kenneth: lah gblok orang pada tau lu kok engga )) [14:3:14] (( PM from [43] Tom_Olivier: mantap )) [14:3:15] Budi Ramdhan says: ini [14:3:18] ERROR: Can only use this command inside auto workshops! [14:3:18] Budi Ramdhan says: mobil taxi saya [14:3:18] (( PM from [43] Tom_Olivier: beberapa menit langsung di acc )) [14:3:26] AME: {C2A2DA}examine veh [14:3:29] (( PM to [43] Tom_Olivier: udah lu ambil? )) [14:3:32] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}Finished examining vehicle {00FFFF}Cabbie [14:3:32] NOTE: {FFFFFF}You are now able to use '{FFFF00}/vehmenu{FFFFFF}' on this vehicle [14:3:32] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Zarion Whittemore: 4-METRO-1 take CODE 7 at Burger Shot Vinewood for take a meal [14:3:35] (( PM from [43] Tom_Olivier: blom )) [14:3:36] Vincent Lee says: Body 15$ [14:3:37] (( PM from [29] Brian_Kenneth: rank gw PO I tolol )) [14:3:41] Budi Ramdhan says: oke pak [14:3:41] (( PM from [43] Tom_Olivier: kerja gue )) [14:3:42] (( PM from [29] Brian_Kenneth: mana ada naik )) [14:3:45] (( PM to [29] Brian_Kenneth: Giancarlos kan? naik pepek )) [14:3:52] (( PM to [43] Tom_Olivier: wkoaokwaa )) [14:3:54] PAYINFO: {ffffff}You've received {00ff00}$15.00 {ffffff}from {ffff00}Budi Ramdhan [id:35] [14:3:56] AME: {C2A2DA}accept it [14:3:58] (( PM from [29] Brian_Kenneth: Adjudant itu bukan Rank )) [14:4:1] memberika uang ke mekanik ((Budi Ramdhan)) [14:4:2] (( PM from [29] Brian_Kenneth: lu aja mau di kibulin )) [14:4:9] AME: {C2A2DA}repairing body [14:4:9] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Zarion Whittemore: 4-METRO-1 '99 after take CODE 7, resuming to status four [14:4:14] (( PM to [29] Brian_Kenneth: paan si )) [14:4:20] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}You've used {FFFF00}20 components {FFFFFF}to repair the body of the {00FFFF}Cabbie [14:4:20] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (435957) [14:4:20] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}emang mau beli WS mana lagi njer [14:4:22] (( PM to [29] Brian_Kenneth: coba ganti akun )) [14:4:25] done ((Vincent Lee)) [14:4:27] Vincent Lee says: Dah mas [14:4:31] Budi Ramdhan says: makasih mas [14:4:31] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [14:4:31] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 435957 [14:4:31] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Iddle wood [14:4:34] (( PM from [29] Brian_Kenneth: wait )) [14:4:38] ERROR: that player is not connected! [14:4:52] * Tae Yoon menambal ban yang bocor [14:4:54] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (435957) [14:4:54] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}itu duit lu ada $300k [14:4:55] proses ((Tae Yoon)) [14:5:8] Tae Yoon: (( ban 30 component baru tau bisa 30 component )) [14:5:13] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [14:5:13] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 435957 [14:5:13] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Nanti gampangg patungan sama teman [14:5:13] Tae Yoon: (( biasanya 15 )) [14:5:17] done ((Tae Yoon)) [14:5:18] Tae Yoon says: sudah mas [14:5:21] (( PM from [12] Ballack_Santos: motor lu gosong. )) [14:5:31] (( PM to [12] Ballack_Santos: MC:V )) [14:5:37] AdmCmd: Owen_Pearson has been kicked by Regency. [14:5:37] Reason: Missusing /report [14:5:38] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (435957) [14:5:38] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}sabtu ya? [14:5:38] (( PM from [12] Ballack_Santos: di bawa level1 )) [14:5:44] (( PM to [12] Ballack_Santos: lah? )) [14:5:47] (( PM to [12] Ballack_Santos: gajelas babi;v )) [14:5:49] Vyacheslav_Kusnarev telah keluar dari server. (Pergi) [14:5:55] (( PM to [12] Ballack_Santos: rp ga dia? )) [14:6:0] (( PM from [12] Ballack_Santos: gua kejar2 dia eh malah di bawa buat bug )) [14:6:6] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SAFD] Untuk informasi anda juga bisa hubungi 7-7-7 [14:6:6] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Georges_Parker{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}24081994{FF0000}] [14:6:11] (( PM to [12] Ballack_Santos: udah bisa di lacak tapi )) [14:6:23] Matt Wyman says: speaker sapa tuh [14:6:40] Matt Wyman says: njer mo boker [14:8:17] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Selamat datang {ffff00}Vincent_Lee{ffffff}. [14:8:17] PAYCHECK: Pergi ke bank dan /signcheck untuk mendapatkan paycheck anda atau pergi ke salah satu ATM! [14:8:17] Faction MOTD: {FFFF00}Diharapkan untuk aktif In-Game dan Forum, panggilan /r tolong fast response. [14:8:17] MOTD: {ffff00}Mohon menggunakan '/report' dengan benar, berikan informasi yang jelas dan detail {ff0000}- Ian [14:8:17] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Anda terakhir login {ffff00}1 jam yang lalu [14:8:17] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Today is {ffff00}Mon 23 Sep 2019, 14:08:17 [14:8:17] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Server memerlukan waktu {ffff00}168 milisecond{ffffff} untuk memuat data char anda! [14:8:20] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SAFD] Terimakasih, We Fight What You Fear!!! [14:8:20] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Georges_Parker{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}24081994{FF0000}] [14:8:23] [RADIO] Sergeant I Finn Riley: 0-METRO-1 to TEU unit, please respond that fiver. [14:8:37] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}You have shared your {00FFFF}NRG-500 {FFFFFF}to {FFFF00}Ballack_Santos [14:8:50] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Rileys Dempster: Adjudant 12132 Leaving from 4-METRO-1. [14:8:52] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Zarion Whittemore: 4-METRO-1 now available for partner, [14:9:6] (( PM to [27] Giancarlos_Octavio: tolol )) [14:9:11] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Rileys Dempster: Police Adjudant 12132 is reporting off duty, over. [14:9:12] (( PM to [27] Giancarlos_Octavio: rollando? )) [14:9:12] (( PM from [27] Giancarlos_Octavio: woi anjing )) [14:9:19] (( PM to [27] Giancarlos_Octavio: amrun bukan ini? )) [14:9:21] (( PM from [27] Giancarlos_Octavio: iyoo )) [14:9:28] (( PM to [27] Giancarlos_Octavio: serius babi )) [14:9:28] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Rumah idlewood 2 lantai. HUB: [14:9:28] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Geraldo_Mouta{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}985985{FF0000}] [14:9:29] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Black Santos (2141) [14:9:29] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}mc [14:9:29] (( PM from [27] Giancarlos_Octavio: gblok kirain dah tau daridulu )) [14:9:35] (( PM to [27] Giancarlos_Octavio: baru tau anjing )) [14:9:35] AdmCmd: Lionidas_Alexander has been kicked by Nezactra18. [14:9:35] Reason: Misusing /report [14:9:39] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [14:9:39] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}Black Santos (2141) [14:9:39] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}udeh [14:9:41] (( PM from [27] Giancarlos_Octavio: kudet )) [14:9:45] Tae Yoon says: tergantung harga taneman [14:9:51] (( PM to [27] Giancarlos_Octavio: kapan lu cn asu? )) [14:10:1] Tae Yoon says: biasanya saya nanemnya jagung 600 tanaman [14:10:2] (( PM to [27] Giancarlos_Octavio: kok lu cn masih di SAPD? )) [14:10:4] Bannan Berg says: Biasanya nanem apa? [14:10:4] (( PM from [27] Giancarlos_Octavio: dah 2 minggu )) [14:10:7] (( PM to [27] Giancarlos_Octavio: kok lu cn masih di SAPD? )) [14:10:22] (( PM from [27] Giancarlos_Octavio: sama aja kyk lu )) [14:10:26] (( PM from [27] Giancarlos_Octavio: kok bisa di PD )) [14:10:26] TELEPORT: {FF0000}Nezactra18 {FFFFFF} has teleported {FFFF00}Maynard_Southwell {FFFFFF}to you [14:10:29] (( PM to [27] Giancarlos_Octavio: wakoaowwa )) [14:10:31] Vincent Lee: (( napa )) [14:10:35] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[FIND JOBS] Butuh mechanic berpengalaman 5 tahun ? hubungi saya! [14:10:35] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Daryl_Willd{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}455664{FF0000}] [14:10:35] Maynard Southwell: (( gapapa )) [14:10:36] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Gracious Esquevelle: TEU Senior 10094 On last fivers. [14:10:41] (( PM to [27] Giancarlos_Octavio: lu bayar lagi )) [14:10:42] (( PM to [27] Giancarlos_Octavio: lu bayar lagi? )) [14:10:44] AdmCmd: Lionidas_Alexander has been kicked by Jarvis. [14:10:44] Reason: missusing /ask [14:10:44] Lionidas_Alexander telah keluar dari server. (di-Kick/di-Ban) [14:10:51] [id:3] Helper Regency (Blanchard_Rechauffer) [14:10:51] [id:4] Volunteer Jarvis (Kierran_Freeman) [14:10:51] [id:50] Admin Level 1 Nezactra18 (Gloria_Stuart) [14:10:51] [id:56] Admin Level 3 Nooo_Namee (Yussie_Fayrouz) [14:10:51] NOTE: {ffffff}Volunteer tidak memiliki kedudukan yang sama dengan Helper / Admin [14:10:53] (( PM from [27] Giancarlos_Octavio: berisik lu )) [14:10:55] Tae Yoon says: umum [14:10:59] (( PM to [27] Giancarlos_Octavio: wkwkwkwk oke siap bank:v )) [14:11:8] (( PM to [27] Giancarlos_Octavio: lu cs kok cepet amad:v )) [14:11:10] Tae Yoon says: biasanya sekali panen bisa 1k lebih [14:11:14] Bannan Berg says: Gak di colong-cologin itu mba tanemannya? [14:11:24] Mask 857473 says: Hai [14:11:27] (( PM from [27] Giancarlos_Octavio: iya klo ga ada yg salah lngsung di Acc )) [14:11:30] (( PM to [27] Giancarlos_Octavio: woi kok lu rank 3? )) [14:11:41] (( PM to [27] Giancarlos_Octavio: rank 3 bangsad )) [14:11:41] (( PM from [27] Giancarlos_Octavio: itu emang gitu aslinya rank 1 )) [14:11:44] * Mask 857473 eyes on to Lee. [14:11:45] AdmCmd: Ballack_Santos has been warned by Nezactra18, Total warning: 20 [14:11:45] Reason: PowerGaming (Loncat NRG di MC) [14:11:46] (( PM to [27] Giancarlos_Octavio: cara naikinnya gimana )) [14:11:53] (( Gracious Esquevelle: 20 :( )) [14:11:57] (( Vincent Lee: parah najir )) [14:12:0] (( PM to [12] Ballack_Santos: a )) [14:12:0] Maynard Southwell: (( wew )) [14:12:1] Mask 857473: (( njir )) [14:12:1] (( PM to [12] Ballack_Santos: tolol ah )) [14:12:3] (( {00FFFF}Get a Life! Kierran_Freeman: {FFFFFF}yah )) [14:12:4] (( Finn Riley: mantep )) [14:12:5] (( PM to [12] Ballack_Santos: bego males gua )) [14:12:5] (( {00FF00}ProfessorMystic Blanchard_Rechauffer: {FFFFFF}goodbye )) [14:12:7] (( {00FFFF}Get a Life! Kierran_Freeman: {FFFFFF}bingo )) [14:12:7] (( PM from [27] Giancarlos_Octavio: minta sama Chief, yg butuh ajudan )) [14:12:9] Ingga Fresly: (( kowkw )) [14:12:15] (( PM to [27] Giancarlos_Octavio: gua bisa juga gitu )) [14:12:15] (( PM to [27] Giancarlos_Octavio: gua bisa juga gitu? )) [14:12:15] AdmCmd: Nezactra18 has jailed Ballack_Santos for 60 minute(s) [14:12:15] Reason: PowerGaming (Loncat NRG di MC) [14:12:16] Maynard Southwell: (( :V )) [14:12:19] (( PM from [27] Giancarlos_Octavio: tapi untuk sekrang ga ada )) [14:12:23] AdmCmd: Ballack_Santos has been banned by Nezactra18. [14:12:23] Reason: 20 Warns. [14:12:25] ERROR: that player is not connected! [14:12:28] Vincent Lee: (( anjir )) [14:12:28] (( PM from [27] Giancarlos_Octavio: tunggu aja sampai chief buka untuk ajudan )) [14:12:40] (( PM from [27] Giancarlos_Octavio: lagian harus di tes juga )) [14:12:41] Ingga Fresly: (( bye bye danu )) [14:12:44] (( PM to [27] Giancarlos_Octavio: lu minta ke siapa )) [14:12:47] Vincent Lee: (( tolol dia )) [14:12:50] (( PM from [27] Giancarlos_Octavio: ga asal masuk )) [14:12:50] Ingga Fresly: (( okwkow )) [14:12:54] (( PM from [27] Giancarlos_Octavio: gini nih ya.. )) [14:12:58] Ingga Fresly: (( kalo lu nan )) [14:13:1] Vincent Lee: (( santuy 0 warns )) [14:13:9] Ingga Fresly: (( anjir )) [14:13:11] (( Zarion Whittemore: Masih menunggu /o )) [14:13:13] (( PM from [27] Giancarlos_Octavio: kalo Chief buka untuk ajudan ya kita dipilih )) [14:13:17] Ingga Fresly: (( gua 5 )) [14:13:19] (( PM from [27] Giancarlos_Octavio: siapa yg pantas )) [14:13:27] AdmCmd: Nadia_Claudya has been kicked by Nooo_Namee. [14:13:27] Reason: Buka bit.ly/RulesJGRP di google baca itu biar paham bermain [14:13:33] (( PM from [27] Giancarlos_Octavio: gw kan Pantas, ya gw dipilih lah )) [14:13:47] Ingga Fresly: (( nan beli in gua donatur )) [14:13:49] Jessica Jones says: Ganti Rante. [14:13:50] AdmCmd: Ballack_Santos has been remote account banned by Nezactra18. [14:13:50] Reason: 20 Warns, move to Character Banned. [14:13:52] Jessica Jones says: Hehe. [14:14:2] Ingga Fresly: (( nan beli in gua donatur )) [14:14:4] AdmCmd: Sinatrio has removed Emmanuel_Rolando from the banlist. [14:14:8] AdmCmd: Sinatrio has unblocked UCP account leo666. [14:14:9] (( PM to [27] Giancarlos_Octavio: masih buka ga? )) [14:14:16] Maynard Southwell: (( wedew )) [14:14:17] ERROR: that player is not connected! [14:14:18] (( PM from [27] Giancarlos_Octavio: uwh jarang banget buka klo soal gituan )) [14:14:18] Maynard Southwell: (( bang bud )) [14:14:19] * Jessica Jones examine his vehicle. [14:14:19] (( PM to [11] Joeri_Edmondo: a )) [14:14:20] Deangelo Hudson says: mesin body. [14:14:23] (( PM to [11] Joeri_Edmondo: budi )) [14:14:24] Jessica Jones says: buka hood nya mas. [14:14:25] (( PM to [11] Joeri_Edmondo: gua dapet ni )) [14:14:30] (( PM to [11] Joeri_Edmondo: apartemennya )) [14:14:35] Jessica Jones says: buka hood nya mas. [14:14:35] [MEGAPHONE] Zarion Whittemore: Assalamualaikum warga MC, bagaimana kondisi disini? [14:14:38] Deangelo Hudson says: udah [14:14:40] ERROR: tidak dapat menemukan kendaraan tersebut! [14:14:45] Ingga Fresly Shouts: Walaikumsallam, aman! [14:14:46] Vincent Lee says: Siap santuy [14:14:47] Tae Yoon Shouts: aman pak! [14:14:48] (( Georges_Parker: Eh ada Buday )) [14:14:48] Maynard Southwell says: pak [14:14:49] Deangelo Hudson says: baik baik aja pak police. [14:14:50] Jessica Jones Shouts: Aman Pak.! [14:14:50] Zarion Whittemore says: Alhamdulillah [14:14:52] Maynard Southwell says: sedekah pak [14:14:52] ERROR: tidak dapat menemukan kendaraan tersebut! [14:14:54] Deangelo Hudson says: aman. [14:14:55] (( Giancarlos Octavio: Bang budi )) [14:14:58] ERROR: tidak dapat menemukan kendaraan tersebut! [14:14:58] Ingga Fresly says: Aman. [14:32:32] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Selamat datang {ffff00}Vincent_Lee{ffffff}. [14:32:32] PAYCHECK: Pergi ke bank dan /signcheck untuk mendapatkan paycheck anda atau pergi ke salah satu ATM! [14:32:32] Faction MOTD: {FFFF00}Diharapkan untuk aktif In-Game dan Forum, panggilan /r tolong fast response. [14:32:32] MOTD: {ffff00}Mohon menggunakan '/report' dengan benar, berikan informasi yang jelas dan detail {ff0000}- Ian [14:32:32] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Anda terakhir login {ffff00}24 menit yang lalu [14:32:32] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Today is {ffff00}Mon 23 Sep 2019, 14:32:32 [14:32:32] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Server memerlukan waktu {ffff00}83 milisecond{ffffff} untuk memuat data char anda! [14:32:34] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Sell] Primer 3Insu 4Up Fullmod, mulus & kece. Kalo Harga [Tentukan Sendiri], Minat Call / Sms : 435957 [14:32:34] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Hasna_Hanifah{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}666676{FF0000}] [14:32:50] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Roderigo Archibaldo ] Reporter: [ Blanchard Rechauffer ] [14:32:50] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Driving truck without valid licenses. ] [14:33:41] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Trade] Anda Punya Elegy Trade sama Buffalo Saya siap nambah Cp: [14:33:41] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Deangelo_Hudson{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}113020{FF0000}] [14:34:1] REPORT: {ffffff}Your report has been issued to the queue, use '{ffff00}/reports{ffffff}' to see your report [14:34:2] RESPOND: {ff0000}Nezactra18 {FFFFCC}has responded to your report [14:34:18] (( PM to [50] Nezactra18: sini glo )) [14:34:21] (( PM to [50] Nezactra18: tele ke gua:( )) [14:34:22] (( PM from [50] Nezactra18: ngapain? )) [14:34:26] (( PM to [50] Nezactra18: motor gua ngebg )) [14:34:28] (( PM to [50] Nezactra18: motor gua ngebug )) [14:34:36] (( PM to [50] Nezactra18: njir )) [14:34:37] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [14:34:40] (( PM to [50] Nezactra18: makasih:v )) [14:34:40] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [14:34:42] (( PM from [50] Nezactra18: ya )) [14:34:43] ENGINE: Anda telah gagal untuk menghidupkan mesin: MESIN KONDISI BURUK. [14:34:47] HQ: {00ffff}Roderigo_Archibaldo have been arrested by Blanchard_Rechauffer [14:35:2] (( PM to [11] Joeri_Edmondo: a )) [14:35:25] [id:3] Helper Regency (Blanchard_Rechauffer) [14:35:25] [id:4] Volunteer Jarvis (Kierran_Freeman) [14:35:25] [id:50] Admin Level 1 Nezactra18 (Gloria_Stuart) [14:35:25] NOTE: {ffffff}Volunteer tidak memiliki kedudukan yang sama dengan Helper / Admin [14:35:35] (( PM to [50] Nezactra18: astagfir malah mati mesinnya:( )) [14:35:53] (( PM from [50] Nezactra18: mayan exp )) [14:36:2] (( PM to [50] Nezactra18: mager dorongg )) [14:36:51] [RADIO] PO-I Blanchard Rechauffer: 1-ADAM-1 10-99 from 10-15 procedure, back to last status, over. [14:37:7] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [14:37:14] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [14:37:19] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [14:37:26] ERROR: You are too far away from that vehicle! [14:37:30] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [14:37:37] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [14:37:56] (( Zarion Whittemore: itu lu RP taro senjata dulu )) [14:37:59] Vincent Lee: (( bah wkwk )) [14:38:2] (( Rehanzo Connor: ok )) [14:38:3] Vincent Lee: (( tolong ini:v )) [14:38:11] Gracious Esquevelle: (( kenapa )) [14:38:14] Vincent Lee: (( kowakowa motor babi )) [14:38:18] (( Gloria Stuart: slc mayan )) [14:38:19] Vincent Lee: (( jangan babi )) [14:38:22] Vincent Lee: (( ih tolol )) [14:38:24] (( Zarion Whittemore: IC )) [14:38:26] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [14:38:28] Gracious Esquevelle: (( awkoawkoa )) [14:38:30] Vincent Lee: (( tolol asu )) [14:38:31] Vincent Lee: (( jangan )) [14:38:34] (( Zarion Whittemore: Terooos slap )) [14:38:35] Gracious Esquevelle: (( apasih ga ngerti gw )) [14:38:38] (( Blanchard Rechauffer: awoakwoakw )) [14:38:40] Vincent Lee: (( bantu ke mc )) [14:38:42] Vincent Lee: (( mau direpair )) [14:38:43] Vincent Lee: (( babi ah )) [14:38:46] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [14:38:52] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [14:38:55] Vincent Lee: (( tolol diem;v )) [14:38:59] Gema Fajar: (( aokawkkaoakwoak )) [14:38:59] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [14:39:4] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [14:39:9] Daryl Willd says: Iya udah 1 up 175$. [14:39:10] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [14:39:16] ERROR: You are too far away from that vehicle! [14:39:20] Gema Fajar: (( aokawkkaoakwoak )) [14:39:21] Vincent Lee: (( woi )) [14:39:22] (( Zarion Whittemore: RPnya, tanya dimana senjatanya )) [14:39:22] {ff0000}Regency: {ffffff}(( aowkoawkowa )) [14:39:23] Vincent Lee: (( anjeng )) [14:39:25] Vincent Lee: (( susah )) [14:39:26] Vincent Lee: (( Astagfir )) [14:39:27] (( Zarion Whittemore: Jan langsung RP ambil senjata )) [14:39:27] (( Finn Riley: ic )) [14:39:29] Vincent Lee: (( :v )) [14:39:34] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [14:39:40] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [14:39:42] (( Finn Riley: udah se ts pula )) [14:39:44] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [14:39:46] Daryl Willd says: Nanti body nya sekalian bener sendiri [14:39:50] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [14:39:52] ERROR: You must be on foot to use this command! [14:39:54] Vincent Lee: (( babi )) [14:39:55] Jessica Jones says: Kenapa pak? [14:39:57] * Martin Carlos give money to mechanic with right hand. [14:40:0] Vincent Lee: (( diem qontol gem )) [14:40:3] Vincent Lee: (( diem qontol gem )) [14:40:3] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}Finished examining vehicle {00FFFF}NRG-500 [14:40:3] NOTE: {FFFFFF}You are now able to use '{FFFF00}/vehmenu{FFFFFF}' on this vehicle [14:40:7] AdmCmd: Blanchard_Rechauffer has been kicked by Nezactra18. [14:40:7] Reason: Relog [14:40:7] Blanchard_Rechauffer telah keluar dari server. (di-Kick/di-Ban) [14:40:8] Vincent Lee: (( aaaaaaaaaaa )) [14:40:8] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Taxi with good condition, Interest? CP [14:40:8] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Andrew_Neiman{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}134131{FF0000}] [14:40:8] * Maynard Southwell received it and save it [14:40:9] ERROR: Unable to find vehicle near you! [14:40:13] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [14:40:17] Martin Carlos says: Pak. [14:40:17] Vincent Lee: (( belom aja gua bacok )) [14:40:20] Martin Carlos says: Pak. [14:40:26] Martin Carlos says: Butuh pegawai di resto ga? [14:40:26] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [14:40:29] Martin Carlos says: Lee. [14:40:29] * Maynard Southwell repairing body using mechanic tools [14:40:31] Ingga Fresly says: Hey. [14:40:31] process ((Maynard Southwell)) [14:40:32] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [14:40:38] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [14:40:39] Martin Carlos says: Lee. [14:40:45] Vincent Lee: (( ih paok diem lah_- )) [14:40:46] Martin Carlos says: Butuh pegawai di toko ga? [14:40:50] Vincent Lee says: Engga [14:40:50] done ((Maynard Southwell)) [14:40:54] Martin Carlos says: Yaelah. [14:40:55] Vincent Lee: (( woi astagfiruwloh:v )) [14:40:56] ERROR: You must be on foot to use this command! [14:40:59] Martin Carlos: (( gua udah bisa edit )) [14:41:0] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [14:41:0] Tommy Hanks: (( udah jangan rusuh )) [14:41:1] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Zarion Whittemore: 4-METRO-1 to basic unit available [14:41:3] Vincent Lee: (( diaaaaaaaaaaam:v )) [14:41:6] Martin Carlos: (( :V )) [14:41:7] Ingga Fresly: (( kowokwko )) [14:41:8] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Gracious Esquevelle: 1-ADAM-1 available. [14:41:9] AME: {C2A2DA}repairing engine using mc tools [14:41:10] (( Blanchard Rechauffer: :)))) )) [14:41:10] Gema Fajar: (( aokawkkaoakwoak )) [14:41:12] Vincent Lee: (( tolol dih gemaaaa )) [14:41:13] Martin Carlos: (( Sombong Amat:v )) [14:41:14] Tommy Hanks: (( balik RP )) [14:41:15] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Journey 3insu $600 Minat CP [14:41:15] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Joe_Menace{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}504000{FF0000}] [14:41:18] Martin Carlos says: Brisik [14:41:20] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}You've used {FFFF00}110 components {FFFFFF}to repair the engine of the {00FFFF}NRG-500 [14:41:22] Bexsley Harlyn says: Mesin mas? [14:41:22] done. ((Vincent Lee)) [14:41:23] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [14:41:24] Vincent Lee Shouts: MAMPOS KENTOD! [14:41:25] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [14:41:28] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [14:41:28] INFO: {ffffff}Character anda telah terluka berat dan sekarat [14:41:28] NOTE: {ffffff}Anda dapat menggunakan command '{ffff00}/accept death{ffffff}' setelah menunggu {00ff00}5 menit [14:41:29] Daryl Willd says: Bisa mancing di laoet ? [14:41:32] Gema Fajar: (( aokawkkaoakwoak )) [14:41:33] Martin Carlos: (( wokwokwowk )) [14:41:33] Vincent Lee: (( halah anj )) [14:41:35] Ingga Fresly: (( kowokw )) [14:41:37] Martin Carlos: (( report dm )) [14:41:38] Vincent Lee: (( WOI PAOK INGGA GEMA KENTOD )) [14:41:41] Martin Carlos: (( okwowkowkowk )) [14:41:46] Gema Fajar: (( bukan gw asu )) [14:41:46] Ingga Fresly: (( si MARTIN )) [14:41:46] Vincent Lee: (( temen bab )) [14:41:47] Vincent Lee: (( temen babi )) [14:41:51] Ingga Fresly: (( si MARTIN )) [14:41:54] Maynard Southwell [phone]: Namanya udah bekas [14:41:56] Martin Carlos says: babi memang [14:42:0] Caller [phone]: cari aja sana [14:42:2] AdmCmd: Ingga_Fresly has been kicked by prisakti1999. [14:42:2] Reason: Stop rusuh. [14:42:2] Ingga_Fresly telah keluar dari server. (di-Kick/di-Ban) [14:42:3] Maynard Southwell says: Woi kentot [14:42:6] Martin Carlos: (( kwkwkw )) [14:42:6] Maynard Southwell says: Kalian apain ini [14:42:12] Martin Carlos: (( darah gua sekarat dah. )) [14:42:14] REPORT: {ffffff}Your report has been issued to the queue, use '{ffff00}/reports{ffffff}' to see your report [14:42:15] RESPOND: {ff0000}Nezactra18 {FFFFCC}has responded to your report [14:42:17] [MEGAPHONE] Gracious Esquevelle: [SAPD] Mobil infernus dan mobil tow truck ptuih bergaris biru harap segera pindahkan [14:42:18] Martin Carlos says: Pak. [14:42:22] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY] Flatbed Bebas Insu samaa Up dana menyesuaikan. [14:42:22] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Tom_Olivier{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}435957{FF0000}] [14:42:25] * Maynard Southwell mengangkat tubuh vincent menggunakan kedua tangan [14:42:25] You have been healed [14:42:26] Martin Carlos says: Pak. [14:42:29] fail ((Maynard Southwell)) [14:42:33] Martin Carlos says: Butuh pegawai bisnis anda tidak? [14:42:34] [MEGAPHONE] Gracious Esquevelle: [SAPD] Mobil infernus dan mobil tow truck ptuih bergaris biru harap segera pindahkan [14:42:34] INFO: {ffffff}Character anda telah terluka berat dan sekarat [14:42:34] NOTE: {ffffff}Anda dapat menggunakan command '{ffff00}/accept death{ffffff}' setelah menunggu {00ff00}5 menit [14:42:38] Maynard Southwell: (( anjay :v )) [14:42:40] Vincent Lee: (( astaga )) [14:42:41] Martin Carlos says: Butuh pegawai bisnis anda tidak? [14:42:43] Tommy Hanks: (( IC )) [14:42:44] REPORT: {ffffff}Your report has been issued to the queue, use '{ffff00}/reports{ffffff}' to see your report [14:42:45] RESPOND: {ff0000}Nezactra18 {FFFFCC}has responded to your report [14:42:46] Vincent Lee: (( apaan si )) [14:42:47] Tommy Hanks: (( gua bilang stop )) [14:42:50] Daryl Willd says: Itu punya workshop [14:42:51] Martin Carlos says: Bapak. [14:42:56] Vincent Lee: (( buka ngua )) [14:42:57] Tommy Hanks: (( lu masih ngelanjutin )) [14:42:58] Bexsley Harlyn says: Pindahin ajah [14:43:3] Vincent Lee: (( gua di tonjokin dari tadiiiiiiii )) [14:43:6] Tommy Hanks: (( minta tanggung jawab ama yang ngekill lu )) [14:43:7] Vincent Lee: (( paok emang gema kontol )) [14:43:10] * Martin Carlos Drag body vincent with both hand [14:43:13] Sure? ((Martin Carlos)) [14:43:13] Mask 104240 says: ada apa ini? [14:43:16] Gema Fajar: (( asu bukan gw. )) [14:43:19] gamau, gua mau tiduran disini aja ((Vincent Lee)) [14:43:21] nanti aja ((Vincent Lee)) [14:43:23] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Zarion Whittemore: 4-METRO-1 to 1-ADAM-1, please come to Mechanic Center for 10-15 procedure. We got someone brings gun [14:43:26] Vincent Lee: (( afk bentar )) [14:43:26] Bexsley Harlyn says: mba [14:43:29] Tommy Hanks: (( jangan apa apa minta heal admin, itu salah lu sendiri )) [14:43:29] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Gracious Esquevelle: 1-ADAM-1 Arrived. [14:43:29] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Journey 3insu $600 , Minat CP [14:43:29] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Joe_Menace{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}504000{FF0000}] [14:43:29] Kenapa tidak mau? ((Martin Carlos)) [14:43:30] Vincent Lee: (( ambil minum )) [14:43:31] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Zarion Whittemore: ...and already cuffed [14:43:34] afk bentar ((Vincent Lee)) [14:43:36] Bexsley Harlyn says: trade sama fcr mau? [14:43:40] * Jessica Jones Checking his engine using mechanic tools. [14:43:41] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Gracious Esquevelle: 1-ADAM-1 Arrived at Mechanic Center sir. [14:43:43] * Vania Rutledge examine vehicle [14:43:44] Maynard Southwell [phone]: Gimana dapat ga $300? [14:43:45] Caller [phone]: halo [14:43:52] * Martin Carlos menonjoki badan lee dengan kedua tangan nya, [14:43:52] Caller [phone]: cari sendiri 300 [14:43:52] Vania Rutledge says: tidak usah mbaa [14:43:53] * Martin Carlos menonjoki badan lee dengan kedua tangan nya. [14:44:3] (( PM to [50] Nezactra18: kenapa ga di heal:( )) [14:44:4] Jessica Jones says: Mesin? [14:44:7] Mask 104240: (( miss )) [14:44:10] Martin Carlos says: Mati kau anak babi. [14:44:12] Daryl Willd says: Up men ? [14:44:14] * Vania Rutledge repair engine vehicle using mechanical tools and wrench [14:44:16] Maynard Southwell says: Woi [14:44:16] prosses ((Vania Rutledge)) [14:44:19] (( PM from [50] Nezactra18: tanya si Tommy_Hanks )) [14:44:20] Andrew Neiman Shouts: Ada yang minat taxi?! [14:44:23] done. ((Vania Rutledge)) [14:44:23] (( PM from [50] Nezactra18: disuruh Ic )) [14:44:25] Martin Carlos Shouts: Kontol! [14:44:35] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Premier] 3insu 4up Price? Sms Or Call. [14:44:35] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Tom_Olivier{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}435957{FF0000}] [14:44:37] Mask 104240 says: bro [14:44:41] * Vania Rutledge repair body vehicle using mechanical tools and wrench [14:44:42] Maynard Southwell says: Dah siap mobil mu [14:44:44] Martin Carlos says: Paan. [14:44:44] prosses ((Vania Rutledge)) [14:44:45] Jessica Jones says: mesin mba? [14:44:46] Martin Carlos says: Iya. [14:44:47] Maynard Southwell says: Pergi dah [14:44:49] done. ((Vania Rutledge)) [14:44:50] Mask 104240 says: kenal salvatore gak? [14:44:51] Hasna Hanifah says: Ada yang minat Primer? [14:44:51] Martin Carlos says: Dih. [14:44:51] (( PM to [50] Nezactra18: dia tau apa tentang gua dikill? )) [14:44:52] Maynard Southwell says: Sebelum dirusak [14:44:53] [id:4] Volunteer Jarvis (Kierran_Freeman) [14:44:53] [id:42] Volunteer prisakti1999 (Tommy_Hanks) [14:44:53] [id:50] Admin Level 1 Nezactra18 (Gloria_Stuart) [14:44:53] [id:55] Helper Regency (Blanchard_Rechauffer) [14:44:53] [id:56] Volunteer lordodo (Veilleux_Sciverit) [14:44:53] [id:60] Helper javaID (Kazuo_Sakaguchi) [14:44:53] NOTE: {ffffff}Volunteer tidak memiliki kedudukan yang sama dengan Helper / Admin [14:44:54] Hasna Hanifah says: Ada yang minat Primer? [14:44:55] Martin Carlos says: Ngusir lu? [14:44:57] Daryl Willd says: Berg ? [14:44:59] Maynard Southwell says: Kagak [14:44:59] You have been healed [14:45:3] Martin Carlos: (( ? )) [14:45:12] Hasna Hanifah says: Ada yang minat Primer? [14:45:18] (( PM from [25] Martin_Carlos: non rp accept deat wkwkwk )) [14:45:19] KEGUNAAN: /limitspeed [speed (MPH)] [14:45:23] (( PM to [25] Martin_Carlos: gua di heal )) [14:45:24] Richard McFuller says: pak [14:45:24] Zarion Whittemore says: Selanjutnya, terserah Anda [14:45:26] (( PM from [25] Martin_Carlos: ooh. )) [14:45:31] Gracious Esquevelle says: Dia terciduk membawa senjata benar? [14:45:33] Zarion Whittemore says: Oke? [14:45:34] Zarion Whittemore says: Ya [14:45:37] Gracious Esquevelle Says [low]: Saya tambah tambahin jadi puanjang yaa [14:45:38] [id:4] Volunteer Jarvis (Kierran_Freeman) [14:45:38] [id:42] Volunteer prisakti1999 (Tommy_Hanks) [14:45:38] [id:50] Admin Level 1 Nezactra18 (Gloria_Stuart) [14:45:38] [id:55] Helper Regency (Blanchard_Rechauffer) [14:45:38] [id:56] Volunteer lordodo (Veilleux_Sciverit) [14:45:38] [id:60] Helper javaID (Kazuo_Sakaguchi) [14:45:38] NOTE: {ffffff}Volunteer tidak memiliki kedudukan yang sama dengan Helper / Admin [14:45:40] AdmCmd: Vincent_Lee has been kicked by Nezactra18. [14:45:40] Reason: Behavior. [14:47:20] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Selamat datang {ffff00}Vincent_Lee{ffffff}. [14:47:20] PAYCHECK: Pergi ke bank dan /signcheck untuk mendapatkan paycheck anda atau pergi ke salah satu ATM! [14:47:20] Faction MOTD: {FFFF00}Diharapkan untuk aktif In-Game dan Forum, panggilan /r tolong fast response. [14:47:20] MOTD: {ffff00}Mohon menggunakan '/report' dengan benar, berikan informasi yang jelas dan detail {ff0000}- Ian [14:47:20] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Anda terakhir login {ffff00}14 menit yang lalu [14:47:20] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Today is {ffff00}Mon 23 Sep 2019, 14:47:20 [14:47:20] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Server memerlukan waktu {ffff00}71 milisecond{ffffff} untuk memuat data char anda! [14:47:21] terasa kaki saya sduah agak enak ((Hasna Hanifah)) [14:47:25] (( Gloria Stuart: yup )) [14:47:26] (( Gracious Esquevelle: apanya yang keras? )) [14:47:27] (( Finn Riley: pas dislap pake anim terbang, yg salah siapa ? )) [14:47:28] (( Gloria Stuart: mao? )) [14:47:37] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [14:47:37] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [14:47:40] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [14:47:41] (( Zarion Whittemore: Hah? )) [14:47:44] * Hasna Hanifah mencoba untuk duduk [14:47:44] LIMITSPEED: {ffffff}Vehicle speed limit set to {33AA33}15 mph [14:47:45] (( Gloria Stuart: gajadi )) [14:47:56] (( Zarion Whittemore: lol :v )) [14:48:0] LIMITSPEED: {ffffff}Vehicle speed limit {ff0000}disabled [14:48:0] (( Blanchard Rechauffer: ngambex )) [14:48:1] Martin Carlos says: Oke. [14:48:7] (( Blanchard Rechauffer: wado )) [14:48:11] (( Rehanzo Connor: lmfao )) [14:48:16] [ID] ID: 21 | Name: Ingga_Fresly | Level: 11 | Ping: 32 | Launcher: Yes [14:48:19] (( PM to [21] Ingga_Fresly: wokakowao kicked )) [14:48:24] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Premier] 3insu 4up Price? Sms Or Call. [14:48:24] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Tom_Olivier{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}435957{FF0000}] [14:48:27] 911: Crime: [ Ada perampokan di mechanic ] [14:48:27] 911: Reporter: [ Daryl Willd ] Phone: [ 455664 ] [14:48:34] 911: Crime: [ Ada perampokan di Mechanic Center ] [14:48:34] 911: Reporter: [ Ingga Fresly ] Phone: [ 988555 ] [14:48:47] (( Gloria Stuart: rampok )) [14:48:48] (( Gloria Stuart: mantap )) [14:48:48] [RADIO] PO-I Rehanzo Connor: 4-METRO-1 on niner CODE 3 [14:48:49] 911: Crime: [ Ada suara tembakan di mechanic. ] [14:48:49] 911: Reporter: [ Martin Carlos ] Phone: [ 112431 ] [14:49:1] (( {FF0000}Admin Nezactra18: {FFFFFF}Use your RP Fear civilian. )) [14:49:8] (( PM from [21] Ingga_Fresly: bgsd emang )) [14:49:30] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{Sell}FCR 2insu 1up Minat call or Sms [14:49:30] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Bexsley_Harlyn{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}909094{FF0000}] [14:49:35] 911: Crime: [ di MC ada yang bawa gun, tapi saya tidak tau perampokan atau tidak ] [14:49:35] 911: Reporter: [ Joe Menace ] Phone: [ 504000 ] [14:49:44] 911: Crime: [ ada robber di mc menggunakan senjata berat ] [14:49:44] 911: Reporter: [ Andrew Neiman ] Phone: [ 134131 ] [14:49:46] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Gloria_Stuart ] Phone: [ 44444 ] [14:49:46] Message: orangnya lari ke dealer [14:49:46] [RADIO] PO-I Veilleux Sciverit: Police Officer I 8554 reporting on duty from Angelpine [14:49:48] 911: Crime: [ ada robber di mc rame ] [14:49:48] 911: Reporter: [ Maynard Southwell ] Phone: [ 690069 ] [14:49:52] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Gloria_Stuart ] Phone: [ 44444 ] [14:49:52] Message: DEALER OD [14:49:56] KEGUNAAN: /transfer [Full_Name] [amount] [14:49:57] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Kazuo Sakaguchi: Police Adjudant 1796 reporting on duty [14:49:58] KEGUNAAN: /transfer [Full_Name] [amount] [14:50:1] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [14:50:3] [ID] ID: 54 | Name: Owen_Pearson | Level: 4 | Ping: 39 | Launcher: Yes [14:50:7] BANK: {FFFFFF}You've transfered {00FF00}$5,000.00 {FFFFFF}to {FFFF00}Owen Pearson [14:50:10] 911: Crime: [ ada Robber di mechanic center pakai shotgun ] [14:50:10] 911: Reporter: [ Maynard Southwell ] Phone: [ 690069 ] [14:50:13] 911: Crime: [ Robbery with pump shotgun at MC, need help ASAP! ] [14:50:13] 911: Reporter: [ Bannan Berg ] Phone: [ 7811080 ] [14:50:25] 911: Crime: [ ada robber di MC pak tolong cepat kesini ] [14:50:25] 911: Reporter: [ Salvatore Trementi ] Phone: [ 3478145 ] [14:50:37] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[DIJUAL] Buffalo 3insu 2up Call Or Sms Me: [14:50:37] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Deangelo_Hudson{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}113020{FF0000}] [14:50:41] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Gloria_Stuart ] Phone: [ 44444 ] [14:50:41] Message: Orangnya udah lari ke Dealer OD bambang satu orang, itu bokongin elu [14:50:44] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Zarion Whittemore: Shots fire, TAC-1 please [14:50:57] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Richard McFuller ] Reporter: [ Gracious Esquevelle ] [14:50:57] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Possesing of Ilegal Firearms. ] [14:51:0] (( {00FFFF}Regular Tommy_Hanks: {FFFFFF}Jangan nembak nembak gajelas dong. )) [14:51:3] AdmCmd: Franciszek_Hagos has been kicked by javaID. [14:51:3] Reason: Jangan salahgunakan /report [14:51:3] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Gloria_Stuart ] Phone: [ 44444 ] [14:51:3] Message: Itu lo di bokongin, dasar swat zarion goblok [14:51:11] HQ: {00ffff}Richard_McFuller have been arrested by Gracious_Esquevelle [14:51:31] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Gracious Esquevelle: 1-ADAM-1 10'99 from 10-15 Procedure and resume to status 4 [14:51:35] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Gracious Esquevelle: 1-ADAM-1 Assisting TAC-1 [14:51:44] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY] Mobil sport fullsticker ada? Call Or Sms [14:51:44] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Girindra_Narottama{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3004{FF0000}] [14:51:47] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Kazuo Sakaguchi: 0-ADAM-2 assisting TAC-1 [14:52:7] 911: Crime: [ ada robber di MC pak tolong segera kesini cepat!! ] [14:52:7] 911: Reporter: [ Salvatore Trementi ] Phone: [ 3478145 ] [14:52:8] (( Vincent Lee: eh mau nanya )) [14:52:15] (( Vincent Lee: kalo adjudant bolehnya naik unit apa aja? )) [14:52:18] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (435957) [14:52:18] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}beb? [14:52:28] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [14:52:28] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 435957 [14:52:28] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Apaaah [14:52:31] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Kazuo Sakaguchi: Police Adjudant 1796 teaming up with officer 8554 start of watch under 0-ADAM-2 clearing from angelpin [14:52:32] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (435957) [14:52:32] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}ada ? [14:52:32] 911: Crime: [ ada gerombolan robber di mc pake senjata berat ] [14:52:32] 911: Reporter: [ Andrew Neiman ] Phone: [ 134131 ] [14:52:36] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Kazuo Sakaguchi: 0-ADAM-2 assisting TAC-1 [14:52:38] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [14:52:38] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 435957 [14:52:38] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}apanya anjir [14:52:41] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (435957) [14:52:41] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}16k [14:52:44] 911: Crime: [ ada robber di mc ] [14:52:44] 911: Reporter: [ Maynard Southwell ] Phone: [ 690069 ] [14:52:46] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (435957) [14:52:46] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}hehe [14:52:50] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [14:52:50] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 435957 [14:52:50] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Belom cayang [14:52:51] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY] Mobil sport fullsticker ada? Call Or Sms [14:52:51] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Girindra_Narottama{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3004{FF0000}] [14:52:58] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [14:52:58] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 435957 [14:52:58] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}di pinjem 5k sama temen lu asu:v [14:53:6] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (435957) [14:53:6] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}anjir :( [14:53:9] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [14:53:9] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 435957 [14:53:9] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}:( [14:53:16] (( Rehanzo Connor: Dealer OD )) [14:53:25] (( Rehanzo Connor: Dealer OD )) [14:53:29] 911: Crime: [ Ada robber di mc ] [14:53:29] 911: Reporter: [ Martin Carlos ] Phone: [ 112431 ] [14:53:29] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Zarion Whittemore: Warehouse [14:53:58] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY] Mobil sport fullsticker ada? Call Or Sms [14:53:58] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Girindra_Narottama{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3004{FF0000}] [14:54:6] 911: Crime: [ Ada robbery di mechanic center, over ] [14:54:6] 911: Reporter: [ Isabell Monroe ] Phone: [ 123000 ] [14:54:8] 911: Crime: [ Robbery nya ke arah tempat bandara deket mc ] [14:54:8] 911: Reporter: [ Martin Carlos ] Phone: [ 112431 ] [14:54:28] ERROR: You must be at the insurance center checkpoint to use this command! [14:54:29] ERROR: You do not have any pending auto refund [14:55:6] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[WilldS Mech] Butuh mechanic berpengalaman 5 tahun ? Hubungi saya! [14:55:6] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Daryl_Willd{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}455664{FF0000}] [14:55:47] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Gloria_Stuart ] Phone: [ 44444 ] [14:55:47] Message: Satu orang lari ke bandara masuk dia [14:56:13] (( PM from [33] Brian_Kenneth: bagi duit njink )) [14:56:34] (( PM to [33] Brian_Kenneth: gua nanti hari minggu adjudant juga cuk wkwk )) [14:56:38] (( PM to [33] Brian_Kenneth: eakkkkkkkk )) [14:56:46] Atlanna Helena says: hi [14:56:54] [PD] Prob. Sergeant Zarion Whittemore: Police 6956 to Fire [14:56:55] 911: Crime: [ Ada rampok digudang MC ] [14:56:55] 911: Reporter: [ Kwanzaa Lowe ] Phone: [ 106540 ] [14:57:0] (( PM from [33] Brian_Kenneth: dih ajudan bayar lu ya )) [14:57:9] [MD] Fellow Georges Parker: Fire 24480 here, speak up [14:57:16] Vincent Lee says: Yea dude? [14:57:21] Vincent Lee says: Nice car btw. [14:57:24] Atlanna Helena says: thanks [14:57:33] 911: Crime: [ Tolong ke sewer Willowifield 1 orang lari ke situ cepet ] [14:57:33] 911: Reporter: [ Jack Rogers ] Phone: [ 553185 ] [14:57:38] Atlanna Helena: (( pin pin gausah sok inggris lah wkwkwkwk )) [14:57:43] (( {FF0000}Admin Nezactra18: {FFFFFF}Bandara = GZ, lo bawa senjata ke bandara = Abuse GZ. )) [14:57:43] [PD] Prob. Sergeant Zarion Whittemore: Requesting your RA unit, we got one suspect down with GSW [14:57:44] Vincent Lee: (( wkwk )) [14:57:46] Vincent Lee: (( gua siapa emang )) [14:57:50] [PD] Prob. Sergeant Zarion Whittemore: at mechanic Center [14:57:54] Atlanna Helena: (( gua Brucceleri wkwkwkwk )) [14:57:58] Vincent Lee: (( owhhh )) [14:57:59] Vincent Lee: (( anjer:v )) [14:58:1] Vincent Lee: (( cn? )) [14:58:2] [ID] ID: 42 | Name: Atlanna_Helena | Level: 7 | Ping: 26 | Launcher: Yes [14:58:4] Atlanna Helena: (( iya )) [14:58:6] 911: Crime: [ Lacak nomor saya, 1 orang lari ke arah Willowfield, sewer nya. ] [14:58:6] 911: Reporter: [ Jack Rogers ] Phone: [ 553185 ] [14:58:8] Vincent Lee: (( ga ngomong asw )) [14:58:11] [MD] Fellow Georges Parker: RA unit has been sent ETA 3 minutes [14:58:12] 911: Crime: [ Lacak nomor saya, 1 orang lari ke arah Willowfield, sewer nya. ] [14:58:12] 911: Reporter: [ Jack Rogers ] Phone: [ 553185 ] [14:58:12] Atlanna Helena: (( WKWKWK )) [14:58:16] Lights {33AA33}ON [14:58:24] 911: Crime: [ Lacak nomor saya, 1 orang lari ke Playa cepet ] [14:58:24] 911: Reporter: [ Jack Rogers ] Phone: [ 553185 ] [14:58:30] 911: Crime: [ Lacak nomor saya, 1 orang lari ke Playa cepet ] [14:58:30] 911: Reporter: [ Jack Rogers ] Phone: [ 553185 ] [14:58:31] [MD] Fellow Georges Parker: How many people down? [14:58:36] 911: Crime: [ Lacak nomor saya, 1 orang lari ke Playa cepet ] [14:58:36] 911: Reporter: [ Jack Rogers ] Phone: [ 553185 ] [14:58:41] 911: Crime: [ Lacak nomor saya 1 orang lari ke bar playa!! ] [14:58:41] 911: Reporter: [ Leo Einstein ] Phone: [ 3505150 ] [14:58:44] 911: Crime: [ Lacak nomor saya, 1 orang lari ke Playa cepet ] [14:58:44] 911: Reporter: [ Jack Rogers ] Phone: [ 553185 ] [14:58:45] 911: Crime: [ Lacak nomor saya 1 orang lari ke bar playa!! ] [14:58:45] 911: Reporter: [ Leo Einstein ] Phone: [ 3505150 ] [14:58:49] [MD] Fellow Georges Parker: I just sending one RA [14:58:49] 911: Crime: [ Lacak nomor saya 1 orang lari ke bar playa!! ] [14:58:49] 911: Reporter: [ Leo Einstein ] Phone: [ 3505150 ] [14:58:51] 911: Crime: [ Lacak nomor saya, 1 orang lari ke Playa cepet ] [14:58:51] 911: Reporter: [ Jack Rogers ] Phone: [ 553185 ] [14:58:59] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Gracious Esquevelle: 1-ADAM-1 on last niners. [14:59:3] [PD] Prob. Sergeant Zarion Whittemore: Ya, your RA unit has been arrived on Mechanic Center [14:59:9] 911: Crime: [ Lacak nomor saya, 1 orang lari ke Playa cepet, STADIUM FAST! ] [14:59:9] 911: Reporter: [ Jack Rogers ] Phone: [ 553185 ] [14:59:39] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Gloria_Stuart ] Phone: [ 44444 ] [14:59:39] Message: Dia lari ke highway commerce [15:0:2] (( Zarion Whittemore: /take ID weapons )) [15:0:6] (( Rehanzo Connor: Udah )) [15:0:7] (( Rehanzo Connor: Ga bisa )) [15:0:19] (( Georges_Parker: Itu beacon suspect semua? )) [15:0:26] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Gloria_Stuart ] Phone: [ 44444 ] [15:0:26] Message: Ini saya lagi ikutin sama temen saya naik NRG, Commerce intersection. [15:0:28] (( Veilleux_Sciverit: engga )) [15:0:33] (( Zarion_Whittemore: Engga, di MC aja )) [15:0:58] [RADIO] Prob. Detective Kendrick Alvarez: All down? 7-UNION-2. [15:1:5] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Zarion Whittemore: Ya, 4-METRO-1 speak [15:1:16] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Gloria_Stuart ] Phone: [ 44444 ] [15:1:16] Message: Loncat ke kebawah trowongan deket sweeper satu orang lari berhasil membawa shotgun. [15:1:16] [RADIO] PO-I Veilleux Sciverit: One suspect hiding on civilian's house '20 El Corona dead end, i don't know which house is it. [15:1:34] (( Rehanzo Connor: dah bisa )) [15:2:6] (( Zarion Whittemore: Gua lepas HS, adzan )) [15:2:9] (( Kazuo Sakaguchi: ok )) [15:3:30] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Bexsley_Harlyn ] Phone: [ 909094 ] [15:3:30] Message: Hallow [15:3:43] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Zarion Whittemore: Oh my god, we got three suspect. But, one suspect again manage to escape [15:3:48] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY] Mobil sport fullsticker ada? Call Or Sms [15:3:48] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Girindra_Narottama{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3004{FF0000}] [15:3:50] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Bexsley_Harlyn ] Phone: [ 909094 ] [15:3:50] Message: Saya ingin mengeluarkan Roadtrain saya dari gedung insurance [15:3:50] [RADIO] Sergeant I Gloria Stuart: 1-METRO-1 suspect one running at seweer Pizza [15:3:53] Anda telah memasuki AFK mode!, ketik /afk untuk lanjut main [15:4:0] Christopher Randolph says: Pak [15:4:2] [RADIO] Sergeant I Gloria Stuart: 1-METRO-1 you can trace me 44444 [15:4:8] Christopher Randolph says: Pak ??? [15:4:55] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY] Mobil sport fullsticker ada? Call Or Sms [15:4:55] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Girindra_Narottama{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3004{FF0000}] [15:4:56] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Zarion Whittemore: 4-METRO-1 to 1-METRO-1, 1-ADAM-1 heading to your location [15:4:59] AFK: {ffff00}You are no longer in AFK-Mode! [15:5:2] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Gracious Esquevelle: 1-ADAM-1 Enroute [15:5:14] Christopher Randolph says: pak [15:5:17] [RADIO] Sergeant I Gloria Stuart: Shtofire [15:5:19] Christopher Randolph says: Eyypak [15:5:21] [RADIO] Sergeant I Gloria Stuart: Shotfire [15:5:24] (( PM to [36] Gracious_Esquevelle: eh )) [15:5:26] Christopher Randolph says: Saya pesan taxi [15:5:27] (( PM to [36] Gracious_Esquevelle: gua pengen nanya )) [15:5:35] [RADIO] Sergeant I Gloria Stuart: Thanks you [15:5:38] [RADIO] Sergeant I Gloria Stuart: 1-METRO-1 Thanks [15:5:39] (( PM to [36] Gracious_Esquevelle: halah kontol sombong )) [15:5:41] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Gracious Esquevelle: 10-4 Sergeant. [17:9:27] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Selamat datang {ffff00}Vincent_Lee{ffffff}. [17:9:27] PAYCHECK: Pergi ke bank dan /signcheck untuk mendapatkan paycheck anda atau pergi ke salah satu ATM! [17:9:27] Faction MOTD: {FFFF00}Diharapkan untuk aktif In-Game dan Forum, panggilan /r tolong fast response. [17:9:27] MOTD: {ffff00}Mohon menggunakan '/report' dengan benar, berikan informasi yang jelas dan detail {ff0000}- Ian [17:9:27] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Anda terakhir login {ffff00}2 jam yang lalu [17:9:27] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Today is {ffff00}Mon 23 Sep 2019, 17:09:27 [17:9:27] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Server memerlukan waktu {ffff00}390 milisecond{ffffff} untuk memuat data char anda! [17:9:38] [ID] ID: 4 | Name: Louise_Bishop | Level: 11 | Ping: 31 | Launcher: Yes [17:9:38] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [17:9:39] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [17:9:41] [ID] ID: 16 | Name: Marvine_Collinson | Level: 7 | Ping: 37 | Launcher: Yes [17:9:43] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [17:9:46] (( PM to [16] Marvine_Collinson: eaaat )) [17:9:49] (( PM to [4] Louise_Bishop: eaaaaaa )) [17:9:50] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [17:9:50] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}WS Laris tadi banyak yang up meq [17:9:51] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [17:9:51] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}WS Laris tadi banyak yang up meq [17:9:52] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [17:9:52] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}WS Laris tadi banyak yang up meq [17:9:52] (( PM from [16] Marvine_Collinson: punya 2 garasi kuy:v )) [17:9:54] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [17:9:54] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}WS Laris tadi banyak yang up meq [17:9:55] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [17:9:55] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}WS Laris tadi banyak yang up meq [17:9:55] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [17:9:55] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 204020 [17:9:55] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}wakkawoaw [17:9:55] (( PM from [16] Marvine_Collinson: awoakwokaw )) [17:9:56] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [17:9:56] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}WS Laris tadi banyak yang up meq [17:10:8] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Jual] Rumah di ELCorona lahan parkir luas full furnit bisa pasang pager, 10k. minat? CP Me [17:10:8] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Dimas_Jey{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}555880{FF0000}] [17:10:9] (( PM to [16] Marvine_Collinson: mau beli? )) [17:10:16] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [17:10:16] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 204020 [17:10:16] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}gua ke wss [17:10:21] (( PM from [16] Marvine_Collinson: gw dah punya :D )) [17:10:26] (( PM to [16] Marvine_Collinson: :) )) [17:11:0] (( Keylon_Pierce: ruvi )) [17:11:1] TOLL: {FFFFFF}Used 1 toll card point to pay toll access. [17:11:2] ERROR: Please wait untill the gate is closed! [17:11:2] (( Keylon_Pierce: wrongw )) [17:11:9] (( Husshain_Kareem: wayo )) [17:11:15] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Sell House Di Richman FullFurniture Lahan Parkir Luas Minat CP : [17:11:15] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Owen_Pearson{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}460087{FF0000}] [17:11:20] AdmCmd: Mathias_Henderson has been kicked by NotAdmin. [17:11:20] Reason: ATIP di ASGH [di report] [17:11:21] (( PM to [53] Husshain_Kareem: eh )) [17:11:26] (( PM to [53] Husshain_Kareem: gua pengen nanya )) [17:11:30] (( PM from [53] Husshain_Kareem: tnaya apa? )) [17:11:36] (( PM to [53] Husshain_Kareem: lu adjudant kan )) [17:11:40] (( PM from [53] Husshain_Kareem: terus? )) [17:11:48] (( PM to [53] Husshain_Kareem: kalo adjudant boleh naik heli kaga? )) [17:11:54] (( PM from [53] Husshain_Kareem: IC )) [17:11:59] Michelle Johnson says: alhamdulillah [17:12:1] (( PM to [53] Husshain_Kareem: nyesel nanya:) )) [17:12:2] (( PM from [53] Husshain_Kareem: itu pertanyaan IC )) [17:12:3] Michelle Johnson says: makasih ya mas [17:12:10] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [17:12:10] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}share nrg [17:12:11] (( PM to [53] Husshain_Kareem: tinggal kasih tau:) )) [17:12:15] (( PM from [53] Husshain_Kareem: bedain dungs, gua ga mau chatlog gua rusak )) [17:12:15] Louise Bishop says: Lee [17:12:18] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}You have shared your {00FFFF}NRG-500 {FFFFFF}to {FFFF00}Louise_Bishop [17:12:19] Louise Bishop says: Bagi compo 5- [17:12:21] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{ffffff}[Trucker] Dimohon untuk merestock produk {ff0000}STARS Cluckin Bell [17:12:21] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Akashi_Alanza{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}1745{FF0000}] [17:12:21] Louise Bishop says: )) [17:12:28] Louise Bishop says: Bagi compo 50 [17:12:28] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Husshain Kareem: Police Adjudant 9612 is reporting off duty for a while. [17:12:30] Vincent Lee says: Buat? [17:12:30] Louise Bishop says: Biarin? [17:12:41] Vincent Lee says: Buat apaan [17:12:43] Louise Bishop says: Gue tadi minjem di MC 50 ke orang [17:12:49] Vincent Lee says: Najes [17:12:51] Louise Bishop says: Tadi benerin mesin ama body [17:12:52] * You gave Louise Bishop 50 components. [17:12:52] AME: {C2A2DA}hands 50 component(s) to Louise Bishop. [17:13:1] Vincent Lee says: Asu [17:13:5] Louise Bishop says: naek [17:13:5] Vincent Lee says: Anterin gua makan [17:13:27] Vincent Lee: (( lu lag? )) [17:13:28] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Sell House Di Richman 4ruangan FullFurniture Lahan Parkir Luas Minat CP : [17:13:28] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Owen_Pearson{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}460087{FF0000}] [17:13:37] Vincent Lee: (( owawakowowa )) [17:13:44] Louise Bishop: (( wkwk )) [17:13:48] (( PM to [6] Owen_Pearson: wanjirrrrrrrrrr )) [17:13:55] (( PM from [6] Owen_Pearson: haha )) [17:13:55] PHONE: {FFFFFF}Calling {00FFFF}number 460087{FFFFFF}, please wait for answer! [17:13:57] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telepon telah dijawab. [17:13:57] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Gunakan chat biasa untuk berkomunikasi lewat telpon, '/h' untuk menutup telpon. [17:13:58] Vincent Lee [phone]: Dimana wen? [17:13:58] Caller [phone]: Hallo [17:14:2] Caller [phone]: Di Cityhall [17:14:8] Vincent Lee [phone]: Rumahnya kentod [17:14:10] Caller [phone]: Richman [17:14:15] Vincent Lee [phone]: nanti liat cuk [17:14:20] Louise Bishop says: yaudah [17:14:20] Vincent Lee [phone]: Luas ga? [17:14:20] Caller [phone]: sekarang ae [17:14:22] Caller [phone]: Luas [17:14:26] Caller [phone]: 4ruangan [17:14:26] WARNING: {ffffff}You've eaten too much, overall fitness rating decreased by {00ffff}1.39 [17:14:26] SHOP: {ffffff}You've purchased {ffff00}Menu +84 {ffffff}for {00ff00}$5.00 [17:14:28] SHOP: {ffffff}You've purchased {ffff00}Energy Drink {ffffff}for {00ff00}$3.75 [17:14:29] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [17:14:29] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Lo ama owen dulu lee [17:14:32] Vincent Lee [phone]: Beli berapa? [17:14:35] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [17:14:35] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 204020 [17:14:35] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Ya [17:14:40] Caller [phone]: furniture di gudang banyak [17:14:42] Caller [phone]: 16k [17:14:47] Vincent Lee [phone]: Jemput gua dong [17:14:49] Vincent Lee [phone]: ga ada kendaraan [17:14:50] Caller [phone]: dimana ? [17:14:57] Vincent Lee [phone]: Donut market [17:14:59] WARNING: {ffffff}You've drunk too much, overall fitness rating decreased by {00ffff}0.13 [17:15:1] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [17:15:3] Caller [phone]: Dimana itu ? [17:15:7] Vincent Lee [phone]: deket ASGH [17:15:14] Caller [phone]: ohh iya [17:15:14] Vincent Lee [phone]: Masa gatau [17:15:21] ERROR: No queued reports! [17:15:24] Caller [phone]: mana ? [17:15:28] Vincent Lee [phone]: Lu mana [17:15:32] 911: Crime: [ ada perampokan di HOF ] [17:15:32] 911: Reporter: [ Joe Menace ] Phone: [ 504000 ] [17:15:34] Owen Pearson [phone]: Gua pake Sanchez [17:15:34] Caller [phone]: Gua pake Sanchez [17:15:40] Vincent Lee [phone]: Si memek [17:15:40] Caller [phone]: Si memek [17:15:42] Telepon terputus... [17:15:46] Vincent Lee says: Kerumah cuk [17:15:48] Owen Pearson says: oke [17:15:53] Owen Pearson says: Lu beli aja [17:16:0] Vincent Lee says: Wanjeng beli [17:16:1] [ID] ID: 43 | Name: Tom_Olivier | Level: 8 | Ping: 34 | Launcher: Yes [17:16:1] FRISK: {FF0000}Owen Pearson {FFFFFF}ingin mem-frisk anda, {FFFF00}/accept frisk {FFFFFF}untuk memberi izin untuk frisk kepadany [17:16:2] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY] Truck Flatbed, dengan harga murah meriah, any insu dan any up, ada ? Call or SMS ! [17:16:2] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Yevgraf_Slawosky{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}2128588{FF0000}] [17:16:5] Vincent Lee says: Aku miskin [17:16:11] Owen Pearson says: Ah bohong [17:16:15] Vincent Lee says: Serius babi [17:16:33] Owen Pearson says: kan gua jual 16k nih [17:16:38] Vincent Lee says: Ya [17:16:39] Owen Pearson says: Gini aja lu ke gua 11k [17:16:45] Owen Pearson says: jadi lunas utangnya [17:16:47] Vincent Lee says: Bahaha [17:16:52] Vincent Lee says: Liat dulu cuk [17:17:6] Owen Pearson says: Banyak di gudang [17:17:9] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Find] Dealer yang dapat request mobil sadler. [17:17:9] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Anka_Mulya{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}118881{FF0000}] [17:17:9] Vincent Lee says: Bukan richman kontol [17:17:15] Caller [phone]: Hallo mas [17:17:16] Owen Pearson [phone]: Hallo ? [17:17:19] Owen Pearson [phone]: Iya ? [17:17:54] Vincent Lee says: Anterin gua [17:17:56] Owen Pearson [phone]: Oke [17:17:59] Vincent Lee says: Ke WS ELS [17:18:1] Owen Pearson says: bentar [17:18:5] Vincent Lee says: Okeh [17:18:6] Owen Pearson says: Mau ngapain ke sana ? [17:18:11] Vincent Lee says: Kerumah baru gua [17:18:13] Vincent Lee says: Dari tom [17:18:14] Vincent Lee says: Bahaha [17:18:16] Owen Pearson says: Ohh [17:18:35] 911: Crime: [ lapor daerah sekitar hof ada perampokan mobil menggunakan burito, pakaian mexico ] [17:18:35] 911: Reporter: [ Joe Menace ] Phone: [ 504000 ] [17:18:48] 911: Crime: [ Ada perampok menaiki mobil burito hitam , titik terakhir di kantor hof , memakai pakaian gangsta ] [17:18:48] 911: Reporter: [ Stellione Volkoska ] Phone: [ 1312725 ] [17:19:19] 911: Crime: [ Tadi dia merampok di kantor hof dan berhasil melarikan diri menggunakan mobil Burito ] [17:19:19] 911: Reporter: [ Stellione Volkoska ] Phone: [ 1312725 ] [17:19:21] Owen Pearson says: tau gua [17:19:29] Owen Pearson says: yang dulunya bekas Xan ? [17:19:33] Vincent Lee says: emm [17:19:36] Owen Pearson says: Iya pea [17:19:38] Vincent Lee says: Iya kayanya [17:19:44] Owen Pearson says: emang iya pea [17:19:49] [ID] ID: 2 | Name: Joe_Menace | Level: 5 | Ping: 41 | Launcher: Yes [17:19:50] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Malak Alhamed: Please come to East Beach to available basic unit if you don't have partner, [17:19:52] [ID] ID: 11 | Name: Joeri_Edmondo | Level: 50 | Ping: 33 | Launcher: No [17:19:54] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Malak Alhamed: Please come to East Beach to available basic unit if you don't have partner. [17:19:54] (( PM to [11] Joeri_Edmondo: woeee )) [17:20:26] Owen Pearson says: Lama anjay [17:21:7] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Dijual Flash 3insu 2up full sticker minat? SMS gan [17:21:7] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Romain_Guillot{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}100120{FF0000}] [17:21:11] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Mario Ellison: Prob. Sergeant 6475 to Adjudant Malak [17:21:18] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Malak Alhamed: Adjudant Malak here. [17:21:20] Vincent Lee says: Pepek lama bener [17:21:22] Owen Pearson says: duit lu di bank kan banyak [17:21:28] Vincent Lee says: Sok tau [17:21:29] Owen Pearson says: Iya anjay masih di MC katanya [17:21:32] Owen Pearson says: Sikat lah rumah gua [17:21:38] Owen Pearson says: lu ke gua 11k [17:21:47] PHONE: {FF0000}Joshua ali (1083220) {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [17:21:48] Vincent Lee says: Ke ELS Aja dulu [17:21:48] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Anda telah menjawab telpon. [17:21:48] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Gunakan chat biasa untuk berkomunikasi lewat telpon, '/h' untuk menutup telpon. [17:21:49] Vincent Lee [phone]: Apaan [17:21:51] Joshua ali [phone]: cen [17:21:55] Vincent Lee [phone]: APA BABI [17:21:55] Joshua ali [phone]: pizza dong [17:21:56] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Benedikt_Arnaud ] Phone: [ 222325 ] [17:21:56] Message: I need GCLU unit for take my CGC sir. [17:21:58] Vincent Lee [phone]: Kapan bayar utang? [17:22:1] Joshua ali [phone]: oiys [17:22:4] Telepon terputus... [17:22:14] Vincent Lee says: Kontol di matiin [17:22:17] Owen Pearson says: Hahaa [17:22:23] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Benedikt_Arnaud ] Phone: [ 222325 ] [17:22:23] Message: Apakah ada GCLU unit ? [17:22:36] Owen Pearson Shouts: Minat rumah ?! [17:22:39] Owen Pearson Shouts: Richman! [17:22:44] Romain Guillot Shouts: Berapa! [17:22:45] (( Gracious_Esquevelle: plis lah kenapa sih id 3 )) [17:22:49] Vincent Lee Shouts: 16k! [17:22:49] Owen Pearson Shouts: 15k nego ampe jadi! [17:22:52] Romain Guillot [phone]: Buset ngga ada up [17:22:58] Owen Pearson says: kontol emang [17:22:59] Vincent Lee: (( lu lag? )) [17:23:0] (( Giancarlos Octavio: sodara lu kan? )) [17:23:3] Owen Pearson: (( kagak )) [17:23:4] (( Gracious Esquevelle: najis )) [17:23:5] (( Gracious Esquevelle: kenal aja kaga )) [17:23:6] Vincent Lee: (( apa gua )) [17:23:7] (( Giancarlos Octavio: wkwokwao )) [17:23:9] WARNING: {FFFF00}You'll be kicked in 1 minute for desync [17:23:12] (( Griffin Finnegan: report, impersonating person )) [17:23:12] Vincent Lee: (( gua relo )) [17:23:13] Vincent Lee: (( gua relog )) [17:23:14] Owen Pearson: (( lu kali )) [17:23:21] Vincent Lee: (( desync )) [17:23:22] Vincent Lee: (( pepek )) [17:24:21] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Selamat datang {ffff00}Vincent_Lee{ffffff}. [17:24:21] PAYCHECK: Pergi ke bank dan /signcheck untuk mendapatkan paycheck anda atau pergi ke salah satu ATM! [17:24:21] Faction MOTD: {FFFF00}Diharapkan untuk aktif In-Game dan Forum, panggilan /r tolong fast response. [17:24:21] MOTD: {ffff00}Mohon menggunakan '/report' dengan benar, berikan informasi yang jelas dan detail {ff0000}- Ian [17:24:21] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Anda terakhir login {ffff00}14 menit yang lalu [17:24:22] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Today is {ffff00}Mon 23 Sep 2019, 17:24:22 [17:24:22] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Server memerlukan waktu {ffff00}300 milisecond{ffffff} untuk memuat data char anda! [17:24:31] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [17:24:31] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}NRG [17:24:32] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [17:24:32] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}NRG [17:24:32] Vincent Lee says: Halah babi [17:24:37] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}You have shared your {00FFFF}NRG-500 {FFFFFF}to {FFFF00}Louise_Bishop [17:24:37] Owen Pearson says: Apa kentot [17:24:37] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [17:24:37] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}NRG Share [17:24:56] Owen Pearson says: El Corona dimana sih ? [17:25:2] Vincent Lee says: Anjing ga tau elcorona [17:25:5] Vincent Lee says: Sini gua bawa [17:25:5] Owen Pearson says: Hha [17:25:7] Owen Pearson says: nanti [17:25:11] Owen Pearson says: dia lagi di sana [17:25:14] Vincent Lee says: Ke ELS [17:25:16] Vincent Lee says: Cepetan [17:25:21] Owen Pearson says: Ambil duit ? [17:25:25] Vincent Lee says: Ngapain tolol [17:25:31] Vincent Lee says: Cepetan ELS [17:25:33] AdmCmd: Bobby_Chandler has been kicked by Kendorize. [17:25:33] Reason: misusing report [17:25:38] Owen Pearson says: 11k Ke gua cepet rumahnya buru [17:25:42] Vincent Lee says: Gamau [17:25:45] Owen Pearson says: anjir [17:25:45] Vincent Lee says: Kejauhan males [17:25:56] Vincent Lee says: Bahaha [17:26:0] Vincent Lee: (( owakowaowa )) [17:26:3] Owen Pearson Shouts: Minat Rumah ?! [17:26:5] Vincent Lee: (( tolol )) [17:26:6] Owen Pearson Shouts: Minat Rumah ?! [17:26:8] Owen Pearson Shouts: Minat Rumah ?! [17:26:12] Rizky Muchtar says: enggak [17:26:20] Vincent Lee: (( oawkkoawowa tolol anjeng pelni )) [17:26:26] Vincent Lee: (( awokkowaowa )) [17:26:29] Vincent Lee: (( paok )) [17:26:35] * Owen Pearson merasakan kaget saat tabrakan [17:26:39] Romain Guillot: (( ketemu lu terus gua )) [17:26:40] * Owen Pearson mencoba untuk tenang [17:26:41] Romain Guillot: (( kampret )) [17:26:42] * Vincent Lee shocked because crash [17:26:44] Vincent Lee: (( lu pea kwaokowawa )) [17:26:48] Vincent Lee: (( lu fans ama gua sih )) [17:26:49] * Owen Pearson melanjutkan perjalanan [17:26:51] Romain Guillot: (( ogah )) [17:26:57] (( PM to [72] Romain_Guillot: awkookwawa )) [17:27:0] (( PM from [72] Romain_Guillot: kwkw )) [17:27:11] (( PM to [72] Romain_Guillot: asu ga ada salah di tabrak )) [17:27:18] Vincent Lee says: Alah lama kali [17:27:34] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Dijual Flash 3insu 2up full sticker atau trade dengan motor minat? SMS gan [17:27:34] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Romain_Guillot{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}100120{FF0000}] [17:27:43] PHONE: {FFFFFF}Calling {00FFFF}number 100120{FFFFFF}, please wait for answer! [17:27:46] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telepon telah dijawab. [17:27:46] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Gunakan chat biasa untuk berkomunikasi lewat telpon, '/h' untuk menutup telpon. [17:27:46] Vincent Lee [phone]: SAPD. [17:27:47] Caller [phone]: Hallo [17:27:48] Caller [phone]: APA [17:27:58] Owen Pearson says: atyo [17:28:0] Vincent Lee [phone]: Apakah ini yang bernama prob.detect Romain? [17:28:4] Caller [phone]: Ya. [17:28:9] Vincent Lee [phone]: Hmm [17:28:11] Vincent Lee [phone]: Saya dari SAPD [17:28:19] Vincent Lee [phone]: Saya dengar dengar [17:28:23] Vincent Lee [phone]: Anda menjual crack [17:28:27] Caller [phone]: SAPD. [17:28:27] Vincent Lee [phone]: Apakah benar? [17:28:31] Caller [phone]: Nama anda siapa [17:28:34] Vincent Lee [phone]: Nama saya [17:28:39] Vincent Lee [phone]: Joeri Edmondo [17:28:41] Leo Einstein says: Wadeh [17:28:42] Owen Pearson says: Furniture banyak di gudang [17:28:45] Caller [phone]: Jangan macam macam kamu [17:28:51] Vincent Lee [phone]: Iya macam macam [17:28:53] Vincent Lee [phone]: Kamu macam macam [17:28:58] Vincent Lee [phone]: Saya penjara permanent mau? [17:29:2] Caller [phone]: Mau [17:29:4] Leo Einstein says: Sorry pak kurang minat [17:29:7] Vincent Lee [phone]: Wahh [17:29:10] Vincent Lee [phone]: Menantang HC [17:29:27] Vincent Lee [phone]: Berantem kita [17:29:29] Caller [phone]: LAH [17:29:30] Caller [phone]: AYOK [17:29:32] Vincent Lee [phone]: GASKAN [17:29:35] Vincent Lee [phone]: DIMANA ANJINK [17:29:38] Caller [phone]: Ketemuan [17:29:42] Vincent Lee [phone]: GASKAN [17:29:44] Vincent Lee Shouts: WS ELS! [17:29:46] Vincent Lee Shouts: BABI! [17:29:50] Vincent Lee [phone]: Trace nomor gua [17:29:52] Owen Pearson says: bentar [17:29:52] Vincent Lee [phone]: CEPETAN [17:29:59] Owen Pearson says: bentar [17:30:5] Caller [phone]: LO AJA TRACE GUA [17:30:10] Vincent Lee [phone]: Gua SAPD [17:30:14] Caller [phone]: GUA SAPD [17:30:17] Vincent Lee [phone]: TAI [17:30:19] AdmCmd: Marcus_Mamba has been kicked by Kendorize. [17:30:19] Reason: atip tereport [17:30:20] Caller [phone]: TAI [17:30:24] Vincent Lee [phone]: Bahaha lemah [17:30:24] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Sell house Di richman 4ruangan furniture banyak minat CP : [17:30:24] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Owen_Pearson{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}460087{FF0000}] [17:30:25] done ((Owen Pearson)) [17:30:26] Vincent Lee [phone]: Bertumbuk kita [17:30:26] Caller [phone]: Bahaha lemah [17:30:34] Caller [phone]: Tumbuk lah aku dapat duit [17:30:40] Vincent Lee [phone]: Aih prob detective takut sama HC [17:30:48] Owen Pearson [phone]: Hallo ? [17:30:51] Caller [phone]: Berape [17:30:54] Owen Pearson [phone]: 15k Nego [17:30:58] Caller [phone]: mana ada takut [17:30:59] Owen Pearson [phone]: ampe jadi [17:31:0] Vincent Lee [phone]: ROMAIN ANJINK BERANTEM SINI [17:31:1] Telepon terputus... [17:31:1] Caller [phone]: Netnay berape [17:31:5] Owen Pearson [phone]: 13k [17:31:12] Owen Pearson [phone]: Bisa berubah sewaktu waktu [17:31:12] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (432424) [17:31:12] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Lee [17:31:15] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [17:31:15] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 432424 [17:31:15] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Apa [17:31:22] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (432424) [17:31:22] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Ini tow truck gimana ? [17:31:28] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [17:31:28] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 432424 [17:31:28] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Tow truck apanya [17:31:31] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Tolong Kepada Pekerja Mechanic Tolong Restock Component [17:31:31] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Tyson_Cameron{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}133388{FF0000}] [17:31:33] {8D8DFF}SERVICE: {FFFFFF}You have reached the Los Santos Service Center. [17:31:33] {8D8DFF}SERVICE: {FFFFFF}Would you like to order a taxi or a mechanic? [17:31:34] Vincent Lee [phone]: taxi [17:31:34] {8D8DFF}SERVICE: {FFFFFF}Please describe your current location! [17:31:38] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (432424) [17:31:38] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Ini tow truck yang elo kontol [17:31:42] Vincent Lee [phone]: Dealer penjualan mobil VIP [17:31:42] {8D8DFF}SERVICE: {FFFFFF}We've informed the taxi drivers, they will send you a SMS if they respond. [17:31:42] Telepon terputus... [17:31:45] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [17:31:45] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 432424 [17:31:45] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}owh oakwkowaw [17:31:45] SERVICE: {00ffff}Scott_Marauder {ffff00}(phone: 772000) {ffffff}has responded to your taxi call [17:31:51] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (432424) [17:31:51] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Mau diambil kaga [17:32:1] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [17:32:1] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 432424 [17:32:1] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}BENTAR NAPA SIH BEB [17:32:3] [ID] ID: 24 | Name: Erik_Kloostermann | Level: 17 | Ping: 39 | Launcher: Yes [17:32:5] ERROR: That player is blocking PM! [17:32:5] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (100120) [17:32:5] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}yos [17:32:9] Owen Pearson Shouts: Ayo WS! [17:32:10] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (432424) [17:32:10] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Oke lah sayang :) [17:32:11] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [17:32:11] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 100120 [17:32:11] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}APA YOS YOS BABI [17:32:14] Vincent Lee Shouts: GUA MESAN TAXI! [17:32:16] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (100120) [17:32:16] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}ngentot [17:32:18] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [17:32:18] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 432424 [17:32:18] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Ngambek nih?:( [17:32:20] Owen Pearson Shouts: ANJING! [17:32:21] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [17:32:21] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 100120 [17:32:21] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}apasi wakoawwao [17:32:22] Owen Pearson: (( :v )) [17:32:27] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (100120) [17:32:27] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}ketawa lo ya [17:32:29] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (432424) [17:32:29] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Enggak kok santai aja sayang [17:32:31] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [17:32:31] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 100120 [17:32:31] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}AWOkowakkowaowa apaasi;v [17:32:35] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [17:32:35] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 432424 [17:32:35] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Iyah:( [17:32:38] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}JUAL Rumah di El Corona 4 Ruangan 1 Garasi FullFurniture minat? CP: [17:32:38] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Leo_Einstein{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3505150{FF0000}] [17:32:42] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [17:32:42] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 432424 [17:32:42] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Kerja yang rajin ya beb [17:32:54] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [17:33:14] PHONE: {FF0000}Number 772000 {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [17:33:51] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Selamat datang {ffff00}Vincent_Lee{ffffff}. [17:33:51] PAYCHECK: Pergi ke bank dan /signcheck untuk mendapatkan paycheck anda atau pergi ke salah satu ATM! [17:33:51] Faction MOTD: {FFFF00}Diharapkan untuk aktif In-Game dan Forum, panggilan /r tolong fast response. [17:33:51] MOTD: {ffff00}Mohon menggunakan '/report' dengan benar, berikan informasi yang jelas dan detail {ff0000}- Ian [17:33:51] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Anda terakhir login {ffff00}9 menit yang lalu [17:33:52] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Today is {ffff00}Mon 23 Sep 2019, 17:33:52 [17:33:52] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Server memerlukan waktu {ffff00}399 milisecond{ffffff} untuk memuat data char anda! [17:34:1] (( PM from [31] Anthony_Aylmer: hanna tu mainan aa )) [17:34:2] PHONE: {FF0000}Otis Bangsat (738000) {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [17:34:6] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Anda telah menjawab telpon. [17:34:6] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Gunakan chat biasa untuk berkomunikasi lewat telpon, '/h' untuk menutup telpon. [17:34:6] Otis Bangsat [phone]: KAU MANA KENTOT [17:34:9] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (432424) [17:34:9] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Beb jadi gini kemaren di WS aku lihat ada $2k lebih kok sekarang jadi ngurang ya? bebeb ambil ya? [17:34:9] Otis Bangsat [phone]: KAU DIMANA [17:34:11] Vincent Lee [phone]: Kenapa babi [17:34:13] (( PM from [31] Anthony_Aylmer: miss )) [17:34:13] Telepon terputus... [17:34:16] PHONE: {FF0000}Number 772000 {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [17:34:17] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [17:34:17] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 432424 [17:34:17] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Iya di ambil [17:34:18] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Anda telah menolak telepon! [17:34:22] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (432424) [17:34:22] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Alah nyusahin [17:34:24] PHONE: {FF0000}Number 772000 {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [17:34:27] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [17:34:27] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 432424 [17:34:27] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Buat bayar pajak kontol [17:34:27] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (7066428) [17:34:27] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}saya di ws butuh mekanik [17:34:32] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (432424) [17:34:32] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}AWOAWKOAWKKAWOAWAWKOAWKAWKOAWKAWKAWO [17:34:35] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telpon berhenti berdering! [17:34:36] PHONE: {FF0000}Number 772000 {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [17:34:37] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (432424) [17:34:37] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Jemput WS [17:34:43] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telpon berhenti berdering! [17:34:44] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [17:34:44] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 7066428 [17:34:44] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Telfon 432424 Atau 204020 [17:34:44] PHONE: {FF0000}Number 772000 {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [17:34:51] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}JUAL Rumah di El Corona 4 Ruangan 1 Garasi FullFurniture minat? CP: [17:34:51] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Leo_Einstein{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3505150{FF0000}] [17:34:53] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [17:34:53] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 432424 [17:34:53] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Itu ada yang mau repair di ws [17:34:56] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (432424) [17:34:56] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Eh jemput Showroom [17:34:57] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (432424) [17:34:57] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Iya [17:34:59] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telpon berhenti berdering! [17:34:59] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [17:34:59] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 432424 [17:34:59] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}TOLOL [17:35:2] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (432424) [17:35:2] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Gue di Showroom gada kendaraan [17:35:4] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [17:35:4] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 432424 [17:35:4] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Gua kesasar [17:35:5] Romain Guillot says: AHAHA [17:35:7] Vincent Lee says: Babi [17:35:8] Vincent Lee says: Ikut [17:35:17] (( PM to [72] Romain_Guillot: asw )) [17:35:23] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (772000) [17:35:23] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}KONTOL BAPAK KAU PECAH ANJING,PENUMPANG HANTU ! [17:35:25] (( PM to [72] Romain_Guillot: dih babi )) [17:35:31] Romain Guillot says: kasian [17:35:33] (( PM to [72] Romain_Guillot: wahhhh )) [17:35:38] (( Gracious Esquevelle: ini id 3 kalau gw report forum alasannya apa? )) [17:35:44] (( Synester Reynold: Non Rp name )) [17:35:44] (( PM to [72] Romain_Guillot: alah asu )) [17:35:47] (( Griffin Finnegan: Impersonating Person )) [17:35:47] Vincent Lee: (( kowaokwakowako mmapos )) [17:35:50] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (772000) [17:35:50] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}BABI KAU LELE KONTOL BIADAP. [17:35:51] Romain Guillot says: wah anjing [17:35:55] (( Synester Reynold: sekalian tuh. )) [17:35:56] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [17:35:56] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 772000 [17:35:56] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}awowakowakowaw [17:35:57] (( Gracious Esquevelle: impersonating person artinya apa sih gw gatau ada rulesnya itu )) [17:35:58] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}JUAL Rumah di El Corona 4 Ruangan 1 Garasi FullFurniture minat? CP: [17:35:58] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Leo_Einstein{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3505150{FF0000}] [17:36:1] (( Gracious Esquevelle: gasopan kintil ni anak )) [17:36:1] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [17:36:1] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 772000 [17:36:1] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}BAPAK KAU LELE [17:36:7] Vincent Lee says: Ke ws cuk [17:36:10] Romain Guillot says: wait [17:36:10] Vincent Lee says: Mau repair gratis ga [17:36:11] Romain Guillot says: makan [17:36:11] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (772000) [17:36:11] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}LEE ANJING [17:36:15] Romain Guillot says: mau lah [17:36:18] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [17:36:18] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 772000 [17:36:18] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}APA SIH KONTOL [17:36:19] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (772000) [17:36:19] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}SAMA AJA ITU SAMA LELE [17:36:24] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [17:36:24] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 772000 [17:36:24] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}BEDA KONTOL [17:36:25] (( Griffin Finnegan: dia kek pura2 jadi lu dgn melesetin nama lu )) [17:36:33] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (772000) [17:36:33] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}KAU PESAN TAXI KAUNYA GA ADA PEPEK [17:36:36] [RADIO] PO-I Zaheer Mohameed: Police Officer I 3813, Taking status 4 under 0-JOHN-2, Clearing from Angelpine Precicnt. [17:36:37] (( Griffin Finnegan: dia bisa aja bikin nama lu jelek )) [17:36:40] Vincent Lee says: Gua nanti hari minggu jadi adjudant cuk [17:36:45] Romain Guillot says: ANJAY [17:36:48] Romain Guillot says: ajudant siapa [17:36:48] (( Gracious Esquevelle: bilang dari amerika, padahal dari mexico esquevelle dan ada 3 sodara )) [17:36:49] Vincent Lee says: Lu gua perbudak [17:36:50] (( Gracious Esquevelle: hadeuh )) [17:36:50] Vincent Lee: (( kowakowa )) [17:36:54] Romain Guillot says: gua sikat lo ya [17:36:56] Vincent Lee says: Adjudant Lee [17:36:57] (( Gracious Esquevelle: ada ada aja kampred )) [17:36:58] Vincent Lee says: Bahaha [17:37:1] Vincent Lee says: Baperan najis [17:37:4] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}JUAL Rumah di El Corona 4 Ruangan 1 Garasi FullFurniture minat? CP: [17:37:4] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Leo_Einstein{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3505150{FF0000}] [17:37:8] Romain Guillot says: mana da baper [17:37:10] Romain Guillot says: bego [17:37:20] (( Griffin Finnegan: non rp name juga bisa )) [17:37:20] Romain Guillot says: lu [17:37:21] Vincent Lee says: Nanti kaya sersan yang lain [17:37:25] Romain Guillot says: ga ada kenalan cewe apa [17:37:26] (( Synester Reynold: sekalian aja co )) [17:37:29] Vincent Lee says: Di bilang kontol baperan [17:37:30] Vincent Lee: (( okawkoawaw )) [17:37:30] (( Gracious Esquevelle: alasan non rp name apaan? )) [17:37:33] Vincent Lee says: Ada [17:37:34] Vincent Lee says: Hanifa [17:37:35] Romain Guillot says: mana [17:37:39] * Marvine Collinson repairing engine vehicle using mechanical tools [17:37:40] Processing ((Marvine Collinson)) [17:37:43] Rizky Muchtar says: ELS dimana ya pak [17:37:44] (( Gracious Esquevelle: lagian admin yang ck in dia kok dikasih namanya Garcius Esqueleve gblk lah )) [17:37:47] Vincent Lee says: Belakang tolol [17:37:47] Done ((Marvine Collinson)) [17:37:51] Marvine Collinson says: Deket GYM ELS [17:37:53] Vincent Lee says: Buka kap aja [17:37:54] Romain Guillot says: NGEGAS anjing [17:37:58] Marvine Collinson says: Yang deket Jefferson [17:37:59] (( Synester Reynold: bilang aja, emang di izinin gitu ? )) [17:38:0] Rizky Muchtar says: ohh coba saya keliling [17:38:0] (( Griffin Finnegan: kalo impersonating kasih tau aja, gw khawatir kalo nama gw kena imbas gara dia )) [17:38:3] AME: {C2A2DA}examine veh [17:38:5] Marvine Collinson says: di GPS aja [17:38:7] Marvine Collinson says: Ada GYM [17:38:9] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}Finished examining vehicle {00FFFF}Flash [17:38:9] NOTE: {FFFFFF}You are now able to use '{FFFF00}/vehmenu{FFFFFF}' on this vehicle [17:38:10] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}JUAL Rumah di El Corona 4 Ruangan 1 Garasi FullFurniture minat? CP: [17:38:10] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Leo_Einstein{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3505150{FF0000}] [17:38:12] ERROR: You need 81 components to repair this engine! [17:38:14] (( Griffin Finnegan: sapa tau dia rp rob, trus orang kira lu PD )) [17:38:15] * Marvine Collinson repairing body vehicle using workshop tools [17:38:17] Processing ((Marvine Collinson)) [17:38:20] AME: {C2A2DA}repairing body using mc tools [17:38:22] Done ((Marvine Collinson)) [17:38:22] Romain Guillot says: Masukin gua ws lu dong le. [17:38:26] WORKSHOP: {FFFFFF}You've taken {FFFF00}100 units {FFFFFF}of components from the workshop! [17:38:27] Vincent Lee says: Full [17:38:29] (( Mario Ellison: ga lah )) [17:38:29] Vincent Lee says: Lu bau tai sih [17:38:32] Rizky_Muchtar telah keluar dari server. (Terputus/Crash) [17:38:34] Romain Guillot says: masih 3 anjing [17:38:35] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}You've used {FFFF00}44 components {FFFFFF}to repair the body of the {00FFFF}Flash [17:38:42] (( Gracious Esquevelle: bisa juga )) [17:38:43] (( Griffin Finnegan: namanyas 11/12 )) [17:38:47] AME: {C2A2DA}repairing engine using mc tools [17:38:50] (( Gracious Esquevelle: nanti yang di report bisa gw kan di forum )) [17:38:53] (( Griffin Finnegan: Gracius, Gracious )) [17:38:53] Vincent Lee says: Apasi anjing [17:38:55] Marvine Collinson says: Kemana ae lu tak [17:38:57] [RADIO] Detective I Griffin Finnegan: beda O doang [17:38:57] (( Gracious Esquevelle: gw aja lah yang cn anjg )) [17:38:58] (( Mario Ellison: di MDC kan ada factio nnya )) [17:39:0] [RADIO] Detective I Griffin Finnegan: )) [17:39:0] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}You've used {FFFF00}81 components {FFFFFF}to repair the engine of the {00FFFF}Flash [17:39:0] Marvine Collinson says: Anter gue ke Showroom [17:39:0] done. ((Vincent Lee)) [17:39:3] Vincent Lee says: OK [17:39:4] (( Mario Ellison: awokoawk )) [17:39:5] Vincent Lee says: Udah romain pepek [17:39:8] Romain Guillot says: ya jadi babu lu ya le [17:39:13] Romain Guillot says: disuruh suruh [17:39:13] (( Gracious Esquevelle: cn nurun 1 rank doang kan? )) [17:39:16] Vincent Lee says: Gua bosnya [17:39:17] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY] Bussines with medium-high profit's. Sell? CP: [17:39:17] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Patrick_Rothschild{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}610800{FF0000}] [17:39:19] (( Synester Reynold: kalo non rp name, kan plagiat gitu aslnya. )) [17:39:19] (( Gracious Esquevelle: anak bab1 )) [17:39:20] Marvine Collinson says: Dia anak buah gue [17:39:21] Romain Guillot says: kok mau disuruh suruh [17:39:22] Romain Guillot says: bego [17:39:22] Rizky Muchtar: (( sorry not respon )) [17:39:23] (( Synester Reynold: pertahanin lah co )) [17:39:25] Marvine Collinson: (( udah di fix kok )) [17:39:29] (( Griffin Finnegan: report aja co )) [17:39:29] (( Gracious Esquevelle: males debat sama anak haram )) [17:39:29] Rizky Muchtar: (( ok )) [17:39:31] Vincent Lee says: Bapak kau [17:39:31] Rizky Muchtar says: duluan ya [17:39:34] (( Synester Reynold: yaudah report forum )) [17:39:34] Marvine Collinson Shouts: Ya om! [17:39:36] Vincent Lee says: Ku pecahkan ban kau ya [17:39:38] (( Synester Reynold: suruh ck )) [17:39:40] (( Gracious Esquevelle: udah report balesannya "dia juga udah level gede wkwk" )) [17:39:41] Romain Guillot says: ku sikat kau [17:39:42] Marvine Collinson says: Aye dog [17:39:48] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [17:39:51] Marvine Collinson Shouts: SHOWROOM! [17:39:51] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [17:39:51] (( Griffin Finnegan: ye bodo )) [17:39:51] (( Synester Reynold: Bah )) [17:39:52] Vincent Lee Shouts: CEPAT! [17:39:54] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [17:39:57] Marvine Collinson Shouts: TAU SHOWROOM GA BABI?! [17:39:59] (( Griffin Finnegan: ngapain juga ikut2an nama orang )) [17:40:3] (( Synester Reynold: nah )) [17:40:5] (( Gracious Esquevelle: katanya dia kira ga ada nick itu )) [17:40:10] (( Gracious Esquevelle: dia ngambil nama dari amerika )) [17:40:14] (( Gracious Esquevelle: padahal gw ngambil dari mexico )) [17:40:17] (( Gracious Esquevelle: :) )) [17:40:18] (( Griffin Finnegan: akwoekawe mana ada )) [17:40:24] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[DIJUAL] Buffalo 3insu 2up 2kNet No Nego Call Or Sms Me: [17:40:24] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Deangelo_Hudson{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}113020{FF0000}] [17:40:26] (( Griffin Finnegan: bullshit mah )) [17:40:30] (( {FF0000}Admin Kendorize: {FFFFFF}duarr )) [17:40:34] (( Gracious Esquevelle: mana mungkin sampe gatauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu )) [17:40:41] (( Griffin Finnegan: ya makanya )) [17:41:0] (( {FF0000}Admin Kendorize: {FFFFFF}MC rusuh gua hujanin meteor liatin aja. )) [17:41:11] (( Gracious Esquevelle: malah minta 2,5k buat ck lagi :) )) [17:41:17] Vincent Lee says: ANJING [17:41:18] Scott Marauder says: anjing [17:41:22] Vincent Lee: (( okwakowa )) [17:41:29] Scott Marauder says: KAU penumpang hatu pepek [17:41:31] Vincent Lee says: Penumpang hantunya mana? [17:41:31] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Jual Rumah di Richman 4ruangan Lahan parkir besar Minat CP : [17:41:31] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Owen_Pearson{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}460087{FF0000}] [17:41:37] (( Gracious Esquevelle: tapi gw yang nwarin awal dah lah bege )) [17:41:40] (( Gracious Esquevelle: /me /q )) [17:41:40] Scott Marauder says: PEPEK mu [17:41:40] Vincent Lee says: Kau kelamaan asu [17:41:52] Marvine Collinson says: Sini gue pake [17:41:52] Q:Vincent Lee[18]: ngomong pepek indonesian culture? [17:41:52] Scott Marauder says: NAMA JUGA LAGI KE SANA PEPEK [17:41:54] Marvine Collinson says: Bentar [17:41:56] Vincent Lee says: Bahaha [17:42:1] Answer: {ffff00}ga [17:42:8] Marvine Collinson says: Sini [17:42:9] Vincent Lee says: Lama [17:42:10] Marvine Collinson says: Gue pake bentar [17:42:14] Marvine Collinson says: Woe [17:42:15] Marvine Collinson says: Bentaran [17:42:39] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Jual rumah di Richman lahan parkir Luas furniture banyak Minat CP : [17:42:39] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Owen_Pearson{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}460087{FF0000}] [17:42:41] ERROR: Unable to trace that number! [17:42:45] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [19:26:48] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Selamat datang {ffff00}Vincent_Lee{ffffff}. [19:26:48] PAYCHECK: Pergi ke bank dan /signcheck untuk mendapatkan paycheck anda atau pergi ke salah satu ATM! [19:26:48] Faction MOTD: {FFFF00}Diharapkan untuk aktif In-Game dan Forum, panggilan /r tolong fast response. [19:26:48] MOTD: {ffff00}Mohon menggunakan '/report' dengan benar, berikan informasi yang jelas dan detail {ff0000}- Ian [19:26:48] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Anda terakhir login {ffff00}1 jam yang lalu [19:26:48] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Today is {ffff00}Mon 23 Sep 2019, 19:26:48 [19:26:48] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Server memerlukan waktu {ffff00}192 milisecond{ffffff} untuk memuat data char anda! [19:26:57] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [19:27:0] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [19:27:1] [ID] ID: 24 | Name: Louise_Bishop | Level: 11 | Ping: 61 | Launcher: Yes [19:27:3] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [19:27:4] [ID] ID: 16 | Name: Mario_Ellison | Level: 26 | Ping: 22 | Launcher: Yes [19:27:7] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [19:27:10] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Buy]Mobil Blade kalo ada buruan CP!!!! [19:27:10] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Louise_Bishop{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}204020{FF0000}] [19:27:24] (( {FF0000}Helper NotAdmin: {FFFFFF}Siapa tadi yang uangnya ilang bug? )) [19:27:27] (( {FF0000}Helper NotAdmin: {FFFFFF}PM )) [19:27:33] (( PM to [1] NotAdmin: hati ku ilang gimana )) [19:27:38] (( {FF0000}Helper NotAdmin: {FFFFFF}yang boong gua ban )) [19:27:45] (( {FF0000}Helper NotAdmin: {FFFFFF}yang pm gua tapi boong gua ban )) [19:27:49] (( {FF0000}Helper NotAdmin: {FFFFFF}yang pm gua tapi boong gua ban )) [19:27:51] (( {FF0000}Helper NotAdmin: {FFFFFF}jangan spam woi )) [19:27:52] (( {FF0000}Admin ShevaTujuh: {FFFFFF}gue tau min idnya )) [19:27:55] TOLL: {FFFFFF}Used 1 toll card point to pay toll access. [19:27:56] ERROR: Please wait untill the gate is closed! [19:27:59] PHONE: {FF0000}Number 444111 {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [19:28:2] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Anda telah menjawab telpon. [19:28:2] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Gunakan chat biasa untuk berkomunikasi lewat telpon, '/h' untuk menutup telpon. [19:28:8] Vincent Lee [phone]: Ya? [19:28:9] Caller [phone]: Saya mau modift memek saya bisa? [19:28:15] Vincent Lee [phone]: Siap [19:28:16] Telepon terputus... [19:28:16] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[JUAL] Rumah 1 garasi di Angelpine. Hub: 3101 [19:28:16] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Kazuo_Sakaguchi{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}4646{FF0000}] [19:28:26] AdmCmd: Barnaby_Greeshawn has been kicked by NotAdmin. [19:28:26] Reason: relogin coba [19:28:32] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [19:28:36] Vincent Lee says: Mau apa cuk [19:28:41] Joyce Exovic says: Modift memek [19:28:44] [RADIO] PO-I Zaheer Mohameed: 10-99 from Impound Procedure, and back to status 4. [19:28:45] Vincent Lee: (( eh )) [19:28:50] Joyce Exovic: (( ha? )) [19:28:50] Vincent Lee: (( lu siapa gua lupa:v )) [19:28:54] Joyce Exovic: (( Bima )) [19:28:58] Vincent Lee: (( oh iya koawkowaa )) [19:29:16] Vincent Lee: (( gua off )) [19:29:20] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Zarion Whittemore: Prob. Sergeant 6956 start of watch under 4-METRO-1 take status four clearing from East Beach Precinct [19:29:20] Joyce Exovic: (( kenape )) [19:29:23] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{FA7072}[SAFD] ingin bergabung dengan SAFD? Sekarang kami buka lowongan ke 60. Kunjungi website kami untuk daftar. [19:29:23] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Mario_Cordova{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}8030{FF0000}] [19:29:23] Vincent Lee: (( gua on cuman check ws doang akowkowawa )) [19:29:28] Joyce Exovic: (( goblok )) [19:29:28] Vincent Lee: (( gua mau mindahin pc ke bawah )) [19:29:29] Joyce Exovic: (( eh )) [19:29:30] Joyce Exovic: (( eh )) [19:29:31] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Zarion Whittemore: ...and available for partner, over [19:29:32] Vincent Lee: (( apa pulak )) [19:29:37] Joyce Exovic: (( kalo donatur bagi gw lah kamvang )) [19:29:40] Vincent Lee: (( gabisa pepek )) [19:29:44] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [19:29:47] Joyce Exovic: (( pen donasi coba coba nanti kalo ada diskon )) [19:29:47] [ID] ID: 11 | Name: Joeri_Edmondo | Level: 50 | Ping: 30 | Launcher: No [19:29:50] Joyce Exovic: (( beli 1 gratis 1 )) [19:29:50] (( PM to [11] Joeri_Edmondo: oi )) [19:29:54] Joyce Exovic: (( ye? )) [19:29:54] Vincent Lee: (( aowkkowwa )) [19:29:58] Joyce Exovic: (( pelit )) [19:29:59] Vincent Lee: (( duitnya mana )) [19:30:1] Vincent Lee: (( babai )) [19:30:1] Joyce Exovic: (( dari lu lah )) [19:30:3] Joyce Exovic: (( awoakawokaw )) [15:43:18] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Selamat datang {ffff00}Vincent_Lee{ffffff}. [15:43:18] PAYCHECK: Pergi ke bank dan /signcheck untuk mendapatkan paycheck anda atau pergi ke salah satu ATM! [15:43:18] Faction MOTD: {FFFF00}Diharapkan untuk aktif In-Game dan Forum, panggilan /r tolong fast response. [15:43:18] MOTD: {ffff00}Mohon menggunakan '/report' dengan benar, berikan informasi yang jelas dan detail {ff0000}- Ian [15:43:18] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Anda terakhir login {ffff00}20 jam yang lalu [15:43:20] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Today is {ffff00}Tue 24 Sep 2019, 15:43:20 [15:43:20] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Server memerlukan waktu {ffff00}204 milisecond{ffffff} untuk memuat data char anda! [15:43:36] (( Zarion Whittemore: Baru juga fitness udh PK aja tadi -_- )) [15:43:41] Vincent Lee: (( woi kontol jangan atip )) [15:43:47] Martin Carlos says: Lee. [15:43:50] Vincent Lee says: Apa [15:43:52] Martin Carlos says: Duty jadi pd sanah. [15:44:0] HUD: {FFFFFF}Player HUD is {FF0000}hidden [15:44:1] Martin Carlos says: Kita serang robber sama gua [15:44:2] Vincent Lee says: Napa emang [15:44:3] HUD: {FFFFFF}Player HUD is {00FF00}visible [15:44:7] Vincent Lee says: gamau [15:44:13] Martin Carlos says: Kontol kau ya [15:44:19] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}BOB CAT 3 INSU 1 UP HARGA 1200 MODIF NEON AMA VELG BISA NEGO CP SAYA LAGI BUTUH UANG [15:44:19] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Damian_Hancock{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}287070{FF0000}] [15:44:28] AdmCmd: Damian_Hancock has been kicked by ShevaTujuh. [15:44:28] Reason: selaw aja bro kalo iklan ga usah pake CAPS [15:44:29] Martin Carlos says: PD nya banyak atau dikit yang Duty? [15:44:51] Martin Carlos says: Kan lu juga pd jadi tau dong? [15:44:54] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Karen_Riley ] Phone: [ 143385 ] [15:44:54] Message: bisa anda ke cgh [15:45:48] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Owen_Pearson ] Phone: [ 460087 ] [15:45:48] Message: CGLU ada ? [15:45:51] Martin Carlos [phone]: Hallo selamat siang menjelang sore, Temen saya ingin membayar Sim Lumber apakah ada petugas GCLU nya ? [15:45:51] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Martin_Carlos ] Phone: [ 112431 ] [15:45:51] Message: Hallo selamat siang menjelang sore, Temen saya ingin membayar Sim Lumber apakah ada petugas GCLU nya ? [15:45:55] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Zarion Whittemore: 1-LINCOLN-1 '27 4-METRO-1 [15:46:45] Marvine Collinson says: Nah [15:46:48] Marvine Collinson says: Gue menang banyak ini [15:46:51] Marvine Collinson says: Liat di bank [15:46:53] Vincent Lee says: Paan [15:47:0] Vincent Lee says: Dikit [15:47:8] Vincent Lee says: Mobil siapa ini [15:47:9] Marvine Collinson: (( lagi buat laporan w Dik )) [15:47:11] Marvine Collinson says: W [15:47:12] Vincent Lee: (( oww )) [15:47:13] Marvine Collinson says: )) [15:47:20] Vincent Lee: (( lu jarang laporan kawokawaw )) [15:47:22] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Zarion Whittemore: 4-METRO-1 to all units on field, please 10-21! [15:47:24] [ID] ID: 42 | Name: Louise_Bishop | Level: 11 | Ping: 35 | Launcher: Yes [15:47:31] (( PM to [42] Louise_Bishop: hai pepek )) [15:47:35] [RADIO] Prob. Detective Romain Guillot: 7-UNION-2 status four '20 Commerce. [15:47:41] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Owen_Pearson ] Phone: [ 460087 ] [15:47:41] Message: Tolong Kepada Petugas CGLU dong emm [15:47:47] (( PM from [42] Louise_Bishop: memeq kemana aja lo )) [15:47:50] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}di jual bobcat 3 insurance 1 up modif VELG dan NEON harga 1200 bisa nego kok [15:47:50] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Damian_Hancock{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}287070{FF0000}] [15:47:56] (( PM to [42] Louise_Bishop: males ig )) [15:48:19] (( PM from [42] Louise_Bishop: tadi jam 9 gue layani ws sendirian memeq )) [15:48:20] Marvine Collinson: (( anjing dari kemaren gw laporan adeuh )) [15:48:23] Marvine Collinson: (( gw selalu rajin ngiklanin )) [15:48:25] (( PM from [42] Louise_Bishop: Banyak bet )) [15:48:27] Marvine Collinson says: Modift? [15:48:27] Mask 904032 says: Yah ada si kontol [15:48:28] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Zarion Whittemore: Just one basic on field today? [15:48:29] Marvine Collinson says: Mesin body? [15:48:31] Vincent Lee says: Gua aja [15:48:33] Marvine Collinson says: Gue lah [15:48:35] Mask 904032 says: mesin body [15:48:37] Vincent Lee says: MEMEK [15:48:39] Vincent Lee: (( butuh exp )) [15:48:42] (( PM from [53] Marvine_Collinson: mau EXP upgrade bentar lagi )) [15:48:45] Mask 904032 says: Awas Anjing [15:48:45] * Marvine Collinson examine vehicle using wrench and hammer [15:48:50] (( PM to [53] Marvine_Collinson: gua juga:( )) [15:48:56] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}di jual bobcat 3 insurance 1 up modif VELG dan NEON harga 1200 bisa nego kok [15:48:56] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Damian_Hancock{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}287070{FF0000}] [15:48:58] (( PM from [53] Marvine_Collinson: ywdh gampang lu mah )) [15:49:1] * Mask 904032 membuka trunk dan mengambil sesuatu [15:49:6] Marvine Collinson says: Mesin body $120 [15:49:8] terambil ((Mask 904032)) [15:49:8] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Giancarlos Octavio: 0-ADAM-1 10-55 at 10-20 El Corona side of Old Showroom [15:49:11] (( PM to [53] Marvine_Collinson: berapa lagi lu )) [15:49:19] Vincent Lee says: Ngambil apa hayo [15:49:20] * Marvine Collinson receive - it and save into bank workshop [15:49:22] Vincent Lee says: Si anjink [15:49:25] Owen Pearson says: hahaha [15:49:26] Owen Pearson: (( :v )) [15:49:38] Owen Pearson says: Gua ngambil d.e [15:49:41] * Marvine Collinson repairing engine vehicle using workshop tools [15:49:43] Processing ((Marvine Collinson)) [15:49:45] Marvine Collinson says: Mana coba liat [15:49:47] Vincent Lee says: Ga nanya [15:49:51] Done. ((Marvine Collinson)) [15:49:56] Owen Pearson says: Nah [15:49:58] Owen Pearson says: ini [15:50:1] Vincent Lee: (( oawkawawaw )) [15:50:2] Vincent Lee: (( pepek )) [15:50:4] * Marvine Collinson repairing body vehicle using workshop tools [15:50:5] Owen Pearson says: Keliatan gak ? [15:50:6] Processing ((Marvine Collinson)) [15:50:7] Marvine Collinson: (( :D )) [15:50:11] ERROR: Dilarang menggunakan karakter '\' ! [15:50:11] Marvine Collinson says: g [15:50:12] Vincent Lee: (( jadi kan tanggal 1 )) [15:50:13] Marvine Collinson says: )) [15:50:13] Owen Pearson says: Kontol [15:50:15] Done ((Marvine Collinson)) [15:50:17] Owen Pearson: (( Suutttt )) [15:50:24] Vincent Lee: (( okawokawoa oke suttttt )) [15:50:27] Owen Pearson: (( wkwkw )) [15:50:34] Vincent Lee: (( ganti akun cuk gua )) [15:50:34] (( PM from [27] Owen_Pearson: pinjem duit )) [15:50:39] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[DIJUAL] buffalo 3insu 2up Call Or Sms Me: [15:50:39] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Deangelo_Hudson{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}113020{FF0000}] [15:50:39] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Zarion Whittemore: Copy, thanks for responding. 4-METRO-1 speak [15:50:40] * Marvine Collinson repairing engine vehicle using mechanical tools [15:50:42] Processing ((Marvine Collinson)) [15:50:42] Vincent Lee says: Woi [15:50:43] Vincent Lee says: BTW [15:50:47] Vincent Lee says: Gua hari minggu naik pangkat [15:50:52] Marvine Collinson says: PO 2? [15:50:53] Owen Pearson says: Iya ? [15:50:53] Done ((Marvine Collinson)) [15:50:55] Marvine Collinson says: PO 2? [15:51:2] [RADIO] Sergeant I Gloria Stuart: Sergeant 7461 speak, any available unit for teaming up? [15:51:3] Whisper from Owen Pearson: pinjem duit [15:51:4] Vincent Lee says: Adjudant [15:51:9] Marvine Collinson says: Anjay [15:51:12] Owen Pearson Shouts: Naik vin! [15:51:12] [RADIO] PO-I Rehanzo Connor: 0-ADAM-1 to TEU unit members, any TEU right now? i need you unit heading to my location in El Corona. [15:51:14] Marvine Collinson says: Tapi shot fire masih kalah [15:51:15] Vincent Lee says: Megang M4 Cukk [15:51:17] Marvine Collinson says: Mo kemane ? [15:51:19] Owen Pearson Shouts: Naik vin! [15:51:21] Vincent Lee: (( ngelag kemarin )) [15:51:23] [RADIO] PO-I Rehanzo Connor: 0-ADAM-1 to TEU unit members, any TEU right now? i need your unit heading to my location in El Corona. [15:51:26] Marvine Collinson: (( cacat :v )) [15:51:27] Vincent Lee says: Gamau [15:51:28] Marvine Collinson says: PD Cadet [15:51:30] Vincent Lee says: Gua bentar lagi ke luarkota [15:51:31] Owen Pearson says: Ke si Vinvent kontol [15:51:33] Marvine Collinson says: Hahahaaa [15:51:36] [RADIO] Sergeant I Gloria Stuart: I think there is no unit available TEU [15:51:37] Marvine Collinson says: Gue kira ke gue [15:51:37] Owen Pearson says: Naik dulu aja [15:51:38] Marvine Collinson: (( :v )) [15:51:38] Vincent Lee says: Gua bentar lagi ke luarkota [15:51:39] Owen Pearson says: cepet [15:51:40] [RADIO] Sergeant I Gloria Stuart: Sergeant 7461 speak [15:51:42] Owen Pearson says: Iya cepet [15:51:45] Owen Pearson says: BNaik [15:51:45] Vincent Lee says: Ini gua mau keluar kota [15:51:47] Owen Pearson says: Kontol [15:51:48] Owen Pearson says: yaelah [15:51:49] Owen Pearson says: bentar [15:51:51] * Vincent Lee feels sad [15:51:51] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Zarion Whittemore: 4-METRO-1 available, but for Police Officer I, II and III [15:51:53] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [15:51:53] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}NRG lo dimana? [15:51:55] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [15:51:55] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}NRG lo dimana? [15:51:56] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [15:51:56] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}NRG lo dimana? [15:51:56] Vincent Lee: (( babai )) [15:51:57] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [15:51:57] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}NRG lo dimana?` [15:51:57] Owen Pearson says: Cedpetan [15:51:57] Marvine Collinson says: Butuh rumah 2 garasi kaga? [15:51:59] Owen Pearson says: Cepetan [20:48:11] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Selamat datang {ffff00}Vincent_Lee{ffffff}. [20:48:11] PAYCHECK: Pergi ke bank dan /signcheck untuk mendapatkan paycheck anda atau pergi ke salah satu ATM! [20:48:11] Faction MOTD: {FFFF00}Diharapkan untuk aktif In-Game dan Forum, panggilan /r tolong fast response. [20:48:11] MOTD: {ffff00}Mohon menggunakan '/report' dengan benar, berikan informasi yang jelas dan detail {ff0000}- Ian [20:48:11] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Anda terakhir login {ffff00}5 jam yang lalu [20:48:11] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Today is {ffff00}Tue 24 Sep 2019, 20:48:11 [20:48:11] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Server memerlukan waktu {ffff00}120 milisecond{ffffff} untuk memuat data char anda! [20:48:22] [ID] ID: 12 | Name: Louise_Bishop | Level: 11 | Ping: 32 | Launcher: Yes [20:48:25] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [20:48:27] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [20:48:27] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Kamana wae atuh boss?? [20:48:27] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [20:48:27] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Kamana wae atuh boss?? [20:48:28] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [20:48:28] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Kamana wae atuh boss?? [20:48:30] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [20:48:31] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [20:48:31] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Kamana wae atuh boss?? [20:48:31] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [20:48:31] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Kamana wae atuh boss?? [20:48:33] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [20:48:33] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 204020 [20:48:33] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Sibuk beb [20:48:34] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [20:48:37] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [20:48:41] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [20:48:41] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Gue kangen boss [20:48:41] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [20:48:41] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 204020 [20:48:41] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Parah ws sepi ya [20:48:50] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [20:48:50] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Tadi rame [20:48:56] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [20:48:56] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}ada lo sepi!!! [20:48:59] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [20:48:59] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 204020 [20:48:59] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}kok masih 2.8k anjing [20:49:1] [RADIO] PO-I Zaheer Mohameed: Transporting one vehicle '60 Black Sultan to '20 LSIC for Impound Procedure. [20:49:4] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [20:49:4] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}wwkowkowokw [20:49:4] TOLL: {FFFFFF}Used 1 toll card point to pay toll access. [20:49:5] ERROR: Please wait untill the gate is closed! [20:49:6] [RADIO] PO-I Zaheer Mohameed: 5-TOM-1 [20:49:11] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [20:49:11] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 204020 [20:49:11] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}PALA BAPAK KAU RAME [20:49:12] AdmCmd: Cassion_Dante has been kicked by Pakuwo. [20:49:12] Reason: Rasis lu [20:49:18] [id:1] Helper Rhytm420 (Jason_Yao) [20:49:18] [id:8] Helper Pakuwo (Demario_Carbalar) [20:49:18] [id:17] Helper denrio157 (Benedictus_Demateus) [20:49:18] [id:46] Volunteer malphonzo1 (Zhaniece_Cardwell) [20:49:18] [id:81] Helper Hyung1 (Seiichi_Shigeru) [20:49:18] [id:83] Helper javaID (Kazuo_Sakaguchi) [20:49:18] NOTE: {ffffff}Volunteer tidak memiliki kedudukan yang sama dengan Helper / Admin [20:49:21] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [20:49:21] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Sekarang jadi sepi mek [20:49:22] (( PM to [8] Pakuwo: we )) [20:49:29] (( PM from [8] Pakuwo: woe vote )) [20:49:33] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [20:49:33] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 204020 [20:49:33] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Malem minggu rame awkkawoaw [20:49:34] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [20:49:34] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Kata gue juga ganti WS [20:49:36] (( PM to [8] Pakuwo: okawokawaw )) [20:49:36] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (644144) [20:49:36] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}kak vincent vanii kerja di tempat kakak kenapaa [20:49:45] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [20:49:45] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 644144 [20:49:45] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Full sayang;v [20:49:52] (( PM from [12] Louise_Bishop: katanya senin )) [20:49:55] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (644144) [20:49:55] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}iss tapi masih dua orang [20:49:58] (( PM from [12] Louise_Bishop: sekarang udah rabu meq )) [20:49:59] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Dijual Flash 3insu 2up full sticker minat? SMS gan [20:49:59] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Romain_Guillot{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}100120{FF0000}] [20:50:0] (( PM to [12] Louise_Bishop: apanya )) [20:50:6] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (644144) [20:50:6] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}tadi barusan vani lihat kok [20:50:7] (( PM from [12] Louise_Bishop: Sticker meq )) [20:50:11] (( PM to [12] Louise_Bishop: apasi okawoawaw )) [20:50:19] [ID] ID: 69 | Name: Adriana_Jollie | Level: 6 | Ping: 51 | Launcher: Yes [20:50:22] (( PM from [12] Louise_Bishop: halah memeq )) [20:50:23] (( PM to [69] Adriana_Jollie: wait )) [20:50:29] (( PM to [12] Louise_Bishop: dah gua mau off lagi;v )) [20:50:39] (( PM from [12] Louise_Bishop: gue juga mau off kalo gitu. )) [20:50:46] (( PM to [12] Louise_Bishop: dih ngapain awokawokaw )) [20:50:58] (( PM from [12] Louise_Bishop: lo Off gue juga off eek )) [20:51:6] (( PM to [12] Louise_Bishop: kok ikutan off? )) [20:51:12] BUSINESS: {ffffff}You've hired {ffff00}Adriana_Jollie {ffffff}to your business ({00ff00}{FF00FF} Linx Electronic{ffffff}) [20:51:15] (( PM to [69] Adriana_Jollie: udah ya )) [20:51:16] (( PM from [12] Louise_Bishop: karena gak ada lo kesepian gue )) [20:51:37] (( PM to [12] Louise_Bishop: awookawawaw )) [20:51:42] (( PM from [12] Louise_Bishop: wkwokwko )) [20:51:50] (( PM from [12] Louise_Bishop: /s Pergilah sayank!! )) [20:51:54] (( PM from [50] Joyce_Exovic: Wassup, dog? )) [20:51:55] (( PM to [12] Louise_Bishop: ok bai )) [20:51:59] (( PM to [50] Joyce_Exovic: memek kau dog )) [6:51:38] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Selamat datang {ffff00}Vincent_Lee{ffffff}. [6:51:38] PAYCHECK: Pergi ke bank dan /signcheck untuk mendapatkan paycheck anda atau pergi ke salah satu ATM! [6:51:38] Faction MOTD: {FFFF00}Diharapkan untuk aktif In-Game dan Forum, panggilan /r tolong fast response. [6:51:38] MOTD: {ffff00}Mohon menggunakan '/report' dengan benar, berikan informasi yang jelas dan detail {ff0000}- Ian [6:51:38] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Anda terakhir login {ffff00}10 jam yang lalu [6:51:39] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Today is {ffff00}Wed 25 Sep 2019, 06:51:39 [6:51:39] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Server memerlukan waktu {ffff00}1223 milisecond{ffffff} untuk memuat data char anda! [6:51:51] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [6:51:51] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [6:51:55] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [6:51:57] PHONE: {FFFFFF}Calling {00FFFF}Passa KONTOL (444888){FFFFFF}, please wait for answer! [6:52:2] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telepon telah dijawab. [6:52:2] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Gunakan chat biasa untuk berkomunikasi lewat telpon, '/h' untuk menutup telpon. [6:52:3] Passa KONTOL [phone]: bob [6:52:3] Telepon terputus... [7:48:29] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Selamat datang {ffff00}Vincent_Lee{ffffff}. [7:48:29] PAYCHECK: Pergi ke bank dan /signcheck untuk mendapatkan paycheck anda atau pergi ke salah satu ATM! [7:48:29] Faction MOTD: {FFFF00}Diharapkan untuk aktif In-Game dan Forum, panggilan /r tolong fast response. [7:48:29] MOTD: {ffff00}Mohon menggunakan '/report' dengan benar, berikan informasi yang jelas dan detail {ff0000}- Ian [7:48:29] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Anda terakhir login {ffff00}56 menit yang lalu [7:48:29] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Today is {ffff00}Wed 25 Sep 2019, 07:48:29 [7:48:29] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Server memerlukan waktu {ffff00}307 milisecond{ffffff} untuk memuat data char anda! [7:48:45] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [7:48:47] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [7:48:50] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [7:49:27] TOLL: {FFFFFF}Used 1 toll card point to pay toll access. [7:49:34] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[DICARI] Kendaraan Pickup AnyInsu AnyUp Call or Sms Me : [7:49:34] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Deangelo_Hudson{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}113020{FF0000}] [7:50:41] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}DS Flint Dealership | Menjual kendaraan Huntley, Patriot, Rancher, Landstalker dll. @Flint [7:50:41] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Donnie_Stacks{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}500500{FF0000}] [7:51:27] * Vincent Lee membuat iklan di hp [7:52:31] ADVERT: {ffffff}You've paid {33AA33}$4.80 {FFFFFF}(48 letters) for the advertisement [7:52:31] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[WS FLINT] Menyediaka modifikasi mobil jenis WAA [7:52:31] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Vincent_Lee{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}1029{FF0000}] [7:53:38] [RADIO] PO-II Thomas Hardwell: Police Officer II 5104 taking status 2 [7:53:47] [RADIO] PO-II Thomas Hardwell: Police Officer II 5104 joining 0-ADAM-1 [7:54:13] ADVERT: {ffffff}You've paid {33AA33}$4.90 {FFFFFF}(49 letters) for the advertisement [7:54:13] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[ws flint] menyediakan modifikasi mobil jenis WAA [7:54:13] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Vincent_Lee{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}1029{FF0000}] [7:54:19] * Vincent Lee membuat iklan di hp [7:54:40] (( PM from [22] Mackenzie_Richard: woy kambing mainn mulu )) [7:54:51] (( PM to [22] Mackenzie_Richard: bodo )) [7:55:34] Mask 751337 Shouts: MAU UPGRADE! [7:55:49] Vincent Lee says: ayo [7:55:51] Mask 751337 says: Bro [7:56:26] Mask 751337 Shouts: ROBBERY! [7:56:27] * Mask 751337 unsling .88 from chest, shoot to target's. [7:56:47] * Mask 751337 Memeriksa tubuh Vincent menggunakan tangan kirinya. [7:56:49] ada perlawanan? ((Mask 751337)) [7:57:1] * Vincent Lee melarikan diri dari kejaran robbry dengan menaiki motor [7:57:13] ERROR: Nomor yang anda hubungi tidak terdaftar [7:57:14] {8D8DFF}911: {FFFFFF}You have reached the 911 Emergency Service. [7:57:14] {8D8DFF}911: {FFFFFF}Do you need a police or a paramedic ? [7:57:15] Vincent Lee [phone]: police [7:57:15] {8D8DFF}PD: {FFFFFF}You've reached the Police Service, how can we help you? [7:57:18] Vincent Lee [phone]: ada robbru di ws flint [7:57:18] {8D8DFF}PD: {FFFFFF}Thank you for reporting this incident, we'll send an availabe unit to your location! [7:57:18] Telepon terputus... [7:57:18] 911: Crime: [ ada robbru di ws flint ] [7:57:18] 911: Reporter: [ Vincent Lee ] Phone: [ 1029 ] [7:57:28] * Mask 751337 unsling .88 from chest, shoot to target's. [7:58:16] {8D8DFF}911: {FFFFFF}You have reached the 911 Emergency Service. [7:58:16] {8D8DFF}911: {FFFFFF}Do you need a police or a paramedic ? [7:58:18] Vincent Lee [phone]: police [7:58:18] {8D8DFF}PD: {FFFFFF}You've reached the Police Service, how can we help you? [7:58:18] Vincent Lee [phone]: ada robbru di ws flint [7:58:18] {8D8DFF}PD: {FFFFFF}Thank you for reporting this incident, we'll send an availabe unit to your location! [7:58:18] Telepon terputus... [7:58:18] 911: Crime: [ ada robbru di ws flint ] [7:58:18] 911: Reporter: [ Vincent Lee ] Phone: [ 1029 ] [7:58:45] HELMINFO: Helm {33AA33}ON! [7:59:2] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (720006) [7:59:2] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}dimana ciricirinya apa cok? [7:59:6] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [7:59:8] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [7:59:8] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 720006 [7:59:8] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}ladang flint [7:59:17] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (720006) [7:59:17] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}dimana ciricirinya apa cok? [7:59:20] * Vincent Lee merasa sakit [7:59:23] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [7:59:23] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 720006 [7:59:23] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}naik motor pcj [7:59:25] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [7:59:25] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 720006 [7:59:25] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}cepet [7:59:29] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [7:59:29] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 720006 [7:59:29] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}warna merah [7:59:41] * Vincent Lee merasa sakit karna ke tembak [7:59:47] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Deangelo Hudson ] Reporter: [ Rexley Hitamieka ] [7:59:47] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Evading from Police stop ] [8:0:13] (( Thomas Hardwell: faillure to comply )) [8:0:14] (( Kazuo Sakaguchi: failure to comply )) [8:0:22] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Deangelo Hudson ] Reporter: [ Rexley Hitamieka ] [8:0:22] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Failure to comply ] [8:0:35] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (720006) [8:0:35] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}dimana sekrang [8:0:44] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [8:0:44] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 720006 [8:0:44] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}toll flint [8:1:14] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [8:1:14] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 720006 [8:1:14] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}mana anda [8:1:51] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [8:1:53] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 720006 [8:1:53] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}hey pak segera di buru pelaku robbry nya [8:2:4] TOLL: {FFFFFF}Used 1 toll card point to pay toll access. [8:2:53] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [8:2:53] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 720006 [8:2:53] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}di Speetrep ini ada dia pakai plate kendaraan CF180KN mohon di lacak keneradaan nya [8:3:24] (( Kazuo Sakaguchi: gw lagi take cover di belakang mobil resto )) [8:3:28] (( Kazuo Sakaguchi: tiba tiba ilang dong anjeng )) [8:3:30] (( Kazuo Sakaguchi: mobil restonya )) [18:34:23] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Selamat datang {ffff00}Vincent_Lee{ffffff}. [18:34:23] PAYCHECK: Pergi ke bank dan /signcheck untuk mendapatkan paycheck anda atau pergi ke salah satu ATM! [18:34:23] Faction MOTD: {FFFF00}Diharapkan untuk aktif In-Game dan Forum, panggilan /r tolong fast response. [18:34:23] MOTD: {ffff00}Mohon menggunakan '/report' dengan benar, berikan informasi yang jelas dan detail {ff0000}- Ian [18:34:23] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Anda terakhir login {ffff00}10 jam yang lalu [18:34:24] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Today is {ffff00}Wed 25 Sep 2019, 18:34:24 [18:34:24] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Server memerlukan waktu {ffff00}458 milisecond{ffffff} untuk memuat data char anda! [18:34:24] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Gracious Esquevelle: Ajudant 10094 is teaming up with Officer Reynold taking S4 under 1-ADAM-1 clearing from Central HQ [18:34:40] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [18:34:40] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [18:34:44] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [18:35:11] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [18:35:13] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [18:35:27] GOLD: {FFFFFF}You've received 600 gold from previous gifts! [18:35:30] ERROR: You don't have any gifts! [18:35:31] ERROR: You don't have any gifts! [18:35:35] ERROR: You don't have any gifts! [18:35:37] ERROR: You don't have any gifts! [18:35:42] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [18:35:44] ERROR: You don't have any gifts! [18:35:46] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [18:35:53] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[DICARI] orang yang mau tarung dengan saya taruhan $100 datang ke gym ELS [18:35:53] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Clifton_Hall{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}680888{FF0000}] [18:36:10] Q:Vincent Lee[32]: min gua kok mau remove warn /gifts malah dapet gold? gimana remove warnnya? [18:36:17] Answer: {ffff00}/usegold [18:36:44] GOLD: {FFFFFF}Your phone number has been changed to {FFFF00}3330 [18:36:45] TOLL: {FFFFFF}Used 1 toll card point to pay toll access. [18:37:1] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[DICARI] Builder proffesional dan berpengalaman, ada? SMS: [18:37:1] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Patrick_Rothschild{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}610800{FF0000}] [18:37:30] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Gracious Esquevelle: Shotfire [18:37:40] [RADIO] PO-I Veilleux Sciverit: Location please? [18:38:11] [RADIO] PO-I Synester Reynold: [LOW] Ganton [18:38:14] (( PM from [38] Michael_Alfarez: hai )) [18:38:36] (( PM from [38] Michael_Alfarez: hai :) )) [18:38:42] (( PM to [38] Michael_Alfarez: sapa? )) [18:38:47] ERROR: No utility vehicle found near you! [18:38:48] ERROR: No utility vehicle found near you! [18:38:55] (( PM from [38] Michael_Alfarez: masa ga kenal kewookwekwek )) [18:38:56] REPORT: {ffffff}Your report has been issued to the queue, use '{ffff00}/reports{ffffff}' to see your report [18:38:59] RESPOND: {ff0000}maverickk21 {FFFFCC}has responded to your report [18:39:3] (( PM to [38] Michael_Alfarez: owhhhhhhh okawokawaw )) [18:39:5] TELEPORT: {FFFF00}Giannis_Anthony {FFFFFF}has teleported to you! [18:39:11] Vincent Lee: (( tu wkw )) [18:39:17] Vincent Lee: (( heal sekalian:v )) [18:39:19] {ff0000}maverickk21: {ffffff}(( dah )) [18:39:20] {ff0000}maverickk21: {ffffff}(( gakk )) [18:39:21] (( PM from [38] Michael_Alfarez: sapa coba? )) [18:39:24] Vincent Lee: (( dih kwkw )) [18:39:28] (( PM to [38] Michael_Alfarez: Vincent :v )) [18:39:36] EDITOR: {ffff00}You can now move and rotate the object! [18:39:36] WARNING: {ffffff}Do not move the object too far away from you! [18:39:36] (( PM from [38] Michael_Alfarez: pala lu )) [18:40:6] (( PM from [38] Michael_Alfarez: ini gw Gema asw. )) [18:40:7] EDITOR: {ffff00}The position of the object has been saved! [18:40:10] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Gracious Esquevelle: [LOW]Help me [18:40:22] EDITOR: {ffff00}You can now move and rotate the object! [18:40:22] WARNING: {ffffff}Do not move the object too far away from you! [18:40:24] EDITOR: {ffff00}The position of the object has been saved! [18:40:27] EDITOR: {ffff00}Tag has been successfully created!, use '/tag clean' to remove tag [18:40:41] [PD] PO-I Veilleux Sciverit: SAPD 8554 to FIRE. [18:40:42] (( PM to [38] Michael_Alfarez: si paokkkkk"v )) [18:40:52] [MD] Fire Lieutenant Willie Martin: Fire 1270 here. [18:40:57] (( PM from [38] Michael_Alfarez: koewokewewok )) [18:41:20] [PD] PO-I Veilleux Sciverit: Which hospital is available? SAPD 8554 speaks. [18:41:57] [RADIO] PO-I Veilleux Sciverit: We have 2 officers down with GSW right now. [18:42:2] [RADIO] PO-I Veilleux Sciverit: Sorry wrong transmission. [18:42:7] [MD] Fire Lieutenant Willie Martin: Whats you looking for? [18:42:10] [PD] PO-I Veilleux Sciverit: We have 2 officers down with GSW right now. [18:42:23] WORKSHOP: {FFFFFF}Workshop board text updated! [18:42:39] [MD] Fire Lieutenant Willie Martin: All Saints is available, transporting them to there. [18:42:47] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}Finished examining vehicle {00FFFF}NRG-500 [18:42:47] NOTE: {FFFFFF}You are now able to use '{FFFF00}/vehmenu{FFFFFF}' on this vehicle [18:42:58] [PD] PO-I Veilleux Sciverit: Copy that FIRE, we'll be there around 2 minutes, please prepare ER. [18:43:0] ERROR: You need 62 components to repair this engine! [18:43:3] [PD] PO-I Veilleux Sciverit: SAPD 8554 out. [18:43:5] WORKSHOP: {FFFFFF}You've taken {FFFF00}30 units {FFFFFF}of components from the workshop! [18:43:18] [MD] Fire Lieutenant Willie Martin: We do, Fire 1270 out. [18:43:20] * Vincent Lee repairing engine using mc tools [18:43:32] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}You've used {FFFF00}62 components {FFFFFF}to repair the engine of the {00FFFF}NRG-500 [18:43:32] done. ((Vincent Lee)) [18:43:54] TOLL: {FFFFFF}Used 1 toll card point to pay toll access. [18:43:55] ERROR: Please wait untill the gate is closed! [18:44:9] 911: Crime: [ ada perampok di MC ] [18:44:9] 911: Reporter: [ Charles Briht ] Phone: [ 396000 ] [18:44:16] 911: Crime: [ ada perampok di MC ] [18:44:16] 911: Reporter: [ Charles Briht ] Phone: [ 396000 ] [18:44:26] 911: Crime: [ ada perampok di MC ] [18:44:26] 911: Reporter: [ Charles Briht ] Phone: [ 396000 ] [18:44:34] (( PM to [19] Charles_Common: jangan spam )) [18:44:35] POLLING: {ffff00}kick [18:44:35] POLLING: {ffffff}use '/vote yes' or '/vote no' [18:44:42] (( PM to [19] Charles_Common: miss )) [18:44:44] POLLING: {ffffff}You voted {33ff33}yes [18:44:48] POLLING: {ffffff}Result from '{ffff00}kick{ffffff}' [18:44:48] RESULT: {33ff33}8 voted yes{ffffff}, {ff0000}3 voted no{ffffff}, {ffff00}48 unknown [18:44:53] (( PM to [35] Charles_Briht: jangan spam )) [18:45:12] KEGUNAAN: /vote [create/stop/yes/no] [18:45:19] ERROR: Only senior helper can use this command! [18:45:56] GPSINFO: You have arrived! [18:45:59] 911: Crime: [ Saya curiga pak dengan orang berbaju kuning memakai masker dan membawa senjatanya dibelakang ] [18:45:59] 911: Reporter: [ Allard Anayouri ] Phone: [ 370000 ] [18:46:0] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [18:46:3] SIDEJOB: {FFFFFF}Follow the checkpoint on your map to pickup and deliver crates! [18:46:4] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [18:46:8] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [18:46:13] 911: Crime: [ Di Mechanic Center ] [18:46:13] 911: Reporter: [ Allard Anayouri ] Phone: [ 370000 ] [18:46:21] SIDEJOB: {ffff00}WARNING!{ffffff}, please avoid damage or your job will be ended! [18:46:56] AdmCmd: Bexsley_Harlyn has been kicked by akmal505. [18:46:56] Reason: Kamu ga WWID bro. [18:46:57] [RADIO] PO-I Derrick Starbuck: Police Officer I 9070 reporting onduty. [18:47:10] SIDEJOB: {ffff00}WARNING!{ffffff}, please avoid damage or your job will be ended! [18:47:38] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Gerry Bishop: Prob Sergeant 2318 now in 5-HOTEL-1. [18:48:11] [RADIO] PO-I Derrick Starbuck: Officer I 9070 start of watch under 1-JOHN-2, clearing from Central HQ, over. [18:48:33] SIDEJOB: {ffff00}WARNING!{ffffff}, please avoid damage or your job will be ended! [18:48:40] [RADIO] PO-I Derrick Starbuck: 1-JOHN-2 entering TAC-1. [18:48:44] AdmCmd: Lester_Wilford has been kicked by akmal505. [18:48:44] Reason: Kamu ga WWID] [18:48:50] ADVERT: {ffffff}You've paid {33AA33}$3.20 {FFFFFF}(32 letters) for the advertisement [18:48:50] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Sell]Pesawat shamal buka harga. [18:48:50] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Vincent_Lee{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3330{FF0000}] [18:48:51] ADVERT: {ffffff}You've paid {33AA33}$3.20 {FFFFFF}(32 letters) for the advertisement [18:48:51] ADVERT: {ffffff}Your advertisement has been added to the queue and it'll be displayed in {ffff00}1 minutes [18:48:52] ERROR: You already have a pending advertisement in the queue list! [18:48:53] Vincent Lee says: a [18:48:53] SIDEJOB: {FFFFFF}You've ended your job as a Forklift driver, you have earned {00FF00}$11.00 [18:48:53] SALARY: {ffffff}Your salary statement has been updated, please check command {ffff00}'/mysalary' [18:48:57] Vincent Lee says: )) [18:48:58] (( PM from [30] Allard_Anayouri: Lee GUa cariin )) [18:49:4] (( PM from [30] Allard_Anayouri: kemana aja lu )) [18:49:5] (( PM to [30] Allard_Anayouri: :v )) [18:49:10] (( PM to [30] Allard_Anayouri: ini siapa cu )) [18:49:14] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (123551) [18:49:14] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Woi, 15k gimana? [18:49:14] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [18:49:15] [ID] ID: 30 | Name: Allard_Anayouri | Level: 6 | Ping: 34 | Launcher: Yes [18:49:19] (( PM from [30] Allard_Anayouri: Gua CK anjeng, ini gua Riski )) [18:49:25] (( PM to [30] Allard_Anayouri: awkkawokoawa )) [18:49:27] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [18:49:33] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [18:49:33] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 123551 [18:49:33] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}gamauuu [18:49:39] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [18:49:39] ERROR: Anda harus menunggu 30 menit sebelum kembali bisa bekerja! [18:49:49] (( PM from [33] Louise_Bishop: Woe memeq kemana aja lo? )) [18:49:50] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (123551) [18:49:50] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Eh cent, pinjamlah pesawatnya, aku mau liatin rober yang rob aku tadi [18:49:50] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [18:49:50] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 123551 [18:49:50] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Mahal kali kntl [18:49:57] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Sell]Pesawat shamal buka harga. [18:49:57] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Vincent_Lee{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3330{FF0000}] [18:50:5] (( PM to [33] Louise_Bishop: males ig )) [18:50:14] (( PM to [33] Louise_Bishop: dah gua mau jual ws, sepi malas wsnya )) [18:50:20] (( PM from [33] Louise_Bishop: alah memeq )) [18:50:24] (( PM from [33] Louise_Bishop: Yaudah jual )) [18:50:32] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Gracious Esquevelle: 1-ADAM-1 Put bolo '60 Black Sultan by 4 Occupant, Full Armed Last Seen at Binco, Ganton [18:50:32] (( PM to [33] Louise_Bishop: pekerjanya juga pada males:) )) [18:50:37] (( PM from [33] Louise_Bishop: itu compo nya ambil jangan?? )) [18:50:40] (( PM from [33] Louise_Bishop: Lah males? )) [18:50:40] (( PM to [33] Louise_Bishop: pekerjanya juga pada males:) )) [18:50:45] (( PM from [30] Allard_Anayouri: Gua kiran lu kena masalah lagi )) [18:50:46] (( PM to [33] Louise_Bishop: blom 2 minggu )) [18:50:50] (( PM to [30] Allard_Anayouri: males ig ajg:v )) [18:50:54] ERROR: Advertisements text cannot go below 10 or above 120 letters! [18:50:56] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (123551) [18:50:56] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Pelit babi [18:50:57] Charles Briht says: woi lele [18:50:57] (( PM from [33] Louise_Bishop: Gue udah buat laporan sekaligus tadi )) [18:50:58] ADVERT: {ffffff}You've paid {33AA33}$3.20 {FFFFFF}(32 letters) for the advertisement [18:50:58] ADVERT: {ffffff}Your advertisement has been added to the queue and it'll be displayed in {ffff00}2 minutes [18:51:1] Charles Briht says: wkwkwkwkw. [18:51:3] (( PM from [30] Allard_Anayouri: males ig buat gua aj )) [18:51:3] (( PM from [33] Louise_Bishop: itu si bima kena banned )) [18:51:3] Vincent Lee says: Siapa kau [18:51:5] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Bufallo Full Modif 3Insu 4Upgrade $3000 Minat? CP atau ke showroom [18:51:5] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Tyrone_Roderick{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}666953{FF0000}] [18:51:6] [ID] ID: 19 | Name: Charles_Common | Level: 8 | Ping: 73 | Launcher: No [18:51:9] [ID] ID: 35 | Name: Charles_Briht | Level: 4 | Ping: 22 | Launcher: No [18:51:10] Charles Briht: (( adek otis )) [18:51:16] (( PM from [33] Louise_Bishop: itu si bima kena banned )) [18:51:17] Vincent Lee: (( jangan mixing sama mg woi )) [18:51:23] (( PM to [33] Louise_Bishop: reason? )) [18:51:24] Charles Briht: (( yaa )) [18:51:26] (( PM from [30] Allard_Anayouri: dah di kick juga dari FD )) [18:51:28] (( PM from [30] Allard_Anayouri: dah di kick juga dari PD )) [18:51:31] (( PM to [30] Allard_Anayouri: siapa? )) [18:51:34] (( PM from [33] Louise_Bishop: Kontak me For Unban. )) [18:51:36] Charles Briht: (( mg ? )) [18:51:36] (( PM from [30] Allard_Anayouri: Elu )) [18:51:41] (( PM to [33] Louise_Bishop: masalah apa dia? )) [18:51:46] Vincent Lee: (( iya lu kapan ic an sama gua? )) [18:51:48] (( PM from [33] Louise_Bishop: Entah meq. )) [18:51:58] [RADIO] PO-I Veilleux Sciverit: NK306DD. [18:51:58] Charles Briht: (( ? )) [18:51:59] Vincent Lee: (( bisa tau nama gua:v )) [18:52:0] AdmCmd: marco_calom has been kicked by Rishad_McCortez. [18:52:0] Reason: Firstname_Lastname [18:52:1] Vincent Lee: (( bisa tau nama gua:v )) [18:52:6] (( PM from [33] Louise_Bishop: Yaudah lee,gue mau mundurkan diri )) [18:52:9] (( PM to [3] Otis_Ruther: 3 )) [18:52:12] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Sell]Pesawat shamal buka harga. [18:52:12] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Vincent_Lee{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3330{FF0000}] [18:52:18] PHONE: {FF0000}Number 680888 {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [18:52:26] (( PM from [3] Otis_Ruther: apa sayang? )) [18:52:26] Charles Briht: (( masksud? )) [18:52:26] (( PM to [33] Louise_Bishop: ngapain )) [18:52:29] (( PM to [33] Louise_Bishop: tololl )) [18:52:34] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Anda telah menjawab telpon. [18:52:34] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Gunakan chat biasa untuk berkomunikasi lewat telpon, '/h' untuk menutup telpon. [18:52:35] Caller [phone]: emang berapa si bang? gua gak mau buka harga. [18:52:35] Vincent Lee [phone]: Ya? [18:52:38] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (455664) [18:52:38] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}brp duid ? [18:52:39] Vincent Lee [phone]: TOLOL [18:52:39] (( PM from [33] Louise_Bishop: Sekarang jadi sepi )) [18:52:39] Telepon terputus... [18:52:44] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [18:52:44] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 455664 [18:52:44] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}7k nego [18:52:46] (( PM from [30] Allard_Anayouri: Vote dong )) [18:52:51] (( PM from [33] Louise_Bishop: Lagian mau di jual kan tuh ws )) [18:52:54] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (680888) [18:52:54] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}jangan ngegas [18:52:55] (( PM to [33] Louise_Bishop: jangan dulu )) [18:53:4] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (680888) [18:53:4] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}jangan ngegas [18:53:6] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [18:53:6] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 680888 [18:53:6] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}ga duli [18:53:7] (( PM from [30] Allard_Anayouri: Rpan Criminals apa jadi orang baek dulu ampe FD buka atau SANEws )) [18:53:13] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (680888) [18:53:13] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}alah otak otak [18:53:15] (( PM to [33] Louise_Bishop: tunggu kejual baru keluar cuk )) [18:53:18] (( PM to [30] Allard_Anayouri: okawokaw )) [18:53:22] (( PM to [30] Allard_Anayouri: off )) [18:53:23] (( PM from [33] Louise_Bishop: Memek )) [18:53:23] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (680888) [18:53:23] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}sinih mau tarung gak? [18:53:24] (( PM to [33] Louise_Bishop: off )) [18:53:25] (( PM from [30] Allard_Anayouri: memk )) [13:27:8] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Selamat datang {ffff00}Vincent_Lee{ffffff}. [13:27:8] PAYCHECK: Pergi ke bank dan /signcheck untuk mendapatkan paycheck anda atau pergi ke salah satu ATM! [13:27:8] Faction MOTD: {FFFF00}Diharapkan untuk aktif In-Game dan Forum, panggilan /r tolong fast response. [13:27:8] MOTD: {ffff00}Mohon menggunakan '/report' dengan benar, berikan informasi yang jelas dan detail {ff0000}- Ian [13:27:8] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Anda terakhir login {ffff00}18 jam yang lalu [13:27:10] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Today is {ffff00}Thu 26 Sep 2019, 13:27:10 [13:27:10] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Server memerlukan waktu {ffff00}1374 milisecond{ffffff} untuk memuat data char anda! [13:27:18] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [13:27:22] process... ((Salvatore Trementi)) [13:27:27] (( PM to [35] Keylon_Pierce: a )) [13:27:28] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [13:27:31] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [13:27:36] LIMITSPEED: {ffffff}Vehicle speed limit set to {33AA33}15 mph [13:27:37] * Amanda Mahendra membuat [13:27:39] Mask 130338 says: woi ant cepat [13:27:43] done! ((Salvatore Trementi)) [13:27:47] Giancarlos Octavio says: Bukti mba apa soal ini? [13:27:47] Vincent Lee says: Woi gian kontol [13:27:52] Vincent Lee says: Woi gian kontol [13:27:53] Arnelle Grecia says: Checkup dokter. [13:27:54] * Amanda Mahendra sudah selesai [13:27:55] * Tobias Mirotic give some money to mechanic [13:27:58] Whisper from Giancarlos Octavio: brisik lu [13:27:59] * Dimas Jey menerima uang dan bonus [13:27:59] Arnelle Grecia says: Nanti hasilnya jelas disitu. [13:28:0] Vincent Lee says: Patrol bareng yo? [13:28:2] Gracious Humble says: body pak? [13:28:4] Whisper to Giancarlos Octavio: patrol bareng [13:28:4] Salvatore Trementi says: siapa mau mesin body? [13:28:7] Whisper to Giancarlos Octavio: gua dah adjudant [13:28:11] Whisper from Giancarlos Octavio: gw patrol sama sersan akeila [13:28:13] Amanda Mahendra says: bentar [13:28:16] Gracious Humble says: ok [13:28:18] * Dimas Jey memperbaiki mesin dengan toolkits [13:28:19] Whisper to Giancarlos Octavio: eh [13:28:21] Proses ((Dimas Jey)) [13:28:25] Whisper to Giancarlos Octavio: kalo adjudant pake metro boleh? [13:28:26] Giancarlos Octavio says: Gimana pak [13:28:29] Arnelle Grecia says: Kenapa diam ? [13:28:30] * Dimas Jey cek kembali kerusakan [13:28:31] Giancarlos Octavio says: Terima? [13:28:32] Mask 306022 Shouts: tungu! [13:28:33] Amanda Mahendra says: body saya ngak bisa [13:28:36] Arnelle Grecia says: Saya berani karena saya tidak takut. [13:28:37] Selesai ((Dimas Jey)) [13:28:42] Arnelle Grecia says: Kalo saya memang fitnah, pasti saya takut. [13:28:45] Tyrone Roderick says: Takut apa coba [13:28:46] Salvatore Trementi says: siapa mau mesin body? [13:28:47] Arnelle Grecia says: Saya benar. [13:28:48] Gracious Humble says: ywdh berarti 20 aja [13:28:52] Tyrone Roderick says: Langsung inspect aja dia pak [13:28:56] Amanda Mahendra says: boleh [13:28:58] selesai mewarnai ((Nero Khalifa)) [13:29:4] Giancarlos Octavio says: Mana lukanya mba coba tunjukin [13:29:4] Arnelle Grecia says: Lah kenapa gitu? [13:29:5] Salvatore Trementi says: siapa mau mesin body? [13:29:5] Tyrone Roderick says: Gua gamau ada orang bayaran lagi kaya tadi [13:29:9] Gracious Humble says: mekanik [13:29:9] Arnelle Grecia says: Ke dokter aja [13:29:12] Tyrone Roderick says: Tuh kan [13:29:12] Amanda Mahendra says: body bro [13:29:12] Arnelle Grecia says: Biar langsung diperiksa [13:29:17] Trever Oneil says: sorry [13:29:17] Gracious Humble says: body berapa [13:29:18] Tyrone Roderick says: Ini pasti sudah ada orang bayaran [13:29:18] Giancarlos Octavio says: Ahh [13:29:22] Arnelle Grecia says: Kalo ditunjukin ya udah dari tadi ya udah hilang dari tadi lah! [13:29:24] * Nero Khalifa memeriksa kondisi mobil [13:29:24] Tyrone Roderick says: Padahal bisa langsung dicek disini [13:29:25] Arnelle Grecia says: Gimana sih.. [13:29:27] just a little Crash ((Giancarlos Octavio)) [13:29:27] * Salvatore Trementi examining cabbie [13:29:34] Tyrone Roderick says: Bapak bisa periksa dia [13:29:35] Gracious Humble says: body berapa [13:29:37] Arnelle Grecia says: Ya kalo didokter kan bisa keliatan [13:29:44] Salvatore Trementi says: body $11 [13:29:46] Arnelle Grecia says: Kejadian udah dari tadi, udah ada kali setengah jam [13:29:51] Arnelle Grecia says: Bego. [13:29:52] Gracious Humble says: 10 deh [13:29:54] Arnelle Grecia says: Lu pikir gua bego ? [13:29:54] Giancarlos Octavio says: Gini nih mba [13:29:56] Tyrone Roderick says: Setengah jam ? [13:29:58] Salvatore Trementi says: 11 pak [13:30:0] Gracious Humble says: ok [13:30:5] Giancarlos Octavio says: Damai aja deh, kelarin masalahnya [13:30:6] Gracious Humble says: kerjain aja dulu [13:30:7] Tyrone Roderick says: Kapan juga gua mukul [13:30:8] Nero Khalifa says: pak [13:30:9] Giancarlos Octavio says: Mba terima tidak? [13:30:15] Tyrone Roderick says: Gimana lo bisa ngitung [13:30:16] Salvatore Trementi says: yaudah 10.50 [13:30:16] Nero Khalifa says: ada sedekah pak [13:30:17] Reus Mccady says: duh bau knalpot pak [13:30:17] Vincent Lee Shouts: Woi udah lah damai tolol! [13:30:25] ENGINE: Anda telah mematikan Mesin. [13:30:28] Giancarlos Octavio says: Kalau Bapak mau damai atau tidak? [13:30:30] Paulo Gerald Shouts: modift! [13:30:30] Giancarlos Octavio says: Damai itu indah loh [13:30:32] Paulo Gerald Shouts: modift! [13:30:34] * Salvatore Trementi menerimanya [13:30:36] Arnelle Grecia says: Yaudah kalau gitu, kalau kita ada terjadi baku hantam, jangan salahin kita berdua ya. [13:30:39] Giancarlos Octavio says: Kalau engga masalahnya makin panjang [13:30:42] Arnelle Grecia says: Soalnya anda sendiri tidak mau membantu. [13:30:44] Giancarlos Octavio says: Waduh [13:30:45] * Gracious Humble memberi uang sebanyak 12 [13:30:47] Tyrone Roderick says: Gimana mau damai [13:30:47] Paulo Gerald Shouts: modift! [13:30:48] Nero Khalifa says: Benar bena [13:30:49] Nero Khalifa says: Benar benar [13:30:52] * Salvatore Trementi mengembalikan uang gracious sebanyak 1 [13:30:53] Tyrone Roderick says: Orang dari tadi saya ditudup [13:30:56] Gracious Humble says: benerin bro [13:30:58] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [13:31:0] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [13:31:2] Tyrone Roderick says: Ibu ibu ini seakan akan ingin menjatuhkan saya [13:31:3] Salvatore Trementi says: kelebihan 1 [13:31:8] Gracious Humble says: gapapa [13:31:8] Giancarlos Octavio says: Sudah damai saja [13:31:10] PHONE: {FFFFFF}Calling {00FFFF}number 3338{FFFFFF}, please wait for answer! [13:31:16] Arnelle Grecia says: Kalau anda memang menyerah mengurusnya, kita akan baku hantam di belakang anda. [13:31:19] Giancarlos Octavio says: Jangan saling flamming [13:31:20] Reus Mccady says: damai aja napa sih ama cewe juga gamau kalah [13:31:21] Reus Mccady says: bodoh [13:31:22] Arnelle Grecia says: Jangan salahin kami. [13:31:25] Brackston Lewis says: Anjay baku hantam [13:31:25] Tyrone Roderick says: Lah? [13:31:28] Paulo Gerald says: Modift [13:31:28] * Salvatore Trementi repairing body cabbie using mechanic tool's [13:31:30] Paulo Gerald Shouts: MODIFT! [13:31:30] Nero Khalifa says: iya iya [13:31:30] Paulo Gerald Shouts: MODIFT! [13:31:31] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telepon telah dijawab. [13:31:31] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Gunakan chat biasa untuk berkomunikasi lewat telpon, '/h' untuk menutup telpon. [13:31:31] Vincent Lee [phone]: Woi kontol [13:31:31] Caller [phone]: Woi kontol [13:31:34] Nero Khalifa says: oi oi oi [13:31:35] process... ((Salvatore Trementi)) [13:31:35] Telepon terputus... [13:31:39] Vincent Lee says: Bahaha [13:31:41] Paulo Gerald Shouts: MODIFT WOY! [13:31:42] Paulo Gerald Shouts: MODIFT WOY! [13:31:47] done! ((Salvatore Trementi)) [13:31:48] Paulo Gerald Shouts: MODIFT WOY! [13:31:48] Salvatore Trementi says: udah [13:31:50] Vincent Lee says: Paan si [13:31:51] Vincent Lee says: Modif di ws [13:31:52] Arnelle Grecia: (( mau ppko lu bro )) [13:31:53] Gracious Humble says: ok thx [13:31:56] Salvatore Trementi says: makasih pak [13:32:0] Gracious Humble says: sama sama [13:32:0] Jeremy_Jennings telah keluar dari server. (Pergi) [13:32:2] Tyrone Roderick: (( kwkwkw )) [13:32:2] Giancarlos Octavio: (( tuh kan sampe ke OOC )) [13:32:4] Vincent Lee: (( masalah ic jangan di bawa ke ooc )) [13:32:5] Vincent Lee: (( masalah ic jangan di bawa ke ooc )) [13:32:6] Vincent Lee: (( masalah ic jangan di bawa ke ooc )) [13:32:9] Arnelle Grecia: (( /reports )) [13:32:12] Giancarlos Octavio: (( gausah spam )) [13:32:12] ERROR: No queued reports! [13:32:12] Tyrone Roderick: (( lah rp lu ga bener ppko gimana )) [13:32:18] Vincent Lee: (( masalah ic jangan di bawa ke ooc )) [13:32:19] Tyrone Roderick: (( masa ngajak baku hantam )) [13:32:21] Giancarlos Octavio: (( wadaw )) [13:32:22] {ff0000}wakdolaa: {ffffff}(( masalah ic kok dibawa OOC? )) [13:32:25] Arnelle Grecia: (( Wakaka )) [13:32:28] Vincent Lee: (( awokkaw )) [13:32:31] Tyrone Roderick: (( dia ngajak baku hantam )) [13:32:33] Gregory Nikolay: (( wkwkkw lcu )) [13:32:33] {ff0000}wakdolaa: {ffffff}(( jangan PPKO dah )) [13:32:34] Arnelle Grecia: (( bang bang )) [13:32:35] Dimas Jey: (( wkwkwk )) [13:32:36] Arnelle Grecia: (( udah 2x PPKO ini )) [13:32:39] Nero Khalifa: (( tuyul )) [13:32:39] Brackston Lewis says: naek let [13:32:42] Giancarlos Octavio: (( waduh )) [13:32:44] Amanda Mahendra says: kenapa [13:32:45] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[VTE Garage] Melayani Upgrade,Modif,Repair etc Type:TF l Idlewood [13:32:45] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Fajar_Kristanto{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}2600{FF0000}] [13:32:46] Giancarlos Octavio: (( masalah IC kok sampe OOC )) [13:32:46] Tyrone Roderick: (( PPKO apa bro )) [13:32:51] Vincent Lee: (( masalah ic jangan di bawa ke ooc )) [13:32:52] Tyrone Roderick: (( gw kan cuman liat adanya )) [13:32:54] Arnelle Grecia: (( lu 2x PPKO in gua )) [13:33:1] ERROR: You need at least 50 components to join this job! [13:33:1] Arnelle Grecia: (( 1x cuma beda 1 dollar, direport. )) [13:33:4] Giancarlos Octavio: (( lalalala )) [13:33:5] Tyrone Roderick: (( Dih )) [13:33:7] Giancarlos Octavio: (( makin panjang )) [13:33:9] Tyrone Roderick: (( 1dollar? )) [13:33:9] {ff0000}wakdolaa: {ffffff}(( bisa aja id 16 report balik PPKO )) [13:33:10] Vincent Lee: (( bacot run:v )) [13:33:12] Tyrone Roderick: (( yang duluan siapa )) [13:33:16] Tyrone Roderick: (( tadi juga gw duluan )) [13:33:20] Vincent Lee: (( eh )) [13:33:23] Tyrone Roderick: (( lu 2x nurunin harga )) [13:33:25] (( PM to [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: bagi ahk )) [13:33:33] (( PM from [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: ini bukan laptop gw )) [13:33:37] (( PM from [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: ahk cuman di laptop g )) [13:33:37] AdmCmd: Tyrone_Roderick has been warned by wakdolaa, Total warning: 1 [13:33:37] Reason: PPKO. [13:33:39] Tyrone Roderick: (( jelas jelas gw duluan yang bilang )) [13:33:40] Nero Khalifa: (( bang wakdolaa )) [13:33:40] Arnelle Grecia: (( report forum aja kalo emg gua menurut u banting harga wkwk )) [13:33:40] (( PM to [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: lu ga pake ahk? )) [13:33:42] Arnelle Grecia: (( gua tunggu )) [13:33:45] (( PM to [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: lu ga pake ahk? )) [13:33:47] Arnelle Grecia: (( @scapegoat, nama forumku. )) [13:33:47] (( PM from [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: engga )) [13:33:48] Arnelle Grecia: (( tag ya :) )) [13:33:48] Nero Khalifa: (( main bola yuk )) [13:33:51] Tyrone Roderick: (( ga perlu bro )) [13:33:53] AdmCmd: Tyrone_Roderick has been banned by wakdolaa for 3 day(s). [13:33:53] Reason: PPKO. [13:33:53] Tyrone_Roderick telah keluar dari server. (di-Kick/di-Ban) [13:33:57] (( PM from [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: di laptop gw doang ada ahk nya )) [13:33:58] {ff0000}wakdolaa: {ffffff}(( PPKo garis keras )) [13:33:59] (( PM to [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: awokawokaw try hard dah ngetik rp:v )) [13:34:0] Giancarlos Octavio: (( hadeh )) [13:34:1] Nero Khalifa: (( main bola yuk )) [13:34:7] Giancarlos Octavio: (( dah ya )) [13:34:11] Reus Mccady says: pak [13:34:12] Giancarlos Octavio: (( lupain masalh IC nya )) [13:34:14] Giancarlos Octavio: (( dah ke OOC malah )) [13:34:16] Arnelle Grecia says: ?a wwkwk sadez [13:34:20] Giancarlos Octavio: (( Fail RP )) [13:34:20] Arnelle Grecia says: )) [13:34:21] Reus Mccady says: bisa angkut saya jadi partisipan ride along? [13:34:22] Giancarlos Octavio: (( ya )) [13:34:24] Arnelle Grecia says: b oke [13:34:28] Arnelle Grecia says: )) [13:34:33] Reus Mccady says: zz [13:34:34] Reus Mccady says: )) [13:35:2] Arnelle_Grecia telah keluar dari server. (Pergi) [13:35:13] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SULTAN]3insu 4up Fullmodift Price? sms [13:35:13] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Tom_Olivier{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}435957{FF0000}] [13:35:40] * Nero Khalifa menemani bapak di samping [13:36:5] Orlando George Shouts: 2Boys Pizza's. Makan lah, jangan ditahan-tahan lah! [13:36:13] Orlando George Shouts: 2Boys Pizza's. Makan lah, jangan ditahan-tahan lah! [13:36:13] Dimas Jey says: makan [13:36:22] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SULTAN] 3insu 4up Fullmodift PC PC AE UNCH [13:36:22] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Tom_Olivier{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}435957{FF0000}] [13:36:22] * Orlando George shows menu to Jey's. [13:36:31] Dimas Jey says: oke makasih [13:36:37] Orlando George Shouts: Makan?! [13:36:47] Dimas Jey says: )) [13:36:48] Orlando George Shouts: Ada yang mau makan lagi?! [13:36:50] Amanda Mahendra: (( gimana )) [13:36:56] Vincent Lee says: )) [13:36:59] Orlando George says: Mau makan pak? [13:37:2] Amanda Mahendra says: ya [13:37:3] Vincent Lee says: Ya [13:37:10] * Orlando George shows menu to Lee's. [13:37:15] WARNING: {ffffff}You've eaten too much, overall fitness rating decreased by {00ffff}0.10 [13:37:15] SHOP: {ffffff}You've purchased {ffff00}Menu +36 {ffffff}for {00ff00}$2.25 [13:37:16] * Orlando George shows menu to Amanda's. [13:37:17] Vincent Lee says: Lagi [13:37:23] SHOP: {ffffff}You've purchased {ffff00}Energy Drink {ffffff}for {00ff00}$3.75 [13:37:36] WARNING: {ffffff}You've drunk too much, overall fitness rating decreased by {00ffff}0.06 [13:37:42] ERROR: Dilarang menggunakan karakter '\' ! [13:37:50] ERROR: Dilarang menggunakan karakter '\' ! [13:37:51] [ID] ID: 24 | Name: Tom_Olivier | Level: 8 | Ping: 39 | Launcher: Yes [13:37:53] (( PM to [24] Tom_Olivier: haii )) [13:37:57] (( PM from [24] Tom_Olivier: hey sayang )) [13:38:1] (( PM to [24] Tom_Olivier: ;v )) [13:38:1] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [13:38:11] [RADIO] Commander Keylon Pierce: Charge for that suspect will be Evading from polices stop and Failure to comply, STAFF-6. [13:38:18] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Gracious Esquevelle: 1-ADAM-1 Pulling out from last scene and resume to status 4 [13:38:21] (( PM from [24] Tom_Olivier: 16k dong sayang )) [13:38:22] Dimas_Jey telah keluar dari server. (Pergi) [13:38:26] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Giancarlos Octavio: 2-METRO-1 Copy that charge [13:38:58] (( Gracious Esquevelle: RAC dong biar ga rajet )) [13:39:0] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Giancarlos Octavio: Transporting one IC1 Male to Central HQ for 10-15 procedure [13:39:17] (( PM from [24] Tom_Olivier: 16k dong sayang )) [13:39:22] (( PM to [24] Tom_Olivier: UPPPPPP )) [13:39:24] (( PM from [24] Tom_Olivier: sumpah gua butuh banget sayang UNCH )) [13:39:26] (( PM to [24] Tom_Olivier: UPPPPPP )) [13:39:32] (( PM from [24] Tom_Olivier: kapan atuh? )) [13:39:39] (( PM to [24] Tom_Olivier: ic in aje )) [13:39:46] PHONE: {FF0000}Number 435957 {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [13:39:49] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Anda telah menjawab telpon. [13:39:49] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Gunakan chat biasa untuk berkomunikasi lewat telpon, '/h' untuk menutup telpon. [13:39:52] FACTION: {ffffff}You've been promoted to {ffff00}rank 3 {ffffff}by {ffff00}Takeshi_Masato [13:39:52] Salvatore Trementi says: mesin body? [13:39:53] Amanda Mahendra says: kenapa [13:39:54] Caller [phone]: Hallo [13:39:55] Vincent Lee [phone]: WOW [13:39:57] [RADIO] Commander Keylon Pierce: STAFF-6 CODE 7 at 10-20 Mechanic Center for repairing our units. [13:40:0] Keylon Pierce says: Mesin dan body. [13:40:1] Vincent Lee [phone]: Aku naik pangkat gaes [13:40:1] Caller [phone]: ini dengan nama Vincent? [13:40:2] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [13:40:5] Keylon Pierce says: Berapa ya kira-kira? [13:40:5] FACTION: {ffffff}Your rank was set to '{ffff00}Police Adjudant{ffffff}' by {00ff00}Takeshi_Masato [13:40:6] Vincent Lee [phone]: Ga [13:40:7] Caller [phone]: wih bener [13:40:10] Caller [phone]: ketemuan [13:40:12] Vincent Lee [phone]: Aku naik pangkat cukkkkk [13:40:15] Vincent Lee [phone]: SAPD [13:40:15] Caller [phone]: sekaarang nih [13:40:20] ERROR: That player is blocking PM! [13:40:21] Caller [phone]: ketemuan dimana? [13:40:26] Vincent Lee [phone]: SAPD [13:40:26] Telepon terputus... [13:40:32] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [13:40:33] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [13:40:37] Handbrakes {FF0000}OFF [13:40:37] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [13:40:38] ==========[ {00ffff}San Andreas Police Department{ffff00}]========== [13:40:38] Badge Number: {00ff00}10168 [13:40:38] Full Name: {00ff00}Vincent Lee [13:40:38] Rank: {00ff00}Police Adjudant [13:40:39] * Amanda Mahendra memperbaiki [13:40:46] KEGUNAAN: /limitspeed [speed (MPH)] [13:41:28] PHONE: {FF0000}Number 435957 {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [13:41:31] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Anda telah menjawab telpon. [13:41:31] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Gunakan chat biasa untuk berkomunikasi lewat telpon, '/h' untuk menutup telpon. [13:41:32] Caller [phone]: sayang dimana? [13:41:35] Vincent Lee [phone]: SAPD [13:41:36] Caller [phone]: ini aku di lobby [13:41:36] ENGINE: Anda telah mematikan Mesin. [13:41:43] Vincent Lee [phone]: Tunggu depan SAPD [13:41:46] Caller [phone]: oke [13:41:47] Telepon terputus... [13:41:47] Vincent Lee says: Aku ambil m3 [13:41:57] (( Vincent Lee: eh )) [13:42:2] (( Vincent Lee: Adjudant skinnya bolehnya apa aja? )) [13:42:6] (( Vincent Lee: atau polos bias? )) [13:42:8] (( Vincent Lee: atau polos biasa? )) [13:42:28] DUTY: {ffff00}You are now {33ff33}on duty{ffff00}! [13:42:30] * Giancarlos Octavio memeriksa barang bawaan blaxton [13:42:31] bisa? ((Giancarlos Octavio)) [13:42:35] ya ((Blaxton Carrington)) [13:42:39] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: Adjudant 10168 Reporting on duty. [13:42:53] DYOC: {ffffff}Weapons attachment {33AA33}enabled [13:42:56] (( PM to [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: a )) [13:43:0] (( PM to [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: bagi rp ngeluarin m4 )) [13:43:4] (( Gracious Esquevelle: gils ajudant )) [13:43:7] (( Vincent Lee: :v )) [13:43:8] (( Gracious Esquevelle: ajudant sape )) [13:43:9] (( Giancarlos Octavio: ekekeke )) [13:43:16] (( Vincent Lee: apasi:( )) [13:43:40] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [13:43:40] (( Gracious Esquevelle: ajudant siapa lu? )) [13:43:52] PHONE: {FF0000}Number 462020 {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [13:43:53] [RADIO] Commander Keylon Pierce: STAFF-6 10-99 from CODE 7, back to STATUS-4. [13:43:54] (( Blanchard Rechauffer: wah adjudant semua )) [13:43:59] (( Gloria Stuart: mungkin adjudant budi )) [13:44:5] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [13:44:7] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telpon berhenti berdering! [13:44:8] ERROR: tidak ada orang yang menelpon anda! [13:44:9] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [13:44:20] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Blaxton Carrington ] Reporter: [ Giancarlos Octavio ] [13:44:20] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Evading from Police stop ] [13:44:23] PHONE: {FF0000}Number 462020 {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [13:44:25] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Anda telah menjawab telpon. [13:44:25] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Gunakan chat biasa untuk berkomunikasi lewat telpon, '/h' untuk menutup telpon. [13:44:25] Vincent Lee [phone]: Apa? [13:44:28] Caller [phone]: Holla [13:44:32] Caller [phone]: Saya Mau Modift. [13:44:34] Vincent Lee [phone]: Bentar ya [13:44:36] Brooklyn Olsen says: Tom [13:44:37] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Blaxton Carrington ] Reporter: [ Giancarlos Octavio ] [13:44:37] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Failure to Comply ] [13:44:39] Tom Olivier says: hallo sayang. [13:44:39] Caller [phone]: Cepet Donk [13:44:41] Vincent Lee [phone]: Ke WS [13:44:42] Tom Olivier says: eh Brook! [13:44:43] Vincent Lee Shouts: WS! [13:44:43] Caller [phone]: Udah [13:44:45] Vincent Lee [phone]: Otw [13:44:45] Telepon terputus... [13:44:47] Brooklyn Olsen says: Ton [13:45:22] AdmCmd: Gracious_Humble has been kicked by Regency. [13:45:22] Reason: Missusing /report [13:45:43] TOLL: {FFFFFF}Used 1 toll card point to pay toll access. [13:46:9] Aamory Achiolli says: Wee.... [13:46:9] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Find] Looking for any car with 3 insurance, budget $1k. Call/SMS [13:46:9] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Clay_Weston{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}555617{FF0000}] [13:46:11] Aamory Achiolli says: PD [13:46:11] ERROR: You don't have any accessories! [13:46:22] WARNING: Weapon size modification will not be saved, please do not report this as a bug! [13:46:57] Tom Olivier says: pada kemana tuh pegawai lu Cen [13:47:0] WARNING: Weapon size modification will not be saved, please do not report this as a bug! [13:47:3] Aamory Achiolli says: N20,Bumper belakang dan depan,neon,roof,sidskirt,dan Velg [13:47:6] Vincent Lee says: Mati [13:47:7] Aamory Achiolli says: N20,Bumper belakang dan depan,neon,roof,sidskirt,dan Velg [13:47:11] Tom Olivier says: jaja [13:47:15] Vincent Lee says: 400$ [13:47:18] Aamory Achiolli says: oke [13:47:19] Vincent Lee says: Total semua [13:47:19] Aamory Achiolli says: wait [13:47:23] FRISK: {FF0000}Tom Olivier {FFFFFF}ingin mem-frisk anda, {FFFF00}/accept frisk {FFFFFF}untuk memberi izin untuk frisk kepadanya [13:47:24] HQ: {00ffff}Blaxton_Carrington have been arrested by Giancarlos_Octavio [13:47:26] Aamory Achiolli says: eh sama 4up [13:47:26] ERROR: Invalid amount specified [13:47:32] Aamory Achiolli says: jadi? [13:47:32] Vincent Lee says: Lagi keluar kota yang bisa up [13:47:37] Vincent Lee says: Jam 2 an lah [13:47:38] Aamory Achiolli says: oke deh [13:47:39] Vincent Lee says: Baru kekota dia [13:47:46] Tom Olivier says: anjir [13:47:47] Tom Olivier says: ampun [13:47:50] INSPECT: {ffff00}Tom_Olivier {ffffff}have requested an inspection, use '/accept inspect' to accept request [13:47:56] Tom Olivier says: yah [13:47:56] INSPECT: {ffffff}You've requested an inspection to {ffff00}Tom_Olivier [13:47:57] Tom Olivier says: lemah [13:48:1] Aamory Achiolli says: neh [13:48:3] Vincent Lee says: Yeah [13:48:5] * Aamory Achiolli pay too Vincent. [13:48:10] PAYINFO: {ffffff}You've received {00ff00}$400.00 {ffffff}from {ffff00}Aamory Achiolli [id:16] [13:48:10] AME: {C2A2DA}accept it [13:48:18] WORKSHOP: {FFFFFF}You've deposited {00FF00}$400.00 {FFFFFF}in the workshop vault! [13:48:24] Aamory Achiolli says: Bumper Belakang Sama Depan Alien Semua [13:48:25] Tom Olivier says: Mas. [13:48:26] AME: {C2A2DA}examine veh [13:48:28] KEGUNAAN: /anim [index (1-1811)] [13:48:32] Aamory Achiolli says: Bumper Belakang Sama Depan Alien Semua Sama Roofnya juga. [13:48:32] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}Finished examining vehicle {00FFFF}Sultan [13:48:32] NOTE: {FFFFFF}You are now able to use '{FFFF00}/vehmenu{FFFFFF}' on this vehicle [13:48:32] Tom Olivier says: mohon di tunggu yak. [13:48:36] Aamory Achiolli says: yak [13:48:37] Tom Olivier says: duduk dulu aja [13:48:38] ERROR: You need 50 component and mechanic level 3 to modify vehicles! [13:48:41] WORKSHOP: {FFFFFF}You've taken {FFFF00}200 units {FFFFFF}of components from the workshop! [13:48:42] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Giancarlos Octavio: 10-99 from 10-15 procedure and back to status 4 [13:48:44] Aamory Achiolli says: lagi mager neh [13:48:46] Tom Olivier says: rokok dulu aja sama minum kopi. [13:48:54] Aamory Achiolli says: aduh... [13:48:56] Aamory Achiolli says: PARAH [13:49:4] AdmCmd: Clifton_Hall has been kicked by akmal505. [13:49:4] Reason: ATIP [13:49:8] * Vincent Lee installing mod using mc tools and wrench [13:49:9] proses. ((Vincent Lee)) [13:49:31] [RADIO] Commander Keylon Pierce: STAFF-6 Disbanded. [13:49:59] Tom Olivier says: ntar lu marahin pegawai lu gitu [13:50:5] Tom Olivier says: keluar kota mulu. [13:50:14] Tom Olivier: (( gue skill mechanic level 1 )) [13:50:16] Tom Olivier says: haaha [13:50:24] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Giancarlos Octavio: 2-METRO-1 park and disbanded [13:50:34] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}You've installed mod {FFFF00}10x Nitro {FFFFFF}on {00FFFF}Sultan [13:50:42] (( PM from [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: a )) [13:50:46] (( PM from [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: knp tadi? )) [13:50:58] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Auto Dynamics Specialis Peugeot] Menerima jasa repair, modif,upgrade dan lain lain TF l @ELS [13:50:58] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Vyacheslav_Kusnarev{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}88889999{FF0000}] [13:51:18] (( PM to [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: cara setting ahk gimana:( )) [13:51:31] Michael Alfarez says: ini WS Type apa? [13:51:47] Tom Olivier says: Type segalanya. [13:51:52] Michael Alfarez says: Oh. [13:51:56] Tom Olivier says: tanpa harus memisahkan kita. [13:51:57] Tom Olivier says: jajaja. [13:52:1] Michael Alfarez says: anjya [13:52:2] Michael Alfarez says: )) [13:52:3] Vincent Lee says: WAA [13:52:4] Michael Alfarez says: Anjay [13:52:7] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Auto Dynamics Specialis Peugeot] Menerima jasa repair, modif,upgrade dan lain lain TF l @ELS [13:52:7] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Vyacheslav_Kusnarev{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}88889999{FF0000}] [13:52:10] Vincent Lee says: Apa si [13:52:11] Tom Olivier says: hehe. [13:52:18] Aamory Achiolli says: Bumper Belkang Depan Alien [13:52:24] Vincent Lee: (( abis ini gua mau afk setting ahk )) [13:52:30] (( PM from [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: gw dulu engga )) [13:52:34] (( PM to [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: asw )) [13:52:35] (( PM from [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: dikasih script ahk )) [13:52:36] (( PM from [9] Michael_Alfarez: baru duty PD? )) [13:52:36] Aamory Achiolli: (( Kerjain Dolo Ini Pak. )) [13:52:42] (( PM to [9] Michael_Alfarez: ya mager gua )) [13:52:45] Aamory Achiolli: (( Jan Dolo AFK )) [13:52:47] Aamory Achiolli: (( wkwowkwo )) [13:52:50] (( PM from [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: pas academy kyknya )) [13:52:50] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}You've installed mod {FFFF00}Alien Front Bumper 'Sultan' {FFFFFF}on {00FFFF}Sultan [13:52:53] Tom Olivier says: santuy aja mas. [13:52:56] (( PM from [9] Michael_Alfarez: dari kemaren gw di robber sue )) [13:52:58] (( PM to [9] Michael_Alfarez: oakwokaw )) [13:52:59] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [13:53:15] (( PM from [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: mknya pas academy di nyimak tolol, jngn diem )) [13:53:15] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Sell Rumah Di ELS 3ruangan Lahan parkir Luas MURAH JUAL BUTUH Or Trade with Elegy atau yang lain Hub: [13:53:15] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Brooklyn_Olsen{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}593959{FF0000}] [13:53:22] (( PM to [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: males dengar )) [13:53:27] (( PM to [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: ngantuk tolol )) [13:53:40] (( PM from [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: gblok sih, minta script aja sama atasan )) [13:53:43] Aamory Achiolli [phone]: Bisa Liat Broo? [13:53:44] (( PM from [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: script AHK )) [13:53:46] Caller [phone]: Tentu [13:53:48] (( PM to [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: ngga )) [13:53:51] (( PM to [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: gua copy aje )) [13:53:54] Aamory Achiolli [phone]: Sini Ke WS Flint [13:54:1] Caller [phone]: Ke GYM ELS aja [13:54:1] Aamory Achiolli [phone]: lagi di Modift Mobilnye memq [13:54:2] (( PM from [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: emng tau cara buat script nya? )) [13:54:4] Aamory Achiolli [phone]: goblog [13:54:10] (( PM from [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: nih gw kasih contoh script M4 )) [13:54:16] Caller [phone]: Yaudah ane tunggu di GYM ELS Aje [13:54:21] Aamory Achiolli [phone]: oke denk [13:54:33] Brookyl Olsen [phone]: ape [13:54:35] Aamory Achiolli: (( Malah ATIP PARAH )) [13:54:36] Tom Olivier [phone]: bentar ya [13:54:38] Tom Olivier [phone]: jangan marah dong. [13:54:39] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Bryan_Stewart ] Phone: [ 210070 ] [13:54:39] Message: Mau bayar mobil di impound [13:54:40] Brookyl Olsen [phone]: Ngapain [13:54:41] (( PM from [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: /me Take M4 Carabine from UB and flick safety to OFF )) [13:54:47] Tom Olivier [phone]: jangan marah yak [13:54:51] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Gracious Esquevelle: 1-ADAM-1 on last fivers. [13:54:52] (( PM from [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: harus ada Flick safety to OFF nya )) [13:54:54] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}You've installed mod {FFFF00}Alien Rear Bumper 'Sultan' {FFFFFF}on {00FFFF}Sultan [13:54:54] Tom Olivier [phone]: sultan doang [13:55:0] Tom Olivier [phone]: udah kejual itu juge [13:55:3] Tom Olivier [phone]: udah kejual itu juge [13:55:5] (( PM from [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: kecuali lu RP rob atau apa, gausah pake flick safety to off )) [13:55:10] Tom Olivier [phone]: haha [13:55:20] done. ((Vincent Lee)) [13:55:28] Vincent Lee says: We [13:55:30] Vincent Lee says: Apa lagi? [13:55:37] Aamory Achiolli says: Bumper depan asuw [13:55:44] Vincent Lee says: Udah [13:55:44] Aamory Achiolli says: Sid Skirt [13:55:49] Tom Olivier says: jangan bilang kasar dong mas. [13:55:50] Aamory Achiolli says: aduh PARAH [13:55:50] Vincent Lee says: Yang apa [13:55:52] Tom Olivier says: itu BOS saya [13:55:58] Aamory Achiolli says: Alien [13:56:2] Aamory Achiolli says: roof juga belom [13:56:14] Aamory Achiolli: (( Jan ATIP DONKS )) [13:56:22] Caller [phone]: dimana lu kentod [13:56:27] Vincent Lee: (( sabar )) [13:56:27] Aamory Achiolli [phone]: di ws flint beb [13:56:28] Vincent Lee: (( coek )) [13:56:30] Aamory Achiolli [phone]: kenapa beb? [13:56:35] Aamory Achiolli [phone]: PARAH [13:56:44] Aamory Achiolli [phone]: okok [13:56:45] INFO: {ffff00}You can now work as a forklift driver again! [13:56:48] Caller [phone]: yaudah semelekom [13:57:16] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Giancarlos Octavio: Adjudant 10155 now under 1-ADAM-2 after switching unit from 2-METRO-1 and take status 4 [13:57:59] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: Adjudant 10168 To all unit, Any unit unpartnered? [13:58:2] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}You've installed mod {FFFF00}Right Alien Sideskirt 'Sultan' {FFFFFF}on {00FFFF}Sultan [13:58:4] done ((Vincent Lee)) [13:58:15] Tom Olivier says: Haha! [13:58:15] WORKSHOP: {FFFFFF}You've taken {FFFF00}200 units {FFFFFF}of components from the workshop! [13:58:16] [RADIO] Commander Keylon Pierce: Commandert 7079 reporting for off duty, over. [13:58:19] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Giancarlos Octavio: 1-ADAM-2 [13:58:20] 911: Crime: [ di mc ada sultan nambrak tidak jelas warna hitam ] [13:58:20] 911: Reporter: [ Ghassan Musson ] Phone: [ 611130 ] [13:58:27] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [13:58:39] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: 1-ADAM-2 Are unpartnered? [13:58:57] AdmCmd: wakdolaa has jailed Gracious_Humble for 10 minute(s) [13:58:57] Reason: Baca rules dan guide sana diforum > jogjagamers.org. [13:59:0] Aamory Achiolli says: Yang Belom Teh......Velg,Roof,Dan Neon [13:59:7] Vincent Lee says: Anjay [13:59:8] Vincent Lee says: sabar atuh [13:59:12] Aamory Achiolli says: ya beb [13:59:15] (( Gracious Esquevelle: ga humble emang dia )) [13:59:17] Aamory Achiolli says: bre [13:59:21] Tom Olivier says: yo? [13:59:22] (( Vincent Lee: apasi:v )) [13:59:23] Aamory Achiolli says: minjem komputernye [13:59:25] 911: Crime: [ ada yang baw sg naik sultan hitam di FF ] [13:59:25] 911: Reporter: [ Ghassan Musson ] Phone: [ 611130 ] [13:59:34] Aamory Achiolli says: hahhaa [13:59:38] Tom Olivier says: oh [13:59:39] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [13:59:39] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 611130 [13:59:39] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Tau plat nomornya? [13:59:42] 911: Crime: [ ada yang baw sg naik sultan hitam di FF ] [13:59:42] 911: Reporter: [ Ghassan Musson ] Phone: [ 611130 ] [13:59:46] Tom Olivier says: jangan nonton bokep yak [13:59:48] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [13:59:48] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}dia ke dpean kantor polisi ff [13:59:51] AdmCmd: Juke_Meyes has been kicked by wakdolaa. [13:59:51] Reason: ga bisa heal aku. [13:59:53] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [13:59:53] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}nembak saya di mc [13:59:53] * Aamory Achiolli Memainkan Komputer Yang Sangat Bagus. [13:59:55] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Giancarlos Octavio: You telling to radio for unit unpartnerer and then i say 1-ADAM-2, Obviously unpartnerer [14:0:0] [RADIO] PO-II Zlyeth Stottlemeyer: Police Officer II 8129 is now on duty. [14:0:6] * Aamory Achiolli Menonton Yang Jorang Jorang. [14:0:7] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}You've installed mod {FFFF00}Left Alien Sideskirt 'Sultan' {FFFFFF}on {00FFFF}Sultan [14:0:13] Wish Ramew.... ((Aamory Achiolli)) [14:0:15] * Tom Olivier merasa kaget karena orang di depan menonton yang jorang. [14:0:18] Aamory Achiolli Shouts: Anjing.! [14:0:19] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Giancarlos Octavio: If you wanna join to 1-ADAM-2 give me your 10-20 [14:0:21] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Sell Rumah Di ELS 3ruangan Lahan parkir Luas MURAH JUAL BUTUH Or Trade with Elegy atau yang lain Hub: [14:0:21] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Brooklyn_Olsen{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}593959{FF0000}] [14:0:21] Aamory Achiolli Shouts: Bokep! [14:0:25] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Kelvyn_Stuart ] Phone: [ 123000 ] [14:0:25] Message: CGLU, saya ingin memayar CGC. [14:0:25] Aamory Achiolli Shouts: Ahk ahk! [14:0:28] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Giancarlos Octavio: To Adjudant Le [14:0:28] * Tom Olivier merasa ingin menonton juga.t [14:0:30] (( Giancarlos Octavio: Lee )) [14:0:36] Aamory Achiolli Shouts: Sakit! [14:0:36] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [14:0:36] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 611130 [14:0:36] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Ikutin [14:0:36] nonton bareng jorang. ((Tom Olivier)) [14:0:41] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [14:0:41] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}LSIC [14:0:43] Aamory Achiolli Shouts: Karena Di Ewek! [14:0:48] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: Pick me up at 10-20 WS Flint. [14:0:51] Tom Olivier says: Mantap slurr [14:0:51] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Kelvyn_Stuart ] Phone: [ 123000 ] [14:0:51] Message: CGLU, saya ingin memayar CGC ada unit TEU? [14:0:54] Tom Olivier says: linknya apaan? [14:0:54] Aamory Achiolli says: Iya Slue.. [14:0:55] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [14:0:55] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 611130 [14:0:55] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Ikutin aja terus [14:0:55] Tom Olivier: (( kwowkowkw )) [14:1:1] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [14:1:1] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}tolong [14:1:2] Vincent Lee Shouts: WOI! [14:1:8] Tom Olivier says: ya bos? [14:1:8] Vincent Lee says: Neon warna apa? [14:1:9] Aamory Achiolli: (( Ratuku.top )) [14:1:12] Vincent Lee: (( :v )) [14:1:12] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [14:1:12] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}ke arah tanton [14:1:15] Aamory Achiolli says: Warna.... [14:1:15] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [14:1:15] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}ganton [14:1:20] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [14:1:20] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 611130 [14:1:20] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Cari tau plat nomornya [14:1:22] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Giancarlos Octavio: 1-ADAM-2 Enorute to your '20, ETA 3 minutes [14:1:22] Aamory Achiolli says: Kuning Kayak Muka Guaw [14:1:28] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: Copy that. [14:1:30] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Sell Rumah Di ELS 3ruangan Lahan parkir Luas MURAH JUAL BUTUH Or Trade with Elegy atau yang lain Hub: [14:1:30] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Brooklyn_Olsen{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}593959{FF0000}] [14:1:37] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [14:1:37] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}arah CGH [14:1:47] * Vincent Lee installing neon using ws tools [14:1:47] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [14:1:47] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}lewat jalan besar [14:1:51] Tom Olivier: (( emang ada Ratuku.top? )) [14:1:54] Tom Olivier: (( kwowkow )) [14:1:54] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [14:1:54] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 611130 [14:1:54] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Cari tau plat nomornya ya [14:1:58] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [14:1:58] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}ganton [14:1:59] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [14:2:0] SPEEDTRAP: {ffffff}Speedtrap announcement {33AA33}enabled [14:2:1] Aamory Achiolli: (( Tulis Aja Sono Ke Youtube. )) [14:2:8] Aamory Achiolli: (( Channel Gua wkwowkw )) [14:2:24] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}You've installed {FFFF00}Neons {FFFFFF}to {00FFFF}Sultan [14:2:24] Tom Olivier: (( bukan )) [14:2:27] PHONE: {FF0000}Number 611130 {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [14:2:30] Tom Olivier says: selamat siang. [14:2:34] Giancarlos Octavio says: polisi tolol [14:2:36] Giancarlos Octavio says: Malah nyantai [14:2:39] Giancarlos Octavio says: Siang [14:2:39] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Trade Sadler 3insu 2up Or Trade with mobil Sport Hub: [14:2:39] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Brooklyn_Olsen{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}593959{FF0000}] [14:2:39] [RADIO] PO-II Zlyeth Stottlemeyer: Police Officer II 8129 start of watch under 2-ADAM-2 as LINCOLN departing from Dilimore Precinct. [14:2:52] Aamory Achiolli: (( Di Google Coba. )) [14:2:53] Giancarlos Octavio Shouts: Officer Lee! [14:2:54] Vincent Lee says: Bentar kontol [14:2:56] Tom Olivier says: saya bukan pegawainya pak,kalo pegawainya saya beresin semua itu. [14:2:59] Giancarlos Octavio Shouts: Get your ass to me! [14:3:2] Vincent Lee says: Adjudant tolol [14:3:4] Vincent Lee says: Mata kau officer [14:3:9] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Kelvyn_Stuart ] Phone: [ 123000 ] [14:3:9] Message: Ada TEU tidak? saya ingin membayar CGC nih [14:3:11] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Harold_Bronoullin ] Phone: [ 444450 ] [14:3:11] Message: ada tru ga [14:3:14] Aamory Achiolli says: haahaha [14:3:15] Vincent Lee says: Apa lagi [14:3:17] Vincent Lee says: Ini [14:3:19] Vincent Lee says: Cepet [14:3:21] Vincent Lee says: Mau ngejar robber [14:3:22] Aamory Achiolli says: Velg bebeb [14:3:24] Mask 323952 Shouts: 2Boys Pizza's. Makanan bergizi, halal juga! [14:3:25] Giancarlos Octavio says: Nama kamu siapa lagi? [14:3:26] Vincent Lee says: Velg paanb [14:3:27] Giancarlos Octavio says: Tom ya [14:3:31] Aamory Achiolli says: Switch [14:3:33] Mask 323952 says: Makan pak? [14:3:33] Giancarlos Octavio says: pegawai saya? [14:3:39] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telpon berhenti berdering! [14:3:39] Tom Olivier says: eh iya bos. [14:3:42] Aamory Achiolli says: Nanti Roof X-Flow [14:3:43] Giancarlos Octavio says: Uhmm iya iya [14:3:43] Vincent Lee: (( wakoakwwa )) [14:3:48] Aamory Achiolli says: gua makan [14:3:48] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[JUAL] Rumah 3 ruangan full furniture | Minat? sms: | Loc: Depan dealer Jefferson. [14:3:48] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Daawood_Hammoud{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}88888888{FF0000}] [14:3:49] Aamory Achiolli says: gua makan [14:3:53] Giancarlos Octavio says: Laporan sudah buat? [14:3:57] * Tom Olivier tidak menyangka karena Bos nya adalah seorang anggota kepolisian. [14:3:57] PHONE: {FF0000}Gema KENTOD (931000) {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [14:3:58] * Mask 323952 give menu to Aamoty. [14:4:2] 911: Crime: [ cepet ke sini sultan hitam nemabkin saya ] [14:4:2] 911: Reporter: [ Ghassan Musson ] Phone: [ 611130 ] [14:4:2] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telpon berhenti berdering! [14:4:2] * Mask 323952 give menu to Aamory. [14:4:4] Tom Olivier: (( lagi edit edit bos )) [14:4:7] Giancarlos Octavio: (( ok mantap )) [14:4:12] Tom Olivier: (( biar enak dilihat )) [14:4:13] Aamory Achiolli says: oke [14:4:20] Giancarlos Octavio says: Nanti saya naikin gajinya [14:4:22] Giancarlos Octavio says: hari minggu [14:4:27] [RADIO] PO-II Zlyeth Stottlemeyer: 2-LINCOLN-2 taking CODE-7 10-20 Burger Vinewood. [14:4:32] Tom Olivier says: wih makasih tuan. [14:4:35] (( PM from [53] Adriana_Jollie: nomer lu ganti? )) [14:4:36] Tom Olivier says: mantap [14:4:38] Giancarlos Octavio says: Iya sama sama [14:4:40] [RADIO] PO-I Blanchard Rechauffer: 1-ADAM-1 on last niner. [14:4:43] (( PM to [53] Adriana_Jollie: iya )) [14:4:49] [RADIO] PO-I Blanchard Rechauffer: 1-ADAM-1 on last niner, CODE 3 [14:4:50] * Giancarlos Octavio shout to Lee [14:4:50] * Tom Olivier sujud syukur karena mendapat bayaran yang begitu indah. [14:4:51] Giancarlos Octavio Shouts: lee! [14:4:56] Vincent Lee Shouts: SABAR NAPA BEB! [14:4:56] Giancarlos Octavio says: haha [14:4:57] Vincent Lee Shouts: 2 LAGI INI! [14:4:59] Giancarlos Octavio says: Gapapa [14:5:3] Aamory Achiolli: (( IYA SABAR DONKS )) [14:5:3] Tom Olivier says: Makasih pak. [14:5:6] Aamory Achiolli says: )) [14:5:6] Vincent Lee: (( wkwk anjay )) [14:5:9] Aamory Achiolli Shouts: IYA SABAR DONKS! [14:5:16] Aamory Achiolli Shouts: SABAR DI SAYANGI PACAR! [14:5:17] Vincent Lee says:  [14:5:20] Vincent Lee says: )) [14:5:21] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}You've installed mod {FFFF00}Switch Wheels {FFFFFF}on {00FFFF}Sultan [14:5:25] Vincent Lee says: XFlow kan [14:5:27] Giancarlos Octavio Shouts: I report you to High Command, Work when take status 4! [14:5:31] Aamory Achiolli says: yo'i [14:5:31] Giancarlos Octavio Shouts: Get you ass to me! [14:5:33] Giancarlos Octavio Shouts: Fast! [14:5:40] Tom Olivier: (( gabisa bahasa inggris )) [14:5:41] Tom Olivier says: njer [14:5:42] Tom Olivier: (( kwokwow )) [14:5:45] Vincent Lee Shouts: KONTOL BACOT! [14:5:46] Aamory Achiolli [phone]: Woe goblog [14:5:47] Vincent Lee Shouts: BENTAR NGAPA! [14:5:49] Aamory Achiolli [phone]: sini anjing [14:5:54] Aamory Achiolli [phone]: Canda [14:5:56] Giancarlos Octavio: (( siapa gabisa? )) [14:5:56] 911: Crime: [ mesin Cabbie saya rusak gara di tembakin yang pake sultan hitam pak mobil kalau pelkau ke tangkep ganti rugi ] [14:5:56] 911: Reporter: [ Ghassan Musson ] Phone: [ 611130 ] [14:5:57] Giancarlos Octavio: (( saya ya )) [14:6:3] Tom Olivier: (( saya gabisa inggris pak )) [14:6:6] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Kelvyn_Stuart ] Phone: [ 123000 ] [14:6:6] Message: Selamat siang, saya ingin membayar administration CGC, apakah ada unit yang tersedia? [14:6:8] Giancarlos Octavio: (( gampang )) [14:6:13] Giancarlos Octavio: (( main game aja terus )) [14:6:15] Aamory Achiolli: (( Ayok Pak Adu B inggris )) [14:6:19] Tom Olivier: (( mantap )) [14:6:21] Aamory Achiolli: (( Ayok Pak Adu B inggris Sama Aku )) [14:6:27] Aamory Achiolli says: Aye...What's Sup Nigga? [14:6:29] Tom Olivier says: yeh jangan sombong bro baju putih. [14:6:33] Aamory Achiolli says: Ga [14:6:36] Tom Olivier says: anjing malah nigga [14:6:36] Vincent Lee: (( bikin goblok main game terus tolol )) [14:6:38] Tom Olivier says: haha [14:6:43] Aamory Achiolli: (( Cuman Belajar wkwowkwo )) [14:6:45] [RADIO] PO-II Zlyeth Stottlemeyer: 2-LINCOLN-2 10-99 from CODE-7 resuming status 4. [14:6:45] Giancarlos Octavio says: Nigga? [14:6:49] Aamory Achiolli says: Eh [14:6:51] Giancarlos Octavio says: You look me like nigga [14:6:52] Giancarlos Octavio says: ? [14:6:54] Aamory Achiolli says: Aye...What's Sup Dude/ [14:6:55] Tom Olivier: (( mixxing )) [14:6:56] Aamory Achiolli says: Aye...What's Sup Dude? [14:6:59] Aamory Achiolli says: )) [14:7:0] Giancarlos Octavio says: Uhmm [14:7:10] Aamory Achiolli says: I'M Sorry [14:7:15] * Giancarlos Octavio Show his appearance to Aamory [14:7:18] Giancarlos Octavio says: Look at me [14:7:22] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}You've installed mod {FFFF00}X-Flow Roof Vent 'Sultan' {FFFFFF}on {00FFFF}Sultan [14:7:27] Giancarlos Octavio says: Iam IC 1 bruh [14:7:40] Aamory Achiolli: (( Ujung Sampe Ujung kagak ngarti wkwowkwow )) [14:7:47] Giancarlos Octavio says: What do you think about IC 1? [14:7:47] Aamory Achiolli says: haha [14:7:53] done. ((Vincent Lee)) [14:7:56] Aamory Achiolli: (( nggak ngarti maaf )) [14:7:57] Vincent Lee says: Cepet [14:7:57] Aamory Achiolli: (( wkwowko )) [14:7:58] Vincent Lee says: Lama [14:8:3] ERROR: You must be on foot to use this command! [14:8:3] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [14:8:5] Tom Olivier says: bos ! [14:8:11] Vincent Lee Shouts: Ikutin gua! [14:8:12] Tom Olivier says: Lee [14:8:14] Vincent Lee says: Apa [14:8:14] Tom Olivier says: gimana gua? [14:8:17] Tom Olivier says: anjer [14:8:21] (( PM to [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: tembakin unit gw )) [14:8:23] (( PM to [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: tembakin unit gw )) [14:8:23] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [14:8:25] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Sultan (plate: FN125GS) going 75 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Flint Intersection [14:8:27] (( PM from [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: the fuck you sat )) [14:8:31] (( PM to [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: gc kontol )) [14:8:33] (( PM from [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: just ceburin to river )) [14:8:42] (( PM from [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: fuckin up )) [14:8:42] (( PM to [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: cepet )) [14:8:46] (( PM to [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: halah pepek )) [14:9:4] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Cabbie (plate: NO HAVE) going 54 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Flint Intersection [14:9:4] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Cabbie (plate: NO HAVE) going 54 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Flint Intersection [14:9:4] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (435957) [14:9:4] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Transfer aja dong sayang. [14:9:7] Giancarlos Octavio says: I will report you to high command [14:9:11] Giancarlos Octavio says: For what you do to Unit [14:9:19] Vincent Lee says: Berisik kontol [14:9:22] Vincent Lee says: Gua tembak lu pepek [14:9:25] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (435957) [14:9:25] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}aku udah nuggu kamu ber jam jam,eh kamu malah tinggalin aku :( [14:9:26] Giancarlos Octavio says: Do you think can buy some unit like that? [14:9:33] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [14:9:33] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 435957 [14:9:33] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Aku lagi ngejar robber [14:9:35] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Gracious Esquevelle: 1-ADAM-1 Taking Code 7 '20 Pizza stack [14:9:35] (( PM from [58] Geoger_Cooper: Bales Wa )) [14:9:38] Giancarlos Octavio says: Just one can make it [14:9:38] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (435957) [14:9:38] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}oke dah. [14:9:41] Giancarlos Octavio says: SAPD [14:9:43] (( PM to [58] Geoger_Cooper: siapa pulak ini )) [14:9:44] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Cabbie (plate: NO HAVE) going 33 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Flint Intersection [14:9:45] Vincent Lee says: Bawel [14:9:46] [RADIO] PO-II Zlyeth Stottlemeyer: 2-LINCOLN-2 on 10-55 with 10-60 White Cabbie 10-20 Persing Square CODE 4. [14:9:49] (( PM from [58] Geoger_Cooper: gua Lukman )) [14:9:50] Giancarlos Octavio says: The fuck did you do to that unit [14:9:54] Vincent Lee says: Berisik [14:10:0] Giancarlos Octavio says: What you say? [14:10:4] Giancarlos Octavio says: I fuck you ass [14:10:9] Giancarlos Octavio says: Cause iam gay [14:10:10] Vincent Lee: (( alah si kontol ini sok inggris pepek )) [14:10:15] EJECTINFO: Anda telah dikeluarkan dari kendaraan! [14:10:22] (( PM to [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: hehee )) [14:10:26] (( PM to [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: makasih loh ya )) [14:10:32] Giancarlos Octavio says: Fast [14:10:40] Vincent Lee says: Anjing kenapa ditendang gua [14:10:42] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 62 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Santa Maria Beach [14:10:42] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 62 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Santa Maria Beach [14:10:52] Giancarlos Octavio says: That assigment [14:10:54] Giancarlos Octavio says: For you [14:10:58] Vincent Lee says: Pala kau [14:11:5] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Sell Rumah Di ELS 3ruangan Lahan parkir Luas MURAH JUAL BUTUH Or Trade with Elegy atau yang lain Hub: [14:11:5] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Brooklyn_Olsen{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}593959{FF0000}] [14:11:6] Vincent Lee says: Ga ada nendang nendang orang babi [14:11:13] (( PM from [58] Geoger_Cooper: yeee _- )) [14:11:19] (( PM to [58] Geoger_Cooper: serius siapa? )) [14:11:26] (( PM to [58] Geoger_Cooper: PELNI ? OKAWKOAWKOWA )) [14:11:32] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Sadler (plate: WL706IT) going 47 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Santa Maria Beach [14:11:53] (( PM from [58] Geoger_Cooper: Iyaaaaaaa anjir :( )) [14:12:8] * Vincent Lee take m4 from front of body using both hands and ready to shoot. [14:12:10] fail ((Vincent Lee)) [14:12:12] (( PM from [58] Geoger_Cooper: Baca wa )) [14:12:15] Vincent Lee: (( kowakoawok bisa anjg:v )) [14:12:24] Giancarlos Octavio: (( RP robber )) [14:12:26] Giancarlos Octavio: (( Gblok )) [14:12:27] Vincent Lee: (( bukan kontol:v )) [14:12:31] Vincent Lee: (( biarin lah anjing )) [14:12:32] Vincent Lee: (( pusing koawkoawawo )) [14:12:58] 911: Crime: [ mobil mesin cabbie saya udah rusak nih saya di mc sekarang ] [14:12:58] 911: Reporter: [ Ghassan Musson ] Phone: [ 611130 ] [14:13:28] (( PM from [58] Geoger_Cooper: Nandikaaaaaaaaaaa )) [14:13:30] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Giancarlos Octavio: 1-ADAM-2 taking Code 7 for eat, 10-20 Tavo's Restaurant, binewood [14:13:36] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Giancarlos Octavio: Vinewood i mean [14:13:55] [RADIO] PO-II Zlyeth Stottlemeyer: 2-LINCOLN-2 10-99 from 10-55 resuming status 4. [14:14:36] 911: Crime: [ Saya baru saja di rampok oleh sanchez hitam 2 orang di ladang umum. ] [14:14:36] 911: Reporter: [ Felipe Chicote ] Phone: [ 247222 ] [14:14:37] (( PM to [58] Geoger_Cooper: bentar ngapa )) [14:14:38] * Vincent Lee take m4 from front of body using both hands and ready to shoot. [14:14:46] [RADIO] PO-II Zlyeth Stottlemeyer: 2-LINCOLN-2 on last niner. [14:15:13] * Vincent Lee slots his m4 into front of body using both hands. [14:15:14] * Vincent Lee draws .44 from his holster on ultility belt. [14:15:15] * Vincent Lee slots .44 into his holster on ultility belt. [14:15:17] Vincent Lee: (( waokowa )) [14:15:30] Giancarlos Octavio: (( dasar robber )) [14:15:34] Vincent Lee says: Ayo kita ke niner [14:15:36] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Kelvyn_Stuart ] Phone: [ 123000 ] [14:15:36] Message: Selamat siang, saya ingin menyelesaikan administration CGC, apakah ada TEU? [14:15:38] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Milagros Covarrubias: Prob. Sergeant 7960 reporting onduty from Metropolitan Headquarter. [14:15:47] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: 1-ADAM-2 on last niner. [14:15:49] AdmCmd: Justin_Harvey has been kicked by Regency. [14:15:49] Reason: ATIP [14:15:57] Giancarlos Octavio says: Just one unit [14:16:2] Vincent Lee says: Gapapa [14:16:10] Giancarlos Octavio says: When need backup [14:16:13] Vincent Lee says: Lama jalan kontolllllllllll [14:16:13] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[JUAL] Rumah 3 ruangan full furniture | Minat? sms: | Loc: Depan dealer Jefferson. [14:16:13] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Daawood_Hammoud{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}88888888{FF0000}] [14:16:15] Giancarlos Octavio says: We must go assisting [14:16:39] Giancarlos Octavio: (( Ts )) [14:16:43] ERROR: Nomor yang anda hubungi sedang sibuk [14:16:46] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 55 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Flint Intersection [14:16:46] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 55 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Flint Intersection [14:16:47] Vincent Lee: (( gabosa )) [14:16:48] Vincent Lee: (( gabisa )) [14:17:5] ERROR: Nomor yang anda hubungi sedang sibuk [14:17:19] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [14:17:19] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 247222 [14:17:19] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}orangnya kemana [14:17:25] Vincent Lee says: Ini [14:17:26] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (247222) [14:17:26] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}ke arah atas lladang umum [14:17:41] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [14:17:41] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 247222 [14:17:41] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Motornya ada niuh [14:17:44] Vincent Lee says: Ke motor itu [14:17:50] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (247222) [14:17:50] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}itu motor saya [14:17:56] Vincent Lee says: Dimana [14:17:57] Felipe Chicote [phone]: Itu motor saya. [14:18:0] Felipe Chicote [phone]: Ke arah atas. [14:18:4] Vincent Lee says: Oke [14:18:9] Felipe Chicote [phone]: Ke sana. [14:18:11] Vincent Lee says: Shotfired? [14:18:16] Vincent Lee says: Dia nembak? [14:18:16] Felipe Chicote [phone]: Tidak menembak. [14:18:18] Vincent Lee says: Ok [14:18:21] Felipe Chicote [phone]: Tapi menodongkan dan merampok. [14:18:24] Vincent Lee Says [car]: cepet kontol [14:18:28] Felipe Chicote [phone]: Warna hitam. [14:18:29] Vincent Lee says: Oke thanks [14:18:43] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [14:18:43] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 247222 [14:18:43] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}2 orang kan [14:18:51] Vincent Lee says: Lumberjack maybe adjudant [14:18:54] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (247222) [14:18:54] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}iya pak [14:18:59] Vincent Lee says: Lets go [14:19:26] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Jual rumah 1garasi @Anglepine Parkiran luas FullFurniture [14:19:26] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Aleksei_Bladimir{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}114242{FF0000}] [14:19:37] Vincent Lee says: )0 [14:19:38] Vincent Lee says: )) [14:19:40] (( PM to [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: woi )) [14:19:48] (( PM to [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: kepencet anjing )) [14:19:56] Giancarlos Octavio says: What the fucking yo doing [14:19:59] (( PM from [58] Geoger_Cooper: iyaa :( )) [14:20:3] Vincent Lee: (( bentar )) [14:20:5] 911: Crime: [ Ada perampokan di Grand farm dia menuju kearah lumber memakai sancez 2 orang yang 1 perempuan ] [14:20:5] 911: Reporter: [ Farrell Rucker ] Phone: [ 666002 ] [14:20:6] Vincent Lee: (( ga bisa db asu )) [14:20:7] Vincent Lee: (( cobaaaaa )) [14:20:11] Vincent Lee: (( woi turun bentar )) [14:20:11] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [14:20:19] Vincent Lee: (( dah )) [14:20:20] Vincent Lee says: Ke Grand [14:20:22] Vincent Lee says: Ke Grandfarm [14:20:27] Vincent Lee says: Belakang [14:20:29] Vincent Lee says: Mau kemana [14:20:29] Giancarlos Octavio says: menuju lumber [14:20:30] Giancarlos Octavio says: Goblok [14:20:35] Giancarlos Octavio says: Shut the fuck up [14:20:35] Vincent Lee says: Ini kemana? tolol [14:20:35] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Jual rumah 1garasi @Anglepine Parkiran luas FullFurniture [14:20:35] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Aleksei_Bladimir{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}114242{FF0000}] [14:20:43] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 50 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Flint County [14:20:43] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 50 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Flint County [14:20:59] Vincent Lee says: Itu [14:20:59] Vincent Lee says: Coba [14:21:1] Vincent Lee says: Tanya [14:21:3] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 69 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Flint County [14:21:3] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 66 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Flint County [14:21:32] Vincent Lee Says [car]: TOLOL GAJELAS DIA ANJING [14:21:36] Giancarlos Octavio Says [car]: siapa [14:21:39] Vincent Lee Says [car]: Itu adam [14:21:43] Vincent Lee Says [car]: Asal barbar [14:21:43] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Jual rumah 3ruangan @Idlewood ada lahan parkir furniture banyak digudang minat SMS [14:21:43] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Aleksei_Bladimir{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}114242{FF0000}] [14:21:49] Giancarlos Octavio: (( hee )) [14:21:54] Vincent Lee: (( paan s:v )) [14:22:6] Giancarlos Octavio says: where the fucking robber [14:22:20] Vincent Lee says: If we found they [14:22:23] Vincent Lee says: DB? [14:22:26] Vincent Lee says: Bahaha [14:22:29] Giancarlos Octavio says: Tolol [14:22:42] Gracious Esquevelle says: Ngapain dsiini semua [14:22:49] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: Siren off please. [14:22:52] Giancarlos Octavio says: If the robber do DB First [14:22:56] Vincent Lee says: Okeeee sayang [14:22:58] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 38 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Flint County [14:22:58] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 38 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Flint County [14:22:58] Vincent Lee says: BACOT KAMU [14:23:0] Giancarlos Octavio says: We must DB back [14:23:8] Vincent Lee says: BB Coba [14:23:22] Vincent Lee says: Sini lah gua bawa [14:23:23] Giancarlos Octavio: (( wait )) [14:23:23] Vincent Lee says: TOLL [14:23:24] Vincent Lee says: TOLOL [14:23:50] Giancarlos Octavio says: Yang bar bar siapa? [14:23:51] Giancarlos Octavio says: Lu kan [14:23:53] Vincent Lee says: Lu [14:23:53] Giancarlos Octavio says: Anying [14:23:53] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 67 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Flint County [14:23:55] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 64 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Flint County [14:23:55] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 64 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Flint County [14:23:59] Giancarlos Octavio says: Keep calm [14:24:5] Giancarlos Octavio says: kita bukan mau payback gangster [14:24:9] Giancarlos Octavio says: Ingat kita Polisi [14:24:16] Giancarlos Octavio says: To protect and serve [14:24:16] Vincent Lee says: Aku mantan preman los santos [14:24:22] Vincent Lee says: Sukak aku lah [14:24:31] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 81 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Red County [14:24:34] TOLL: {FFFFFF}Used 1 toll card point to pay toll access. [14:24:35] ERROR: Please wait untill the gate is closed! [14:24:43] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 83 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Red County [14:24:43] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 83 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Red County [14:24:45] Giancarlos Octavio says: What the bullet you use to your m4? [14:24:58] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 64 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Blueberry Acres [14:24:58] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 64 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Blueberry Acres [14:25:1] Vincent Lee says: Normal bullet [14:25:22] AdmCmd: Anthony_Aylmer has been warned by daviazhar, Total warning: 6 [14:25:22] Reason: Metagaming via PM [14:25:27] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Kelvyn_Stuart ] Phone: [ 123000 ] [14:25:27] Message: TEU, Saya ingin membacar CGC dong. [14:25:31] (( PM to [54] daviazhar: akowakowa )) [14:25:35] (( PM to [54] daviazhar: galak anying:v )) [14:25:36] [RADIO] PO-II Zlyeth Stottlemeyer: 2-LINCOLN-2 assisting TAC-ONE [14:25:40] AdmCmd: daviazhar has jailed Anthony_Aylmer for 60 minute(s) [14:25:40] Reason: Metagaming via PM [14:25:46] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Jual rumah 2 garasi @Palomino 87K! [14:25:46] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Tom_Heinz{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}24242424{FF0000}] [14:25:49] (( Vincent Lee: tarik gua ke grup tac-1 )) [14:25:57] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 66 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Hampton Barns [14:25:57] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 57 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Hampton Barns [14:25:59] (( Vincent Lee: some one:v )) [14:26:36] * Budi Ramdhan bersyukur ada polisi [14:26:40] {ff0000}daviazhar: {ffffff}(( gmn ini. )) [14:26:41] * Vincent Lee take m4 from front of body using both hands and ready to shoot. [14:26:43] {ff0000}daviazhar: {ffffff}(( emang ada 911 sih. )) [14:26:43] * Vincent Lee slots his m4 into front of body using both hands. [14:26:45] Mask 860863: (( yaudah ini memperlambat RP dav )) [14:26:49] Mask 860863: (( Gua ada chatlog )) [14:26:50] {ff0000}daviazhar: {ffffff}(( Memperlambat gmn )) [14:26:50] Gracious Esquevelle: (( fail rp? )) [14:26:54] * Vincent Lee draws .44 from his holster on ultility belt. [14:26:55] Mask 860863: (( Kasih unjuk chatlog )) [14:26:57] Mask 860863: (( steff )) [14:26:58] Gracious Esquevelle: (( with pd gimana? )) [14:27:0] * Zlyeth Stottlemeyer unslings his Glock.17 from holster at utility belt with right hand, reloading and puts his finger on [14:27:0] the triger [14:27:0] Mask 518854: (( Ini ada PD admin, siapa tau dia bisa /spec )) [14:27:4] Mask 860863: (( kalo ama PD re-rp aja )) [14:27:9] (( PM to [41] Zlyeth_Stottlemeyer: kurang panjang )) [14:27:10] Mask 860863: (( tapi ini orang )) [14:27:12] Mask 860863: (( memperlambat )) [14:27:13] {ff0000}daviazhar: {ffffff}(( masih lvl 3 si )) [14:27:13] Gracious Esquevelle: (( gw dari jauh ye )) [14:27:15] Budi Ramdhan: (( sebenernya kan kalau dirobery pelaku bisa aja panik )) [14:27:18] Vincent Lee says: )) [14:27:29] {ff0000}daviazhar: {ffffff}(( jgn memperlambat )) [14:27:30] Mask 860863: (( Mau gua kasih unjuk berapa menit dia memperlambat? )) [14:27:32] Gracious Esquevelle: (( re-rp apa gimana? )) [14:27:36] Mask 860863: (( 3 menit lebih )) [14:27:38] {ff0000}daviazhar: {ffffff}(( re-rp pelapor sama si budi )) [14:27:38] Budi Ramdhan: (( ya ampun )) [14:27:39] {ff0000}daviazhar: {ffffff}(( sana pd )) [14:27:39] Mask 518854: (( PD PD yang admin mungkin /spec )) [14:27:46] Mask 860863: (( oawkowkwao )) [14:27:47] * Zlyeth Stottlemeyer slings his Glock.17 to holster at utility belt [14:27:47] Mask 860863: (( pea )) [14:27:48] Budi Ramdhan: (( dari mana re rp )) [14:27:50] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Jual rumah 3ruangan furni banyak digudang ada lahan parkir @Idlewood minat SMS [14:27:50] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Aleksei_Bladimir{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}114242{FF0000}] [14:27:50] Vincent Lee: (( unit gua owi )) [14:27:56] (( Vincent Lee: astaga )) [14:28:1] (( Vincent Lee: ditinggal pulak gua )) [14:28:8] (( Vincent Lee: jahat klen )) [14:28:9] (( Milagros Covarrubias: re-rp menit 14:30 )) [14:28:11] (( Gracious Esquevelle: bentar )) [14:28:18] Mask 860863 says: pea dah lu [14:28:24] Budi Ramdhan: (( kan dari nerob )) [14:28:26] Mask 518854: (( kan tadi sebelum OOC an )) [14:28:27] Vincent Lee says: Gua bawa [14:28:32] Mask 860863 says: lu memperlambat di cigar [14:29:3] Giancarlos Octavio: (( oe tempat kita bukan disini tadi )) [14:29:5] Giancarlos Octavio: (( stupid )) [14:29:10] Vincent Lee: (( sabar )) [14:29:19] Vincent Lee: (( ngegas qontolo )) [14:29:27] Giancarlos Octavio: (( ts )) [14:29:29] (( Gracious Esquevelle: itu id berapa tadi zhar )) [14:29:31] Vincent Lee: (( gabisa )) [14:29:33] Vincent Lee says: w [14:29:33] Vincent Lee says: )) [14:29:34] (( Milagros_Covarrubias: aurora )) [14:29:35] (( Gracious Esquevelle: tanya udah rp belom )) [14:29:44] Giancarlos Octavio: (( nah sini aja )) [14:29:45] (( Gracious Esquevelle: id 17? )) [14:29:53] Giancarlos Octavio: (( woe belum )) [14:29:54] Giancarlos Octavio: (( diem dulu )) [14:29:58] Giancarlos Octavio: (( gajelas anjir )) [14:30:0] Giancarlos Octavio: (( tungguin )) [14:30:3] Vincent Lee: (( selow pepek )) [14:30:3] (( Milagros Covarrubias: dah, gas RP nya. )) [14:30:28] Vincent Lee says: What the fuck [14:30:33] Giancarlos Octavio Says [car]: Tinggalin aja [14:30:34] Budi Ramdhan: (( matie )) [14:30:35] Giancarlos Octavio Says [car]: fokus [14:30:36] Vincent Lee: (( cut /b )) [14:30:52] [RADIO] Commander Samuel Lockhart: Commander 1501 reporting for on duty. [14:30:58] [RADIO] Commander Samuel Lockhart: Commander 1501 start of watch under 7-KING-1. [14:31:0] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 64 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Red County [14:31:0] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 64 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Red County [14:31:1] ERROR: That player is blocking PM! [14:31:4] (( Vincent Lee: bang samuel )) [14:31:9] (( Samuel Lockhart: ya )) [14:31:18] (( Vincent Lee: itu ts ku jadiin biar bisa masuk channel dong )) [14:31:22] (( Vincent Lee: ts baru soalnya punya ku )) [14:31:27] Vincent Lee: (( kowawako ngomong aku kamu biar ga di omelin:v )) [14:31:31] (( Samuel Lockhart: request dulu di forum )) [14:31:33] AdmCmd: Brooklyn_Olsen has been kicked by daviazhar. [14:31:33] Reason: ATIP [direport] [14:31:33] (( Giancarlos Octavio: login pake akun ts lama )) [14:31:39] (( Vincent Lee: udah di request )) [14:31:41] (( Samuel Lockhart: ya itu juga bisa )) [14:31:47] (( Vincent Lee: akun lama gabisa, ga pake akun itu wkkw )) [14:31:52] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 42 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Red County [14:31:52] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 45 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Red County [14:31:53] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 52 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Red County [14:31:53] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 52 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Red County [14:32:5] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 41 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Red County [14:32:5] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 36 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Red County [14:32:34] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 38 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Red County [14:32:34] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 39 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Red County [14:32:41] Vincent Lee: (( nonrp drive kali dia awkoawokwa )) [14:32:44] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 45 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Red County [14:32:44] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 49 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Red County [14:33:25] (( Vincent Lee: makasih bang :D )) [14:33:39] Vincent Lee: (( t )) [14:33:39] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [14:33:41] Vincent Lee: (( ts )) [14:33:46] Giancarlos Octavio: (( AP 1 )) [14:34:15] Vincent Lee: (( bawa )) [14:34:19] Vincent Lee: (( gua setting dulu )) [14:34:26] Vincent Lee: (( pepek ga ada suaranya )) [14:34:39] Vincent Lee: (( pepek ga ada suaranya )) [14:34:41] Vincent Lee: (( woi )) [14:35:4] Vincent Lee: (( pepek )) [14:35:11] Vincent Lee: (( bawa anjg )) [14:35:15] Giancarlos Octavio: (( ngomong )) [14:35:20] Vincent Lee: (( ga ada suara babi )) [14:35:26] Giancarlos Octavio: (( suara gw ada? )) [14:35:29] Vincent Lee: (( tapi kalo gua getok keyboard kedengaran )) [14:35:31] Vincent Lee: (( suara gua ga ada )) [14:35:36] Giancarlos Octavio: (( suara gw ada ga? )) [14:35:52] Vincent Lee: (( laptop kentod )) [14:35:52] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 61 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Las Colinas [14:35:52] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 61 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Las Colinas [14:35:57] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Gracious_Humble ] Phone: [ 6065989 ] [14:35:57] Message: Police tolong datang KE CJ Ada Perampokan [14:36:1] Giancarlos Octavio: (( TS android? )) [14:36:3] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[JUAL] Rumah Idlewood 2 lantai 5 ruangan minat? HUB: [14:36:3] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Geraldo_Mouta{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}985985{FF0000}] [14:36:6] Giancarlos Octavio: (( barusan ada suara lu )) [14:36:7] Vincent Lee: (( ts laptop )) [14:36:10] Giancarlos Octavio: (( "woi" )) [14:36:23] Giancarlos Octavio: (( setting activation sound nya )) [14:36:47] Giancarlos Octavio: (( oalah lu gapake headphonya atau earphone ya )) [14:36:49] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 36 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Playa del Seville [14:36:49] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 36 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Playa del Seville [14:36:51] AdmCmd: daviazhar has released Anthony_Aylmer from Admin Jail [14:36:57] Vincent Lee: (( pake:( )) [14:37:4] AdmCmd: daviazhar has removed 1 warning(s) from Anthony_Aylmer, Total warning: 5 [14:37:5] Giancarlos Octavio: (( deketin mic lu )) [14:37:5] Vincent Lee: (( tapi buat colokan microphonenya ga ada )) [14:37:7] Vincent Lee: (( okwakowao pepek )) [14:37:8] Giancarlos Octavio: (( kalo ngomong )) [14:37:10] Helper daviazhar: Missunderstanding. [14:37:43] Giancarlos Octavio: (( suara gw ada? )) [14:37:48] Brooklyn Olsen says: Apa? [14:37:49] Yordy Spijkerman says: Mundur dikit deh. [14:37:52] done ((Tae Yoon)) [14:37:57] Brooklyn Olsen says: Kenapa emang? [14:37:58] Vincent Lee: (( ada )) [14:37:59] Xaevan Burnett says: Mesin BodY? [14:38:3] * Xaevan Burnett examine vehicle [14:38:8] Giancarlos Octavio says: Iya mesin bodi [14:38:14] * Xaevan Burnett open hood car use right hands [14:38:15] * Xaevan Burnett examine veh [14:38:23] Xaevan Burnett says: Saya dulu pak [14:38:28] * Carlo Stevenson examines veh with mech tools [14:38:45] Xaevan Burnett says: $20 pak [14:38:57] * Giancarlos Octavio hands money to Xaevan [14:39:8] * Xaevan Burnett received his money from Gian [14:39:22] * Xaevan Burnett fix engine use mechanic tools and component, slowly [14:39:58] Xaevan Burnett: (( anjir semenjak vakum udh bnyk update )) [14:40:14] * Xaevan Burnett repairing bumper car use mechanic tools [14:40:18] Yordy Spijkerman: (( Biar makin jaya nih game. )) [14:40:45] Yordy Spijkerman says: Ini udah di upgrade mobil nya? [14:40:54] done ((Xaevan Burnett)) [14:41:3] Xaevan Burnett says: Thank's for money sir. [14:41:3] Yordy Spijkerman says: Tuh lagi. [14:41:6] Xaevan Burnett says: Come back to MC [14:41:11] Yordy Spijkerman says: Again. [14:41:13] Yordy Spijkerman says: See yaa. [14:41:23] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Sell]Hustler 3insu 4up,minat? [14:41:23] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Reus_Mccady{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}555700{FF0000}] [14:41:45] {ff0000}javaID: {ffffff}(( Oke sebentar saya lagi mencoba memahami penjelasan kamu )) [14:41:45] Roosevelt Hampton: (( saya juga rp dulu ngingetin wajah dia supaya gak MG )) [14:41:48] Giancarlos Octavio: (( OOC an lagi )) [14:41:50] Vincent Lee: (( OOC TEROSS )) [14:41:50] Giancarlos Octavio: (( hadeuh )) [14:41:52] Ghassan Musson: (( [13:57:38] Roosevelt Hampton says: Woi )) [14:41:53] {ff0000}javaID: {ffffff}(( woi )) [14:41:56] Mask 642957 says: bang vin [14:41:58] Vincent Lee: (( apa )) [14:41:58] Jamarcus Washington: (( apasih )) [14:42:0] Mask 642957 says: bang vin [14:42:2] Mask 642957 says: bang vin [14:42:10] Mask 642957 says: apa kabar bang vin [14:42:20] Vincent Lee says: Paan [14:42:24] Vincent Lee says: Buka topeng [14:42:28] * Mask 642957 membuka mask [14:42:32] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[JUAL] Rumah 3 ruangan full furniture | Minat? sms: | Loc: Depan dealer Jefferson - 4k Net. [14:42:32] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Daawood_Hammoud{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}88888888{FF0000}] [14:42:34] Damian Hancock says: saya bang vin [14:42:34] Giancarlos Octavio says: Pinjem sepeda dong [14:42:34] WARNING: Weapon size modification will not be saved, please do not report this as a bug! [14:42:50] Damian Hancock says: whahahahaa [14:42:50] Mask 935664 says: Woi vicent [14:42:55] Mask 935664 says: Masih inget gue gak [14:42:57] Vincent Lee says: Ga [14:42:57] * Mask 935664 unwear mask [14:43:0] Vincent Lee says: Lu pake masker [14:43:2] Aimoo Archenhaud says: Toeh. [14:43:6] Damian Hancock says: bang vin ada sedikit rezeki whahahah [14:43:6] Vincent Lee says: Siapa anjer [14:43:10] * Aimoo Archenhaud melihat vicent [14:43:12] Aimoo Archenhaud says: Njir dah rank 2 [14:43:15] Vincent Lee says: Udah adjudant [14:43:20] Aimoo Archenhaud says: Ler. [14:43:22] Giancarlos Octavio says: bayar [14:43:24] Aimoo Archenhaud says: Mantul dah bangsat. [14:43:35] * Mask 935664 wear mask again [14:44:15] AdmCmd: wakdolaa has jailed Roderigo_Archibaldo for 3000 minute(s) [14:44:15] Reason: CK'ed. [14:46:43] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Kelvyn_Stuart ] Phone: [ 123000 ] [14:46:43] Message: TEU, Saya ingin membayar administration CGC apakah bisa? [14:46:45] Giancarlos Octavio: (( ITU CALLSIGN NYA GANTI WOI )) [14:46:57] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Reus_Mccady ] Phone: [ 555700 ] [14:46:57] Message: ada police officer yang bisa angkut saya buat ride along? [14:47:4] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 48 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Red County [14:47:4] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 48 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Red County [14:47:18] (( PM from [45] Aimoo_Archenhaud: woi cuk )) [14:47:22] (( PM from [45] Aimoo_Archenhaud: mo asell ga )) [14:47:23] (( PM to [45] Aimoo_Archenhaud: sapa )) [14:47:26] (( PM from [45] Aimoo_Archenhaud: mo asell ga? )) [14:47:29] (( PM from [45] Aimoo_Archenhaud: tpi ga garasi )) [14:47:50] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Milagros Covarrubias: 1-METRO-1, GCLU please respond fiver who went to passed an Administration of CGC's license. [14:48:0] [RADIO] Prob. Detective Kendrick Alvarez: Prob. Detective 6870 is now on duty. [14:48:5] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Gracious Esquevelle: GCLU Trainee 10094 on fivers. [14:48:22] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Dicari garasi priavte budged 30k ada? [14:48:22] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Aimoo_Archenhaud{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}99111{FF0000}] [14:48:49] (( PM to [45] Aimoo_Archenhaud: lu sapa anjir )) [14:48:53] PHONE: {FFFFFF}Calling {00FFFF}number 99111{FFFFFF}, please wait for answer! [14:48:56] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telepon telah dijawab. [14:48:56] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Gunakan chat biasa untuk berkomunikasi lewat telpon, '/h' untuk menutup telpon. [14:48:58] Vincent Lee [phone]: 30k Net [14:49:0] Vincent Lee [phone]: Rumah di marina [14:49:7] (( PM from [45] Aimoo_Archenhaud: au a lupa ama orang sombong )) [14:49:8] Caller [phone]: coba liat [14:49:14] Vincent Lee [phone]: Rumah 1 garasi [14:49:27] (( PM to [45] Aimoo_Archenhaud: sumpah lu siapa anjir )) [14:49:37] Caller [phone]: Coba liat [14:49:37] Vincent Lee [phone]: Sini ketemuan di marina burger [14:49:40] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 61 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Blueberry Acres [14:49:40] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 61 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Blueberry Acres [14:49:42] Caller [phone]: Mana lu [14:49:46] (( PM from [45] Aimoo_Archenhaud: ya intinya gua tau lu )) [14:49:48] Vincent Lee [phone]: OTW Marina burger [14:49:51] (( PM to [45] Aimoo_Archenhaud: guanya engga )) [14:49:58] [RADIO] Prob. Detective Kendrick Alvarez: Prob. Detective 6870 clocking in under 7-UNION-1 from CI HQ. [14:49:59] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 49 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Red County [14:49:59] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 42 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Red County [14:50:0] Giancarlos Octavio: (( Pffttt )) [14:50:4] (( PM from [45] Aimoo_Archenhaud: yasudah gua emng suka di lupain ama seseorang )) [14:50:13] (( PM to [45] Aimoo_Archenhaud: dih lu siapa? wkwk )) [14:50:17] (( PM from [45] Aimoo_Archenhaud: au dah )) [14:50:32] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Sultan (plate: VG393OB) going 39 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Flint Intersection [14:50:32] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Sultan (plate: VG393OB) going 39 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Flint Intersection [14:50:34] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 50 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Flint Intersection [14:50:34] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 50 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Flint Intersection [14:50:35] (( PM from [45] Aimoo_Archenhaud: intinya lu mau asell ga )) [14:50:41] Caller [phone]: ada lahan parkri ga [14:50:43] (( PM to [45] Aimoo_Archenhaud: nama lu siapa dulu:( )) [14:50:44] Vincent Lee [phone]: Dikit [14:50:47] (( PM from [45] Aimoo_Archenhaud: muhammad deni )) [14:50:50] Caller [phone]: ga dah [14:50:52] Telepon terputus... [14:50:58] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 35 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Santa Maria Beach [14:50:58] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 35 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Santa Maria Beach [14:51:2] (( PM from [45] Aimoo_Archenhaud: lu mau ga asell ga mau gua kash orang ni )) [14:51:7] (( PM to [45] Aimoo_Archenhaud: asell dimana? )) [14:51:14] (( PM from [45] Aimoo_Archenhaud: ada 2 si tapi ga garasi )) [14:51:19] (( PM to [45] Aimoo_Archenhaud: dimanae )) [14:51:25] (( PM from [45] Aimoo_Archenhaud: 99111 )) [14:52:4] (( PM from [45] Aimoo_Archenhaud: mane telpon )) [14:52:26] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] House di sebelah GYM ELS 2 Ruangan fullfurniture ada lahan parkir pribadi, minat call or sms [14:52:26] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Reville_Southwell{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}901030{FF0000}] [14:52:39] Mask 935664: (( sini )) [14:52:41] Mask 935664: (( asell )) [14:52:45] Aimoo Archenhaud: (( yeh di sirine )) [14:52:47] Giancarlos Octavio: (( marina pasti )) [14:52:47] Vincent Lee: (( owakow )) [14:52:50] Aimoo Archenhaud: (( iye )) [14:52:55] Aimoo Archenhaud: (( sama di temple juga ada )) [14:52:58] Giancarlos Octavio: (( temple aja )) [14:53:0] Vincent Lee: (( temple aja )) [14:53:1] Giancarlos Octavio: (( mana )) [14:53:1] Aimoo Archenhaud: (( ni )) [14:53:27] Aimoo Archenhaud: (( ni )) [14:53:34] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] House di sebelah GYM ELS 2 Ruangan fullfurniture ada lahan parkir pribadi, minat call or sms [14:53:34] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Reville_Southwell{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}901030{FF0000}] [14:53:34] Giancarlos Octavio: (( blom di restart )) [14:53:55] Aimoo Archenhaud: (( mau ga )) [14:54:18] Aimoo Archenhaud: (( kpn lgi sumpa )) [14:54:25] (( PM from [45] Aimoo_Archenhaud: tar gue cariin lagi )) [14:54:28] (( PM to [45] Aimoo_Archenhaud: siap wkwkw )) [14:54:30] (( PM from [45] Aimoo_Archenhaud: intinya lu tungguin aja )) [14:54:35] (( PM to [45] Aimoo_Archenhaud: siap wkwkw )) [14:54:39] (( PM from [45] Aimoo_Archenhaud: gue mau beli syng duidnya mau beli garasi private )) [14:55:19] (( PM from [45] Aimoo_Archenhaud: ksemepatan jgrp player lgi nurun bnyk rumah ke asell :D )) [14:55:58] [RADIO] Prob. Detective Kendrick Alvarez: 7-UNION-1 CODE 6 Idlewood Complex. [14:56:11] [PD] Prob. Detective Kendrick Alvarez: Police 6870 to Fire. [14:56:42] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [14:57:21] Q:Vincent Lee[3]: cara repair mesin pesawat gimana? [14:57:30] AdmCmd: denrio157 has jailed Clifton_Hall for 2019 minute(s) [14:57:30] Reason: CK [14:57:42] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[JUAL] Pesawat Shamal, kondisi masih bagus | harga? sangat murah dikelasnya yaitu: 5k NET [14:57:42] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Giancarlos_Octavio{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3338{FF0000}] [14:58:14] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Hotring (plate: RBM5) going 67 MPH in 60 MPH limit zone, location: Rodeo [14:58:19] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Taxi (plate: ZW792BK) going 33 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Santa Maria Beach [14:58:19] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Taxi (plate: ZW792BK) going 33 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Santa Maria Beach [14:58:25] [RADIO] Prob. Detective Kendrick Alvarez: Need assistance in Ganton Apartement CODE 3. 7-UNION-1. [14:58:27] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Flatbed (plate: XP043GA) going 31 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Santa Maria Beach [14:58:32] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (435957) [14:58:32] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}sayang? [14:58:36] [RADIO] Commander Samuel Lockhart: 7-KING-1, code-3. [14:58:48] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [14:58:48] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 435957 [14:58:48] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Apa pulak [14:58:51] [RADIO] PO-II Zlyeth Stottlemeyer: 2-LINCOLN-2, CODE-3. [14:58:51] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (435957) [14:58:51] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}16k jeu [14:58:58] [RADIO] Prob. Detective Kendrick Alvarez: Someone bring shotgun enterin Ganton Apartement, 7-UNION-1. [14:59:5] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Sadler (plate: GYMELS) going 72 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Santa Maria Beach [14:59:5] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Sadler (plate: GYMELS) going 72 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Santa Maria Beach [14:59:19] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: 1-ADAM-2, CODE-3 [14:59:31] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Sweeper (plate: NO HAVE) going 20 MPH in 15 MPH limit zone, location: Verdant Bluffs [15:0:24] * Vincent Lee draws .44 from his holster on ultility belt. [15:0:39] Vincent Lee says: )) [15:0:43] (( Vincent Lee: kepencet )) [15:0:45] * Giancarlos Octavio Grabs his Glock 17 from holster and flick safety to OFF [15:0:59] Samuel Lockhart says: Alright, Kendrick. [15:1:2] Samuel Lockhart says: I believe you to lead this one. [15:1:3] Samuel Lockhart says: Go ahead. [15:1:9] Kendrick Alvarez says: Alright. [15:1:20] Kendrick Alvarez says: Ada yang mau masuk tidak? [15:1:25] Giancarlos Octavio says: Uhmm [15:1:26] Kendrick Alvarez says: Satu orang saja. [15:1:38] Vincent Lee says: Saya [15:1:41] Giancarlos Octavio says: Nah [15:1:41] Kendrick Alvarez says: Oke. [15:1:42] Xaevan Burnett says: pak [15:1:42] Giancarlos Octavio says: Silahkan [15:1:45] [RADIO] Commander Samuel Lockhart: All involved unit, please go to TAC-1. [15:1:47] Samuel Lockhart says: Tolong. [15:1:48] Samuel Lockhart says: Menjauh pak. [15:1:48] Xaevan Burnett says: ada tragedi apa di apartement saya? [15:2:4] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (435957) [15:2:4] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}sayanggg ih [15:2:13] Kendrick Alvarez says: Detik 15. [15:2:37] REPORT: {FFFF00}Sepertinya pertanyaan kamu tidak ditanggapi, mungkin staff kami sedang sibuk atau tidak ada [15:2:37] TIP: {FFFFFF}Silahkan gunakan command '{FFFF00}/askbot{FFFFFF}' untuk mencek apakah pertanyaan kamu sudah pernah dijawab [15:2:38] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Gracious Esquevelle: 1-ADAM-1 Assisting TAC-1 [15:2:45] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Milagros Covarrubias: 1-METRO-1, assisting TAC-1. [15:2:47] Samuel Lockhart says: Stack up. [15:3:5] Samuel Lockhart says: Saya bilang apa? [15:3:8] Samuel Lockhart says: Nempel ditembok situ. [15:3:9] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{66FFFF}[SELL/TRADE]Cheetah 3 Insurance and 4 Upgrade Full Modification have 2 Stiker, Interest? Cellphone: [15:3:9] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Bradley_Alvarez{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}270013{FF0000}] [15:3:13] Samuel Lockhart says: Ikutin itu partner partner nya. [15:3:16] Milagros Covarrubias says: What's goin on, Commander? [15:3:22] Milagros Covarrubias says: Need Metropolitan? [15:3:23] Samuel Lockhart says: A male, with shotgun. [15:3:29] Milagros Covarrubias says: Copy. [15:3:31] Samuel Lockhart says: Actually yes, but I dont think.. [15:3:34] Samuel Lockhart says: We need it right now. [15:3:41] Samuel Lockhart says: You want to lead this one, Sergeant? [15:3:42] * Milagros Covarrubias stuck out his handgun from the holster. [15:3:46] Milagros Covarrubias says: Let me in. [15:3:56] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (435957) [15:3:56] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}kamu lagi di apart ganton kan? [15:3:56] Samuel Lockhart says: Alright, Sergeant Covarrubias will take over the charge. [15:3:56] Milagros Covarrubias says: How many suspect at inside? [15:3:59] Samuel Lockhart says: Only one. [15:4:3] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (435957) [15:4:3] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}semangat ya! [15:4:3] Milagros Covarrubias says: OK. [15:4:4] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [15:4:4] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 435957 [15:4:4] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}iya bntr [15:4:7] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (435957) [15:4:7] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}semangat ya... [15:4:19] Milagros Covarrubias says: OK. [15:4:22] Milagros Covarrubias says: Use handgun. [15:4:28] Giancarlos Octavio says: Alright [15:4:37] Milagros Covarrubias says: I am need two officer. [15:4:43] Zlyeth Stottlemeyer: (( relog )) [15:4:43] Milagros Covarrubias says: Lee, Octavio. [15:4:44] Zlyeth_Stottlemeyer telah keluar dari server. (Pergi) [15:4:47] Milagros Covarrubias says: Assist me. [15:4:52] Giancarlos Octavio says: Copy that sergeant [15:4:53] Vincent Lee says: Oke. [15:4:55] Milagros Covarrubias says: Lets go. [15:5:25] (( Milagros Covarrubias: atip suspectnya? )) [15:5:32] (( Vincent Lee: kata siapa )) [15:5:43] (( Gracious Esquevelle: /isafk )) [15:5:52] (( Kendrick Alvarez: engga )) [15:5:53] Milagros Covarrubias Shouts: RAISE YOUR HANDS UP! [15:6:4] Samuel Lockhart Shouts: On the floor! [15:6:12] Milagros Covarrubias Shouts: Fall down! [15:6:17] AdmCmd: Fabian_Esparza has been kicked by denrio157. [15:6:17] Reason: Relog Lag. [15:6:18] * Samuel Lockhart aims for Masked man's leg. [15:6:33] Milagros Covarrubias Shouts: Fall down! [15:6:35] Milagros Covarrubias Shouts: Tiarappp! [15:6:59] Milagros Covarrubias: (( /fall 2 dude )) [15:7:4] Giancarlos Octavio says: Let me cuff him [15:7:8] Milagros Covarrubias says: Approach. [15:7:9] Mask 523009 Shouts: Udah pak! [15:7:10] Milagros Covarrubias says: Take cuff. [15:7:14] Samuel Lockhart says: Stay down. [15:7:15] Mask 523009 says: Cuff the Me [15:7:17] Samuel Lockhart says: Do not move. [15:7:19] * Giancarlos Octavio save back his Glock to holster [15:7:39] * Giancarlos Octavio mengambil Cuff dari UB kemudian menindih badan Maskman menggunakan dengkul [15:7:40] * Samuel Lockhart places KIMBER CUSTOM II SWAT Edition back his gun holster, flicks the safety to [ON]. [15:7:45] then cuff the maskman ((Giancarlos Octavio)) [15:7:48] ada perlawanan? ((Giancarlos Octavio)) [15:7:53] No. ((Mask 523009)) [15:7:55] id? ((Giancarlos Octavio)) [15:8:1] Deangelo ((Mask 523009)) [15:8:5] [ID] ID: 26 | Name: Deangelo_Hudson | Level: 8 | Ping: 26 | Launcher: No [15:8:5] * Milagros Covarrubias saving back his handgun onto the holster. [15:8:5] [RADIO] Commander Samuel Lockhart: 7-KING-1, TAC-1 is clear, suspect is on custody. [15:8:24] * Giancarlos Octavio memeriksa barang bawaan Maskman [15:8:27] bisa? ((Giancarlos Octavio)) [15:8:27] Samuel Lockhart says: Sergeant. [15:8:31] Milagros Covarrubias says: Yes, Commander? [15:8:39] Samuel Lockhart says: Alright, my detective was on patrol. [15:8:46] Milagros Covarrubias says: Copy that. [15:8:48] bisa? ((Giancarlos Octavio)) [15:8:49] Samuel Lockhart says: When he saw this guy. [15:9:2] Samuel Lockhart says: He got shotgun or something, then he enter this apartment. [15:9:3] * Milagros Covarrubias listening Lockhart's. [15:9:5] Bisa. ((Mask 523009)) [15:9:16] Samuel Lockhart says: If he dont have shotgun on him, you might check his ID and search his apartment. [15:9:18] Giancarlos Octavio says: Uhmm [15:9:20] Giancarlos Octavio says: He is clear [15:9:23] Milagros Covarrubias says: Alright, then. I'm think this guy had save their primary weapon upon the room apartment. [15:9:30] Samuel Lockhart says: Indeed. [15:9:37] Milagros Covarrubias says: Ten four, Commander. [15:9:40] Samuel Lockhart says: For further information. [15:9:45] Milagros Covarrubias says: Found identity card. [15:9:47] Samuel Lockhart says: You could ask my subordinate. [15:9:52] Milagros Covarrubias says: Copy. [15:9:56] Samuel Lockhart says: Assist Sergeant Covarrubias over there.. [15:9:57] Samuel Lockhart says: Kendrick. [15:10:0] (( PM from [60] Brooklyn_Olsen: yang punya WS flint kan? )) [15:10:4] Samuel Lockhart says: Great job guys. [15:10:4] Kendrick Alvarez says: Alright, Commander. [15:10:5] ** A loud explotion noise can be heard from the outside of the Cell Block A building ** ((Mask 881654)) [15:10:7] [PD] Commander Samuel Lockhart: ** A FIRE ALARM GOES ON FROM THE SACF NOTIFYING THE FIRE HOUSE ** [15:10:7] Mask 881654 says: 2 [15:10:7] (( PM to [60] Brooklyn_Olsen: kag:v )) [15:10:11] (( Samuel_Lockhart: OKQWEOKQ )) [15:10:12] (( Samuel_Lockhart: SALAH )) [15:10:14] Samuel Lockhart: (( salah )) [15:10:16] (( PM from [60] Brooklyn_Olsen: dah dijual? )) [15:10:22] (( PM to [60] Brooklyn_Olsen: blom )) [15:10:28] * Milagros Covarrubias overstand his barehand upon Maskedman's body, taps him up. [15:10:30] (( PM to [60] Brooklyn_Olsen: knp emg )) [15:10:33] Where's ID-Card? ((Milagros Covarrubias)) [15:10:37] (( PM from [60] Brooklyn_Olsen: lah tadinya bukannya punya lu? )) [15:10:44] (( PM from [60] Brooklyn_Olsen: gua mau lepas paintjob )) [15:10:46] celana kanan. ((Mask 523009)) [15:10:49] (( PM to [60] Brooklyn_Olsen: ya itu masih punya gw )) [15:11:0] Kantung kanan kali. ((Milagros Covarrubias)) [15:11:11] (( PM from [60] Brooklyn_Olsen: bisa ga? )) [15:11:12] * Vincent Lee slots .44 into his holster on ultility belt. [15:11:17] * Milagros Covarrubias raise up Maskedman's identity-card from their right jean. [15:11:18] (( PM to [60] Brooklyn_Olsen: nnti )) [15:11:20] Is I got it? ((Milagros Covarrubias)) [15:11:21] (( PM to [60] Brooklyn_Olsen: lagi tac 1 )) [15:11:29] (( PM from [60] Brooklyn_Olsen: oke )) [15:11:30] Iya ((Mask 523009)) [15:11:35] /showid 54 if I get. ((Milagros Covarrubias)) [15:11:53] * Milagros Covarrubias reads the identity-card. [15:11:58] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[DICARI] Petani dengan integritas dan loyalitas yang tinggi, amanah, serius, niat, tekun. [15:11:58] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Barry_Dustin{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}12345{FF0000}] [15:11:59] Milagros Covarrubias says: Deangelo Hudson. [15:12:2] Mask 523009 says: Yess [15:12:8] Milagros Covarrubias says: Let me ask with apart's employee. [15:12:13] Vincent Lee says: Apakah dia memiliki apart? [15:12:24] * Milagros Covarrubias stares at apart's employee. [15:12:30] Milagros Covarrubias says: Sir, is this guy have a room? [15:12:39] Milagros Covarrubias says: For the name is Deangelo Hudson. [15:12:50] Apart's employee: Let me check our database first. ((Milagros Covarrubias)) [15:13:6] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[DICARI] Petani dengan integritas dan loyalitas yang tinggi, amanah, serius, niat, tekun. [15:13:6] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Barry_Dustin{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}12345{FF0000}] [15:13:15] Apart's employee: Deangelo Hudson is have any room at this apart. ((Milagros Covarrubias)) [15:13:20] Milagros Covarrubias says: Room number? [15:13:22] Yes ((Mask 523009)) [15:13:27] Mask 523009 says: Come Here [15:13:27] (( PM from [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: jangan lari larian )) [15:13:28] Apart's employee: Room number 3. ((Milagros Covarrubias)) [15:13:29] (( Vincent Lee: malah yes:v )) [15:13:32] Milagros Covarrubias says: Nice. [15:13:42] Milagros Covarrubias says: Where's your key apart? [15:13:48] Mask 523009 says: Dalam [15:13:55] Giancarlos Octavio says: Ga kekunci? [15:14:7] Kendrick Alvarez says: Dalam mana. [15:14:11] Mask 523009 says: Di kantung celana kanan. [15:14:13] * Milagros Covarrubias tries to opening up the door of Hudson's apart room. [15:14:13] WARNING: Weapon size modification will not be saved, please do not report this as a bug! [15:14:15] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[DICARI] Petani dengan integritas dan loyalitas yang tinggi, amanah, serius, niat, tekun. [15:14:15] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Barry_Dustin{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}12345{FF0000}] [15:14:23] Giancarlos Octavio says: Masih kekunci Sersan [15:14:28] Am I able to get inside upon your room? ((Milagros Covarrubias)) [15:14:31] * Kendrick Alvarez mengambil kunci ruangan dikantung celana kanan dengan tangan kanan. [15:14:32] Am I able to get inside upon your room? ((Milagros Covarrubias)) [15:14:39] [RADIO] Commander Samuel Lockhart: 7-KING-1, 10-99 from Ganton Situation, the situation is on CODE-4. [15:14:44] indo lah ((Mask 523009)) [15:14:47] OK. ((Milagros Covarrubias)) [15:14:55] [RADIO] Prob. Detective Kendrick Alvarez: Thank's for Assisting Commander, 7-UNION-1. [15:14:55] Apakah saya dapat masuk ke dalam ruangan? ((Milagros Covarrubias)) [15:15:2] dapat ((Mask 523009)) [15:15:3] [RADIO] Commander Samuel Lockhart: My pleasure, 7-KING-1. [15:15:7] /rm > open. ((Milagros Covarrubias)) [15:15:23] Mask 523009 says: udah [15:15:23] (( Milagros Covarrubias: cmd kickroom )) [15:15:24] (( Milagros Covarrubias: lupa )) [15:15:26] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Gracious Esquevelle: 1-ADAM-1 Pulling out from the last scene and resume to status 4 [15:15:27] (( Milagros Covarrubias: o gajadi )) [15:15:43] (( Giancarlos Octavio: apart bisa di share kan? )) [15:16:8] (( Blanchard Rechauffer: bisa )) [15:16:24] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Gracious Esquevelle: 1-ADAM-1 Parking and disbanded. [15:16:57] * Milagros Covarrubias mengambil seluruh barang yang terdapat dibawah lemari. [15:16:59] Apakah dapat? ((Milagros Covarrubias)) [15:16:59] * Kendrick Alvarez mengambil shotgun dari bawah lemari dengan kedua tangan. [15:17:5] ya ((Mask 523009)) [15:17:8] Milagros Covarrubias: (( rm share aja bro )) [15:17:12] Mask 523009: (( ke? )) [15:17:16] Milagros Covarrubias: (( gw )) [15:17:28] Milagros Covarrubias says: Wow. [15:17:31] Mask 523009 says: banyak ? [15:17:40] Milagros Covarrubias says: We got one shotgun, several materials, and two riffle. [15:17:45] Giancarlos Octavio says: Wadaw [15:17:46] Kendrick Alvarez: (( share ke gua )) [15:17:47] Mask 523009 says: hahaha [15:17:47] Vincent Lee says: Wow [15:18:0] Giancarlos Octavio says: Buat apaan tuh barang illegalnya [15:18:4] Mask 523009 says: jual [15:18:6] Mask 523009 says: dapat [15:18:8] Mask 523009 says: duit [15:18:9] AdmCmd: Aldrick_Alston has been kicked by Regency. [15:18:9] Reason: AFK [15:18:10] (( Vincent Lee: wkwk )) [15:18:12] Giancarlos Octavio says: Wadaw [15:18:28] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Reus_Mccady ] Phone: [ 555700 ] [15:18:28] Message: ada officer PO-III ga? mau ride along [15:18:30] Giancarlos Octavio says: pasti banyak ya modalnya [15:18:34] Milagros Covarrubias: (( share lg )) [15:18:48] Mask 523009 says: Wah [15:18:58] Kendrick Alvarez says: Banyak amat nih senjata. [15:19:0] Kendrick Alvarez says: Buset dah. [15:19:2] Mask 523009 says: itu juga dapat bantai robbery [15:19:5] Milagros Covarrubias says: Bring him out, Officer. [15:19:6] Mask 523009 says: Keren [15:19:13] pintu masih terbuka ((Giancarlos Octavio)) [15:19:14] (( Vincent Lee: afk bentar solat )) [15:19:23] Kendrick Alvarez says: Taro mobil sini aja [15:19:37] * Milagros Covarrubias stores a weapon upon 7-UNION-1's trunk. [15:19:47] * Milagros Covarrubias stores materials upon 7-UNION-1's trunk. [15:19:53] Giancarlos Octavio says: Sersan [15:19:58] Milagros Covarrubias says: Ya? [15:20:0] Giancarlos Octavio says: Langsung saya lakukan procedure nya? [15:20:2] Kendrick Alvarez Shouts: Mau di introgasi ga?! [15:20:8] Milagros Covarrubias says: Sepertinya tidak perlu. [15:20:8] Giancarlos Octavio says: Atau gimana [15:20:11] Milagros Covarrubias says: Sudah semua di ambil. [15:20:16] Mask 523009 says: sudah [15:20:18] Giancarlos Octavio says: Oke langsung aja [15:20:19] Milagros Covarrubias says: Langsung bawa saja. [15:20:28] Giancarlos Octavio Shouts: Sini! [15:20:32] Milagros Covarrubias says: Sana! [15:20:36] Milagros Covarrubias says: Charges. [15:20:40] Milagros Covarrubias says: Nanti saya taruh di radio. [15:20:43] Sergey Khonvtolay Shouts: Haha mampos lo! [15:20:44] * Giancarlos Octavio membuka pintu belakang cruiser [15:20:45] Kendrick Alvarez Shouts: Oke Sergeant, I'm pulling out.! [15:20:46] Giancarlos Octavio says: Copy that sergeant [15:20:57] * Giancarlos Octavio menutup kembali pintu belakang cruiser [15:21:0] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Milagros Covarrubias: 1-METRO-1, return from the situation to S4. [15:21:13] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: 1-ADAM-2 Leaving from TAC-1 [15:21:14] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Milagros Covarrubias: 1-METRO-1, suspect on custody, we brought 3 weaponry and several materials. [15:21:22] [RADIO] Prob. Detective Kendrick Alvarez: 7-UNION-1, back S4 from last situation. [15:21:26] * Milagros Covarrubias caught back a weaponry from the trunk. [15:21:39] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Milagros Covarrubias: 1-METRO-1, the charges for suspect is.. [15:22:5] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Milagros Covarrubias: Possesion of Illegal Firearms, Possesion of Illegal Manufactures. [15:22:10] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Cabbie (plate: NO HAVE) going 27 MPH in 15 MPH limit zone, location: Verdant Bluffs [15:22:18] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: Copy that Sergeant. [15:22:25] [RADIO] Prob. Detective Kendrick Alvarez: Assaulting on Individuals. [15:22:33] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Milagros Covarrubias: 1-METRO-1, OK, assign in. [15:22:37] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Giancarlos Octavio: Copy that charges [15:22:39] (( Milagros Covarrubias: *iy )) [15:22:40] (( Milagros Covarrubias: *it )) [15:22:59] Deangelo Hudson says: Where ? [15:23:3] Vincent Lee says: SACF [15:23:3] 911: Crime: [ Saya ingin menebus kendaraan bisa? ] [15:23:3] 911: Reporter: [ Sergey Khonvtolay ] Phone: [ 134121 ] [15:23:4] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Giancarlos Octavio: 1-ADAM-2 Transporting one IC2 male to SACF for 10-15 procedure [15:23:8] [RADIO] PO-I Blanchard Rechauffer: Police Officer I 4615 reporting off duty now. [15:23:38] (( PM from [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: hitungin dong waktu dan fine nya )) [15:23:42] (( PM from [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: tolong )) [15:23:43] (( PM to [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: wait )) [15:23:46] (( PM from [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: ekekek )) [15:23:58] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Milagros Covarrubias: 1-METRO-1, do we have any TEU available? [15:24:50] Admin Nezactra18: Respawn static veh 10 sec... [15:24:51] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Milagros Covarrubias: 1-METRO-1, requires for you all guys be responsible with any transmission, like a dials 555/911. [15:25:7] SERVER: All unoccupied static vehicles are respawned! [15:25:13] Admin Nezactra18: Respawnded [15:25:19] AdmCmd: Emma_Mcquinza has been kicked by denrio157. [15:25:19] Reason: Relog. [15:25:28] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL]Taxi 4up termodift,minat? [15:25:28] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Reus_Mccady{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}555700{FF0000}] [15:25:33] [RADIO] Sergeant I Gloria Stuart: Sergeant 7461 on duty [15:25:44] [RADIO] Sergeant I Gloria Stuart: Sergeant rolls under 1-ADAM-4 as LINCOLN available for partner. [15:25:52] [RADIO] Sergeant I Gloria Stuart: Departs from Central HQ, over [15:25:55] * Giancarlos Octavio menutup kembali pintu cruiser [15:25:57] Giancarlos Octavio says: Gitu ya [15:25:58] (( PM to [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: a )) [15:25:58] [RADIO] PO-II Zlyeth Stottlemeyer: 2-LINCOLN-2 disbanded. [15:26:0] Deangelo Hudson says: iya [15:26:4] (( PM to [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: 300$ 1 jam )) [15:26:10] (( PM from [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: Okey )) [15:26:11] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Sergey_Khonvtolay ] Phone: [ 134121 ] [15:26:11] Message: Halo [15:26:14] (( PM from [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: thanks banget )) [15:26:16] (( PM from [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: wkwkw )) [15:26:21] (( PM to [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: santuy sama gua )) [15:26:27] Giancarlos Octavio says: Owh bagus tuh [15:26:43] (( PM to [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: pindah channel dah blom? )) [15:26:46] (( PM from [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: daritadi )) [15:26:53] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Sergey_Khonvtolay ] Phone: [ 134121 ] [15:26:53] Message: Saya bisa menebus kendaraan saya yang ke kunci sekarang? [15:27:5] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Hustler 3insu 4up,minat? [15:27:5] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Reus_Mccady{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}555700{FF0000}] [15:27:30] dimana ID Card? ((Giancarlos Octavio)) [15:27:38] Di kantung celana kanan. ((Deangelo Hudson)) [15:27:46] * Giancarlos Octavio mengambil ID Card deangelo dengan tangan kanan di kantung celana kanannya [15:27:50] dapat? ((Giancarlos Octavio)) [15:27:54] dapat ((Deangelo Hudson)) [15:28:6] [RADIO] PO-II Zlyeth Stottlemeyer: Police Officer II 8129 is now off duty. [15:28:10] (( PM to [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: emang naik pangkat wajib ar? )) [15:28:12] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Sell]Taxi 4up termodift,minat? [15:28:12] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Reus_Mccady{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}555700{FF0000}] [15:28:18] (( PM from [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: wajib lah )) [15:28:25] Giancarlos Octavio: (( bntr tadi lupa )) [15:28:25] (( PM to [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: katanya PN doang )) [15:28:59] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Deangelo Hudson ] Reporter: [ Giancarlos Octavio ] [15:28:59] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Possesion of Illegal Firearms ] [15:29:20] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL]HUSTLER 3insu 4up,minat? [15:29:20] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Reus_Mccady{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}555700{FF0000}] [15:29:22] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Deangelo Hudson ] Reporter: [ Giancarlos Octavio ] [15:29:22] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Possesion of Illegal Manufactures ] [15:29:22] AdmCmd: Jhon_Olsam has been kicked by prisakti1999. [15:29:22] Reason: AFK di publik. [15:29:40] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Deangelo Hudson ] Reporter: [ Giancarlos Octavio ] [15:29:40] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Assaulting on Individual ] [15:30:14] Giancarlos Octavio says: Mari pak [15:30:27] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{FF9999}[SAFD] Recruitment 60 telah dibuka, kunjungi website resmi kami safd.gov.us {FF0000}(( safd.jg-gta.com )) [15:30:27] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Zhaniece_Cardwell{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}9990{FF0000}] [15:30:40] Terlihat ada petugas penjaga Pintu SACF ((Giancarlos Octavio)) [15:30:45] Giancarlos Octavio Shouts: Pak! [15:30:48] (( PM to [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: 350 80 )) [15:30:49] Giancarlos Octavio Shouts: Bawa suspect ini! [15:30:50] Deangelo Hudson says: apa [15:30:53] Vincent Lee says: Oke [15:31:2] * Vincent Lee membantu memasukkan suspect [15:31:8] terlihat Dua Penjaga petugas membawa masuk Suspect ke dalam SACF ((Giancarlos Octavio)) [15:31:33] HQ: {00ffff}Deangelo_Hudson have been arrested by Giancarlos_Octavio [15:32:47] AdmCmd: Kelvyn_Stuart has been kicked by prisakti1999. [15:32:47] Reason: AFK while on duty Mechanic. [15:32:53] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Flatbed (plate: CE829NB) going 33 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Dillimore [15:33:8] AdmCmd: Carlo_Stevenson has been kicked by prisakti1999. [15:33:8] Reason: AFK ditempat umum. [15:33:38] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [15:34:54] ERROR: You do not have any pending auto refund [15:35:49] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL]Taxi 4up Modift ada,minat? [15:35:49] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Reus_Mccady{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}555700{FF0000}] [15:36:43] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (435957) [15:36:43] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}sayang [15:36:56] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [15:36:56] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 435957 [15:36:56] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Apa:( [15:36:57] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Sell]Hustler 3insu 4up fullmod minat? [15:36:57] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Reus_Mccady{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}555700{FF0000}] [15:37:26] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Premier (plate: NO HAVE) going 70 MPH in 60 MPH limit zone, location: Market [15:37:30] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Wayfarer (plate: YQ818LT) going 62 MPH in 15 MPH limit zone, location: Verdant Bluffs [15:37:35] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (435957) [15:37:35] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}ya ampun,gitu amat [15:37:44] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Taxi (plate: FH697FV) going 63 MPH in 60 MPH limit zone, location: Market [15:37:44] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [15:37:44] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 435957 [15:37:44] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Jadi ga kita sotot? [15:38:0] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (435957) [15:38:0] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}gua ga berani sayang :( [15:38:9] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [15:38:9] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 435957 [15:38:9] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Ah anjeng ngomongnya ngajakin [15:38:10] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [15:38:11] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Brackston_Lewis ] Phone: [ 1249698 ] [15:38:11] Message: Robber di Flint Pakai sultan itamm bertiga [15:38:12] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [15:38:14] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (435957) [15:38:14] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}ga ada gun ea. [15:38:16] Brackston Lewis Shouts: Sir! [15:38:18] Harry Hernandez Shouts: Pak! [15:38:19] Brackston Lewis Shouts: Sir! [15:38:24] Brackston Lewis Shouts: Robber di flint! [15:38:24] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: 1-ADAM-2 Responding last fiver [15:38:24] Harry Hernandez Shouts: Ada perampok! [15:38:25] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{FF9999}[SAFD] Recruitment 60 telah dibuka, silahkan kunjungi website kami safd.gov.us{FF0000} (( safd.jg-gta.com )) [15:38:25] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Zhaniece_Cardwell{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}9990{FF0000}] [15:38:27] Vincent Lee Shouts: OK! [15:38:27] Giancarlos Octavio Shouts: oke! [15:38:28] Harry Hernandez Shouts: Di flint! [15:38:36] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Milagros Covarrubias: 1-METRO-1 CODE-3 5-5-5. [15:38:55] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Cabbie (plate: NO HAVE) going 64 MPH in 60 MPH limit zone, location: Rodeo [15:38:55] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Cabbie (plate: NO HAVE) going 64 MPH in 60 MPH limit zone, location: Rodeo [15:39:4] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 69 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Flint Intersection [15:39:4] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 69 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Flint Intersection [15:39:12] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Brackston_Lewis ] Phone: [ 1249698 ] [15:39:12] Message: Sultan Hitam [15:39:17] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Cabbie (plate: NO HAVE) going 62 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Flint Intersection [15:39:17] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Cabbie (plate: NO HAVE) going 62 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Flint Intersection [15:39:20] PHONE: {FFFFFF}Calling {00FFFF}number 1249698{FFFFFF}, please wait for answer! [15:39:22] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telepon telah dijawab. [15:39:22] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Gunakan chat biasa untuk berkomunikasi lewat telpon, '/h' untuk menutup telpon. [15:39:22] Vincent Lee [phone]: SAPD. [15:39:26] Caller [phone]: Hallo [15:39:31] Vincent Lee [phone]: Dimananya [15:39:33] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL]TAXI 4up ada modift,minat? [15:39:33] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Reus_Mccady{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}555700{FF0000}] [15:39:33] Vincent Lee [phone]: Flint luas [15:39:37] Caller [phone]: Tadi di flint gasoline [15:39:43] Vincent Lee [phone]: Arah kemana [15:39:45] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Premier (plate: NO HAVE) going 66 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Flint Intersection [15:39:46] Vincent Lee [phone]: Sekarang? [15:39:51] Vincent Lee Says [car]: Lumber coba [15:39:56] Vincent Lee Says [car]: Lumber coba [15:39:57] [RADIO] PO-I Blanchard Rechauffer: Police Officer I 4615 reporting on duty. [15:39:59] Caller [phone]: Ke red county pak [15:40:3] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 69 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Flint Intersection [15:40:5] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Premier (plate: NO HAVE) going 52 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Flint County [15:40:15] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 54 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Flint County [15:40:18] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 57 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Red County [15:40:18] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 57 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Red County [15:40:18] Vincent Lee [phone]: Ok thanks for informations [15:40:20] Telepon terputus... [15:40:24] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Banshee (plate: RABAMA1) going 71 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Red County [15:40:24] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Banshee (plate: RABAMA1) going 71 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Red County [15:40:34] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 50 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Blueberry Acres [15:40:34] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 50 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Blueberry Acres [15:40:53] [RADIO] Prob. Detective Kendrick Alvarez: Possible to Lumberjack Farm. [15:41:1] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Milagros Covarrubias: 1-METRO-1, enrouting. [15:41:3] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: Blueberry is clear. [15:41:13] [RADIO] Sergeant I Gloria Stuart: 1-ADAM-4 lumberjack Farm [15:41:16] (( Vincent Lee: Farm blueberry* )) [15:41:16] [RADIO] Sergeant I Gloria Stuart: 1-ADAM-4 clear [15:41:32] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[HOUSE] Depan Dealer Jefferson 3 Ruangan + Lahan belakang Rumah Luas. Price ? SMS UNCH [15:41:32] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Tom_Olivier{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}435957{FF0000}] [15:41:34] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 36 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Red County [15:41:34] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 32 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Red County [15:41:56] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 56 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Red County [15:41:57] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 49 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Red County [15:42:28] Giancarlos Octavio: (( ke TS ap aja )) [15:42:34] Giancarlos Octavio: (( eh )) [15:42:38] Giancarlos Octavio: (( situ ajadeh )) [15:42:40] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL]TAXI 4up ada modift,minat? SMS UNCH hehe [15:42:40] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Reus_Mccady{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}555700{FF0000}] [15:42:44] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 53 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Fern Ridge [15:42:44] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 53 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Fern Ridge [15:42:59] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 58 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Fallow Bridge [15:42:59] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 58 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Fallow Bridge [15:43:46] Giancarlos Octavio says: Pak [15:43:49] Hansen Sullivan says: Ya? [15:43:53] Giancarlos Octavio says: Tadi ada robber? [15:43:57] Giancarlos Octavio says: Aktivitas robber [15:43:57] Hansen Sullivan says: Gaada pak. [15:44:1] Giancarlos Octavio says: hati hati [15:44:4] Giancarlos Octavio says: Tadi ada laporan [15:44:5] Hansen Sullivan says: Saya aman-aman aja. [15:44:8] Hansen Sullivan says: Oh oke pak. [15:44:8] Giancarlos Octavio says: Imposible ngarah ke sini [15:44:42] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 56 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Fallow Bridge [15:44:42] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 56 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Fallow Bridge [15:44:49] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 65 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Hampton Barns [15:44:49] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 65 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Hampton Barns [15:45:28] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY]Pickup low price any insu and up [15:45:28] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Xaevan_Burnett{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}700061{FF0000}] [15:45:44] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [15:45:50] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 57 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Red County [15:45:50] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 57 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Red County [15:46:36] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY]Pickup low price any insu and up [15:46:36] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Xaevan_Burnett{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}700061{FF0000}] [15:46:40] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 63 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Red County [15:46:40] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 63 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Red County [15:46:52] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 83 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Red County [15:46:52] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 83 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Red County [15:46:59] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 83 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Red County [15:46:59] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 83 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Fern Ridge [15:47:11] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 45 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Red County [15:47:11] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 45 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Red County [15:47:22] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Cadrona (plate: KU415VR) going 42 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Dillimore [15:47:32] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (435957) [15:47:32] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}sayang? [15:47:44] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[JUAL] Rumah Idlewood 2 lantai 5 ruangan. HUB: [15:47:44] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Geraldo_Mouta{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}985985{FF0000}] [15:48:22] Vincent Lee: (( a )) [15:48:27] Vincent Lee: (( aa )) [15:48:31] Vincent Lee: (( walpawpwaklwawa )) [15:49:13] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 32 MPH in 15 MPH limit zone, location: Verdant Bluffs [15:49:13] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 30 MPH in 15 MPH limit zone, location: Verdant Bluffs [15:49:34] [ID] ID: 21 | Name: Giancarlos_Octavio | Level: 17 | Ping: 108 | Launcher: Yes [15:50:27] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Cabbie (plate: NO HAVE) going 61 MPH in 15 MPH limit zone, location: Verdant Bluffs [15:51:22] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{FF9999}[SAFD] Recruitment 60 telah dibuka, silahkan kunjungi website kami safd.gov.us{FF0000} (( safd.jg-gta.com )) [15:51:22] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Zhaniece_Cardwell{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}9990{FF0000}] [15:52:24] 911: Crime: [ terjadi penembakan di pizza stack, ciri ciri sultan hitam 2 orang pakaian punk dan baju putih kearah jefferson ] [15:52:24] 911: Reporter: [ Kamar Mackey ] Phone: [ 242424 ] [15:52:30] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[DICARI] Mobil Sultan 4 up. Ada? C/P [15:52:30] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Bryan_Stewart{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}210070{FF0000}] [15:52:37] [RADIO] Sergeant I Gloria Stuart: 1-ADAM-4 enroute to niner [15:52:39] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: 1-ADAM-2 Responding last niner [15:52:44] PHONE: {FFFFFF}Calling {00FFFF}number 242424{FFFFFF}, please wait for answer! [15:52:47] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telepon telah dijawab. [15:52:47] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Gunakan chat biasa untuk berkomunikasi lewat telpon, '/h' untuk menutup telpon. [15:52:47] Caller [phone]: pak [15:52:50] Caller [phone]: pak [15:52:50] Vincent Lee [phone]: Dimana [15:52:55] Caller [phone]: kek nya kabur ke jefferson [15:52:59] Vincent Lee [phone]: Cari [15:53:0] Kamar Mackey [phone]: tolong kawan saya pak [15:53:0] Caller [phone]: tolong kawan saya pak [15:53:1] Kamar Mackey [phone]: tolong kawan saya pak [15:53:1] Caller [phone]: tolong kawan saya pak [15:53:2] * Mask 594876 pingsan karena ditembak. [15:53:3] Vincent Lee [phone]: Shotfired? [15:53:3] Caller [phone]: Shotfired? [15:53:9] Caller [phone]: gatau [15:53:11] Caller [phone]: dia nembak kawan saya [15:53:13] Vincent Lee [phone]: Itu di tembak? [15:53:14] Caller [phone]: please bantu kawan saya [15:53:15] Caller [phone]: iyah [15:53:20] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: Suspect already shotfired [15:53:21] Caller [phone]: plis lah [15:53:24] [RADIO] Prob. Detective Kendrick Alvarez: Jefferson Dealer, 7-UNION-1. [15:53:29] Caller [phone]: kalo kawan saya mati terus saya main sama siapa pak [15:53:32] Vincent Lee [phone]: Ok [15:53:32] Telepon terputus... [15:53:33] [RADIO] Sergeant I Gloria Stuart: 1-ADAM-4 TAC-1 please [15:53:38] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{FF2400} | BUY | Sadler AnyInsu-UP | KaloBisa BerSticker? GadaGppah.. | Ada Call/SMS : [15:53:38] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Jessly_Lesley{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}333777{FF0000}] [15:53:38] [RADIO] PO-I Blanchard Rechauffer: 1-METRO-1 assisting TAC-1 [15:53:57] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Milagros Covarrubias: 1-METRO-1 [15:53:59] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Milagros Covarrubias: 1-METRO-1, beacon please. [15:54:20] Roosevelt Hampton says: Sisi kanan? [15:54:23] [RADIO] Prob. Detective Kendrick Alvarez: Is now 10-66. [15:54:25] Gloria Stuart says: Iya [15:54:31] Roosevelt Hampton says: Lalu ? [15:54:32] [RADIO] Sergeant I Gloria Stuart: 1-ADAM-4 METRO take command [15:54:34] Vincent Lee Says [car]: SIREN KONTOL [15:54:42] * Milagros Covarrubias leans in. [15:54:46] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{ BUY } Mobil Sadler BuatKerja. | InsuUP Bebas! KaloBisaBerSticker | Call: [15:54:46] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Jessly_Lesley{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}333777{FF0000}] [15:54:47] Roosevelt Hampton says: Pak saya ada masalah apa ? [15:54:59] Roosevelt Hampton says: Cuma tabrakan dan sampe segininya. [15:55:3] [MEGAPHONE] Milagros Covarrubias: Sultan, matikan mesin kendaraan. [15:55:8] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (435957) [15:55:8] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}sayang? [15:55:11] * Roosevelt Hampton mematikan mesin kendaraan. [15:55:14] Roosevelt Hampton says: Sudah pak. [15:55:16] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [15:55:16] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 435957 [15:55:16] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}bentar lagi ada robber [15:55:20] [MEGAPHONE] Milagros Covarrubias: Cabut kunci kendaraan, lalu buang ke jalanan. [15:55:31] [RADIO] Sergeant I Gloria Stuart: 1-ADAM-4 I dont know about shotfire, adjudant Vincent Lee say suspect already shotfire. [15:55:37] Larenz Hanzell says: Sebenarnya ada apa pak? [15:55:40] [MEGAPHONE] Milagros Covarrubias: Cabut kunci kendaraan, lalu buang ke jalanan. [15:55:43] [RADIO] Prob. Detective Kendrick Alvarez: Sirine off. [15:55:43] Status window: Open. ((Larenz Hanzell)) [15:55:43] [MEGAPHONE] Milagros Covarrubias: Kami dapat laporan. [15:55:46] Roosevelt Hampton says: Boleh saya tanya kenapa ? [15:55:54] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{FF9999}[SAFD] Recruitment 60 telah dibuka, silahkan kunjungi website kami safd.gov.us{FF0000} (( safd.jg-gta.com )) [15:55:54] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Zhaniece_Cardwell{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}9990{FF0000}] [15:55:55] [MEGAPHONE] Milagros Covarrubias: Lempar kunci, follow my instruction. [15:55:59] Roosevelt Hampton says: Oke oke sabar. [15:56:9] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: 1 Cilvilians down at 10-20 Pizza stacks. [15:56:14] (( Vincent Lee: rip english:v )) [15:56:15] * Roosevelt Hampton bergetar sekujur tubuh. [15:56:21] * Roosevelt Hampton menangis. [15:56:27] * Larenz Hanzell menangis sedih [15:56:30] [MEGAPHONE] Milagros Covarrubias: Lempar kunci kendaraan sekarang! [15:56:55] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Giancarlos Octavio: Niner reporting the suspect of Shotfired this Black sultan 2 occupant [15:56:59] [MEGAPHONE] Milagros Covarrubias: Hey, kamu mendengarkan saya?! [15:57:1] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{ BUY } Sadler AnyInsu-UP | Kalobisa Bersticker | Ada Call? : [15:57:1] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Jessly_Lesley{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}333777{FF0000}] [15:57:7] Roosevelt Hampton Shouts: Sabar pak saya panik! [15:57:18] Vincent Lee Says [car]: Mata dia panik bahhaa [15:57:18] (( PM from [7] Roderigo_Archibaldo: maaf nanya nih , kalo warn lebih dari 5 gaboleh masuk PD ya? )) [15:57:19] [MEGAPHONE] Milagros Covarrubias: Cabut kunci kendaraan, dan buang ke jalanan! [15:57:28] * Roosevelt Hampton membuang kunci motor. [15:57:29] (( PM to [7] Roderigo_Archibaldo: minimal 3 )) [15:57:34] Motor? ((Gloria Stuart)) [15:57:36] (( PM to [7] Roderigo_Archibaldo: lu donatur aja )) [15:57:38] Iya. ((Roosevelt Hampton)) [15:57:38] jangan mg ((Kendrick Alvarez)) [15:57:44] (( PM from [7] Roderigo_Archibaldo: donatur brpaan )) [15:57:50] (( PM to [7] Roderigo_Archibaldo: lu warns ada berape )) [15:57:51] (( Milagros Covarrubias: dia rp nipu lempar kunci brok )) [15:57:56] (( PM from [7] Roderigo_Archibaldo: 15 :V )) [15:57:56] Emang salah kalo kita buang kunci yang salah2? ((Larenz Hanzell)) [15:57:56] (( Vincent Lee: rp nipu;v )) [15:57:57] (( Gloria Stuart: gas ken )) [15:58:1] engga ((Kendrick Alvarez)) [15:58:4] lanjut ((Giancarlos Octavio)) [15:58:6] Yaudah ((Larenz Hanzell)) [15:58:8] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BELI]Sanchez insu up bebas! [15:58:8] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Dajuan_Broughton{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}534954{FF0000}] [15:58:10] [MEGAPHONE] Milagros Covarrubias: Oke. [15:58:12] MG dari mana mas? ((Roosevelt Hampton)) [15:58:14] [MEGAPHONE] Milagros Covarrubias: Pengemudi! [15:58:17] (( PM to [7] Roderigo_Archibaldo: whattt )) [15:58:17] Saya baru baca rules. ((Roosevelt Hampton)) [15:58:22] Keep IC ((Kendrick Alvarez)) [15:58:27] (( PM from [7] Roderigo_Archibaldo: harus donatur berapa bro )) [15:58:27] (( PM to [7] Roderigo_Archibaldo: beli lifetime 1jt )) [15:58:28] Roosevelt Hampton says: Pindah kesisi kiri boleh ? [15:58:28] (( PM to [7] Roderigo_Archibaldo: beli lifetime 1jt )) [15:58:33] (( PM from [7] Roderigo_Archibaldo: mahal amat bro )) [15:58:36] Roosevelt Hampton says: Buset. [15:58:43] * Vincent Lee take m4 from front of body using both hands and ready to shoot. [15:58:47] * Gloria Stuart pulls out his MP-5 to his backbody, clicks the flick safety [OFF] [15:58:47] [MEGAPHONE] Milagros Covarrubias: Jangan pindah posisi. [15:58:48] Samuel Lockhart Shouts: Step out! [15:58:53] Roosevelt Hampton says: Ayo pak anter saya ke MC [15:59:15] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{ BUY } Sadler Any Insu-UP | KaloBisa BerSticker | HargaKawan | Ada Call: [15:59:15] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Jessly_Lesley{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}333777{FF0000}] [15:59:17] * Roosevelt Hampton mematikan mesin mobil. [15:59:24] * Roosevelt Hampton melempar kunci mobil. [15:59:28] Giancarlos Octavio Says [car]: itu baru High Command [15:59:31] Vincent Lee Says [car]: Bodo amat [15:59:35] Giancarlos Octavio Says [car]: anjing [15:59:37] (( PM from [7] Roderigo_Archibaldo: donatur 300rb bisa ga? )) [15:59:42] (( PM to [7] Roderigo_Archibaldo: 500 aje )) [15:59:46] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Bryan_Stewart ] Phone: [ 210070 ] [15:59:46] Message: Disini bisa nanya tentang kita markir? [15:59:48] Roosevelt Hampton says: Sudah pak sudah. [15:59:48] (( PM from [7] Roderigo_Archibaldo: adanya 300 T_T )) [15:59:53] [MEGAPHONE] Milagros Covarrubias: Pengemudi! [15:59:53] (( PM to [7] Roderigo_Archibaldo: kumpulin aja cuk )) [15:59:59] * Samuel Lockhart opens up the trunk as he reaching out for tactical vest from inside it. [15:59:59] * Roosevelt Hampton semakin bergentar karena disembur peluru. [16:0:2] * Samuel Lockhart wears his tactical vest. [16:0:2] [MEGAPHONE] Milagros Covarrubias: Turun dari kendaraan, lalu angkat kan kedua tangan di kepala. [16:0:15] Roosevelt Hampton Shouts: Oke! [16:0:18] * Samuel Lockhart unslings his M4 from his spine. [16:0:23] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[HOUSE] Depan Dealer Jefferson 3 Ruangan FullFurniture + Lahan Parkir Samping Rumah. Price? Sms. [16:0:23] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Tom_Olivier{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}435957{FF0000}] [16:0:29] [MEGAPHONE] Milagros Covarrubias: Jalan tiga langkah ke kiri. [16:0:36] * Giancarlos Octavio Grabs his Glock 17 from holster and flick safety to OFF [16:0:36] * Milagros Covarrubias slings out his MP5-HK from the chest. [16:0:53] * Gloria Stuart grabs his Glock.21 to tactical holster and flick safety [OFF] [16:0:53] * Samuel Lockhart slings his M4 back to his spine. [16:0:57] * Samuel Lockhart unslings his M4 from his spine. [16:0:59] * Blanchard Rechauffer grabs his Glock.21 to tactical holster and flick safety [OFF] [16:1:0] (( PM from [40] Michael_Alfarez: ada yg mau persuit ye? )) [16:1:5] Milagros Covarrubias Shouts: Passenger! [16:1:6] (( PM to [40] Michael_Alfarez: rp sotot )) [16:1:8] Samuel Lockhart Shouts: Hey stupid ass! [16:1:9] [PD] Sergeant I Gloria Stuart: Police 7461 to Fire [16:1:10] Milagros Covarrubias Shouts: Step out! [16:1:12] Samuel Lockhart Shouts: Get out from your car! [16:1:15] (( PM from [40] Michael_Alfarez: mantap. )) [16:1:20] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Milagros Covarrubias: 1-METRO-1, locktire. [16:1:22] [MD] Resident Zhaniece Cardwell: Fire 23148 here [16:1:26] [RADIO] Commander Samuel Lockhart: AIm for th eleg. [16:1:29] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{66FFFF}[SELL/TRADE]Cheetah 3 Insurance and 4 Upgrade Full Modification have 2 Stiker, Interest? Cellphone: [16:1:29] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Bradley_Alvarez{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}270013{FF0000}] [16:1:30] [RADIO] Commander Samuel Lockhart: Wait for FD first. [16:1:34] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Milagros Covarrubias: 1-METRO-1, copy. [16:1:43] (( PM from [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: wkwkwk ga Hitman )) [16:1:48] [PD] Sergeant I Gloria Stuart: We need unit RA to Las Colinas Compleks, stand-by your unit Fire [16:1:52] (( PM to [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: kontol menghina_0 )) [16:1:53] (( PM to [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: kontol menghina_- )) [16:1:55] [PD] Sergeant I Gloria Stuart: Do you copy? [16:1:59] * Milagros Covarrubias switch his weaponry to secondary handgun. [16:2:2] Vincent Lee says: )) [16:2:6] (( Vincent Lee: kepencet lagi makan )) [16:2:20] [RADIO] Commander Samuel Lockhart: After FD arrived, then we'll fuck em all. [16:2:23] [RADIO] Commander Samuel Lockhart: Chill. [16:2:26] [MD] Resident Zhaniece Cardwell: We don't have field units, can you performing BLS procedure? then transport them to ASGH. [16:2:36] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[HOUSE] Depan Dealer Jefferson 3 Ruangan FullFurniture + Lahan Parkir Samping Rumah. Price? Sms. [16:2:36] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Tom_Olivier{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}435957{FF0000}] [16:2:51] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [16:2:51] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 435957 [16:2:51] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}rumah lu woi [16:2:51] [PD] Commander Samuel Lockhart: Right, please prepare your ER. [16:2:57] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [16:2:57] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 435957 [16:2:57] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}ada robber didalamnya [16:2:58] [RADIO] Commander Samuel Lockhart: Alright, trauma dressing then transport. [16:3:3] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (435957) [16:3:3] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}anjing,goblog ada rob [16:3:3] [MD] Resident Zhaniece Cardwell: Alright, thank's for attention, Fire speak. [16:3:4] [RADIO] Prob. Detective Kendrick Alvarez: Alright. [16:3:5] * Samuel Lockhart slings his M4 back to his spine. [16:3:6] * Samuel Lockhart pulls KIMBER CUSTOM II SWAT Edition from his gun holster, flicks the safety to [OFF]. [16:3:7] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [16:3:7] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 435957 [16:3:7] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}sini ke rumah lo [16:3:14] * Vincent Lee slots his m4 into front of body using both hands. [16:3:16] * Vincent Lee draws .44 from his holster on ultility belt. [16:3:21] Milagros Covarrubias says: Jaga luar 1. [16:3:42] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{ DICARI | Mobil Sadler,TowTruck,Bobcat dan lain-lain | InsuUp Bebas | AdaSticker? Call: [16:3:42] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Jessly_Lesley{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}333777{FF0000}] [16:3:55] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (435957) [16:3:55] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}wait [16:3:55] * Samuel Lockhart places KIMBER CUSTOM II SWAT Edition back his gun holster, flicks the safety to [ON]. [16:3:57] [RADIO] PO-I Blanchard Rechauffer: All down [16:3:59] Samuel Lockhart says: BLS. [16:4:5] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [16:4:5] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 435957 [16:4:5] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}ALL DOWN [16:4:5] * Gloria Stuart puts back his Glock.21 to tactical holster and flick safety [ON]. [16:4:12] Tom Olivier says: waduh [16:4:15] Vincent Lee says: MENJAUH [16:4:17] Vincent Lee says: Rumah lu korban [16:4:17] Tom Olivier says: astagfirullah [16:4:24] * Milagros Covarrubias tucks back his handgun onto the belt. [16:4:26] Milagros Covarrubias says: BLS. [16:4:28] Gloria Stuart says: Opsir Vincent. [16:4:29] Milagros Covarrubias says: Bukan lari-lari [16:4:29] Gloria Stuart says: BLS [16:4:32] Gloria Stuart says: Tau nih. [16:4:34] * Tom Olivier merasa sedih karena terjadi baku tembak dirumahnya. [16:4:36] Vincent Lee says: Oke maaf [16:4:37] * Vincent Lee slots .44 into his holster on ultility belt. [16:4:38] * Blanchard Rechauffer meletakkan tubuh Hanzell di atas trotoar [16:4:39] sedih. ((Tom Olivier)) [16:4:45] * Milagros Covarrubias menendang senjata Larenz's dari lengannya. [16:4:45] * Giancarlos Octavio meletakkan tubuh hampton di lantai [16:4:48] (( PM to [24] Tom_Olivier: awkokowaowak ngakak anjg )) [16:4:50] Apakah dapat? ((Milagros Covarrubias)) [16:4:51] * Gloria Stuart mengecek seluruh tubuh kendrick [16:4:58] (( PM from [24] Tom_Olivier: 16k atuh )) [16:5:1] * Blanchard Rechauffer mengambil BLS kit dari dalam trunk. [16:5:3] (( PM from [24] Tom_Olivier: gua lagi butuh duit )) [16:5:3] Gloria Stuart says: Aight [16:5:6] Gloria Stuart says: Just Graze [16:5:7] Apakah bisa? @Larenz ((Milagros Covarrubias)) [16:5:8] [PD] Commander Samuel Lockhart: Police 1501 to Fire. [16:5:12] * Blanchard Rechauffer meletakkan BLS kit ke atas tanah [16:5:13] Apa? ((Larenz Hanzell)) [16:5:17] * Giancarlos Octavio mengeluarkan BLS Kit dari Trunk mobil [16:5:17] Diambil senjatanya. ((Milagros Covarrubias)) [16:5:22] Ohh bisa ((Larenz Hanzell)) [16:5:23] (( Vincent Lee: a )) [16:5:23] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{FINDJOB}Anda membutuhkan karyawan yang aktiv dan jujur sayalah orangnya. [16:5:23] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Bexsley_Harlyn{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}909094{FF0000}] [16:5:23] pendarahan pada lengan dan mengenai urat nadinya. ((Roosevelt Hampton)) [16:5:24] (( Vincent Lee: lag )) [16:5:26] * Blanchard Rechauffer memeriksa kondisi dari Hampton [16:5:26] * Roosevelt Hampton sekarat. [16:5:27] Chatlognya banyak banget om ((Larenz Hanzell)) [16:5:28] Samuel Lockhart says: Stay way dude. [16:5:29] Milagros Covarrubias says: Cuff. [16:5:30] * Roosevelt Hampton sesak nafas. [16:5:30] * Giancarlos Octavio meletakkan BLS Kit di lantai [16:5:33] Samuel Lockhart says: Stay away. [16:5:36] Samuel Lockhart says: We got situation here. [16:5:38] Samuel Lockhart says: Right, that way. [16:5:39] * Vincent Lee take a tirelock from trunk [16:5:39] Samuel Lockhart says: Thank you. [16:5:43] * Roosevelt Hampton tidak selamat. [16:5:55] * Samuel Lockhart examines Hampton's condition. [16:5:57] * Vincent Lee lock a tire of sultan with locktire [16:5:58] LOCK: {ffffff}Tire-lock has been applied to {ffff00}Sultan [16:6:1] * Giancarlos Octavio mengeluarkan sarung tangan dari BLS Kit kemudian memakainya [16:6:8] Gloria Stuart says: Tolong menjauh dulu [16:6:17] * Blanchard Rechauffer mengambil trauma dressing dari dalam BLS kit, memasangkan ke bagian yang terluka. [16:6:17] Samuel Lockhart: (( srry ke pencet )) [16:6:21] Milagros Covarrubias says: Opsir Lee. [16:6:26] Milagros Covarrubias says: Bantu Officer mem-BLS. [16:6:27] * Giancarlos Octavio memeriksa kondisi Larenz [16:6:28] * Samuel Lockhart examines Hanzell's conditi [16:6:30] Vincent Lee says: Oke [16:6:31] ..on. ((Samuel Lockhart)) [16:6:32] Gloria Stuart says: Ini dari tadi disuruh BLS [16:6:33] (( Vincent Lee: bentar afk ambil minum )) [16:6:34] bisa? @larenz ((Giancarlos Octavio)) [16:6:35] Gloria Stuart says: Ga denger apa kamu? [16:6:44] [PD] Commander Samuel Lockhart: Police 1501 to Fire. [16:6:49] [MD] Resident Zhaniece Cardwell: Paul 21 here [16:6:49] * Tom Olivier sad boy karena dirumahnya ada rob. [16:6:49] Larenz ((Giancarlos Octavio)) [16:6:50] Milagros Covarrubias says: Bagaimana kondisi dia, Opsir? [16:6:56] * Blanchard Rechauffer meletakkan jari telunjuk ke carotid artery Hampton. [16:6:58] Milagros Covarrubias says: Tendang dulu. [16:6:59] [MD] Resident Zhaniece Cardwell: Fire 23148 here, sorry. [16:7:0] Milagros Covarrubias says: Senjatanya. [16:7:0] [PD] Commander Samuel Lockhart: One suspect with a gun shotwound incoming. [16:7:6] Bisa @larenz? ((Giancarlos Octavio)) [16:7:6] * Milagros Covarrubias menendang senjata Hampton's dari lengannya. [16:7:8] * Roosevelt Hampton tidak selamat. [16:7:9] Samuel Lockhart says: This one. [16:7:9] Berapa denyut nadi per menit? (60-100 normal) ((Blanchard Rechauffer)) [16:7:9] * Roosevelt Hampton tewas. [16:7:11] Apakah bisa Hampton? ((Milagros Covarrubias)) [16:7:11] Samuel Lockhart says: To SACF. [16:7:14] Apa pak? ((Larenz Hanzell)) [16:7:18] [MD] Resident Zhaniece Cardwell: Alright, i've prepared at Emergency Room ASGH. [16:7:19] Tentu karena hampton tewas. ((Roosevelt Hampton)) [16:7:19] [RADIO] PO-II Didier Luva: Police Officer II 10152 requesting 10-14, 10-20 Glen Park. [16:7:20] * Giancarlos Octavio memeriksa kondisi Larenz [16:7:22] Berapa denyut nadi per menit? (60-100 normal) @Hampton ((Blanchard Rechauffer)) [16:7:22] bisa? ((Giancarlos Octavio)) [16:7:24] Bisa ((Larenz Hanzell)) [16:7:32] * Milagros Covarrubias memeriksa kondisi tubuh Hampton's. [16:7:41] (( Samuel Lockhart: id 1 cuma tangan sama kaki )) [16:7:42] (( Samuel Lockhart: :/ )) [16:7:44] (( Blanchard Rechauffer: hooh )) [16:7:48] Milagros Covarrubias says: Terkena lengan dan kaki. [16:7:49] (( Blanchard Rechauffer: udah dikasi trauma dressing )) [16:7:57] (( Milagros Covarrubias: masa rpnya sesak nafas )) [16:7:58] * Giancarlos Octavio mengambil Perban dari BLS Kit kemudian memakakannya ke luka larenz [16:7:59] (( Milagros Covarrubias: gaje wkkwkw )) [16:7:59] Samuel Lockhart says: Transport. [16:8:2] 911: Crime: [ police tolong istri saya kabur pak ] [16:8:2] 911: Reporter: [ Kamar Mackey ] Phone: [ 242424 ] [16:8:8] Apakah saya boleh Accept death ? ((Roosevelt Hampton)) [16:8:9] Samuel Lockhart says: Langsung transport aja itu. [16:8:11] tidak ((Blanchard Rechauffer)) [16:8:15] Mengapa? ((Roosevelt Hampton)) [16:8:15] * Milagros Covarrubias memeriksa kondisi Larenz's. [16:8:21] Karena lagi di RP in ((Blanchard Rechauffer)) [16:8:21] * Samuel Lockhart taps all over Larenz's body. [16:8:29] Milagros Covarrubias says: Hanya graze. [16:8:29] Karakternya sudah tewas. ((Roosevelt Hampton)) [16:8:32] Samuel Lockhart says: Handcuff. [16:8:34] Pendarahan berhenti? @ Hampton ((Blanchard Rechauffer)) [16:8:35] * Giancarlos Octavio mengecek denyut nadi Larenz dengan menekan titik nadi nya [16:8:37] Tewas bagaimana? ((Milagros Covarrubias)) [16:8:38] * Kendrick Alvarez taps bodies Hampton with both hands from top to toe. [16:8:44] Samuel Lockhart says: he other one with gun shot wound. [16:8:51] Berhenti karena tertutup bandage, dan hampton tidak selamat. ((Roosevelt Hampton)) [16:9:3] Berapa denyut nadi permenit? (60-100 normal) @Larenz ((Giancarlos Octavio)) [16:9:5] Samuel Lockhart: (( The* )) [16:9:6] Lu rp sesak nafas, sedangkan lukanya di lengan dan kaki. ((Milagros Covarrubias)) [16:9:10] Kenapa bisa tidak selamat? ((Blanchard Rechauffer)) [16:9:12] (( PM to [24] Tom_Olivier: waokwowaow cabut;v )) [16:9:14] 110 ((Larenz Hanzell)) [16:9:16] * Samuel Lockhart reaches for pair of handcuffs from his belt, cuffs Hanzell's hands. [16:9:18] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{FF9999}[SAFD] Recruitment 60 telah dibuka, silahkan kunjungi website kami safd.gov.us{FF0000} (( safd.jg-gta.com )) [16:9:18] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Zhaniece_Cardwell{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}9990{FF0000}] [16:9:19] Mengenai urat nadinya. ((Roosevelt Hampton)) [16:9:19] Any ressistance? ((Samuel Lockhart)) [16:9:21] (( PM from [24] Tom_Olivier: wkwokwowo di suruh cabut )) [16:9:25] Where your id card? ((Kendrick Alvarez)) [16:9:29] Giancarlos Octavio says: Ini selamat Commander [16:9:29] Any ressistance, Hanzell? ((Samuel Lockhart)) [16:9:31] Milagros Covarrubias says: Urat nadi ada di leher sama lengan. [16:9:32] Samuel Lockhart says: I know. [16:9:32] Sempat RP sekarat juga tadi. ((Roosevelt Hampton)) [16:9:33] (( PM to [24] Tom_Olivier: aokkoawwkoa kasian:v )) [16:9:42] (( PM from [24] Tom_Olivier: ayolah 16k sayanggggg )) [16:9:44] Any ressistance, Hanzell? ((Samuel Lockhart)) [16:9:47] Milagros Covarrubias says: Lengannya sepertinya terkena nadi. [16:9:47] (( PM to [24] Tom_Olivier: gadak:v )) [16:9:49] Tidak ((Larenz Hanzell)) [16:9:54] Milagros Covarrubias says: Namun nadi leher tidak kena. [16:10:1] Samuel Lockhart says: Charges, evading police stop. [16:10:2] (( PM from [24] Tom_Olivier: kata admin juga lu banyak duit lu di bank njer )) [16:10:4] Samuel Lockhart says: Failure to comply. [16:10:6] Blanchard Rechauffer says: Yap. [16:10:9] ID-card Hampton dimana? ((Kendrick Alvarez)) [16:10:9] (( PM to [24] Tom_Olivier: kata siapa? )) [16:10:9] Samuel Lockhart says: Attempted murder police officer. [16:10:12] Samuel Lockhart says: Assaulting police officer. [16:10:12] Blanchard Rechauffer says: Sepertinya ini bisa diselamatkan. [16:10:14] Samuel Lockhart says: Assaulting civilian. [16:10:17] Samuel Lockhart says: Attempted murder civilian. [16:10:21] Samuel Lockhart says: Murdering civilian. [16:10:24] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] BF 400 3insu 0up MINAT CP ME! [16:10:24] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Enzo_Lefevre{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}125319{FF0000}] [16:10:25] Samuel Lockhart says: Possession of illegal firearms. [16:10:31] Kendrick Alvarez says: Armed Robbery. [16:10:34] Samuel Lockhart says: Armed robbery. [16:10:35] Robbery? ((Larenz Hanzell)) [16:10:36] Apakah saya boleh accept death ? ((Roosevelt Hampton)) [16:10:39] Samuel Lockhart says: Move it now. [16:10:47] Tidak boleh accept death. ((Milagros Covarrubias)) [16:10:50] * Gloria Stuart slings his MP-5 to his backbody, clicks the flick safety [ON] [16:10:53] Mengapa ? ((Roosevelt Hampton)) [16:10:57] Sedang di roleplaykan. ((Milagros Covarrubias)) [16:11:1] Milagros Covarrubias says: Opsir. [16:11:1] (( Vincent Lee: pusing suaranya )) [16:11:3] Okeh. ((Roosevelt Hampton)) [16:11:3] Milagros Covarrubias says: Periksa nadi. [16:11:9] Milagros Covarrubias says: Lee, periksa pernafasan. [16:11:12] * Giancarlos Octavio membuka pintu belakang cruiser [16:11:16] (( Vincent Lee: relog bntr )) [16:17:31] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Selamat datang {ffff00}Vincent_Lee{ffffff}. [16:17:31] PAYCHECK: Pergi ke bank dan /signcheck untuk mendapatkan paycheck anda atau pergi ke salah satu ATM! [16:17:31] Faction MOTD: {FFFF00}Diharapkan untuk aktif In-Game dan Forum, panggilan /r tolong fast response. [16:17:31] MOTD: {ffff00}Mohon menggunakan '/report' dengan benar, berikan informasi yang jelas dan detail {ff0000}- Ian [16:17:31] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Anda terakhir login {ffff00}2 jam yang lalu [16:17:32] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Today is {ffff00}Thu 26 Sep 2019, 16:17:32 [16:17:32] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Server memerlukan waktu {ffff00}763 milisecond{ffffff} untuk memuat data char anda! [16:17:33] {ff0000}Nezactra18: {ffffff}(( Kenapa pengennya mati? )) [16:17:35] Roosevelt Hampton: (( jadi kulitnya tertutup. )) [16:17:41] (( Vincent Lee: a )) [16:17:41] Roosevelt Hampton: (( itu aja si )) [16:17:42] {ff0000}Nezactra18: {ffffff}(( Lu pengen hidup apa mati? )) [16:17:43] (( PM from [3] Marvine_Collinson: i'm come back bro. )) [16:17:51] (( PM to [3] Marvine_Collinson: kontol di banned kasian bener )) [16:17:53] {ff0000}Nezactra18: {ffffff}(( Orang mah gamau mati, ini malah ingin mati )) [16:17:53] Roosevelt Hampton: (( kenapa mas tanya itu ? )) [16:17:56] (( PM to [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: kontol )) [16:18:1] (( PM to [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: kontol )) [16:18:1] (( PM from [3] Marvine_Collinson: wait w buat laporan bentar di block )) [16:18:1] Roosevelt Hampton: (( ya maaf mas saya rpan doang )) [16:18:2] {ff0000}Nezactra18: {ffffff}(( Ya lo force RP )) [16:18:2] (( Didier Luva: berjam2 di depan pc nungguin jail time berakhir )) [16:18:8] (( PM to [3] Marvine_Collinson: apanya babi )) [16:18:11] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Dijual mobil Yosmite 1 Insu 0Up butuh cepat. CP Me: [16:18:11] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Charles_Briht{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}396000{FF0000}] [16:18:13] {ff0000}Nezactra18: {ffffff}(( Masih mau force RP apa lanjutin RP? )) [16:18:20] (( Giancarlos Octavio: lu di jail bro? )) [16:18:23] Roosevelt Hampton: (( terserah deh )) [16:18:28] Roosevelt Hampton: (( ngalah saya )) [16:18:32] {ff0000}Nezactra18: {ffffff}(( Terserah gimana? )) [16:18:36] (( Didier Luva: bukan gua, itu Larenz_Hanzell )) [16:18:52] {ff0000}Nezactra18: {ffffff}(( Punya prinsip kan? Dijawab. itu ada dua pilihan. )) [16:18:56] (( Vincent Lee: akun lu itu? )) [16:19:1] {ff0000}Nezactra18: {ffffff}(( Ikut RP apa force RP? )) [16:19:4] Roosevelt Hampton: (( saya gapunya prinsip mas )) [16:19:8] Roosevelt Hampton: (( terserah mas pd aja )) [16:19:17] Roosevelt Hampton: (( saya kan dah bilang saya ngalah mas )) [16:19:17] (( Didier Luva: bukan )) [16:19:19] {ff0000}Nezactra18: {ffffff}(( Silahkan blanchard )) [16:19:22] Roosevelt Hampton: (( maaf juga )) [16:19:27] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Sanchez 2insurance 1up minat sms aja. [16:19:27] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Robbert_Redmund{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}500285{FF0000}] [16:19:28] Roosevelt Hampton: (( saya cuma rpan. )) [16:19:36] Berapa Denyut nadi per menit? (60-100 normal) ((Blanchard Rechauffer)) [16:19:37] Gloria Stuart: (( iya lo RP )) [16:19:40] Gloria Stuart: (( Tapi RP lo maksa )) [16:19:52] (( PM to [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: a )) [16:19:53] Dibawah rata-rata. ((Roosevelt Hampton)) [16:19:55] (( PM to [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: pindah ts )) [16:19:58] (( PM to [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: pindah ts )) [16:20:0] Gloria Stuart says: Move [16:20:6] DYOC: {ffffff}Weapons attachment {33AA33}enabled [16:20:7] (( Blanchard Rechauffer: eh gantiin ini dong )) [16:20:10] (( Blanchard Rechauffer: biling gua mo abis )) [16:20:13] (( Gloria Stuart: Yaudeh )) [16:20:16] (( Gloria Stuart: Switch aja )) [16:20:19] 911: Crime: [ ada robbry di depan apart redeo ] [16:20:19] 911: Reporter: [ Ghassan Musson ] Phone: [ 611130 ] [16:20:19] (( Vincent Lee: gua ga bisa rp bls )) [16:20:23] (( Vincent Lee: si amrun bisa tuh )) [16:20:23] kenapa di bawah rata rata? ((Giancarlos Octavio)) [16:20:25] (( Gloria Stuart: njir )) [16:20:30] (( Vincent Lee: makanya gua diem dari tadi wkwk )) [16:20:37] Apakah ada penanganan lebih yang menutup kemungkinan terhentinya pendarahan ? ((Roosevelt Hampton)) [16:20:39] (( Thomas Hardwell: huu cupu )) [16:20:39] (( Giancarlos Octavio: kok denyut nadinya kyk orang mati lagi sih, dia RP nya )) [16:20:42] (( Blanchard Rechauffer: gua kalo nemu gituan, gua diam aja )) [16:20:46] sudah dari tadi ((Giancarlos Octavio)) [16:20:48] (( Blanchard Rechauffer: males gua )) [16:20:49] penanganannya ((Giancarlos Octavio)) [16:20:51] (( Blanchard Rechauffer: ga ada gunanya )) [16:20:52] [RADIO] PO-II Didier Luva: Police Officer II 10152 Status 2. [16:20:53] (( PM to [19] Thomas_Hardwell: hai )) [16:20:58] (( PM to [19] Thomas_Hardwell: po 2 wkkww )) [16:21:0] (( Giancarlos Octavio: dia malah RP meninggal lagi anjir wkwkw )) [16:21:1] (( PM from [19] Thomas_Hardwell: jadi adjudant sapa )) [16:21:3] [RADIO] PO-I Blanchard Rechauffer: Police Officer I 4615 reporting off duty. [16:21:6] (( PM to [19] Thomas_Hardwell: OKAWKOWAKOWAKO KONTOL )) [16:21:11] Tertera *Penanganan lebih* ((Roosevelt Hampton)) [16:21:16] (( Blanchard Rechauffer: dah ye )) [16:21:16] (( Gloria Stuart: selow, ini gua pantekin )) [16:21:24] penanganan seperti tadi itu sudah cukup ((Giancarlos Octavio)) [16:21:28] WARNING: Weapon size modification will not be saved, please do not report this as a bug! [16:21:31] (( PM from [19] Thomas_Hardwell: paan jol kontal kontol )) [16:21:31] sudah semestinya untuk penanganan pertama ((Giancarlos Octavio)) [16:21:38] lagian luka kamu tidak parah ((Giancarlos Octavio)) [16:21:42] tidak memungkinkan untuk PK ((Giancarlos Octavio)) [16:21:43] (( PM from [19] Thomas_Hardwell: jadi adjudant lenaghan? )) [16:21:47] (( PM to [19] Thomas_Hardwell: wowkakowawa )) [16:21:48] PHONE: {FF0000}Number 435957 {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [16:21:49] (( PM to [19] Thomas_Hardwell: yaoi )) [16:21:51] 100, normal. ((Roosevelt Hampton)) [16:21:56] Gloria Stuart says: Kalo dia masih pura pura mati, kita bawa aja ke dokter. [16:21:57] 911: Crime: [ dia membawa DE di ASGH bascame dia ] [16:21:57] 911: Reporter: [ Ghassan Musson ] Phone: [ 611130 ] [16:21:57] WARNING: Weapon size modification will not be saved, please do not report this as a bug! [16:22:2] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telpon berhenti berdering! [16:22:3] Giancarlos Octavio says: Buka pintu cruiser [16:22:3] Gloria Stuart says: Gimana Adjudant? [16:22:10] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (435957) [16:22:10] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}sayang ih [16:22:11] Giancarlos Octavio says: Sudah normal [16:22:15] Gloria Stuart says: Weleh [16:22:18] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [16:22:18] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 435957 [16:22:18] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Bntr lgi urus suspect asw [16:22:21] Gloria Stuart says: Bener kan dia pura pura mati tadi. [16:22:27] Gloria Stuart says: Masa langsung normal. [16:22:32] * Vincent Lee membuka pintu cruisher belakang [16:22:34] * Giancarlos Octavio mengangkat tubuh hampton dengan kedua tangan [16:22:37] [RADIO] PO-II Thomas Hardwell: Police Officer II 5104 taking status two [16:22:37] bisa? ((Giancarlos Octavio)) [16:22:40] mas saya mau eskul ((Roosevelt Hampton)) [16:22:43] mari percepat. ((Roosevelt Hampton)) [16:22:48] Bisa. ((Roosevelt Hampton)) [16:22:50] * Vincent Lee membantu mengangkat tubuh hampton [16:22:53] Jawab RP cepet. ((Gloria Stuart)) [16:22:58] bisa? ((Giancarlos Octavio)) [16:23:0] [ID] ID: 1 | Name: Roosevelt_Hampton | Level: 5 | Ping: 29 | Launcher: Yes [16:23:0] Bisa. ((Roosevelt Hampton)) [16:23:15] (( Vincent Lee: ga di cuff? )) [16:23:21] (( Giancarlos Octavio: FD dulu )) [16:23:24] [RADIO] Sergeant I Gloria Stuart: 1-LINCOLN-4 to Officer II 5104 wanna teaming up with me? [16:23:25] (( Vincent Lee: okeh )) [16:23:31] * Giancarlos Octavio memasukkan tubuh Hampton ke cruiser [16:23:37] * Vincent Lee menutup pintu cruisher belakang [16:23:47] Vincent Lee says: Mari sersan [16:23:48] Gloria Stuart says: Hati hati. [16:23:48] Vincent Lee says: Duluan [16:23:53] Vincent Lee: (( /afk )) [16:24:8] [RADIO] PO-II Thomas Hardwell: i already have partner sorry 1-LINCOLN-4. [16:24:17] (( PM to [19] Thomas_Hardwell: wakokowaowa cie sg:v )) [16:24:17] [id:0] {ffff00}Brackston_Lewis: {ffffff}is Alt-Tabbed for 1062 seconds [16:24:17] [id:6] {ffff00}Will_Stradlin: {ffffff}is Alt-Tabbed for 499 seconds [16:24:17] [id:11] {ffff00}Luke_Horvath: {ffffff}is Alt-Tabbed for 35 seconds [16:24:17] [id:12] {ffff00}Antony_Romanovich: {ffffff}is Alt-Tabbed for 69 seconds [16:24:17] [id:16] {ffff00}Bryan_Trevon: {ffffff}is Alt-Tabbed for 671 seconds [16:24:17] [id:23] {ffff00}Thamuz_Abhisar: {ffffff}is Alt-Tabbed for 2317 seconds [16:24:17] [id:42] {ffff00}Derrick_Banks: {ffffff}is Alt-Tabbed for 200 seconds [16:24:17] [id:49] {ffff00}Hanna_Steinfield: {ffffff}is Alt-Tabbed for 2788 seconds [16:24:17] [id:52] {ffff00}Alcino_Castro: {ffffff}is Alt-Tabbed for 255 seconds [16:24:24] (( PM to [3] Marvine_Collinson: oakwkowa )) [16:24:25] [RADIO] Sergeant I Gloria Stuart: Alright, 1-LINCOLN-4 speak. [16:24:28] (( PM to [3] Marvine_Collinson: KONTOL KANG KEBANNE )) [16:24:30] (( PM to [3] Marvine_Collinson: KONTOL KANG KEBANNED )) [16:24:30] (( PM from [19] Thomas_Hardwell: lu dimana dah )) [16:24:33] (( PM from [19] Thomas_Hardwell: kok bisa tau )) [16:24:39] (( PM from [19] Thomas_Hardwell: se net sama didier? )) [16:24:40] (( PM from [3] Marvine_Collinson: Itu reason gak jelas kok liat forum aja deh )) [16:24:41] (( PM to [19] Thomas_Hardwell: aku hacker:v )) [16:24:45] (( PM to [3] Marvine_Collinson: lah ? awokwakoowa )) [16:24:49] [RADIO] PO-I Veilleux Sciverit: Police Officer I 8554 reporting on duty from Angelpine Precinct. [16:24:51] [RADIO] Sergeant I Gloria Stuart: 1-LINCOLN-4 any available unit for teaming up? [16:24:51] (( PM to [19] Thomas_Hardwell: ewkeowakoeao )) [16:25:1] (( PM from [3] Marvine_Collinson: gue ama lu yg lebih ritat elu bego awoawoakwo )) [16:25:2] Roosevelt Hampton: (( mas saya mandi dulu ya )) [16:25:5] Vincent Lee: (( ga )) [16:25:11] Vincent Lee: (( Selesain rp dulu )) [16:25:12] [RADIO] Sergeant I Gloria Stuart: 1-LINCOLN-4 to Police Officer I 8554 Lets teaming up with me. [16:25:13] [RADIO] PO-II Thomas Hardwell: Police Officer II 5104 teaming up with Officer Luva start of watch under 1-ADAM-1. [16:25:16] Roosevelt Hampton: (( saya mau eskul karate mas )) [16:25:17] Giancarlos Octavio says: bentar saya cek [16:25:18] Vincent Lee: (( kalo gamau panggil admin )) [16:25:25] [RADIO] PO-I Veilleux Sciverit: Sure, Officer I 8554 speaks. [16:25:25] (( Vincent Lee: nih orang mau eskul mulu )) [16:25:28] (( Vincent Lee: piye iki? )) [16:25:30] (( PM from [3] Marvine_Collinson: warn gw cuman 2 lah elu harusnya dah 20 warns awawoko cuman dapet dari /usegold atau /gifts ) [16:25:35] Roosevelt Hampton: (( saya afkin dulu sekalian mandi sayanya )) [16:25:35] (( PM to [3] Marvine_Collinson: okowakwoakwaokwoawkoakwao pepek )) [16:25:37] [RADIO] Sergeant I Gloria Stuart: Enroute to Angelpine, 1-LINCOLN-4 speak [16:25:39] Roosevelt Hampton: (( oke ? )) [16:25:44] REPORT: {ffffff}Your report has been issued to the queue, use '{ffff00}/reports{ffffff}' to see your report [16:25:45] (( Samuel Lockhart: gbs gitu lah udh rp juga )) [16:25:45] Vincent Lee: (( ga )) [16:25:50] (( Vincent Lee: /reports )) [16:25:50] HQ: {00ffff}Larenz_Hanzell have been arrested by Samuel_Lockhart [16:25:50] [RADIO] PO-I Veilleux Sciverit: I'll waiting you here 1-LINCOLN-4. [16:26:8] (( Samuel Lockhart: nanti itu )) [16:26:11] (( Samuel Lockhart: 300 menit 1160 fine )) [16:26:20] (( Vincent Lee: atip dia:( )) [16:26:32] (( PM to [4] Gloria_Stuart: a )) [16:26:35] (( PM to [4] Gloria_Stuart: ini gimana pusing:( )) [16:26:56] Vincent Lee says: Gimane [16:26:59] AdmCmd: Brackston_Lewis has been kicked by daviazhar. [16:26:59] Reason: ATIP [direport] [16:27:11] Vincent Lee says: Ada? [16:27:14] Roosevelt Hampton: (( prison aja mas )) [16:27:17] Roosevelt Hampton: (( masi lama ga? )) [16:27:21] Vincent Lee: (( langsung sacf aja )) [16:27:22] Giancarlos Octavio says: ada [16:27:23] Vincent Lee: (( kasian )) [16:27:26] [RADIO] PO-I Veilleux Sciverit: Police Officer I 8554 joining 1-ADAM-4 [16:27:37] (( Giancarlos Octavio: ini lngsung SACF aja atau gmana? )) [16:27:37] Roosevelt Hampton: (( mas saya sudah diomelin disuruh eskul )) [16:27:39] (( PM to [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: 300menit 1160 fine )) [16:27:46] (( Samuel Lockhart: udh rp ama medic blm )) [16:27:47] (( Vincent Lee: kasian minta buru buru dia wkwk )) [16:27:53] Roosevelt Hampton: (( jam 5 saya mulai eskul mas )) [16:27:53] (( Vincent Lee: di omelin emaknya katanya )) [16:27:55] (( Giancarlos Octavio: blom tapi dia ga berenti /b )) [16:27:56] (( Samuel Lockhart: ikuti prosedur yg ada rp ama medis dulu )) [16:27:59] (( Giancarlos Octavio: katnya maw eskol )) [16:28:0] Roosevelt Hampton: (( boleh ga saya tinggal mandi dulu )) [16:28:2] Roosevelt Hampton: (( saya afk )) [16:28:4] (( Giancarlos Octavio: oke bang )) [16:28:4] (( Vincent Lee: di omelin emaknya katanya )) [16:28:7] Giancarlos Octavio: (( jngn )) [16:28:7] Roosevelt Hampton: (( sekalian mas rp aja )) [16:28:8] Vincent Lee: (( jgn )) [16:28:10] (( Gloria Stuart: kalo refuse tinggal /report )) [16:28:11] Giancarlos Octavio says: keluarin [16:28:11] Roosevelt Hampton: (( gmn dong )) [16:28:19] * Vincent Lee membuka pintu cruisher belakang [16:28:27] * Giancarlos Octavio mengangkat tubuh Hampton dengan kedua tangan [16:28:27] (( PM to [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: pindah ts kontol )) [16:28:34] (( PM from [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: central HQ 2 aja )) [16:29:4] RESPOND: {ff0000}Nezactra18 {FFFFCC}has responded to your report [16:29:5] Zhaniece Cardwell: (( gue kill y? )) [16:29:10] Demarien Dillard: (( ywdh )) [16:29:14] Vincent Lee says: FD [16:29:15] (( PM from [4] Gloria_Stuart: RPin terus, refuse bilang gua )) [16:29:15] Giancarlos Octavio Shouts: Emergency! [16:29:19] (( PM to [4] Gloria_Stuart: oke )) [16:29:20] Zhaniece Cardwell says: Sebentar [16:29:21] Vincent Lee Shouts: EMERGENCY! [16:29:30] Roosevelt Hampton: (( jarak rumah kesekolah 872 meter mas, kalo gamacet itu juga )) [16:29:34] Zhaniece Cardwell says: Saya mengira tadi gajadi. [16:29:35] Vincent Lee: (( salah sendiri )) [16:29:36] Roosevelt Hampton: (( mas biar dokter rp operasi ya )) [16:29:38] Zhaniece Cardwell says: Silahkan [16:29:40] Roosevelt Hampton: (( saya mau mandi dulu )) [16:29:41] Vincent Lee: (( salah sendiri )) [16:29:42] Zhaniece Cardwell says: Ini suspect ? [16:29:44] Giancarlos Octavio says: Iya [16:29:46] Zhaniece Cardwell says: Baik [16:29:55] * Giancarlos Octavio meletakkan tubuh hampton di kasur [16:30:0] Demarien Dillard: (( Gak usah robber makanya -tihoy ;'v )) [16:30:10] Vincent Lee: (( nahh )) [16:30:12] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}ad[Joinjob]Ada Perkerjaan Pekerjaan apa saja yang penting halal Kalo ada :Call:OR:SMS [16:30:12] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Marcelo_Chadwick{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}640074{FF0000}] [16:30:13] Vincent Lee: (( good dude )) [16:30:15] * Zhaniece Cardwell mencuci kedua tangan dengan alcoholic gel` [16:30:18] Zhaniece Cardwell: (( miss )) [16:30:21] Giancarlos Octavio says: Paan sih [16:30:22] * Zhaniece Cardwell mengeringkannya dengan lap steril [16:30:23] Giancarlos Octavio says: KOk di dada [16:30:25] [RADIO] PO-II Thomas Hardwell: Police Officer II 5104 taking status two. [16:30:25] Giancarlos Octavio says: pegangnya [16:30:26] * Zhaniece Cardwell memakai handscoen gloves di kedua tangan [16:30:28] Vincent Lee says: apasi [16:30:32] * Zhaniece Cardwell mengarahkan statistic x ray pada bagian tubuh pasien [16:30:35] Giancarlos Octavio says: Lu pegang m4 di perut [16:30:36] Vincent Lee: (( alah sombong hitman_- )) [16:30:37] Giancarlos Octavio says: gajelas [16:30:39] * Zhaniece Cardwell menganalisis hasil scan x ray tersebut [16:30:43] Giancarlos Octavio says: Pahaha [16:30:44] Roosevelt Hampton says: accept inspect [16:30:45] * Giancarlos Octavio ngakak [16:30:45] Vincent Lee: (( wawwakowa )) [16:30:50] Giancarlos Octavio says: Astaga [16:30:52] Giancarlos Octavio says: Hahah [16:30:52] Vincent Lee says: Pinjem unit bentar [16:30:56] * Zhaniece Cardwell mengambil tabung infus berisi cairan lactated raingers solution [16:31:6] Giancarlos Octavio Shouts: woi! [16:31:11] Vincent Lee says: Apa sih [16:31:13] Giancarlos Octavio says: makan [16:31:15] Vincent Lee says: GA [16:31:17] Giancarlos Octavio says: Tavo's resto [16:31:20] Vincent Lee says: GA [16:31:24] Giancarlos Octavio says: Habis itu ke ASGH [16:31:26] Vincent Lee says: )) [16:31:48] [RADIO] PO-II Didier Luva: 1-ADAM-1 here, any available TEU on duty? [16:31:48] TRAINING: {FFFFFF}You've leveled up your {00FFFF}Assault Rifle (m4) {FFFFFF}skill from {FFFF00}0 {FFFFFF}to {00FF00}100 [16:31:48] TRAINING: {FFFFFF}You must wait {FFFF00}15 minutes {FFFFFF}before you can level up another skill. [16:31:48] ERROR: You must wait 14 minutes before you can start training! [16:32:3] Vincent Lee says: Ayo [16:32:7] Vincent Lee says: Gua mau periksa juga [16:32:8] Giancarlos Octavio says: lapar [16:32:10] Vincent Lee says: Pusing pala gua [16:32:13] Vincent Lee says: Kebanyakan utang [16:32:18] Giancarlos Octavio says: habis transport periksanya [16:32:18] * Vincent Lee ngakak [16:32:23] Vincent Lee says: Gamau [16:32:24] Vincent Lee says: Lu aja [16:32:28] Vincent Lee says: Nanti jemput gua aja [16:32:32] Giancarlos Octavio says: ga lah [16:32:34] [RADIO] PO-II Didier Luva: Disregard, 1-ADAM-1> [16:32:37] [RADIO] PO-II Didier Luva: Disregard, 1-ADAM-1. [16:32:50] Giancarlos Octavio says: Taco [16:32:51] Giancarlos Octavio says: Enak [16:32:53] Giancarlos Octavio says: Favorit [16:32:56] WARNING: {ffffff}You've eaten too much, overall fitness rating decreased by {00ffff}1.00 [16:32:56] SHOP: {ffffff}You've purchased {ffff00}Menu +84 {ffffff}for {00ff00}$5.25 [16:32:57] Vincent Lee says: g [16:32:58] Vincent Lee says: G [16:33:4] Vincent Lee says: Ga [16:33:7] SHOP: {ffffff}You've purchased {ffff00}Energy Drink {ffffff}for {00ff00}$3.75 [16:33:24] AdmCmd: Roberto_Chavez has been warned by daviazhar, Total warning: 7 [16:33:24] Reason: Kewajiban Roleplay [16:33:32] WARNING: {ffffff}You've drunk too much, overall fitness rating decreased by {00ffff}0.40 [16:33:51] [RADIO] Prob. Detective Artour Conteville: Prob.Detective reporting for on duty, over [16:34:2] AdmCmd: daviazhar has jailed Roberto_Chavez for 60 minute(s) [16:34:2] Reason: Kewajiban Roleplay [16:34:39] Zhaniece Cardwell says: Ini [16:34:42] Zhaniece Cardwell says: Tidak bayar. [16:34:45] Roosevelt Hampton: (( mas gimana mas )) [16:34:48] Vincent Lee: (( paan )) [16:34:50] Roosevelt Hampton: (( skip rp ya )) [16:34:50] {ff0000}daviazhar: {ffffff}(( udah rp hidup kan? )) [16:34:51] Vincent Lee: (( gajelas lu )) [16:34:53] Roosevelt Hampton: (( langsung penjara )) [16:34:54] Vincent Lee: (( uda )) [16:34:54] {ff0000}daviazhar: {ffffff}(( biar gw prison )) [16:34:56] Vincent Lee: (( oke )) [16:34:57] {ff0000}daviazhar: {ffffff}(( hitung charges )) [16:34:58] Giancarlos Octavio: (( oke )) [16:34:58] Vincent Lee: (( 1160 )) [16:34:58] {ff0000}daviazhar: {ffffff}(( su dulu )) [16:35:1] {ff0000}daviazhar: {ffffff}(( vincent )) [16:35:3] Giancarlos Octavio: (( 300 menit )) [16:35:4] Vincent Lee: (( 1160$ )) [16:35:6] Roosevelt Hampton: (( su dulu mas )) [16:35:6] Vincent Lee: (( 300 menit )) [16:35:7] {ff0000}daviazhar: {ffffff}(( udah su ? )) [16:35:7] Giancarlos Octavio: (( 1160 fine )) [16:35:7] * Zhaniece Cardwell mengambil tabung infus berisi cairan NaCi lalu mengaitkannya ke IV stand [16:35:10] Vincent Lee: (( blom )) [16:35:12] Giancarlos Octavio: (( blom )) [16:35:15] {ff0000}daviazhar: {ffffff}(( su dlu )) [16:35:15] * Zhaniece Cardwell menginfus salah satu pergelangan tangan pasien dengan IV needle [16:35:17] Vincent Lee Shouts: Dokter! [16:35:18] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Roosevelt Hampton ] Reporter: [ Giancarlos Octavio ] [16:35:18] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Evading from Police ] [16:35:19] Roosevelt Hampton: (( mas percepat )) [16:35:26] Vincent Lee: (( bawel )) [16:35:31] Roosevelt Hampton: (( lah kok bawel ? )) [16:35:32] Vincent Lee: (( lu yang ngerob lu yang suruh buru buru )) [16:35:34] Roosevelt Hampton: (( saya ngasih tau )) [16:35:36] Vincent Lee: (( salah siapa? )) [16:35:36] Roosevelt Hampton: (( saya mau eskul )) [16:35:37] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Roosevelt Hampton ] Reporter: [ Giancarlos Octavio ] [16:35:37] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Attempted Murdering on Police ] [16:35:41] Vincent Lee: (( Salah lo lah )) [16:35:44] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Roosevelt Hampton ] Reporter: [ Giancarlos Octavio ] [16:35:44] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Attempted Murdering on Civilian ] [16:35:44] Zhaniece Cardwell says: Kenapa harus berteriak? [16:35:44] Roosevelt Hampton: (( lah jangan salah salahan gitu dong mas )) [16:35:45] Zhaniece Cardwell says: Ada apa? [16:35:46] Vincent Lee: (( lo mau eskul tapi ngerob )) [16:35:52] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Roosevelt Hampton ] Reporter: [ Giancarlos Octavio ] [16:35:52] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Failure to Comply ] [16:35:52] Vincent Lee says: Bentar dokter [16:35:54] Roosevelt Hampton: (( atuh gimana namanya ngisi waktu )) [16:35:54] Vincent Lee says: Saya mau periksa nanti [16:35:58] (( Giancarlos Octavio: Assaulting on Leo )) [16:35:58] [RADIO] PO-II Thomas Hardwell: 1-ADAM-1 performing 10-55 with Pink sultan 10-20 in front off Mechanic center. [16:36:0] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Robbert_Redmund ] Phone: [ 500285 ] [16:36:0] Message: police [16:36:0] Vincent Lee: (( ya lu bisa kan ga usah ngerob? )) [16:36:1] (( Giancarlos Octavio: miss )) [16:36:5] Vincent Lee: (( nyusahin aje )) [16:36:6] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Roosevelt Hampton ] Reporter: [ Giancarlos Octavio ] [16:36:6] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Assaulting on Leo ] [16:36:7] Zhaniece Cardwell says: Maksud? saya sedang ada pasien saat ini. [16:36:7] (( Romain Guillot: hm )) [16:36:11] Roosevelt Hampton: (( lah nyusahin ? )) [16:36:12] Vincent Lee: (( lu kira gua robot kali )) [16:36:14] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Robbert_Redmund ] Phone: [ 500285 ] [16:36:14] Message: pak saya ingin membayar CGC bisakah saya membayar nya? [16:36:15] Roosevelt Hampton: (( kok bahasanya gitu mas )) [16:36:18] (( Giancarlos Octavio: apalagi ya )) [16:36:20] (( Didier Luva: hahaha )) [16:36:22] Vincent Lee says: Iya dok [16:36:23] Vincent Lee says: Nanti saja [16:36:24] TELEPORT: {FFFF00}Milagros_Covarrubias {FFFFFF}has teleported to you! [16:36:25] Vincent Lee says: Saya panggil lagi [16:36:26] (( Romain Guillot: ketawa lo )) [16:36:30] {ff0000}daviazhar: {ffffff}(( sudah? )) [16:36:30] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Gael_Nores ] Phone: [ 77777770 ] [16:36:30] Message: Saya ingin membuat CGC. [16:36:30] Zhaniece Cardwell says: Oke [16:36:30] Roosevelt Hampton: (( mas jail aja mas )) [16:36:33] {ff0000}daviazhar: {ffffff}(( brp menit )) [16:36:34] {ff0000}daviazhar: {ffffff}(( sama fine )) [16:36:35] Giancarlos Octavio: (( masih ada kek nya )) [16:36:35] Roosevelt Hampton: (( hitung waktunya )) [16:36:46] Vincent Lee: (( 300 menit )) [16:36:48] * Zhaniece Cardwell memberikannya obat dan segelas air putih [16:36:51] Vincent Lee: (( 1160$ )) [16:36:51] Roosevelt Hampton: (( mas saya belum mandi dan jarak sekolah lumayan )) [16:36:55] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Roosevelt Hampton ] Reporter: [ Giancarlos Octavio ] [16:36:55] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Possesing of Illegal Firearms ] [16:36:56] AdmCmd: daviazhar has fined Roosevelt_Hampton for $1,160.00 [16:36:56] Reason: IC fine [prison] [16:37:4] (( PM from [0] Allard_Anayouri: Ciee )) [16:37:4] {ff0000}daviazhar: {ffffff}(( berapa )) [16:37:6] {ff0000}daviazhar: {ffffff}(( menit )) [16:37:6] Giancarlos Octavio: (( dah )) [16:37:7] Roosevelt Hampton: (( 300 )) [16:37:7] Vincent Lee: (( 300 )) [16:37:8] Giancarlos Octavio: (( 300 )) [16:37:14] (( PM to [0] Allard_Anayouri: apasi:v )) [16:37:14] AdmCmd: daviazhar has prisoned Roosevelt_Hampton for 300 minute(s) [16:37:14] Reason: IC Jail [16:37:15] {ff0000}daviazhar: {ffffff}(( done )) [16:37:16] (( PM to [0] Allard_Anayouri: lu sapa:v )) [16:37:18] Vincent Lee: (( owakowa naise )) [16:37:28] (( PM from [0] Allard_Anayouri: Gua riski anjer lupa mulu )) [16:37:33] (( PM to [0] Allard_Anayouri: lupa toll )) [16:37:37] (( PM to [0] Allard_Anayouri: bego sih )) [16:37:38] Giancarlos Octavio says: ga sengaja [16:37:40] Vincent Lee: (( apasi )) [16:37:43] (( PM from [0] Allard_Anayouri: gua doain lupa beneran )) [16:38:12] [ID] ID: 3 | Name: Marvine_Collinson | Level: 7 | Ping: 29 | Launcher: Yes [16:38:14] (( PM to [3] Marvine_Collinson: WS )) [16:38:19] (( PM from [3] Marvine_Collinson: ICin )) [16:38:19] (( PM to [3] Marvine_Collinson: SEPIIIIII:V )) [16:38:24] (( PM to [3] Marvine_Collinson: SEPIIIIII:v )) [16:38:24] (( PM from [3] Marvine_Collinson: awoawkoawwka )) [16:38:29] Vincent Lee: (( apasi )) [16:38:31] Giancarlos Octavio: (( /sealhouse )) [16:38:32] AdmCmd: Demarien_Dillard has been kicked by malphonzo1. [16:38:32] Reason: AFK while RP with FD. [16:38:33] (( PM from [3] Marvine_Collinson: ini juga mau RPin iklan )) [16:38:36] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [16:38:38] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [16:38:43] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [16:38:44] ERROR: You need to be at a house entrance to use this command! [16:38:53] (( Artour Conteville: ini enb kenapa bisa auto on kalau setiap balik dari alt-tab ya? )) [16:38:54] Giancarlos Octavio says: .Sealhouse [16:38:54] Giancarlos Octavio says: )) [16:39:2] Giancarlos Octavio: (( /sealhouse )) [16:39:4] Giancarlos Octavio: (( coba )) [16:39:11] [RADIO] Sergeant I Gloria Stuart: 1-ADAM-4 requesting unit at my locations, westernside Trash Dump Willowfield. [16:39:19] [RADIO] Sergeant I Gloria Stuart: 1-ADAM-4 possible gun point. [16:39:35] [RADIO] PO-II Thomas Hardwell: 1-ADAM-1 10-99 from 10-55 continue to status four. [16:39:38] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Giancarlos Octavio: 1-ADAM-2 enroute [16:39:44] [RADIO] Prob. Detective Artour Conteville: Prob.Detective 9921 start of watch under 7-UNION-2, clearing from CI Headquarter [16:40:13] AdmCmd: Tom_Olivier has been kicked by Nooo_Namee. [16:40:13] Reason: Jangan missusing /report [16:40:17] [RADIO] Sergeant I Gloria Stuart: You can trace me 44444 for spesific locations. [16:40:37] [RADIO] Prob. Detective Artour Conteville: 7-UNION-1 enrouting [16:40:58] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}ST Vincent Garage menyediakan modift dan upgrade mobil tipe WAA yang KECE @Flint [16:40:58] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Marvine_Collinson{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}432424{FF0000}] [16:41:7] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [16:41:7] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 432424 [16:41:7] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Dimana [16:41:10] ERROR: Unable to trace that number! [16:41:11] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [16:41:19] [RADIO] PO-II Didier Luva: 1-ADAM-1 enroute to your phone location. [16:41:24] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (432424) [16:41:24] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Gue di MC [16:41:27] PHONE: {FF0000}Number 435957 {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [16:42:9] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Selamat datang {ffff00}Vincent_Lee{ffffff}. [16:42:9] PAYCHECK: Pergi ke bank dan /signcheck untuk mendapatkan paycheck anda atau pergi ke salah satu ATM! [16:42:9] Faction MOTD: {FFFF00}Diharapkan untuk aktif In-Game dan Forum, panggilan /r tolong fast response. [16:42:9] MOTD: {ffff00}Mohon menggunakan '/report' dengan benar, berikan informasi yang jelas dan detail {ff0000}- Ian [16:42:9] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Anda terakhir login {ffff00}24 menit yang lalu [16:42:9] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Today is {ffff00}Thu 26 Sep 2019, 16:42:09 [16:42:9] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Server memerlukan waktu {ffff00}233 milisecond{ffffff} untuk memuat data char anda! [16:42:18] PHONE: {FF0000}Number 435957 {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [16:42:19] (( PM from [0] Allard_Anayouri: Cieee dah tobat absen )) [16:42:24] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [16:42:28] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telpon berhenti berdering! [16:42:29] (( PM to [0] Allard_Anayouri: udah adjudant )) [16:42:30] PHONE: {FF0000}Number 435957 {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [16:42:31] DYOC: {ffffff}Weapons attachment {33AA33}enabled [16:42:37] (( PM from [0] Allard_Anayouri: sorry gak nanya )) [16:42:41] (( PM to [0] Allard_Anayouri: oke block pm )) [16:42:50] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Anda telah menjawab telpon. [16:42:50] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Gunakan chat biasa untuk berkomunikasi lewat telpon, '/h' untuk menutup telpon. [16:42:51] (( PM from [52] Tom_Olivier: sombong banget sumpah )) [16:42:52] Vincent Lee [phone]: Apa [16:42:52] Caller [phone]: Hallo. [16:42:54] (( PM from [0] Allard_Anayouri: walapun adjudant sering kebanned percuma )) [16:42:59] Caller [phone]: aku mau bicara penting. [16:43:1] Vincent Lee [phone]: Kenapa [16:43:2] Caller [phone]: sama kamu. [16:43:10] Caller [phone]: disekitar kamu ada orang lain ga? [16:43:10] Vincent Lee [phone]: Ada apa [16:43:11] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{66FFFF}[SELL/TRADE]Cheetah 3 Insurance and 4 Upgrade Full Modification have 2 Stiker, Interest? Cellphone: [16:43:11] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Bradley_Alvarez{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}270013{FF0000}] [16:43:12] Mask 349910 says: Woi [16:43:12] Vincent Lee [phone]: Ga ada [16:43:13] Mask 349910 says: Naek [16:43:15] Vincent Lee Shouts: Sapa lu! [16:43:18] (( PM from [0] Allard_Anayouri: baper nih )) [16:43:18] Mask 349910 Shouts: ROMAIN! [16:43:20] Caller [phone]: aku mau ketemu sama kamu. [16:43:21] Caller [phone]: Titik [16:43:24] Vincent Lee [phone]: Dih [16:43:25] Vincent Lee [phone]: Dimana [16:43:31] Caller [phone]: Terserah kamu sayang. [16:43:35] Caller [phone]: kamu dimana? [16:43:41] Apakah saya menemukan Kunci mobil? ((Thomas Hardwell)) [16:43:42] Vincent Lee [phone]: Trash job [16:43:44] Darah ini keluar sejak kapan? @Donald ((Gloria Stuart)) [16:43:45] Andrew Neiman says: Sini pak kuncinya di aku. [16:43:47] Tidak, kuncinya di mobil ((Clayton Gallagher)) [16:43:47] * Giancarlos Octavio membuka bagasi mobil [16:43:49] Caller [phone]: oke aku kesana.w [16:43:50] Vincent Lee [phone]: Ok [16:43:50] Caller [phone]: )) [16:43:50] AdmCmd: Luke_Horvath has been kicked by daviazhar. [16:43:50] Reason: AFK [direport] [16:43:50] Telepon terputus... [16:43:53] Thomas Hardwell says: Stop [16:43:54] fail ((Giancarlos Octavio)) [16:43:55] Donald Myers: (( Bentar gua cek Log )) [16:43:55] Thomas Hardwell says: Tetap disitu [16:43:57] * Clayton Gallagher melihat kepolisian mengecheck kendaraannya. [16:43:59] (( PM to [10] Donald_Myers: what? )) [16:43:59] Thomas Hardwell says: Angkat tangan kalian [16:44:0] Donald Myers: (( biar tau )) [16:44:4] (( PM to [10] Donald_Myers: is that you? )) [16:44:6] (( PM from [10] Donald_Myers: Ya gua korban )) [16:44:7] Thomas Hardwell says: Angkat tangan kamu [16:44:11] * Andrew Neiman mengeluarkan kunci dari kantung, lalu memasukkannya ke colokan kunci bagasi. [16:44:14] (( PM to [10] Donald_Myers: lu pelni kan )) [16:44:17] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY] Rumah dengan 1 garasi di daerah Montgomery , Blueberry atau Palomino , Ada ? SMS ! [16:44:17] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Yevgraf_Slawosky{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}2128588{FF0000}] [16:44:20] Thomas Hardwell says: Biar saya yang buka [16:44:27] (( PM from [10] Donald_Myers: ya )) [16:44:29] apakah kuncinya sudah menempel di bagasi ((Thomas Hardwell)) [16:44:30] apakah kuncinya sudah menempel di bagasi? ((Thomas Hardwell)) [16:44:33] ya ((Andrew Neiman)) [16:44:35] * Giancarlos Octavio membuka trunk mobil [16:44:41] (( Vincent Lee: eh ada privat bls kit ga )) [16:44:43] Pendarahan sangat lumayan lama dan pendarahan sangat banyak ((Donald Myers)) [16:44:43] Veilleux Sciverit says: Kalau dia merampok, dia menggunakan apa ya? [16:44:44] Giancarlos Octavio says: Clear [16:44:46] (( Milagros Covarrubias: training? )) [16:44:46] Thomas Hardwell says: Oke. [16:44:51] Giancarlos Octavio says: Cuman component [16:44:52] Thomas Hardwell says: Sersan. [16:44:54] * Veilleux Sciverit memeriksa barang bawaan Donald. [16:44:57] Gloria Stuart says: Pertanyaan tidak masuk akal mangkanya [16:45:0] Thomas Hardwell says: Bagasi kendaraan mereka clear. [16:45:1] (( Vincent Lee: iya )) [16:45:4] Gloria Stuart says: Okey. [16:45:5] Veilleux Sciverit says: Wah. [16:45:10] Gloria Stuart says: Pasti ada orang ketiga pas kita lari. [16:45:11] Veilleux Sciverit says: Wah.. dia bawa Desert Eagle. [16:45:12] [RADIO] Prob. Detective Romain Guillot: Prob. Detective 9655 clocking on [16:45:14] Clayton Gallagher says: Sudah saya bilang. [16:45:20] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Gael_Nores ] Phone: [ 77777770 ] [16:45:20] Message: Bisa tidak saya membayar CGC? [16:45:21] (( Vincent Alvarez: Akhirnya ketemu milagros juga )) [16:45:22] (( PM to [10] Donald_Myers: itu dah di unban anjir )) [16:45:23] (( Vincent Lee: wkwkw )) [16:45:23] Donald Myers: (( Gua bawa gun Fails RP )) [16:45:24] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL]Sadler 3 insu 3 upgrade fullmodift sticker [16:45:24] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Abraham_Johnson{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}1786{FF0000}] [16:45:25] Andrew Neiman says: Sudah boss saya bilang. [16:45:26] (( Vincent Lee: alvarez hai )) [16:45:26] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Malak Alhamed: GCLU 7820 on fiver. [16:45:29] Gloria Stuart says: Siapa yang bawa desert Eagle? [16:45:30] (( PM from [10] Donald_Myers: Punya bocil )) [16:45:30] Clayton Gallagher says: Turunkan tanganmu Neiman, kau terlihat seperti orang bodoh. [16:45:33] Veilleux Sciverit says: Dia, sersan. [16:45:33] (( PM to [10] Donald_Myers: njir )) [16:45:35] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (435957) [16:45:35] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}aku di belakang. [16:45:36] * Andrew Neiman mengangguk. [16:45:37] * Veilleux Sciverit menunjuk Donald. [16:45:39] Didier Luva says: Hey, menjauh. [16:45:39] Andrew Neiman says: Baik boss. [16:45:39] (( PM from [10] Donald_Myers: hhahaha )) [16:45:41] Thomas Hardwell says: Pergi pergi [16:45:45] Vincent Lee says: Apa [16:45:51] (( Vincent Alvarez: Hai Lee )) [16:45:53] (( Vincent Lee: wkwk )) [16:45:55] Vincent Lee says: Kenapa [16:45:55] Tom Olivier says: aku mau ngobrol berdua dengan kamu. [16:46:0] (( Giancarlos Octavio: pasangan serasi )) [16:46:2] (( Giancarlos Octavio: LGBT )) [16:46:3] (( Vincent Lee: apasi ;v )) [16:46:4] Didier Luva says: Kalian homo? [16:46:6] Vincent Lee says: Iya [16:46:9] (( Vincent Alvarez: Anjirr )) [16:46:10] Tom Olivier says: haha [16:46:16] * Thomas Hardwell membuka bagasi cruiser dengan tangan kanan [16:46:18] * Tom Olivier whisper to Vincent. [16:46:18] Vincent Lee says: Kenapa? [16:46:21] Whisper from Tom Olivier: ayolah [16:46:23] * Thomas Hardwell mengambil lalu membawa BLS kit dengan tangan kiri [16:46:31] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY] Rumah dengan 1 garasi di daerah Montgomery , Blueberry atau Palomino , Ada ? SMS ! [16:46:31] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Yevgraf_Slawosky{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}2128588{FF0000}] [16:46:33] Whisper to Tom Olivier: apa [16:46:34] Whisper from Tom Olivier: ayolah [16:46:37] Whisper from Tom Olivier: 16k ea [16:46:41] PAYINFO: {ffffff}You've given {ffff00}Tom Olivier [id:52] {00ff00}$16.00 [16:46:41] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [16:46:44] Whisper to Tom Olivier: dah [16:46:49] * Thomas Hardwell membuka BLS kit lalu memakai Nitrille gloves di kedua tanganya [16:46:56] Whisper from Tom Olivier: becanda mulu kamu mah :( [16:46:58] * Thomas Hardwell mengambil Trauma Scissor dengan tangan kiri [16:47:4] [RADIO] Prob. Detective Romain Guillot: Prob. Detective 9655 teaming up with Detective Conteville under 7-UNION-2, clearing from CI Headquarter [16:47:4] (( PM to [52] Tom_Olivier: wkwkwk tolol mixing )) [16:47:10] (( PM from [52] Tom_Olivier: cana )) [16:47:16] Whisper from Tom Olivier: ayolah ke bank [16:47:17] Whisper from Tom Olivier: ayolah ke bank [16:47:21] [PD] Sergeant I Gloria Stuart: Police 7461 to Fire [16:47:21] * Thomas Hardwell menggunting kain yang menghalangi luka Donald menggunakan Trauma Scissor. [16:47:23] terlihat dada Donald bolong dan menembus jantung ((Donald Myers)) [16:47:25] Whisper to Tom Olivier: aku ga ada duit [16:47:26] [RADIO] Prob. Detective Romain Guillot: ... CI Headquarter. [16:47:28] Vincent Lee says: Ngapain? [16:47:29] FRISK: {FF0000}Tom Olivier {FFFFFF}ingin mem-frisk anda, {FFFF00}/accept frisk {FFFFFF}untuk memberi izin untuk frisk kepadanya [16:47:29] [MD] Resident Zhaniece Cardwell: Fire 23148 here [16:47:30] Giancarlos Octavio says: Hey kamu [16:47:30] tergunting ((Thomas Hardwell)) [16:47:36] terlihat dada Donald bolong dan menembus jantung ((Donald Myers)) [16:47:38] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY] Rumah dengan 1 garasi di daerah Montgomery , Blueberry atau Palomino , Ada ? SMS ! [16:47:38] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Yevgraf_Slawosky{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}2128588{FF0000}] [16:47:38] Bexsley Harlyn says: ada apa pak? [16:47:40] Tom Olivier says: saya cuma mau titip salam doang sersan. [16:47:41] * Thomas Hardwell menaruh Trauma Scissor ke dalam kotak BLS. [16:47:43] Vincent Lee says: Ok nanti aja [16:47:50] Tom Olivier says: Vincent aku dan kamu aja [16:47:51] Tom Olivier says: Vincent aku dan kamu aja! [16:47:56] * Thomas Hardwell mengambil Kapas dan Saline Solution dengan kedua tangan. [16:47:58] [PD] Sergeant I Gloria Stuart: We need RA unit to WillowField westernside Trash Dump one civilians already down [16:48:0] terlihat dada Donald bolong dan menembus jantung ((Donald Myers)) [16:48:2] [PD] Sergeant I Gloria Stuart: Do you copy Fire? [16:48:2] Bexsley Harlyn says: siapa yang restaurant atau bisnis saya siap bekerja dan tidak usah di gaji. [16:48:16] Tom Olivier says: sini [16:48:24] * Tom Olivier whisper to Vincent. [16:48:28] Whisper from Tom Olivier: ayok ke bank sayag [16:48:29] * Thomas Hardwell mengoleskan Saline Solution menggunakan kapas untuk membersihkan luka di torso Donald. [16:48:29] Whisper from Tom Olivier: ayok ke bank sayang [16:48:30] darah donald mengucur terus menerus ((Donald Myers)) [16:48:34] Whisper to Tom Olivier: ga ada duit beb [16:48:39] (( PM from [10] Donald_Myers: Woe )) [16:48:42] Whisper from Tom Olivier: aku butuh sumpah Cent. [16:48:43] (( PM to [10] Donald_Myers: apa beb )) [16:48:44] (( PM from [10] Donald_Myers: wa aktifkan )) [16:48:46] * Thomas Hardwell menaruh Saline solution di dalam BLS kit [16:48:47] Vincent Lee says: Nanti aja gua mau training [16:48:54] * Thomas Hardwell mengambil Trauma Dressing dari dalam kotak BLS [16:49:4] * Thomas Hardwell mengaplikasikan Trauma Dressing kepada luka Donald [16:49:7] (( Zhaniece_Cardwell: crash, tlg diulang. )) [16:49:8] darah donald mengucur terus menerus ((Donald Myers)) [16:49:9] TRAINING: You can now continue training! [16:49:12] terlihat dada Donald bolong dan menembus jantung ((Donald Myers)) [16:49:12] [PD] Sergeant I Gloria Stuart: We need RA unit to WillowField westernside Trash Dump one civilians already down [16:49:13] [PD] Sergeant I Gloria Stuart: Do you copy Fire? [16:49:14] (( PM from [0] Allard_Anayouri: Pamer M4 nih )) [16:49:16] (( PM to [0] Allard_Anayouri: apasi )) [16:49:18] (( PM from [0] Allard_Anayouri: eh bukan )) [16:49:19] bandaged ((Thomas Hardwell)) [16:49:30] (( PM from [0] Allard_Anayouri: Eh gak tau dah )) [16:49:35] (( PM to [0] Allard_Anayouri: paansi )) [16:49:41] [MD] Resident Zhaniece Cardwell: Sorry, until now we still don't have the field units, you can transport them to ASGH after performing BLS. [16:49:56] ERROR: You don't have enough cash! [16:49:57] [PD] Sergeant I Gloria Stuart: Alright, prepare your ER room Fire. [16:50:2] BANK: {ffffff}You've taken {ffff00}$250.00 {ffffff}from the bank. Current balance: {ffff00}$196,264.25 [16:50:3] [MD] Resident Zhaniece Cardwell: 10-4. [16:50:6] TRAINING: {FFFFFF}You've leveled up your {00FFFF}Assault Rifle (m4) {FFFFFF}skill from {FFFF00}100 {FFFFFF}to {00FF00}200 [16:50:6] TRAINING: {FFFFFF}You must wait {FFFF00}15 minutes {FFFFFF}before you can level up another skill. [16:50:11] [PD] Sergeant I Gloria Stuart: Thanks for responding, Police 7461 out. [16:50:21] AdmCmd: Ace_Spencer has been kicked by Fernando_DaVinci. [16:50:21] Reason: Relog anda bug [16:50:47] Didier Luva says: Securing parimeter. [16:50:49] Thomas Hardwell says: Harus segera dibawa kerumah sakit. [16:50:55] (( PM to [0] Allard_Anayouri: sianjing )) [16:50:57] [ID] ID: 0 | Name: Allard_Anayouri | Level: 6 | Ping: 32 | Launcher: Yes [16:50:59] Didier Luva says: Bisa dibilang Securing udinmeter. [16:51:1] Didier Luva says: Terserah anda. [16:51:3] WARNING: Weapon size modification will not be saved, please do not report this as a bug! [16:51:4] Allard Anayouri says: Woke [16:51:4] Veilleux Sciverit says: Apakah bisa diselamatkan? [16:51:5] * Thomas Hardwell mengecek pernafasan Donald dengan cara mendekatkan telinga thomas ke hidung Donald [16:51:5] Allard Anayouri says: Mantap [16:51:11] (( PM from [10] Donald_Myers: Woe )) [16:51:12] WARNING: Weapon size modification will not be saved, please do not report this as a bug! [16:51:13] Allard Anayouri says: The power of UDIN was here [16:51:13] berapa pernafasan?12-18 normal ((Thomas Hardwell)) [16:51:16] 0 ((Donald Myers)) [16:51:24] Thomas Hardwell says: Mungkin bisa. [16:51:24] (( PM from [0] Allard_Anayouri: gak usah gaya gayaan )) [16:51:32] Thomas Hardwell says: Tergantung apa kata tuhan. [16:51:38] Gloria Stuart says: Find his Desert Eagle, illegal firearms or not? [16:51:42] Didier Luva says: Officer Lee jadi adjudantnya siapa? [16:51:44] (( PM to [0] Allard_Anayouri: ga ada yang gaya anjing )) [16:51:48] Vincent Lee says: Adjudant [16:51:52] [RADIO] Prob. Detective Artour Conteville: 7-UNION-2 taking code 7 '20 Pizza Stack [16:51:53] (( PM from [0] Allard_Anayouri: insult report )) [16:51:54] Vincent Lee says: Siapa hayo [16:51:54] Thomas Hardwell says: Lah belum di take D.E nya? [16:51:55] Vincent Lee says: Bahaha [16:51:56] (( PM from [0] Allard_Anayouri: gas )) [16:51:56] (( PM to [0] Allard_Anayouri: ok bye )) [16:52:0] Veilleux Sciverit says: Belum. [16:52:1] (( PM from [0] Allard_Anayouri: aowkawo )) [16:52:10] Thomas Hardwell says: Ambil periksa serial nya. [16:52:10] Donald Myers: (( RP take d.e )) [16:52:12] * Veilleux Sciverit mencari Desert Eagle yang dibawa oleh Donald. [16:52:13] Clayton Gallagher says: Hey, bisa kami pergi? [16:52:20] Dimanakah lokasi Desert Eagle milik Donald? ((Veilleux Sciverit)) [16:52:22] Thomas Hardwell says: Sersan [16:52:23] Allard Anayouri says: Eh [16:52:25] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[HOUSE] Depan Dealer Jefferson 3 Ruangan + Lahan Parkis Samping Rumah. Price? Sms. [16:52:25] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Tom_Olivier{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}435957{FF0000}] [16:52:26] Gloria Stuart says: Ya? [16:52:26] Allard Anayouri says: Pak [16:52:28] Di saku kanan ((Donald Myers)) [16:52:29] Thomas Hardwell says: Itu mereka minta pergi boleh ga [16:52:29] Allard Anayouri says: Pak [16:52:37] Gloria Stuart says: Silahkan karena sudah clear. [16:52:39] Thomas Hardwell says: Mereka clear [16:52:40] Clayton Gallagher says: Kami berdua bersih, mobil saya bersih. [16:52:41] Clayton Gallagher says: Terima kasih. [16:52:43] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [16:52:43] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 435957 [16:52:43] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Rumah bekas di robber serem ah wakokoawowa [16:52:43] Thomas Hardwell says: Silahkan [16:52:46] * Clayton Gallagher leaves the scene. [16:52:46] Andrew Neiman says: Terima kasih. [16:52:47] * Veilleux Sciverit mengambil Desert Eagle milik Donald, lalu mengecek apakah D.E tersebut memiliki serial atau tidak. [16:52:52] * Andrew Neiman tersenyum. [16:52:54] Apakah D.E milik Donald memiliki serial? ((Veilleux Sciverit)) [16:53:3] Donald Myers: (( Unfreeze )) [16:53:9] Thomas Hardwell: (( /givegun 36 )) [16:53:9] (( PM to [10] Donald_Myers: apa )) [16:53:15] Veilleux Sciverit: (( gak bisa, gw ada DE )) [16:53:19] (( PM to [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: pepek bacot )) [16:53:20] AdmCmd: Hanna_Steinfield has been kicked by Nezactra18. [16:53:20] Reason: AFK [ Report ] [16:53:20] Thomas Hardwell: (( o iya )) [16:53:24] Donald Myers: (( Gua gak bisa scroll )) [16:53:25] Apakah D.E milik Donald memiliki serial? ((Veilleux Sciverit)) [16:53:30] (( PM to [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: DIAM KONTOLLLLLLLLLL )) [16:53:32] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[HOUSE] Depan Dealer Jefferson 3 Ruangan + Lahan Parkis Samping Rumah. Price? Sms. [16:53:32] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Tom_Olivier{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}435957{FF0000}] [16:53:32] [RADIO] Prob. Detective Artour Conteville: 7-UNION-2 10-99 from last code, resuming status 4 [16:53:39] Thomas Hardwell: (( /givegun 4 )) [16:53:39] Donald Myers: (( Gua gak bisa scroll )) [16:53:44] Gloria Stuart: (( /afk mamang )) [16:53:46] Donald Myers: (( Gua gak bisa scroll )) [16:53:48] Gloria Stuart: (( ya gabisa scroll )) [16:54:13] * Gloria Stuart mengecek serial gun [16:54:20] Gloria Stuart says: Unknow [16:54:23] Giancarlos Octavio says: Waw [16:54:28] WEAPON: {ffffff}[M4] {00ffff}SERIAL: {ffffff}[SAPD-342-483550-663] {00ffff}CONDITION: {ffffff}[100%] [16:54:29] * Gloria Stuart mengembalikan gun tersebut ke donald [16:54:30] * Thomas Hardwell mengambil alkohol dari dalam kotak BLS lalu membersihkan Trauma Scissor dengan cairan Alkohol. [16:54:37] (( Vincent Lee: lah dibalikin )) [16:54:37] Gloria Stuart says: Silahkan di take. [16:54:38] Veilleux Sciverit says: Kok dikembalikansersan? [16:54:45] (( Gloria Stuart: lewat /take aja )) [16:54:45] terlihat dada Donald bolong ((Donald Myers)) [16:54:49] (( Vincent Lee: owh oke )) [16:54:50] (( Giancarlos Octavio: bawa pulang )) [16:54:51] * Thomas Hardwell menaruh Trauma Scissor yang sudah bersih kedalam kotak BLS [16:54:52] (( Giancarlos Octavio: wkwkw )) [16:54:52] (( Vincent Lee: wkwk )) [16:54:55] * Veilleux Sciverit menyita Desert Eagle milik Donald. [16:54:55] (( Gloria Stuart: kwwkkwkw )) [16:54:59] * Thomas Hardwell menutup kotak BLS dengan tangan kiri. [16:55:5] (( Vincent Lee: #TukangTilepSenjata )) [16:55:10] terlihat dada Donald bolong ((Donald Myers)) [16:55:12] * Gloria Stuart mengambil senjatanya yang ditaruh bagasi [16:55:24] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [16:55:30] Didier Luva says: Menjauh mas. [16:55:33] * Thomas Hardwell mengangkat kotak BLS dari bawah lalu membawanya dengan tangan kanan [16:55:46] Didier Luva says: Terus. [16:55:47] * Thomas Hardwell menaruh kotak BLS di dalam bagasi [16:55:51] Gloria Stuart says: Illegal firearms [16:55:54] * Thomas Hardwell menutup bagasi cruiser dengan tangan kanan [16:56:3] Whisper to Thomas Hardwell: bahaha [16:56:4] Veilleux Sciverit says: Tapi sepertinya dia sudah meninggal dunia. [16:56:7] Gloria Stuart says: How conditions? [16:56:10] Gloria Stuart says: Okey [16:56:10] Donald's chest was seen hollow because he was shot and a bullet lodged in his chest ((Donald Myers)) [16:56:13] Veilleux Sciverit says: Luka nya sudah cukup parah. [16:56:23] Donald's chest was seen hollow because he was shot and a bullet lodged in his chest ((Donald Myers)) [16:56:23] Thomas Hardwell: (( wkwkw udah udah tar di suspend )) [16:56:29] Vincent Lee: (( wakokowa )) [16:56:33] [RADIO] Sergeant I Gloria Stuart: 1-ADAM-4 alright, this situations now code 4 thanks for assisting. [16:56:49] Thomas Hardwell says: 1-ADAM-1 izin pulling out. [16:56:49] [RADIO] PO-II Didier Luva: 1-ADAM-1 copy, pulling out. [16:56:51] You can /accept death ((Gloria Stuart)) [16:56:54] Gloria Stuart says: Go on [16:56:57] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [16:57:2] donald's perforated chest and one nested bullet ((Donald Myers)) [16:57:8] permission accept death ? ((Donald Myers)) [16:57:11] Yes ((Veilleux Sciverit)) [16:57:11] [RADIO] PO-II Thomas Hardwell: 1-ADAM-1 leaving the scene, continue to status 4. [16:57:53] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Giancarlos Octavio: 1-ADAM-2 leaving from Last scene [16:58:3] Donald Myers: (( delays weapon )) [16:58:11] Donald Myers: (( Gua udah bilang fails )) [16:58:15] {ff0000}Nezactra18: {ffffff}(( Maksudnya gimana? delays weapons terus ditembak? )) [16:58:16] Donald Myers: (( /do fails )) [16:58:20] Donald Myers: (( gini )) [16:58:25] BANK: {FFFFFF}You've received {00FF00}$1.00 {FFFFFF}from {FFFF00}Tom Olivier [16:58:30] (( PM to [52] Tom_Olivier: wapowakokowawa )) [16:58:31] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (435957) [16:58:31] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}sayang [16:58:36] (( PM to [52] Tom_Olivier: CIE MAU PM GA BISA:V )) [16:58:36] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (435957) [16:58:36] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}butuh uang aku nih [17:0:5] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [17:1:6] [RADIO] PO-I Vincent Alvarez: Police officer I 9788 reporting on duty, over [17:1:26] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL]Admiral 2insu 2up fullmodif minat call or sms [17:1:26] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Reville_Southwell{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}901030{FF0000}] [17:2:12] SPEEDTRAP: {ffffff}Speedtrap announcement {33AA33}enabled [17:2:34] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL]Admiral 2insu 2up fullmdif minat call or sms [17:2:34] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Reville_Southwell{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}901030{FF0000}] [17:3:39] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Premier (plate: NO HAVE) going 59 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Red County [17:3:39] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Premier (plate: NO HAVE) going 59 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Red County [17:3:42] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 68 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Red County [17:3:42] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 68 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Red County [17:3:54] [RADIO] PO-I Vincent Alvarez: Police officer I 9788 reporting status four under 4-JOHN-1, over [17:3:55] [MEGAPHONE] Vincent Lee: SAPD [17:4:4] Giancarlos Octavio says: Goblok [17:4:5] Giancarlos Octavio says: pahahaha [17:4:6] (( Vincent Lee: eh )) [17:4:7] (( Vincent Lee: owaokwakowa )) [17:4:13] Giancarlos Octavio says: or dy [17:4:14] Vincent Lee: (( kowakowa )) [17:4:15] Giancarlos Octavio says: Oi dy [17:4:18] Vincent Lee says: Woiii [17:4:21] Vincent Lee says: Wassup cuk [17:4:22] Artour Conteville says: Waduh. [17:4:23] Romain Guillot says: Untung sabar. [17:4:25] Vincent Lee says: Bahaha [17:4:27] Giancarlos Octavio says: Sikat Dy [17:4:29] Vincent Lee says: Anjir anak SAPD ngebut ngebutan [17:4:32] Giancarlos Octavio says: Ini si Lee [17:4:35] Giancarlos Octavio says: Sikat aja [17:4:41] Romain Guillot says: Siapa yang megaphone? [17:4:44] Giancarlos Octavio says: Lee [17:4:45] Vincent Lee says: Giancarlos [17:4:48] Giancarlos Octavio says: Goblok [17:4:52] Vincent Lee says: Lu goblok [17:4:52] Giancarlos Octavio says: Gue dah tau [17:4:56] Giancarlos Octavio says: Sengaja ga gue bilang ke lu [17:4:59] Vincent Lee says: Anak anjing [17:5:6] Romain Guillot says: Awas. [17:5:12] [MEGAPHONE] Vincent Lee: Hai [17:5:15] [MEGAPHONE] Vincent Lee: Miss [17:5:17] Vincent Lee: (( awokowaowa )) [17:5:33] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 60 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Flint Intersection [17:5:33] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 60 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Flint Intersection [17:5:40] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Premier (plate: NO HAVE) going 41 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Flint Intersection [17:5:40] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Premier (plate: NO HAVE) going 41 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Flint Intersection [17:5:51] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Bullet (plate: TETE) going 65 MPH in 60 MPH limit zone, location: Rodeo [17:5:54] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 64 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Santa Maria Beach [17:5:54] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 64 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Santa Maria Beach [17:6:11] Vincent Lee says: TEWTE [17:6:12] Vincent Lee says: TETE [17:6:18] Vincent Lee says: Itu platnomornya [17:6:20] Vincent Lee says: TETE [17:6:21] Vincent Lee says: )) [17:6:44] ERROR: That player is blocking PM! [17:6:45] Vincent Lee says:  [17:6:46] Vincent Lee says: )) [17:6:50] TRAINING: You can now continue training! [17:7:12] EJECTINFO: Anda telah mengeluarkan player tersebut dari kendaraan! [17:7:54] Vincent Lee: (( ngelag babi )) [17:8:0] [RADIO] PO-I Veilleux Sciverit: 1-ADAM-4 taking CODE 7 '20 Clucking Bell ELS. [17:8:23] AdmCmd: Roberto_Chavez has been warned by daviazhar, Total warning: 8 [17:8:23] Reason: OOC Insult [Michael_Coulter] [17:8:36] Vincent Lee: (( woi )) [17:8:40] (( PM to [54] daviazhar: banned )) [17:8:46] ERROR: You don't have enough cash! [17:8:56] BANK: {ffffff}You've taken {ffff00}$20.00 {ffffff}from the bank. Current balance: {ffff00}$196,245.25 [17:9:5] TRAINING: {FFFFFF}You've leveled up your {00FFFF}Assault Rifle (m4) {FFFFFF}skill from {FFFF00}200 {FFFFFF}to {00FF00}300 [17:9:5] TRAINING: {FFFFFF}You must wait {FFFF00}15 minutes {FFFFFF}before you can level up another skill. [17:9:16] Vincent Lee: (( woi )) [17:9:18] Vincent Lee: (( malah atip )) [17:9:33] ERROR: You don't have any firearms license or your firearms license is expired! [17:9:35] Leroyce West says: Pak [17:9:35] ERROR: You don't have any firearms license or your firearms license is expired! [17:9:39] ERROR: You don't have any firearms license or your firearms license is expired! [17:9:39] Vincent Lee says: Ya? [17:9:41] Leroyce West says: Saya mau buat lisensi senjata [17:9:44] AdmCmd: daviazhar has increased Roberto_Chavez's jailtime by 120 minute(s), total: 148 minutes [17:9:44] Reason: OOC Insult [Michael_Coulter] [17:9:51] Vincent Lee says: Buat di website SAPD [17:9:55] Allard Anayouri: (( Kenapa manggil gua )) [17:10:2] Vincent Lee: (( gapapa lo sombong anjgg:v )) [17:10:7] Allard Anayouri: (( Nunggu hitman Pd gua bantai )) [17:10:9] Allard Anayouri: (( :V )) [17:10:13] Vincent Lee: (( ah masa waokwakoaw )) [17:10:17] 911: Crime: [ Tolong Tirelock/Impound Mobil yang pakir sembarangan di MC ] [17:10:17] 911: Reporter: [ Zack Potter ] Phone: [ 886880 ] [17:10:18] Allard Anayouri: (( Lihat aja ntar )) [17:10:18] [RADIO] PO-I Veilleux Sciverit: 1-ADAM-4 '99 from last status and resuming STATUS 4. [17:10:21] Vincent Lee: (( akun ahmad saifullah gimane )) [17:10:22] Allard Anayouri: (( Eh tapi boong )) [17:10:29] Allard Anayouri: (( Mau gua CKin juga )) [17:10:39] Vincent Lee: (( kenapa )) [17:10:43] Allard Anayouri: (( Dah males )) [17:10:45] Allard Anayouri: (( pamer )) [17:10:47] Allard Anayouri says: .q [17:10:48] Vincent Lee: (( owkakowa )) [17:10:49] Allard Anayouri says: )) [17:10:56] EQUIP: {ffffff}Tazer equiped! [17:10:57] Allard Anayouri: (( Bagi duit )) [17:10:58] EQUIP: {ffffff}Tazer unequipped! [17:11:7] Vincent Lee: (( wkkw )) [17:11:9] Allard Anayouri: (( Bagi duit )) [17:11:10] Vincent Lee: (( berapa )) [17:11:19] Vincent Lee: (( ga ada aku:) )) [17:11:19] Allard Anayouri: (( buat nge hitman DE )) [17:11:20] (( Milagros Covarrubias: salah vid )) [17:11:23] (( Milagros Covarrubias: hardwell )) [17:11:26] (( Thomas Hardwell: 363 )) [17:11:37] Mask 593018 says: Okay sir. [17:11:43] Mask 593018 says: im okay [17:11:48] Romain Guillot says: Hmm. [17:11:49] Vincent Lee says: What happen? [17:11:49] * Artour Conteville meminum air botol tersebut [17:11:50] Mask 593018 says: just fell's dizzy [17:12:2] Mask 593018 says: im trying to relaxing firs [17:12:32] TOLL: {FFFFFF}Used 1 toll card point to pay toll access. [17:12:32] ERROR: Please wait untill the gate is closed! [17:13:11] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [17:13:19] AdmCmd: Gael_Nores has been kicked by daviazhar. [17:13:19] Reason: AFK [direport] [17:13:20] PHONE: {FFFFFF}Calling {00FFFF}number 3232{FFFFFF}, please wait for answer! [17:13:34] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [17:13:37] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Anda telah mengagalkan telepon! [17:13:37] Telepon terputus... [17:13:47] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [17:13:58] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 31 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Flint County [17:13:58] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 31 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Flint County [17:14:18] Malak Alhamed says: Nah itu. [17:14:41] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 42 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Dillimore [17:14:41] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 42 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Dillimore [17:14:52] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 33 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Dillimore [17:14:52] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 33 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Dillimore [17:15:12] (( PM from [51] Bryan_Trevon: toggle pm teman kamu mau pm )) [17:15:19] Mask 155834 says: Please pak. [17:15:20] * Malak Alhamed membuka pintu mobil dengan tangan kiri [17:15:22] (( PM to [51] Bryan_Trevon: uda )) [17:15:25] Malak Alhamed says: Silahkan keluar bapak. [17:15:33] (( PM from [55] Donald_Myers: a )) [17:15:33] Mask 155834 says: Saya mohon sangat sangat saya mohon [17:15:33] Vincent Lee: (( wkwkww )) [17:15:34] * Malak Alhamed memeriksa tubuh maskman dengan dua tangan [17:15:36] (( PM to [55] Donald_Myers: apa )) [17:15:39] Vincent Lee: (( XNXX )) [17:15:45] KEGUNAAN: /arrest [playerid/name] [time (minute)] [opt:fine] [17:15:47] PHONE: {FF0000}Number 435957 {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [17:15:49] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Anda telah menjawab telpon. [17:15:49] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Gunakan chat biasa untuk berkomunikasi lewat telpon, '/h' untuk menutup telpon. [17:15:51] Vincent Lee [phone]: Apa beb [17:15:52] Caller [phone]: Hallo beb? [17:15:56] Caller [phone]: Gimana sekarang? [17:15:57] Caller [phone]: bisa ora? [17:16:0] Vincent Lee [phone]: Ga ada [17:16:5] Vincent Lee [phone]: 18$ mau? [17:16:5] Caller [phone]: Pliss ih [17:16:7] * Malak Alhamed mengambil chainsaw maskman yang ada di belakang badannya dengan dua tangan [17:16:16] (( PM from [55] Donald_Myers: ye elu malah ngeblock )) [17:16:18] Caller [phone]: yaudah transfer aja dah $10k dulu. [17:16:19] (( PM to [55] Donald_Myers: aowokaowa )) [17:16:22] Caller [phone]: Pliss lah. [17:16:23] * Malak Alhamed memberikan chainsaw ke petugas SACF [17:16:23] Vincent Lee [phone]: 18$ adanya [17:16:25] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Tavo's GYM] Menyediakan alat Fitness yang berkualitas tentunya membuat tubuh anda semakin cepat Ideal dan kekar @Temple [17:16:25] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Giancarlos_Octavio{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3338{FF0000}] [17:16:26] (( PM from [55] Donald_Myers: sms bales )) [17:16:27] Vincent Lee [phone]: Ga ada sampe 1k [17:16:29] Malak Alhamed says: ID card dimana? [17:16:34] Vincent Lee Says [car]: boong itu mah iklannya [17:16:35] Mask 155834 says: Disaku nih.. [17:16:37] Vincent Lee [phone]: Bentar [17:16:38] Telepon terputus... [17:16:40] * Vincent Lee take m4 from front of body using both hands and ready to shoot. [17:16:49] * Malak Alhamed mengambil ID card di saku maskman dengan tangan kanan [17:16:51] dapat? ((Malak Alhamed)) [17:16:53] Giancarlos Octavio says: What the fuck yo do [17:17:1] Giancarlos Octavio says: I kick you ass [17:17:8] Vincent Lee says: Do that [17:17:9] * Vincent Lee draws .44 from his holster on ultility belt. [17:17:10] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Dave Raymond ] Reporter: [ Malak Alhamed ] [17:17:10] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ illegal logging ] [17:17:11] * Giancarlos Octavio kick vincent's ass [17:17:13] (( PM from [55] Donald_Myers: mau minjem duit :v )) [17:17:15] AHHH ((Vincent Lee)) [17:17:19] (( PM to [55] Donald_Myers: awoawokwawa )) [17:17:25] * Vincent Lee slots .44 into his holster on ultility belt. [17:17:32] Giancarlos Octavio says: Ini ilegal ya? [17:17:33] (( PM from [55] Donald_Myers: banyak utang yang akun ini anjir )) [17:17:37] Mask 155834 says: Ya [17:17:41] Giancarlos Octavio says: Waduh [17:17:51] HQ: {00ffff}Dave_Raymond have been arrested by Malak_Alhamed [17:18:6] (( PM from [55] Donald_Myers: Minjem duit 5k Doang kok santuy ae )) [17:18:34] (( Thomas Hardwell: Kalo nge /take buat evidence locker tapi gaada link AR nya gapapa?orangnya PK soalnya )) [17:18:44] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Dijual]Racher A 3insu 2up fullmodift Minat HUB: [17:18:44] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Bryan_Filbert{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}888650{FF0000}] [17:19:0] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 38 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Dillimore [17:19:0] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 38 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Dillimore [17:19:4] Vincent Lee says: )) [17:19:28] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 59 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Dillimore [17:19:28] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 59 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Dillimore [17:19:38] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 40 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Mulholland [17:19:38] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 40 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Mulholland [17:19:48] * Tracy Crawford Shocked after crash [17:19:51] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Dijual]Racher A 3insu 2up Fullmodift 1.5k negoin [17:19:51] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Bryan_Filbert{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}888650{FF0000}] [17:19:51] Tracy Crawford: (( RP Crash dulu napa? )) [17:19:54] Tracy Crawford: (( RP Crash dulu napa? )) [17:19:58] Tracy Crawford: (( lu rp crash )) [17:19:59] * Vincent Lee shocked because crash [17:20:2] [RADIO] PO-II Thomas Hardwell: 1-ADAM-1 under status 3 at Central Cafeteria. [17:20:8] * Vincent Lee feels dizy because crash [17:20:8] * Tracy Crawford Menenangkan diri sejenak [17:20:8] * Mask 334399 merasa kaget saat tabrakan sama PD [17:20:10] tenang ((Tracy Crawford)) [17:20:13] * Giancarlos Octavio Shocked after crash [17:20:17] * Vincent Lee try to rilax. [17:20:21] * Tracy Crawford Merasa sakit kepala di bagian kepala [17:20:26] safe because belt is on ((Giancarlos Octavio)) [17:20:28] rilax ((Vincent Lee)) [17:20:28] mengusap kepala dengan kedua tangan ((Tracy Crawford)) [17:20:33] sakit hilang ((Tracy Crawford)) [17:20:36] * Giancarlos Octavio tryn to relax [17:20:39] Giancarlos Octavio says: Hufff [17:20:40] * Vincent Lee feels good now [17:20:42] tryng ((Giancarlos Octavio)) [17:20:43] * Tracy Crawford memasang sabuk pengaman [17:20:43] * Mask 334399 merasa sakit bagian kepala karena benturan sangat keras [17:20:46] belt:on ((Tracy Crawford)) [17:20:49] * Giancarlos Octavio shake his gead [17:20:51] AdmCmd: Cassion_Dante has been kicked by Fernando_DaVinci. [17:20:51] Reason: Relogin [17:20:51] Vincent Lee Says [car]: Siren [17:20:52] head ((Giancarlos Octavio)) [17:20:52] * Mask 334399 mencoba nenangkan diri [17:20:52] * Tracy Crawford ke pinggir jalan [17:20:54] tenang ((Mask 334399)) [17:20:56] Vincent Lee Says [car]: Siren [17:21:0] Vincent Lee Says [car]: PEPEK [17:21:10] * Giancarlos Octavio Tryng to continue driving [17:21:13] * Mask 334399 mencoba memasang sabuk pengaman [17:21:18] BELT:ON ((Mask 334399)) [17:21:27] PHONE: {FF0000}Number 123551 {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [17:21:29] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Anda telah menjawab telpon. [17:21:29] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Gunakan chat biasa untuk berkomunikasi lewat telpon, '/h' untuk menutup telpon. [17:21:30] Vincent Lee [phone]: Paa [17:21:35] [MEGAPHONE] Vincent Lee: Matikan mesin anda [17:21:36] Caller [phone]: Bagi lah duit kau kontol [17:21:39] Tracy Crawford Shouts: Done! [17:21:39] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Tow Truck (plate: NO HAVE) going 44 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Dillimore [17:21:43] Vincent Lee [phone]: Bentar lagi ada urussan [17:21:44] Telepon terputus... [17:21:44] (( {00FF00}ONCE Veilleux_Sciverit: {FFFFFF}Gunakan command "/ask" untuk bertanya seputar server )) [17:21:46] (( {00FF00}ONCE Veilleux_Sciverit: {FFFFFF}Gunakan command "/report" untuk melaporkan orang yang melanggar rules )) [17:21:48] (( {00FF00}ONCE Veilleux_Sciverit: {FFFFFF}Gunakan command "/istuck" atau "/stuck" apabila kalian ngebug )) [17:21:50] (( {00FF00}ONCE Veilleux_Sciverit: {FFFFFF}Gunakan command "/help" untuk melihat command-command yang tersedia di server JGRP )) [17:21:50] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Tow Truck (plate: NO HAVE) going 48 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Mulholland [17:21:53] (( {00FF00}ONCE Veilleux_Sciverit: {FFFFFF}Gunakan command "/changelog" untuk melihat update terkini )) [17:21:55] (( {00FF00}ONCE Veilleux_Sciverit: {FFFFFF}Dan terakhir, jangan lupa untuk baca guide & rules di JGRP, bit.ly/RulesJGRP & bit.ly/GuideJGRP )) [17:21:59] [MEGAPHONE] Vincent Lee: Tetap di dalam kendaraan [17:22:2] (( Malak Alhamed: SPAM )) [17:22:2] Louise Bishop Shouts: Semangat mamang! [17:22:2] Louise Bishop Shouts: Semangat mamang! [17:22:2] Tracy Crawford Shouts: Botak! [17:22:2] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 67 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Dillimore [17:22:2] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 67 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Dillimore [17:22:3] Louise Bishop Shouts: Semangat mamang! [17:22:4] Louise Bishop Shouts: Semangat mamang! [17:22:6] Giancarlos Octavio says: Iyaa [17:22:14] Tracy Crawford Shouts: Botak Gua teke lu! [17:22:14] Louise Bishop Shouts: Lee and Octav muach!!!! [17:22:16] Louise Bishop Shouts: Lee and Octav muach!!!! [17:22:17] Louise Bishop Shouts: Lee and Octav muach!!!! [17:22:22] Vincent Lee says: menjauh [17:22:25] Louise Bishop says: memek [17:22:29] Tracy Crawford: (( wanjir tanpa rp langsung scroll ajah )) [17:22:31] Louise Bishop Shouts: Udah persuit aja! [17:22:32] Vincent Lee: (( miss )) [17:22:34] Louise Bishop Shouts: Udah persuit aja! [17:22:35] Vincent Lee: (( ngelag beneur )) [17:22:43] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (435957) [17:22:43] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Beb. [17:22:43] Tracy Crawford: (( Lanjut rp ajah )) [17:22:44] Vincent Lee: (( ic aja )) [17:22:44] (( {00FF00}ONCE Veilleux_Sciverit: {FFFFFF}Kalian merasa spam ya? Iya saya sengaja emang, h3h3. )) [17:22:52] * Vincent Lee mengetuk pintu mobil [17:22:56] Vincent Lee says: Halo [17:23:0] Tracy Crawford says: Ya ya? [17:23:5] kondisi kaca? ((Vincent Lee)) [17:23:9] tidak ada kaca ((Tracy Crawford)) [17:23:17] Bisa lihat kan ? ((Tracy Crawford)) [17:23:26] Vincent Lee says: Mas tau kenapa di berhentikan? [17:23:32] Tracy Crawford says: Iya tau [17:23:34] Vincent Lee says: Apa? [17:23:35] Tracy Crawford says: Ngebut [17:23:38] Vincent Lee says: Terus? [17:23:49] Tracy Crawford says: Kornering [17:23:52] Vincent Lee says: Nah [17:23:58] Tracy Crawford says: Gua mbak [17:24:0] Vincent Lee says: Kenapa alasan mas ngebut ngebutan? [17:24:2] Tracy Crawford says: Bukan bapak bapak [17:24:6] Vincent Lee says: Ya mba [17:24:10] (( PM to [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: memek bacot bener dia )) [17:24:13] Tracy Crawford says: Mau beli component [17:24:20] (( PM from [3] Marvine_Collinson: Kornering kuy :V )) [17:24:20] Vincent Lee says: Ga bisa pelan pelan? [17:24:22] Tracy Crawford says: Ngejar target di mechanic banyak pelanggan [17:24:23] (( PM to [3] Marvine_Collinson: waokkwaowa )) [17:24:45] Tracy Crawford says: Bisa pelan [17:24:57] Vincent Lee says: Bisa di perlihatkan id card dan sim? [17:25:1] Tracy Crawford says: Oke [17:25:11] 911: Crime: [ Ada robber di GYM Ganton ] [17:25:11] 911: Reporter: [ Marvine Collinson ] Phone: [ 432424 ] [17:25:17] 911: Crime: [ Ada robber di GYM Ganton ] [17:25:17] 911: Reporter: [ Marvine Collinson ] Phone: [ 432424 ] [17:25:18] * Tracy Crawford Memperlihatkan ID-Card kepada police dan sim [17:25:20] (( PM to [3] Marvine_Collinson: serius? )) [17:25:23] [RADIO] Prob. Detective Artour Conteville: 7-UNION-2 on niner, over [17:25:25] * Vincent Lee accept it [17:25:26] [RADIO] Sergeant I Gloria Stuart: 1-ADAM-4 on niner [17:25:27] ==========[ {00ffff}San Andreas Identification Card {ffff00}]========== [17:25:27] Social Security #: {00ff00}690176953 [17:25:27] Full Name: {00ff00}Tracy Crawford [17:25:27] Sex: {00ff00}Female [17:25:27] Residence: {00ff00}Los Santos [17:25:33] (( PM from [3] Marvine_Collinson: iya goblok cepet 1 orang doang pake SLC pake BMX )) [17:25:35] (( PM from [3] Marvine_Collinson: Miss.. )) [17:25:35] Vincent Lee says: Nama dia Tracy crawford adjudant [17:25:38] (( PM to [3] Marvine_Collinson: owakkoawwa )) [17:25:40] Vincent Lee says: Cek MDC [17:25:42] Giancarlos Octavio says: Oke sebentar [17:25:44] * Giancarlos Octavio log on MDC [17:25:51] Tracy Crawford says: Gua mau daftar PD malah kena tempe [17:25:55] TRAINING: You can now continue training! [17:26:2] Giancarlos Octavio Shouts: Clear! [17:26:4] Vincent Lee says: Lain kali hati hati makanya. [17:26:9] Vincent Lee says: Yasudah kali ini saya maafkan [17:26:11] Tracy Crawford says: Oiya kan gua ngejar target [17:26:11] Vincent Lee says: Lain kali hati hati ya [17:26:11] Giancarlos Octavio Shouts: Just give him the ticket! [17:26:12] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[HOUSE] Depan Dealer Jefferson 3 Ruangan + Lahan Parkir samping Rumah + Fullfurniture. Price? 6k Net. [17:26:12] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Tom_Olivier{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}435957{FF0000}] [17:26:19] (( PM to [21] Giancarlos_Octavio: kita ngejar robber ae waplwaokwakoowawa )) [17:26:20] Tracy Crawford says: Gua mau daftar PD [17:26:28] Tracy Crawford says: Maapin napa [17:26:36] [MEGAPHONE] Giancarlos Octavio: Oke lanjut aja [17:26:37] Vincent Lee says: Ya [17:26:42] Vincent Lee says: Becarefull [17:26:45] Vincent Lee says: Jangan ugal ugalan [17:26:45] Tracy Crawford says: Okey Thanks Very Much muaaccch [17:26:47] Vincent Lee says: Ok [17:26:52] Tracy Crawford says: Love youuu [17:27:1] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: 1-ADAM-2 On last niner. [17:27:14] Vincent Lee Says [car]: Mau kemana [17:27:20] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[HOUSE] Depan Dealer Jefferson 3 Ruangan + Lahan Parkir samping Rumah + Fullfurniture. Price? 6k Net. [17:27:20] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Tom_Olivier{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}435957{FF0000}] [17:27:53] [RADIO] Sergeant I Gloria Stuart: 1-ADAM-4 gym Ganton Clear over. [17:27:55] Giancarlos Octavio says: bawa compo? [17:27:58] Vincent Lee says: Ngga [17:28:13] Giancarlos Octavio says: Fix dulu dah [17:28:23] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Malak Alhamed: 3-ADAM-3 to 1-ADAM-4 Do you got the 10-60 of last niner? [17:28:27] Giancarlos Octavio says: nanti aja deh [17:28:28] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{FF9999}[SAFD] Recruitment ke 60 telah dibuka, kunjungi website kami safd.gov.us {FF0000}((safd.jg-gta.com)) [17:28:28] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Zhaniece_Cardwell{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}9990{FF0000}] [17:28:29] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [17:28:29] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}lee [17:28:30] Vincent Lee says: Bahaha [17:28:32] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [17:28:32] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 204020 [17:28:32] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Paaa [17:28:38] Giancarlos Octavio says: Gue mau off duty [17:28:39] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [17:28:39] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}WS mau di jual kah? [17:28:42] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [17:28:42] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 204020 [17:28:42] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Ya [17:28:48] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [17:28:48] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Yaudah jual. [17:28:48] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Coach (plate: NO HAVE) going 22 MPH in 15 MPH limit zone, location: Verdant Bluffs [17:28:49] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [17:28:49] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 204020 [17:28:49] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Tunggu 2 bulan baru dijual [17:28:50] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Sultan (plate: JavHD) going 68 MPH in 15 MPH limit zone, location: Verdant Bluffs [17:28:58] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [17:28:58] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 204020 [17:28:58] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Nanti hari minggu udah 2 bulan [17:29:3] [RADIO] PO-I Veilleux Sciverit: 1-ADAM-4 negative. [17:29:5] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [17:29:5] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Oke [17:29:13] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [17:29:13] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Gak perlu buat laporan kan? [17:29:15] [RADIO] Sergeant I Gloria Stuart: 1-ADAM-4 I hear using BMX [17:29:18] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [17:29:18] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 204020 [17:29:18] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Gausah [17:29:24] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [17:29:24] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Ashiap mamank!!! [17:29:37] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [17:29:37] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Nanti duit ws bagi setengah nya [17:29:42] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [17:29:42] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 204020 [17:29:42] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}PEPEK [17:29:48] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [17:29:48] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Iya lah memeq [17:29:49] Giancarlos Octavio says: sana lanjut [17:30:4] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [17:30:4] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Share nrgf [17:30:5] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [17:30:5] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Share nrg [17:30:6] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [17:30:6] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Share nrg [17:30:18] AdmCmd: Leroyce_West has been kicked by NotAdmin. [17:30:18] Reason: Jangan ALT-TAB ditengah jalan [17:30:21] ERROR: You already have a weapon in the primary weapon slot! [17:30:23] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [17:30:23] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Share nrg [17:30:25] ERROR: You already have a weapon in the primary weapon slot! [17:30:27] ARMOURY: {ffff00}Weapons cleared, 5000 armoury stock has been added! [17:30:37] ARMOURY: {ffff00}Weapons cleared, 2000 armoury stock has been added! [17:30:50] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [17:30:50] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Conge anjeng!!1 [17:30:50] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Giancarlos Octavio: Adjudant 10155 reporting to take status 1 [17:30:53] ARMOURY: {ffff00}Weapons cleared, 3000 armoury stock has been added! [17:31:15] ARMOURY: {ffff00}Health & Armour refilled! [17:31:20] ARMOURY: {ffff00}Ammo restocked! [17:31:30] ARMOURY: {ffff00}Ammo restocked! [17:32:17] [RADIO] Sergeant I Gloria Stuart: 1-ADAM-4 possible Black BMX [17:32:17] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [17:32:20] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [17:32:23] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [17:33:2] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BELI] Rumah dimana aja, kalo ada tawarin aja. SMS! [17:33:2] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Barnaby_Greeshawn{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}2402{FF0000}] [17:33:2] AdmCmd: Lester_Wilford has been kicked by Nezactra18. [17:33:2] Reason: Call 7-7-7 atau temui dokter. [17:33:22] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 65 MPH in 60 MPH limit zone, location: Market [17:33:41] BANK: {ffffff}You've taken {ffff00}$500.00 {ffffff}from the bank. Current balance: {ffff00}$195,745.25 [17:33:46] AdmCmd: Abu_Lahaabb has been kicked by Nezactra18. [17:33:46] Reason: Non RP name, cari nama realistik contoh : Gloria Stuart. [17:33:53] TRAINING: {FFFFFF}You've leveled up your {00FFFF}Assault Rifle (m4) {FFFFFF}skill from {FFFF00}300 {FFFFFF}to {00FF00}400 [17:33:53] TRAINING: {FFFFFF}You must wait {FFFF00}15 minutes {FFFFFF}before you can level up another skill. [17:33:59] (( {FF00FF}President Gloria_Stuart: {FFFFFF}Udagiledude abu lahab main JGRP )) [17:34:4] [OOC] Global OOC channel has been enabled by an Admin! [17:34:6] (( {FF00FF}RETARDER SLAYER Giancarlos_Octavio: {FFFFFF}IyA )) [17:34:6] (( {00FF00}O.G Derrick_Banks: {FFFFFF}wew )) [17:34:6] (( {00FFFF}High Ranked Marvine_Collinson: {FFFFFF}a )) [17:34:6] (( {00FFFF}No Lifer Dajuan_Broughton: {FFFFFF}woy )) [17:34:6] (( {FF0000}Helper NotAdmin: {FFFFFF}waekawoekwa )) [17:34:7] (( {00FFFF}No Lifer Dajuan_Broughton: {FFFFFF}woy )) [17:34:7] (( {00FFFF}Get a Life! Sergey_Khonvtolay: {FFFFFF}Wehehe )) [17:34:7] (( {00FF00}O.G Derrick_Banks: {FFFFFF}wew )) [17:34:7] (( {00FF00}Manusia Purba.. Barnaby_Greeshawn: {FFFFFF}BERISIK )) [17:34:7] (( {00FFFF}Get a Life! Vincent_Alvarez: {FFFFFF}AHAH )) [17:34:8] (( {00FF00}O.G Derrick_Banks: {FFFFFF}wew )) [17:34:8] (( {00FFFF}High Ranked Bryan_Filbert: {FFFFFF}wkwkwkwk )) [17:34:8] [OOC] Global OOC channel has been disabled by an Admin! [17:34:10] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{FF9999}[SAFD] Recruitment ke 60 telah dibuka, kunjungi website kami yaitu safd.gov.us {FF0000}((safd.jg-gta.com)) [17:34:10] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Zhaniece_Cardwell{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}9990{FF0000}] [17:34:11] ERROR: The Global OOC chat has been disabled by an Admin ! [17:34:15] POLLING: {ffff00}CAPER? [17:34:15] POLLING: {ffffff}use '/vote yes' or '/vote no' [17:34:24] POLLING: {ffffff}Result from '{ffff00}CAPER?{ffffff}' [17:34:24] RESULT: {33ff33}16 voted yes{ffffff}, {ff0000}1 voted no{ffffff}, {ffff00}44 unknown [17:35:22] Mask 330033 says: Pak [17:35:29] Mask 330033 says: Pak? [17:35:38] Mask 330033 says: Halo pak [17:35:50] Mask 330033 says: Bagi uang dong pak buat latihan [17:35:55] AdmCmd: Thamuz_Abhisar has been kicked by wakdolaa. [17:35:55] Reason: relog. [17:36:3] Allard Anayouri says: pak [17:36:7] Mask 330033 says: Mau ngerob soalnya [17:36:8] Allard Anayouri says: Bagi duit dong [17:36:12] Mask 330033 says: Butuh uang buat latihan [17:36:13] Allard Anayouri: (( Behav woe )) [17:36:16] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[INFO] Bagi orang yang bernama Clayton Callagher tolong menghubungi nomor saya. CP: [17:36:16] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Theodore_Verstappen{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}8314136{FF0000}] [17:36:20] Allard Anayouri: (( masa ngomong PD buat ngerob? )) [17:36:27] Mask 330033 says: Pak [17:36:38] 911: Crime: [ Rob at Flint Farm, my private farm, fast ] [17:36:38] 911: Reporter: [ Barry Dustin ] Phone: [ 12345 ] [17:36:41] Mask 330033 says: Kok diam [17:36:41] Vincent Lee: (( apa )) [17:36:42] AdmCmd: Theodore_Verstappen has been kicked by NotAdmin. [17:36:42] Reason: Iklan bukan buat nyari orang. [17:36:47] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [17:36:50] [ID] ID: 21 | Name: Giancarlos_Octavio | Level: 17 | Ping: 74 | Launcher: Yes [17:36:51] Mask 330033 says: Saya mau ngerob bagi uang buat latihan [17:36:52] Vincent Lee says: Anak kontol [17:36:58] Vincent Lee says: GIANCARLOS KENTOD [17:36:59] Giancarlos Octavio: (( wh si anjing )) [17:37:1] Allard Anayouri: (( Behav )) [17:37:2] 911: Crime: [ MC shotfired ] [17:37:2] 911: Reporter: [ Barnaby Greeshawn ] Phone: [ 2402 ] [17:37:2] Vincent Lee: (( paansi )) [17:37:7] Vincent Lee: (( gua tau nomor lu )) [17:37:24] [RADIO] Prob. Detective Artour Conteville: 7-UNION-2 on last niner, over [17:37:35] Giancarlos Octavio says: ada robber tuh [17:37:36] Allard Anayouri says: Pak [17:37:38] [RADIO] Sergeant I Gloria Stuart: Mechanic Center Robbery [17:37:39] Allard Anayouri says: Bagi nomer HP [17:37:39] Giancarlos Octavio says: Ngapain bengong [17:37:41] Vincent Lee says: Mane [17:37:43] 911: Crime: [ ada robber di MC ] [17:37:43] 911: Reporter: [ Donald Myers ] Phone: [ 930000 ] [17:37:45] Giancarlos Octavio says: Liat niner [17:37:47] (( Gloria Stuart: ada aja mau off duty juga )) [17:37:47] [RADIO] PO-I Veilleux Sciverit: 1-ADAM-4 '27 to 0-JOHN-2 [17:37:48] 911: Crime: [ ada rob pake motor FCR di daerah ocean Doks ] [17:37:48] 911: Reporter: [ Bryan Filbert ] Phone: [ 888650 ] [17:37:53] 911: Crime: [ ada ROBBER di MC pak cepatt ] [17:37:53] 911: Reporter: [ Salvatore Trementi ] Phone: [ 3478145 ] [17:37:56] 911: Crime: [ di MC ada penembakan. ] [17:37:56] 911: Reporter: [ Michael Alfarez ] Phone: [ 931000 ] [17:38:1] [RADIO] PO-I Veilleux Sciverit: 10-6 last transmission. [17:38:2] 911: Crime: [ ada rob pake motor FCR di daerah ocean Doks Pake DE ] [17:38:2] 911: Reporter: [ Bryan Filbert ] Phone: [ 888650 ] [17:38:6] [RADIO] Sergeant I Gloria Stuart: 0-ALPHA-1 enroute [17:38:9] 911: Crime: [ Ada robber di MC ] [17:38:9] 911: Reporter: [ Dajuan Broughton ] Phone: [ 534954 ] [17:38:18] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: 1-ADAM-2 Responding last niner. [17:38:19] (( Giancarlos Octavio: baru aja off duty )) [17:38:20] 911: Crime: [ MC shotfired 1 died ] [17:38:20] 911: Reporter: [ Damian Hancock ] Phone: [ 287070 ] [17:38:22] (( Giancarlos Octavio: edede )) [17:38:24] (( Veilleux Sciverit: on lagi dong )) [17:38:54] [RADIO] Prob. Detective Artour Conteville: There is a victim '20 Mechanic Center from robber, 7-UNION-2 [17:39:13] [RADIO] Prob. Detective Artour Conteville: 7-UNION-2 code 6 for checking around MC, over [17:40:4] LIMITSPEED: {ffffff}Vehicle speed limit set to {33AA33}15 mph [17:40:9] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Elegy (plate: SI750AQ) going 71 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Ocean Docks [17:40:14] LIMITSPEED: {ffffff}Vehicle speed limit {ff0000}disabled [17:40:22] Vincent Lee says: Clear? [17:40:47] Michael Alfarez says: om. [17:40:48] Vincent Lee says: Apa [17:40:54] * Vincent Lee take m4 from front of body using both hands and ready to shoot. [17:41:3] * Vincent Lee slots his m4 into front of body using both hands. [17:41:21] LIMITSPEED: {ffffff}Vehicle speed limit set to {33AA33}15 mph [17:41:28] LIMITSPEED: {ffffff}Vehicle speed limit {ff0000}disabled [17:41:31] Mask 334399 says: ini temen saya kenapa? [17:41:34] Damian Hancock says: BANG VIN [17:41:37] Louise Bishop says: Wih [17:41:38] Derrick Banks Says [low]: pak polisi [17:41:39] Louise Bishop says: dah M4 [17:41:40] Romain Guillot says: Parimeter. [17:41:40] Derrick Banks Says [low]: saya mau kasih tau [17:41:46] Louise Bishop says: dah M4 [17:41:47] Romain Guillot says: Hoy. [17:41:50] Romain Guillot says: Parimeter opsir. [17:41:51] Giancarlos Octavio says: Menjauh [17:41:54] * Artour Conteville mengecheck kondisi Derrick [17:41:55] Giancarlos Octavio says: Katanya [17:41:57] Vincent Lee Shouts: MENJAUH! [17:41:57] Giancarlos Octavio says: Denger ga [17:41:58] * Vincent Lee take m4 from front of body using both hands and ready to shoot. [17:41:58] Romain Guillot says: Jangan nonjok nonjok ga jelas. [17:41:59] Giancarlos Octavio says: Menjauh [17:41:59] Whisper from Louise Bishop: share nrg [17:42:3] Whisper from Louise Bishop: share nrg [17:42:3] Whisper from Louise Bishop: share nrg [17:42:5] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}You have shared your {00FFFF}NRG-500 {FFFFFF}to {FFFF00}Louise_Bishop [17:42:8] Tracy Crawford says: Sini Cok [17:42:11] 911: Crime: [ ada robber di flint farm ] [17:42:11] 911: Reporter: [ Boris Zvonecek ] Phone: [ 200599 ] [17:42:12] Tracy Crawford says: Sini Cok [17:42:15] * Artour Conteville membuka bagasi kendaraan dan mengambil BLS kit. [17:42:17] [RADIO] Sergeant I Gloria Stuart: 0-ALPHA-1 last niner [17:42:20] [RADIO] Sergeant I Gloria Stuart: 0-ALPHA-1 that's is [17:42:21] * Vincent Lee slots his m4 into front of body using both hands. [17:42:21] Derrick Banks Says [low]: pak [17:42:22] Bryan Filbert Says [low]: temen saya kenapa pak [17:42:23] * Artour Conteville menaruh BLS kit [17:42:25] Derrick Banks Says [low]: saya tau pelakunya.... [17:42:32] Vincent Lee says: Mau ke flint dulu ya [17:42:33] Tracy Crawford says: Oi sini lu [17:42:45] PHONE: {FFFFFF}Calling {00FFFF}number 200599{FFFFFF}, please wait for answer! [17:42:48] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telepon telah dijawab. [17:42:48] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Gunakan chat biasa untuk berkomunikasi lewat telpon, '/h' untuk menutup telpon. [17:42:48] Vincent Lee [phone]: SAPD [17:42:55] Vincent Lee [phone]: Pelaku naik apa [17:42:59] [RADIO] Sergeant I Gloria Stuart: 0-ALPHA-1 Beacon Hill [17:43:1] Caller [phone]: Naek motor PCJ [17:43:4] Caller [phone]: bawa deagle [17:43:5] Vincent Lee [phone]: Ok [17:43:11] Caller [phone]: ok [17:43:12] Telepon terputus... [17:43:19] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 67 MPH in 15 MPH limit zone, location: Verdant Bluffs [17:43:27] [RADIO] Sergeant I Gloria Stuart: Any unit RRMT? [17:43:37] [RADIO] Sergeant I Gloria Stuart: 0-ALPHA-1 suspect using motorcyle, over [17:43:42] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 83 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Santa Maria Beach [17:43:50] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{66FFFF}[SELL/TRADE]Cheetah 3 Insurance and 4 Upgrade Full Modification have 2 Stiker, Interest? Cellphone: [17:43:50] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Bradley_Alvarez{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}270013{FF0000}] [17:43:57] TOLL: {FFFFFF}Used 1 toll card point to pay toll access. [17:43:57] ERROR: Please wait untill the gate is closed! [17:44:25] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 44 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Flint County [17:44:30] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Sadler (plate: IU701XK) going 51 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Flint County [17:44:50] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 69 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Flint County [17:45:8] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [17:45:8] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}gue gantiin warna nrg jadi putih [17:45:15] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [17:45:15] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 204020 [17:45:15] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}y [17:45:17] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [17:45:23] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [17:45:23] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Jadi nanti kaya PD [17:45:26] MECHANIC: {FFFF00}Louise_Bishop {FFFFFF}has started examining your {00FFFF}NRG-500 [17:45:32] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [17:45:32] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 204020 [17:45:32] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Pd juga item [17:45:41] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [17:45:41] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}ada yang putih eek [17:45:54] ERROR: Player does not have any active charges! [17:45:55] ERROR: Player does not have any active charges! [17:46:4] ==================[MDC Print Report]================== [17:46:4] >>> {ffffff}SAPD-224-373829-434: {ffff00}Desert Eagle [17:46:4] >>> {ffffff}SAPD-524-454427-726: {ffff00}M4 [17:46:4] ==================[MDC End of Page]================== [17:46:5] ==================[MDC Print Report]================== [17:46:5] >>> {ffffff}SAPD-224-373829-434: {ffff00}Desert Eagle [17:46:5] >>> {ffffff}SAPD-524-454427-726: {ffff00}M4 [17:46:5] ==================[MDC End of Page]================== [17:46:7] ==================[MDC Print Report]================== [17:46:7] >>> {ffffff}SAPD-224-373829-434: {ffff00}Desert Eagle [17:46:7] >>> {ffffff}SAPD-524-454427-726: {ffff00}M4 [17:46:7] ==================[MDC End of Page]================== [17:46:23] MECHANIC: {FFFF00}Louise_Bishop {FFFFFF}has started on your {00FFFF}NRG-500 {FFFFFF}color change. [17:46:39] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 83 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Flint County [17:47:18] ERROR: Please wait untill the gate is closed! [17:47:18] ERROR: Please wait untill the gate is closed! [17:47:19] TOLL: {FFFFFF}Used 1 toll card point to pay toll access. [17:47:20] ERROR: Please wait untill the gate is closed! [17:47:20] ERROR: Please wait untill the gate is closed! [17:47:43] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY] Garasi pribadi, lokasi bebas, jual? SMS: [17:47:43] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Patrick_Rothschild{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}610800{FF0000}] [17:47:53] [MEGAPHONE] Vincent Lee: Hey sultan hita, [17:47:54] [MEGAPHONE] Vincent Lee: Hey sultan hitam [17:47:58] Bexsley Harlyn Shouts: ya?! [17:48:9] [MEGAPHONE] Vincent Lee: Kenapa tadi berhenti di depan pintu gerbang toll? [17:48:24] Bexsley Harlyn says: Nunggu teman [17:48:29] [MEGAPHONE] Vincent Lee: Lain kali jangan di ulangi [17:48:31] Bexsley Harlyn says: teman baru dikota ini [17:48:34] [RADIO] Prob. Detective Artour Conteville: Officer 9921 to Fire, over [17:48:35] Bexsley Harlyn Shouts: ok pak! [17:48:36] [MEGAPHONE] Vincent Lee: Ketemu saya lagi, saya penjara [17:48:40] [RADIO] Prob. Detective Artour Conteville: Wrong transsmission [17:48:42] [MEGAPHONE] Vincent Lee: Silahkan lanjut perjalanannya [17:48:43] Bexsley Harlyn Shouts: maaf ya pak sekali lagi.! [17:48:44] [PD] Prob. Detective Artour Conteville: Officer 9921 to Fire, over [17:48:56] [MD] Resident Zhaniece Cardwell: Fire 23148 here [17:48:59] TOLL: {FFFFFF}Used 1 toll card point to pay toll access. [17:49:4] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 46 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Flint County [17:49:14] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{66FFFF}[SELL/TRADE]Cheetah 3 Insurance and 4 Upgrade Full Modification have 2 Stiker, Interest? Cellphone: [17:49:14] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Bradley_Alvarez{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}270013{FF0000}] [17:49:24] [PD] Prob. Detective Artour Conteville: Can you send your RA unit '20 Mechanic Center, there is a victim with GSW condition [17:49:51] POLLING: {ffff00}Ngerob pake SLC bawa BMX PG ga guys? [17:49:51] POLLING: {ffffff}use '/vote yes' or '/vote no' [17:49:54] [MD] Resident Zhaniece Cardwell: Sorry, we don't have field units until right now, you can transport them to ASGH after performing BLS. [17:50:5] POLLING: {ffffff}You voted {ff0000}no [17:50:6] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 34 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Flint Intersection [17:50:14] TOLL: {FFFFFF}Used 1 toll card point to pay toll access. [17:50:18] [RADIO] Prob. Detective Artour Conteville: Copy that, please prepare your ER unit [17:50:22] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{66FFFF}[BUY]Flatbed any insu any up, Have? Cellphone: [17:50:22] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Bradley_Alvarez{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}270013{FF0000}] [17:50:29] [RADIO] Prob. Detective Artour Conteville: Wrong transmission, sorry [17:50:31] [PD] Prob. Detective Artour Conteville: Copy that, please prepare your ER unit [17:50:34] POLLING: {ffffff}Result from '{ffff00}Ngerob pake SLC bawa BMX PG ga guys?{ffffff}' [17:50:34] RESULT: {33ff33}16 voted yes{ffffff}, {ff0000}13 voted no{ffffff}, {ffff00}27 unknown [17:50:42] KEGUNAAN: /vote [create/stop/yes/no] [17:50:48] ERROR: Only senior helper can use this command! [17:50:50] [MD] Resident Zhaniece Cardwell: Alright, thanks for attention. [17:50:51] TRAINING: You can now continue training! [17:50:54] [PD] Prob. Detective Artour Conteville: Police 9921, over and out. [17:51:9] Lights {33AA33}ON [17:51:31] BANK: {ffffff}You've taken {ffff00}$1,000.00 {ffffff}from the bank. Current balance: {ffff00}$194,745.25 [17:51:40] TRAINING: {FFFFFF}You've leveled up your {00FFFF}Assault Rifle (m4) {FFFFFF}skill from {FFFF00}400 {FFFFFF}to {00FF00}500 [17:51:40] TRAINING: {FFFFFF}You must wait {FFFF00}15 minutes {FFFFFF}before you can level up another skill. [18:30:30] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Selamat datang {ffff00}Vincent_Lee{ffffff}. [18:30:30] Faction MOTD: {FFFF00}Diharapkan untuk aktif In-Game dan Forum, panggilan /r tolong fast response. [18:30:30] MOTD: {ffff00}Mohon menggunakan '/report' dengan benar, berikan informasi yang jelas dan detail {ff0000}- Ian [18:30:30] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Anda terakhir login {ffff00}1 jam yang lalu [18:30:30] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Today is {ffff00}Thu 26 Sep 2019, 18:30:30 [18:30:30] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Server memerlukan waktu {ffff00}287 milisecond{ffffff} untuk memuat data char anda! [18:30:46] (( PM from [30] Donald_Myers: a )) [18:30:46] DYOC: {ffffff}Weapons attachment {33AA33}enabled [18:30:50] (( PM to [30] Donald_Myers: apaa )) [18:30:58] (( PM from [30] Donald_Myers: yee lupa _- )) [18:31:0] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY] Bisnis di kota, profit high - medium. Jual? Hubungi : [18:31:0] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Neymar_Mastradio{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}101111{FF0000}] [18:31:4] (( PM to [30] Donald_Myers: bentar kontol:( )) [18:31:11] (( PM from [30] Donald_Myers: Oke )) [18:31:24] Allard Anayouri: (( Bantuin )) [18:31:44] Vincent Lee: (( apa piulak )) [18:31:47] ERROR: You must wait 13 minutes before you can start training! [18:31:49] Allard Anayouri: (( nge hitmanin )) [18:31:52] Allard Anayouri: (( please )) [18:31:58] Vincent Lee: (( gimana? waokawkoaw )) [18:32:4] Allard Anayouri: (( Nge hitmanin de )) [18:32:9] Allard Anayouri: (( ayolah )) [18:32:13] Vincent Lee: (( gimana? waokawkoaw )) [18:32:14] Lester Wilford says: ayok sayang [18:32:17] Allard Anayouri: (( astaga )) [18:32:21] Lester Wilford says: )) [18:32:23] Lester Wilford says: Eh [18:32:25] Lester Wilford says: mas [18:32:25] Vincent Lee says: Apa [18:32:27] 911: Crime: [ Polisi, ini ada informasi dari alarm bullet gua. Bilangnya bullet saya distolen ] [18:32:27] 911: Reporter: [ Georges Parker ] Phone: [ 24081994 ] [18:32:28] Lester Wilford says: maya ulah? [18:32:35] QUIZ: Yang berkilau itu ... [18:32:35] NOTE: use '/quiz answer' to answer that quiz! [18:32:41] QUIZ: Vaalaq_Alhamed have won the quiz! [18:32:41] QUIZ: The answer was 'Indah' [18:32:44] (( Vincent Lee: eh mau tanya )) [18:32:46] Lester Wilford says: Mas [18:32:51] Lester Wilford says: ada sedikit rezekinya? [18:32:55] (( Vincent Lee: kalo adjudant pake skinnya boleh beda kan? )) [18:33:0] (( Vincent Lee: Skin sapd maksudnya )) [18:33:3] (( Rushty Beardsley: Kaga )) [18:33:3] (( Synester Reynold: entah, tanya gra )) [18:33:4] Lester Wilford says: )) [18:33:4] (( Rushty Beardsley: Sama aja )) [18:33:12] (( Rushty Beardsley: Ga ada yang spesial buat ajudan )) [18:33:13] (( Vincent Lee: tetep kaya officer? )) [18:33:16] (( Rushty Beardsley: Cuma ga buat PN doang )) [18:33:17] (( Samuel Gueltiero: zol ada rampok )) [18:33:24] (( Gracious Esquevelle: cuma ga buat pn sama ar doang ajuda )) [18:33:24] Allard Anayouri: (( OE )) [18:33:25] (( PM from [30] Donald_Myers: a )) [18:33:28] Vincent Lee: (( apa )) [18:33:28] Allard Anayouri: (( bantuin napa )) [18:33:30] (( Gracious Esquevelle: ic nya ttp pangkat awal ente )) [18:33:30] (( PM to [30] Donald_Myers: waitt anjing )) [18:33:31] (( PM from [30] Donald_Myers: Nomer iIC )) [18:33:32] Allard Anayouri: (( kasih duit kek )) [18:33:36] (( PM from [30] Donald_Myers: Nomer IC berapa? )) [18:33:36] Allard Anayouri: (( buat hitmanin nih )) [18:33:40] Vincent Lee: (( waakowokwa )) [18:33:45] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[WTS] POM Vinewood dengan profit high, 500K nego [18:33:45] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Georges_Parker{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}24081994{FF0000}] [18:33:47] (( PM to [30] Donald_Myers: gamau mg ah;v )) [18:33:51] (( Samuel Gueltiero: ajudan itu bekerja saat ada chief nya, kalo ga ada cheifnya ya itu dia NCO )) [18:33:52] (( PM from [30] Donald_Myers: :v )) [18:34:18] Marvine Collinson says: Anjing [18:34:19] BANK: {FFFFFF}You've transfered {00FF00}$7,000.00 {FFFFFF}to {FFFF00}Donald Myers [18:34:20] Vincent Lee says: Apa [18:34:22] Marvine Collinson says: Dah pake M4 aja [18:34:24] FRISK: {FF0000}Marvine Collinson {FFFFFF}ingin mem-frisk anda, {FFFF00}/accept frisk {FFFFFF}untuk memberi izin untuk frisk kep [18:34:37] Marvine Collinson says: bagi $200 [18:34:39] Marvine Collinson says: Beli kompo [18:34:48] Marvine Collinson says: Beli kompo [18:34:51] Marvine Collinson says: $200 doang [18:34:52] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Toko Furniture di ELS, profitnya HIGH. Minat? Hubungi saya segera! [18:34:52] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Willie_Martin{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}10011001{FF0000}] [18:34:53] PAYINFO: {ffffff}You've given {ffff00}Marvine Collinson [id:64] {00ff00}$200.00 [18:34:55] Marvine Collinson says: Beb [18:35:1] PHONE: {FF0000}Number 435957 {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [18:35:2] [RADIO] Lieutenant Samuel Gueltiero: 6-RAPID-2 to all unit, robbery activity at Jefferson dealer, black Freeway, one male one female. [18:35:3] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Anda telah menjawab telpon. [18:35:3] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Gunakan chat biasa untuk berkomunikasi lewat telpon, '/h' untuk menutup telpon. [18:35:6] Caller [phone]: Hallo [18:35:8] Caller [phone]: Beb? [18:35:8] Vincent Lee [phone]: Apa [18:35:12] Caller [phone]: ada engga? [18:35:15] Vincent Lee [phone]: Ga ada [18:35:19] [RADIO] Captain Rushty Beardsley: Already shoot fire? [18:35:19] Caller [phone]: anjir [18:35:19] Vincent Lee [phone]: Abis dipinjam 7k bahahaha [18:35:21] Caller [phone]: jangan boong. [18:35:24] [RADIO] Lieutenant Samuel Gueltiero: Not yet, [18:35:25] Caller [phone]: kesiapa? [18:35:29] (( Samuel Gueltiero: aturan dah ketangkep jol, eh anjg malah OOC trs )) [18:35:33] [RADIO] Captain Rushty Beardsley: Copy that. [18:35:37] Vincent Lee [phone]: Donald [18:35:42] Caller [phone]: Siapa Donald? [18:35:45] Vincent Lee [phone]: Gatau [18:35:46] Telepon terputus... [18:35:59] PAYCHECK: {FFFF00}Pergi ke bank dan /signcheck untuk mendapatkan gaji anda atau pergi ke salah satu ATM! [18:36:10] PHONE: {FF0000}Number 435957 {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [18:36:13] * Gracious Esquevelle take out SCAR-15 55,6mm from his body using right hand and ready for shoot anytime [18:36:15] * Gracious Esquevelle )) [18:36:24] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telpon berhenti berdering! [18:36:28] (( Synester Reynold: jol buka pm bentar )) [18:36:33] Mask 593018 says: Pak [18:36:35] Vincent Lee says: Apa [18:36:37] Mask 593018 says: ada robber tadi [18:36:38] Vincent Lee says: Dimana [18:36:39] Vaalaq Alhamed says: nandhika [18:36:47] Mask 593018 says: Sergey dan Amelia [18:36:51] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (435957) [18:36:51] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}waktu itu kamu bilang ke gua ngasih pinjem 4k [18:36:52] Gracious Esquevelle says: Dealer Jefferson.. [18:36:53] Vincent Lee: (( ?? )) [18:36:54] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (435957) [18:36:54] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}sekarang 7k [18:36:57] Vaalaq Alhamed: (( oke sombong )) [18:36:57] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [18:37:0] Vincent Lee: (( lu sapa )) [18:37:1] Gracious Esquevelle: (( emang )) [18:37:4] (( Rushty Beardsley: dah )) [18:37:5] Vincent Lee: (( anjing siapa dia )) [18:37:5] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Jual] Remington 3insu 4UP 1,2k Net!! [18:37:5] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Guandiato_Alfaro{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}123410{FF0000}] [18:37:6] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (435957) [18:37:6] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}tuh jadi 11k kamu buat pinjem ke orang yang ga kenal [18:37:7] (( PM from [58] Vaalaq_Alhamed: :( )) [18:37:14] (( PM to [58] Vaalaq_Alhamed: wkkw siapa si:v )) [18:37:18] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (435957) [18:37:18] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}kalo ke aku mah utang nya sisa 5k [18:37:27] (( PM from [58] Vaalaq_Alhamed: alie ganteng :( )) [18:37:31] PHONE: {FF0000}Number 435957 {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [18:37:33] (( PM to [58] Vaalaq_Alhamed: owkwakowa )) [18:37:39] (( PM to [58] Vaalaq_Alhamed: kok ganti akun? )) [18:37:42] [ID] ID: 58 | Name: Vaalaq_Alhamed | Level: 1 | Ping: 38 | Launcher: Yes [18:37:44] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (435957) [18:37:44] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}sejak kapan kamu gini? [18:37:45] QUIZ: Pesawat, pesawat apa yang bisa terbang? [18:37:45] NOTE: use '/quiz answer' to answer that quiz! [18:37:46] (( PM from [58] Vaalaq_Alhamed: lagi Ck :( )) [18:37:51] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [18:37:51] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 435957 [18:37:51] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}apasi wkwk [18:37:55] (( Rushty Beardsley: [18:37:22] (( PM from [38] Gracious_Esquevelle: hati hati synester reynold aga miring (gay) hehe.. )) )) [18:38:3] (( Samuel Gueltiero: gud )) [18:38:4] Vincent Lee Says [car]: Itu? [18:38:7] (( Gracious Esquevelle: modifikasi catlog )) [18:38:8] (( Gracious Esquevelle: kawkawk )) [18:38:9] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telpon berhenti berdering! [18:38:13] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Sell]Premier 3insurance 2upgrade Modification, interest it ? Call Me: [18:38:13] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Paulo_Gerald{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}666682{FF0000}] [18:38:14] (( Griffin Finnegan: para ico )) [18:38:18] (( Synester Reynold: sia awas we )) [18:38:21] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (435957) [18:38:21] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}ayolah Transfer [18:38:22] PHONE: {FF0000}Number 611130 {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [18:38:29] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (435957) [18:38:29] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}gua butuh banget ini aduhhh [18:38:33] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Anda telah menjawab telpon. [18:38:33] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Gunakan chat biasa untuk berkomunikasi lewat telpon, '/h' untuk menutup telpon. [18:38:34] Caller [phone]: Musson saya. [18:38:36] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [18:38:38] Vincent Lee [phone]: Why? [18:38:42] Caller [phone]: Lee? [18:38:44] Vincent Lee [phone]: Ya? [18:38:47] QUIZ: Emma_Mcquinza have won the quiz! [18:38:47] QUIZ: The answer was 'Pesawat kertas' [18:38:47] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (930000) [18:38:47] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}haha [18:38:50] (( Gracious Esquevelle: :p )) [18:38:56] Caller [phone]: Saya di belakang bapak [18:38:57] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [18:38:57] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 930000 [18:38:57] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Sapa? [18:39:0] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (930000) [18:39:0] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Donald [18:39:2] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (930000) [18:39:2] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Save [18:39:3] Vincent Lee [phone]: Terus kenapa [18:39:8] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [18:39:8] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 930000 [18:39:8] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Males full cok [18:39:10] Ghassan Musson [phone]: Test aja [18:39:10] Caller [phone]: Test aja [18:39:13] Telepon terputus... [18:39:13] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (930000) [18:39:13] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Anjir [18:39:22] (( PM to [38] Gracious_Esquevelle: a )) [18:39:26] (( PM to [38] Gracious_Esquevelle: wh anjing tuh orang )) [18:39:41] PHONE: {FF0000}Number 435957 {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [18:39:43] (( Synester Reynold: parah co ih sia )) [18:39:43] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Anda telah menjawab telpon. [18:39:43] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Gunakan chat biasa untuk berkomunikasi lewat telpon, '/h' untuk menutup telpon. [18:39:44] Vincent Lee [phone]: Apa cuk [18:39:44] Caller [phone]: Hallo [18:39:46] Caller [phone]: ayolah [18:39:51] Caller [phone]: transfer [18:39:51] Vincent Lee [phone]: Ga ada bebz [18:39:58] Caller [phone]: lu ngasih pinjem 7k [18:39:59] LIMITSPEED: {ffffff}Vehicle speed limit set to {33AA33}15 mph [18:40:1] Caller [phone]: itu ada. [18:40:2] [RADIO] Detective I Griffin Finnegan: Detective I 9231 reporting on-duty, over. [18:40:3] Caller [phone]: ah anjer [18:40:5] Vincent Lee [phone]: Ga ada [18:40:6] [MEGAPHONE] Vincent Lee: clear? [18:40:6] Caller [phone]: gitu amat [18:40:7] Bexsley Harlyn says: mesin pak? [18:40:9] Caller [phone]: sumpah gua butuh duit [18:40:10] Bexsley Harlyn Shouts: Clear pak! [18:40:12] Vincent Lee [phone]: Ga ada nen [18:40:14] Aryasa Ryusei says: Clear pak [18:40:17] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Beli rumah atau mansion ada SMS [18:40:17] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Emma_Mcquinza{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}2210{FF0000}] [18:40:17] Caller [phone]: ayolah [18:40:19] [MEGAPHONE] Vincent Lee: Oke [18:40:20] Caller [phone]: gua ga punya duit banget [18:40:23] Caller [phone]: cuma 1kw [18:40:24] Vincent Lee [phone]: Gua juga [18:40:27] Caller [phone]: jan boong [18:40:29] Caller [phone]: gua butuh sumpah [18:40:29] Vincent Lee: (( oakwkowa )) [18:40:32] Caller [phone]: ga boong [18:40:33] LIMITSPEED: {ffffff}Vehicle speed limit {ff0000}disabled [18:40:36] Vincent Lee: (( tau dari mana:v )) [18:40:37] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Aurora_Felicia ] Phone: [ 221100 ] [18:40:37] Message: Robber FCR gas stations Monto [18:40:41] Caller [phone]: Transfer dong [18:40:43] Caller [phone]: anjir ah [18:40:46] Caller [phone]: gua butuh sumpah [18:40:47] Vincent Lee [phone]: Bentar [18:40:49] Telepon terputus... [18:40:56] [RADIO] Lieutenant Samuel Gueltiero: 6-RAPID-2, on niner. [18:40:56] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: 1-ADAM-2 Responding last fivers [18:41:0] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (435957) [18:41:0] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}mau transfer atau engga? [18:41:0] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Gracious Esquevelle: 1-ADAM-2 on niner with Code 3 [18:41:8] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (435957) [18:41:8] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Jawab Pliss [18:41:12] Vincent Lee: (( memek )) [18:41:18] Vincent Lee says: Bawa [18:41:19] Vincent Lee says: Gua dbin [18:41:24] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}SELL-Taxi 0insu 2up CP: [18:41:24] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Scott_Marauder{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}772000{FF0000}] [18:41:34] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Aurora_Felicia ] Phone: [ 221100 ] [18:41:34] Message: Sorry, ini yang FCR merah tadi sore di pom monto kalau ga salah. [18:41:39] PHONE: {FF0000}Number 435957 {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [18:41:51] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [18:41:51] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 435957 [18:41:51] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Bntr ngejar robb [18:42:1] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telpon berhenti berdering! [18:42:1] Gracious Esquevelle [phone]: SAPD 10094 [18:42:2] Caller [phone]: Apa [18:42:4] Caller [phone]: iya pak [18:42:8] Gracious Esquevelle [phone]: Dimana terakhir anda melihat robber tersebut? [18:42:10] Caller [phone]: Udah ada PD [18:42:14] Caller [phone]: Di monto [18:42:34] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL]Camper 3insu 2up Fullmod Minat CP: [18:42:34] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Valentin_Riviere{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}993200{FF0000}] [18:42:40] [RADIO] Lieutenant Samuel Gueltiero: ADAM, need your backup at Montgomery Gas. [18:42:59] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Gracious Esquevelle: 1-ADAM-2 Arrived. [18:43:13] Mask 897308 Shouts: Aim on these! [18:43:22] * Gracious Esquevelle take out D.E from back pocket using right hand [18:43:23] * Mask 821128 kebingungan [18:43:27] * Vincent Lee draws .44 from his holster on ultility belt. [18:43:29] [RADIO] Detective I Griffin Finnegan: Detective I 9231 rolls under 7-UNION-4 ,departing from CI Office. [18:43:38] Mask 897308 Shouts: Frisk all of them! [18:43:41] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL]Camper 3insu 2up Fullmod Minat CP: [18:43:41] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Valentin_Riviere{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}993200{FF0000}] [18:43:42] Mask 897308 Shouts: Cuff first! [18:43:42] * Vincent Lee slots .44 into his holster on ultility belt. [18:43:46] * Gracious Esquevelle saves back his gun [18:43:47] Mask 821128 says: Ada apa pak ? [18:43:54] * Vincent Lee mengambil borgol dari u.b [18:43:56] * Gracious Esquevelle memeriksa orang yang ada di depan dengan kedua tangan [18:44:1] Gracious Esquevelle says: Eh lupa.. [18:44:1] * Vincent Lee memborgol tangan suspect dengan borgol. [18:44:4] bisa? ((Vincent Lee)) [18:44:6] Mask 821128 says: Kenapa di borgol ? [18:44:10] * Gracious Esquevelle mengambil borgol dan mulai memborgol orang di depan [18:44:11] Bisa? ((Gracious Esquevelle)) [18:44:14] Bisa ((Mask 821128)) [18:44:15] id? ((Vincent Lee)) [18:44:16] Tentu ((Sergey Khonvtolay)) [18:44:18] Mask 821128 says: Ada apa ini pak ? [18:44:23] Amelia ((Mask 821128)) [18:44:24] ERROR: That player is not connected! [18:44:27] ERROR: That player is not connected! [18:44:29] * Anda telah memborgol player Amelia_Lavigne. [18:44:33] * Gracious Esquevelle memeriksa barang bawaan dari Sergey secara perlahan [18:44:33] Amelia Lavigne says: Ada apa ini ? [18:44:35] Vincent Lee: (( /fall 1 )) [18:44:45] * Amelia Lavigne nangis [18:44:47] Sergey Khonvtolay says: Ada apa sih ? [18:44:48] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Buy]Sanchez ada CP Teros gak pake lama,Harga ngotak: [18:44:48] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Roomero_Calvizer{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}955505{FF0000}] [18:44:48] Gracious Esquevelle says: Yang ini clear Lieutenant. [18:44:57] * Vincent Lee memeriksa tubuh amelia dengan bantuan kedua tangan [18:45:1] can i? ((Vincent Lee)) [18:45:2] Amelia Lavigne says: Kita cuma touring. [18:45:3] Yes ((Amelia Lavigne)) [18:45:4] FRISK: Anda telah merequest izin kepada {FF0000}Amelia Lavigne {FFFFFF}untuk frisk. [18:45:11] Vincent Lee says: Clear [18:45:26] Mask 897308 says: This girl, I see her doing Robbery activity at Jefferson dealer. [18:45:30] Sergey Khonvtolay says: Patroli rober atau kriminal lainnya mungkin. [18:45:31] Amelia Lavigne says: What ? [18:45:42] Amelia Lavigne says: Orang lain kali itu [18:45:55] Amelia Lavigne says: Kita aja naik FCR ko [18:45:56] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{66ffff} [SELL/TRADE] FCR-900 |3insu|1up| Trade Dengan Sultan Sticker Ada CP: [18:45:56] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Lester_Wilford{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}404011{FF0000}] [18:45:57] Mask 897308 says: Engga, ciri-ciri persis seperti kamu. [18:46:0] Amelia Lavigne says: Emang bapa liat saya make FCR ? [18:46:4] Amelia Lavigne says: Kan persis. [18:46:9] Amelia Lavigne says: Baju saya aja beli ditoko dimana mana ada. [18:46:17] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (435957) [18:46:17] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Yaudah. [18:46:18] Mask 897308 says: Detektif, izin mengambil kartu identitas kedua orang ini. [18:46:24] Griffin Finnegan says: Aye. [18:46:26] (( Vincent Lee: ini fcr apa pcj ? )) [18:46:29] (( Samuel Gueltiero: fcr )) [18:46:31] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (435957) [18:46:31] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Semoga Dapet Rober Nya [18:46:32] (( Griffin Finnegan: fcr )) [18:46:34] Ketika dia ngerob menggunakan helm jadi mukanya tidak terlihat. ((Amelia Lavigne)) [18:46:34] Mask 897308 Says [low]: Dimana kartu identitias kamu? [18:46:38] (( Vincent Lee: emang boleh rob pake fcr? )) [18:46:39] Gracious Esquevelle says: Dimana kamu menyimpan id card? [18:46:42] Didompet pak. ((Amelia Lavigne)) [18:46:46] Sergey Khonvtolay says: Ini saku belakang [18:46:47] MECHANIC: {FFFF00}Conan_Pearson {FFFFFF}has started examining your {00FFFF}NRG-500 [18:46:52] Amelia Lavigne says: Didompet. [18:46:54] * Mask 897308 mengambil dompet milik Lavigne dari kantungnya. [18:46:55] Amelia Lavigne says: Sakut belakang pak. [18:46:56] ERROR: Invalid playerid or name! [18:46:58] Apakah dapat? ((Mask 897308)) [18:47:2] * Gracious Esquevelle mengambil id card dari Sergey dengan tangan kanan dari saku belakang Sergey [18:47:3] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[EDISI BOSEN HIDUP] Bisa Bunuh saya ga? sans di gajih. [18:47:3] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Tom_Olivier{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}435957{FF0000}] [18:47:4] Apakah dapat? ((Gracious Esquevelle)) [18:47:5] Yes. ((Amelia Lavigne)) [18:47:6] TRAINING: You can now continue training! [18:47:8] Tentu ((Sergey Khonvtolay)) [18:47:13] (( PM to [25] Tom_Olivier: woakakowaw )) [18:47:15] (( PM to [25] Tom_Olivier: goblog:v )) [18:47:19] ID ? ((Amelia Lavigne)) [18:47:19] * Mask 897308 membuka dompet Lavigne, mengambil kartu identitas. [18:47:24] Samuel Gueltiero: (( /showid 24 )) [18:47:25] Griffin Finnegan says: Bisa saya lihat ? [18:47:25] Gracious Esquevelle says: Lieutenant yang ini atas nama Sergey Khonvtolay. [18:47:27] Amelia Lavigne: (( Udah muel )) [18:47:27] (( PM from [25] Tom_Olivier: udah bosen gua diginiin )) [18:47:30] Samuel Gueltiero says: Oke, bentar. [18:47:32] Vincent Lee says: Siapa nama dia ? [18:47:34] AdmCmd: Tom_Olivier has been kicked by Nezactra18. [18:47:34] Reason: Fail /ad [18:47:34] Vincent Lee says: Saya cek di MDC [18:47:43] Griffin Finnegan says: Saya lihat ID Cardnya. [18:47:43] Amelia Lavigne says: Nama aku Amelia Lavigne. [18:47:52] * Gracious Esquevelle memberikan id card milik suspect kepada Griffin [18:47:53] AME: {C2A2DA}logs on mdc [18:47:59] id 62 /showid 32 ya ((Gracious Esquevelle)) [18:48:4] ==================[MDC Print Report]================== [18:48:4] >>> {00ff00}A. Personal Information [18:48:4] >>> {ffffff}ID Number: {ffff00}SA000166249 [18:48:4] >>> {ffffff}Name: {ffff00}Amelia_Lavigne [18:48:4] >>> {ffffff}Phone: 111105 [18:48:4] >>> {00ff00}B. Occupation [18:48:4] >>> {ffffff}Job: {ffff00}Lumberjack [18:48:4] >>> {00ff00}C. Licenses [18:48:4] >>> {ffffff}Driving: {ffff00}{00FF00}Valid until Sun 15 Dec 2019, 16:07:51 [18:48:4] >>> {ffffff}Flying: {ffff00}{FF0000}Not passed [18:48:4] >>> {ffffff}Sailing: {ffff00}{FF0000}Not passed [18:48:4] >>> {ffffff}Firearm: {ffff00}{FF0000}Not passed [18:48:4] >>> {ffffff}Lumberjack: {ffff00}{FF0000}Not passed [18:48:4] >>> {00ff00}D. Active Charges [18:48:4] >>> {ffffff}None [18:48:4] >>> {00ff00}E. Crime Record [18:48:4] >>> {ffffff}None [18:48:4] >>> {00ff00}F. Registered Vehicles [18:48:4] >>> {ffffff}1. Slamvan - HE748PQ {ff0000}[DESTROYED] [18:48:4] >>> {ffffff}2. FCR-900 - KE848BP [18:48:4] >>> {ffffff}3. Tampa - TL171FC [18:48:4] >>> {00ff00}G. Unpaid Tickets [18:48:4] >>> {ffffff}None [18:48:4] ==================[MDC End of Page]================== [18:48:6] * Griffin Finnegan menerima ID Card tersebut, melihatnya dengan teliti [18:48:6] Samuel Gueltiero says: Sergey Khonvtolay, dia memilik Freeway. [18:48:10] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SANews] Ingin event atau usaha anda di iklan kan? HUB : 1-2-3 [18:48:10] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Charlie_Lewis{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}4448899{FF0000}] [18:48:20] Griffin Finnegan says: Uhm. [18:48:22] Samuel Gueltiero says: Ini orang ciri-ciri persis seperti yang diceritakan oleh pelapor. [18:48:22] (( Vincent Lee: ada tampa ges:v )) [18:48:26] (( Rushty Beardsley: Minta jajan )) [18:48:29] Vincent Lee says: Dimana mobil tampa kamu? [18:48:30] Amelia Lavigne says: Udah liat mukanya belom ? [18:48:32] Griffin Finnegan says: Apakah anda yakin, Letnan ? [18:48:37] Vincent Lee says: Dimana mobil tampa kamu? [18:48:41] Samuel Gueltiero says: Tidak perlu muka, jika ciri-ciri sama. [18:48:44] Amelia Lavigne says: Ada apa dengan Tampa saya ? [18:48:45] * Griffin Finnegan menyimpan ID Card tersebut ke saku. [18:48:47] Samuel Gueltiero says: Barang bukti, Freeway. [18:48:51] Amelia Lavigne says: Ga ada hubungannya sama Tampa saya. [18:48:51] dimana kunci mobil tampa? ((Vincent Lee)) [18:48:54] Griffin Finnegan says: Bisa saya lihat ID Cardnya, Letnan ? [18:48:57] Dirumah ga dibawa. ((Amelia Lavigne)) [18:48:58] * Samuel Gueltiero memberikan kartu identitas Lavigne ke Finnegan. [18:49:7] * Griffin Finnegan menerima ID Card tersebut, melihatnya [18:49:9] [RADIO] PO-II Thomas Hardwell: Police Officer II 5104 to Captain Rushty. [18:49:9] Amelia Lavigne says: Ada apa emang ama mobil Tampa ? [18:49:14] /showid 32 ((Griffin Finnegan)) [18:49:14] (( Vincent Lee: di tampa maybe senjatanya wekeke )) [18:49:16] Samuel Gueltiero says: Officer, jangan. [18:49:22] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[FIND] Rumah 2-4 garasi atau Mansion | Ada? HUB : 2-2-10 [18:49:22] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Charlie_Lewis{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}4448899{FF0000}] [18:49:23] Vincent Lee says: Ok [18:49:41] Mask 832210 says: Let CI handle this case. [18:49:45] Amelia Lavigne says: Hadeh salah sangka ini mah. [18:49:54] Sergey Khonvtolay says: Gajelas bet sumpah. [18:49:55] Griffin Finnegan says: a [18:49:56] Samuel Gueltiero says: Understood, Captain. [18:49:58] Amelia Lavigne says: Makanya [18:49:58] Griffin Finnegan says: )) [18:50:2] [RADIO] PO-II Thomas Hardwell: Police Officer II 5104 to Captain Rushty, can you give me your phone number please? [18:50:4] Griffin Finnegan says: Sergey... [18:50:6] Griffin Finnegan says: Uh.. [18:50:9] Gracious Esquevelle says: Baik, Captain. [18:50:10] Amelia Lavigne says: Abis dari San Fiero di tangkep. [18:50:11] [RADIO] Commander Keylon Pierce: 6666 [18:50:15] [RADIO] Captain Rushty Beardsley: Sure, my phone number is 7802. [18:50:20] Griffin Finnegan says: Dimana apartement kamu tinggal ? [18:50:29] [RADIO] Captain Rushty Beardsley: Shut up Pierce. [18:50:29] Sergey Khonvtolay says: Di ganton [18:50:29] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Toko Furniture di ELS, profitnya HIGH. Minat? Hubungi saya segera! [18:50:29] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Willie_Martin{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}10011001{FF0000}] [18:50:34] (( Vincent Lee: wkwk )) [18:50:34] Griffin Finnegan says: Yang bagian mana ? [18:50:44] Samuel Gueltiero says: ADAM, siapkan dua kursi untuk orang ini. [18:50:48] (( Vincent Lee: mau afk solat dulu bentar )) [18:50:57] Gracious Esquevelle says: Baik. [18:51:3] Griffin Finnegan says: Hey, bagian mana ? [18:51:13] [RADIO] PO-II Thomas Hardwell: 1-ADAM-1 10-99 from status three continue to status four. [18:51:33] (( PM from [20] Ghassan_Musson: kuy ribut bewan 2 vs 2 )) [18:51:36] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{66ffff} [BUY] Flatbed anyi [18:51:36] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Lester_Wilford{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}404011{FF0000}] [18:51:39] (( PM to [20] Ghassan_Musson: njir wkwk )) [18:51:40] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [18:51:44] (( PM from [20] Ghassan_Musson: gabut )) [18:51:47] AdmCmd: Lester_Wilford has been kicked by wakdolaa. [18:51:47] Reason: kurang niat buat iklan. [18:51:48] (( PM to [20] Ghassan_Musson: lu siapa si:v )) [18:51:53] (( PM from [20] Ghassan_Musson: danu )) [18:52:4] (( PM to [20] Ghassan_Musson: gua kira siapa anjir makanya gua kacangin:v )) [18:52:16] Samuel Gueltiero: (( iya gua tau )) [18:52:16] Mask 832210: (( ? )) [18:52:18] Amelia Lavigne: (( Ga gini juga cara dapetnya )) [18:52:20] Mask 832210: (( Harus /b? )) [18:52:23] * Gracious Esquevelle membuka pintu belakang cruiser dengan tangan kanan [18:52:24] Sergey Khonvtolay: (( Hrs lah )) [18:52:26] Samuel Gueltiero: (( gasuka, forum )) [18:52:37] Amelia Lavigne: (( ngalah aja dah yang bener )) [18:52:38] (( PM from [20] Ghassan_Musson: ceritanya gua di tilang terus lu rp tazer gua lawan pake baseball ama ali )) [18:52:39] Gracious Esquevelle: (( kita salah rp report forum kk gausah /b di ingame, icin aja )) [18:52:44] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Jual] Remington 3Insu 4UP 1,2k udah Nett.. Minat?? [18:52:44] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Guandiato_Alfaro{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}123410{FF0000}] [18:52:45] (( PM from [20] Ghassan_Musson: buat konten YT )) [18:52:53] Rushty Beardsley says: Urus. [18:52:55] * Samuel Gueltiero membantu Lavigne bangun. [18:52:59] Gracious Esquevelle says: Baik Captain. [18:53:0] Samuel Gueltiero says: Bangun, Amelia. [18:53:3] Dengan apa ? ((Amelia Lavigne)) [18:53:3] Sergey Khonvtolay: (( Ga bisa nyari mangkanya minta bantu admin :D )) [18:53:5] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [18:53:5] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}gua ke lu [18:53:10] Amelia Lavigne says: Oke siap. [18:53:12] (( Gracious Esquevelle: :'v )) [18:53:13] Samuel Gueltiero: (( gausah sotoy bro )) [18:53:19] (( Gracious Esquevelle: sabar sam wkwkwk )) [18:53:24] Amelia Lavigne: (( Azzzzz )) [18:53:25] Samuel Gueltiero says: Ikut saya. [18:53:31] Sergey Khonvtolay: (( Lu ada bukti ga ada yg lapor kita di sini ? )) [18:53:32] Gracious Esquevelle says: Bagaimana dengan yang pria? [18:53:33] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [18:53:33] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}pizza buru [18:53:34] (( Griffin Finnegan: eh, prasaan amelia lavigne pernah ke /arrest dah )) [18:53:35] * Samuel Gueltiero membuka pintu ADAM. [18:53:37] (( Griffin Finnegan: tapi CR kosong )) [18:53:38] Gracious Esquevelle: (( report forum kalau kita salah! )) [18:53:41] Samuel Gueltiero: (( bentar, liat chatlog )) [18:53:42] Gracious Esquevelle: (( gausah /b )) [18:53:47] (( Gracious Esquevelle: gausah biar mereka report forum aja )) [18:53:48] Amelia Lavigne: (( Percuma SOb lu report Forum )) [18:53:50] (( Samuel Gueltiero: Angelina kali )) [18:53:51] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Hearth Words] Punya masalah? Malu cerita dengan orang terdekat? Curhat aja di website SANews [18:53:51] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Charlie_Lewis{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}4448899{FF0000}] [18:53:56] (( Griffin Finnegan: oh iye salah )) [18:53:57] Amelia Lavigne: (( Mana ada sejarahnya player biasa menang. )) [18:54:3] (( Gracious Esquevelle: bisa dibalik pasalnya ppko )) [18:54:4] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [18:54:4] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}pizza [18:54:5] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [18:54:5] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}pizza stack [18:54:7] Amelia Lavigne: (( Iris kuping gua. )) [18:54:9] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [18:54:9] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Share memeq nrg [18:54:11] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [18:54:11] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Share memeq nrg [18:54:15] Gracious Esquevelle: (( :) )) [18:54:21] Samuel Gueltiero: (( [18:40:40] Message: Robber FCR gas stations Monto )) [18:54:23] Gracious Esquevelle: (( :'v )) [18:54:24] (( PM from [11] Louise_Bishop: woe )) [18:54:28] Gracious Esquevelle: (( ayo alibi lagi dong )) [18:54:29] (( PM from [11] Louise_Bishop: share nrg )) [18:54:35] * Samuel Gueltiero membantu Sergey bangun. [18:54:35] (( PM from [11] Louise_Bishop: share nrg )) [18:54:39] (( Rushty Beardsley: Jangan ada yang /b )) [18:54:39] Sergey Khonvtolay: (( Ama siapa iut ?? wkwk kan kita ganti motor )) [18:54:41] Sergey Khonvtolay: (( Ngakak )) [18:54:41] Samuel Gueltiero says: Bangun, pak Sergey. [18:54:47] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [18:54:47] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}pizza stack [18:54:58] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Rumah 1 garasi 3ruangan di jefferson serta fullfurniture. SMS [18:54:58] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Daryl_Willd{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}455664{FF0000}] [18:54:58] * Samuel Gueltiero membantu Sergey bangun. [18:55:0] Samuel Gueltiero says: Bangun, pak Sergey. [18:55:1] Sergey Khonvtolay says: Sabar.. Keram kaki gua. [18:55:8] * Gracious Esquevelle membantu Samuel [18:55:16] Samuel Gueltiero says: Ikuti saya. [18:55:18] Sergey Khonvtolay says: Bantu [18:55:23] (( PM from [34] Adriana_Jollie: a )) [18:55:26] * Samuel Gueltiero membuka pintu ADAM. [18:55:27] Gracious Esquevelle says: Masuk.. [18:55:41] * Samuel Gueltiero menutup pintu ADAM. [18:55:43] Gracious Esquevelle Says [low]: Bawa kemana [18:55:43] (( PM to [34] Adriana_Jollie: apa )) [18:55:47] Samuel Gueltiero says: Ganton Apartment? [18:55:48] (( PM from [11] Louise_Bishop: share nrg )) [18:55:50] (( PM from [11] Louise_Bishop: share nrg )) [18:55:51] (( PM from [11] Louise_Bishop: share nrg )) [18:55:52] (( PM from [11] Louise_Bishop: share nrg )) [18:55:52] Griffin Finnegan says: Sebentar. [18:55:58] Griffin Finnegan says: Si Amelia ini juga ada Tampa. [18:56:1] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}You have shared your {00FFFF}NRG-500 {FFFFFF}to {FFFF00}Louise_Bishop [18:56:5] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [18:56:5] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Jadi sombong anjeng sekarang [18:56:5] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Rumah 1 garasi 3ruangan di jefferson serta fullfurniture. SMS [18:56:5] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Daryl_Willd{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}455664{FF0000}] [18:56:5] Samuel Gueltiero says: Cek Apartment dulu. [18:56:9] Griffin Finnegan says: Oke. [18:56:10] Samuel Gueltiero says: Tampa mah belakangan. [18:56:13] Amelia Lavigne says: Ada apa coba ama Tampa terus Apartement. [18:56:20] Amelia Lavigne says: Ga ada hubungannya. [18:56:28] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [18:56:28] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}jadi sombong sebab ws gak laku [18:56:34] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [18:56:34] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Woe [18:56:50] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [18:56:50] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Komandan [18:56:53] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [18:56:53] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Najis!! [18:56:57] * Samuel Gueltiero mengambil gembok dari saku vest. [18:56:57] (( PM from [47] Thomas_Hardwell: a )) [18:57:8] * Samuel Gueltiero membuka gembok tersebut, memasangkan ke rantai FCR-900. [18:57:8] (( PM from [47] Thomas_Hardwell: itu rushty beardsley lagi rp? )) [18:57:9] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [18:57:9] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Pizza Stack Saya Sudah Kawal. [18:57:10] [RADIO] Detective I Griffin Finnegan: Just bring the suspects in Central Basement for interogation, I'll check the apartment. [18:57:13] [RADIO] Detective I Griffin Finnegan: 7-UNION-4 speaks. [18:57:13] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{66ffff} [BUY] Flatbed anyinsu anyup butuh cepat ada? Call/SMS [18:57:13] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Lester_Wilford{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}404011{FF0000}] [18:57:18] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Gracious Esquevelle: 1-ADAM-2 Copy that, [18:57:19] * Samuel Gueltiero menutup gembok tersebut dengan kunci. [18:57:26] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [18:57:26] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Mari Ke Pizza Komandan [18:58:8] (( Gracious Esquevelle: ngomel terus /b ni orang ngakak dah )) [18:58:12] (( Samuel Gueltiero: diemin )) [18:58:18] (( Rushty Beardsley: ID? )) [18:58:20] (( Griffin Finnegan: eh, cmd cek inven apart cem mana dah )) [18:58:20] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY] BF400 atau PCJ600 ada? SMS! [18:58:20] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Conan_Pearson{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}800700{FF0000}] [18:58:22] (( Gracious Esquevelle: 43 sm 62 )) [18:58:22] (( Griffin Finnegan: lupa aing )) [18:58:27] AdmCmd: Amelia_Lavigne has been muted by manja67 [18:58:27] (( Samuel Gueltiero: harus di share ama yg punya )) [18:58:29] (( Samuel Gueltiero: harus di ajak )) [18:58:30] AdmCmd: Sergey_Khonvtolay has been muted by manja67 [18:58:36] (( Rushty Beardsley: Dah gua mute )) [18:58:39] (( Gracious Esquevelle: mantap awkawk )) [18:59:0] [RADIO] Detective I Griffin Finnegan: Oh, nevermind, take the suspects to Ganton Apartment, I need him. [18:59:6] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Gracious Esquevelle: 1-ADAM-2 Copy that. [18:59:27] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY] Garasi pribadi, lokasi bebas, jual? SMS: [18:59:27] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Patrick_Rothschild{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}610800{FF0000}] [19:0:29] AdmCmd: Sergey_Khonvtolay has been unmuted by manja67 [19:0:30] AdmCmd: Amelia_Lavigne has been unmuted by wakdolaa [19:0:34] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY] Garasi pribadi, lokasi bebas, jual? SMS: [19:0:34] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Patrick_Rothschild{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}610800{FF0000}] [19:1:17] (( Gracious Esquevelle: 19:01:03 crash ny )) [19:1:24] Anda telah memasuki AFK mode!, ketik /afk untuk lanjut main [19:1:41] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Buy] Mobil Blade Insu up bebas kalo jual CP!!! [19:1:41] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Louise_Bishop{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}204020{FF0000}] [19:2:48] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{66FFFF}[SELL]Cheetah 3 Insurance and 4 Upgrade Full Modification have 2 Stiker, Interest? Cellphone: [19:2:48] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Bradley_Alvarez{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}270013{FF0000}] [19:2:49] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [19:2:49] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Anjir rumah temple lo dah laku [19:2:57] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [19:2:57] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}gue gak di kasih anjeng [19:3:0] (( Rushty Beardsley: goblok lo vin )) [19:3:5] (( Samuel Gueltiero: efek gabut )) [19:3:13] (( Samuel Gueltiero: gb duty jadi top 3 weeks )) [19:3:15] (( Keylon Pierce: mantan pd dia )) [19:3:26] (( Samuel Gueltiero: iya tau )) [19:3:32] (( Samuel Gueltiero: mantan anggota dillimore )) [19:3:41] (( Samuel Gueltiero: pas masuk ke CI ga aktif lagi )) [19:3:45] (( Gracious Esquevelle: dia /b ga ada kemajuan nih sapd udah ada launcer juga )) [19:3:47] (( Gracious Esquevelle: awokawokaw )) [19:3:54] (( Griffin Finnegan: oh ye baru inget gw )) [19:3:55] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL]Camper 3insu 2up Fullmod Minat CP: [19:3:55] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Valentin_Riviere{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}993200{FF0000}] [19:4:1] (( Griffin Finnegan: po 3 dlu )) [19:4:27] (( PM from [38] Gracious_Esquevelle: a )) [19:4:31] (( PM from [38] Gracious_Esquevelle: afk lu? )) [19:4:35] (( Keylon Pierce: olat )) [19:4:40] (( Keylon Pierce: samuel )) [19:4:43] (( Keylon Pierce: olat )) [19:4:49] (( Samuel Gueltiero: ok )) [19:4:50] (( Samuel Gueltiero: bagi 1 )) [19:5:2] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL]Camper 3insu 2up Fullmod Minat CP: [19:5:2] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Valentin_Riviere{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}993200{FF0000}] [19:5:38] (( Samuel Gueltiero: eh jol, itu dah di unmute masih gabisa /b katanya )) [19:6:9] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Dijual rumah 3 ruangan di las colinas 6k nego, minat sms [19:6:9] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Shafira_Olsam{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}460000{FF0000}] [19:6:18] AdmCmd: Vaalaq_Alhamed has been kicked by wakdolaa. [19:6:18] Reason: Stop ngetroll. [19:7:7] (( Samuel Gueltiero: ah mnding w berobat dlu )) [19:7:17] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Buy] House 1 garage you sell call me!!! [19:7:17] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Louise_Bishop{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}204020{FF0000}] [19:8:24] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Beli rumah 2 sampai 4garasi atau mansion ada sms. [19:8:24] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Emma_Mcquinza{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}2210{FF0000}] [19:9:18] (( Gracious Esquevelle: kapan rp nya :) )) [19:9:31] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{66FFFF}[SELL]Cheetah 3 Insurance and 4 Upgrade Full Modification have 2 Stiker, Interest? Cellphone: [19:9:31] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Bradley_Alvarez{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}270013{FF0000}] [19:10:14] (( Rushty Beardsley: lama bener )) [19:10:19] (( Griffin Finnegan: crash ml )) [19:10:46] [RADIO] PO-I Synester Reynold: Police Officer I 10144 reporting to on duty, over. [19:11:1] (( Gracious Esquevelle: diajakin OOCan ini gmn )) [19:11:6] (( Keylon Pierce: ada apa )) [19:11:6] (( Samuel Gueltiero: IC )) [19:11:18] [RADIO] PO-II Thomas Hardwell: 1-ADAM-1 performing 10-55 Grey Faggio one occupant 10-20 eastside ASGH code 4. [19:11:27] (( Rushty Beardsley: OOC gimana? )) [19:11:34] (( Gracious Esquevelle: itu udah Admin Power ketauan )) [19:11:37] (( Gracious Esquevelle: ktnya gimana bisa tau kita )) [19:11:38] (( Keylon Pierce: ada apa )) [19:11:45] (( Rushty Beardsley: Kan ada niner )) [19:11:47] (( Samuel Gueltiero: itu emg si yg nelfon si fikri )) [19:11:48] (( Griffin Finnegan: kasi aja chatlog niner tadi )) [19:11:55] (( Rushty Beardsley: Udah gua jelasin ya )) [19:11:57] PHONE: {FF0000}Number 930000 {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [19:11:58] (( Gracious Esquevelle: iya terus katanya darimana si niner itu )) [19:12:2] (( Samuel Gueltiero: tapi sama sekali ga ada kontek-kontekan )) [19:12:6] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telpon berhenti berdering! [19:12:7] (( Rushty Beardsley: PD itu cuma nerima laporan secara IC )) [19:12:14] (( Rushty Beardsley: Laporan itu MG apa kaga itu bukan urusan kita )) [19:12:19] (( Rushty Beardsley: Kita cuma dpt laporan )) [19:12:46] (( Gracious Esquevelle: gw bilang pm jola aja, dia blg " malu lah dia kalau gua pm " :'v )) [19:13:0] (( Gracious Esquevelle: bingung ini crash udah 5 menit lebih )) [19:13:10] (( Gracious Esquevelle: 16 06 53 )) [19:13:12] (( Rushty Beardsley: malu kenapa? )) [19:13:19] (( Gracious Esquevelle: coba /pm 43 dah )) [19:13:35] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Jual] Remington 3insu 4UP ada beberapa Mod 1,2k Nett [19:13:35] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Guandiato_Alfaro{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}123410{FF0000}] [19:13:51] (( Keylon Pierce: ada apa wahai rakyat pd gabut )) [19:13:57] (( Samuel Gueltiero: lu gabut )) [19:13:58] (( Gracious Esquevelle: entah apa )) [19:14:0] (( Gracious Esquevelle: yang )) [19:14:9] (( Synester Reynold: udah atuh euy )) [19:14:9] (( Keylon Pierce: mau pada ngisi pn lagi? )) [19:14:13] (( Samuel Gueltiero: anjay )) [19:14:21] (( Griffin Finnegan: lah aku masi ngisi pn bang )) [19:14:28] (( Gracious Esquevelle: ini udah 5 menit lebih ga ige ige bang gimana kapan mau erpe nya )) [19:14:32] (( Synester Reynold: aku masih bang )) [19:14:43] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{BUY}Mobil Apa Saja Budget $900 Kalo Ada Call Sms [19:14:43] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Patrick_Newman{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}801115{FF0000}] [19:17:3] [RADIO] Lieutenant Samuel Gueltiero: 6-RAPID-2, code-7 All Saints for surgery procedure. [19:17:6] [RADIO] PO-I Synester Reynold: Police Officer I 10144 is teaming up with Officer 9788 under 4-JOHN-1, clearing East Beach Precinct and take sta [19:17:15] [RADIO] PO-I Synester Reynold: ... status four, over. [19:17:22] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Rumah 1 garasi 3ruangan di jefferson serta fullfurniture. SMS [19:17:22] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Daryl_Willd{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}455664{FF0000}] [19:17:38] (( Gracious Esquevelle: temennya udah 10 menit :) )) [19:17:43] (( Keylon Pierce: report )) [19:17:45] (( Keylon Pierce: gue respond )) [19:17:49] (( Samuel Gueltiero: poin )) [19:17:52] (( Keylon Pierce: point )) [19:17:56] (( Gracious Esquevelle: jan pake nama gracious tapi :'v )) [19:18:29] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Elegy 3insu 4up fullmodift dan 1 sticker. SMS [19:18:29] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Daryl_Willd{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}455664{FF0000}] [19:19:37] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{DICARI} Rumah 2-g garasi atau mansion ada sms ke nomor 2-2-1-0: [19:19:37] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Lisa_Davensmith{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}2904{FF0000}] [19:20:19] (( Gracious Esquevelle: entah apaaaaaaaaaaaaaa yang merasukimuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ )) [19:20:44] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{BUY}Mobil Apa Saja Budget $900 Kalo Ada Call Sms [19:20:44] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Patrick_Newman{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}801115{FF0000}] [19:20:49] (( Griffin Finnegan: trus ini cem mana rpnya )) [19:20:52] (( Georges_Parker: ilang ilang anying )) [19:20:55] (( Keylon Pierce: diem dulu )) [19:20:57] (( Samuel_Gueltiero: bntr parker )) [19:21:6] (( Synester Reynold: demam lagu tiktod ico )) [19:21:14] (( Gracious Esquevelle: brisik gay )) [19:21:26] (( Synester Reynold: manada )) [19:21:41] (( Keylon Pierce: yaudah jail aja )) [19:21:44] (( Keylon Pierce: sekalian jail ic )) [19:21:50] (( Keylon Pierce: apa aja charge dia )) [19:21:58] (( Rushty Beardsley: Tunggu vin )) [19:22:0] (( Rushty Beardsley: Dia ga terima )) [19:22:1] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY] Garasi pribadi, lokasi bebas, jual? SMS: [19:22:1] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Patrick_Rothschild{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}610800{FF0000}] [19:22:3] [RADIO] PO-I Veilleux Sciverit: Police Officer I 8554 reporting on duty from Angelpine Precinct. [19:22:3] (( Rushty Beardsley: Di kata kita MG )) [19:22:8] (( Rushty Beardsley: Dia ini mantan PD loh )) [19:22:18] (( Gracious Esquevelle: admin power ktny )) [19:22:24] (( Rushty Beardsley: Masa ga tau sih kita kalo dpt laporan itu IC apa MG kan ga tau )) [19:22:38] (( Griffin Finnegan: gabut kali admin spec cepuin rober )) [19:22:50] [RADIO] PO-I Veilleux Sciverit: Police Officer I 8554 start of watch under 0-JOHN-1, clearing from Angelpine. [19:23:8] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Buffalo full mod | 3 insu 2 up | Interest? Call or SMS [19:23:8] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Charlie_Lewis{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}4448899{FF0000}] [19:23:43] AdmCmd: Aria_Bima has been remote warned by rafi17, total warns: 2 [19:23:43] Reason: Refuse rp. [19:23:54] AdmCmd: Aria_Bima has been remote-jailed by rafi17 for 60 minutes. [19:23:54] Reason: Refuse rp. [19:24:12] [RADIO] PO-II Thomas Hardwell: 1-ADAM-1 to 0-JOHN-1 want to merge up? [19:24:15] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Toko Furniture di ELS, profitnya HIGH. Minat? Hubungi saya segera! [19:24:15] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Willie_Martin{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}10011001{FF0000}] [19:24:20] [RADIO] PO-I Veilleux Sciverit: 0-JOHN-1, sure. [19:24:27] (( Keylon Pierce: lincoln bukan adam )) [19:24:41] [RADIO] PO-II Thomas Hardwell: where's your 10-20 0-JOHN-1. [19:24:47] (( Thomas Hardwell: ya maap )) [19:24:48] (( Samuel_Gueltiero: bntr ya parker;v )) [19:24:52] [RADIO] PO-I Veilleux Sciverit: Angelpine Precinct. [19:24:54] (( Georges_Parker: Okeh )) [19:25:14] (( Georges_Parker: Langsung aheal ama acure aja napa )) [19:25:22] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Beli rumah 2 sampai 4 garasi atau mansion ada SMS [19:25:22] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Emma_Mcquinza{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}2210{FF0000}] [19:25:54] AdmCmd: Amelia_Lavigne has been warned by NotAdmin, Total warning: 3 [19:25:54] Reason: Terlalu banyak /b [19:26:30] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Beli rumah 2 sampai 4 garasi atau mansion ada SMS [19:26:30] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Emma_Mcquinza{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}2210{FF0000}] [19:26:48] (( Gracious Esquevelle: ayo ey mao off )) [19:27:37] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Dijual cepat dan murah rumah 3 ruangan di as colinas ada lahan parkir [19:27:37] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Shafira_Olsam{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}460000{FF0000}] [19:27:39] AdmCmd: Amelia_Lavigne has been remote banned by NotAdmin. [19:27:39] Reason: Tidak ada niat roleplay + Disrespecting Staff & Player [19:27:58] AdmCmd: UCP account nenekgaul has been blocked by NotAdmin. [19:27:58] Reason: Tidak ada niat roleplay + Disrespecting Staff & Player [19:28:0] AFK: {ffff00}You are no longer in AFK-Mode! [19:28:7] Vincent Lee: (( a )) [19:28:13] Vincent Lee: (( /togmask )) [19:28:19] Vincent Lee: (( ey )) [19:28:24] AdmCmd: Amelia_Lavigne has been remote warned by NotAdmin, total warns: 4 [19:28:24] Reason: Refuse RP [19:28:36] (( Gracious Esquevelle: sama temennya )) [19:28:38] (( Gracious Esquevelle: refuse jg )) [19:28:41] (( Rushty Beardsley: Nick nya? )) [19:28:42] AdmCmd: Amelia_Lavigne has been remote-jailed by NotAdmin for 60 minutes. [19:28:42] Reason: Refuse RP [19:28:42] (( Griffin Finnegan: Sergey blabalbalba )) [19:28:45] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Dijual rumah 3 ruangan di las colinas, minat sms: [19:28:45] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Shafira_Olsam{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}460000{FF0000}] [19:28:50] (( Gracious Esquevelle: bntr )) [19:28:50] (( Griffin Finnegan: sape dah tadi )) [19:28:51] (( Keylon Pierce: sergey apa )) [19:28:53] (( Rushty Beardsley: Serius )) [19:29:1] (( Gracious Esquevelle: Sergey Khonvtolay )) [19:29:5] (( Thomas Hardwell: wkwk )) [19:29:7] (( Gracious Esquevelle: itu sebenarnya kntl :'v )) [19:29:14] (( Vincent Lee: njir gua bacanya khontolay )) [19:29:28] Gracious Esquevelle: (( gw bisa sulap )) [19:29:30] Vincent Lee says: Ke binco [19:29:31] Gracious Esquevelle: (( ga jatuh ni )) [19:29:37] Vincent Lee says: Mau kaya lu [19:29:40] Vincent Lee says: Ke binco cuk [19:29:42] Vincent Lee: (( awkoaowa )) [19:29:48] Vincent Lee says: Tadi abis sotot? [19:29:53] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Jual] Remington 3insu 4UP 1,5k Nego Minat? [19:29:53] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Guandiato_Alfaro{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}123410{FF0000}] [19:30:11] AdmCmd: Sergey_Khonvtolay has been remote warned by NotAdmin, total warns: 2 [19:30:11] Reason: Refuse RP [19:30:15] Vincent Lee says: Ngapain si [19:30:18] AdmCmd: Sergey_Khonvtolay has been remote warned by NotAdmin, total warns: 3 [19:30:18] Reason: Mementingkan Harta daripada Roleplay [19:30:18] Vincent Lee says: Gua tembak ni [19:30:27] Vincent Lee: (( asw )) [19:30:29] Vincent Lee: (( cepeta )) [19:30:31] Vincent Lee: (( _- )) [19:30:33] [RADIO] PO-I Veilleux Sciverit: Police Officer I 8554 joining 1-ADAM-1 [19:30:39] AdmCmd: Sergey_Khonvtolay has been remote-jailed by NotAdmin for 60 minutes. [19:30:39] Reason: Refuse RP [19:30:45] [RADIO] PO-II Thomas Hardwell: 1-Lincoln-1 10-27 1-ADAM-1. [19:30:57] AdmCmd: Sergey_Khonvtolay has been remote temporary banned by NotAdmin. [19:30:57] Reason: Mementingkan Harta daripada Roleplay [19:31:0] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Beli] Rumah 1 garasi jika ada CP!!! [19:31:0] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Louise_Bishop{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}204020{FF0000}] [19:31:5] Vincent Lee: (( gaguna )) [19:31:6] Vincent Lee: (( asw )) [19:31:11] Vincent Lee says: Sini pinjem gua bawa [19:31:18] Vincent Lee says: Adjudant boleh pake NRG? [19:31:23] Vincent Lee says: Adjudant boleh pake NRG? [19:31:24] Gracious Esquevelle says: G [19:31:43] Vincent Lee says: TOLOL [19:31:47] Vincent Lee Says [car]: Binco [19:31:51] Vincent Lee: (( gausah ketawa )) [19:32:5] Vincent Lee: (( babi emg )) [19:32:6] [RADIO] PO-I Veilleux Sciverit: 1-ADAM-1 taking CODE 7 '20 All Saints. [19:32:8] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{66ffff} [INFO] Kepada semua Toko ada yang ingin contracts barang langsung saja call saya [19:32:8] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Lester_Wilford{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}404011{FF0000}] [19:32:10] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [19:32:10] (( PM from [23] Allard_Anayouri: a )) [19:32:11] Gracious Esquevelle: (( lu nape si )) [19:32:12] (( PM to [23] Allard_Anayouri: apa )) [19:32:14] Vincent Lee: (( lu tolol )) [19:32:17] Vincent Lee: (( panik gua )) [19:32:21] Gracious Esquevelle: (( AOWHKAWOHKHAWOK )) [19:32:26] Vincent Lee: (( anjer )) [19:32:27] (( PM from [23] Allard_Anayouri: Ciee dah tobat absen gara gara ajudant )) [19:32:33] (( PM to [23] Allard_Anayouri: masih absen )) [19:32:37] (( Samuel_Gueltiero: parker, skip ae )) [19:32:38] (( PM to [23] Allard_Anayouri: tapi katanya adjudant bebas okwakowawa )) [19:32:39] Gracious Esquevelle: (( NGAKAK )) [19:32:40] Vincent Lee: (( babi emang )) [19:32:45] Vincent Lee: (( auto panik bawa balik )) [19:32:47] (( Samuel_Gueltiero: duit tar transfer )) [19:32:50] (( Georges_Parker: santuy )) [19:32:52] (( PM from [23] Allard_Anayouri: bagi uang dong, buat nge hitman nih )) [19:33:9] [RADIO] PO-II Zlyeth Stottlemeyer: Police Officer II 8129 is now on duty. [19:33:14] (( Rushty Beardsley: TERUS )) [19:33:15] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{66ffff} [INFO] Kepada semua Toko ada yang ingin contracts barang langsung saja call saya [19:33:15] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Roomero_Calvizer{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}955505{FF0000}] [19:33:17] DUTY: {ffff00}You are now {ff0000}off duty{ffff00}! [19:33:17] (( Rushty Beardsley: TERUS AJA )) [19:33:17] DUTY: {ffff00}You are now {33ff33}on duty{ffff00}! [19:33:27] (( Vincent Lee: ini dia ni emang )) [19:33:31] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Gracious Esquevelle: Ajudant 10094 pulling out from 1-ADAM-2 [19:33:34] (( Keylon Pierce: adu sotot )) [19:33:42] (( Vincent Lee: bikin orang kesel;v )) [19:33:45] (( Gracious Esquevelle: engga ih dia mulai awalnya )) [19:33:46] (( Vincent Lee: maap hilap )) [19:33:53] (( Vincent Lee: BAPAK LU )) [19:34:1] (( Vincent Lee: salahin aja gw )) [19:34:4] (( Vincent Lee: :) )) [19:34:5] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [19:34:7] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [19:34:10] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [19:34:10] (( Keylon Pierce: ez )) [19:34:13] (( Samuel Gueltiero: aimbot )) [19:34:14] (( Griffin Finnegan: ko pada sotot )) [19:34:21] (( Keylon Pierce: aimbot mata lu )) [19:34:23] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Gracious Esquevelle: Ajudant 10094 reporting is now off duty, over. [19:34:23] (( Keylon Pierce: ayo re match )) [19:34:25] (( Keylon Pierce: 1 1 )) [19:34:26] (( Samuel Gueltiero: ayo )) [19:34:28] (( Gracious Esquevelle: sini )) [19:34:28] [RADIO] PO-II Zlyeth Stottlemeyer: Police Officer II 8129 start of watch under 2-ADAM-3 as LINCOLN departing from Dilimore Precinct. [19:34:30] (( Thomas Hardwell: ikut )) [19:34:34] (( Keylon Pierce: detik 40 )) [19:34:35] (( Gracious Esquevelle: ikut )) [19:34:37] (( Thomas Hardwell: ikut dimana )) [19:34:39] (( Vincent Lee: ayo kuy )) [19:34:43] (( Griffin Finnegan: gabut kali asli )) [19:34:45] (( Thomas Hardwell: dimana )) [19:34:52] (( Vincent Alvarez: Latihan bersenjata? )) [19:34:55] (( Vincent Lee: GAS )) [19:35:33] (( Samuel Gueltiero: commander noob )) [19:35:38] (( Keylon Pierce: dih )) [19:35:40] (( Keylon Pierce: rematch )) [19:35:42] (( Keylon Pierce: lo ngumpet )) [19:35:43] (( Samuel Gueltiero: balik ke NCO, bikin PN )) [19:35:43] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: 1-ADAM-4 Need partner for patrols. [19:35:43] (( Keylon Pierce: babi )) [19:35:52] (( Keylon Pierce: SEE? )) [19:35:52] (( Samuel Gueltiero: aimbot )) [19:35:53] [RADIO] Commander Keylon Pierce: DEPAN DEPAN [19:35:57] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: Any officer unpartnered? [19:35:59] (( Vincent Lee: apasi awkowakowao )) [19:36:1] (( Keylon Pierce: gelut aja anjing )) [19:36:1] (( Gracious Esquevelle: get gw dong ikut )) [19:36:4] (( Vincent Lee: IKUT )) [19:36:4] (( Vincent Lee: IKUT )) [19:36:4] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [19:36:6] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [19:36:8] (( Gracious Esquevelle: iya nih ooc juga gelut )) [19:36:8] (( Samuel Gueltiero: ga )) [19:36:8] (( Keylon Pierce: ini khuss serjen diatas )) [19:36:9] (( Zarion Whittemore: Aya naon ieu teh )) [19:36:9] [RADIO] PO-II Thomas Hardwell: 1-ADAM-1 negative [19:36:9] (( Vincent Lee: Get gua dong:( )) [19:36:11] (( Zarion Whittemore: Aya naon ieu teh )) [19:36:13] (( Zarion Whittemore: Aya naon ieu teh )) [19:36:13] (( Vincent Lee: yah sombong )) [19:36:13] (( Keylon Pierce: ini khuss serjen diatas )) [19:36:13] (( Gracious Esquevelle: AWOHKAOWHKAWOHKAWOHAWK )) [19:36:16] (( Vincent Lee: yah sombong )) [19:36:19] (( Samuel Gueltiero: heal ngtd )) [19:36:20] (( Vincent Lee: Gracious babi emang )) [19:36:22] (( Thomas Hardwell: sombhong )) [19:36:23] (( Zarion Whittemore: Aya naon ieu teh mamang )) [19:36:23] (( Gracious Esquevelle: belum aja dikepret duit vincent lee :'v )) [19:36:31] (( Vincent Lee: yoi wkwkw )) [19:36:33] (( Gracious Esquevelle: besok jadi chief vincent lee liat aja )) [19:36:39] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Zarion Whittemore: Prob. Sergeant 6956 reporting onduty from East Beach Precinct, over [19:36:40] (( Vincent Lee: JGRP gua beli )) [19:36:47] (( Zarion Whittemore: Cot )) [19:36:47] (( Vincent Alvarez: Njirr )) [19:36:48] (( Keylon Pierce: dih )) [19:36:49] (( Keylon Pierce: cacat )) [19:36:51] (( Vincent Lee: kowakowaowa )) [19:36:51] (( Samuel Gueltiero: hoki )) [19:36:52] (( Vincent Lee: duel aja )) [19:37:3] (( Keylon Pierce: point gua )) [19:37:25] TRAINING: {FFFFFF}You've leveled up your {00FFFF}Assault Rifle (m4) {FFFFFF}skill from {FFFF00}500 {FFFFFF}to {00FF00}600 [19:37:25] TRAINING: {FFFFFF}You must wait {FFFF00}15 minutes {FFFFFF}before you can level up another skill. [19:37:35] (( Griffin Finnegan: gabut kali )) [19:37:35] (( Zarion Whittemore: Ada apa ini euy, rame bener )) [19:37:42] (( Samuel Gueltiero: berisik jar )) [19:37:43] (( Vincent Lee: Bertumbuk lah dapet duit aku )) [19:38:0] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: Any unit unpartnered? [19:38:2] (( Zarion Whittemore: Malam semuanya )) [19:38:5] (( Vincent Lee: siang )) [19:38:11] (( Samuel Gueltiero: njirr nak senja )) [19:38:13] (( Zarion Whittemore: Ga punya jam ya? )) [19:38:13] (( Synester Reynold: Malam ZarionQ )) [19:38:15] (( Vincent Lee: okwakowakowa )) [19:38:15] [RADIO] Lieutenant Samuel Gueltiero: 6-RAPID-2, negative. [19:38:19] WARNING: {ffffff}You've eaten too much, overall fitness rating decreased by {00ffff}0.69 [19:38:19] SHOP: {ffffff}You've purchased {ffff00}Menu +60 {ffffff}for {00ff00}$3.50 [19:38:20] SHOP: {ffffff}You've purchased {ffff00}Energy Drink {ffffff}for {00ff00}$3.75 [19:38:20] [RADIO] PO-II Thomas Hardwell: 1-ADAM-1 NEGATIVE [19:38:25] (( Vincent Lee: caps lock:( )) [19:38:30] (( Thomas Hardwell: sengaja )) [19:38:33] [RADIO] PO-I Synester Reynold: 4-JOHN-1 Negative from us. [19:38:34] WARNING: {ffffff}You've drunk too much, overall fitness rating decreased by {00ffff}0.46 [19:38:36] (( Zarion Whittemore: Oi mw tanya dong )) [19:38:40] (( Samuel Gueltiero: ha )) [19:38:41] (( Vincent Lee: tanya apa )) [19:38:43] (( Zarion Whittemore: Ini kok TS gua ga bisa ngomong ya? )) [19:38:48] (( Synester Reynold: Relog )) [19:38:49] (( Vincent Lee: bisu kowakoaw )) [19:38:51] (( Samuel Gueltiero: /q )) [19:38:53] (( Griffin Finnegan: ts mana bisa ngomong dih )) [19:38:54] (( Vincent Lee: /q )) [19:38:55] (( Zarion Whittemore: Serius )) [19:38:55] (( Synester Reynold: restar Pc )) [19:38:58] (( Synester Reynold: serius )) [19:39:2] (( Zarion Whittemore: Kitanya )) [19:39:3] (( Vincent Alvarez: Anjay, semabrangan )) [19:39:3] (( Zarion Whittemore: Udah )) [19:39:13] (( Synester Reynold: restar pc lagi kalo belom nyala )) [19:39:19] (( Veilleux Sciverit: Settingan push to talk kali tuh. )) [19:39:20] (( Zarion Whittemore: Klw gua ngomong, bsttttt..... )) [19:39:20] (( Synester Reynold: ato ga reset itu )) [19:39:21] (( Zarion Whittemore: Gitu )) [19:39:29] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [19:39:29] (( Zlyeth Stottlemeyer: cabut headset terus colokin lagi. gua kemaren gitu. kemaren banget malah )) [19:39:29] (( Zarion Whittemore: Push to talk bener )) [19:39:30] (( Synester Reynold: gatau dah kalo itu )) [19:39:31] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [19:39:33] [ID] ID: 2 | Name: Claire_Abhisar | Level: 6 | Ping: 36 | Launcher: Yes [19:39:58] (( Samuel Gueltiero: RAC in 19:40:10 )) [19:39:59] (( PM to [2] Claire_Abhisar: a )) [19:40:0] [RADIO] Captain Rushty Beardsley: Captain 7802 to Metropolitan unit, please 10-1 at Metropolitan HQ now. [19:40:3] (( Samuel Gueltiero: RAC in 19:40:10 )) [19:40:12] (( Keylon Pierce: respawned )) [19:40:22] [RADIO] Lieutenant Samuel Gueltiero: RRMT President 9066 enroute. [19:40:47] Lights {33AA33}ON [19:41:15] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Zarion Whittemore: Prob. Sergeant 6956 start of watch under 4-METRO-1 take status four clearing from East Beach Precinct [19:41:16] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [19:41:19] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [19:41:19] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Lee rumah elo gue beli lah [19:41:26] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [19:41:26] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Lee rumah elo gue beli lah [19:41:29] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [19:41:29] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 204020 [19:41:29] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Rumah mana? [19:41:34] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [19:41:34] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Marina. [19:41:38] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [19:41:38] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 204020 [19:41:38] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}brp [19:41:42] LIMITSPEED: {ffffff}Vehicle speed limit set to {33AA33}15 mph [19:41:44] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [19:41:44] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}28k. [19:41:46] * Dimas Jey memperbaiki mesin dengan alat mekanik [19:41:47] Proses ((Dimas Jey)) [19:41:48] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [19:41:48] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 204020 [19:41:48] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}UP KERASSS [19:41:48] Conan Pearson says: mesin body pak [19:41:50] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Zarion Whittemore: Prob. Sergeant 6956 as SWAT PFC enroute ETA 3 minute [19:41:51] Vincent Lee says: Engga [19:41:52] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [19:41:52] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}30k? [19:41:52] Scott Marauder says: Cie cie. [19:41:54] [MEGAPHONE] Vincent Lee: Clear? [19:41:57] Conan Pearson Shouts: clear! [19:41:58] Scott Marauder says: Dah bisa body. [19:42:0] done! ((Salvatore Trementi)) [19:42:0] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [19:42:0] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 204020 [19:42:0] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Gua beli aja 40k ANJINK [19:42:1] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [19:42:1] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}$30k Lah ama temen anjeng [19:42:4] Salvatore Trementi says: oke dah [19:42:5] Marcelo Chadwick says: Makasih [19:42:5] Ingga Fresly says: Yaelah kaga ngerti amat. [19:42:6] Marcelo_Chadwick telah keluar dari server. (Pergi) [19:42:6] * Dimas Jey cek kembali [19:42:7] Roy Machbeth says: pak [19:42:7] Enzo Lefevre Shouts: woi! [19:42:8] Ingga Fresly says: anjing [19:42:9] Ingga Fresly says: tumben [19:42:11] perbaikan selesai ((Dimas Jey)) [19:42:11] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [19:42:11] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Gitu amat lo [19:42:13] Ingga Fresly Shouts: Woe! [19:42:17] Enzo Lefevre says: kampang [19:42:17] Charles Lark says: cepat memek [19:42:18] Ingga Fresly says: Ngapa ? [19:42:20] Vincent Lee says: Apa asu [19:42:20] Ingga Fresly says: Tumben. [19:42:21] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [19:42:21] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Lagian lo gak kepake. [19:42:24] Ingga Fresly says: Tumben. [19:42:27] Ingga Fresly says: Lagi miskin ya. [19:42:28] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [19:42:28] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 204020 [19:42:28] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}awwaokwakwa garasi [19:42:28] Ingga Fresly says: haha. [19:42:29] Scott Marauder says: Dah jumpa ? [19:42:29] Ingga Fresly says: Canda. [19:42:30] Enzo Lefevre Shouts: bagi duit! [19:42:30] Vincent Lee says: Iya miskin banget [19:42:33] Salvatore Trementi says: mau apaan scott? [19:42:35] Ingga Fresly says: haha. [19:42:35] Vincent Lee says: ga ada duit [19:42:39] Vincent Lee says: Kata ingga gua miskin [19:42:43] * Vincent Lee merasa senang [19:42:44] Ingga Fresly says: bagi [19:42:45] Ingga Fresly says: bagi [19:42:47] Ingga Fresly says: anjing [19:42:48] Enzo Lefevre says: yaelah parah amat [19:42:49] Ingga Fresly says: jangan pelit [19:42:49] Vincent Lee says: Ga ada duit [19:42:50] Ingga Fresly says: jangan pelit [19:42:50] Ingga Fresly says: jangan pelit [19:42:52] Ingga Fresly says: jangan pelit [19:42:53] Vincent Lee says: Sisa 186k [19:42:54] Enzo Lefevre says: sama gue astaga [19:42:54] Vincent Lee says: )) [19:42:56] Ingga Fresly says: anjing [19:42:57] Ingga Fresly says: anjing [19:42:59] Ingga Fresly says: bagi [19:42:59] Vincent Lee: (( okwakoawwa )) [19:43:2] Ingga Fresly says: bagi [19:43:3] [RADIO] PO-I Synester Reynold: 4-JOHN-1 performing 10-55 with 10-66 Brown Benson, 10-20 At Ocean Docks and CODE four now. [19:43:4] Vincent Lee says: Sedikit itu [19:43:5] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Dijual murah rumah 3 ruangan di las colinas, minat sms: [19:43:5] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Shafira_Olsam{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}460000{FF0000}] [19:43:6] Ingga Fresly says: anjing [19:43:7] Ingga Fresly says: bagi [19:43:7] Enzo Lefevre says: 100 aja buat makan? [19:43:8] Ingga Fresly says: bagi [19:43:8] Ingga Fresly says: bagi [19:43:9] Ingga Fresly says: bagi [19:43:9] Ingga Fresly says: bagi [19:43:9] Ingga Fresly says: bagi [19:43:12] (( PM from [35] Brian_Kenneth: a )) [19:43:15] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Zarion Whittemore: Prob. Sergeant 6956 as SWAT PFC arrived at Metropolitan HQ [19:43:17] (( PM to [35] Brian_Kenneth: apasi )) [19:43:18] Ingga Fresly says: bagi ih. [19:43:19] Enzo Lefevre says: pelit lu? [19:43:20] PAYINFO: {ffffff}You've given {ffff00}Enzo Lefevre [id:12] {00ff00}$50.00 [19:43:24] Ingga Fresly says: anjir [19:43:24] Enzo Lefevre says: sip [19:43:26] Ingga Fresly says: Bagi napa. [19:43:26] PAYINFO: {ffffff}You've given {ffff00}Ingga Fresly [id:69] {00ff00}$50.00 [19:43:26] Dimas Jey says: saya mau [19:43:27] Ingga Fresly says: asw [19:43:28] Ingga Fresly says: 50 [19:43:29] Ingga Fresly says: 1k [19:43:30] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [19:43:30] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Mau ga lee? [19:43:30] Scott Marauder says: Saya. [19:43:30] (( PM from [35] Brian_Kenneth: WA )) [19:43:33] Enzo Lefevre says: 50 lagi [19:43:34] Ingga Fresly says: 1k [19:43:35] (( Keylon Pierce: ngebut lah zol )) [19:43:35] Scott Marauder says: woi lele [19:43:35] Ingga Fresly says: 1k [19:43:36] Ingga Fresly says: 1k [19:43:36] Ingga Fresly says: 1k [19:43:37] (( Keylon Pierce: lambat amat )) [19:43:37] Ingga Fresly says: 1k [19:43:37] Ingga Fresly says: 1k [19:43:37] Ingga Fresly says: 1k [19:43:38] (( PM to [35] Brian_Kenneth: ngapain cuk )) [19:43:39] Scott Marauder says: Duit bagi [19:43:39] Enzo Lefevre says: 50 lagi [19:43:43] Vincent Lee says: Berisik anjer [19:43:44] (( Samuel Gueltiero: pake nos )) [19:43:45] * Vincent Lee take m4 from front of body using both hands and ready to shoot. [19:43:46] FRISK: {FF0000}Ingga Fresly {FFFFFF}ingin mem-frisk anda, {FFFF00}/accept frisk {FFFFFF}untuk memberi izin untuk frisk kepadany [19:43:47] Ingga Fresly says: haha [19:43:48] (( PM from [35] Brian_Kenneth: cek WA qontlo )) [19:43:48] Scott Marauder says: Duit bagi lele [19:43:48] Enzo Lefevre says: gue lee [19:43:55] * Vincent Lee slots his m4 into front of body using both hands. [19:43:58] Vincent Lee says: Patrol ma sapa [19:44:4] (( Vincent Alvarez: Apa ga di PPKOin warga? )) [19:44:6] Enzo Lefevre says: 50 lagi [19:44:6] Ingga Fresly says: haha [19:44:7] Ingga Fresly says: jomblo [19:44:11] Ingga Fresly says: sendirian [19:44:12] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Dijual murah rumah 3 ruangan di las colinas, minat sms: [19:44:12] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Shafira_Olsam{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}460000{FF0000}] [19:44:12] Enzo Lefevre says: abistu udah [19:44:14] Scott Marauder says: sini dulu [19:44:14] * Vincent Lee take m4 from front of body using both hands and ready to shoot. [19:44:15] Enzo Lefevre says: abistu udah [19:44:15] Ingga Fresly says: bagi [19:44:18] Ingga Fresly says: bagi [19:44:20] Ingga Fresly says: $1k [19:44:23] Ingga Fresly says: Tembak !! [19:44:24] Enzo Lefevre says: 50 lagi [19:44:24] * Vincent Lee slots his m4 into front of body using both hands. [19:44:24] Ingga Fresly says: ANJENG [19:44:25] Enzo Lefevre says: abistu udah [19:44:30] Ingga Fresly says: bagi [19:44:31] Vincent Lee says: Ga ada coek [19:44:33] FRISK: {FF0000}Ingga Fresly {FFFFFF}ingin mem-frisk anda, {FFFF00}/accept frisk {FFFFFF}untuk memberi izin untuk frisk kepadany [19:44:33] FRISK: {FF0000}Ingga Fresly {FFFFFF}ingin mem-frisk anda, {FFFF00}/accept frisk {FFFFFF}untuk memberi izin untuk frisk kepadany [19:44:35] Enzo Lefevre says: yaelah parah lu [19:44:36] FRISK: {FF0000}Ingga Fresly {FFFFFF}ingin mem-frisk anda, {FFFF00}/accept frisk {FFFFFF}untuk memberi izin untuk frisk kepadany [19:44:36] Vincent Lee says: Ikut gua kepenjara [19:44:38] FRISK: {FF0000}Ingga Fresly {FFFFFF}ingin mem-frisk anda, {FFFF00}/accept frisk {FFFFFF}untuk memberi izin untuk frisk kepadany [19:44:42] Enzo Lefevre says: masa 50 [19:44:43] FRISK: {FF0000}Ingga Fresly {FFFFFF}ingin mem-frisk anda, {FFFF00}/accept frisk {FFFFFF}untuk memberi izin untuk frisk kepadany [19:44:46] Vincent Lee says: 50$ doang [19:44:47] Enzo Lefevre says: sama gue [19:44:52] * Conan Pearson menerimanya [19:44:53] PAYINFO: {ffffff}You've given {ffff00}Enzo Lefevre [id:12] {00ff00}$50.00 [19:44:54] * Ingga Fresly frisk Lee with both hand. [19:44:57] Enzo Lefevre says: sip [19:44:58] Ingga Fresly says: Woe. [19:45:0] Ingga Fresly says: Woe. [19:45:1] Ingga Fresly says: Bagi [19:45:2] Enzo Lefevre says: nah gitu dong [19:45:3] Ingga Fresly says: de [19:45:3] * Conan Pearson memperbaiki mesin kendaraan [19:45:3] Ingga Fresly says: bagi [19:45:4] Vincent Lee says: Babai beb [19:45:6] (( Samuel Gueltiero: OKWOKWOKWOKWOKWOKWOKWOW )) [19:45:9] (( Zarion Whittemore: Buset oakwoakw )) [19:45:12] Ingga Fresly says: patrol [19:45:12] Enzo Lefevre says: babai sayang [19:45:13] Ingga Fresly says: sendiri [19:45:14] [MEGAPHONE] Vincent Lee: Becarefull ingga jahat [19:45:14] Enzo Lefevre says: babai sayang [19:45:15] Ingga Fresly says: anjing [19:45:18] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Sell]Tahoma 3ins 1up 1,2k hit me up [19:45:18] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Tae_Yoon{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}131031{FF0000}] [19:45:23] (( Keylon Pierce: zolla bar2 )) [19:45:24] LIMITSPEED: {ffffff}Vehicle speed limit {ff0000}disabled [19:45:54] (( Vincent Lee: gua mau test whisper )) [19:45:58] (( Vincent Lee: coba ya dengar:v )) [19:46:7] (( Rushty Beardsley: barbar adalah nama tengahku )) [19:46:11] (( Vincent Alvarez: Wah merdu guys )) [19:46:11] (( Zarion Whittemore: Mantap )) [19:46:15] (( Vincent Lee: denger? )) [19:46:25] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[JUAL] Rumah 1 garasi Dillimore, minat? SMS: [19:46:25] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Harry_Starbuck{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3611{FF0000}] [19:46:27] (( Zlyeth Stottlemeyer: G )) [19:46:31] (( Griffin Finnegan: whisper aja kaga )) [19:46:36] (( Vincent Alvarez: Ga )) [19:46:36] (( Vincent Lee: dih parah )) [19:46:39] (( Vincent Alvarez: Hahaha )) [19:46:40] (( Vincent Lee: TS CACAT )) [19:46:49] (( Thomas Hardwell: ko ada lumbal lumba )) [19:47:13] [ID] ID: 36 | Name: Veilleux_Sciverit | Level: 34 | Ping: 39 | Launcher: Yes [19:47:13] (( PM from [35] Brian_Kenneth: kepanjangan dari JGRP Jogjagamers Roleplay atau Reality project? )) [19:47:17] (( PM from [35] Brian_Kenneth: bingung gw )) [19:47:23] (( PM to [35] Brian_Kenneth: Jogja roleplay )) [19:47:32] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Sell]Rumah 3 ruangan di els 5k [19:47:32] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Tae_Yoon{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}131031{FF0000}] [19:47:44] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [19:47:54] Charles Lark says: gila kaya bener [19:47:57] Berapakah pernafasan Carlo? 12L-18L normal. ((Anna Stephanie)) [19:47:58] Roy Machbeth says: kaya apa memek [19:48:1] Anna Stephanie says: Untung datang. [19:48:3] Vincent Lee says: Ada apa ini [19:48:3] Anna Stephanie says: Polisi. [19:48:3] (( Samuel Gueltiero: kepin aimbot bener )) [19:48:3] Charles Lark says: beli Ak dapat 5 [19:48:6] (( Vincent Lee: okakowwa )) [19:48:7] (( Samuel Gueltiero: masa iya gua kena hit )) [19:48:8] Anna Stephanie says: Tolong atur lalu lintas dong. [19:48:8] 13L ((Carlo Stevenson)) [19:48:11] Roy Machbeth says: ada polisi goblok [19:48:12] (( Keylon Pierce: rac aja )) [19:48:13] Vincent Lee says: What? [19:48:19] Charles Lark says: enggak pak. [19:48:19] Anna Stephanie says: Sebentar. [19:48:22] Vincent Lee says: Ngomong apa? [19:48:23] Anna Stephanie says: Apakah pendarahan nya parah? [19:48:23] Vincent Lee says: Beli ak? [19:48:28] Marcelo Chadwick says: Ini ada Apa Pak.? [19:48:28] Roy Machbeth says: bercanda doang pak [19:48:32] Sean Jensen says: Engga. [19:48:36] Sean Jensen says: Udah berhenti darahnya. [19:48:37] (( Vincent Alvarez: Kalau level 3 boleh di penjara ic? )) [19:48:38] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{FF9999}[SAFD] Recruitment ke 60 telah dibuka, lihat infonya di website kami safd.gov.us{FF0000} ((safd.jg-gta.com)) [19:48:38] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Zhaniece_Cardwell{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}9990{FF0000}] [19:48:42] (( Keylon Pierce: boleh )) [19:48:43] Charles Lark says: ini orang jatoh kepleset tai [19:48:43] (( Vincent Lee: level 1 juga gapapa )) [19:48:50] Vincent Lee says: Dok [19:48:50] (( Keylon Pierce: lagg )) [19:48:50] Anna Stephanie says: Jika tidak parah, bisa di pakaikan trauma dressing. [19:48:54] Sean Jensen says: Ya? [19:48:55] Vincent Lee says: Ada dokter di CGH Atau ASGH? [19:48:57] Roy Machbeth says: ini tai liat kagak [19:48:58] Vincent Lee says: saya mau berobat [19:49:3] Marcelo Chadwick says: Pak Ini kenapa? [19:49:10] Sean Jensen says: Coba saya kasih lagi trauma dressingnya. [19:49:11] Roy Machbeth says: coba jilat betul kaga ini tai [19:49:14] Anna Stephanie says: Iya. [19:49:17] Charles Lark says: coba lu [19:49:17] Anna Stephanie says: Coba kasih algi. [19:49:24] * Sean Jensen membalutkan kembali trauma dressing pada area luka. [19:49:29] Anna Stephanie says: Denyut nadi dan pernafasan normal. [19:49:34] * Roy Machbeth mencicipi sesuatu berwarna coklat di aspal. [19:49:35] Anna Stephanie says: Airway tidak ada halangan. [19:49:41] masem ((Roy Machbeth)) [19:49:41] Anna Stephanie says: Danger, sudah dijaga pihak kepolisian. [19:49:43] Sean Jensen says: Ke rumah sakit pak. [19:49:45] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[JUAL] Rumah 1 Garasi Dillimore 60k nego, minat? SMS: [19:49:45] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Harry_Starbuck{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3611{FF0000}] [19:49:50] Roy Machbeth says: bener tai bangsat [19:49:52] Vincent Lee: (( bah ilang )) [19:49:52] (( Samuel Gueltiero: RAC vin? )) [19:49:54] (( Vincent Lee: woi ilang )) [19:49:55] (( Vincent Lee: gajelas )) [19:49:55] Charles Lark: (( bah )) [19:50:0] Anna Stephanie says: Responsibilities, Alert. [19:50:0] [OLDCAR] VID: 76 [19:50:0] Roy Machbeth: (( hekel )) [19:50:3] (( Keylon Pierce: gatau )) [19:50:4] (( Vincent Alvarez: Ibu ibu pasti )) [19:50:7] (( Keylon Pierce: report aja )) [19:50:7] REPORT: {ffffff}Your report has been issued to the queue, use '{ffff00}/reports{ffffff}' to see your report [19:50:9] RESPOND: {ff0000}NotAdmin {FFFFCC}has responded to your report [19:50:10] ERROR: Dilarang menggunakan karakter '\' ! [19:50:11] TELEPORT: {FFFF00}Keylon_Pierce {FFFFFF}has teleported to you! [19:50:12] (( Vincent Lee: apasi woakowakowa )) [19:50:12] Roy Machbeth says: sultan lu mau kaga [19:50:14] Vincent Lee: (( gajelas anjay )) [19:50:17] Felix Duckhovich says: ada apa ini? [19:50:18] (( Griffin Finnegan: woe ilang )) [19:50:18] Roy Machbeth says: kaga kepake [19:50:18] (( Vincent Alvarez: kwwkkwk )) [19:50:19] Charles Lark says: kenapa? [19:50:20] Felix Duckhovich: (( oawkoaw )) [19:50:21] Vincent Lee: (( eh )) [19:50:22] Vincent Lee: (( anjir )) [19:50:22] (( Rushty Beardsley: ID 6 yang RAC, marahin aja kalo berani )) [19:50:23] Anna Stephanie: (( astajim )) [19:50:25] INFO: {ffffff}Character anda telah terluka berat dan sekarat [19:50:25] NOTE: {ffffff}Anda dapat menggunakan command '{ffff00}/accept death{ffffff}' setelah menunggu {00ff00}3 menit [19:50:25] Vincent Lee: (( mati )) [19:50:28] Vincent Lee: (( :) )) [19:50:30] You have been healed [19:50:31] Charles Lark says: udah gue jual [19:50:35] Sean Jensen: (( ALOLO )) [19:50:36] {ff0000}NotAdmin: {ffffff}(( maap )) [19:50:37] Roy Machbeth says: ada gua sultan [19:50:38] Anna Stephanie: (( vin buka PM, ada yang mau gua omongin )) [19:50:40] Anna Stephanie: (( ea:v )) [19:50:40] Charles Lark says: oh [19:50:41] Charles Lark says: ga [19:50:41] (( Thomas Hardwell: tuh Lee marahin )) [19:50:44] Roy Machbeth says: ini ganton [19:50:44] {ff0000}NotAdmin: {ffffff}(( udah dibuka )) [19:50:46] Richard McFuller says: ada apa ini ? [19:50:47] {ff0000}NotAdmin: {ffffff}(( jangan bodoh ya kamu )) [19:50:47] Vincent Lee: (( whatt;v )) [19:50:50] Charles Lark says: mending beli nganu [19:50:52] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{FF9999}[SAFD] Recruitment ke 60 telah dibuka, lihat infonya di website kami safd.gov.us{FF0000} ((safd.jg-gta.com)) [19:50:52] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Zhaniece_Cardwell{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}9990{FF0000}] [19:50:53] [ID] ID: 6 | Name: Takeshi_Masato | Level: 50 | Ping: 70 | Launcher: No [19:50:55] (( Vincent Lee: wkwk )) [19:50:57] (( Vincent Lee: up dah )) [19:51:4] Sean Jensen says: Minggirin bro [19:51:11] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [19:51:12] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [19:51:12] * Carlo Stevenson merasakan pendarahan di perutnya sudah berhenti [19:51:15] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [19:51:15] Charles Lark says: anjing rekrut SAFD [19:51:18] Roy Machbeth says: )) [19:51:21] Anna Stephanie says: Ok. [19:51:24] Roy Machbeth: (( sorry pak kepencet )) [19:51:25] Anna Stephanie says: Bagaimana kondisi nya? [19:51:29] Sean Jensen says: Tapi baiknya ditransport aja. [19:51:34] Roy Machbeth says: )) [19:51:35] Charles Lark says: udah pernah masuk penjara gua [19:51:36] Sean Jensen says: Lukanya lumayan serius. [19:51:44] Anna Stephanie says: Tetapi pendarahan nya dapat diberhentikan. [19:51:45] Roy Machbeth says: langganan koplak [19:51:50] Charles Lark says: hahaha [19:51:55] Sean Jensen says: Bangun pak. [19:51:56] Charles Lark says: skuy nambah [19:51:58] Roy Machbeth says: ayo beli mainan [19:51:59] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[JUAL] Rumah 2 garasi Palomino 70k net, minat? SMS: [19:51:59] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Harry_Starbuck{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3611{FF0000}] [19:52:1] * Carlo Stevenson mencoba bangun secara perlahan [19:52:1] Anna Stephanie says: Bangun pak. [19:52:10] Roy Machbeth says: dildo aja [19:52:14] (( Griffin Finnegan: whisper patah2 )) [19:52:18] Charles Lark says: dildo .50 AE? [19:52:23] Roy Machbeth says: tuh tau [19:52:29] Vincent Lee says: Bentar saya ada urusan [19:53:6] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Joinjob]Pekerjaan apa saja yang penting halah Kalo ada :Call:OR:SMS. [19:53:6] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Marcelo_Chadwick{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}640074{FF0000}] [19:53:8] WARNING: Use command '/select' if the cursor is gone [19:53:8] SHOP: {ffffff}You've purchased {ffff00}Hats {ffffff}for {00ff00}$7.50 [19:53:11] [RADIO] Detective I Griffin Finnegan: 7-UNION-4 taking CODE-7 in CI Office for paperwork [19:54:5] [RADIO] Captain Rushty Beardsley: DSS001 [19:54:9] TRAINING: You can now continue training! [19:54:13] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Jual] Remington 3insu 4UP 1,5k Nego Minat? [19:54:13] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Guandiato_Alfaro{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}123410{FF0000}] [19:54:37] [RADIO] Lieutenant Samuel Gueltiero: Lieutenant 9066 and Prob. Sergeant 6956 taking status 4 under, departs from Dillimore precinct, over. [19:54:48] [RADIO] Commander Keylon Pierce: Commander 7079 reporting off-duty [19:54:49] ACCESSORY: {FFFFFF}You do not have any more accessory to manage! [19:54:56] WARNING: Use command '/select' if the cursor is gone [19:54:56] SHOP: {ffffff}You've purchased {ffff00}Masks (Accessory) {ffffff}for {00ff00}$7.50 [19:55:20] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Find]Di cari pekerjaan untuk saya,ada? HUB: [19:55:20] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Richard_McFuller{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}109929{FF0000}] [19:55:23] [RADIO] Lieutenant Samuel Gueltiero: 10-6 last transmission. [19:55:35] Moolyz Jackone says: Pak [19:55:38] Vincent Lee says: Apa [19:55:40] [RADIO] Lieutenant Samuel Gueltiero: Lieutenant 9066 taking status 4 under 2-METRO-1, departs from Dillimore precinct, over. [19:55:41] Moolyz Jackone says: Ada sedikit uang ga untuk beli baju [19:55:42] Moolyz Jackone says: hehehhe [19:55:43] ACCESSORY: {FFFFFF}You do not have any more accessory to manage! [19:55:45] Vincent Lee says: Berapa [19:55:51] Moolyz Jackone says: Ya seterah bapak [19:55:55] Vincent Lee says: Gua bawa 21$ doang [19:56:2] Moolyz Jackone says: Oh yaudah deh pak [19:56:4] Moolyz Jackone says: Gausa deh.. [19:56:28] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Dijual murah rumah 3 ruangan di las colinas, minat sms: [19:56:28] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Shafira_Olsam{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}460000{FF0000}] [19:56:44] Rey Randolph says: Yea? [19:56:59] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [19:57:1] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [19:57:4] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Zarion Whittemore: Prob. Sergeant 6956 '99 after 10-1 at Metropolitant HQ, resuming to status four [19:57:11] Valentin Riviere says: ada apa? [19:57:14] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Zarion Whittemore: ...under 4-METRO-1 [19:57:17] HUD: {FFFFFF}Player HUD is {FF0000}hidden [19:57:18] HUD: {FFFFFF}Player HUD is {00FF00}visible [19:57:34] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Zarion Whittemore: 4-METRO-1 take CODE 7 at All Saint's for get treatment [19:57:34] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Dijual murah rumah 3 ruangan di las colinas, minat sms: [19:57:34] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Shafira_Olsam{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}460000{FF0000}] [19:57:43] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Devin_Martyan ] Phone: [ 310907 ] [19:57:43] Message: minta izin truck lewat kota [19:58:1] [RADIO] PO-I Synester Reynold: TEU Officer 10144 on fiver. [19:58:1] BANK: {ffffff}You've taken {ffff00}$500.00 {ffffff}from the bank. Current balance: {ffff00}$187,268.53 [19:58:7] ERROR: You don't have enough cash! [19:58:10] BANK: {ffffff}You've taken {ffff00}$500.00 {ffffff}from the bank. Current balance: {ffff00}$186,768.53 [19:58:19] TRAINING: {FFFFFF}You've leveled up your {00FFFF}Assault Rifle (m4) {FFFFFF}skill from {FFFF00}600 {FFFFFF}to {00FF00}700 [19:58:19] TRAINING: {FFFFFF}You must wait {FFFF00}15 minutes {FFFFFF}before you can level up another skill. [19:58:39] (( PM to [87] Rehanzo_Connor: /team )) [19:58:41] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[JUAL] Rumah 1 Garasi 4 ruangan Dillimore Lahan parkir luas 50k net, minat? SMS: [19:58:41] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Harry_Starbuck{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3611{FF0000}] [19:58:48] (( PM to [87] Rehanzo_Connor: /team )) [19:58:59] (( PM from [87] Rehanzo_Connor: yauadh )) [19:59:49] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[JUAL] Rumah 1 Garasi 4 ruangan Dillimore laham parkir luas 50k net, minat? SMS: [19:59:49] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Harry_Starbuck{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3611{FF0000}] [20:0:11] TOLL: {FFFFFF}Used 1 toll card point to pay toll access. [20:0:28] (( Vincent Lee: eh )) [20:0:56] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[JUAL] Rumah 4 ruangan 1 garasi DIllimore lahan parkir luas, 50k net minat? SMS: [20:0:56] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Harry_Starbuck{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3611{FF0000}] [20:1:14] [RADIO] PO-I Rehanzo Connor: Police Officer I 8215 reporting taking S2 from locker. [20:2:2] [RADIO] Lieutenant Samuel Gueltiero: 2-METRO-1 doing traffic stop on Purple paintjob Elegy, Northernside of City Hall Workshop, CODE-4. [20:2:2] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[JUAL] Rumah 4 ruangan 1 garasi DIllimore lahan parkir luas, 50k net minat? SMS: [20:2:2] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Harry_Starbuck{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3611{FF0000}] [20:2:8] ERROR: Not near any of public gate or your gate! [20:2:49] INFO: {FFFFFF}You've shown your badge to {FFFF00}Rehanzo_Connor [20:2:50] TELEPORT: {FFFF00}Keylon_Pierce {FFFFFF}has teleported to you! [20:2:51] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [20:2:59] Vincent Lee: (( apa cuk )) [20:3:2] Keylon Pierce Says [car]: ws jual ga [20:3:9] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[JUAL] Rumah 4 ruangan 1 garasi DIllimore lahan parkir luas, 50k net minat? SMS: [20:3:9] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Harry_Starbuck{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3611{FF0000}] [20:3:10] Vincent Lee: (( wkwkw admin gajelas:v )) [20:3:15] [RADIO] PO-I Rehanzo Connor: Police Officer I 8215 teaming up with Adjudant 10168 now is S4 under 1-ADAM-4 cleared '20 Angelpine Precint [20:3:25] Vincent Lee Says [car]: mau dijual [20:3:29] Keylon Pierce Says [car]: berapa [20:3:34] Vincent Lee Says [car]: 650k Nego [20:3:34] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Zarion Whittemore: 4-METRO-1 '99 after take CODE 7 at All Saint's, resuming to status four [20:3:37] Keylon Pierce Says [car]: 300k [20:3:44] Vincent Lee Says [car]: mata ma 300k [20:3:46] Rehanzo Connor says: Beli topi dulu [20:3:48] Rehanzo Connor says: Biar kece [20:3:50] Keylon Pierce Says [car]: ada bisnis apa lagi [20:3:53] Vincent Lee says: Gua juga [20:3:55] Vincent Lee says: Elektronik [20:3:59] {ff0000}NotAdmin: {ffffff}(( Kecil )) [20:4:2] Vincent Lee: (( owakkowawoa )) [20:4:4] Keylon Pierce says: Kecil [20:4:13] WARNING: Use command '/select' if the cursor is gone [20:4:13] SHOP: {ffffff}You've purchased {ffff00}Accessories {ffffff}for {00ff00}$7.50 [20:4:16] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[JUAL] Rumah 4 ruangan 1 garasi DIllimore lahan parkir luas, 50k net minat? SMS: [20:4:16] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Harry_Starbuck{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3611{FF0000}] [20:4:23] ACCESSORY: {FFFFFF}You do not have any more accessory to manage! [20:4:28] WARNING: Use command '/select' if the cursor is gone [20:4:28] SHOP: {ffffff}You've purchased {ffff00}Hats {ffffff}for {00ff00}$7.50 [20:5:1] Rehanzo Connor says: Izin pake vest ya [20:5:1] Rehanzo Connor says: )) [20:5:7] [RADIO] PO-I Synester Reynold: TEU Officer 10144 to all basic units, Information from all units, Information from me if there is a white flat [20:5:23] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[JUAL] Rumah 4 ruangan 1 garasi DIllimore lahan parkir luas, 50k net minat? SMS: [20:5:23] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Harry_Starbuck{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3611{FF0000}] [20:5:28] ACCESSORY: {FFFFFF}You do not have any more accessory to manage! [20:5:36] WARNING: Use command '/select' if the cursor is gone [20:5:36] SHOP: {ffffff}You've purchased {ffff00}Hats {ffffff}for {00ff00}$7.50 [20:5:38] [RADIO] PO-I Synester Reynold: .. Flatbed, He doesn't have a Trucking License. [20:5:47] [RADIO] Lieutenant Samuel Gueltiero: 2-METRO-1, copies. [20:5:50] (( PM from [10] Thomas_Hardwell: sumpah itu ngomong apa gaje )) [20:5:57] [RADIO] PO-II Thomas Hardwell: 1-ADAM-1 10-4. [20:6:1] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Zarion Whittemore: 4-METRO-1 copy [20:6:2] [RADIO] PO-I Rehanzo Connor: 1-ADAM-4 copy [20:6:6] (( PM to [10] Thomas_Hardwell: oakwkowaoa kepo;v )) [20:6:10] (( Synester Reynold: haduh tipo )) [20:6:13] (( PM from [10] Thomas_Hardwell: bukan lu )) [20:6:14] (( Synester Reynold: maap pak. )) [20:6:22] [RADIO] PO-II Zlyeth Stottlemeyer: 2-LINCOLN-3 Copy [20:6:24] (( PM from [10] Thomas_Hardwell: itu /r synester )) [20:6:29] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[JUAL] Rumah 4 ruangan 1 garasi DIllimore lahan parkir luas, 50k net minat? SMS: [20:6:29] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Harry_Starbuck{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3611{FF0000}] [20:6:42] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Zarion Whittemore: 4-METRO-1 to 2-LINCOLN-3, do you want to teaming up with me? [20:6:45] (( Gerry Bishop: Malam gays. )) [20:6:50] (( Ludovico Damata: y )) [20:6:50] (( Samuel Gueltiero: Malam dun. )) [20:6:51] (( Rushty Beardsley: malam )) [20:6:52] Rehanzo Connor says: Tutupin matanya [20:6:53] Rehanzo Connor says: )) [20:6:55] (( Zarion Whittemore: Malam ndu )) [20:7:12] [RADIO] PO-II Zlyeth Stottlemeyer: Of course 4-METRO-1, 2-LINCOLN-3 speak. [20:7:29] (( Synester Reynold: Malem ndun. )) [20:7:30] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Zarion Whittemore: Where your location? [20:7:36] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[JUAL] Rumah 4 ruangan 1 garasi DIllimore lahan parkir luas, 50k net minat? SMS: [20:7:36] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Harry_Starbuck{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3611{FF0000}] [20:7:37] Vincent Lee says: Koboy kita [20:7:40] (( Gerry Bishop: Malam jumat, dimana janji manis untuk dia yang udah lupain kita ":3 )) [20:7:41] Rehanzo Connor says: Yoi [20:7:46] WARNING: Use command '/select' if the cursor is gone [20:7:46] SHOP: {ffffff}You've purchased {ffff00}Glasses {ffffff}for {00ff00}$7.50 [20:7:48] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Zarion Whittemore: I'll pick you up there [20:7:49] [RADIO] PO-II Zlyeth Stottlemeyer: Behind of City Hall, 2-LINCOLN-3 [20:7:55] AdmCmd: Guandiato_Alfaro has been kicked by DarthVader99. [20:7:55] Reason: ATIP, direport. [20:8:0] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Gerry Bishop: Prob Sergeant 2318 reporting on duty. [20:8:26] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Zarion Whittemore: 4-METRO-1 enroute [20:8:43] [RADIO] Lieutenant Samuel Gueltiero: 2-METRO-1 '99 from traffic stop, continue status 4. [20:8:43] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Rumah di SMB full furniture (BONUS : MOBIL) | 5 ruangan 2 lantai | $11000 | Minat? Call or SMS [20:8:43] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Charlie_Lewis{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}4448899{FF0000}] [20:8:56] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Gerry Bishop: Prob Sergeant 2318 to all basic unit please 10-21. [20:9:12] [RADIO] PO-I Veilleux Sciverit: 1-ADAM-1 STATUS 4 '20 Commerce [20:9:12] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Zarion Whittemore: 4-METRO-1 status four around Little tokyo [20:9:19] [RADIO] Lieutenant Samuel Gueltiero: 2-METRO-1 on status 4 in Main Street, available for teaming up. [20:9:27] [RADIO] PO-II Zlyeth Stottlemeyer: 2-LINCOLN-2 status four around Commerce. [20:9:46] [RADIO] PO-I Rehanzo Connor: 1-ADAM-4 code 7 at The Cordova Bistro, Angelpine's accesories shop [20:9:50] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}SAFD, telah membuka rekruitment ke 60, mari daftar, info:safd-gov.com ((safd.jg-gta.com)) [20:9:50] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Anna_Stephanie{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}120630{FF0000}] [20:9:52] [RADIO] PO-I Synester Reynold: 4-JOHN-1 Flint Country, Lumberjack job, over. [20:10:29] [RADIO] PO-II Zlyeth Stottlemeyer: 2-LINCOLN-3 Disbanded. [20:10:55] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Devin_Martyan ] Phone: [ 310907 ] [20:10:55] Message: pak cara bayar license truck yang sudah kadaluarsa agar jadi baru lagi gimana? [20:10:56] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SAFD] Ayo ayo, Rumah Sakit akan segera tutup, silahkan call 7-7-7 untuk pelayanan pengobatan [20:10:56] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Georges_Parker{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}24081994{FF0000}] [20:11:3] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Gerry Bishop: Prob Sergeant 2318 duty as RRMT Sergeant. [20:11:4] (( Zarion Whittemore: itu unit MARY gimana tadinya bisa bug di pintu masuk? )) [20:11:11] [RADIO] PO-II Zlyeth Stottlemeyer: Officer II 8129 teaming up with Prob Sergeant 6956 under 4-METRO-1 departing from Central Area. [20:11:17] (( Husshain Kareem: ga tau om, baru aja login aku )) [20:11:21] (( Synester Reynold: tadi di sebelah sultan putih zar )) [20:11:31] 911: Crime: [ Ada orang bertransaksi narkoba di dekat ganton circle, 2 orang kulit hitam, 2 orang kulit putih. ] [20:11:31] 911: Reporter: [ Ibrahim Wrangler ] Phone: [ 884040 ] [20:11:48] Rehanzo Connor: (( teriaknya, OKWEKOWEAOKEW )) [20:11:52] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Gerry Bishop: RRMT Sergeant 2318 take status four start of watch under 6-RAPID-1 clearing from Metro HQ, over. [20:11:55] (( Thomas Hardwell: aku )) [20:12:3] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SAFD] Kunjungi (safd.jg-gta.com) untuk cek pendaftaran yang sedang di buka [20:12:3] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Georges_Parker{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}24081994{FF0000}] [20:12:3] (( Vincent Lee: eh gaes )) [20:12:9] (( Thomas Hardwell: nyangkut kena gate )) [20:12:17] (( Vincent Lee: gua distrik mana? )) [20:12:24] (( Keylon Pierce: check forum )) [20:12:26] (( Vincent Lee: nama gua ga ada di semua distrik )) [20:12:26] (( Keylon Pierce: ug lu apa )) [20:12:30] (( Vincent Lee: sedih bener:( )) [20:12:35] [RADIO] PO-I Synester Reynold: 4-JOHN-1 Clearing Bluebery Acres and status four. [20:12:36] (( Vincent Lee: apa itu ug? )) [20:12:39] (( Vincent Lee: wkwkw )) [20:12:41] (( Thomas Hardwell: gatau cara benerinnya )) [20:12:41] (( Keylon Pierce: usergroup )) [20:12:42] (( Synester Reynold: Usergrup )) [20:12:44] (( Zarion Whittemore: Usergroup )) [20:12:47] (( Vincent Lee: v.lee )) [20:12:49] [RADIO] PO-I Veilleux Sciverit: 1-ADAM-1 disbanded. [20:12:54] (( Husshain Kareem: Usergroup (4) )) [20:12:56] (( Zarion Whittemore: Pintunya di buka dulu coba Jo )) [20:13:8] (( Thomas Hardwell: susah malah nutup lagi )) [20:13:10] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{66FFFF}[SELL]Cheetah 3 Insurance 4 Upgrade Full Modification and 2 Stiker, Interest? Cellphone: [20:13:10] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Bradley_Alvarez{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}270013{FF0000}] [20:13:13] (( Vincent Lee: yaudah si:( )) [20:13:37] (( Zarion Whittemore: Masa sih? Yaudh gua bantu )) [20:14:9] [MEGAPHONE] Vincent Lee: Cowboy mabrudah [20:14:17] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{FF9999}[SAFD] Recruitment ke 60 telah dibuka, kunjungi website kami safd.gov.us {FF0000}((safd.jg-gta.com)) [20:14:17] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Zhaniece_Cardwell{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}9990{FF0000}] [20:14:17] [MEGAPHONE] Rehanzo Connor: old town road [20:14:22] [MEGAPHONE] Vincent Lee: ga nanya [20:14:57] Vincent Lee says: Mau beli ws ga? [20:15:1] TRAINING: You can now continue training! [20:15:6] Rehanzo Connor says: Bisnis yang bisa patungan [20:15:8] Rehanzo Connor says: Gua beli [20:15:8] Vincent Lee says: Eh training dulu cuk [20:15:13] PHONE: {FF0000}Number 611130 {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [20:15:16] Rehanzo Connor says: Training apa? [20:15:16] Vincent Lee says: Ke Arah bank [20:15:17] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Anda telah menjawab telpon. [20:15:17] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Gunakan chat biasa untuk berkomunikasi lewat telpon, '/h' untuk menutup telpon. [20:15:18] Vincent Lee Says [car]: M4 [20:15:19] Vincent Lee [phone]: Apa [20:15:21] Caller [phone]: dimana? [20:15:23] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Sultan 3insu 4up minat call or sms [20:15:23] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Devin_Martyan{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}310907{FF0000}] [20:15:23] Telepon terputus... [20:15:55] Vincent Lee Says [car]: What? [20:15:56] Vincent Lee Says [car]: Ada apa [20:16:1] Vincent Lee says: Ada apa? [20:16:16] (( Synester Reynold: boleh nge tes wisper ga ? )) [20:16:19] (( Vincent Lee: gaskan )) [20:16:21] (( Keylon Pierce: 5k )) [20:16:22] (( Gerry Bishop: Silahkeun. )) [20:16:27] (( Zarion Whittemore: Anjay 5k :v )) [20:16:28] (( Vincent Lee: wakoowakowa hc mata duitan:v )) [20:16:30] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Toko Furniture di ELS, profitnya HIGH. Minat? Hubungi saya segera! [20:16:30] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Willie_Martin{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}10011001{FF0000}] [20:16:30] (( Rehanzo Connor: Mata duitan Kevin )) [20:16:36] (( Rehanzo Connor: oaekwowe )) [20:16:36] (( Keylon Pierce: iya lah )) [20:16:38] (( Synester Reynold: parah kepin )) [20:16:38] (( Keylon Pierce: harus )) [20:16:38] Vincent Lee Says [car]: WOW [20:16:39] Vincent Lee says: WOW [20:16:45] (( Griffin Finnegan: lah lu juga kevin vin )) [20:16:46] (( Rushty Beardsley: TOLOL LO VIN )) [20:16:52] (( Husshain Kareem: Hem.. )) [20:16:57] (( Rehanzo Connor: >:| )) [20:17:2] (( Samuel Gueltiero: dimana kevin anjing )) [20:17:2] (( Synester Reynold: test ya ? )) [20:17:10] (( Zarion Whittemore: Iya )) [20:17:17] (( Zarion Whittemore: Masuk )) [20:17:18] (( Vincent Lee: masuk )) [20:17:19] (( Synester Reynold: okeh )) [20:17:20] (( Synester Reynold: mantap )) [20:17:27] (( Vincent Lee: gua ada ga )) [20:17:30] (( Zarion Whittemore: Gada )) [20:17:32] AdmCmd: Will_Stradlin has been kicked by DarthVader99. [20:17:32] Reason: ATIP. [20:17:33] (( Vincent Lee: :) )) [20:17:36] (( Gerry Bishop: Di gue gadaa )) [20:17:36] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Toko Furniture di ELS, profitnya HIGH. Minat? Hubungi saya segera! [20:17:36] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Willie_Martin{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}10011001{FF0000}] [20:17:41] (( Samuel Gueltiero: ada )) [20:17:44] Vincent Lee says: Kemana memek [20:17:48] Vincent Lee says: Belakang tolol [20:17:50] AdmCmd: Aldrick_Alston has been kicked by DarthVader99. [20:17:50] Reason: ATIP. [20:18:5] Rehanzo Connor says: Ajudant kontol [20:18:6] Rehanzo Connor says: )) [20:18:17] Vincent Lee: (( pala kau kontOLv; )) [20:18:19] Rehanzo Connor: (( v )) [20:18:26] BANK: {ffffff}You've taken {ffff00}$100.00 {ffffff}from the bank. Current balance: {ffff00}$186,668.53 [20:18:33] (( Vincent Lee: dikatain kontol sama rehan )) [20:18:36] (( Vincent Lee: miss )) [20:18:44] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[KS Dealers Montgomery] Menjual Cheetah, Bufallo, Blista, Comet dan lain-lain @Montgomery. [20:18:44] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Husshain_Kareem{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}99966696{FF0000}] [20:18:57] BANK: {ffffff}You've taken {ffff00}$100.00 {ffffff}from the bank. Current balance: {ffff00}$186,568.53 [20:19:31] TRAINING: {FFFFFF}You've leveled up your {00FFFF}Assault Rifle (m4) {FFFFFF}skill from {FFFF00}700 {FFFFFF}to {00FF00}800 [20:19:31] TRAINING: {FFFFFF}You must wait {FFFF00}15 minutes {FFFFFF}before you can level up another skill. [20:19:38] [RADIO] PO-II Zlyeth Stottlemeyer: 4-METRO-1 taking CODE-7 10-20 Pizzastack. [20:20:11] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [20:21:30] Rehanzo Connor: (( AHK )) [20:21:32] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Dijual murah rumah 3 ruangan di las colinas, minat sms: [20:21:32] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Shafira_Olsam{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}460000{FF0000}] [20:21:33] Vincent Lee: (( uda )) [20:21:34] Rehanzo Connor: (( Buat megaphone kek gini )) [20:21:39] Vincent Lee: (( belom deh )) [20:21:41] Vincent Lee: (( owakoawkoaw lupa anjing )) [20:21:43] Vincent Lee: (( waaowkkoawwa )) [20:21:46] Harry Starbuck says: Opsir [20:21:48] Rehanzo Connor says: Ya? [20:21:48] Vincent Lee says: Ya? [20:21:57] Rehanzo Connor says: Helmnya Opsir Harry [20:22:2] Harry Starbuck says: Oke [20:22:5] Rehanzo Connor says: Lampu [20:22:8] Harry Starbuck says: Mau nawarin garasi nih [20:22:11] Rehanzo Connor says: Dimana [20:22:13] Harry Starbuck says: Minat ga? [20:22:18] Harry Starbuck says: Di Commerce [20:22:21] Rehanzo Connor says: Rumah bergarasi dah [20:22:24] Rehanzo Connor says: Ada? [20:22:28] Harry Starbuck says: ADa [20:22:31] Rehanzo Connor says: Dimana [20:22:32] Harry Starbuck says: Palo 2 garasi [20:22:39] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Dijual murah rumah 3 ruangan di las colinas, minat sms: [20:22:39] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Shafira_Olsam{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}460000{FF0000}] [20:22:41] Rehanzo Connor says: Berapa [20:22:45] Vincent Lee says: mau rumah 1 garasi ga [20:22:47] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Devin_Martyan ] Phone: [ 310907 ] [20:22:47] Message: saya mau perpanjang licenses [20:22:48] Vincent Lee says: 40k Nego [20:22:54] Vincent Lee says: Ga mau gua tembak [20:22:55] Vincent Lee: (( owakowawa )) [20:22:58] Harry Starbuck says: 70k nih rumah Palo [20:23:8] Rehanzo Connor says: Trade sama nambah bisa? [20:23:15] Rehanzo Connor says: 1 garasi Jefferson 4 ruangan [20:23:15] (( PM from [24] Samuel_Gueltiero: lu ajudannya siapa? )) [20:23:16] Vincent Lee says: Najis miskin [20:23:25] [RADIO] PO-II Thomas Hardwell: 5-AIR-2 reporting to ATC, all checked and clear, preparing to go on status 4. POB-1 [20:23:27] Rehanzo Connor: (( Slot rumah ku woe )) [20:23:29] Harry Starbuck: (( udah mau bakalan agak jarang main gua, mangkanya gamau trade )) [20:23:34] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [20:23:36] Rehanzo Connor says: Yaudah [20:23:38] Harry Starbuck says: Oke [20:23:38] Rehanzo Connor says: Booking deh [20:23:40] Rehanzo Connor says: Booking deh [20:23:43] Rehanzo Connor says: Save [20:23:43] Harry Starbuck says: Dagang rumah dulu saya Opsir [20:23:44] Harry Starbuck says: Oke [20:23:45] Rehanzo Connor says: 9796 [20:23:48] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Zarion Whittemore: 4-METRO-1 '99 afte take CODE 7, resuming to status four [20:23:49] Harry Starbuck says: Seep [20:23:56] (( Zarion Whittemore: *after )) [20:23:56] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Mau malam jum'atan sama pacar tapi gapunya mobil KECE? KS Dealer Montgomery solusinya!! [20:23:56] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Marvine_Collinson{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}432424{FF0000}] [20:24:14] [RADIO] PO-II Thomas Hardwell: 5-AIR-2 lifting off to 300ft, take status 4 around San Andreas [20:24:36] [RADIO] PO-I Synester Reynold: 4-JOHN-1 to Lieutenant Samuel Gueltiero. [20:24:40] [RADIO] PO-II Thomas Hardwell: Police Officer II under 5-AIR-2. [20:24:42] [RADIO] Lieutenant Samuel Gueltiero: Lieutenant 9066. [20:24:46] [RADIO] PO-II Thomas Hardwell: Police Officer II 5104 under 5-AIR-2. [20:24:59] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Devin_Martyan ] Phone: [ 310907 ] [20:24:59] Message: saya mau perpanjang licenses [20:25:3] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Collins-Mech [SEDIA:Neon,Mesin&Body,upgrade dll] MECHANIC [20:25:3] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Marvine_Collinson{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}432424{FF0000}] [20:25:12] [RADIO] PO-I Synester Reynold: Can we talk, i want to tell you about something, 4-JOHN-1 Speak. [20:25:28] Vincent Lee: (( tolol )) [20:25:34] Rehanzo_Connor telah keluar dari server. (Terputus/Crash) [20:25:36] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Gael_Nores ] Phone: [ 77777770 ] [20:25:36] Message: Saya ingin membayar CGC saya. [20:25:41] [RADIO] Lieutenant Samuel Gueltiero: Send me private messeage, 1220525. Lieutenant 9066. [20:25:52] [RADIO] PO-I Synester Reynold: Alright, 4-JOHN-1 Speak. [20:26:7] Vincent Lee: (( tolol:v )) [20:26:9] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY] Rumah berlahan parkin budget $6000 ada?. [20:26:9] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}James_Lynch{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}556686{FF0000}] [20:26:11] Vincent Lee: (( sini pindah ts )) [20:26:26] Roy Machbeth says: ini [20:26:28] Vincent Lee: (( tolol )) [20:26:30] Vincent Lee: (( okwaokwa )) [20:26:36] * Charles Lark merasa pusing [20:26:37] Vincent Lee: (( REHAN TOLOL )) [20:26:38] (( PM from [98] Rehanzo_Connor: jan /b geblek )) [20:26:41] * Roy Machbeth Terkejut karena tertabrak mobil polisi [20:26:44] * Charles Lark oleng ke kiri karena pusing [20:26:45] * Vincent Lee shocked because crash [20:26:52] * Vincent Lee try to rilax. [20:26:52] * Roy Machbeth merasakan sakit di kepala karena terbentur. [20:26:55] * Charles Lark terjeduk ke depan [20:27:0] * Rehanzo Connor terjeduk stir dan panik setelah kecelakaan dengan sultan pink [20:27:0] * Roy Machbeth mencoba untuk rileks . [20:27:1] Vincent Lee Says [car]: SIREN [20:27:3] * Charles Lark mencoba menenangkan diri [20:27:4] rilax ((Vincent Lee)) [20:27:11] relax ((Charles Lark)) [20:27:14] Vincent Lee Says [car]: Siren tolol [20:27:14] rileks ((Roy Machbeth)) [20:27:15] * Charles Lark menancap gas [20:27:17] Vincent Lee Says [car]: KEJAR [20:27:21] [MEGAPHONE] Rehanzo Connor: SAPD, pull over your vehicle to the side of the road. [20:27:34] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: TAC-1 [20:27:42] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Gerry Bishop: 6-RAPID-1 launching to TAC-1. [20:27:45] [RADIO] PO-II Zlyeth Stottlemeyer: 4-METRO-1 assisting TAC-1 [20:27:51] [RADIO] PO-II Thomas Hardwell: 5-AIR-2 asissting Tac-1 [20:27:54] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{66FFFF}[SELL]Cheetah 3 Insurance 4 Upgrade Full Modification and 2 Stiker, Interest? Cellphone: [20:27:54] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Bradley_Alvarez{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}270013{FF0000}] [20:28:10] (( Zarion Whittemore: Gua ganti PC bnetar )) [20:28:14] [RADIO] PO-I Synester Reynold: 4-JOHN-1Assisting TAC-1 [20:28:18] Rehanzo_Connor telah keluar dari server. (Terputus/Crash) [20:28:36] (( PM from [10] Thomas_Hardwell: warna apa sultan )) [20:28:40] [RADIO] Lieutenant Samuel Gueltiero: 2-METRO-1 launching to TAC-1. [20:28:43] AdmCmd: Jhonathan_Wick has been kicked by DarthVader99. [20:28:43] Reason: Namamu kurang RP, agak mleset dari John_Wick, bikin char baru pake nama lebih RP, ex: John_Rand [20:29:0] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[JUAL] Rumah 3 lantai 2 garasi, full dekorasi @Temple, SMS. [20:29:0] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Husshain_Kareem{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}99966696{FF0000}] [20:29:13] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Gael_Nores ] Phone: [ 77777770 ] [20:29:13] Message: Saya ingin membayar CGC saya, apakah ada anggota GCLU yang sedang bertugas malam ini? [20:29:15] SPEEDTRAP: {ffffff}Speedtrap announcement {33AA33}enabled [20:29:16] [RADIO] PO-II Thomas Hardwell: what's 10-60 TAC-1? [20:29:19] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 58 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Santa Maria Beach [20:29:19] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 58 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Santa Maria Beach [20:29:20] (( Rushty Beardsley: Itu whips ga usah sampe ruangan HC )) [20:29:23] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: Pink sultan 2 occupants [20:29:27] (( Vincent Lee: RIP ENGLISH )) [20:29:32] (( Keylon Pierce: Caller [phone]: PALA KAU 1k )) [20:29:33] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 68 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Santa Maria Beach [20:29:33] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 68 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Santa Maria Beach [20:29:36] (( Vincent Lee: akowkowawa )) [20:29:44] TOLL: {FFFFFF}Used 1 toll card point to pay toll access. [20:29:47] [RADIO] PO-I Rehanzo Connor: 1-ADAM-4 speak [20:30:0] AdmCmd: Vanessa_Evelyn has been kicked by DarthVader99. [20:30:0] Reason: Missusing /ask. [20:30:3] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Faggio (plate: NO HAVE) going 38 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Flint Intersection [20:30:6] ==================[MDC Print Report]================== [20:30:6] >>> {00ff00}A. Personal Information [20:30:6] >>> {ffffff}ID Number: {ffff00}SA000151240 [20:30:6] >>> {ffffff}Name: {ffff00}Charles_Lark [20:30:6] >>> {ffffff}Phone: 19111 [20:30:6] >>> {00ff00}B. Occupation [20:30:6] >>> {ffffff}Job: {ffff00}Taxi Driver [20:30:6] >>> {00ff00}C. Licenses [20:30:6] >>> {ffffff}Driving: {ffff00}{00FF00}Valid until Sun 17 Nov 2019, 18:38:37 [20:30:6] >>> {ffffff}Flying: {ffff00}{FF0000}Not passed [20:30:6] >>> {ffffff}Sailing: {ffff00}{FFA500}Expired since Mon 16 Sep 2019, 23:45:27 [20:30:6] >>> {ffffff}Firearm: {ffff00}{FF0000}Not passed [20:30:6] >>> {ffffff}Lumberjack: {ffff00}{FFA500}Expired since Fri 26 Jul 2019, 11:57:13 [20:30:6] >>> {00ff00}D. Active Charges [20:30:6] >>> {ffffff}None [20:30:6] >>> {00ff00}E. Crime Record [20:30:6] >>> {ffffff}1. Posessing of illegal firearms [20:30:6] >>> Issued by: Orvin_Norwinn [20:30:6] >>> Issue date: Mon 19 Aug 2019, 16:45:59 [20:30:6] >>> {ffffff}2. Driving any motorized vehicle without official driving license or with expired license. [20:30:6] >>> Issued by: Orvin_Norwinn [20:30:6] >>> Issue date: Mon 19 Aug 2019, 16:45:40 [20:30:6] >>> {00ff00}F. Registered Vehicles [20:30:6] >>> {ffffff}1. Cabbie - CE546PS [20:30:6] >>> {ffffff}2. Flatbed - QM443HI {ff0000}[DESTROYED] [20:30:6] >>> {ffffff}3. Camper - DL842HQ {ff0000}[DESTROYED] [20:30:6] >>> {ffffff}4. NRG-500 - DN509NI [20:30:6] >>> {ffffff}5. Sultan - DQ335GW [20:30:6] >>> {00ff00}G. Unpaid Tickets [20:30:6] >>> {ffffff}None [20:30:6] ==================[MDC End of Page]================== [20:30:6] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[JUAL] Garasi pribadi di Commerce dekat terminal 35k minat? SMS: [20:30:6] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Harry_Starbuck{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3611{FF0000}] [20:30:13] (( Husshain Kareem: oalah )) [20:30:13] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [20:30:16] TOLL: {FFFFFF}Used 1 toll card point to pay toll access. [20:30:17] ERROR: Please wait untill the gate is closed! [20:30:21] [RADIO] PO-I Rehanzo Connor: 10-60 pink sultan 2 occupants any sticker 1-ADAM-4 speak [20:30:26] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [20:30:27] [RADIO] Lieutenant Samuel Gueltiero: 2-METRO-1, copies. [20:30:32] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LVPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 34 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Santa Maria Beach [20:30:32] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LVPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 34 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Santa Maria Beach [20:30:35] ERROR: You are currently tracking someone, please wait until beacon is gone! [20:30:37] [RADIO] PO-I Rehanzo Connor: Last seen Verdant Bluffs near sweeper sidejob [20:30:41] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [20:30:51] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Gerry Bishop: 6-RAPID-1 copy that. [20:30:53] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [20:30:59] ERROR: You are currently tracking someone, please wait until beacon is gone! [20:31:2] [RADIO] PO-II Zlyeth Stottlemeyer: 4-METRO-1 Copies. [20:31:5] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [20:31:32] [MEGAPHONE] Rehanzo Connor: SAPD, pull over your vehicle to the side of the road. [20:31:48] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [20:32:3] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 35 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Mulholland [20:32:4] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Sultan (plate: YO507QV) going 46 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Dillimore [20:32:4] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Sultan (plate: YO507QV) going 46 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Dillimore [20:32:11] [MEGAPHONE] Rehanzo Connor: SAPD, pull over your vehicle to the side of the road. [20:32:11] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 82 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Dillimore [20:32:38] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [20:32:45] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 62 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Mulholland [20:32:53] Rehanzo Connor says: Njengat [20:32:54] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Devin_Martyan ] Phone: [ 310907 ] [20:32:54] Message: saya mau perpanjang license [20:32:56] Rehanzo Connor says: Gas [20:32:58] [MEGAPHONE] Griffin Finnegan: SAPD - Pull over on the side of the road and turn off the engine now [20:32:58] Rehanzo Connor says: Njengat [20:33:2] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [20:33:18] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: Suspect number 19111 [20:33:25] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}SAFD | Recruitment ke #60 sudah dibuka, jadilah bagian dari kami. (safd.jg-gta.com) [20:33:25] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Jacquille_Borisov{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}20202020{FF0000}] [20:33:25] [RADIO] Captain Rushty Beardsley: Captain 7802 to GCLU available please respond a fiver. [20:33:44] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Gael_Nores ] Phone: [ 77777770 ] [20:33:44] Message: Saya ingin membayar CGC saya, apakah ada anggota GCLU yang sedang bertugas malam ini? [20:33:46] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [20:33:54] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Rexley Hitamieka: Police Adjudant 9524 reporting off duty [20:34:11] Rehanzo Connor says: Sini gua setir ga jago lo [20:34:21] Rehanzo Connor says: Sini gua setir ga jago lo Lee [20:34:34] Stellione Volkoska says: Saya bantu pak [20:34:34] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [20:34:39] Vincent Lee Says [car]: Trace 19111 [20:34:40] ERROR: You are currently tracking someone, please wait until beacon is gone! [20:34:42] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY] Faggio segala kondisi, jual? hub: [20:34:42] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Brian_Leviathan{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}5500{FF0000}] [20:34:48] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Husshain Kareem: Police Adjudant 9612 is reporting on duty as GCLU Member. [20:34:52] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [20:35:4] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [20:35:10] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Husshain Kareem: GCLU 9612 on fivers. [20:35:16] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [20:35:29] (( Vincent Lee: itu hood kebuka ga pg? )) [20:35:31] Roy Machbeth Shouts: fuck yo'! [20:35:47] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[DICARI] Taxi AnyUp call Or Sms me: [20:35:47] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Deangelo_Hudson{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}113020{FF0000}] [20:35:59] Roy Machbeth says: tolol [20:36:4] AdmCmd: Vincent_Alvarez has been kicked by DarthVader99. [20:36:4] Reason: Jangan AFK kalau /report. [20:36:6] TRAINING: You can now continue training! [20:36:14] (( Vincent Lee: patriot sapa itu )) [20:36:20] Vincent Lee Says [car]: TOLOL [20:36:28] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [20:36:33] Vincent Lee says: Kiri [20:36:36] Vincent Lee says: Mau kemana? [20:36:40] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [20:36:41] (( Samuel Gueltiero: kalo ngeleg belakangan aja lah )) [20:36:42] Rehanzo Connor says: Diem [20:36:44] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Sultan (plate: YO507QV) going 42 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Playa del Seville [20:36:44] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Sultan (plate: YO507QV) going 43 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Playa del Seville [20:36:45] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}NRG-500 (plate: NO HAVE) going 40 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Playa del Seville [20:36:51] Rehanzo Connor says: Diem [20:36:53] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY] MTB segala kondisi, jual? hub: [20:36:53] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Brian_Leviathan{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}5500{FF0000}] [20:37:14] (( Vincent Lee: db tembak ban boleh? )) [20:37:15] Vincent Lee says: Mau kemana? [20:37:20] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [20:37:27] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Devin_Martyan ] Phone: [ 310907 ] [20:37:27] Message: saya mau perpanjang licenses tolong di respon [20:37:32] Rehanzo Connor says: Diem ngenqTOT [20:37:40] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Husshain Kareem: GCLU 9612 on fivers. [20:37:43] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: Are able to shoot his tire? [20:37:46] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [20:37:48] [RADIO] Lieutenant Samuel Gueltiero: 2-METRO-1, negative. [20:37:54] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: Suspect number is 19111 [20:38:3] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Sultan (plate: YO507QV) going 32 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Playa del Seville [20:38:3] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Sultan (plate: YO507QV) going 32 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Playa del Seville [20:38:5] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 35 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Playa del Seville [20:38:5] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 35 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Playa del Seville [20:38:8] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Premier (plate: NO HAVE) going 70 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Playa del Seville [20:38:14] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}NRG-500 (plate: NO HAVE) going 40 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Playa del Seville [20:38:22] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Patriot (plate: CL809XQ) going 69 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Playa del Seville [20:38:22] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Patriot (plate: CL809XQ) going 69 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Playa del Seville [20:38:22] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Patriot (plate: CL809XQ) going 69 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Playa del Seville [20:38:27] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Sultan (plate: JS003TV) going 33 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Playa del Seville [20:38:31] Rehanzo_Connor telah keluar dari server. (Terputus/Crash) [20:38:32] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 83 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Playa del Seville [20:38:32] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 83 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Playa del Seville [20:38:51] TELEPORT: {FF0000}DarthVader99 {FFFFFF} has teleported {FFFF00}Synester_Reynold {FFFFFF}to you [20:38:56] Vincent Lee says: /b njer [20:38:57] Vincent Lee says: )) [20:39:0] Vincent Lee: (( njir )) [20:39:14] AdmCmd: Derrick_Banks has been kicked by DarthVader99. [20:39:14] Reason: ATIP. [20:39:14] Derrick_Banks telah keluar dari server. (di-Kick/di-Ban) [20:39:21] [ID] ID: 0 | Name: Marvine_Collinson | Level: 7 | Ping: 66 | Launcher: Yes [20:39:27] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 68 MPH in 15 MPH limit zone, location: Verdant Bluffs [20:39:27] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 68 MPH in 15 MPH limit zone, location: Verdant Bluffs [20:39:27] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [20:39:43] (( Blake Weston: bug gmn )) [20:39:45] (( Blake Weston: vincent )) [20:39:50] (( Vincent Alvarez: ini jatuh treus )) [20:39:52] (( Vincent Lee: apa )) [20:39:57] (( Vincent Alvarez: terus mati )) [20:40:1] (( Keylon Pierce: bug bb? )) [20:40:5] (( Vincent Alvarez: anjay )) [20:40:7] (( Blake Weston: kagak )) [20:40:8] (( Vincent Alvarez: Bukan )) [20:40:9] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 28 MPH in 15 MPH limit zone, location: Verdant Bluffs [20:40:10] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 30 MPH in 15 MPH limit zone, location: Verdant Bluffs [20:40:11] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 64 MPH in 60 MPH limit zone, location: Market [20:40:11] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 64 MPH in 60 MPH limit zone, location: Market [20:40:12] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{66ffff} [SELL] FCR-900 3insu 1upgrade ada? CALL/SMS [20:40:12] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Lester_Wilford{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}404011{FF0000}] [20:40:12] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [20:40:20] TELEPORT: {FF0000}NotAdmin {FFFFFF} has teleported {FFFF00}Rehanzo_Connor {FFFFFF}to you [20:40:22] (( Synester Reynold: Tadi loncat dia bug parah )) [20:40:24] (( Vincent Alvarez: jatuh terus ini )) [20:40:30] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [20:40:32] (( Keylon Pierce: send ke ls aja )) [20:40:33] Sherwood Alyward Shouts: Heys! [20:40:40] Vincent Lee says: Sorry [20:40:46] (( Vincent Alvarez: mobilnya tadi tenggelam di tananh )) [20:40:51] Vincent Lee says: Bwaa [20:41:7] Synester Reynold: (( ntar gua ke si alvaer )) [20:41:8] Synester Reynold: (( ntar gua ke si alvarez )) [20:41:13] Vincent Lee: (( minta tele aja )) [20:41:14] (( Blake Weston: dah? )) [20:41:18] Synester Reynold: (( hooh )) [20:41:21] Rehanzo Connor says: Yaudah cepet [20:41:38] [MEGAPHONE] Zarion Whittemore: SAPD - EMERGENCY, PLEASE CLEAR THE ROAD. [20:41:42] Mask 868365 Shouts: Move emergency! [20:41:50] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Elegy (plate: RP269NN) going 82 MPH in 60 MPH limit zone, location: Market [20:41:50] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Elegy (plate: RP269NN) going 82 MPH in 60 MPH limit zone, location: Market [20:41:51] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 78 MPH in 60 MPH limit zone, location: Market [20:41:51] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 78 MPH in 60 MPH limit zone, location: Market [20:41:51] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 78 MPH in 60 MPH limit zone, location: Market [20:41:52] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 80 MPH in 60 MPH limit zone, location: Market [20:41:53] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 79 MPH in 60 MPH limit zone, location: Market [20:41:53] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 79 MPH in 60 MPH limit zone, location: Market [20:41:53] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 79 MPH in 60 MPH limit zone, location: Market [20:41:55] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}FCR-900 (plate: QN267UP) going 70 MPH in 60 MPH limit zone, location: Market [20:41:55] Rehanzo Connor Says [car]: Elegy, bisa ga, gampang oversteer dia kalo lu pitting.. [20:41:59] Rehanzo Connor Says [car]: Pit aja [20:42:8] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: Allow to shoot his tire? [20:42:22] [MEGAPHONE] Zarion Whittemore: SAPD - EMERGENCY, PLEASE CLEAR THE ROAD. [20:42:47] Vincent Lee: (( bar bar anjing )) [20:43:12] Roy Machbeth Shouts: mampos! [20:43:15] [MEGAPHONE] Zarion Whittemore: SAPD - EMERGENCY, PLEASE CLEAR THE ROAD. [20:43:18] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Sherwood_Alyward ] Phone: [ 507777 ] [20:43:18] Message: Tes [20:43:23] Vincent Lee Says [car]: Kita belakang aja [20:43:24] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[DICARI] Taxi AnyUp Call Or Sms Me : [20:43:24] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Deangelo_Hudson{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}113020{FF0000}] [20:43:26] Yevgraf Slawosky [phone]: Sap dud [20:43:40] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Patriot (plate: CL809XQ) going 48 MPH in 15 MPH limit zone, location: Ocean Docks [20:43:40] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Patriot (plate: CL809XQ) going 48 MPH in 15 MPH limit zone, location: Verdant Bluffs [20:43:41] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Patriot (plate: CL809XQ) going 25 MPH in 15 MPH limit zone, location: Verdant Bluffs [20:43:42] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Patriot (plate: CL809XQ) going 16 MPH in 15 MPH limit zone, location: Ocean Docks [20:43:42] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Patriot (plate: CL809XQ) going 16 MPH in 15 MPH limit zone, location: Verdant Bluffs [20:43:42] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Patriot (plate: CL809XQ) going 16 MPH in 15 MPH limit zone, location: Verdant Bluffs [20:43:45] TELEPORT: {FF0000}DarthVader99 {FFFFFF} has teleported {FFFF00}Rehanzo_Connor {FFFFFF}to you [20:45:35] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Selamat datang {ffff00}Vincent_Lee{ffffff}. [20:45:35] Faction MOTD: {FFFF00}Diharapkan untuk aktif In-Game dan Forum, panggilan /r tolong fast response. [20:45:35] MOTD: {ffff00}Mohon menggunakan '/report' dengan benar, berikan informasi yang jelas dan detail {ff0000}- Ian [20:45:35] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Anda terakhir login {ffff00}2 jam yang lalu [20:45:35] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Today is {ffff00}Thu 26 Sep 2019, 20:45:35 [20:45:35] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Server memerlukan waktu {ffff00}548 milisecond{ffffff} untuk memuat data char anda! [20:45:36] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Huntley 3 insu 4 up, interest? CP: [20:45:36] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Thiago_Gutierrez{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}116910{FF0000}] [20:45:53] REPORT: {ffffff}Your report has been issued to the queue, use '{ffff00}/reports{ffffff}' to see your report [20:45:55] RESPOND: {ff0000}DarthVader99 {FFFFCC}has responded to your report [20:46:0] DYOC: {ffffff}Weapons attachment {33AA33}enabled [20:46:2] TELEPORT: {FF0000}DarthVader99 {FFFFFF} has teleported {FFFF00}Rehanzo_Connor {FFFFFF}to you [20:46:5] Vincent Lee: (( awoawoowakwa tolol )) [20:46:8] Rehanzo Connor: (( LAH LU JUGA CRASH? )) [20:46:10] Vincent Lee: (( silent ban kontol )) [20:46:12] Rehanzo Connor: (( ANJENG )) [20:46:14] REPORT: {ffffff}Your report has been issued to the queue, use '{ffff00}/reports{ffffff}' to see your report [20:46:17] RESPOND: {ff0000}DarthVader99 {FFFFCC}has responded to your report [20:46:26] Rehanzo Connor: (( Lu report )) [20:46:28] Vincent Lee: (( dah )) [20:46:29] Rehanzo Connor: (( Get VID 1-ADAM-4 )) [20:46:31] ERROR: That player is blocking PM! [20:46:36] (( Blake Weston: lah itu bisa banyak2an )) [20:46:38] (( Blake Weston: bukannya 1 unit dua )) [20:46:38] [id:2] Helper wakdolaa (Claire_Abhisar) [20:46:38] [id:27] Volunteer nongsky (Rey_Randolph) [20:46:38] [id:32] Volunteer manja67 (Rushty_Beardsley) [20:46:38] [id:49] Volunteer mhdrehansyah31 (Rexley_Hitamieka) [20:46:38] [id:62] Volunteer malphonzo1 (Zhaniece_Cardwell) [20:46:38] [id:66] Helper NotAdmin (Keylon_Pierce) [20:46:38] [id:76] Volunteer yohanes223 (Harry_Starbuck) [20:46:38] [id:83] Volunteer firmanfairuz (Leroyce_West) [20:46:38] [id:101] Helper DarthVader99 (Blake_Weston) [20:46:38] NOTE: {ffffff}Volunteer tidak memiliki kedudukan yang sama dengan Helper / Admin [20:46:52] TELEPORT: {FFFF00}Blake_Weston {FFFFFF}has teleported to you! [20:46:52] (( Vincent Lee: iya ada yang nebeng )) [20:46:55] (( Vincent Lee: karena bug tadi )) [20:46:59] {ff0000}DarthVader99: {ffffff}(( synester lagi rp )) [20:47:4] Vincent Lee: (( tele aja )) [20:47:5] {ff0000}DarthVader99: {ffffff}(( Yang bug vid? )) [20:47:7] {ff0000}DarthVader99: {ffffff}(( Jgn )) [20:47:8] {ff0000}DarthVader99: {ffffff}(( lagi rp )) [20:47:9] Vincent Lee: (( si vincent alvarez )) [20:47:12] {ff0000}DarthVader99: {ffffff}(( ntar ppko player )) [20:47:14] Rehanzo Connor: (( 1-ADAM-4 )) [20:47:15] Vincent Lee: (( gua tadi crash sama dia )) [20:47:15] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [20:47:16] Vincent Lee: (( gua tadi crash sama dia )) [20:47:17] Rehanzo Connor: (( Get sini aja )) [20:47:20] Rehanzo Connor: (( Gmn? )) [20:47:23] {ff0000}DarthVader99: {ffffff}(( Ya tau, tapi player lagi ppko ntar )) [20:47:24] Vincent Lee: (( vid 76 kayanya )) [20:47:24] {ff0000}DarthVader99: {ffffff}(( lagi rp mereka )) [20:47:25] Vincent Lee: (( vid 76 kayanya )) [20:47:25] {ff0000}DarthVader99: {ffffff}(( lagi nodong )) [20:47:25] Rehanzo Connor: (( Ini juga siulent ban gw ga tau )) [20:47:27] Vincent Lee: (( vid 76 kayanya )) [20:47:35] Vincent Lee: (( awwakokwaowa )) [20:47:39] Rehanzo Connor: (( alah asu asu )) [20:47:40] Rehanzo Connor: (( v )) [20:47:43] (( Vincent Alvarez: Aku tazer langsung tumbang )) [20:47:52] Rehanzo Connor says: Jalan ke SMB [20:47:55] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: Where 10-20 Now? [20:48:2] [RADIO] Lieutenant Samuel Gueltiero: Mulholland complex, 2-METRO-1. [20:48:5] Vincent Lee: (( okawkokowa )) [20:48:8] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [20:48:12] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: Copy that [20:48:12] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [20:48:16] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [20:48:43] Rehanzo Connor says: Mullholland [20:48:45] Rehanzo Connor says: Paog [20:48:58] * Synester Reynold lift the body using both hands [20:49:3] Can I ? ((Synester Reynold)) [20:49:3] * Vincent Lee draws .44 from his holster on ultility belt. [20:49:15] sure ((Charles Lark)) [20:49:19] (( PM to [5] Synester_Reynold: a )) [20:49:23] (( PM from [5] Synester_Reynold: apa )) [20:49:25] (( PM to [5] Synester_Reynold: tolol gua silent ban bukannya tungguin:v )) [20:49:28] * Vincent Lee slots .44 into his holster on ultility belt. [20:49:32] (( PM from [5] Synester_Reynold: galiat )) [20:49:34] Vincent Alvarez says: Anjay pegang M4 [20:49:40] Synester Reynold says: VIncent [20:49:41] (( PM to [5] Synester_Reynold: wkww )) [20:49:42] Vincent Lee says: apa [20:49:47] Vincent Alvarez says: Ya? [20:49:48] Synester Reynold says: Tolong bukain pintu. [20:49:49] Rehanzo Connor says: Suap dia [20:49:50] Rehanzo Connor says: )) [20:49:52] Vincent Alvarez says: Ok [20:49:56] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{JUAL} mobil pickup Sadler 3 insu minat sms: [20:49:56] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Lisa_Davensmith{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}2904{FF0000}] [20:49:56] (( PM to [50] Rehanzo_Connor: kontol )) [20:50:0] (( PM from [50] Rehanzo_Connor: OEWAKAWEK )) [20:50:4] (( PM from [50] Rehanzo_Connor: santuy he )) [20:50:5] [RADIO] PO-II Thomas Hardwell: 5-AIR-2 request permission to leave TAC-1. [20:50:7] * Vincent Alvarez membukakan pintu cruisser [20:50:8] Mask_868365 [phone]: Dimana lu yev [20:50:13] [RADIO] Lieutenant Samuel Gueltiero: Granted, 2-METRO-1. [20:50:22] [RADIO] PO-II Thomas Hardwell: 10-4, thanks 2-METRO-1. [20:50:35] ERROR: Player tersebut tidak ada! [20:50:38] ERROR: Player tersebut tidak ada! [20:50:39] * Synester Reynold going inside the body suspect with both hands. [20:50:41] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [20:50:42] Vincent Alvarez says: ASGH? [20:50:43] (( Vincent Lee: siapa di kick? )) [20:51:2] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: TAC-1 Clear. [20:51:3] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{JUAL} mobil pickup Sadler 3 insu minat sms: [20:51:3] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Lisa_Davensmith{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}2904{FF0000}] [20:51:15] (( PM to [50] Rehanzo_Connor: balik )) [20:51:20] Rehanzo Connor says: Chargesnya nih [20:51:22] [RADIO] Detective I Griffin Finnegan: 7-UNION-4 requesting charges for suspect. [20:51:26] Synester Reynold says: Tolong di radio katakannya. [20:51:40] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: Failure to comply, Evading from police stop. [20:51:44] Zarion Whittemore says: Ayy [20:51:47] Zarion Whittemore says: Siapa kamu? [20:51:48] [RADIO] PO-I Rehanzo Connor: Evading from police, illegal modification, failure to comply [20:51:50] [RADIO] PO-I Synester Reynold: 4-JOHN-1 Copy that. [20:51:56] (( PM from [50] Rehanzo_Connor: Failurenya mana gobloq )) [20:51:59] (( PM from [50] Rehanzo_Connor: Fv )) [20:52:4] Zarion Whittemore: (( oakwoa )) [20:52:6] Mask 868365 says: Saya anggoa HoF bersidia membantu PD [20:52:8] Vincent Alvarez: (( bar bar )) [20:52:8] [RADIO] Detective I Griffin Finnegan: Just two ? [20:52:10] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Sell] Rumah 1 garasi di Pallomino. [20:52:10] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Rexley_Hitamieka{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}311001{FF0000}] [20:52:12] [RADIO] PO-I Rehanzo Connor: No, three [20:52:15] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: 1-ADAM-3 Leaving tac-1 [20:52:16] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Gerry Bishop: 6-RAPID-1 pulling out from TAC-1 scene. [20:52:16] Zarion Whittemore says: Hmm... [20:52:20] Mask 868365 says: Aman pak [20:52:21] [RADIO] PO-I Rehanzo Connor: 1-ADAM-3 speak [20:52:27] [RADIO] PO-II Zlyeth Stottlemeyer: 4-METRO-1 pulling out from TAC-1. [20:52:32] (( PM to [50] Rehanzo_Connor: ganti callsign )) [20:52:40] (( PM to [50] Rehanzo_Connor: ganti callsign )) [20:53:1] Vincent Lee says: Ke Ammunation [20:53:2] Vincent Lee says: cepetan [20:53:2] Rehanzo Connor says: Depan aduhhhhhhh [20:53:3] Vincent Lee says: Lama [20:53:5] [RADIO] PO-I Synester Reynold: Transporting one suspect IC-2 male to All Saints. [20:53:6] Rehanzo Connor says: Woe [20:53:8] Rehanzo Connor says: Depan [20:53:11] Vincent Lee: (( udah di depan tolol )) [20:53:15] Vincent Lee: (( lu ngebug )) [20:53:15] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[JUAL] NRG-500 3insu 1up 5k aja, minat? SMS: [20:53:15] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Harry_Starbuck{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3611{FF0000}] [20:53:16] [RADIO] PO-I Synester Reynold: 4-JOHN-1 speak. [20:53:19] [RADIO] Detective I Griffin Finnegan: 7-UNION-4 transporting one IC1 male to Central HQ for 10-15 procedure. [20:53:21] Vincent Lee says: Ke ammunation [20:53:55] BANK: {ffffff}You've taken {ffff00}$1,000.00 {ffffff}from the bank. Current balance: {ffff00}$185,568.53 [20:54:4] TRAINING: {FFFFFF}You've leveled up your {00FFFF}Assault Rifle (m4) {FFFFFF}skill from {FFFF00}800 {FFFFFF}to {00FF00}900 [20:54:4] TRAINING: {FFFFFF}You must wait {FFFF00}15 minutes {FFFFFF}before you can level up another skill. [20:54:6] 911: Crime: [ Sultan berwarna merah membuat keributan di sekitaran ASGH ] [20:54:6] 911: Reporter: [ Bradley Alvarez ] Phone: [ 270013 ] [20:54:21] 911: Crime: [ Sultan painjob kuning dan ber neon kuning menggangu di base FaC dan sudah pergi. ] [20:54:21] 911: Reporter: [ Zack Potter ] Phone: [ 886880 ] [20:54:21] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[JUAL] Buffalo full mod - 3 insu 2 up - Minat? Call or SMS [20:54:21] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Charlie_Lewis{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}4448899{FF0000}] [20:54:27] Vincent Lee says: Kemana lagi? [20:54:38] Rehanzo Connor: (( Amrun baperan xD )) [20:54:47] Vincent Lee: (( knp dia? wkwk )) [20:54:56] Rehanzo Connor: (( Kan gini tuh, gua lagi TAC-1 kan tadi )) [20:54:58] HUD: {FFFFFF}Player HUD is {FF0000}hidden [20:54:58] HUD: {FFFFFF}Player HUD is {00FF00}visible [20:55:0] Vincent Lee: (( iya terus )) [20:55:1] HUD: {FFFFFF}Player HUD is {FF0000}hidden [20:55:1] HUD: {FFFFFF}Player HUD is {00FF00}visible [20:55:1] Rehanzo Connor: (( Gua di WA )) [20:55:7] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Zarion Whittemore: 4-METRO-1 take CODE 7 at Mechani Center for repairing unit [20:55:15] Rehanzo Connor: (( Katanya minta bantu, dia tadi ga SMS gua )) [20:55:16] (( Zarion Whittemore: *c )) [20:55:19] Vincent Lee: (( okakowko )) [20:55:20] Rehanzo Connor: (( SMS IC )) [20:55:24] Vincent Lee: (( gua juga digituin )) [20:55:26] Rehanzo Connor: (( Ya wajar lah gua ga tau )) [20:55:28] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[YOSEPH.CO] Membuka banyak lowongan pekerjaan untuk keamanan. Hubungi 344445. [20:55:28] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Barry_Dustin{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}12345{FF0000}] [20:55:29] Rehanzo Connor: (( Emg tuh )) [20:55:35] Vincent Lee: (( oowakkow )) [20:55:39] Rehanzo Connor: (( Lu /id Brian_Kenneth / GIancarlos )) [20:55:43] Rehanzo Connor: (( Beneran dia pensi )) [20:55:44] Rehanzo Connor: (( v )) [20:55:47] [ID] ID: 60 | Name: Brian_Leviathan | Level: 10 | Ping: 41 | Launcher: No [20:55:48] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Roy Machbeth ] Reporter: [ Griffin Finnegan ] [20:55:48] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Evading from Polices ] [20:55:49] Rehanzo Connor: (( Ngakak gw )) [20:55:50] Vincent Lee: (( dia beneran pensi )) [20:55:51] Vincent Lee: (( dia beneran pensi? )) [20:55:53] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Roy Machbeth ] Reporter: [ Griffin Finnegan ] [20:55:53] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Failure to Comply ] [20:55:55] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [20:55:56] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [20:56:3] Rehanzo Connor: (( Udh di WA gw, katanya malem main )) [20:56:4] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Roy Machbeth ] Reporter: [ Griffin Finnegan ] [20:56:4] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Vehicular Endangerment. ] [20:56:5] Rehanzo Connor: (( Udh di WA gw, katanya males main )) [20:56:5] Vincent Lee: (( awowakoawo )) [20:56:15] Vincent Lee says: Opsir harry itu [20:56:19] Rehanzo Connor says: Iya [20:56:35] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[YOSEPH.CO] Membutuhkan pekerja yang tekun, niat dan serius. Hubungi 344445 [20:56:35] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Barry_Dustin{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}12345{FF0000}] [20:57:4] ERROR: Nomor yang anda hubungi sedang sibuk [20:57:12] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [20:57:12] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 344445 [20:57:12] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}saya [20:57:14] Vincent Lee says: Berapa garasi? [20:57:16] Rehanzo Connor says: 1 [20:57:19] HUD: {FFFFFF}Player HUD is {FF0000}hidden [20:57:19] HUD: {FFFFFF}Player HUD is {00FF00}visible [20:57:20] Vincent Lee says: Berapa [20:57:26] Rehanzo Connor says: 45k mau gua jual [20:57:36] HQ: {00ffff}Roy_Machbeth have been arrested by Griffin_Finnegan [20:57:38] Vincent Lee says: Polos anjeng [20:57:42] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[JUAL] RUmah 2 garasi Palomino 65k net, ada lahan parkir jual murah edisi mau pulang kampung [20:57:42] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Harry_Starbuck{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3611{FF0000}] [20:57:52] (( PM from [19] Louise_Bishop: woe lee )) [20:57:53] ERROR: Nomor yang anda hubungi sedang sibuk [20:57:56] (( PM to [19] Louise_Bishop: apa )) [20:58:3] (( PM from [19] Louise_Bishop: share nrg )) [20:58:8] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}You have shared your {00FFFF}NRG-500 {FFFFFF}to {FFFF00}Thomas_Hardwell [20:58:11] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}You have revoked your shared {00FFFF}NRG-500 {FFFFFF}from {FFFF00}Thomas_Hardwell [20:58:12] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}You have shared your {00FFFF}NRG-500 {FFFFFF}to {FFFF00}Louise_Bishop [20:58:17] (( PM to [10] Thomas_Hardwell: salah anjeng )) [20:58:29] Rehanzo Connor says: Lu beli in rumah dah [20:58:33] Rehanzo Connor says: Gimana [20:58:35] Vincent Lee says: Maksudnya? [20:58:36] Rehanzo Connor says: Bantu gua [20:58:40] Rehanzo Connor says: beli ni rumah [20:58:42] Rehanzo Connor says: 35k deh [20:58:48] [RADIO] Detective I Griffin Finnegan: 7-UNION-4 10-99 from 10-15 procedure, resuming status four. [20:58:48] Rehanzo Connor says: Mau beli ni [20:58:49] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[YOSEPH.CO] Membutuhkan pekerja yang tekun, niat dan serius. Hubungi 344445. [20:58:49] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Barry_Dustin{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}12345{FF0000}] [20:58:50] Vincent Lee says: Males mahal polos pulak kontol [20:58:56] Rehanzo Connor says: Mau berapa [20:58:57] Rehanzo Connor says: Memeq [20:58:59] Vincent Lee says: 10k [20:59:1] Rehanzo Connor says: Asuw [20:59:4] Vincent Lee says: Tuker tambah mau ga [20:59:4] Rehanzo Connor says: Bantu gua [20:59:5] Rehanzo Connor says: Weu [20:59:8] Rehanzo Connor says: Kaga [20:59:10] Vincent Lee says: Yaudahd [20:59:13] Rehanzo Connor says: 35k deh [20:59:15] Vincent Lee says: Rumah gua full furniture [20:59:19] Rehanzo Connor says: 30k sini cepet [20:59:19] Vincent Lee says: 1 Garasi pulak [20:59:24] Vincent Lee: (( ga muat slot )) [20:59:28] Vincent Lee: (( belom di asell sama budi )) [20:59:33] Rehanzo Connor says: Ada 2 garasi gak? [20:59:37] Vincent Lee says: Udah dijual [20:59:45] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [20:59:52] Vincent Lee says: Mau kemana? [20:59:54] Vincent Lee: (( tolol )) [20:59:56] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[YOSEPH.CO] Membutuhkan pekerja yang tekun, niat dan serius. Hubungi 344445. [20:59:56] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Barry_Dustin{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}12345{FF0000}] [21:0:1] Rehanzo_Connor telah keluar dari server. (Terputus/Crash) [21:0:6] (( Griffin Finnegan: awekoawke anjeg )) [21:0:8] ERROR: Nomor yang anda hubungi sedang sibuk [21:0:10] ERROR: Nomor yang anda hubungi sedang sibuk [21:0:14] PHONE: {FFFFFF}Calling {00FFFF}number 12345{FFFFFF}, please wait for answer! [21:0:16] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telepon telah dijawab. [21:0:16] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Gunakan chat biasa untuk berkomunikasi lewat telpon, '/h' untuk menutup telpon. [21:0:17] Vincent Lee [phone]: Itu usaha apa? [21:0:18] Caller [phone]: Siapa [21:0:21] (( Griffin Finnegan: kedai kokom jadi warong pecel )) [21:0:24] Caller [phone]: Usahanya bodyguard [21:0:26] Caller [phone]: Dibidang bodyguard [21:0:27] (( Zarion Whittemore: oakwoakw )) [21:0:27] Caller [phone]: Bank [21:0:29] (( Samuel Gueltiero: haha )) [21:0:30] Vincent Lee [phone]: Owh body guard? [21:0:31] Rehanzo Connor [phone]: Udah direbut orang? [21:0:32] (( Blake Weston: direport bego itu )) [21:0:32] Caller [phone]: Dan penambahan lemak [21:0:33] Caller [phone]: Iya [21:0:33] (( Blake Weston: sama player )) [21:0:34] (( Gerry Bishop: Tagging gue itu :3 )) [21:0:34] (( Blake Weston: wokwokoaw )) [21:0:35] Caller [phone]: Bodyguard & Penambah lemak [21:0:35] Vincent Lee [phone]: Gua SAPD [21:0:36] Caller [phone]: Gatau nih [21:0:40] Caller [phone]: Rame bet [21:0:41] Vincent Lee [phone]: Gua bisa jadi bodyguard [21:0:44] Caller [phone]: Yaudah [21:0:44] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Zarion Whittemore: 4-METRO-1 '99 after take CODE 7 at Mechanic Center, resuming to status four [21:0:48] Vincent Lee [phone]: Gimane? [21:0:48] Caller [phone]: Langsung aja [21:0:49] Rehanzo Connor [phone]: Di bank palo? [21:0:50] Vincent Lee [phone]: Dimana ? [21:0:53] Caller [phone]: Hubungi 344445 [21:0:54] Caller [phone]: Lu telpon [21:0:55] Vincent Lee [phone]: Ga bisa [21:0:58] Caller [phone]: Palo North Exit [21:0:58] Caller [phone]: Bisa [21:1:0] Vincent Lee [phone]: Ok [21:1:0] Caller [phone]: Datengin aja orangnya [21:1:1] Telepon terputus... [21:1:3] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[YOSEPH.CO] Membutuhkan pekerja yang tekun, niat dan serius. Hubungi 344445. [21:1:3] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Barry_Dustin{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}12345{FF0000}] [21:1:5] ERROR: Nomor yang anda hubungi sedang sibuk [21:1:7] Rehanzo Connor [phone]: SMS [21:1:10] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [21:1:23] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [21:1:37] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [21:1:49] ERROR: Dilarang menggunakan karakter '\' ! [21:1:53] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [21:1:54] Rehanzo Connor says: Palo [21:1:56] Rehanzo Connor says: Bank [21:1:58] Vincent Lee says: Ga [21:2:7] Vincent Lee says: Ga [21:2:8] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [21:2:11] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[DICARI] Rumah dimana aja, di bawah $5.000, SMS ONLY! [21:2:11] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Clayton_Gallagher{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}11112222{FF0000}] [21:2:12] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Husshain Kareem: Police Adjudant 9612 is reporting off duty, over. [21:2:16] Rehanzo Connor says: Taiq [21:3:15] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Selamat datang {ffff00}Vincent_Lee{ffffff}. [21:3:15] Faction MOTD: {FFFF00}Diharapkan untuk aktif In-Game dan Forum, panggilan /r tolong fast response. [21:3:15] MOTD: {ffff00}Mohon menggunakan '/report' dengan benar, berikan informasi yang jelas dan detail {ff0000}- Ian [21:3:15] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Anda terakhir login {ffff00}17 menit yang lalu [21:3:15] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Today is {ffff00}Thu 26 Sep 2019, 21:03:15 [21:3:15] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Server memerlukan waktu {ffff00}289 milisecond{ffffff} untuk memuat data char anda! [21:3:18] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[JUAL NO TRADE] Buffalo full mod - 3 insu 2 up - $2K nett - Minat? Call or SMS [21:3:18] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Charlie_Lewis{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}4448899{FF0000}] [21:3:28] REPORT: {ffffff}Your report has been issued to the queue, use '{ffff00}/reports{ffffff}' to see your report [21:3:34] RESPOND: {ff0000}NotAdmin {FFFFCC}has responded to your report [21:3:34] RESPOND: {ffffcc}Message from admin: {ffffff}IC ya. [21:3:36] DYOC: {ffffff}Weapons attachment {33AA33}enabled [21:3:39] REPORT: {ffffff}Your report has been issued to the queue, use '{ffff00}/reports{ffffff}' to see your report [21:3:45] RESPOND: {ff0000}NotAdmin {FFFFCC}has responded to your report [21:3:45] RESPOND: {ffffcc}Message from admin: {ffffff}minta jemput aja [21:3:57] REPORT: {ffffff}Your report has been issued to the queue, use '{ffff00}/reports{ffffff}' to see your report [21:4:1] [RADIO] PO-I Vincent Alvarez: What the charges? [21:4:3] RESPOND: {ff0000}edwinnovian {FFFFCC}has responded to your report [21:4:15] (( PM to [35] edwinnovian: a )) [21:4:19] (( PM to [35] edwinnovian: bang teleport )) [21:4:20] (( PM from [35] edwinnovian: Tadi bang Ibnu bilang, jangan manja katanya. )) [21:4:22] (( PM to [35] edwinnovian: ke rehanzo )) [21:4:25] (( PM from [35] edwinnovian: Coba gunain /r )) [21:4:29] (( PM to [35] edwinnovian: dih ku dc:( )) [21:4:31] (( PM from [35] edwinnovian: Kata bang ibnu begituu. )) [21:4:41] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: Adjudant 10168 To Officer rehanzo [21:4:41] (( PM from [35] edwinnovian: Iyah sekiranya masih bisa kenapa gak digunain. )) [21:4:56] (( Vincent Lee: engga lah wakowakowa )) [21:5:28] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: Officer rehanzo are you hear me? [21:5:36] (( Vincent Lee: wkwk )) [21:5:44] [RADIO] PO-I Rehanzo Connor: YEs [21:5:46] (( Vincent Lee: Suspend )) [21:5:52] (( Vincent Lee: GA NIAT ANJING REHAN BALES ?R )) [21:5:54] (( Vincent Lee: GA NIAT ANJING REHAN BALES /R )) [21:6:3] (( Thiago Martinez: ? )) [21:6:3] (( Vincent Lee: *Pura pura jadi orvin awkowakowa )) [21:6:3] (( Rexley Hitamieka: santai kali bro )) [21:6:4] (( Husshain Kareem: kazar, ga like aku tuh )) [21:6:4] (( Keylon Pierce: gausah bad word )) [21:6:7] (( Keylon Pierce: bro )) [21:6:8] (( Rehanzo Connor: hssss ah )) [21:6:8] (( Vincent Lee: *Pura pura jadi orvin awkowakowa )) [21:6:8] (( Zarion Whittemore: Kalem lur )) [21:6:12] WARNING: Faction OOC chat disabled! [21:6:12] (( PM from [19] Louise_Bishop: Share nrg )) [21:6:14] [RADIO] PO-I Vincent Alvarez: 4-JOHN-1 transporting one suspect IC-1 to SAPD HQ to 10-15 procedure, over [21:6:27] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}You have shared your {00FFFF}NRG-500 {FFFFFF}to {FFFF00}Louise_Bishop [21:6:28] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Robbert_Redmund ] Phone: [ 500285 ] [21:6:28] Message: SAPD tolong ke hq saya mau bayar uang CGC [21:6:29] Vincent Lee: (( njir )) [21:6:30] Griffin Finnegan says: weh anjing [21:6:31] Vincent Lee: (( ngelag )) [21:6:34] Vincent Lee says: Apa cuk [21:6:35] Griffin Finnegan says: naek [21:6:42] Vincent Lee: (( mau opp aing )) [21:6:44] Vincent Lee: (( malah di tinggal )) [21:6:45] Vincent Lee: (( kan ga sopan wkwk )) [21:6:51] Griffin Finnegan says: mana anjing [21:6:53] Vincent Lee says: Apanya [21:6:57] Vincent Lee says: Anjer ngegas [21:6:57] Griffin Finnegan says: kemana [21:7:1] Vincent Lee says: SAPD HQ aja [21:7:5] Griffin Finnegan says: oke njing [21:7:9] Vincent Lee says: Bahaha babi [21:7:12] Vincent Lee says: Gini nih gua suka [21:7:13] Vincent Lee says: Ngegas [21:7:15] PAYCHECK: {FFFF00}Pergi ke bank dan /signcheck untuk mendapatkan gaji anda atau pergi ke salah satu ATM! [21:7:19] Vincent Lee: (( :) )) [21:7:22] Griffin Finnegan says: pro peler [21:7:23] Vincent Lee: (( Hack )) [21:7:27] Vincent Lee: (( report ah awkoowakkowa )) [21:7:35] Vincent Lee says: Ayo masuk [21:7:37] Vincent Lee: (( awawkowakowao )) [21:7:38] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[B&B Auto Brokers] Bingung mau cari mobil dimana? Pesen sama kami, sekalian sama modif bisa, @website. [21:7:38] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Blake_Weston{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}404040{FF0000}] [21:7:39] Griffin Finnegan says: ye anjjing [21:7:45] Vincent Alvarez says: Kok bisa masuk dini? [21:7:48] Griffin Finnegan says: Beep beep [21:7:48] Charles Lark says: waalaikumsalam [21:7:50] Vincent Alvarez says: Kamu siaap? [21:7:53] Griffin Finnegan says: modafoka [21:7:55] Vincent Alvarez says: Polisi bukan? [21:7:57] Griffin Finnegan says: Sape nih [21:7:58] Mask 999099 says: Bukan. [21:8:2] Vincent Alvarez says: Ga tau nih [21:8:2] Griffin Finnegan says: Borgol [21:8:5] Griffin Finnegan says: Anjing [21:8:7] * Charles Lark membuka gagang mobil dengan bahu [21:8:11] berhasil ((Charles Lark)) [21:8:12] * Mask 999099 lari sejauh mungkin. [21:8:22] (( PM from [38] Rehanzo_Connor: WOI )) [21:8:24] Griffin Finnegan Shouts: anjing buka pintu! [21:8:27] (( PM to [38] Rehanzo_Connor: apa kontol )) [21:8:29] Charles Lark Shouts: oi ! [21:8:31] Mask 999099 says: FAKER [21:8:33] * Vincent Alvarez Menarik borgol dari sarungnya di sabuk utilitas dan memborgol tersangka [21:8:34] Charles Lark says: oalah [21:8:35] * Vincent Lee take m4 from front of body using both hands and ready to shoot. [21:8:38] (( PM from [38] Rehanzo_Connor: Pas gua disini lu ga ada )) [21:8:40] id? ((Vincent Alvarez)) [21:8:41] (( PM from [38] Rehanzo_Connor: mmQ )) [21:8:44] * Charles Lark menendang kepala maskman' [21:8:48] 22 ((Mask 999099)) [21:8:50] Vincent Lee says: Woi [21:8:55] Vincent Lee says: Maksud lo paan nendang pala orang? [21:8:55] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[B&B Auto Brokers] Bingung mau cari mobil dimana? Pesen sama kami, sama modif bisa, @website. [21:8:55] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Blake_Weston{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}404040{FF0000}] [21:8:57] Charles Lark says: waaalaikumsalam [21:9:6] Charles Lark says: bapak datangnya telat pak. [21:9:7] * Mask 999099 melihat Vincent yang menodong senjata. [21:9:7] Vincent Alvarez: (( haaa anjair )) [21:9:8] Charles Lark says: belum tau [21:9:17] Mask 999099 says: Hem... [21:9:18] Vincent Alvarez says: Id card mana? [21:9:20] Charles Lark says: cepat proses saya [21:9:22] Mask 999099 says: Ga ada dibilang. [21:9:22] Vincent Lee says: Hmm [21:9:28] Vincent Lee says: Dia opsir harry [21:9:30] Vincent Lee says: Mungkin [21:9:36] Vincent Alvarez says: Aku mau procedure arrest [21:9:37] Charles Lark says: opsir? [21:9:39] Charles Lark says: oalah [21:9:46] Mask 999099 says: Bapak ngapain nodong senjata ke suspect yang ga ada perlawanan senjata? [21:9:48] Mask 999099 says: Wah [21:9:54] Mask 999099 says: Saya bisa lapor ke IAU [21:9:56] * Vincent Lee slots his m4 into front of body using both hands. [21:9:58] ERROR: Anda harus dekat dengan player tersebut! [21:10:0] Charles Lark says: aduh [21:10:1] ERROR: Anda harus dekat dengan player tersebut! [21:10:2] ERROR: Anda harus dekat dengan player tersebut! [21:10:3] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Toko Furniture di ELS, profitnya HIGH. Minat? Hubungi saya segera! [21:10:3] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Willie_Martin{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}10011001{FF0000}] [21:10:5] Vincent Lee: (( /togmask )) [21:10:6] * Charles Lark berlutut [21:10:6] [RADIO] Detective I Griffin Finnegan: 7-UNION-4 disbanded [21:10:6] Vincent Alvarez says: Anjay [21:10:9] tipe mask? ((Vincent Lee)) [21:10:10] Charles Lark says: maap pak [21:10:11] Mask 999099: (( IC )) [21:10:13] masker. ((Mask 999099)) [21:10:15] Charles Lark says: tadi kesandung kepala bapaj [21:10:16] Charles Lark says: tadi kesandung kepala bapak [21:10:20] Masker full muka ((Mask 999099)) [21:10:31] * Vincent Lee melepas masker suspect menggunakan kedua tangan. [21:10:31] Charles Lark says: gasengaja pak, asli. [21:10:44] terlepas? ((Vincent Lee)) [21:10:46] [RADIO] Detective I Griffin Finnegan: Detective I 9231 reporting off-duty, over and out. [21:10:49] tentu. ((Husshain Kareem)) [21:10:53] Husshain Kareem says: Yaw? [21:10:58] Vincent Alvarez says: Ahaha [21:11:1] Vincent Lee: (( njir ngelag ada heli )) [21:11:7] Vincent Alvarez says: Drama terus dari atdi anjay [21:11:10] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[B&B Auto Brokers] Bingung mau cari mobil dimana? Pesan sama kami langsung! Ahlinya modif! [21:11:10] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Barry_Dustin{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}12345{FF0000}] [21:11:17] Vincent Lee says: Bajunya mirip harry [21:11:19] Charles Lark Shouts: brisik coek! [21:11:22] * Vincent Alvarez melepas borgol dengan kunci [21:11:28] Vincent Lee: (( rip /ro :v )) [21:11:35] Vincent Alvarez says: Okey [21:11:39] TRAINING: You can now continue training! [21:11:42] Vincent Lee says: dicariin ilang [21:11:43] Charles Lark says: assalamualaikum [21:11:48] Vincent Lee says: Naek [21:11:52] Vincent Lee says: HALAH [21:11:56] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [21:11:57] Rehanzo Connor says: )) [21:11:59] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Joel_Richardho ] Phone: [ 609040 ] [21:11:59] Message: Woi PD motor gua kok lo tirelock [21:12:1] Vincent Lee: (( :) )) [21:12:2] Husshain Kareem: (( salah )) [21:12:9] Husshain Kareem says: Oi ini suspect [21:12:11] (( PM to [91] Vincent_Alvarez: eh )) [21:12:14] Charles Lark says: woi gua gimana [21:12:15] Vincent Lee Shouts: Urus alvarez aja! [21:12:17] Vincent Alvarez says: Sini [21:12:17] Rehanzo Connor says: Gara-gara lu [21:12:20] Rehanzo Connor says: Alah [21:12:22] Vincent Lee: (( rip /ro )) [21:12:22] Rehanzo Connor says: Udah kebeli [21:12:28] Vincent Lee says: Apanya tolol [21:12:28] Rehanzo Connor says: Memek emang [21:12:31] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Joel_Richardho ] Phone: [ 609040 ] [21:12:31] Message: Sombong amat [21:12:36] Rehanzo Connor says: Kau anjeng [21:12:41] Rehanzo Connor says: Udah kebeli disana [21:12:45] Vincent Lee says: Aku ga jualan diri tolol [21:12:47] Rehanzo Connor says: Males au ah [21:12:52] Rehanzo Connor says: gara-gara lu [21:13:1] BANK: {ffffff}You've taken {ffff00}$1,000.00 {ffffff}from the bank. Current balance: {ffff00}$184,591.54 [21:13:13] TRAINING: {FFFFFF}You've leveled up your {00FFFF}Assault Rifle (m4) {FFFFFF}skill from {FFFF00}900 {FFFFFF}to {00FF00}1000 [21:13:13] TRAINING: {FFFFFF}You must wait {FFFF00}15 minutes {FFFFFF}before you can level up another skill. [21:13:48] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[DIJUAL] Rumah 2 garasi Palomino POLOS, SMSkan harga terbaikmu. [21:13:48] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Derrick_Starbuck{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}1007{FF0000}] [21:14:8] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [21:14:8] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 1007 [21:14:8] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}berapa [21:14:12] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (1007) [21:14:12] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}75 [21:14:25] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [21:14:25] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 1007 [21:14:25] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Berapa ruangan? [21:14:26] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (1007) [21:14:26] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}75 [21:14:28] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (1007) [21:14:28] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}3 [21:14:36] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [21:14:36] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 1007 [21:14:36] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}3 doang, gua kira 8 gitu kwwk [21:14:40] WARNING: Faction OOC chat disabled! [21:14:42] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (1007) [21:14:42] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Buset [21:15:20] ERROR: Unable to trace that number! [21:15:22] ERROR: Unable to trace that number! [21:15:25] ERROR: Unable to trace that number! [21:16:7] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[JUAL] Garasi pribadi deket bank, 35k telpon ke 311001 [21:16:7] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Harry_Starbuck{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3611{FF0000}] [21:16:16] ERROR: Nomor yang anda hubungi sedang sibuk [21:16:42] ERROR: That player is blocking PM! [21:17:14] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[DICARI] Mobil Buccaner, SMSkan hargamu. [21:17:14] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Derrick_Starbuck{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}1007{FF0000}] [21:17:32] Driving license: [{00FF00}Valid until Fri 27 Sep 2019, 18:32:38{FFFFFF}] [21:17:32] Flying license: [{FF0000}Not passed{FFFFFF}] [21:17:32] Boat license: [{00FF00}Valid until Thu 07 Nov 2019, 14:11:07{FFFFFF}] [21:17:32] Firearm license: [{FF0000}Not passed{FFFFFF}] [21:17:32] NOTE: use '/licenses show [playerid/name]' to show licenses to other player! [21:17:42] Vincent Lee: (( owkakoaw )) [21:17:45] Rehanzo Connor says: MObil kau itu [21:17:45] Vincent Lee: (( unit kita tadi:v )) [21:17:48] Rehanzo Connor says: Ajudant tolol [21:17:50] Rehanzo Connor says: )) [21:17:54] Vincent Lee says: PAOK [21:17:54] Rehanzo Connor says: Hwahuawhuwa [21:18:4] ERROR: You don't have the privilege to use this command! [21:18:4] 911: Crime: [ saya ditabrak mobil sultan hitam dan langsung kabur pelakunya ditabrak ditempat kerja sweeper ] [21:18:4] 911: Reporter: [ Sherwood Alyward ] Phone: [ 507777 ] [21:18:11] ERROR: You need to be at a house entrance to use this command! [21:18:20] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [21:18:22] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Mower, 2 upgrade full modift minat ?? SMSkan harga terbaik anda. [21:18:22] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Brounellis_Havseniaster{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}229222{FF0000}] [21:18:26] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [21:18:31] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [21:18:34] ERROR: You need to be at a house entrance to use this command! [21:19:15] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (9796) [21:19:15] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Parkirin, tak bawa 1-ADAM-4 kemarin [21:19:22] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [21:19:22] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 9796 [21:19:22] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}ua [21:19:24] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [21:19:24] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 9796 [21:19:24] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Ya [21:19:36] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [21:19:38] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}You've {ff0000}sealed {FFFFFF}the house owned by {00FFFF}Stefano_Gimenez [21:19:46] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}You've {33AA33}unsealed {FFFFFF}the house owned by {00FFFF}Stefano_Gimenez [21:19:58] AdmCmd: Luca_Cabrone has been kicked by NotAdmin. [21:19:58] Reason: As You Wish [21:20:37] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}You've {33AA33}unsealed {FFFFFF}the house owned by {00FFFF}Nandhika_Nur [21:20:56] [ID] ID: 0 | Name: Marvine_Collinson | Level: 7 | Ping: 68 | Launcher: Yes [21:20:58] PHONE: {FF0000}Number 9796 {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [21:20:59] ERROR: Anda sedang menelpon! [21:21:0] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Anda telah menjawab telpon. [21:21:0] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Gunakan chat biasa untuk berkomunikasi lewat telpon, '/h' untuk menutup telpon. [21:21:1] Caller [phone]: Dimana? [21:21:2] Vincent Lee [phone]: Apa [21:21:6] Vincent Lee [phone]: Eh [21:21:9] Vincent Lee [phone]: Lu masih bisa megang rumah ga? [21:21:12] Caller [phone]: Kaga [21:21:15] Caller [phone]: Full [21:21:15] Vincent Lee [phone]: TOLOL [21:21:17] Telepon terputus... [21:21:20] PHONE: {FFFFFF}Calling {00FFFF}number 432424{FFFFFF}, please wait for answer! [21:21:30] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [21:21:37] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [21:21:37] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 432424 [21:21:37] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}WOI TOLOOL [21:21:38] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (9796) [21:21:38] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Anjeng [21:21:42] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [21:21:42] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 9796 [21:21:42] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Bentar [21:21:44] [id:0] {ffff00}Marvine_Collinson: {ffffff}is Alt-Tabbed for 28 seconds [21:21:44] [id:1] {ffff00}Conan_Pearson: {ffffff}is Alt-Tabbed for 32 seconds [21:21:44] [id:2] {ffff00}Claire_Abhisar: {ffffff}is Alt-Tabbed for 4357 seconds [21:21:44] [id:10] {ffff00}Thomas_Hardwell: {ffffff}is Alt-Tabbed for 31 seconds [21:21:44] [id:17] {ffff00}Tommy_Middlesworth: {ffffff}is Alt-Tabbed for 44 seconds [21:21:44] [id:27] {ffff00}Rey_Randolph: {ffffff}is AFK / Idle [21:21:44] [id:28] {ffff00}Lisa_Davensmith: {ffffff}is Alt-Tabbed for 121 seconds [21:21:44] [id:30] {ffff00}Roomero_Calvizer: {ffffff}is Alt-Tabbed for 48 seconds [21:21:44] [id:38] {ffff00}Reina_Riveira: {ffffff}is Alt-Tabbed for 114 seconds [21:21:44] [id:46] {ffff00}Clay_Weston: {ffffff}is AFK / Idle [21:21:44] [id:62] {ffff00}Zhaniece_Cardwell: {ffffff}is Alt-Tabbed for 1018 seconds [21:21:44] [id:67] {ffff00}Neymar_Mastradio: {ffffff}is Alt-Tabbed for 688 seconds [21:21:44] [id:99] {ffff00}Jack_Silva: {ffffff}is AFK / Idle [21:21:52] (( PM to [0] Marvine_Collinson: awaa )) [21:21:56] (( PM to [0] Marvine_Collinson: tolol jangan atip )) [21:21:57] [id:0] {ffff00}Marvine_Collinson: {ffffff}is Alt-Tabbed for 40 seconds [21:21:57] [id:1] {ffff00}Conan_Pearson: {ffffff}is Alt-Tabbed for 43 seconds [21:21:57] [id:2] {ffff00}Claire_Abhisar: {ffffff}is Alt-Tabbed for 4369 seconds [21:21:57] [id:17] {ffff00}Tommy_Middlesworth: {ffffff}is Alt-Tabbed for 56 seconds [21:21:57] [id:27] {ffff00}Rey_Randolph: {ffffff}is AFK / Idle [21:21:57] [id:30] {ffff00}Roomero_Calvizer: {ffffff}is Alt-Tabbed for 60 seconds [21:21:57] [id:38] {ffff00}Reina_Riveira: {ffffff}is Alt-Tabbed for 125 seconds [21:21:57] [id:46] {ffff00}Clay_Weston: {ffffff}is AFK / Idle [21:21:57] [id:62] {ffff00}Zhaniece_Cardwell: {ffffff}is Alt-Tabbed for 1029 seconds [21:21:57] [id:67] {ffff00}Neymar_Mastradio: {ffffff}is Alt-Tabbed for 700 seconds [21:21:57] [id:91] {ffff00}Vincent_Alvarez: {ffffff}is Alt-Tabbed for 23 seconds [21:21:57] [id:99] {ffff00}Jack_Silva: {ffffff}is AFK / Idle [21:22:27] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Bobbie_Corwin ] Phone: [ 508010 ] [21:22:27] Message: Om PD kapan open again? [21:22:38] (( PM from [0] Marvine_Collinson: w lagi RP an :v )) [21:22:43] (( PM to [0] Marvine_Collinson: need help cepat )) [21:22:45] (( PM to [0] Marvine_Collinson: need help cepat )) [21:22:46] (( PM to [0] Marvine_Collinson: need help cepat )) [21:22:46] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [21:22:47] (( PM to [0] Marvine_Collinson: need help cepat )) [21:22:47] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [21:22:47] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [21:22:47] (( PM from [0] Marvine_Collinson: WS? )) [21:22:49] (( PM to [0] Marvine_Collinson: bukan )) [21:22:49] (( PM from [0] Marvine_Collinson: miss.. )) [21:22:51] (( PM to [0] Marvine_Collinson: bukan )) [21:22:52] (( PM to [0] Marvine_Collinson: bukan )) [21:22:52] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [21:22:54] (( PM to [0] Marvine_Collinson: bukan )) [21:22:54] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [21:22:55] (( PM from [0] Marvine_Collinson: ICin )) [21:22:56] (( PM from [0] Marvine_Collinson: ICin )) [21:22:57] (( PM from [0] Marvine_Collinson: ICin )) [21:22:57] (( PM to [0] Marvine_Collinson: /p )) [21:22:58] (( PM to [0] Marvine_Collinson: /p )) [21:22:58] (( PM from [0] Marvine_Collinson: ICin )) [21:22:58] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [21:22:58] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [21:22:59] (( PM to [0] Marvine_Collinson: /p )) [21:22:59] (( PM from [0] Marvine_Collinson: ICin )) [21:23:0] (( PM to [0] Marvine_Collinson: /p )) [21:23:3] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (432424) [21:23:3] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}ape [21:23:5] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Anda telah mengagalkan telepon! [21:23:5] Telepon terputus... [21:23:9] PHONE: {FFFFFF}Calling {00FFFF}number 432424{FFFFFF}, please wait for answer! [21:23:12] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telepon telah dijawab. [21:23:12] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Gunakan chat biasa untuk berkomunikasi lewat telpon, '/h' untuk menutup telpon. [21:23:13] Caller [phone]: Ape? [21:23:13] Vincent Lee [phone]: Dimana [21:23:14] Vincent Lee [phone]: Sini penting [21:23:17] Vincent Lee [phone]: Ke WS ELS [21:23:19] Caller [phone]: Ada ape? [21:23:21] Vincent Lee [phone]: Cepet kontol [21:23:23] Vincent Lee [phone]: cepetannnn [21:23:25] Caller [phone]: Lagi upgrade tolol [21:23:27] Vincent Lee [phone]: Di mana? [21:23:30] Caller [phone]: MC [21:23:32] Vincent Lee [phone]: TOLOL [21:23:33] Caller [phone]: Mau modift di WS [21:23:36] Vincent Lee [phone]: Lu masih bisa megang ga [21:23:36] Caller [phone]: Banyak langganan [21:23:40] Vincent Lee [phone]: Rumah [21:23:41] Caller [phone]: Megang ape? [21:23:42] Vincent Lee [phone]: Rumah [21:23:43] Caller [phone]: Bisa [21:23:45] Caller [phone]: Gapunya rumah gue [21:23:46] Vincent Lee [phone]: Sini bentar plis [21:23:52] Caller [phone]: Yaudah wait WS ELS ? [21:23:57] Vincent Lee [phone]: Ok [21:23:59] Telepon terputus... [21:23:59] Rehanzo Connor says: Cepetan [21:24:7] Vincent Lee: (( wo )) [21:24:12] Vincent Lee: (( ceburin aja )) [21:24:20] Rehanzo Connor: (( Itu aja dah )) [21:24:23] Rehanzo Connor: (( sini )) [21:24:29] Vincent Lee: (( lu full slot? )) [21:24:31] (( PM from [10] Thomas_Hardwell: party di helipad central )) [21:24:31] Rehanzo Connor: (( Kemarin pake ini ya ini )) [21:24:33] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Charles Lark ] Reporter: [ Vincent Alvarez ] [21:24:33] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Evading from police ] [21:24:33] Rehanzo Connor: (( Iya njir )) [21:24:35] (( PM to [10] Thomas_Hardwell: nanti )) [21:24:42] (( PM from [10] Thomas_Hardwell: cupu lu )) [21:24:45] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Charles Lark ] Reporter: [ Vincent Alvarez ] [21:24:45] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Failure to comply ] [21:24:45] Vincent Lee: (( gua aja baru jadi adjudant tadi tolol )) [21:24:48] (( PM to [10] Thomas_Hardwell: mamak kau cupu:v )) [21:24:52] Rehanzo Connor: (( Ga kesampean beli rumah 2 garasi mau kesel tapi gmn lagi yg titip cewe di OOC )) [21:24:56] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [21:24:56] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 432424 [21:24:56] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}LAMA [21:24:59] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (432424) [21:24:59] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}OTW [21:24:59] Vincent Lee: (( okwwakkwa )) [21:25:2] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Charles Lark ] Reporter: [ Vincent Alvarez ] [21:25:2] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Vehicular Endangerment ] [21:25:4] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [21:25:9] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [21:25:9] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 432424 [21:25:9] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Nanti tuh rumah jangan di apa apain ye [21:25:12] Rehanzo Connor says: Yaudah sini [21:25:15] Rehanzo Connor says: Temenin [21:25:16] AdmCmd: UCP account raccbear has been blocked by Rishad_McCortez. [21:25:16] Reason: Duplicate Account [21:25:18] Vincent Lee says: Bentar [21:25:22] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (432424) [21:25:22] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Gak lah goblok kalo gak percayaan mending jangan kasih ke gue :d [21:25:22] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [21:25:24] AdmCmd: UCP account keringatdingin has been blocked by Rishad_McCortez. [21:25:24] Reason: Duplicate Account [21:25:28] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (432424) [21:25:28] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}:) [21:25:33] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [21:25:33] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 432424 [21:25:33] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Gua ngasih lu baru langsung kasih gua lagi [21:25:39] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (432424) [21:25:39] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Iya santai [21:25:41] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [21:25:43] HUD: {FFFFFF}Player HUD is {FF0000}hidden [21:25:45] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [21:25:45] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 432424 [21:25:45] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Cepetan [21:25:45] HUD: {FFFFFF}Player HUD is {00FF00}visible [21:25:49] [MEGAPHONE] Vincent Lee: marvine sini [21:25:58] [RADIO] PO-II Thomas Hardwell: 5-AIR-2 status 3 at central Helipad treating Air Engine. [21:26:6] Marvine Collinson says: Itu tadi dia yang mau modift [21:26:13] KEGUNAAN: /give [playerid] [item] [amount] [21:26:13] ITEMS: crack pot cigar material component water snack bandage painkiller accessory [21:26:16] KEGUNAAN: /givehouse [playerid/name] [confirm] [21:26:18] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}You've given your house to {FFFF00}Marvine Collinson [21:26:21] Vincent Lee: (( give lagi )) [21:26:23] Vincent Lee: (( cepet )) [21:26:24] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}You've received a house from {FFFF00}Marvine Collinson [21:26:25] Vincent Lee: (( lama anjg )) [21:26:27] Vincent Lee: (( sini )) [21:26:36] Vincent Lee: (( shut )) [21:26:40] Marvine Collinson: (( ape )) [21:26:44] Vincent Lee: (( ??????????? )) [21:26:46] Vincent Lee: (( kok ilang )) [21:26:50] Marvine Collinson: (( senjata? )) [21:26:53] Vincent Lee: (( iya )) [21:26:54] Marvine Collinson: (( emang ilang kontol kontol )) [21:26:57] ERROR: No item stored in this room! [21:26:59] PHONE: {FF0000}Number 9796 {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [21:27:1] Vincent Lee: (( ga ilang tadinya )) [21:27:2] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Anda telah menjawab telpon. [21:27:2] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Gunakan chat biasa untuk berkomunikasi lewat telpon, '/h' untuk menutup telpon. [21:27:2] Vincent Lee [phone]: Apa [21:27:4] Caller [phone]: Lu kemana [21:27:9] Vincent Lee [phone]: Rumah [21:27:12] Marvine Collinson says: Gue mau upgrade dolo [21:27:14] Caller [phone]: DImana [21:27:18] Vincent Lee Shouts: DIMANA! [21:27:20] Vincent Lee [phone]: Trace gua aje [21:27:20] Telepon terputus... [21:27:24] Marvine Collinson Shouts: MC LANGSUNG KE WS! [21:27:41] Marvine Collinson says: bagi $200 [21:27:44] FRISK: {FF0000}Marvine Collinson {FFFFFF}ingin mem-frisk anda, {FFFF00}/accept frisk {FFFFFF}untuk memberi izin untuk frisk kep [21:27:47] PAYINFO: {ffffff}You've given {ffff00}Marvine Collinson [id:0] {00ff00}$200.00 [21:27:49] Vincent Lee says: Minta terus ya [21:27:51] Vincent Lee says: Haha [21:27:53] Marvine Collinson Shouts: iya! [21:27:55] Marvine Collinson Shouts: awokoawl! [21:27:56] Marvine Collinson says: )) [21:27:57] Vincent Lee: (( wkwk )) [21:28:3] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [21:28:23] Vincent Lee: (( kowaokwa )) [21:28:39] Vincent Lee: (( ledukin )) [21:29:7] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Cheetah 3 Insu 2 Up Harga bersahabat. [21:29:7] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Sean_Jensen{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}781177{FF0000}] [21:29:53] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [21:30:3] TRAINING: You can now continue training! [21:30:11] Reina_Riveira telah keluar dari server. (Pergi) [21:30:14] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Toko Furniture di ELS, profitnya HIGH. Minat? Hubungi saya segera! [21:30:14] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Willie_Martin{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}10011001{FF0000}] [21:30:20] (( PM from [29] Rehanzo_Connor: mau off? )) [21:30:24] (( PM to [29] Rehanzo_Connor: IYAAA SAYANK )) [21:30:30] (( PM from [29] Rehanzo_Connor: bentar )) [21:30:33] (( PM from [29] Rehanzo_Connor: Sini )) [21:30:33] (( PM to [29] Rehanzo_Connor: knp )) [21:30:37] (( PM from [29] Rehanzo_Connor: Alhambra )) [21:30:42] HQ: {00ffff}Charles_Lark have been arrested by Vincent_Alvarez [21:30:46] (( PM to [29] Rehanzo_Connor: minta teleport aje )) [21:31:0] (( PM from [29] Rehanzo_Connor: Takutnya ntar abuse )) [21:31:4] (( PM from [29] Rehanzo_Connor: Jangna )) [21:31:6] (( PM from [29] Rehanzo_Connor: oe )) [21:31:9] TRAINING: {FFFFFF}You've leveled up your {00FFFF}Shotgun (pump) {FFFFFF}skill from {FFFF00}400 {FFFFFF}to {00FF00}500 [21:31:9] TRAINING: {FFFFFF}You must wait {FFFF00}15 minutes {FFFFFF}before you can level up another skill. [21:31:15] (( PM to [29] Rehanzo_Connor: baiii )) [5:19:47] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Selamat datang {ffff00}Vincent_Lee{ffffff}. [5:19:47] Faction MOTD: {FFFF00}Diharapkan untuk aktif In-Game dan Forum, panggilan /r tolong fast response. [5:19:47] MOTD: {ffff00}Mohon menggunakan '/report' dengan benar, berikan informasi yang jelas dan detail {ff0000}- Ian [5:19:47] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Anda terakhir login {ffff00}8 jam yang lalu [5:19:47] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Today is {ffff00}Fri 27 Sep 2019, 05:19:47 [5:19:47] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Server memerlukan waktu {ffff00}237 milisecond{ffffff} untuk memuat data char anda! [5:19:55] KEGUNAAN: /createlicense [playerid/name] [driving/sailing/flying/gun/lumberjack/trucking] [5:19:58] KEGUNAAN: /createlicense [playerid/name] [driving/sailing/flying/gun/lumberjack/trucking] [5:20:1] KEGUNAAN: /createlicense [playerid/name] [driving/sailing/flying/gun/lumberjack/trucking] [5:20:5] KEGUNAAN: /createlicense [playerid/name] [driving/sailing/flying/gun/lumberjack/trucking] [5:20:28] (( PM from [2] Giancarlos_Octavio: lu ganti no ic? )) [5:20:34] (( PM to [2] Giancarlos_Octavio: iya )) [5:20:38] (( PM from [2] Giancarlos_Octavio: anjing emang )) [5:20:44] (( PM to [2] Giancarlos_Octavio: kwkwk )) [5:20:46] PHONE: {FFFFFF}Calling {00FFFF}number 3338{FFFFFF}, please wait for answer! [5:20:47] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telepon telah dijawab. [5:20:47] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Gunakan chat biasa untuk berkomunikasi lewat telpon, '/h' untuk menutup telpon. [5:20:48] Vincent Lee [phone]: Hai dude [5:20:49] Caller [phone]: Anjing [5:20:51] Vincent Lee [phone]: Bahaha [5:20:55] Telepon terputus... [5:21:0] PHONE: {FF0000}Number 3338 {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [5:21:2] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Anda telah menjawab telpon. [5:21:2] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Gunakan chat biasa untuk berkomunikasi lewat telpon, '/h' untuk menutup telpon. [5:21:2] Vincent Lee [phone]: napa [5:21:3] Caller [phone]: Konter robber [5:21:6] Vincent Lee [phone]: HOOH [5:21:7] Caller [phone]: Gausah duty [14:38:22] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Selamat datang {ffff00}Vincent_Lee{ffffff}. [14:38:22] Faction MOTD: {FFFF00}Diharapkan untuk aktif In-Game dan Forum, panggilan /r tolong fast response. [14:38:22] MOTD: {ffff00}Mohon menggunakan '/report' dengan benar, berikan informasi yang jelas dan detail {ff0000}- Ian [14:38:22] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Anda terakhir login {ffff00}9 jam yang lalu [14:38:22] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Today is {ffff00}Fri 27 Sep 2019, 14:38:22 [14:38:22] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Server memerlukan waktu {ffff00}227 milisecond{ffffff} untuk memuat data char anda! [14:38:38] DYOC: {ffffff}Weapons attachment {33AA33}enabled [14:38:56] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Zarion Whittemore: 4-METRO-1 transporting one suspect IC 2 Male from Mechanic Center to CGH for get treatment and surger [14:39:4] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Zarion Whittemore: ...surgery [14:39:8] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Beli rumah 2 sampai 4garasi atau mansion ada SMS harga [14:39:8] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Emma_Mcquinza{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}2210{FF0000}] [14:39:36] PHONE: {FF0000}Number 435957 {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [14:39:49] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telpon berhenti berdering! [14:39:50] PHONE: {FF0000}Number 435957 {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [14:39:52] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Anda telah menjawab telpon. [14:39:52] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Gunakan chat biasa untuk berkomunikasi lewat telpon, '/h' untuk menutup telpon. [14:39:58] Telepon terputus... [14:40:1] PHONE: {FF0000}Number 435957 {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [14:40:16] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Beli rumah 2 sampai 4garasi atau mansion ada SMS harga [14:40:16] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Emma_Mcquinza{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}2210{FF0000}] [14:40:28] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telpon berhenti berdering! [14:40:33] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (435957) [14:40:33] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}sombong sekali. [14:40:52] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [14:40:52] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 435957 [14:40:52] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}sms aja lagi berobat. [14:41:0] (( Keylon Pierce: /cellmenu bisa dimana aja )) [14:41:1] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (435957) [14:41:1] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Oh okey,aku butuh ini........ [14:41:5] (( Zarion Whittemore: Bang Ibnu )) [14:41:24] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{FINDJOB}Bisnis anda membutuhkan seorang pegawai yang rajin,dan berpengalaman?Sayalah orangnya!!! [14:41:24] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Bexsley_Harlyn{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}909094{FF0000}] [14:41:35] (( Zarion Whittemore: Boleh RP NPC ga ke suspect? gada FD, semuanya normal udh saya cek )) [14:42:3] AdmCmd: Ethan_Almerch has been kicked by Regency. [14:42:3] Reason: /health [14:42:10] (( Zarion Whittemore: Gimana bang ibnu? )) [14:42:41] (( PM from [46] Louise_Bishop: meq )) [14:42:42] (( Takeshi Masato: yaudah )) [14:42:49] (( Zarion Whittemore: Oke )) [14:43:13] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [14:43:13] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Share nrg [14:43:14] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [14:43:14] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Share nrg [14:43:15] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [14:43:15] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Share nrg [14:43:16] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [14:43:16] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Share nrg [14:43:18] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [14:43:18] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Share nrg [14:43:19] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [14:43:19] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Share nrg [14:43:20] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [14:43:20] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Share nrg [14:44:17] [RADIO] Lieutenant Samuel Gueltiero: 6-RAPID-2 10-27 to 2-METRO-1. [14:45:23] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [14:45:50] ERROR: You are not holding any weapon! [14:45:52] WEAPON: {ffffff}[Spray Can] {00ffff}SERIAL: {ffffff}[SAPD-182-201981-361] {00ffff}CONDITION: {ffffff}[0%] [14:45:53] WEAPON: {ffffff}[M4] {00ffff}SERIAL: {ffffff}[SAPD-524-454427-726] {00ffff}CONDITION: {ffffff}[99%] [14:45:55] WEAPON: {ffffff}[Desert Eagle] {00ffff}SERIAL: {ffffff}[SAPD-224-373829-434] {00ffff}CONDITION: {ffffff}[100%] [14:45:57] WEAPON: {ffffff}[Nite Stick] {00ffff}SERIAL: {ffffff}[SAPD-729-772900-477] {00ffff}CONDITION: {ffffff}[100%] [14:46:4] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (435957) [14:46:4] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}lagi berobat? [14:46:12] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Dicari Ladang yang butuh Petani rajin Hubungi saya: [14:46:12] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Brooklyn_Olsen{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}593959{FF0000}] [14:46:13] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (435957) [14:46:13] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}semoga cepet sembuh sayanggg. [14:47:14] [ID] ID: 42 | Name: Trever_Oneil | Level: 7 | Ping: 28 | Launcher: No [14:47:19] (( PM from [46] Louise_Bishop: Share nrg )) [14:47:22] (( PM from [46] Louise_Bishop: Share nrg )) [14:47:29] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}You have shared your {00FFFF}NRG-500 {FFFFFF}to {FFFF00}Louise_Bishop [14:47:31] (( PM from [46] Louise_Bishop: ?? )) [14:47:45] AdmCmd: Sharinggan has released Elvano_Rutledge from Admin Jail [14:48:8] (( PM from [46] Louise_Bishop: )) )) [14:48:30] AdmCmd: Tom_Olivier has been kicked by Sharinggan. [14:48:30] Reason: Missusing /report [14:48:33] [RADIO] PO-I Blanchard Rechauffer: 4-METRO-1 transporting one suspect IC2 male for 10-15 procedure to SACF prison, over. [14:49:7] AdmCmd: Luke_Braxton has been kicked by Regency. [14:49:7] Reason: ATIP [14:49:16] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY] Taxi/Cabbie apa aja any insu any up harga sahabat [14:49:16] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Octane_Armstrong{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}444335{FF0000}] [16:1:29] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Selamat datang {ffff00}Vincent_Lee{ffffff}. [16:1:29] Faction MOTD: {FFFF00}Diharapkan untuk aktif In-Game dan Forum, panggilan /r tolong fast response. [16:1:29] MOTD: {ffff00}Mohon menggunakan '/report' dengan benar, berikan informasi yang jelas dan detail {ff0000}- Ian [16:1:29] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Anda terakhir login {ffff00}1 jam yang lalu [16:1:29] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Today is {ffff00}Fri 27 Sep 2019, 16:01:29 [16:1:29] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Server memerlukan waktu {ffff00}418 milisecond{ffffff} untuk memuat data char anda! [16:1:34] PHONE: {FF0000}Number 611130 {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [16:1:38] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Anda telah menjawab telpon. [16:1:38] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Gunakan chat biasa untuk berkomunikasi lewat telpon, '/h' untuk menutup telpon. [16:1:38] [RADIO] PO-II Zlyeth Stottlemeyer: 2-LINCOLN-2 on last fivers. [16:1:39] Vincent Lee [phone]: Siapa [16:1:40] DYOC: {ffffff}Weapons attachment {33AA33}enabled [16:1:52] Caller [phone]: Ghassan [16:1:54] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Beli rumah 2 sampai 4garasi atau mansion ada SMS harga [16:1:54] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Emma_Mcquinza{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}2210{FF0000}] [16:1:54] Vincent Lee [phone]: Kenapa [16:1:57] [ID] ID: 56 | Name: Ghassan_Musson | Level: 3 | Ping: 55 | Launcher: No [16:1:58] Ghassan Musson [phone]: ga [16:1:58] Caller [phone]: ga [16:2:2] Vincent Lee [phone]: Anjer [16:2:3] Ghassan Musson Shouts: eh! [16:2:4] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [16:2:6] Vincent Lee Shouts: APA! [16:2:6] Telepon terputus... [16:2:11] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [16:2:12] Zein Webb says: taxi [16:2:13] Ghassan Musson says: Taxi ga? [16:2:15] Ghassan Musson says: naek [16:2:16] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [16:2:20] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [16:2:21] Vincent Lee Shouts: Cie taxi! [16:2:33] (( PM from [56] Ghassan_Musson: kau dimana? )) [16:2:37] (( Gracious Esquevelle: get dong crash gw )) [16:2:38] (( PM from [56] Ghassan_Musson: kok ada sih owkow )) [16:2:39] (( PM to [56] Ghassan_Musson: here bitch )) [16:2:46] (( Griffin Finnegan: tolong setskin dong )) [16:2:56] (( Raphael Volkoska: ada event apa tadi Ico? )) [16:2:58] 911: Crime: [ ada robber di Flint pake Motor BF merah berdua pake baju putih satunya lagi lupa pake SLC ] [16:2:58] 911: Reporter: [ Brooklyn Olsen ] Phone: [ 593959 ] [16:2:58] Zein Webb says: anjay [16:3:0] (( PM from [56] Ghassan_Musson: prank )) [16:3:1] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Sell | Cheetah 3Insu - 4Upg | Mesin-Body Mulus! | Harga $5,5k NegoDikit! | ButuhDuit! | Call : [16:3:1] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Jessly_Lesley{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}333777{FF0000}] [16:3:1] (( Gracious Esquevelle: hiyahiya )) [16:3:6] (( Gracious Esquevelle: ini lagi )) [16:3:7] [MEGAPHONE] Vincent Lee: Jangan ngebut ngebutan [16:3:12] [MEGAPHONE] Vincent Lee: Kasian penumpangnya [16:3:17] [RADIO] Sergeant II Rachel Akeila: Sergeant II 2-ADAM-3 last niner code 3 [16:3:33] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: 1-ADAM-2 Need partner for patrols. [16:3:34] (( PM from [56] Ghassan_Musson: dia lawan )) [16:3:35] (( PM from [56] Ghassan_Musson: dia lawan )) [16:3:40] (( PM from [56] Ghassan_Musson: di katain )) [16:3:41] (( PM to [56] Ghassan_Musson: lawan apa )) [16:3:45] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [16:3:45] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}kejar [16:3:53] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [16:3:53] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 611130 [16:3:53] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Nnti ada robber [16:3:56] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [16:3:56] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}klu dikatiain [16:4:7] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [16:4:7] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}dimana [16:4:11] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [16:4:11] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 611130 [16:4:11] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}WS Flint [16:4:13] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [16:4:13] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}otw ni [16:4:19] ERROR: You don't have the privilege to use this command! [16:4:42] ERROR: You must be close to a business entrace in order to seal it! [16:4:48] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [16:5:2] BUSINESS: {ffffff}You've {33aa33}Unsealed {ffffff}business '{ffff00}Tatsu Burger Shoot{ffffff}' [16:5:10] WARNING: {ffffff}You've eaten too much, overall fitness rating decreased by {00ffff}0.69 [16:5:10] SHOP: {ffffff}You've purchased {ffff00}Menu +60 {ffffff}for {00ff00}$3.75 [16:5:14] SHOP: {ffffff}You've purchased {ffff00}Energy Drink {ffffff}for {00ff00}$3.75 [16:5:20] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [16:5:20] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}stiker dong [16:5:22] AdmCmd: Veilleux_Sciverit has been kicked by Scumbag. [16:5:22] Reason: AFK [16:5:29] (( PM to [56] Ghassan_Musson: keban nanti kontol )) [16:5:49] BUSINESS: {ffffff}You've {ff0000}sealed {ffffff}business '{ffff00}Tatsu Burger Shoot{ffffff}' [16:6:2] TRAINING: You can now continue training! [16:6:13] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [16:6:13] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}lu aja di marina [16:7:4] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [16:7:4] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 611130 [16:7:4] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Tau dari mana? [16:7:11] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [16:7:11] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}lewat babi [16:7:49] (( PM to [17] Zarion_Whittemore: aw )) [16:7:51] Vincent Lee says: Apa [16:7:56] Ghassan Musson says: Ribut? [16:8:1] * Vincent Lee take m4 from front of body using both hands and ready to shoot. [16:8:10] * Vincent Lee slots his m4 into front of body using both hands. [16:8:43] (( PM to [17] Zarion_Whittemore: zar )) [16:8:43] Ghassan Musson Shouts: stop engine! [16:8:57] (( PM to [17] Zarion_Whittemore: zarionnn:( )) [16:8:57] TOLL: {FFFFFF}Used 1 toll card point to pay toll access. [16:9:1] (( PM from [17] Zarion_Whittemore: Paan )) [16:9:28] Ghassan Musson Shouts: stop engine! [16:9:28] (( PM to [17] Zarion_Whittemore: archive absen gua dong di forum )) [16:9:50] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33} Mencari WS yang membuka lowongan untuk mekanik berpengalaman 5 tahun [16:9:50] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Deffiero_Valdemar{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}112212{FF0000}] [16:9:52] SPEEDTRAP: {ffffff}Speedtrap announcement {33AA33}enabled [16:10:0] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Giancarlos Octavio: Adjudant 10155 reporting to take status 2 [16:10:1] [RADIO] PO-I Raphael Volkoska: Police Officer I 8127 reporting to take status 2, over. [16:10:4] * Vincent Lee take m4 from front of body using both hands and ready to shoot. [16:10:8] [RADIO] PO-I Rehanzo Connor: Police Officer I 8215 reporting taking S2 from locker. [16:10:33] * Vincent Lee slots his m4 into front of body using both hands. [16:10:36] LOCK: {ffffff}Tire-lock has been applied to {ffff00}Cabbie [16:10:39] Ghassan Musson says: handsup [16:10:57] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{66FFFF}[SELL]Sultan 3 Insurance and 4 Upgrade Full Modification, Interest? Cellphone: [16:10:57] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Bradley_Alvarez{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}270013{FF0000}] [16:10:59] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [16:10:59] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}woi babi [16:11:4] (( Rachel Akeila: rame ada radir eh jadi ga sepi )) [16:11:8] Kurry Irving says: pak tolong [16:11:9] (( Riverro_Manier: )) [16:11:13] Vincent Lee says: Napa? [16:11:22] Kurry Irving says: ada rober [16:11:23] Vincent Lee says: Mana [16:11:24] (( Rachel Akeila: takut ndirian )) [16:11:26] [RADIO] PO-II Zlyeth Stottlemeyer: Officer II 8129 teaming up with Officer I 8127 under 2-ADAM-2 clearing Angel Pine Precinct. [16:11:26] Kurry Irving says: di market [16:11:29] Kurry Irving says: itu [16:11:31] Vincent Lee says: dalem? [16:11:33] Kurry Irving says: iya [16:11:36] * Vincent Lee take m4 from front of body using both hands and ready to shoot. [16:11:44] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [16:11:44] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}ga ada [16:11:44] LOCK: {ffffff}Tire-lock has been removed from {ffff00}Cabbie [16:11:47] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [16:11:47] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}di tipi [16:11:58] Martin_Carlos telah keluar dari server. (Pergi) [16:12:3] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{SELL}Sultan 2insu 2up Tawarkan harga terbaikmu. [16:12:3] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Bexsley_Harlyn{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}909094{FF0000}] [16:12:9] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: TAC-1 [16:12:14] Ghassan Musson says: Ini? [16:12:21] Ghassan Musson says: Ini? [16:12:31] [RADIO] PO-II Zlyeth Stottlemeyer: 2-ADAM-2 assisting TAC-One [16:12:32] Farrell Rucker Says [low]: Bukan saya pak [16:12:32] Ghassan Musson says: gua keluar [16:12:40] * Vincent Lee slots his m4 into front of body using both hands. [16:12:43] * Vincent Lee draws .44 from his holster on ultility belt. [16:12:43] [RADIO] PO-I Rehanzo Connor: Police Officer I 8215 teaming up with Adjudant 10155 now is S4 under 0-ADAM-1 cleared from '20 Angelpine Precint [16:12:44] 911: Crime: [ terjadi sotot di ws flint ] [16:12:44] 911: Reporter: [ Ghassan Musson ] Phone: [ 611130 ] [16:12:50] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Giancarlos Octavio: 0-ADAM-1 launch on TAC 1 [16:12:56] 911: Crime: [ terjadi sotot di ws flint, di dalem supermarket. ] [16:12:56] 911: Reporter: [ Ghassan Musson ] Phone: [ 611130 ] [16:13:7] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: Help Shotfired market flint [16:13:7] Terlihat kaki martin putus. ((Martin Carlos)) [16:13:10] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{66FFFF}[SELL]Cheetah 3 Insurance and 4 Upgrade Full Modification, Interest? Cellphone: [16:13:10] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Bradley_Alvarez{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}270013{FF0000}] [16:13:12] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [16:13:12] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}keluar [16:13:16] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [16:13:16] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}keluar ae [16:13:20] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [16:13:24] BEACON: {ffffff}Beacon deployed, it will be automatically deleted in 5 minutes [16:13:25] Ghassan Musson says: gua tabrak [16:13:28] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: Beacon shotfired [16:13:43] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: Suspect down [16:13:54] [RADIO] Lieutenant Samuel Gueltiero: Goodjob. [16:13:55] (( Vincent Lee: akowkowaowa )) [16:14:4] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [16:14:4] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}marah? [16:14:5] ERROR: No queued reports! [16:14:7] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [16:14:8] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 611130 [16:14:8] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Siapa marah? [16:14:9] (( Giancarlos Octavio: berani dia lawan PD citer )) [16:14:11] (( Giancarlos Octavio: wkowkwo )) [16:14:17] (( Rehanzo Connor: cuman pantekin bangga:v )) [16:14:17] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[DICARI] Taxi AnyUp Call Or Sms Me : [16:14:17] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Deangelo_Hudson{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}113020{FF0000}] [16:14:21] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [16:14:21] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}robongan lo ke babalsan [16:14:24] (( Raphael Volkoska: hahaha )) [16:14:28] terlihat maskman sudah mati karena tidak ada pertolongan pertama ((Mask 633695)) [16:14:29] (( Vincent Lee: itu pada mau kemana )) [16:14:32] * Vincent Lee slots .44 into his holster on ultility belt. [16:14:44] * Vincent Lee menendang senjata maskman dengan kaki kanan. [16:14:46] bisa? ((Vincent Lee)) [16:14:47] (( Zarion Whittemore: Senayan )) [16:14:48] (( Edward William: senayan )) [16:14:55] yes ((Mask 633695)) [16:14:57] id? ((Vincent Lee)) [16:15:1] 12 ((Mask 633695)) [16:15:1] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [16:15:1] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}ini dalem juga ? [16:15:6] * Zlyeth Stottlemeyer grabs his Remmington.870 from front body with right hand, reloading and puts his finger on the trige [16:15:6] r [16:15:6] TAKEINFO: Anda telah menyita senjata dari Luke Braxton [16:15:9] done. ((Vincent Lee)) [16:15:15] * Vincent Lee memeriksa kondisi tubuh maskman [16:15:18] INSPECT: {ffffff}You've requested an inspection to {ffff00}Luke_Braxton [16:15:22] terlihat maskman sudah mati karena tidak ada pertolongan pertama ((Mask 633695)) [16:15:27] * Zlyeth Stottlemeyer slings his Remmington.870 to front body [16:15:37] Rachel Akeila says: sore [16:15:39] * Ghassan Musson membawa nya ke luar [16:15:41] Vincent Lee: (( temen lu /q ya? )) [16:15:45] Raphael Volkoska says: Kesini [16:15:49] * Ghassan Musson meletakan nya ke tanah dengan bantuan tangan [16:15:50] * Zlyeth Stottlemeyer mengambil BLS dari dalam cruiser. [16:15:50] Martin Carlos: (( putih banget )) [16:15:53] (( Samuel Gueltiero: CFD )) [16:15:54] Martin Carlos: (( ga keliatan cu )) [16:16:0] * Vincent Lee menggotong tubuh suspect dengan bantuan kedua tangan. [16:16:0] * Zlyeth Stottlemeyer meletakkan BLS ke tanah. [16:16:0] Martin Carlos: (( jangan di taro sini )) [16:16:6] bisa? ((Vincent Lee)) [16:16:6] AdmCmd: Hyung1 has jailed Adriana_Jollie for 2019 minute(s) [16:16:6] Reason: Jail CK. [16:16:14] * Zlyeth Stottlemeyer memeriksa kondisi Carlos. [16:16:22] DRAG: You requested drag permission from Luke_Braxton [16:16:29] DRAG: {FFFFFF}You are now dragging {FFFF00}Luke_Braxton [16:16:30] * Ghassan Musson meletakan nya ke tanah dengan bantuan tangan [16:16:30] * Raphael Volkoska memakai glove nitrile [16:16:30] [PD] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: Police 10168 To FD [16:16:35] Terlihat kepala martin masi ada peluru. ((Martin Carlos)) [16:16:39] Ghassan Musson says: undrag [16:16:41] Ghassan Musson says: )) [16:16:47] * Vincent Lee meletakkan tubuh suspect di tanah. [16:16:48] * Raphael Volkoska mengecek tubuh Martin dengan kedua tangan [16:16:48] Ghassan Musson says: Ini korban. [16:16:48] DRAG: {FFFFFF}You've released {FFFF00}Luke_Braxton [16:16:54] * Zlyeth Stottlemeyer meletakkan BLS. [16:16:55] * Giancarlos Octavio mengeluarkan BLS Kit dari trunk cruiser [16:17:6] terlihat maskman sudah mati karena tidak ada pertolongan pertama ((Mask 633695)) [16:17:7] * Zlyeth Stottlemeyer membuka BLS lalu mengambil nitrile gloves dan memakainya. [16:17:8] * Giancarlos Octavio meletakkan BLS Kit di lantai [16:17:10] Terdapat 1 bullet di kepala ((Raphael Volkoska)) [16:17:12] Kurry Irving says: iya sama sama pak [16:17:13] [PD] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: Police 10168 To FD [16:17:13] * Zlyeth Stottlemeyer memeriksa kondisi Rucker. [16:17:14] [MD] Deputy Comm. Riverro Manier: FIRE 103 here. [16:17:15] Kurry Irving says: saya juga kaget [16:17:21] Terlihat kepala martin bercucuran darah. ((Martin Carlos)) [16:17:21] @Martin tidak bisa di selamatkan ((Raphael Volkoska)) [16:17:22] * Kurry Irving merasa tenang [16:17:26] Ghassan Musson Says [low]: manta tidak kak? [16:17:28] Permission accept death ((Martin Carlos)) [16:17:40] * Zlyeth Stottlemeyer meletakkan 2 jari ke alat pernapasan Rucker lalu memeriksa pernapasannya. [16:17:41] wait ((Raphael Volkoska)) [16:17:45] Okey. ((Martin Carlos)) [16:17:48] berapa pernapasan? (12-18 Normal) ((Zlyeth Stottlemeyer)) [16:17:50] * Raphael Volkoska mengecek tubuh Martin [16:17:52] [PD] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: Can you send your unit to 10-20 Flint gas? , there 1 Suspect down. [16:17:58] 12 ((Farrell Rucker)) [16:18:1] Ghassan Musson Says [low]: Itu korban? [16:18:1] * Rehanzo Connor membuka BLS kit dan memasang nitrile gloves. [16:18:2] [MD] Deputy Comm. Riverro Manier: FIRE 103 copy, arranging unit please stand by. [16:18:13] Terlihat martin telah meninggal dunia. ((Martin Carlos)) [16:18:13] Ghassan Musson [phone]: paramedic [16:18:14] Boleh accept death @martin ((Raphael Volkoska)) [16:18:15] Rachel Akeila says: officer dia korban apa? [16:18:22] [PD] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: Thanks FD, Police 10168 Out. [16:18:23] Zlyeth Stottlemeyer says: Mungkin suspect. [16:18:24] * Rehanzo Connor inspect his body with both hands [16:18:27] Ghassan Musson [phone]: mohon ke lokasi WS Flint karna ada banyak korban dan pelaku Robbry. [16:18:30] ID? ((Rehanzo Connor)) [16:18:33] * Zlyeth Stottlemeyer memeriksa denyut nadi Rucker. [16:18:35] 12 ((Mask 633695)) [16:18:38] Vincent Lee says: Dia korban [16:18:38] terlihat maskman sudah mati karena tidak ada pertolongan pertama ((Mask 633695)) [16:18:41] (( Giancarlos Octavio: anim nenteng snjata apa ya, lupa )) [16:18:42] (( Vincent Lee: berisik banget tsnya:( )) [16:18:47] berapa denyut nadi? (60 - 100 normal) ((Zlyeth Stottlemeyer)) [16:18:49] Rachel Akeila says: wah dua kkali kena dia [16:18:53] 60 ((Farrell Rucker)) [16:18:55] (( Zarion Whittemore: 1370 )) [16:18:55] (( Samuel Gueltiero: 1183 )) [16:19:5] Zlyeth Stottlemeyer says: Hanya terkena luka goresan saja. [16:19:7] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [16:19:7] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}wkokwo mantap [16:19:16] (( Vincent Lee: wkkw 1370 )) [16:19:16] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [16:19:16] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Gua tubruk ae. [16:19:20] Rachel Akeila says: oh [16:19:23] Zlyeth Stottlemeyer says: Sergeant, sudah manggil FD ? [16:19:23] pendarahan bagian mana? ((Rehanzo Connor)) [16:19:24] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [16:19:24] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 611130 [16:19:24] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}makasih wkwk [16:19:28] Kurry Irving [phone]: taxi [16:19:29] Raphael Volkoska says: Bagaimana Officer? [16:19:32] Raphael Volkoska says: Butuh bantuan? [16:19:34] Kurry Irving [phone]: di flint [16:19:34] * Giancarlos Octavio Take M4 from UB and safety still ON [16:19:42] Rehanzo Connor says: Silahkan jika bisa [16:19:47] * Zlyeth Stottlemeyer mengambil saline solution dan cotton pad lalu membasuhnya. [16:19:47] Rehanzo Connor says: Ambil alih [16:19:51] * Giancarlos Octavio securing arround area [16:19:53] Raphael Volkoska says: Baik [16:19:59] AdmCmd: Jhon_Kaspari has been kicked by kitopacak. [16:19:59] Reason: menyalahgunakan /report [16:19:59] * Zlyeth Stottlemeyer membersihkan area luka Rucker menggunakan cotton pad. [16:19:59] * Vincent Lee take m4 from front of body using both hands and ready to shoot. [16:20:7] [RADIO] PO-I Rehanzo Connor: 0-ADAM-1 securing area [16:20:9] Type Mask apa? ((Raphael Volkoska)) [16:20:10] * Zlyeth Stottlemeyer memeriksa kondisi Rucker. [16:20:12] Helper kitopacak: *salah kick [16:20:18] AdmCmd: Paulo_Gerald has been kicked by kitopacak. [16:20:18] Reason: menyalahgunakan /report [16:20:29] Vincent Lee Shouts: Come FD! [16:20:35] Rachel Akeila says: itu ada fd officer [16:20:37] terlihat maskman sudah mati karena tidak ada pertolongan pertama ((Luke Braxton)) [16:20:38] Vincent Lee says: Here suspect [16:20:39] * Vincent Lee slots his m4 into front of body using both hands. [16:20:43] Raphael Volkoska says: Take over Fire [16:20:48] * Zlyeth Stottlemeyer memegang lengan Rucker lalu mencubitnya. [16:20:51] ada reaksi? ((Zlyeth Stottlemeyer)) [16:20:52] terlihat maskman sudah mati karena tidak ada pertolongan pertama ((Luke Braxton)) [16:20:53] * Riverro Manier meletakkan kotak ALS dan memakai nitrile gloves. [16:20:53] * Vincent Lee mengambil borgol dari u.b lalu memborgol tangan suspect [16:20:55] ada perlawanan? ((Vincent Lee)) [16:20:56] Ada ((Farrell Rucker)) [16:21:4] i mean, can i? ((Vincent Lee)) [16:21:5] * Riverro Manier mengecek response Luke dengan mencubit otot bahunya. [16:21:6] Farrell Rucker says: )) [16:21:12] Apakah ada response? ((Riverro Manier)) [16:21:18] Riverro Manier says: Anda bisa mendengar suara saya? [16:21:24] tidak ((Luke Braxton)) [16:21:26] * Zlyeth Stottlemeyer mendekatkan telinga ke wajah Rucker. [16:21:27] Kurry_Irving telah keluar dari server. (Pergi) [16:21:28] (( PM from [56] Ghassan_Musson: yg 1 /q? )) [16:21:29] can i abble? ((Vincent Lee)) [16:21:32] karena Luke telah mati ((Luke Braxton)) [16:21:35] (( PM to [56] Ghassan_Musson: biarin dia korban )) [16:21:40] * Riverro Manier menggunting baju Luke dengan trauma scissor dan menempelkan 12 kabel ECG pada dadanya. [16:21:41] can i abble? ((Vincent Lee)) [16:21:44] (( PM from [56] Ghassan_Musson: yg bawa de /q kan? )) [16:21:47] (( PM to [56] Ghassan_Musson: engga )) [16:21:47] Berapa denyut nadi Luke? normal 60-100 ((Riverro Manier)) [16:21:55] 0 ((Luke Braxton)) [16:22:2] * Riverro Manier melihat kondisi luka Luke. [16:22:2] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [16:22:2] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}2korban? [16:22:7] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [16:22:7] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 611130 [16:22:7] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}3 [16:22:9] karena sudah mati karena tidak ada pertolongan pertama ((Luke Braxton)) [16:22:12] Raphael Volkoska says: Aman officer? [16:22:15] Zlyeth Stottlemeyer says: Sergeant. [16:22:16] can i cuff? ((Vincent Lee)) [16:22:21] Rachel Akeila says: ya [16:22:24] Jawab rp @Luke ((Vincent Lee)) [16:22:24] Zlyeth Stottlemeyer says: 1 victim sudah aman. [16:22:25] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [16:22:25] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Pake apa nembak lu? [16:22:30] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [16:22:30] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 611130 [16:22:30] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Apanya? [16:22:37] * Riverro Manier mengambil trauma dressing dan mengaplikasikannya pada luka Luke untuk menghentikan pendarahan. [16:22:39] Jawab rp @Luke ((Vincent Lee)) [16:22:42] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [16:22:42] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}yg tadi pake gun apa pas dia keluar [16:22:43] Rachel Akeila says: oh kalau dia sipil warga bbaik silakan di llanjut saja dia [16:22:50] Riverro Manier says: Jangan di borgol dulu. [16:23:0] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [16:23:0] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 611130 [16:23:0] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Pake DE [16:23:5] Rachel Akeila says: dia kan cuma korban [16:23:11] Vincent Lee says: Ini korban [16:23:13] Zlyeth Stottlemeyer says: Siap, sergeant. [16:23:24] * Riverro Manier memasukan 0.5mg ateropine kedalam IV syringe. [16:23:30] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [16:23:30] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}2kali gua bantu PD. [16:23:36] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [16:23:36] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 611130 [16:23:36] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}wkwk mantap dah:v [16:23:41] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [16:23:41] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Pagi tadi ama Gloria, eh ama Lu. [16:23:45] Rachel Akeila says: bagaimana keadaan anda pak [16:23:45] * Riverro Manier mengikat lengan atas Luke dengan torniquet dan menyuntikan ateropine melalui pembuluh darah Luke den [16:23:45] gan IV needle [16:23:50] .. dan melepaskan NDS perlahan. ((Riverro Manier)) [16:23:59] Ateropine akan membantu meningkatkan denyut nadi Luke. ((Riverro Manier)) [16:24:5] Berapa denyut nadi Luke? normal 60-100 ((Riverro Manier)) [16:24:6] Zlyeth Stottlemeyer says: Kalau masih lemas, istirahat saja dulu. [16:24:8] terlihat goresan yang ada di dada ((Farrell Rucker)) [16:24:14] Rachel Akeila says: apakah sudah bisa berjalan dan lebih enakan kondisinya [16:24:17] Vincent Lee says: Re Arms bentar [16:24:26] (( Edward Lenaghan: a )) [16:24:34] [RADIO] Lieutenant Edward Lenaghan: Lieutenant 9729 reporting for off duty [16:24:44] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [16:24:44] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}lu main masuk2 ae ke supermarket kowkow [16:24:50] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [16:24:50] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}biasanya kan pd diemin. [16:24:52] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [16:24:52] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 611130 [16:24:52] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}awowaokaowk kaget anjink [16:24:56] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [16:24:56] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 611130 [16:24:56] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Kan gua ngecek [16:25:1] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 57 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Flint Intersection [16:25:8] TOLL: {FFFFFF}Used 1 toll card point to pay toll access. [16:25:8] ERROR: Please wait untill the gate is closed! [16:25:15] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [16:25:15] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}gua ga percaya klu ada rob di situ [16:25:21] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [16:25:21] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}eh pas masuk lu udah sotot. [16:25:23] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [16:25:23] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 611130 [16:25:23] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}waokaokkowa dia ketakutan anjeng:v [16:26:17] ARMOURY: {ffff00}Health & Armour refilled! [16:26:21] ARMOURY: {ffff00}Health & Armour refilled! [16:26:24] ARMOURY: {ffff00}Ammo restocked! [16:26:27] AdmCmd: Finn_Evans has been kicked by Hyung1. [16:26:27] Reason: ATIP. [16:26:30] ARMOURY: {ffff00}Ammo restocked! [16:26:45] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [16:26:45] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Bonus nya ambilin Benson di LSIC aja. [16:27:3] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [16:27:3] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 611130 [16:27:3] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Nanti masi urus suspect [16:27:12] ERROR: that player is not connected! [16:27:17] (( PM to [56] Ghassan_Musson: a )) [16:27:21] (( PM to [56] Ghassan_Musson: passa mana? )) [16:27:25] (( PM from [56] Ghassan_Musson: knp? )) [16:27:27] (( PM to [56] Ghassan_Musson: passa mana? )) [16:27:30] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 49 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Santa Maria Beach [16:27:33] (( PM from [56] Ghassan_Musson: ada knp )) [16:27:37] (( PM to [56] Ghassan_Musson: suruh ig )) [16:27:44] (( PM from [56] Ghassan_Musson: di depok. )) [16:27:48] (( PM to [56] Ghassan_Musson: katanya mau buat laporan penerimaan kunci )) [16:27:57] TOLL: {FFFFFF}Used 1 toll card point to pay toll access. [16:27:58] ERROR: Please wait untill the gate is closed! [16:27:58] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [16:27:58] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Gua aja sini. [16:28:3] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [16:28:3] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 611130 [16:28:3] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Buat 2 laporan ya [16:28:9] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [16:28:9] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Ye. [16:28:9] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Sell]Premier 3insurance | 4upgrade | modifications | interest it? Contact Person: [16:28:9] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Paulo_Gerald{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}666682{FF0000}] [16:28:9] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 60 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Flint Intersection [16:28:18] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [16:28:18] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 611130 [16:28:18] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Ke elektronik deket banj [16:28:27] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 48 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Flint Intersection [16:28:31] (( PM to [24] Giancarlos_Octavio: BAU MEMEK )) [16:28:37] TOLL: {FFFFFF}Used 1 toll card point to pay toll access. [16:28:40] (( PM to [24] Giancarlos_Octavio: BAU MEMEK )) [16:28:41] (( PM to [24] Giancarlos_Octavio: BAU MEMEK )) [16:28:48] Vincent Lee: (( whattt? )) [16:28:50] (( PM from [24] Giancarlos_Octavio: apanya )) [16:28:53] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [16:28:53] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}WAIT. [16:28:58] (( PM to [24] Giancarlos_Octavio: muka lu bau memek )) [16:29:5] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [16:29:5] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 611130 [16:29:5] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}CEPAD [16:29:8] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 62 MPH in 60 MPH limit zone, location: Rodeo [16:29:17] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{fff000}[Sell] Cabbie 1upgrade fullmodif minat CP. [16:29:17] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Ghassan_Musson{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}611130{FF0000}] [16:29:18] PHONE: {FF0000}Number 930000 {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [16:29:20] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Anda telah menjawab telpon. [16:29:20] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Gunakan chat biasa untuk berkomunikasi lewat telpon, '/h' untuk menutup telpon. [16:29:24] Vincent Lee [phone]: Siapa? [16:29:26] Caller [phone]: Hallo Benar anda Sodara vincent ? [16:29:33] Vincent Lee [phone]: Ya [16:29:50] Caller [phone]: Anda di harapkan ke GYM ELS sekarang [16:29:57] Vincent Lee [phone]: Buat? [16:30:4] (( Gracious Esquevelle: /anim 833 )) [16:30:10] Caller [phone]: Pokoknya anda kesini saja dulu [16:30:16] Vincent Lee [phone]: Ada apa dulu [16:30:25] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{fff000}[SELL] Benson 3insurance polos harga CP. [16:30:25] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Ghassan_Musson{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}611130{FF0000}] [16:30:26] Caller [phone]: Ada bisnis [16:30:29] (( Blanchard Rechauffer: 400 )) [16:30:33] Caller [phone]: anda sudah tau ? [16:30:33] TRAINING: {FFFFFF}You've leveled up your {00FFFF}Shotgun (pump) {FFFFFF}skill from {FFFF00}500 {FFFFFF}to {00FF00}600 [16:30:33] TRAINING: {FFFFFF}You must wait {FFFF00}15 minutes {FFFFFF}before you can level up another skill. [16:30:37] Vincent Lee [phone]: Bisnis paan [16:30:39] Caller [phone]: sudah di beritahukan ? [16:30:43] Vincent Lee [phone]: Owh [16:30:44] Caller [phone]: sama Owen Pearson ? [16:30:44] Vincent Lee [phone]: Yaya gua tau [16:30:46] Vincent Lee [phone]: Yaya gua tau [16:30:52] Caller [phone]: baik [16:30:55] Vincent Lee [phone]: Ok [16:30:59] Caller [phone]: Anda kesini ya [16:31:1] Vincent Lee [phone]: Benta [16:31:1] Vincent Lee [phone]: Bentar [16:31:4] Vincent Lee [phone]: Mau ngasih kunci [16:31:12] Caller [phone]: Baik saya tutup telfonnya [16:31:13] Telepon terputus... [16:31:20] Mask 523009 says: pak [16:31:22] Vincent Lee says: A;a [16:31:23] Vincent Lee says: )) [16:31:24] Vincent Lee says: Apa [16:31:26] Mask 523009 says: ada uang receh ga ? [16:31:28] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [16:31:29] Vincent Lee says: Ga ada [16:31:31] Mask 523009 says: buat makan ? [16:31:32] (( Zarion Whittemore: Asu jatoh )) [16:31:35] (( Gracious Esquevelle: ic )) [16:31:37] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [16:31:37] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 930000 [16:31:37] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}ketemuan dimana? [16:31:38] (( Edward William: sabar )) [16:31:41] (( Zarion Whittemore: Pake 959 jatoh gila )) [16:31:45] ERROR: that player is not connected! [16:31:45] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (930000) [16:31:45] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}GYM ELS saja [16:31:47] ERROR: that player is not connected! [16:31:47] (( Gracious Esquevelle: itu tadi dimiringin )) [16:31:50] (( Zarion Whittemore: Nyesel gua oakwoakw )) [16:31:50] Mask 523009 says: buat makan ? [16:31:51] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [16:31:51] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 930000 [16:31:51] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Bentar ini orangnya ilang [16:31:53] (( Gracious Esquevelle: yang gakuat iman langsung jatuh )) [16:31:53] Vincent Lee says: Ga ada [16:31:55] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [16:31:56] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (930000) [16:31:56] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Siapa ? [16:31:56] Mask 523009 says: Oke [16:32:3] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (930000) [16:32:3] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}jangan ajak orang.... [16:32:3] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [16:32:3] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 930000 [16:32:3] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Yang mau ambil kunci [16:32:9] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [16:32:9] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 930000 [16:32:9] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Gua cuman mau ngasih kunci [16:32:15] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (930000) [16:32:15] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Baik [16:32:16] (( Zarion Whittemore: Get cuy, jatoh )) [16:32:21] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: TAC-1 Clear [16:32:23] [RADIO] PO-I Rehanzo Connor: 0-ADAM-1 pulling out from TAC-1 back to status four [16:32:33] (( Zarion Whittemore: Berenti dulu coy )) [16:32:43] ERROR: Unable to find vehicle near you! [16:32:47] BUSINESS: {ffffff}You've hired {ffff00}Ghassan_Musson {ffffff}to your business ({00ff00}{FF00FF} Linx Electronic{ffffff}) [16:32:50] Ghassan Musson says: lu aja m4 nya beli [16:32:52] (( PM from [24] Giancarlos_Octavio: ts AP )) [16:32:52] Ghassan Musson says: di ammo [16:32:55] Vincent Lee says: Bahaha [16:32:57] (( Zarion Whittemore: ketinggal )) [16:33:1] Ghassan Musson says: ya kan [16:33:2] 911: Crime: [ ada robber mc ] [16:33:2] 911: Reporter: [ Bexsley Harlyn ] Phone: [ 909094 ] [16:33:2] (( PM to [24] Giancarlos_Octavio: wait )) [16:33:6] Ghassan Musson: (( gua /buygun tadi )) [16:33:14] Driving license: [{00FF00}Valid until Fri 27 Sep 2019, 18:32:38{FFFFFF}] [16:33:14] Flying license: [{FF0000}Not passed{FFFFFF}] [16:33:14] Boat license: [{00FF00}Valid until Thu 07 Nov 2019, 14:11:07{FFFFFF}] [16:33:14] Firearm license: [{FF0000}Not passed{FFFFFF}] [16:33:14] NOTE: use '/licenses show [playerid/name]' to show licenses to other player! [16:33:16] Vincent Lee says: Awas [16:33:20] Ghassan Musson says: ya kan? [16:33:22] Vincent Lee says: Gua mau di panggil orang [16:33:24] [RADIO] PO-I Rehanzo Connor: 0-ADAM-1 on niner code 3. [16:33:25] Vincent Lee says: Gua mau di panggil orang [16:33:37] (( PM from [30] Ghassan_Musson: ss )) [16:33:40] (( PM from [30] Ghassan_Musson: ss lupa )) [16:33:41] (( PM to [30] Ghassan_Musson: apanya )) [16:33:41] [RADIO] PO-I Raphael Volkoska: 2-ADAM-2 reporting code 7 for treatment medical '20 All Saint General Hospital, over. [16:33:46] (( PM to [30] Ghassan_Musson: memek ah )) [16:33:52] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (930000) [16:33:52] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Waktu 16.40 kami hendak berangkat [16:34:6] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [16:34:6] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}M4 berapa? [16:34:7] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [16:34:7] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 930000 [16:34:7] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Enroute 1minutes to GYM ELS [16:34:10] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [16:34:11] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [16:34:11] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 611130 [16:34:11] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Gatau [16:34:13] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [16:34:13] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Sniper ada? [16:34:16] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [16:34:16] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 611130 [16:34:16] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Gatau [16:34:27] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (930000) [16:34:27] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Oke i waiting [16:34:39] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [16:34:39] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 930000 [16:34:39] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Im in here [16:34:45] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [16:34:45] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 930000 [16:34:45] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Where are you? [16:34:56] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [16:34:56] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}LSIC. [16:35:3] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [16:35:3] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 611130 [16:35:3] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}nnti [16:35:13] ERROR: Dilarang menggunakan karakter '\' ! [16:35:14] ERROR: You are not near any free GYM Equipment! [16:35:25] Donald Myers says: Nyari siapa pak ? [16:35:30] Vincent Lee says: Nyari orang [16:35:35] Donald Myers says: Orang ? [16:35:36] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [16:35:39] Donald Myers says: yang banyakan / [16:35:39] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [16:35:39] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}ada supact bawa m4 [16:35:40] Donald Myers says: )) [16:35:44] Donald Myers says: yang banyakan ? [16:35:48] Vincent Lee says: Lu kontol orangnya [16:35:49] Donald Myers says: yang banyakan ? [16:35:53] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [16:35:53] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 611130 [16:35:53] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Hah? [16:35:56] Vincent Lee says: Lu kontol orangnya [16:36:3] Donald Myers says: Apanya ? [16:36:4] Donald Myers says: anjir [16:36:6] (( PM from [30] Ghassan_Musson: wa )) [16:36:12] Vincent Lee says: Lu pikir gua ga trace [16:36:14] Vincent Lee says: TOLOL [16:36:14] PAYINFO: {ffffff}You've received {00ff00}$0.27 {ffffff}from {ffff00}Donald Myers [id:45] [16:36:20] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [16:36:20] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}apart ELS [16:36:21] Vincent Lee: (( apasi;v )) [16:36:22] Donald Myers says: Dih [16:36:24] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [16:36:24] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 611130 [16:36:24] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Dimana [16:36:28] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [16:36:29] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [16:36:29] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}arah bank [16:36:29] Donald Myers says: Ikut ke Showroom [16:36:33] AdmCmd: Saverio_Rodrigo has been kicked by kitopacak. [16:36:33] Reason: Bawel [16:36:37] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [16:36:37] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 611130 [16:36:37] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}apanya si [16:36:38] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [16:36:38] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}cod gerja [16:36:40] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [16:36:40] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}rob [16:36:40] Donald Myers: (( give gua gunnya :v )) [16:36:45] Vincent Lee: (( ga keban;v )) [16:36:48] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [16:36:48] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}gereja [16:36:50] Donald Myers: (( anjir )) [16:36:51] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [16:36:51] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 611130 [16:36:51] MESSAGE: {FFFF00} ok [16:36:52] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [16:36:52] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}gua kasih tau [16:36:58] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [16:36:58] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 611130 [16:36:58] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}naik apa [16:37:1] Vincent Lee says: bentar ada robber [16:37:2] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [16:37:2] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}sini buru [16:37:7] Donald Myers says: Gua ikut [16:37:14] Donald Myers: (( si irone )) [16:37:20] Vincent Lee says: Mana [16:37:21] Donald Myers says: di depan [16:37:21] Vincent Lee says: TOLOL [16:37:21] Donald Myers says: di depan [16:37:21] Ghassan Musson says: belakang [16:37:22] Donald Myers says: di depan [16:37:22] Donald Myers says: di depan [16:37:23] Donald Myers says: di depan [16:37:23] Donald Myers says: di depan [16:37:26] Donald Myers says: kana [16:37:27] Donald Myers says: kanan [16:37:28] Donald Myers says: Kiri [16:37:29] Donald Myers says: Kiri [16:37:35] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [16:37:35] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}buru [16:37:36] Vincent Lee says: Dimana sih [16:37:38] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [16:37:38] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 611130 [16:37:38] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Dimana [16:37:41] Donald Myers says: Lurus [16:37:43] Ghassan Musson says: kanan [16:37:48] Donald Myers says: Nah [16:37:48] Ghassan Musson says: diem bego [16:37:49] Donald Myers says: kiri [16:37:50] (( Zarion Whittemore: Nyangkut )) [16:37:51] 911: Crime: [ Ada perampokan di mechanic center segera diatas ] [16:37:51] 911: Reporter: [ Randika Bargawastra ] Phone: [ 361004 ] [16:37:51] Ghassan Musson says: kaana [16:37:56] (( Gracious Esquevelle: tolong jatuh kebawah semuanya item )) [16:37:57] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [16:37:57] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}lurus [16:38:0] (( Gracious Esquevelle: asli keren tadi wkwk )) [16:38:1] 911: Crime: [ Huntley Merah 4 orang Rob di daerah jefferson. ] [16:38:1] 911: Reporter: [ Irene Torres ] Phone: [ 545256 ] [16:38:1] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [16:38:1] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}kiri [16:38:7] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [16:38:7] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}kanan [16:38:9] Whisper from Donald Myers: pay gua 500 [16:38:14] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [16:38:14] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}arah bank [16:38:17] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [16:38:17] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}buru bank [16:38:21] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [16:38:21] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}lamak [16:38:21] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: 1-ADAM-2 Responding last niner [16:38:24] PAYCHECK: {FFFF00}Pergi ke bank dan /signcheck untuk mendapatkan gaji anda atau pergi ke salah satu ATM! [16:38:27] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [16:38:27] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}kiri [16:38:29] 911: Crime: [ ada Robbery memakai Huntley merah 4 orang 2orang memakai Sg ] [16:38:29] 911: Reporter: [ Deangelo Hudson ] Phone: [ 113020 ] [16:38:34] Donald Myers Says [car]: Anjir [16:38:36] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [16:38:36] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}kanan [16:38:40] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [16:38:40] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}lurus [16:38:48] (( PM from [21] Louise_Bishop: share nrg )) [16:38:48] (( PM from [21] Louise_Bishop: share nrg )) [16:38:53] Ghassan Musson says: lurus [16:38:53] Donald Myers Says [car]: Jadi PD ah gua [16:38:53] (( PM from [21] Louise_Bishop: miss... )) [16:38:57] Irene Torres says: pak [16:38:58] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [16:38:58] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Share nrg [16:38:58] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}You have shared your {00FFFF}NRG-500 {FFFFFF}to {FFFF00}Louise_Bishop [16:38:58] Ghassan Musson says: lurus [16:38:58] Irene Torres says: ada rob [16:39:0] Vincent Lee says: Apa [16:39:1] Vincent Lee says: Mana [16:39:1] Ghassan Musson says: lamak amat [16:39:1] Irene Torres says: ada rob [16:39:3] Ghassan Musson says: lamak amat [16:39:3] Vincent Lee says: Mana [16:39:5] Ghassan Musson says: bego [16:39:6] Irene Torres says: pake huntley merah [16:39:6] Ghassan Musson says: lurus [16:39:7] Irene Torres says: pake huntley merah [16:39:7] Ghassan Musson says: lurus [16:39:17] Whisper from Donald Myers: bagi gua $500 anjir ;v [16:39:19] Ghassan Musson says: redeo mungkin [16:39:21] Ghassan Musson says: apart [16:39:22] Vincent Lee says: Bentar [16:39:31] Vincent Lee says: Dimana robbernya [16:39:39] Ghassan Musson Says [car]: pusing [16:39:40] Irene Torres says: tadi ke arah jefferson! [16:39:40] Donald Myers says: Rodeo [16:39:42] Donald Myers says: Rodeo [16:39:43] Irene Torres says: gatau sekarang mah [16:39:46] Ghassan Musson says: Redo cek [16:39:52] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (123551) [16:39:52] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Pak [16:39:55] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [16:39:55] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 123551 [16:39:55] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}apa beb [16:39:57] Ghassan Musson says: puseing [16:40:1] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Palomino Farm. Price? PC. [16:40:1] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Gael_Nores{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}77777770{FF0000}] [16:40:2] SPEEDTRAP: {ffffff}Speedtrap announcement {ff0000}disabled [16:40:3] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (123551) [16:40:3] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}lagi cari rober ya [16:40:3] SPEEDTRAP: {ffffff}Speedtrap announcement {33AA33}enabled [16:40:8] Whisper from Donald Myers: turunin ae anjir lah [16:40:8] Ghassan Musson [phone]: ada dokter yang bertugas? [16:40:11] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [16:40:11] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 123551 [16:40:11] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}waokwaokwkoa kamu robbernya kontol:v [16:40:16] Ghassan Musson says: lu ga ada sultan? [16:40:17] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (123551) [16:40:17] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Ada pak, dia naik huntley [16:40:22] Ghassan Musson says: gua beli [16:40:23] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (123551) [16:40:23] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Di Flint kearah BB [16:40:23] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [16:40:23] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 123551 [16:40:23] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}dimana [16:40:28] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (123551) [16:40:28] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Kearah BB [16:40:31] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [16:40:31] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 123551 [16:40:31] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}lu tau sekarang dia dimana [16:40:37] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (123551) [16:40:37] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Kearah bb kontol [16:40:39] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [16:40:39] HUD: {FFFFFF}Player HUD is {FF0000}hidden [16:40:41] HUD: {FFFFFF}Player HUD is {00FF00}visible [16:40:51] (( Zarion Whittemore: OAKWOAKW )) [16:40:55] (( Vincent Lee: SUMPAH WOI )) [16:40:55] Ghassan Musson says: gilak [16:40:55] Donald Myers: (( anjir )) [16:40:56] (( Blanchard Rechauffer: OAWKOAWKOWAKOAW )) [16:41:2] Donald Myers: (( para admin ? )) [16:41:7] (( Vincent Lee: bus tayo ugal ugalan )) [16:41:15] (( Gracious Esquevelle: wah siapa? )) [16:41:19] Donald Myers Says [car]: ini mungkin [16:41:23] (( Zarion Whittemore: Wah sapa? )) [16:41:24] Ghassan Musson says: buka [16:41:24] Donald Myers Says [car]: Itu mungkin [16:41:25] Vincent Lee says: Huntley [16:41:25] Ghassan Musson says: bukan [16:41:30] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [16:41:30] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 123551 [16:41:30] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Dimana lagi sekarnaG? [16:41:31] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Sell]Premier 3insurance | 4upgrade | Buka harga? Contact Person: [16:41:31] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Paulo_Gerald{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}666682{FF0000}] [16:41:33] [ID] ID: 2 | Name: Michael_Etheridge | Level: 4 | Ping: 51 | Launcher: Yes [16:41:33] Ghassan Musson says: udah di taruh paling gun nya [16:41:33] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 50 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Red County [16:41:34] Donald Myers Says [car]: Ohh Huntley [16:41:34] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 52 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Red County [16:41:34] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 52 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Red County [16:41:39] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 65 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Fern Ridge [16:41:39] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 65 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Fern Ridge [16:41:40] Vincent Lee says: Lu turun aja [16:41:40] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (123551) [16:41:40] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Bentar, hilang jejak [16:41:50] Donald Myers Says [car]: hahaha [16:41:50] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 81 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Red County [16:41:50] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 81 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Red County [16:41:56] Ghassan Musson says: Las venturas paling [16:41:56] Vincent Lee says: Ada atasan [16:41:57] Donald Myers Says [car]: noh di depan tuh [16:41:57] Vincent Lee says: Cepet [16:42:1] Vincent Lee says: Ada atasan [16:42:6] Donald Myers Says [car]: anjir [16:42:7] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Premier (plate: DM884CW) going 33 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Dillimore [16:42:7] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Premier (plate: DM884CW) going 33 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Dillimore [16:42:7] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Premier (plate: DM884CW) going 33 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Dillimore [16:42:7] MECHANIC: {FFFF00}Louise_Bishop {FFFFFF}has started examining your {00FFFF}NRG-500 [16:42:9] Vincent Lee says: cepat njing [16:42:12] Vincent Lee says: Turun cok [16:42:15] Vincent Lee says: Nanti diomelin gua [16:42:16] Donald Myers [phone]: taxi [16:42:17] (( Zarion Whittemore: Ga habis pikir wkkwkw )) [16:42:18] Vincent Lee says: Nanti diomelin gua [16:42:19] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (123551) [16:42:19] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Huntley merah ya [16:42:22] HUD: {FFFFFF}Player HUD is {FF0000}hidden [16:42:24] Donald Myers [phone]: aaaaaaa [16:42:24] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [16:42:24] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 123551 [16:42:24] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Iya dimana [16:42:24] Admin kokom7: RESPAWN ALL VEHICLE IN 2 SECONDS [16:42:26] HUD: {FFFFFF}Player HUD is {00FF00}visible [16:42:28] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}FCR-900 (plate: VN493CN) going 46 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Dillimore [16:42:28] MECHANIC: {FFFF00}Louise_Bishop {FFFFFF}has started on your {00FFFF}NRG-500 {FFFFFF}engine repair. [16:42:30] SERVER: All unoccupied static vehicles are respawned! [16:42:30] EJECTINFO: Anda telah mengeluarkan player tersebut dari kendaraan! [16:42:38] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Sell]Premier 3insurance | 4upgrade | Buka harga? Contact Person: [16:42:38] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Paulo_Gerald{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}666682{FF0000}] [16:42:46] ERROR: Unable to trace that number! [16:42:51] ERROR: Unable to trace that number! [16:42:52] ERROR: Unable to trace that number! [16:42:56] ERROR: Unable to trace that number! [16:43:0] [ID] ID: 39 | Name: Michael_Alfarez | Level: 10 | Ping: 29 | Launcher: Yes [16:43:3] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [16:43:5] (( PM from [45] Donald_Myers: a )) [16:43:11] (( PM to [45] Donald_Myers: apa pula:( )) [16:43:11] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Flatbed (plate: CE829NB) going 75 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Fern Ridge [16:43:11] (( Randal Simmons: OFF dolo )) [16:43:14] (( Zarion Whittemore: Yow )) [16:43:23] * {FF0000}Georges_Parker {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Yogyakarta, Indonesia) [16:43:30] (( PM from [61] Michael_Etheridge: dc ajg, jadi ilang oawkoaw )) [16:43:31] * {FF0000}Dimas_Jey {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Depok, Indonesia) [16:43:31] * {FF0000}Ghassan_Musson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [16:43:35] * {FF0000}Johnn_Thore {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 02, Indonesia) [16:43:38] (( PM to [61] Michael_Etheridge: masih dewa kan )) [16:43:39] (( PM from [45] Donald_Myers: Ntar mampir ke bank palomino transfer duit 500 )) [16:43:41] (( PM from [45] Donald_Myers: :v )) [16:43:41] [RADIO] Lieutenant Samuel Gueltiero: back to status 4 guys, thanks you. [16:43:43] (( PM to [61] Michael_Etheridge: masih dewa kan )) [16:43:45] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[DICARI] Taxi AnyUp Call Or Sms me: [16:43:45] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Deangelo_Hudson{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}113020{FF0000}] [16:43:55] * {FF0000}Markie_Wylde {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 02, Indonesia) [16:43:56] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Gracious Esquevelle: 10-4 Lieutenant. [16:43:58] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 68 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Red County [16:44:3] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [16:44:4] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (123551) [16:44:4] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Pak [16:44:9] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [16:44:9] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 123551 [16:44:9] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}apa [16:44:20] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [16:44:24] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (123551) [16:44:24] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Arms dealer [16:44:32] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [16:44:32] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 123551 [16:44:32] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}disitu dia? [16:44:37] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (123551) [16:44:37] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Iya cepat [16:44:46] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 73 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Red County [16:44:51] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [16:44:51] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 123551 [16:44:51] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}otw [16:44:56] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [16:45:0] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (123551) [16:45:0] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Cepat lah, jadi PD harus tau balap [16:45:2] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [16:45:2] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}dimana? [16:45:2] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 80 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Red County [16:45:9] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [16:45:15] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 81 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Red County [16:45:19] ERROR: You are currently tracking someone, please wait until beacon is gone! [16:45:20] * {FF0000}Synester_Reynold {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [16:45:23] * {FF0000}Racha_Frieska {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Central Jakarta, Indonesia) [16:45:26] PHONE: {FFFFFF}Calling {00FFFF}number 123551{FFFFFF}, please wait for answer! [16:45:31] * {FF0000}Kevin_Hawk {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [16:45:40] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [16:45:47] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}FCR-900 (plate: GK006HU) going 80 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Red County [16:45:55] (( PM from [37] Otis_Ruther: oi lele dah buka PD? )) [16:45:56] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: TAC-1 [16:46:0] * {FF0000}Samuel_Gueltiero {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [16:46:2] * {FF0000}Hanna_Steinfield {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [16:46:2] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: SHOTFIRWED [16:46:4] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: SHOTFIRED [16:46:5] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (123551) [16:46:5] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Lari [16:46:6] * {FF0000}Zeline_Zakeisha {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [16:46:10] [RADIO] PO-II Didier Luva: Police Officer II 10152 Status 4, enrolling under 1-LINCOLN-1. [16:46:11] * Vincent Lee take m4 from front of body using both hands and ready to shoot. [16:46:19] * Mask 519812 pulls his Shotgun from his body, he spray to the enemy. [16:46:19] BEACON: {ffffff}Beacon deployed, it will be automatically deleted in 5 minutes [16:46:20] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (123551) [16:46:20] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Jangan dilawan goblok [16:46:25] * {FF0000}Barnaby_Greeshawn {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [16:46:28] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telpon ditolak oleh penerima! [16:46:28] Telepon terputus... [16:46:33] [RADIO] PO-II Zlyeth Stottlemeyer: on last niner. [16:46:34] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{66FFFF}[SELL]Sultan 3 Insurance and 4 Upgrade Full Modification, Interest? Cellphone: [16:46:34] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Bradley_Alvarez{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}270013{FF0000}] [16:46:35] INFO: {ffffff}Character anda telah terluka berat dan sekarat [16:46:35] NOTE: {ffffff}Anda dapat menggunakan command '{ffff00}/accept death{ffffff}' setelah menunggu {00ff00}5 menit [16:46:35] (( Zlyeth Stottlemeyer: miss )) [16:46:37] (( Vincent Lee: anjeng lah )) [16:46:38] [RADIO] PO-II Zlyeth Stottlemeyer: 2-ADAM-2 on last niner. [16:46:40] (( Vincent Lee: mati gua )) [16:46:42] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Zarion Whittemore: 4-METRO-1 '99 after 10-1, resuming to status four [16:46:45] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Zarion Whittemore: 4-METRO-1 assisting TAC-1 [16:46:48] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [16:46:48] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}gua beli sultan lo dong [16:46:49] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [16:46:49] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}gua beli sultan lo dong [16:46:52] (( PM from [44] Allard_Anayouri: A )) [16:46:54] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [16:46:54] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}gua beli sultan lo dong [16:46:56] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [16:46:56] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}gua beli sultan lo dong [16:46:57] Mask 519812 Shouts: Kontol kali kau ini masyarakat pepek bukan departement! [16:47:8] * {FF0000}Gracious_Esquevelle {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [16:47:19] TRAINING: You can now continue training! [16:47:21] * {FF0000}Drake_Cole {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [16:47:22] PHONE: {FF0000}Number 611130 {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [16:47:23] Vincent Lee: (( woi pepel )) [16:47:23] 911: Crime: [ ada pelecehan sexsual,orangnya di toko showroom yang bernama Donald_Myers. ] [16:47:23] 911: Reporter: [ Irene Torres ] Phone: [ 545256 ] [16:47:24] Vincent Lee: (( woi pepek )) [16:47:27] Vincent Lee: (( kontol gajelas kali )) [16:47:31] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telpon berhenti berdering! [16:47:32] Michael Etheridge: (( gajelas apasih )) [16:47:34] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Zarion Whittemore: Suspect already open fire? 4-METRO-1 speak [16:47:37] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Sean_Statham ] Phone: [ 200333 ] [16:47:37] Message: Police, saya mau ambil motor saya dong yang ada di gedung samping FF, saya udah tebus motor saya, cuma belum di ambil [16:47:37] Vincent Lee: (( okwakowakowa cit ya babi )) [16:47:41] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{66FFFF}[SELL]Cheetah 3 Insurance and 4 Upgrade Full Modification, Interest? Cellphone: [16:47:41] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Bradley_Alvarez{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}270013{FF0000}] [16:47:43] [RADIO] PO-II Didier Luva: Already, 1-LINCOLN-1. [16:47:49] Vincent Lee: (( anjing pelornya masuk semua )) [16:48:0] * Michael Etheridge memeriksa kondi polisi. [16:48:3] bisa? ((Michael Etheridge)) [16:48:3] * {FF0000}Brad_Saxon {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [16:48:4] * {FF0000}Ernest_Brougman {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [16:48:6] yea beb ((Vincent Lee)) [16:48:10] INSPECT: {ffff00}Michael_Etheridge {ffffff}have requested an inspection, use '/accept inspect' to accept request [16:48:17] Michael Etheridge says: Pak? [16:48:21] Michael Etheridge says: Masih bisa dengar saya [16:48:21] * {FF0000}Charlie_Veidrop {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [16:48:24] Vincent Lee Says [low]: Apa [16:48:32] * {FF0000}Synester_Reynold {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [16:48:33] Michael Etheridge says: Peluru bapak JHP, masa kalah sama peluru kacang [16:48:42] * {FF0000}Geoger_Cooper {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [16:48:48] Vincent Lee: (( citer kontol )) [16:48:48] Michael Etheridge says: Butuh bantuan pak? [16:48:51] Vincent Lee Says [low]: Tidak [16:48:53] Vincent Lee: (( gua mau afk )) [16:48:55] Vincent Lee: (( jemput adek )) [16:49:4] Vincent Lee says: Peluru gua [16:49:5] Vincent Lee says: AP [16:49:14] Michael Etheridge says: Bapak goblok [16:49:19] Vincent Lee says: Pala lu goblok [16:49:20] Michael Etheridge says: Gitu doang kalah [16:49:21] Michael Etheridge says: Lemah [16:49:24] Vincent Lee says: Mereka ramean [16:49:25] 911: Crime: [ ini ada yang mau Ngambil motor di SAGS ] [16:49:25] 911: Reporter: [ Deangelo Hudson ] Phone: [ 113020 ] [16:49:25] Michael Etheridge says: Kalau aku diposisi mu [16:49:25] Vincent Lee says: Gua sendiri [16:49:26] Vincent Lee says: TOLOOL [16:49:28] * {FF0000}Georges_Parker {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Yogyakarta, Indonesia) [16:49:29] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Sean_Statham ] Phone: [ 200333 ] [16:49:29] Message: Halo, saya mau ambil motor saya yang di impound di dalam gedung. [16:49:31] Michael Etheridge says: Aku lari, cari tempat bagus dulu [16:49:33] (( Vincent Lee: cepet amat dah sampe ganton )) [16:49:40] * {FF0000}Irene_Torres {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [16:49:41] Michael Etheridge says: Makanya pak, cepat cepat jadi detective [16:49:46] Michael Etheridge says: Biar aku bantu kau barbar [16:50:1] Michael Etheridge says: Gitu doang kalah, lemah officer Vincent [16:50:6] (( Fabian Esparza: mang knapa kalo dah sampe ganton? )) [16:50:14] (( Synester Reynold: ICin dund )) [16:50:22] Michael Etheridge says: Pak? [16:50:23] Michael Etheridge says: Pingsan? [16:50:26] Michael Etheridge says: Lemah ah bapak [16:50:33] Michael Etheridge says: Saya lanjut kerja ya [16:50:39] * {FF0000}Gerry_Bishop {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bekasi, Indonesia) [16:50:58] [RADIO] PO-I Synester Reynold: Police Officer I 10144 teaming up with Adjudant 10094 under 1-ADAM-3, clearing Central HQ and take status four, [16:51:3] [RADIO] PO-I Synester Reynold: ... over. [16:51:9] * {FF0000}Phoenix_Davies {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [16:51:24] * {FF0000}Richards_Morgan {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [16:51:27] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Gracious Esquevelle: 1-ADAM-3 Assisting TAC-1 [16:51:34] * {FF0000}Markie_Wylde {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 02, Indonesia) [16:51:57] (( PM from [44] Allard_Anayouri: Bantuin )) [16:52:1] (( PM from [44] Allard_Anayouri: Bantuin, Hitman )) [16:52:7] INFO: {ffffff}Anda sudah dapat menggunakan command '{ffff00}/accept death{ffffff}' untuk respawn kembali [16:52:7] NOTE: {ffffff}Jika anda sedang dalam situasi RP, pastikan anda sudah mendapatkan izin OOC dari pihak lain untuk respawn [16:52:18] (( Gerry Bishop: Padahal kena itu lho. )) [16:52:22] (( Gerry Bishop: miss )) [16:52:27] (( Fabian Esparza: barbarin aja )) [16:52:29] * {FF0000}Roy_Xanburg {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [16:52:33] * {FF0000}Bradley_Gray {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [16:52:39] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Sell]Sultan 3Insu 4Up Fullmodift,Fullsticker kalo bisa trade dengan Patriot CP!!! [16:52:39] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Louise_Bishop{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}204020{FF0000}] [16:53:35] PHONE: {FF0000}Number 2402 {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [16:53:49] (( Fabian Esparza: tazer aja kwkwk )) [16:53:51] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telpon berhenti berdering! [16:53:52] * {FF0000}Roy_Xanbury {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [16:53:56] (( Gracious Esquevelle: HEBAT )) [16:54:0] * {FF0000}Randika_Bargawastra {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Central Jakarta, Indonesia) [16:54:8] * {FF0000}Rocky_Corbett {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [16:54:30] Anda telah memasuki AFK mode!, ketik /afk untuk lanjut main [16:54:30] (( Fabian Esparza: terusin aja )) [16:54:33] (( Fabian Esparza: emang hh )) [16:54:40] (( Fabian Esparza: barbarin )) [16:54:47] * {FF0000}Markie_Wylde {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 02, Indonesia) [16:55:14] (( Zarion Whittemore: FIX )) [16:55:14] (( Giancarlos Octavio: HH )) [16:55:15] (( Zarion Whittemore: Udah )) [16:55:16] * {FF0000}Martin_Carlos {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [16:55:16] (( Blanchard Rechauffer: anjing )) [16:55:17] (( Blanchard Rechauffer: spam )) [16:55:18] (( Gracious Esquevelle: gabisa mati anjieng )) [16:55:20] (( Fabian Esparza: majuin aja )) [16:55:25] (( Fabian Esparza: emang sengaja lom di banned )) [16:55:27] (( Fabian Esparza: awokaowk )) [16:55:39] (( Fabian Esparza: dah dah )) [16:55:45] * {FF0000}Cole_Emery {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [16:55:48] (( Gerry Bishop: Take. )) [16:55:51] * {FF0000}Elvano_Rutledge {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [16:55:54] (( Gracious Esquevelle: /b BYE )) [16:55:56] (( Gracious Esquevelle: )) )) [16:56:1] (( Zarion Whittemore: Ternyata dia cheat ya, pantes kebal )) [16:56:9] (( Zarion Whittemore: Darah sampe sekarat )) [16:56:33] * {FF0000}Richard_McFuller {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [16:56:47] * {FF0000}Charles_Briht {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [16:56:57] 911: Crime: [ ada preman dengan menggunakan 2 motor faggio, mereka berjumlah 3 orang, dia hanya bersenjata Bat ] [16:56:57] 911: Reporter: [ Bradley Gray ] Phone: [ 1227179 ] [16:57:0] * {FF0000}Scott_Marauder {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [16:57:7] (( {FF0000}Admin Kendorize: {FFFFFF}ANJAY MABAR )) [16:57:10] * {FF0000}Rapi_Fauzi {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [16:57:37] * {FF0000}Conan_Pearson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [16:57:37] AdmCmd: Shanoon_Desmond has been banned by edwinnovian. [16:57:37] Reason: Cheater. [16:57:45] 911: Crime: [ ada orang rusuh di mc ] [16:57:45] 911: Reporter: [ Johnn Thore ] Phone: [ 9993272 ] [16:57:56] AdmCmd: UCP account deserteagle123 has been blocked by edwinnovian. [16:57:56] Reason: Cheater [edwinnovian] [16:58:9] (( Giancarlos Octavio: itu yg down di dalam GYM, fix udah PK, dah down malah di tembakin kepalanya wkwkw )) [16:58:12] (( Giancarlos Octavio: wkwkwk )) [16:58:15] (( PM from [27] Ghassan_Musson: yg sotot cheater? )) [16:58:32] (( Gracious Esquevelle: 3000 peluru m4 baru mati )) [16:58:34] (( Gracious Esquevelle: :'v )) [16:58:43] (( Zarion Whittemore: Buset, Ammo M4 aja 2000 )) [16:58:45] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Richard_McFuller ] Phone: [ 112341 ] [16:58:45] Message: bikin License Lumberjack berapa ya ? [16:58:53] * {FF0000}Lidya_Felicia {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Banjarmasin, Indonesia) [16:59:12] * {FF0000}Markie_Wylde {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 02, Indonesia) [16:59:17] AdmCmd: Roy_Xanbury has been kicked by edwinnovian. [16:59:17] Reason: Sebelum bermain coba baca guide dan rules di forum jogjagamers.org!!!!! [16:59:47] (( Georges_Parker: ndun )) [16:59:50] (( Gerry Bishop: Apa? )) [16:59:55] FREEZE: {ffffff}Anda telah unfreeze oleh {ffff00}Admin/Helper! [16:59:59] * {FF0000}Cassion_Dante {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [17:0:2] (( Zarion Whittemore: Itu dia /od ndun, bukan /ro njir )) [17:0:8] * {FF0000}Mackenzie_Richard {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [17:0:9] (( Gerry_Bishop: Apa? )) [17:0:11] (( Gerry Bishop: Lupa )) [17:0:12] * {FF0000}Roy_Xanbury {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [17:0:15] [RADIO] PO-II Didier Luva: 1-LINCOLN-1 assisting TAC-1. [17:0:16] (( Synester Reynold: wqwqwq )) [17:0:17] (( Didier Luva: ya? )) [17:0:20] * {FF0000}Orlando_George {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [17:0:35] AdmCmd: Phoenix_Davies has been banned by wakdolaa. [17:0:35] Reason: Not here to RP. [17:1:4] * {FF0000}Rocky_Corbett {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [17:1:5] AdmCmd: UCP account masadepan has been blocked by wakdolaa. [17:1:5] Reason: Not here to RP [wakdolaa] [17:1:43] [PD] Detective I Griffin Finnegan: Police 9231 to FD [17:1:44] * {FF0000}Geovanie_Fortyne {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Batam, Indonesia) [17:1:46] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Giancarlos_Octavio ] Phone: [ 3338 ] [17:1:46] Message: Saya mau operasi, dokter dimana? [17:1:47] [MD] Deputy Comm. Riverro Manier: FIRE 103 here. [17:1:49] * {FF0000}Ethan_Wells {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [17:2:1] * {FF0000}Charlie_Veidrop {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [17:2:13] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Richard_McFuller ] Phone: [ 112341 ] [17:2:13] Message: Pak mau nanya [17:2:13] * {FF0000}Richards_Morgan {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [17:2:29] * {FF0000}Donnie_Stacks {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bogor, Indonesia) [17:2:30] [PD] Detective I Griffin Finnegan: Requesting your R.A unit infront of Ten Green Bottle, we have suspect with GSW. [17:2:35] (( Giancarlos Octavio: miss call )) [17:2:38] AdmCmd: wakdolaa has jailed Roy_Xanbury for 30 minute(s) [17:2:38] Reason: Baca rules dan guide diforum sana > jogjagamers.org. [17:2:54] [MD] Deputy Comm. Riverro Manier: FIRE 103 copy, arranging unit please stand by. [17:3:10] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [17:3:10] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}ni yg nebmabk gua di pizza stack buru [17:3:11] * {FF0000}Damian_Hancock {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bekasi, Indonesia) [17:3:16] [PD] Detective I Griffin Finnegan: And one CORONER, if its available. [17:3:49] * {FF0000}Markie_Wylde {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 02, Indonesia) [17:3:56] * {FF0000}Moolyz_Jackone {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [17:4:17] * {FF0000}Antony_Romanovich {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [17:4:21] * {FF0000}Donnie_Stacks {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bogor, Indonesia) [17:5:8] * {FF0000}Bradley_Alvarez {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Kuningan Barat, Indonesia) [17:5:9] * {FF0000}Shiloh_Branch {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [17:5:12] (( Fabian Esparza: kan dia kena report )) [17:5:13] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Jual Rumah di marina 2 lantai 5 Ruagan minat [17:5:13] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Blaxton_Carrington{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}8468561{FF0000}] [17:5:19] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Sean_Statham ] Phone: [ 200333 ] [17:5:19] Message: Halo unit TEU, saya mau ambil kendaraan saya di dalam gedung [17:5:48] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Richard_McFuller ] Phone: [ 112341 ] [17:5:48] Message: Pak mau tanya bikin License lumber jack bayar berapa yak ? [17:5:54] * {FF0000}Richards_Morgan {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [17:6:0] * {FF0000}Barnaby_Greeshawn {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [17:6:3] [RADIO] PO-I Raphael Volkoska: TEU Officer 8127 on last fivers, over. [17:6:13] (( Fabian Esparza: ARI AING KUNAON NAHA AYA DI KANDANG MONYET ANJING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! )) [17:6:18] (( Fabian Esparza: artinya apa? )) [17:6:19] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Jual rumah di marina 2 lantai 5 ruangan minat [17:6:19] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Blaxton_Carrington{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}8468561{FF0000}] [17:6:22] * {FF0000}Farrell_Rucker {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Tegal, Indonesia) [17:6:29] (( Synester Reynold: kenapa aku ada di kandang monyet !? )) [17:6:38] (( Griffin Finnegan: AP ? )) [17:6:39] (( Griffin Finnegan: )) )) [17:6:39] * {FF0000}Kevin_Hawk {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [17:6:52] * {FF0000}Joaquin_Ramirez {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [17:6:55] * {FF0000}Robert_Flynn {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [17:7:5] * {FF0000}Lester_Wilford {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [17:7:13] * {FF0000}Aldrick_Alston {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [17:7:26] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}DS Flint Dealership | Menjual kendaraan Huntley, Patriot, BF Injection, Landstalker. @Flint [17:7:26] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Donnie_Stacks{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}500500{FF0000}] [17:7:34] * {FF0000}Aria_Bima {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [17:7:38] * {FF0000}Donnie_Stacks {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bogor, Indonesia) [17:7:51] * {FF0000}Martin_Stewart {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [17:7:52] * {FF0000}Diondre_Desmond {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Batam, Indonesia) [17:7:56] * {FF0000}Rehanzo_Connor {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [17:8:7] (( Zarion Whittemore: Duluan gaes, brb net mw tutup )) [17:8:13] (( Griffin Finnegan: bah )) [17:8:16] (( Griffin Finnegan: net apaan tutup jam 5 )) [17:8:20] (( Blanchard Rechauffer: wtf )) [17:8:22] (( Zarion Whittemore: Net komplek )) [17:8:23] (( Synester Reynold: wkwk )) [17:8:33] * {FF0000}Brad_Saxon {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [17:8:33] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Dicari hustler, asuransi bebas kalo ada telpon [17:8:33] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Donnie_Stacks{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}500500{FF0000}] [17:8:42] (( Zarion Whittemore: Duluan )) [17:8:45] (( Synester Reynold: Yooo )) [17:9:6] * {FF0000}Georges_Parker {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Yogyakarta, Indonesia) [17:9:27] * {FF0000}Thomas_Hardwell {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [17:9:56] * {FF0000}Marvine_Collinson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [17:10:3] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}DIJUAL rumah 2 lantai 5 ruangan minat [17:10:3] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Blaxton_Carrington{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}8468561{FF0000}] [17:10:6] AdmCmd: Scumbag has jailed Roy_Xanburg for 30 minute(s) [17:10:6] Reason: Baca forum bagian rules, di Jogjagamers.org [17:10:17] * {FF0000}Antony_Romanovich {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [17:10:19] * {FF0000}Cole_Emery {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [17:10:19] * {FF0000}Moolyz_Jackone {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [17:10:44] * {FF0000}Dave_Murray {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [17:10:45] AdmCmd: Cosmo_Robertson has been warned by wakdolaa, Total warning: 6 [17:10:45] Reason: AFK saat sedang RP. [17:10:49] * {FF0000}Richards_Morgan {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [17:10:56] AdmCmd: Cosmo_Robertson has been kicked by wakdolaa. [17:10:56] Reason: AFK saat sedang RP. [17:11:9] * {FF0000}Rupert_Mackay {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bogor, Indonesia) [17:11:11] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}DIJUAL rumah di marina 2 lantai 5 ruangan minat [17:11:11] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Blaxton_Carrington{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}8468561{FF0000}] [17:11:20] * {FF0000}Barnaby_Greeshawn {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [17:11:34] * {FF0000}Yevgraf_Slawosky {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bekasi, Indonesia) [17:11:43] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [17:11:43] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}matek [17:11:50] * {FF0000}Markie_Wylde {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 02, Indonesia) [17:12:7] * {FF0000}Aria_Bima {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [17:12:13] * {FF0000}Orlando_George {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [17:12:18] * {FF0000}Richards_Morgan {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [17:12:18] * Ghassan Musson mengangkat tubuh Lee dengan bantuan tangan. [17:12:21] DRAG: Ghassan_Musson requested drag permission from you! [17:12:21] NOTE: Use command '/accept drag' to accept drag permission! [17:12:51] (( PM from [73] Marvine_Collinson: MV>Share bullet )) [17:13:13] * {FF0000}Sean_Westbrook {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [17:13:19] * Ghassan Musson membunykan serine [17:13:21] * {FF0000}Antony_Romanovich {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [17:13:25] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[DICARI] Taxi anyUp Call OR Sms Me : [17:13:25] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Deangelo_Hudson{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}113020{FF0000}] [17:13:28] (( Didier_Luva: pobby 10 menit billingnya )) [17:13:43] AdmCmd: Roy_Xanburg has been warned by Scumbag, Total warning: 1 [17:13:43] Reason: Missuing /report [17:13:51] * {FF0000}Mazlum_Belhaj {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Semarang, Indonesia) [17:13:56] [RADIO] PO-I Rehanzo Connor: 0-ADAM-1 disbanded and end of watch under 0-ADAM-1 now back to status two. [17:14:6] [RADIO] PO-II Zlyeth Stottlemeyer: 2-ADAM-2 escort Fire to 10-20 CGH. [17:14:32] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[DICARI] BMX any insu. ADA? Hub: [17:14:32] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Rapi_Fauzi{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}569000{FF0000}] [17:14:32] AdmCmd: Scumbag has removed 1 warning(s) from Roy_Xanburg, Total warning: 0 [17:14:45] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Giancarlos Octavio: Adjudant 10155 reporting to take status 1 [17:14:51] AdmCmd: Roy_Xanburg has been kicked by edwinnovian. [17:14:51] Reason: Baca rules & guide di forum jogjagamers.org sebelum bermain [17:14:55] [RADIO] PO-II Didier Luva: 1-LINCOLN-1 escorting Fire to CGH. [17:15:1] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Gracious Esquevelle: TEU Senior 10094 to TEU Officer Volkoska [17:15:6] Ghassan Musson [phone]: parmedic mohon ke arms dealer ada Police terluka. [17:15:9] AdmCmd: Roy_Xanbury has been kicked by edwinnovian. [17:15:9] Reason: Baca rules & guide di forum jogjagamers.org sebelum bermain [17:15:9] [RADIO] PO-I Rehanzo Connor: Police Officer I 8215 reporting off duty from locker. [17:15:11] AdmCmd: Cosmo_Robertson has been remote warned by xDannz, total warns: 7 [17:15:11] Reason: Refuse RP with SAPD [Griffin_Finnegan]. [17:15:13] AdmCmd: Cosmo_Robertson has been remote-jailed by xDannz for 60 minutes. [17:15:13] Reason: Refuse RP with SAPD [Griffin_Finnegan]. [17:15:19] [RADIO] PO-I Raphael Volkoska: Officer Volkoska here. [17:15:23] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Gracious Esquevelle: Requesting TOM unit for Impound '60 Red Huntley [17:15:24] Ghassan Musson [phone]: paramedic [17:15:24] 911: Crime: [ paramedic ] [17:15:24] 911: Reporter: [ Ghassan Musson ] Phone: [ 611130 ] [17:15:25] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Gracious Esquevelle: How copy? [17:15:28] Ghassan Musson [phone]: paramedic [17:15:30] Ghassan Musson [phone]: parmedic mohon ke arms dealer ada Police terluka. [17:15:35] * {FF0000}Tommy_Middlesworth {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [17:15:37] AFK: {ffff00}You are no longer in AFK-Mode! [17:15:40] CONDITION: {FFFFFF}You have woken up from fainting. [17:16:0] Ghassan Musson says: Hey sersan [17:16:4] * {FF0000}Roman_Wick {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Central Jakarta, Indonesia) [17:16:4] [RADIO] Lieutenant Samuel Gueltiero: 6-RAPID-2, pulling out from TAC-1 scene. [17:16:14] [RADIO] PO-I Raphael Volkoska: Officer 8127 copy that. [17:16:19] [RADIO] PO-I Blanchard Rechauffer: 4-METRO-1 pulling out from TAC-1. [17:16:35] HUD: {FFFFFF}Player HUD is {FF0000}hidden [17:16:36] HUD: {FFFFFF}Player HUD is {00FF00}visible [17:16:42] [RADIO] PO-II Didier Luva: 1-LINCOLN-1 leaving TAC-1. [17:16:48] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: 1-ADAM-2 Pulling out from TAC_1 [17:16:51] Ghassan Musson says: itu mobil mau ledak [17:16:53] (( Vincent Lee: TAC-1 )) [17:16:55] Ghassan Musson says: ceburin bae [17:16:55] * {FF0000}Marton_Korvach {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [17:17:1] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [17:17:2] Vincent Lee says: Pala lo [17:17:2] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [17:17:3] * {FF0000}Derrick_Conley {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [17:17:5] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [17:17:26] Vincent Lee: (( trs )) [17:17:31] Vincent Lee: (( lagi )) [17:17:31] Ghassan Musson says: dah [17:17:32] Vincent Lee: (( tolol )) [17:18:30] Vincent Lee: (( whattt )) [17:18:38] Vincent Lee says: TAXI [17:18:42] Vincent Lee says: Cepat tolol [17:18:42] * {FF0000}Antony_Romanovich {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [17:18:43] Ghassan Musson says: takutan [17:18:56] Vincent Lee says: Ke SMB Aja [17:18:57] Ghassan Musson says: anda penakut? [17:19:4] * {FF0000}Demario_Barksdale {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [17:19:6] Vincent Lee says: Tidak [17:19:12] Ghassan Musson says: kok kabur ada api [17:19:14] Vincent Lee says: Engga [17:19:18] Vincent Lee says: Gua lemes [17:19:22] Ghassan Musson says: Cems [17:19:23] Vincent Lee: (( sekarat anjin )) [17:19:24] Vincent Lee: (( sekarat anjing )) [17:19:31] (( Gracious Esquevelle: hah? )) [17:19:33] Vincent Lee says: Udah buat laporan belom? [17:19:35] * {FF0000}Antony_Romanovich {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [17:19:38] (( Gracious Esquevelle: /r sm wisper kalo tac-1 lee )) [17:19:39] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Gerry Bishop: Prob Sergeant 2318 to all Officer from Central Distric please answer this radio, over. [17:19:50] (( Rehanzo Connor: Haduhh Leee lee )) [17:19:58] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Gracious Esquevelle: Ajudant 10094 from Central Distric, over. [17:19:58] [RADIO] PO-I Raphael Volkoska: TEU Officer 8127 perform impound the vehicle on '60 Red Huntley, over. [17:20:8] [RADIO] PO-I Blanchard Rechauffer: 4-METRO-1 disbanded. [17:20:15] [RADIO] PO-I Synester Reynold: Police Officer I 10144 from East Beach Precinct, over. [17:20:21] (( Riverro_Manier: afk semua, jail refuse aja ya )) [17:20:39] [RADIO] PO-II Thomas Hardwell: Police Officer II 5104 from Central Distric. [17:20:46] (( Gracious Esquevelle: pake t woi )) [17:20:48] (( Gracious Esquevelle: district )) [17:20:53] (( Thomas Hardwell: ashiap )) [17:21:1] (( Gracious Esquevelle: salah semua gegara ndun )) [17:21:3] (( Gerry Bishop: Gandeng anjirt, aing ge sarua kurang T )) [17:21:3] Ghassan Musson says: sini [17:21:9] Ghassan Musson says: gua bisa naek motor [17:21:11] Vincent Lee: (( ngelag sbnt )) [17:21:12] Vincent Lee: (( ngelag sbntr )) [17:21:16] (( PM from [27] Ghassan_Musson: lu pencet G )) [17:21:28] AdmCmd: Pobby_Frust has been kicked by wakdolaa. [17:21:28] Reason: ATIP. [17:21:32] [RADIO] PO-I Blanchard Rechauffer: Police Officer I 4615 leaving from 4-METRO-1 [17:21:36] * {FF0000}Allard_Anayouri {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Surabaya, Indonesia) [17:21:36] (( Zlyeth Stottlemeyer: Pobby /rsu aja )) [17:21:57] (( Samuel Gueltiero: udah di jail lom ama admin dia? )) [17:22:6] (( Zlyeth Stottlemeyer: blom, malah AFK. )) [17:22:16] * {FF0000}Snoozed_Xyz {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Tangerang, Indonesia) [17:22:23] * {FF0000}Dushane_Boufford {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [17:22:25] (( Samuel Gueltiero: oke tunggu )) [17:22:30] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{DICARI}Taxi atau Cabbie harus ada up ada? [17:22:30] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Charles_Briht{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}396000{FF0000}] [17:22:36] AdmCmd: Snoozed_Xyz has been kicked by Kendorize. [17:22:36] Reason: non rp name mas. ganti nama yang lebih realistis [17:22:45] (( Riverro_Manier: td 1 lagi siapa ya nicknya )) [17:22:53] Ghassan Musson says: Naek sini [17:22:54] (( Riverro_Manier: yg di ganton di kick afk )) [17:22:55] Ghassan Musson says: Naek sini [17:23:0] Vincent Lee: (( what? )) [17:23:3] Vincent Lee: (( lah ? waoaowkwako )) [17:23:3] (( Blanchard_Rechauffer: Cosmo_Robertson )) [17:23:5] [RADIO] Lieutenant Samuel Gueltiero: 6-RAPID-2, Disbanded and properly parking lot. [17:23:5] AdmCmd: Pobby_Frust has been remote-jailed by xDannz for 60 minutes. [17:23:5] Reason: Refuse RP [ATIP while roleplayed]. [17:23:5] AdmCmd: Pobby_Frust has been remote warned by xDannz, total warns: 15 [17:23:5] Reason: Refuse RP [ATIP while roleplayed]. [17:23:6] [ID] ID: 27 | Name: Ghassan_Musson | Level: 3 | Ping: 67 | Launcher: No [17:23:8] Vincent Lee: (( anjg:v )) [17:23:20] (( PM to [27] Ghassan_Musson: awoowakkwoaw )) [17:23:21] Ghassan Musson says: lu duluan [17:23:25] Ghassan Musson says: lu duluan naek [17:23:27] Ghassan Musson says: goncengan [17:23:28] (( Samuel Gueltiero: /rsu dah tuh )) [17:23:35] (( Giancarlos Octavio: shev )) [17:23:37] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{DICARI}Taxi atau Cabbie harus ada up ada? [17:23:37] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Charles_Briht{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}396000{FF0000}] [17:23:40] Ghassan Musson: (( G )) [17:23:48] AdmCmd: Pobby_Frust has been remote temporary banned by xDannz. [17:23:48] Reason: warns. [17:23:52] Whisper from Ghassan Musson: ada bocah [17:23:58] Vincent Lee: (( kwkw )) [17:24:2] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}HPV1000 (plate: NO HAVE) going 57 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Santa Maria Beach [17:24:2] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}HPV1000 (plate: NO HAVE) going 57 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Santa Maria Beach [17:24:10] Vincent Lee says: Re Arms [17:24:18] * {FF0000}Markie_Wylde {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 02, Indonesia) [17:24:22] (( Vincent Lee: eh mau tanya )) [17:24:24] * {FF0000}Antony_Romanovich {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [17:24:29] (( PM from [27] Ghassan_Musson: eh ga boleh narok barangan )) [17:24:29] [RADIO] PO-II Zlyeth Stottlemeyer: 2-LINCOLN-2 10-99 from escort Fire, resuming status 4 and available for partner. [17:24:33] (( Vincent Lee: Adjudant boleh pake unit air? )) [17:24:41] (( Gracious Esquevelle: engga )) [17:24:45] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{66FFFF}[SELL]Sultan 3 Insurance and 4 Upgrade Full Modification, Interest? Cellphone: [17:24:45] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Bradley_Alvarez{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}270013{FF0000}] [17:24:46] (( Samuel Gueltiero: eh itu /rsu Pobby Frust dong )) [17:24:47] INFO: {ffffff}Character anda telah terluka berat dan sekarat [17:24:47] NOTE: {ffffff}Anda dapat menggunakan command '{ffff00}/accept death{ffffff}' setelah menunggu {00ff00}3 menit [17:24:50] REPORT: {ffffff}Your report has been issued to the queue, use '{ffff00}/reports{ffffff}' to see your report [17:24:54] Ghassan Musson says: bego [17:24:55] RESPOND: {ff0000}edwinnovian {FFFFCC}has responded to your report [17:24:56] (( Samuel Gueltiero: tolong biar banyak active chargenya )) [17:24:56] Vincent Lee: (( di slap gajelas )) [17:24:57] (( PM from [48] Gerry_Bishop: Gak tau )) [17:24:57] (( PM from [17] Thomas_Hardwell: lee )) [17:24:58] * {FF0000}Kenroy_Livington {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Surabaya, Indonesia) [17:25:2] (( PM to [17] Thomas_Hardwell: apa )) [17:25:2] (( PM from [17] Thomas_Hardwell: adek lu mana )) [17:25:5] (( Zlyeth Stottlemeyer: intiator tadi )) [17:25:5] (( PM to [48] Gerry_Bishop: gua di slap )) [17:25:6] * {FF0000}Adelia_Aullia {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [17:25:7] * {FF0000}Nick_Smith {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Balikpapan, Indonesia) [17:25:10] (( PM from [48] Gerry_Bishop: /stuck )) [17:25:10] (( PM to [17] Thomas_Hardwell: sapa? )) [17:25:10] * {FF0000}Snoozed_Xyz {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Tangerang, Indonesia) [17:25:11] (( PM from [17] Thomas_Hardwell: orvin norwin )) [17:25:12] (( Didier Luva: vincent )) [17:25:13] REPORT: Report anda telah terkirim kepada admin yang online! [17:25:13] Ghassan Musson: (( dah sampe sini aja )) [17:25:15] (( Vincent Lee: apa )) [17:25:16] Ghassan Musson: (( back rp )) [17:25:20] (( PM to [17] Thomas_Hardwell: NAJIS KONTOLLLLLLLLL )) [17:25:22] (( Didier Luva: lu initiator last tac-1 kan? )) [17:25:25] (( Vincent Lee: iya )) [17:25:30] (( Vincent Lee: tadi pc gua ngefreeze )) [17:25:30] * Ghassan Musson mengangkat tubuh Lee dengan bantuan tangan [17:25:32] (( Didier Luva: nah itu, Pobby_Frust )) [17:25:33] Vincent Lee: (( diem )) [17:25:34] bisa? ((Ghassan Musson)) [17:25:37] (( Didier Luva: chargesnya apa aja )) [17:25:39] g ((Vincent Lee)) [17:25:46] Ghassan Musson says: Kenapa [17:25:48] (( Vincent Lee: lupa dah wkwk )) [17:25:48] * {FF0000}Ken_Aaron {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Kuningan Barat, Indonesia) [17:25:52] * {FF0000}Adamson_Rutledge {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [17:25:52] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BELI] Sadler dengan berapapun insuransi dan upgrade, ada? Hubungi saya [17:25:52] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Shiloh_Branch{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}8145{FF0000}] [17:25:56] (( Vincent Lee: tadi sempet ngefreeze 10 menitan )) [17:25:59] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Kenroy_Livington ] Phone: [ 600200 ] [17:25:59] Message: Saya butuh seorang polisi untuk mengunimpound kendaraan saya, saya di LSIC. [17:26:12] AdmCmd: Cosmo_Robertson has been remote warned by edwinnovian, total warns: 8 [17:26:12] Reason: Refuse RP with SAFD. [17:26:13] [RADIO] PO-II Thomas Hardwell: Police Officer II 5104 start of watch under 5-AIR-1. [17:26:15] REPORT: {ffffff}Your report has been issued to the queue, use '{ffff00}/reports{ffffff}' to see your report [17:26:17] [RADIO] PO-I Raphael Volkoska: TEU Officer 8127 on last fivers, over. [17:26:26] (( PM to [17] Thomas_Hardwell: eh )) [17:26:31] (( Samuel Gueltiero: eh itu tolong /rsu Pobby Frust dong )) [17:26:31] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Pobby_Frust ] Reporter: [ Didier Luva ] [17:26:31] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Performing Drive-By ] [17:26:32] (( Griffin_Finnegan: Cosmo uda dijail si tadi )) [17:26:33] (( PM to [17] Thomas_Hardwell: dia kena disnouble charge awkokawowa )) [17:26:34] (( PM to [17] Thomas_Hardwell: dia kena disnouble charge awkokawowa )) [17:26:35] (( PM to [17] Thomas_Hardwell: dia kena disnouble charge awkokawowa )) [17:26:36] (( PM to [17] Thomas_Hardwell: dia kena disnouble charge awkokawowa )) [17:26:36] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [17:26:41] (( Gerry_Bishop: Sama? )) [17:26:42] (( PM to [17] Thomas_Hardwell: BAHAGIA GUA ANJING WAOKWAKOWAWA )) [17:26:43] (( Blanchard_Rechauffer: di kick doang tadi )) [17:26:44] (( Gerry_Bishop: Udah di warn? )) [17:26:45] [RADIO] PO-II Thomas Hardwell: 5-AIR-1 to ATC all checked and clear, we're preparing to go status 4, POB-1. [17:26:47] RESPOND: {ff0000}xDannz {FFFFCC}has responded to your report [17:26:47] RESPOND: {ffffcc}Message from admin: {ffffff}Gaada. [17:26:47] * {FF0000}Jasper_Fjeldberg {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 07, Indonesia) [17:26:47] (( Riverro_Manier: gak tau, di kick kyknya )) [17:26:48] (( Griffin_Finnegan: uda )) [17:26:52] (( Gerry_Bishop: Ini disini dah di jail )) [17:26:52] REPORT: {ffffff}Your report has been issued to the queue, use '{ffff00}/reports{ffffff}' to see your report [17:26:53] (( Griffin_Finnegan: ama helper xDannz )) [17:26:53] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Pobby_Frust ] Reporter: [ Didier Luva ] [17:26:53] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Assaulting On LEO ] [17:26:56] RESPOND: {ff0000}edwinnovian {FFFFCC}has responded to your report [17:26:58] (( Gracious Esquevelle: udah ada itu )) [17:26:59] (( PM from [48] edwinnovian: STUCK KONTOL )) [17:27:0] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Sell]Sultan 3Insu 4Up Fullmodift,Fullsticker $5,5k Nego tipis CP!!! [17:27:0] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Louise_Bishop{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}204020{FF0000}] [17:27:0] (( Blanchard_Rechauffer: hm )) [17:27:2] (( Gracious Esquevelle: kok dobel )) [17:27:4] (( Griffin_Finnegan: gw report )) [17:27:6] (( PM to [48] edwinnovian: udah woi )) [17:27:9] You have been healed [17:27:9] (( PM to [48] edwinnovian: ga di respond )) [17:27:10] (( Riverro_Manier: oh gak liat )) [17:27:10] * {FF0000}Synester_Reynold {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [17:27:12] (( Gracious Esquevelle: oh oke siap gapapa lanjutkan )) [17:27:12] (( Riverro_Manier: oke )) [17:27:17] (( Gerry_Bishop: Jadi dah di warn? )) [17:27:18] [RADIO] PO-II Thomas Hardwell: 5-AIR-1 lifting up to 300ft taking status 4 around San Andreas. [17:27:18] (( Didier Luva: -_- )) [17:27:20] (( Griffin_Finnegan: dah )) [17:27:27] (( Gerry_Bishop: Kimak double dong :v )) [17:27:30] * {FF0000}Johnn_Thore {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 02, Indonesia) [17:27:31] (( Blanchard_Rechauffer: wakwkakaka )) [17:27:34] * {FF0000}Ethan_Wells {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [17:27:36] (( Gerry_Bishop: Xdanz kalo dia on unwarn 1 )) [17:27:37] [RADIO] PO-II Thomas Hardwell: Police Officer II 5104 taking status 2. [17:27:39] (( Gracious Esquevelle: tambahin lagi didier semangat yuhu )) [17:27:40] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Pobby_Frust ] Reporter: [ Didier Luva ] [17:27:40] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Armed Robbery ] [17:27:44] (( Synester Reynold: co )) [17:27:46] (( Vincent Lee: awokakowwa )) [17:27:48] (( Blanchard Rechauffer: li )) [17:27:48] (( Synester Reynold: dmn )) [17:27:49] (( Gracious Esquevelle: vehicular endangerment )) [17:27:50] (( Aark_Roggeveen: wkwk )) [17:27:53] (( Aark_Roggeveen: siyap )) [17:27:53] ARMOURY: {ffff00}Health & Armour refilled! [17:27:58] ARMOURY: {ffff00}Ammo restocked! [17:27:59] (( PM from [17] Thomas_Hardwell: _lee gara gara apa dia? )) [17:27:59] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Pobby_Frust ] Reporter: [ Didier Luva ] [17:27:59] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Failure to Comply ] [17:28:6] (( Samuel Gueltiero: itu Pobby Frust udah di borgol belom? )) [17:28:7] (( PM to [17] Thomas_Hardwell: ga nurut sama HC )) [17:28:12] (( PM to [17] Thomas_Hardwell: udah janji sama hc )) [17:28:14] (( PM from [17] Thomas_Hardwell: sapa hc nya )) [17:28:14] (( Didier Luva: tanya Stottlemeyer )) [17:28:15] (( Riverro_Manier: zidan td bukannya si Pobby? )) [17:28:16] (( PM to [17] Thomas_Hardwell: eh di ingkarin awowkakawwa )) [17:28:25] (( PM to [17] Thomas_Hardwell: liat di forum sapd suspension )) [17:28:29] (( PM from [17] Thomas_Hardwell: dishounorable tuh di pecat? )) [17:28:30] (( Zlyeth Stottlemeyer: keknya belom, soalnya gua cuma escort )) [17:28:30] (( PM to [17] Thomas_Hardwell: awokawkoawko senang gua anjink )) [17:28:31] * {FF0000}Theodore_Verstappen {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 07, Indonesia) [17:28:32] (( PM to [17] Thomas_Hardwell: engga )) [17:28:36] (( Vincent Lee: eh mau nanya )) [17:28:40] (( Samuel Gueltiero: yaah gua kira udah )) [17:28:42] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Pobby_Frust ] Reporter: [ Didier Luva ] [17:28:42] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Posessing of Illegal Firearms ] [17:28:52] (( Vincent Lee: itu si orvin kena dishounorable sampe kapan? :v )) [17:28:53] * {FF0000}Blaxton_Carrington {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Batam, Indonesia) [17:28:57] (( Vincent Lee: oawokawko senangnya:v )) [17:29:3] (( Gracious Esquevelle: di kick sampe kapan? )) [17:29:6] * {FF0000}Shiloh_Branch {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [17:29:7] (( Vincent Lee: idk awokkowa )) [17:29:8] (( Gracious Esquevelle: gitu pertanyaannya ato gmn )) [17:29:9] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [17:29:10] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [17:29:11] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [17:29:14] * {FF0000}Lester_Wilford {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [17:29:17] (( Vincent Lee: iyah wkwk maap:v )) [17:29:27] (( Gracious Esquevelle: unc )) [17:29:32] (( Vincent Lee: iya syg:* )) [17:29:36] (( Thomas Hardwell: tumber perhatian )) [17:29:39] * {FF0000}Radal_Radomir {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [17:29:46] ERROR: No queued reports! [17:29:51] * {FF0000}Antony_Romanovich {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [17:29:57] (( PM to [24] Giancarlos_Octavio: KONTOL )) [17:30:26] (( Rehanzo Connor: Ngamuk Ndun )) [17:30:26] [RADIO] Lieutenant Samuel Gueltiero: Lieutenant 9066 reporting for off-duty, over and out. [17:30:27] * {FF0000}Synester_Reynold {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [17:30:29] (( Rehanzo Connor: )) )) [17:30:40] (( Blanchard Rechauffer: astagay pohon HH )) [17:30:40] Q:Vincent Lee[35]: bisnis yang di sealed tapi alasan autosell, bisa di buka g? [17:30:43] (( Rehanzo Connor: KWKWKW )) [17:30:45] (( Giancarlos Octavio: sstttt )) [17:30:49] (( Rehanzo Connor: )) )) [17:30:50] * {FF0000}Georges_Parker {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Manado, Indonesia) [17:30:51] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Mau malam mingguan sama pacar tapi gapunya mobil KECE? KS Dealer Montgomery solusinya [17:30:51] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Marvine_Collinson{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}432424{FF0000}] [17:30:52] (( Vincent Lee: kowaokawo )) [17:30:54] (( Gracious Esquevelle: ada apa ini kok saya gatau )) [17:30:54] (( Vincent Lee: siapa tuh:v )) [17:31:2] (( Gracious Esquevelle: saya ingin ikut bully juga dong )) [17:31:3] (( PM from [17] Thomas_Hardwell: kenapa )) [17:31:4] (( Rehanzo Connor: HH lah ditebang kaga jatoh:v )) [17:31:6] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [17:31:7] (( Vincent Lee: nabrak pohon kowakowaowa )) [17:31:7] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [17:31:10] (( Rehanzo Connor: Ya ga???;v )) [17:31:10] (( Vincent Lee: ga berkurang ges )) [17:31:10] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [17:31:16] ERROR: Not near any of public gate or your gate! [17:31:18] (( Giancarlos Octavio: gw chainsaw )) [17:31:21] (( Rehanzo Connor: Tuh )) [17:31:23] (( Vincent Lee: Bacot:v )) [17:31:24] (( Giancarlos Octavio: kebal )) [17:31:25] (( Rehanzo Connor: HH pohonnya:v )) [17:31:27] (( Giancarlos Octavio: Cheater )) [17:31:28] (( Vincent Lee: wakookwaokwa )) [17:31:30] (( Giancarlos Octavio: HH )) [17:31:35] (( Rehanzo Connor: Lah gw tanya ya ga HH pohonnya??:v )) [17:31:39] * {FF0000}Damian_Hancock {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bekasi, Indonesia) [17:31:51] (( Giancarlos Octavio: tanahnya juga HH )) [17:31:55] (( Giancarlos Octavio: di sekop ga mempan )) [17:31:59] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{FF0000} ST Vincent Garage menyediakan modift dan upgrade mobil tipe WAA yang KEREN @Flint [17:31:59] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Marvine_Collinson{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}432424{FF0000}] [17:32:1] (( Vincent Lee: itu sapa heli )) [17:32:8] * {FF0000}Synester_Reynold {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [17:32:8] (( PM from [17] Thomas_Hardwell: gue bunuh lu pake baling baling boleh ga )) [17:32:13] (( PM to [17] Thomas_Hardwell: yo coba okawkowa )) [17:32:15] * {FF0000}Rehanzo_Connor {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [17:32:25] (( PM from [17] Thomas_Hardwell: kasian tar ngadu )) [17:32:37] (( PM to [17] Thomas_Hardwell: ga pernah cepu gua mah )) [17:32:37] * {FF0000}Jasper_Fjeldberg {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 07, Indonesia) [17:32:38] * {FF0000}Markie_Wylde {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 02, Indonesia) [17:32:46] (( PM from [17] Thomas_Hardwell: kirain mirip norwin )) [17:32:50] 911: Crime: [ ada robber empat orangmemakai pakaian ayam warna kuning dan menggunakan kendaraan mobil huntly berwarna putih ber [17:32:50] 911: Reporter: [ Otis Ruther ] Phone: [ 738000 ] [17:32:50] (( PM to [17] Thomas_Hardwell: okawokawkwaaw )) [17:32:54] (( PM to [17] Thomas_Hardwell: banci najis:v )) [17:32:56] 911: Crime: [ ada robber empat orangmemakai pakaian ayam warna kuning dan menggunakan kendaraan mobil huntly berwarna putih ber [17:32:56] 911: Reporter: [ Otis Ruther ] Phone: [ 738000 ] [17:32:58] * {FF0000}Marton_Korvach {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [17:33:3] PHONE: {FFFFFF}Calling {00FFFF}Otis Bangsat (738000){FFFFFF}, please wait for answer! [17:33:5] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telepon telah dijawab. [17:33:5] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Gunakan chat biasa untuk berkomunikasi lewat telpon, '/h' untuk menutup telpon. [17:33:6] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}DIJUAL Rumah dimarina 2 lantai 5 ruangan. TAWAR HARGA TERTINGGI! [17:33:6] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Blaxton_Carrington{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}8468561{FF0000}] [17:33:6] (( Vincent Lee: kebiasaan di slap)0 )) [17:33:7] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Gracious Esquevelle: 1-ADAM-3 On ninier with Code 3 [17:33:7] Vincent Lee [phone]: Dimana [17:33:12] Otis Bangsat [phone]: mereka pergi [17:33:15] (( Vincent Lee: kebiasaan di slap_- )) [17:33:17] (( Vincent Lee: woi )) [17:33:18] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Gracious Esquevelle: 1-ADAM-3 On niner with Code 3 [17:33:19] (( Vincent Lee: anjer sekarat gua )) [17:33:22] Otis Bangsat [phone]: mereka kearah Richman [17:33:29] Vincent Lee [phone]: Berapa orang [17:33:32] Otis Bangsat [phone]: mereka ke arah richman [17:33:33] [RADIO] PO-II Zlyeth Stottlemeyer: 2-LINCOLN-2 on last niner CODE 3. [17:33:34] Otis Bangsat [phone]: empat orang [17:33:35] (( Vincent Lee: woiii heal:( )) [17:33:37] * {FF0000}Deangelo_Hudson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 07, Indonesia) [17:33:38] Otis Bangsat [phone]: memakai pakaian ayam warna kuning [17:33:43] Otis Bangsat [phone]: mobil Huntly putih [17:33:45] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Sanchez (plate: VQ834SQ) going 64 MPH in 60 MPH limit zone, location: Rodeo [17:33:46] Vincent Lee [phone]: 3-ADAM-1 On last niner code 3 [17:33:50] Vincent Lee [phone]: )) [17:33:52] Answer: {ffff00}Ngga bisa, itu asell emang karena kena asell. [17:33:52] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: 3-ADAM-1 On last niner code 3 [17:33:53] * {FF0000}Zein_Webb {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [17:33:55] (( Vincent Lee: anjir )) [17:33:56] Otis Bangsat [phone]: kalau gak salah mereka ke daerah Rich man [17:33:58] [RADIO] PO-I Blanchard Rechauffer: Police Officer I 4615 to basic units, any unpartnered unit in now? [17:33:58] (( Vincent Lee: plis la ya )) [17:34:1] (( Vincent Lee: jangan slap:( )) [17:34:5] Otis Bangsat [phone]: mereka tadi di flint lumber jack [17:34:11] Otis Bangsat [phone]: sekarang udah pergi ke jalan tol nya [17:34:12] Vincent Lee [phone]: )) [17:34:13] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}DIJUAL rumah dimarina 2 lantai 5 ruangan full furniture dan dekorasi bagus. TAWAR HARGA TERTINGGI! [17:34:13] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Blaxton_Carrington{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}8468561{FF0000}] [17:34:13] [RADIO] PO-II Zlyeth Stottlemeyer: 2-LINCOLN-2 is unpartnered. [17:34:13] (( Gracious Esquevelle: ampun bang ajudant bukan saya )) [17:34:18] (( Vincent Lee: annjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj )) [17:34:21] Otis Bangsat [phone]: tolong di tindak gian [17:34:22] (( Vincent Lee: Gua sekarat( )) [17:34:29] Vincent Lee [phone]: Oke otis kontol [17:34:29] Otis Bangsat [phone]: eh grac [17:34:29] (( Gracious Esquevelle: /locker aja bang ajudant usul dari saya )) [17:34:32] Otis Bangsat [phone]: selow dong [17:34:35] Vincent Lee [phone]: Oke otis kontol [17:34:37] Otis Bangsat [phone]: kontol [17:34:37] Vincent Lee [phone]: Gua vincent lee [17:34:38] Vincent Lee [phone]: TOLOL> [17:34:39] Vincent Lee [phone]: TOLOL [17:34:41] Otis Bangsat [phone]: OH [17:34:43] [RADIO] PO-I Blanchard Rechauffer: Police Officer I 4615 to 2-LINCOLN-2, can you 10-14 me in East Beach Precint? [17:34:44] (( Giancarlos Octavio: ajudan marah )) [17:34:45] Otis Bangsat [phone]: NOMOR BARU KENTOT [17:34:47] (( Giancarlos Octavio: hati hati )) [17:34:49] Otis Bangsat [phone]: asu lo [17:34:49] (( Vincent Lee: >:3 )) [17:34:50] (( Rehanzo Connor: Hayoluh )) [17:34:51] Vincent Lee [phone]: Bahaha [17:34:54] Telepon terputus... [17:34:55] (( Rehanzo Connor: Marahin gas )) [17:34:58] (( Vincent Lee: saspen sini dapet duid )) [17:35:0] [RADIO] PO-II Zlyeth Stottlemeyer: Copy that, enroute to your locations ETA 3 minutes, 2-LINCOLN-2 [17:35:0] TOLL: {FFFFFF}Used 1 toll card point to pay toll access. [17:35:2] ERROR: Please wait untill the gate is closed! [17:35:8] (( Rehanzo Connor: Saspen yg slap :v )) [17:35:17] (( Giancarlos Octavio: saspen aja ajudan )) [17:35:20] (( Vincent Lee: waokwaowak )) [17:35:20] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{66FFFF}[SELL]Sultan 3 Insurance and 4 Upgrade Full Modification, Interest? Cellphone: [17:35:20] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Bradley_Alvarez{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}270013{FF0000}] [17:35:22] (( Giancarlos Octavio: kalo perlu kick dari PD )) [17:35:24] (( Rehanzo Connor: gas in )) [17:35:24] (( Vincent Lee: AMRUN Paok;v )) [17:35:38] * {FF0000}Grizelle_Schofield {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [17:35:40] REPORT: {ffffff}Your report has been issued to the queue, use '{ffff00}/reports{ffffff}' to see your report [17:35:42] [id:1] Helper xDannz (Aark_Roggeveen) [17:35:42] [id:2] Admin Level 2 ShevaTujuh (Cassion_Dante) [17:35:42] [id:8] Helper Regency (Blanchard_Rechauffer) [17:35:42] [id:40] Helper wakdolaa (Claire_Abhisar) [17:35:42] [id:46] Helper Scumbag (Fabian_Esparza) [17:35:42] [id:48] Admin Level 2 edwinnovian (Gerry_Bishop) [17:35:42] NOTE: {ffffff}Volunteer tidak memiliki kedudukan yang sama dengan Helper / Admin [17:35:48] (( Vincent Lee: KAN WOI )) [17:35:48] RESPOND: {ff0000}edwinnovian {FFFFCC}has responded to your report [17:35:49] (( Rehanzo Connor: Apa si Nan dikaa;v )) [17:35:50] (( Vincent Lee: anjir )) [17:35:56] (( Vincent Lee: di slap terus:( )) [17:35:57] * {FF0000}Adelia_Aullia {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [17:35:58] (( Rehanzo Connor: Mampus Nandika;v )) [17:36:0] * {FF0000}Alvis_Blaymark {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jambi City, Indonesia) [17:36:6] (( Vincent Lee: pala lu mampus )) [17:36:11] REPORT: {ffffff}Your report has been issued to the queue, use '{ffff00}/reports{ffffff}' to see your report [17:36:14] (( Gracious Esquevelle: ajak ketemu ooc aja bang ajudant yang terhormat yang slap lu )) [17:36:18] RESPOND: {ff0000}edwinnovian {FFFFCC}has responded to your report [17:36:20] (( Vincent Lee: awkoawkoaw )) [17:36:24] (( Rehanzo Connor: Iya ketemuan OOC alamat gebukin palanye )) [17:36:27] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{66FFFF}[SELL]Cheetah 3 Insurance and 4 Upgrade Full Modification, Interest? Cellphone: [17:36:27] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Bradley_Alvarez{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}270013{FF0000}] [17:36:28] (( Vincent Lee: awkowakowako ngakak:v )) [17:36:36] Otis Ruther says: pak [17:36:37] * {FF0000}Nicolas_Volkoska {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [17:36:38] Otis Ruther says: woi anjeng [17:36:39] Vincent Lee says: Apa njing [17:36:40] Otis Ruther says: kesana loh [17:37:6] Vincent Lee: (( tolol afk )) [17:37:8] Otis Ruther says: kejalan tol itu [17:37:9] Otis Ruther says: asu [17:37:12] * {FF0000}Marvel_Jovinski {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bekasi, Indonesia) [17:37:16] Otis Ruther says: jalan tol itu woi [17:37:16] (( Vincent Lee: plis ya jan maen slap slap lage:v )) [17:37:18] Otis Ruther says: make ayam [17:37:22] [MEGAPHONE] Vincent Lee: Kenapa emang [17:37:24] Otis Ruther Shouts: pakaian ayam! [17:37:27] Otis Ruther says: robber asu [17:37:28] Vincent Lee says: Berapa orang? [17:37:31] (( Rehanzo Connor: abuse slap report staff )) [17:37:33] Otis Ruther says: empat [17:37:34] Otis Ruther says: sayang [17:37:34] Vincent Lee says: Naik apa [17:37:34] Otis Ruther says: astaga [17:37:34] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{66FFFF}[SELL]Comet 2 Insu Polos, Interest? Cellphone: [17:37:34] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Bradley_Alvarez{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}270013{FF0000}] [17:37:36] * {FF0000}Donnie_Stacks {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bogor, Indonesia) [17:37:37] Otis Ruther says: naik huntly [17:37:47] Otis Ruther says: warna putih [17:37:50] PHONE: {FF0000}Otis Bangsat (738000) {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [17:37:57] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 37 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Flint Intersection [17:38:5] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telpon berhenti berdering! [17:38:13] Otis Ruther says: wah [17:38:18] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: 10-60 From last niner is using chicken clothes, occupants, and using white huntley. [17:38:23] Otis Ruther says: wah ganteng kentot [17:38:24] Vincent Lee says: Woi paok [17:38:25] Vincent Lee says: Bareng [17:38:26] 911: Crime: [ Mobil saya rusak ] [17:38:26] 911: Reporter: [ Marvel Jovinski ] Phone: [ 5374444 ] [17:38:30] Marvine Collinson says: Kemane ? [17:38:31] [RADIO] PO-II Thomas Hardwell: Last seen?5-AIR-1 [17:38:34] Otis Ruther says: hahahaha [17:38:35] * {FF0000}Catherine_Meehan {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [17:38:39] Gracious Esquevelle says: Sama Synester gua. [17:38:40] Otis Ruther says: ke jala ntol itu [17:38:41] Otis Ruther says: anjeng [17:38:41] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Rumah 1 garasi Angel Pine berlahan parkir pribadi dan full furnitur minat?, SMS!. [17:38:41] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Demario_Barksdale{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}186866{FF0000}] [17:38:41] Marvine Collinson says: Woe bangsad [17:38:47] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}NRG-500 (plate: MU435AZ) going 73 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Flint Intersection [17:38:48] Otis Ruther says: ke jala ntol itu [17:38:50] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: Last seen 10-20 Toll flint [17:38:51] Gracious Esquevelle: (( lagi nunggu si synster ig )) [17:38:52] Marvine Collinson says: Dah pake M4 kek jago aja [17:38:52] Vincent Lee: (( ga )) [17:38:53] Otis Ruther Shouts: kesana woi! [17:38:57] [RADIO] PO-II Zlyeth Stottlemeyer: Officer II 8129 teaming up with Officer I 4615 under 2-ADAM-2 clearing East Beach Precinct. [17:38:58] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}NRG-500 (plate: MU435AZ) going 67 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Flint County [17:39:5] Otis Ruther says: vincent memek [17:39:13] Vincent Lee says: Apa si [17:39:28] * {FF0000}Roman_Wick {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Central Jakarta, Indonesia) [17:39:40] Vincent Lee: (( anjg )) [17:39:44] Marvine Collinson: (( awokwaoak )) [17:39:49] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}DICARI Mobil Comet, insu up bebas, ada call or sms mee!! [17:39:49] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Zein_Webb{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}334434{FF0000}] [17:39:50] [MEGAPHONE] Vincent Lee: Pull over [17:39:54] [MEGAPHONE] Vincent Lee: Pull over your vehicle [17:39:54] Marvine Collinson says: Nunit nunit nunit [17:39:55] * {FF0000}Catherine_Meehan {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [17:39:56] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 34 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Flint Intersection [17:39:59] [RADIO] PO-II Thomas Hardwell: Lumberjack clear, 5-AIR-1. [17:40:2] (( PM from [73] Marvine_Collinson: awokawoka )) [17:40:2] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Sultan (plate: GT712SR) going 45 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Flint Intersection [17:40:12] Marvine Collinson says: Lee [17:40:13] Vincent Lee says: Apa lagi [17:40:18] Marvine Collinson says: Nanti gue pinjem Bullet lu [17:40:20] Vincent Lee says: Ga [17:40:21] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}NRG-500 (plate: MU435AZ) going 46 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Flint Intersection [17:40:23] Marvine Collinson says: Pelit [17:40:31] Vincent Lee says: Woi [17:40:33] Vincent Lee says: Lu ada rumah? [17:40:33] Marvine Collinson says: Apaan [17:40:36] Vincent Lee says: Lu ada rumah? [17:40:37] Marvine Collinson says: Gada [17:40:38] Marvine Collinson says: Gapunya [17:40:38] Vincent Lee says: Serius [17:40:40] Marvine Collinson says: Iya [17:40:41] [RADIO] PO-I Blanchard Rechauffer: 2-LINCOLN-2 reporting, we got a victim in Stadium pier. [17:40:41] Vincent Lee says: Bah cacat [17:40:41] Marvine Collinson says: Emang apa [17:40:47] Marvine Collinson says: Gabutuh rumah gue [17:40:56] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL/TRADE] Sultan 3insu 4up fullmod. atau trade dengan Cheetah [17:40:56] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Ethan_Wells{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}155552{FF0000}] [17:41:0] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: Is that suspect on niner? 1-ADAM-2 Speak. [17:41:2] Marvine Collinson says: Emang apa ? [17:41:12] Marvine Collinson says: Mo nitip rumah ? [17:41:14] Vincent Lee says: Engga [17:41:18] Marvine Collinson says: Oke [17:41:23] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 46 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Flint Intersection [17:41:23] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Tow Truck (plate: KS946TW) going 44 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Flint Intersection [17:41:36] [RADIO] PO-I Blanchard Rechauffer: I think it's right, 'cause they wear a chicken clothes and using white huntley. [17:41:38] Vincent Lee: (( tolol kena bug )) [17:41:39] PHONE: {FF0000}Number 432424 {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [17:41:41] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Anda telah menjawab telpon. [17:41:41] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Gunakan chat biasa untuk berkomunikasi lewat telpon, '/h' untuk menutup telpon. [17:41:43] Caller [phone]: Sini mercusuar [17:41:43] [RADIO] PO-I Blanchard Rechauffer: 2-LINCOLN-2 speaking [17:41:46] Caller [phone]: Ada truker gila [17:41:48] Caller [phone]: Pake benson [17:41:53] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: What color of huntley? 1-ADAM-2 Speak. [17:41:55] Caller [phone]: Itu ke tol [17:41:58] Vincent Lee [phone]: Biarkan [17:41:58] Telepon terputus... [17:41:59] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Cabbie (plate: AD810EI) going 58 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Santa Maria Beach [17:42:0] * {FF0000}Kelvyn_Stuart {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bogor, Indonesia) [17:42:1] TOLL: {FFFFFF}Used 1 toll card point to pay toll access. [17:42:8] [RADIO] PO-I Blanchard Rechauffer: White Huntley, 2-LINCOLN-2 speaking. [17:42:15] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Benson (plate: NO HAVE) going 46 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Flint Intersection [17:42:20] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: Where is 10-20 ? 1-ADAM-2 Speak. [17:42:28] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 65 MPH in 60 MPH limit zone, location: Rodeo [17:42:32] * {FF0000}Catherine_Meehan {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [17:42:33] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Premier (plate: NO HAVE) going 77 MPH in 60 MPH limit zone, location: Rodeo [17:42:33] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Premier (plate: NO HAVE) going 77 MPH in 60 MPH limit zone, location: Rodeo [17:42:49] [RADIO] PO-I Blanchard Rechauffer: '20 Stadium east beach, 2-LINCOLN-2 speaking. [17:43:3] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: Copythat, [17:43:15] * {FF0000}Larenz_Hanzell {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [17:43:23] * {FF0000}Pedro_Sanchez {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [17:43:29] (( Vincent Lee: njir gua 3-ADAM-1 )) [17:43:30] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 42 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: East Beach [17:43:33] (( Vincent Lee: semenjak kapan berubah> )) [17:43:35] (( Vincent Lee: semenjak kapan berubah? )) [17:43:47] * {FF0000}Marvel_Jovinski {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bekasi, Indonesia) [17:43:52] HUD: {FFFFFF}Player HUD is {FF0000}hidden [17:43:52] * {FF0000}Adelia_Aullia {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [17:43:53] HUD: {FFFFFF}Player HUD is {00FF00}visible [17:43:55] HUD: {FFFFFF}Player HUD is {FF0000}hidden [17:43:56] HUD: {FFFFFF}Player HUD is {00FF00}visible [17:43:56] HUD: {FFFFFF}Player HUD is {FF0000}hidden [17:43:56] HUD: {FFFFFF}Player HUD is {00FF00}visible [17:43:57] HUD: {FFFFFF}Player HUD is {FF0000}hidden [17:43:57] HUD: {FFFFFF}Player HUD is {00FF00}visible [17:43:58] HUD: {FFFFFF}Player HUD is {FF0000}hidden [17:44:5] * {FF0000}Synester_Reynold {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [17:44:7] * Blanchard Rechauffer notice to Slawosky. [17:44:10] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Larenz_Hanzell ] Phone: [ 1402 ] [17:44:10] Message: Saya mau unsealed rumah pak. [17:44:16] Yevgraf Slawosky says: Stell, gua tinggal dulu, gua mau cari bantuan lagi. [17:44:18] PHONE: {FFFFFF}Calling {00FFFF}number 1402{FFFFFF}, please wait for answer! [17:44:20] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telepon telah dijawab. [17:44:20] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Gunakan chat biasa untuk berkomunikasi lewat telpon, '/h' untuk menutup telpon. [17:44:22] Caller [phone]: Hallo. [17:44:26] Vincent Lee [phone]: Rumah dimana? [17:44:33] Caller [phone]: Di las colinas atas pak. [17:44:37] Caller [phone]: Tolong pak, saya bayar gede. [17:44:38] Vincent Lee [phone]: Bisa ketemuan? [17:44:42] 911: Crime: [ eh ] [17:44:42] 911: Reporter: [ Lester Wilford ] Phone: [ 404011 ] [17:44:43] Caller [phone]: Dimana pak? [17:44:49] Vincent Lee [phone]: GYM Els aja [17:44:52] Caller [phone]: Oke pak. [17:44:52] (( Giancarlos Octavio: Shev )) [17:44:53] Telepon terputus... [17:44:54] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}JualSadler 3Insu 2Up FullModifikasi SMS aja gan! [17:44:54] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Marvine_Collinson{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}432424{FF0000}] [17:44:59] * {FF0000}Markie_Wylde {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 02, Indonesia) [17:45:3] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 58 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: East Beach [17:45:8] HUD: {FFFFFF}Player HUD is {00FF00}visible [17:45:17] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (1402) [17:45:17] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Mohon maaf pak, sebelumnya atas nama siapa? [17:45:27] Larenz Hanzell says: Bapak? [17:45:28] Vincent Lee says: Ya [17:45:31] Larenz Hanzell says: Mari pak. [17:45:33] * {FF0000}Johnn_Thore {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 02, Indonesia) [17:45:35] [ID] ID: 18 | Name: Larenz_Hanzell | Level: 7 | Ping: 42 | Launcher: Yes [17:45:36] * {FF0000}Catherine_Meehan {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [17:46:1] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Collins Mech] Sedia upgrade,neon,fix dll @Mekanik [17:46:1] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Marvine_Collinson{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}432424{FF0000}] [17:46:17] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [17:46:21] Larenz Hanzell says: Dibelakang pak. [17:46:49] * {FF0000}Tommy_Middlesworth {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [17:46:51] Larenz Hanzell says: Ini pak. [17:46:53] Larenz Hanzell says: Tolong. [17:46:57] Vincent Lee says: Oke kamu tiarap sekarang [17:47:7] * {FF0000}Marton_Korvach {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [17:47:13] * Vincent Lee mengambil borgol dari u.b lalu memborgol tangan larenz [17:47:14] can i? ((Vincent Lee)) [17:47:21] Larenz Hanzell says: Saya baru keluar penjara pak, saya sudah berjanji tidak ngapain ngapain lagi. [17:47:27] yes ((Larenz Hanzell)) [17:47:27] * Anda telah memborgol player Larenz_Hanzell. [17:47:31] Vincent Lee says: Tunggu sin [17:47:32] Vincent Lee says: Tunggu sini [17:47:34] AdmCmd: Aria_Bima has been kicked by Scumbag. [17:47:34] Reason: Kalau lagi sidejob Bus, jangan AFK mas. [17:47:38] * Vincent Lee membuka segel rumah. [17:47:40] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}You've {33AA33}unsealed {FFFFFF}the house owned by {00FFFF}Larenz_Hanzell [17:47:48] * {FF0000}Marvel_Jovinski {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bekasi, Indonesia) [17:47:59] * {FF0000}Boris_Zvonecek {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [17:48:10] * {FF0000}Radal_Radomir {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [17:48:33] Vincent Lee says: Wow [17:48:39] Vincent Lee says: Banyak sekali deagle [17:48:42] Vincent Lee says: Mari masuk. [17:48:43] Larenz Hanzell says: Saya bayar pak. [17:48:45] Vincent Lee says: Mari masuk. [17:48:48] Larenz Hanzell says: Bayar gede. [17:48:50] Vincent Lee says: Masuk kerumah itu [17:48:58] Vincent Lee says: Cepat [17:49:1] * {FF0000}Elvano_Rutledge {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [17:49:2] ERROR: Vehicles does not have trunk! [17:49:6] TRUNK: {FFFFFF}You've stored weapon {FFFF00}Desert Eagle {FFFFFF}into the trunk of {00FFFF}Police Car (LSPD) [17:49:20] Larenz Hanzell says: Saya bayar pak. [17:49:20] (( Raphael Volkoska: Lepas HS adzan gays )) [17:49:21] * {FF0000}Millena_Engel {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [17:49:21] Larenz Hanzell says: Jangan sita. [17:49:31] Vincent Lee says: 4 DE 3 SG [17:49:31] Larenz Hanzell says: Berapapun. [17:49:43] Vincent Lee says: Wow AKM [17:49:51] Larenz Hanzell says: Cobaan apalagi ini. [17:49:53] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Gracious Esquevelle: 1-ADAM-3 Taking Code 7 at Basement Central [17:50:4] (( Synester Reynold: Solat jangan ditinggalkan kawan )) [17:50:11] Vincent Lee says: Saya ambil senjatanya [17:50:16] Larenz Hanzell says: Jangan pak. [17:50:23] Vincent Lee says: Lu mau di unsealed atau engga? [17:50:24] Larenz Hanzell says: Saya bayar. [17:50:28] * {FF0000}Antony_Romanovich {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [17:50:29] Vincent Lee says: Sesuai prosedur [17:50:33] Larenz Hanzell says: Yaudah nanti aja deh pak. [17:50:36] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [17:50:36] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 432424 [17:50:36] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Woi sini [17:50:40] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (432424) [17:50:40] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Apaan [17:50:42] Vincent Lee says: Serius gamau [17:50:53] Larenz Hanzell says: Kalo mau bapak saya bayar pak, berapapun. [17:51:3] Vincent Lee says: Ga [17:51:6] Larenz Hanzell says: Saya juga mantan anggota seperti bapak. [17:51:8] Vincent Lee says: Sesuai prosedur [17:51:9] Larenz Hanzell says: Tolonglah pak. [17:51:15] Larenz Hanzell says: Yaudah deh pak sealed lagi aja. [17:51:16] * Larenz Hanzell sedih [17:51:18] Vincent Lee says: Harus di ambil senjatanya [17:51:27] Larenz Hanzell says: Buka pak. [17:51:28] * {FF0000}Girindra_Narottama {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [17:51:30] * Vincent Lee mengambil kunci gembok rumah di trunk [17:51:35] TRUNK: {FFFFFF}You've withdrawn weapon {FFFF00}Desert Eagle {FFFFFF}from the trunk of {00FFFF}Police Car (LSPD) [17:51:37] * {FF0000}Antony_Romanovich {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [17:51:38] * {FF0000}Naomi_Sullivan {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 02, Indonesia) [17:51:42] Larenz Hanzell says: Rumahku. [17:51:45] Larenz Hanzell says: Yang malang. [17:51:46] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Dicari bengkel tipe Transfender [17:51:46] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Richard_McFuller{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}112341{FF0000}] [17:51:47] * Vincent Lee menyegel rumah dengan gembok. [17:51:48] * {FF0000}Fajri_Scoot {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [17:51:53] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}You've {ff0000}sealed {FFFFFF}the house owned by {00FFFF}Larenz_Hanzell [17:51:54] [RADIO] PO-II Zlyeth Stottlemeyer: 2-ADAM-2 transporting one victim to 10-20 CGH. [17:51:55] done ((Vincent Lee)) [17:51:59] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (432424) [17:51:59] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Kemana kontol [17:52:8] * Vincent Lee melepas borgol larenz dengan kunci gembok [17:52:13] * Anda telah melepaskan borgol Larenz_Hanzell. [17:52:14] Larenz Hanzell says: Kalo bapak berubah pikiran beri tahu saya pak. [17:52:16] Vincent Lee says: Ga [17:52:17] Larenz Hanzell says: Berapapun bapak minta. [17:52:18] Vincent Lee says: Sesuai prosedur [17:52:20] Larenz Hanzell says: Saya bayar. [17:52:24] Vincent Lee says: Di take bisanya [17:52:28] [RADIO] PO-II Didier Luva: Police Officer II 10152 disbanded 1-LINCOLN-1, about to take Status 1. [17:52:31] (( Vincent Lee: afk solad ges )) [17:52:33] Larenz Hanzell says: Saya bayar kebapak untuk unsealed rumah. [17:52:35] Larenz Hanzell says: Berapapun. [17:52:36] (( Vincent Lee: aku alim:v )) [17:52:41] Vincent Lee says: Buat senjata baru aja [17:52:44] (( Giancarlos Octavio: o )) [17:52:47] Vincent Lee says: Ngapain bayar gede gede gitu [17:52:48] Larenz Hanzell says: Gak ada anak anak lagi pak. [17:52:53] Larenz Hanzell: (( gak bisa surplus wkwkw )) [17:52:57] Vincent Lee: (( wakoaokwa dasar :v )) [17:53:3] Larenz Hanzell says: Tolonglah pak. [17:53:4] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (432424) [17:53:4] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}GJ banget kontol sumpah [17:53:6] Vincent Lee: (( gua mau afk solat )) [17:53:6] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [17:53:11] Larenz Hanzell: (( yaah )) [17:53:12] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [17:53:12] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 432424 [17:53:12] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Gajadi;v [17:53:15] Larenz Hanzell: (( bagi nomor lo bro )) [17:53:19] Vincent Lee: (( nomor apa )) [17:53:19] [RADIO] PO-II Thomas Hardwell: 5-AIR-1 take Code 7. [17:53:25] Larenz Hanzell: (( apa kek bisnis wkwkw )) [17:53:25] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (432424) [17:53:25] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Mau sombong nih keknya dah ada rumah banyak :V [17:53:30] Vincent Lee: (( nomor wa? )) [17:53:31] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (432424) [17:53:31] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}ELS semua [17:53:33] Larenz Hanzell: (( bebas dah )) [17:53:38] * {FF0000}Aria_Bima {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [17:53:40] Vincent Lee: (( 085722556243 )) [17:53:43] Vincent Lee: (( nanti gua kasih tau sesuatu )) [17:53:49] Larenz Hanzell: (( oke mantap )) [17:53:52] Vincent Lee: (( gua afk solat ye )) [17:53:54] Larenz Hanzell: (( gua wa entar, abis magrib )) [17:53:58] Vincent Lee: (( oke )) [17:53:58] (( PM from [73] Marvine_Collinson: itu si Louise jarang bikin laporan )) [17:54:1] Larenz Hanzell: (( oke mntp tq )) [17:54:8] (( PM to [73] Marvine_Collinson: okwakowa biarkan dia udah male skerja: )) [17:54:14] (( PM from [73] Marvine_Collinson: awokwaok )) [17:54:20] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 40 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Las Colinas [17:54:44] * {FF0000}Lidya_Felicia {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Banjarmasin, Indonesia) [17:54:51] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (432424) [17:54:51] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Kapan lu beli WS TF? [17:54:51] * {FF0000}Markie_Wylde {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 02, Indonesia) [17:54:54] * {FF0000}Naomi_Sullivan {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 02, Indonesia) [17:54:55] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Dicari bengkel tipe Transfender [17:54:55] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Richard_McFuller{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}112341{FF0000}] [17:55:3] * {FF0000}Fabian_Esparza {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bendo, Indonesia) [17:55:7] * {FF0000}Ogawa_Ryumoon {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Padang, Indonesia) [17:55:17] * {FF0000}Kelvyn_Stuart {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bogor, Indonesia) [17:55:41] * {FF0000}Rocky_Corbett {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [17:55:46] 911: Crime: [ Ada robber pake baju ayam di Bone County dekat TianMetal's mine, tolong cepat datang! mereka bawa shotgun. ] [17:55:46] 911: Reporter: [ Kenroy Livington ] Phone: [ 600200 ] [17:56:2] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Dicari pekerjaan untuk saya [17:56:2] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Richard_McFuller{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}112341{FF0000}] [17:56:20] * {FF0000}Aria_Bima {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [17:56:43] 911: Crime: [ Mereka dekat Las Venturas para robber menggunakan huntley ] [17:56:43] 911: Reporter: [ Yevgraf Slawosky ] Phone: [ 2128588 ] [17:56:47] [RADIO] PO-II Zlyeth Stottlemeyer: 2-ADAM-2 on last niner CODE-3 [17:56:49] * {FF0000}Allard_Anayouri {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Surabaya, Indonesia) [17:56:50] * {FF0000}Patrick_Rothschild {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [17:57:0] * {FF0000}Didier_Luva {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 03, Indonesia) [17:57:8] * {FF0000}Markie_Wylde {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 02, Indonesia) [17:57:9] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY] mobil sport fullsticker ada?Call Or Sms [17:57:9] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Girindra_Narottama{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3004{FF0000}] [17:57:26] * {FF0000}Karen_Riley {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [17:57:32] * {FF0000}Knut_Drivenes {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [17:57:50] * {FF0000}Elvano_Rutledge {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [17:58:5] AdmCmd: Kenroy_Livington has been kicked by Scumbag. [17:58:5] Reason: AFK on publick [17:58:9] * {FF0000}Dajuan_Broughton {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [17:58:10] * {FF0000}Fajri_Scoot {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [17:58:15] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY] mobil sport fullsticker ada?Call Or Sms [17:58:15] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Girindra_Narottama{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3004{FF0000}] [17:58:24] * {FF0000}Markie_Wylde {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 02, Indonesia) [17:58:33] [RADIO] PO-I Raphael Volkoska: 5-TOM-1 perfrom impound the vehicle procedure on '60 Red Flash '20 LSIC, over. [17:58:52] (( PM from [13] Allard_Anayouri: Oe vincent )) [17:58:54] [RADIO] PO-II Didier Luva: Police Officer II 10152 Status 1, good evening. [17:59:22] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY] mobil sport fullsticker ada?Call Or Sms [17:59:22] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Girindra_Narottama{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3004{FF0000}] [18:0:2] * {FF0000}Naomi_Sullivan {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 02, Indonesia) [18:0:4] Anda telah memasuki AFK mode!, ketik /afk untuk lanjut main [18:0:8] * {FF0000}Kenroy_Livington {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Surabaya, Indonesia) [18:0:17] * {FF0000}Hansen_Sullivan {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [18:0:50] AdmCmd: Tyrone_Greenwood has been remote temporary banned by Dena_7730. [18:0:50] Reason: Request from owner. [18:1:55] 911: Crime: [ ada robber daerah flint dan BB pake huntley putih 4 orang pake baju ayam kuning semua. ] [18:1:55] 911: Reporter: [ Claire Abhisar ] Phone: [ 4070013 ] [18:2:18] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Patrick_Rothschild ] Phone: [ 610800 ] [18:2:18] Message: Saya ingin memperpanjang licenses penerbangan saya, apakah bisa? [18:2:19] * {FF0000}Emiliano_Fabrizio {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [18:3:15] * {FF0000}Zeline_Zakeisha {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [18:3:46] * {FF0000}Adriana_Jollie {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [18:4:18] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Gracious Esquevelle: SHOTFIRE [18:4:26] * {FF0000}Fan_Zhang {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [18:6:53] 911: Crime: [ Robber bawa huntley putih, bajunya ayam semua terus bawa shotgun. ] [18:6:53] 911: Reporter: [ Kenroy Livington ] Phone: [ 600200 ] [18:7:23] * {FF0000}Ian_Solve {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [18:7:34] * {FF0000}Paulo_Gerald {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [18:8:8] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY] Mobil PICKUP Apa Aja Yang Penting 3 insu. Ada? Hub: [18:8:8] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Rapi_Fauzi{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}569000{FF0000}] [18:8:47] * {FF0000}Aarich_Steven {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [18:10:0] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Dicari workshop type transfender yang buka [18:10:0] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Giancarlos_Octavio{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3338{FF0000}] [18:10:18] * {FF0000}Moolyz_Jackone {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [18:10:31] * {FF0000}Charlie_Veidrop {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [18:11:7] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[DIJUAL] Rumah di El Corona 8 ruangan 2 lantai lahan parkir pribadi luas [18:11:7] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Nicolas_Volkoska{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}800888{FF0000}] [18:11:14] [RADIO] PO-II Zlyeth Stottlemeyer: Need more units Shotfire 10-20 Flint Gas. 2-ADAM-2 [18:11:31] * {FF0000}Marton_Korvach {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [18:11:32] AFK: {ffff00}You are no longer in AFK-Mode! [18:11:36] (( Gracious Esquevelle: itu ada yang bug )) [18:11:38] (( Gracious Esquevelle: sumpah )) [18:11:42] (( Griffin Finnegan: ada yg bug )) [18:11:45] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 39 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Las Colinas [18:11:45] (( Gracious Esquevelle: tadi ada yang knock down tapi lari )) [18:11:53] (( Vincent Lee: citer maybe )) [18:12:2] * {FF0000}Moondi_Egloffsteins {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Samarinda, Indonesia) [18:12:8] * {FF0000}Synester_Reynold {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [18:12:12] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Richard_McFuller ] Phone: [ 112341 ] [18:12:12] Message: Perpanjang Drive license dimana ya ? [18:12:16] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}/me Beli Rumah 2 sampai 4 Garasi atau Mansion ada SMS [18:12:16] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Emma_Mcquinza{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}2210{FF0000}] [18:12:30] * {FF0000}Hunter_Logan {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [18:12:31] AdmCmd: Emma_Mcquinza has been kicked by Regency. [18:12:31] Reason: Fail /ad [18:12:33] (( Griffin Finnegan: Orlando George )) [18:12:37] (( Vincent Lee: get gua dog )) [18:12:37] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [18:12:38] (( Vincent Lee: get gua dong )) [18:13:1] (( Giancarlos Octavio: shev )) [18:13:9] * {FF0000}Ian_Solve {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [18:13:9] [RADIO] Prob. Detective Cassion Dante: 7-UNION-4 disbanded. [18:13:12] (( Giancarlos Octavio: oe )) [18:13:12] * {FF0000}Marshall_Sullivan {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [18:13:23] TOLL: {FFFFFF}Used 1 toll card point to pay toll access. [18:13:24] ERROR: Please wait untill the gate is closed! [18:13:30] (( Cassion Dante: apa )) [18:13:49] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Tahoma (plate: NO HAVE) going 41 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Flint County [18:13:57] * {FF0000}Ken_Aaron {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Kuningan Barat, Indonesia) [18:14:2] * Vincent Lee take m4 from front of body using both hands and ready to shoot. [18:14:11] Mask 190029 Shouts [inside]: WOI! [18:14:13] Mask 190029 Shouts [inside]: CEPAT! [18:14:19] Gracious Esquevelle Shouts: Sabar ya! [18:14:25] Mask 190029 Shouts [inside]: SABAR MULU ! [18:14:26] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Sell]Premier 3insurance | 4upgrade | interest it? Contact Person: [18:14:26] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Paulo_Gerald{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}666682{FF0000}] [18:14:28] * {FF0000}Emma_Mcquinza {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [18:14:28] Mask 190029 Shouts [inside]: ASTAGA! [18:14:31] Vincent Lee Shouts: Sabar disayang pacar! [18:14:37] Gracious Esquevelle Shouts: Sabar ya! [18:14:39] Mask 190029 Shouts [inside]: PALA LU DI SAYANG PACAR.! [18:14:40] Blanchard Rechauffer Shouts: Sabar pantatnya lebar! [18:14:42] [RADIO] PO-I Raphael Volkoska: 5-TOM-1 has been disbanded and parked properly, over. [18:14:48] Mask 190029 Shouts [inside]: PANTAT LU KECIL TOLOL! [18:14:52] Mask 190029 Shouts [inside]: GA GUNA LU JADI PD.! [18:14:57] Blanchard Rechauffer Shouts: Pantat lu aja tipis! [18:15:5] Mask 190029 Shouts [inside]: KALO LU MERASA PD MASUK TOLOL! [18:15:8] Mask 190029 Shouts [inside]: KALO LU MERASA PD MASUK TOLOL! [18:15:8] * {FF0000}Romain_Guillot {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Sidoarjo, Indonesia) [18:15:10] Vincent Lee Shouts: BACOT SABAR! [18:15:15] AdmCmd: ShevaTujuh has released Lyovanska_Ignashevich from Admin Jail [18:15:18] AdmCmd: Lyovanska_Ignashevich has been kicked by ShevaTujuh. [18:15:18] Reason: relog with newname. [18:15:18] Gracious Esquevelle Shouts: Saya PD elite jadi gasuka perang! [18:15:25] Mask 190029 Shouts [inside]: KALO LU MERASA PD MASUK TOLOL! [18:15:26] Vincent Lee Shouts: Saya apa lagi! [18:15:33] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Sell]Premier 3insurance | 4upgrade | interest it? Contact Person: [18:15:33] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Paulo_Gerald{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}666682{FF0000}] [18:15:37] Vincent Lee Shouts: KELUARLAH! [18:15:41] * {FF0000}Mathias_Henderson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Tasikmalaya, Indonesia) [18:15:51] * {FF0000}Beardsley_Rutherford {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 02, Indonesia) [18:16:0] * {FF0000}Bronson_Carlos {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 07, Indonesia) [18:16:8] * {FF0000}Leroyce_West {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Pekanbaru, Indonesia) [18:16:25] * {FF0000}Knut_Drivenes {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [18:16:26] Synester Reynold: (( ajg )) [18:16:30] Synester Reynold: (( salah aing apa )) [18:16:34] * {FF0000}Ethan_Wells {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [18:16:37] * {FF0000}Lyovanska_Ignashevich {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [18:16:38] [RADIO] Prob. Detective Cassion Dante: Prob. Detective 2738 reporting off duty,over. [18:16:40] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Beli Rumah 2 sampai 4 Garasi atau Mansion ada SMS [18:16:40] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Emma_Mcquinza{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}2210{FF0000}] [18:16:58] Vincent Lee says: Makan tuh kontol [18:17:7] * Zlyeth Stottlemeyer saved his Remmington to front body. [18:17:10] * Griffin Finnegan takes maskman's AK47 from his hand [18:17:10] * Kenway Schwazenegger terlihat jantung nya terkena peluru [18:17:12] ID ? ((Griffin Finnegan)) [18:17:12] (( Vincent Lee: gua ngekill ga ?:( )) [18:17:16] (( Blanchard Rechauffer: no )) [18:17:16] 11 ((Mask 330719)) [18:17:18] (( Vincent Lee: cek dm log:( )) [18:17:19] (( Gracious Esquevelle: liatin log gw, gw ngekill ga )) [18:17:21] terlihat jantung Kenway bocor. ((Kenway Schwazenegger)) [18:17:24] (( Blanchard Rechauffer: i )) [18:17:24] (( Cassion Dante: GRIFFIN 3 )) [18:17:24] (( Vincent Lee: wakooawkwa )) [18:17:25] (( Blanchard Rechauffer: 1 )) [18:17:26] * Gracious Esquevelle mengangkat tubuh orang di depan [18:17:27] (( Cassion Dante: GRACIOUS 1 )) [18:17:27] (( Griffin Finnegan: ez )) [18:17:27] * Synester Reynold lift the body's suspect with both hands [18:17:28] (( Blanchard Rechauffer: griffin 3 )) [18:17:29] (( Cassion Dante: lo semua citer kontol )) [18:17:29] (( Vincent Lee: NJIR )) [18:17:30] Can I ? ((Synester Reynold)) [18:17:30] (( Cassion Dante: gue banned lo )) [18:17:32] (( Vincent Lee: AOWKKOWAOWA )) [18:17:33] (( Blanchard Rechauffer: aowkaokoaw )) [18:17:34] * {FF0000}Ken_Aaron {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Kuningan Barat, Indonesia) [18:17:35] Yes. ((Mask 190029)) [18:17:35] (( Romain Guillot: MAMPUS ANJING )) [18:17:44] * {FF0000}Bronson_Carlos {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 07, Indonesia) [18:17:44] (( Giancarlos Octavio: hee )) [18:17:47] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}JUAL | Rumah 3 ruangan di ELS, 10k nego [18:17:47] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Marton_Korvach{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}14442{FF0000}] [18:17:49] (( Giancarlos Octavio: who is that )) [18:17:55] (( Romain Guillot: griffin citer itu sev )) [18:17:58] (( Giancarlos Octavio: caps on )) [18:17:59] * Gracious Esquevelle mengambil BLS dari dalam trunk [18:17:59] * Synester Reynold release body's in the ground. [18:18:2] Blanchard Rechauffer says: Ayam tolol [18:18:6] Vincent Lee says: Ayam kampus [18:18:8] (( Griffin Finnegan: mamak kau )) [18:18:12] /togmask dong kak biar mudah rpnya ((Gracious Esquevelle)) [18:18:13] (( Romain Guillot: papak kau )) [18:18:17] * Gracious Esquevelle meletakkan BLS Kit disamping korban [18:18:23] (( Synester Reynold: Relog ges )) [18:18:24] (( Giancarlos Octavio: nandika, lu kan citer )) [18:18:28] (( Giancarlos Octavio: kok gadapat kill )) [18:18:29] (( Giancarlos Octavio: aihh )) [18:18:31] [RADIO] PO-I Raphael Volkoska: Police Officer I 8127 start of watch under 1-JOHN-1, available to teaming up, clearing from Central HQ, over. [18:18:32] (( Vincent Lee: apaan si )) [18:18:33] * Gracious Esquevelle mengambil nitrile gloves lalu memakainya di kedua tangan [18:18:33] terlihat tangan kiri Martin ngeluarkan darah terus menerus. ((Mask 190029)) [18:18:35] * Zlyeth Stottlemeyer released Kenway's body. [18:18:39] (( Vincent Lee: PPKO Anjg amrun:v )) [18:18:45] (( Giancarlos Octavio: ampun ajudan )) [18:18:47] * Zlyeth Stottlemeyer mengambil BLS dari dalam cruiser. [18:18:48] (( Giancarlos Octavio: maafkan saya )) [18:18:53] (( Blanchard Rechauffer: gua off yo )) [18:18:56] * Zlyeth Stottlemeyer meletakkan BLS ke tanah. [18:18:57] (( Vincent Lee: dih )) [18:18:57] (( Giancarlos Octavio: tolong jangan suspen saya )) [18:18:57] (( Blanchard Rechauffer: billing )) [18:18:59] (( Vincent Lee: kemana )) [18:19:1] Synester_Reynold telah keluar dari server. (Pergi) [18:19:6] terlihat tangan kiri maskman terkena peluru. ((Mask 330719)) [18:19:9] terlihat tangan martin putus. akibat keabisan darah. ((Martin Carlos)) [18:19:10] * {FF0000}Louise_Bishop {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [18:19:11] * Zlyeth Stottlemeyer membuka BLS lalu mengambil nitrile gloves dan memakainya. [18:19:19] * Gracious Esquevelle menempelkan jari tengah dan jari telunjuk ke carotid artery [18:19:19] (( Blanchard Rechauffer: tolong ya )) [18:19:21] terlihat jantung kenway terkena tembak dan seketika meninggal di tempat ((Kenway Schwazenegger)) [18:19:25] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[sell] sentinel 3insu 4up nego $1.8k minat CP [18:19:25] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Knut_Drivenes{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3103685{FF0000}] [18:19:26] * Griffin Finnegan opens the cruiser trunk [18:19:27] * Gracious Esquevelle menghitung denyut nadi Martin [18:19:30] * Zlyeth Stottlemeyer meletakkan dua jari ke alat pernapasan Kenway lalu memeriksa pernapasannya. [18:19:31] * Griffin Finnegan takes a BLS kit from inside it [18:19:36] Berapa denyut nadi ? (60-100 normal) ((Gracious Esquevelle)) [18:19:40] terlihat martin keabisan darah. ((Martin Carlos)) [18:19:40] terlihat denyut nadi maskman terkena peluru sehingga membuat denyut nadinya lemah. ((Mask 330719)) [18:19:40] * Griffin Finnegan drops the BLS kit beside maskman [18:19:43] Berapa pernapsan permenit? (12-18 normal) ((Zlyeth Stottlemeyer)) [18:19:44] 20 ((Martin Carlos)) [18:19:47] * {FF0000}Markie_Wylde {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 02, Indonesia) [18:19:48] terlihat denyut nadi maskman terkena peluru sehingga membuat denyut nadinya lemah. ((Mask 330719)) [18:19:48] * Gracious Esquevelle memeriksa luka fisik tubuh [18:19:56] AdmCmd: Aldrick_Alston has been warned by wakdolaa, Total warning: 7 [18:19:56] Reason: OOC insult. [18:19:59] * {FF0000}Conan_Pearson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [18:20:10] * Griffin Finnegan opens the BLS kit, takes a pair of nitrlie gloves [18:20:11] * Gracious Esquevelle mengambil trauma dressing dari BLS Kit lalu memasangkannya di luka korban [18:20:12] * Zlyeth Stottlemeyer meletakkan jari tengah ke jari telunjuk Kenway. [18:20:13] AdmCmd: Aldrick_Alston has been banned by wakdolaa for 1 day(s). [18:20:13] Reason: OOC insult. [18:20:19] Pendarahan berhenti? ((Gracious Esquevelle)) [18:20:19] * Griffin Finnegan wears the nitrlie gloves [18:20:20] * {FF0000}Blanchard_Rechauffer {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [18:20:21] Pendarahan berhenti? ((Gracious Esquevelle)) [18:20:28] (( Vincent Lee: kok cuman 2? )) [18:20:31] * {FF0000}Aria_Bima {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [18:20:31] (( Vincent Lee: 1 lagi mana )) [18:20:32] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[sell] sentinel 3insu 4up nego $1.8k minat CP [18:20:32] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Knut_Drivenes{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3103685{FF0000}] [18:20:32] Alasannya apa? ((Gracious Esquevelle)) [18:20:33] (( Griffin Finnegan: /q )) [18:20:33] * {FF0000}Ingga_Fresly {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [18:20:38] 0 tidak ada denyut nadi ((Kenway Schwazenegger)) [18:20:38] karna sudah mengeluarkan darah terlalu banyak. ((Martin Carlos)) [18:20:39] terlihat denyut nadi maskman terkena peluru sehingga membuat denyut nadinya lemah. ((Mask 330719)) [18:20:41] (( Griffin Finnegan: Orlando George )) [18:20:44] (( Vincent Lee: ini belakang anjir:v )) [18:20:48] * Zlyeth Stottlemeyer memeriksa kondisi lua Kenway. [18:20:50] * Vincent Lee slots his m4 into front of body using both hands. [18:20:51] (( PM from [2] Louise_Bishop: re-share nrg )) [18:20:51] (( Griffin Finnegan: ada 4 )) [18:20:51] (( PM from [2] Louise_Bishop: re-share nrg )) [18:20:53] gausa force ((Gracious Esquevelle)) [18:20:53] (( Griffin Finnegan: satunya /q )) [18:21:0] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}You have shared your {00FFFF}NRG-500 {FFFFFF}to {FFFF00}Louise_Bishop [18:21:1] * Griffin Finnegan takes a trauma dressing inside BLS kit [18:21:5] sapa yang force ? ((Martin Carlos)) [18:21:10] keadaan Kenway? ((Zlyeth Stottlemeyer)) [18:21:12] yang lu maksud gua apa yang lain ? ((Martin Carlos)) [18:21:18] * Griffin Finnegan applies the trauma dressing on maskman's wound [18:21:19] *gua apa yang lain. ((Martin Carlos)) [18:21:20] kena tangan kanan masa darah seluruh tubuh abis ((Gracious Esquevelle)) [18:21:24] * {FF0000}Marton_Korvach {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [18:21:25] Sudah tidak bernafas lagi ((Kenway Schwazenegger)) [18:21:26] terlihat denyut nadi maskman terkena peluru sehingga membuat denyut nadinya lemah. ((Mask 330719)) [18:21:27] [PD] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: Police 10168 To FD [18:21:27] AdmCmd: Allard_Anayouri has been kicked by wakdolaa. [18:21:27] Reason: ATIP. [18:21:27] Raphael Volkoska says: Bagaimana situasi ? [18:21:30] Vincent Lee says: Aman [18:21:37] Kenapa gabernapas? ((Zlyeth Stottlemeyer)) [18:21:39] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{66FFFF}[SELL]Cheetah 3 Insurance and 4 Upgrade Full Modification have 2 Stiker, Interest? Cellphone: [18:21:39] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Bradley_Alvarez{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}270013{FF0000}] [18:21:45] ngeluarkan darah terlalu banyak bukan tubuh. ((Martin Carlos)) [18:21:48] Markie_Wylde telah keluar dari server. (Pergi) [18:21:52] terlihat denyut nadi maskman terkena peluru sehingga membuat denyut nadinya lemah. ((Mask 330719)) [18:21:56] darah ada dalam tubuh bukan? ((Gracious Esquevelle)) [18:22:6] [MD] Fellow Georges Parker: Fire 24480 here, speak up PD [18:22:7] AdmCmd: wakdolaa has jailed Otis_Ruther for 3000 minute(s) [18:22:7] Reason: CK'ed. [18:22:7] [PD] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: Can you send your unit to 10-20 Flint Gas? There 3 suspect armed robbery down. [18:22:13] ya ada. ((Martin Carlos)) [18:22:14] Kamu cuma graze doang kok. gamungkin mati. ((Zlyeth Stottlemeyer)) [18:22:15] karena terdapat luka pada jantungnya seketika mati di tempat ((Kenway Schwazenegger)) [18:22:16] terlihat peluru mengenai denyut nadi sehingga membuat nadinya maskman melemah ((Mask 330719)) [18:22:24] terlihat urat nadi Martin mulai berhenti. ((Martin Carlos)) [18:22:27] (( Gracious Esquevelle: semangat rp sama orang ritad kawan kawan )) [18:22:27] kamu graze doang sayang, gaada ke jantung ((Zlyeth Stottlemeyer)) [18:22:31] akibat tembakkan. ((Martin Carlos)) [18:22:31] tapi kan itu di daerah dada / torso ((Kenway Schwazenegger)) [18:22:35] Raphael Volkoska says: Perlu bantuan ? [18:22:36] Yevgraf Slawosky [phone]: Saya di WS anda. [18:22:37] [MD] Fellow Georges Parker: Roger that sir, 3 unit will send to Flint Gas [18:22:41] Griffin Finnegan says: Ya [18:22:44] * Gracious Esquevelle menggambil saline solution dan cotton pad dari BLS [18:22:44] tau arti graze ga? ((Zlyeth Stottlemeyer)) [18:22:47] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{66FFFF}[SELL]Sultan 3 Insurance and 4 Upgrade Full Modification, Interest? Cellphone: [18:22:47] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Bradley_Alvarez{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}270013{FF0000}] [18:22:47] [PD] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: Thanks FD, Police 10168 Out. [18:22:49] terlihat 5 menit tidak ada pertolongan. ((Mask 330719)) [18:22:49] Griffin Finnegan says: Coba ini cek nadi dan pernafasannya [18:22:57] terluka ((Kenway Schwazenegger)) [18:23:0] * Gracious Esquevelle menuangkan cairan saline solution ke cotton pad lalu membersihkan luka gores korban [18:23:1] urat nadi terkena tembak. ((Martin Carlos)) [18:23:3] Graze itu goresan doang. ((Zlyeth Stottlemeyer)) [18:23:7] terlihat peluru mengenai denyut nadi sehingga membuat nadinya maskman melemah ((Mask 330719)) [18:23:8] * Raphael Volkoska wearing gloves nitrile from BLS kit [18:23:11] * Gracious Esquevelle mengambil steri strips dari BLS dan menempelkannya di luka gores korban [18:23:15] Gracious Esquevelle says: Ini selamat.. [18:23:19] Gracious Esquevelle says: Cuman kena tangan kanan dan udah di bandage. [18:23:19] Griffin Finnegan says: Good. [18:23:20] gamungkin jantung lu tertembak. ((Zlyeth Stottlemeyer)) [18:23:21] Tetapi kan mengenai jantung goresannya, masa iya kena tembak cuma goresan doang? ((Kenway Schwazenegger)) [18:23:23] Gracious Esquevelle says: Yuhuu.. [18:23:28] Type mask @330719? ((Raphael Volkoska)) [18:23:29] what ? urat nadi kena. ((Martin Carlos)) [18:23:30] terlihat 5 menit tidak ada pertolongan ((Mask 330719)) [18:23:33] Gracious Esquevelle says: Penjara berapa bulan yaa.. [18:23:36] kalo kena jantung, otomatis Bleeding. ini cuma graze doang. ((Zlyeth Stottlemeyer)) [18:23:39] * {FF0000}Andre_Hoffman {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Sidoarjo, Indonesia) [18:23:41] topeng ((Mask 330719)) [18:23:44] Permission PK'ed ? ((Martin Carlos)) [18:23:48] Goresan itu gak tembus mas ((Griffin Finnegan)) [18:23:49] * Raphael Volkoska membuka Topeng dengan tangan kanan [18:23:51] jangan memperlambat rp ya... ((Vincent Lee)) [18:23:53] terbuka? ((Raphael Volkoska)) [18:23:54] Yevgraf Slawosky says: Waduh. [18:23:55] ya ((Brad Saxon)) [18:23:55] NO ((Gracious Esquevelle)) [18:23:55] Yevgraf Slawosky says: Ini dia. [18:23:57] terlihat peluru mengenai denyut nadi sehingga membuat nadinya maskman melemah ((Brad Saxon)) [18:23:57] urat nadi terkena tembak. ((Martin Carlos)) [18:24:0] Griffin Finnegan says: Minggir bego. [18:24:0] why ?] ((Martin Carlos)) [18:24:1] Yevgraf Slawosky says: Oi Griffin. [18:24:3] alesaannya ? ((Martin Carlos)) [18:24:3] Masa iya peluru bikin goresan? ((Kenway Schwazenegger)) [18:24:7] * {FF0000}Aaron_Constantine {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Samarinda, Indonesia) [18:24:9] * Raphael Volkoska mengecek luka Brad dengan kedua tangan [18:24:11] terlihat peluru mengenai denyut nadi sehingga membuat nadinya maskman melemah ((Brad Saxon)) [18:24:20] Iya, buktinya health lu ga parah, cuma graze ((Zlyeth Stottlemeyer)) [18:24:20] (( Gracious Esquevelle: plis ini masa gamau ada yang respon /report )) [18:24:29] Rigth Arm itu tangan kiri dan di situ terkena tembak urat nadinya. ((Martin Carlos)) [18:24:29] jangan Force ya zheyenk ((Zlyeth Stottlemeyer)) [18:24:34] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [18:24:34] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}lee gue mau modift 1 aja di WS boleh? [18:24:37] Yevgraf Slawosky Shouts: Nahan! [18:24:39] terlihat peluru mengenai denyut nadi sehingga membuat nadinya maskman melemah ((Brad Saxon)) [18:24:46] masa ya masih terselamatkan ? ((Martin Carlos)) [18:24:56] * {FF0000}Tegar_Asta {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [18:24:56] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [18:24:56] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}lee [18:24:59] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [18:24:59] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 204020 [18:24:59] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Pake compo lu [18:25:1] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY]Sanchez any insu up, Cellphone: [18:25:1] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Dajuan_Broughton{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}534954{FF0000}] [18:25:4] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [18:25:4] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Iya sans [18:25:19] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [18:25:19] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Katanya yang kita itu ws [18:25:22] * {FF0000}Denny_Webster {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [18:25:22] (( Gracious Esquevelle: aneh rpnya lagian kena tangan kanan )) [18:25:25] (( Gracious Esquevelle: minta PK )) [18:25:26] * {FF0000}Abbas_Jozef {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [18:25:47] * {FF0000}Charlie_Lewis {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 02, Indonesia) [18:25:51] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [18:25:51] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 204020 [18:25:51] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}lu dimana [18:25:55] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [18:25:55] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}di MC [18:25:58] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [18:25:58] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 204020 [18:25:58] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}ini ada truk di ws [18:25:59] Vincent Lee says: Mau apa? [18:26:2] * {FF0000}Charlie_Veidrop {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [18:26:9] Yevgraf Slawosky says: Pasang Neon, Fix Mesin. [18:26:10] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [18:26:10] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Maksud? [18:26:11] Yevgraf Slawosky says: Upgrade Body. [18:26:14] Brad tidak bisa mendengarkan apa apa karena telah tiada. ((Brad Saxon)) [18:26:17] * {FF0000}Alexey_Viktor {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Samarinda, Indonesia) [18:26:20] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [18:26:20] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 204020 [18:26:20] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Ada yang mau upgrae fix mesin sama neon sini gc WS [18:26:22] * {FF0000}Clayton_Gallagher {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 02, Indonesia) [18:26:22] Vincent Lee says: bentar [18:26:28] Yevgraf Slawosky says: Saya udah nelpon. [18:26:28] Vincent Lee says: Gua sms karyawan [18:26:30] * {FF0000}Dannie_Middlesworth {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Samarinda, Indonesia) [18:26:31] Vincent Lee says: Owh ok [18:26:31] Yevgraf Slawosky says: Tapi lama banget. [18:26:32] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [18:26:32] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Wait [18:26:47] Sungguh. ((Martin Carlos)) [18:26:48] * {FF0000}Grizelle_Schofield {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [18:27:4] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [18:27:4] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Janji ya lo mau ngasih duit [18:27:8] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [18:27:8] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 204020 [18:27:8] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Ga ada [18:27:11] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [18:27:11] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 204020 [18:27:11] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}senin ada baru [18:27:24] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [18:27:24] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Yaudah senin ya sayank? [18:27:26] * {FF0000}Aaron_Constantine {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Samarinda, Indonesia) [18:27:39] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{66FFFF}[SELL]Sultan 3 Insurance and 4 Upgrade Full Modification, Interest? Cellphone: [18:27:39] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Bradley_Alvarez{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}270013{FF0000}] [18:27:58] [MD] Fellow Georges Parker: Fire 24480 to PD two RA has been sent to Flint Gas ETA 3 minutes [18:28:5] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [18:28:5] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}yank? [18:28:24] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [18:28:24] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 204020 [18:28:24] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Iya bentar bacor [18:28:30] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [18:28:30] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 204020 [18:28:30] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Lgi ada robber [18:28:33] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [18:28:33] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 204020 [18:28:33] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Di deket ws wakookwawa [18:28:39] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [18:28:39] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}wokwokokokw si memek [18:28:44] (( Griffin Finnegan: door diem kan )) [18:28:45] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [18:28:45] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{66FFFF}[SELL]Cheetah 3 Insurance and 4 Upgrade Full Modification have 2 Stiker, Interest? Cellphone: [18:28:45] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Bradley_Alvarez{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}270013{FF0000}] [18:28:46] asik ((Griffin Finnegan)) [18:28:56] Gracious Esquevelle says: Fire ini tolong. [18:28:56] * Robert Flynn mendorong gurne [18:28:57] Martin Carlos: (( aku tanya mas. )) [18:29:1] Gracious Esquevelle says: Meskipun cuma luka ringan. [18:29:2] * Grizelle Schofield membawa turun ALS Kit. [18:29:3] ini gimana jadinya ((Kenway Schwazenegger)) [18:29:3] Raphael Volkoska: (( kecuali di Neck baru lu rpin kena urat nadi )) [18:29:5] Martin Carlos: (( kalo kena urat nadi mati apa ga ? )) [18:29:6] Griffin Finnegan: (( orang tangannya butung emang mati semua ? )) [18:29:6] Gracious Esquevelle says: Cuman kena tangan kanan [18:29:8] Woi PD ((Kenway Schwazenegger)) [18:29:8] Gracious Esquevelle says: Dan udah di bandage. [18:29:11] (( Vincent Lee: suruh cut /b )) [18:29:12] (( Vincent Lee: suruh cut /b )) [18:29:12] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [18:29:13] Brad Saxon: (( emang di tangan ga ada urat nadi? )) [18:29:17] masa iya peluru bikin graze doang? ((Kenway Schwazenegger)) [18:29:17] * Robert Flynn mengangkat tubuh Kenway keatas Gurney [18:29:18] apaan lu graze doang, di RPin sama Fire. ((Zlyeth Stottlemeyer)) [18:29:20] * Grizelle Schofield meletakkan ALS Kitnya di bawah laly mengambil sarung tangan nitrile. [18:29:23] {ff0000}wakdolaa: {ffffff}(( stop /b, ada FD )) [18:29:23] * {FF0000}Maynard_Southwell {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [18:29:33] emang gitu bro dari /health nya ((Griffin Finnegan)) [18:29:36] Raphael Volkoska says: Biar FD yang take over dah [18:29:37] kita RPkan dari /health ((Griffin Finnegan)) [18:29:43] Gracious Esquevelle says: Move! [18:29:44] * Grizelle Schofield memeriksa kesadaran Martin dengan menyubit lengan ototnya dan menyapanya. [18:29:46] Yevgraf Slawosky says: Pak. [18:29:49] Gracious Esquevelle says: Move dulu! [18:29:52] Grizelle Schofield Says [low]: Halo, bisa dengar suara saya, Pak? [18:29:53] terlihat tangan kiri Martin bagian urat terkena sejumlah peluru. ((Martin Carlos)) [18:29:53] Gracious Esquevelle says: Masih berbahaya. [18:29:54] Yevgraf Slawosky says: Duit gua di rampok dia. [18:29:55] Yevgraf Slawosky says: Ambilin dong. [18:29:56] * {FF0000}Freddo_North {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [18:29:56] Gracious Esquevelle says: Gausah susah dibilangin [18:29:57] Apakah ada reaksi dari Martin? ((Grizelle Schofield)) [18:30:0] serah lu ae lah, "Peluru itu ga ada yang bisa bikin goresan ke tubuh" ((Kenway Schwazenegger)) [18:30:3] * {FF0000}Steffen_Peterson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [18:30:3] Yevgraf Slawosky [phone]: Duit gua ambilin. [18:30:6] * Grizelle Schofield memeriksa seluruh luka yang ada di tubuh Martin. [18:30:6] Yevgraf Slawosky [phone]: Di kantong nya coba. [18:30:8] Yevgraf Slawosky [phone]: Lumayan $100. [18:30:9] tidaj terdengar suara apa" ((Martin Carlos)) [18:30:10] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [18:30:10] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}masih ada rob? [18:30:17] * Robert Flynn mendorong gurney kedalam ambulan [18:30:19] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [18:30:19] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 204020 [18:30:19] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}udh down [18:30:21] Yevgraf Slawosky [phone]: Sorry sorry, gua lagi ngomong sama PD. [18:30:23] Apakah pendarahan Martin telah berhenti? ((Grizelle Schofield)) [18:30:25] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [18:30:25] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}otw [18:30:26] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [18:30:26] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 204020 [18:30:26] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}LAMA LO KE WS [18:30:29] terlihat peluru mengenai denyut nadi sehingga membuat nadinya Brad melemah ((Brad Saxon)) [18:30:30] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [18:30:30] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}otw [18:30:37] * Grizelle Schofield mengeluarkan ECG dari dalam ALS Kit lalu meletakkan di sampingnya. [18:30:41] tidak karna terkena bagian urat nadi. ((Martin Carlos)) [18:30:54] Yevgraf Slawosky [phone]: WS Flint. [18:30:58] * Robert Flynn mendorong masuk gurney kedalam ambulan, lalu menutup pintu ambulan [18:30:59] (( Gracious Esquevelle: INI SEMUA UDAH DI BLS IN belom? )) [18:31:4] (( Vincent Lee: afk mau makan cuk:( )) [18:31:4] (( Zlyeth Stottlemeyer: udah )) [18:31:7] (( Vincent Lee: afk mau makan cuk:( )) [18:31:9] (( Griffin Finnegan: udah sayang )) [18:31:13] (( Raphael Volkoska: udah di rpin pada maksa PK )) [18:31:15] * Grizelle Schofield mengambil trauma scissor lalu emnggunting seluruh pakaian yang menutupi luka Martin. [18:31:15] (( Griffin Finnegan: udah kalo maksa rpeort aja )) [18:31:15] Vincent Lee says: Bareng [18:31:20] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Rumah El Corona 8 ruangan 2 lantai, lahan parkir pribadi luas dateng aja ke sanews [18:31:20] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Nicolas_Volkoska{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}800888{FF0000}] [18:31:24] (( Gracious Esquevelle: vincent lee abis tac 1 abis mati semua pasti ga ada di scene aneh :'v )) [18:31:25] Robert Flynn says: Yang ini bagaimana? [18:31:28] * Grizelle Schofield menggunting baju Martin lalu memasangkan 12 kabel ECG ke atas dada MArtin. [18:31:31] (( Vincent Lee: oawkokwao:v )) [18:31:32] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Bobcat (plate: FQ620RX) going 40 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Flint County [18:31:35] Raphael Volkoska says: Terkena di lengan [18:31:35] (( Vincent Lee: ini gua )) [18:31:36] PHONE: {FF0000}Number 2128588 {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [18:31:40] (( Vincent Lee: ga di anggap:( )) [18:31:40] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [18:31:41] * Robert Flynn memeriksa keadaan fisik Brad [18:31:42] Raphael Volkoska says: Dan sudah terbandage [18:31:42] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Anda telah menjawab telpon. [18:31:42] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Gunakan chat biasa untuk berkomunikasi lewat telpon, '/h' untuk menutup telpon. [18:31:43] Vincent Lee [phone]: Iya? [18:31:45] Caller [phone]: Alow. [18:31:48] (( Gracious Esquevelle: rp apa mondar mandir terus skrg ilang :'v )) [18:31:48] Vincent Lee [phone]: Siapa [18:31:49] Robert Flynn says: Baik saya periksa kembali. [18:31:51] (( Vincent Lee: wakkwaooaw )) [18:31:52] (( Romain Guillot: wah )) [18:31:52] Caller [phone]: It/afk [18:31:54] * Grizelle Schofield mengambil torniquet lalu mengikatkannya dengan kencang di tangan Martin yang mengalami luka tembak. [18:31:54] (( Vincent Lee: ga ngerti bls )) [18:31:55] (( Romain Guillot: inisiatif lah )) [18:31:55] [id:6] {ffff00}Maynard_Southwell: {ffffff}is Alt-Tabbed for 98 seconds [18:31:55] [id:12] {ffff00}Aarich_Steven: {ffffff}is Alt-Tabbed for 109 seconds [18:31:55] [id:15] {ffff00}Stellione_Volkoska: {ffffff}is Alt-Tabbed for 46 seconds [18:31:55] [id:17] {ffff00}Thomas_Hardwell: {ffffff}is AFK / Idle [18:31:55] [id:20] {ffff00}Tegar_Asta: {ffffff}is Alt-Tabbed for 91 seconds [18:31:55] [id:32] {ffff00}Salvatore_Trementi: {ffffff}is AFK / Idle [18:31:55] [id:37] {ffff00}Otis_Ruther: {ffffff}is Alt-Tabbed for 66 seconds [18:31:55] [id:42] {ffff00}Patrick_Rothschild: {ffffff}is AFK / Idle [18:31:55] [id:45] {ffff00}Nick_Smith: {ffffff}is Alt-Tabbed for 859 seconds [18:31:55] [id:47] {ffff00}Kenway_Schwazenegger: {ffffff}is AFK / Idle [18:31:55] [id:50] {ffff00}Gael_Nores: {ffffff}is AFK / Idle [18:31:55] [id:51] {ffff00}Alvis_Blaymark: {ffffff}is Alt-Tabbed for 2707 seconds [18:31:55] [id:54] {ffff00}Tommy_Middlesworth: {ffffff}is AFK / Idle [18:31:55] [id:56] {ffff00}Cliff_Wazoski: {ffffff}is AFK / Idle [18:31:55] [id:57] {ffff00}Charlie_Lewis: {ffffff}is Alt-Tabbed for 133 seconds [18:31:55] [id:60] {ffff00}Dajuan_Broughton: {ffffff}is Alt-Tabbed for 20 seconds [18:31:55] [id:61] {ffff00}Lyovanska_Ignashevich: {ffffff}is Alt-Tabbed for 35 seconds [18:31:55] [id:67] {ffff00}Clayton_Gallagher: {ffffff}is Alt-Tabbed for 38 seconds [18:31:55] [id:75] {ffff00}Martin_Carlos: {ffffff}is AFK / Idle [18:31:56] (( Gracious Esquevelle: secure kek )) [18:31:58] terlihat peluru mengenai denyut nadi sehingga membuat nadinya Brad melemah ((Brad Saxon)) [18:31:59] * {FF0000}Freddo_North {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [18:32:0] Caller [phone]: Ini yang benerin mobil gak bisa ? di WS. [18:32:0] Telepon terputus... [18:32:1] Raphael Volkoska says: Silahkan Fire [18:32:2] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [18:32:2] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}gue di WS nih [18:32:3] * {FF0000}Hans_Stacks {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 07, Indonesia) [18:32:9] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [18:32:9] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 204020 [18:32:9] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Itu truk tolol [18:32:15] (( Vincent Lee: uda:( )) [18:32:16] * Robert Flynn membuka pintu ambulan, lalu menarik gurney. [18:32:17] (( Romain Guillot: jgn mondar mandir kek orang bego )) [18:32:19] * Robert Flynn mendorong gurney [18:32:20] * Grizelle Schofield memasangkan 12 kabel ECG ke atas dada Martin lalu menyalakannya. [18:32:22] * {FF0000}Steffen_Peterson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [18:32:23] (( Vincent Lee: dih )) [18:32:24] * Grizelle Schofield melihat kearah layar ECG. [18:32:25] terkena denyut nadi yang terkena tembak sehingga terkena urat nadi. ((Martin Carlos)) [18:32:26] Zlyeth Stottlemeyer says: Adjudant Lee. [18:32:27] * {FF0000}Kenroy_Livington {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Surabaya, Indonesia) [18:32:30] (( Vincent Lee: Salahkan aja~ )) [18:32:33] Vincent Lee says: Iya? [18:32:33] Berapa denyut nadi Martin? (60-100Normal) ((Grizelle Schofield)) [18:32:34] * Robert Flynn memindahkan tubuh Brad keatas gurney, lalu mendorongnya. [18:32:36] * {FF0000}Andrew_Neiman {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Palembang, Indonesia) [18:32:37] Zlyeth Stottlemeyer says: Mohon maaf saya dengan Officer Volkoska. [18:32:37] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [18:32:37] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Bagi component 23 [18:32:39] 20 ((Martin Carlos)) [18:32:40] (( Griffin Finnegan: belajar RP bls kit atuh )) [18:32:41] Vincent Lee says: Oke gapapa [18:32:44] Vincent Lee: (( gua lagi makan:v )) [18:32:45] (( Griffin Finnegan: lu promotion ke PO 3 wajib itu )) [18:32:48] * {FF0000}Synester_Reynold {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [18:32:48] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Dicari] Orang bernama Dimas Jey jika anda menemukan silahkan HUB: [18:32:48] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Ingga_Fresly{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}988555{FF0000}] [18:32:48] (( Romain Guillot: tuh minta ajar sama griffin )) [18:32:49] Zlyeth Stottlemeyer: (( kalem )) [18:32:49] (( Vincent Lee: iya sayang:( )) [18:32:51] * {FF0000}Andrew_Horstman {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [18:32:59] * Louise Bishop Examine vehicle [18:33:0] (( Vincent Lee: ntar dulu gw makan bentar )) [18:33:0] (( Giancarlos Octavio: hayoloh )) [18:33:0] * Grizelle Schofield mengambil jarum IV dan kateter lalu memasukkan cairan atropine ke dalam sryinge. [18:33:1] * Robert Flynn mendorong masuk Gurney kedalam ambulan, lalu menutup pintunya [18:33:3] (( Vincent Lee: ntar dulu gw makan bentar )) [18:33:16] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [18:33:17] * {FF0000}Markie_Wylde {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 02, Indonesia) [18:33:17] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [18:33:36] (( Vincent Lee: ANJ )) [18:33:40] * Grizelle Schofield menarik NSD lalu menahan kateter dengan memerbannya. [18:33:41] (( Vincent Lee: kebiasaan di slap )) [18:33:43] (( Vincent Lee: WOIII )) [18:33:50] * Yevgraf Slawosky Mengambil uang dari saku dan memberikannya ke orang di depan dengan tangan kanan [18:33:52] denyut nadi sudah mulai melemah. ((Martin Carlos)) [18:33:53] * {FF0000}Freddo_North {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [18:33:54] (( Vincent Lee: TOLOL )) [18:33:55] INFO: {ffffff}Character anda telah terluka berat dan sekarat [18:33:55] NOTE: {ffffff}Anda dapat menggunakan command '{ffff00}/accept death{ffffff}' setelah menunggu {00ff00}3 menit [18:33:55] (( Vincent Lee: ah )) [18:33:55] * Louise Bishop takes it [18:33:57] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Rumah El Corona $16000 NEGO. [18:33:57] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Nicolas_Volkoska{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}800888{FF0000}] [18:33:57] Atropine akan meningkatkany denyut nadi Martin. ((Grizelle Schofield)) [18:33:58] (( Vincent Lee: woiiii:( )) [18:34:3] (( Gracious Esquevelle: /admins coba siapa )) [18:34:4] denyut nadi sudah mulai melemah. ((Martin Carlos)) [18:34:5] [id:23] Volunteer banyakdoza (Denny_Webster) [18:34:5] [id:25] Helper naufal00 (Ogawa_Ryumoon) [18:34:5] [id:40] Helper wakdolaa (Claire_Abhisar) [18:34:5] [id:52] Volunteer firmanfairuz (Leroyce_West) [18:34:5] NOTE: {ffffff}Volunteer tidak memiliki kedudukan yang sama dengan Helper / Admin [18:34:11] [RADIO] PO-II Zlyeth Stottlemeyer: 2-ADAM-2 escort Fire to 10-20 ASGH. [18:34:11] Synester_Reynold telah keluar dari server. (Terputus/Crash) [18:34:13] (( Vincent Lee: wakdolla )) [18:34:14] * {FF0000}Ruvi_Hanson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Mataram, Indonesia) [18:34:19] [MEGAPHONE] Robert Flynn: PD, All Saint General Hospital. [18:34:19] Kenapa? Kan sudah atropine yang merangsang nadinya untuk meningkat. ((Grizelle Schofield)) [18:34:19] INFO: {ffffff}Character anda telah terluka berat dan sekarat [18:34:19] NOTE: {ffffff}Anda dapat menggunakan command '{ffff00}/accept death{ffffff}' setelah menunggu {00ff00}3 menit [18:34:20] (( Vincent Lee: Naufal00 )) [18:34:22] (( Romain Guillot: jgn langsung /ro )) [18:34:24] (( Romain Guillot: cek dulu )) [18:34:30] (( Vincent Lee: parah woi )) [18:34:30] * Grizelle Schofield melihat kearah layar ECG. [18:34:30] INFO: {ffffff}Character anda telah terluka berat dan sekarat [18:34:30] NOTE: {ffffff}Anda dapat menggunakan command '{ffff00}/accept death{ffffff}' setelah menunggu {00ff00}3 menit [18:34:32] sudah dari tadi FD.' ((Martin Carlos)) [18:34:32] (( Vincent Lee: plis la ya )) [18:34:38] Denyut nadi Martin sekarang?t ((Grizelle Schofield)) [18:34:42] REPORT: {ffffff}Your report has been issued to the queue, use '{ffff00}/reports{ffffff}' to see your report [18:34:44] RESPOND: {ff0000}wakdolaa {FFFFCC}has responded to your report [18:34:51] (( Giancarlos Octavio: emng dia bisa baca /ro lu )) [18:34:52] Sebelum FD datang anda udha ditangani PD, itu juga cuma ditangan ((Grizelle Schofield)) [18:35:0] (( Vincent Lee: gua doain yang nge slap remove admin + banned perm:v )) [18:35:2] Kok makin ditangani makin melemah? ((Grizelle Schofield)) [18:35:6] * {FF0000}Ken_Aaron {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Kuningan Barat, Indonesia) [18:35:11] * {FF0000}Allard_Anayouri {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Surabaya, Indonesia) [18:35:13] (( Robert_Flynn: pd, id 11 ijin sholat, gimana? )) [18:35:17] urat nadi kalo terkena tembak melemah apa gimana ? ((Martin Carlos)) [18:35:20] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[buy] sanchez 3insu 1up [18:35:20] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Knut_Drivenes{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3103685{FF0000}] [18:35:22] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [18:35:22] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Gue boleh minta ga compo 23? [18:35:23] (( Gracious_Esquevelle: Fire semangat rpnya wkkwkw harus sabar )) [18:35:26] (( Vincent_Lee: kwkawaw )) [18:35:33] terlalu lama dan mengeluarkan darah ? ((Martin Carlos)) [18:35:34] (( Griffin_Finnegan: terserah anda saja fire, ntar kalo masih bandel /report saja )) [18:35:36] (( Zlyeth_Stottlemeyer: sholat mah gaperlu minta izin, langsung bolehin )) [18:35:36] REPORT: {ffffff}Your report has been issued to the queue, use '{ffff00}/reports{ffffff}' to see your report [18:35:38] RESPOND: {ff0000}wakdolaa {FFFFCC}has responded to your report [18:35:41] Yang membuat melemah apa? Kan sudah dipasangkan torniquet biar darahnya ga ngalir keluar ((Grizelle Schofield)) [18:35:42] itu di namakan terselamatkan ? ((Martin Carlos)) [18:35:44] ERROR: that player is not connected! [18:35:48] * {FF0000}Jasper_Fjeldberg {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 07, Indonesia) [18:35:48] (( PM to [40] Claire_Abhisar: wak )) [18:35:50] * {FF0000}Devyne_Cornelius {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Tasikmalaya, Indonesia) [18:35:54] (( PM to [40] Claire_Abhisar: yang ngeslap gua siapa )) [18:35:55] Denyut nadi sudah melemah akibat mengeluarkan darah. ((Martin Carlos)) [18:35:57] (( PM to [40] Claire_Abhisar: dari tadi di slap terus:( )) [18:35:57] (( PM from [40] Claire_Abhisar: ga ada tu yang slap lu, udah gw tanya staff lain )) [18:35:58] lama apaan bro, lu ditangani langsung bro ((Griffin Finnegan)) [18:36:4] (( PM from [40] Claire_Abhisar: ICin beli rokok atau vitamin )) [18:36:5] Griffin Finnegan: (( sama Gracioys )) [18:36:6] Martin Carlos says: ` [18:36:7] (( PM to [40] Claire_Abhisar: gua mati )) [18:36:10] AdmCmd: Vincent_Lee has been warned by Dena_7730, Total warning: 1 [18:36:10] Reason: Missusing /report [18:36:12] (( PM to [40] Claire_Abhisar: di slap admin laen )) [18:36:13] lanjut udeh ((Martin Carlos)) [18:36:14] (( Vincent Lee: ? )) [18:36:15] eleh ((Martin Carlos)) [18:36:15] AdmCmd: Vincent_Lee has been kicked by Dena_7730. [18:36:15] Reason: Missusing /report [18:37:52] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Selamat datang {ffff00}Vincent_Lee{ffffff}. [18:37:52] PAYCHECK: Pergi ke bank dan /signcheck untuk mendapatkan paycheck anda atau pergi ke salah satu ATM! [18:37:52] Faction MOTD: {FFFF00}Diharapkan untuk aktif In-Game dan Forum, panggilan /r tolong fast response. [18:37:52] MOTD: {ffff00}Mohon menggunakan '/report' dengan benar, berikan informasi yang jelas dan detail {ff0000}- Ian [18:37:52] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Anda terakhir login {ffff00}2 jam yang lalu [18:37:52] * {FF0000}Vincent_Lee {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [18:37:52] INFO: {ffffff}Character anda telah terluka berat dan sekarat [18:37:52] NOTE: {ffffff}Anda dapat menggunakan command '{ffff00}/accept death{ffffff}' setelah menunggu {00ff00}3 menit [18:37:52] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Today is {ffff00}Fri 27 Sep 2019, 18:37:52 [18:37:52] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Server memerlukan waktu {ffff00}1057 milisecond{ffffff} untuk memuat data char anda! [18:37:53] * Grizelle Schofield menyambungkan SFM dan oxygen outlet lalu memasangkan SFM ke mulut dan hidung Martin. [18:37:54] [RADIO] PO-II Thomas Hardwell: 5-AIR-1 10-99 from code 7 back to status 4. [18:37:55] paling terutama kan di tangan kiri otomatis langsung mati dong. ((Martin Carlos)) [18:37:59] Gas udah. ((Martin Carlos)) [18:38:2] kena tembak tangan kanan mati ? terus nasibnya orang yg lengannya putus gimana dong ((Griffin Finnegan)) [18:38:2] (( Vincent Lee: dah ah gua cape )) [18:38:2] * Grizelle Schofield memutarkan katup oxygen ke arah 12LPM. [18:38:6] (( Vincent Lee: minta heal di warn )) [18:38:15] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [18:38:20] URAT NADI ? ((Martin Carlos)) [18:38:21] [RADIO] PO-II Zlyeth Stottlemeyer: Police Officer II 8129 is now off duty. [18:38:21] * {FF0000}Roosevelt_Hampton {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [18:38:22] * Grizelle Schofield membuka pintu RA dan menarik gurney keluar. [18:38:23] Gas lah. ((Martin Carlos)) [18:38:24] (( PM to [40] Claire_Abhisar: gua minta heal kok di warn? )) [18:38:30] (( PM to [40] Claire_Abhisar: dih salah pengertian wak )) [18:38:32] Otomatis langsung mati? ((Grizelle Schofield)) [18:38:36] (( Zlyeth Stottlemeyer: duluan ya, ada briefing buat besok panitia ospek. )) [18:38:38] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [18:38:38] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}bagi compo 23 lee [18:38:39] GAS UDAH ((Martin Carlos)) [18:38:40] (( PM to [40] Claire_Abhisar: plis wak suruh remove warn:( )) [18:38:41] (( Gracious Esquevelle: hati hati boy )) [18:38:42] LAMA ((Martin Carlos)) [18:38:45] (( PM from [40] Claire_Abhisar: dibilang udah gw tanya staff lain ga ada yang slap )) [18:38:47] (( PM to [2] Louise_Bishop: gua mati di slap kontol )) [18:38:50] * Grizelle Schofield mengangkat Martin naik ke atas gurney lalu mendorong masuk ke dalam RA. [18:38:52] * {FF0000}Marvine_Collinson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [18:38:54] (( PM from [2] Louise_Bishop: wkowkowkow )) [18:38:54] (( PM from [40] Claire_Abhisar: manja banget dikit'' heal dikit'' heal )) [18:39:1] (( PM to [40] Claire_Abhisar: ga ada yang mau ngaku, itu anak sapd pada ketawa liat gua di slap )) [18:39:5] (( PM from [40] Claire_Abhisar: fungsi FD tu manfaatin )) [18:39:9] Vincent Lee: (( fd )) [18:39:10] Cape kalo debat sama orang beginian ((Martin Carlos)) [18:39:10] Vincent Lee: (( heal gua )) [18:39:10] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[dicari] ws yang bisa mod sulan [18:39:10] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Karen_Riley{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}143385{FF0000}] [18:39:15] (( PM from [40] Claire_Abhisar: yaudah lu reeport staff )) [18:39:17] (( PM from [71] Demario_Barksdale: Dik jadi PD itu ada syarat minimal spek komputer gak? )) [18:39:17] Martin Carlos: (( heal ? )) [18:39:18] Gracious Esquevelle: (( temen lu 1 lagi siapa bro )) [18:39:20] Martin Carlos: (( Why ? )) [18:39:27] (( PM to [71] Demario_Barksdale: maksudnya spek komputer? )) [18:39:27] (( Griffin Finnegan: Orlando George )) [18:39:28] (( PM from [40] Claire_Abhisar: done )) [18:39:28] Martin Carlos: (( ID 80 Minta Heal ? )) [18:39:29] * Grizelle Schofield memeriksa luka yang dialami Lee.. [18:39:29] Gracious Esquevelle: (( kan ada 4 org )) [18:39:31] (( PM from [71] Demario_Barksdale: Iya )) [18:39:39] Martin Carlos: (( udah di bawa )) [18:39:41] Martin Carlos: (( mana gua tau. )) [18:39:44] Vincent Lee: (( kena slap admin gajelas )) [18:39:44] INSPECT: {ffff00}Grizelle_Schofield {ffffff}have requested an inspection, use '/accept inspect' to accept request [18:39:45] * {FF0000}Scott_Marauder {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [18:39:46] Gracious Esquevelle: (( namanya siapa aja? )) [18:39:52] (( Vincent Lee: siapa si yang slap gua )) [18:39:54] GOLD: {FFFFFF}Used {FFFF00}50 gold {FFFFFF}to remove {00FFFF}1 warning [18:39:55] Grizelle Schofield: (( lu minta heal sm yg ngeslap )) [18:39:57] Gracious Esquevelle: (( lu rp rob kan 4 orang siapa aja ? )) [18:39:59] Martin Carlos: (( Orlando G )) [18:39:59] Grizelle Schofield says: PD. [18:40:3] Vincent Lee: (( gua di kick sama warn tadi )) [18:40:4] Martin Carlos: (( 2 orangnya lagi udah di bawa. )) [18:40:5] * {FF0000}Gael_Nores {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Central Jakarta, Indonesia) [18:40:8] (( PM from [71] Demario_Barksdale: Maksudnya kalo laptop kentang di PD boleh kah? )) [18:40:11] (( Vincent_Lee: siapa yang slap gua si dari tadi? )) [18:40:13] {ff0000}wakdolaa: {ffffff}(( udah 5 menit? )) [18:40:15] Grizelle Schofield: (( ya lu minta sm yg itu la )) [18:40:15] (( PM to [71] Demario_Barksdale: sabeb )) [18:40:17] Gracious Esquevelle: (( lebih lah wkwk )) [18:40:18] Griffin Finnegan: (( udh mah )) [18:40:20] Griffin Finnegan: (( lebih )) [18:40:22] Vincent Lee: (( ga ada yaang mau ngaku )) [18:40:29] (( PM from [71] Demario_Barksdale: Deh lu RP ae dlu )) [18:40:30] * {FF0000}Aark_Roggeveen {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [18:40:32] * Grizelle Schofield membereskan ALS Kitnya lalu memasukan ke dalam RA. [18:40:35] Martin Carlos: (( tunggu 5 menit lah bro ID 80 )) [18:40:38] (( PM to [71] Demario_Barksdale: asw gua mati di slap malah di warn terus_- )) [18:40:40] Vincent Lee: (( bodo ah )) [18:40:42] Vincent Lee: (( males gw )) [18:40:43] Grizelle Schofield: (( lu tgl acc death )) [18:40:48] Martin Carlos: (( jangan seenaknya minta Heal )) [18:40:48] (( PM from [71] Demario_Barksdale: kwkwkw sedih dah )) [18:40:50] Martin Carlos: (( Rules is rules )) [18:40:52] Grizelle Schofield says: PD. [18:40:58] Grizelle Schofield says: Akan saya bawa ke All Saints ya. [18:40:58] Griffin Finnegan: (( oke bre )) [18:40:58] Vincent Lee: (( Lu martin carlos tau apa tentang gua? )) [18:40:59] Louise Bishop Says [low]: gue bagi compo 23 [18:41:1] Vincent Lee: (( diem aje )) [18:41:7] (( Gracious Esquevelle: awkawkkaw id 75 dah kesel dia mau force pk tapi gabisa :'v )) [18:41:8] Louise Bishop Says [low]: gue bagi compo 23 [18:41:11] [ID] ID: 75 | Name: Martin_Carlos | Level: 10 | Ping: 26 | Launcher: Yes [18:41:14] * {FF0000}Synester_Reynold {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [18:41:14] (( Griffin Finnegan: bego namanya itu )) [18:41:14] INFO: {ffffff}Anda sudah dapat menggunakan command '{ffff00}/accept death{ffffff}' untuk respawn kembali [18:41:14] NOTE: {ffffff}Jika anda sedang dalam situasi RP, pastikan anda sudah mendapatkan izin OOC dari pihak lain untuk respawn [18:41:15] Claire_Abhisar telah keluar dari server. (Terputus/Crash) [18:41:15] (( Griffin Finnegan: tolol )) [18:41:16] Grizelle Schofield says: PD. [18:41:17] (( Vincent Lee: okwaokwako iya marah2 ke gua )) [18:41:20] Gracious Esquevelle says: Yes,. [18:41:21] acc death permission? ((Vincent Lee)) [18:41:21] * Demario Barksdale melihat dari kejauhan ada orang yang tergeletak. [18:41:25] Abbas Jozef says: Taxi [18:41:27] Grizelle Schofield says: Tolong dikawal, ke All Saints. [18:41:27] Yess. ((Louise Bishop)) [18:41:30] HUD: {FFFFFF}Player HUD is {FF0000}hidden [18:41:33] CONDITION: {FFFFFF}You have woken up from fainting. [18:41:33] Gracious Esquevelle says: Baik. [18:41:33] HUD: {FFFFFF}Player HUD is {00FF00}visible [18:41:35] Louise Bishop says: lee [18:41:38] Vincent Lee says: Apa [18:41:39] Louise Bishop says: bagi compo 23 [18:41:42] * {FF0000}Lisa_Davensmith {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [18:41:45] Martin Carlos: (( cepat biliing 4 menit )) [18:41:46] Synester_Reynold telah keluar dari server. (Pergi) [18:41:46] Vincent Lee says: ga ada [18:41:52] Louise Bishop says: di WS boleh? [18:41:53] Vincent Lee says: Ambil di ws [18:41:54] Louise Bishop says: 23 doang [18:41:54] * {FF0000}Hansen_Sullivan {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [18:41:55] Louise Bishop says: oke [18:41:56] Martin Carlos: (( nanti di sangka Refus RP )) [18:41:56] DYOC: {ffffff}Weapons attachment {33AA33}enabled [18:42:6] * {FF0000}Matheus_Salvatore {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 02, Indonesia) [18:42:7] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Gracious Esquevelle: 3-ADAM-1 Escorting Fire to ASFH [18:42:7] (( Georges_Parker: pada afk ini )) [18:42:10] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Gracious Esquevelle: 3-ADAM-1 Escorting Fire to ASGH [18:42:10] * {FF0000}Claire_Abhisar {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [18:42:15] Vincent Lee Shouts: Bareng! [18:42:15] (( Gracious_Esquevelle: gpp )) [18:42:19] (( Gracious_Esquevelle: taro aja dulu di er )) [18:42:20] Vincent Lee Shouts: Bareng! [18:42:22] AdmCmd: Orlando_George has been remote warned by wakdolaa, total warns: 4 [18:42:22] Reason: Refuse RP with SAPD. [18:42:22] * {FF0000}Fajar_Mozart {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [18:42:23] (( Gracious_Esquevelle: biasa lah :'v )) [18:42:25] AdmCmd: Orlando_George has been remote-jailed by wakdolaa for 60 minutes. [18:42:25] Reason: Refuse RP with SAPD. [18:42:25] Vincent Lee says: Mau kemana? [18:42:31] Vincent Lee says: Patrol bareng aja mendingan [18:42:32] Mask 488329 says: kau mau kemana [18:42:34] Mask 488329 says: mana ada [18:42:38] Vincent Lee says: Bahaha [18:42:43] * {FF0000}Chayton_Bishop {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rembangan, Indonesia) [18:42:44] Vincent Lee says: Pelit kali [18:42:46] Vincent Lee: (( oawokwa leduk )) [18:42:49] Mask 488329 says: mana bisa [18:42:57] Vincent Lee says: Unit gua [18:43:2] Gracious Esquevelle says: Pinjem bentar [18:43:6] * {FF0000}Jasper_Fjeldberg {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 07, Indonesia) [18:43:7] Vincent Lee Shouts: Bareng lah! [18:43:8] Vincent Lee Shouts: Patrol! [18:43:10] * {FF0000}Lara_Cornelia {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [18:43:14] [MEGAPHONE] Griffin Finnegan: ico [18:43:33] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Patrick_Rothschild ] Phone: [ 610800 ] [18:43:33] Message: Malam, saya ingin perpanjangan licenses penerbangan saya, apakah bisa? [18:43:38] * {FF0000}Charlie_Veidrop {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [18:43:53] * {FF0000}Synester_Reynold {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [18:43:54] * {FF0000}Ethan_Wells {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [18:43:54] Martin Carlos: (( Giliran /q biling abis di sangka Refus Rp )) [18:43:56] Martin Carlos: (( etdah )) [18:43:58] Martin Carlos: (( astaga )) [18:44:6] Tim trauma membawa turun gurney lalu memasukkan ke dalam ER. ((Grizelle Schofield)) [18:44:10] Vincent Lee: (( lu biling mau abis pake ngerob lagian )) [18:44:10] Mask 488329: (( sapa suruh rp crime pas billing mau abis )) [18:44:13] Vincent Lee: (( owakowaoaw )) [18:44:21] Mask 488329 Says [car]: ngapain klen semua pantek [18:44:24] Vincent Lee Says [car]: Ikut lah [18:44:24] Mask 488329 Says [car]: gua pen off [18:44:24] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Orlando_George ] Reporter: [ Gracious Esquevelle ] [18:44:24] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Armed Roberry ] [18:44:26] Vincent Lee Says [car]: pelit banget [18:44:29] Vincent Lee Says [car]: pelit banget [18:44:30] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Orlando_George ] Reporter: [ Gracious Esquevelle ] [18:44:30] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Performing Drive by ] [18:44:31] EJECTINFO: Anda telah dikeluarkan dari kendaraan! [18:44:34] Vincent Lee: (( okkoaw )) [18:44:41] * {FF0000}Emma_Mcquinza {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [18:44:44] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Orlando_George ] Reporter: [ Gracious Esquevelle ] [18:44:44] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Vehicular Endangerment ] [18:44:50] EJECTINFO: Anda telah dikeluarkan dari kendaraan! [18:44:59] Vincent Lee says: Bus [18:45:2] Vincent Lee: (( njer )) [18:45:6] Aria Bima says: maaf [18:45:8] Vincent Lee says: Gapapa [18:45:8] * {FF0000}Scott_Harper {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Tangerang, Indonesia) [18:45:11] Vincent Lee says: Silahkan lanjut [18:45:12] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Orlando_George ] Reporter: [ Gracious Esquevelle ] [18:45:12] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Possesing of ilegal firearms. ] [18:45:18] * {FF0000}Ghassan_Musson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [18:45:22] * {FF0000}Zeline_Zakeisha {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [18:45:24] * {FF0000}Marth_Doyle {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [18:45:24] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Orlando_George ] Reporter: [ Gracious Esquevelle ] [18:45:24] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Evading from polices. ] [18:45:26] * {FF0000}Will_Stradlin {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bogor, Indonesia) [18:45:29] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Jual Rumah 1 garasi 4 ruangan di mulholland $65k nego.SMS! [18:45:29] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Maynard_Southwell{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}690069{FF0000}] [18:45:43] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Orlando_George ] Reporter: [ Gracious Esquevelle ] [18:45:43] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Assaulting on LEO ] [18:45:53] * {FF0000}Denny_Webster {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Surabaya, Indonesia) [18:45:54] AdmCmd: Otis_Ruther has been kicked by wakdolaa. [18:45:54] Reason: Relog. [18:45:58] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Orlando_George ] Reporter: [ Gracious Esquevelle ] [18:45:58] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Attempted Murdering ] [18:46:2] (( Grizelle_Schofield: itu martin /q, alasannya tadi biling abis )) [18:46:10] (( Vincent_Lee: Warn )) [18:46:14] (( Griffin_Finnegan: report udah )) [18:46:17] (( Griffin_Finnegan: Not Here to RP )) [18:46:21] (( Griffin_Finnegan: asli )) [18:46:21] (( Vincent_Lee: wkwk )) [18:46:24] (( Gracious_Esquevelle: sumpah banned aja )) [18:46:25] * {FF0000}Martin_Carlos {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [18:46:26] (( Vincent_Lee: gas )) [18:46:29] (( Vincent_Lee: tuh login lagi )) [18:46:30] * {FF0000}Xavier_Decziano {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Tangerang, Indonesia) [18:46:32] (( Gracious_Esquevelle: kawkawkaw kena tangan kanan minta pk :'v )) [18:46:36] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{FFF12F} [SELL] Tow truck 3 insu 0 up, masih ada komponent 1206 kompo, minat? SMS: [18:46:36] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Steffen_Peterson{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}565666{FF0000}] [18:46:50] * {FF0000}Mathias_Larsen {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [18:46:53] (( Aark_Roggeveen: report biar gue respond )) [18:46:54] (( Aark_Roggeveen: hehe )) [18:46:55] * {FF0000}Patrick_Rothschild {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [18:46:58] * {FF0000}Synester_Reynold {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [18:47:10] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [18:47:10] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}matek [18:47:25] * {FF0000}Gerry_Bishop {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bekasi, Indonesia) [18:47:38] (( Giancarlos Octavio: eh ini weapon delay, bekerja saat apa ya? )) [18:47:41] * {FF0000}Reynard_Athafariz {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Tangerang, Indonesia) [18:47:42] * {FF0000}Otis_Ruther {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [18:47:47] * {FF0000}Markie_Wylde {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 02, Indonesia) [18:48:7] (( Vincent Lee: ah gajelas )) [18:48:9] INFO: {ffffff}Character anda telah terluka berat dan sekarat [18:48:9] NOTE: {ffffff}Anda dapat menggunakan command '{ffff00}/accept death{ffffff}' setelah menunggu {00ff00}3 menit [18:48:9] * {FF0000}Aloysius_Elvarette {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [18:48:10] (( Vincent Lee: di slap lagi )) [18:48:16] (( Giancarlos Octavio: eh ini weapon delay, bekerja saat apa ya? )) [18:48:23] REPORT: {ffffff}Your report has been issued to the queue, use '{ffff00}/reports{ffffff}' to see your report [18:48:27] RESPOND: {ff0000}edwinnovian {FFFFCC}has responded to your report [18:48:28] ERROR: No queued reports! [18:48:35] * {FF0000}Matheus_Salvatore {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 02, Indonesia) [18:48:41] (( PM from [75] edwinnovian: /stuck )) [18:48:43] [id:4] Helper wakdolaa (Claire_Abhisar) [18:48:43] [id:52] Volunteer firmanfairuz (Leroyce_West) [18:48:43] [id:75] Admin Level 2 edwinnovian (Gerry_Bishop) [18:48:43] [id:85] Helper xDannz (Aark_Roggeveen) [18:48:43] NOTE: {ffffff}Volunteer tidak memiliki kedudukan yang sama dengan Helper / Admin [18:48:47] REPORT: Report anda telah terkirim kepada admin yang online! [18:48:48] * {FF0000}Jack_Jones {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [18:48:53] You have been healed [18:49:0] (( Giancarlos Octavio: ada yg tau? )) [18:49:4] (( Vincent Lee: apa? )) [18:49:7] (( Gracious Esquevelle: itu maksudnya gimana )) [18:49:29] (( Giancarlos Octavio: delay weapon )) [18:49:42] * {FF0000}Yevgraf_Slawosky {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bekasi, Indonesia) [18:49:43] (( Vincent Lee: nembak lambat mungkin wkwk )) [18:49:52] * {FF0000}Reina_Riveira {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Palembang, Indonesia) [18:49:54] * {FF0000}Grizelle_Schofield {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [18:49:56] * {FF0000}Tiago_Athafariz {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Tangerang, Indonesia) [18:49:58] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}SELL/TRADE PCJ 3in 1up trade dengan apapun ada? call or sms !! [18:49:58] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Aloysius_Elvarette{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}505340{FF0000}] [18:50:11] (( Giancarlos Octavio: lu pernah ga weapon delay? )) [18:50:14] (( Vincent Lee: pernah )) [18:50:20] (( Giancarlos Octavio: disaat? )) [18:50:25] (( Vincent Lee: sotot )) [18:50:31] * {FF0000}Brett_Bryant {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [18:50:33] (( Vincent Lee: tadi sore gua weapon delay )) [18:50:36] (( Vincent Lee: yaudah gapapa aja gua mah akowkowa )) [18:51:3] * {FF0000}Reynard_Athafariz {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Tangerang, Indonesia) [18:51:5] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}SELL/TRADE PCJ 3in 1up trade dengan apapun ada? call or sms !! [18:51:5] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Aloysius_Elvarette{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}505340{FF0000}] [18:51:6] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [18:51:42] * {FF0000}Rusli_Taichi {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 02, Indonesia) [18:52:7] * {FF0000}Rick_Green {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [18:52:18] * {FF0000}Robbert_Redmund {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [18:52:51] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Robbert_Redmund ] Phone: [ 500285 ] [18:52:51] Message: pak saya ingin membayar CGC apakah bisa ke hq? [18:52:52] * {FF0000}Larenz_Hanzell {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [18:52:56] POLLING: {ffff00}Server lag? [18:52:56] POLLING: {ffffff}use '/vote yes' or '/vote no' [18:52:59] POLLING: {ffffff}You voted {33ff33}yes [18:53:4] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}(Sell) Fletbet Truck muatan create dengan 3 insu full up minat? [18:53:4] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Rusli_Taichi{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}669669{FF0000}] [18:53:7] [ID] ID: 63 | Name: Larenz_Hanzell | Level: 7 | Ping: 39 | Launcher: Yes [18:53:10] (( PM to [63] Larenz_Hanzell: a )) [18:53:16] (( PM from [63] Larenz_Hanzell: baca wa bro )) [18:53:26] (( PM to [63] Larenz_Hanzell: bntr gw lagi makan )) [18:53:33] POLLING: {ffffff}Result from '{ffff00}Server lag?{ffffff}' [18:53:33] RESULT: {33ff33}20 voted yes{ffffff}, {ff0000}33 voted no{ffffff}, {ffff00}33 unknown [18:53:38] (( PM from [63] Larenz_Hanzell: oke )) [18:53:52] * {FF0000}Carter_Morin {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [18:54:0] * {FF0000}Bradley_Alvarez {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [18:54:3] * {FF0000}Yussie_Fayrouz {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [18:54:15] [RADIO] PO-I Raphael Volkoska: Police Officer I 8127 to all unit help me transporting two suspect '20 ASGH, over. [18:54:30] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Gracious Esquevelle: 1-ADAM-3 Transporting 1 suspect IC2 to SACF for 10-15 procedure. [18:54:32] 911: Crime: [ ada helikopter mendarat sembarangan ] [18:54:32] 911: Reporter: [ Ghassan Musson ] Phone: [ 611130 ] [18:54:35] * {FF0000}Clementine_Roselyn {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bekasi, Indonesia) [18:54:36] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}(sell) Fletbet Full up 3 insu. Harga 1k ! [18:54:36] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Rusli_Taichi{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}669669{FF0000}] [18:54:38] [RADIO] PO-I Raphael Volkoska: Anyone copy? [18:54:41] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Robbert_Redmund ] Phone: [ 500285 ] [18:54:41] Message: pak saya ingin membayar CGC apakah bisa ke kantor sapd hq? saya tunggu pak. [18:54:42] * {FF0000}Dailyn_Harper {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [18:54:46] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Gracious Esquevelle: 1-ADAM-3 Negative still 10-15 Procedure [18:55:14] * {FF0000}Roman_Wick {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Central Jakarta, Indonesia) [18:55:16] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Martin Carlos ] Reporter: [ Gracious Esquevelle ] [18:55:16] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Armed Roberry ] [18:55:22] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Martin Carlos ] Reporter: [ Gracious Esquevelle ] [18:55:22] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Attempted Murdering ] [18:55:22] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Robbert_Redmund ] Phone: [ 500285 ] [18:55:22] Message: pak saya ingin membayar CGC apakah bisa ke kantor sapd hq? saya tunggu pak. [18:55:32] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Martin Carlos ] Reporter: [ Gracious Esquevelle ] [18:55:32] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Assaulting on LEO ] [18:55:35] * {FF0000}Carlo_Stevenson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [18:55:37] * {FF0000}Reo_Gushi {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Banjarmasin, Indonesia) [18:55:44] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Martin Carlos ] Reporter: [ Gracious Esquevelle ] [18:55:44] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Evading from polices. ] [18:55:46] 911: Crime: [ ada helikopter mendarat sembarangan pizza stack bawa DE ] [18:55:46] 911: Reporter: [ Ghassan Musson ] Phone: [ 611130 ] [18:55:50] [RADIO] Detective II Clementine Roselyn: Detective II 9690 clocking on, evening everyone! [18:55:51] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Martin Carlos ] Reporter: [ Gracious Esquevelle ] [18:55:51] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Performing Drive by ] [18:55:53] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}(Buy) Shancez any insu and up or trade Fletbet 3insu and full up. [18:55:53] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Rusli_Taichi{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}669669{FF0000}] [18:55:56] 911: Crime: [ di MC Ada robber ] [18:55:56] 911: Reporter: [ Louise Bishop ] Phone: [ 204020 ] [18:56:3] 911: Crime: [ di MC Ada robber ] [18:56:3] 911: Reporter: [ Louise Bishop ] Phone: [ 204020 ] [18:56:3] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Andrew_Horstman ] Phone: [ 132444 ] [18:56:3] Message: lemah lo [18:56:3] * {FF0000}Jasper_Fjeldberg {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 07, Indonesia) [18:56:10] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Martin Carlos ] Reporter: [ Gracious Esquevelle ] [18:56:10] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Posessing of ilegal firearms. ] [18:56:17] PHONE: {FFFFFF}Calling {00FFFF}number 204020{FFFFFF}, please wait for answer! [18:56:19] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telepon telah dijawab. [18:56:19] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Gunakan chat biasa untuk berkomunikasi lewat telpon, '/h' untuk menutup telpon. [18:56:20] Vincent Lee [phone]: Naek apa [18:56:21] [RADIO] PO-I Raphael Volkoska: 2-ADAM-2 Transporting two suspect '61 IC1 male to '20 SACF, procedure 10-15, over. [18:56:22] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Martin Carlos ] Reporter: [ Gracious Esquevelle ] [18:56:22] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Vehicular Endangerment ] [18:56:22] Caller [phone]: MC buru dik [18:56:25] Vincent Lee [phone]: Naek apa [18:56:25] Caller [phone]: lagi di MC [18:56:26] Vincent Lee [phone]: Naek apa [18:56:28] Caller [phone]: cepetan [18:56:29] Vincent Lee [phone]: Naek apaw [18:56:30] Caller [phone]: Gak tau [18:56:33] Caller [phone]: dia lagi meriksa [18:56:33] Vincent Lee [phone]: Gajelas [18:56:36] Caller [phone]: dia lagi meriksa [18:56:36] Vincent Lee [phone]: Berapa orang [18:56:38] [RADIO] Detective II Clementine Roselyn: Detective II 9690 rolls under 7-UNION-4, clearing from CI HQ. [18:56:40] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [18:56:41] Caller [phone]: 2 orang kek nya [18:56:42] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [18:56:45] ARMOURY: {ffff00}Health & Armour refilled! [18:56:51] Caller [phone]: sms [18:56:51] HQ: {00ffff}Martin_Carlos have been arrested by Gracious_Esquevelle [18:56:51] * {FF0000}Arnold_Jericho {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bogor, Indonesia) [18:56:51] Telepon terputus... [18:56:58] Vincent Lee says: s [18:56:59] * {FF0000}Bill_Waasdorp {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [18:57:8] AdmCmd: Will_Stradlin has been kicked by Nooo_Namee. [18:57:8] Reason: /hidegun [18:57:20] Salvatore Trementi says: minat sabre? [18:57:23] * {FF0000}Michael_Horizon {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [18:57:34] * {FF0000}Niko_Hollic {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Pontianak, Indonesia) [18:57:44] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Arnold Jericho: Police Adjudant 8509 reporting for on duty Swat LTO, over. [18:57:45] REPORT: {ffffff}Your report has been issued to the queue, use '{ffff00}/reports{ffffff}' to see your report [18:57:48] * {FF0000}Will_Stradlin {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bogor, Indonesia) [18:57:48] RESPOND: {ff0000}rollback {FFFFCC}has responded to your report [18:57:50] * {FF0000}Roosevelt_Hampton {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [18:57:58] [RADIO] Detective II Clementine Roselyn: 7-UNION-4 taking code 7 for a while 10-20 GYM Temple, over. [18:57:59] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [18:57:59] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}katanya bukan robber [18:58:2] * {FF0000}Evelyne_Wycliff {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [18:58:6] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [18:58:6] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 204020 [18:58:6] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Terus apa [18:58:7] * {FF0000}Zarion_Whittemore {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [18:58:8] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [18:58:8] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Pemelakan anjing [18:58:18] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [18:58:18] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 204020 [18:58:18] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}masih disitu? [18:58:22] * {FF0000}Alexey_Viktor {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Samarinda, Indonesia) [18:58:23] LIMITSPEED: {ffffff}Vehicle speed limit set to {33AA33}15 mph [18:58:26] Andre Hoffman: (( /wave 1 )) [18:58:26] (( Zarion Whittemore: Malam teman teman )) [18:58:26] * {FF0000}Nicky_Terrence {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [18:58:32] Ruvi Hanson says: Pertanyaan $500 yang bisa jawab buat beli sepeda. [18:58:33] (( Arnold Jericho: malem )) [18:58:35] Carlo Stevenson says: Ada apa pak? [18:58:35] (( Clementine Roselyn: malaaam )) [18:58:38] * {FF0000}Juho_Nurmi {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [18:58:39] * {FF0000}Freddo_North {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [18:58:42] (( PM from [61] Lyovanska_Ignashevich: gua passa )) [18:58:44] Steffen Peterson says: maksud? [18:58:47] * {FF0000}Christopher_Randolph {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [18:58:48] Ruvi Hanson says: Lagi sekali yang tau angkat tangan. [18:58:51] (( PM to [61] Lyovanska_Ignashevich: buat laporan tolol )) [18:58:53] Louise Bishop says: sini lee [18:58:53] [ID] ID: 61 | Name: Lyovanska_Ignashevich | Level: 7 | Ping: 86 | Launcher: Yes [18:58:54] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Zarion Whittemore: Prob. Sergeant 6956 requesting 10-14 at Westernside from Binco [18:58:57] (( PM from [61] Lyovanska_Ignashevich: iyeee )) [18:59:1] (( PM from [61] Lyovanska_Ignashevich: sini )) [18:59:6] Vincent Lee says: Apa [18:59:6] * {FF0000}Synester_Reynold {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [18:59:6] Louise Bishop says: tuh [18:59:7] Louise Bishop says: tuh [18:59:19] * {FF0000}Joe_Dyngeland {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [18:59:21] Louise Bishop says: ni [18:59:23] * Vincent Lee take m4 from front of body using both hands and ready to shoot. [18:59:24] Louise Bishop says: tuh [18:59:25] Steffen Peterson says: maksud? [18:59:26] Ruvi Hanson says: Pekerjaan yang paling jarang di lakuin di Los Santos. [18:59:30] * Scott Marauder mengangkat tangan ke udara. [18:59:30] Vincent Lee says: Turun [18:59:31] Maynard Southwell says: apa om? [18:59:35] Steffen Peterson says: Saya [18:59:36] Louise Bishop says: lo tadi pemalakan [18:59:36] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Kenway Schwazenegger ] Reporter: [ Gracious Esquevelle ] [18:59:36] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Possesing of ilegal firearms. ] [18:59:38] Dajuan Broughton says: Saya pak [18:59:39] * {FF0000}Freddo_North {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [18:59:39] Maynard Southwell says: kagak om [18:59:41] Scott Marauder says: Saya pa. [18:59:41] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Kenway Schwazenegger ] Reporter: [ Gracious Esquevelle ] [18:59:41] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Armed Roberry ] [18:59:44] Maynard Southwell says: masa malak [18:59:44] Vincent Lee says: TIARAP [18:59:45] Andre Hoffman Shouts: Saya duluan pak! [18:59:48] Louise Bishop says: woe [18:59:51] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{66FFFF}[SELL]Cheetah 3 Insurance and 4 Upgrade Full Modification have 2 Stiker, Interest? Cellphone: [18:59:51] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Bradley_Alvarez{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}270013{FF0000}] [18:59:52] Scott Marauder says: Buillding. [18:59:54] Louise Bishop says: Tadi siapa yang di palak? [18:59:54] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [18:59:54] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}ke tempel sini pemerintah membuat lelang [18:59:54] Louise Bishop says: Tadi siapa yang di palak? [18:59:55] Ruvi Hanson says: Salah! [18:59:55] Maynard Southwell says: Ga ada om [18:59:58] Louise Bishop Shouts: Tadi siapa yang di palak?! [18:59:58] Louise Bishop Shouts: Tadi siapa yang di palak?! [18:59:59] Maynard Southwell says: saya baik [19:0:1] Louise Bishop Shouts: Tadi siapa yang di palak?! [19:0:1] * Vincent Lee slots his m4 into front of body using both hands. [19:0:4] * {FF0000}Dailyn_Harper {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [19:0:5] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [19:0:5] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 611130 [19:0:5] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Ada lelang? [19:0:7] Louise Bishop Shouts: sini! [19:0:8] Louise Bishop Shouts: sini! [19:0:8] * {FF0000}Derrick_Starbuck {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [19:0:9] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Kenway Schwazenegger ] Reporter: [ Gracious Esquevelle ] [19:0:9] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Attempted Murdering ] [19:0:10] * {FF0000}Freddo_North {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [19:0:17] * Scott Marauder mengangkat tangan ke udara. [19:0:17] Vincent Lee says: Lu keliatan malak lagi gua tangkep jail permanent [19:0:17] * {FF0000}Nico_Schreiber {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [19:0:18] * Lidya Felicia mengakat tangan [19:0:18] * Dajuan Broughton mengangkat tangan [19:0:22] Scott Marauder says: Saya [19:0:24] * {FF0000}Alexey_Viktor {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Samarinda, Indonesia) [19:0:27] Dajuan Broughton says: Saya pak [19:0:28] [RADIO] Detective II Clementine Roselyn: 7-UNION-4, will be [19:0:29] (( PM from [6] Maynard_Southwell: lee kawan otis ini 1 net :v )) [19:0:29] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Kenway Schwazenegger ] Reporter: [ Gracious Esquevelle ] [19:0:29] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Assaulting on LEO ] [19:0:34] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Gerry Bishop: Prob Sergeant 2318 fly using 7-HAWK-1 as Metropolitan Unit, 10-57 Victor, '60 Black Maverick./belt [19:0:35] Louise Bishop says: lee [19:0:35] (( PM to [6] Maynard_Southwell: bodo amat waokaw )) [19:0:39] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Kenway Schwazenegger ] Reporter: [ Gracious Esquevelle ] [19:0:39] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Evading from polices. ] [19:0:41] Louise Bishop says: lee [19:0:41] LIMITSPEED: {ffffff}Vehicle speed limit {ff0000}disabled [19:0:41] (( PM from [6] Maynard_Southwell: anjay wkwkwk )) [19:0:41] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Gerry Bishop: )) [19:0:49] [RADIO] Detective II Clementine Roselyn: )) [19:0:53] * {FF0000}Otis_Ruther {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [19:0:54] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Kenway Schwazenegger ] Reporter: [ Gracious Esquevelle ] [19:0:54] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Failure to comply ] [19:0:57] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: Where location now ? [19:0:58] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{66FFFF}[SELL]Sultan 3 Insurance and 4 Upgrade Full Modification, Interest? Cellphone: [19:0:58] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Bradley_Alvarez{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}270013{FF0000}] [19:0:59] * {FF0000}Reynard_Athafariz {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Tangerang, Indonesia) [19:1:6] (( PM from [94] Otis_Ruther: kau apakan kawanku ha?!?! )) [19:1:9] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Zarion Whittemore: I repeat again [19:1:9] 911: Crime: [ ada Cabbie warna hitam ugal ugalan terus lawan arus lagi di tol dekat Ocean Docks ] [19:1:9] 911: Reporter: [ Roberts Anderson ] Phone: [ 800842 ] [19:1:10] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Kenway Schwazenegger ] Reporter: [ Gracious Esquevelle ] [19:1:10] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Performing drive by ] [19:1:10] (( PM to [94] Otis_Ruther: ewew )) [19:1:11] (( PM from [94] Otis_Ruther: PUTUS KITA ?!??! )) [19:1:11] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Zarion Whittemore: Prob. Sergeant 6956 requesting 10-14 at Westernside from Binco [19:1:19] (( PM from [94] Otis_Ruther: OH SEKARANG DAH ADA YANG BARU YA !?!? )) [19:1:23] [MEGAPHONE] Vincent Lee: Becarefull [19:1:23] (( PM from [94] Otis_Ruther: OKEH!!!!!!!!!! )) [19:1:23] Chayton Bishop Shouts: Mampos! [19:1:25] [RADIO] Detective II Clementine Roselyn: 7-UNION-4, enrouting to your location, Sergeant Whittemore. [19:1:30] (( PM from [6] Maynard_Southwell: wayoloh diputusin wkwkwk )) [19:1:30] (( PM from [94] Otis_Ruther: AWKOEKAWEOAWKEOAWKEOAWKOEAWKEOAWE )) [19:1:42] * {FF0000}Jayden_Bradley {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Malang, Indonesia) [19:1:44] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Kenway Schwazenegger ] Reporter: [ Gracious Esquevelle ] [19:1:44] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Vehicular Endangerment ] [19:1:45] * {FF0000}Joshua_Brewer {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [19:1:47] (( PM to [6] Maynard_Southwell: ku retakkan ginjalnya )) [19:1:48] * Aloysius Elvarette rools the window [19:1:50] Aloysius Elvarette Shouts: maaf pak! [19:1:52] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [19:1:52] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 611130 [19:1:52] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}woi [19:1:52] (( PM from [6] Maynard_Southwell: wkwawkoawk )) [19:1:52] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [19:1:55] [MEGAPHONE] Vincent Lee: Ya [19:1:56] HQ: {00ffff}Kenway_Schwazenegger have been arrested by Gracious_Esquevelle [19:1:56] Aloysius Elvarette Shouts: di tabrak orang dari belakang! [19:2:2] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [19:2:2] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}udah laku ada asell di temple [19:2:5] [RADIO] PO-I Synester Reynold: Police Officer I 10144 requesting 10-14 in front of All Saints, over. [19:2:7] (( PM from [94] Otis_Ruther: aku udah CK'ed sayang )) [19:2:7] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [19:2:7] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 611130 [19:2:7] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Really? [19:2:7] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [19:2:7] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}kelamaan [19:2:8] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [19:2:10] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [19:2:11] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [19:2:11] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}iye [19:2:15] (( PM from [94] Otis_Ruther: nanti aku kabarin yaa :* )) [19:2:16] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Brad Saxon ] Reporter: [ Raphael Volkoska ] [19:2:16] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Possesion of illegal firearms ] [19:2:24] (( PM from [94] Otis_Ruther: ini lagi di jail :( )) [19:2:30] * {FF0000}Freddo_North {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [19:2:33] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Brad Saxon ] Reporter: [ Raphael Volkoska ] [19:2:33] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Vehicular Endangerment ] [19:2:34] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [19:2:34] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}ada suspect ya naek Heli wkow persuit di udara [19:2:38] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Zarion Whittemore: Copy 7-UNION-4, I'll waiting for your arrival. Prob. Sergeant 6956 speak [19:2:40] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [19:2:40] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 611130 [19:2:40] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Dimaa sekarang dia? [19:2:45] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [19:2:45] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}apanya? [19:2:48] * {FF0000}Travone_Carter {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Cirebon, Indonesia) [19:2:55] * {FF0000}Charlie_Lewis {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [19:2:55] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Brad Saxon ] Reporter: [ Raphael Volkoska ] [19:2:55] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Evading from police ] [19:3:0] (( Gracious Esquevelle: ini cmd bukain gerbang apa dah )) [19:3:11] (( Derrick Starbuck: /gate )) [19:3:11] (( Gracious Esquevelle: gerbang yang dalam penjara )) [19:3:11] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [19:3:11] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 611130 [19:3:11] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Helinya [19:3:13] [ID] ID: 77 | Name: Lara_Cornelia | Level: 7 | Ping: 25 | Launcher: Yes [19:3:14] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [19:3:15] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Brad Saxon ] Reporter: [ Raphael Volkoska ] [19:3:15] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Performing Drive by ] [19:3:16] [ID] ID: 77 | Name: Lara_Cornelia | Level: 7 | Ping: 27 | Launcher: Yes [19:3:18] (( Gracious Esquevelle: dalam penjara SACF )) [19:3:19] (( Derrick Starbuck: klakson bisa )) [19:3:23] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [19:3:27] * {FF0000}Belchior_Caldeira {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [19:3:32] (( Giancarlos Octavio: yg di sel? )) [19:3:32] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Brad Saxon ] Reporter: [ Raphael Volkoska ] [19:3:32] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Assaulting on LEO ] [19:3:36] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [19:3:36] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}ganton [19:3:37] (( Arnold Jericho: /cell )) [19:3:38] (( Gracious Esquevelle: iya yang dalem SACF )) [19:3:43] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [19:3:43] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}lu ada shamal? [19:3:43] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{66FFFF}[SELL]Cheetah 3 Insurance and 4 Upgrade Full Modification have 2 Stiker, Interest? Cellphone: [19:3:43] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Bradley_Alvarez{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}270013{FF0000}] [19:3:47] * {FF0000}Jamarcus_Washington {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [19:3:47] (( Gracious Esquevelle: malah nelpon )) [19:3:47] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Brad Saxon ] Reporter: [ Raphael Volkoska ] [19:3:47] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Failure to Comply ] [19:3:50] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [19:3:50] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}gua kendarain sini [19:3:52] (( PM from [2] Louise_Bishop: re-share nrg )) [19:3:53] (( PM from [2] Louise_Bishop: re-share nrg )) [19:3:54] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [19:3:54] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}mau gua ledek [19:3:55] (( PM from [2] Louise_Bishop: re-share nrg )) [19:3:57] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}You have shared your {00FFFF}NRG-500 {FFFFFF}to {FFFF00}Louise_Bishop [19:3:57] (( Giancarlos Octavio: kyknya mappingan itu )) [19:4:0] (( Giancarlos Octavio: maybe )) [19:4:3] (( Vincent Lee: amrun )) [19:4:5] AdmCmd: Alvis_Blaymark has been kicked by rollback. [19:4:5] Reason: ATIP [19:4:14] (( Giancarlos Octavio: apa )) [19:4:15] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [19:4:20] (( Gracious Esquevelle: gimana sih ini lupa gw )) [19:4:21] HQ: {00ffff}Brad_Saxon have been arrested by Raphael_Volkoska [19:4:25] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (432424) [19:4:25] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Mantep WS Rame [19:4:30] Ghassan Musson says: tembak [19:4:30] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [19:4:30] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 432424 [19:4:30] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Berapa orang [19:4:31] Ghassan Musson says: sampe [19:4:35] Ghassan Musson says: heli nya [19:4:35] Vincent Lee says: Apa njink [19:4:37] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (432424) [19:4:37] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Gue handle 3 orang baru [19:4:41] Ghassan Musson says: lu ada shamal? [19:4:42] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [19:4:42] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 432424 [19:4:42] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Naise [19:4:43] Vincent Lee says: Ga ada [19:4:45] Ghassan Musson says: o [19:4:45] Vincent Lee says: Udah leduk [19:4:49] Ghassan Musson says: bego [19:4:49] * {FF0000}Fernando_Giovanni {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Amsterdam, Netherlands) [19:4:51] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (432424) [19:4:51] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Goob lock [19:4:51] Vincent Lee says: Bahaha [19:4:55] Aloysius Elvarette says: ketawa mulu pak. [19:4:56] * {FF0000}Allard_Anayouri {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Surabaya, Indonesia) [19:4:59] Vincent Lee says: Gapapa [19:5:1] Vincent Lee says: Sehat [19:5:3] Aloysius Elvarette says: rusak tuh loh. [19:5:5] Vincent Lee says: Ya [19:5:5] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Jual rumah 2lantai 8ruangan Temple ada lahan parkir furni banyak di gudang minat SMS [19:5:5] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Emma_Mcquinza{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}2210{FF0000}] [19:5:6] Vincent Lee says: Mau ganti [19:5:6] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [19:5:6] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Shamal mantap kalau persuit. [19:5:14] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [19:5:14] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 611130 [19:5:14] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Leduk nanti kontol [19:5:18] Aloysius Elvarette says: mantap [19:5:22] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [19:5:22] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}gua mah jago [19:5:22] * {FF0000}Lara_Cornelia {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [19:5:26] * {FF0000}Josephine_Faustine {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [19:5:31] * {FF0000}Mikhael_Hemmsworth {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [19:5:40] (( PM to [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: SOMBONG )) [19:5:41] (( PM to [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: SOMBONG )) [19:5:41] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [19:5:42] (( PM to [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: SOMBONG )) [19:5:42] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [19:5:42] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [19:5:43] (( PM to [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: SOMBONG )) [19:5:44] (( PM to [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: SOMBONG )) [19:5:45] (( PM to [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: SOMBONG )) [19:5:47] (( PM to [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: SOMBONG )) [19:5:48] (( PM to [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: SOMBONG )) [19:5:49] (( PM to [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: SOMBONG )) [19:5:49] (( PM to [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: SOMBONG )) [19:5:50] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [19:5:51] (( PM to [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: SOMBONG )) [19:5:51] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [19:5:52] (( PM to [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: SOMBONG )) [19:5:52] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [19:5:55] ERROR: No queued reports! [19:6:1] (( PM from [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: bantu gua CK dik )) [19:6:7] * {FF0000}Charlie_Lewis {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [19:6:10] (( PM from [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: SS doang )) [19:6:12] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Jual rumah 2lantai 8ruangan Temple ada lahan parkir furni banyak di gudang minat SMS [19:6:12] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Emma_Mcquinza{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}2210{FF0000}] [19:6:16] (( PM to [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: ss dimana )) [19:6:17] * {FF0000}Arka_Bawika {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rembangan, Indonesia) [19:6:25] (( Raphael Volkoska: numpang ulang r ya )) [19:6:28] (( Gracious Esquevelle: iya )) [19:6:31] (( Gracious Esquevelle: ini gimana sih oi )) [19:6:36] * {FF0000}Luke_Horvath {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [19:6:42] * {FF0000}Damian_Hancock {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bekasi, Indonesia) [19:6:46] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [19:6:48] [ID] ID: 42 | Name: Lara_Cornelia | Level: 7 | Ping: 26 | Launcher: Yes [19:6:56] (( Arnold Jericho: apanya )) [19:6:56] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [19:6:57] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [19:6:58] (( PM from [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: tunggu hq )) [19:7:0] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [19:7:1] (( Vincent Lee: we )) [19:7:3] (( Gracious Esquevelle: buka gerbang cell yang di sacf )) [19:7:7] (( Gracious Esquevelle: cmd nya apa )) [19:7:7] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [19:7:7] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}suspect [19:7:7] * {FF0000}Andika_Subejo {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [19:7:9] [RADIO] PO-I Raphael Volkoska: 2-ADAM-2 transporting two suspect '61 IC1 male to '20 SACF '15 procedure, over. [19:7:9] (( Vincent Lee: Adjudant boleh naik unit apa aja:v )) [19:7:9] * {FF0000}Devin_Martyan {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [19:7:9] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Zarion Whittemore: Prob. Sergeant 6956 take status three at Central Locker, over [19:7:9] (( Derrick Starbuck: lupa )) [19:7:15] (( Vincent Lee: Adjudant boleh naik unit apa aja:v )) [19:7:17] (( Gracious Esquevelle: kasian ini 4 org )) [19:7:20] (( Arnold Jericho: /cellmenu )) [19:7:23] * {FF0000}Valentin_Riviere {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [19:7:24] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [19:7:24] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Admiral samping pizza stack [19:7:25] (( Gracious Esquevelle: terus nomer berapa )) [19:7:27] * {FF0000}Scott_Marauder {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [19:7:36] * {FF0000}Robert_Flynn {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [19:7:37] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [19:7:37] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 611130 [19:7:37] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Kenapa emg [19:7:42] [RADIO] PO-I Raphael Volkoska: 2-ADAM-2 10-99 from 10-15 procedure, resuming status four, over [19:7:46] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [19:7:46] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}pada bawa gun [19:7:49] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [19:7:49] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 611130 [19:7:49] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Berapa orang [19:7:52] (( Arnold Jericho: open all gpp, asal gerbang utama penjara tutup )) [19:7:53] * {FF0000}Perez_Einstein {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 02, Indonesia) [19:7:58] * {FF0000}Rushty_Beardsley {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [19:7:59] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [19:7:59] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}rame [19:8:15] * {FF0000}Larenz_Hanzell {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [19:8:15] Ghassan Musson says: sene [19:8:18] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [19:8:18] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 611130 [19:8:18] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Ga ada [19:8:23] Andrew Horstman Shouts: PD! [19:8:26] Vincent Lee Shouts: Apaa! [19:8:31] Andrew Horstman Shouts: Bagi uang dong! [19:8:42] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [19:8:42] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}itu [19:8:54] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [19:8:54] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}jangan2 [19:9:1] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [19:9:1] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 611130 [19:9:1] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Yang mana si [19:9:3] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [19:9:3] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}gun nya dia tarok trunk huntyle [19:9:11] * Hansen Sullivan Merasa lelah. [19:9:18] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}KS Dealer Montgomery menyediakan Cheetah, Comet, Blista, dll. [19:9:18] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Marvine_Collinson{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}432424{FF0000}] [19:9:22] * {FF0000}Conan_Pearson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [19:9:32] * {FF0000}Queentera_Quertorico {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [19:9:33] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [19:9:33] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}gua pancing aja jual gun ga [19:9:34] [RADIO] PO-I Synester Reynold: Police Officer I 10144 requesting 10-14 in front of All Saints, over. [19:9:38] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}You have shared your {00FFFF}Bullet {FFFFFF}to {FFFF00}Larenz_Hanzell [19:9:39] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [19:9:39] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 611130 [19:9:39] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}ya [19:9:43] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Gracious Esquevelle: 1-ADAM-3 Already at ASGH. [19:9:52] ERROR: Nomor yang anda hubungi tidak terdaftar [19:9:59] AdmCmd: Nooo_Namee has released Mikhael_Hemmsworth from Admin Jail [19:10:3] Admin Nooo_Namee: CK aborted [19:10:6] PHONE: {FFFFFF}Calling {00FFFF}number 1402{FFFFFF}, please wait for answer! [19:10:7] (( PM from [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: mana )) [19:10:8] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telepon telah dijawab. [19:10:8] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Gunakan chat biasa untuk berkomunikasi lewat telpon, '/h' untuk menutup telpon. [19:10:10] (( PM from [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: fast lah )) [19:10:12] (( PM to [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: wait )) [19:10:13] Caller [phone]: On the way bullet. [19:10:16] Vincent Lee [phone]: Ambil mobil gua [19:10:20] * {FF0000}Arnold_Jericho {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bogor, Indonesia) [19:10:20] Vincent Lee [phone]: Bawa ke ELS Gym [19:10:20] * {FF0000}Jeremy_Kloptens {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [19:10:22] Caller [phone]: Oke. [19:10:24] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{FF0000} ST Vincent Garage menyediakan modift dan upgrade mobil tipe WAA yang KECE @Flint [19:10:24] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Marvine_Collinson{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}432424{FF0000}] [19:10:31] (( PM from [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: gosah off duty )) [19:10:33] Vincent Lee [phone]: Eh [19:10:36] Vincent Lee [phone]: Lu tau ga [19:10:39] Caller [phone]: Tau apa? [19:10:43] Vincent Lee [phone]: Rumah gua di ELS [19:10:47] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Gracious Esquevelle: 1-ADAM-3 Parking and disbanded [19:10:47] Caller [phone]: Gaktau. [19:10:54] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Gracious Esquevelle: Ajudant 10094 reporting is now off duty, over and out [19:10:54] Vincent Lee [phone]: Gua tunggu rumah lu yang tadi ye [19:10:58] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Gracious Esquevelle: Have a nice day all. [19:11:0] (( PM from [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: on aje, boleh kan? jadi critanya gua rober, trus lu tangkep, kita sotot, tpi lu gosah nemba [19:11:3] Caller [phone]: Oke. [19:11:5] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: Oke sayang [19:11:6] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: )) [19:11:8] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [19:11:8] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}lu sanggup gas sebanyak itu? [19:11:13] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [19:11:13] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 611130 [19:11:13] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Apanya? [19:11:15] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [19:11:15] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}gang dia [19:11:17] Caller [phone]: Bullet lu mana? [19:11:18] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [19:11:18] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 611130 [19:11:18] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Dimana? [19:11:19] Vincent Lee [phone]: W [19:11:20] Vincent Lee [phone]: WS [19:11:21] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [19:11:21] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}pada bawa gun ama pisau [19:11:22] Caller [phone]: Gak ada. [19:11:25] [RADIO] PO-I Synester Reynold: Police Officer I 10144 to Officer Raphael Volkoska. [19:11:27] Vincent Lee [phone]: Belakang rumah kosong [19:11:27] (( PM from [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: gua SS /fall 1 lu sambil keker atau jalan ke arah gua gitu )) [19:11:29] Vincent Lee [phone]: Warna pink [19:11:31] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[DIJUAL] Rumah 2 garasi Palomino POLOS, SMS. [19:11:31] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Derrick_Starbuck{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}1007{FF0000}] [19:11:36] (( PM to [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: ssnya dimana maunya )) [19:11:36] [RADIO] PO-I Raphael Volkoska: Officer Volkoska here. [19:11:40] Caller [phone]: Ada. [19:11:45] Vincent Lee [phone]: Ada kan [19:11:46] (( PM from [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: udah siini dulu lunya )) [19:11:48] Caller [phone]: Ada. [19:11:50] (( PM to [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: DIMANA KONTOL )) [19:11:54] Caller [phone]: Gua kesana. [19:11:56] (( PM to [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: IC in aja )) [19:11:56] [RADIO] PO-I Synester Reynold: Can you pick me '20 at Central HQ ? [19:11:57] Vincent Lee [phone]: Ok [19:11:57] Telepon terputus... [19:12:5] ERROR: Nomor yang anda hubungi tidak terdaftar [19:12:15] ADVERT: {ffffff}You've paid {33AA33}$3.20 {FFFFFF}(32 letters) for the advertisement [19:12:15] ADVERT: {ffffff}Your advertisement has been added to the queue and it'll be displayed in {ffff00}3 minutes [19:12:18] * {FF0000}Brooklyn_Olsen {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Tangerang, Indonesia) [19:12:22] AME: {C2A2DA}membuat iklan di hp [19:12:22] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [19:12:23] (( PM from [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: goblok )) [19:12:29] [RADIO] PO-I Raphael Volkoska: 2-ADAM-2 sure, i'll there ETA three minutes, over. [19:12:35] ADVERT: {ffffff}You've paid {33AA33}$2.80 {FFFFFF}(28 letters) for the advertisement [19:12:35] ADVERT: {ffffff}Your advertisement has been added to the queue and it'll be displayed in {ffff00}4 minutes [19:12:36] ADVERT: {ffffff}You've paid {33AA33}$2.80 {FFFFFF}(28 letters) for the advertisement [19:12:36] ADVERT: {ffffff}Your advertisement has been added to the queue and it'll be displayed in {ffff00}5 minutes [19:12:36] ADVERT: {ffffff}You've paid {33AA33}$2.80 {FFFFFF}(28 letters) for the advertisement [19:12:36] ADVERT: {ffffff}Your advertisement has been added to the queue and it'll be displayed in {ffff00}6 minutes [19:12:37] ADVERT: {ffffff}You've paid {33AA33}$2.80 {FFFFFF}(28 letters) for the advertisement [19:12:37] ADVERT: {ffffff}Your advertisement has been added to the queue and it'll be displayed in {ffff00}7 minutes [19:12:38] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Sell]Sultan 3Insu 4Up Fullmodift,Fullsticker $5,5k Nego tipis CP!!! [19:12:38] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Louise_Bishop{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}204020{FF0000}] [19:12:38] ADVERT: {ffffff}You've paid {33AA33}$2.80 {FFFFFF}(28 letters) for the advertisement [19:12:38] ADVERT: {ffffff}Your advertisement has been added to the queue and it'll be displayed in {ffff00}7 minutes [19:12:41] ADVERT: {ffffff}You've paid {33AA33}$2.80 {FFFFFF}(28 letters) for the advertisement [19:12:41] ADVERT: {ffffff}Your advertisement has been added to the queue and it'll be displayed in {ffff00}8 minutes [19:12:43] ADVERT: {ffffff}You've paid {33AA33}$2.80 {FFFFFF}(28 letters) for the advertisement [19:12:43] ADVERT: {ffffff}Your advertisement has been added to the queue and it'll be displayed in {ffff00}9 minutes [19:12:43] ADVERT: {ffffff}You've paid {33AA33}$2.80 {FFFFFF}(28 letters) for the advertisement [19:12:43] ADVERT: {ffffff}Your advertisement has been added to the queue and it'll be displayed in {ffff00}10 minutes [19:12:44] ADVERT: {ffffff}You've paid {33AA33}$2.80 {FFFFFF}(28 letters) for the advertisement [19:12:44] ADVERT: {ffffff}Your advertisement has been added to the queue and it'll be displayed in {ffff00}11 minutes [19:12:45] * {FF0000}Zeline_Zakeisha {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [19:12:45] ADVERT: {ffffff}You've paid {33AA33}$2.80 {FFFFFF}(28 letters) for the advertisement [19:12:45] ADVERT: {ffffff}Your advertisement has been added to the queue and it'll be displayed in {ffff00}12 minutes [19:12:45] (( PM from [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: fast dik )) [19:12:51] (( PM to [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: ic in tolol )) [19:12:54] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [19:12:54] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}eh sultan nya si Louis keren? [19:12:58] (( PM from [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: dih ini CK astaga )) [19:12:59] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [19:12:59] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 611130 [19:12:59] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Apa? [19:13:4] (( PM from [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: itu udah gua SMSM kontol )) [19:13:7] (( PM to [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: mau ss dimana tolol )) [19:13:7] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Aloysius_Elvarette ] Phone: [ 505340 ] [19:13:7] Message: Tolong cari nomor 287070, dia sudah melecekan saya, masak orang kerja taxi nelpon terus, dan di lecekan. [19:13:12] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [19:13:12] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}lu ada sultan? [19:13:17] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [19:13:17] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 611130 [19:13:17] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Ga ada [19:13:18] * {FF0000}Zhaniece_Cardwell {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [19:13:19] (( PM to [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: mau ss dimana tolol )) [19:13:19] * {FF0000}Roomero_Calvizer {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [19:13:28] (( PM from [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: nanti gua yg urus udah sini dulu bego )) [19:13:31] * {FF0000}Carlo_Stevenson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [19:13:36] (( PM to [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: minta teleport )) [19:13:44] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}(Sell) Infernus full up and mod, plate custom minat? [19:13:44] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Perez_Einstein{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}8484{FF0000}] [19:13:46] Larenz Hanzell says: Cepat pak. [19:13:47] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [19:13:47] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}gua nyari sultan yg 3insu polos tapi ada stiker 3biji [19:13:50] * {FF0000}Julian_Burton {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [19:13:53] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}You've {33AA33}unsealed {FFFFFF}the house owned by {00FFFF}Larenz_Hanzell [19:13:54] Vincent Lee: (( cpt )) [19:13:54] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Arnold Jericho: Adjudant 8509 Start of Watch under 2-ADAM-3 as LINCOLN, Clearing from Dillimore, Status 4. [19:13:57] TELEPORT: {FF0000}yourvoice99 {FFFFFF} has teleported {FFFF00}Mikhael_Hemmsworth {FFFFFF}to you [19:14:7] Vincent Lee says: Sini [19:14:9] Mikhael Hemmsworth: (( sabar )) [19:14:14] Mikhael Hemmsworth says: ambil mobil [19:14:16] Mikhael Hemmsworth says: ambil mobil [19:14:17] Mikhael Hemmsworth says: sabar [19:14:18] Mikhael Hemmsworth says: tolol [19:14:19] Vincent Lee says: Alah lama [19:14:24] * {FF0000}Giancarlos_Octavio {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 02, Indonesia) [19:14:28] * {FF0000}Moolyz_Jackone {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [19:14:29] Mikhael Hemmsworth says: ayok [19:14:33] Vincent Lee: (( kemana kontol )) [19:14:33] * {FF0000}Mandkovic_Plotnikov {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bogor, Indonesia) [19:14:33] * {FF0000}Daniel_Leroux {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [19:14:34] [RADIO] PO-I Raphael Volkoska: 2-ADAM-2 '27 1-JOHN-2, over. [19:14:34] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (1402) [19:14:34] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Siapa itu? [19:14:34] Mikhael Hemmsworth says: ke las colinas [19:14:36] Mikhael Hemmsworth says: itu deket [19:14:36] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [19:14:36] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}suscpet [19:14:37] Vincent Lee: (( lama anjing )) [19:14:37] Mikhael Hemmsworth says: kiri [19:14:37] * {FF0000}Charlie_Lewis {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [19:14:39] Mikhael Hemmsworth says: goblok [19:14:39] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [19:14:39] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 611130 [19:14:39] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Bukan [19:14:42] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [19:14:42] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}aman2 [19:14:46] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [19:14:46] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 611130 [19:14:46] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}dah cepat [19:14:51] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [19:14:51] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}apaan? [19:14:51] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Sell]Pesawat Shamal buka harga. [19:14:51] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Vincent_Lee{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3330{FF0000}] [19:14:52] Mikhael Hemmsworth says: lurus [19:14:52] * {FF0000}Allard_Anayouri {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Surabaya, Indonesia) [19:14:56] Mikhael Hemmsworth says: ops [19:14:58] Mikhael Hemmsworth says: ops [19:15:0] Mikhael Hemmsworth says: tadi [19:15:1] Mikhael Hemmsworth says: goblok [19:15:2] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [19:15:2] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}ada shamal kau [19:15:4] Mikhael Hemmsworth: (( wait )) [19:15:7] Mikhael Hemmsworth: (( tunggu sini )) [19:15:16] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [19:15:16] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 1402 [19:15:16] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}teman [19:15:20] * {FF0000}Eka_Julianto {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Surabaya, Indonesia) [19:15:23] (( Clementine Roselyn: ada yang ngerasa nanganin Travone Carter? dia nge pm gua terus ini ... )) [19:15:28] (( Jeremy Kloptens: nope )) [19:15:30] Mikhael Hemmsworth: (( gancet )) [19:15:30] (( Derrick Starbuck: negatip )) [19:15:31] * {FF0000}Diana_Gibson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [19:15:32] * {FF0000}Demario_Barksdale {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [19:15:33] * {FF0000}Cassion_Dante {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [19:15:34] (( Derrick Starbuck: tan )) [19:15:34] PHONE: {FF0000}Number 600200 {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [19:15:36] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Anda telah menjawab telpon. [19:15:36] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Gunakan chat biasa untuk berkomunikasi lewat telpon, '/h' untuk menutup telpon. [19:15:38] (( Jeremy Kloptens: oy )) [19:15:38] Vincent Lee [phone]: YA? [19:15:40] Mikhael Hemmsworth: (( sbr )) [19:15:42] Caller [phone]: mas, karyawannya dimana semua? [19:15:42] Vincent Lee: (( lama pepek )) [19:15:44] Caller [phone]: saya di st vincent garage [19:15:45] Vincent Lee [phone]: Telfon aja [19:15:46] Caller [phone]: mau benerin mobil [19:15:46] (( Derrick Starbuck: tes kibort doang gajadi )) [19:15:47] Caller [phone]: gak ada [19:15:49] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (556565) [19:15:49] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}berapa [19:15:50] [ID] ID: 82 | Name: Marvine_Collinson | Level: 7 | Ping: 29 | Launcher: Yes [19:15:51] (( PM from [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: gua SS bangun tidur bntr )) [19:15:53] Vincent Lee [phone]: Telfon [19:15:53] AdmCmd: Will_Stradlin has been kicked by Nooo_Namee. [19:15:53] Reason: /health mas [19:15:55] Vincent Lee [phone]: 432424 [19:15:57] [ID] ID: 2 | Name: Louise_Bishop | Level: 11 | Ping: 35 | Launcher: Yes [19:15:57] Caller [phone]: udah [19:15:57] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Sell]Shamal buka harga aja. [19:15:57] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Vincent_Lee{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3330{FF0000}] [19:15:59] Caller [phone]: gak dijawab [19:16:2] [RADIO] PO-I Synester Reynold: Police Officer I 10144 is teaming up with Officer 8127 under 1-JOHN-2, clearing Central HQ and take status four, [19:16:3] (( PM from [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: cari kasur )) [19:16:4] (( Raphael Volkoska: Negatip )) [19:16:9] Vincent Lee [phone]: satunya lagi [19:16:9] [RADIO] PO-I Synester Reynold: ... over. [19:16:13] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [19:16:13] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}8k [19:16:13] Telepon terputus... [19:16:16] (( PM to [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: lama ngetot )) [19:16:18] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (8484) [19:16:18] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}3k [19:16:19] PHONE: {FF0000}Number 690069 {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [19:16:21] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [19:16:21] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 8484 [19:16:21] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}UP [19:16:21] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [19:16:23] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Anda telah menjawab telpon. [19:16:23] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Gunakan chat biasa untuk berkomunikasi lewat telpon, '/h' untuk menutup telpon. [19:16:24] Vincent Lee [phone]: Ya? [19:16:24] Caller [phone]: oi [19:16:27] (( Synester Reynold: gatau rp sama siapa dia )) [19:16:27] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (1402) [19:16:27] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}AK 2 500 ammo, DE full 2 350 ammo satunya 165 ammo [19:16:27] Caller [phone]: beli rumah mau? [19:16:30] Caller [phone]: 55k [19:16:31] (( PM from [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: sbar cari kasur )) [19:16:32] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (8484) [19:16:32] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Harga asli? [19:16:32] (( Clementine Roselyn: haduh )) [19:16:34] Vincent Lee [phone]: Ga [19:16:35] Telepon terputus... [19:16:38] * {FF0000}Nixon_Zacharius {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [19:16:39] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (1402) [19:16:39] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Udah kan? mobilnya tarok mana? [19:16:40] Vincent Lee Shouts: Telfon gua ja! [19:16:43] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [19:16:43] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 1402 [19:16:43] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Bentar belom cek [19:16:43] Mikhael Hemmsworth says: bentar [19:16:47] (( Raphael Volkoska: kenapa emang nya? )) [19:16:48] [RADIO] PO-II Thomas Hardwell: 5-AIR-1 landed and disbanded. [19:16:51] * {FF0000}Will_Stradlin {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bogor, Indonesia) [19:16:54] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (1402) [19:16:54] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}yaelah gak percaya ama gua, kan dah jadi temen [19:17:3] * {FF0000}Kelly_Bradley {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [19:17:3] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}You've {ff0000}sealed {FFFFFF}the house owned by {00FFFF}Larenz_Hanzell [19:17:5] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Sell]Shamal buka harga aja. [19:17:5] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Vincent_Lee{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3330{FF0000}] [19:17:10] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (1402) [19:17:10] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Kok di sealed lagi bro? [19:17:11] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [19:17:11] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 1402 [19:17:11] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}ikut gua [19:17:16] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [19:17:16] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 1402 [19:17:16] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}tunggu bayar beb [19:17:20] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (1402) [19:17:20] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Oke [19:17:26] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [19:17:26] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}rumah di temple 12k noh [19:17:31] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [19:17:31] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 611130 [19:17:31] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Ga ah [19:17:34] * {FF0000}Charlie_Lewis {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [19:17:38] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [19:17:38] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}di jual lagi ntung 15k laku [19:17:41] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [19:17:41] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}mayan [19:17:44] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (505340) [19:17:44] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Kendaraan apa itu ? [19:17:50] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [19:17:50] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 505340 [19:17:50] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Pesawat [19:17:54] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [19:17:54] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}klu ballack ke kota di beli. [19:17:54] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (720006) [19:17:54] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}You're DESYNC you have 10 seconds to reconnect to this server [19:17:57] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (505340) [19:17:57] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Oh [19:17:59] * {FF0000}Mickey_Washington {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Depok, Indonesia) [19:18:2] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [19:18:2] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 505340 [19:18:2] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Ya [19:18:4] * {FF0000}Cyntia_Caroline {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [19:18:6] Vincent Lee says: Sini cuk [19:18:12] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Sell]Shamal buka harga aja. [19:18:12] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Vincent_Lee{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3330{FF0000}] [19:18:15] Vincent Lee says: Situ [19:18:16] Vincent Lee says: Dah [19:18:20] (( PM from [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: a )) [19:18:26] [RADIO] Prob. Detective Cassion Dante: Prob. Detective 2738 teaming up with Detective II 9690 under 7-UNION-4/. [19:18:27] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (556565) [19:18:27] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}brp [19:18:29] [RADIO] Prob. Detective Cassion Dante: Prob. Detective 2738 teaming up with Detective II 9690 under 7-UNION-4. [19:18:30] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (720006) [19:18:30] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}You're DESYNC you have 10 seconds to reconnect to this server [19:18:32] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [19:18:32] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 720006 [19:18:32] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}5k netnya [19:18:35] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [19:18:35] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 720006 [19:18:35] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Miss [19:18:36] * {FF0000}Lyovanska_Nashevich {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [19:18:39] * {FF0000}Ingga_Fresly {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [19:18:42] * {FF0000}James_Lynch {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Malang, Indonesia) [19:18:44] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [19:18:44] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 720006 [19:18:44] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Sapa sih lo [19:18:47] Vincent Lee Says [car]: Mau kemana lu? [19:18:49] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (720006) [19:18:49] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}orvin [19:18:52] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [19:18:52] Mask 741511 Says [car]: Pangkalan. [19:18:54] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [19:18:54] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 720006 [19:18:54] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}wakokowakowa kontol [19:18:56] Mask 741511 Says [car]: Pizza stack. [19:19:0] Vincent Lee says: Ada anak anak lu ya [19:19:2] Vincent Lee says: Tadi gua ketemu [19:19:3] Vincent Lee says: Pada bawa senjata [19:19:4] Mask 741511 Says [car]: Iya. [19:19:4] ERROR: You must be on foot to use this command! [19:19:6] * {FF0000}Devyne_Cornelius {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Tasikmalaya, Indonesia) [19:19:7] Mask 741511 Says [car]: Mau perang. [19:19:10] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}You have revoked your shared {00FFFF}Bullet {FFFFFF}from {FFFF00}Larenz_Hanzell [19:19:13] Vincent Lee says: Dimana? [19:19:15] * {FF0000}Ananda_Tammer {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [19:19:15] * {FF0000}Malik_Williams {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [19:19:19] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Sell]Shamal buka harga aja. [19:19:19] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Vincent_Lee{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3330{FF0000}] [19:19:21] Mask 741511 Says [car]: Mangkanya lu gabung lah hahaha. [19:19:28] * {FF0000}Freddo_North {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [19:19:29] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (556565) [19:19:29] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}brp anjing udah di sms 2 kali [19:19:29] Mask 741511 Says [car]: Ayo pizza stack. [19:19:34] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [19:19:34] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 556565 [19:19:34] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}maap wkwk [19:19:38] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [19:19:38] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 556565 [19:19:38] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}5k net [19:19:40] * {FF0000}Reynard_Athafariz {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Tangerang, Indonesia) [19:19:41] * {FF0000}Aria_Bima {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [19:19:49] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (556565) [19:19:49] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}ok saya pikirkan dulu [19:19:49] * {FF0000}Fajar_Mozart {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [19:20:12] (( PM from [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: FAST DIK YAALLAH )) [19:20:21] (( PM to [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: tmpt tadi kans )) [19:20:25] (( PM from [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: y )) [19:20:26] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Sell]Shamal buka harga aja. [19:20:26] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Vincent_Lee{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3330{FF0000}] [19:20:30] * {FF0000}Zhaniece_Cardwell {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [19:20:42] Vincent Lee: (( cepet )) [19:20:42] (( PM from [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: jangan togmask bego )) [19:20:43] (( PM from [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: jangan togmask bego )) [19:20:48] (( PM to [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: bukan gua )) [19:20:49] MASKINFO: Mask {33AA33}ON [19:20:49] * {FF0000}Deangelo_Hudson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 07, Indonesia) [19:20:50] MASKINFO: Mask {FF0000}OFF [19:20:51] * {FF0000}Vladimir_Zasmir {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (West Jakarta, Indonesia) [19:20:51] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Ingga kontol (988555) [19:20:51] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Lee. [19:20:58] [RADIO] PO-II Thomas Hardwell: Police Officer II 5104 taking status one. [19:20:58] * {FF0000}Aria_Bima {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [19:20:58] (( PM from [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: lu blakang gua critanya lu mau tilang )) [19:21:7] (( PM to [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: LAMA )) [19:21:7] * {FF0000}Roosevelt_Hampton {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [19:21:9] (( PM to [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: gua mau solat )) [19:21:11] (( PM from [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: SIRINE NYALAIN )) [19:21:14] Lights {33AA33}ON [19:21:19] Mask 741511 Says [car]: Bebasin mobil gua bro bisa gak? [19:21:20] (( PM from [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: buluk amat mobilnya )) [19:21:21] Mask 741511 Says [car]: Di impound. [19:21:22] (( PM from [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: SIRINE NYALAIN )) [19:21:23] Vincent Lee Says [car]: bayar anying [19:21:27] Mask 741511 Says [car]: Hahaha. [19:21:28] (( PM to [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: dah )) [19:21:33] Mask 741511 Says [car]: Baca Whatsapp. [19:21:33] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Sell]Shamal buka harga aja. [19:21:33] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Vincent_Lee{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3330{FF0000}] [19:21:34] (( PM from [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: pinggir )) [19:21:40] (( PM from [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: nyalain SIRINE YG BUNYI TOLOL )) [19:21:47] * {FF0000}Devyne_Cornelius {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Tasikmalaya, Indonesia) [19:21:49] (( PM from [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: wait )) [19:21:50] * {FF0000}Samuel_Gueltiero {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [19:21:52] (( PM to [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: gua mau solat cepet ah kontol )) [19:21:53] Vincent Lee: (( afk solat )) [19:22:2] [RADIO] Captain Rushty Beardsley: Captain 7802 to all unit, please 10-21. [19:22:9] Mikhael Hemmsworth: (( _- )) [19:22:12] (( PM from [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: sbr )) [19:22:13] (( Vincent Lee: gua mau solat dulu )) [19:22:17] (( PM from [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: dah kejer gua )) [19:22:18] Vincent Lee: (( off bntr solat )) [19:25:27] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Selamat datang {ffff00}Vincent_Lee{ffffff}. [19:25:27] PAYCHECK: Pergi ke bank dan /signcheck untuk mendapatkan paycheck anda atau pergi ke salah satu ATM! [19:25:27] Faction MOTD: {FFFF00}Diharapkan untuk aktif In-Game dan Forum, panggilan /r tolong fast response. [19:25:27] MOTD: {ffff00}Mohon menggunakan '/report' dengan benar, berikan informasi yang jelas dan detail {ff0000}- Ian [19:25:27] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Anda terakhir login {ffff00}47 menit yang lalu [19:25:27] * {FF0000}Vincent_Lee {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [19:25:27] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Today is {ffff00}Fri 27 Sep 2019, 19:25:27 [19:25:27] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Server memerlukan waktu {ffff00}247 milisecond{ffffff} untuk memuat data char anda! [19:25:57] [RADIO] Lieutenant Samuel Gueltiero: Lieutenant 9066 start of watch under 2-METRO-1, departs from Dillimore precinct. [19:26:0] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Sell]Shamal buka harga aja. [19:26:0] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Vincent_Lee{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3330{FF0000}] [19:26:29] * {FF0000}Markie_Wylde {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 02, Indonesia) [19:26:29] * {FF0000}Marvine_Collinson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [19:26:35] * {FF0000}James_Lynch {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Malang, Indonesia) [19:26:48] (( PM from [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: a )) [19:26:50] (( PM from [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: man )) [19:26:52] (( PM to [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: wait )) [19:27:7] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}jual rumah 2lantai 8ruangan ada parkiran Furniture banyak di gudang @Temple minat SMS 2120 [19:27:7] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Derrick_Starbuck{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}1007{FF0000}] [19:27:7] * {FF0000}Louise_Bishop {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [19:27:13] ARMOURY: {ffff00}Health & Armour refilled! [19:27:15] ARMOURY: {ffff00}Weapons cleared, 5000 armoury stock has been added! [19:27:18] * {FF0000}Brooklyn_Olsen {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Tangerang, Indonesia) [19:27:21] * {FF0000}Chivalry_Clyvon {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Denpasar, Indonesia) [19:27:27] (( PM from [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: 3 SS lagi, persuit, lu tembak gua tapi jangan kena, udah gua down. )) [19:27:29] * {FF0000}Jessica_Lambert {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [19:27:36] * {FF0000}Tyrus_Washington {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:7:43] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Selamat datang {ffff00}Vincent_Lee{ffffff}. [20:7:43] PAYCHECK: Pergi ke bank dan /signcheck untuk mendapatkan paycheck anda atau pergi ke salah satu ATM! [20:7:43] Faction MOTD: {FFFF00}Diharapkan untuk aktif In-Game dan Forum, panggilan /r tolong fast response. [20:7:43] MOTD: {ffff00}Mohon menggunakan '/report' dengan benar, berikan informasi yang jelas dan detail {ff0000}- Ian [20:7:43] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Anda terakhir login {ffff00}42 menit yang lalu [20:7:43] * {FF0000}Vincent_Lee {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:7:46] QUIZ: Entah apa yang merasuki mu [20:7:46] NOTE: use '/quiz answer' to answer that quiz! [20:7:47] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Today is {ffff00}Fri 27 Sep 2019, 20:07:47 [20:7:47] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Server memerlukan waktu {ffff00}4054 milisecond{ffffff} untuk memuat data char anda! [20:7:51] * {FF0000}Sebastian_Larocca {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Depok, Indonesia) [20:9:14] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Selamat datang {ffff00}Vincent_Lee{ffffff}. [20:9:14] PAYCHECK: Pergi ke bank dan /signcheck untuk mendapatkan paycheck anda atau pergi ke salah satu ATM! [20:9:14] Faction MOTD: {FFFF00}Diharapkan untuk aktif In-Game dan Forum, panggilan /r tolong fast response. [20:9:14] MOTD: {ffff00}Mohon menggunakan '/report' dengan benar, berikan informasi yang jelas dan detail {ff0000}- Ian [20:9:14] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Anda terakhir login {ffff00}1 menit yang lalu [20:9:14] * {FF0000}Vincent_Lee {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:9:14] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Today is {ffff00}Fri 27 Sep 2019, 20:09:14 [20:9:14] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Server memerlukan waktu {ffff00}209 milisecond{ffffff} untuk memuat data char anda! [20:9:16] (( Ainsley Esquevelle: siapa )) [20:9:22] PHONE: {FF0000}Number 611130 {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [20:9:23] (( Samuel Gueltiero: heli nya )) [20:9:24] [RADIO] Sergeant II Sebastian Larocca: 5-AIR-1, niner or fiver? [20:9:24] HUD: {FFFFFF}Player HUD is {FF0000}hidden [20:9:25] HUD: {FFFFFF}Player HUD is {00FF00}visible [20:9:27] (( Vincent Lee: test )) [20:9:27] [RADIO] PO-II Ainsley Esquevelle: niner [20:9:29] (( PM from [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: lama endot )) [20:9:30] (( PM from [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: lama entod )) [20:9:33] (( PM to [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: wait )) [20:9:34] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Zarion Whittemore: Prob. Sergeant 6956 to Prob. Sergeant Frorenza and Prob. Sergeant Bishop, please come to Central Cafe [20:9:36] [RADIO] Sergeant II Sebastian Larocca: 5-AIR-1 to last fiver. [20:9:42] (( PM from [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: kontol gua tungguin )) [20:9:46] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Hanz Frorenza: Prob 3305 enroute 5 minute [20:9:48] [RADIO] PO-I Raphael Volkoska: 1-JOHN-1 performing 10-55 on '60 Blue Comet, one occupants '20 Main Street, code 4 , over. [20:9:51] REPORT: {ffffff}Your report has been issued to the queue, use '{ffff00}/reports{ffffff}' to see your report [20:9:53] 911: Crime: [ Ada yang membawa knife ] [20:9:53] 911: Reporter: [ Lisa Davensmith ] Phone: [ 2904 ] [20:9:54] DYOC: {ffffff}Weapons attachment {33AA33}enabled [20:9:54] RESPOND: {ff0000}maverickk21 {FFFFCC}has responded to your report [20:9:57] (( PM to [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: wait )) [20:9:57] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Zarion Whittemore: ..Central Cafetaria. Dept. Chief Argent waiting you'll [20:10:1] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Gerry Bishop: Prob Sergeant 2318 walking to your possition. [20:10:3] AdmCmd: Arka_Bawika has been remote warned by yourvoice99, total warns: 4 [20:10:3] Reason: OOC lie. [20:10:4] TELEPORT: {FFFFFF}You've been teleported by {FF0000}maverickk21 {FFFFFF}to {FFFF00}Mikhael_Hemmsworth [20:10:4] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telpon berhenti berdering! [20:10:7] * {FF0000}Alvis_Blaymark {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jambi City, Indonesia) [20:10:8] (( PM to [35] maverickk21: makasi )) [20:10:8] PHONE: {FF0000}Number 611130 {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [20:10:11] Vincent Lee: (( anjing bacot )) [20:10:11] Mikhael Hemmsworth: (( kalamaan kontol )) [20:10:12] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [20:10:13] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Anda telah menjawab telpon. [20:10:13] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Gunakan chat biasa untuk berkomunikasi lewat telpon, '/h' untuk menutup telpon. [20:10:16] Caller [phone]: Mantap LEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE [20:10:16] Caller [phone]: Mantap LEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE [20:10:17] Telepon terputus... [20:10:18] Vincent Lee says: Apa si [20:10:19] Mikhael Hemmsworth says: ./b WOKWOKWO [20:10:20] Mikhael Hemmsworth says: )) [20:10:20] Vincent Lee: (( oakwkoaw )) [20:10:22] Mikhael Hemmsworth: (( danu fix )) [20:10:23] * {FF0000}Franky_Olsam {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:10:28] Vincent Lee: (( emang danu )) [20:10:30] Mikhael Hemmsworth: (( keker gua dik )) [20:10:31] Vincent Lee: (( tolol dia )) [20:10:32] AdmCmd: Arka_Bawika has been remote-jailed by yourvoice99 for 180 minutes. [20:10:32] Reason: Powergaming+Metagaming+Refuse RP. [20:10:34] Mikhael Hemmsworth says: diluar [20:10:37] Vincent Lee: (( awas anjing lam )) [20:10:37] Mikhael Hemmsworth says: ayok [20:10:39] Vincent Lee: (( kontol )) [20:10:39] * {FF0000}Martin_Serrano {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:10:39] Mikhael Hemmsworth says: lam awas [20:10:52] (( PM from [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: minta get veh PD gih )) [20:10:52] Vincent Lee: (( see me )) [20:10:55] James Lynch: (( bacor )) [20:10:58] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}You've {ff0000}sealed {FFFFFF}the house owned by {00FFFF}Roger_Blakestone [20:11:2] AdmCmd: Arka_Bawika has been remote temporary banned by yourvoice99. [20:11:2] Reason: OOC lie. [20:11:2] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}You've {33AA33}unsealed {FFFFFF}the house owned by {00FFFF}Roger_Blakestone [20:11:12] Vincent Lee says: Ke Polisi SMB [20:11:13] Mikhael Hemmsworth: (( minta get veh PD bego )) [20:11:13] Vincent Lee says: Ambil unit [20:11:14] James Lynch says: Nuka [20:11:17] Vincent Lee: (( ga tau id )) [20:11:17] James Lynch says: Buka [20:11:19] * {FF0000}Andre_Hoffman {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:11:20] Vincent Lee: (( ga tau id )) [20:11:21] Vincent Lee says: Lurus [20:11:23] Vincent Lee says: Kemana kontol [20:11:36] Mikhael Hemmsworth says: sono? [20:11:45] Vincent Lee says: Kanan. [20:11:53] Mikhael Hemmsworth says: tuh [20:11:58] (( PM from [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: persuit critanya )) [20:11:59] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [20:12:1] Mikhael Hemmsworth says: depan lam [20:12:8] [RADIO] PO-I Raphael Volkoska: 1-JOHN-1 10-99 from 10-55 , resuming to take status four, over. [20:12:16] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [20:12:17] (( PM from [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: lama )) [20:12:17] [RADIO] Sergeant II Sebastian Larocca: 5-AIR-1 10-27 7-HAWK-1, RTB METRO helipad. [20:12:19] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [20:12:27] (( PM from [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: sirine )) [20:12:29] (( PM to [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: a )) [20:12:34] (( PM from [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: sirine )) [20:12:34] (( PM to [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: ngelag kontol )) [20:12:35] (( PM from [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: sirine )) [20:12:35] * {FF0000}Andre_Hoffman {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:12:37] (( Sebastian Larocca: siapa yang slap gua anjay )) [20:12:40] [RADIO] Prob. Sergeant Hanz Frorenza: Thankyou Sergeant Larocca, SWAT Captain 3305 [20:12:46] (( PM from [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: kejer )) [20:12:50] * {FF0000}Fajar_Mozart {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:12:58] (( PM from [2] James_Lynch: kalo pd open kabarin )) [20:12:59] (( PM to [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: ss cepet )) [20:13:18] * {FF0000}Arkados_Baghadur {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [20:13:19] (( PM from [84] Allard_Anayouri: Nolep gak nih )) [20:13:23] * {FF0000}Randika_Bargawastra {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Central Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:13:24] Vincent Lee: (( lag )) [20:13:33] (( PM to [84] Allard_Anayouri: ds? )) [20:13:33] * {FF0000}Reville_Southwell {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:13:38] (( PM from [84] Allard_Anayouri: ayok dah. )) [20:13:38] * {FF0000}Charlie_Veidrop {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [20:13:40] (( PM from [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: dah )) [20:13:43] (( PM from [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: matiin )) [20:13:48] (( PM from [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: ntr dikira persuit beneran )) [20:13:50] (( PM from [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: ayok 2 lagi )) [20:13:52] (( PM to [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: gapapa kawkawo )) [20:13:54] (( PM from [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: ayok 2 lagi )) [20:13:55] (( Samuel Gueltiero: jasa goib )) [20:14:2] * {FF0000}Deffiero_Valdemar {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:14:2] (( Vincent Lee: jasa apa;v )) [20:14:4] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Rumah 1garasi dijefferson, 3ruangan dan full furniture! SMS. [20:14:4] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Daryl_Willd{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}455664{FF0000}] [20:14:9] (( PM from [2] James_Lynch: lemot ih )) [20:14:13] (( PM from [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: kejer sambil megang gun )) [20:14:24] Mikhael Hemmsworth says: sini [20:14:27] (( PM from [84] Allard_Anayouri: angkatt )) [20:14:30] * {FF0000}Alvis_Blaymark {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jambi City, Indonesia) [20:14:32] Mikhael Hemmsworth says: ayok lama [20:14:35] Mikhael Hemmsworth says: ayok lama [20:14:35] (( PM to [84] Allard_Anayouri: bentar beb )) [20:14:38] * {FF0000}Chivalry_Clyvon {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Denpasar, Indonesia) [20:14:41] James Lynch: (( trus?. )) [20:14:45] (( PM from [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: kejer bego )) [20:14:46] * {FF0000}Robert_Flynn {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:14:53] (( PM from [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: jan kena )) [20:14:55] * {FF0000}Daryl_Willd {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:14:55] * {FF0000}Michelle_Johnson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:15:4] * {FF0000}Deffiero_Valdemar {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:15:11] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Rumah 1garasi dijefferson, 3ruangan dan full furniture! SMS. [20:15:11] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Daryl_Willd{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}455664{FF0000}] [20:15:14] * {FF0000}Devyne_Cornelius {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Tasikmalaya, Indonesia) [20:15:18] (( PM from [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: sabar )) [20:15:31] James Lynch says: Shut the fuck up nibba [20:15:35] (( PM from [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: keker kek biasa )) [20:15:40] (( PM from [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: jan pake anim )) [20:15:42] * {FF0000}Demario_Barksdale {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:15:44] (( PM from [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: jan pake anim )) [20:15:45] * {FF0000}Zidane_Muliana {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:15:51] AdmCmd: Zack_Potter has been kicked by maverickk21. [20:15:51] Reason: Relog dulu [20:16:3] Mikhael Hemmsworth: (( samping )) [20:16:6] * {FF0000}Sebastian_Larocca {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Depok, Indonesia) [20:16:15] [RADIO] Lieutenant Samuel Gueltiero: 2-METRO-1 doing traffic stop on Blue strip Tow Truck in Fishfactory, CODE-4. [20:16:15] Mikhael Hemmsworth: (( fast )) [20:16:15] James Lynch: (( gua yang di samping pekok bukan lu )) [20:16:18] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Cari bisnis high profit SMS [20:16:18] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Arkados_Baghadur{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}797977{FF0000}] [20:16:23] Vincent Lee: (( KONTOL )) [20:16:25] (( PM from [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: keker )) [20:16:26] * {FF0000}Zack_Potter {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:16:35] Mikhael Hemmsworth: (( sabar )) [20:16:43] * {FF0000}Donnie_Stacks {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bogor, Indonesia) [20:16:48] Mikhael Hemmsworth: (( critanya gua ngelawan )) [20:16:50] Mikhael Hemmsworth says: give lam [20:16:51] Mikhael Hemmsworth says: give lam [20:16:51] * {FF0000}Rexley_Hitamieka {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:17:5] (( PM from [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: lu gosah kenain plurunya ke gua )) [20:17:11] (( PM from [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: gua ngelawan )) [20:17:22] * {FF0000}Marvel_Jovinski {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bekasi, Indonesia) [20:17:24] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Rumah 1garasi dijefferson, 3ruangan dan full furniture! SMS. [20:17:24] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Daryl_Willd{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}455664{FF0000}] [20:17:26] * {FF0000}Zarion_Whittemore {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:17:33] (( PM from [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: nembak ke tembok )) [20:17:35] (( PM from [17] Louise_Bishop: re-share nrg )) [20:17:36] (( PM from [17] Louise_Bishop: re-share nrg )) [20:17:38] (( PM from [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: trus gua down )) [20:17:39] (( PM from [2] James_Lynch: jangan tembak benerin wkaowkwa )) [20:17:40] * {FF0000}Allard_Anayouri {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Surabaya, Indonesia) [20:17:47] (( PM from [20] Allard_Anayouri: Lee a )) [20:17:51] (( PM from [20] Allard_Anayouri: angkat woe )) [20:17:53] (( PM to [20] Allard_Anayouri: bentar ngapa )) [20:17:53] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [20:17:54] * {FF0000}Fajar_Alamsyah {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:17:54] (( PM from [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: lgi blom SS )) [20:18:0] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}You have shared your {00FFFF}NRG-500 {FFFFFF}to {FFFF00}Louise_Bishop [20:18:0] (( PM from [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: lgi blom SS )) [20:18:5] Mikhael Hemmsworth: (( dah )) [20:18:6] Mikhael Hemmsworth: (( tq )) [20:18:8] * {FF0000}Franky_Olsam {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:18:20] * {FF0000}Devin_Martyan {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:18:23] (( PM from [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: tq sob edit dolo )) [20:18:29] * {FF0000}Marc_Button {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:18:30] (( PM to [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: sans )) [20:18:31] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[INFO] Diadakan mancing bareng di Santa Marina Beach,Free!! [20:18:31] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Boris_Zvonecek{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}200599{FF0000}] [20:18:38] Mikhael Hemmsworth says: lu mau lam? [20:18:39] Mikhael Hemmsworth says: gua kasi ni [20:18:42] James Lynch says: OKe [20:18:44] James Lynch says: Tq [20:18:44] LOCK: {ffffff}Tire-lock has been applied to {ffff00}Stafford [20:18:47] Mikhael Hemmsworth says: di [20:18:50] (( PM from [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: ppepect )) [20:18:52] (( PM from [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: ppepect )) [20:18:52] (( PM from [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: ppepect )) [20:18:54] (( PM to [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: waokwakokowa )) [20:19:0] (( PM from [51] Mikhael_Hemmsworth: bego eh ntr dikira abuse )) [20:19:2] (( PM from [2] James_Lynch: di tire pekok )) [20:19:7] (( PM to [2] James_Lynch: awkowakowa )) [20:19:9] ERROR: That vehicle has a driver inside of it! [20:19:10] * {FF0000}Roomero_Calvizer {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [20:19:10] Mikhael Hemmsworth: (( wokwokwowkw )) [20:19:13] Vincent Lee: (( turun dulu )) [20:19:15] Mikhael Hemmsworth: (( blom woe )) [20:19:16] ERROR: That vehicle has a driver inside of it! [20:19:17] LOCK: {ffffff}Tire-lock has been removed from {ffff00}Stafford [20:19:19] Mikhael Hemmsworth says: caw [20:19:20] * {FF0000}Harry_Starbuck {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bekasi, Indonesia) [20:19:21] (( PM from [20] Allard_Anayouri: lama sini bagi duit, awoakwoak )) [20:19:21] Vincent Lee: (( Oke sayank )) [20:19:22] Mikhael Hemmsworth says: caw [20:19:25] Mikhael Hemmsworth: (( tq )) [20:19:25] (( PM to [20] Allard_Anayouri: mata muw )) [20:19:27] Vincent Lee: (( SANS )) [20:19:27] Mikhael Hemmsworth: (( dhika kontol )) [20:19:34] * {FF0000}Franky_Olsam {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:19:38] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{FF9999}[SAFD] Recruitment ke-60 telah dibuka, kunjungi website resmi kami {FF0000}(( SAFD.JG-GTA.COM )) [20:19:38] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Zhaniece_Cardwell{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}9990{FF0000}] [20:19:45] * {FF0000}Aria_Bima {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:19:49] * {FF0000}Gerry_Bishop {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bekasi, Indonesia) [20:19:55] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [20:20:0] * {FF0000}Thaddaeus_Schultze {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:20:3] (( Vincent Lee: a )) [20:20:6] (( Vincent Lee: lag )) [20:20:10] (( Raphael Volkoska: b )) [20:20:13] * {FF0000}Freddo_North {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:20:22] * {FF0000}Andika_Subejo {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:20:30] Driving license: [{FFA500}Expired since Fri 27 Sep 2019, 18:32:38{FFFFFF}] [20:20:30] Flying license: [{FF0000}Not passed{FFFFFF}] [20:20:30] Boat license: [{00FF00}Valid until Thu 07 Nov 2019, 14:11:07{FFFFFF}] [20:20:30] Firearm license: [{FF0000}Not passed{FFFFFF}] [20:20:30] NOTE: use '/licenses show [playerid/name]' to show licenses to other player! [20:20:42] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [20:20:44] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{FF9999}[SAFD] Recruitment ke-60 telah dibuka, kunjungi website resmi kami {FF0000}(( SAFD.JG-GTA.COM )) [20:20:44] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Zhaniece_Cardwell{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}9990{FF0000}] [20:20:54] * {FF0000}Marvel_Jovinski {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bekasi, Indonesia) [20:21:3] * {FF0000}Jamarcus_Washington {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:21:8] * {FF0000}Claudio_Gabriel {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Pekanbaru, Indonesia) [20:21:35] * {FF0000}Aria_Bima {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:21:45] 911: Crime: [ tolong derek aja semua mobil yang parkir sembarangan di MC. MENGGANGGU! ] [20:21:45] 911: Reporter: [ Zack Potter ] Phone: [ 886880 ] [20:21:51] * {FF0000}Roomero_Calvizer {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [20:21:51] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[FIND] Sultan / kendaraan apapun, harga $2k, wajib ada asuransi. [20:21:51] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Devyne_Cornelius{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}765050{FF0000}] [20:22:3] * David Marc mengecek ke box mobil. [20:22:6] (( Vincent Lee: lag )) [20:22:9] David Marc says: Nah ada nih STNK nya. [20:22:11] [RADIO] PO-I Raphael Volkoska: TEU Officer 8127 last fivers, over. [20:22:13] (( PM to [11] Samuel_Gueltiero: awokkwaowa )) [20:22:15] Samuel Gueltiero says: Oalah, mohon tunjukkan. [20:22:16] (( PM to [11] Samuel_Gueltiero: :v )) [20:22:21] (( PM from [11] Samuel_Gueltiero: lanjut ajudan )) [20:22:24] * David Marc memberikan SIM dan STNK ke Samuel. [20:22:25] * {FF0000}Clifton_Stanley {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bogor, Indonesia) [20:22:31] (( PM to [11] Samuel_Gueltiero: mau liat orang nilang dulu ah;v )) [20:22:40] * Samuel Gueltiero menerima SIM dan STNK dari Marc, membacanya. [20:22:55] Samuel Gueltiero says: Ajudan, silahkan lanjut patroli jangan menghalangi jalan. [20:22:58] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Rumah 3ruangan lahan parkir pribadi. Persis depan bar playa ! [20:22:58] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Daryl_Willd{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}455664{FF0000}] [20:23:4] Vincent Lee says: Oke sayang [20:23:5] David Marc says: Dia mau banyarin tilang saya Pak. [20:23:12] (( PM to [99] David_Marc: matamu )) [20:23:19] (( PM from [99] David_Marc: kaowkao )) [20:23:20] * {FF0000}Roomero_Calvizer {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [20:23:24] (( PM from [99] David_Marc: gitu amat:v )) [20:23:26] (( PM to [99] David_Marc: gua dah level 5 mc )) [20:23:30] (( PM to [99] David_Marc: tapi boong aowkkowa )) [20:23:31] (( PM from [99] David_Marc: ntapz )) [20:23:38] (( PM to [99] David_Marc: baru level 4 )) [20:23:40] * {FF0000}Mathias_Henderson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Tasikmalaya, Indonesia) [20:23:42] (( PM to [99] David_Marc: dikit lagi level 5 )) [20:24:5] (( Gerry Bishop: Server lagg ga sih? )) [20:24:5] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Rumah 1garasi dijefferson, 3ruangan dan full furniture! SMS. [20:24:5] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Daryl_Willd{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}455664{FF0000}] [20:24:8] (( Samuel Gueltiero: ga )) [20:24:8] (( Ainsley Esquevelle: ora )) [20:24:10] (( Gerry Bishop: Kok kadang kalian pada ada gambar jam pasirnya? )) [20:24:11] (( Vincent Lee: banget )) [20:24:12] * {FF0000}Naomi_Sullivan {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 02, Indonesia) [20:24:12] * {FF0000}Rileys_Dempster {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bogor, Indonesia) [20:24:17] * {FF0000}Conan_Pearson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:24:20] * {FF0000}Stellione_Volkoska {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:24:20] (( Harry Starbuck: lu timestuck kali )) [20:24:24] (( Vincent Lee: Jam pasir apa yallah:( )) [20:24:27] * {FF0000}Hanna_Steinfield {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:24:29] (( Samuel Gueltiero: relog aja dun )) [20:24:30] Mask 180930 says: Ah goblok [20:24:35] [RADIO] PO-II Ainsley Esquevelle: 1-ADAM-1 10-27 1-LINCOLN-1 available for partner. [20:24:36] Mask 180930 says: Cabut [20:24:37] Mask 180930 says: Goblok [20:24:37] Mask 172256 Shouts: suka banget sih perang kontol! [20:24:41] SPEEDTRAP: {ffffff}Speedtrap announcement {33AA33}enabled [20:24:49] Mask 172256 Shouts: Lu gosah ngidupin siren mulu pd kontol, lu kasih peringatan! [20:24:53] [MEGAPHONE] Vincent Lee: Pull over your vehicle. [20:24:53] Mask 172256 Shouts: DASAR /CADET/ KONTOL! [20:24:55] * {FF0000}Vincentio_Venturella {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:25:1] (( Gerry Bishop: Kaga timestuck padahal. )) [20:25:1] Mask 172256 says: gue satu lawan satu dah sama dia [20:25:3] Mask 172256 says: lu pada jangan turun ya [20:25:7] Mask 366536 says: Oke. [20:25:8] * {FF0000}Andika_Subejo {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:25:10] Mask 180930 says: Oke [20:25:11] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Sell] Garasi pribadi di samping Bank. [20:25:11] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Rexley_Hitamieka{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}311001{FF0000}] [20:25:18] INFO: {ffffff}Character anda telah terluka berat dan sekarat [20:25:18] NOTE: {ffffff}Anda dapat menggunakan command '{ffff00}/accept death{ffffff}' setelah menunggu {00ff00}5 menit [20:25:20] Mask 172256 says: kan [20:25:20] * {FF0000}Arisawa_Ryo {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:25:21] (( Vincent Lee: ah )) [20:25:25] (( Vincent Lee: gila shotfired )) [20:25:30] * {FF0000}Aryasa_Ryusei {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:25:31] * Mask 172256 banning Vincent from fucking universe. [20:25:36] Mask 180930 says: Yaelah, satu lawan satu. [20:25:38] * {FF0000}Roomero_Calvizer {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [20:25:39] Mask 172256 says: Udah dibilang kontol [20:25:41] Mask 172256 says: satu lawan satu [20:25:47] * {FF0000}Juple_Cooper {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:25:48] * Mask 172256 wanders off [20:25:49] * {FF0000}Naomi_Sullivan {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 02, Indonesia) [20:25:55] (( Marc Button: IC )) [20:26:1] (( Marc Button: kebiasaan pake /ro buat urusan IC )) [20:26:6] (( Vincent Lee: maap )) [20:26:15] Vincent Lee: (( POSSIBLE CHEAT )) [20:26:15] * Budi Ramdhan melihat polisi tergeletak` [20:26:16] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [20:26:16] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}YAH MATEKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK [20:26:18] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Rumah 3 Ruangan, Lahan Parkir Pribadi, Di Willofield, Contact 455664 [20:26:18] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Conan_Pearson{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}800700{FF0000}] [20:26:19] ERROR: Unable to use Phone while unconscious [20:26:20] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [20:26:20] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}YAH MATEKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK [20:26:21] * Budi Ramdhan keluar mobil taxi dan melihat kondisi polisi [20:26:23] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [20:26:23] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}YAH MATEKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK [20:26:27] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [20:26:27] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}YAH MATEKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK [20:26:27] * {FF0000}Marvel_Jovinski {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bekasi, Indonesia) [20:26:29] Budi Ramdhan says: astaga [20:26:29] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [20:26:29] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}YAH MATEKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK [20:26:29] * {FF0000}Freddo_North {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:26:30] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [20:26:30] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}YAH MATEKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK [20:26:31] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [20:26:31] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}YAH MATEKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK [20:26:32] Vincent Lee: (( POSSIBLE CHEAT )) [20:26:38] Vincent Lee: (( Anjir semua pelor kena )) [20:26:39] Budi Ramdhan: (( ooc pak ? )) [20:26:39] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [20:26:39] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}WKOW [20:26:42] Vincent Lee: (( ga usah )) [20:26:45] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [20:26:45] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}YAH MATEKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK [20:26:46] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [20:26:46] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}YAH MATEKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK [20:26:47] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [20:26:47] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}YAH MATEKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK [20:26:48] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [20:26:48] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}YAH MATEKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK [20:26:48] Budi Ramdhan: (( oke )) [20:27:2] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [20:27:2] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}NGAKAK WKOWKKOW [20:27:4] [RADIO] PO-II Ainsley Esquevelle: 1-ADAM-1 code 6 '20 Gym Ganton. [20:27:4] (( PM to [37] Malak_Alhamed: POSSIBLE CHEAT NGENTOT )) [20:27:10] [RADIO] Sergeant II Sebastian Larocca: 5-DUCK-1, RTB central helipad, end of watch. [20:27:11] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [20:27:11] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}NGAKAK WKOWKKOW G ADA YG BANTU [20:27:18] (( PM to [22] Ainsley_Esquevelle: POSSIBLE CHEAT NGENTOT )) [20:27:18] * {FF0000}Grizelle_Schofield {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:27:20] (( PM from [22] Ainsley_Esquevelle: oke )) [20:27:25] * {FF0000}Gerry_Bishop {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bekasi, Indonesia) [20:27:25] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Rumah 3 Ruangan, Lahan Parkir Pribadi, Di Willofield, Contact 455664 [20:27:25] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Conan_Pearson{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}800700{FF0000}] [20:27:27] (( PM to [22] Ainsley_Esquevelle: itu )) [20:27:27] * {FF0000}Louise_Bishop {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [20:27:27] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [20:27:27] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [20:27:28] (( PM to [22] Ainsley_Esquevelle: itu )) [20:27:28] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [20:27:29] Mask 172256: (( just reminder, this Vincent has been pk'ed by me no cap. )) [20:27:32] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [20:27:32] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}KOWKWOKWOKWOKOWKOWKOWKOWK DI CUEKIN [20:27:33] (( PM to [22] Ainsley_Esquevelle: TAC-1 )) [20:27:33] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [20:27:33] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}KOWKWOKWOKWOKOWKOWKOWKOWK DI CUEKIN [20:27:34] (( PM to [22] Ainsley_Esquevelle: TAC-1 )) [20:27:34] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [20:27:36] (( PM to [22] Ainsley_Esquevelle: ITU )) [20:27:37] * {FF0000}Juple_Cooper {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:27:39] (( PM from [22] Ainsley_Esquevelle: kaga lait )) [20:27:43] (( PM to [22] Ainsley_Esquevelle: Soeltand kuning )) [20:27:45] (( PM to [22] Ainsley_Esquevelle: tolo )) [20:27:46] (( PM from [22] Ainsley_Esquevelle: sabar )) [20:27:48] (( PM from [22] Ainsley_Esquevelle: icin anjing mg )) [20:27:53] (( PM to [22] Ainsley_Esquevelle: anjing ngelag babi )) [20:27:55] * {FF0000}Michelle_Johnson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:27:57] (( PM to [22] Ainsley_Esquevelle: restart wifi bentar )) [20:28:3] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [20:28:3] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Budi temen gua itu kang taxi dia baik orang nya. [20:28:15] (( PM to [86] Ghassan_Musson: ga duli kontol )) [20:28:22] (( PM to [86] Ghassan_Musson: ga ikhlas gua mati ama citer )) [20:28:28] * {FF0000}Andika_Subejo {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:28:32] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Sell] Garasi Pribadi di samping Bank. [20:28:32] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Rexley_Hitamieka{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}311001{FF0000}] [20:28:32] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [20:28:32] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}eh yg punya petrol anglenpin ke kota ni [20:28:37] * {FF0000}David_Marc {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:28:42] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [20:28:42] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}KOWKWOKWOKWOKOWKOWKOWKOWK DI CUEKIN [20:28:47] (( PM to [86] Ghassan_Musson: ga ikhlas gua mati ama citer )) [20:29:0] (( PM from [86] Ghassan_Musson: ahaha )) [20:29:15] * {FF0000}Roomero_Calvizer {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [20:29:21] * {FF0000}Chornicle_Simic {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:29:24] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [20:29:24] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}makanya kalau suspect ajak gua jangan sok asik dewek [20:30:18] * {FF0000}Alvis_Blaymark {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jambi City, Indonesia) [20:30:21] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Rumah 1 garasi, 3rooms fullfurniture. 20k net ketemuan disportshop jefferson. [20:30:21] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Daryl_Willd{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}455664{FF0000}] [20:30:31] * {FF0000}Bryan_Stewart {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:30:34] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Hanz_Frorenza ] Reporter: [ Scott Argent ] [20:30:34] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Posessing Illegal Firearms ] [20:30:40] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [20:30:40] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}passa aja suruh jadi pegwai dia rajin laporan [20:30:49] * {FF0000}Ainsley_Esquevelle {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 02, Indonesia) [20:30:53] INFO: {ffffff}Anda sudah dapat menggunakan command '{ffff00}/accept death{ffffff}' untuk respawn kembali [20:30:53] NOTE: {ffffff}Jika anda sedang dalam situasi RP, pastikan anda sudah mendapatkan izin OOC dari pihak lain untuk respawn [20:30:56] Anda telah memasuki AFK mode!, ketik /afk untuk lanjut main [20:30:56] * {FF0000}Andika_Subejo {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:33:2] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Selamat datang {ffff00}Vincent_Lee{ffffff}. [20:33:2] PAYCHECK: Pergi ke bank dan /signcheck untuk mendapatkan paycheck anda atau pergi ke salah satu ATM! [20:33:2] Faction MOTD: {FFFF00}Diharapkan untuk aktif In-Game dan Forum, panggilan /r tolong fast response. [20:33:2] MOTD: {ffff00}Mohon menggunakan '/report' dengan benar, berikan informasi yang jelas dan detail {ff0000}- Ian [20:33:2] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Anda terakhir login {ffff00}23 menit yang lalu [20:33:2] * {FF0000}Vincent_Lee {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:33:3] INFO: {ffffff}Character anda telah terluka berat dan sekarat [20:33:3] NOTE: {ffffff}Anda dapat menggunakan command '{ffff00}/accept death{ffffff}' sekarang [20:33:3] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Today is {ffff00}Fri 27 Sep 2019, 20:33:03 [20:33:3] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Server memerlukan waktu {ffff00}212 milisecond{ffffff} untuk memuat data char anda! [20:33:11] [RADIO] Lieutenant Samuel Gueltiero: Yellow Premier, three or four occupants. 2-METRO-1 [20:33:20] [RADIO] PO-I Synester Reynold: 1-JOHN-1 Copy that. [20:33:29] Vincent Lee: (( anak anjing )) [20:33:29] * {FF0000}Bradley_Alvarez {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [20:33:31] Vincent Lee: (( CITER PEPEK )) [20:33:35] ERROR: Unable to use this command in this state! [20:33:37] ERROR: Unable to use this command in this state! [20:33:37] * Ghassan Musson mengangkat tubuh Lee dengan bantuan tangan. [20:33:42] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Sell] Garasi Pribadi di samping Bank. [20:33:42] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Rexley_Hitamieka{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}311001{FF0000}] [20:33:44] DRAG: Ghassan_Musson requested drag permission from you! [20:33:44] NOTE: Use command '/accept drag' to accept drag permission! [20:33:48] DRAG: {FFFFFF}You are now being dragged by {FFFF00}Ghassan_Musson [20:33:57] * {FF0000}Michael_Alfarez {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [20:34:3] Vincent Lee: (( wakowakoaw )) [20:34:5] Vincent Lee: (( mantap:v )) [20:34:16] Ghassan Musson says: ala basi [20:34:18] * {FF0000}Jacquille_Borisov {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [20:34:18] Ghassan Musson says: ha ada [20:34:27] * {FF0000}Freddo_North {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:34:29] Vincent Lee Says [low]: CGH [20:34:31] Vincent Lee Says [low]: ASGH [20:34:35] [RADIO] Sergeant I Hanz Frorenza: Sergeant 3305 , any unpartner unit? [20:34:42] * {FF0000}Scott_King {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bogor, Indonesia) [20:34:42] * {FF0000}Ian_Dasilva {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bogor, Indonesia) [20:34:44] [RADIO] Deputy Chief Scott Argent: ARGENT-1 unpartnered. [20:34:47] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [20:34:47] [RADIO] Lieutenant Samuel Gueltiero: Lieutenant 9066. [20:34:48] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY]Rumah 1 Garasi yang ada lahan kalau bisa, CP: [20:34:48] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Chivalry_Clyvon{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}801818{FF0000}] [20:34:51] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [20:34:52] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [20:35:4] Ghassan Musson [phone]: mohon ke CGH ada police terluka. [20:35:10] * {FF0000}Gerry_Bishop {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bekasi, Indonesia) [20:35:14] Ghassan Musson [phone]: mohon ke CGH ada police terluka. [20:35:29] * {FF0000}Claire_Abhisar {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:35:34] [RADIO] Lieutenant Samuel Gueltiero: Suspect now in Jefferson Church, 2-METRO-1. [20:35:44] Vincent Lee says: ASGH [20:35:45] Vincent Lee says: Tolol [20:35:47] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [20:35:47] * Ghassan Musson menaruh tubuh Lee [20:35:51] (( PM from [86] Ghassan_Musson: ada orang goblok )) [20:35:55] (( PM from [86] Ghassan_Musson: miss )) [20:35:55] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[INFO] Jangan Lupa Menonton OnePiece Stampede Di Bioskop Los Santos YAK. [20:35:55] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Takashi_Hiruma{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}1496{FF0000}] [20:35:57] (( PM from [86] Ghassan_Musson: miss buru )) [20:35:57] * {FF0000}Yevgraf_Slawosky {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bekasi, Indonesia) [20:35:58] Vincent Lee: (( miss )) [20:36:0] (( PM to [86] Ghassan_Musson: oawkoawwa )) [20:36:8] * {FF0000}Nero_Cleveland {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bogor, Indonesia) [20:36:9] * Ghassan Musson menaruh tubuh Lee dengan bantuan tangan [20:36:14] [RADIO] Lieutenant Samuel Gueltiero: Apart ELS, 2-METRO-1. [20:36:14] DRAG: {FFFF00}Ghassan_Musson {FFFFFF}have released you [20:36:16] [RADIO] PO-I Synester Reynold: Jefferson Church Clear 1-JOHN-1speak. [20:36:16] Ghassan Musson says: Sabar pak [20:36:22] Ghassan Musson says: Saya panggil dokter. [20:37:1] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SEll] Rumah di richman 4 ruangan fullfurniture mewah, 15k negoin sampe jadi. lahan parkir ? ada SLOW [20:37:1] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Clifton_Stanley{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}993000{FF0000}] [20:37:9] Vincent Lee Says [low]: Ada dokter kaga [20:37:13] * Ghassan Musson mengecek kondisi Lee. [20:37:18] Whisper from Ghassan Musson: diem cot di atas dia. [20:37:26] Whisper to Ghassan Musson: oke bahaha [20:37:30] (( PM from [86] Ghassan_Musson: /q )) [20:37:36] (( PM to [86] Ghassan_Musson: kenapa tolol )) [20:37:36] (( PM from [86] Ghassan_Musson: mau off )) [20:37:39] (( PM to [86] Ghassan_Musson: dih )) [20:37:41] (( PM to [86] Ghassan_Musson: najsi )) [20:37:42] (( PM to [86] Ghassan_Musson: najis )) [20:37:52] (( PM to [86] Ghassan_Musson: najis )) [20:37:52] (( PM to [86] Ghassan_Musson: najis )) [20:37:54] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [20:37:54] (( PM to [86] Ghassan_Musson: najis )) [20:37:54] (( PM from [86] Ghassan_Musson: kau relog buru ama gua )) [20:37:55] (( PM from [86] Ghassan_Musson: kau relog buru ama gua )) [20:37:57] (( PM from [86] Ghassan_Musson: kau relog buru ama gua )) [20:37:58] Ghassan_Musson telah keluar dari server. (Pergi) [20:38:8] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Sell] Garasi Pribadi di samping Bank. [20:38:8] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Rexley_Hitamieka{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}311001{FF0000}] [20:38:30] [RADIO] Sergeant II Sebastian Larocca: 5-AIR-1, 10-27 7-HAWK-1, lifting off to 300ft. [20:38:31] [RADIO] PO-I Synester Reynold: Last Seen Downtown Los Santos, 1-JOHN-1. [20:38:41] * {FF0000}James_Lynch {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Malang, Indonesia) [20:38:42] * {FF0000}Robert_Flynn {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:38:44] * {FF0000}Ghassan_Musson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:38:45] * {FF0000}Brooklyn_Olsen {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Tangerang, Indonesia) [20:38:51] * {FF0000}Aria_Bima {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:39:0] * {FF0000}Takeshi_Masato {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:39:14] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}SAFD | Recruitment ke #60 telah dibuka, jadilah bagian dari kami. Info : (safd.jg-gta.com) [20:39:14] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Jacquille_Borisov{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}20202020{FF0000}] [20:39:16] * Ghassan Musson mengangkat tubuh Lee dengan bantuan tangan [20:39:18] DRAG: Ghassan_Musson requested drag permission from you! [20:39:18] NOTE: Use command '/accept drag' to accept drag permission! [20:39:20] DRAG: {FFFFFF}You are now being dragged by {FFFF00}Ghassan_Musson [20:39:43] * {FF0000}Alexey_Viktor {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Samarinda, Indonesia) [20:39:45] INSPECT: {ffff00}Ghassan_Musson {ffffff}have requested an inspection, use '/accept inspect' to accept request [20:39:46] DRAG: {FFFF00}Ghassan_Musson {FFFFFF}have released you [20:39:57] * {FF0000}Ken_Aaron {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Kuningan Barat, Indonesia) [20:40:1] Ghassan Musson says: bego [20:40:3] Vincent Lee: (( okkoawaw )) [20:40:10] Ghassan Musson: (( accept death. )) [20:40:12] INFO: Anda telah membayar $10.00 untuk biaya perawatan! [20:40:19] * {FF0000}Gerry_Bishop {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bekasi, Indonesia) [20:40:20] Ghassan Musson says: ilang [20:40:21] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{FF9999}[SAFD] Recruitment ke-60 telah dibuka, kunjungi website resmi kami {FF0000}(( SAFD.JG-GTA.COM )) [20:40:21] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Zhaniece_Cardwell{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}9990{FF0000}] [20:40:30] Ghassan Musson says: lagian oon [20:40:35] {8D8DFF}SERVICE: {FFFFFF}You have reached the Los Santos Service Center. [20:40:35] {8D8DFF}SERVICE: {FFFFFF}Would you like to order a taxi or a mechanic? [20:40:38] Vincent Lee [phone]: taxi [20:40:38] {8D8DFF}SERVICE: {FFFFFF}Please describe your current location! [20:40:38] Ghassan Musson says: liat gua [20:40:40] * {FF0000}Gervinho_Shasenka {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:40:44] Vincent Lee [phone]: CGH Cepat [20:40:44] {8D8DFF}SERVICE: {FFFFFF}We've informed the taxi drivers, they will send you a SMS if they respond. [20:40:44] Telepon terputus... [20:40:46] * {FF0000}Johnson_Frankielyson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:40:48] Vincent Lee says: Apa [20:40:50] [RADIO] Sergeant I Gerry Bishop: Sergeant I 2318 situation on TAC-1? [20:40:51] Ghassan Musson says: mati lagi aja [20:40:56] SERVICE: {00ffff}Budi_Ramdhan {ffff00}(phone: 1157500) {ffffff}has responded to your taxi call [20:40:57] [RADIO] Lieutenant Samuel Gueltiero: Lost visual, 2-METRO-1. [20:41:1] Ghassan Musson says: M4 siapa itu? [20:41:2] * {FF0000}Alexander_Ican {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:41:3] Vincent Lee says: Gua [20:41:7] Ghassan Musson says: Beli? [20:41:8] [RADIO] PO-I Synester Reynold: Last Seen Downtown Los Santos, 1-JOHN-1. [20:41:10] [RADIO] Sergeant I Zarion Whittemore: Sergeant 6956 available for partner, any basic unit unpartnered? [20:41:12] Ghassan Musson says: anak bego [20:41:14] [RADIO] Lieutenant Samuel Gueltiero: 2-METRO-1, negative. [20:41:16] [RADIO] Sergeant I Gerry Bishop: Please send me 10-60 about target. [20:41:18] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: What happen in TAC-1? Adjudant 10168 speak. [20:41:19] * {FF0000}Ella_Liu {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:41:20] Ghassan Musson says: katanya dari naik pangkat [20:41:30] [RADIO] PO-I Synester Reynold: Yellow Sultan with four occupants, 1-JOHN-1. [20:41:32] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[DICARI] Rumah di sekitaran SMB - Marina, SMS ONLY!!! [20:41:32] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Clayton_Gallagher{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}11112222{FF0000}] [20:41:33] [RADIO] Lieutenant Samuel Gueltiero: Yellow premier damaged, three or four occupants. 2-METRO-1 [20:41:39] [RADIO] Lieutenant Samuel Gueltiero: Premier not Sultan, 2-METRO-1. [20:41:44] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: Copythat. [20:41:45] [RADIO] Sergeant I Gerry Bishop: Sergeant 2318 copy that, over. [20:41:51] [RADIO] PO-I Synester Reynold: I mean Yellow Sultan, sorry Lieutenant. [20:41:53] Ghassan Musson says: 10k ilang? [20:41:55] Vincent Lee says: Ga [20:41:55] Budi Ramdhan says: kemana ini pak ? [20:41:58] Ghassan Musson says: tai [20:42:8] Budi Ramdhan says: lah [20:42:9] Vincent Lee says: SMB [20:42:12] ERROR: You must be in a SAPD or SAGS vehicle or near the front desk computer! [20:42:15] Budi Ramdhan says: smb apa pak ? [20:42:18] [RADIO] Sergeant I Gerry Bishop: Hmmm... yeah i'll copy that. [20:42:20] Ghassan Musson says: oi [20:42:21] * {FF0000}Conan_Pearson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:42:30] Budi Ramdhan says: jangan disingkat saya belum hafal semua pak [20:42:31] [RADIO] Sergeant I Zarion Whittemore: Police Sergeant I 6956 start of watch under 1-ADAM-2 take status four clearing from Central HQ [20:42:35] * {FF0000}Otis_Ruther {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [20:42:35] Vincent Lee says: Polisi aja [20:42:36] Ghassan Musson says: udah jalan [20:42:38] Vincent Lee says: SAPD [20:42:41] * {FF0000}Takeshi_Masato {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:42:42] Ghassan Musson says: SMB [20:42:50] [RADIO] Sergeant I Gerry Bishop: Sergeant I 2318 duty as RRMT Sergeant. [20:42:52] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SEll] Rumah di richman 4 ruangna fullfurniture lahan parkir ada, MINAT? $16k NEGO [20:42:52] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Clifton_Stanley{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}993000{FF0000}] [20:42:55] Budi Ramdhan says: itu siapa ya ? [20:42:56] [RADIO] PO-II Ainsley Esquevelle: Officer II 9701 start of watch under 1-ADAM-3 as Lincoln unit, clearing from Central HQ. [20:42:59] Vincent Lee says: Teman [20:43:3] ERROR: that player is not connected! [20:43:4] * Ghassan Musson jurus ilang [20:43:8] * {FF0000}Christopher_Charlest {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bekasi, Indonesia) [20:43:9] ERROR: that player is not connected! [20:43:16] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [20:43:16] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}kwokwow [20:43:16] (( PM to [0] Ghassan_Musson: aowkowk terlupakan )) [20:43:23] (( PM to [0] Ghassan_Musson: TEROSINNNNNN )) [20:43:26] (( PM from [0] Ghassan_Musson: report dia? )) [20:43:34] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [20:43:37] (( PM to [0] Ghassan_Musson: engga )) [20:43:41] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Richard_McFuller ] Phone: [ 112341 ] [20:43:41] Message: Pak nitrous legal apa ilegal [20:43:42] WARNING: Faction OOC chat disabled! [20:43:44] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [20:43:44] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}padahal gua megang 5k di sini wwkowko sans ae [20:43:46] Budi Ramdhan says: sampai [20:43:47] [RADIO] Lieutenant Samuel Gueltiero: Lieutenant 9066 on fiver. [20:43:52] TAXI: {ffffff}You've paid {ffff00}$0.45 {ffffff}to the taxi driver [20:43:58] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SEll] Rumah di richman 4 ruangna fullfurniture lahan parkir ada, MINAT? $16k NEGO [20:43:58] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Clifton_Stanley{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}993000{FF0000}] [20:44:14] * {FF0000}Michael_Etheridge {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [20:44:18] * {FF0000}Carla_Carynna {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:44:19] * {FF0000}Tae_Yoon {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:44:21] [RADIO] Sergeant I Zarion Whittemore: 1-ADAM-2 '27 4-METRO-1 [20:44:32] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [20:44:32] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}ga perlu beli kendaraan. [20:44:33] PHONE: {FF0000}Number 123551 {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [20:44:35] ERROR: You are not holding any firearm! [20:44:35] ARMOURY: {ffff00}Health & Armour refilled! [20:44:36] * {FF0000}Kendrick_Alvarez {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:44:43] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telpon berhenti berdering! [20:44:49] * {FF0000}Phil_Tayag {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Cirebon, Indonesia) [20:44:49] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [20:44:50] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [20:44:54] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [20:45:7] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{FF9999}[SAFD] Recruitment ke-60 telah dibuka, kunjungi website resmi kami {FF0000}(( SAFD.JG-GTA.COM )) [20:45:7] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Zhaniece_Cardwell{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}9990{FF0000}] [20:45:17] * {FF0000}Fajar_Kristanto {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bogor, Indonesia) [20:45:27] [RADIO] Sergeant I Zarion Whittemore: 4-METRO-1 to 1-LINCOLN-3, do you want to teaming up with me? [20:45:28] * {FF0000}Alexey_Viktor {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Samarinda, Indonesia) [20:45:29] DYOC: {ffffff}Weapons attachment {33AA33}enabled [20:45:38] * {FF0000}Carla_Willis {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Balikpapan, Indonesia) [20:45:38] [RADIO] PO-II Ainsley Esquevelle: Sure, give me your 10-20 4-METRO-1 [20:45:43] [RADIO] Prob. Detective Kendrick Alvarez: Prob. Detective 6870 reporting for on duty. [20:45:44] [RADIO] PO-II Ainsley Esquevelle: 1-LINCOLN-3 speaking. [20:45:44] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: 1-ADAM-2 Assisting TAC-1 [20:45:47] [RADIO] Lieutenant Samuel Gueltiero: Lieutenant 9066 join 7-HAWK-1. [20:45:49] * {FF0000}Ken_Aaron {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Kuningan Barat, Indonesia) [20:45:54] [RADIO] Lieutenant Samuel Gueltiero: 7-HAWK-1 assisting TAC-1. [20:46:2] * {FF0000}Lyovanska_Nashevich {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:46:13] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[VTE Garage]Melayani Upgrade,Modif,Repair etc Type:TF l Idlewood [20:46:13] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Fajar_Kristanto{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}2600{FF0000}] [20:46:19] [RADIO] Sergeant I Zarion Whittemore: My location at infront of East beach Precinct, 4-METRO-1 speak [20:46:21] * {FF0000}Ruvi_Hanson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Mataram, Indonesia) [20:46:33] * Vincent Lee take m4 from front of body using both hands and ready to shoot. [20:46:41] [RADIO] PO-II Ainsley Esquevelle: 1-LINCOLN-3 will enrouting to the location, ETA 4 minutes. Please 10-7 4-METRO-1 there. [20:46:42] * {FF0000}Catherine_Meehan {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:46:57] * {FF0000}Robert_Vanderson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [20:47:5] * {FF0000}Andrei_Zvonecek {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:47:5] BEACON: {ffffff}Beacon deployed, it will be automatically deleted in 5 minutes [20:47:10] [RADIO] Sergeant I Zarion Whittemore: Copy, I'll waiting for your arrival 1-LINCOLN-3. 4-METRO-1 speak [20:47:18] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Rumah 3ruangan didepan bar playa. Lahan parkir pribadi, bisa pasang gate. [20:47:18] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Daryl_Willd{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}455664{FF0000}] [20:47:21] * {FF0000}Lidya_Felicia {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Banjarmasin, Indonesia) [20:47:24] [RADIO] Prob. Detective Kendrick Alvarez: Prob. Detective 6870 start of watch under 7-UNION-1, departing from CI's office. [20:47:28] [RADIO] Prob. Detective Kendrick Alvarez: 7-UNION-1 on field. [20:47:41] [RADIO] PO-II Ainsley Esquevelle: 1-LINCOLN-3 has been arrived. [20:47:42] * {FF0000}Deffiero_Valdemar {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:47:50] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [20:47:50] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}mau fix mobil free? hub gua. 5detik kelar pake jurus nonjutsuh [20:47:50] (( PM to [9] Michael_Etheridge: sini )) [20:47:57] (( PM to [9] Michael_Etheridge: sini )) [20:48:3] Vincent Lee says: DB in [20:48:4] Vincent Lee says: Ayo [20:48:8] Michael Etheridge says: Kontol [20:48:9] Michael Etheridge says: Aku taxi [20:48:11] Vincent Lee says: Gapapa [20:48:12] Vincent Lee says: Off duty [20:48:13] Vincent Lee says: Cepat [20:48:15] WARNING: The driver have disconnected or went off duty! [20:48:21] (( PM to [9] Michael_Etheridge: tolol )) [20:48:24] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[INFO] Jangan Lupa Menonton OnePiece Stampede Di Bioskop Los Santos YAK. [20:48:24] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Takashi_Hiruma{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}1496{FF0000}] [20:48:26] Vincent Lee says: Elcorona [20:48:26] * {FF0000}Rexley_Hitamieka {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:48:36] (( {FF0000}Helper raihanrawadi90: {FFFFFF}Selamat datang player baru, jangan rusuh ya, baca selalu rules dan guide di )) [20:48:40] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Rexley Hitamieka: Police Adjudant 9524 reporting on duy [20:48:46] (( {FF0000}Helper raihanrawadi90: {FFFFFF}forum resmi kami, @jogjagamers.org )) [20:48:48] Michael Etheridge says: Turun [20:48:52] Michael Etheridge says: Takut aku [20:49:1] (( {FF0000}Helper raihanrawadi90: {FFFFFF}Selamat beroleplay, semoga betah, mwah )) [20:49:5] (( PM from [0] Ghassan_Musson: peringatan buat gua noh. )) [20:49:8] * {FF0000}Shiloh_Branch {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [20:49:14] * {FF0000}Lester_Wilford {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [20:49:30] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Workshop Idlewood l CP: [20:49:30] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Fajar_Kristanto{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}2600{FF0000}] [20:49:31] PHONE: {FF0000}Number 112212 {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [20:49:33] AdmCmd: Carla_Willis has been kicked by raihanrawadi90. [20:49:33] Reason: Baca rules ya sayangkuh, jangan ganggu orang yang ngga salah hehe [20:49:38] BEACON: {ffffff}Beacon deployed, it will be automatically deleted in 5 minutes [20:49:40] * {FF0000}Zack_Potter {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:49:44] (( PM from [9] Michael_Etheridge: andai saja aku punya cs :) )) [20:49:49] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: Suspect inside at house. [20:49:49] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telpon berhenti berdering! [20:49:49] * {FF0000}Claire_Abhisar {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:49:53] * {FF0000}Lester_Wilford {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [20:49:56] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (112212) [20:49:56] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}nerima pegawai ? [20:49:59] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [20:49:59] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 112212 [20:49:59] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}a [20:50:0] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [20:50:1] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (123551) [20:50:1] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Semangat pak [20:50:1] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [20:50:1] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 112212 [20:50:1] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}GA [20:50:2] * {FF0000}Takeshi_Masato {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:50:12] * {FF0000}Carla_Willis {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Balikpapan, Indonesia) [20:50:15] * {FF0000}Sizov_Pavel {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:50:21] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Rexley Hitamieka: Police Adjudant 9524 Star of Watch under 0-ADAM-2 as LINCOLN unit. [20:50:21] (( PM to [9] Michael_Etheridge: wkwk )) [20:50:34] * {FF0000}Gerry_Bishop {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bekasi, Indonesia) [20:50:36] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[INFO] Jangan Lupa Menonton OnePiece Stampede Di Bioskop Los Santos YAK. [20:50:36] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Takashi_Hiruma{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}1496{FF0000}] [20:50:45] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: Need more unit at Green beacon please. [20:50:50] [RADIO] Prob. Detective Kendrick Alvarez: 7-UNION-1 Enroute. [20:50:55] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Rexley Hitamieka: 0-LINCOLN-2 Assisting TAC-1 [20:51:2] * {FF0000}Dajuan_Broughton {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:51:12] * {FF0000}Zidane_Muliana {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:51:20] Samuel Gueltiero says: Kapt, on your command. [20:51:26] * {FF0000}Robert_Flynn {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:51:26] * {FF0000}Shiloh_Branch {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [20:51:26] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Rexley Hitamieka: 0-LINCOLN-2 Enroute [20:51:28] * Sebastian Larocca grabs a H&K MP5 from it's vest holster, readies his hands on the trigger. [20:51:31] * {FF0000}Lisa_Davensmith {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:51:38] Vincent Lee Shouts: MENJAUH! [20:51:41] Hanz Frorenza says: mINGGIR NJING [20:51:42] Samuel Gueltiero says: Menjauh, pak. [20:51:42] * {FF0000}Devyne_Cornelius {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Tasikmalaya, Indonesia) [20:51:42] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{JUAL} Rumah jefferson 1 garasi full furniture minat sms: [20:51:42] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Lisa_Davensmith{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}2904{FF0000}] [20:51:51] * {FF0000}Lester_Wilford {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [20:51:51] Mathias Henderson says: Itu, yang nyebut kata kasar siapa ya? [20:51:53] Vincent Lee Shouts: MENJAUH! [20:51:54] Samuel Gueltiero Shouts: Anybody home?! [20:51:57] Mathias Henderson says: Kok gada sopan santun. [20:51:58] Hanz Frorenza Shouts: Bisa di bilang gak! [20:52:5] Mathias Henderson says: Apaan si. [20:52:7] Samuel Gueltiero Shouts: Put your gun, get your hands in the air! [20:52:7] * {FF0000}Patrick_Rothschild {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [20:52:11] * Kendrick Alvarez unslings his revolver, then pulled the trigger. [20:52:12] Samuel Gueltiero Shouts: Right now! [20:52:13] [RADIO] Lieutenant Reina Riveira: Lieutenant 2389 heads to TAC-1 [20:52:14] * {FF0000}Moolyz_Jackone {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:52:16] WARNING: Faction OOC chat disabled! [20:52:17] Samuel Gueltiero says: Kapt. [20:52:23] * {FF0000}Bosnia_Revina {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Surabaya, Indonesia) [20:52:24] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: Green beacon. [20:52:27] Samuel Gueltiero says: Get in? [20:52:27] Hanz Frorenza says: Siap [20:52:28] [RADIO] Sergeant I Zarion Whittemore: 4-METRO-1 assisting TAC-1 [20:52:30] Hanz Frorenza says: Tunggu [20:52:34] * {FF0000}Gerry_Bishop {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bekasi, Indonesia) [20:52:34] Hanz Frorenza says: Sampai kumpul [20:52:44] Hanz Frorenza says: Gak ada snake cam? [20:52:45] Samuel Gueltiero says: Bertiga juga cukup. [20:52:48] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Buy] Taxi not cabbie Call/SMS: [20:52:48] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}William_Mcdavey{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}274040{FF0000}] [20:52:52] (( PM from [21] Robert_Vanderson: beb ini otis tolong aku dong minjam uang, maaf lewat PM )) [20:52:53] Kendrick Alvarez says: Our situation is still on goin' Lieutenant? [20:52:54] Samuel Gueltiero says: Hahaha. [20:52:56] * {FF0000}Devyne_Cornelius {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Tasikmalaya, Indonesia) [20:52:59] Samuel Gueltiero says: Yeah. [20:53:1] (( PM to [21] Robert_Vanderson: gua mau afk )) [20:53:5] Vincent Lee: (( gua mau afk )) [20:53:6] (( PM from [21] Robert_Vanderson: char ku kena CK belum di respond sama admin )) [20:53:8] Vincent Lee: (( Gimana:v )) [20:53:11] Samuel Gueltiero: (( off duty )) [20:53:14] * {FF0000}Patrick_Rothschild {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [20:53:15] (( PM from [21] Robert_Vanderson: minjam 1k dong buat beli compo sama sadler :( )) [20:53:19] Hanz Frorenza says: Babi [20:53:21] Samuel Gueltiero says: Disini dua orang. [20:53:24] Hanz Frorenza says: Sabar [20:53:26] (( PM from [21] Robert_Vanderson: TF aja beb )) [20:53:27] Samuel Gueltiero says: Salah inceran rumah. [20:53:32] Gerry_Bishop telah keluar dari server. (Pergi) [20:53:33] Vincent Lee says: Masuk? [20:53:34] Samuel Gueltiero: (( /togradio )) [20:53:35] Samuel Gueltiero says: Sabar. [20:53:37] RADIO: {ffffff}Radio streaming {ff0000}disabled [20:53:40] Vincent Lee: (( ok )) [20:53:41] * {FF0000}Rexley_Hitamieka {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:53:42] Samuel Gueltiero says: Masuk juga gausah make M4. [20:53:42] Kendrick Alvarez says: Should we trespass the door? [20:53:44] * Vincent Lee slots his m4 into front of body using both hands. [20:53:44] * {FF0000}Ingga_Fresly {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [20:53:45] Samuel Gueltiero says: Only deagle. [20:53:46] * Vincent Lee draws .44 from his holster on ultility belt. [20:53:50] Kendrick Alvarez says: Got it [20:53:54] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Buy] Taxi not cabbie Call/SMS: [20:53:54] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}William_Mcdavey{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}274040{FF0000}] [20:53:56] Vincent Lee says: Masuk? [20:53:57] * {FF0000}Kyrie_Garland {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Malang, Indonesia) [20:53:57] * {FF0000}Hanna_Steinfield {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:54:0] Hanz Frorenza says: Bentar [20:54:1] * {FF0000}Moolyz_Jackone {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:54:2] Scott Argent says: Rumah yang sana, gak ada? [20:54:5] Vincent Lee says: Ga ada [20:54:7] Vincent Lee says: Ini 2 orang [20:54:8] Scott Argent says: Yakin? [20:54:10] Kendrick Alvarez says: Tidak Chief. [20:54:11] Samuel Gueltiero says: Belum di cek. [20:54:11] * Zarion Whittemore unslings weapons to police vest with both hand. [20:54:13] * Reina Riveira raises her glock-77, draw a bead on the target. [20:54:13] * Zarion Whittemore slings AR-15 5.56mm from police vest with right hand - pull the trigger and flick safety [OFF]. [20:54:14] Vincent Lee says: Disini maksud saya chief [20:54:15] Sebastian Larocca says: Kan tadi 4 [20:54:17] Samuel Gueltiero says: Saya akan cek. [20:54:17] Sebastian Larocca says: Down 1 [20:54:18] * Zarion Whittemore unslings weapons to police vest with both hand. [20:54:18] Hanz Frorenza says: Kita tidak ada Snake cam guys. [20:54:19] * Zarion Whittemore grabs his Barreta M9 21,7cm .45Caliber bullets out from the holster. [20:54:20] Sebastian Larocca says: 1 lagi mana? [20:54:24] Scott Argent says: Ada [20:54:24] Samuel Gueltiero says: Ayo, ikut saya Sersan Zarion. [20:54:27] Scott Argent says: Itu di HAWK. [20:54:31] Kendrick Alvarez says: Biar saya cek dengan yang lain. [20:54:31] Hanz Frorenza says: Oh. [20:54:32] Zarion Whittemore says: Ayok [20:54:35] Scott Argent says: Ambil. [20:54:36] Vincent Lee: (( aku afk solat sama jemput ade bentar 5 menit ya )) [20:54:37] Hanz Frorenza says: Ambil [20:54:43] [RADIO] Deputy Chief Scott Argent: Call Fire. [21:9:5] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Selamat datang {ffff00}Vincent_Lee{ffffff}. [21:9:5] PAYCHECK: Pergi ke bank dan /signcheck untuk mendapatkan paycheck anda atau pergi ke salah satu ATM! [21:9:5] Faction MOTD: {FFFF00}Diharapkan untuk aktif In-Game dan Forum, panggilan /r tolong fast response. [21:9:5] MOTD: {ffff00}Mohon menggunakan '/report' dengan benar, berikan informasi yang jelas dan detail {ff0000}- Ian [21:9:5] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Anda terakhir login {ffff00}36 menit yang lalu [21:9:5] * {FF0000}Vincent_Lee {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:9:5] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Today is {ffff00}Fri 27 Sep 2019, 21:09:05 [21:9:5] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Server memerlukan waktu {ffff00}309 milisecond{ffffff} untuk memuat data char anda! [21:9:11] * {FF0000}Roomero_Calvizer {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [21:9:19] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[DICARI] Mobil Pickup dengan berapa pun itu insuransi dan Upgrade nya, ada? Hubungi [21:9:19] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Shiloh_Branch{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}8145{FF0000}] [21:9:21] * Ainsley Esquevelle membuka mulut dan hidungnya, lalu merasakan pernapasan korban. [21:9:23] DYOC: {ffffff}Weapons attachment {33AA33}enabled [21:9:24] Hanz Frorenza says: Ada FD yang nganggur? [21:9:25] Suspect* ((Ainsley Esquevelle)) [21:9:27] Samuel Gueltiero says: Ya, apa? [21:9:28] Samuel Gueltiero says: Gada. [21:9:30] Denyut? 60-100 Normal? @zarion ((Robert Flynn)) [21:9:33] Samuel Gueltiero says: Dua FD doang. [21:9:34] berapa pernapasan suspect per menit?(60-100 Normal)@roosevelt ((Ainsley Esquevelle)) [21:9:37] Hanz Frorenza says: Ini denyutnya diatas rata rata. [21:9:38] 27 ((Zarion Whittemore)) [21:9:42] Nafas : 0. ((Roosevelt Hampton)) [21:9:42] * Grizelle Schofield meletakkan jari telunjuk dan tengahnya di carotid artery Dev lalu menghitung denyut nadi Dev. [21:9:53] Denyut nadi Dev? (60-100Normal) ((Grizelle Schofield)) [21:9:53] Samuel Gueltiero says: Buseh, manusia setengah dewa. [21:9:54] * Robert Flynn mengambil IV Needle dan Atrophine 0.5mg dari dalam ALS bag. [21:9:54] 0 ((Devyne Cornelius)) [21:9:58] Devyne sudah mati sedari tadi akibat tidak mendapatkan perawatan serius di bagian dadanya. ((Devyne Cornelius)) [21:10:2] Kamu bisa melihat terdapat lubang akibat luka tembak dan itu menembus paru paru. ((Roosevelt Hampton)) [21:10:9] * Hanz Frorenza memeriksa mulut Washington. [21:10:12] Sebastian Larocca says: Darahnya mengalir keluar ga? [21:10:15] HUD: {FFFFFF}Player HUD is {FF0000}hidden [21:10:15] ada halangan? ((Hanz Frorenza)) [21:10:18] * Ainsley Esquevelle mengecek kembali luka fisik tubuh suspect. [21:10:21] * Robert Flynn memasukan Atrophine ke IV needle, lalu menyuntikan ke carotid artery zarion. [21:10:24] Gerry Bishop says: Officer. [21:10:24] 911: Crime: [ Police ] [21:10:24] 911: Reporter: [ Christopher Randolph ] Phone: [ 9981453 ] [21:10:26] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{FF9999}[SAFD] Recruitment ke-60 telah dibuka, kunjungi website resmi kami {FF0000}(( SAFD.JG-GTA.COM )) [21:10:26] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Zhaniece_Cardwell{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}9990{FF0000}] [21:10:30] * {FF0000}Scott_Argent {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:10:30] Rexley Hitamieka says: Ya Sersen? [21:10:30] Denyut nadi? 60-100 Normal @Zarion ((Robert Flynn)) [21:10:35] Gerry Bishop says: Itu BLS Kit. [21:10:48] Malak Alhamed says: Itu sana. [21:10:48] 911: Crime: [ Saya di rampok di component factory ] [21:10:48] 911: Reporter: [ Christopher Randolph ] Phone: [ 9981453 ] [21:10:49] Malak Alhamed says: Di panggil. [21:10:52] ERROR: Anda harus dekat dengan player tersebut! [21:10:53] Meningkat, jadi 45 ((Zarion Whittemore)) [21:10:55] Whisper to Malak Alhamed: Gabisa bls [21:11:2] Malak Alhamed Says [low]: Ya di panggil. [21:11:4] * Rexley Hitamieka membuka bagasi dengan kedua tangan lalu mengambil BLS kit [21:11:6] Malak Alhamed Says [low]: Di panggil kesana. [21:11:6] Gerry_Bishop telah keluar dari server. (Pergi) [21:11:6] Vincent Lee Says [low]: Sama siapa [21:11:9] * {FF0000}Andrea_Schneiders {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [21:11:14] * {FF0000}Rushty_Beardsley {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:11:16] * {FF0000}Roomero_Calvizer {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [21:11:17] * Emmanuel Nguyen meninggal karena banyaknya peluru yang diterimanya dijantungnnya. [21:11:20] KEGUNAAN: /pm [playerid/name] [message] [21:11:22] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [21:11:23] ERROR: That player is blocking PM! [21:11:24] * Hanz Frorenza menutup kembali bandage dengan tangan kanannya. [21:11:26] KEGUNAAN: /pm [playerid/name] [message] [21:11:26] (( PM to [38] Samuel_Gueltiero: a )) [21:11:30] (( PM from [38] Samuel_Gueltiero: knp )) [21:11:30] (( PM to [38] Samuel_Gueltiero: bantu gua )) [21:11:33] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Workshop Idlewood l CP: [21:11:33] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Fajar_Kristanto{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}2600{FF0000}] [21:11:33] (( PM from [38] Samuel_Gueltiero: knp )) [21:11:34] * Ainsley Esquevelle mengambil simple face mask dan oxygent outlet dari BLS. [21:11:35] Sebastian Larocca says: Hmm, harusnya kalau diatas rata-rata artinya ada hambatan. [21:11:37] (( PM to [38] Samuel_Gueltiero: ajarin rp bls kit wkwk )) [21:11:40] Sebastian Larocca says: Tapi itu tadi kalo ngalir normal [21:11:40] * Hanz Frorenza mencari Radial Artery dan menghitung denyut nadi Washington. [21:11:40] Vincent Lee: (( a )) [21:11:44] Sebastian Larocca says: Aneh itu orang. [21:11:45] (( PM from [38] Samuel_Gueltiero: baca di handbook sapd )) [21:11:45] * Jamarcus Washington kesulitan bernafas akibat dada ditekan [21:11:47] (( PM from [38] Samuel_Gueltiero: jan males )) [21:11:47] Hanz Frorenza says: Saya check lagi. [21:11:49] * Robert Flynn membuka pintu ambulan, lalu menarik gurney [21:11:52] * {FF0000}Raymond_Medina {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:11:56] * Ainsley Esquevelle memasangkan SFM ke mulut hidung suspect, lalu mengaitkan tali pemganamnya ke belakang kepala suspect [21:11:56] . [21:11:57] * Robert Flynn mendorong gurney [21:12:0] * {FF0000}Kendrick_Alvarez {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:12:0] * {FF0000}Michelle_Johnson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:12:1] (( PM to [38] Samuel_Gueltiero: wkoaowkokwa LIEUTNAN GALAX )) [21:12:3] apakah SFM masih terpasang pada muka Washington? ((Hanz Frorenza)) [21:12:9] * Ainsley Esquevelle menyambungkan selang SFM ke oxygent outlet, lalu memutarnya ke arah 12L. [21:12:10] * Robert Flynn mengangkat tubuh Zarion keatas gurney [21:12:10] @ainsley ngambil dari mana lu ? ((Roosevelt Hampton)) [21:12:11] * Rexley Hitamieka menaro BLS kit di samping korban [21:12:14] Samuel Gueltiero says: Officer, securing parimeter. [21:12:18] * Robert Flynn mendorong gurney kedalam ambulan [21:12:19] * Rexley Hitamieka mengecek luka fisik pada tubuh korban [21:12:20] Lu pas perang bawa gituan ? ((Roosevelt Hampton)) [21:12:21] Vincent Lee says: Ok [21:12:22] Robert_Flynn telah keluar dari server. (Pergi) [21:12:22] Telepas, akibat washington menggoyang goyangkan kepala ((Jamarcus Washington)) [21:12:24] Malak Alhamed says: Oke ibu. [21:12:26] Zarion Whittemore: (( Oke )) [21:12:30] * Malak Alhamed memeriksa tubuh Devyne dengan dua tangan [21:12:34] * {FF0000}Conan_Pearson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:12:39] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Jual murah] Stafford, nego sampai jadi [21:12:39] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Alvis_Blaymark{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}9079693{FF0000}] [21:12:42] * Hanz Frorenza memasangkan SFM kembali ke mulut Washington. [21:12:51] Malak Alhamed says: Ini ada lagi ibu. [21:12:52] Ainsley Esquevelle says: FD [21:12:53] Permission to PK @Malak? ((Devyne Cornelius)) [21:12:55] Ainsley Esquevelle says: Itu [21:12:56] Grizelle Schofield says: Oke. [21:12:59] @Emma accept ((Rexley Hitamieka)) [21:13:7] Permission to PK @Grizelle? ((Devyne Cornelius)) [21:13:7] * Grizelle Schofield mengangkat ALS Kitnya. [21:13:9] Ainsley Esquevelle says: Mana FDnya [21:13:12] Ainsley Esquevelle says: Oh itu [21:13:15] No, ikuti alur RPnya nanti ((Grizelle Schofield)) [21:13:16] * Hanz Frorenza menghitung denyut nadi Washington dari Radial Artery. [21:13:18] ya ((Devyne Cornelius)) [21:13:19] * {FF0000}Zidane_Muliana {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:13:25] Ainsley Esquevelle says: FD coba ini tanganin [21:13:28] berapa denyut nadi? 60-100 Normal ((Hanz Frorenza)) [21:13:29] Ainsley Esquevelle says: Tadi saya kasih SFM [21:13:31] * Grizelle Schofield meletakkan ALS Kitnya di bawah. [21:13:35] Grizelle Schofield says: Oke, terimakasih PD. [21:13:37] Ainsley Esquevelle says: Sebelumnya saya cek 0 semua [21:13:41] * Rexley Hitamieka menaro jari pada carotid artery korban [21:13:42] [ID] ID: 7 | Name: Michelle_Johnson | Level: 4 | Ping: 40 | Launcher: Yes [21:13:44] * Roosevelt Hampton telah tewas akibat rentetan peluru. [21:13:45] [ID] ID: 9 | Name: Michael_Etheridge | Level: 4 | Ping: 40 | Launcher: Yes [21:13:46] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Beli mobil Pickup, berapapun Insuransi dan Upgrade saya tarik! [21:13:46] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Shiloh_Branch{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}8145{FF0000}] [21:13:46] Ainsley Esquevelle says: Gabisa di kasih CPR, ada pendarahan di dadanya [21:13:48] (( PM to [9] Michael_Etheridge: a )) [21:13:51] (( PM to [9] Michael_Etheridge: ga buat cs emang nan? )) [21:13:51] 125 Masih tinggi, akibat peluru tembus ke dada dan mengenai jantung ((Jamarcus Washington)) [21:13:52] Denyut nadi korban permenit?? (( 60-100 normal)) ((Rexley Hitamieka)) [21:13:52] Ainsley Esquevelle says: Saya kasih SFM terpaksa, gatau harus gimana lagi.. [21:13:57] * {FF0000}Aark_Roggeveen {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:14:3] * Grizelle Schofield memeriksa luka yang dialami Roose. [21:14:4] * {FF0000}Erik_Kloostermann {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bekasi, Indonesia) [21:14:5] Terdapat peluru yang bersarang di paruparu sebelah kanan. ((Roosevelt Hampton)) [21:14:8] Hanz Frorenza Shouts: FD! [21:14:16] Paru paru memiliki lubang akibat peluru. ((Roosevelt Hampton)) [21:14:23] * Jacquille Borisov memeriksa keadaan Dev [21:14:26] Devyne sudah mati sedari tadi akibat tidak mendapatkan perawatan serius di bagian dadanya. ((Devyne Cornelius)) [21:14:28] (( PM from [9] Michael_Etheridge: malas awokawo )) [21:14:29] Denyut nadi korban permenit??@EmaT/m San Andreas Police Departement Pull over and turn off your eng ((Rexley Hitamieka)) [21:14:33] )) ((Rexley Hitamieka)) [21:14:35] (( PM to [9] Michael_Etheridge: njir:v )) [21:14:43] Denyut nadi korban permenit?? (( 60-100 normal)) ((Rexley Hitamieka)) [21:14:45] 0 ((Emmanuel Nguyen)) [21:14:49] ERROR: that player is not connected! [21:14:52] (( PM to [106] Jacquille_Borisov: a )) [21:14:52] * {FF0000}Shiloh_Branch {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [21:14:53] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Beli mobil Pickup, berapapun insuransi dan upgrade saya tarik! [21:14:53] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Shiloh_Branch{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}8145{FF0000}] [21:14:56] * Ainsley Esquevelle deployes beacon. [21:14:57] (( PM to [106] Jacquille_Borisov: anim brp? )) [21:14:59] * {FF0000}Claire_Abhisar {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:15:4] (( PM from [106] Jacquille_Borisov: 235 )) [21:15:22] Denyut nadi Zarion mulai turun secara perlahan lahan. ((Zarion Whittemore)) [21:15:23] AdmCmd: Bosnia_Revina has been remote banned by denrio157. [21:15:23] Reason: Pasal 17: Kepemilikan Account [21:15:24] * Grizelle Schofield meletakkan jari telunjuk dan tengahnya di carotid artery Roose dan menghitung denyut nadinya. [21:15:33] AdmCmd: Sabrito_Blacky has been banned by denrio157. [21:15:33] Reason: Pasal 17: Kepemilikan Account [21:15:46] * Zhaniece Cardwell mengambil Foam Blanket dari dalam mobil. [21:15:54] (( PM from [27] Ghassan_Musson: lee s )) [21:15:57] (( PM from [27] Ghassan_Musson: lee Lagi RP? )) [21:15:58] (( PM to [27] Ghassan_Musson: ap )) [21:15:58] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Beli mobil Pickup, berapapun insuransi dan upgrade saya tarik! [21:15:58] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Shiloh_Branch{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}8145{FF0000}] [21:16:3] (( PM to [27] Ghassan_Musson: iya knp )) [21:16:7] Denyut nadi Zarion mulai turun secara perlahan lahan. ((Zarion Whittemore)) [21:16:8] TELEPORT: {FF0000}raihanrawadi90 {FFFFFF} has teleported {FFFF00}Ghassan_Musson {FFFFFF}to you [21:16:12] * {FF0000}Robert_Flynn {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:16:15] Ghassan Musson: (( Tidak jadi dia lagi kondisi RP )) [21:16:19] Ghassan Musson: (( miss. )) [21:16:24] Q:Vincent Lee[61]: anim megang senjata di depan badan? [21:16:25] 911: Crime: [ pak tadi ada yang nawarin saya crack ] [21:16:25] 911: Reporter: [ Richard McFuller ] Phone: [ 112341 ] [21:16:27] * Devyne Cornelius sudah mati sedaritadi akibat tidak mendapatkan penanganan serius di jantungnya. [21:16:30] (( PM to [27] Ghassan_Musson: awokakowaw )) [21:16:32] Answer: {ffff00}/robman [21:16:34] KEGUNAAN: /robman [1-2] [21:16:35] Denyut nadi Zarion mulai turun secara perlahan lahan, dari 45 jadi 32 ((Zarion Whittemore)) [21:16:36] (( PM from [27] Ghassan_Musson: wokwokow )) [21:16:44] * Jacquille Borisov memeriksa denyut Devy, menggunakan dua jari. [21:16:45] * Robert Flynn mendorong gurney ke ambulan [21:16:48] Q:Vincent Lee[61]: anim megang senjata di depan badan? bukan robman [21:16:54] AdmCmd: UCP account sabritoseven17 has been blocked by denrio157. [21:16:54] Reason: Pasal 17: Kepemilikan Account[denrio157] [21:16:55] * {FF0000}Shiloh_Branch {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [21:16:55] Answer: {ffff00}/syow [21:16:58] * Robert Flynn memasukan gurney kedalam ambulan, lalu menutupnya [21:17:0] Berapa denyut Devy ? (60-100=normal) ((Jacquille Borisov)) [21:17:3] 0, ia sudah tewas sejak ditangani oleh Grizelle. ((Devyne Cornelius)) [21:17:6] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Sell - RoadTrain 2insu 3up $1,7k NETT... [21:17:6] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Carla_Carynna{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}833829{FF0000}] [21:17:11] * {FF0000}Brounellis_Havseniaster {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 02, Indonesia) [21:17:12] Q:Vincent Lee[61]: bukan itu, yang megang senjata di depan perut, pake dua tangan. [21:17:16] * {FF0000}Raphael_Volkoska {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:17:19] Answer: {ffff00}anim 1183. [21:17:24] * {FF0000}Michael_Vengeance {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:17:26] Anda dapat melihat bagian dada Devyne berlubang akibat peluru ((Devyne Cornelius)) [21:17:27] (( PM from [27] Ghassan_Musson: Kirain gua lu kondisi Ga Rolplay. )) [21:17:34] (( PM to [27] Ghassan_Musson: lagi rp dari tadi anjir )) [21:17:48] * Robert Flynn memeriksa luka fisik Emmanuel [21:17:48] Rexley Hitamieka says: Malam bos [21:17:49] Kendrick Alvarez says: Waddap? [21:17:51] Kendrick Alvarez says: Malam. [21:17:54] * {FF0000}Patrick_Rothschild {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [21:17:57] Rexley Hitamieka says: Minta duit boleh [21:18:9] Kendrick Alvarez says: Aku kismin semenjak tidak dikota. [21:18:12] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Find]Pekerjaan untuk saya,ada? Hub: [21:18:12] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Richard_McFuller{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}112341{FF0000}] [21:18:13] Rexley Hitamieka says: Yaah [21:18:18] Rexley Hitamieka says: Billiard lah skuy [21:18:20] Kendrick Alvarez says: Oke. [21:18:22] Vincent Lee says: Bahaha [21:18:28] * {FF0000}Budi_Ramdhan {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [21:18:29] Vincent Lee says: Minta duid dong [21:18:29] * {FF0000}Shiloh_Branch {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [21:18:33] * {FF0000}Grisshawn_Anderson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [21:18:35] Kendrick Alvarez says: Malam Adjudant [21:18:38] Vincent Lee says: Malam juga. [21:18:39] PAYINFO: {ffffff}You've received {00ff00}$100.00 {ffffff}from {ffff00}Kendrick Alvarez [id:65] [21:18:44] AME: {C2A2DA}accept it [21:18:44] (( PM from [9] Michael_Etheridge: ga tidur kau nan? )) [21:18:47] Vincent Lee says: wah makasih ya [21:18:50] (( PM to [9] Michael_Etheridge: mau gadang )) [21:18:56] (( PM from [9] Michael_Etheridge: awokawo mantap )) [21:19:4] (( PM to [9] Michael_Etheridge: wkkw banyak robber pasti;v )) [21:19:4] * Zhaniece Cardwell mengambil disposable foam blanket dari dalam coroner-1. [21:19:5] * {FF0000}Ryder_Patel {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:19:5] * {FF0000}Abellano_Plotnikov {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:19:8] (( PM from [9] Michael_Etheridge: yoi )) [21:19:8] * {FF0000}Michael_Vengeance {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:19:19] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{66FFFF}[SELL/TRADE]Cheetah 3 Insurance and 4 Upgrade Full Modification have 2 Stiker or Trade with Sultan, Cellphone: [21:19:19] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Bradley_Alvarez{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}270013{FF0000}] [21:19:26] * {FF0000}Tony_Dawson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bekasi, Indonesia) [21:19:30] * {FF0000}Ghassan_Musson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:19:34] Vincent Lee: (( ea wkww )) [21:19:38] * {FF0000}Chivalry_Clyvon {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Denpasar, Indonesia) [21:19:45] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Lester_Wilford ] Phone: [ 404011 ] [21:19:45] Message: POLICE TOLONG KE KANTOR IMPOUDED SAYA INGIN MEMBAYAR [21:19:55] * {FF0000}Aria_Bima {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:20:2] * {FF0000}Allard_Anayouri {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Surabaya, Indonesia) [21:20:12] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Lester_Wilford ] Phone: [ 404011 ] [21:20:12] Message: POLICE TOLONG KE KANTOR IMPOUDED SAYA INGIN MEMBAYAR KENDRAAN SAYA SEKARANG JUGA [21:20:18] * {FF0000}Gerry_Bishop {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bekasi, Indonesia) [21:20:21] * {FF0000}Chelsea_Aleysia {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [21:20:26] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Freeway 3 insy 0 up 700 nego tipis bro minat ? CP: [21:20:26] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Elvano_Rutledge{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}6501182{FF0000}] [21:20:31] [RADIO] Captain Rushty Beardsley: Itu yang ngegas tangkep aja. [21:20:45] * {FF0000}Conan_Pearson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:20:49] * {FF0000}Zein_Webb {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:20:52] * {FF0000}Darryl_Hanks {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [21:20:56] * {FF0000}Samsudin_Simatupang {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:21:7] * {FF0000}Scott_Argent {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:21:33] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL]Workshop Idlewood l CP: [21:21:33] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Fajar_Kristanto{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}2600{FF0000}] [21:21:34] Gerry Bishop says: Bagaimana? [21:21:38] * {FF0000}Johnson_Frankielyson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:21:41] Rexley Hitamieka says: Sedang di urus FD [21:21:43] Rexley Hitamieka says: Sersen [21:22:1] * {FF0000}Takeshi_Masato {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:22:7] * {FF0000}Budi_Ramdhan {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [21:22:14] * Grizelle Schofield membuka pintu belakang RA. [21:22:23] Gerry_Bishop telah keluar dari server. (Pergi) [21:22:27] * Ainsley Esquevelle mengangkat tubuh suspect. lalu memasukannya ke dalam RA. [21:22:31] * {FF0000}March_William {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:22:34] * Grizelle Schofield mengeluarkan gurney dari dalam. [21:22:35] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Richard_McFuller ] Phone: [ 112341 ] [21:22:35] Message: Dokter,di tunggu di lobby [21:22:39] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Jual rumah 2lantai 8ruangan Temple ada lahan parkir furni banyak di gudang minat SMS [21:22:39] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Emma_Mcquinza{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}2210{FF0000}] [21:22:43] Memasukannya ke dalam Gurnery* ((Ainsley Esquevelle)) [21:22:45] * Zhaniece Cardwell mengambil disposable foam blanket didalamnya lalu menuju ke arah korban, [21:22:47] * {FF0000}Marvin_Greenfield {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:22:59] [RADIO] Prob. Detective Kendrick Alvarez: On fiver. Prob. Detective 6870 [21:22:59] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [21:23:2] * Ainsley Esquevelle membantu FD, untuk mengangkat gurnery ke dalam RA> [21:23:2] * {FF0000}Marvine_Collinson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [21:23:3] * Ainsley Esquevelle membantu FD, untuk mengangkat gurnery ke dalam RA. [21:23:4] PHONE: {FF0000}Number 611130 {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [21:23:5] * Grizelle Schofield mendorong masuk gurney ke dalam Rescue. [21:23:8] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telpon berhenti berdering! [21:23:9] * Zhaniece Cardwell membuka resleting disposable foam blanket lalu memasukkan tubuh mayat didepannya. [21:23:12] * Ainsley Esquevelle menutup kembali pintu RA dengan perlahan. [21:23:18] AdmCmd: Andrew_Horstman has been kicked by Tiak. [21:23:18] Reason: Silahkan relog. [21:23:21] * Zhaniece Cardwell menutup resleting disposable foam blanket dengan rapat. [21:23:33] AdmCmd: Kurry_Irving has been kicked by maverickk21. [21:23:33] Reason: Relog dulu mas [21:23:35] Kendrick Alvarez [phone]: SAPD, silahkan ke nomor 7-7-7 untuk hubungkan ke Medis. [21:23:42] Kendrick Alvarez [phone]: Selamat malam. [21:23:45] HUD: {FFFFFF}Player HUD is {00FF00}visible [21:23:46] HUD: {FFFFFF}Player HUD is {FF0000}hidden [21:23:46] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Jual rumah 2lantai 8ruangan Temple ada lahan parkir furni banyak di gudang minat SMS [21:23:46] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Emma_Mcquinza{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}2210{FF0000}] [21:23:47] * Zhaniece Cardwell mengeluarkan gurney didalamnya lalu mengarahkan ke korban [21:23:56] Devyne_Cornelius telah keluar dari server. (Pergi) [21:23:59] * Malak Alhamed membuka bagasi dan mengambil alat locktire dengan dua tangan [21:23:59] * Ainsley Esquevelle membantu Fire untuk mengangkat tubuh suspect ke atas gurnery. [21:24:3] * {FF0000}Kurry_Irving {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:24:5] Samuel Gueltiero says: Bandage ku abis. [21:24:9] Samuel Gueltiero says: Restok ayok. [21:24:13] * {FF0000}Dennis_Zharckov {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [21:24:14] * Zhaniece Cardwell mengangkat disposable foam branket ke atas gurney lalu mendorongnya ke ambulan. [21:24:15] Vincent Lee says: nih ada [21:24:15] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [21:24:15] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}ws [21:24:16] Sebastian Larocca says: Chief ikut ga? [21:24:18] Emmanuel Nguyen says: \ [21:24:22] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [21:24:22] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 611130 [21:24:22] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Buat? [21:24:25] Samuel Gueltiero says: Kurang tau, tanya Hanz. [21:24:26] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [21:24:26] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}modi [21:24:28] Vincent Lee says: Aku ada Bandage [21:24:28] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [21:24:28] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}modif [21:24:29] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [21:24:34] Hanz Frorenza says: Udah Officer. [21:24:34] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Malak Alhamed: 6-RAPID-3 to TEU unit. [21:24:35] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [21:24:35] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 611130 [21:24:35] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}lagi ada urusan [21:24:37] Vincent Lee says: Oke. [21:24:38] Grizelle Schofield says: All Saints? [21:24:38] Hanz Frorenza says: Terimakasih ya. [21:24:42] Hanz Frorenza says: Kamu tidak apa apa? [21:24:45] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [21:24:45] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Pegawe lu g ada/ [21:24:45] * Ainsley Esquevelle menutup pintu RA dengan perlahan. [21:24:50] * {FF0000}Jacquille_Borisov {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [21:24:53] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Jual rumah 2lantai 8ruangan Temple ada lahan parkir furni banyak di gudang minat SMS [21:24:53] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Emma_Mcquinza{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}2210{FF0000}] [21:24:54] Scott Argent says: Sersan Frorenza, assign unit untuk escort. [21:24:54] Vincent Lee says: Tidak papa [21:24:55] * {FF0000}Edward_William {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Semarang, Indonesia) [21:24:55] Ainsley Esquevelle says: Butuh escourting FD? [21:24:56] * {FF0000}Keylon_Pierce {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [21:24:59] Hanz Frorenza says: Siap. [21:25:0] Vincent Lee says: cuman terkena tembak di bagian armor [21:25:1] Hanz Frorenza says: Lee. [21:25:5] * {FF0000}Conan_Pearson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:25:6] * {FF0000}Devyne_Cornelius {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Tasikmalaya, Indonesia) [21:25:9] Hanz Frorenza says: Kamu escort FD ya? [21:25:13] Vincent Lee says: Emm oke [21:25:14] Samuel Gueltiero says: Officer Rexley. [21:25:15] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Malak Alhamed: 6-RAPID-3 to TEU unit. [21:25:23] Samuel Gueltiero says: Bisa kamu escort unit CORONER? [21:25:24] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [21:25:24] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}yodah iklanin aja [21:25:24] Hanz Frorenza says: Lakukan. [21:25:27] * {FF0000}Kaitlyn_Pinkerton {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [21:25:28] Zhaniece Cardwell says: Tidak usah, kami deluan. [21:25:30] Ainsley Esquevelle says: Oke [21:25:34] aku udh di rp in di detain ((Devyne Cornelius)) [21:25:34] Grizelle Schofield says: All Saints kah? [21:25:35] AdmCmd: Conan_Pearson has been remote-jailed by timewarner for 90 minutes. [21:25:35] Reason: GB Exp as Mechanic [Jailed by Pakuwo] [21:25:37] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [21:25:37] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}[Cari] WS WAA ada yang buka HUB [21:25:42] Hanz Frorenza says: Ikutin saja. [21:25:45] Hanz Frorenza says: Itu [21:25:47] Devyne Cornelius: (( lah keluar sndiri )) [21:25:52] [ID] ID: 6 | Name: Aleem_Kuznetsov | Level: 30 | Ping: 23 | Launcher: Yes [21:25:55] [ID] ID: 17 | Name: Louise_Bishop | Level: 11 | Ping: 33 | Launcher: Yes [21:25:57] [ID] ID: 25 | Name: Marvine_Collinson | Level: 8 | Ping: 34 | Launcher: Yes [21:25:59] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Find]Dicari pekerjaan untuk saya,ada? Hub: [21:25:59] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Richard_McFuller{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}112341{FF0000}] [21:26:4] Samuel Gueltiero: (( gausah afk kalo lagi situasi )) [21:26:5] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [21:26:5] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 611130 [21:26:5] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Telfon marvine ato louise [21:26:8] Sebastian Larocca says: Clear kah? [21:26:10] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Malak Alhamed: 6-RAPID-3 to TEU unit. [21:26:13] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [21:26:13] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}no nya [21:26:15] * {FF0000}Darryl_Hanks {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [21:26:19] * {FF0000}Andrew_Horstman {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:26:19] Hanz Frorenza says: Sudah Chief [21:26:19] Sebastian Larocca says: Tinggal mobilnya ya. [21:26:20] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [21:26:20] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 611130 [21:26:20] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}TERCANTUM DI WS KONTOL [21:26:25] Hanz Frorenza says: ASGH [21:26:26] Samuel Gueltiero: (( bang ky, tuh Rexley kick aja afk )) [21:26:46] * {FF0000}Aria_Bima {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:26:50] Vincent Lee says: Unit ilang [21:26:54] Vincent Lee says: terpaksa jalan [21:26:54] Vincent Lee says: Dada [21:26:55] [RADIO] Prob. Detective Kendrick Alvarez: 7-UNION-1, permission for pulling out from TAC 1. [21:27:1] * {FF0000}Lester_Wilford {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [21:27:8] AdmCmd: Rexley_Hitamieka has been kicked by timewarner. [21:27:8] Reason: AFK [21:27:9] [RADIO] Lieutenant Samuel Gueltiero: You may pulling out, ~. [21:27:15] [RADIO] Lieutenant Samuel Gueltiero: 7-HAWK-1. [21:27:19] [RADIO] Prob. Detective Kendrick Alvarez: Thank you Lieutenant [21:27:25] * {FF0000}Robert_Flynn {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:27:26] Devyne Cornelius: (( noh )) [21:27:27] Ainsley Esquevelle says: Naik [21:27:27] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: Adjudant 10168 Pulling out from TAC-1 [21:27:30] Devyne Cornelius: (( sumpah gw gak pijit keluar )) [21:27:36] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [21:27:36] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}klu udah kelar suspect ke ws. [21:27:40] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [21:27:40] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 611130 [21:27:40] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}bntr [21:27:46] * {FF0000}Abellano_Plotnikov {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:27:53] * {FF0000}Budi_Ramdhan {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [21:28:2] Ainsley Esquevelle says: Anter kemana, Adjudant? [21:28:8] Vincent Lee says: SAPD aja [21:28:10] Vincent Lee says: Mau re arms [21:28:14] Ainsley Esquevelle says: Central? [21:28:15] Vincent Lee says: Iyah [21:28:20] * {FF0000}Jamarcus_Washington {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:28:23] * {FF0000}Michael_Vengeance {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:28:30] * {FF0000}Conan_Pearson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:28:31] * {FF0000}Tarnell_Haywood {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 02, Indonesia) [21:28:41] Vincent Lee says: Makasi [21:28:44] KEGUNAAN: /wave [1-5] [21:28:51] * {FF0000}Rocky_Corbett {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:28:54] * {FF0000}Kane_Rich {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bekasi, Indonesia) [21:29:6] HUD: {FFFFFF}Player HUD is {00FF00}visible [21:29:8] HUD: {FFFFFF}Player HUD is {FF0000}hidden [21:29:23] * {FF0000}Dailyn_Harper {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:29:40] HUD: {FFFFFF}Player HUD is {00FF00}visible [21:29:43] * {FF0000}Brounellis_Havseniaster {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 02, Indonesia) [21:29:44] ARMOURY: {ffff00}Health & Armour refilled! [21:29:46] ARMOURY: {ffff00}Ammo restocked! [21:29:48] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [21:29:48] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}pegawai lu aja males2 san [21:29:53] * {FF0000}Patrick_Rothschild {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [21:29:53] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [21:29:53] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 611130 [21:29:53] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}BIlang apa emang? [21:29:54] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [21:29:54] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}ga di jawab2. [21:29:54] AdmCmd: Conan_Pearson has been remote warned by timewarner, total warns: 1 [21:29:54] Reason: GB Exp Mechanic [21:29:57] * {FF0000}Toby_Chevalier {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 02, Indonesia) [21:30:1] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [21:30:1] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}ga ada balesan. [21:30:4] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [21:30:4] [id:4] {ffff00}Jordan_Pierce: {ffffff}is AFK / Idle [21:30:4] [id:9] {ffff00}Michael_Etheridge: {ffffff}is Alt-Tabbed for 98 seconds [21:30:4] [id:29] {ffff00}Daawood_Hammoud: {ffffff}is AFK / Idle [21:30:4] [id:39] {ffff00}Emmanuel_Nguyen: {ffffff}is AFK / Idle [21:30:4] [id:48] {ffff00}Romain_Guillot: {ffffff}is Alt-Tabbed for 9037 seconds [21:30:4] [id:52] {ffff00}John_Shaner: {ffffff}is Alt-Tabbed for 119 seconds [21:30:4] [id:72] {ffff00}Carla_Willis: {ffffff}is Alt-Tabbed for 341 seconds [21:30:4] [id:87] {ffff00}Marc_Button: {ffffff}is Alt-Tabbed for 2238 seconds [21:30:5] * {FF0000}Roosevelt_Hampton {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:30:5] * {FF0000}Roomero_Calvizer {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [21:30:5] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [21:30:9] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [21:30:12] PHONE: {FFFFFF}Calling {00FFFF}number 204020{FFFFFF}, please wait for answer! [21:30:22] * {FF0000}Rushty_Beardsley {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:30:23] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [21:30:23] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 611130 [21:30:23] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Yaudah gua yang ke ws [21:30:24] * {FF0000}Stevan_Martin {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:30:25] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [21:30:25] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}sini lu aja pake mask modif [21:30:29] * {FF0000}Conan_Pearson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:30:30] [RADIO] PO-II Ainsley Esquevelle: Police Officer II 9701 joining 4-METRO-1. [21:30:34] * {FF0000}Riverro_Manier {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:30:43] AdmCmd: timewarner has jailed Conan_Pearson for 90 minute(s) [21:30:43] Reason: GB Exp Mechanic [21:31:10] * {FF0000}Grisshawn_Anderson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [21:31:11] * {FF0000}Hanna_Steinfield {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:31:19] TOLL: {FFFFFF}Used 1 toll card point to pay toll access. [21:31:20] ERROR: Please wait untill the gate is closed! [21:31:22] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [21:31:26] * {FF0000}Christopher_Randolph {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:31:37] POLLING: {ffff00}Indihome ngelag? [21:31:37] POLLING: {ffffff}use '/vote yes' or '/vote no' [21:31:39] * {FF0000}Sean_Marshall {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:31:43] * {FF0000}Didier_Luva {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 03, Indonesia) [21:31:44] POLLING: {ffffff}You voted {ff0000}no [21:31:55] POLLING: {ffffff}Result from '{ffff00}Indihome ngelag?{ffffff}' [21:31:55] RESULT: {33ff33}19 voted yes{ffffff}, {ff0000}14 voted no{ffffff}, {ffff00}54 unknown [21:32:13] * {FF0000}Roomero_Calvizer {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [21:32:23] * Ghassan Musson mengilang [21:32:32] (( PM to [58] Ghassan_Musson: tolol )) [21:32:40] * {FF0000}Conan_Pearson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:33:1] ERROR: You need to open the engine hood of the car to begin examination [21:33:2] Vincent Lee says: Modif apa ini [21:33:5] * Ghassan Musson menyopot armor dari badan Lee dan membawa kabur [21:33:7] (( {FF0000}Admin Shawn962: {FFFFFF}Biasakan gunakan /istuck )) [21:33:9] (( {FF0000}Admin Shawn962: {FFFFFF}Kalau bug )) [21:33:14] Vincent Lee says: Modif apa ini [21:33:17] Ghassan Musson says: full [21:33:18] Vincent Lee: (( CEPET LAH KONTOL )) [21:33:23] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [21:33:28] * {FF0000}Patrick_Newman {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:33:28] AME: {C2A2DA}examine veh [21:33:30] (( {FF0000}Admin Shawn962: {FFFFFF}/stuck , /istuck )) [21:33:33] Vincent Lee says: Full gimana [21:33:34] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}Finished examining vehicle {00FFFF}Sultan [21:33:34] NOTE: {FFFFFF}You are now able to use '{FFFF00}/vehmenu{FFFFFF}' on this vehicle [21:33:37] Vincent Lee says: 500$ kalo full [21:33:39] Ghassan Musson says: Semua Alien [21:33:41] * {FF0000}Michael_Alfarez {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [21:33:42] Ghassan Musson says: wait [21:33:43] Vincent Lee says: 500$ kalo full [21:33:52] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [21:33:52] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}kerjain dulu [21:33:55] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [21:33:55] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 611130 [21:33:55] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}HALAH:v [21:34:11] WORKSHOP: {FFFFFF}You've taken {FFFF00}200 units {FFFFFF}of components from the workshop! [21:34:12] * {FF0000}Brounellis_Havseniaster {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 02, Indonesia) [21:34:14] * {FF0000}Morliv_Jargoz {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:34:17] Ghassan Musson says: Bember depa [21:34:17] Vincent Lee says: Neon warna apa? [21:34:19] Ghassan Musson says: Alien [21:34:21] (( {FF0000}Helper raihanrawadi90: {FFFFFF}Yang di MC pm )) [21:34:22] Ghassan Musson says: neon ga usah [21:34:27] KEGUNAAN: /bomb [1-2] [21:34:32] PAYINFO: {ffffff}You've received {00ff00}$50.00 {ffffff}from {ffff00}Ghassan Musson [id:58] [21:34:35] Ghassan Musson says: Satu saut [21:34:35] * Vincent Lee installing mod using mc tools [21:34:40] Vincent Lee says: Tolool [21:34:41] (( {FF0000}Helper raihanrawadi90: {FFFFFF}oke oke makasih, udah )) [21:34:42] Vincent Lee says: Kelamaan [21:34:46] proses ((Vincent Lee)) [21:34:47] * Ghassan Musson kesal [21:34:56] * Ghassan Musson mencob menghilang [21:34:57] gua juga kesal;v ((Vincent Lee)) [21:35:10] Ghassan Musson says: Ciaj [21:35:13] * {FF0000}Alvis_Blaymark {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jambi City, Indonesia) [21:35:15] Ghassan Musson says: ea ada orang [21:35:19] Brounellis Havseniaster says: Dikabaumemek [21:35:21] Vincent Lee says: Bahaha [21:35:25] Vincent Lee: (( njer siapa pulak:v )) [21:35:25] Ghassan Musson says: sana bray [21:35:35] Brounellis Havseniaster: (( lupa mulu )) [21:35:37] Vincent Lee: (( siapa si )) [21:35:39] Vincent Lee: (( gajelas )) [21:35:43] Ghassan Musson says: Liat gua [21:35:45] * {FF0000}Christoffer_Dominic {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Batam, Indonesia) [21:35:45] Brounellis Havseniaster: (( Irfan )) [21:35:46] Brounellis Havseniaster: (( WA )) [21:35:51] Vincent Lee: (( ga kenallllll )) [21:35:52] [RADIO] PO-I Raphael Volkoska: Police Officer I 8127 reportin to take status two, over. [21:35:53] Ghassan Musson says: Jbertet [21:36:1] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}You've installed mod {FFFF00}Switch Wheels {FFFFFF}on {00FFFF}Sultan [21:36:1] done. ((Vincent Lee)) [21:36:3] (( PM from [58] Ghassan_Musson: PPKO ga dia nyet? )) [21:36:5] Brounellis_Havseniaster telah keluar dari server. (Terputus/Crash) [21:36:6] PAYINFO: {ffffff}You've received {00ff00}$50.00 {ffffff}from {ffff00}Ghassan Musson [id:58] [21:36:6] * {FF0000}Barry_Dustin {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:36:9] PAYINFO: {ffffff}You've received {00ff00}$50.00 {ffffff}from {ffff00}Ghassan Musson [id:58] [21:36:10] * {FF0000}Kurry_Irving {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:36:10] (( PM to [58] Ghassan_Musson: iya keknya )) [21:36:15] * {FF0000}Thiago_Gutierrez {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Depok, Indonesia) [21:36:22] AdmCmd: Andrea_Schneiders has been warned by xDannz, Total warning: 11 [21:36:22] Reason: Non RP Crash. [21:36:24] AdmCmd: xDannz has jailed Andrea_Schneiders for 60 minute(s) [21:36:24] Reason: Non RP Crash. [21:36:25] * {FF0000}Scott_Argent {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:36:30] Ghassan Musson says: 100 gua kasih nyet [21:36:41] * Vincent Lee installing mod using mc tools [21:36:43] proses. ((Vincent Lee)) [21:36:45] Vincent Lee says: Bawel [21:36:52] [RADIO] PO-I Raphael Volkoska: TEU Officer 8127 start of watch under 5-TOM-1, over. [21:36:52] WORKSHOP: {FFFFFF}You've deposited {00FF00}$100.00 {FFFFFF}in the workshop vault! [21:36:53] Ghassan Musson says: Alien [21:36:53] * {FF0000}Kurry_Irving {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:36:57] WORKSHOP: {FFFFFF}You've deposited {00FF00}$50.00 {FFFFFF}in the workshop vault! [21:36:59] Vincent Lee says: Ga [21:37:0] Ghassan Musson says: Bego [21:37:2] Ghassan Musson says: Itu X low [21:37:4] * {FF0000}Yevgraf_Slawosky {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:37:4] Vincent Lee says: Suka suka gua [21:37:5] (( Riverro_Manier: Opened. )) [21:37:7] Ghassan Musson says: ah memek [21:37:7] * {FF0000}Anthony_Shaner {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [21:37:9] (( Riverro_Manier: )) [21:37:15] * {FF0000}Alzelvin_Chayton {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 02, Indonesia) [21:37:17] Vincent Lee says: Terlanjut [21:37:17] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY] Taxi sedan yang tidak full modif, tuker tambah dengan cabbie kalau bisa. trims [21:37:17] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Budi_Ramdhan{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}1157500{FF0000}] [21:37:20] Vincent Lee says: Biarkan [21:37:23] Ghassan Musson says: anjing [21:37:27] Vincent Lee says: Ini dah alien [21:37:27] Ghassan Musson says: ganti bodoamat. [21:37:29] Vincent Lee says: TOLOL [21:37:35] Ghassan Musson says: bember depan monyet [21:37:41] * Ghassan Musson kesal [21:37:42] Vincent Lee says: Bodo ah terlanjur [21:37:44] * {FF0000}Aria_Bima {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:37:45] * {FF0000}Leon_Shaw {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Surakarta, Indonesia) [21:37:46] Ghassan Musson says: ganti [21:37:51] Ghassan Musson says: sekrang [21:37:52] Vincent Lee says: Belakangan [21:37:56] Ghassan Musson says: atau gua bakar nih ws [21:37:58] * {FF0000}Marvel_Jovinski {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bekasi, Indonesia) [21:37:59] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}You've installed mod {FFFF00}Alien Rear Bumper 'Sultan' {FFFFFF}on {00FFFF}Sultan [21:37:59] done. ((Vincent Lee)) [21:38:4] * {FF0000}Barry_Dustin {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:38:18] * Vincent Lee installing mod using mc tools [21:38:23] Ghassan Musson says: terus bember kiri kanan [21:38:30] Ghassan Musson says: oh velg [21:38:31] * {FF0000}Abellano_Plotnikov {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:38:32] Vincent Lee says: 100$ kanan kiri [21:38:33] Vincent Lee says: Udah velg [21:38:33] Ghassan Musson says: ga ngomong [21:38:35] Vincent Lee says: Udah velg [21:39:1] Ghassan Musson says: Teros [21:39:7] Ghassan Musson says: Bember kiri aja. [21:39:11] * {FF0000}Sean_Marshall {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:39:11] Vincent Lee says: Kanan kaga? [21:39:14] Ghassan Musson says: paling dapet yan kanan [21:39:14] * {FF0000}Marvel_Jovinski {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bekasi, Indonesia) [21:39:19] Ghassan Musson says: coba aja. [21:39:23] Vincent Lee says: Maksudnya? [21:39:28] * {FF0000}Maynard_Southwell {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Central Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:39:30] * Ghassan Musson adalah orang pintar. [21:39:33] * {FF0000}Lester_Wilford {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [21:39:42] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}You've installed mod {FFFF00}Alien Front Bumper 'Sultan' {FFFFFF}on {00FFFF}Sultan [21:39:43] done. ((Vincent Lee)) [21:39:46] Vincent Lee says: 100$ [21:39:48] Vincent Lee says: Sini [21:39:49] * Ghassan Musson keturunan dari nenek moyang moneyt [21:39:50] [ID] ID: 25 | Name: Marvine_Collinson | Level: 8 | Ping: 32 | Launcher: Yes [21:39:56] [ID] ID: 17 | Name: Louise_Bishop | Level: 11 | Ping: 32 | Launcher: Yes [21:39:56] PAYINFO: {ffffff}You've received {00ff00}$50.00 {ffffff}from {ffff00}Ghassan Musson [id:58] [21:39:59] (( PM to [17] Louise_Bishop: woi memek )) [21:40:2] Ghassan Musson says: Yang ada patoakn [21:40:3] Vincent Lee says: Kurang 50$ lagti [21:40:6] Ghassan Musson says: di atas sini [21:40:11] Vincent Lee says: Awas [21:40:12] Ghassan Musson says: yang di sini [21:40:22] [RADIO] PO-II Ainsley Esquevelle: Police Officer II 9701 leaves 4-METRO-1. [21:40:22] Ghassan Musson says: yang bullet [21:40:29] * {FF0000}Radinka_Wijaya {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Shinagawa, Japan) [21:40:30] * Vincent Lee installing mod using mc tools [21:40:31] proses. ((Vincent Lee)) [21:40:32] [RADIO] PO-II Ainsley Esquevelle: Police Officer II 9701 reporting on duty as RRMT Private. [21:40:33] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Sean_Marshall ] Phone: [ 123005 ] [21:40:33] Message: Hallo selamat malam, saya ingin membuka kunci mobil saya, apakah bisa ? [21:40:37] Vincent Lee: (( diem gua sekarat anjing nnati )) [21:40:40] * {FF0000}Randika_Bargawastra {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Central Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:40:46] Ghassan Musson says: gua job mekanik [21:40:48] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}SELL - Rancher A 3insu 2up. $1,5k. [21:40:48] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Lyovanska_Nashevich{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}890001{FF0000}] [21:40:48] Ghassan Musson says: lamar gua [21:40:55] Vincent Lee says: Ga [21:40:57] Vincent Lee says: Mau dijual [21:40:57] [RADIO] Sergeant I Zarion Whittemore: 7-HAWK-1 '27 7-HAWK-1 [21:41:3] (( Zhaniece_Cardwell: Mas, pemalsuain identitas itu memang ada, tapi yang ASLI juga ada, gimana si? )) [21:41:4] [RADIO] Sergeant I Zarion Whittemore: 4-METRO-1 '27 7-HAWK-1 [21:41:5] Ghassan Musson says: babi pegawai lu sombong [21:41:5] (( Zhaniece_Cardwell: SALAH )) [21:41:12] (( Hanz_Frorenza: cie ngomel mulu )) [21:41:12] Ghassan Musson says: kaya tetek money [21:41:19] (( Riverro_Manier: ntah ni )) [21:41:20] * {FF0000}Clifton_Stanley {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bogor, Indonesia) [21:41:26] (( Edward_William: ? )) [21:41:31] * {FF0000}Roomero_Calvizer {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [21:41:45] Ghassan Musson says: N20 sekalian buat kita lacak robbry begooooo ter tolollllllll ter idiotttttt [21:41:52] Ghassan Musson says: kita trace. [21:41:53] * {FF0000}Tyrus_Banks {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:41:55] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}You've installed mod {FFFF00}X-Flow Roof Vent 'Sultan' {FFFFFF}on {00FFFF}Sultan [21:41:57] done ((Vincent Lee)) [21:42:1] Ghassan Musson says: gua bantu tabrak nanti [21:42:3] Vincent Lee says: 50$ [21:42:5] Vincent Lee says: Lagi [21:42:6] PAYINFO: {ffffff}You've received {00ff00}$50.00 {ffffff}from {ffff00}Ghassan Musson [id:58] [21:42:8] WORKSHOP: {FFFFFF}You've deposited {00FF00}$100.00 {FFFFFF}in the workshop vault! [21:42:11] Ghassan Musson says: n20 [21:42:14] ERROR: You need 50 component and mechanic level 3 to modify vehicles! [21:42:17] * {FF0000}Robert_Vanderson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [21:42:18] WORKSHOP: {FFFFFF}You've taken {FFFF00}200 units {FFFFFF}of components from the workshop! [21:42:24] * {FF0000}Christopher_Randolph {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:42:24] * {FF0000}Christoffer_Dominic {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Batam, Indonesia) [21:42:35] * Vincent Lee installing mod using mc tools and component [21:42:36] proses. ((Vincent Lee)) [21:42:40] (( PM to [25] Marvine_Collinson: aa )) [21:42:41] (( PM to [25] Marvine_Collinson: woi meek )) [21:42:43] (( PM from [25] Marvine_Collinson: Off )) [21:42:45] Ghassan Musson says: Ini mobil PD kek gini? [21:42:47] (( PM to [25] Marvine_Collinson: bocah )) [21:42:47] * {FF0000}Kurry_Irving {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:42:50] Vincent Lee says: Ya [21:42:50] * {FF0000}Robert_Flynn {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:42:51] * {FF0000}Roomero_Calvizer {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [21:43:0] Ghassan Musson says: Asik bawa m5 dah mantap [21:43:2] Vincent Lee says: Ga spoiler sekalian [21:43:2] (( Kendrick_Alvarez: entah apa yang merasukimu )) [21:43:10] Ghassan Musson says: Ga. jelek [21:43:12] * {FF0000}Daryl_Willd {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:43:13] Vincent Lee says: Okeh beb [21:43:20] Vincent Lee says: Knalpot engga? [21:43:22] Ghassan Musson says: Norak [21:43:25] Ghassan Musson says: Iya [21:43:30] Ghassan Musson says: X low [21:43:34] Vincent Lee says: X Flow kontol [21:43:36] Vincent Lee says: X low ndasm u [21:43:37] Vincent Lee says: X low ndasmu [21:43:52] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}BELI - Rumah dengan 1 garasi, di kota. Ada? [21:43:52] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Lyovanska_Nashevich{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}890001{FF0000}] [21:43:59] * {FF0000}Emiliano_Fabrizio {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Sukabumi, Indonesia) [21:44:0] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}You've installed mod {FFFF00}10x Nitro {FFFFFF}on {00FFFF}Sultan [21:44:1] done. ((Vincent Lee)) [21:44:2] * {FF0000}Allan_Rivera {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:44:3] Vincent Lee says: 50$ lagi [21:44:9] [RADIO] PO-II Ainsley Esquevelle: RRMT Private 9701 status 4 under 6-RAPID-3, departs from Metro HQ. [21:44:13] [ID] ID: 58 | Name: Ghassan_Musson | Level: 3 | Ping: 61 | Launcher: No [21:44:14] Vincent Lee: (( tolol )) [21:44:17] * {FF0000}Lamar_Graham {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bogor, Indonesia) [21:44:23] * {FF0000}Roomero_Calvizer {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [21:44:26] Driving license: [{FFA500}Expired since Fri 27 Sep 2019, 18:32:38{FFFFFF}] [21:44:26] Flying license: [{FF0000}Not passed{FFFFFF}] [21:44:26] Boat license: [{00FF00}Valid until Thu 07 Nov 2019, 14:11:07{FFFFFF}] [21:44:26] Firearm license: [{FF0000}Not passed{FFFFFF}] [21:44:26] NOTE: use '/licenses show [playerid/name]' to show licenses to other player! [21:44:28] Vincent Lee: (( ah laam )) [21:44:30] Vincent Lee: (( ah lama anjing )) [21:44:37] PAYINFO: {ffffff}You've received {00ff00}$50.00 {ffffff}from {ffff00}Ghassan Musson [id:58] [21:44:42] * Ghassan Musson give money to mech [21:44:53] * {FF0000}Robert_Flynn {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:44:59] * Vincent Lee installing exhaust using mc tools [21:45:1] proses. ((Vincent Lee)) [21:45:10] Ghassan Musson says: ada suspact? [21:45:16] Ghassan Musson says: gua cek [21:45:19] Vincent Lee says: Apanya tolol [21:45:21] Ghassan Musson says: dimana? [21:45:23] Vincent Lee says: Gatau [21:45:24] Ghassan Musson says: suspect? [21:45:27] Vincent Lee says: Gatau [21:45:30] Ghassan Musson says: tai [21:45:33] Ghassan Musson says: gua mau ke sana [21:45:33] Vincent Lee says: Gue tembak m4 nih lama lama anjink [21:45:37] * {FF0000}Lester_Wilford {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [21:45:42] Ghassan Musson says: yauilah [21:45:49] Ghassan Musson says: suspect? [21:45:49] Vincent Lee: (( MATI IDIOT )) [21:45:54] Ghassan Musson says: mampus [21:46:2] * You recived 2 pieces of cigar from Ghassan Musson. [21:46:2] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telpon ditolak oleh penerima! [21:46:2] Telepon terputus... [21:46:6] * Ghassan Musson heal lee [21:46:12] Ghassan Musson says: Rokok. [21:46:24] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}You've installed mod {FFFF00}X-Flow Exhaust 'Sultan' {FFFFFF}on {00FFFF}Sultan [21:46:25] Q:Vincent Lee[61]: ngomong mampus di ooc itu insult? [21:46:26] done. ((Vincent Lee)) [21:46:27] Ghassan Musson says: kiri kanan [21:46:29] Answer: {ffff00}Ya [21:46:30] Vincent Lee says: Apa [21:46:31] * {FF0000}Allard_Anayouri {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Surabaya, Indonesia) [21:46:31] PAYINFO: {ffffff}You've received {00ff00}$50.00 {ffffff}from {ffff00}Ghassan Musson [id:58] [21:46:34] Vincent Lee says: 100$ [21:46:36] Vincent Lee says: Kiri kanan [21:46:37] Ghassan Musson says: bember kiri kanan [21:46:38] Ghassan Musson says: kiri aja [21:46:43] Vincent Lee says: Mana bagus tolol [21:46:50] Ghassan Musson says: coba aja dapet kanan nya [21:47:9] * Vincent Lee installing sideskirt using mc tools [21:47:11] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Beli Bukan jual - Motor murah meriah 3insu no up [21:47:11] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Ryder_Patel{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}950002{FF0000}] [21:47:13] WORKSHOP: {FFFFFF}You've deposited {00FF00}$50.00 {FFFFFF}in the workshop vault! [21:47:24] (( Zarion_Whittemore: Sebas )) [21:47:26] (( Zarion_Whittemore: )) )) [21:47:35] Ghassan Musson says: udah kaya aja gua ya baru di kota [21:47:36] Ghassan Musson says: wuhahaa [21:47:40] Vincent Lee says: Bahhaa [21:47:45] Vincent Lee says: Ada duit berapa lu sekarang? [21:47:53] * {FF0000}Ahmed_Yavuz {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 02, Indonesia) [21:47:54] Ghassan Musson: (( mending ke banned buar char baru ke banned buat char baru. )) [21:47:56] Ghassan Musson: (( muantap )) [21:48:3] Vincent Lee: (( oakwkoaw tolol )) [21:48:6] Ghassan Musson: (( kowkow )) [21:48:18] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[B&B Group - Agriculture] Mencari petani berpengalaman, berintegritas serta rajin. [21:48:18] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Barry_Dustin{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}12345{FF0000}] [21:48:20] Ghassan Musson: (( kaya temen gua si anjing )) [21:48:23] AdmCmd: Robert_Vanderson has been kicked by Shawn962. [21:48:23] Reason: missusing /report [21:48:27] Ghassan Musson: (( Trever_Onel )) [21:48:33] Ghassan Musson: (( Banned buat terus )) [21:48:35] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}You've installed mod {FFFF00}Left X-Flow Sideskirt 'Sultan' {FFFFFF}on {00FFFF}Sultan [21:48:42] done ((Vincent Lee)) [21:48:42] Ghassan Musson says: liat di kiri [21:48:47] Ghassan Musson says: kanan moneyt [21:48:52] Ghassan Musson says: kanan [21:48:53] Vincent Lee says: Apasih [21:48:55] Vincent Lee says: 50$ lagi [21:48:59] Ghassan Musson says: tuh [21:49:0] Ghassan Musson says: ada kan [21:49:3] Vincent Lee says: Ga ada [21:49:5] Ghassan Musson says: bego lu dipiara [21:49:9] Ghassan Musson says: ini memek [21:49:10] * {FF0000}Robert_Vanderson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [21:49:19] Vincent Lee says: Oh iya [21:49:26] Ghassan Musson says: Gua tu pintar [21:49:31] Vincent Lee says: Apa lagi [21:49:32] Ghassan Musson says: Up bisa? [21:49:36] Vincent Lee says: Si louise bisa [21:49:39] ERROR: Nomor yang anda hubungi tidak terdaftar [21:49:42] Vincent Lee: (( off si anjing )) [21:49:45] AdmCmd: Michael_Etheridge has been kicked by xDannz. [21:49:45] Reason: AFK in public space [reported]. [21:49:46] Ghassan Musson says: Knalpot apa itu? [21:49:46] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [21:49:52] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [21:49:54] * {FF0000}Rushty_Beardsley {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:49:55] * {FF0000}Donnie_Stacks {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bogor, Indonesia) [21:49:59] Vincent Lee says: XFlow kata lu anjing [21:49:59] Ghassan Musson says: Patroli gua [21:50:3] Ghassan Musson says: mau isengin robbry [21:50:7] Vincent Lee says: Bahah [21:50:8] Ghassan Musson says: siap siap [21:50:8] Vincent Lee says: Ganti baju [21:50:11] Ghassan Musson says: kalau gua sms [21:50:22] * {FF0000}Devyne_Cornelius {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Tasikmalaya, Indonesia) [21:50:23] (( PM to [58] Ghassan_Musson: ganteng anjeng mobilnya kwkw )) [21:50:24] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [21:50:24] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}ikut ? [21:50:30] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [21:50:30] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 611130 [21:50:30] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}TIDAK [21:50:40] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [21:50:40] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}lu duty aja nanti gua sms kalau ada suspect. [21:50:43] * {FF0000}Fan_Zhang {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Surabaya, Indonesia) [21:50:46] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [21:50:46] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 611130 [21:50:46] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}OKEH [21:50:51] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[B&B Group - Agriculture] Mencari petani yang berpengalaman dan berintegritas. SMS saja ya. [21:50:51] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Barry_Dustin{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}12345{FF0000}] [21:51:6] * {FF0000}Rileys_Dempster {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bogor, Indonesia) [21:51:8] * {FF0000}Lidya_Felicia {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Banjarmasin, Indonesia) [21:51:21] ERROR: Out of stock! [21:51:22] ERROR: Out of stock! [21:51:51] * {FF0000}Damian_Hades {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:51:58] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[B&B Group - Agriculture] Mencari petani yang berpengalaman dan berintegritas. [21:51:58] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Barry_Dustin{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}12345{FF0000}] [21:52:32] Faction Commands: [21:52:32] /tazer - untuk menyetrum seseorang | /cuff - memborgol seseorang| /arrest [time] [fine] [bail 0/1] [bailprice] [21:52:32] /mdc [playerid] - Memperlihatkan catatan kriminal seseorang | /ticket [playerid] [price] [reason] - Memberikan surat tilang kepada seseorang [21:52:32] /su [playerid] [reason] - Memberikan Wanted Point kepada player | /breathtest [playerid] - untuk mengetahui seseorang yang sedang Memakai Drugs [21:52:32] /detain [playerid] [seatid 1-3] - untuk menahan tersangka | /uncuff [playerid] - untuk melepaskan borgol [21:52:32] /roadblock - membuat/menghilangkan penutup jalan | /ram - membuka paksa rumah yang terkunci [21:52:32] /gov [text] - untuk mengumumkan berita [21:52:32] /backup - membuat icon di map yang bisa dilihat semua department [21:52:32] /trace [phone number] - melacak orang menggunakan nomor telpon [21:52:39] KEGUNAAN: /gov [text] [21:52:46] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [21:52:58] * {FF0000}Blake_Weston {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Surabaya, Indonesia) [21:53:0] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [21:53:3] ERROR: You don't have the privilege to use this command! [21:53:5] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[B&B Group - Agriculture] Mencari petani yang berpengalaman dan berintegritas. Ke BB no 5. [21:53:5] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Barry_Dustin{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}12345{FF0000}] [21:53:6] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [21:53:6] (( Raphael_Volkoska: RAC dong. )) [21:53:15] WARNING: Faction OOC chat disabled! [21:53:17] (( PM from [58] Ghassan_Musson: rob nya udah ke banned )) [21:53:23] (( PM to [58] Ghassan_Musson: reason? )) [21:53:28] (( PM from [58] Ghassan_Musson: mg 1net )) [21:53:31] * {FF0000}Robert_Flynn {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:53:34] (( PM to [58] Ghassan_Musson: kapan? )) [21:53:43] (( PM from [58] Ghassan_Musson: barusan )) [21:53:56] (( PM to [58] Ghassan_Musson: ga ada admin warn tolol )) [21:54:12] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[B&B Group - Agriculture] Mencari petani yang berpengalaman dan berintegritas. [21:54:12] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Barry_Dustin{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}12345{FF0000}] [21:54:19] 911: Crime: [ Mohon untuk pihak SAPD di rapihkan mobil yang berantakan terparkir di depan apart Ganton, Sayonara ] [21:54:19] 911: Reporter: [ Ghassan Musson ] Phone: [ 611130 ] [21:54:29] TOLL: {FFFFFF}Used 1 toll card point to pay toll access. [21:54:30] ERROR: Please wait untill the gate is closed! [21:54:47] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [21:54:48] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [21:55:7] * {FF0000}Alzelvin_Chayton {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 02, Indonesia) [21:55:20] * {FF0000}Brooklyn_Olsen {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Tangerang, Indonesia) [21:55:20] * {FF0000}Alonzo_Espinoza {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:55:26] (( PM to [102] Lyovanska_Nashevich: we )) [21:55:27] * {FF0000}Brounellis_Havseniaster {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 02, Indonesia) [21:55:30] (( PM to [102] Lyovanska_Nashevich: buat laporan ngapa )) [21:55:37] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [21:55:37] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}ada radio gua ga? [21:55:43] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [21:55:43] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 611130 [21:55:43] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}ADAAAAAA [21:55:44] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [21:55:44] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}laporan dari 911 [21:55:47] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [21:55:47] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}muantap [21:55:56] (( PM from [102] Lyovanska_Nashevich: bagusan Louis_Gilbert, Keith_Sneevliet, Lyovanska, Chris_Einstein? )) [21:55:58] (( PM from [102] Lyovanska_Nashevich: bagusan Louis_Gilbert, Keith_Sneevliet, Lyovanska, Chris_Einstein? )) [21:55:58] (( PM from [102] Lyovanska_Nashevich: bagusan Louis_Gilbert, Keith_Sneevliet, Lyovanska, Chris_Einstein? )) [21:55:59] * {FF0000}El_Coroney {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jambi City, Indonesia) [21:56:2] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [21:56:2] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}sekarang gua jadi yang no.1 [21:56:3] (( PM from [102] Lyovanska_Nashevich: bagusan mana Louis_Gilbert, Keith_Sneevliet, Lyovanska, Chris_Einstein? )) [21:56:8] (( PM from [102] Lyovanska_Nashevich: bagusan mana Louis_Gilbert, Keith_Sneevliet, Lyovanska, Chris_Einstein? )) [21:56:10] * {FF0000}Robert_Flynn {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:56:18] (( PM to [102] Lyovanska_Nashevich: emm )) [21:56:21] (( PM from [102] Lyovanska_Nashevich: bagusan mana Louis_Gilbert, Keith_Sneevliet, Lyovanska, Chris_Einstein? )) [21:56:22] (( PM to [102] Lyovanska_Nashevich: Keith )) [21:56:25] SHOP: {ffffff}You've purchased {ffff00}Menu +48 {ffffff}for {00ff00}$3.00 [21:56:27] WARNING: {ffffff}You've eaten too much, overall fitness rating decreased by {00ffff}0.69 [21:56:27] SHOP: {ffffff}You've purchased {ffff00}Menu +36 {ffffff}for {00ff00}$2.25 [21:56:27] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [21:56:27] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}AMAN [21:56:28] SHOP: {ffffff}You've purchased {ffff00}Energy Drink {ffffff}for {00ff00}$3.75 [21:56:32] (( PM from [102] Lyovanska_Nashevich: lu off duty dong tolol )) [21:56:32] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [21:56:32] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}TIDAK ADA CIRMINAL [21:56:35] (( PM from [102] Lyovanska_Nashevich: miss )) [21:56:39] (( PM to [102] Lyovanska_Nashevich: buat apa off duty )) [21:56:44] * {FF0000}Maynard_Southwell {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Central Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:56:47] (( PM from [102] Lyovanska_Nashevich: tlfn gua )) [21:56:53] (( PM from [102] Lyovanska_Nashevich: miss )) [21:56:54] (( PM to [102] Lyovanska_Nashevich: bntr )) [21:56:55] WARNING: {ffffff}You've drunk too much, overall fitness rating decreased by {00ffff}0.26 [21:56:56] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [21:56:56] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}BB aman [21:57:1] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [21:57:1] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 611130 [21:57:1] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}wkwk [21:57:21] * {FF0000}El_Coroney {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 02, Indonesia) [21:57:30] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [21:57:30] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}trace gua aja [21:57:36] * {FF0000}Samsudin_Simatupang {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:57:41] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}DS Flint Dealership | Menjual kendaraan Huntley, Patriot, Bandito, Rancher A dan B! @Flint [21:57:41] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Donnie_Stacks{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}500500{FF0000}] [21:57:44] [RADIO] PO-I Raphael Volkoska: 5-TOM-1 on fivers, over. [21:58:1] ==================[MDC Print Report]================== [21:58:1] >>> {00ff00}A. Personal Information [21:58:1] >>> {ffffff}ID Number: {ffff00}SA000173441 [21:58:1] >>> {ffffff}Name: {ffff00}Lyovanska_Nashevich [21:58:1] >>> {ffffff}Phone: 890001 [21:58:1] >>> {00ff00}B. Occupation [21:58:1] >>> {ffffff}Job: {ffff00}Builder [21:58:1] >>> {ffffff}Faction: {ffff00}San Andreas Network [21:58:1] >>> {ffffff}Rank: {ffff00}Intern [21:58:1] >>> {00ff00}C. Licenses [21:58:1] >>> {ffffff}Driving: {ffff00}{00FF00}Valid until Thu 12 Dec 2019, 22:44:46 [21:58:1] >>> {ffffff}Flying: {ffff00}{FF0000}Not passed [21:58:1] >>> {ffffff}Sailing: {ffff00}{FF0000}Not passed [21:58:1] >>> {ffffff}Firearm: {ffff00}{FF0000}Not passed [21:58:1] >>> {ffffff}Lumberjack: {ffff00}{FF0000}Not passed [21:58:1] >>> {00ff00}D. Active Charges [21:58:1] >>> {ffffff}None [21:58:1] >>> {00ff00}E. Crime Record [21:58:1] >>> {ffffff}None [21:58:1] >>> {00ff00}F. Registered Vehicles [21:58:1] >>> {ffffff}None [21:58:1] >>> {00ff00}G. Unpaid Tickets [21:58:1] >>> {ffffff}1. Reckless Driving [21:58:1] >>> fine: $100.00 [21:58:1] >>> issued by: Raphael_Volkoska [21:58:1] >>> issue date: Sun 01 Sep 2019, 15:41:45 {ff0000}[EXPIRED] [21:58:1] ==================[MDC End of Page]================== [21:58:1] * {FF0000}Brooklyn_Olsen {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Tangerang, Indonesia) [21:58:3] * {FF0000}Zeline_Zakeisha {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:58:5] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [21:58:5] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Lumber hank aman? [21:58:6] PHONE: {FFFFFF}Calling {00FFFF}number 890001{FFFFFF}, please wait for answer! [21:58:11] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [21:58:11] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 611130 [21:58:11] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}AMAN [21:58:11] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telepon telah dijawab. [21:58:11] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Gunakan chat biasa untuk berkomunikasi lewat telpon, '/h' untuk menutup telpon. [21:58:12] Caller [phone]: Apa [21:58:16] Vincent Lee [phone]: Kenapa cu [21:58:21] * {FF0000}Abbas_Jozef {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:58:24] Caller [phone]: gua mao keluar kota. [21:58:25] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [21:58:25] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}kota kita otak atik robbry nya cek segera [21:58:29] Vincent Lee [phone]: Kenapa emang [21:58:34] Caller [phone]: fired aja [21:58:35] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [21:58:35] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 611130 [21:58:35] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}okoakowawa serah lu aja lah anjg:v [21:58:40] Caller [phone]: Gua cuma mao itu [21:58:45] Vincent Lee [phone]: Kenapa di fired? [21:58:49] * {FF0000}El_Coroney {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 02, Indonesia) [21:58:50] Vincent Lee [phone]: Laporan gimana terus tolol?t [21:58:50] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [21:58:50] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}kwokwa ada heli sapd jatoh [21:59:2] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [21:59:2] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 611130 [21:59:2] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Dimana [21:59:9] Caller [phone]: Hmm [21:59:13] * {FF0000}Carlo_Stevenson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:59:15] Caller [phone]: Emang gada pegawai lain? [21:59:17] Vincent Lee [phone]: Kok Hmm [21:59:19] Vincent Lee [phone]: Ga ada [21:59:24] Caller [phone]: Yaudah, ke elektronik sini [21:59:26] Vincent Lee [phone]: OTW [21:59:27] Telepon terputus... [21:59:33] * {FF0000}Maynard_Southwell {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Central Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:59:53] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [21:59:53] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}gua bantu nabrak aja klu ada rob [21:59:56] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [21:59:56] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 611130 [21:59:56] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}AWOaowkkaow [21:59:59] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[B&B Auto Brokers] Diskon spesial, pesen kendaraan cuma $1000, bebas modif kecuali sticker, pesan di website. [21:59:59] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Blake_Weston{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}404040{FF0000}] [22:0:8] ERROR: Only business type 'Restaurant' can own a vehicle! [22:0:21] * {FF0000}Andrew_Horstman {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [22:0:32] [ID] ID: 43 | Name: Andrea_Schneiders | Level: 9 | Ping: 32 | Launcher: Yes [22:0:34] [ID] ID: 64 | Name: Andrew_Horstman | Level: 44 | Ping: 100 | Launcher: Yes [22:0:44] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [22:0:44] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Suscpect [22:0:49] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [22:0:49] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 611130 [22:0:49] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Apa suspect tolol [22:0:50] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [22:0:50] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}artinya lu trace gua [22:0:56] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [22:0:56] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 611130 [22:0:56] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Y [22:0:58] * {FF0000}Darryl_Hanks {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [22:1:0] Lyovanska Nashevich says: bentar [22:1:5] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Mower 2 upgrade full modift, minat ?? Tawarkan harga terbaik anda. [22:1:5] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Brounellis_Havseniaster{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}229222{FF0000}] [22:1:15] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [22:1:15] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}apa ga gini "SC" artinya lu trace gua [22:1:17] Lyovanska Nashevich says: Penerimaan kunci [22:1:20] Vincent Lee says: Ok [22:1:37] * {FF0000}Florence_Villevicencia {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Sukabumi, Indonesia) [22:1:42] * Vincent Lee memberikan kunci cadangan kepada Lyovanska nashevich [22:1:43] ERROR: Unable to find vehicle near you! [22:1:47] Lyovanska Nashevich says: Gila [22:1:47] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [22:1:47] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}SC No Helm [22:1:49] Lyovanska Nashevich says: kok m4 anjing [22:1:53] Lyovanska Nashevich says: ajudan ya [22:1:57] Vincent Lee says: Kok tau [22:1:58] Vincent Lee says: Bahaha [22:1:59] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [22:1:59] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Come SC [22:2:2] Lyovanska Nashevich says: Ya iyalah [22:2:6] * {FF0000}Sebastian_Trippier {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [22:2:7] Lyovanska Nashevich says: ya kali ajudan megang pistol [22:2:8] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [22:2:8] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 611130 [22:2:8] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Wait [22:2:10] Vincent Lee says: Bahaha [22:2:11] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[FIND JOB] Anda membutuhkan pegawai bisnis anda yang rajin ? sering kekota ? rajin buat laporan ? SMS: [22:2:11] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Brounellis_Havseniaster{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}229222{FF0000}] [22:2:12] Lyovanska Nashevich says: ya tepar duluan bos lu [22:2:25] Vincent Lee says: Dah kan [22:2:35] [RADIO] Sergeant I Zarion Whittemore: Police Sergeant I 6956 leaving from 7-HAWK-1 [22:2:48] * {FF0000}Sebastian_Trippier {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [22:3:3] AdmCmd: Robert_Vanderson has been kicked by raihanrawadi90. [22:3:3] Reason: Pming staff meminta heal [22:3:17] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [22:3:17] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}sc [22:3:17] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[B&B Auto Brokers] Beli mobil sendiri bisa lebih dari $1000, pesen sama kami plus modif cuma $1000. [22:3:17] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Blake_Weston{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}404040{FF0000}] [22:3:38] AdmCmd: Robert_Vanderson has been remote warned by raihanrawadi90, total warns: 1 [22:3:38] Reason: Pming staff (meminta" heal) [22:3:40] [RADIO] Sergeant I Zarion Whittemore: Police Sergeant I 6956 reporting offduty from East Beach Precinct, over [22:3:44] * {FF0000}Robert_Vanderson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [22:3:49] * {FF0000}Allard_Anayouri {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Surabaya, Indonesia) [22:3:54] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [22:3:54] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}buseng lamak amat kaya siput [22:4:24] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [22:4:24] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}MC [22:4:24] * {FF0000}David_Marc {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [22:5:14] * {FF0000}Grisshawn_Anderson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [22:5:14] (( PM from [102] Lyovanska_Nashevich: namanya ap )) [22:5:17] (( PM from [102] Lyovanska_Nashevich: linx apa )) [22:5:30] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [22:5:30] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}MC buru [22:5:34] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[B&B Auto Brokers] Anda butuh mobil bagus tapi dananya cuma $1000? Pesen sama kami, $1000 dah dapat bagus. [22:5:34] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Blake_Weston{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}404040{FF0000}] [22:5:40] * {FF0000}Heather_Dorothy {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [22:5:52] * {FF0000}John_Shaner {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [22:6:33] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [22:6:33] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}lamak babik sini MC ahhh [22:6:40] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{66FFFF}[SELL/TRADE]Cheetah 3 Insurance and 4 Upgrade Full Modification have 2 Stiker or Trade with Sultan? Cellphone: [22:6:40] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Bradley_Alvarez{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}270013{FF0000}] [22:6:44] (( Zhaniece_Cardwell: Oke. )) [22:6:46] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [22:6:46] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}memeq [22:7:22] * {FF0000}Brounellis_Havseniaster {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 02, Indonesia) [22:8:8] Anda telah memasuki AFK mode!, ketik /afk untuk lanjut main [22:8:21] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[B&B Auto Brokers] Butuh mobil tapi dana cuma $1000? Pesen sama kami, cuma dengan $1000 bisa pesen mobil apapun. [22:8:21] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Blake_Weston{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}404040{FF0000}] [22:8:21] * {FF0000}Devyne_Cornelius {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Tasikmalaya, Indonesia) [22:9:2] AFK: {ffff00}You are no longer in AFK-Mode! [22:9:15] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [6:1:4] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Selamat datang {ffff00}Vincent_Lee{ffffff}. [6:1:4] PAYCHECK: Pergi ke bank dan /signcheck untuk mendapatkan paycheck anda atau pergi ke salah satu ATM! [6:1:4] Faction MOTD: {FFFF00}Diharapkan untuk aktif In-Game dan Forum, panggilan /r tolong fast response. [6:1:4] MOTD: {ffff00}Mohon menggunakan '/report' dengan benar, berikan informasi yang jelas dan detail {ff0000}- Ian [6:1:4] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Anda terakhir login {ffff00}8 jam yang lalu [6:1:4] * {FF0000}Vincent_Lee {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [6:1:4] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Today is {ffff00}Sat 28 Sep 2019, 06:01:04 [6:1:4] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Server memerlukan waktu {ffff00}555 milisecond{ffffff} untuk memuat data char anda! [6:1:29] DYOC: {ffffff}Weapons attachment {33AA33}enabled [6:1:39] WARNING: Faction OOC chat disabled! [6:2:4] BANK: {ffffff}You've taken {ffff00}$500.00 {ffffff}from the bank. Current balance: {ffff00}$184,114.43 [6:2:14] TRAINING: {FFFFFF}You've leveled up your {00FFFF}Shotgun (pump) {FFFFFF}skill from {FFFF00}600 {FFFFFF}to {00FF00}700 [6:2:14] TRAINING: {FFFFFF}You must wait {FFFF00}15 minutes {FFFFFF}before you can level up another skill. [6:2:27] ERROR: You don't have any firearms license or your firearms license is expired! [6:2:37] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [6:2:37] [id:6] Volunteer firmanfairuz (Leroyce_West) [6:2:37] [id:7] Volunteer lordodo (Veilleux_Sciverit) [6:2:37] [id:10] Helper daviazhar (Milagros_Covarrubias) [6:2:37] NOTE: {ffffff}Volunteer tidak memiliki kedudukan yang sama dengan Helper / Admin [6:2:55] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: Any unit unpartner? Adjudant 10168 Speak. [6:4:21] HUD: {FFFFFF}Player HUD is {FF0000}hidden [6:4:39] HUD: {FFFFFF}Player HUD is {00FF00}visible [6:4:43] * {FF0000}Heather_Dorothy {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [6:5:13] * {FF0000}Veilleux_Sciverit {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Cipete, Indonesia) [6:5:25] * {FF0000}Alfathunnisa_Alyasyifa {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [6:5:29] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: Any unit unpartner? Adjudant 10168 Speak. [6:5:36] ARMOURY: {ffff00}Health & Armour refilled! [6:5:48] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [6:5:48] ERROR: that player is not connected! [6:5:51] KEGUNAAN: /pm [playerid/name] [message] [6:5:57] ERROR: That player is blocking PM! [6:5:59] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [6:6:2] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [6:6:29] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [6:6:31] ==========[ {00ffff}San Andreas Police Department{ffff00}]========== [6:6:31] Badge Number: {00ff00}10168 [6:6:31] Full Name: {00ff00}Vincent Lee [6:6:31] Rank: {00ff00}Police Adjudant [6:7:44] ERROR: Only owned vehicle can be tire-locked [6:7:45] ERROR: Only owned vehicle can be tire-locked [6:7:54] ERROR: Only owned vehicle can be tire-locked [6:8:26] LIMITSPEED: {ffffff}Vehicle speed limit set to {33AA33}15 mph [6:8:53] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: Adjudant 10168 To Officer Veilleux [6:9:3] [RADIO] PO-I Veilleux Sciverit: Officer Sciverit here. [6:9:17] Dimas Jey says: repair pak? [6:9:23] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: Can you teaming up with me? Adjudant 10168 Speak. [6:9:24] Vincent Lee says: Engga [6:9:34] [RADIO] PO-I Veilleux Sciverit: I'm partnering with Adjudant Kareem. [6:9:46] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: Ok Officer. [6:10:22] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [6:10:48] LIMITSPEED: {ffffff}Vehicle speed limit {ff0000}disabled [6:12:5] * {FF0000}Kaitlyn_Pinkerton {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [6:13:27] AdmCmd: Charlie_Veidrop has been kicked by lordodo. [6:13:27] Reason: Engga bug. [6:13:32] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [6:13:32] ERROR: Unable to purchase your own vehicle, use '/returnveh' at the sellpoint! [6:13:44] * {FF0000}Aamory_Achiolli {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [6:13:44] * {FF0000}Rexley_Hitamieka {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [6:13:44] * {FF0000}Abel_Yabe {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [6:13:47] ERROR: You cannot have more vehicle! [6:13:52] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}ST 24/7 Mart | Menjual kebutuhan sehari-hari, buka 24 jam! [6:13:52] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Rafael_Cornejo{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}999990{FF0000}] [6:14:30] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: Adjudant 10168 To Adjudant Rexley. [6:14:40] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Rexley Hitamieka: Police Adjudant 9524 here [6:14:45] * {FF0000}Charlie_Veidrop {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [6:14:57] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: Can you teaming up with me? Adjudant 10168 Speak [6:14:59] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}ST 24/7 Mart | Menjual kebutuhan sehari hari, buka 24 jam! Loc: Market 69 [6:14:59] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Rafael_Cornejo{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}999990{FF0000}] [6:15:10] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [6:15:53] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Rexley Hitamieka: I don't want to teaming with any Officer. Sorry Adjudant. [6:16:6] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}ST 24/7 Mart | Menjual kebutuhan sehari hari, buka 24 jam! Loc: Market 69 [6:16:6] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Rafael_Cornejo{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}999990{FF0000}] [6:17:31] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [6:17:38] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [6:17:39] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [6:17:43] Handbrakes {FF0000}OFF [6:17:43] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [6:18:21] GARAGE: {FFFFFF}You've stored your {00FFFF}Infernus {FFFFFF}into your {FFFF00}House [6:18:37] {8D8DFF}911: {FFFFFF}You have reached the 911 Emergency Service. [6:18:37] {8D8DFF}911: {FFFFFF}Do you need a police or a paramedic ? [6:18:40] Vincent Lee [phone]: Paramedic [6:18:40] {8D8DFF}EMS: {FFFFFF}You've reached the Medical Service, how can we help you? [6:18:45] Vincent Lee [phone]: Dokter ada dimana? [6:18:45] {8D8DFF}EMS: {FFFFFF}Thank you for reporting this incident, we'll send an availabe unit to your location! [6:18:45] Telepon terputus... [6:18:48] TRAINING: You can now continue training! [6:20:7] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [6:20:7] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [6:20:10] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [6:20:10] Lights {33AA33}ON [6:20:11] Lights {FF0000}OFF [6:20:11] Lights {33AA33}ON [6:20:37] SHOWROOM: {ffffff}You've put your {00ffff}Elegy {ffffff}up for sale with the price of {00ff00}$3,700.00 {ffffff}for {ffff00}7 day(s) [6:20:39] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[JUAL] Garasi di bank, 35k hubungi ke 311001! [6:20:39] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Rafael_Cornejo{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}999990{FF0000}] [6:20:48] * {FF0000}Aamory_Achiolli {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [6:20:50] Vincent Lee says: )) [6:20:54] Vincent Lee says: Mba [6:21:1] Vincent Lee says: Saya mau periksa [6:21:11] Vincent Lee says: Pusing parah [6:21:22] * Kaitlyn Pinkerton periksa pasien di ddepannya dengan stetoskop [6:21:29] * {FF0000}John_Shaner {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [6:21:39] INSPECT: {ffff00}Kaitlyn_Pinkerton {ffffff}have requested an inspection, use '/accept inspect' to accept request [6:21:46] ERROR: You are not a medic! [6:22:0] * Kaitlyn Pinkerton simpan kembali stetoskop di sakunya [6:22:6] Kaitlyn Pinkerton Says [low]: Pusing sedang [6:22:13] Vincent Lee says: Berapa obatnya [6:22:18] Kaitlyn Pinkerton says: obatnya 4 tablet Piosissymbrium [6:22:22] Vincent Lee says: Harganya? [6:22:29] Kaitlyn Pinkerton says: 60 dollar [6:22:31] Vincent Lee says: Oke [6:22:35] AME: {C2A2DA}memberikan uang kepada dokter [6:22:41] PAYINFO: {ffffff}You've given {ffff00}Kaitlyn Pinkerton [id:15] {00ff00}$60.00 [6:22:44] * Kaitlyn Pinkerton terima lalu simpan uangnya di saku [6:22:54] * Kaitlyn Pinkerton ambil obat lalu berikan ke pasien di depannya [6:23:3] AME: {C2A2DA}mengambilnya [6:23:6] INFO: {ffffff}You've recieved {00ff00}4 unit(s) {ffffff}of {00ffff}Piosisymbrium Extra {ffffff}from {ffff00}Kaitlyn_Pinkerton [6:23:14] Kaitlyn Pinkerton says: minum 1 setiap 5 jam sekali [6:23:17] Vincent Lee says: Oke mba [6:23:22] AME: {C2A2DA}meminum obat [6:23:27] INFO: {ffffff}You've used one {ffff00}Piosisymbrium Extra [6:23:34] Kaitlyn Pinkerton says: Selamat Pagi [6:23:36] Vincent Lee: (( 5 menit sekali ya berarti )) [6:23:42] Kaitlyn Pinkerton: (( iya )) [6:23:46] Vincent Lee: (( oke makasih:) )) [6:23:52] Vincent Lee says: Pagi juga [6:23:53] KEGUNAAN: /wave [1-5] [6:24:22] (( PM to [9] Aamory_Achiolli: hey )) [6:24:31] (( PM to [9] Aamory_Achiolli: hey )) [6:24:36] (( PM from [9] Aamory_Achiolli: kenapa ya? )) [6:24:42] (( PM to [9] Aamory_Achiolli: gapapa:v )) [6:24:51] (( PM from [9] Aamory_Achiolli: PARAH BAPAK INI )) [6:24:54] (( PM to [9] Aamory_Achiolli: kwkwaoakwaw )) [6:24:54] * {FF0000}John_Shaner {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [6:24:57] (( PM to [9] Aamory_Achiolli: gabut anjir )) [6:25:4] (( PM from [9] Aamory_Achiolli: SAMA NIH )) [6:25:22] (( PM from [9] Aamory_Achiolli: JALAN JALAN AJA YOK )) [6:25:25] (( PM from [9] Aamory_Achiolli: Miss )) [6:25:29] (( PM to [9] Aamory_Achiolli: kuy wkwk )) [6:25:40] (( PM from [9] Aamory_Achiolli: Lom Juga Ketemuan wkwwwkwopw )) [6:25:44] (( PM from [9] Aamory_Achiolli: mis )) [6:25:46] (( PM from [9] Aamory_Achiolli: miss )) [6:25:58] (( PM to [9] Aamory_Achiolli: nanti gampang )) [6:26:7] (( PM from [9] Aamory_Achiolli: 462020 Neh )) [6:26:9] (( PM from [9] Aamory_Achiolli: Miss )) [6:26:15] (( PM from [9] Aamory_Achiolli: Salah wkwowkwow )) [6:26:17] (( PM to [9] Aamory_Achiolli: awokawowa )) [6:26:20] PHONE: {FFFFFF}Calling {00FFFF}number 462020{FFFFFF}, please wait for answer! [6:26:22] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telepon telah dijawab. [6:26:22] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Gunakan chat biasa untuk berkomunikasi lewat telpon, '/h' untuk menutup telpon. [6:26:25] Caller [phone]: memq memq [6:26:28] Vincent Lee [phone]: MEMEQ [6:26:29] Caller [phone]: sini MC [6:26:35] Vincent Lee [phone]: Bentar [6:26:43] Caller [phone]: Lama bet [6:26:46] Caller [phone]: hahaha [6:26:51] Vincent Lee [phone]: Bentar [6:26:53] Vincent Lee [phone]: Mau training [6:26:54] * {FF0000}Charlie_Veidrop {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [6:27:6] Caller [phone]: PARAH NEH [6:27:9] Vincent Lee [phone]: BAHAHAA [6:27:18] BANK: {ffffff}You've taken {ffff00}$250.00 {ffffff}from the bank. Current balance: {ffff00}$183,864.43 [6:27:23] Caller [phone]: Yaudah Cepet.... Beb [6:27:27] TRAINING: {FFFFFF}You've leveled up your {00FFFF}Shotgun (pump) {FFFFFF}skill from {FFFF00}700 {FFFFFF}to {00FF00}800 [6:27:27] TRAINING: {FFFFFF}You must wait {FFFF00}15 minutes {FFFFFF}before you can level up another skill. [6:27:29] Vincent Lee [phone]: Iyaaa [6:27:29] Telepon terputus... [6:27:58] * {FF0000}Logan_Pratten {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [6:28:16] * {FF0000}Abel_Yabe {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [6:28:32] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (462020) [6:28:32] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Lama Lama Seklai ini sayang [6:28:50] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Husshain Kareem: Police Adjudant 9612 is reporting off duty, over and out. [6:28:57] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [6:28:57] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 462020 [6:28:57] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Mau ngapain emang?;v [6:29:10] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (462020) [6:29:10] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Kan Mo Jalan Jalan MEMEq [6:29:16] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (462020) [6:29:16] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Pussying Kau Nih [6:30:53] * {FF0000}Bradley_Alvarez {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [6:30:58] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [6:30:58] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 462020 [6:30:58] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}KOAWKOAWOWA [6:31:2] [RADIO] PO-I Veilleux Sciverit: Police Officer I 8554 reporting off duty. [6:31:3] (( PM to [1] Bradley_Alvarez: EAAAAAAAA )) [6:31:6] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Rexley Hitamieka: 0-ADAM-1 Disbanded [6:31:7] (( PM from [1] Bradley_Alvarez: -_- )) [6:31:9] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (462020) [6:31:9] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Sini. [6:31:35] * {FF0000}Brock_Hampton {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [6:31:39] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (462020) [6:31:39] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Minta Uang Donk Pak. [6:31:39] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [6:31:40] HUD: {FFFFFF}Player HUD is {FF0000}hidden [6:31:44] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (462020) [6:31:44] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Gua Mau Training Juga [6:31:45] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [6:31:45] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 462020 [6:31:45] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Ga ada uang:( [6:31:45] HUD: {FFFFFF}Player HUD is {00FF00}visible [6:31:56] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (462020) [6:31:56] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Yeh....PARAH [6:32:6] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [6:32:6] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 462020 [6:32:6] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Cuman ada 100$ [6:32:10] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (462020) [6:32:10] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Yaudah Sini Biarin [6:32:18] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [6:32:18] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 462020 [6:32:18] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Sini ammunation deket bank [6:32:20] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (462020) [6:32:20] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Butuh Banget Bebeb [6:32:26] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (462020) [6:32:26] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Oke Wait [6:32:29] AdmCmd: Milagros_Covarrubias has been kicked by huncho. [6:32:29] Reason: Relogin. [6:32:37] (( PM from [1] Bradley_Alvarez: Gua ganteng )) [6:32:44] (( PM to [1] Bradley_Alvarez: mata mu )) [6:32:55] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (462020) [6:32:55] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}MELUNCUR BEEBEB [6:33:8] (( PM from [1] Bradley_Alvarez: Seriusan )) [6:33:10] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [6:33:10] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 462020 [6:33:10] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}LAMA KONTOL [6:33:13] (( PM from [1] Bradley_Alvarez: Ngapain gua bohong )) [6:33:15] (( PM to [1] Bradley_Alvarez: gantengan gua )) [6:33:20] (( PM from [1] Bradley_Alvarez: Gua ganteng )) [6:33:24] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (462020) [6:33:24] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}SABAR DI SAYANGI PACAR [6:33:31] (( PM to [1] Bradley_Alvarez: gantengan gua )) [6:33:32] (( PM to [1] Bradley_Alvarez: gantengan gua )) [6:33:33] (( PM to [1] Bradley_Alvarez: gantengan gua )) [6:33:33] (( PM from [1] Bradley_Alvarez: Gua ganteng )) [6:33:33] (( PM to [1] Bradley_Alvarez: gantengan gua )) [6:33:34] (( PM to [1] Bradley_Alvarez: gantengan gua )) [6:33:35] (( PM from [1] Bradley_Alvarez: Gua ganteng )) [6:33:35] (( PM to [1] Bradley_Alvarez: gantengan gua )) [6:33:37] (( PM from [1] Bradley_Alvarez: Gua ganteng )) [6:33:37] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [6:33:38] (( PM to [1] Bradley_Alvarez: gantengan gua )) [6:33:38] (( PM from [1] Bradley_Alvarez: Gua ganteng )) [6:33:38] (( PM to [1] Bradley_Alvarez: gantengan gua )) [6:33:39] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [6:33:39] (( PM from [1] Bradley_Alvarez: Gua ganteng )) [6:33:40] (( PM to [1] Bradley_Alvarez: gantengan gua )) [6:33:40] (( PM from [1] Bradley_Alvarez: Gua ganteng )) [6:33:40] (( PM to [1] Bradley_Alvarez: gantengan gua )) [6:33:41] (( PM from [1] Bradley_Alvarez: Gua ganteng )) [6:33:41] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [6:33:42] (( PM to [1] Bradley_Alvarez: gantengan gua )) [6:33:42] (( PM from [1] Bradley_Alvarez: Gua ganteng )) [6:33:42] (( PM to [1] Bradley_Alvarez: gantengan gua )) [6:33:43] (( PM from [1] Bradley_Alvarez: Gua ganteng )) [6:33:43] (( PM to [1] Bradley_Alvarez: gantengan gua )) [6:33:44] (( PM from [1] Bradley_Alvarez: Gua ganteng )) [6:33:44] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [6:33:45] (( PM to [1] Bradley_Alvarez: gantengan gua )) [6:33:45] (( PM from [1] Bradley_Alvarez: Gua ganteng )) [6:33:45] (( PM to [1] Bradley_Alvarez: gantengan gua )) [6:33:46] (( PM from [1] Bradley_Alvarez: Gua ganteng )) [6:33:46] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [6:33:46] (( PM to [1] Bradley_Alvarez: gantengan gua )) [6:33:48] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [6:33:48] (( PM from [1] Bradley_Alvarez: Gua ganteng )) [6:33:49] (( PM to [1] Bradley_Alvarez: gantengan gua )) [6:33:49] (( PM from [1] Bradley_Alvarez: Gua ganteng )) [6:33:49] (( PM to [1] Bradley_Alvarez: gantengan gua )) [6:33:50] (( PM from [1] Bradley_Alvarez: Gua ganteng )) [6:33:50] (( PM to [1] Bradley_Alvarez: gantengan gua )) [6:33:51] (( PM from [1] Bradley_Alvarez: Gua ganteng )) [6:33:51] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [6:33:52] (( PM to [1] Bradley_Alvarez: gantengan gua )) [6:33:52] (( PM from [1] Bradley_Alvarez: Gua ganteng )) [6:33:53] (( PM to [1] Bradley_Alvarez: gantengan gua )) [6:33:53] (( PM from [1] Bradley_Alvarez: Gua ganteng )) [6:33:53] (( PM to [1] Bradley_Alvarez: gantengan gua )) [6:33:54] (( PM from [1] Bradley_Alvarez: Gua ganteng )) [6:33:54] (( PM to [1] Bradley_Alvarez: gantengan gua )) [6:33:55] (( PM from [1] Bradley_Alvarez: Gua ganteng )) [6:33:55] (( PM to [1] Bradley_Alvarez: gantengan gua )) [6:33:56] (( PM from [1] Bradley_Alvarez: Gua ganteng )) [6:33:56] (( PM to [1] Bradley_Alvarez: gantengan gua )) [6:34:3] Aamory Achiolli says: mana bebe [6:34:3] (( PM to [1] Bradley_Alvarez: gantengan gua )) [6:34:6] Vincent Lee says: NIH [6:34:10] Aamory Achiolli says: goblog [6:34:17] Aamory Achiolli says: jhahahha [6:34:18] PAYINFO: {ffffff}You've given {ffff00}Aamory Achiolli [id:9] {00ff00}$100.00 [6:34:22] Aamory Achiolli says: Garink [6:34:27] Aamory Achiolli says: Hatur Thank's You [6:34:59] Aamory Achiolli says: Gaskeun [6:35:1] Vincent Lee says: Kemaan [6:35:9] Vincent Lee says: Kemana [6:35:15] * Aamory Achiolli Roll's Window [6:35:16] Aamory Achiolli says: gobloig [6:35:19] * {FF0000}Jhon_Hancock {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [6:35:21] Aamory Achiolli says: tembak aja [6:35:24] Aamory Achiolli says: biar seu [6:35:25] Aamory Achiolli: (( wkwowkwopw )) [6:35:46] ERROR: You must be near that player! [6:35:48] * Anda telah memborgol player Aamory_Achiolli. [6:35:50] Aamory Achiolli says: golbog [6:35:53] Aamory Achiolli says: anying ih [6:36:8] Vincent Lee: (( owakoaw )) [6:36:11] * Anda telah melepaskan borgol Aamory_Achiolli. [6:36:13] Aamory Achiolli says: aduh [6:36:20] ERROR: You don't have that kind of medicine! [6:36:22] INFO: {ffffff}You've used one {ffff00}Piosisymbrium Extra [6:36:36] Aamory Achiolli Shouts: ADA ORANG GILA.! [6:36:57] Aamory Achiolli says: Beb [6:37:0] Aamory Achiolli says: Tembakin Mobil Gua [6:37:8] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (462020) [6:37:8] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Goblog PARAH [6:37:30] Aamory Achiolli Shouts: ANJING! [6:37:34] Aamory Achiolli Shouts: GOBLOG! [6:37:37] Aamory Achiolli Shouts: GOBLOG! [6:37:41] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [6:37:41] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 462020 [6:37:41] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}AOKKOWAOAW [6:37:47] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (462020) [6:37:47] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Gantiin Dah [6:37:57] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [6:37:57] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 462020 [6:37:57] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}WAOkoawwa [6:37:59] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (462020) [6:37:59] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Dateng Kesini Di Sakitin GOBLOG PARAH [6:38:18] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (462020) [6:38:18] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Crack Gua goblog [6:38:29] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [6:38:29] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 462020 [6:38:29] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}woakokwaaw [6:38:30] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (462020) [6:38:30] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Crack Abis aduh PARAH [6:38:49] * Vincent Lee take m4 from front of body using both hands and ready to shoot. [6:38:55] * {FF0000}Kenroy_Livington {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Surabaya, Indonesia) [6:38:57] LOCK: {ffffff}Tire-lock has been applied to {ffff00}Sultan [6:39:5] Aamory Achiolli Shouts: goblog ! [6:39:8] Aamory Achiolli Shouts: PARAH NIH! [6:39:11] Aamory Achiolli: (( report )) [6:39:14] Aamory Achiolli: (( report ga jelas amat )) [6:39:15] Vincent Lee: (( najis )) [6:39:17] Vincent Lee: (( baperan ah )) [6:39:21] Vincent Lee: (( ga asik )) [6:39:27] LOCK: {ffffff}Tire-lock has been removed from {ffff00}Sultan [6:39:33] KEGUNAAN: /pay [playerid/name] [amount] [6:39:33] Aamory Achiolli: (( yaudah gantiing dan harus bagus lagi mobil gua )) [6:39:35] PAYINFO: {ffffff}You've given {ffff00}Aamory Achiolli [id:9] {00ff00}$200.00 [6:39:35] Aamory Achiolli: (( yaudah gantiing dan harus bagus lagi mobil gua )) [6:39:38] Aamory Achiolli says: Oke memeq [6:39:39] Vincent Lee: (( dah gua ga mau becanda lagi ma lu )) [6:39:46] Aamory Achiolli: (( derek )) [6:40:7] * {FF0000}Owen_Pearson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [6:40:9] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [6:40:9] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 462020 [6:40:9] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}bawa ke mc [6:40:18] (( PM to [11] Owen_Pearson: itu dah di unban cok )) [6:40:24] (( PM from [9] Aamory_Achiolli: PG :V )) [6:40:31] (( PM to [9] Aamory_Achiolli: engga )) [6:40:33] (( PM from [11] Owen_Pearson: emang udah )) [6:40:36] (( PM to [9] Aamory_Achiolli: gc )) [6:40:54] Aamory Achiolli: (( PG PAK )) [6:40:55] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [6:40:55] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 462020 [6:40:55] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}gua benerin di mc [6:40:58] Vincent Lee: (( GA )) [6:41:17] (( PM from [9] Aamory_Achiolli: Rpin Derek Aja )) [6:41:20] Vincent Lee: (( lamaaa )) [6:41:21] Aamory Achiolli: (( rp in derek )) [6:41:28] Aamory Achiolli says: ntar [6:41:30] * Vincent Lee menderek mobil sultan dengan bantuan tali [6:41:44] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[JUAL] Sanchez 3 insu 0 up | Call / SMS. [6:41:44] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Kenroy_Livington{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}600200{FF0000}] [6:41:49] Aamory Achiolli says: wait [6:42:36] * {FF0000}Markie_Wylde {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 02, Indonesia) [6:42:55] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[JUAL] Premier 3 insu 0 up | Call or SMS! [6:42:55] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Kenroy_Livington{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}600200{FF0000}] [6:42:58] Vincent Lee: (( anjeng mobil baja )) [6:42:59] Aamory Achiolli Shouts: Ngkak! [6:43:14] AdmCmd: Vincent_Lee has been warned by Dena_7730, Total warning: 1 [6:43:14] Reason: Non rp crash. [6:43:24] Aamory Achiolli: (( wkwowkow )) [6:43:25] REPORT: {ffffff}Your report has been issued to the queue, use '{ffff00}/reports{ffffff}' to see your report [6:43:30] Vincent Lee: (( wait )) [6:43:33] ERROR: that player is not connected! [6:43:36] [id:6] Volunteer firmanfairuz (Leroyce_West) [6:43:36] [id:8] Helper huncho (Brock_Hampton) [6:43:36] NOTE: {ffffff}Volunteer tidak memiliki kedudukan yang sama dengan Helper / Admin [6:43:36] AdmCmd: Dena_7730 has removed 1 warning(s) from Vincent_Lee, Total warning: 0 [6:43:39] Aamory Achiolli: (( wkwkwkow )) [6:43:40] Vincent Lee: (( gajelas )) [6:43:46] RESPOND: {ff0000}huncho {FFFFCC}has responded to your report [6:43:47] * {FF0000}Tyson_Cameron {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [6:43:48] LIMITSPEED: {ffffff}Vehicle speed limit set to {33AA33}15 mph [6:43:51] REPORT: {ffffff}Your report has been issued to the queue, use '{ffff00}/reports{ffffff}' to see your report [6:43:54] Aamory Achiolli says: golbog [6:43:58] AdmCmd: Vincent_Lee has been warned by Dena_7730, Total warning: 1 [6:43:58] Reason: Missusing /report [6:44:1] TRAINING: You can now continue training! [6:44:3] AdmCmd: Vincent_Lee has been kicked by Dena_7730. [6:44:3] Reason: missusing /report [6:45:17] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Selamat datang {ffff00}Vincent_Lee{ffffff}. [6:45:17] Faction MOTD: {FFFF00}Diharapkan untuk aktif In-Game dan Forum, panggilan /r tolong fast response. [6:45:17] MOTD: {ffff00}Mohon menggunakan '/report' dengan benar, berikan informasi yang jelas dan detail {ff0000}- Ian [6:45:17] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Anda terakhir login {ffff00}44 menit yang lalu [6:45:17] * {FF0000}Vincent_Lee {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [6:45:17] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Today is {ffff00}Sat 28 Sep 2019, 06:45:17 [6:45:17] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Server memerlukan waktu {ffff00}388 milisecond{ffffff} untuk memuat data char anda! [6:45:29] Rafael Cornejo says: Makasih banyak mas [6:45:29] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [6:45:30] Dimas Jey says: saya bonusin [6:45:32] Bradley Alvarez says: PD goblok. [6:45:32] ERROR: You need to wait until Sat 28 Sep 2019, 18:39:54 to reduce warning [6:45:36] * Aamory Achiolli Run Aways. [6:45:37] Bradley Alvarez says: Gua kill pake AKM mampus. [6:45:51] Bradley Alvarez says: AS [6:45:51] Aamory Achiolli says: Police Memeq [6:45:52] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [6:45:54] * Rafael Cornejo changes NRG's color using spraygun. [6:45:56] Aamory Achiolli says: gece [6:45:57] Bradley Alvarez says: Gua kill pake AKM mampus [6:46:1] Bradley Alvarez says: Gua kill pake AKM mampus [6:46:1] AME: {C2A2DA}examine veh [6:46:3] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}Finished examining vehicle {00FFFF}Sultan [6:46:3] NOTE: {FFFFFF}You are now able to use '{FFFF00}/vehmenu{FFFFFF}' on this vehicle [6:46:11] * {FF0000}Dennis_Zharckov {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [6:46:15] Vincent Lee says: Total 100$ [6:46:16] Vincent Lee says: Sini [6:46:24] * Aamory Achiolli pay too Vincent [6:46:27] AME: {C2A2DA}accept it [6:46:27] PAYINFO: {ffffff}You've received {00ff00}$100.00 {ffffff}from {ffff00}Aamory Achiolli [id:9] [6:46:32] (( {00FFFF}New Recruit Markie_Wylde: {FFFFFF}WOI )) [6:46:41] (( {00FFFF}New Recruit Markie_Wylde: {FFFFFF}Kalau memperbaiki kendaraan orang jangan duty SAPD lah )) [6:46:51] (( PM to [14] Markie_Wylde: gua ganti rugi )) [6:46:53] (( PM to [14] Markie_Wylde: tadi )) [6:46:58] COMPONENT: You've withdraw 187 components from Tow Truck! [6:46:58] AME: {C2A2DA}takes 187 units of components from the back of the Tow Truck [6:47:0] (( PM from [14] Markie_Wylde: y )) [6:47:5] * {FF0000}Owen_Pearson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [6:47:9] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[ST Montgomery Meubel] Menjual furniture berdesain elegan dan kekinian! [6:47:9] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Rafael_Cornejo{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}999990{FF0000}] [6:47:11] [id:6] Volunteer firmanfairuz (Leroyce_West) [6:47:11] [id:8] Helper huncho (Brock_Hampton) [6:47:11] NOTE: {ffffff}Volunteer tidak memiliki kedudukan yang sama dengan Helper / Admin [6:47:23] * Vincent Lee repairing engine using mc tools [6:47:27] Vincent Lee says: dah ya ban gausah [6:47:31] Vincent Lee says: Siapa suruh gangguin gua [6:47:31] Vincent Lee says: Bahaha [6:47:38] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}You've used {FFFF00}61 components {FFFFFF}to repair the engine of the {00FFFF}Sultan [6:47:40] done. ((Vincent Lee)) [6:47:51] * Vincent Lee fix the tire using mc tools [6:47:56] DYOC: {ffffff}Weapons attachment {33AA33}enabled [6:47:58] Aamory Achiolli says: Salah Lu Sih [6:48:7] Vincent Lee says: Lu anjeng [6:48:7] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}You've used {FFFF00}60 components {FFFFFF}to repair the tires of the {00FFFF}Sultan [6:48:9] Vincent Lee says: Gangguin gua [6:48:10] Logan Pratten says: Pak kepolisian lagi membuka rekruitmen gak? [6:48:10] done ((Vincent Lee)) [6:48:10] Aamory Achiolli says: jhahhahaa [6:48:24] * Vincent Lee repairing body using mc tools [6:48:34] {ff0000}huncho: {ffffff}(( Vincent )) [6:48:36] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}You've used {FFFF00}34 components {FFFFFF}to repair the body of the {00FFFF}Sultan [6:48:37] * {FF0000}Dilan_Carter {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Denpasar, Indonesia) [6:48:38] done ((Vincent Lee)) [6:48:39] Vincent Lee: (( apa )) [6:48:47] {ff0000}huncho: {ffffff}(( kamu sekarang lagi duty PD toh )) [6:48:55] Vincent Lee: (( iyaaa gua ganti rugi mobil dia:( )) [6:48:55] Aamory Achiolli: (( wkwowkow )) [6:48:58] Aamory Achiolli: (( Iya Min )) [6:49:0] Vincent Lee: (( udah selese ini sih )) [6:49:7] Logan Pratten: (( bgs ama gue wkwk )) [6:49:9] Aamory Achiolli: (( Dia Nembak Nembak Mobil Saya Ga JELAS )) [6:49:15] Aamory Achiolli: (( jadi dia ganti )) [6:49:25] Aamory Achiolli: (( CRACK GUA ABIS 1G )) [6:49:27] Aamory Achiolli: (( liat min )) [6:49:28] * {FF0000}Trever_Oneil {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 07, Indonesia) [6:49:30] {ff0000}huncho: {ffffff}(( okay lah kalo gitu )) [6:49:33] Aamory Achiolli: (( min ewait )) [6:49:33] Vincent Lee: (( sip )) [6:49:45] LIMITSPEED: {ffffff}Vehicle speed limit {ff0000}disabled [6:49:57] * {FF0000}Nemiah_Tucker {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bekasi, Indonesia) [6:50:22] LIMITSPEED: {ffffff}Vehicle speed limit set to {33AA33}15 mph [6:50:23] * {FF0000}Dilan_Carter {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Denpasar, Indonesia) [6:50:27] Aamory Achiolli: (( Belom )) [6:50:30] LIMITSPEED: {ffffff}Vehicle speed limit {ff0000}disabled [6:50:40] (( PM to [8] huncho: woe )) [6:50:43] (( PM to [8] huncho: gua di slap siapa )) [6:50:47] (( PM to [8] huncho: anjer )) [6:50:48] Vincent Lee: (( :) )) [6:50:49] Vincent Lee: (( plis la ya )) [6:50:49] (( PM from [8] huncho: mana gua tahu )) [6:50:54] (( PM to [8] huncho: spec gua )) [6:50:55] (( PM to [8] huncho: anjer )) [6:50:57] Vincent Lee: (( WOIII )) [6:51:17] (( PM to [8] huncho: darah gua setengan )) [6:51:20] * {FF0000}Fabian_Esparza {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Surabaya, Indonesia) [6:51:20] AdmCmd: Vincent_Lee has been kicked by huncho. [6:51:20] Reason: PM Admin on duty. [6:51:59] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Selamat datang {ffff00}Vincent_Lee{ffffff}. [6:51:59] Faction MOTD: {FFFF00}Diharapkan untuk aktif In-Game dan Forum, panggilan /r tolong fast response. [6:51:59] MOTD: {ffff00}Mohon menggunakan '/report' dengan benar, berikan informasi yang jelas dan detail {ff0000}- Ian [6:51:59] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Anda terakhir login {ffff00}6 menit yang lalu [6:51:59] * {FF0000}Vincent_Lee {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [6:51:59] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Today is {ffff00}Sat 28 Sep 2019, 06:51:59 [6:51:59] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Server memerlukan waktu {ffff00}230 milisecond{ffffff} untuk memuat data char anda! [6:52:13] DYOC: {ffffff}Weapons attachment {33AA33}enabled [6:52:19] Vincent Lee: (( WATEFAK )) [6:52:26] Vincent Lee: (( ANJER )) [6:52:41] AME: {C2A2DA}burns a cigar [6:53:3] Aamory Achiolli Shouts: police goblog! [6:53:5] * {FF0000}Karen_Riley {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [6:53:6] Aamory Achiolli Shouts: PARAH! [6:53:17] Aamory Achiolli says: Minta udud [6:53:18] * {FF0000}Yarushi_Takada {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [6:53:20] Vincent Lee says: Engga [6:53:23] Vincent Lee says: Lu bau [6:53:23] Aamory Achiolli says: anjing [6:53:25] Aamory Achiolli says: ih [6:53:28] Aamory Achiolli says: bau ih [6:53:33] Aamory Achiolli says: Si Usi [6:53:35] * {FF0000}Yurai_Momo {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Denpasar, Indonesia) [6:53:56] Yarushi Takada says: lagi ngapain kalian [6:54:4] * Aamory Achiolli Mengentuti Vincent [6:54:5] Vincent Lee: (( gua di slap langsung dislocated parah )) [6:54:8] Yarushi Takada says: mory kamu kenapa [6:54:10] * {FF0000}Roberto_Chavez {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 02, Indonesia) [6:54:11] * Vincent Lee take m4 from front of body using both hands and ready to shoot. [6:54:15] Aamory Achiolli says: PARAH [6:54:19] Aamory Achiolli says: goblog [6:54:19] Yarushi Takada says: wis [6:54:20] * {FF0000}Roman_Wick {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Central Jakarta, Indonesia) [6:54:28] Yarushi Takada says: parah [6:54:36] Aamory Achiolli Shouts: SAPI NYA NGAMUK GAES! [6:54:37] Aamory Achiolli Shouts: SAPI NYA NGAMUK GAES! [6:54:38] Yarushi Takada says: mory anter gua ke dilimore [6:54:45] Yarushi Takada says: mory anter gua ke dilimore [6:54:52] Aamory Achiolli says: Sloww.. [6:55:12] Vincent Lee says: Dadah [6:55:30] * {FF0000}Georges_Parker {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Yogyakarta, Indonesia) [6:55:35] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (462020) [6:55:35] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Dadah Bebeb [6:55:36] REPORT: {ffffff}Your report has been issued to the queue, use '{ffff00}/reports{ffffff}' to see your report [6:55:43] RESPOND: {ff0000}Scumbag {FFFFCC}has responded to your report [6:55:45] Vincent Lee: (( mobil baja kowakowaaw )) [6:55:48] Vincent Lee: (( mobil baja kowakowaaw )) [6:55:51] Aamory Achiolli: (( wkwowkwo )) [6:55:53] Aamory Achiolli Shouts: kit adorong! [6:55:58] TELEPORT: {FFFF00}Fabian_Esparza {FFFFFF}has teleported to you! [6:56:0] Vincent Lee: (( anjer gabisa )) [6:56:9] Aamory Achiolli: (( aneh )) [6:56:12] Yarushi Takada Shouts: parkir sembarangan ! [6:56:12] Aamory Achiolli: (( di paragerin )) [6:56:13] Vincent Lee: (( kowakowa )) [6:56:27] (( PM to [18] Fabian_Esparza: slow dong:v )) [6:56:37] (( PM to [18] Fabian_Esparza: sekaratul mau )) [6:56:39] (( PM to [18] Fabian_Esparza: sekaratul maut )) [6:56:43] (( PM from [18] Fabian_Esparza: oawkoawk )) [6:56:49] Aamory Achiolli: (( darah gua )) [6:56:50] Fabian Esparza: (( oawkoawko )) [6:56:52] Aamory Achiolli: (( darah gua )) [6:56:53] Vincent Lee says: b gua heal wo [6:56:55] AdmCmd: Karen_Riley has been kicked by huncho. [6:56:55] Reason: Relog. [6:56:55] Vincent Lee says: )) [6:56:57] Aamory Achiolli: (( ya woo )) [6:57:1] Vincent Lee: (( anjer gua sekaratul okkowakowa )) [6:57:5] Aamory Achiolli: (( sami )) [6:57:15] Aamory Achiolli: (( semngat )) [6:59:15] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Selamat datang {ffff00}Vincent_Lee{ffffff}. [6:59:15] Faction MOTD: {FFFF00}Diharapkan untuk aktif In-Game dan Forum, panggilan /r tolong fast response. [6:59:15] MOTD: {ffff00}Mohon menggunakan '/report' dengan benar, berikan informasi yang jelas dan detail {ff0000}- Ian [6:59:15] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Anda terakhir login {ffff00}7 menit yang lalu [6:59:15] * {FF0000}Vincent_Lee {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [6:59:15] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Today is {ffff00}Sat 28 Sep 2019, 06:59:15 [6:59:15] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Server memerlukan waktu {ffff00}247 milisecond{ffffff} untuk memuat data char anda! [6:59:33] (( PM to [18] Fabian_Esparza: a )) [6:59:35] (( PM to [18] Fabian_Esparza: heal anjer;v )) [7:0:13] HUD: {FFFFFF}Player HUD is {FF0000}hidden [7:0:24] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: Adjudant 10168 to Adjudant Fabian [7:0:27] * {FF0000}Tyson_Cameron {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [7:0:27] HUD: {FFFFFF}Player HUD is {00FF00}visible [7:0:37] * {FF0000}Yurai_Momo {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Denpasar, Indonesia) [7:0:45] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[DIBELI] Truck untuk hauling! Call or SMS. [7:0:45] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Kenroy_Livington{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}600200{FF0000}] [7:1:6] * {FF0000}Leon_Shaw {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Surakarta, Indonesia) [7:1:12] * {FF0000}Yurai_Momo {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Denpasar, Indonesia) [7:1:24] (( PM to [18] Scumbag: njir malah aod )) [7:1:25] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [7:1:26] [id:8] Helper huncho (Brock_Hampton) [7:1:26] [id:18] Helper Scumbag (Fabian_Esparza) [7:1:26] NOTE: {ffffff}Volunteer tidak memiliki kedudukan yang sama dengan Helper / Admin [7:1:33] (( PM from [18] Scumbag: knapa? )) [7:1:43] (( PM to [18] Fabian_Esparza: ts bareng+patrol )) [7:1:49] (( PM from [18] Fabian_Esparza: ntar )) [7:1:59] (( PM to [18] Fabian_Esparza: jam? :v )) [7:1:59] ERROR: You don't have the privilege to use this command! [7:3:5] AdmCmd: Logan_Pratten has been kicked by huncho. [7:3:5] Reason: gunakan /ask untuk bertanya, /report untuk melaporkan player yang break rules. [7:3:16] No ATM found! [7:3:19] BANK: {ffffff}You've taken {ffff00}$500.00 {ffffff}from the bank. Current balance: {ffff00}$183,364.43 [7:3:26] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (462020) [7:3:26] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Mo Kerja Dolo Biar Rame. [7:3:32] TRAINING: {FFFFFF}You've leveled up your {00FFFF}Shotgun (pump) {FFFFFF}skill from {FFFF00}800 {FFFFFF}to {00FF00}900 [7:3:32] TRAINING: {FFFFFF}You must wait {FFFF00}15 minutes {FFFFFF}before you can level up another skill. [7:3:49] * {FF0000}Dilan_Carter {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Denpasar, Indonesia) [7:4:1] * {FF0000}Trever_Oneil {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 07, Indonesia) [7:4:52] * {FF0000}Leon_Shaw {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Surakarta, Indonesia) [7:4:58] PHONE: {FF0000}Number 462020 {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [7:5:11] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telpon berhenti berdering! [7:5:26] * {FF0000}Dilan_Carter {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Denpasar, Indonesia) [7:5:29] * {FF0000}Charlie_Veidrop {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [7:6:6] Roman Wick: (( oh hai )) [7:6:14] Roman Wick: (( jadi polisi gimana yaa )) [7:6:20] * {FF0000}Dilan_Carter {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Denpasar, Indonesia) [7:6:36] * {FF0000}Yevgraf_Slawosky {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [7:6:41] * {FF0000}Tyshawn_Rilley {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [7:6:55] * {FF0000}James_Norvin {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Malang, Indonesia) [7:7:5] * {FF0000}Tyson_Cameron {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [7:7:23] DYOC: {ffffff}Weapons attachment {33AA33}enabled [7:7:47] AdmCmd: Brock_Hampton has been kicked by Scumbag. [7:7:47] Reason: Relog [7:8:30] * {FF0000}Andri_Setiawans {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [7:9:38] * {FF0000}Neandro_Sabian {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 07, Indonesia) [7:11:2] * {FF0000}Leon_Shaw {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Surakarta, Indonesia) [7:11:55] * {FF0000}Brock_Hampton {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [7:12:24] PAYCHECK: {FFFF00}Pergi ke bank dan /signcheck untuk mendapatkan gaji anda atau pergi ke salah satu ATM! [7:13:12] SPEEDTRAP: {ffffff}Speedtrap announcement {33AA33}enabled [7:13:13] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [7:13:28] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [7:14:9] * {FF0000}Johnson_Ferguson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [7:14:21] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Palomino Farm. Price? PC. [7:14:21] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Gael_Nores{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}77777770{FF0000}] [7:14:44] PHONE: {FF0000}Number 580888 {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [7:14:48] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Anda telah menjawab telpon. [7:14:48] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Gunakan chat biasa untuk berkomunikasi lewat telpon, '/h' untuk menutup telpon. [7:14:50] Caller [phone]: Hay Beybeh. [7:14:52] Vincent Lee [phone]: apa? [7:14:54] Caller [phone]: Ini gua Tom. [7:14:57] Vincent Lee [phone]: Kenapa [7:14:57] Caller [phone]: njer. [7:15:1] (( PM to [15] Gael_Nores: wkkwk )) [7:15:4] (( PM to [15] Gael_Nores: gabetah> )) [7:15:6] (( PM to [15] Gael_Nores: gabetah?:v )) [7:15:9] Caller [phone]: cek keadaan doang.\ [7:15:10] Caller [phone]: )) [7:15:12] Telepon terputus... [7:15:16] (( {00FFFF}Newbie Tyshawn_Rilley: {FFFFFF}Gunakan /ask untuk bertanya seputar server. )) [7:15:29] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[JUAL] Resto donat Market. SMS kan harga kamu. [7:15:29] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Fabian_Esparza{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}7878{FF0000}] [7:15:31] (( {00FFFF}Newbie Tyshawn_Rilley: {FFFFFF}Gunakan /report untuk melaporkan player yang Break Rules )) [7:15:40] (( {00FFFF}Newbie Tyshawn_Rilley: {FFFFFF}Gunakan /changelog untuk melihat update terbaru dari server. )) [7:15:53] (( PM to [4] Andri_Setiawans: a )) [7:15:54] (( PM to [4] Andri_Setiawans: a )) [7:16:2] (( PM to [4] Andri_Setiawans: sekolah woi bukan bolos waokwakoowa )) [7:16:9] Vincent Lee says: /training [7:16:10] (( PM from [4] Andri_Setiawans: mabal )) [7:16:10] Vincent Lee says: )) [7:16:13] ERROR: You must wait 3 minutes before you can start training! [7:16:17] (( PM to [4] Andri_Setiawans: wkwk )) [7:16:20] (( PM from [4] Andri_Setiawans: samping gua ada Tom nih )) [7:16:37] * {FF0000}Michael_Etheridge {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [7:16:39] (( PM from [4] Andri_Setiawans: @Tom ee )) [7:16:41] (( PM to [4] Andri_Setiawans: iya tau wkaokkaw )) [7:16:45] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [7:16:51] (( PM to [4] Andri_Setiawans: baca wa )) [7:16:59] (( PM to [18] Fabian_Esparza: ayu )) [7:17:4] (( PM to [18] Fabian_Esparza: ts+patrol )) [7:17:58] * {FF0000}Patrick_Rothschild {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [7:18:39] (( PM from [18] Scumbag: vincent )) [7:18:45] (( PM from [18] Scumbag: lu kan ada warn 1 )) [7:18:57] (( PM from [18] Scumbag: coba lu /usegold reduce warn bisa? )) [7:19:18] Michael Etheridge says: Pak. [7:19:27] Michael Etheridge says: Itu EMPOR masih megang di ketek ya? [7:19:53] (( PM to [18] Scumbag: g )) [7:20:1] (( PM to [18] Scumbag: gajelas admin lu )) [7:20:2] (( PM from [18] Scumbag: noticenya apa/ )) [7:20:3] (( PM to [18] Scumbag: anjer )) [7:20:7] ERROR: You need to wait until Sat 28 Sep 2019, 18:39:54 to reduce warning [7:20:15] (( PM to [18] Scumbag: tunggu jam 18:39:54 baru bisa use )) [7:20:17] (( PM to [7] Michael_Etheridge: a )) [7:20:21] TRAINING: You can now continue training! [7:20:21] (( PM from [7] Michael_Etheridge: b )) [7:20:21] * {FF0000}Leon_Shaw {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Surakarta, Indonesia) [7:20:23] (( PM from [18] Scumbag: oh )) [7:20:24] (( PM to [7] Michael_Etheridge: abis dari kamar mandi cuk )) [7:20:28] (( PM to [18] Scumbag: suruh remove warn )) [7:20:29] (( PM from [7] Michael_Etheridge: Coli? )) [7:20:33] (( PM to [7] Michael_Etheridge: wkwk )) [7:20:34] * {FF0000}Tyson_Cameron {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [7:20:38] (( PM to [7] Michael_Etheridge: ketempat gua tadi af )) [7:20:39] (( PM to [7] Michael_Etheridge: ketempat gua tadi afk )) [7:20:53] TRAINING: {FFFFFF}You've leveled up your {00FFFF}Shotgun (pump) {FFFFFF}skill from {FFFF00}900 {FFFFFF}to {00FF00}1000 [7:20:53] TRAINING: {FFFFFF}You must wait {FFFF00}15 minutes {FFFFFF}before you can level up another skill. [7:20:53] ERROR: You must wait 15 minutes before you can start training! [7:21:3] (( PM to [7] Michael_Etheridge: ketempat gua tadi afk )) [7:21:5] Vincent Lee says: Apa? [7:21:10] Michael Etheridge says: Bagi uang pak [7:21:12] Michael Etheridge says: Buat beli sultan [7:21:13] * {FF0000}Phoebe_Lynch {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [7:21:14] * {FF0000}Patrick_Rothschild {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [7:21:18] Vincent Lee says: Sisa 44$ anjeng [7:21:18] Michael Etheridge says: Buat bantu bapak ntar [7:21:20] Vincent Lee says: Belom gajian [7:21:26] Michael Etheridge says: Di bawah ada ATM pak [7:21:31] Vincent Lee says: Rusak itu ATM [7:21:33] Michael Etheridge says: Please lah pak [7:21:42] Michael Etheridge says: Nanti kalau saya bunuh penjahat [7:21:45] Michael Etheridge says: Gua ganti uangnya pak [7:21:52] (( PM to [18] Fabian_Esparza: a )) [7:21:59] (( PM to [18] Fabian_Esparza: suruh admin dena remove warn )) [7:22:10] (( PM to [18] Fabian_Esparza: gajelas gua minta tolong malah di warn missusing report )) [7:22:11] (( PM from [18] Fabian_Esparza: gk ada orangnya )) [7:22:12] Michael Etheridge says: Pak [7:22:13] Michael Etheridge says: Masih bagus [7:22:18] (( PM to [18] Fabian_Esparza: siapa si nicknya dia? )) [7:22:20] Michael Etheridge says: Saya baru ambil $20 [7:22:22] (( PM to [18] Fabian_Esparza: remove aja dong gua )) [7:22:26] Vincent Lee says: rusak [7:22:28] (( PM from [18] Fabian_Esparza: gk bisa )) [7:22:29] Vincent Lee says: Kartu gua [7:22:31] Michael Etheridge says: Pelit banget bapaknya [7:22:33] (( PM to [18] Fabian_Esparza: kok gabisa? )) [7:22:38] Vincent Lee says: Senen [7:23:21] Whisper to Michael Etheridge: Minat AK ato DE Ga? [7:23:28] Whisper from Michael Etheridge: DE [7:23:35] Whisper to Michael Etheridge: ikut gua [7:23:43] Michael Etheridge says: Woi [7:23:44] Michael Etheridge says: Pak [7:23:46] Vincent Lee says: Apa [7:23:53] Michael Etheridge says: aman kan? [7:23:58] HUD: {FFFFFF}Player HUD is {FF0000}hidden [7:24:0] HUD: {FFFFFF}Player HUD is {00FF00}visible [7:24:0] Michael Etheridge says: Barang bekas tuh kan? [7:24:3] Vincent Lee says: Bekas [7:24:4] Michael Etheridge says: Ok [7:24:19] HUD: {FFFFFF}Player HUD is {FF0000}hidden [7:24:19] HUD: {FFFFFF}Player HUD is {00FF00}visible [7:24:24] ERROR: Unable to trace that number! [7:25:10] Vincent Lee says: WOe [7:25:13] Michael Etheridge says: Apa? [7:25:13] Vincent Lee says: Ada robber di GYM Ganton [7:25:21] * {FF0000}Roberto_Chavez {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 02, Indonesia) [7:25:22] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (123551) [7:25:22] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Sikat lah [7:25:33] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (123551) [7:25:33] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Minta backup [7:26:3] Vincent Lee: (( owakkowawa )) [7:26:4] Neandro Sabian says: pagi pak [7:26:8] Vincent Lee says: Pagi juga [7:26:13] Neandro Sabian says: Joging pak [7:26:17] Trever Oneil says: iya pak [7:26:20] Trever Oneil says: biar ber otot [7:26:22] Trever Oneil says: dan sehat [7:26:25] Vincent Lee says: Okeh [7:26:31] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [7:26:31] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 123551 [7:26:31] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}PIZZA [7:26:36] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (123551) [7:26:36] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Ga ada [7:26:50] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [7:26:50] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 123551 [7:26:50] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Pantekin gym aja [7:26:57] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [7:26:57] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 123551 [7:26:57] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}ini cewe [7:27:2] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (123551) [7:27:2] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Yakin? [7:27:8] (( {FF0000}Helper huncho: {FFFFFF}Roadtrain RP drivingnya di pakai. )) [7:27:9] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [7:27:9] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 123551 [7:27:9] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Iya yakin [7:27:17] (( {FF0000}Helper huncho: {FFFFFF}Roadtrain abu-abu )) [7:27:18] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [7:27:18] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 123551 [7:27:18] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Robbernya ppada di dalem [7:27:27] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (123551) [7:27:27] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Dapat info dari siapa? [7:27:32] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (123551) [7:27:32] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Orang dalam? [7:27:37] (( PM to [7] Michael_Etheridge: baca fb )) [7:27:44] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ James_Norvin ] Phone: [ 773390 ] [7:27:44] Message: Ada mobil polisi mangkrak di dekat lumberjack. [7:27:47] PHONE: {FF0000}Number 993337 {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [7:27:51] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Anda telah menjawab telpon. [7:27:51] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Gunakan chat biasa untuk berkomunikasi lewat telpon, '/h' untuk menutup telpon. [7:27:53] Vincent Lee [phone]: Siapa? [7:27:55] Caller [phone]: Ke WS [7:27:57] Telepon terputus... [7:28:8] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [7:28:8] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 993337 [7:28:8] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}ada apa? [7:28:13] (( PM from [7] Michael_Etheridge: dah )) [7:28:18] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (993337) [7:28:18] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Modip [7:28:40] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [7:28:40] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 993337 [7:28:40] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Bentar [7:28:41] * {FF0000}Tyson_Cameron {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [7:28:44] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [7:28:44] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 993337 [7:28:44] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Modip apa aja [7:28:45] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (993337) [7:28:45] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Buruan [7:28:57] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (993337) [7:28:57] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Banyak [7:29:1] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [7:29:1] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 993337 [7:29:1] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}otw [7:29:17] * {FF0000}Christopher_Charlest {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [7:29:26] Vincent Lee: (( maap lag )) [7:29:46] AdmCmd: Kenroy_Livington has been kicked by huncho. [7:29:46] Reason: Anda itu sedang bawa truck, bukan mobil sport mas. [7:29:59] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 83 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Santa Maria Beach [7:30:4] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 83 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Santa Maria Beach [7:30:17] TOLL: {FFFFFF}Used 1 toll card point to pay toll access. [7:30:19] ERROR: Please wait untill the gate is closed! [7:30:26] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 61 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Flint Intersection [7:30:44] Vincent Lee says: Apa aja? [7:30:49] * Roberto Chavez Pass some money to Lee [7:30:52] AME: {C2A2DA}accept it [7:30:55] PAYINFO: {ffffff}You've received {00ff00}$200.00 {ffffff}from {ffff00}Roberto Chavez [id:15] [7:30:58] Vincent Lee says: Apa aja? [7:31:5] Roberto Chavez says: N20 [7:31:17] Vincent Lee says: Terus: [7:31:17] Roberto Chavez says: Bumper depan belakang alien [7:31:20] Vincent Lee says: Ok [7:31:21] KEGUNAAN: (/m)egaphone [megaphone chat] [7:31:24] Roberto Chavez says: Knalpot [7:31:30] AME: {C2A2DA}examineveh [7:31:36] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}Finished examining vehicle {00FFFF}Sultan [7:31:36] NOTE: {FFFFFF}You are now able to use '{FFFF00}/vehmenu{FFFFFF}' on this vehicle [7:31:52] * Vincent Lee installing mod using mc tools [7:31:55] Roberto Chavez says: Bonusin 1 mod dik [7:31:55] WORKSHOP: {FFFFFF}You've deposited {00FF00}$200.00 {FFFFFF}in the workshop vault! [7:31:58] Vincent Lee says: Ga bisa [7:32:4] Vincent Lee: (( lu siapa cuk )) [7:32:7] Roberto Chavez says: Lola [7:32:10] Vincent Lee: (( lola? )) [7:32:13] Roberto Chavez says: Ya [7:32:18] * {FF0000}Kenroy_Livington {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Surabaya, Indonesia) [7:32:23] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [7:32:23] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 123551 [7:32:23] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Pantekin gymnya [7:32:25] proses. ((Vincent Lee)) [7:32:29] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (123551) [7:32:29] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}yA [7:32:33] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [7:32:39] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [7:32:39] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 123551 [7:32:39] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Masih di gym lu? [7:32:50] Roberto Chavez: (( gainget pasti lu mah )) [7:32:55] Vincent Lee: (( emang owakoawkowa )) [7:33:5] Vincent Lee: (( lola syaqueena? )) [7:33:7] Roberto Chavez: (( y )) [7:33:10] Vincent Lee: (( siapa anjir:v )) [7:33:24] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}You've installed mod {FFFF00}10x Nitro {FFFFFF}on {00FFFF}Sultan [7:33:25] * {FF0000}Michael_Etheridge {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [7:33:25] done. ((Vincent Lee)) [7:33:26] Roberto Chavez: (( di WA lu nawarinerteem jga ko :D )) [7:33:30] Vincent Lee: (( awokwakowa )) [7:33:35] ERROR: You need 50 component and mechanic level 3 to modify vehicles! [7:33:36] KEGUNAAN: /w [playerid/name] [text] [7:33:40] WORKSHOP: {FFFFFF}You've taken {FFFF00}200 units {FFFFFF}of components from the workshop! [7:33:49] * {FF0000}Leon_Shaw {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Surakarta, Indonesia) [7:33:51] * Vincent Lee installing mod using mc tools [7:33:53] proses. ((Vincent Lee)) [7:34:1] Roberto Chavez says: Jual gun ga ? [7:34:5] Roberto Chavez says: Wahaha. [7:34:21] * {FF0000}Tyson_Cameron {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [7:34:37] Vincent Lee says: AK DE [7:34:39] Vincent Lee says: Mau yang mana? [7:34:40] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (123551) [7:34:40] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Gerak orang itu [7:34:41] [ID] ID: 15 | Name: Roberto_Chavez | Level: 7 | Ping: 127 | Launcher: Yes [7:34:41] Roberto Chavez says: Berapaan [7:34:47] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [7:34:47] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 123551 [7:34:47] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Bawa senjata? [7:34:51] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (123551) [7:34:51] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Mau gas [7:34:55] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (123551) [7:34:55] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Sultan kuning [7:34:57] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [7:34:57] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 123551 [7:34:57] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Bawa senjata ga [7:35:0] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (123551) [7:35:0] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Iya [7:35:5] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (123551) [7:35:5] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Gatau dah [7:35:6] (( PM to [7] Michael_Etheridge: bentar gua mau afk beli aer anjeng )) [7:35:15] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [7:35:15] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 123551 [7:35:15] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Berapa orang? [7:35:15] * {FF0000}Gael_Nores {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Kuningan Barat, Indonesia) [7:35:20] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (123551) [7:35:20] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}3 [7:35:26] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}You've installed mod {FFFF00}Alien Front Bumper 'Sultan' {FFFFFF}on {00FFFF}Sultan [7:35:27] done. ((Vincent Lee)) [7:35:40] * Vincent Lee installing mod using mc tools [7:35:44] Vincent Lee: (( gua mau afk beli air pulak:v )) [7:35:47] Roberto Chavez says: Berapaan dik anjir kacang [7:35:51] Vincent Lee says: Apa [7:35:52] Roberto Chavez: (( zzz )) [7:35:54] Roberto Chavez says: Akde [7:35:59] Vincent Lee says: AK 4k [7:36:0] Vincent Lee says: DE 2k [7:36:13] Roberto Chavez says: full ammo kan de ? [7:36:17] Vincent Lee says: Ga [7:36:17] Roberto Chavez says: surplus ? [7:36:22] Roberto Chavez says: Anjeng [7:36:22] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (123551) [7:36:22] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}4 [7:36:24] Vincent Lee says: Surplus iya [7:36:27] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [7:36:27] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 123551 [7:36:27] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Ikutin aja terus [7:36:33] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (123551) [7:36:33] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Ya, fitness lagi [7:36:33] Roberto Chavez says: Berapa ammo ? [7:36:35] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [7:36:36] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [7:36:36] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 123551 [7:36:36] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}waokoakwwa [7:36:37] Vincent Lee says: 150 [7:36:44] Roberto Chavez says: Mahal [7:36:48] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (123551) [7:36:48] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Udah sultannya plagiat Jason [7:36:54] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [7:36:54] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 123551 [7:36:54] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}AKWOOKAWOWA [7:37:3] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (123551) [7:37:3] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Tapi jiwa barbarnya ga [7:37:16] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}You've installed mod {FFFF00}Alien Rear Bumper 'Sultan' {FFFFFF}on {00FFFF}Sultan [7:37:22] Roberto Chavez says: Beli ladang noh palomino [7:37:30] * Vincent Lee installing mod using mc tools [7:37:35] Vincent Lee says: Itu ladang bekas gua [7:37:45] TRAINING: You can now continue training! [7:37:56] Roberts Anderson says: Hello pak polisi [7:38:6] Roberts Anderson says: Benerin sanchez saya dong... [7:38:9] Roberto Chavez says: Bukan. [7:38:53] Vincent Lee Shouts: Iya?! [7:38:54] Roberto Chavez says: Ga panas tangan lu ? [7:39:8] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}You've installed mod {FFFF00}X-Flow Exhaust 'Sultan' {FFFFFF}on {00FFFF}Sultan [7:39:8] done. ((Vincent Lee)) [7:39:16] Roberto Chavez says: Alien [7:39:18] Roberto Chavez says: Lain xflow [7:39:21] AME: {C2A2DA}examine veh [7:39:21] Roberto Chavez says: Gajelas ah [7:39:22] Vincent Lee says: Bodo ah [7:39:25] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}Finished examining vehicle {00FFFF}Sanchez [7:39:25] NOTE: {FFFFFF}You are now able to use '{FFFF00}/vehmenu{FFFFFF}' on this vehicle [7:39:39] Vincent Lee: (( dah gua mau afk )) [7:39:41] Vincent Lee: (( beli aer )) [7:39:41] Vincent Lee says: t/q [7:39:43] Vincent Lee says: )) [7:52:21] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Selamat datang {ffff00}Vincent_Lee{ffffff}. [7:52:21] Faction MOTD: {FFFF00}Diharapkan untuk aktif In-Game dan Forum, panggilan /r tolong fast response. [7:52:21] MOTD: {ffff00}Mohon menggunakan '/report' dengan benar, berikan informasi yang jelas dan detail {ff0000}- Ian [7:52:21] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Anda terakhir login {ffff00}53 menit yang lalu [7:52:21] * {FF0000}Vincent_Lee {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [7:52:21] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Today is {ffff00}Sat 28 Sep 2019, 07:52:21 [7:52:21] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Server memerlukan waktu {ffff00}148 milisecond{ffffff} untuk memuat data char anda! [7:52:38] SPEEDTRAP: {ffffff}Speedtrap announcement {33AA33}enabled [7:52:55] ==================[MDC Print Report]================== [7:52:55] >>> {00ff00}A. Personal Information [7:52:55] >>> {ffffff}ID Number: {ffff00}SA000174503 [7:52:55] >>> {ffffff}Name: {ffff00}Andri_Setiawans [7:52:55] >>> {ffffff}Phone: 580888 [7:52:55] >>> {00ff00}B. Occupation [7:52:55] >>> {ffffff}Job: {ffff00}Truck Driver [7:52:55] >>> {00ff00}C. Licenses [7:52:55] >>> {ffffff}Driving: {ffff00}{FFA500}Expired since Tue 24 Sep 2019, 09:35:29 [7:52:55] >>> {ffffff}Flying: {ffff00}{FF0000}Not passed [7:52:55] >>> {ffffff}Sailing: {ffff00}{FF0000}Not passed [7:52:55] >>> {ffffff}Firearm: {ffff00}{FF0000}Not passed [7:52:55] >>> {ffffff}Lumberjack: {ffff00}{FF0000}Not passed [7:52:55] >>> {00ff00}D. Active Charges [7:52:55] >>> {ffffff}None [7:52:55] >>> {00ff00}E. Crime Record [7:52:55] >>> {ffffff}1. Evading from police stop. [7:52:55] >>> Issued by: Cassion_Dante [7:52:55] >>> Issue date: Tue 09 Jul 2019, 15:02:20 [7:52:55] >>> {ffffff}2. Failure to comply. [7:52:55] >>> Issued by: Cassion_Dante [7:52:55] >>> Issue date: Tue 09 Jul 2019, 15:02:00 [7:52:55] >>> {ffffff}3. Meele Robbery. [7:52:55] >>> Issued by: Cassion_Dante [7:52:55] >>> Issue date: Tue 09 Jul 2019, 15:01:56 [7:52:55] >>> {00ff00}F. Registered Vehicles [7:52:55] >>> {ffffff}None [7:52:55] >>> {00ff00}G. Unpaid Tickets [7:52:55] >>> {ffffff}None [7:52:55] ==================[MDC End of Page]================== [7:53:6] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [7:53:20] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 71 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Flint Intersection [7:53:25] TOLL: {FFFFFF}Used 1 toll card point to pay toll access. [7:53:34] * {FF0000}Millena_Engel {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [7:53:34] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [7:53:40] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 71 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Santa Maria Beach [7:53:42] * {FF0000}Aamory_Achiolli {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [7:53:46] * {FF0000}Derrick_Starbuck {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [7:53:50] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [7:54:8] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [7:54:9] KEGUNAAN: /takelicense [playerid/name] [driving,sailing,flying,gun,lumberjack,trucker] [7:54:18] LICINFO: Anda telah mengambil driving license dari Vincent Lee. [7:54:18] LICINFO: Vincent Lee telah mengambil driving license dari anda. [7:54:25] Driving license: [{FF0000}Not passed{FFFFFF}] [7:54:25] Flying license: [{FF0000}Not passed{FFFFFF}] [7:54:25] Boat license: [{00FF00}Valid until Thu 07 Nov 2019, 14:11:07{FFFFFF}] [7:54:25] Firearm license: [{FF0000}Not passed{FFFFFF}] [7:54:25] NOTE: use '/licenses show [playerid/name]' to show licenses to other player! [7:54:27] * {FF0000}Mark_Eland {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [7:54:27] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 53 MPH in 15 MPH limit zone, location: Verdant Bluffs [7:54:43] ERROR: Player tersebut tidak mempunyai gun license! [7:54:57] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [7:55:2] Mask 291485: (( bentar lagi tunggu temen )) [7:55:5] * {FF0000}Louise_Starbuck {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Cipete, Indonesia) [7:55:7] Vincent Lee: (( santuy )) [7:55:8] Mask 291485: (( oke? )) [7:55:8] Vincent Lee: (( akwkw )) [7:55:14] Vincent Lee: (( kebelet berak gua )) [7:55:15] Mask 904032: (( wkwkwk )) [7:55:16] Vincent Lee: (( anjer )) [7:55:17] Mask 291485: (( kwkwkkw )) [7:55:18] * {FF0000}Trever_Oneil {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 07, Indonesia) [7:55:21] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [7:55:22] Mask 291485: (( berak sono xD )) [7:55:23] Mask 931862: (( wkwkw )) [7:55:26] * {FF0000}Paulo_Gerald {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [7:55:26] Vincent Lee: (( kowaokwa paok klen anjer )) [7:55:29] * {FF0000}Yarushi_Takada {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [7:55:35] Vincent Lee: (( njir kerad akowakw )) [7:55:35] Mask 944092: (( go. )) [7:55:41] Vincent Lee: (( CEPET )) [7:55:47] Mask 931862: (( wkwkw )) [7:55:49] * {FF0000}Theriault_Chevrette {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Cipete, Indonesia) [7:55:51] Mask 931862 says: cepet [7:56:43] * Mask 931862 take out his .88 pump from back spine use both hands and ready shot. [7:56:43] * Mask 904032 Grabs Out His.88 Pump From backbody and ready to shoot enemy anytime. [7:56:47] * Vincent Lee take m4 from front of body using both hands and ready to shoot. [7:56:56] INFO: {ffffff}Character anda telah terluka berat dan sekarat [7:56:56] NOTE: {ffffff}Anda dapat menggunakan command '{ffff00}/accept death{ffffff}' setelah menunggu {00ff00}5 menit [7:56:56] * {FF0000}Roy_Fresly {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [7:56:58] Vincent Lee: (( pepek )) [7:57:1] Vincent Lee: (( belom anjeng )) [7:57:5] Vincent Lee: (( belom anjeng )) [7:57:6] Vincent Lee: (( akowkoaw parah )) [7:57:9] Mask 291485: (( why? )) [7:57:10] Mask 291485: (( kwkwkwk )) [7:57:11] Mask 291485: (( mantap )) [7:57:12] * Mask 931862 take out his .88 pump from back spine use both hands and ready shot. [7:57:12] Vincent Lee: (( gapapa wakokwa )) [7:57:15] Vincent Lee: (( togmask )) [7:57:16] Vincent Lee: (( cogba )) [7:57:19] Mask 291485: (( kalem )) [7:57:21] Vincent Lee: (( kehit berapa )) [7:57:23] * Mask 931862 save back hisgyn [7:57:24] Neandro Sabian: (( gatau )) [7:57:29] Neandro Sabian: (( gua nembak ngasal )) [7:57:30] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL]Elegy 2in 4up minat ? Call Or sms !! [7:57:30] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Mark_Eland{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}705000{FF0000}] [7:57:30] Vincent Lee: (( itu )) [7:57:33] Vincent Lee: (( temen liu )) [7:57:36] Neandro Sabian says: gatau [7:57:37] Vincent Lee: (( suruh kesini )) [7:57:38] Neandro Sabian says: togmask [7:57:39] Neandro Sabian says: )) [7:57:41] Neandro Sabian: (( yang mana )) [7:57:42] Vincent Lee: (( suruh kesini )) [7:57:44] Vincent Lee: (( nigga )) [7:57:57] Vincent Lee: (( togmask cobak )) [7:57:57] Mask 944092: (( gua? )) [7:57:59] Vincent Lee: (( iya )) [7:58:1] Trever Oneil: (( id Trever )) [7:58:2] Vincent Lee: (( nying )) [7:58:5] Vincent Lee: (( satunya )) [7:58:6] Vincent Lee: (( satunya )) [7:58:7] Trever Oneil: (( slow gg. )) [7:58:9] Neandro Sabian: (( yuang ceking )) [7:58:10] Trever Oneil: (( buka mask semua. )) [7:58:10] Vincent Lee: (( itu belakang cuk )) [7:58:13] Neandro Sabian: (( buka woe )) [7:58:18] Neandro Sabian: (( buka mask )) [7:58:18] Vincent Lee: (( lagi )) [7:58:21] Trever Oneil: (( karen )) [7:58:21] Vincent Lee: (( sebelahnya )) [7:58:22] Trever Oneil: (( karen buka mask. )) [7:58:24] Trever Oneil: (( id Karen )) [7:58:32] Karen Riley: (( udah )) [7:58:33] Trever Oneil: (( launcher semua kan? )) [7:58:37] Neandro Sabian: (( dah blom? )) [7:58:37] Vincent Lee: (( #AimVincentKontol )) [7:58:39] Karen Riley: (( yah )) [7:58:39] Vincent Lee: (( aowkowa )) [7:58:39] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL]Elegy 2in 4up minat ? Call Or sms !! [7:58:39] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Mark_Eland{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}705000{FF0000}] [7:58:41] Trever Oneil: (( wkwkw )) [7:58:45] Vincent Lee: (( dah lanjot sana )) [7:58:47] Trever Oneil says: dips out [7:59:16] Vincent Lee: (( oawoawokawo )) [7:59:21] * {FF0000}Brooklyn_Olsen {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Tangerang, Indonesia) [7:59:23] * Andri Setiawans mengeck keadaan Polisi [7:59:25] bisa? ((Andri Setiawans)) [7:59:29] Vincent Lee: (( ga pk untungnya )) [7:59:30] yea ((Vincent Lee)) [7:59:32] INSPECT: {ffff00}Andri_Setiawans {ffffff}have requested an inspection, use '/accept inspect' to accept request [7:59:38] * {FF0000}Martin_Carlos {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [7:59:49] Andri Setiawans: (( yah elah Mati. )) [7:59:49] (( PM to [28] Trever_Oneil: abis gua cc death lagi ye )) [7:59:52] (( PM to [28] Trever_Oneil: abis gua acc death lagi ye )) [7:59:53] (( PM from [28] Trever_Oneil: kuy. )) [7:59:56] Tyson Cameron: (( 1 lawan 4 wkwkw )) [7:59:56] Vincent Lee: (( Gangbang anjeng )) [7:59:57] Vincent Lee: (( okwakoaw )) [8:0:1] * {FF0000}James_Lynch {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Malang, Indonesia) [8:0:2] (( PM from [28] Trever_Oneil: gua record wk )) [8:0:5] Vincent Lee: (( pd temen gua ilang semua )) [8:0:9] * {FF0000}Geraldo_Mouta {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [8:0:10] Andri Setiawans: (( @TOM yah cupu )) [8:0:12] (( PM to [28] Trever_Oneil: 1 vs 1 ana )) [8:0:12] Andri Setiawans: (( @TOM yah cupu )) [8:0:13] (( PM to [28] Trever_Oneil: 1 vs 1 aja )) [8:0:16] Andri Setiawans: (( kwwkowkowkw )) [8:0:19] (( PM from [28] Trever_Oneil: kuy kalah kasih duit ke gua 1k ye ? )) [8:0:20] (( PM to [28] Trever_Oneil: gua bingun mau aim kemana soalnya )) [8:0:28] * {FF0000}Baanshareef_Adama {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [8:0:33] (( PM to [28] Trever_Oneil: 1vs1 tapi ya )) [8:0:36] Andri Setiawans: (( Wih Gunnya bagus tuh )) [8:0:38] Vincent Lee: (( awkowakowa itu anak anjeng )) [8:0:41] (( PM from [28] Trever_Oneil: wwkw iya kalo kalah jan di jail oke wkw )) [8:0:50] (( PM to [28] Trever_Oneil: engga sama gua mah have fun aja )) [8:0:53] Andri Setiawans: (( gue ambih ahk )) [8:0:56] (( PM to [28] Trever_Oneil: kalo lu down ganti lawanm )) [8:0:59] (( PM from [28] Trever_Oneil: oke )) [8:0:59] Vincent Lee: (( ambil aja nanti lu di ban wakooakw )) [8:1:8] Andri Setiawans: (( Aduh )) [8:1:22] Vincent Lee: (( ini )) [8:1:29] Vincent Lee: (( senjata kedetect nant )) [8:1:33] (( PM to [28] Trever_Oneil: sabar blom acc death )) [8:1:37] (( PM to [28] Trever_Oneil: cuman graze xD )) [8:1:40] (( PM from [28] Trever_Oneil: wkw wkw wk )) [8:1:43] (( PM from [28] Trever_Oneil: wkw wkw wk peluru ku surplus . )) [8:1:47] Andri Setiawans: (( Belum CS )) [8:1:48] AdmCmd: Theriault_Chevrette has been kicked by Kyusukey. [8:1:48] Reason: Relog coba kamu bug [8:1:50] (( PM from [28] Trever_Oneil: nama irl sape? )) [8:1:53] (( PM to [28] Trever_Oneil: punya gua ga surplus )) [8:1:55] (( PM to [28] Trever_Oneil: Nandhika )) [8:1:56] (( PM from [28] Trever_Oneil: wk )) [8:2:2] (( PM from [28] Trever_Oneil: gua Arga kenalin sama kenal ye. )) [8:2:6] Andri Setiawans: (( Gue duluan CUPU )) [8:2:7] (( PM to [28] Trever_Oneil: sipp )) [8:2:8] Vincent Lee: (( akwkawo )) [8:2:17] (( PM from [28] Trever_Oneil: kalo udah kita duel gassak. )) [8:2:20] (( PM to [28] Trever_Oneil: anying dikatain cupu gua )) [8:2:21] * {FF0000}Kelvyn_Stuart {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [8:2:23] (( PM from [28] Trever_Oneil: kalo udah kita duel gassak, kalo butuh bantuan ada robber bilang gua. )) [8:2:24] * {FF0000}Theriault_Chevrette {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Cipete, Indonesia) [8:2:25] (( PM to [28] Trever_Oneil: gangbang sih )) [8:2:28] (( PM from [28] Trever_Oneil: wk. )) [8:2:37] INFO: {ffffff}Anda sudah dapat menggunakan command '{ffff00}/accept death{ffffff}' untuk respawn kembali [8:2:37] NOTE: {ffffff}Jika anda sedang dalam situasi RP, pastikan anda sudah mendapatkan izin OOC dari pihak lain untuk respawn [8:2:38] Anda telah memasuki AFK mode!, ketik /afk untuk lanjut main [8:2:40] (( PM to [28] Trever_Oneil: lama klai acc deat )) [8:2:41] AFK: {ffff00}You are no longer in AFK-Mode! [8:2:44] (( PM from [28] Trever_Oneil: wk. )) [8:2:45] CONDITION: {FFFFFF}You have woken up from fainting. [8:2:46] (( PM to [28] Trever_Oneil: dah )) [8:2:52] (( PM from [28] Trever_Oneil: jago kali gua pake ak. )) [8:2:52] DYOC: {ffffff}Weapons attachment {33AA33}enabled [8:2:54] PERHATIAN: Anda tidak mempunyai SIM Kendaraan darat! [8:2:54] Tolong Hati-hati! [8:2:54] (( PM from [4] Andri_Setiawans: Kenapa Health lo 50 semua ?? )) [8:2:57] (( PM from [28] Trever_Oneil: bntr. )) [8:3:0] (( PM to [4] Andri_Setiawans: males gym )) [8:3:11] ==================[MDC Print Report]================== [8:3:11] >>> {00ff00}A. Personal Information [8:3:11] >>> {ffffff}ID Number: {ffff00}SA000172946 [8:3:11] >>> {ffffff}Name: {ffff00}Trever_Oneil [8:3:11] >>> {ffffff}Phone: 192005 [8:3:11] >>> {00ff00}B. Occupation [8:3:11] >>> {ffffff}Job: {ffff00}Builder [8:3:11] >>> {00ff00}C. Licenses [8:3:11] >>> {ffffff}Driving: {ffff00}{FF0000}Not passed [8:3:11] >>> {ffffff}Flying: {ffff00}{FF0000}Not passed [8:3:11] >>> {ffffff}Sailing: {ffff00}{FF0000}Not passed [8:3:11] >>> {ffffff}Firearm: {ffff00}{FF0000}Not passed [8:3:11] >>> {ffffff}Lumberjack: {ffff00}{FF0000}Not passed [8:3:11] >>> {00ff00}D. Active Charges [8:3:11] >>> {ffffff}None [8:3:11] >>> {00ff00}E. Crime Record [8:3:11] >>> {ffffff}1. Assaulting on LEO [8:3:11] >>> Issued by: Veilleux_Sciverit [8:3:11] >>> Issue date: Sun 22 Sep 2019, 09:36:55 [8:3:11] >>> {ffffff}2. Evading from police stop [8:3:11] >>> Issued by: Veilleux_Sciverit [8:3:11] >>> Issue date: Sun 22 Sep 2019, 09:36:22 [8:3:11] >>> {ffffff}3. Attempted murdering [8:3:11] >>> Issued by: Veilleux_Sciverit [8:3:11] >>> Issue date: Sun 22 Sep 2019, 09:36:12 [8:3:11] >>> {ffffff}4. Posessing of illegal firearms [8:3:11] >>> Issued by: Veilleux_Sciverit [8:3:11] >>> Issue date: Sun 22 Sep 2019, 09:35:58 [8:3:11] >>> {ffffff}5. Failure to Comply [8:3:11] >>> Issued by: Veilleux_Sciverit [8:3:11] >>> Issue date: Sun 22 Sep 2019, 09:35:50 [8:3:11] >>> {00ff00}F. Registered Vehicles [8:3:11] >>> {ffffff}1. Sanchez - KJ885BI [8:3:11] >>> {ffffff}2. Flatbed - GM782GZ {ff0000}[DESTROYED] [8:3:11] >>> {00ff00}G. Unpaid Tickets [8:3:11] >>> {ffffff}None [8:3:11] ==================[MDC End of Page]================== [8:3:14] (( PM from [4] Andri_Setiawans: Masa PD 50 Semua )) [8:3:17] PHONE: {FFFFFF}Calling {00FFFF}number 192005{FFFFFF}, please wait for answer! [8:3:19] * {FF0000}Kenroy_Livington {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Surabaya, Indonesia) [8:3:19] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telepon telah dijawab. [8:3:19] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Gunakan chat biasa untuk berkomunikasi lewat telpon, '/h' untuk menutup telpon. [8:3:19] (( PM from [4] Andri_Setiawans: WKWKWK )) [8:3:22] Vincent Lee [phone]: Dimana mau sototnya> [8:3:23] Caller [phone]: sape nieh? [8:3:26] Vincent Lee [phone]: Dimana mau sototnya? [8:3:26] Caller [phone]: bebas. [8:3:27] Vincent Lee [phone]: Vincent gans [8:3:35] Caller [phone]: di els kuy. [8:3:38] Vincent Lee [phone]: 1vs1 tapi [8:3:40] Caller [phone]: iya [8:3:42] Caller [phone]: kalah 1k ye jaja. [8:3:46] Vincent Lee [phone]: Tunggu WS Els aja lu [8:3:49] Caller [phone]: oke. [8:3:50] Vincent Lee [phone]: Ganti unit gua [8:3:52] Vincent Lee [phone]: Mau ledukl [8:3:53] Caller [phone]: wait gua gas 1 x lagi. [8:3:56] Telepon terputus... [8:4:9] ERROR: That player is blocking PM! [8:4:17] * {FF0000}Brooklyn_Olsen {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Tangerang, Indonesia) [8:4:27] [ID] ID: 28 | Name: Trever_Oneil | Level: 7 | Ping: 28 | Launcher: Yes [8:4:29] * {FF0000}Paulo_Gerald {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [8:4:34] * {FF0000}Charlie_Veidrop {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [8:4:35] REPORT: {ffffff}Your report has been issued to the queue, use '{ffff00}/reports{ffffff}' to see your report [8:4:43] ARMOURY: {ffff00}Health & Armour refilled! [8:4:43] RESPOND: {ff0000}Dena_7730 {FFFFCC}has responded to your report [8:4:45] ARMOURY: {ffff00}Ammo restocked! [8:4:50] * {FF0000}Conan_Pearson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [8:4:51] ARMOURY: {ffff00}Ammo restocked! [8:5:6] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [8:5:6] PERHATIAN: Anda tidak mempunyai SIM Kendaraan darat! [8:5:6] Tolong Hati-hati! [8:5:6] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [8:5:9] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [8:5:13] TELEPORT: {FFFF00}Markie_Wylde {FFFFFF}has teleported to you! [8:5:15] TELEPORT: {FFFF00}Markie_Wylde {FFFFFF}has teleported to you! [8:5:18] Markie Wylde: (( knp )) [8:5:18] Vincent Lee: (( eh )) [8:5:21] Vincent Lee: (( remove warn gua dong )) [8:5:25] 911: Crime: [ ada robber di Flint ] [8:5:25] 911: Reporter: [ Brooklyn Olsen ] Phone: [ 593959 ] [8:5:25] Vincent Lee: (( tadi gua minta tolong )) [8:5:27] Vincent Lee: (( malah di warn )) [8:5:30] Vincent Lee: (( plis:( )) [8:5:42] (( PM from [7] Michael_Etheridge: owakakow ID 28 di launcherin )) [8:5:42] Markie Wylde: (( itu pembelajaran buat lu. )) [8:5:47] Markie Wylde: (( tadinya gua mau maafin )) [8:5:50] Vincent Lee: (( gua minta tolong dong )) [8:5:51] Markie Wylde: (( barusan mau gua unwarn, tapi gajadi. )) [8:5:51] Vincent Lee: (( plis )) [8:5:57] Vincent Lee: (( gua minta tolong itu )) [8:6:0] Markie Wylde: (( masalahnya lu masih mengulangi kesalahan yang sama. )) [8:6:2] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (993337) [8:6:2] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Ayo bantai rob nya dik, anjing di bantai gua di MC [8:6:7] Vincent Lee: (( ada mobil baja ga bisa )) [8:6:8] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [8:6:11] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [8:6:11] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 993337 [8:6:11] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Di mc robbernya? [8:6:15] Vincent Lee: (( plis unwarmt )) [8:6:18] Admin Kyusukey: Untuk cuaca tidak bisa diganti, jadi nikmati saja cuaca dipagi hari ini. [8:6:19] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (993337) [8:6:19] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Udah caw [8:6:19] AdmCmd: Trever_Oneil has been warned by Dena_7730, Total warning: 8 [8:6:19] Reason: Missusing /report, siapa suruh rp ngerob. [8:6:24] AdmCmd: Trever_Oneil has been kicked by Dena_7730. [8:6:24] Reason: Missusing /report [8:6:31] Vincent Lee: (( kalo gua ngulangin gua terima warn )) [8:6:38] Markie Wylde: (( gabisa )) [8:6:39] Vincent Lee: (( plis bang )) [8:6:40] Vincent Lee: (( ih )) [8:6:47] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [8:6:47] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 993337 [8:6:47] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Serius [8:6:48] Markie Wylde: (( lo masih ngemis? )) [8:6:50] Vincent Lee: (( :( )) [8:6:52] Markie Wylde: (( gua tambahin nih warn lu )) [8:6:53] * {FF0000}Marvine_Collinson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [8:6:54] Vincent Lee: (( yaudah gajadi deh )) [8:6:55] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (993337) [8:6:55] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Serius anjer, ini gua lagi nyari [8:7:3] PERHATIAN: Anda tidak mempunyai SIM Kendaraan darat! [8:7:3] Tolong Hati-hati! [8:7:3] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [8:7:6] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [8:7:6] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 993337 [8:7:6] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Yaudah cari [8:7:8] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (993337) [8:7:8] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Naik sultan kan ? [8:7:12] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [8:7:12] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 993337 [8:7:12] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}SULTAN KUNING [8:7:18] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (993337) [8:7:18] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Iya [8:7:25] Andri Setiawans Shouts: Woi! [8:7:27] (( PM to [10] Markie_Wylde: a )) [8:7:29] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (993337) [8:7:29] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Gua item, jan lu anu gua anjer [8:7:29] (( PM to [10] Markie_Wylde: bang nanti spec ya )) [8:7:38] (( PM from [10] Markie_Wylde: ya. )) [8:7:38] (( PM to [10] Markie_Wylde: waktu gua sotot ama orang )) [8:7:45] * {FF0000}Trever_Oneil {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 07, Indonesia) [8:7:46] (( PM from [10] Markie_Wylde: ada wa ga lu )) [8:7:49] (( PM to [10] Markie_Wylde: tadi gua sotot kaya ada 1 orang ga ke hit sama sekali )) [8:7:51] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (993337) [8:7:51] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Lu udah bisa megang m4 blm ? [8:7:52] (( PM from [10] Markie_Wylde: ada wa ga lu )) [8:7:53] (( PM to [10] Markie_Wylde: ada )) [8:7:58] (( PM from [10] Markie_Wylde: nomornya )) [8:7:58] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [8:7:58] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 993337 [8:7:58] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}udh [8:8:6] (( PM to [10] Markie_Wylde: 085722556243 )) [8:8:8] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (993337) [8:8:8] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}SATIUN [8:8:11] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (993337) [8:8:11] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}STADIUN [8:8:16] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [8:8:16] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 993337 [8:8:16] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}apanya [8:8:26] (( PM from [14] Trever_Oneil: asli di warning lagi wkwk )) [8:8:26] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (993337) [8:8:26] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Robnya bujank astahaghh [8:8:29] (( PM from [14] Trever_Oneil: asli di warning lagi wkwk kuy jadi sekarang )) [8:8:30] (( PM to [14] Trever_Oneil: owakowawa )) [8:8:33] (( PM to [14] Trever_Oneil: ayo )) [8:8:41] * {FF0000}Veilleux_Sciverit {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Cipete, Indonesia) [8:8:54] (( PM from [14] Trever_Oneil: kawan gua yang nonton. )) [8:9:12] Vincent Lee says: Si anjeng [8:9:12] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (993337) [8:9:12] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Anjg ilang lagi, kabut [8:9:14] Vincent Lee says: Gua mau sotot [8:9:20] James Lynch says: Sama? [8:9:20] (( PM from [10] Markie_Wylde: pegang hp ga sih lu? )) [8:9:20] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [8:9:20] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 993337 [8:9:20] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Gua nungguin mereka di WS ELS [8:9:23] (( PM from [14] Trever_Oneil: gassak gua udh di tempat ini. )) [8:9:24] (( PM to [10] Markie_Wylde: pegang )) [8:9:27] (( PM to [10] Markie_Wylde: bentar )) [8:9:42] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (993337) [8:9:42] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Klo gua kasih tau lokasi dateng ya atau trace gua [8:9:42] * {FF0000}Brooklyn_Olsen {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Tangerang, Indonesia) [8:9:46] James Lynch says: Sini gua bantu [8:9:49] Vincent Lee says: pake apa lu [8:9:51] Vincent Lee says: Coba liat [8:10:0] Vincent Lee says: Jangan SLC Bodoh [8:10:4] James Lynch: (( wkawokwkoaw )) [8:10:6] Vincent Lee: (( oawkwa )) [8:10:15] Mask 931862 says: tuh [8:10:19] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (993337) [8:10:19] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Itu [8:10:19] Vincent Lee says: Wait [8:10:21] Mask 291485 says: kita penonton [8:10:22] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [8:10:22] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 993337 [8:10:22] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}ya iknow [8:10:23] Mask 291485 says: naek [8:10:26] Vincent Lee: (( gua sakti perut anying )) [8:10:29] Mask 944092: (( wkwkw wkwk )) [8:10:35] Mask 291485: (( berak kata gua juga )) [8:10:37] Mask 931862 says: woi [8:10:39] Neandro Sabian says: berak [8:10:42] Mask 931862 says: pergi [8:10:42] Neandro Sabian says: )) [8:10:42] Vincent Lee: (( males )) [8:10:46] Vincent Lee says: Pergi [8:10:46] Mask 944092 says: kuy. [8:10:46] Roberto Chavez says: Apaan si [8:10:46] Vincent Lee says: sana [8:10:53] * Mask 931862 take out his .88 pump from back spine use both hands and ready shot. [8:10:54] * Mask 944092 lets his a Mossbegts in the undersheat his hand, cock it hot ammo. [8:10:59] * Mask 904032 Grabs Out His.88 Pump From backbody and ready to shoot enemy anytime. [8:11:8] * {FF0000}Aamory_Achiolli {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [8:11:9] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (993337) [8:11:9] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Asyuw [8:11:12] * Vincent Lee take m4 from front of body using both hands and ready to shoot. [8:11:16] (( PM from [10] Markie_Wylde: on-spec. )) [8:11:20] (( PM to [10] Markie_Wylde: id 14 ya )) [8:11:21] * {FF0000}Derrick_Starbuck {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [8:11:24] (( PM from [10] Markie_Wylde: ya )) [8:11:30] (( PM from [8] Neandro_Sabian: jan tembak gua ya )) [8:11:36] (( PM to [8] Neandro_Sabian: menjauh tolol )) [8:11:44] Vincent Lee: (( what? )) [8:11:46] Vincent Lee: (( gajelas )) [8:11:47] Mask 944092: (( asli why? )) [8:11:49] [RADIO] PO-I Derrick Starbuck: Police Officer I 9070 reporting onduty. [8:11:52] * {FF0000}Deffiero_Valdemar {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [8:11:55] Vincent Lee: (( lo kenapa )) [8:11:58] [RADIO] PO-I Veilleux Sciverit: Police Officer I 8554 reporting on duty. [8:11:59] Mask 944092 says: kita cari robber aja. [8:12:2] (( PM from [15] Roberto_Chavez: OOCan kh ? )) [8:12:2] Mask 944092 says: jangan gini. [8:12:6] (( PM to [15] Roberto_Chavez: ya )) [8:12:9] Vincent Lee says: Gapapa [8:12:13] (( PM from [15] Roberto_Chavez: Knp ?? cit ? )) [8:12:16] Mask 944092: (( nanti lu di pecat dri pd. )) [8:12:17] (( PM to [15] Roberto_Chavez: ngebug dia kayanya )) [8:12:25] 911: Crime: [ Ada perampok bersenjata berat di els deket ws ama deket gym. ] [8:12:25] 911: Reporter: [ James Lynch ] Phone: [ 556686 ] [8:12:26] (( PM from [15] Roberto_Chavez: Bug knp ? )) [8:12:27] Mask 944092: (( nanti lu di pecat dri pd, gmana? )) [8:12:38] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: TAC-1 Please [8:12:39] Mask 944092 says: yok [8:12:41] Mask 944092 says: gua duluan [8:12:41] Vincent Lee says: Kemana [8:12:44] Mask 944092 says: gas doloaan [8:12:44] James Lynch: (( ini apa sih )) [8:12:45] Mask 944092 says: rob. [8:12:46] James Lynch: (( re rp?. )) [8:12:47] Vincent Lee: (( gatau okawkoaw )) [8:12:50] Mask 944092: (( iya )) [8:12:54] * Vincent Lee slots his m4 into front of body using both hands. [8:13:8] (( PM from [15] Roberto_Chavez: Dh back ic ? )) [8:13:9] Vincent Lee Shouts: WOI! [8:13:15] * Vincent Lee take m4 from front of body using both hands and ready to shoot. [8:13:18] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: TAC-1 [8:13:21] (( PM from [14] Trever_Oneil: siap2 kita sotot pd ada 3. )) [8:13:27] (( PM from [14] Trever_Oneil: wkwkwkw ada wa gak ? )) [8:13:27] Vincent Lee says: Ikut [8:13:29] Vincent Lee says: DB in [8:13:30] Vincent Lee says: Kejar [8:13:30] * {FF0000}Deffiero_Valdemar {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [8:13:33] * {FF0000}Roy_Fresly {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [8:13:34] * {FF0000}Mario_Cordova {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Surakarta, Indonesia) [8:13:35] (( PM to [14] Trever_Oneil: minta sama owen )) [8:13:44] [RADIO] PO-I Derrick Starbuck: Hold up Adjudant. [8:13:44] (( PM from [14] Trever_Oneil: dia ada wa ? wa lu )) [8:13:49] (( PM to [14] Trever_Oneil: ada )) [8:13:53] * {FF0000}Dave_Raymond {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [8:13:54] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: Shotfired [8:14:19] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: MC SHOTFIRed [8:14:21] [RADIO] PO-I Derrick Starbuck: Just run and we can go together. [8:14:22] BEACON: {ffffff}Beacon deployed, it will be automatically deleted in 5 minutes [8:14:25] Vincent Lee says: Buka [8:14:25] * {FF0000}Alon_Steven {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [8:14:30] Roberto Chavez: (( delay gua masih )) [8:14:37] Vincent Lee says: Kesana [8:14:38] Vincent Lee says: Cepet [8:14:53] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: RED BEACON SHOTFIRE [8:15:13] Roberto Chavez says: Awas [8:15:20] dimana uang $100 ((Mask 904032)) [8:15:26] Mask 944092 says: jangan [8:15:27] Mask 944092 says: kawan gua ini [8:15:31] Marvine Collinson says: Maen tembak ae dah [8:15:31] Mask 904032 says: oke [8:15:33] Mask 931862 Shouts: tiarap! [8:15:33] Neandro Sabian Shouts: siapa yang nembak?! [8:15:33] Marvine Collinson says: Liat ae ye [8:15:34] fails ((Mask 904032)) [8:15:40] Roy Fresly says: tolong [8:15:45] Mask 635384 Shouts: RATA! [8:15:45] (( PM from [10] Markie_Wylde: kwkwkw, mantul )) [8:16:5] * {FF0000}Johnson_Ferguson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [8:16:16] 911: Crime: [ ada orang bersenjata di mc ] [8:16:16] 911: Reporter: [ Phoebe Lynch ] Phone: [ 656050 ] [8:16:22] * Marvine Collinson remember maskman face's. [8:16:22] (( PM to [10] Markie_Wylde: a )) [8:16:25] (( PM to [10] Markie_Wylde: aimbot anyinh )) [8:16:33] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (993337) [8:16:33] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Awas down [8:16:38] Mask 291485 Shouts: bantu tolol! [8:17:3] * {FF0000}Andika_Subejo {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [8:17:3] * {FF0000}Steffen_Peterson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [8:17:3] [RADIO] PO-I Veilleux Sciverit: Police Officer I 8554 reporting on duty from Angelpine. [8:17:9] Vincent Lee says: Cabut [8:17:13] Vincent Lee says: SaPD [8:17:16] Vincent Lee says: Cepat [8:17:22] (( PM to [10] Markie_Wylde: thans )) [8:17:22] * {FF0000}Aamory_Achiolli {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [8:17:33] [RADIO] PO-I Derrick Starbuck: Officer I 9070 teaming up with Officer I 8554, clearing from Angelpine distict under 1-JOHN-1, over. [8:17:37] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: NEED UNITS [8:17:44] 911: Crime: [ Ada Robbery Di MC. ] [8:17:44] 911: Reporter: [ Aamory Achiolli ] Phone: [ 462020 ] [8:17:47] BEACON: {ffffff}Beacon deployed, it will be automatically deleted in 5 minutes [8:17:48] [RADIO] PO-I Derrick Starbuck: 1-JOHN-1 entering TAC-1 [8:17:49] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: REED BEACON [8:18:10] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Sell]Premier 3insurance 4upgrade ada mod. minat? Contact Person: [8:18:10] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Paulo_Gerald{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}666682{FF0000}] [8:18:33] * {FF0000}Gary_Harold {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [8:18:33] * {FF0000}Lukasz_Oxlade {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (West Jakarta, Indonesia) [8:18:40] * {FF0000}Andika_Subejo {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [8:20:18] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Selamat datang {ffff00}Vincent_Lee{ffffff}. [8:20:18] Faction MOTD: {FFFF00}Diharapkan untuk aktif In-Game dan Forum, panggilan /r tolong fast response. [8:20:18] MOTD: {ffff00}Mohon menggunakan '/report' dengan benar, berikan informasi yang jelas dan detail {ff0000}- Ian [8:20:18] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Anda terakhir login {ffff00}27 menit yang lalu [8:20:18] * {FF0000}Vincent_Lee {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [8:20:18] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Today is {ffff00}Sat 28 Sep 2019, 08:20:18 [8:20:18] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Server memerlukan waktu {ffff00}214 milisecond{ffffff} untuk memuat data char anda! [8:20:23] * Mask 291485 Take out PUMP.88 From Backspine and ready to shoot. [8:20:23] Vincent Lee: (( woi )) [8:20:24] INFO: {ffffff}Character anda telah terluka berat dan sekarat [8:20:24] NOTE: {ffffff}Anda dapat menggunakan command '{ffff00}/accept death{ffffff}' setelah menunggu {00ff00}5 menit [8:20:26] Vincent Lee: (( gajelas )) [8:20:28] Vincent Lee: (( lagi oocan )) [8:20:29] Trever Oneil: (( woi )) [8:20:31] Trever Oneil: (( oke re rp. )) [8:20:32] Vincent Lee: (( gajelas dah )) [8:20:34] ERROR: That player is blocking PM! [8:20:41] REPORT: {ffffff}Your report has been issued to the queue, use '{ffff00}/reports{ffffff}' to see your report [8:20:43] (( PM from [14] Trever_Oneil: kaget asli gua langsung mati sama elu. )) [8:20:48] (( PM to [14] Trever_Oneil: anying gua dc )) [8:20:57] Vincent Lee: (( re rp )) [8:20:58] Vincent Lee: (( gajelas )) [8:20:59] Vincent Lee: (( gajelas )) [8:21:0] Trever Oneil: (( re rp )) [8:21:0] Vincent Lee: (( gajelas )) [8:21:1] AdmCmd: Karen_Riley has been remote-jailed by Dena_7730 for 60 minutes. [8:21:1] Reason: DM [8:21:6] Mask 291485: (( lu aja crash mulu )) [8:21:8] Vincent Lee: (( baru 1x )) [8:21:9] Vincent Lee: (( astaga )) [8:21:15] ERROR: That player is blocking PM! [8:21:17] Mask 291485: (( max hp lu tdi brp? )) [8:21:19] AdmCmd: Karen_Riley has been kicked by Dena_7730. [8:21:19] Reason: RELOG. [8:21:20] Karen_Riley telah keluar dari server. (di-Kick/di-Ban) [8:21:21] AdmCmd: Karen_Riley has been remote-jailed by Dena_7730 for 60 minutes. [8:21:21] Reason: DM [8:21:30] Vincent Lee: (( 50 )) [8:21:36] Vincent Lee: (( wekke )) [8:21:41] Vincent Lee: (( suruh heal )) [8:21:42] Mask 291485: (( lu aja yg report )) [8:21:47] Vincent Lee: (( udah )) [8:21:49] Vincent Lee: (( gadirespond )) [8:21:53] * Trever Oneil get at blood in the body. [8:21:56] Mask 291485: (( ya tunggu )) [8:21:59] Mask 291485: (( 1-0 wkwkkwkw )) [8:22:0] (( PM from [14] Trever_Oneil: bagi no wa )) [8:22:2] RESPOND: {ff0000}huncho {FFFFCC}has responded to your report [8:22:2] INFO: {ffffff}Anda sudah dapat menggunakan command '{ffff00}/accept death{ffffff}' untuk respawn kembali [8:22:2] NOTE: {ffffff}Jika anda sedang dalam situasi RP, pastikan anda sudah mendapatkan izin OOC dari pihak lain untuk respawn [8:22:3] Vincent Lee: (( gajelas ssssss )) [8:22:6] You have been healed [8:22:8] Vincent Lee: (( dah sana )) [8:22:10] Vincent Lee: (( lu atas )) [8:22:12] Neandro Sabian says: full anjay [8:22:13] Neandro Sabian says: )) [8:22:14] * {FF0000}Karen_Riley {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [8:22:15] DYOC: {ffffff}Weapons attachment {33AA33}enabled [8:22:17] Vincent Lee: (( emang full )) [8:22:20] Mask 904032: (( re rp )) [8:22:21] Vincent Lee: (( lu nembak armor )) [8:22:22] Vincent Lee: (( kowakowa )) [8:22:24] Neandro Sabian: (( lu aja )) [8:22:25] Vincent Lee: (( cepet sana )) [8:22:27] Neandro Sabian: (( lu aja tadi sekarat )) [8:22:28] Neandro Sabian: (( lu aja tadi sekarat )) [8:22:28] Mask 904032: (( lu tadi sekarat )) [8:22:29] Vincent Lee: (( cepet sana )) [8:22:31] Neandro Sabian: (( gua tembak mati )) [8:22:36] Mask 904032: (( lu tadi sekarat )) [8:22:38] * {FF0000}Bryan_Filbert {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [8:22:39] Vincent Lee: (( cepet sana )) [8:22:46] BEACON: {ffffff}Beacon deployed, it will be automatically deleted in 5 minutes [8:22:48] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: RED BEACON [8:22:58] * {FF0000}Paulo_Gerald {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [8:22:58] * {FF0000}Martin_Carlos {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [8:23:2] * {FF0000}Brooklyn_Olsen {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Tangerang, Indonesia) [8:23:9] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (462020) [8:23:9] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Semangat... [8:23:13] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (993337) [8:23:13] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Atas [8:23:17] 911: Crime: [ MC ada penembakan ] [8:23:17] 911: Reporter: [ Lukasz Oxlade ] Phone: [ 4076177 ] [8:23:19] * {FF0000}Zeline_Zakeisha {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [8:23:24] AdmCmd: Karen_Riley has been warned by Dena_7730, Total warning: 8 [8:23:24] Reason: Missusing /report. [8:23:29] AdmCmd: Karen_Riley has been kicked by Dena_7730. [8:23:29] Reason: Missusing /report [8:23:49] * {FF0000}Nicholas_Starbuck {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [8:24:2] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: DOWN 2 [8:24:6] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (993337) [8:24:6] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Down atas [8:24:15] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (993337) [8:24:15] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Modshop 1 [8:24:21] * {FF0000}Karen_Riley {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [8:24:29] Bryan Filbert says: Pak [8:24:55] Vincent Lee says: ana [8:24:55] Vincent Lee says: Mana [8:25:0] * {FF0000}Rapi_Fauzi {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [8:25:1] [RADIO] PO-I Derrick Starbuck: He run to North [8:25:7] [RADIO] PO-I Veilleux Sciverit: From? [8:25:15] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: DOWN 3 [8:25:17] Neandro Sabian: (( sultan item no rp behav banget? )) [8:25:20] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: 1 More suspect [8:25:20] Mask 635384 says: Asshole. [8:25:23] Vincent Lee: (( cut /b )) [8:25:24] Michael Etheridge Shouts: Lemah robernya! [8:25:24] Mask 635384: (( ?? )) [8:25:36] Vincent Lee Shouts: TAXI! [8:25:39] * Vincent Lee slots his m4 into front of body using both hands. [8:25:40] Neandro Sabian: (( pk dah xD )) [8:25:43] Neandro Sabian says: )) [8:25:50] (( PM from [7] Michael_Etheridge: lu rp in )) [8:25:55] * Vincent Lee menendang senjata suspect dengan kaki kanan [8:25:57] bisa? ((Vincent Lee)) [8:26:1] tentu ((Neandro Sabian)) [8:26:2] (( PM to [7] Michael_Etheridge: sini tolol )) [8:26:4] * {FF0000}Clifton_Hall {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 07, Indonesia) [8:26:6] ERROR: player tersebut tidak terkoneksi! [8:26:9] Vincent Lee: (( ez lah awkoakwo )) [8:26:13] TAKEINFO: Anda telah menyita senjata dari Neandro Sabian [8:26:15] Vincent Lee says: TAXI [8:26:15] Neandro Sabian: (( elu aja minta heal )) [8:26:17] Neandro Sabian: (( cacat )) [8:26:19] Neandro Sabian: (( lemah )) [8:26:20] Neandro Sabian says: )) [8:26:20] Vincent Lee: (( RE RP WOI )) [8:26:20] (( {00FF00}Olafmeister <3 Nicholas_Starbuck: {FFFFFF}yang di MC Rp Fear dong ui )) [8:26:23] Michael Etheridge: (( lagi rp cut /b )) [8:26:27] AdmCmd: Vincent_Lee has been warned by huncho, Total warning: 2 [8:26:27] Reason: /b while RP. [8:26:28] Neandro Sabian: (( gua rp kan? )) [8:26:34] * {FF0000}Trever_Oneil {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 07, Indonesia) [8:26:34] (( {00FF00}Olafmeister <3 Nicholas_Starbuck: {FFFFFF}lu lagi tembak tembakan, masih aja RP mekanik, /me examine vehicle lagi )) [8:26:36] AdmCmd: Neandro_Sabian has been warned by huncho, Total warning: 10 [8:26:36] Reason: /b while RP. [8:26:36] * Vincent Lee menggotong tubuh suspect dengan bantuan kedua tangan. [8:26:40] DRAG: You requested drag permission from Neandro_Sabian [8:26:42] (( PM from [15] Roberto_Chavez: lah lu kok ? )) [8:26:43] Neandro Sabian: (( gua pk ga? )) [8:26:45] * {FF0000}Gary_Harold {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [8:26:45] (( PM to [15] Roberto_Chavez: gatau )) [8:26:47] (( PM from [7] Michael_Etheridge: kok lu yang di warn? )) [8:26:47] DRAG: {FFFFFF}You are now dragging {FFFF00}Neandro_Sabian [8:26:49] ERROR: That player is blocking PM! [8:26:50] * {FF0000}Louise_Bishop {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [8:26:50] Vincent Lee says:  [8:26:51] Vincent Lee says: )) [8:26:58] (( PM from [15] Roberto_Chavez: Bilang dia yg mulai /b )) [8:26:58] Michael Etheridge says: Biar saya bukakan [8:27:0] Vincent Lee says: Bukain pintu taxi [8:27:3] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Sell]Premier 3insurance 4upgrade ada mod. minat? Contact Person: [8:27:3] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Paulo_Gerald{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}666682{FF0000}] [8:27:5] * Michael Etheridge membuka pintu dengan tangan kanan. [8:27:12] * Vincent Lee memasukkan suspect kedalam taxi [8:27:14] Vincent Lee says: a [8:27:16] Vincent Lee says: )) [8:27:21] DRAG: {FFFFFF}You've released {FFFF00}Neandro_Sabian [8:27:27] Vincent Lee says: ke MC [8:27:45] Steffen Peterson says: biar di tanganin PD dan FD [8:27:57] Marvine Collinson Shouts: APAKAH SUDAH AMAN ?! [8:28:6] 911: Crime: [ Adaa Korban Di Depan Mechanik Tolong Sini Cpeer... ] [8:28:6] 911: Reporter: [ Aamory Achiolli ] Phone: [ 462020 ] [8:28:6] * Vincent Lee menggotong tubuh suspect dengan bantuan kedua tangan [8:28:8] (( PM from [8] Neandro_Sabian: boleh op ga gua? )) [8:28:10] DRAG: You requested drag permission from Neandro_Sabian [8:28:11] [RADIO] PO-I Derrick Starbuck: Where suspect? [8:28:12] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Sell]Premier 3insurance 4upgrade ada mod. minat? Contact Person: [8:28:12] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Paulo_Gerald{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}666682{FF0000}] [8:28:13] DRAG: {FFFFFF}You are now dragging {FFFF00}Neandro_Sabian [8:28:13] (( PM to [8] Neandro_Sabian: di rp in dulu )) [8:28:16] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: Front of MC [8:28:25] Steffen Peterson says: Pak [8:28:27] Derrick Starbuck Shouts: HEI! [8:28:27] Vincent Lee says: GAMPANG KALI KONTOL [8:28:29] Vincent Lee says: ROBBER LEMAH [8:28:32] Louise Bishop says: sir [8:28:34] Louise Bishop says: sir [8:28:35] Steffen Peterson says: Pak [8:28:36] Marvine Collinson says: Ga [8:28:37] Aamory Achiolli says: jhahaha [8:28:39] Derrick Starbuck Shouts: WE HAD SITUATION AND YOU STILL REPAIR?! [8:28:41] Michael Etheridge says: Attitudena pak [8:28:42] * Mask 635384 Pass some money to Phoe [8:28:43] Steffen Peterson says: saya korban tembak oleh robber [8:28:43] Derrick Starbuck Shouts: WE HAD SITUATION AND YOU STILL REPAIR?! [8:28:44] * Vincent Lee melepaskan tubuh suspect di bawah tanah [8:28:46] DRAG: {FFFFFF}You've released {FFFF00}Neandro_Sabian [8:28:47] Mask 307801 says: Woi mechanic kontol [8:28:48] Vincent Lee: (( lag )) [8:28:49] Mask 307801 says: Goblok [8:28:50] Derrick Starbuck Shouts: The hell...! [8:28:50] Steffen Peterson says: telinga saya berdarah [8:28:51] Marvine Collinson says: Gue ngumpet [8:28:54] Mask 307801 says: Pemberani banget lu anjing [8:28:58] * Vincent Lee memeriksa kondisi suspect, [8:29:2] INSPECT: {ffffff}You've requested an inspection to {ffff00}Neandro_Sabian [8:29:5] (( PM to [8] Neandro_Sabian: lu mau off kan )) [8:29:9] * Phoebe Lynch ketakutan [8:29:20] (( PM from [8] Neandro_Sabian: y )) [8:29:21] Vincent Lee: (( acc inspect )) [8:29:25] (( PM from [39] Martin_Carlos: wkwkwk )) [8:29:26] Neandro Sabian says: lagi [8:29:27] Neandro Sabian says: )) [8:29:28] (( PM to [39] Martin_Carlos: apasi wkwk )) [8:29:29] Vincent Lee: (( acc inspect )) [8:29:32] INSPECT: {ffffff}You've requested an inspection to {ffff00}Neandro_Sabian [8:29:35] (( PM from [7] Michael_Etheridge: jangan /b mulu gblk )) [8:29:35] (( PM from [39] Martin_Carlos: warn lu nambah:V )) [8:29:39] Marvine Collinson says: Pak [8:29:41] [RADIO] PO-I Derrick Starbuck: I think i got one [8:29:41] Marvine Collinson says: Apakah sudah aman ? [8:29:42] Neandro Sabian: (( mantap xD )) [8:29:43] Millena Engel says: mas [8:29:43] Neandro Sabian says: )) [8:29:43] * {FF0000}Deffiero_Valdemar {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [8:29:43] * Phoebe Lynch meredakan diri [8:29:44] Mask 307801 says: Dah. [8:29:48] Marvine Collinson says: Sip [8:29:49] Neandro Sabian: (( BOLEH /Q GA? )) [8:29:54] Aamory Achiolli: (( boleh sana )) [8:29:57] Aamory Achiolli: (( /q )) [8:29:58] Neandro Sabian: (( ? )) [8:29:58] * Marvine Collinson examine vehicle using wrench and hammer. [8:29:58] * Phoebe Lynch repairing engine using mechanical tools [8:29:59] Neandro Sabian: (( ? )) [8:29:59] Millena Engel says: nih [8:29:59] Marvine Collinson says: Upgrade? [8:30:0] Aamory Achiolli: (( biar rame )) [8:30:3] [PD] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: Police 10168 To FD [8:30:3] * {FF0000}Zax_Leonora {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 02, Indonesia) [8:30:3] [RADIO] PO-I Derrick Starbuck: I got it. [8:30:3] Aamory Achiolli: (( wkwolwkwow )) [8:30:4] Marvine Collinson says: $700 fullupgrade [8:30:7] AdmCmd: huncho has jailed Neandro_Sabian for 180 minute(s) [8:30:7] Reason: /b while RP + 10 warns [8:30:11] proses ((Phoebe Lynch)) [8:30:12] Millena Engel says: iya [8:30:12] Vincent Lee: (( njer )) [8:30:12] Steffen Peterson says: pak saya kena korban tembak [8:30:14] ERROR: That player is blocking PM! [8:30:15] Mask 635384: (( :v )) [8:30:18] Steffen Peterson says: oleh PD dan robbber [8:30:20] Marvine Collinson says: $700 [8:30:22] * Marvine Collinson receive - it [8:30:25] 911: Crime: [ Louise siap menjadi Civillan hero ] [8:30:25] 911: Reporter: [ Louise Bishop ] Phone: [ 204020 ] [8:30:27] Steffen Peterson says: tadi yang pake M4 barbar [8:30:29] Zax Leonora says: hai Aa [8:30:30] Aamory Achiolli: (( Napa Ilang? )) [8:30:32] Vincent Lee says: Siapa m4? [8:30:34] Vincent Lee: (( jail ooc )) [8:30:38] Aamory Achiolli: (( wkwkwkwod )) [8:30:42] * Marvine Collinson installing reinforced engine to Comet using mechanical tools [8:30:44] Processing. ((Marvine Collinson)) [8:30:46] * {FF0000}Jeremy_Kloptens {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [8:30:46] Louise Bishop says: Steff [8:30:46] Steffen Peterson says: Apa woi [8:30:50] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: Bring the suspect to front of MC. [8:30:53] Louise Bishop says: si Gloria belum pulang? [8:30:57] AdmCmd: huncho has jailed Vincent_Lee for 60 minute(s) [8:30:57] Reason: /b while RP. [8:30:57] JAILINFO: {ffffff}Anda telah dipenjara oleh {ffff00}huncho {ffffff}selama {ffff00}60 menit [8:30:57] WARNING: You are entering OOC Zone, all IC command and chat are disabled [8:31:3] (( PM from [15] Roberto_Chavez: :( )) [8:31:5] REPORT: {ffffff}Your report has been issued to the queue, use '{ffff00}/reports{ffffff}' to see your report [8:31:5] (( PM from [7] Michael_Etheridge: mampus, dah dibilangi )) [8:31:7] (( PM to [7] Michael_Etheridge: wkwk )) [8:31:8] RESPOND: {ff0000}huncho {FFFFCC}has responded to your report [8:31:13] TELEPORT: {FFFF00}Brock_Hampton {FFFFFF}has teleported to you! [8:31:16] {ff0000}huncho: {ffffff}(( knepa? )) [8:31:19] (( PM from [15] Roberto_Chavez: pdhl dia yg mulai /b )) [8:31:19] Vincent Lee: (( nih )) [8:31:22] {ff0000}huncho: {ffffff}(( salah paham dimana? )) [8:31:25] Vincent Lee: (( kan tadi dia duluan yang mulai b )) [8:31:26] Vincent Lee: (( bukan ua )) [8:31:27] Vincent Lee: (( gua )) [8:31:30] {ff0000}huncho: {ffffff}(( Gua dari tadi spec lu berdua )) [8:31:34] {ff0000}huncho: {ffffff}(( /b terus )) [8:31:37] Vincent Lee: (( Gua udah suruh cut /b )) [8:31:40] {ff0000}huncho: {ffffff}(( Ga )) [8:31:42] {ff0000}huncho: {ffffff}(( mana ada )) [8:31:43] Vincent Lee: (( Dia masi b )) [8:31:44] Vincent Lee: (( Sumpah )) [8:31:47] Vincent Lee: (( Mau chat log )) [8:31:48] Vincent Lee: (( Mau chat log? )) [8:31:50] {ff0000}huncho: {ffffff}(( ga butuh )) [8:31:50] Karen Riley: (( min )) [8:31:55] Vincent Lee: (( Gajelas nih:( )) [8:31:55] {ff0000}huncho: {ffffff}(( gua dah ada bukti sendiri )) [8:31:57] Karen Riley: (( min )) [8:31:59] Vincent Lee: (( Unwarn plis )) [8:32:0] Vincent Lee: (( Last warn )) [8:32:3] Karen Riley: (( maafin aku lah )) [8:32:4] {ff0000}huncho: {ffffff}(( Lo bilang gua ga jelas? )) [8:32:4] * {FF0000}Leroyce_West {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Pekanbaru, Indonesia) [8:32:8] Vincent Lee: (( Engga itu temen gua gajelas )) [8:32:10] Vincent Lee: (( Yang /b )) [8:32:10] {ff0000}huncho: {ffffff}(( Gua ada bukti kok )) [8:32:11] (( PM from [35] Louise_Bishop: nape lo? )) [8:32:14] Karen Riley: (( maafin aku lah )) [8:32:21] * {FF0000}Nixon_Zacharius {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Semarang, Indonesia) [8:32:22] {ff0000}huncho: {ffffff}(( lo abis rpin tendang senjata )) [8:32:22] (( PM to [35] Louise_Bishop: anjeng gua /b padahal cuman bahas )) [8:32:26] {ff0000}huncho: {ffffff}(( terus /b )) [8:32:28] (( PM from [4] Andri_Setiawans: kenapa lo di Jail? )) [8:32:28] Vincent Lee: (( dia ngajak b )) [8:32:31] Vincent Lee: (( kan gua jawab )) [8:32:33] (( PM from [35] Louise_Bishop: wkokwookwkow )) [8:32:36] {ff0000}huncho: {ffffff}(( dan id 8 juga ikutan /b )) [8:32:41] Vincent Lee: (( di awal /b )) [8:32:43] Karen Riley: (( min )) [8:32:44] Vincent Lee: (( dia )) [8:32:45] (( PM from [33] Marvine_Collinson: ritat ye beb? awopawawaw )) [8:32:47] Karen Riley: (( maafin aku lah )) [8:32:47] (( PM to [33] Marvine_Collinson: kwkw )) [8:32:47] {ff0000}huncho: {ffffff}(( intinya lu berdua salah )) [8:32:52] Vincent Lee: (( Yaudah maapin gua )) [8:32:52] Karen Riley: (( maafin aku lah )) [8:32:54] Vincent Lee: (( LAST WARN janji )) [8:32:55] AdmCmd: Dena_7730 has released Fonzy_Davinci from Admin Jail [8:32:59] {ff0000}huncho: {ffffff}(( dah gua maafin )) [8:32:59] AdmCmd: Fonzy_Davinci has been kicked by Dena_7730. [8:32:59] Reason: relog [8:33:3] {ff0000}huncho: {ffffff}(( terima konsekuensi )) [8:33:7] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Taxi 3Up FullModift, CP: [8:33:7] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Michael_Etheridge{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}123551{FF0000}] [8:33:7] (( PM from [33] Marvine_Collinson: santai anak sultan beli lagi donasi kan:vawoawkoaw )) [8:33:8] Vincent Lee: (( remove warn la )) [8:33:10] {ff0000}huncho: {ffffff}(( ga )) [8:33:11] (( PM from [17] Trever_Oneil: mnta wa )) [8:33:13] (( PM to [33] Marvine_Collinson: masi ada owakkoaw )) [8:33:16] Karen Riley: (( maafin aku lah )) [8:33:22] Markie Wylde: (( ANDAIKAN WAKTU BISA DIPUTAR KEMBALI )) [8:33:23] (( PM from [33] Marvine_Collinson: :D )) [8:33:24] Markie Wylde: (( KU INGIN )) [8:33:25] {ff0000}huncho: {ffffff}(( dah eneg gua liatnya /b terus setiap RP )) [8:33:30] (( PM from [33] Marvine_Collinson: tapi gapernah bagi ke gue :D )) [8:33:34] Karen Riley: (( maafin aku lah )) [8:33:35] Vincent Lee: (( Last warn )) [8:33:37] Vincent Lee: (( Janj )) [8:33:39] Vincent Lee: (( Janji )) [8:33:40] {ff0000}huncho: {ffffff}(( nooo )) [8:33:45] Vincent Lee: (( Plis lah )) [8:33:47] Vincent Lee: (( Last warn )) [8:33:48] Karen Riley: (( maafin aku lah] )) [8:33:50] Karen Riley: (( pliss )) [8:33:54] Vincent Lee: (( Gua kalo /b lagi siap ban )) [8:33:54] {ff0000}huncho: {ffffff}(( nope )) [8:33:55] Vincent Lee: (( Serius )) [8:33:55] (( PM from [17] Trever_Oneil: gua off duluan ya bro... )) [8:33:56] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:33:57] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:33:59] * {FF0000}Fonzy_Davinci {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 07, Indonesia) [8:33:59] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:33:59] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:34:0] Karen Riley: (( miss )) [8:34:0] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:34:0] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:34:1] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:34:1] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:34:1] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:34:2] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:34:2] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:34:2] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:34:2] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:34:2] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:34:3] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:34:3] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:34:3] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:34:3] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:34:3] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:34:3] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:34:4] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:34:4] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:34:4] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:34:4] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:34:4] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:34:4] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:34:8] Vincent Lee: (( kww )) [8:34:12] {ff0000}huncho: {ffffff}(( lu harus belajar dari kesalahan lu ini )) [8:34:14] Karen Riley: (( maafin aku lah] )) [8:34:15] Karen Riley: (( maafin aku lah )) [8:34:16] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Taxi 3up FullModift, Minat? CP: [8:34:16] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Michael_Etheridge{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}123551{FF0000}] [8:34:17] {ff0000}huncho: {ffffff}(( ga usah buat banyak janji )) [8:34:18] Karen Riley: (( pliss )) [8:34:24] * {FF0000}Trevon_Deshawn {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Malang, Indonesia) [8:34:33] {ff0000}huncho: {ffffff}(( Wylde )) [8:34:33] Vincent Lee: (( Serius )) [8:34:35] Vincent Lee: (( LAST WARN )) [8:34:38] {ff0000}huncho: {ffffff}(( kita capcus skutt )) [8:34:42] Karen Riley: (( las war lah min )) [8:34:44] Vincent Lee: (( LAST WARN )) [8:34:46] Karen Riley: (( las war lah min )) [8:34:49] Markie Wylde: (( alay )) [8:34:50] Karen Riley: (( pliss )) [8:34:53] {ff0000}huncho: {ffffff}(( hehehe )) [8:34:54] Karen Riley: (( pliss )) [8:35:0] * {FF0000}Carla_Davies {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [8:35:5] Karen Riley: (( pliss )) [8:35:7] Karen Riley: (( las war lah min )) [8:35:10] * {FF0000}Adrian_Lopez {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [8:35:18] Karen Riley: (( las war lah min )) [8:35:18] AdmCmd: Brock_Hampton has been warned by Dena_7730, Total warning: 1 [8:35:18] Reason: Flamming. [8:35:19] Vincent Lee: (( Ah min )) [8:35:23] Karen Riley: (( las war lah min )) [8:35:23] Vincent Lee: (( Ples laaa )) [8:35:24] AdmCmd: Dena_7730 has removed 1 warning(s) from Brock_Hampton, Total warning: 0 [8:35:25] Vincent Lee: (( Min )) [8:35:25] Karen Riley: (( pliss )) [8:35:27] (( {00FFFF}No Lifer Adrian_Lopez: {FFFFFF}Gunakan /ask buat bertanya seputar server dan roleplay. )) [8:35:31] Karen Riley: (( las war lah min )) [8:35:36] Karen Riley: (( wkwkwk )) [8:35:41] Karen Riley: (( lo di jail juga )) [8:35:46] Karen_Riley telah keluar dari server. (Terputus/Crash) [8:35:55] PAYCHECK: {FFFF00}Pergi ke bank dan /signcheck untuk mendapatkan gaji anda atau pergi ke salah satu ATM! [8:36:0] ERROR: This command is disabled in OOC Zone! [8:36:6] * {FF0000}Randika_Bargawastra {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Central Jakarta, Indonesia) [8:36:9] REPORT: {ffffff}Your report has been issued to the queue, use '{ffff00}/reports{ffffff}' to see your report [8:36:14] RESPOND: {ff0000}yourvoice99 {FFFFCC}has responded to your report [8:36:26] WARNING: Faction OOC chat disabled! [8:36:41] KEGUNAAN: /take [playerid/name] [item: (weapons,drugs,materials)] [8:36:46] (( PM from [42] yourvoice99: kontak ke admin yang bersangkutan melalui /pm, /report untuk melaporkan bukan buat minta maaf. )) [8:36:47] KEGUNAAN: /take [playerid/name] [item: (weapons,drugs,materials)] [8:36:48] * {FF0000}Karen_Riley {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [8:36:55] (( PM to [42] yourvoice99: di block pmnya )) [8:37:0] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:37:0] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:37:1] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:37:1] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:37:2] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:37:2] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:37:2] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:37:3] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:37:3] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:37:3] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:37:3] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:37:3] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:37:3] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:37:3] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:37:3] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:37:3] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:37:3] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:37:3] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:37:3] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:37:3] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:37:3] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:37:3] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:37:3] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:37:3] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:37:3] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:37:3] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:37:3] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:37:3] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:37:3] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:37:5] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:37:5] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:37:5] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:37:5] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:37:6] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:37:6] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:37:6] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:37:6] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:37:6] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:37:6] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:37:6] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:37:6] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:37:6] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:37:6] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:37:6] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:37:6] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Siapa cepat dia dapat | Speeder 2insu GRATIS | ke Sannews [8:37:6] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Deffiero_Valdemar{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}112212{FF0000}] [8:37:6] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:37:6] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:37:6] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:37:6] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:37:6] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:37:7] (( PM from [42] yourvoice99: yaudah sabarin. )) [8:37:7] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:37:7] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:37:7] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:37:7] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:37:8] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:37:8] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:37:9] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:37:9] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:37:9] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:37:9] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:37:9] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:37:9] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:37:9] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:37:10] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:37:10] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:37:10] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:37:11] Karen Riley: (( wkwkwk )) [8:37:17] Karen Riley: (( pd di jail juga )) [8:37:18] [OOC] Vincent_Lee: {00ffff}(( parah kik )) [8:37:24] [OOC] Vincent_Lee: {00ffff}(( SEMUA KARENA TEMEN LO:V )) [8:37:37] [OOC] Karen_Riley: {00ffff}(( terima apah ada yah )) [8:37:44] [OOC] Karen_Riley: {00ffff}(( terima apah ada yah )) [8:37:48] [OOC] Vincent_Lee: {00ffff}(( 4vs1 masa 4 kalaj )) [8:37:49] [OOC] Vincent_Lee: {00ffff}(( 4vs1 masa 4 kalah )) [8:37:50] [OOC] Vincent_Lee: {00ffff}(( waokkwaowa )) [8:38:3] [OOC] Karen_Riley: {00ffff}(( kalah gimana )) [8:38:7] [OOC] Vincent_Lee: {00ffff}(( down semua lu )) [8:38:13] [OOC] Karen_Riley: {00ffff}(( lo waktu di ls mati lo )) [8:38:16] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Carla Mech's] Ingin upgrade ataupun pasang neon? Langsung aja ke Mechanic Center. [8:38:16] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Carla_Davies{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}6900{FF0000}] [8:38:20] [OOC] Vincent_Lee: {00ffff}(( ls beda anjir sama MC )) [8:38:27] (( PM to [17] Trevon_Deshawn: a )) [8:38:28] [OOC] Karen_Riley: {00ffff}(( wkwwk )) [8:38:29] ERROR: that player is not connected! [8:38:32] (( PM from [17] Trevon_Deshawn: ya?> )) [8:38:33] [OOC] Vincent_Lee: {00ffff}(( EZZ )) [8:38:36] (( PM to [17] Trevon_Deshawn: gapapa bro miss wkwk )) [8:38:39] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [8:38:40] (( PM from [17] Trevon_Deshawn: btw gua alam )) [8:38:42] [OOC] Karen_Riley: {00ffff}(( rob ama pd ama ama di penjara )) [8:38:48] (( PM to [17] Trevon_Deshawn: njir kok ganti terus )) [8:38:55] [OOC] Vincent_Lee: {00ffff}(( wokowaowa )) [8:38:58] [OOC] Vincent_Lee: {00ffff}(( Lawannya noob )) [8:38:58] (( PM from [17] Trevon_Deshawn: ini buat kriminal biar lu ada kerjaan )) [8:39:1] [OOC] Vincent_Lee: {00ffff}(( ga suka aku )) [8:39:5] (( PM to [17] Trevon_Deshawn: udah cs? )) [8:39:8] [ID] ID: 17 | Name: Trevon_Deshawn | Level: 1 | Ping: 51 | Launcher: Yes [8:39:12] (( PM to [17] Trevon_Deshawn: ANJER LEVEL 1 )) [8:39:13] (( PM from [17] Trevon_Deshawn: ntar rp quiz aja belom )) [8:39:20] [OOC] Karen_Riley: {00ffff}(( lo berani yah keroyokan )) [8:39:30] [OOC] Vincent_Lee: {00ffff}(( mana keroyokan anjer )) [8:39:30] [OOC] Karen_Riley: {00ffff}(( udah yang udah mati )) [8:39:31] [OOC] Vincent_Lee: {00ffff}(( mana keroyokan anjer )) [8:39:39] [OOC] Karen_Riley: {00ffff}(( lo bawa pd lagih )) [8:39:41] [OOC] Vincent_Lee: {00ffff}(( Firts time mati di ELS )) [8:39:43] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Sell] Landstalker 3Insu 3Up Fullmodift $3,2k Nego CP!!!! [8:39:43] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Louise_Bishop{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}204020{FF0000}] [8:39:49] [OOC] Vincent_Lee: {00ffff}(( Pd dateng waktu sisa 1 orang ye )) [8:39:56] [OOC] Karen_Riley: {00ffff}(( temen temen guye daraha yah sedikit lagih )) [8:40:20] * {FF0000}Deffiero_Valdemar {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [8:40:27] [OOC] Vincent_Lee: {00ffff}(( kawkawk kasian )) [8:40:31] [OOC] Vincent_Lee: {00ffff}(( udah temen lu noob )) [8:40:32] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:40:32] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:40:33] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:40:33] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:40:33] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:40:34] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:40:35] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:40:35] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:40:35] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:40:35] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:40:35] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:40:35] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:40:35] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:40:35] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:40:35] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:40:35] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:40:35] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:40:37] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:40:37] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:40:37] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:40:40] [OOC] Vincent_Lee: {00ffff}(( suruh ajak lagi gitu )) [8:40:49] ERROR: No queued reports! [8:40:53] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[DICARI] Garasi pribadi yang strategis, SMS. [8:40:53] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Derrick_Starbuck{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}1007{FF0000}] [8:40:54] [OOC] Karen_Riley: {00ffff}(( oke )) [8:41:1] [OOC] Karen_Riley: {00ffff}(( besok )) [8:41:22] * {FF0000}Christoffer_Gleditsch {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [8:41:31] [OOC] Vincent_Lee: {00ffff}(( kelamaan )) [8:41:32] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:41:32] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:41:32] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:41:38] QUIZ: Menarilah dan terus ... [8:41:38] NOTE: use '/quiz answer' to answer that quiz! [8:41:45] QUIZ: Brooklyn_Olsen have won the quiz! [8:41:45] QUIZ: The answer was 'Tertawa' [8:41:49] Christoffer_Gleditsch telah keluar dari server. (Pergi) [8:41:59] * {FF0000}Zax_Leonora {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 02, Indonesia) [8:42:18] QUIZ: . [8:42:18] NOTE: use '/quiz answer' to answer that quiz! [8:42:20] QUIZ: Johnson_Ferguson have won the quiz! [8:42:20] QUIZ: The answer was '.' [8:42:31] * {FF0000}Jhon_Hancock {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [8:42:43] QUIZ: Johnson Ferguson, caper? [8:42:43] NOTE: use '/quiz answer' to answer that quiz! [8:42:48] QUIZ: Veilleux_Sciverit have won the quiz! [8:42:48] QUIZ: The answer was 'Iya' [8:43:10] QUIZ: Siapa yang caper? [8:43:10] NOTE: use '/quiz answer' to answer that quiz! [8:43:20] QUIZ: Steffen_Peterson have won the quiz! [8:43:20] QUIZ: The answer was 'Johnson_Ferguson' [8:43:53] WARNING: You cannot draw your weapons out inside admin jail! [8:43:53] QUIZ: Siapa itu Johnson_Ferguson? [8:43:53] NOTE: use '/quiz answer' to answer that quiz! [8:44:0] QUIZ: Marvine_Collinson have won the quiz! [8:44:0] QUIZ: The answer was 'Eep.' [8:44:20] QUIZ: Johnson Ferguson, sekaya apa si lo? [8:44:20] NOTE: use '/quiz answer' to answer that quiz! [8:44:24] * {FF0000}Yee_Xangyin {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [8:44:28] QUIZ: Markie_Wylde have won the quiz! [8:44:28] QUIZ: The answer was 'Lordodo' [8:44:39] QUIZ: Volun yang caper? [8:44:39] NOTE: use '/quiz answer' to answer that quiz! [8:44:41] QUIZ: Trevon_Deshawn have won the quiz! [8:44:41] QUIZ: The answer was 'lordodo' [8:44:44] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{Dicari}Mobil Paan Aja Ada Yang Penting Sport. [8:44:44] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Aamory_Achiolli{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}462020{FF0000}] [8:44:45] (( {00FF00}ONCE Veilleux_Sciverit: {FFFFFF}Apa apaan coba )) [8:44:50] (( {00FF00}Olafmeister <3 Nicholas_Starbuck: {FFFFFF}Barang siapa.. )) [8:45:19] (( {00FFFF}No Lifer Adrian_Lopez: {FFFFFF}Katain id 0 Caper )) [8:45:27] [OOC] Global OOC channel has been enabled by an Admin! [8:45:28] (( {00FFFF}Get a Life! Marvine_Collinson: {FFFFFF}a )) [8:45:29] (( {00FFFF}No Lifer Aamory_Achiolli: {FFFFFF}memeq )) [8:45:29] (( {00FFFF}No Lifer Adrian_Lopez: {FFFFFF}Katain id 0 Caper )) [8:45:29] (( {00FFFF}Professional Martin_Carlos: {FFFFFF}iya )) [8:45:29] (( {00FF00}alvinaliansah Carla_Davies: {FFFFFF} )) [8:45:30] (( {00FFFF}Get a Life! Lukasz_Oxlade: {FFFFFF}a )) [8:45:30] (( {00FFFF}Newbie Yee_Xangyin: {FFFFFF}CAPER )) [8:45:30] [OOC] Global OOC channel has been disabled by an Admin! [8:45:37] (( {FF0000}Helper huncho: {FFFFFF}Hoamz )) [8:45:57] TELEPORT: {FFFF00}Brock_Hampton {FFFFFF}has teleported to you! [8:46:16] {ff0000}huncho: {ffffff}(( oi vincent )) [8:46:29] * {FF0000}Steffen_Peterson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [8:46:49] * {FF0000}Martin_Carlos {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [8:46:50] Vincent Lee: (( aPA )) [8:46:54] {ff0000}huncho: {ffffff}(( mau off duty dulu ga? )) [8:46:58] * {FF0000}Johnson_Ferguson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [8:47:0] Vincent Lee: (( Release ag )) [8:47:2] Vincent Lee: (( pliss )) [8:47:3] Karen Riley: (( min )) [8:47:8] QUIZ: Eep? [8:47:8] NOTE: use '/quiz answer' to answer that quiz! [8:47:9] {ff0000}huncho: {ffffff}(( ga gua release )) [8:47:9] Karen Riley: (( maafin aku lah )) [8:47:9] Vincent Lee: (( Gua gabakal ngulangin lagi )) [8:47:10] Vincent Lee: (( Gua gabakal ngulangin lagi )) [8:47:16] Karen Riley: (( kurangin war aku 1 )) [8:47:16] * {FF0000}Budi_Ramdhan {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [8:47:18] {ff0000}huncho: {ffffff}(( nononono )) [8:47:18] Vincent Lee: (( Gua gabakal ngulangin lagi )) [8:47:22] Vincent Lee: (( Janji dah )) [8:47:24] Karen Riley: (( kurangin war aku 1 )) [8:47:27] Vincent Lee: (( Siap dibanned kalo /b while rp )) [8:47:27] Karen Riley: (( maafin aku lah )) [8:47:32] {ff0000}huncho: {ffffff}(( ga )) [8:47:33] QUIZ: Markie_Wylde have won the quiz! [8:47:33] QUIZ: The answer was 'Anjing.' [8:47:33] * {FF0000}Kazuo_Sakaguchi {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Cirebon, Indonesia) [8:47:36] Karen Riley: (( gak akan gulangi lagih )) [8:47:36] Vincent Lee: (( Buat perjanjian kita )) [8:47:38] Karen Riley: (( gak akan gulangi lagih )) [8:47:40] ERROR: That player is blocking PM! [8:47:41] {ff0000}huncho: {ffffff}(( gausah bikin janji2 gajelas )) [8:47:42] Karen Riley: (( gak akan gulangi lagih )) [8:47:48] Karen Riley: (( bener min )) [8:47:49] Vincent Lee: (( Unwarn gua:( )) [8:47:52] Vincent Lee: (( Pless:( )) [8:48:0] {ff0000}huncho: {ffffff}(( gua sekrang tanya )) [8:48:3] {ff0000}huncho: {ffffff}(( mau off duty atau ga? )) [8:48:11] Vincent Lee: (( Engga )) [8:48:21] {ff0000}huncho: {ffffff}(( yodeh )) [8:48:21] Vincent Lee: (( Langsung patrol nanti gua )) [8:48:28] Karen Riley: (( gak akan gulangi lagih )) [8:48:30] Karen Riley: (( kurangin war aku 1 )) [8:48:46] * {FF0000}Jeremy_Kloptens {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [8:48:59] AdmCmd: Brock_Hampton has been kicked by antiteror. [8:48:59] Reason: Ini pelakunya relog mas. [8:49:24] (( {00FFFF}No Lifer Adrian_Lopez: {FFFFFF}Gunakan /ask buat bertanya seputar server dan roleplay. )) [8:50:26] * {FF0000}Donnie_Stacks {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [8:50:37] * {FF0000}Brock_Hampton {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [8:50:54] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{Dicari}Mobil Elegy Ada? [8:50:54] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Aamory_Achiolli{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}462020{FF0000}] [8:51:52] * {FF0000}Derrick_Starbuck {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [8:52:36] * {FF0000}Charles_Stamper {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 02, Indonesia) [8:52:51] * {FF0000}Raphael_Volkoska {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [8:53:15] * {FF0000}Kurry_Irving {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [8:53:57] * {FF0000}Tobias_Atkinson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [8:54:2] QUIZ: Berapakah maksimal peluru Desert Eagle? [8:54:2] NOTE: use '/quiz answer' to answer that quiz! [8:54:9] QUIZ: Johnson_Ferguson have won the quiz! [8:54:9] QUIZ: The answer was '350' [8:54:35] QUIZ: Berapakah maksimal obat yang dapat kita pegang? [8:54:35] NOTE: use '/quiz answer' to answer that quiz! [8:54:38] QUIZ: Johnson_Ferguson have won the quiz! [8:54:38] QUIZ: The answer was '10' [8:55:16] * {FF0000}Kurry_Irving {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [8:55:42] * {FF0000}Jacko_Lawyet {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 02, Indonesia) [8:55:52] * {FF0000}Valentin_Riviere {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [8:56:8] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Jual garasi pribadi di deket terminal bus, 35K nego! [8:56:8] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Donnie_Stacks{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}500500{FF0000}] [8:58:15] * {FF0000}Jack_Rogers {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 02, Indonesia) [8:59:18] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL]House 2 garage Loc:Palomino. [8:59:18] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Kelvyn_Stuart{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}123000{FF0000}] [8:59:18] * {FF0000}Georges_Parker {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Yogyakarta, Indonesia) [9:0:42] * {FF0000}Kurry_Irving {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [9:0:42] * {FF0000}Rexley_Hitamieka {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [9:1:9] * {FF0000}Andri_Setiawans {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [9:3:34] * {FF0000}Donnie_Stacks {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [9:3:38] * {FF0000}Heather_Dorothy {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [9:3:48] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Sell]Premier 3insurance 4upgrade ada mod. minat? CP: [9:3:48] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Paulo_Gerald{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}666682{FF0000}] [9:4:58] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Sell]Premier 3insurance 4upgrade ada mod. minat? CP: [9:4:58] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Paulo_Gerald{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}666682{FF0000}] [9:5:56] Q:Vincent Lee[12]: kalau beli gold pakai uang bisa ga? [9:6:2] Answer: {ffff00}Donatur mas [9:6:3] [id:1] Volunteer antiteror (Adrian_Lopez) [9:6:3] [id:18] Helper Scumbag (Fabian_Esparza) [9:6:3] [id:19] Volunteer mhdrehansyah31 (Rexley_Hitamieka) [9:6:3] [id:23] Volunteer lordodo (Veilleux_Sciverit) [9:6:3] [id:24] Volunteer lawyer123 (Nicholas_Starbuck) [9:6:3] [id:47] Helper javaID (Kazuo_Sakaguchi) [9:6:3] [id:48] Helper yourvoice99 (Jeremy_Kloptens) [9:6:3] [id:50] Helper huncho (Brock_Hampton) [9:6:3] NOTE: {ffffff}Volunteer tidak memiliki kedudukan yang sama dengan Helper / Admin [9:6:4] * {FF0000}Alfathunnisa_Alyasyifa {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [9:6:7] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}ST Vincent Garage menyediakan modift dan upgrade mobil tipe WAA @Flint [9:6:7] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Marvine_Collinson{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}432424{FF0000}] [9:6:11] * {FF0000}Synester_Reynold {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [9:6:20] * {FF0000}Roman_Wick {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Central Jakarta, Indonesia) [9:6:45] ERROR: You don't have the privilege to use this command! [9:6:52] (( PM to [1] Adrian_Lopez: jangan )) [9:6:54] (( PM to [1] Adrian_Lopez: paok )) [9:7:2] (( PM to [1] Adrian_Lopez: nanti berkurang )) [9:7:4] (( PM to [1] Adrian_Lopez: awokkoaw )) [9:7:7] AdmCmd: Vincent_Lee has been kicked by antiteror. [9:7:7] Reason: Relog kan kamu yang ngomong. [9:7:46] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Selamat datang {ffff00}Vincent_Lee{ffffff}. [9:7:46] PAYCHECK: Pergi ke bank dan /signcheck untuk mendapatkan paycheck anda atau pergi ke salah satu ATM! [9:7:46] Faction MOTD: {FFFF00}Diharapkan untuk aktif In-Game dan Forum, panggilan /r tolong fast response. [9:7:46] MOTD: {ffff00}Mohon menggunakan '/report' dengan benar, berikan informasi yang jelas dan detail {ff0000}- Ian [9:7:46] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Anda terakhir login {ffff00}47 menit yang lalu [9:7:46] * {FF0000}Vincent_Lee {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [9:7:47] Hukuman admin-jail anda belum habis, kembali ke admin-jail. [9:7:47] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Today is {ffff00}Sat 28 Sep 2019, 09:07:47 [9:7:47] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Server memerlukan waktu {ffff00}204 milisecond{ffffff} untuk memuat data char anda! [9:7:47] WARNING: You are entering OOC Zone, all IC command and chat are disabled [9:8:3] * {FF0000}Tommy_Middlesworth {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [9:9:3] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}(SELL) HOUSE 8 ROOMS 2 LANTAIN EL CORONA HUB: [9:9:3] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Adrian_Lopez{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}7362885{FF0000}] [9:9:24] * {FF0000}Fan_Zhang {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Semarang, Indonesia) [9:9:33] (( PM to [1] Adrian_Lopez: kick last ad )) [9:9:38] (( PM to [1] Adrian_Lopez: full caps lock )) [9:9:38] AdmCmd: Adrian_Lopez has been kicked by mhdrehansyah31. [9:9:38] Reason: Iklan jaga Caps ya mas [9:10:0] DYOC: {ffffff}Weapons attachment {33AA33}enabled [9:10:10] * {FF0000}Adrian_Lopez {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [9:10:55] AdmCmd: Kurry_Irving has been kicked by yourvoice99. [9:10:55] Reason: AFK on public spaces. [9:11:12] * {FF0000}Rey_Randolph {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [9:11:35] (( {00FF00}Miytsya Rexley_Hitamieka: {FFFFFF}o )) [9:11:40] * {FF0000}Rapi_Fauzi {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [9:11:54] (( {00FFFF}No Lifer Adrian_Lopez: {FFFFFF}Rehan love you )) [9:11:58] (( {00FFFF}No Lifer Adrian_Lopez: {FFFFFF})) )) [9:12:18] * {FF0000}Camero_Naziee {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [9:12:21] * {FF0000}Mills_Hampton {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [9:12:59] * {FF0000}Erick_Laurent {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [9:13:5] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[DICARI] Garasi pribadi, SMS. [9:13:5] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Derrick_Starbuck{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}1007{FF0000}] [9:13:24] * {FF0000}Djordi_Vanduijvenvoorde {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [9:13:44] * {FF0000}Vanessa_Evelyn {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [9:13:48] * {FF0000}Mario_Cordova {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Surakarta, Indonesia) [9:13:54] * {FF0000}Jeremy_Kloptens {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [9:14:56] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Sell] Rumah di Willowfield 3 ruangan full furnit dekor rapih 8k Net. minta? CP Me [9:14:56] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Dimas_Jey{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}555880{FF0000}] [9:15:17] * {FF0000}Joyce_Exovic {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [9:15:19] * {FF0000}Djordi_Vanduijvenvoorde {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [9:15:24] * {FF0000}Tyson_Cameron {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [9:15:36] * {FF0000}Markie_Wylde {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 02, Indonesia) [9:15:42] * {FF0000}Thurman_Norris {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [9:16:17] * {FF0000}Larenz_Hanzell {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [9:16:48] (( {FF00FF}HongKong Univer Kazuo_Sakaguchi: {FFFFFF}yang membawa senjata berat dipersilahkan untuk /hidegun )) [9:16:50] * {FF0000}Gracious_Humble {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [9:17:13] * {FF0000}Fajar_Alamsyah {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [9:17:20] * {FF0000}Demario_Barksdale {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [9:17:31] * {FF0000}Veronica_Moya {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [9:17:31] * {FF0000}Dajuan_Broughton {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [9:17:32] * {FF0000}Cassion_Dante {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [9:17:35] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [9:17:37] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [9:18:48] * {FF0000}Demario_Barksdale {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [9:18:48] BANK: {FFFFFF}You've received {00FF00}$10,000.00 {FFFFFF}from {FFFF00}Larenz Hanzell [9:18:51] BANK: {FFFFFF}You've received {00FF00}$3,000.00 {FFFFFF}from {FFFF00}Larenz Hanzell [9:19:8] (( PM to [55] Larenz_Hanzell: masih 1.1k detik lagi ekeke )) [9:19:30] (( PM from [55] Larenz_Hanzell: lanjut wkkwkw )) [9:19:40] Admin ShevaTujuh: respawn all car 09:19:50 [9:19:41] Admin ShevaTujuh: respawn all car 09:19:50 [9:19:41] Admin ShevaTujuh: respawn all car 09:19:50 [9:19:50] SERVER: All unoccupied static vehicles are respawned! [9:20:3] * {FF0000}Millena_Engel {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [9:20:14] * {FF0000}Conan_Pearson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [9:20:42] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}JUAL Rumah di ElCorona, 3 ruangan lahan parkir luas dan pribadi [9:20:42] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Mills_Hampton{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}322223{FF0000}] [9:21:1] * {FF0000}Cosmo_Robertson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Tangerang, Indonesia) [9:21:5] * {FF0000}Fonzy_Davinci {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 07, Indonesia) [9:21:23] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Trevon_Deshawn ] Phone: [ 0 ] [9:21:23] Message: Ada cabbie parking sembarangan depan city hall. [9:21:36] * {FF0000}Deffiero_Valdemar {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [9:21:51] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Jual Savanna 3insuransi 2upgrade fullmodift, SMS [9:21:51] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Mills_Hampton{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}322223{FF0000}] [9:22:13] * {FF0000}Farrell_Rucker {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [9:23:0] * {FF0000}Donnie_Stacks {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [9:23:3] * {FF0000}Daryl_Simpson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [9:23:11] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}JualTampa 3Insu 4Up FullModift abis, SMS [9:23:11] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Joyce_Exovic{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}444111{FF0000}] [9:23:11] * {FF0000}Carlheinz_Leuwenhook {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [9:23:34] (( PM from [59] Carlheinz_Leuwenhook: hey )) [9:24:9] * {FF0000}Demario_Barksdale {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [9:24:20] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Jual 2 rumah di Jefferson masing masing fulldekoran dan 3 ruangan, SMS [9:24:20] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Joyce_Exovic{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}444111{FF0000}] [9:24:38] * {FF0000}Yevgraf_Slawosky {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [9:25:8] QUIZ: Lagu lay lay siapa yang cipta kan? [9:25:8] NOTE: use '/quiz answer' to answer that quiz! [9:25:15] * {FF0000}Tobias_Atkinson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [9:25:17] QUIZ: Donnie_Stacks have won the quiz! [9:25:17] QUIZ: The answer was 'Joker.' [9:25:28] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}DS Flint Dealership | Menjual kendaraan Huntley, Bandito, Patriot, Rancher A dan B! @Flint [9:25:28] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Donnie_Stacks{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}500500{FF0000}] [9:25:32] (( {FF0000}Admin ShevaTujuh: {FFFFFF}lay lay lay lo jablay )) [9:25:58] * {FF0000}Deffiero_Valdemar {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [9:27:36] * {FF0000}Fajar_Alamsyah {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [9:27:47] * {FF0000}Conan_Pearson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [9:28:54] * {FF0000}Rafael_Cornejo {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bekasi, Indonesia) [9:29:55] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[ST Jefferson Dealer] Menjual kendaraan bermotor! tersedia berbagai macam! [9:29:55] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Rafael_Cornejo{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}999990{FF0000}] [9:30:12] Cosmo_Robertson telah keluar dari server. (Pergi) [9:31:18] * {FF0000}Andra_Xz {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Surabaya, Indonesia) [9:31:43] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[ST Montgomery Meubel] Menjual furniture berdesain elegan dan kekinian! [9:31:43] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Rafael_Cornejo{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}999990{FF0000}] [9:32:2] * {FF0000}Jimmy_Holland {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Palembang, Indonesia) [9:32:24] * {FF0000}Randall_Westbrook {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Tangerang, Indonesia) [9:33:23] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[ST Montgomery Meubel] Menjual furniture berdesain elegan dan kekinian! [9:33:23] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Rafael_Cornejo{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}999990{FF0000}] [9:33:27] * {FF0000}Carlo_Stevenson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [9:33:41] * {FF0000}Luther_Jenkins {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [9:34:36] AdmCmd: yourvoice99 has jailed Zeline_Zakeisha for 10 minute(s) [9:34:36] Reason: Baca (bit.ly/RulesJGRP dan bit.ly/GuideJRP) terlebih dahulu. [9:34:51] * {FF0000}Gareth_Levistorm {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Tangerang, Indonesia) [9:36:9] AdmCmd: Zeline_Zakeisha has been kicked by lordodo. [9:36:9] Reason: Engga bug [9:36:10] * {FF0000}Charles_Lark {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Yogyakarta, Indonesia) [9:36:23] * {FF0000}David_Marc {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [9:36:28] * {FF0000}Camero_Naziee {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [9:36:50] * {FF0000}Zeline_Zakeisha {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [9:37:4] * {FF0000}Kurry_Irving {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [9:37:30] (( {00FF00}*Dika-GB* Luther_Jenkins: {FFFFFF}Selamat sore patriot Jogjagamers yang saya cintaii... )) [9:37:36] (( {00FF00}ONCE Veilleux_Sciverit: {FFFFFF}PAGI WOE )) [9:37:37] [OOC] Global OOC channel has been enabled by an Admin! [9:37:37] (( {00FFFF}No Lifer Nixon_Zacharius: {FFFFFF}sore pak )) [9:37:38] (( {00FF00}Olafmeister <3 Nicholas_Starbuck: {FFFFFF}caper. )) [9:37:38] (( {FF0000}Admin ShevaTujuh: {FFFFFF}goblog kontol )) [9:37:38] (( {00FF00}[ANJAYMABAR] Charles_Lark: {FFFFFF}oit )) [9:37:39] (( {00FFFF}No Lifer Dajuan_Broughton: {FFFFFF}entit )) [9:37:39] (( {00FFFF}Newbie Yee_Xangyin: {FFFFFF}PAGI )) [9:37:39] (( {FF00FF}HongKong Univer Kazuo_Sakaguchi: {FFFFFF}caper )) [9:37:39] [OOC] Global OOC channel has been disabled by an Admin! [9:37:45] (( {00FF00}Miytsya Rexley_Hitamieka: {FFFFFF}Caper )) [9:37:46] (( {00FF00}Miytsya Rexley_Hitamieka: {FFFFFF})) )) [9:37:47] (( {00FF00}*Dika-GB* Luther_Jenkins: {FFFFFF}idie report aja tuh admin rasis )) [9:37:48] (( {00FFFF}No Lifer Adrian_Lopez: {FFFFFF}CAPer )) [9:37:51] (( {00FFFF}No Lifer Adrian_Lopez: {FFFFFF})) )) [9:37:51] QUIZ: Siapa caper? [9:37:51] NOTE: use '/quiz answer' to answer that quiz! [9:37:55] * {FF0000}Randall_Westbrook {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Tangerang, Indonesia) [9:37:55] QUIZ: Nicholas_Starbuck have won the quiz! [9:37:55] QUIZ: The answer was 'dikagantengbanget' [9:38:0] * {FF0000}Markie_Wylde {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 02, Indonesia) [9:38:1] (( {00FF00}Olafmeister <3 Nicholas_Starbuck: {FFFFFF}padahal jelek )) [9:38:2] (( {00FF00}Olafmeister <3 Nicholas_Starbuck: {FFFFFF}hmm )) [9:38:35] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (1402) [9:38:35] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Udah bro? [9:38:55] * {FF0000}Abraham_Johnson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [9:38:58] (( PM from [17] Trevon_Deshawn: lu discord an?. )) [9:39:15] * {FF0000}Nero_Khalifa {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [9:39:28] * {FF0000}Deffiero_Valdemar {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [9:39:44] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Bryan Filbert ] Reporter: [ Derrick Starbuck ] [9:39:44] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Driving any truck with out official licenses. ] [9:39:46] Anda telah memasuki AFK mode!, ketik /afk untuk lanjut main [9:39:51] * {FF0000}Yevgraf_Slawosky {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [9:40:2] * {FF0000}Tyson_Cameron {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [9:40:26] * {FF0000}Valentin_Riviere {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [9:40:32] * {FF0000}Karen_Riley {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [9:40:56] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}|Heroes Garage| Menerima Jasa Upgrade, Modif, Neon, dll | Type: WAA | Commerce | [9:40:56] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}David_Marc{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}679000{FF0000}] [9:41:11] * {FF0000}Markie_Wylde {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 02, Indonesia) [9:41:18] * {FF0000}Adelia_Aullia {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [9:41:20] * {FF0000}Zack_Potter {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bekasi, Indonesia) [9:41:20] HQ: {00ffff}Bryan_Filbert have been arrested by Derrick_Starbuck [9:42:2] * {FF0000}Didier_Luva {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 03, Indonesia) [9:42:4] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}|HoF Sportshop| Menjual berbagai alat olahraga dengan harga yang terjangkau| Marina | [9:42:4] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}David_Marc{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}679000{FF0000}] [9:43:12] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Dijual Rumah 1 Garasi Las Colinas Minat?CP Me [9:43:12] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}David_Marc{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}679000{FF0000}] [9:43:26] * {FF0000}Gracious_Humble {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [9:43:47] * {FF0000}Kurry_Irving {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [9:43:54] AdmCmd: Adrian_Lopez has been kicked by dikagantengbanget. [9:43:54] Reason: AFK [9:44:37] * {FF0000}Adrian_Lopez {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [9:45:8] AFK: {ffff00}You are no longer in AFK-Mode! [9:45:12] (( {00FFFF}No Lifer Adrian_Lopez: {FFFFFF}Gunakan /ask buat bertanya seputar server dan roleplay. )) [9:45:13] * {FF0000}Lester_Wilford {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [9:45:27] * {FF0000}Muhammad_Faridqts {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandar Lampung, Indonesia) [9:45:32] (( {00FF00}ONCE Veilleux_Sciverit: {FFFFFF}Gunakan command "/ask" untuk bertanya seputar server )) [9:45:34] (( {00FF00}ONCE Veilleux_Sciverit: {FFFFFF}Gunakan command "/report" untuk melaporkan orang yang melanggar rules )) [9:45:36] (( {00FF00}ONCE Veilleux_Sciverit: {FFFFFF}Gunakan command "/istuck" atau "/stuck" apabila kalian ngebug )) [9:45:39] (( {00FF00}ONCE Veilleux_Sciverit: {FFFFFF}Gunakan command "/help" untuk melihat command-command yang tersedia di server JGRP )) [9:45:40] (( {00FF00}ONCE Veilleux_Sciverit: {FFFFFF}Gunakan command "/changelog" untuk melihat update terkini )) [9:45:42] (( {00FF00}ONCE Veilleux_Sciverit: {FFFFFF}Dan terakhir, jangan lupa untuk baca guide & rules di JGRP, bit.ly/RulesJGRP & bit.ly/GuideJGRP )) [9:45:44] * {FF0000}Kurry_Irving {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [9:46:1] JAIL: {ffffff}Anda telah bebas dari penjara. [9:46:1] WARNING: You are leaving the OOC Zone! [9:46:8] [RADIO] PO-I Veilleux Sciverit: 1-JOHN-1 disbanded and parked properly. [9:46:44] [RADIO] PO-I Veilleux Sciverit: Police Officer I 8554 reporting off duty. [9:46:45] AdmCmd: Luther_Jenkins has been kicked by antiteror. [9:46:45] Reason: Desync [9:46:46] * {FF0000}Enzo_Lefevre {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [9:46:57] INFO: {ffffff}Character anda telah terluka berat dan sekarat [9:46:57] NOTE: {ffffff}Anda dapat menggunakan command '{ffff00}/accept death{ffffff}' setelah menunggu {00ff00}3 menit [9:47:12] [RADIO] PO-I Raphael Volkoska: 5-TOM-4 '27 4-JOHN-2 ,over. [9:47:28] * {FF0000}Luther_Jenkins {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [9:47:33] * {FF0000}Alcino_Castro {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [9:47:46] * {FF0000}Synester_Reynold {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [9:48:24] PHONE: {FF0000}Josephine (120701) {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [9:48:25] [RADIO] PO-II Didier Luva: Police Officer II 10152 Status 4 under 1-LINCOLN-1, departure Central Area. [9:48:31] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[ST Montgomery Meubel] Menjual furniture berdesain elegan dan kekinian! [9:48:31] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Rafael_Cornejo{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}999990{FF0000}] [9:48:37] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Josephine (120701) [9:48:37] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Hallo. [9:48:37] (( {FF0000}Helper yourvoice99: {FFFFFF}Yang di Mechanic Center, back RP masing masing. )) [9:48:46] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telpon berhenti berdering! [9:48:48] (( {FF0000}Helper dikagantengbanget: {FFFFFF}#antiteror caper. )) [9:48:49] PHONE: {FF0000}Josephine (120701) {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [9:48:54] [OOC] Global OOC channel has been enabled by an Admin! [9:48:57] (( {00FFFF}Loyal Slave Randall_Westbrook: {FFFFFF}HAHAHAH )) [9:48:57] (( {00FFFF}New Recruit Adelia_Aullia: {FFFFFF}ya )) [9:48:57] (( {00FFFF}Regular Tyson_Cameron: {FFFFFF}a )) [9:48:57] (( {00FFFF}Regular Lester_Wilford: {FFFFFF}caper )) [9:48:57] (( {00FFFF}Loyal Slave Randall_Westbrook: {FFFFFF}HAHAHAHt )) [9:48:57] (( {00FFFF}No Lifer Deffiero_Valdemar: {FFFFFF}a )) [9:48:57] (( {00FF00}$Fighter86$ Abraham_Johnson: {FFFFFF}hoo )) [9:48:57] (( {FF0000}Helper yourvoice99: {FFFFFF}O )) [9:48:58] (( {00FFFF}Professional Martin_Carlos: {FFFFFF}CAPER )) [9:48:58] (( {FF0000}Admin ShevaTujuh: {FFFFFF}kontol )) [9:48:58] (( {00FFFF}Newbie Trevon_Deshawn: {FFFFFF}gak )) [9:48:58] (( {00FFFF}Sensei Rey_Randolph: {FFFFFF}BOCAH CAPER )) [9:48:58] (( {00FFFF}Loyal Slave Randall_Westbrook: {FFFFFF}HAHAHAHt )) [9:48:58] (( {00FFFF}New Recruit Adelia_Aullia: {FFFFFF}ya )) [9:48:58] [OOC] Global OOC channel has been disabled by an Admin! [9:49:1] [OOC] Global OOC channel has been enabled by an Admin! [9:49:2] (( {00FFFF}New Recruit Adelia_Aullia: {FFFFFF}ya )) [9:49:3] (( {00FFFF}Regular Lester_Wilford: {FFFFFF}cape )) [9:49:3] (( {00FFFF}Professional Martin_Carlos: {FFFFFF}CAPER )) [9:49:3] (( {00FFFF}New Recruit Adelia_Aullia: {FFFFFF}ya )) [9:49:3] (( {FF0000}Admin ShevaTujuh: {FFFFFF}kontol )) [9:49:3] (( {00FFFF}Newbie Yee_Xangyin: {FFFFFF}EVENT )) [9:49:3] (( {00FFFF}Newbie Vanessa_Evelyn: {FFFFFF}OP )) [9:49:3] (( {00FFFF}Regular Tyson_Cameron: {FFFFFF}a )) [9:49:3] (( {00FFFF}Professional Martin_Carlos: {FFFFFF}CAPER )) [9:49:3] (( {00FFFF}Regular Lester_Wilford: {FFFFFF}cape )) [9:49:3] (( {00FFFF}Loyal Slave Valentin_Riviere: {FFFFFF}haha )) [9:49:4] (( {00FFFF}No Lifer Dajuan_Broughton: {FFFFFF}tolol )) [9:49:4] (( {00FFFF}Regular Tyson_Cameron: {FFFFFF}a )) [9:49:4] (( {00FFFF}No Lifer Conan_Pearson: {FFFFFF}CAPER )) [9:49:4] (( {00FFFF}Newbie Vanessa_Evelyn: {FFFFFF}OP )) [9:49:4] (( {00FF00}[ANJAYMABAR] Charles_Lark: {FFFFFF}P )) [9:49:4] [OOC] Global OOC channel has been disabled by an Admin! [9:49:6] (( {FF0000}Admin ShevaTujuh: {FFFFFF}lo gay )) [9:49:6] (( {00FFFF}Sensei Rey_Randolph: {FFFFFF}BOCAH CAPER )) [9:49:8] [OOC] Global OOC channel has been enabled by an Admin! [9:49:8] (( {00FFFF}Newbie Yee_Xangyin: {FFFFFF}EVENT )) [9:49:8] (( {00FFFF}No Lifer Zax_Leonora: {FFFFFF}no spam )) [9:49:8] (( {00FFFF}Loyal Slave Valentin_Riviere: {FFFFFF}haha )) [9:49:8] (( {00FFFF}No Lifer Deffiero_Valdemar: {FFFFFF}kenthu )) [9:49:8] (( {00FFFF}Loyal Slave Randall_Westbrook: {FFFFFF}HAHAH )) [9:49:8] (( {00FFFF}Newbie Vanessa_Evelyn: {FFFFFF}OP )) [9:49:9] (( {00FFFF}Professional Martin_Carlos: {FFFFFF}CAPER )) [9:49:9] (( {00FFFF}No Lifer Adrian_Lopez: {FFFFFF}Apa daya ku ini )) [9:49:9] (( {00FFFF}Regular Tyson_Cameron: {FFFFFF}a )) [9:49:9] (( {00FFFF}Newbie Yee_Xangyin: {FFFFFF}EVENT )) [9:49:9] (( {00FFFF}Loyal Slave Valentin_Riviere: {FFFFFF}haha )) [9:49:9] (( {00FFFF}No Lifer Deffiero_Valdemar: {FFFFFF}kenthu )) [9:49:9] (( {00FFFF}Loyal Slave Randall_Westbrook: {FFFFFF}HAHAH )) [9:49:9] (( {00FFFF}No Lifer Dajuan_Broughton: {FFFFFF}MMQ )) [9:49:9] (( {00FFFF}Superior David_Marc: {FFFFFF}Morning )) [9:49:9] (( {00FFFF}Newbie Vanessa_Evelyn: {FFFFFF}OP )) [9:49:9] (( {00FFFF}Professional Martin_Carlos: {FFFFFF}CAPER )) [9:49:9] (( {00FFFF}No Lifer Zax_Leonora: {FFFFFF}no spam )) [9:49:9] (( {00FFFF}Newbie Yee_Xangyin: {FFFFFF}EVENT )) [9:49:10] (( {00FF00}[ANJAYMABAR] Charles_Lark: {FFFFFF}P )) [9:49:10] (( {00FFFF}No Lifer Adrian_Lopez: {FFFFFF}Apa daya ku ini )) [9:49:10] (( {00FFFF}Sensei Rey_Randolph: {FFFFFF}BOCAH CAPER )) [9:49:10] (( {00FF00}$Fighter86$ Abraham_Johnson: {FFFFFF}awokawo )) [9:49:10] (( {00FFFF}Loyal Slave Randall_Westbrook: {FFFFFF}HAHAH )) [9:49:10] (( {00FF00}Olafmeister <3 Nicholas_Starbuck: {FFFFFF}newsnya mixing )) [9:49:10] (( {00FFFF}Regular Tyson_Cameron: {FFFFFF}a )) [9:49:10] (( {00FFFF}Loyal Slave Valentin_Riviere: {FFFFFF}haha )) [9:49:10] (( {00FFFF}No Lifer Conan_Pearson: {FFFFFF}CAPER )) [9:49:10] (( {00FFFF}No Lifer Deffiero_Valdemar: {FFFFFF}kenthu )) [9:49:10] (( {00FFFF}Professional Martin_Carlos: {FFFFFF}CAPER )) [9:49:10] (( {00FFFF}Newbie Yee_Xangyin: {FFFFFF}EVENT )) [9:49:10] [OOC] Global OOC channel has been disabled by an Admin! [9:49:10] (( {00FFFF}Sensei Rey_Randolph: {FFFFFF}BOCAH CAPER )) [9:49:10] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telpon berhenti berdering! [9:49:11] (( {00FFFF}No Lifer Adrian_Lopez: {FFFFFF}Apa daya ku ini )) [9:49:11] (( {00FF00}Olafmeister <3 Nicholas_Starbuck: {FFFFFF}kick ga ? )) [9:49:12] [OOC] Global OOC channel has been enabled by an Admin! [9:49:12] (( {00FFFF}Newbie Vanessa_Evelyn: {FFFFFF}OP )) [9:49:12] (( {00FFFF}Professional Martin_Carlos: {FFFFFF}CAPER )) [9:49:12] (( {00FFFF}Loyal Slave Valentin_Riviere: {FFFFFF}hahat )) [9:49:12] (( {00FFFF}Regular Tyson_Cameron: {FFFFFF}a )) [9:49:12] (( {00FFFF}No Lifer Deffiero_Valdemar: {FFFFFF}kenthu )) [9:49:12] (( {00FFFF}Newbie Yee_Xangyin: {FFFFFF}EVENT )) [9:49:12] (( {00FFFF}No Lifer Dajuan_Broughton: {FFFFFF}MMQ )) [9:49:12] (( {00FFFF}Professional Martin_Carlos: {FFFFFF}CAPER )) [9:49:12] (( {00FFFF}Regular Lester_Wilford: {FFFFFF}DIKAGANTENG BANGET BEST )) [9:49:13] (( {00FFFF}Loyal Slave Randall_Westbrook: {FFFFFF}KICK )) [9:49:13] (( {00FFFF}No Lifer Deffiero_Valdemar: {FFFFFF}kenthu )) [9:49:13] (( {00FF00}[ANJAYMABAR] Charles_Lark: {FFFFFF}P )) [9:49:13] (( {00FFFF}Sensei Rey_Randolph: {FFFFFF}BOCAH CAPER )) [9:49:13] (( {00FFFF}Newbie Trevon_Deshawn: {FFFFFF}bacaw )) [9:49:13] (( {00FFFF}Regular Lester_Wilford: {FFFFFF}DIKAGANTENG BANGET BEST )) [9:49:13] (( {00FFFF}No Lifer Dajuan_Broughton: {FFFFFF}MMQ )) [9:49:13] (( {00FFFF}No Lifer Zax_Leonora: {FFFFFF}no spam )) [9:49:13] (( {00FFFF}Loyal Slave Valentin_Riviere: {FFFFFF}hahat )) [9:49:13] (( {00FFFF}Active Member Paulo_Gerald: {FFFFFF}meki )) [9:49:13] (( {00FFFF}New Recruit Zeline_Zakeisha: {FFFFFF}e )) [9:49:13] (( {00FFFF}Regular Tyson_Cameron: {FFFFFF}a )) [9:49:13] (( {00FFFF}No Lifer Karen_Riley: {FFFFFF}wekwkw )) [9:49:13] (( {00FFFF}Professional Martin_Carlos: {FFFFFF}CAPER )) [9:49:15] (( {00FFFF}Sensei Rey_Randolph: {FFFFFF}BOCAH CAPER )) [9:49:15] (( {00FFFF}No Lifer Dajuan_Broughton: {FFFFFF}MMQ )) [9:49:15] (( {00FFFF}Newbie Yee_Xangyin: {FFFFFF}EVENT )) [9:49:15] [OOC] Global OOC channel has been disabled by an Admin! [9:49:15] (( {00FFFF}Sensei Rey_Randolph: {FFFFFF}BOCAH CAPER )) [9:49:16] (( {FF0000}Helper dikagantengbanget: {FFFFFF}Udah oe. )) [9:49:18] * {FF0000}Patrick_Rothschild {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [9:49:21] (( {00FFFF}No Lifer Adrian_Lopez: {FFFFFF}Apa daya ku ini )) [9:49:22] * {FF0000}Synester_Reynold {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [9:49:45] PHONE: {FF0000}Josephine (120701) {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [9:49:45] AdmCmd: Adrian_Lopez has been kicked by dikagantengbanget. [9:49:45] Reason: Relogin, bug. [9:49:55] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telpon berhenti berdering! [9:50:0] QUIZ: 1 + 1 adalah ... [9:50:0] NOTE: use '/quiz answer' to answer that quiz! [9:50:3] PHONE: {FF0000}Number 6065989 {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [9:50:5] * {FF0000}Josephine_Faustine {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [9:50:20] INFO: {ffffff}Anda sudah dapat menggunakan command '{ffff00}/accept death{ffffff}' untuk respawn kembali [9:50:20] NOTE: {ffffff}Jika anda sedang dalam situasi RP, pastikan anda sudah mendapatkan izin OOC dari pihak lain untuk respawn [9:50:25] * {FF0000}Adrian_Lopez {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [9:50:32] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Josephine (120701) [9:50:32] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Hallo. [9:50:34] QUIZ: Joyce_Exovic have won the quiz! [9:50:34] QUIZ: The answer was 'Pertambahan' [9:50:49] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[DICARI] Rumah 1 garasi di Palomino Complex. Hubungi : [9:50:49] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Didier_Luva{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}504030{FF0000}] [9:51:4] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telpon berhenti berdering! [9:51:7] * {FF0000}Leroyce_West {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Pekanbaru, Indonesia) [9:51:8] PHONE: {FF0000}Josephine (120701) {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [9:51:13] * {FF0000}Synester_Einstein {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Palembang, Indonesia) [9:51:16] * {FF0000}Synester_Reynold {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [9:51:20] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telpon berhenti berdering! [9:51:27] PHONE: {FF0000}Unknown number {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [9:51:27] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telpon berhenti berdering! [9:51:36] PHONE: {FF0000}Josephine (120701) {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [9:51:49] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Josephine (120701) [9:51:49] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Anda Owner WS Flint? [9:51:51] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telpon berhenti berdering! [9:51:56] PHONE: {FF0000}Number 6065989 {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [9:52:12] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telpon berhenti berdering! [9:52:20] * {FF0000}Nicky_Terrence {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [9:52:31] Anda telah memasuki AFK mode!, ketik /afk untuk lanjut main [9:52:37] PHONE: {FF0000}Josephine (120701) {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [9:52:56] * {FF0000}Robbert_Redmund {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [9:53:4] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telpon berhenti berdering! [9:53:28] * {FF0000}Aloysius_Elvarette {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [9:53:42] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Robbert_Redmund ] Phone: [ 500285 ] [9:53:42] Message: pak saya ingin membayar CGC apakah bisa? saya tunggu di kantor sapd hq. [9:53:52] Robbert Redmund says: Waduh [9:53:55] Robbert Redmund says: Kenapa pak? [9:53:58] PHONE: {FF0000}Josephine (120701) {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [9:54:18] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telpon berhenti berdering! [9:54:19] * {FF0000}Roman_Wick {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Central Jakarta, Indonesia) [9:54:20] * {FF0000}Aarich_Steven {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [9:54:22] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Robbert_Redmund ] Phone: [ 500285 ] [9:54:22] Message: pak saya ingin membayar CGC apakah bisa? saya tunggu di kantor sapd hq. [9:54:23] [RADIO] PO-I Derrick Starbuck: 1-JOHN-1 Officer I 9070 disbanded from 1-JOHN-1. [9:54:29] [RADIO] PO-I Synester Reynold: Police Officer I 10144 reporting to on duty, over. [9:54:38] * {FF0000}Paulo_Gerald {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [9:55:0] * {FF0000}Marvel_Jovinski {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [9:55:20] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Robbert_Redmund ] Phone: [ 500285 ] [9:55:20] Message: pak saya ingin membayar CGC apakah bisa? saya tunggu di kantor sapd hq. [9:55:37] [RADIO] PO-I Synester Reynold: Police Officer I 10144 is teaming up with Officer 8127 under 4-JOHN-2, clearing East Beach Precinct, over. [9:55:41] AdmCmd: Adrian_Lopez has been kicked by yourvoice99. [9:55:41] Reason: Staff bukan tukang get ih. [9:55:47] [RADIO] PO-I Synester Reynold: and take status four. [9:55:52] * {FF0000}Muhammad_Faridqts {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandar Lampung, Indonesia) [9:55:57] [RADIO] PO-I Derrick Starbuck: Police Officer I 9070 reporting offduty, over and out. [9:56:25] * {FF0000}Adrian_Lopez {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [9:56:27] * {FF0000}Alcino_Castro {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [9:56:40] * {FF0000}Brooklyn_Olsen {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Tangerang, Indonesia) [9:57:34] * {FF0000}Alfathunnisa_Alyasyifa {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [9:57:36] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Robbert_Redmund ] Phone: [ 500285 ] [9:57:36] Message: pak saya ingin membayar CGC apakah bisa? [9:57:45] * {FF0000}Nicholas_Starbuck {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [9:57:50] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Robbert_Redmund ] Phone: [ 500285 ] [9:57:50] Message: pak saya ingin membayar CGC apakah bisa? [9:58:20] * {FF0000}Fajar_Alamsyah {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [9:58:31] * {FF0000}Tae_Yoon {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [9:58:50] * {FF0000}Adelia_Aullia {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [9:59:17] [RADIO] PO-II Didier Luva: 1-LINCOLN-1 10-55 on 10-60 Yellow Flatbed, 10-20 above Mulholland Bridge. [9:59:23] * {FF0000}Camero_Naziee {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [9:59:36] [RADIO] PO-I Synester Reynold: Code four ? 4-JOHN-2speak [9:59:42] * {FF0000}Gribtsov_Krijan {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Palembang, Indonesia) [9:59:44] [RADIO] PO-II Didier Luva: Code 4. [9:59:53] [RADIO] PO-I Synester Reynold: Copy that, 4-JOHN-2 Speak. [10:0:2] * {FF0000}Sakamoto_Deguchi {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [10:0:10] * {FF0000}Fajar_Alamsyah {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [10:0:27] AFK: {ffff00}You are no longer in AFK-Mode! [10:0:40] REPORT: {ffffff}Your report has been issued to the queue, use '{ffff00}/reports{ffffff}' to see your report [10:0:42] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Sakamoto_Deguchi ] Phone: [ 765497 ] [10:0:42] Message: Meminta ijin truck jenis FLatbed berwarna putih memasuki kota untuk membuat plate [10:0:43] RESPOND: {ff0000}ShevaTujuh {FFFFCC}has responded to your report [10:0:49] ERROR: Unable to use Phone while unconscious [10:0:56] * {FF0000}Paulo_Gerald {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [10:0:59] [RADIO] PO-I Synester Reynold: TEU Officer 10144 on fiver. [10:1:1] You have been healed [10:1:16] * {FF0000}Scott_Harper {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Tangerang, Indonesia) [10:1:18] * {FF0000}Christiano_Litvenko {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [10:1:18] * {FF0000}Fajar_Alamsyah {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [10:1:22] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [10:1:22] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}Josephine (120701) [10:1:22] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}ada apa? [10:1:24] [ID] ID: 6 | Name: Josephine_Faustine | Level: 18 | Ping: 25 | Launcher: Yes [10:1:34] * {FF0000}Cymile_Goose {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [10:2:2] PHONE: {FFFFFF}Calling {00FFFF}Josephine (120701){FFFFFF}, please wait for answer! [10:2:16] * {FF0000}Joel_Fresly {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [10:2:34] ARMOURY: {ffff00}Health & Armour refilled! [10:2:36] ARMOURY: {ffff00}Ammo restocked! [10:2:39] AdmCmd: Nicholas_Starbuck has been kicked by ShevaTujuh. [10:2:39] Reason: relog orang tua [10:2:46] INFO: {ffffff}You've used one {ffff00}Piosisymbrium Extra [10:2:54] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Robbert_Redmund ] Phone: [ 500285 ] [10:2:54] Message: pak saya ingin membayar CGC apakah, bisa ke kantor sapd? [10:2:55] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [10:2:57] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [10:2:57] PERHATIAN: Anda tidak mempunyai SIM Kendaraan darat! [10:2:57] Tolong Hati-hati! [10:2:59] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [10:2:59] [RADIO] PO-II Didier Luva: Is there any unit that allowing this Yellow Flatbed entering city? 1-LINCOLN-1. [10:3:2] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [10:3:13] [RADIO] PO-I Synester Reynold: Negative from 4-JOHN-2. [10:3:37] [RADIO] PO-II Didier Luva: 1-LINCOLN-1 copy, thank you. [10:4:4] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Robbert_Redmund ] Phone: [ 500285 ] [10:4:4] Message: pak saya ingin membayar CGC apakah, bisa ke kantor sapd? [10:4:7] * {FF0000}Charlie_Veidrop {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [10:4:14] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [10:4:15] KEGUNAAN: /createlicense [playerid/name] [driving/sailing/flying/gun/lumberjack/trucking] [10:4:17] KEGUNAAN: /createlicense [playerid/name] [driving/sailing/flying/gun/lumberjack/trucking] [10:4:25] LICINFO: Anda telah memberikan driving license kepada Vincent Lee. [10:4:25] LICINFO: Anda telah menerima driving license dari Vincent Lee. [10:4:30] Driving license: [{00FF00}Valid until Fri 27 Dec 2019, 10:04:25{FFFFFF}] [10:4:30] Flying license: [{FF0000}Not passed{FFFFFF}] [10:4:30] Boat license: [{00FF00}Valid until Thu 07 Nov 2019, 14:11:07{FFFFFF}] [10:4:30] Firearm license: [{FF0000}Not passed{FFFFFF}] [10:4:30] NOTE: use '/licenses show [playerid/name]' to show licenses to other player! [10:5:8] * {FF0000}Juple_Cooper {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [10:5:11] [RADIO] PO-I Synester Reynold: information from 4-JOHN-2 if there is a white flatbed into the city, I have allowed to make a plate. [10:5:14] * {FF0000}Ingetraud_Schley {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [10:5:33] [RADIO] PO-II Didier Luva: 1-LINCOLN-1 copy. [10:5:38] KEGUNAAN: /createlicense [playerid/name] [driving/sailing/flying/gun/lumberjack/trucking] [10:6:24] 911: Crime: [ Di Ocean Dock Banya Orang Mati ] [10:6:24] 911: Reporter: [ Joel Fresly ] Phone: [ 333356 ] [10:6:31] * {FF0000}Oziel_Rafantino {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 02, Indonesia) [10:6:42] 911: Crime: [ di Dealer MC Ada penculikan ] [10:6:42] 911: Reporter: [ Erick Laurent ] Phone: [ 427700 ] [10:7:1] * {FF0000}Alka_Rafa {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [10:7:1] AdmCmd: Steffen_Peterson has been kicked by yourvoice99. [10:7:1] Reason: AFK on public spaces. [10:7:10] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Josephine (120701) [10:7:10] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}bro saya mau modift. [10:7:18] AdmCmd: Yevgraf_Slawosky has been kicked by yourvoice99. [10:7:18] Reason: AFK on public spaces. [10:7:18] * {FF0000}Theresa_Wright {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [10:7:25] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Robbert_Redmund ] Phone: [ 500285 ] [10:7:25] Message: pak saya ingin membayar CGC apakah bisa ke kantor sapd hq? [10:7:31] [RADIO] PO-I Synester Reynold: Any members GCLU ? [10:7:35] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Sell]Rumah 3 ruangan di els 5k [10:7:35] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Tae_Yoon{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}131031{FF0000}] [10:7:39] * {FF0000}Jerrick_Barksdale {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Malang, Indonesia) [10:7:42] * {FF0000}Carla_Davies {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [10:7:42] [RADIO] PO-II Didier Luva: Police Officer II 10152 negative. [10:7:47] AdmCmd: Larenz_Hanzell has been kicked by yourvoice99. [10:7:47] Reason: AFK on public spaces. [10:7:48] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [10:7:48] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}Josephine (120701) [10:7:48] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Owh [10:7:48] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Anda telah mengagalkan telepon! [10:7:48] Telepon terputus... [10:7:51] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [10:7:54] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [10:7:57] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [10:7:57] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}Josephine (120701) [10:7:57] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Bentar [10:8:18] [RADIO] Commander Jeremy Kloptens: Negative, just respond it, and told to him no one member GCLU available right now. [10:8:29] KEGUNAAN: /createlicense [playerid/name] [driving/sailing/flying/gun/lumberjack/trucking] [10:8:29] * {FF0000}Deffiero_Valdemar {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [10:8:30] * {FF0000}Buenaventura_Frederick {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [10:8:30] [RADIO] Commander Jeremy Kloptens: Maybe, try to call again later. [10:8:30] LICINFO: Anda telah memberikan gun license kepada Vincent Lee. [10:8:30] LICINFO: Anda telah menerima gun license dari Vincent Lee. [10:8:38] [RADIO] Commander Jeremy Kloptens: Commander 7785 speaking. [10:8:47] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [10:8:49] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [10:8:49] Driving license: [{00FF00}Valid until Fri 27 Dec 2019, 10:04:25{FFFFFF}] [10:8:49] Flying license: [{FF0000}Not passed{FFFFFF}] [10:8:49] Boat license: [{00FF00}Valid until Thu 07 Nov 2019, 14:11:07{FFFFFF}] [10:8:49] Firearm license: [{00FF00}Valid until Mon 28 Oct 2019, 10:08:30{FFFFFF}] [10:8:49] NOTE: use '/licenses show [playerid/name]' to show licenses to other player! [10:9:2] * {FF0000}Aubree_Curtis {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [10:9:11] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL]BF 3in 1up Minat? Call or sms !! [10:9:11] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Aloysius_Elvarette{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}505340{FF0000}] [10:9:15] [RADIO] PO-II Didier Luva: 1-LINCOLN-1 got information from niner, the MC kidnapper is driving Yellow Sultan. [10:9:26] ERROR: Ammunation does not sell that kind of ammo! [10:9:28] ERROR: You cannot purchase more ammo! [10:9:33] ERROR: You cannot purchase more ammo! [10:9:39] ERROR: Ammunation does not repair that weapon! [10:9:41] ERROR: Weapon requires no repair [10:9:45] KEGUNAAN: /takelicense [playerid/name] [driving,sailing,flying,gun,lumberjack,trucker] [10:9:48] LICINFO: Anda telah mengambil gun license dari Vincent Lee. [10:9:48] LICINFO: Vincent Lee telah mengambil gun license dari anda. [10:9:56] [RADIO] PO-I Synester Reynold: Copy, Commander, 4-JOHN-2 speak. [10:9:56] KEGUNAAN: /createlicense [playerid/name] [driving/sailing/flying/gun/lumberjack/trucking] [10:10:2] ERROR: That player is not a trucker! [10:10:4] ERROR: That player is not a trucker! [10:10:19] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL]BF 3in 1up Minat? Call or sms !! [10:10:19] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Aloysius_Elvarette{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}505340{FF0000}] [10:10:20] (( {00FFFF}No Lifer Adrian_Lopez: {FFFFFF}Gunakan /ask buat bertanya seputar server dan roleplay. )) [10:10:20] BANK: {ffffff}You've taken {ffff00}$250.00 {ffffff}from the bank. Current balance: {ffff00}$196,161.89 [10:10:28] (( PM to [1] David_Marc: gmau )) [10:10:31] (( PM to [1] David_Marc: miss )) [10:10:38] TRAINING: {FFFFFF}You've leveled up your {00FFFF}SMG (mp5/tec9/mac10) {FFFFFF}skill from {FFFF00}0 {FFFFFF}to {00FF00}100 [10:10:38] TRAINING: {FFFFFF}You must wait {FFFF00}15 minutes {FFFFFF}before you can level up another skill. [10:10:39] * {FF0000}Evie_Breddels {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [10:10:45] (( PM to [15] Adrian_Lopez: gamau )) [10:10:55] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [10:11:18] * {FF0000}Marvel_Jovinski {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [10:11:37] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Find] WS type transfender yang buka ada ? hub me [10:11:37] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Alcino_Castro{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}109947{FF0000}] [10:12:36] (( PM to [67] Synester_Reynold: a )) [10:12:39] (( PM from [67] Synester_Reynold: naon )) [10:12:42] (( PM to [67] Synester_Reynold: berisik anying whisper )) [10:12:48] AdmCmd: Evie_Breddels has been kicked by ShevaTujuh. [10:12:48] Reason: missusing /report. [10:13:1] * {FF0000}Karen_Riley {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [10:13:2] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [10:13:3] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}You've {33AA33}unsealed {FFFFFF}the house owned by {00FFFF}Larenz_Hanzell [10:13:3] (( PM from [67] Synester_Reynold: ga mencet )) [10:13:3] * {FF0000}Adelia_Aullia {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [10:13:12] * {FF0000}Donnie_Stacks {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [10:13:18] AdmCmd: Donnie_Stacks has been kicked by ShevaTujuh. [10:13:18] Reason: kalo report yang jelas bro. [10:13:20] * {FF0000}Roy_Xanbury {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [10:13:21] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Selling Turismo 3insurance 4upgrade Fullsticker || SMS only [10:13:21] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Buenaventura_Frederick{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}222634{FF0000}] [10:13:24] * {FF0000}Fajar_Alamsyah {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [10:13:26] * {FF0000}Gracious_Humble {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [10:13:32] 911: Crime: [ Di Dealer Ocean Docks ada 1 orang penculik perempuan pake baju hitem keliatan udelnya pake sultan kuning ] [10:13:32] 911: Reporter: [ Joyce Exovic ] Phone: [ 444111 ] [10:13:35] * {FF0000}Mark_Howard {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [10:13:41] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Rexley Hitamieka: 0-ADAM-2 10-27 0-LINCOLN-2 [10:13:44] (( PM to [52] Joyce_Exovic: aowkowakwao tolol udel:v )) [10:13:47] (( PM from [52] Joyce_Exovic: awokawok )) [10:14:3] * {FF0000}Donnie_Stacks {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [10:14:12] * {FF0000}Beau_Brown {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [10:14:17] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Rexley Hitamieka: 0-LINCOLN-2 on niner CODE 3 [10:14:23] PHONE: {FF0000}Josephine (120701) {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [10:14:27] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Anda telah menjawab telpon. [10:14:27] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Gunakan chat biasa untuk berkomunikasi lewat telpon, '/h' untuk menutup telpon. [10:14:28] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Selling house at Blueberry 1 garage 3 room || SMS only [10:14:28] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Buenaventura_Frederick{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}222634{FF0000}] [10:14:29] Vincent Lee [phone]: Iya [10:14:29] Josephine [phone]: hallo [10:14:30] (( PM to [62] Zack_Potter: a )) [10:14:32] Josephine [phone]: Saya ingin modift [10:14:32] (( PM to [52] Joyce_Exovic: a )) [10:14:35] Josephine [phone]: DI WS Flint. [10:14:35] (( PM to [52] Joyce_Exovic: ganti akun cepet )) [10:14:38] (( PM from [52] Joyce_Exovic: wait )) [10:14:41] Vincent Lee [phone]: berapa modif? [10:14:44] (( PM to [52] Joyce_Exovic: ecpet )) [10:14:44] (( PM from [62] Zack_Potter: ? )) [10:14:46] Josephine [phone]: 3 modift. [10:14:48] Josephine [phone]: Sama Upgrade [10:14:48] (( PM to [52] Joyce_Exovic: ada yang mau modif kontol )) [10:14:52] (( PM from [52] Joyce_Exovic: ok )) [10:14:55] Vincent Lee [phone]: Belom kalo upgrade [10:14:56] Vincent Lee [phone]: Modif aja [10:15:1] Vincent Lee [phone]: Yang upgrade belom ke kota [10:15:5] Josephine [phone]: Yaudah [10:15:7] Josephine [phone]: Modift aja [10:15:10] Josephine [phone]: Anda dimana. [10:15:10] (( PM to [52] Joyce_Exovic: a )) [10:15:12] (( PM to [52] Joyce_Exovic: gjadi )) [10:15:14] Vincent Lee [phone]: mau ke ws flint [10:15:15] (( PM from [52] Joyce_Exovic: oalah :v )) [10:15:21] (( PM to [52] Joyce_Exovic: gua aja )) [10:15:24] Josephine [phone]: yaudah saya tungguin [10:15:29] (( PM to [52] Joyce_Exovic: 500 lagi jadi level 5 okawkwa )) [10:15:29] Vincent Lee [phone]: OTW [10:15:30] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [10:15:31] Telepon terputus... [10:15:35] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL/TRADE] PCJ600 3insu 1Up, Minat? SMS! [10:15:35] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Conan_Pearson{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}800700{FF0000}] [10:15:35] * {FF0000}Kyrie_Garland {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Malang, Indonesia) [10:15:39] * {FF0000}Jarett_Dickerson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [10:15:40] * {FF0000}Stevan_Martin {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [10:15:50] [RADIO] PO-II Didier Luva: 1-LINCOLN-1 bringing 1 IC1 male suspect to Central Prison for 10-15. [10:16:5] * {FF0000}Yusuf_Hermawan {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [10:16:14] WARNING: {ffffff}You've eaten too much, overall fitness rating decreased by {00ffff}2.00 [10:16:14] SHOP: {ffffff}You've purchased {ffff00}Menu +84 {ffffff}for {00ff00}$5.25 [10:16:20] * {FF0000}Steffen_Peterson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [10:16:20] PHONE: {FF0000}Josephine (120701) {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [10:16:23] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Anda telah menjawab telpon. [10:16:23] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Gunakan chat biasa untuk berkomunikasi lewat telpon, '/h' untuk menutup telpon. [10:16:26] Josephine [phone]: Anda dimana [10:16:29] Vincent Lee [phone]: Lagi jalan [10:16:32] Josephine [phone]: Arah? [10:16:33] (( {00FFFF}No Lifer Adrian_Lopez: {FFFFFF}bagi orang yang belom tau gold point apa itu check di forum donature sudah di update. )) [10:16:33] Vincent Lee [phone]: WS [10:16:38] Josephine [phone]: Yaudah jangan lama [10:16:41] Josephine [phone]: saya tungguin nih [10:16:42] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Find] WS Type Transfender yang buka saya mau modif ada ? [10:16:42] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Alcino_Castro{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}109947{FF0000}] [10:16:44] (( PM to [67] Synester_Reynold: masih tolol )) [10:16:46] Vincent Lee [phone]: Ok [10:16:47] Telepon terputus... [10:16:47] TOLL: {FFFFFF}Used 1 toll card point to pay toll access. [10:16:49] ERROR: Please wait untill the gate is closed! [10:16:55] (( Rexley_Hitamieka: wisper sapa itu )) [10:16:57] * {FF0000}Mail_Ismail {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [10:16:58] (( Vincent_Lee: gatai )) [10:17:3] (( Vincent_Lee: synster )) [10:17:3] (( Rexley_Hitamieka: cok wispernya )) [10:17:8] (( Vincent_Lee: synster whispernya )) [10:17:10] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Josephine (120701) [10:17:10] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}anda pakek kendaraaan apa? [10:17:15] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [10:17:15] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}Josephine (120701) [10:17:15] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Polisi [10:17:17] (( Raphael_Volkoska: iya lagi ngetest dia whisper nya error )) [10:17:26] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Josephine (120701) [10:17:26] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Nama Anda? [10:17:29] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [10:17:29] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}Josephine (120701) [10:17:29] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Vincent lee [10:17:42] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Josephine (120701) [10:17:42] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Wih polisi. [10:17:42] * {FF0000}Mail_Stizy {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [10:17:49] Adelia Aullia says: Andaa. [10:17:54] Adelia Aullia says: Modift saya. [10:17:56] [ID] ID: 18 | Name: Adelia_Aullia | Level: 2 | Ping: 26 | Launcher: No [10:17:57] Adelia Aullia says: Cabbie. [10:17:58] Vincent Lee says: Iya [10:18:7] * Vincent Lee examine veh [10:18:9] Adelia Aullia says: Whells sama nitrous sama neon. [10:18:13] Adelia Aullia: (( widih polisis : )) [10:18:14] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}Finished examining vehicle {00FFFF}Cabbie [10:18:14] NOTE: {FFFFFF}You are now able to use '{FFFF00}/vehmenu{FFFFFF}' on this vehicle [10:18:16] Vincent Lee says: Bentar [10:18:18] Vincent Lee: (( wkkw )) [10:18:20] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}DS Flint Dealership | Menjual kendaraan Huntley, Bandito, Patriot, Rancher A dan B! @Flint [10:18:20] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Donnie_Stacks{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}500500{FF0000}] [10:18:20] ERROR: You cannot modify this vehicle here! [10:18:21] Adelia Aullia: (( sampe mobil gw lecet :v )) [10:18:23] Vincent Lee says: Gabisa ini [10:18:25] ERROR: The vehicle already have neon installed! [10:18:33] Adelia Aullia says: Kenapa. [10:18:34] Adelia Aullia says: Bisa yah apa [10:18:37] Vincent Lee says: Neon udah ada ini [10:18:42] Adelia Aullia says: Bisa yah apa [10:18:56] ERROR: The vehicle already have neon installed! [10:18:59] Adelia Aullia says: Whells bisa sama Neon? [10:19:2] Vincent Lee says: warna [10:19:6] Vincent Lee says: Neon harus lepas [10:19:8] Adelia Aullia says: Whells bisa sama Nitrous [10:19:12] Adelia Aullia says: Neon emang uda ada. [10:19:15] Vincent Lee says: Nitro sama wheels ga bisa [10:19:18] Adelia Aullia says: Kenapa [10:19:20] 911: Crime: [ Telah terjadi baku tembak di sekitar market unity station ] [10:19:20] 911: Reporter: [ Oziel Rafantino ] Phone: [ 5649146 ] [10:19:23] Robbert Redmund says: Pak [10:19:25] Vincent Lee says: Apa? [10:19:28] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}JUAL garasi pribadi di deket terminal bus, 35k nego [10:19:28] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Donnie_Stacks{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}500500{FF0000}] [10:19:30] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Alka_Rafa ] Phone: [ 1410530 ] [10:19:30] Message: pak saya hilang mobil waktu itu tapi ini udah ketemu saya nyarinya pakai motor saya bisa tolong bantu bawa mobil saya? [10:19:31] * {FF0000}Aloysius_Elvarette {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [10:19:34] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Rexley Hitamieka: 0-ADAM-2 on niner CODE 3 [10:19:37] * {FF0000}Armando_Franklin {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [10:19:39] Robbert Redmund says: Butuh pegawai ga? [10:19:42] Vincent Lee says: Engga [10:19:42] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Marvel Jovinski ] Reporter: [ Didier Luva ] [10:19:42] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Driving any motorized vehicle without official driving license or with expired license ] [10:19:46] Robbert Redmund says: Bisa upgrade [10:19:52] ERROR: Nomor yang anda hubungi tidak terdaftar [10:19:55] ERROR: Nomor yang anda hubungi tidak terdaftar [10:19:56] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Josephine (120701) [10:19:56] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}lo rank berapa? [10:19:58] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [10:19:58] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}Josephine (120701) [10:19:58] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}3 [10:20:4] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Josephine (120701) [10:20:4] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Widih bagi duit lah :V [10:20:8] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [10:20:8] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}Josephine (120701) [10:20:8] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}lu siapa? awkakowa [10:20:12] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Josephine (120701) [10:20:12] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Parah sih [10:20:18] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [10:20:18] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}Josephine (120701) [10:20:18] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Sumpah lupa [10:20:18] HQ: {00ffff}Marvel_Jovinski have been arrested by Didier_Luva [10:20:26] PHONE: {FFFFFF}Calling {00FFFF}number 5649146{FFFFFF}, please wait for answer! [10:20:27] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Josephine (120701) [10:20:27] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Bagi lah bakal upgrade. [10:20:30] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telepon telah dijawab. [10:20:30] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Gunakan chat biasa untuk berkomunikasi lewat telpon, '/h' untuk menutup telpon. [10:20:30] Vincent Lee [phone]: SAPD. [10:20:32] Caller [phone]: hallow [10:20:32] Vincent Lee [phone]: Naik apa? [10:20:34] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[DIJUAL] Rumah 3 garasi di Blueberry, funiture terpasang rapih. Minat? Hubungi! [10:20:34] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Carla_Davies{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}6900{FF0000}] [10:20:36] Caller [phone]: Sanchez [10:20:36] AdmCmd: Zeline_Zakeisha has been kicked by mhdrehansyah31. [10:20:36] Reason: jangan mixing [10:20:39] Caller [phone]: Berdua [10:20:39] Vincent Lee [phone]: Berapa orang? [10:20:40] * {FF0000}Rafael_Cornejo {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bekasi, Indonesia) [10:20:43] Vincent Lee [phone]: Ke arah mana? [10:20:51] * {FF0000}Yevgraf_Slawosky {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [10:20:52] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: 1-ADAM-4 Responding last niner. [10:20:57] Caller [phone]: Tadi ku lihat masih sekitar market unity station [10:21:4] Caller [phone]: Korban nya supir taxi [10:21:8] Vincent Lee [phone]: Di deket market69? [10:21:11] [RADIO] PO-II Didier Luva: 1-LINCOLN-1 10-99 from 10-15, back to Status 4. [10:21:11] Caller [phone]: Iyak. [10:21:12] Vincent Lee [phone]: Sanchez warna apa [10:21:17] Caller [phone]: Hitam [10:21:21] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Josephine (120701) [10:21:21] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}bagi duit lah [10:21:26] Vincent Lee [phone]: Thanks for information [10:21:27] Telepon terputus... [10:21:38] * {FF0000}Dajuan_Broughton {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [10:22:6] * {FF0000}Luther_Jenkins {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [10:22:53] AdmCmd: Stevan_Martin has been kicked by yourvoice99. [10:22:53] Reason: AFK [10:23:11] * {FF0000}Deffiero_Valdemar {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [10:23:29] LIMITSPEED: {ffffff}Vehicle speed limit set to {33AA33}15 mph [10:23:36] * {FF0000}Zeline_Zakeisha {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [10:23:40] done ((Tae Yoon)) [10:23:42] * {FF0000}Stevan_Martin {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [10:23:48] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Robbert_Redmund ] Phone: [ 500285 ] [10:23:48] Message: pak saya ingin membayar CGC apakah bisa saya membayar nya? [10:23:54] * Tae Yoon fix engine with mech tools [10:23:54] Dajuan Broughton says: Repair pal ? [10:23:56] proses ((Tae Yoon)) [10:23:58] Dajuan Broughton: (( *k )) [10:23:59] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[dicari] ws yang bisa up dan mod sultan [10:23:59] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Karen_Riley{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}143385{FF0000}] [10:24:0] Roman Wick: (( mau benerin kok /jobduty? )) [10:24:3] Vincent Lee says: Sendiri? [10:24:4] * {FF0000}Fan_Zhang {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Semarang, Indonesia) [10:24:8] Rexley Hitamieka says: Iya [10:24:8] Dajuan Broughton says: Fix pak ? [10:24:10] Tae Yoon: (( itu biar dapet gaji dari mekanik )) [10:24:10] Enzo Lefevre says: lee [10:24:13] Vincent Lee says: Bareng aja [10:24:15] Vincent Lee says: Apa enzo? [10:24:18] Enzo Lefevre says: sini [10:24:19] Rexley Hitamieka says: Nanti aja [10:24:19] done ((Tae Yoon)) [10:24:24] Roman Wick: (( saya kan mau benerin )) [10:24:25] Enzo Lefevre says: bagi duit haha [10:24:25] Rexley Hitamieka says: Makasi [10:24:26] Tae Yoon: (( ibarat lagi jam kerjanya )) [10:24:29] Vincent Lee says: Ga ada duit [10:24:32] Enzo Lefevre says: yaelah pelit [10:24:35] Vincent Lee says: Pala lu [10:24:41] Tae Yoon: (( kaya polisi itu kan nicknya biru )) [10:24:42] Rexley Hitamieka: (( roman )) [10:24:48] Enzo Lefevre says: sama kawan lama [10:24:48] * {FF0000}David_Marc {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [10:24:53] FRISK: {FF0000}Enzo Lefevre {FFFFFF}ingin mem-frisk anda, {FFFF00}/accept frisk {FFFFFF}untuk memberi izin untuk frisk kepadany [10:24:53] Vincent Lee says: Aku ga ada duit [10:24:59] Enzo Lefevre says: hu [10:25:6] Enzo Lefevre says: pelit lu [10:25:9] * {FF0000}Deffiero_Valdemar {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [10:25:11] Adelia Aullia Shouts: woy! [10:25:14] Enzo Lefevre says: gaenak [10:25:16] Adelia Aullia Shouts: die lagi! [10:25:16] Enzo Lefevre says: gaenak [10:25:17] * {FF0000}Lester_Wilford {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [10:25:24] * {FF0000}Charlie_Veidrop {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [10:25:29] * {FF0000}Louise_Bishop {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [10:25:31] LIMITSPEED: {ffffff}Vehicle speed limit {ff0000}disabled [10:25:40] (( PM to [38] Louise_Bishop: tolol kemana kau )) [10:25:54] (( PM from [38] Louise_Bishop: Baru ig udah makan )) [10:25:58] (( PM to [38] Louise_Bishop: owh )) [10:26:2] (( PM from [38] Louise_Bishop: Ya )) [10:26:6] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [10:26:6] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Lo dimana? [10:26:8] ERROR: You must wait 1 minutes before you can start training! [10:26:9] ERROR: You must wait 1 minutes before you can start training! [10:26:10] (( PM from [38] Louise_Bishop: dah bebas? )) [10:26:19] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [10:26:19] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 204020 [10:26:19] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Ammunation willowfield [10:26:25] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [10:26:25] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Jemput meq [10:26:29] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [10:26:29] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 204020 [10:26:29] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Dimane [10:26:33] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [10:26:33] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}ASGH [10:26:36] * {FF0000}Paulo_Gerald {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [10:26:53] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (204020) [10:26:53] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Buru [10:27:2] (( PM to [38] Louise_Bishop: gua mau makan tolol )) [10:27:6] ERROR: You must be at the weapon training point! [10:27:7] ERROR: You must wait 0 minutes before you can start training! [10:27:8] ERROR: You must wait 0 minutes before you can start training! [10:27:8] (( PM from [38] Louise_Bishop: yaelah tolol )) [10:27:10] ERROR: You must wait 0 minutes before you can start training! [10:27:10] ERROR: You must wait 0 minutes before you can start training! [10:27:10] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [10:27:11] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [10:27:11] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [10:27:11] ERROR: You must wait 0 minutes before you can start training! [10:27:12] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [10:27:12] ERROR: You must wait 0 minutes before you can start training! [10:27:18] (( PM to [38] Louise_Bishop: gua mau kasih tau lu sesuatu waokwakowa )) [10:27:20] ERROR: You must wait 0 minutes before you can start training! [10:27:21] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Selling house at Blueberry 1 garage 3 room || SMS Only [10:27:21] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Buenaventura_Frederick{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}222634{FF0000}] [10:27:25] (( PM from [38] Louise_Bishop: paan? )) [10:27:27] ERROR: You must wait 0 minutes before you can start training! [10:27:29] TRAINING: You can now continue training! [10:27:33] (( PM to [38] Louise_Bishop: nanti abis makan )) [10:27:37] TRAINING: {FFFFFF}You've leveled up your {00FFFF}SMG (mp5/tec9/mac10) {FFFFFF}skill from {FFFF00}100 {FFFFFF}to {00FF00}200 [10:27:37] TRAINING: {FFFFFF}You must wait {FFFF00}15 minutes {FFFFFF}before you can level up another skill. [10:27:51] (( PM from [38] Louise_Bishop: sekarang aja )) [10:28:14] * {FF0000}Avery_Lawrence {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [10:28:23] * {FF0000}Andika_Subejo {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [10:28:54] * {FF0000}Larenz_Hanzell {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [10:29:3] * {FF0000}Bryan_Stewart {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [10:29:11] AdmCmd: yourvoice99 has jailed Mail_Stizy for 15 minute(s) [10:29:11] Reason: Baca (bit.ly/RulesJGRP dan bit.ly/GuideJGRP) dulu ya sebelum bermain. [10:29:12] (( PM to [28] Larenz_Hanzell: a )) [10:29:15] (( PM to [28] Larenz_Hanzell: dah yaaa )) [10:29:18] (( PM from [28] Larenz_Hanzell: tq )) [10:29:18] AdmCmd: yourvoice99 has jailed Mail_Ismail for 15 minute(s) [10:29:18] Reason: Baca (bit.ly/RulesJGRP dan bit.ly/GuideJGRP) dulu ya sebelum bermain. [10:29:19] ERROR: Nomor yang anda hubungi tidak terdaftar [10:29:20] PHONE: {FFFFFF}Calling {00FFFF}number 1402{FFFFFF}, please wait for answer! [10:29:22] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telepon telah dijawab. [10:29:22] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Gunakan chat biasa untuk berkomunikasi lewat telpon, '/h' untuk menutup telpon. [10:29:23] Vincent Lee [phone]: Cok. [10:29:27] Caller [phone]: Thanks bro. [10:29:28] * {FF0000}Muffin_Alchemis {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [10:29:29] Vincent Lee [phone]: Itu AK Dirumah lu sisa 1 [10:29:29] [RADIO] PO-I Synester Reynold: 4-JOHN-2 10-27 5-TOM-2 [10:29:31] Vincent Lee [phone]: Buat gua aja [10:29:36] Vincent Lee [phone]: Buat adek gua [10:29:38] Caller [phone]: Gua mau pake yak. [10:29:42] Vincent Lee [phone]: DE Aja [10:29:51] * {FF0000}Dailyn_Harper {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Central Jakarta, Indonesia) [10:29:55] Caller [phone]: Nanti gua cari lagi. [10:29:58] Vincent Lee [phone]: Yahh [10:30:0] Vincent Lee [phone]: Pelit lah [10:30:5] Caller [phone]: Ehh udah 3. [10:30:9] Vincent Lee [phone]: Bahaha [10:30:12] Vincent Lee [phone]: Buat adek [10:30:15] Caller [phone]: Yaa entar. [10:30:19] Vincent Lee [phone]: Ku tunggu dirumah lu [10:30:19] Telepon terputus... [10:30:23] * {FF0000}Paulo_Gerald {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [10:30:36] * {FF0000}Andika_Subejo {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [10:30:49] DROP: {ffffff}You've dropped your {ffff00}M4 [10:31:8] * {FF0000}Thamuz_Abhisar {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [10:31:13] DROP: {ffffff}You've picked up a {ffff00}M4 [10:31:15] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Adelia_Aullia ] Phone: [ 120701 ] [10:31:15] Message: Police Ada Perampokan Di area MC. [10:31:25] [RADIO] PO-II Didier Luva: 1-LINCOLN-1 on niner. [10:31:26] Vincent Lee says: Mana [10:31:33] Larenz Hanzell says: 50 pelor doang. [10:31:34] TRUNK: {FFFFFF}You've stored weapon {FFFF00}Desert Eagle {FFFFFF}into the trunk of {00FFFF}Police Car (LSPD) [10:31:35] Larenz Hanzell says: Sisa gini. [10:31:35] Vincent Lee says: Gapapa [10:31:39] GIVE: {ffffff}You've received {ffff00}Desert Eagle {ffffff}from {ffff00}Larenz_Hanzell [10:31:42] Vincent Lee says: Bahaha [10:31:46] TRUNK: {FFFFFF}You've stored weapon {FFFF00}Desert Eagle {FFFFFF}into the trunk of {00FFFF}Police Car (LSPD) [10:31:47] TRUNK: {FFFFFF}You've withdrawn weapon {FFFF00}Desert Eagle {FFFFFF}from the trunk of {00FFFF}Police Car (LSPD) [10:31:49] WEAPON: {ffffff}[Desert Eagle] {00ffff}SERIAL: {ffffff}[SAPD-911-739161-603] {00ffff}CONDITION: {ffffff}[100%] [10:31:51] Larenz Hanzell says: Dikit dikit pelornya emang. [10:31:53] WEAPON: {ffffff}[Desert Eagle] {00ffff}SERIAL: {ffffff}[SAPD-911-739161-603] {00ffff}CONDITION: {ffffff}[100%] [10:31:56] TRUNK: {FFFFFF}You've stored weapon {FFFF00}Desert Eagle {FFFFFF}into the trunk of {00FFFF}Police Car (LSPD) [10:31:57] TRUNK: {FFFFFF}You've withdrawn weapon {FFFF00}Desert Eagle {FFFFFF}from the trunk of {00FFFF}Police Car (LSPD) [10:32:3] WEAPON: {ffffff}[Desert Eagle] {00ffff}SERIAL: {ffffff}[Unknown] {00ffff}CONDITION: {ffffff}[100%] [10:32:4] WEAPON: {ffffff}[Desert Eagle] {00ffff}SERIAL: {ffffff}[Unknown] {00ffff}CONDITION: {ffffff}[100%] [10:32:6] TRUNK: {FFFFFF}You've stored weapon {FFFF00}Desert Eagle {FFFFFF}into the trunk of {00FFFF}Police Car (LSPD) [10:32:9] Vincent Lee says: Sep [10:32:12] Larenz Hanzell: (( gua mau nyambung tidur dulu )) [10:32:13] * {FF0000}Avery_Lawrence {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [10:32:15] Vincent Lee: (( dih awkoawk )) [10:32:16] AdmCmd: Yusuf_Hermawan has been kicked by wakdolaa. [10:32:16] Reason: RP crash yang lengkap, apaan cuma shock ae. [10:32:19] TRUNK: {FFFFFF}You've withdrawn weapon {FFFF00}Desert Eagle {FFFFFF}from the trunk of {00FFFF}Police Car (LSPD) [10:32:23] Vincent Lee: (( sip la )) [10:32:24] Vincent Lee says: Makasih ya [10:32:25] Larenz Hanzell: (( tq )) [10:32:27] Larenz_Hanzell telah keluar dari server. (Pergi) [10:32:39] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [10:32:48] PHONE: {FFFFFF}Calling {00FFFF}number 204020{FFFFFF}, please wait for answer! [10:32:50] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telepon telah dijawab. [10:32:50] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Gunakan chat biasa untuk berkomunikasi lewat telpon, '/h' untuk menutup telpon. [10:32:52] Caller [phone]: oit? [10:32:52] * {FF0000}Valentin_Stizy {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [10:32:52] Vincent Lee [phone]: Louis [10:32:55] Vincent Lee [phone]: Dimana? [10:32:57] Caller [phone]: di MC [10:33:2] * {FF0000}Yusuf_Hermawan {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [10:33:3] Vincent Lee [phone]: Sini ke rumah gua [10:33:5] Vincent Lee [phone]: Mau gua kasih tau sesuati [10:33:6] Vincent Lee [phone]: Mau gua kasih tau sesuatu [10:33:9] Caller [phone]: Marina? [10:33:13] Vincent Lee [phone]: Bukan [10:33:14] Vincent Lee [phone]: ELS [10:33:16] Caller [phone]: Oke [10:33:21] Vincent Lee [phone]: Yang di sealed [10:33:21] Telepon terputus... [10:33:29] * {FF0000}Valentine_Suritine {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [10:33:34] ERROR: You are holding an invalid weapon [10:33:38] TRUNK: {FFFFFF}You've stored weapon {FFFF00}Desert Eagle {FFFFFF}into the trunk of {00FFFF}Police Car (LSPD) [10:33:39] TRUNK: {FFFFFF}You've withdrawn weapon {FFFF00}Desert Eagle {FFFFFF}from the trunk of {00FFFF}Police Car (LSPD) [10:33:51] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}You've stored your {FFFF00}Desert Eagle {FFFFFF}inside this room [10:33:51] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}Move the item to your desired position within this room! [10:33:53] HOUSE: {FFFF00}Item position saved! [10:33:59] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{66ffff} [BUY] Mobil Sport yang ada Stickernya kalau bisa Fullsticker butuh cepat [10:33:59] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Lester_Wilford{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}404011{FF0000}] [10:34:4] TRUNK: {FFFFFF}You've withdrawn weapon {FFFF00}Desert Eagle {FFFFFF}from the trunk of {00FFFF}Police Car (LSPD) [10:34:20] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [10:34:23] * {FF0000}Deffiero_Valdemar {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [10:34:46] Louise Bishop Shouts: goblok! [10:34:48] Vincent Lee: (( wkkw tau aja )) [10:34:49] Louise Bishop Shouts: anjeng! [10:34:57] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}You have shared your {00FFFF}Bullet {FFFFFF}to {FFFF00}Louise_Bishop [10:34:59] Vincent Lee says: buka [10:35:7] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{66ffff} [BUY] Mobil bebas yang penting ada stickerfull ada? CP [10:35:7] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Lester_Wilford{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}404011{FF0000}] [10:35:7] Vincent Lee says: Awas keciduk [10:35:11] Louise Bishop says: Buat gue? [10:35:12] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}You have revoked your shared {00FFFF}Bullet {FFFFFF}from {FFFF00}Louise_Bishop [10:35:15] Vincent Lee says: Ga [10:35:17] Louise Bishop says: Memeq [10:35:18] Vincent Lee says: Pamer [10:35:20] * Vincent Lee ngakak [10:35:21] Louise Bishop says: Kesini cuman pame [10:35:25] Louise Bishop says: Mana 2k [10:35:25] Vincent Lee says: Bahaha [10:35:26] Vincent Lee says: Ga ada [10:35:27] Louise Bishop says: Anjeng [10:35:29] PAYINFO: {ffffff}You've given {ffff00}Louise Bishop [id:38] {00ff00}$100.00 [10:35:34] Vincent Lee says: Abis buat training gua [10:35:34] Louise Bishop says: Yah 100 [10:35:37] Louise Bishop says: Yah 100 [10:35:42] Louise Bishop says: bagi de 1 [10:35:47] Louise Bishop says: bagi de 1 [10:35:55] Louise Bishop says: )) [10:35:56] Vincent Lee: (( kontol )) [10:35:59] Louise Bishop: (( wokwokokw )) [10:36:9] Louise Bishop says: anjeng [10:36:12] Louise Bishop says: goblok [10:36:18] Vincent Lee: (( lu tolol )) [10:36:21] HELMINFO: Helm {33AA33}ON! [10:36:22] Louise Bishop says: bagi 500 [10:36:25] Vincent Lee: (( koawkowa )) [10:36:33] Louise Bishop says: bagi 500 [10:36:37] FIGHTING: Style Fighting telah diubah menjadi 'Boxing Style' [10:36:50] Louise Bishop says: bagi 500 [10:36:51] * Vincent Lee using bandage [10:36:52] HEAL: {ffffff}You've successfully bandaged your {ffff00}Torso [10:36:52] INVENTORY: {ffffff}You've used {ffff00}1 bandage [10:36:57] Vincent Lee: (( kontol )) [10:36:57] AdmCmd: Valentine_Suritine has been kicked by wakdolaa. [10:36:57] Reason: Jangan afk tengah jalan eh. [10:36:57] * {FF0000}Mail_Stizy {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [10:37:4] Louise Bishop says: Kemana [10:37:9] Louise Bishop says: Anjeng [10:37:10] Vincent Lee says: Tadi mc ada robber kan? [10:37:11] Louise Bishop: (( CR )) [10:37:14] Vincent Lee says: Tadi mc ada robber kan? [10:37:21] Louise Bishop says: Bagi 500 [10:37:24] Vincent Lee says: naek [10:37:25] Louise Bishop says: gak akan minta lagi gue [10:37:32] * {FF0000}Kurry_Irving {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [10:37:43] * Louise Bishop Using bandage [10:37:45] Louise Bishop says: goblok lo [10:37:45] Vincent Lee: (( owakoaw )) [10:37:49] Louise Bishop says: Cleanshot [10:37:50] * {FF0000}Valentin_Stizy {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [10:37:54] INSPECT: {ffffff}You've requested an inspection to {ffff00}Louise_Bishop [10:37:54] * {FF0000}Oziel_Rafantino {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 02, Indonesia) [10:37:54] * {FF0000}Valentine_Suritine {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [10:37:55] FRISK: {FF0000}Louise Bishop {FFFFFF}ingin mem-frisk anda, {FFFF00}/accept frisk {FFFFFF}untuk memberi izin untuk frisk kepadan [10:38:3] * {FF0000}Valentine_Xanz {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [10:38:5] Vincent Lee: (( owakoawwa )) [10:38:17] No ATM found! [10:38:18] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [10:38:22] BANK: {ffffff}You've taken {ffff00}$1,000.00 {ffffff}from the bank. Current balance: {ffff00}$195,161.89 [10:38:23] Louise Bishop says: )) [10:38:23] Vincent Lee: (( tolool )) [10:38:27] Louise Bishop: (( gak sengaja sumpah )) [10:38:28] PAYINFO: {ffffff}You've given {ffff00}Louise Bishop [id:38] {00ff00}$1,000.00 [10:38:31] Vincent Lee says: Tuh gaji lo [10:38:34] Louise Bishop says: Anjeng [10:38:35] HELMINFO: Helm {FF0000}OFF! [10:38:38] Vincent Lee says: Gaji WS [10:38:41] * {FF0000}Lester_Wilford {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [10:38:42] Louise Bishop says: Gue minta [10:38:45] Vincent Lee says: itu udah [10:38:47] Louise Bishop says: Yang 2k [10:38:48] Vincent Lee says: Gajinya [10:38:49] Vincent Lee says: Bahaha [10:38:52] * {FF0000}Florence_Villevicencia {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [10:38:56] * {FF0000}Joaquin_Rutledge {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [10:38:57] Louise Bishop says: jangan gaji [10:39:0] Vincent Lee says: Bodo [10:39:2] Louise Bishop says: 500 lagi kan [10:39:2] Louise Bishop says: 500 lagi kan [10:39:6] PHONE: {FF0000}Josephine (120701) {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [10:39:8] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Anda telah menjawab telpon. [10:39:8] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Gunakan chat biasa untuk berkomunikasi lewat telpon, '/h' untuk menutup telpon. [10:39:9] Josephine [phone]: hallo [10:39:12] Vincent Lee [phone]: Ya? [10:39:16] Josephine [phone]: Temen lo ada jual cabbie ga. [10:39:18] Vincent Lee [phone]: Ga ada [10:39:21] Enzo Lefevre says: lee [10:39:21] Vincent Lee Shouts: ENZO CACAT! [10:39:21] Josephine [phone]: okey. [10:39:23] Telepon terputus... [10:39:24] Vincent Lee Shouts: APAAAAA! [10:39:25] Enzo Lefevre says: goblok [10:39:27] * {FF0000}Brooklyn_Olsen {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Tangerang, Indonesia) [10:39:28] Enzo Lefevre says: pelit lu mah [10:39:32] Vincent Lee says: tG [10:39:33] Vincent Lee says: )) [10:39:34] Vincent Lee says: Ga ada duid [10:39:38] Enzo Lefevre says: itu 200? [10:39:43] Vincent Lee says: Di minta [10:39:47] Vincent Lee says: Sama temen gua [10:39:49] MASKINFO: Mask {33AA33}ON [10:39:53] Enzo Lefevre says: alah sama gua aja gaada [10:39:53] Mask 140005 says: Ga percaya? [10:40:0] Enzo Lefevre says: lee lee [10:40:3] MASKINFO: Mask {FF0000}OFF [10:40:5] Mask 629073 Says [car]: mana 500 lagi ekk [10:40:7] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Selling Turismo 3insurance 4upgrade Fullsticker || SMS only. [10:40:7] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Buenaventura_Frederick{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}222634{FF0000}] [10:40:7] * {FF0000}Marvine_Collinson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [10:40:12] PAYINFO: {ffffff}You've given {ffff00}Louise Bishop [id:38] {00ff00}$5.00 [10:40:14] LIMITSPEED: {ffffff}Vehicle speed limit set to {33AA33}15 mph [10:40:14] Mask 629073 says: Anjeng [10:40:16] Mask 629073 Says [car]: 5? [10:40:20] Vincent Lee says: 500 [10:40:24] * {FF0000}Alcino_Castro {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [10:40:26] Mask 629073 Says [car]: ah anjeng pelit [10:40:40] LIMITSPEED: {ffffff}Vehicle speed limit {ff0000}disabled [10:40:53] BotCmd: Kurry_Irving has been banned. [10:40:53] Reason: Cheat (Weapon [Colt 45] hack) [10:41:7] * {FF0000}Shiloh_Branch {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [10:41:15] * Anda telah memborgol player Louise_Bishop. [10:41:15] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Selling Infernus 3insurance 2upgrade || SMS Only [10:41:15] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Buenaventura_Frederick{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}222634{FF0000}] [10:41:19] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [10:41:20] Mask 629073: (( abuse )) [10:41:20] [OLDCAR] VID: 76 [10:41:29] DETAIN: {ffffff}You've detained {ffff00}Louise Bishop [10:41:34] Mask 629073: (( abuse )) [10:41:40] Vincent Lee says: Biar dikira suspect [10:41:41] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Rexley Hitamieka: 0-LINCOLN-2 CODE 7 '20 Workshop Commerce [10:41:43] Mask 629073 says: Anjeng [10:41:46] Vincent Lee says: Bahaha [10:41:51] Vincent Lee says: SACF Kuy [10:41:51] Mask 629073 says: Dah lah gue sudi lagi ama lo [10:41:59] ERROR: No queued reports! [10:42:5] * Anda telah melepaskan borgol Louise_Bishop. [10:42:23] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Nyari rumah berlahan parkir pribadi, SMS [10:42:23] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Marvine_Collinson{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}432424{FF0000}] [10:42:40] PHONE: {FFFFFF}Calling {00FFFF}number 432424{FFFFFF}, please wait for answer! [10:42:41] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telepon telah dijawab. [10:42:41] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Gunakan chat biasa untuk berkomunikasi lewat telpon, '/h' untuk menutup telpon. [10:42:43] Caller [phone]: Ya? [10:42:43] Vincent Lee [phone]: Ada nh [10:42:46] ERROR: Unable to trace that number! [10:42:49] ERROR: Unable to trace that number! [10:42:50] Caller [phone]: UP ELS [10:42:51] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [10:42:53] Vincent Lee [phone]: Bukan [10:43:1] Vincent Lee: (( maap )) [10:43:3] Mask 629073: (( ?? )) [10:43:5] Vincent Lee: (( kwkw )) [10:43:6] * {FF0000}Vincent_Barbosa {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [10:43:8] Vincent Lee: (( oke fine )) [10:43:10] Caller [phone]: Lama anjing pulsa gue abis [10:43:10] Telepon terputus... [10:43:16] Vincent Lee: (( baperan najis )) [10:43:19] Vincent Lee: (( baperan najis )) [10:43:31] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{FF0000} ST Vincent Garage menyediakan modift dan upgrade mobil tipe WAA [10:43:31] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Marvine_Collinson{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}432424{FF0000}] [10:43:32] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Adelia_Aullia ] Phone: [ 120701 ] [10:43:32] Message: Police tolong datang DI WS Eas los santos di robber pakai cabbie merah. [10:43:34] Vincent Lee: (( kaya cewe baperan cuiihhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh )) [10:43:36] Mask 629073 says: lo nya aja anjing becanda kelewatan [10:43:50] ERROR: No queued reports! [10:44:3] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: 1-ADAM-4 Responding last niner [10:44:34] TRAINING: You can now continue training! [10:44:38] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BELI] Mobil Pickup dengan berapapun insuransi dan upgrade [10:44:38] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Shiloh_Branch{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}8145{FF0000}] [10:44:39] PHONE: {FFFFFF}Calling {00FFFF}Josephine (120701){FFFFFF}, please wait for answer! [10:44:40] (( {00FFFF}No Lifer Adrian_Lopez: {FFFFFF}Apa itu Forklift check di forum ya gan itu sidejob baru. )) [10:44:43] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telepon telah dijawab. [10:44:43] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Gunakan chat biasa untuk berkomunikasi lewat telpon, '/h' untuk menutup telpon. [10:44:47] * {FF0000}Alexander_Ican {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [10:44:48] Vincent Lee [phone]: Mana dia [10:44:56] Josephine [phone]: Di WS East los santos. [10:45:3] (( {00FFFF}No Lifer Fan_Zhang: {FFFFFF}Kalo ada yang kurang jelas bisa di /ask )) [10:45:3] Josephine [phone]: pakai cabbie warna merah. [10:45:4] Vincent Lee [phone]: Berapa orang [10:45:6] Josephine [phone]: 1. [10:45:10] Vincent Lee [phone]: Senjata apa [10:45:13] * {FF0000}Luther_Jenkins {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [10:45:13] Josephine [phone]: DESSERT. [10:45:14] * {FF0000}Deffiero_Valdemar {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [10:45:20] Josephine [phone]: Dah saya matiin. [10:45:20] Telepon terputus... [10:45:28] [MEGAPHONE] Vincent Lee: Turn off [10:45:32] [ID] ID: 32 | Name: Gracious_Humble | Level: 2 | Ping: 26 | Launcher: No [10:45:37] [MEGAPHONE] Vincent Lee: Tiarap [10:45:41] * Gracious Humble menaruh senjata. [10:45:45] tertaruh. ((Gracious Humble)) [10:45:46] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BELI] Mobil Pickup dengan berapapun insuransi dan upgrade [10:45:46] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Shiloh_Branch{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}8145{FF0000}] [10:46:2] Gracious Humble says: bentar. [10:46:4] * Vincent Lee take m4 from front of body using both hands and ready to shoot. [10:46:14] * {FF0000}Amanda_Vellotic {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [10:46:32] PHONE: {FF0000}Number 432424 {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [10:46:39] * {FF0000}Florence_Villevicencia {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [10:46:40] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telpon berhenti berdering! [10:46:45] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: 10-60 Suspect from last niner is using red cabbie, 1 occupants. [10:46:48] * {FF0000}Adelia_Aullia {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [10:46:48] * {FF0000}Stanley_Cunningham {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Depok, Indonesia) [10:46:51] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: Last seen Ganton [10:46:53] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BELI] Mobil Pickup dengan berapapun insuransi dan upgrade [10:46:53] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Shiloh_Branch{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}8145{FF0000}] [10:46:55] * {FF0000}Geraldo_Mouta {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bogor, Indonesia) [10:47:12] [ID] ID: 61 | Name: Gracious_Humble | Level: 0 | Ping: 25 | Launcher: No [10:47:21] ==================[MDC Print Report]================== [10:47:21] >>> {00ff00}A. Personal Information [10:47:21] >>> {ffffff}ID Number: {ffff00}SA000177333 [10:47:21] >>> {ffffff}Name: {ffff00}Gracious_Humble [10:47:21] >>> {ffffff}Phone: 6065989 [10:47:21] >>> {00ff00}B. Occupation [10:47:21] >>> {ffffff}Job: {ffff00}Taxi Driver [10:47:21] >>> {00ff00}C. Licenses [10:47:21] >>> {ffffff}Driving: {ffff00}{00FF00}Valid until Fri 20 Dec 2019, 10:43:17 [10:47:21] >>> {ffffff}Flying: {ffff00}{FF0000}Not passed [10:47:21] >>> {ffffff}Sailing: {ffff00}{FF0000}Not passed [10:47:21] >>> {ffffff}Firearm: {ffff00}{FF0000}Not passed [10:47:21] >>> {ffffff}Lumberjack: {ffff00}{FF0000}Not passed [10:47:21] >>> {00ff00}D. Active Charges [10:47:21] >>> {ffffff}None [10:47:21] >>> {00ff00}E. Crime Record [10:47:21] >>> {ffffff}None [10:47:21] >>> {00ff00}F. Registered Vehicles [10:47:21] >>> {ffffff}1. Cabbie - RO443QU {ff0000}[DESTROYED] [10:47:21] >>> {00ff00}G. Unpaid Tickets [10:47:21] >>> {ffffff}None [10:47:21] ==================[MDC End of Page]================== [10:47:27] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (432424) [10:47:27] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}lu dimana [10:47:33] ERROR: Unable to trace that number! [10:47:37] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [10:47:37] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 432424 [10:47:37] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}lagi ngejar robber [10:47:40] [ID] ID: 61 | Name: Gracious_Humble | Level: 0 | Ping: 26 | Launcher: No [10:47:47] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (432424) [10:47:47] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Owalah gue belom digaji :v [10:47:49] Vincent Lee says: Mana [10:47:52] Adelia Aullia says: Kabur. [10:47:56] * {FF0000}Evie_Breddels {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [10:48:0] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [10:48:0] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 432424 [10:48:0] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}wakokowa di kasih tau louise ya [10:48:0] * {FF0000}Jimmy_Holland {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Palembang, Indonesia) [10:48:1] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BELI] Mobil Pickup dengan berapapun insuransi dan upgrade [10:48:1] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Shiloh_Branch{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}8145{FF0000}] [10:48:5] [ID] ID: 61 | Name: Gracious_Humble | Level: 0 | Ping: 26 | Launcher: No [10:48:6] Adelia Aullia says: Emang kenapa. [10:48:11] Vincent Lee: (( id 61 )) [10:48:13] Vincent Lee: (( dia afk )) [10:48:16] Adelia Aullia: (( gak ada )) [10:48:24] REPORT: {ffffff}Your report has been issued to the queue, use '{ffff00}/reports{ffffff}' to see your report [10:48:25] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [10:48:27] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (432424) [10:48:27] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}enggak kok, eh btw lu kenal si Husshain kaga? [10:48:30] RESPOND: {ff0000}yourvoice99 {FFFFCC}has responded to your report [10:48:31] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [10:48:31] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 432424 [10:48:31] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Kenapa [10:48:36] Adelia Aullia says: Emang kenapa masalahnyah. [10:48:38] * {FF0000}Patrick_Rothschild {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [10:48:39] * {FF0000}Santino_Sarnotelli {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Tangerang, Indonesia) [10:48:40] TELEPORT: {FFFF00}Jeremy_Kloptens {FFFFFF}has teleported to you! [10:48:40] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (432424) [10:48:40] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Belom digaji gue ama dia, lu liat kaga [10:48:44] AdmCmd: Oziel_Rafantino has been kicked by Nooo_Namee. [10:48:44] Reason: /health mas [10:48:44] * {FF0000}James_Cozart {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Tangerang, Indonesia) [10:48:47] Vincent Lee: (( refuse rp )) [10:48:51] Vincent Lee: (( gracious humble )) [10:49:1] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [10:49:4] {ff0000}yourvoice99: {ffffff}(( id berapa tadi ? )) [10:49:7] Vincent Lee: (( id 61 dah /q )) [10:49:8] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BELI] Mobil Pickup dengan berapapun insuransi dan upgrade [10:49:8] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Shiloh_Branch{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}8145{FF0000}] [10:49:15] [ID] ID: 61 | Name: Patrick_Rothschild | Level: 11 | Ping: 60 | Launcher: Yes [10:49:16] Adelia Aullia: (( entar re-rp aja. )) [10:49:18] (( PM to [50] yourvoice99: a )) [10:49:18] {ff0000}yourvoice99: {ffffff}(( masih ada )) [10:49:19] {ff0000}yourvoice99: {ffffff}(( patrick )) [10:49:19] * {FF0000}Oziel_Rafantino {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 02, Indonesia) [10:49:20] Vincent Lee: (( salah )) [10:49:23] Vincent Lee: (( gracious )) [10:49:24] Adelia Aullia: (( entar re-rp aja. )) [10:49:25] Vincent Lee: (( gracious humble )) [10:49:27] Vincent Lee: (( dia /q )) [10:49:37] Vincent Lee: (( tunggu 5 menit yak? )) [10:49:40] Adelia Aullia: (( entar re-rp aja. )) [10:49:42] {ff0000}yourvoice99: {ffffff}(( iya tunggu 5 menit )) [10:49:43] Vincent Lee: (( ga )) [10:49:46] {ff0000}yourvoice99: {ffffff}(( nanti kalo ga login report lagi aja )) [10:49:46] Vincent Lee: (( no re rp )) [10:49:47] * {FF0000}Hanz_Frorenza {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Surabaya, Indonesia) [10:49:49] Vincent Lee: (( okeh )) [10:49:55] * {FF0000}Amanda_Mahendra {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [10:49:59] Adelia Aullia: (( bilang /o aja )) [10:50:16] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BELI] Mobil Pickup dengan berapapun insuransi dan upgrade [10:50:16] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Shiloh_Branch{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}8145{FF0000}] [10:50:17] Adelia Aullia: (( bilang DI /O Aja. )) [10:50:23] * {FF0000}Regina_Wanda {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [10:50:28] * {FF0000}Richie_Wiseguy {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Tangerang, Indonesia) [10:50:36] * {FF0000}Gracious_Humble {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [10:50:40] Adelia Aullia: (( tuh )) [10:50:41] Adelia Aullia says: tuh. [10:50:44] (( PM from [35] Joaquin_Rutledge: 4nj4y dut1 )) [10:50:50] (( PM to [35] Joaquin_Rutledge: waoakkoaaow )) [10:50:53] Vincent Lee: (( ya )) [10:50:55] Vincent Lee: (( bntr )) [10:50:56] [ID] ID: 28 | Name: Gracious_Humble | Level: 2 | Ping: 28 | Launcher: No [10:51:6] Adelia Aullia says: Udak. [10:51:23] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{SELL} Flatbed 3insu 0up Sms Atau Call 500 Nego [10:51:23] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Juple_Cooper{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}2200774{FF0000}] [10:51:23] [RADIO] Sergeant I Hanz Frorenza: Sergeant 3305 taking S2 ,over. [10:51:26] [RADIO] Sergeant I Hanz Frorenza: Any unpartner unit? [10:51:27] * {FF0000}Hendra_Skoge {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [10:51:30] * {FF0000}Martin_Carlos {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [10:51:40] * {FF0000}Gael_Nores {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Kuningan Barat, Indonesia) [10:51:40] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: 1-ADAM-4 unpartner [10:51:57] [RADIO] PO-I Synester Reynold: 5-TOM-2 Negative from us. [10:51:59] * {FF0000}Malak_Alhamed {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [10:52:1] [RADIO] Sergeant I Hanz Frorenza: Please 10-14 me '20 BB Farm or 7654 [10:52:3] Adelia Aullia says: Koh diem [10:52:6] [RADIO] PO-II Didier Luva: 1-LINCOLN-1. [10:52:9] Adelia Aullia says: Bukanyah Udak. [10:52:17] * {FF0000}Josef_Roberts {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [10:52:20] [RADIO] Sergeant I Hanz Frorenza: Siapa cepat dia dapat [10:52:20] * {FF0000}Chivalry_Clyvon {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Denpasar, Indonesia) [10:52:23] 911: Crime: [ ada perampok yang memakai sultan hijau dengan stiker ROBBERY pada pintu sebelah kiri, jumlah 1 orang memakai jas [10:52:23] 911: Reporter: [ Muffin Alchemis ] Phone: [ 2014 ] [10:52:28] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Rexley Hitamieka: 0-LINCOLN-2 enroute [10:52:29] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{SELL}Flatbed 3Insu 0Up 500 Nego [10:52:29] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Juple_Cooper{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}2200774{FF0000}] [10:52:36] * {FF0000}Amanda_Vellotic {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [10:52:50] * {FF0000}Oziel_Rafantino {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 02, Indonesia) [10:52:50] [RADIO] Sergeant I Hanz Frorenza: Changing my position now at Metro HQ [10:53:15] * {FF0000}Rafael_Cornejo {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bekasi, Indonesia) [10:53:25] * {FF0000}Rey_Randolph {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [10:53:32] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: 1-ADAM-4 unpartner [10:53:34] * {FF0000}Vincent_Alvarez {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 02, Indonesia) [10:53:35] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: miss [10:53:37] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{SELL}Flatbed 3insu 0up 500 Nego [10:53:37] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Juple_Cooper{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}2200774{FF0000}] [10:53:52] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: Adjudant 10168 To Officer Alvarez [10:54:1] [RADIO] PO-I Vincent Alvarez: Alvarez in here. [10:54:8] PHONE: {FF0000}Number 12150 {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [10:54:9] * {FF0000}Vincent_Barbosa {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [10:54:11] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: Can you teaming up with me? [10:54:12] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Anda telah menjawab telpon. [10:54:12] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Gunakan chat biasa untuk berkomunikasi lewat telpon, '/h' untuk menutup telpon. [10:54:14] Anda telah memasuki AFK mode!, ketik /afk untuk lanjut main [10:54:14] Vincent Lee [phone]: Apa? [10:54:15] * {FF0000}Enzo_Lefevre {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [10:54:15] Caller [phone]: Woe pantek. [10:54:16] AFK: {ffff00}You are no longer in AFK-Mode! [10:54:18] Caller [phone]: Pinjem duit dong. [10:54:21] Vincent Lee [phone]: Siapa pulak kontol [10:54:26] Caller [phone]: Luther anjing. [10:54:26] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (504030) [10:54:26] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Officer Lee, ini Officer Luva. [10:54:30] [RADIO] PO-I Vincent Alvarez: Okey. [10:54:30] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [10:54:30] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 504030 [10:54:30] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Iya kenapa [10:54:38] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: Where your 10-20 ? [10:54:44] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Sell] Rumah di Willowfield 3 ruangan full furnit dekor rapih. 8k Nego Minat? CP me. [10:54:44] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Dimas_Jey{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}555880{FF0000}] [10:54:47] [ID] ID: 31 | Name: Luther_Jenkins | Level: 11 | Ping: 29 | Launcher: Yes [10:54:50] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (504030) [10:54:50] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Rumah 1 garasi di Blueberry $34K itu gimana menurut kamu? Murah/mahal? [10:54:50] Vincent Lee [phone]: Bahaha [10:54:55] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [10:54:55] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 504030 [10:54:55] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Mahal [10:54:57] [RADIO] PO-I Vincent Alvarez: In East Beach Precinct. [10:55:4] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: 1-ADAM-4 Enrouting. [10:55:4] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (504030) [10:55:4] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Harusnya berapa? [10:55:9] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [10:55:9] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 504030 [10:55:9] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}25k an [10:55:9] [RADIO] PO-I Synester Reynold: 5-TOM-2 10-27 4-JOHN-2 [10:55:13] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [10:55:13] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 504030 [10:55:13] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Marina aja 40k [10:55:16] * {FF0000}Fabien_Lefevre {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [10:55:26] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [10:55:26] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 504030 [10:55:26] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}tuh punya gua, di marina 1 garasi 40k [10:55:42] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (504030) [10:55:42] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Loh harusnya kan mahalan Blueberry? [10:55:51] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [10:55:51] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 504030 [10:55:51] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}kata siapa [10:55:51] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Sell] Rumah di Willowfield 3 ruangan full furnit dekor rapih. 8k Nego Minat? CP me. [10:55:51] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Dimas_Jey{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}555880{FF0000}] [10:55:53] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (504030) [10:55:53] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Kalo Palomino berapa? [10:55:56] (( {00FF00}*Dika-GB* Luther_Jenkins: {FFFFFF}yang di laut PM dong. )) [10:55:57] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (504030) [10:55:57] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}1 garasi. [10:55:59] (( {00FFFF}No Lifer Adrian_Lopez: {FFFFFF}Yang lagi pegang senjata berat /hidegun. )) [10:56:1] * {FF0000}Marcelo_Hamilton {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [10:56:5] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [10:56:5] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 504030 [10:56:5] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Diluar kota mah murah [10:56:12] (( PM to [15] Adrian_Lopez: gamauw )) [10:56:19] 911: Crime: [ Ada robbery memakai Sultan ijo muda ful stiker memakai SG Yang ada di bagasi mobil nya segera. ] [10:56:19] 911: Reporter: [ Aarich Steven ] Phone: [ 102532 ] [10:56:21] Telepon terputus... [10:56:43] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: Im at your 10-20 Officer alvarez [10:56:52] * {FF0000}Nathan_Lee {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [10:56:58] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Saya mencari petani giat yang ingin bekerja di ladang Palomino. [10:56:58] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Gael_Nores{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}77777770{FF0000}] [10:57:5] [RADIO] PO-I Synester Reynold: 4-JOHN-2 taking status three 10-20 at Vinewood, Burger Shoot. [10:57:32] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: Where are you Officer alvarez? Adjudant 10168 speak. [10:57:36] * {FF0000}Sakamoto_Deguchi {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [10:57:52] [RADIO] PO-I Vincent Alvarez: Really? [10:58:2] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: Yes officer. [10:58:6] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[buy]Mobil Hustler,CP: [10:58:6] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Chivalry_Clyvon{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}801818{FF0000}] [10:58:11] [RADIO] PO-I Vincent Alvarez: Repeat, East Beach District. [10:58:13] (( PM to [3] Vincent_Barbosa: eh )) [10:58:16] (( PM to [3] Vincent_Barbosa: miss )) [10:58:18] * {FF0000}Elliot_Clark {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [10:58:18] (( PM from [3] Vincent_Barbosa: y )) [10:58:25] (( PM to [70] Vincent_Alvarez: tolol )) [10:58:33] (( PM to [70] Vincent_Alvarez: gua kira smb )) [10:58:42] (( PM from [70] Vincent_Alvarez: apasih :v )) [10:58:45] (( PM to [70] Vincent_Alvarez: koakowkoaw )) [10:58:52] * {FF0000}Kamado_Tanjiro {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Pamulang, Indonesia) [10:58:53] (( PM from [70] Vincent_Alvarez: Hadeh wkwwkk )) [10:59:6] (( PM to [70] Vincent_Alvarez: salah baca anying )) [10:59:11] (( PM from [70] Vincent_Alvarez: Fokus bro fokus )) [10:59:12] * {FF0000}Jhon_Olsam {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bogor, Indonesia) [10:59:19] (( PM from [70] Vincent_Alvarez: Hahaah )) [10:59:20] * {FF0000}Larenz_Hanzell {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [10:59:21] [RADIO] PO-I Synester Reynold: 4-JOHN-2 10-99 from status three, and back to status four, over. [10:59:30] (( PM from [70] Vincent_Alvarez: Sering bante bgini para taxi )) [10:59:32] (( {FF0000}Helper dikagantengbanget: {FFFFFF}Yang di SANews pm dong. )) [10:59:40] (( PM from [70] Vincent_Alvarez: mintanya ke east dibawanya ke smb hadeh )) [10:59:41] AdmCmd: Valentine_Xanz has been banned by richkravhenkoz. [10:59:41] Reason: Not here to RP. [10:59:41] (( PM to [70] Vincent_Alvarez: kwokwaw lagi ga fokus:v )) [10:59:44] * {FF0000}Charlie_Veidrop {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [10:59:46] AdmCmd: Valentine_Suritine has been banned by richkravhenkoz. [10:59:46] Reason: Not here to RP [10:59:46] (( {00FFFF}No Lifer Adrian_Lopez: {FFFFFF}ME )) [10:59:55] AdmCmd: UCP account resah123 has been blocked by richkravhenkoz. [10:59:55] Reason: Not here to RP. [11:0:0] AdmCmd: UCP account hunco111 has been blocked by richkravhenkoz. [11:0:0] Reason: Not here to RP. [11:0:6] (( {FF0000}Helper dikagantengbanget: {FFFFFF}ok tq )) [11:0:16] AdmCmd: IP has been banned by richkravhenkoz. [11:0:16] Reason: Not here to RP. [11:0:51] PHONE: {FF0000}Number 12150 {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [11:0:57] (( {00FFFF}No Lifer Adrian_Lopez: {FFFFFF}Gunakan /ask buat bertanya seputar server dan roleplay. )) [11:0:58] * {FF0000}Deffiero_Valdemar {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Palembang, Indonesia) [11:1:4] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: Im at your 10-20 Officer alvarez. [11:1:11] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telpon berhenti berdering! [11:1:17] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (12150) [11:1:17] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Pinjem 15k pantek [11:1:17] [RADIO] PO-I Vincent Alvarez: Okey [11:1:19] * {FF0000}Matthew_Carmichael {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [11:1:22] Vincent Alvarez says: Bentar ya [11:1:25] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [11:1:25] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 12150 [11:1:25] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Ga ada anjer [11:1:27] (( PM to [3] Vincent_Barbosa: a )) [11:1:28] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (12150) [11:1:28] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}taik [11:1:29] (( PM to [3] Vincent_Barbosa: miss )) [11:1:33] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [11:1:33] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 12150 [11:1:33] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Sisa 7k owaokawaw [11:1:33] * {FF0000}Enzo_Lefevre {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [11:1:35] * {FF0000}Norman_Linus {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [11:1:37] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (12150) [11:1:37] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}duit lu aja 195k [11:1:40] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (12150) [11:1:40] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}gila boong bangsad [11:1:45] (( PM to [70] Vincent_Alvarez: bawa ya, gua lagi makan wkwk )) [11:1:47] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [11:1:47] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 12150 [11:1:47] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}oawokwakowa anjeng [11:1:49] (( PM to [31] Luther_Jenkins: a )) [11:1:53] (( PM to [31] Luther_Jenkins: kekuatan admin )) [11:1:54] (( PM from [31] Luther_Jenkins: pante )) [11:1:55] (( PM from [70] Vincent_Alvarez: Oke siap. )) [11:1:58] (( PM to [31] Luther_Jenkins: ngeliat stats orang asu koawkoaw )) [11:2:0] Vincent Alvarez says: Aku duty dulu [11:2:1] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (12150) [11:2:1] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}pinjem dulu [11:2:2] Vincent Lee says: Oke [11:2:4] (( PM from [31] Luther_Jenkins: :v )) [11:2:6] (( PM to [31] Luther_Jenkins: kwkowawa )) [11:2:20] (( PM to [31] Luther_Jenkins: lagi makan sabar )) [11:2:21] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY]Mobil ganteng Hustler bisa hubungi,CP: [11:2:21] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Chivalry_Clyvon{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}801818{FF0000}] [11:2:28] (( PM from [31] Luther_Jenkins: makan mulu tai )) [11:2:38] (( PM to [31] Luther_Jenkins: laper bego kwkw )) [11:3:0] [RADIO] PO-I Vincent Alvarez: Police officer I 9788 reporting on duty, over [11:3:7] * {FF0000}Will_Stradlin {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bogor, Indonesia) [11:3:10] * {FF0000}Hiroshi_Ryuzaki {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [11:3:46] * {FF0000}Roberts_Anderson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Pontianak, Indonesia) [11:4:3] AdmCmd: Norman_Linus has been kicked by richkravhenkoz. [11:4:3] Reason: Stop using /report untuk meminta duit. [11:4:27] * {FF0000}Allen_Cruz {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 07, Indonesia) [11:4:34] * {FF0000}Herry_Brookside {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [11:4:36] * {FF0000}Moondi_Egloffsteins {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Samarinda, Indonesia) [11:4:40] * {FF0000}Norman_Linus {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [11:5:5] [RADIO] PO-I Vincent Alvarez: Police officer I 9788 reporting status four under 1-ADAM-4, over [11:5:17] AdmCmd: Louise_Bishop has been kicked by antiteror. [11:5:17] Reason: Afk while duty Mechanic. [11:5:30] * {FF0000}Salvatore_Trementi {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [11:5:37] * {FF0000}Oscar_Brown {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [11:5:46] * {FF0000}Harry_Starbuck {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bekasi, Indonesia) [11:5:49] * {FF0000}Pablo_Peete {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Tangerang, Indonesia) [11:5:53] * {FF0000}Dilan_Carter {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Denpasar, Indonesia) [11:5:58] [RADIO] PO-I Vincent Alvarez: Police officer I 9788 teaming up with Adjudant Vincent Lee under 1-ADAM-4, over [11:6:5] * {FF0000}Enzo_Lefevre {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [11:6:43] * {FF0000}Louise_Bishop {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [11:6:53] Vincent Alvarez says: Kondisi mobilnya wow sekali [11:6:54] * {FF0000}Amanda_Vellotic {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [11:6:56] * {FF0000}Charlie_Veidrop {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [11:7:7] * {FF0000}Kimmoe_Haruka {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [11:7:28] Vincent Lee says: Mata mu wow [11:7:40] Vincent Alvarez says: Hahah [11:7:42] Vincent Lee: (( ts )) [11:7:43] * {FF0000}Stanley_Cunningham {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Depok, Indonesia) [11:7:50] Vincent Alvarez: (( already sir )) [11:8:4] * {FF0000}Enzo_Lefevre {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [11:8:8] Amanda Vellotic says: saya mikir dulu [11:8:15] * Zax Leonora examine the vehicle condition [11:8:17] * {FF0000}Claude_Fletcher {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [11:8:25] AdmCmd: Chivalry_Clyvon has been warned by richkravhenkoz, Total warning: 2 [11:8:25] Reason: Kewajiban Roleplay - /fish [11:8:33] AdmCmd: richkravhenkoz has jailed Chivalry_Clyvon for 45 minute(s) [11:8:33] Reason: Kewajiban Roleplay [11:8:43] [RADIO] PO-I Vincent Alvarez: 1-ADAM-4 reporting to take code 7, 10-20 Mechanic Center to fix cruiser. [11:8:51] Louise Bishop says: Sir [11:8:51] Amanda Vellotic Shouts: mekanik! [11:8:51] * Zax Leonora take it [11:8:53] Louise Bishop says: Sir [11:9:2] * {FF0000}Larenz_Hanzell {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bantabantaeng, Indonesia) [11:9:3] Louise Bishop: (( ID 15 )) [11:9:3] Amanda Vellotic says: mekanik [11:9:4] * Vincent Alvarez memeriksa kondsi kendaraaan [11:9:6] * Zax Leonora repair the vehicle tires [11:9:23] process ((Zax Leonora)) [11:9:24] Vincent Alvarez says: Hmm [11:9:31] * {FF0000}Amanda_Mahendra {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [11:9:37] [ID] ID: 32 | Name: Allen_Cruz | Level: 4 | Ping: 26 | Launcher: No [11:9:52] done ((Zax Leonora)) [11:9:54] * {FF0000}Roosevelt_Hampton {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [11:9:55] * {FF0000}Derman_Levesque {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [11:10:1] Amanda Vellotic says: pak a [11:10:5] Amanda Vellotic says: sini [11:10:5] Vincent Alvarez says: Ya? [11:10:13] Amanda Vellotic says: ada yang pake baju polisi [11:10:14] proses ((Vincent Alvarez)) [11:10:15] * {FF0000}Dilan_Carter {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Denpasar, Indonesia) [11:10:19] Vincent Alvarez says: Mana? [11:10:29] Amanda Vellotic says: sini ikut saya [11:10:29] Vincent Alvarez says: Bentar ya [11:10:49] * {FF0000}Aloysius_Elvarette {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [11:10:52] * Louise Bishop Examine vehicle. [11:10:57] * Vincent Lee berbicara dalam hati [11:10:59] Adrian Lopez says: Bagi 2k [11:11:6] hati : temen kok baper anjeng ((Vincent Lee)) [11:11:9] Louise Bishop says: Body $37. [11:11:13] Louise Bishop says: Body $37. [11:11:13] * Dimas Jey change color by spray can [11:11:14] * {FF0000}Conan_Pearson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [11:11:16] [RADIO] PO-I Harry Starbuck: Officer I 7093 reporting on duty, over. [11:11:17] Amanda Vellotic says: kan ga boleh [11:11:19] Adrian Lopez says: Louise [11:11:20] Adelia Aullia says: Kenapa. [11:11:21] Louise Bishop says: Body $37. [11:11:25] * {FF0000}Rapi_Fauzi {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [11:11:25] Louise Bishop says: Pak. [11:11:28] Vincent Alvarez says: Mengapa memakai atribut police? [11:11:28] Amanda Vellotic says: ya ampun [11:11:30] Adrian Lopez says: Louise [11:11:31] * {FF0000}Gerardo_Hernandez {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [11:11:32] Amanda Vellotic says: 30 bisa [11:11:33] Louise Bishop says: Oit Lov? [11:11:33] Adelia Aullia says: Mapp saya tidak tahu. [11:11:36] Adrian Lopez says: Tuh benerin mobil gua [11:11:36] Adelia Aullia says: Saya mau lepas. [11:11:42] Vincent Alvarez says: Yaudah lepas [11:11:42] Dimas Jey says: oke mas [11:11:44] Louise Bishop says: Oit Lop? [11:11:46] Adrian Lopez says: Eh mobil kantor gua [11:11:46] * Adelia Aullia Melepas Rompi polisi. [11:11:46] Gracious Humble says: done [11:11:54] Adrian Lopez says: Tuh benerin [11:11:54] Louise Bishop says: Benerin? [11:11:58] Louise Bishop says: Oke boss [11:11:59] Adelia Aullia says: Udah. [11:12:2] * {FF0000}Hans_Stacks {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 07, Indonesia) [11:12:3] Vincent Alvarez says: Saya sita rompinya, agar tidak disalah gunaakan [11:12:8] Adelia Aullia says: Okey. [11:12:15] * Louise Bishop Examine sultan vehicle using mechanic tools. [11:12:21] * Adelia Aullia Memberikan rompi kepada Bapak Polisi. [11:12:35] * Vincent Alvarez take it with right hand. [11:12:37] * {FF0000}Amanda_Mahendra {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [11:12:40] [RADIO] PO-I Harry Starbuck: Officer I 7093 under 0-JOHN-2 reporting Status 4, Clearing from Angelpine Precint, over. [11:12:49] * Louise Bishop Repairing engine vehicle using mechanic tools. [11:12:52] Prosessing... ((Louise Bishop)) [11:12:53] Dimas Jey says: repair ga pa? [11:12:55] Done. ((Louise Bishop)) [11:12:59] Vincent Alvarez says: Bisa kok [11:13:4] * {FF0000}Roy_Hicks {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [11:13:5] Amanda Vellotic says: mas [11:13:10] Dimas Jey says: iya mba [11:13:11] * Louise Bishop Repairing body vehicle using mechanic tools. [11:13:11] Amanda Vellotic says: bisa body? [11:13:11] * {FF0000}Dilan_Carter {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Denpasar, Indonesia) [11:13:13] Dimas Jey says: bisa [11:13:14] Prosessing... ((Louise Bishop)) [11:13:20] Done. ((Louise Bishop)) [11:13:32] * {FF0000}Ricky_Thomas {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [11:13:41] * {FF0000}Enzo_Lefevre {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [11:13:48] Louise Bishop says: $37 sir body [11:13:53] Vincent Alvarez says: Oke makasih [11:13:58] Louise Bishop says: $37 s [11:14:18] Enzo Lefevre Shouts: ada yang jual compo gak! [11:14:31] Vincent Alvarez: (( Aku tadi sedang buat susu anjay )) [11:14:43] Vincent Alvarez: (( Tiba tiba kamu ngajak teaming up )) [11:14:54] Vincent Lee: (( wkwkw )) [11:14:56] Vincent Lee: (( susu apa? )) [11:14:58] * {FF0000}Aloysius_Elvarette {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [11:15:6] Vincent Alvarez: (( Frisian flag )) [11:15:17] Vincent Lee says: Maju tolol [11:15:19] Vincent Lee: (( ilang njer )) [11:15:20] Vincent Alvarez: (( Bukan susu sih, kental manis )) [11:15:23] [ID] ID: 15 | Name: Adrian_Lopez | Level: 6 | Ping: 29 | Launcher: Yes [11:15:24] Vincent Lee: (( ilang njer )) [11:15:26] Vincent Lee says: Maju tolol [11:15:32] Adrian Lopez says: Lah ngegas [11:15:32] ERROR: You are not a member of the {FF0000}San Andreas Network [11:15:34] * {FF0000}Matheo_Lurren {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [11:15:37] Vincent Lee: (( woakwako )) [11:15:38] Vincent Alvarez says: Sesama faction jangan gitu njay [11:15:47] * {FF0000}Aloysius_Elvarette {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [11:15:49] Vincent Lee: (( okkoawowa parah )) [11:15:56] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Budi_Ramdhan ] Phone: [ 1157500 ] [11:15:56] Message: mobil saya tirelock pak, didepan city hall [11:15:56] Adrian Lopez: (( paan sih gua mulu )) [11:15:59] Vincent Alvarez says: Sore [11:16:1] Vincent Lee: (( wakokoaw )) [11:16:12] (( PM to [15] Adrian_Lopez: kick lah dapet duit aku:v )) [11:16:16] (( PM to [15] Adrian_Lopez: CANDA )) [11:16:18] Paulo Gerald says: Minta nomor telpon anda. [11:16:21] (( {00FFFF}No Lifer Adrian_Lopez: {FFFFFF}Selamat siang para jogjagamers semua nya. )) [11:16:30] (( PM to [15] Adrian_Lopez: sore woi )) [11:16:35] [OOC] Global OOC channel has been enabled by an Admin! [11:16:37] (( {00FFFF}Newbie Matheo_Lurren: {FFFFFF}siang )) [11:16:37] (( {00FFFF}High Ranked Demario_Barksdale: {FFFFFF}Oke )) [11:16:37] (( {00FFFF}Superior Louise_Bishop: {FFFFFF}A )) [11:16:37] (( {00FFFF}Get a Life! Marvine_Collinson: {FFFFFF}a )) [11:16:37] (( {00FFFF}High Ranked Roberts_Anderson: {FFFFFF}siang )) [11:16:37] (( {00FFFF}Get a Life! Aarich_Steven: {FFFFFF}siang )) [11:16:37] (( {00FF00}:::*BangSulek*: Malak_Alhamed: {FFFFFF}DIAM )) [11:16:38] (( {00FFFF}Active Member Paulo_Gerald: {FFFFFF}ea )) [11:16:38] (( {00FF00}Tak Setulus Moondi_Egloffsteins: {FFFFFF}coy )) [11:16:38] (( {00FF00}twicetagram Dilan_Carter: {FFFFFF}twice )) [11:16:38] (( {00FFFF}Get a Life! Bryan_Stewart: {FFFFFF}DUAR )) [11:16:38] (( {00FFFF}High Ranked Demario_Barksdale: {FFFFFF}Oke )) [11:16:38] (( {00FFFF}Regular Aloysius_Elvarette: {FFFFFF}wooooooooooo )) [11:16:38] (( {00FFFF}No Lifer Dajuan_Broughton: {FFFFFF}pAGI )) [11:16:38] (( {00FFFF}New Recruit Zeline_Zakeisha: {FFFFFF}e )) [11:16:38] (( {00FF00}Senpai~ Ricky_Thomas: {FFFFFF}aowkkoa )) [11:16:38] (( {00FF00}twicetagram Dilan_Carter: {FFFFFF}twice )) [11:16:38] (( {00FFFF}Get a Life! Aarich_Steven: {FFFFFF}siang )) [11:16:38] (( {00FFFF}No Lifer Roosevelt_Hampton: {FFFFFF}wa )) [11:16:38] (( {00FFFF}9 Lifes Rapi_Fauzi: {FFFFFF}siang )) [11:16:40] (( {FF00FF}#AkuMainKotor Vincent_Lee: {FFFFFF}malem )) [11:16:40] (( {00FF00}Tak Setulus Moondi_Egloffsteins: {FFFFFF}coy )) [11:16:40] (( {00FFFF}Regular Aloysius_Elvarette: {FFFFFF}wooooooooooo )) [11:16:40] (( {00FFFF}No Lifer Dajuan_Broughton: {FFFFFF}pAGI )) [11:16:40] (( {00FFFF}High Ranked Demario_Barksdale: {FFFFFF}Oke )) [11:16:40] (( {00FFFF}Newbie Matheo_Lurren: {FFFFFF}ganteng dika )) [11:16:40] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [11:16:40] (( {00FFFF}New Recruit Zeline_Zakeisha: {FFFFFF}e )) [11:16:40] (( {FFFF00}ViceCEOStarbuck Harry_Starbuck: {FFFFFF}Siang )) [11:16:40] (( {00FFFF}Get a Life! Brooklyn_Olsen: {FFFFFF}BACOT )) [11:16:40] (( {00FFFF}Active Member Paulo_Gerald: {FFFFFF}ea kentut )) [11:16:40] (( {00FF00}twicetagram Dilan_Carter: {FFFFFF}twice )) [11:16:40] (( {00FFFF}Get a Life! Aarich_Steven: {FFFFFF}siang )) [11:16:40] (( {FF00FF}#AkuMainKotor Vincent_Lee: {FFFFFF}malem )) [11:16:40] (( {00FFFF}Get a Life! Bryan_Stewart: {FFFFFF}DUAR )) [11:16:40] (( {00FFFF}Get a Life! Marvine_Collinson: {FFFFFF}APA )) [11:16:40] (( {00FFFF}Newbie Matheo_Lurren: {FFFFFF}ganteng dika )) [11:16:41] (( {00FFFF}Regular Aloysius_Elvarette: {FFFFFF}wooooooooooo )) [11:16:41] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [11:16:41] (( {00FF00}Tak Setulus Moondi_Egloffsteins: {FFFFFF}coy )) [11:16:41] (( {00FFFF}New Recruit Zeline_Zakeisha: {FFFFFF}e )) [11:16:41] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [11:16:41] (( {00FFFF}Active Member Paulo_Gerald: {FFFFFF}ea kentut )) [11:16:41] (( {00FFFF}High Ranked Demario_Barksdale: {FFFFFF}Oke )) [11:16:41] (( {FF00FF}#AkuMainKotor Vincent_Lee: {FFFFFF}malem )) [11:16:41] (( {00FFFF}Get a Life! Bryan_Stewart: {FFFFFF}DUAR )) [11:16:41] (( {00FF00}Senpai~ Ricky_Thomas: {FFFFFF}aowkkoa )) [11:16:41] (( {00FF00}twicetagram Dilan_Carter: {FFFFFF}twice )) [11:16:41] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [11:16:41] (( {00FFFF}No Lifer Dajuan_Broughton: {FFFFFF}pAGI )) [11:16:41] (( {00FFFF}Newbie Matheo_Lurren: {FFFFFF}ganteng dika )) [11:16:42] (( {00FFFF}New Recruit Zeline_Zakeisha: {FFFFFF}e )) [11:16:42] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [11:16:42] (( {00FFFF}No Lifer Roosevelt_Hampton: {FFFFFF}w )) [11:16:42] (( {00FFFF}Active Member Paulo_Gerald: {FFFFFF}ea kentut )) [11:16:42] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [11:16:42] (( {00FFFF}No Lifer Dajuan_Broughton: {FFFFFF}pAGI )) [11:16:42] (( {00FFFF}Get a Life! Bryan_Stewart: {FFFFFF}DUAR )) [11:16:42] (( {00FFFF}Regular Aloysius_Elvarette: {FFFFFF}wooooooooooo )) [11:16:42] (( {00FFFF}Get a Life! Aarich_Steven: {FFFFFF}siang )) [11:16:42] (( {00FF00}twicetagram Dilan_Carter: {FFFFFF}twice )) [11:16:42] (( {FF00FF}#AkuMainKotor Vincent_Lee: {FFFFFF}malemt )) [11:16:43] [OOC] Global OOC channel has been disabled by an Admin! [11:16:43] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [11:16:43] ERROR: The Global OOC chat has been disabled by an Admin ! [11:16:45] ERROR: The Global OOC chat has been disabled by an Admin ! [11:16:53] Vincent Alvarez: (( anjir )) [11:16:56] Vincent Lee: (( waokwakowa )) [11:17:1] Vincent Alvarez: (( sempat sempatnay )) [11:17:8] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Budi_Ramdhan ] Phone: [ 1157500 ] [11:17:8] Message: ban saya dikunci pak, didepan city hall [11:17:11] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Admiral 3in 4up, 2K nego! [11:17:11] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Conan_Pearson{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}800700{FF0000}] [11:17:18] * {FF0000}Zidane_Muliana {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [11:17:22] * {FF0000}Jamarcus_Washington {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bantabantaeng, Indonesia) [11:17:28] * {FF0000}Alfathunnisa_Alyasyifa {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [11:17:33] Vincent Lee: (( lu lag? )) [11:17:38] Budi Ramdhan says: pak [11:17:41] PAYCHECK: {FFFF00}Pergi ke bank dan /signcheck untuk mendapatkan gaji anda atau pergi ke salah satu ATM! [11:17:41] Budi Ramdhan says: selamat siang [11:17:42] Vincent Alvarez: (( Biasa )) [11:17:45] Vincent Alvarez says: Siang [11:17:53] Budi Ramdhan says: bapak dari petugas tialng ? [11:17:56] Vincent Lee says: Itu salah sendiri [11:17:57] Vincent Alvarez says: Iya [11:17:57] Budi Ramdhan says: tilang maksudnya [11:18:2] Vincent Lee says: Parkir sembarangan [11:18:6] Whisper to Vincent Alvarez: jangan di bukain [11:18:9] Budi Ramdhan says: iya ini mau saya urus pak [11:18:9] Vincent Alvarez says: Jadi? [11:18:14] Whisper from Vincent Alvarez: apstinya [11:18:17] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[DIJUAL]BF-400 3Insu0up Minat CP Or Sms Me: [11:18:17] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Hans_Stacks{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}606046{FF0000}] [11:18:24] Vincent Alvarez says: Urus di kantor SAPD sana [11:18:26] Budi Ramdhan says: tapi saya telepon ke 555 ga ada tanggapan [11:18:31] Budi Ramdhan says: oh langsung kesana pak ? [11:18:34] Vincent Alvarez says: Iya [11:18:35] Vincent Lee says: Iya [11:18:37] Vincent Lee says: Langsung kesana [11:18:38] Budi Ramdhan says: bukan ke 555 ? [11:18:43] * {FF0000}Franky_Olsam {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [11:18:43] Budi Ramdhan says: oke kalau begitu [11:18:44] Vincent Lee: (( /unlocktire )) [11:18:45] Vincent Alvarez says: Langsung kesana aja [11:18:48] Budi Ramdhan says: terima kasih informasinya [11:18:52] Vincent Lee: (( di dalam sapd )) [11:18:53] Vincent Alvarez says: Iya [11:18:54] Budi Ramdhan says: selamat siang, [11:18:56] Vincent Lee says: Siang [11:18:57] * {FF0000}Kevin_Hawk {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [11:18:57] Vincent Alvarez says: Siang [11:19:51] Vincent Alvarez says: Mirip motor [11:20:7] * {FF0000}Tobias_Mirotic {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [11:20:24] [ID] ID: 34 | Name: Hanz_Frorenza | Level: 22 | Ping: 89 | Launcher: Yes [11:20:27] * {FF0000}Derrick_Starbuck {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [11:20:33] * {FF0000}Girindra_Narottama {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [11:20:46] Vincent Lee: (( a )) [11:20:49] Vincent Lee: (( ngapain dah:v )) [11:20:50] Vincent Alvarez: (( b )) [11:20:57] Vincent Alvarez: (( buka overwolf )) [11:20:59] Vincent Lee: (( owh )) [11:21:17] Vincent Alvarez: (( agar aku tau siapa yang bicara )) [11:21:24] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Sell] Landstalker 3Insu 4Up Fullmodift $3,2k Nego CP!!!! [11:21:24] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Louise_Bishop{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}204020{FF0000}] [11:21:30] [RADIO] PO-I Derrick Starbuck: Police Officer I 9070 reporting onduty. [11:21:56] Vincent Lee: (( eh )) [11:22:2] Vincent Lee: (( nama vincent lee kembali lagi di /fc )) [11:22:2] Vincent Lee: (( wkwk )) [11:22:9] Vincent Lee: (( ter rajin :v )) [11:22:22] Vincent Alvarez: (( anjir )) [11:22:23] * {FF0000}Karen_Riley {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [11:22:29] Vincent Alvarez: (( aku mingu kemarin no 1 )) [11:22:29] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Jual]Landstalker 3Insu 4Up Fullmodift $3k Nego tipis CP!!! [11:22:29] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Louise_Bishop{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}204020{FF0000}] [11:22:34] QUIZ: dika______banget [11:22:34] NOTE: use '/quiz answer' to answer that quiz! [11:22:37] Vincent Alvarez: (( minggu ini subuak )) [11:22:42] Vincent Lee: (( owh )) [11:22:47] QUIZ: Wrong answer! [11:22:50] QUIZ: Wrong answer! [11:22:52] QUIZ: Wrong answer! [11:22:56] [RADIO] PO-I Derrick Starbuck: Officer I 9070 teaming up with Officer I 7093 under 0-JOHN-2, clearing from Central HQ, over. [11:23:3] QUIZ: Wrong answer! [11:23:10] Vincent Alvarez: (( kebiasaan overwolf, lama dibuka )) [11:23:17] * {FF0000}Michael_Alfarez {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [11:23:27] QUIZ: Richie_Wiseguy have won the quiz! [11:23:27] QUIZ: The answer was 'dikakontolbanget' [11:23:35] ERROR: The Global OOC chat has been disabled by an Admin ! [11:23:36] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[FIND] Mencari pekerjaan apa saja yang penting halal saya siap kalo ada CP!! [11:23:36] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Louise_Bishop{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}204020{FF0000}] [11:23:37] (( {FF0000}Helper dikagantengbanget: {FFFFFF}#stoprasis )) [11:23:42] * {FF0000}Andri_Setiawans {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [11:23:45] (( PM to [31] dikagantengbanget: okawkoaw )) [11:23:49] (( PM to [31] dikagantengbanget: ban tuhLv )) [11:23:50] (( PM to [31] dikagantengbanget: ban tuh:v )) [11:23:53] Vincent Lee: (( aa )) [11:23:54] (( PM from [31] dikagantengbanget: jangan )) [11:23:54] * {FF0000}Tyson_Cameron {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [11:23:55] Vincent Lee: (( ngelag anjer )) [11:23:57] (( PM to [31] dikagantengbanget: kwkw )) [11:23:59] [id:1] Helper Tiak (Kyrie_Garland) [11:23:59] [id:15] Volunteer antiteror (Adrian_Lopez) [11:23:59] [id:19] Volunteer mhdrehansyah31 (Rexley_Hitamieka) [11:23:59] [id:31] Helper dikagantengbanget (Luther_Jenkins) [11:23:59] [id:43] Volunteer yohanes223 (Harry_Starbuck) [11:23:59] [id:50] Helper yourvoice99 (Jeremy_Kloptens) [11:23:59] [id:72] Volunteer nongsky (Rey_Randolph) [11:23:59] NOTE: {ffffff}Volunteer tidak memiliki kedudukan yang sama dengan Helper / Admin [11:24:6] Vincent Alvarez: (( hmm, aku tay )) [11:24:18] Vincent Lee: (( apa )) [11:24:19] * {FF0000}Owen_Pearson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [11:24:33] (( PM to [18] Owen_Pearson: a )) [11:24:36] (( PM to [18] Owen_Pearson: lu di jail ic ga? )) [11:24:41] * {FF0000}Tommy_Middlesworth {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [11:24:42] (( PM from [18] Owen_Pearson: iyah )) [11:24:42] Vincent Alvarez: (( gara gara overwolf nih, bukanya buka malah ajdi beban )) [11:24:43] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[DICARI] Bisnis yang strategis, SMS. [11:24:43] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Derrick_Starbuck{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}1007{FF0000}] [11:24:43] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [11:24:46] * {FF0000}Aimoo_Archenhaud {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [11:24:49] (( PM to [18] Owen_Pearson: gara gara tadi pagi? )) [11:24:56] Vincent Lee: (( lu ngelag? )) [11:24:56] * {FF0000}Larenz_Hanzell {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bantabantaeng, Indonesia) [11:24:56] (( PM from [18] Owen_Pearson: iya )) [11:24:59] (( PM to [18] Owen_Pearson: EZ Lah aowkakow )) [11:25:2] QUIZ: Siapa yang caper? [11:25:2] NOTE: use '/quiz answer' to answer that quiz! [11:25:5] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Marvel_Jovinski ] Reporter: [ Didier Luva ] [11:25:5] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Failure to Comply ] [11:25:12] QUIZ: Wrong answer! [11:25:18] QUIZ: Wrong answer! [11:25:19] (( {00FFFF}No Lifer Richie_Wiseguy: {FFFFFF}yg bikin quiz caper )) [11:25:25] QUIZ: Wrong answer! [11:25:33] QUIZ: Wrong answer! [11:25:43] QUIZ: Wrong answer! [11:25:58] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY] Mobil sport fullsticker ada?Call Or Sms [11:25:58] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Girindra_Narottama{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3004{FF0000}] [11:26:12] QUIZ: Wrong answer! [11:26:15] QUIZ: Wrong answer! [11:26:17] QUIZ: Wrong answer! [11:26:18] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Marvel_Jovinski ] Reporter: [ Didier Luva ] [11:26:18] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Driving Lorry Without Any Officer Trucking Licenses ] [11:26:24] Vincent Lee: (( a )) [11:26:27] Vincent Lee: (( ngapain dah wkwk )) [11:26:40] (( {FF0000}Helper Tiak: {FFFFFF}report aja guys admin yang bikin quiz gajelas )) [11:26:40] (( PM from [57] Aimoo_Archenhaud: ler udah di beli ang )) [11:26:47] (( PM to [57] Aimoo_Archenhaud: apanya )) [11:26:52] (( PM from [57] Aimoo_Archenhaud: rumah asell di temple )) [11:26:52] (( PM to [57] Aimoo_Archenhaud: asell y? )) [11:26:58] (( PM from [57] Aimoo_Archenhaud: hooh. )) [11:27:5] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY] Mobil sport fullsticker ada?Call Or Sms [11:27:5] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Girindra_Narottama{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3004{FF0000}] [11:27:7] * {FF0000}Adrian_Lopez {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [11:27:18] QUIZ: Adrian_Lopez have won the quiz! [11:27:18] QUIZ: The answer was 'Rici.' [11:27:25] * {FF0000}James_Lynch {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Malang, Indonesia) [11:27:29] * {FF0000}Larenz_Hanzell {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bantabantaeng, Indonesia) [11:27:34] * {FF0000}Regina_Wanda {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [11:28:12] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY] Mobil sport fullsticker ada?Call Or Sms [11:28:12] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Girindra_Narottama{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3004{FF0000}] [11:28:22] * {FF0000}Zidane_Muliana {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [11:28:28] [ID] ID: 70 | Name: Vincent_Alvarez | Level: 8 | Ping: 78 | Launcher: Yes [11:28:32] Vincent Lee: (( njir lu ngelag bener wkwk )) [11:28:39] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [11:28:45] KEGUNAAN: /quiz [answer/create] [11:28:46] Vincent Alvarez: (( hmm )) [11:28:47] ERROR: Only admin can create quiz! [11:29:4] [ID] ID: 39 | Name: Malak_Alhamed | Level: 29 | Ping: 61 | Launcher: Yes [11:29:9] (( PM to [39] Malak_Alhamed: /quiz create )) [11:29:18] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Admiral 3insu 4up, 2K nego! [11:29:18] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Conan_Pearson{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}800700{FF0000}] [11:29:24] AdmCmd: Marvel_Jovinski has been remote warned by Tiak, total warns: 2 [11:29:24] Reason: refuse RP with SAPD (Didier_Luva) [11:29:33] AdmCmd: Marvel_Jovinski has been remote-jailed by Tiak for 60 minutes. [11:29:33] Reason: refuse RP with SAPD (Didier_Luva) [11:29:39] [RADIO] Commander Jeremy Kloptens: Commander 7785 launchs off under STAFF-7 as Single Patrol, departs from Central HQ, over. [11:29:40] * {FF0000}Dilan_Carter {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Denpasar, Indonesia) [11:30:23] Richie Wiseguy says: Cabut RUU [11:30:23] Vincent Lee: (( wkaw )) [11:30:23] Vincent Alvarez: (( ya ampun )) [11:30:25] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Admiral 3insu 4up, 2K NEGO! [11:30:25] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Conan_Pearson{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}800700{FF0000}] [11:30:28] Vincent Lee: (( kawkwa )) [11:30:31] Vincent Alvarez: (( mau aku tilang padahal )) [11:30:33] * {FF0000}Veilleux_Sciverit {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Cipete, Indonesia) [11:30:33] {ff0000}dikagantengbanget: {ffffff}(( gaji buta nih )) [11:30:34] {ff0000}dikagantengbanget: {ffffff}(( ajg )) [11:30:35] Vincent Lee: (( wakokwakowa )) [11:30:37] Vincent Alvarez: (( duty admin tapi )) [11:30:37] Vincent Lee: (( mata lu )) [11:30:41] Richie Wiseguy says: lepas duty [11:30:42] Richie Wiseguy says: dika [11:30:44] * Vincent Lee take m4 from front of body using both hands and ready to shoot. [11:30:44] {ff0000}dikagantengbanget: {ffffff}(( pecat pecatin aja ci )) [11:30:44] Richie Wiseguy says: mau ditilang kita [11:30:50] Vincent Alvarez: (( anjir ngeri )) [11:30:51] {ff0000}dikagantengbanget: {ffffff}(( gua duty anjeng )) [11:30:57] Richie Wiseguy says: Tilang pak. [11:31:7] * {FF0000}Roberth_Polin {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bekasi, Indonesia) [11:31:12] Richie Wiseguy says: Ayo kejar kami babi [11:31:12] Vincent Alvarez: (( ga nafu nilang aku ajdinya )) [11:31:19] Richie Wiseguy says: Pursuit [11:31:22] AdmCmd: Brooklyn_Olsen has been kicked by antiteror. [11:31:22] Reason: Pake rp nanam nya mas. [11:31:26] * {FF0000}Allen_Cruz {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 07, Indonesia) [11:31:32] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{66ffff} [BUY] Mobil Sport Fullsticker ada? Call/SMS [11:31:32] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Lester_Wilford{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}404011{FF0000}] [11:31:36] Vincent Alvarez says: Kenapa? [11:31:38] (( {00FFFF}No Lifer Adrian_Lopez: {FFFFFF}Gunakan /ask buat bertanya seputar server dan roleplay. )) [11:31:42] (( PM to [15] Adrian_Lopez: gamau )) [11:31:43] (( {00FF00}*Dika-GB* Luther_Jenkins: {FFFFFF}caper. )) [11:31:48] (( PM to [15] Adrian_Lopez: wokoaa mampus )) [11:31:49] * {FF0000}Alice_Margareth {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bekasi, Indonesia) [11:31:56] (( PM from [15] Adrian_Lopez: anying tu orang )) [11:32:11] * {FF0000}Rachel_Akeila {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bekasi, Indonesia) [11:32:25] * {FF0000}Brooklyn_Olsen {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Tangerang, Indonesia) [11:32:35] * {FF0000}Amanda_Mahendra {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [11:32:39] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY]Huntley any insu and up, CpMe! [11:32:39] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Larenz_Hanzell{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}1402{FF0000}] [11:32:49] Q:Vincent Lee[7]: kalau scamming jual senjata boleh kaga? [11:32:58] Answer: {ffff00}Batas scam 1000 ya [11:33:10] Q:Vincent Lee[7]: jual senjata tapi ngomongnya pelor full tapi pelor 50 gitu [11:33:11] * {FF0000}Yee_Xangyin {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [11:33:18] Vincent Alvarez says: Ada orang tidur sembarangan [11:33:18] Vincent Lee says: What the fuck? [11:33:22] Answer: {ffff00}gapapa [11:33:26] Vincent Alvarez says: Hmm [11:33:31] Vincent Lee says: Kenapa mba? [11:33:33] * Vincent Alvarez memeriksa kondisi regina [11:33:46] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[DICARI] Bisnis dimana saja, SMS. [11:33:46] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Derrick_Starbuck{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}1007{FF0000}] [11:33:50] PHONE: {FFFFFF}Calling {00FFFF}number 1007{FFFFFF}, please wait for answer! [11:33:58] /accept inspect ((Vincent Alvarez)) [11:34:3] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [11:34:3] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 1007 [11:34:3] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}WS mau ga [11:34:5] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [11:34:6] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Anda telah mengagalkan telepon! [11:34:6] Telepon terputus... [11:34:21] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [11:34:21] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 1007 [11:34:21] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}WS mau ga? [11:34:21] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [11:34:21] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 1007 [11:34:21] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}WS mau ga? [11:34:22] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [11:34:22] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [11:34:22] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 1007 [11:34:22] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}WS mau ga? [11:34:23] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [11:34:29] Oi cepet sebelum admin muncul ((Vincent Alvarez)) [11:34:35] ERROR: No queued reports! [11:34:46] [ID] ID: 4 | Name: Michael_Alfarez | Level: 10 | Ping: 25 | Launcher: Yes [11:34:47] [ID] ID: 44 | Name: Regina_Wanda | Level: 1 | Ping: 42 | Launcher: No [11:34:51] (( PM to [70] Vincent_Alvarez: biarin level 1 )) [11:34:53] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY] Pickup bobcet insurance bebas ada HUB. [11:34:53] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Stanley_Cunningham{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}1070{FF0000}] [11:34:59] (( PM to [70] Vincent_Alvarez: kuy )) [11:35:4] Vincent Alvarez says: Oke [11:35:11] * {FF0000}Amanda_Vellotic {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [11:35:13] [RADIO] Sergeant II Rachel Akeila: Sergeant II 8505 reporting on duty, over [11:35:33] [RADIO] PO-I Synester Reynold: Police Officer I 10144 reporting to Code 7 '20 at Central, Cafeteria, over. [11:35:56] (( PM from [70] Vincent_Alvarez: anjir )) [11:35:59] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Dicari garasi priavte [11:35:59] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Aimoo_Archenhaud{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}99111{FF0000}] [11:36:6] (( PM to [70] Vincent_Alvarez: kenapa )) [11:36:6] AdmCmd: Aimoo_Archenhaud has been kicked by richkravhenkoz. [11:36:6] Reason: Undetailed /ad [11:36:6] Vincent Alvarez says: Kenapa tidur di sini [11:36:6] Regina Wanda: (( skip rp, mati karna non rp )) [11:36:11] * {FF0000}Ryder_Wiliams {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [11:36:14] Vincent Alvarez: (( oh ok )) [11:36:25] * {FF0000}Charlie_Veidrop {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [11:36:34] Regina Wanda says: /accept death [11:37:0] [RADIO] Sergeant I Hanz Frorenza: Any unpartner unit ? Sergeant 3305 [11:37:6] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}di cari garasi private [11:37:6] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Aimoo_Archenhaud{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}99111{FF0000}] [11:37:9] [RADIO] PO-I Harry Starbuck: 0-JOHN-2 Negative from us. [11:37:18] * {FF0000}Aimoo_Archenhaud {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [11:37:40] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [11:37:41] Regina_Wanda telah keluar dari server. (Pergi) [11:37:42] Driving license: [{00FF00}Valid until Fri 27 Dec 2019, 10:04:25{FFFFFF}] [11:37:42] Flying license: [{FF0000}Not passed{FFFFFF}] [11:37:42] Boat license: [{00FF00}Valid until Thu 07 Nov 2019, 14:11:07{FFFFFF}] [11:37:42] Firearm license: [{FF0000}Not passed{FFFFFF}] [11:37:42] NOTE: use '/licenses show [playerid/name]' to show licenses to other player! [11:37:42] * {FF0000}Mark_Eland {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [11:37:47] [RADIO] Commander Jeremy Kloptens: Lets go Sergeant Frorenza, STAFF-7 speaking. [11:37:49] Vincent Lee: (( varez )) [11:37:53] Vincent Lee: (( coba lu cmd )) [11:37:55] Vincent Alvarez: (( ? )) [11:37:58] Vincent Alvarez: (( apa? )) [11:38:4] Vincent Lee: (( /createlicense 7 gun )) [11:38:6] KEGUNAAN: /createlicense [playerid/name] [driving/sailing/flying/gun/lumberjack/trucking] [11:38:9] * {FF0000}Hendra_Skoge {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [11:38:11] [RADIO] Sergeant I Hanz Frorenza: 10-4 Commander my 10-20 At Quarry [11:38:14] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}JUAL Sadler 3Insu 0Up FulMod Minat Cp: [11:38:14] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Aarich_Steven{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}102532{FF0000}] [11:38:15] [RADIO] Commander Jeremy Kloptens: Your current location please ? [11:38:18] [RADIO] Commander Jeremy Kloptens: Enrouting. [11:38:18] Vincent Alvarez: (( kenapa? )) [11:38:20] Vincent Lee: (( coba )) [11:38:27] Vincent Alvarez: (( Buat apa? )) [11:38:29] Vincent Lee: (( test )) [11:38:33] Vincent Lee: (( nyoba anjir )) [11:38:41] Vincent Alvarez: (( ga akan bisa, kan bukan anggota GCLU )) [11:38:45] Vincent Lee: (( bisa )) [11:38:46] * {FF0000}Andrew_Horstman {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [11:38:47] Vincent Lee: (( makanya coba )) [11:38:54] Vincent Lee: (( bentar doang )) [11:38:54] * {FF0000}Cole_Emery {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [11:39:2] Vincent Alvarez: (( Boleh ga nih? )) [11:39:6] Vincent Lee: (( coba makanya )) [11:39:11] Vincent Alvarez: (( Resiko yang tangguing kamu )) [11:39:13] Vincent Lee: (( /createlicense 7 gun )) [11:39:21] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}dicari ws loco yang buka [11:39:21] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Jhon_Olsam{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}101101{FF0000}] [11:39:51] Vincent Alvarez: (( ga bisalah )) [11:39:56] Vincent Lee: (( serius? )) [11:39:58] KEGUNAAN: /createlicense [playerid/name] [driving/sailing/flying/gun/lumberjack/trucking] [11:40:1] Vincent Alvarez: (( iya )) [11:40:5] KEGUNAAN: /createlicense [playerid/name] [driving/sailing/flying/gun/lumberjack/trucking] [11:40:8] Vincent Alvarez: (( khusus GCLU )) [11:40:28] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY] Mobil sport fullsticker ada?Call Or Sms [11:40:28] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Girindra_Narottama{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3004{FF0000}] [11:40:37] * {FF0000}Zeline_Zakeisha {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [11:40:46] * {FF0000}Cymile_Goose {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [11:41:12] (( PM from [18] Owen_Pearson: lu udah keluar )) [11:41:21] (( PM to [18] Owen_Pearson: dari tadiiiii )) [11:41:31] (( PM from [18] Owen_Pearson: gua baru keluar )) [11:41:34] * {FF0000}Charlie_Veidrop {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [11:41:35] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY] Mobil sport fullsticker ada?Call Or Sms [11:41:35] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Girindra_Narottama{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3004{FF0000}] [11:41:38] (( PM to [18] Owen_Pearson: lu kena berapa jam ic jail? )) [11:41:40] * {FF0000}Knut_Drivenes {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [11:41:50] * {FF0000}Tobias_Atkinson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [11:42:3] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (1007) [11:42:3] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}WS mana? [11:42:8] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [11:42:8] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 1007 [11:42:8] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Flint [11:42:18] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (1007) [11:42:18] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Engga [11:42:27] * {FF0000}Amanda_Mahendra {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [11:42:28] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [11:42:28] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 1007 [11:42:28] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}okeh [11:42:37] Vincent Lee: (( kalo ada apa apa panggil aja di ts )) [11:42:42] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY] Mobil sport fullsticker ada?Call Or Sms [11:42:42] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Girindra_Narottama{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3004{FF0000}] [11:42:43] Vincent Lee: (( gua mau afk bentar )) [11:42:47] * {FF0000}Veilleux_Sciverit {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Cipete, Indonesia) [11:42:49] Vincent Alvarez: (( Okey )) [11:42:55] [RADIO] PO-II Didier Luva: 1-LINCOLN-1 disbanded, about to take Status 1. [11:43:8] [RADIO] PO-II Didier Luva: Police Officer II 10152 Status 1, good morning everyone. [11:43:23] [RADIO] PO-I Vincent Alvarez: Morning [11:43:49] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY] Mobil sport fullsticker ada?Call Or Sms [11:43:49] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Girindra_Narottama{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3004{FF0000}] [11:44:0] [ID] ID: 5 | Name: Marvine_Collinson | Level: 8 | Ping: 110 | Launcher: Yes [11:44:4] Vincent Lee says: Ke bank [11:44:5] AdmCmd: Amanda_Mahendra has been kicked by Tiak. [11:44:5] Reason: jangan misusing /report [11:44:12] Vincent Lee says: Bank mana aja dah serah [11:44:18] * {FF0000}Abraham_Johnson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [11:44:21] (( {00FFFF}No Lifer Adrian_Lopez: {FFFFFF}Gunakan /ask buat bertanya seputar server dan roleplay. )) [11:44:23] Vincent Alvarez says: Oke [11:44:45] * {FF0000}Amanda_Mahendra {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [11:44:56] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY] Mobil sport fullsticker ada?Call Or Sms [11:44:56] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Girindra_Narottama{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3004{FF0000}] [11:45:0] * {FF0000}Reus_Mccady {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [11:45:14] * {FF0000}Akashi_Alanza {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Surabaya, Indonesia) [11:45:20] * {FF0000}Angga_Alviansyah {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [11:45:36] * {FF0000}Carol_Febi {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Beji Timur, Indonesia) [11:46:2] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY] Mobil sport fullsticker ada?Call Or Sms [11:46:2] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Girindra_Narottama{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3004{FF0000}] [11:46:3] Vincent Lee says: Bentar [11:46:7] Vincent Alvarez says: Oke [11:46:23] BANK: {FFFFFF}You've transfered {00FF00}$1,000.00 {FFFFFF}to {FFFF00}Marvine Collinson [11:46:40] Vincent Lee: (( dah lanjut afk aing )) [11:46:41] AdmCmd: Malak_Alhamed has been kicked by yourvoice99. [11:46:41] Reason: AFK while on duty. [11:46:45] * {FF0000}Deffiero_Valdemar {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Palembang, Indonesia) [11:46:47] Vincent Alvarez: (( anjay )) [11:46:49] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (432424) [11:46:49] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}$500 lagi beb [11:46:53] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (432424) [11:46:53] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}$500 lagi beb anjing [11:47:0] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [11:47:0] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 432424 [11:47:0] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}louise aja 1k pas [11:47:5] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [11:47:5] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 432424 [11:47:5] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}pada males sihhhhhhhhhhhhhh [11:47:9] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY] Mobil sport fullsticker ada?Call Or Sms [11:47:9] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Girindra_Narottama{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3004{FF0000}] [11:47:10] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (432424) [11:47:10] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Lu kira gue bodoh ha ? [11:47:14] * {FF0000}Akashi_Alanza {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Surabaya, Indonesia) [11:47:22] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [11:47:22] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 432424 [11:47:22] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Louise 1k goblok [11:47:23] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (432424) [11:47:23] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Gue setiap hari iklanin anjing [11:47:23] [ID] ID: 69 | Name: Louise_Bishop | Level: 11 | Ping: 38 | Launcher: Yes [11:47:27] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [11:47:27] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 432424 [11:47:27] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}okowwkaoa [11:47:30] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (432424) [11:47:30] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Alah jangan pura pura [11:47:33] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [11:47:33] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 432424 [11:47:33] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}nanti gua kasih 500$ lagi [11:47:35] * {FF0000}Michael_Kalasan {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [11:47:38] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (432424) [11:47:38] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Omdo :) [11:47:39] Vincent Lee says: Bank lagi [11:47:43] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [11:47:43] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 432424 [11:47:43] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}serius anjenk [11:47:50] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (432424) [11:47:50] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}PHP gk suka gw :) [11:47:58] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [11:47:58] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 432424 [11:47:58] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}apasi php apa kontollllllllllllll [11:48:13] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (432424) [11:48:13] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}$500 aja susah anjeng udah lah gue keluar dari WS, gue mau pindah kerja [11:48:15] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY] Mobil sport fullsticker ada?Call Or Sms [11:48:15] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Girindra_Narottama{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3004{FF0000}] [11:48:27] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [11:48:27] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 432424 [11:48:27] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}dih baper awkowaowa [11:48:30] * {FF0000}Tae_Yoon {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [11:48:34] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (432424) [11:48:34] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Gak baper kontol emang gue mau kerja awokwa [11:48:42] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [11:48:42] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 432424 [11:48:42] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}mau keluar ws? [11:48:44] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (432424) [11:48:44] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Maksud w ganti kerja [11:48:53] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (432424) [11:48:53] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Iya gue kerja di toko elektronik ae [11:49:1] ERROR: You need to be inside the bank to use this command! [11:49:3] BANK: {FFFFFF}You've transfered {00FF00}$500.00 {FFFFFF}to {FFFF00}Marvine Collinson [11:49:3] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (432424) [11:49:3] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Lagian kawan lu si Ballack itu dah death [11:49:10] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (432424) [11:49:10] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Gimane? [11:49:16] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [11:49:16] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 432424 [11:49:16] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}jangan keluar dulu [11:49:18] * {FF0000}Carol_Febi {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Beji Timur, Indonesia) [11:49:20] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (432424) [11:49:20] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Nape? [11:49:20] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [11:49:20] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 432424 [11:49:20] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}bantu gua [11:49:22] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}(SELL) 8 rooms 2 lantai loc El Corona minat hub: [11:49:22] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Adrian_Lopez{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}7362885{FF0000}] [11:49:24] * {FF0000}Erick_Laurent {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [11:49:28] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (432424) [11:49:28] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Bantu ape [11:49:33] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [11:49:33] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 432424 [11:49:33] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Jual wsnya [11:49:44] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (432424) [11:49:44] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Ywdh, sekarang gue iklanin santuy, NRG lu dimane [11:49:54] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [11:49:54] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 432424 [11:49:54] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}belom 2 minggu [11:49:56] (( PM from [5] Marvine_Collinson: share NRG )) [11:49:59] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [11:49:59] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 432424 [11:49:59] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}nanti malem dah 2 minggu [11:50:3] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}You have shared your {00FFFF}NRG-500 {FFFFFF}to {FFFF00}Marvine_Collinson [11:50:10] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (432424) [11:50:10] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Udah 2 minggu beb kan gue digaji udah 2x hehe [11:50:12] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [11:50:12] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 432424 [11:50:12] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}kalo laku gua kasih 2k net [11:50:13] * {FF0000}Andri_Setiawans {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [11:50:22] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (432424) [11:50:22] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}2k doang jancuk haha [11:50:22] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [11:50:22] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 432424 [11:50:22] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}belom 2 minggu [11:50:28] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [11:50:28] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 432424 [11:50:28] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}besok baru 2 minggu [11:50:29] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[ST Jefferson Dealer] Menjual berbagai macam motor seperti Sanchez, FCR dan PCJ [11:50:29] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Rafael_Cornejo{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}999990{FF0000}] [11:50:30] MECHANIC: {FFFF00}Marvine_Collinson {FFFFFF}has started examining your {00FFFF}NRG-500 [11:50:32] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [11:50:32] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 432424 [11:50:32] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}jam 00:00 [11:50:42] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (432424) [11:50:42] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Ywdh nanti kasih w bonus yee [11:50:43] MECHANIC: {FFFF00}Marvine_Collinson {FFFFFF}has started on your {00FFFF}NRG-500 {FFFFFF}engine repair. [11:50:46] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [11:50:46] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 432424 [11:50:46] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}siap [11:50:46] * {FF0000}Raphael_Volkoska {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [11:50:50] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [11:50:50] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 432424 [11:50:50] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}jual 650k neho [11:50:50] * {FF0000}Lara_Cornelia {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [11:50:52] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [11:50:52] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 432424 [11:50:52] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}nego [11:50:55] [RADIO] PO-I Derrick Starbuck: 0-JOHN-2 to Commander Kloptens. [11:50:58] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (432424) [11:50:58] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}harga pas nyeberape [11:51:0] [RADIO] Commander Jeremy Kloptens: Commander 7785. [11:51:7] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [11:51:7] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 432424 [11:51:7] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}600 [11:51:16] Vincent Alvarez: (( aku isi air duu )) [11:51:20] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (432424) [11:51:20] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Kalo ada yang nawar 500-550 gimana ? [11:51:30] Vincent Lee: (( iya )) [11:51:30] * {FF0000}Roosevelt_Hampton {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [11:51:36] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[ST Montgomery Meubel] Menjual furniture berdesain elegan dan kekinian. [11:51:36] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Rafael_Cornejo{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}999990{FF0000}] [11:51:38] [RADIO] PO-I Derrick Starbuck: Permissions to use ADAM unit? [11:51:42] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [11:51:42] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 432424 [11:51:42] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}belakangan, bilang gua aja dulu kalo ada yang nawar diatas 500 [11:51:52] * {FF0000}Dajuan_Broughton {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [11:51:53] [RADIO] Commander Jeremy Kloptens: Go ahead. [11:52:3] [RADIO] PO-I Derrick Starbuck: Thanks Commander 0-JOHN-2 speaks. [11:52:13] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (432424) [11:52:13] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}OK [11:52:16] * {FF0000}Richard_McFuller {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [11:52:16] * {FF0000}Thamuz_Abhisar {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [11:52:22] * {FF0000}Lara_Cornelia {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [11:52:30] [RADIO] PO-I Derrick Starbuck: 0-JOHN-2 10-27 1-ADAM-3. [11:52:31] (( PM from [5] Marvine_Collinson: Off dulu ye w mau maen ROS dulu )) [11:52:42] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[ST 24/7 Mart] Menjual kebutuhan sehari-hari, buka 24 jam. Loc: Market 69. [11:52:42] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Rafael_Cornejo{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}999990{FF0000}] [11:52:42] (( PM to [5] Marvine_Collinson: anjeng )) [11:52:45] (( PM to [5] Marvine_Collinson: awokawowa )) [11:52:50] (( PM from [5] Marvine_Collinson: kan nanti malem kontol dijualnya )) [11:52:56] (( PM from [5] Marvine_Collinson: sekalian w gadang )) [11:53:0] * {FF0000}Conan_Pearson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [11:53:7] ERROR: that player is not connected! [11:53:37] * {FF0000}Trevon_Deshawn {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Malang, Indonesia) [11:53:49] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[ST Montgomery Meubel] Menjual furniture berdesain elegan dan kekinian. [11:53:49] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Rafael_Cornejo{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}999990{FF0000}] [11:54:37] * {FF0000}Brooklyn_Olsen {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Tangerang, Indonesia) [11:54:56] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[ST Jefferson Dealer] Menjual berbagai macam motor seperti Sanchez, FCR dan PCJ [11:54:56] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Rafael_Cornejo{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}999990{FF0000}] [11:56:3] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY[ Mobil sederhanan 4 pintu ada?, Contact: [11:56:3] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}James_Lynch{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}556686{FF0000}] [11:56:12] * {FF0000}Richard_McFuller {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [11:56:38] * {FF0000}James_Lynch {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Malang, Indonesia) [11:57:11] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[ST 24/7 Mart] Menjual kebutuhan sehari-hari, buka 24 jam. Loc: Market 69. [11:57:11] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Rafael_Cornejo{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}999990{FF0000}] [11:57:32] Vincent Alvarez: (( maaf )) [11:57:35] Vincent Alvarez: (( aku tidur )) [11:58:11] Vincent Lee: (( mau tidur )) [11:58:12] Vincent Lee: (( mau tidur> )) [11:58:13] Vincent Alvarez: (( ngimpi tadi, terus denger suara nabrak. Bangun lagi )) [11:58:17] Vincent Lee: (( wawakwwkwa )) [11:58:18] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[ST Montgomery Meubel] Menjual furniture berdesain elegan dan kekinian. [11:58:18] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Rafael_Cornejo{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}999990{FF0000}] [11:58:19] Vincent Lee: (( aku kira mau tidur )) [11:58:20] Vincent Alvarez: (( Engga deh )) [11:58:30] * {FF0000}Dilan_Carter {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Denpasar, Indonesia) [11:58:41] Vincent Lee: (( aku mau mandi + solat )) [11:58:44] Vincent Lee: (( afk aja )) [11:58:49] Vincent Alvarez: (( oke )) [11:58:55] Vincent Lee: (( kamu jalanin aja unitnya biar akunya ga masuk afk mode )) [11:59:8] Vincent Alvarez: (( iya )) [11:59:25] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{66ffff} [BUY] Mobil Bersticker ada? CP terus [11:59:25] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Lester_Wilford{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}404011{FF0000}] [11:59:28] * {FF0000}Jamarcus_Washington {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bantabantaeng, Indonesia) [12:0:32] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[DIJUAL] Rumah bergarasi daerah El corona deket bandara. Minat? C/S [12:0:32] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Bryan_Stewart{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}210070{FF0000}] [12:1:14] * {FF0000}Leo_Tyler {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [12:1:36] [RADIO] PO-I Synester Reynold: Police Officer I 10144 from Code 7, going status four under 4-JOHN-2 with Officer 8127, clearing Central HQ, ove [12:1:39] [RADIO] PO-I Synester Reynold: ... over. [12:1:40] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL]Taxi 4up ada modift minat? [12:1:40] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Reus_Mccady{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}555700{FF0000}] [12:2:35] * {FF0000}Marvine_Collinson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [12:2:47] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[ST Montgomery Meubel] Menjual furniture berdesain elegan dan kekinian. [12:2:47] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Rafael_Cornejo{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}999990{FF0000}] [12:3:9] * {FF0000}Demario_Barksdale {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [12:3:43] * {FF0000}Florence_Villevicencia {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [12:3:55] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[ST 24/7 Mart] Menjual kebutuhan sehari-hari, buka 24 jam. Loc: Market 69. [12:3:55] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Rafael_Cornejo{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}999990{FF0000}] [12:4:41] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Florence_Villevicencia ] Phone: [ 444422 ] [12:4:41] Message: Siang, saya mau mengikuti kegiatan Ride Along apakah sekarang bisa? [12:5:3] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[ST Montgomery Meubel] Menjual furniture berdesain elegan dan kekinian. [12:5:3] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Rafael_Cornejo{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}999990{FF0000}] [12:5:17] * {FF0000}Lester_Brooks {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Balikpapan, Indonesia) [12:5:27] * {FF0000}Roosevelt_Hampton {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [12:6:10] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[ST 24/7 Mart] Menjual kebutuhan sehari-hari, buka 24 jam. Loc: Market 69. [12:6:10] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Rafael_Cornejo{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}999990{FF0000}] [12:6:20] * {FF0000}James_Lynch {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Malang, Indonesia) [12:7:7] * {FF0000}Adrian_Lopez {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [12:7:18] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[ST Montgomery Meubel] Menjual furniture berdesain elegan dan kekinian. [12:7:18] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Rafael_Cornejo{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}999990{FF0000}] [12:7:18] (( {00FFFF}No Lifer Adrian_Lopez: {FFFFFF}Gunakan /ask buat bertanya seputar server dan roleplay. )) [12:7:55] * {FF0000}Malak_Alhamed {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [12:8:10] Vincent Alvarez says: MDC [12:8:12] * {FF0000}Charlie_Veidrop {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [12:8:26] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[ST Jefferson Dealer] Menjual berbagai macam motor seperti Sanchez, FCR dan PCJ [12:8:26] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Rafael_Cornejo{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}999990{FF0000}] [12:8:33] * {FF0000}Ogawa_Ryumoon {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Padang, Indonesia) [12:9:2] * {FF0000}Jordan_McLuis {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [12:9:20] Luther Jenkins says: Sore Officer. [12:9:33] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[ST Jefferson Dealer] Menjual berbagai macam motor seperti Sanchez, FCR dan PCJ [12:9:33] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Rafael_Cornejo{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}999990{FF0000}] [12:9:33] Luther Jenkins says: Eh ajudant maksud saya. [12:9:36] * {FF0000}Carlo_Stevenson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [12:9:40] Vincent Alvarez: (( Jangan klik g sembarangan )) [12:9:44] Luther Jenkins: (( ah masa )) [12:10:15] Luther Jenkins says: bete anjing [12:10:27] {ff0000}dikagantengbanget: {ffffff}(( nandhika is memeq )) [12:10:32] Vincent Alvarez: (( anjir )) [12:10:41] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{a020f0}[STARS Cluckin Bell]{ffffff}Menjual Makanan Lezat&Bergizi. @Market (Belakang SANews) [12:10:41] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Akashi_Alanza{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}65656565{FF0000}] [12:10:45] {ff0000}dikagantengbanget: {ffffff}(( AR sekarang susah ye )) [12:10:46] Vincent Alvarez: (( kok bisa tiba tiba ada dibelakang coba )) [12:10:49] {ff0000}dikagantengbanget: {ffffff}(( jarang ada kriminal )) [12:10:50] {ff0000}dikagantengbanget: {ffffff}(( wkwko )) [12:10:53] {ff0000}dikagantengbanget: {ffffff}(( pake ilmu gw )) [12:11:5] Vincent Alvarez: (( iya, langka )) [12:11:7] * {FF0000}Rehanzo_Connor {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [12:11:10] * {FF0000}Rachel_Akeila {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bekasi, Indonesia) [12:11:21] Vincent Alvarez: (( Tapikan Sanews )) [12:11:23] * {FF0000}Nicky_Terrence {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [12:11:24] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Tae_Yoon ] Phone: [ 131031 ] [12:11:24] Message: rumah sakit mana yang ada dokternya? [12:11:25] Vincent Alvarez: (( Mana butuh ar )) [12:11:47] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[DICARI] Bisnis dimana saja, SMS. [12:11:47] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Derrick_Starbuck{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}1007{FF0000}] [12:11:50] 911: Crime: [ Ada kendaraan mengganggu perjalanan warga yang menuju ke SMB Mancing. ] [12:11:50] 911: Reporter: [ Aarich Steven ] Phone: [ 102532 ] [12:11:57] * {FF0000}Stevan_Martin {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [12:12:7] * {FF0000}Robbert_Redmund {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [12:12:30] [RADIO] PO-I Vincent Alvarez: 1-ADAM-4 Responding 911 [12:12:31] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Robbert_Redmund ] Phone: [ 500285 ] [12:12:31] Message: pak saya ingin membayar CGC apakah bisa? [12:12:43] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Malak Alhamed: GCLU 7820 on fiver. [12:12:54] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Find]Dicari pekerjaan untuk saya,ada? Hub: [12:12:54] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Richard_McFuller{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}112341{FF0000}] [12:12:56] AdmCmd: Nicky_Terrence has been kicked by yourvoice99. [12:12:56] Reason: Relog. [12:13:31] * {FF0000}Thamuz_Abhisar {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [12:14:1] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{a020f0}[STARS Cluckin Bell]{ffffff}Menjual Makanan Lezat&Bergizi. @Market (Belakang SANews) [12:14:1] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Akashi_Alanza{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}65656565{FF0000}] [12:14:5] * {FF0000}Nicky_Terrence {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [12:14:8] Vincent Lee Says [car]: ada apa? [12:14:10] (( Synester_Reynold: kebiasaan )) [12:14:15] (( Synester_Reynold: blok pm )) [12:14:23] (( Thamuz_Abhisar: dah )) [12:14:33] Vincent Alvarez says: Tadi mobil [12:14:36] Vincent Lee says: Kenapad ia [12:14:57] Vincent Alvarez says: Nah ini [12:15:6] Vincent Alvarez says: Kendaraan yang menghalangi jalan [12:15:9] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY] Mobil sport fullsticker ada?Call Or Sms [12:15:9] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Girindra_Narottama{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3004{FF0000}] [12:15:14] LOCK: {ffffff}Tire-lock has been applied to {ffff00}FCR-900 [12:15:27] * {FF0000}Andika_Subejo {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [12:15:39] [RADIO] PO-II Didier Luva: Police Officer II 10152 Status 2. [12:15:42] Vincent Alvarez says: Sudah digembok sebelumnya? [12:15:43] * {FF0000}Ronald_Starbuck {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bekasi, Indonesia) [12:15:49] Vincent Lee says: Udah [12:15:54] [RADIO] PO-I Raphael Volkoska: 4-JOHN-2 performing 10-55 on '60 Red Benson '20 in Tunnel Verona Highway, code 4 , over. [12:16:5] Vincent Alvarez says: Pantesan tadi udah digembok [12:16:5] * {FF0000}Carol_Febi {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Beji Timur, Indonesia) [12:16:9] Vincent Alvarez: (( kok bisa digeser? )) [12:16:15] Vincent Lee: (( gua unlock baru lock lagi )) [12:16:16] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY] Mobil sport fullsticker ada?Call Or Sms [12:16:16] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Girindra_Narottama{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3004{FF0000}] [12:16:25] Vincent Alvarez: (( Oh )) [12:16:28] * {FF0000}Arnelle_Grecia {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [12:16:49] * {FF0000}Nicholas_Starbuck {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [12:16:59] [ID] ID: 8 | Name: Rehanzo_Connor | Level: 24 | Ping: 32 | Launcher: No [12:17:2] Vincent Alvarez: (( Udah solatnya/ )) [12:17:5] Vincent Alvarez: (( ? )) [12:17:10] Vincent Lee: (( udag )) [12:17:23] [RADIO] PO-I Nicholas Starbuck: Police Officer I 9766 reporting on duty. [12:17:23] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY] Mobil sport fullsticker ada?Call Or Sms [12:17:23] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Girindra_Narottama{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3004{FF0000}] [12:17:31] 911: Crime: [ Ada robber di BB pake mobil Warna kuning ber tiga ] [12:17:31] 911: Reporter: [ Brooklyn Olsen ] Phone: [ 593959 ] [12:17:40] Vincent Alvarez says: Respon [12:17:47] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: 1-ADAM-4 Responding last niner [12:17:48] * {FF0000}Benny_Ashon {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bekasi, Indonesia) [12:17:55] Vincent Lee Says [car]: Langsung siap siap db gua ya nanti kalo dah ketemu [12:17:57] * {FF0000}Larenz_Hanzell {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bantabantaeng, Indonesia) [12:18:9] PHONE: {FFFFFF}Calling {00FFFF}number 593959{FFFFFF}, please wait for answer! [12:18:12] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telepon telah dijawab. [12:18:12] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Gunakan chat biasa untuk berkomunikasi lewat telpon, '/h' untuk menutup telpon. [12:18:13] Vincent Lee [phone]: SAPD 10168 [12:18:16] Caller [phone]: Iya pak [12:18:19] Vincent Lee [phone]: Dimana arah dia kabur [12:18:23] Caller [phone]: Arahnya ke Tianmetal [12:18:26] Vincent Lee Says [car]: Tian metal cok [12:18:28] Caller [phone]: Kabur ke arah jembatan merah [12:18:30] Vincent Lee [phone]: Senjata apa [12:18:31] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY] Mobil sport fullsticker ada?Call Or Sms [12:18:31] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Girindra_Narottama{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3004{FF0000}] [12:18:35] Caller [phone]: SG pak [12:18:40] Vincent Lee [phone]: Semuanya sg [12:18:41] Caller [phone]: Iya [12:18:46] Vincent Lee [phone]: Oke thanks for information [12:18:48] Telepon terputus... [12:18:51] Vincent Lee says: Arah tianmetal [12:18:54] Vincent Lee says: Itu [12:18:55] Vincent Lee says: itu [12:18:57] Vincent Lee says: Siren [12:19:9] Vincent Lee says: Itu sultan kuning [12:19:10] Vincent Lee says: Tadi [12:19:13] Vincent Lee: (( njer )) [12:19:19] Vincent Alvarez: (( MISS )) [12:19:20] * {FF0000}Patrick_Rothschild {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Nusajaya, Indonesia) [12:19:33] Vincent Lee: (( anjer )) [12:19:35] * Adrian Lopez menurunkan kaca mobil. [12:19:36] Vincent Lee: (( paok lah wakowakowa )) [12:19:36] Adrian Lopez: (( ? )) [12:19:37] (( {00FF00}Demi Nyai Jeremy_Kloptens: {FFFFFF}Yang di SACF jangan rusuh ya, tetap RP. )) [12:19:38] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY] Mobil sport fullsticker ada?Call Or Sms [12:19:38] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Girindra_Narottama{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3004{FF0000}] [12:19:38] Adrian Lopez: (( kenapa? )) [12:19:39] * {FF0000}Josephine_Faustine {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [12:19:42] (( PM from [4] Michael_Alfarez: ngapa ditabrak? )) [12:19:43] * {FF0000}Andrew_Horstman {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [12:19:44] * {FF0000}Ronald_Starbuck {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bekasi, Indonesia) [12:19:44] Vincent Lee says: Liat sultan kuning bertiga g a? [12:19:45] Vincent Lee says: Liat sultan kuning bertiga ga? [12:19:46] Adrian Lopez says: Tidak. [12:19:47] (( PM to [4] Michael_Alfarez: apanya )) [12:19:49] Adrian Lopez says: Oh kirain saya gitu? [12:19:51] Vincent Alvarez: (( Kenapa sih. )) [12:19:53] Vincent Lee says: owh oke makasi sayang [12:19:53] * Adrian Lopez tertawa. [12:19:55] Vincent Alvarez: (( Anjay )) [12:19:55] Vincent Lee says: Iya robber [12:19:56] Vincent Lee says: Bahaha [12:19:57] Adrian Lopez says: Ya. [12:19:58] (( PM from [4] Michael_Alfarez: lu nabrak gw -_- )) [12:20:0] * {FF0000}Muffin_Alchemis {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [12:20:1] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Stevan_Martin ] Phone: [ 883737 ] [12:20:1] Message: Ada robber di Crate component mobil sentinel kuning 3 orang robber. [12:20:1] Vincent Alvarez says: Hadeh [12:20:6] * {FF0000}Andri_Setiawans {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [12:20:6] (( PM to [4] Michael_Alfarez: salah orang )) [12:20:9] Vincent Lee says: Tian metal [12:20:11] * {FF0000}Knut_Drivenes {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [12:20:12] Vincent Lee says: tuh [12:20:16] Vincent Lee says: Niner [12:20:18] Vincent Lee says: CEPAT [12:20:20] * {FF0000}Owen_Pearson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [12:20:20] * Vincent Lee slots .44 into his holster on ultility belt. [12:20:21] * Vincent Lee take m4 from front of body using both hands and ready to shoot. [12:20:28] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: 1-ADAM-4 Responding last niner [12:20:29] 911: Crime: [ Police ] [12:20:29] 911: Reporter: [ Ronald Starbuck ] Phone: [ 0 ] [12:20:32] Vincent Lee says: Cepat [12:20:32] Vincent Lee says: Plis [12:20:44] * {FF0000}Ghassan_Musson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [12:20:46] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY] Mobil sport fullsticker ada?Call Or Sms [12:20:46] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Girindra_Narottama{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3004{FF0000}] [12:20:57] 911: Crime: [ Hallo polisi, saya mau bikin SIM ] [12:20:57] 911: Reporter: [ Ronald Starbuck ] Phone: [ 0 ] [12:21:1] Vincent Lee says: Sentinel [12:21:5] Vincent Lee says: Bukan sultan [12:21:8] Vincent Lee says: cepat cuk [12:21:9] Vincent Lee says: Kiri [12:21:23] Vincent Lee: (( lu lag? )) [12:21:26] Vincent Lee says: Itu [12:21:27] Vincent Lee says: Cepat [12:21:27] Vincent Lee says: Siren [12:21:47] * Vincent Lee slots his m4 into front of body using both hands. [12:21:47] Adrian Lopez Shouts: Saya bantu cari dha.! [12:21:53] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY] Mobil sport fullsticker ada?Call Or Sms [12:21:53] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Girindra_Narottama{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3004{FF0000}] [12:21:57] Vincent Alvarez says: Beneran [12:22:2] Vincent Lee says: Ga ada? [12:22:8] Vincent Alvarez says: Ga ada [12:22:10] SPEEDTRAP: {ffffff}Speedtrap announcement {33AA33}enabled [12:22:13] (( PM to [4] Michael_Alfarez: a )) [12:22:15] [ID] ID: 4 | Name: Michael_Alfarez | Level: 10 | Ping: 25 | Launcher: Yes [12:22:19] (( PM to [4] Michael_Alfarez: udah cn? )) [12:22:28] (( PM from [4] Michael_Alfarez: yoi )) [12:22:31] (( PM to [4] Michael_Alfarez: wkwk )) [12:22:35] Vincent Alvarez says: Dia bilang ke arah mana seteah tian metal? [12:22:38] Vincent Lee says: gatau [12:22:46] PHONE: {FFFFFF}Calling {00FFFF}number 883737{FFFFFF}, please wait for answer! [12:22:49] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telepon telah dijawab. [12:22:49] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Gunakan chat biasa untuk berkomunikasi lewat telpon, '/h' untuk menutup telpon. [12:22:49] Vincent Lee [phone]: SAPD, [12:22:50] * {FF0000}Robert_Denzil {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Cirebon, Indonesia) [12:22:52] Caller [phone]: Iya Pak. [12:22:53] Vincent Lee [phone]: Lari kearah mana? [12:22:57] Vincent Lee [phone]: Di tianmetal ga ada [12:23:0] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[JUAL]Rumah Loc:Jefferson 2Lantai 5Ruangan Fulni Ada Bisa Trade Dengan Rumah Anda Cp: [12:23:0] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Aarich_Steven{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}102532{FF0000}] [12:23:0] Caller [phone]: Saya tadi tiarap Pak. [12:23:2] 911: Crime: [ Saya melihat sultan kuning kearah North Las Venturas, arah Blackfield Intersection. ] [12:23:2] 911: Reporter: [ Adrian Lopez ] Phone: [ 7362885 ] [12:23:7] Vincent Lee [phone]: ok [12:23:7] Telepon terputus... [12:23:14] * {FF0000}Emiliano_Fabrizio {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [12:23:16] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: Las venturas. [12:23:20] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 58 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Fallow Bridge [12:23:20] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 58 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Fallow Bridge [12:23:21] 911: Crime: [ Just trace me, trust me. ] [12:23:21] 911: Reporter: [ Adrian Lopez ] Phone: [ 7362885 ] [12:23:22] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Flatbed (plate: OY824ZS) going 33 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Fallow Bridge [12:23:30] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [12:23:32] Vincent Lee says: cepat [12:23:33] Vincent Lee says: Pliss [12:23:44] PHONE: {FFFFFF}Calling {00FFFF}number 7362885{FFFFFF}, please wait for answer! [12:23:47] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telepon telah dijawab. [12:23:47] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Gunakan chat biasa untuk berkomunikasi lewat telpon, '/h' untuk menutup telpon. [12:23:48] Vincent Lee [phone]: Ikutin dia [12:23:49] Telepon terputus... [12:23:52] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [12:24:2] Vincent Lee says: Kejar kejar kejar [12:24:4] Vincent Lee says: Gua db in [12:24:7] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [12:24:7] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{66ffff} [SELL] Flash |3insu|4upgrade| FullModif| Fullsticker| Minat? Call/SMS [12:24:7] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Lester_Wilford{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}404011{FF0000}] [12:24:17] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (7362885) [12:24:17] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Terakhir di Julius West, lost visual. [12:24:21] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 34 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Blackfield Intersection [12:24:21] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 34 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Blackfield Intersection [12:24:23] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [12:24:33] * {FF0000}Brian_Exford {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Batam, Indonesia) [12:24:34] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [12:24:37] Vincent Lee says: Itu atas [12:24:39] Vincent Lee says: jembatan [12:24:40] Vincent Lee says: Naek [12:24:41] * {FF0000}Ingga_Fresly {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [12:24:46] * {FF0000}Vanessa_Clementine {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [12:24:50] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [12:24:57] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [12:24:57] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 7362885 [12:24:57] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}kalo dapet sms gua [12:25:1] * {FF0000}Milos_Pangestu {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [12:25:3] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [12:25:4] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (7362885) [12:25:4] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Siap. [12:25:13] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY] Cheetah ada?Call Or Sms [12:25:13] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Girindra_Narottama{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3004{FF0000}] [12:25:19] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [12:25:31] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [12:25:43] Vincent Lee says: Aku lapar [12:25:44] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [12:26:0] Vincent Alvarez says: Eh [12:26:1] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [12:26:2] Vincent Alvarez says: Eh [12:26:2] Vincent Lee says: Apa? [12:26:8] * {FF0000}Arnelle_Grecia {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [12:26:11] * {FF0000}Igor_Zotov {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Surabaya, Indonesia) [12:26:17] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [12:26:20] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY] Cheetah ada?Call Or Sms [12:26:20] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Girindra_Narottama{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3004{FF0000}] [12:26:22] [RADIO] Lieutenant Vanessa Clementine: Lieutenant 3603 reporting on duty, start of watch as LTO under 6-DAVID-5. [12:26:23] Vincent Alvarez says: Bagaimana dengan projectnya [12:26:29] Vincent Alvarez says: Bagaimana dengan projectnya [12:26:29] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [12:26:31] * {FF0000}Ken_Aaron {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Kuningan Barat, Indonesia) [12:26:33] Vincent Lee says: Disini ga ada resto? [12:26:40] Vincent Alvarez says: Ga ada [12:26:40] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Sultan (plate: NO HAVE) going 40 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Julius Thruway South [12:26:42] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Sultan (plate: NO HAVE) going 54 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Julius Thruway South [12:26:42] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Sultan (plate: NO HAVE) going 59 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Julius Thruway South [12:26:42] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Sultan (plate: NO HAVE) going 59 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Julius Thruway South [12:26:42] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Sultan (plate: NO HAVE) going 59 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Julius Thruway South [12:26:42] * {FF0000}Leo_Tyler {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [12:26:47] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [12:26:48] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 44 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Julius Thruway South [12:26:48] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 44 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Julius Thruway South [12:26:49] Vincent Lee says: Kanan [12:26:50] * {FF0000}Barillo_Esquevelle {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bantabantaeng, Indonesia) [12:26:56] * {FF0000}Indah_Bustami {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [12:26:58] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [12:27:0] Vincent Lee says: Kiri [12:27:5] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 31 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Julius Thruway South [12:27:5] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 31 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Julius Thruway South [12:27:8] Harry Starbuck says: Mane [12:27:11] Adrian Lopez says: Tadi ketemu lagi di Pilson Intersection. [12:27:15] Adrian Lopez says: Terus ilang. [12:27:17] Adrian Lopez says: Nggak keliatan. [12:27:22] [MEGAPHONE] Malak Alhamed: Pull over your vehicle, move to besides road and turn off your engine right now. [12:27:26] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY] Cheetah ada?Call Or Sms [12:27:26] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Girindra_Narottama{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3004{FF0000}] [12:27:28] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: Not that adjudant. [12:27:43] Vincent Lee says: Sini aku bawa [12:27:46] Vincent Alvarez says: Sentinel? [12:27:47] Vincent Lee says: Kamu bisa db kan? [12:27:54] Vincent Lee says: Kamu bisa db kan? [12:27:59] Vincent Alvarez says: Benatr [12:28:5] Vincent Lee says: Nih ku pinjemin M4 [12:28:6] Vincent Alvarez: (( G bisa )) [12:28:9] Vincent Lee: (( kenapa )) [12:28:15] Vincent Alvarez: (( ga bisa paki deagle )) [12:28:19] Vincent Lee: (( m4 )) [12:28:22] * {FF0000}Zidane_Muliana {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [12:28:24] Vincent Alvarez: (( nah itu bisa )) [12:28:32] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY] Cheetah ada?Call Or Sms [12:28:32] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Girindra_Narottama{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3004{FF0000}] [12:28:46] Vincent Alvarez says: Yok [12:29:11] Vincent Lee says: Nih [12:29:16] * {FF0000}Joaquin_Ramirez {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [12:29:19] * {FF0000}Derrick_Starbuck {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Central Jakarta, Indonesia) [12:29:36] Vincent Alvarez says: Bener? [12:29:40] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY] Cheetah ada?Call Or Sms [12:29:40] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Girindra_Narottama{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3004{FF0000}] [12:33:5] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Selamat datang {ffff00}Vincent_Lee{ffffff}. [12:33:5] PAYCHECK: Pergi ke bank dan /signcheck untuk mendapatkan paycheck anda atau pergi ke salah satu ATM! [12:33:5] Faction MOTD: {FFFF00}Diharapkan untuk aktif In-Game dan Forum, panggilan /r tolong fast response. [12:33:5] MOTD: {ffff00}Mohon menggunakan '/report' dengan benar, berikan informasi yang jelas dan detail {ff0000}- Ian [12:33:5] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Anda terakhir login {ffff00}3 jam yang lalu [12:33:5] * {FF0000}Vincent_Lee {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [12:33:5] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Today is {ffff00}Sat 28 Sep 2019, 12:33:05 [12:33:5] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Server memerlukan waktu {ffff00}103 milisecond{ffffff} untuk memuat data char anda! [12:33:17] Vincent Lee: (( bawa rez )) [12:33:19] Vincent Lee: (( aku ngelag )) [12:33:20] Vincent Alvarez says: Udah hilang jejak juga [12:33:20] * {FF0000}Robbert_Redmund {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [12:33:22] DYOC: {ffffff}Weapons attachment {33AA33}enabled [12:33:23] Vincent Lee: (( kwkw )) [12:33:25] Vincent Alvarez: (( ok )) [12:33:33] Vincent Lee: (( wifi ku cacat )) [12:33:41] SPEEDTRAP: {ffffff}Speedtrap announcement {33AA33}enabled [12:33:46] Vincent Alvarez: (( Bersyukur punya wifi )) [12:33:56] (( Hanz_Frorenza: PODAWKPAOWKOPAWDKPOADW )) [12:34:1] (( Vincent_Lee: apa?:v )) [12:34:2] (( Nicholas_Starbuck: KOAWKDOAWKODWAK )) [12:34:9] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BELI]Rumah Daerah Mana Ae Ada Cp: [12:34:9] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Aarich_Steven{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}102532{FF0000}] [12:34:20] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 77 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Fern Ridge [12:34:20] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 77 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Fern Ridge [12:34:30] HUD: {FFFFFF}Player HUD is {00FF00}visible [12:34:32] Vincent Lee says: Anjer [12:34:33] Vincent Lee says: Naise [12:34:38] * Vincent Lee take m4 from front of body using both hands and ready to shoot. [12:34:42] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 56 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Red County [12:34:42] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 56 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Red County [12:34:47] [RADIO] PO-I Derrick Starbuck: Suspect Run heading to North [12:34:51] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: Shootfired ? [12:35:0] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 69 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Red County [12:35:0] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 69 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Red County [12:35:5] (( Harry_Starbuck: tai bat dah naek mobil aing keowkeow )) [12:35:16] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{ #0000FF} | [Sell]Rumah di els 3 ruangan bekas gangster 5k [12:35:16] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Tae_Yoon{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}131031{FF0000}] [12:35:18] * {FF0000}Rifai_San {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [12:35:20] * {FF0000}Benedikt_Arnaud {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [12:35:26] AdmCmd: Tae_Yoon has been kicked by antiteror. [12:35:26] Reason: fail /ad. [12:35:52] [RADIO] PO-I Derrick Starbuck: Yellow Sentinel. [12:36:7] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Benson (plate: NO HAVE) going 31 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Flint Intersection [12:36:14] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Malak Alhamed: HS149PS sentinel. [12:36:17] (( Derrick_Starbuck: 12 34 Owen Pearson )) [12:36:22] [RADIO] Sergeant I Hanz Frorenza: 6-DAVID-5 Hard copy [12:36:40] ==================[MDC Print Report]================== [12:36:40] >>> {00ff00}A. Personal Information [12:36:40] >>> {ffffff}ID Number: {ffff00}SA000176481 [12:36:40] >>> {ffffff}Name: {ffff00}Knut_Drivenes [12:36:40] >>> {ffffff}Phone: 3103685 [12:36:40] >>> {00ff00}B. Occupation [12:36:40] >>> {ffffff}Job: {ffff00}Truck Driver [12:36:40] >>> {00ff00}C. Licenses [12:36:40] >>> {ffffff}Driving: {ffff00}{00FF00}Valid until Wed 20 Nov 2019, 19:13:56 [12:36:40] >>> {ffffff}Flying: {ffff00}{FF0000}Not passed [12:36:40] >>> {ffffff}Sailing: {ffff00}{FF0000}Not passed [12:36:40] >>> {ffffff}Firearm: {ffff00}{FF0000}Not passed [12:36:40] >>> {ffffff}Lumberjack: {ffff00}{FF0000}Not passed [12:36:40] >>> {00ff00}D. Active Charges [12:36:40] >>> {ffffff}None [12:36:40] >>> {00ff00}E. Crime Record [12:36:40] >>> {ffffff}1. Attempted Murdering [12:36:40] >>> Issued by: Thomas_Hardwell [12:36:40] >>> Issue date: Wed 25 Sep 2019, 10:00:24 [12:36:40] >>> {ffffff}2. Assaulting on LEO [12:36:40] >>> Issued by: Thomas_Hardwell [12:36:40] >>> Issue date: Wed 25 Sep 2019, 10:00:15 [12:36:40] >>> {ffffff}3. Illegal Manufacture [12:36:40] >>> Issued by: Thomas_Hardwell [12:36:40] >>> Issue date: Wed 25 Sep 2019, 10:00:09 [12:36:40] >>> {ffffff}4. Armed Robbery [12:36:40] >>> Issued by: Thomas_Hardwell [12:36:40] >>> Issue date: Wed 25 Sep 2019, 09:59:58 [12:36:40] >>> {ffffff}5. Possesing of Illegal Firearms [12:36:40] >>> Issued by: Thomas_Hardwell [12:36:40] >>> Issue date: Wed 25 Sep 2019, 09:59:52 [12:36:40] >>> {00ff00}F. Registered Vehicles [12:36:40] >>> {ffffff}1. Sanchez - YI047XZ {ff0000}[DESTROYED] [12:36:40] >>> {ffffff}2. Sentinel - HS149PS [12:36:40] >>> {00ff00}G. Unpaid Tickets [12:36:40] >>> {ffffff}None [12:36:40] ==================[MDC End of Page]================== [12:36:49] (( Jeremy_Kloptens: gue ngakak dia robber masuk mobil polisi wakawkwa )) [12:36:50] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [12:36:54] * {FF0000}Yee_Xangyin {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [12:36:54] Vincent Lee says: Aku bawa [12:36:55] (( Nicholas_Starbuck: salah G dia )) [12:36:55] Vincent Lee says: cepet [12:36:56] Vincent Lee says: Aku tau [12:36:56] (( Hanz_Frorenza: bangsat gobloknya natural )) [12:37:1] * {FF0000}Veilleux_Sciverit {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Cipete, Indonesia) [12:37:1] You are too far away! [12:37:3] * {FF0000}Barillo_Esquevelle {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bantabantaeng, Indonesia) [12:37:3] GIVE: {ffffff}You've given your {ffff00}M4 {ffffff}to {ffff00}Vincent_Alvarez [12:37:3] AME: {C2A2DA}hands M4 to Vincent Alvarez. [12:37:5] (( Vanessa_Clementine: KAWKWAKKWAKKAWKWAK )) [12:37:8] Vincent Lee says: Db in [12:37:8] (( Harry_Starbuck: ekowkoewkoewkwe )) [12:37:10] PHONE: {FF0000}Number 818114 {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [12:37:11] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Sultan (plate: NO HAVE) going 56 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Flint County [12:37:11] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Sultan (plate: NO HAVE) going 56 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Flint County [12:37:11] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Sultan (plate: NO HAVE) going 56 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Flint County [12:37:11] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Sultan (plate: NO HAVE) going 56 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Flint County [12:37:14] (( Harry_Starbuck: Gua bawa main dia )) [12:37:17] (( Harry_Starbuck: KOEWKOKEW )) [12:37:18] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [12:37:20] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telpon berhenti berdering! [12:37:21] PHONE: {FF0000}Number 818114 {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [12:37:22] * {FF0000}Benedikt_Arnaud {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [12:37:26] (( Nicholas_Starbuck: tadi mah lu tabrakin nes ke flint gas )) [12:37:26] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 37 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Flint County [12:37:26] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 37 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Flint County [12:37:30] TOLL: {FFFFFF}Used 1 toll card point to pay toll access. [12:37:32] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telpon berhenti berdering! [12:37:33] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [12:37:48] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LVPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 71 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Red County [12:37:49] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LVPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 73 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Red County [12:37:54] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [12:37:54] * {FF0000}Louise_Starbuck {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Cipete, Indonesia) [12:38:0] (( {00FFFF}No Lifer Adrian_Lopez: {FFFFFF}Gunakan /ask buat bertanya seputar server dan roleplay. )) [12:38:14] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 65 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Mulholland [12:38:14] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 65 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Mulholland [12:38:21] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [12:38:23] * {FF0000}Jamarcus_Washington {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bantabantaeng, Indonesia) [12:38:24] [RADIO] Sergeant I Hanz Frorenza: Share nomber 6-DAVID-5 [12:38:24] (( {00FFFF}Newbie Louise_Starbuck: {FFFFFF}Gunakan command "/ask" untuk bertanya seputar server )) [12:38:26] (( {00FFFF}Newbie Louise_Starbuck: {FFFFFF}Gunakan command "/report" untuk melaporkan orang yang melanggar rules )) [12:38:28] (( {00FFFF}Newbie Louise_Starbuck: {FFFFFF}Gunakan command "/istuck" atau "/stuck" apabila kalian ngebug )) [12:38:31] (( {00FFFF}Newbie Louise_Starbuck: {FFFFFF}Gunakan command "/help" untuk melihat command-command yang tersedia di server JGRP )) [12:38:32] (( {00FFFF}Newbie Louise_Starbuck: {FFFFFF}Gunakan command "/changelog" untuk melihat update terkini )) [12:38:34] (( {00FFFF}Newbie Louise_Starbuck: {FFFFFF}Dan terakhir, jangan lupa untuk baca guide & rules di JGRP, bit.ly/RulesJGRP & bit.ly/GuideJGRP )) [12:38:34] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [12:38:39] (( {FFFF00}ViceCEOStarbuck Harry_Starbuck: {FFFFFF}Iya bang. )) [12:38:48] [RADIO] PO-I Nicholas Starbuck: Yellow Sentinel's number 3-1-0-3-6-8-5 [12:38:49] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [12:38:50] * {FF0000}Aleem_Kuznetsov {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [12:38:54] 911: Crime: [ ada keributan di depan pizza stack cepet ke sinih ] [12:38:54] 911: Reporter: [ Fonzy Davinci ] Phone: [ 680888 ] [12:39:15] * {FF0000}Martin_Carlos {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [12:39:15] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [12:39:22] Vincent Alvarez says: Itu sentinen? [12:39:24] * Vincent Lee draws .44 from his holster on ultility belt. [12:39:28] BEACON: {ffffff}Beacon deployed, it will be automatically deleted in 5 minutes [12:39:36] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [12:39:51] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: Suspect at ammunition [12:39:54] * {FF0000}Scott_Harper {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Tangerang, Indonesia) [12:39:55] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: Suspect at ammunation [12:39:58] [RADIO] PO-I Synester Reynold: 4-JOHN-2 Copy that. [12:40:2] * {FF0000}Valentin_Riviere {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [12:40:6] TRACER: {ffffff}Phone found, showing position on map as red beacon! [12:40:28] AdmCmd: Owen_Pearson has been remote warned by javaid, total warns: 1 [12:40:28] Reason: Refuse RP with SAPD [12:40:29] * {FF0000}Stellione_Volkoska {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [12:40:41] * Malak Alhamed takes out Glock from U.B and flick safety OFF. [12:40:50] * {FF0000}Emiliano_Fabrizio {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [12:41:8] Vanessa Clementine Shouts: You're surrounded! [12:41:9] * Andri Setiawans merasa kaget akibat tiba tiba ada polisi [12:41:11] Vanessa Clementine Shouts: GET DOWN! [12:41:13] Malak Alhamed Shouts: TIARAP! [12:41:16] * Raphael Volkoska draws Glock 17 from his holster on ultility belt. [12:41:18] Vincent Lee Shouts: GET DOWN NOW! [12:41:20] Vincent Alvarez Shouts: TIARAP CEPAT! [12:41:22] AdmCmd: Owen_Pearson has been remote-jailed by javaid for 60 minutes. [12:41:22] Reason: Refuse RP with SAPD [12:41:23] * Synester Reynold menarik baju tersangka dengan keras [12:41:26] Synester Reynold says: Tiarap [12:41:32] * Knut Drivenes merasa kaget akibat tiba tiba ada polisi [12:41:32] * Andri Setiawans melemar roko ke tahan dan menginjaknya sampai mati [12:41:33] Vincent Alvarez Shouts: TIARAP CEPAT! [12:41:36] (( PM from [7] Andre_Hoffman: woe )) [12:41:38] done ((Andri Setiawans)) [12:41:39] (( PM from [7] Andre_Hoffman: paok )) [12:41:41] Synester Reynold says: Tiarap [12:41:42] (( PM to [7] Andre_Hoffman: ape )) [12:41:43] [ID] ID: 7 | Name: Andre_Hoffman | Level: 6 | Ping: 29 | Launcher: No [12:41:44] Synester Reynold says: Ga denger ? [12:41:49] Vincent Alvarez Shouts: TAU TIARAP GA>?! [12:41:49] Andri Setiawans says: ada apa? [12:41:53] * {FF0000}Felix_Duckhovich {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [12:41:54] (( PM from [7] Andre_Hoffman: loe ta )) [12:41:57] Synester Reynold says: Ga denger ? [12:41:57] (( PM to [7] Andre_Hoffman: apasi )) [12:41:59] (( PM from [7] Andre_Hoffman: loe tau gw sape? )) [12:42:1] Andri Setiawans says: ada apa? [12:42:7] Knut Drivenes says: ada apa? [12:42:9] * Malak Alhamed deposit his glock to ub [12:42:15] * Synester Reynold menginjak tubuh tersangka dengan kedua kaki [12:42:17] * {FF0000}Jimmie_Bishop {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [12:42:17] Malak Alhamed says: t/me grab his cuff from belt and cuff use it to Andri Hand's [12:42:18] Ada perlwanan ? ((Synester Reynold)) [12:42:23] * Malak Alhamed grab his cuff from belt and cuff use it to Andri Hand's [12:42:23] Stellione Volkoska says: Ada apaan nih [12:42:26] any resist? ((Malak Alhamed)) [12:42:27] Andri Setiawans: (( Mixing )) [12:42:30] Malak Alhamed says: )) [12:42:32] Malak Alhamed: (( ppko )) [12:42:32] no ((Andri Setiawans)) [12:42:37] Andri Setiawans: (( tadi tuh salah )) [12:42:46] Ada perlwanan @Knut ((Synester Reynold)) [12:42:50] Ada perlwanan ?@Knut ((Synester Reynold)) [12:42:52] tidak ((Knut Drivenes)) [12:42:53] * {FF0000}Marcelo_Hamilton {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [12:42:54] (( PM from [7] Andre_Hoffman: gua ndiks gan:v )) [12:42:54] * Malak Alhamed memeriksa tubuh Andri dengan dua tangan [12:43:0] (( PM to [7] Andre_Hoffman: bodo amat )) [12:43:4] * {FF0000}Aarich_Steven {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [12:43:6] Malak Alhamed says: Clear [12:43:8] * Synester Reynold mengambi borgol lalu memborgol tangan tersangka [12:43:10] Vincent Lee Shouts: Sentinel punya siapa?! [12:43:11] * {FF0000}Martinus_Anderson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [12:43:11] Ada perlwanan ? ((Synester Reynold)) [12:43:17] * Raphael Volkoska slots Glock 17 into his holster on ultility belt. [12:43:19] Andri Setiawans says: Clear [12:43:21] Andri Setiawans says: Clear? [12:43:22] (( PM to [70] Vincent_Alvarez: givegun ke gua )) [12:43:22] tidak ((Knut Drivenes)) [12:43:23] (( PM from [7] Andre_Hoffman: nan call ds )) [12:43:28] (( PM to [7] Andre_Hoffman: nanti lagi rpan )) [12:43:29] Andri Setiawans says: salah saya apa [12:43:30] [RADIO] Commander Jeremy Kloptens: Someone please check inside the trunk of his Sentinel. [12:43:34] * Synester Reynold memeriksa barang bawaan suspect [12:43:38] GIVE: {ffffff}You've received {ffff00}M4 {ffffff}from {ffff00}Vincent_Alvarez [12:43:38] LO MAJU PG ((Synester Reynold)) [12:43:38] (( PM from [7] Andre_Hoffman: oke )) [12:43:39] Malak Alhamed says: Kunci mobil mana. [12:43:41] * {FF0000}Felix_Duckhovich {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [12:43:43] dimana kunci mobil sentinel? ((Vincent Lee)) [12:43:46] LO DI INJEK SAMA GUA ((Synester Reynold)) [12:43:49] * Andri Setiawans kembali ke tempat [12:43:52] /fall 2 ((Synester Reynold)) [12:43:53] Andri Setiawans says: salah saya apa [12:43:56] Andri Setiawans says: salah saya apa? [12:43:56] di dalam celana ((Knut Drivenes)) [12:44:1] celana bagian mana? ((Vincent Lee)) [12:44:4] * {FF0000}Carol_Febi {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Beji Timur, Indonesia) [12:44:6] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{66ffff} [BUY] Mpbil bebas yang penting Fullsticker tau tidak full sticker ada CP [12:44:6] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Lester_Wilford{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}404011{FF0000}] [12:44:9] Andri Setiawans says: salah saya apa? [12:44:11] Andri Setiawans says: jawab dong [12:44:18] bagian belakang ((Knut Drivenes)) [12:44:21] Andri Setiawans says: diem diem bae [12:44:23] Andri Setiawans says: )) [12:44:24] * Vincent Lee mengambil kunci mobil sentinel di celana suspect bagian belakang dengan tangan kanan. [12:44:25] dapat? ((Vincent Lee)) [12:44:28] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Owen_Pearson ] Reporter: [ Derrick Starbuck ] [12:44:28] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Armed Robbery. ] [12:44:33] * {FF0000}adicinet {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [12:44:33] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (818114) [12:44:33] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}sombong kali. [12:44:35] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [12:44:35] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 818114 [12:44:35] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}BACOT [12:44:38] Dimana Gun Schematic ? ((Synester Reynold)) [12:44:38] dapat ((Knut Drivenes)) [12:44:42] share ((Vincent Lee)) [12:44:45] share id 73 ((Vincent Lee)) [12:44:47] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (818114) [12:44:47] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Pokonya aku sayang KAMU [12:44:53] di dalam rompi ((Knut Drivenes)) [12:44:54] * Andri Setiawans melirik ke belakang dan melihat temen saya [12:44:54] share id 37 ((Vincent Lee)) [12:44:55] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Owen_Pearson ] Reporter: [ Derrick Starbuck ] [12:44:55] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Attempted Murdering ] [12:44:59] terlihat ((Andri Setiawans)) [12:45:5] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Owen_Pearson ] Reporter: [ Derrick Starbuck ] [12:45:5] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Possesing of Illegal Fire Arms. ] [12:45:5] * Synester Reynold mengambil Gun Schematic di dalam rompi dengan tangan kanan [12:45:5] share sentinel id 37 ((Vincent Lee)) [12:45:13] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{66ffff} [BUY] Mobil bebas yang penting ada sticker atau fullsticker ada? CP [12:45:13] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Lester_Wilford{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}404011{FF0000}] [12:45:14] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Owen_Pearson ] Reporter: [ Derrick Starbuck ] [12:45:14] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Assaulting on LEO. ] [12:45:14] VEHICLE: {FFFF00}Knut_Drivenes {FFFFFF}has shared {00FFFF}Sentinel {FFFFFF}to you! [12:45:15] Vincent Lee says:  [12:45:16] Vincent Lee says: )) [12:45:23] bolehkah saya bergerak? ((Andri Setiawans)) [12:45:31] [RADIO] Commander Jeremy Kloptens: His sentinel on Red Beacon. [12:45:32] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: I got the keys of sentinel. [12:45:34] [RADIO] Commander Jeremy Kloptens: Bring the key on here. [12:45:40] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (818114) [12:45:40] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Pokonya Aku Cinta Kamu. [12:45:44] AdmCmd: Louise_Starbuck has been kicked by javaid. [12:45:44] Reason: relog [12:45:44] * Nicholas Starbuck grabs Kimber Custom 2 .45 from gun hostler, clicks the gun to [OFF]. [12:45:47] [RADIO] Police Adjudant Vincent Lee: Copy that [12:46:2] * Nicholas Starbuck put Kimber Custom 2 .45 to gun holster, clicks the gun to [ON]. [12:46:8] AdmCmd: adicinet has been kicked by yohanes223. [12:46:8] Reason: Relog, namanya ngebug. [12:46:13] [RADIO] Commander Jeremy Kloptens: Specific location on Sewer behind of Ammu nation Downton. [12:46:16] Vanessa Clementine says: Please check it, Officer. [12:46:16] Jeremy Kloptens says: Check it. [12:46:20] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{66ffff} [SELL/TRADE] Flash |3insu|4upgrade|Fullmodif|Fullsticker CP [12:46:20] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Lester_Wilford{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}404011{FF0000}] [12:46:26] * Vincent Lee membuka gembok ban dengan kunci gembok [12:46:26] * {FF0000}Louise_Starbuck {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Cipete, Indonesia) [12:46:27] LOCK: {ffffff}Tire-lock has been removed from {ffff00}Sentinel [12:46:31] Vincent Lee says: Okey [12:46:40] * Vincent Lee membuka trunk dengan kedua tangan [12:46:43] Vincent Lee says: Clear [12:47:0] Vincent Lee says: Emm [12:47:7] Jeremy Kloptens says: Are you sure this is last BOLO ? [12:47:9] Vincent Lee says: Yes [12:47:12] Vincent Lee says: Yellow sentinel [12:47:16] Vanessa Clementine says: I was [12:47:20] Vanessa Clementine says: )) [12:47:28] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{7744ff} [SELL/TRADE] Flash |3insu|4upgrade|Fullmodif|Fullsticker CP: [12:47:28] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Lester_Wilford{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}404011{FF0000}] [12:47:30] Vanessa Clementine: (( mau gw delet jd k enter wkwkw )) [12:47:38] Rachel Akeila says: majuin [12:47:43] Jeremy Kloptens says: I suggest they was drop the weapons somewhere. [12:47:48] Vincent Lee says: Yes [12:48:1] * {FF0000}adicinet {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [12:48:6] * Vincent Lee menggembok kembali ban mobil sentinel dengan tirelock [12:48:8] LOCK: {ffffff}Tire-lock has been applied to {ffff00}Sentinel [12:48:17] Nicholas Starbuck says: Starbuck ASSEMBLE! [12:48:41] Vanessa Clementine says: Maybe. [12:48:47] Vincent Lee: (( starbuck semua:( )) [12:48:52] * {FF0000}Leo_Tyler {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [12:48:58] AdmCmd: adicinet has been kicked by yohanes223. [12:48:58] Reason: Relog, masih ngebug namanya. [12:49:5] Vanessa Clementine says: But I can guarantee that they are a suspect. [12:49:21] Jeremy Kloptens says: Hmm... [12:49:28] Vanessa Clementine says: So, any order, Commander? [12:49:34] * {FF0000}Kei_Isamu {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Batam, Indonesia) [12:50:12] Synester Reynold says: Salah mobil [12:50:18] Hanz Frorenza says: Salam [12:50:20] Hanz Frorenza says: Salah mobil. [12:50:22] * {FF0000}Sakamoto_Deguchi {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [12:50:32] BANK: {ffffff}You've taken {ffff00}$250.00 {ffffff}from the bank. Current balance: {ffff00}$193,435.91 [12:50:43] TRAINING: {FFFFFF}You've leveled up your {00FFFF}SMG (mp5/tec9/mac10) {FFFFFF}skill from {FFFF00}200 {FFFFFF}to {00FF00}300 [12:50:43] TRAINING: {FFFFFF}You must wait {FFFF00}15 minutes {FFFFFF}before you can level up another skill. [12:50:45] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [12:50:48] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [12:50:48] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 818114 [12:50:48] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}BACOT MEMEMK [12:50:52] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [12:50:54] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (818114) [12:50:54] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}I LOVE YOU. [12:51:2] * Raphael Volkoska membuka pintu belakang [12:51:6] * Andri Setiawans memutup pintu mobil [12:51:7] (( PM to [31] Andri_Setiawans: dadah wkwk )) [12:51:9] [RADIO] PO-I Derrick Starbuck: 1-ADAM-3 to TEU Onfield. [12:51:11] * {FF0000}Alexia_Faylyne {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [12:51:16] (( PM from [31] Andri_Setiawans: gue ngak tau apa apa Cok )) [12:51:22] * {FF0000}Rifai_San {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [12:51:23] [RADIO] PO-I Raphael Volkoska: TEU Officer 8127 here. [12:51:24] (( PM to [31] Andri_Setiawans: tai lah wkw )) [12:51:40] (( PM from [31] Andri_Setiawans: salah gue apa coba gue mau kerja )) [12:51:47] (( PM to [31] Andri_Setiawans: okwaokw kerja ngerob iya:v )) [12:51:58] (( PM from [31] Andri_Setiawans: kerja yang halal lah )) [12:52:6] (( PM to [31] Andri_Setiawans: kwakooaw orang kaya lu dipercaya )) [12:52:10] [RADIO] PO-I Derrick Starbuck: 10-6 TEU 8127, thanks for responding my radio. [12:52:26] * {FF0000}Tae_Yoon {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [12:52:27] [RADIO] PO-I Raphael Volkoska: TEU Officer 8127 10-4, over. [12:52:27] (( PM from [31] Andri_Setiawans: yah elah yah udah kalo nggak percaya )) [12:52:36] (( PM from [31] Andri_Setiawans: gue sudah bilang terus terang )) [12:52:40] * {FF0000}Jordan_Pierce {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bogor, Indonesia) [12:52:40] [RADIO] Sergeant I Hanz Frorenza: 6-DAVID-5 to Officer who bring the suspects [12:52:40] * {FF0000}adicinet {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [12:52:57] * {FF0000}Richard_Kravhenkoz {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [12:53:0] Vincent Alvarez says: Bagaimana? [12:53:5] [RADIO] PO-I Synester Reynold: I Am with Officer Volkoska. [12:53:5] Vincent Alvarez says: Siaap yang mau derek? [12:53:7] [RADIO] Sergeant II Rachel Akeila: Sergeant II 8505 reporting off duty, over [12:53:11] Synester Reynold says: Kamu aja derek [12:53:12] Raphael Volkoska says: Ga jadi kata nya [12:53:14] Andri Setiawans says: Bagai mana dengan saya Pak? [12:53:14] Knut Drivenes says: lama kontol [12:53:14] [RADIO] PO-I Derrick Starbuck: Who using my unit 1-ADAM-3? [12:53:20] Vincent Lee says: Ngomong paan lo? [12:53:25] Synester Reynold says: bisa pindah cruiser ga ? [12:53:25] Andri Setiawans says: Bagaimana dengan saya Pak? [12:53:25] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Jual] Patriot 1insu 2up minat ? call or sms!! [12:53:25] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Ingga_Fresly{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}988555{FF0000}] [12:53:26] Andri Setiawans says: Bagaimana dengan saya Pak? [12:53:29] * {FF0000}Farrell_Rucker {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [12:53:31] Raphael Volkoska says: Tambah pasal nya [12:53:32] [RADIO] Sergeant I Hanz Frorenza: Okay make sure to make the suspects //mengaku// [12:53:35] Synester Reynold says: Assaulting on LEO [12:53:39] [RADIO] PO-I Derrick Starbuck: 10-6 for my last transmissions. [12:53:40] Andri Setiawans says: sini 1 dong nggak ada yang nemenin [12:53:42] Knut Drivenes says: kontol bapa panjang yah? [12:53:45] Vincent Alvarez says: Itu [12:53:51] Synester Reynold says: katanya cepet cepet [12:53:53] Synester Reynold says: Sekarang lama [12:53:53] * Vincent Lee take m4 from front of body using both hands and ready to shoot. [12:53:54] * {FF0000}Conan_Pearson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [12:53:59] Synester Reynold says: Keluar [12:54:0] Vincent Lee says: Ngomong lagi [12:54:1] Synester Reynold says: Bisa ga [12:54:1] Andri Setiawans says: gimana pak? [12:54:3] Vincent Alvarez says: Oke [12:54:11] AdmCmd: Fonzy_Davinci has been warned by wakdolaa, Total warning: 15 [12:54:11] Reason: missusing /ask. [12:54:13] Knut Drivenes says: lalila anjing [12:54:18] [RADIO] Sergeant I Hanz Frorenza: Having any trouble to make suspects //mengaku//, just call me 7654 [12:54:18] (( {00FF00}Demi Nyai Jeremy_Kloptens: {FFFFFF}unch. )) [12:54:19] Synester Reynold says: buru kadieu [12:54:21] Synester Reynold says: )) [12:54:21] (( {FFFF00}ViceCEOStarbuck Harry_Starbuck: {FFFFFF}Koleksi )) [12:54:27] * {FF0000}Richard_Kravhenkoz {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [12:54:28] Knut Drivenes says: )) [12:54:30] Synester Reynold says: Si ni [12:54:32] Synester Reynold says: Astaga [12:54:33] Knut Drivenes says: kadie kamana? [12:54:36] Knut Drivenes says: )) [12:54:38] Synester Reynold says: Pengen cepet tapi lama [12:54:41] AdmCmd: wakdolaa has removed 1 warning(s) from Fonzy_Davinci, Total warning: 14 [12:54:43] [RADIO] Lieutenant Vanessa Clementine: Admit. [12:54:43] Helper wakdolaa: Dimaafkan. [12:54:56] [RADIO] Sergeant I Hanz Frorenza: Nah that's what i mean [12:55:1] Vincent Lee says: Mau kemana cok?> [12:55:2] Vincent Lee says: Mau kemana cok? [12:55:8] Vincent Lee says: Buat laporan ya? [12:55:9] Demario Barksdale says: Biasa. [12:55:11] Vincent Lee says: Bahaha [12:55:14] Vincent Lee says: Lanjut [12:55:14] * Vincent Lee slots his m4 into front of body using both hands. [12:55:15] * {FF0000}Rayan_Lacroix {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [12:55:19] Vincent Alvarez says: Yok [12:55:20] Vincent Lee says: Makan [12:55:22] [RADIO] PO-I Synester Reynold: 4-JOHN-2 transporting two suspect to Central HQ,10-15 Procedure. [12:55:33] WARNING: Faction OOC chat disabled! [12:55:34] (( PM from [15] Demario_Barksdale: PD minimal umur berapa? )) [12:55:35] Vincent Alvarez says: Gini [12:55:35] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Huntley (plate: NO HAVE) going 28 MPH in 15 MPH limit zone, location: Verdant Bluffs [12:55:35] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Huntley (plate: NO HAVE) going 28 MPH in 15 MPH limit zone, location: Verdant Bluffs [12:55:35] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Huntley (plate: NO HAVE) going 28 MPH in 15 MPH limit zone, location: Verdant Bluffs [12:55:38] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}NRG-500 (plate: LV777KD) going 71 MPH in 60 MPH limit zone, location: Market [12:55:39] (( PM to [15] Demario_Barksdale: 17 )) [12:55:41] Vincent Alvarez says: aku ambil tom unit kamu makan [12:55:44] Vincent Lee says: emm [12:55:47] Vincent Lee says: Yaudah [12:55:48] (( PM from [15] Demario_Barksdale: Dibawah itu gabisa ya? )) [12:55:51] Vincent Lee says: nanti sama aku lagi kan? [12:55:54] Vincent Alvarez says: Iya [12:55:55] (( PM to [15] Demario_Barksdale: syarat kalo dibawah itu )) [12:55:57] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Sell]Patriot 1insu 2up minat ? call or sms!! [12:55:57] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Ingga_Fresly{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}988555{FF0000}] [12:55:57] (( PM to [15] Demario_Barksdale: eh )) [12:56:1] (( PM to [15] Demario_Barksdale: umur lu berapa? )) [12:56:8] * {FF0000}Richard_McFuller {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [12:56:8] (( PM from [15] Demario_Barksdale: 14 otw 15 )) [12:56:10] Vincent Alvarez says: Buat derek sentinel tadi [12:56:11] Vincent Lee says: Aku tungguin aja [12:56:11] (( PM from [15] Demario_Barksdale: h3h3h3 )) [12:56:12] * {FF0000}Edward_Lenaghan {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [12:56:15] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Coach (plate: NO HAVE) going 24 MPH in 15 MPH limit zone, location: Verdant Bluffs [12:56:16] (( PM to [15] Demario_Barksdale: masih kecil anjer fawaz wkwk )) [12:56:21] (( PM to [15] Demario_Barksdale: gapapa bisa daftar )) [12:56:23] (( PM to [15] Demario_Barksdale: asalkan )) [12:56:24] * {FF0000}Martinus_Anderson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [12:56:28] * {FF0000}Bahar_Alhamed {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Manado, Indonesia) [12:56:33] (( PM to [15] Demario_Barksdale: pinter inggris, warns dibawah 3 )) [12:56:41] [RADIO] Lieutenant Edward Lenaghan: Lieutenant 9729 reporting for on duty [12:56:42] [RADIO] PO-I Synester Reynold: Who's initiator TAC-1 ? [12:56:50] Vincent Lee Shouts: DADAH! [12:56:54] [RADIO] Lieutenant Vanessa Clementine: It was 6-DAVID-5. [12:56:54] [RADIO] Sergeant I Hanz Frorenza: 6-DAVID-5 [12:56:56] Vincent Alvarez says: Daah [12:56:56] (( PM from [15] Demario_Barksdale: oke oke )) [12:56:56] [MEGAPHONE] Vincent Lee: Kalo udah telfon aja [12:56:59] [RADIO] PO-I Synester Reynold: Please give me a charge for suspect. [12:57:17] * {FF0000}Joaquin_Rutledge {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [12:57:26] (( PM from [60] Ghassan_Musson: di SAPD yg cewe di IRL sapa ae nick nya )) [12:57:28] [RADIO] Sergeant I Hanz Frorenza: 6-DAVID-5 They are armed robbery, attempt tu murder, attacking LEO, possesing illegal weapon, performing [12:57:33] * {FF0000}Blake_Weston {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [12:57:33] [RADIO] Sergeant I Hanz Frorenza: Drive by [12:57:34] (( PM to [60] Ghassan_Musson: emang kenapaa? sange ya? kwaokwao )) [12:57:38] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [12:57:38] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Sendiri aja mau saya temenin? [12:57:39] [RADIO] PO-I Synester Reynold: Copy that. [12:57:44] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [12:57:44] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 611130 [12:57:44] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}wkwk [12:57:50] [RADIO] Sergeant I Hanz Frorenza: If you found schematic, illegally manufacture [12:57:51] WARNING: {ffffff}You've eaten too much, overall fitness rating decreased by {00ffff}1.39 [12:57:51] SHOP: {ffffff}You've purchased {ffff00}Menu +84 {ffffff}for {00ff00}$5.00 [12:57:53] SHOP: {ffffff}You've purchased {ffff00}Energy Drink {ffffff}for {00ff00}$3.75 [12:58:3] * {FF0000}Carla_Davies {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [12:58:6] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Stellione_Volkoska ] Phone: [ 1312725 ] [12:58:6] Message: IZIN membawa truck untuk membeli makanan [12:58:30] (( PM from [60] Ghassan_Musson: Ada yang sex? )) [12:58:31] * {FF0000}Roberth_Polin {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bekasi, Indonesia) [12:58:32] WARNING: {ffffff}You've drunk too much, overall fitness rating decreased by {00ffff}0.40 [12:58:41] (( PM to [60] Ghassan_Musson: apa pulak sex anjeng )) [12:58:43] [RADIO] PO-I Vincent Alvarez: Police officer I 9788 10-27 from 1-ADAM-4 to 5-TOM-1, over [12:58:50] (( PM from [60] Ghassan_Musson: kata lu ada yang Sange )) [12:58:59] (( PM to [60] Ghassan_Musson: lu yang sange tolool )) [12:59:1] (( PM from [60] Ghassan_Musson: Chronis bapak2 ya ? )) [12:59:5] [RADIO] PO-I Nicholas Starbuck: Police Officer I 9766 reporting off duty [12:59:5] AdmCmd: Knut_Drivenes has been warned by wakdolaa, Total warning: 5 [12:59:5] Reason: Indonesian culture. [12:59:7] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [12:59:10] (( PM to [60] Ghassan_Musson: id berapa )) [12:59:19] AdmCmd: wakdolaa has jailed Knut_Drivenes for 120 minute(s) [12:59:19] Reason: Indonesian culture + 5 warns. [12:59:23] [RADIO] PO-I Raphael Volkoska: TEU Officer 8127 on fivers, over. [12:59:33] (( PM from [60] Ghassan_Musson: Yang bapak2 id brp? )) [12:59:34] * {FF0000}Aimoo_Archenhaud {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [12:59:39] (( PM to [60] Ghassan_Musson: ga ada )) [12:59:42] (( PM to [60] Ghassan_Musson: pada off kwwka )) [12:59:48] (( PM from [60] Ghassan_Musson: Kemareng gua denger radio pd ada asw )) [13:0:1] (( PM to [60] Ghassan_Musson: dimana tolol )) [13:0:2] * {FF0000}Rifai_San {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [13:0:5] (( PM from [59] Knut_Drivenes: jadi polisi mah montong polontong anjing )) [13:0:6] (( PM from [60] Ghassan_Musson: TS )) [13:0:13] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Aimoo_Archenhaud ] Phone: [ 99111 ] [13:0:13] Message: saya ingin bayar tagihan CGC [13:0:17] (( PM to [59] Knut_Drivenes: awkoawkowa )) [13:0:17] * {FF0000}Richard_Kravhenkoz {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [13:0:20] (( PM to [59] Knut_Drivenes: lo kenapa? )) [13:0:22] (( PM from [59] Knut_Drivenes: bisi ka setut )) [13:0:23] ERROR: You do not have any pending auto refund [13:0:32] (( PM to [59] Knut_Drivenes: maksudnya? )) [13:0:41] * {FF0000}Cassion_Dante {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [13:0:47] (( PM from [60] Ghassan_Musson: id7 sendirian patroli nya mending lu buat kelompok sama dia )) [13:0:53] * {FF0000}Conan_Pearson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [13:0:53] (( PM from [59] Knut_Drivenes: PD makan gajih buta? )) [13:0:56] * {FF0000}Louise_Bishop {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [13:1:1] ERROR: that player is not connected! [13:1:1] (( PM from [60] Ghassan_Musson: id70 )) [13:1:2] ERROR: that player is not connected! [13:1:15] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Andri Setiawans ] Reporter: [ Synester Reynold ] [13:1:15] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Armed Robbery ] [13:1:16] (( PM from [60] Ghassan_Musson: id61 tuak? )) [13:1:20] (( PM to [60] Ghassan_Musson: dia mau derek dulu, baru bareng sama gua )) [13:1:27] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Andri Setiawans ] Reporter: [ Synester Reynold ] [13:1:27] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Attemped murdering ] [13:1:34] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Martinus_Anderson ] Phone: [ 190450 ] [13:1:34] Message: ELS [13:1:43] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Andri Setiawans ] Reporter: [ Synester Reynold ] [13:1:43] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Assaulting LEO ] [13:1:56] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Andri Setiawans ] Reporter: [ Synester Reynold ] [13:1:56] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Possesing Illegal Firearms ] [13:2:1] * {FF0000}Cassion_Dante {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [13:2:4] * {FF0000}Rifai_San {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [13:2:5] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Andri Setiawans ] Reporter: [ Synester Reynold ] [13:2:5] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Performing Drive-by ] [13:2:20] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Aimoo_Archenhaud ] Phone: [ 99111 ] [13:2:20] Message: saya ingin membayar CGC [13:2:29] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [13:2:30] KEGUNAAN: /createlicense [playerid/name] [driving/sailing/flying/gun/lumberjack/trucking] [13:2:38] * {FF0000}Richards_Morgan {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [13:2:42] PHONE: {FF0000}Number 1283109 {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [13:2:42] * {FF0000}Dimas_Jey {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [13:2:48] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telpon berhenti berdering! [13:3:24] * {FF0000}Richard_Kravhenkoz {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [13:3:24] Mask 935664 says: Si anjing [13:3:29] Mask 935664 says: Nyari asell gue [13:3:31] [RADIO] PO-I Synester Reynold: 4-JOHN-2 transporting one suspect IC-2 male to SACF, 10-15 procedure, over. [13:3:36] * {FF0000}Blake_Weston {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Surabaya, Indonesia) [13:3:38] Mask 935664 says: Mo persuit ni? [13:3:39] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{125fff} [SELL] Flash |3INSU|4UPGRADE|FULLMODIF|FULLSTICKER ADA? CP: [13:3:39] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Lester_Wilford{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}404011{FF0000}] [13:3:41] * Vincent Lee take m4 from front of body using both hands and ready to shoot. [13:3:47] Mask 935664 says: Ciah babi. [13:3:49] Vincent Lee: (( yeh paok anjer gua kira siapa )) [13:3:51] * Vincent Lee slots his m4 into front of body using both hands. [13:3:53] Mask 935664: (( kawkwa )) [13:3:58] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Vanessa_Clementine ] Phone: [ 3767 ] [13:3:58] Message: NUHUNUAHINUHUNUAHINU.. HUAA!! [13:4:0] * {FF0000}Knut_Kiugura {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [13:4:3] (( PM to [68] Vanessa_Clementine: awkoawkoa )) [13:4:5] Mask 935664: (( mo cari asell gue )) [13:4:8] (( PM to [68] Vanessa_Clementine: gajelas anjer )) [13:4:16] Vincent Lee: (( kawoakwkaw )) [13:4:18] Vincent Lee: (( gabut yak )) [13:4:19] AdmCmd: Vanessa_Clementine has been kicked by yohanes223. [13:4:19] Reason: Relog soff coba deh. [13:4:20] Mask 935664: (( hooh )) [13:4:26] * {FF0000}Florence_Villevicencia {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [13:4:27] [id:10] Volunteer lordodo (Louise_Starbuck) [13:4:27] [id:14] Helper wakdolaa (Thamuz_Abhisar) [13:4:27] [id:28] Helper DarthVader99 (Blake_Weston) [13:4:27] [id:30] Volunteer Limneeyxd (Aleem_Kuznetsov) [13:4:27] [id:43] Volunteer yohanes223 (Harry_Starbuck) [13:4:27] [id:50] Helper yourvoice99 (Jeremy_Kloptens) [13:4:27] [id:62] Volunteer scapegoat (Arnelle_Grecia) [13:4:27] [id:64] Helper javaid (Robert_Denzil) [13:4:27] [id:72] Volunteer nongsky (Rey_Randolph) [13:4:27] NOTE: {ffffff}Volunteer tidak memiliki kedudukan yang sama dengan Helper / Admin [13:4:27] Mask 935664: (( sekalian gua nunggu sapd open )) [13:4:32] Mask 935664: (( gabut bet )) [13:4:36] (( PM from [60] Ghassan_Musson: oh soffia. )) [13:4:41] Vincent Lee: (( okawkowa )) [13:4:43] (( PM to [60] Ghassan_Musson: apasi )) [13:4:46] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{456fff} [SELL] Sanchez |3insu| ada? CP: [13:4:46] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Lester_Wilford{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}404011{FF0000}] [13:4:47] * {FF0000}Leo_Tyler {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [13:4:48] 911: Crime: [ mobil saya uranus paintjob hijau ungu dicuri ] [13:4:48] 911: Reporter: [ Lara Cornelia ] Phone: [ 1619361 ] [13:4:49] * {FF0000}Jhansen_Pizaro {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 07, Indonesia) [13:4:52] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Florence_Villevicencia ] Phone: [ 444422 ] [13:4:52] Message: Siang, saya mau mengikuti kegiatan Ride Along apakah bisa? [13:5:1] AdmCmd: Knut_Kiugura has been kicked by nongsky. [13:5:1] Reason: Bad attitude [13:5:3] [RADIO] Lieutenant Edward Lenaghan: Lieutenant 9729 reporting start of watch under 5-HOTEL-4, departs from Central HQ. [13:5:14] * {FF0000}Vanessa_Clementine {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [13:5:21] [RADIO] PO-I Harry Starbuck: Officer I 7093 leaving from 1-ADAM-3. [13:5:25] Mask 935664: (( lo juga gabut kan )) [13:5:32] Vincent Lee: (( nunggu teman )) [13:5:39] Mask 935664: (( gue sekalian mo cari robber )) [13:5:44] Mask 935664: (( buat makanan pd )) [13:5:44] Vincent Lee: (( koaokaw asiap:v )) [13:5:47] * {FF0000}Knut_Kiugura {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [13:5:49] Mask 935664: (( nomer lo berape )) [13:5:53] [RADIO] PO-I Harry Starbuck: Officer I 7093 reporting off duty, over. [13:5:54] Mask 935664: (( biar GUe SMS nnti kalo ketemu )) [13:5:56] Vincent Lee: (( nomor apa )) [13:5:59] Mask 935664: (( IC )) [13:6:1] Vincent Lee says: Nomor gua 3330 [13:6:6] PHONE: {FF0000}Number 99111 {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [13:6:8] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telpon berhenti berdering! [13:6:8] ERROR: tidak ada orang yang menelpon anda! [13:6:13] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Andri Setiawans ] Reporter: [ Synester Reynold ] [13:6:13] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Failure To Comply ] [13:6:17] ERROR: that player is not connected! [13:6:18] (( PM from [37] Vincent_Lee: a )) [13:6:18] (( PM to [37] Vincent_Lee: a )) [13:6:22] (( PM to [70] Vincent_Alvarez: dah? )) [13:6:26] (( PM to [70] Vincent_Alvarez: cepet :v )) [13:6:33] (( PM from [60] Ghassan_Musson: andi setiawan udah di unjail? )) [13:6:33] (( PM from [70] Vincent_Alvarez: sama admin nih )) [13:6:35] Mask 935664: (( gue dulaun )) [13:6:36] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Andri Setiawans ] Reporter: [ Synester Reynold ] [13:6:36] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Evading from police stop ] [13:6:38] Mask 935664: (( by )) [13:6:38] Vincent Lee: (( okeh )) [13:6:40] Mask 935664: (( mo cari asell )) [13:6:43] (( PM to [70] Vincent_Alvarez: suruh teleport gua )) [13:6:48] * {FF0000}Fernando_Giovanni {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Amsterdam, Netherlands) [13:6:59] HQ: {00ffff}Andri_Setiawans have been arrested by Synester_Reynold [13:7:1] (( PM from [70] Vincent_Alvarez: aku menyuruhmu teleport? )) [13:7:4] (( PM to [70] Vincent_Alvarez: ia )) [13:7:5] * {FF0000}Lester_Brooks {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Balikpapan, Indonesia) [13:7:10] (( PM to [70] Vincent_Alvarez: bilang gin )) [13:7:10] (( PM to [70] Vincent_Alvarez: bilang gini )) [13:7:11] (( PM from [70] Vincent_Alvarez: sini teleport ke aku )) [13:7:15] (( PM from [70] Vincent_Alvarez: udah )) [13:7:24] (( PM to [70] Vincent_Alvarez: suruh teleport id 37 ke id 70 )) [13:7:24] [RADIO] PO-I Synester Reynold: 4-JOHN-2 10-99 from 10-15 procedure, and back to status four, over. [13:7:28] AdmCmd: Knut_Kiugura has been banned by DarthVader99 for 3 day(s). [13:7:28] Reason: Insulting staff via /ask. [13:7:30] TRAINING: You can now continue training! [13:7:31] AdmCmd: Knut_Drivenes has been remote warned by wakdolaa, total warns: 6 [13:7:31] Reason: Refuse RP with SAPD [saat kendaraan ditow] [13:7:40] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY] Mobil sport fullsticker ada?Call Or Sms [13:7:40] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Girindra_Narottama{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3004{FF0000}] [13:7:42] REPORT: {ffffff}Your report has been issued to the queue, use '{ffff00}/reports{ffffff}' to see your report [13:7:42] * {FF0000}Emma_Mcquinza {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [13:7:49] RESPOND: {ff0000}wakdolaa {FFFFCC}has responded to your report [13:7:53] TELEPORT: {FFFFFF}You've been teleported by {FF0000}wakdolaa {FFFFFF}to {FFFF00}Vincent_Alvarez [13:7:58] AdmCmd: Knut_Drivenes has been remote-jailed by wakdolaa for 60 minutes. [13:7:58] Reason: Refuse RP with SAPD [saat kendaraan ditow] [13:7:59] Vincent Alvarez: (( ga ajdi. dia minta kamu teleport )) [13:8:2] Vincent Alvarez: (( ic aja anjay )) [13:8:7] Vincent Lee: (( lag )) [13:8:7] Vincent Lee: (( a )) [13:8:11] {ff0000}wakdolaa: {ffffff}(( dah )) [13:8:16] Vincent Alvarez: (( makasih )) [13:8:18] Vincent Lee: (( makasih wakdolla )) [13:8:18] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (99111) [13:8:18] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}lo ada custom plate ga [13:8:18] * {FF0000}Jack_Rogers {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 02, Indonesia) [13:8:24] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [13:8:24] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 99111 [13:8:24] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Kendaraan [13:8:29] Vincent Alvarez: (( dia refuse )) [13:8:30] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (99111) [13:8:30] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}iey [13:8:35] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [13:8:38] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}NRG-500 (plate: NoPlate) going 81 MPH in 60 MPH limit zone, location: Market [13:8:38] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (99111) [13:8:38] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}gue masih ada tapi mau apa di gunain sayang [13:8:40] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [13:8:40] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 99111 [13:8:40] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}ada 4k [13:8:42] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [13:8:42] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 99111 [13:8:42] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Ada 4 [13:8:47] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY] Mobil sport fullsticker ada?Call Or Sms [13:8:47] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Girindra_Narottama{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3004{FF0000}] [13:8:50] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (99111) [13:8:50] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}banyak amat [13:8:53] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (99111) [13:8:53] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}gue cuman 1 [13:8:59] 911: Crime: [ mobil saya uranus dengan plat UG349UK dicuri, diduga pelaku masih di mobil saya ] [13:8:59] 911: Reporter: [ Lara Cornelia ] Phone: [ 1619361 ] [13:9:0] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [13:9:0] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 99111 [13:9:0] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Cacat [13:9:12] Vincent Alvarez says: Mobilmu diman? [13:9:18] Vincent Lee says: ELS [13:9:19] Vincent Lee: (( koawkoaw )) [13:9:28] * {FF0000}Brooklyn_Charrington {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Sidoarjo, Indonesia) [13:9:29] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (99111) [13:9:29] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Lo ada DE ga [13:9:32] * {FF0000}Jordan_Pierce {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bogor, Indonesia) [13:9:33] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [13:9:33] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 99111 [13:9:33] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}ada 4 [13:9:39] * {FF0000}Stellione_Volkoska {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [13:9:39] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (99111) [13:9:39] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}pler ada 4 mulu [13:9:45] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [13:9:45] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 99111 [13:9:45] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}ak ada 2 [13:9:50] Vincent Alvarez says: Terus bagaimana? [13:9:54] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY] Truck Flatbed any insu any up. [13:9:54] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Leo_Tyler{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}9255{FF0000}] [13:9:58] Vincent Alvarez says: Ambil mobilmu? [13:10:0] Vincent Lee says: Iua [13:10:5] Vincent Lee says: Ini tom unit buang aja [13:10:6] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LVPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 33 MPH in 15 MPH limit zone, location: Verdant Bluffs [13:10:6] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LVPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 33 MPH in 15 MPH limit zone, location: Rodeo [13:10:7] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (99111) [13:10:7] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}mo cri yang jual krek terus gua rob [13:10:8] * {FF0000}Ken_Aaron {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Kuningan Barat, Indonesia) [13:10:16] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (99111) [13:10:16] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Bgi DE [13:10:24] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [13:10:24] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 99111 [13:10:24] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}TIDAKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK [13:10:24] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (99111) [13:10:24] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}pake akun yang 1 lgi yang Tobias [13:10:31] Vincent Alvarez says: Anjay kasihan tomnya [13:10:38] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (99111) [13:10:38] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Oke de [13:10:39] (( PM from [60] Ghassan_Musson: ada asell )) [13:10:44] (( PM to [60] Ghassan_Musson: dimana )) [13:10:45] Vincent Lee says: Gapapa [13:10:47] Vincent Alvarez says: Dimanfaatkan lalu kalau sudah tidak berguna dibuang [13:10:50] Vincent Alvarez says: Ga setia [13:10:50] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [13:10:50] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}smb [13:10:53] Vincent Lee says: Bahaha [13:10:53] * {FF0000}Edward_Lenaghan {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [13:10:54] Vincent Lee says: Bucin [13:10:57] Vincent Alvarez says: Hahaha [13:11:2] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY] Truck Flatbed any insu any up. [13:11:2] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Leo_Tyler{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}9255{FF0000}] [13:11:4] * {FF0000}Randall_Westbrook {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Tangerang, Indonesia) [13:11:20] Vincent Alvarez says: ELS bagian maan? [13:11:23] [RADIO] PO-I Derrick Starbuck: Officer I 9070 disbanded from 1-ADAM-3. [13:11:48] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Florence_Villevicencia ] Phone: [ 444422 ] [13:11:48] Message: Pintu dalem SAPD hq terbuka. [13:11:48] [RADIO] PO-I Derrick Starbuck: Police Officer I 9070 reporting offduty, over and out. [13:11:49] * {FF0000}Karen_Riley {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [13:11:52] (( PM from [60] Ghassan_Musson: ada asell )) [13:11:54] Vincent Alvarez: (( haaha )) [13:11:56] Vincent Lee says: Kiri [13:11:59] * {FF0000}Valentin_Riviere {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [13:12:5] * {FF0000}Yee_Xangyin {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [13:12:5] Vincent Lee says: Pakai ADAM ajaa [13:12:8] Vincent Lee says: Lurus [13:12:9] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Jual Rumah 2 lantai 8 ruangan @Temple Furni banyak digudang minat SMS [13:12:9] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Emma_Mcquinza{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}2210{FF0000}] [13:12:9] Vincent Alvarez says: Iya [13:12:18] * {FF0000}Artour_Conteville {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Tarutung, Indonesia) [13:12:21] PHONE: {FF0000}Number 99111 {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [13:12:23] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telpon berhenti berdering! [13:12:29] * {FF0000}Hanna_Steinfield {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [13:12:31] Vincent Lee says: Derek [13:12:34] (( PM from [36] Aimoo_Archenhaud: kawkwa )) [13:12:38] (( PM from [36] Aimoo_Archenhaud: dijual anjay akwkaw )) [13:13:7] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [13:13:7] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Besok gua mulai nanenm di ladang umum. [13:13:7] * {FF0000}Michael_Alfarez {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [13:13:16] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Jual Rumah 2 lantai 8 ruangan @Temple Furni banyak digudang minat SMS [13:13:16] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Emma_Mcquinza{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}2210{FF0000}] [13:13:16] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [13:13:16] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}malem dah nanti [13:13:23] [RADIO] Prob. Detective Artour Conteville: Prob.Detective 9921 reporting for on duty, over [13:13:24] 911: Crime: [ Pak ada pembunuhan di MC ] [13:13:24] 911: Reporter: [ Richard McFuller ] Phone: [ 112341 ] [13:13:27] * {FF0000}Samuel_Aeron {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [13:13:27] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [13:13:27] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}5k kan nanti gua kasih lu 2k [13:13:30] [RADIO] Lieutenant Edward Lenaghan: 5-HOTEL-4 on niner [13:13:33] * {FF0000}Farrell_Rucker {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [13:14:15] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Faggio (plate: NO HAVE) going 33 MPH in 15 MPH limit zone, location: Verdant Bluffs [13:14:23] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY] Mobil sport ada?Call Or Sms [13:14:23] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Girindra_Narottama{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3004{FF0000}] [13:14:31] * {FF0000}Martinus_Anderson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [13:14:32] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Huntley (plate: NO HAVE) going 75 MPH in 60 MPH limit zone, location: Market [13:14:32] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Huntley (plate: NO HAVE) going 75 MPH in 60 MPH limit zone, location: Market [13:14:42] * {FF0000}Rifai_San {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [13:14:43] Vincent Lee: (( aa )) [13:14:47] Vincent Lee: (( aku afk tunggu di adam )) [13:14:59] * {FF0000}Rehanzo_Connor {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [13:15:10] Synester Reynold says: Tutupin lagi [13:15:25] [RADIO] Prob. Detective Artour Conteville: Prob.Detective 9921 start of watch under 7-UNION-1, clearing from CI Headquarter [13:15:25] AdmCmd: UCP account Bomel45 has been blocked by wakdolaa. [13:15:25] Reason: Duplicate account [wakdolaa] [13:15:25] * {FF0000}Nobunaga_Yamaguchi {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Kuningan Barat, Indonesia) [13:15:27] [RADIO] PO-I Vincent Alvarez: 5-TOM-1 disbanded [13:15:30] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY] Mobil sport ada?Call Or Sms [13:15:30] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Girindra_Narottama{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3004{FF0000}] [13:15:36] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (611130) [13:15:36] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}7jam 10k. [13:15:47] AdmCmd: UCP account Kontolpanjang15 has been blocked by wakdolaa. [13:15:47] Reason: Duplicate account [wakdolaa] [13:16:5] * {FF0000}Raphael_Volkoska {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [13:16:36] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY] Mobil sport ada?Call Or Sms [13:16:36] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Girindra_Narottama{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3004{FF0000}] [13:16:38] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Premier (plate: NO HAVE) going 67 MPH in 60 MPH limit zone, location: Market [13:16:38] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Premier (plate: NO HAVE) going 67 MPH in 60 MPH limit zone, location: Market [13:16:41] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Aarich_Steven ] Phone: [ 102532 ] [13:16:41] Message: Police [13:16:44] * {FF0000}Arnelle_Grecia {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [13:16:57] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Aarich_Steven ] Phone: [ 102532 ] [13:16:57] Message: Police saya ingin memasang plate pada Motor Vaggio ae. [13:17:10] * {FF0000}Kamado_Tanjiro {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Pamulang, Indonesia) [13:17:16] * {FF0000}Nobunaga_Yamaguchi {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Kuningan Barat, Indonesia) [13:17:19] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Aarich_Steven ] Phone: [ 102532 ] [13:17:19] Message: Police saya ingin memasang plate pada Motor Vaggio ae. [13:17:21] [RADIO] Prob. Detective Artour Conteville: 7-UNION-1 on fiver, over [13:17:28] [RADIO] Lieutenant Edward Lenaghan: Lieutenant 9729 on fiver. [13:17:36] * {FF0000}Rifai_San {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [13:17:42] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY] Mobil sport ada?Call Or Sms [13:17:42] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Girindra_Narottama{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3004{FF0000}] [13:17:44] * {FF0000}Owen_Pearson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [13:17:57] * {FF0000}Yevgraf_Slawosky {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [13:17:57] * {FF0000}Louise_Starbuck {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Cipete, Indonesia) [13:18:18] * {FF0000}Bradley_Alvarez {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Pancuran, Indonesia) [13:18:37] * {FF0000}Jordan_Pierce {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bogor, Indonesia) [13:18:49] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY] Mobil sport ada?Call Or Sms [13:18:49] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Girindra_Narottama{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3004{FF0000}] [13:19:6] * {FF0000}Martin_Luis {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [13:19:8] (( PM from [60] Ghassan_Musson: misal gua di /arret fince 50k bisa? )) [13:19:8] * {FF0000}Brooklyn_Charrington {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Sidoarjo, Indonesia) [13:19:25] (( PM from [60] Ghassan_Musson: misal gua di /arret fince 50k bisa? )) [13:19:29] * {FF0000}Aimoo_Archenhaud {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [13:19:50] (( PM to [60] Ghassan_Musson: bis )) [13:19:53] (( PM to [60] Ghassan_Musson: bisa )) [13:19:56] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY] Mobil sport ada?Call Or Sms [13:19:56] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Girindra_Narottama{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3004{FF0000}] [13:20:27] (( PM from [60] Ghassan_Musson: yaudah nanti gua buat char baru lu fine 100k )) [13:20:28] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Infernus (plate: KH694YB) going 98 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Santa Maria Beach [13:20:36] (( PM from [60] Ghassan_Musson: wkwokw geger )) [13:20:43] * {FF0000}Leroyce_West {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Pekanbaru, Indonesia) [13:20:57] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Richard_McFuller ] Phone: [ 112341 ] [13:20:57] Message: Mau beroba [13:21:1] * {FF0000}Ronald_Starbuck {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bekasi, Indonesia) [13:21:4] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY] Mobil sport ada?Call Or Sms [13:21:4] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Girindra_Narottama{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3004{FF0000}] [13:21:21] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Faggio (plate: NO HAVE) going 37 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Santa Maria Beach [13:21:25] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}NRG-500 (plate: Jeev) going 44 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Santa Maria Beach [13:21:26] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}NRG-500 (plate: Jeev) going 50 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Santa Maria Beach [13:21:31] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}NRG-500 (plate: Jeev) going 79 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Santa Maria Beach [13:21:33] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}NRG-500 (plate: Jeev) going 79 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Santa Maria Beach [13:21:45] (( PM from [60] Ghassan_Musson: bisa kan ? )) [13:21:53] Florence Villevicencia: (( Ngelag anda om )) [13:21:59] Vincent Alvarez: (( Memmenag )) [13:22:10] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY] Mobil sport ada?Call Or Sms [13:22:10] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Girindra_Narottama{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3004{FF0000}] [13:22:17] * {FF0000}Gerardo_Degea {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [13:22:24] * {FF0000}Demario_Barksdale {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [13:22:25] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Sadler (plate: NO HAVE) going 49 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Flint County [13:23:16] * {FF0000}Markie_Wylde {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 02, Indonesia) [13:23:17] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[ SELL ] Glendale 3insurance 1upgrade, polos, call atau sms [13:23:17] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Randall_Westbrook{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}577625{FF0000}] [13:23:39] [RADIO] PO-I Rehanzo Connor: Police Officer I 8215 reporting taking S2 from locker. [13:23:43] * {FF0000}Yevgraf_Slawosky {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [13:24:24] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Dicari garasi private ada? [13:24:24] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Aimoo_Archenhaud{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}99111{FF0000}] [13:24:30] [RADIO] PO-I Rehanzo Connor: Police Officer I 8215 to all unit on S4, any unpartnered unit? [13:24:36] * {FF0000}Andrew_Horstman {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [13:24:47] [RADIO] PO-I Vincent Alvarez: 1-ADAM-4 Negative [13:25:4] (( PM from [76] Aimoo_Archenhaud: ketemu asell )) [13:25:5] (( PM from [76] Aimoo_Archenhaud: 1 GARASI )) [13:25:7] (( PM from [76] Aimoo_Archenhaud: EAK )) [13:25:7] AdmCmd: Felix_Duckhovich has been kicked by DarthVader99. [13:25:7] Reason: AFK, direport. [13:25:31] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Dicari garasi private ada? [13:25:31] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Aimoo_Archenhaud{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}99111{FF0000}] [13:25:36] (( PM from [60] Ghassan_Musson: WA. )) [13:25:36] (( PM from [76] Aimoo_Archenhaud: MAU GA )) [13:25:37] * {FF0000}Derrick_Conley {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [13:25:45] PHONE: {FF0000}Number 99111 {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [13:25:46] * {FF0000}Fonzy_Davinci {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 07, Indonesia) [13:25:57] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telpon berhenti berdering! [13:26:2] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (99111) [13:26:2] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}lgi down lu ya [13:26:2] [RADIO] Lieutenant Edward Lenaghan: 5-HOTEL-4 unpartnered, but since i'm not a HSIU's command anymore, must be HSIU's command for take patrol [13:26:11] [RADIO] Lieutenant Edward Lenaghan: With a non-HSIU. [13:26:14] * {FF0000}Giancarlos_Octavio {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rw 02, Indonesia) [13:26:23] (( PM from [76] Aimoo_Archenhaud: a )) [13:26:26] (( PM from [76] Aimoo_Archenhaud: mau ag lo )) [13:26:33] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 35 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Flint County [13:26:33] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 35 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Flint County [13:26:36] * {FF0000}Johny_Nevland {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Bandung, Indonesia) [13:26:37] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Jual Rumah 2 lantai 8 ruangan @Temple Furni banyak digudang minat SMS [13:26:37] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Emma_Mcquinza{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}2210{FF0000}] [13:27:3] * {FF0000}Larenz_Hanzell {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (South Jakarta, Indonesia) [13:27:6] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 49 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Flint County [13:27:6] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 49 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Flint County [13:27:22] [RADIO] PO-I Synester Reynold: Information from 4-JOHN-2, if anyone has found Green Flatbed into the city, have received permission from TEU, o [13:27:30] [RADIO] PO-I Synester Reynold: ... over. [13:27:32] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Road Train (plate: JK230AP) going 35 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Flint Intersection [13:27:35] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Cabbie (plate: FI767KZ) going 65 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Flint Intersection [13:27:39] (( PM from [76] Aimoo_Archenhaud: woi )) [13:27:42] * {FF0000}Vyacheslav_Kusnarev {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [13:27:44] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Jual Rumah 2 lantai 8 ruangan @Temple Furni banyak digudang minat SMS [13:27:44] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Emma_Mcquinza{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}2210{FF0000}] [13:27:48] * {FF0000}Devyne_Cornelius {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Garut, Indonesia) [13:27:59] * {FF0000}Griffin_Finnegan {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Kuningan Barat, Indonesia) [13:28:1] * {FF0000}Amanda_Vellotic {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [13:28:11] * {FF0000}Richards_Morgan {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [13:28:12] (( PM from [76] Aimoo_Archenhaud: nolak rejeki ni anak )) [13:28:20] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Road Train (plate: JK230AP) going 59 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Santa Maria Beach [13:28:32] (( PM to [76] Aimoo_Archenhaud: full slot anjer )) [13:28:34] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Florence_Villevicencia ] Phone: [ 444422 ] [13:28:34] Message: Siang. Saya mau mengikuti kegiatan Ride Along sekarang apakah bisa?, di website sudah di Acc. [13:28:35] * {FF0000}Oman_Aakash {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [13:28:41] (( PM from [76] Aimoo_Archenhaud: intinya lu tau ni tempatnya mau ga )) [13:28:45] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 81 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Santa Maria Beach [13:28:49] (( PM to [76] Aimoo_Archenhaud: dimana emang )) [13:28:51] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{125fff} [FIND] Ada yang bisa modif patriot saya kalau ada CP [13:28:51] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Lester_Wilford{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}404011{FF0000}] [13:28:55] (( PM from [76] Aimoo_Archenhaud: sms gue ae 99111 )) [13:29:28] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (99111) [13:29:28] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}lo dimane [13:29:40] * {FF0000}Richards_Morgan {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [13:29:43] * {FF0000}Zo_Ibeng {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [13:29:49] * {FF0000}Devyne_Cornelius {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Garut, Indonesia) [13:29:49] PHONE: {FF0000}Number 99111 {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call [13:29:51] AdmCmd: Dimas_Jey has been kicked by DarthVader99. [13:29:51] Reason: Lo relog, mobil towtruck anda ngebug. [13:29:52] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 67 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Los Santos International [13:29:52] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LSPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 67 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Los Santos International [13:29:58] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Sell] Landstalker 3Insu 4Up Fullmodift $3k Nego tipis CP!!! [13:29:58] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Louise_Bishop{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}204020{FF0000}] [13:29:58] (( PM from [76] Aimoo_Archenhaud: angkat dong babe )) [13:30:4] [RADIO] Detective I Griffin Finnegan: Detective I 9231 reporting on-duty, over. [13:30:26] * {FF0000}Gerardo_Degea {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [13:30:52] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Road Train (plate: JK230AP) going 65 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Playa del Seville [13:30:55] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Leo_Tyler ] Phone: [ 9255 ] [13:30:55] Message: Saya melihat truck masuk ke kota di daerah East Beach truk putih road train [13:30:56] [RADIO] PO-I Synester Reynold: TEU Officer 10144 on fiver. [13:30:58] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telpon berhenti berdering! [13:30:59] * {FF0000}Dimas_Jey {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [13:31:4] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Buy] Patriot Any Insu Any Up CP!!! [13:31:4] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Louise_Bishop{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}204020{FF0000}] [13:31:12] (( PM from [76] Aimoo_Archenhaud: ga mau yaudeh )) [13:31:14] * {FF0000}Amanda_Vellotic {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [13:31:17] (( PM from [76] Aimoo_Archenhaud: gue ksh orang )) [13:31:25] [RADIO] PO-I Rehanzo Connor: Police Officer I 8215 teaming up with Adjudant Alhamed now is S4 under 0-ADAM-3 cleared from '20 Santa Maria Beach [13:31:41] * {FF0000}Richards_Morgan {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [13:31:44] * {FF0000}Alfathunnisa_Alyasyifa {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [13:31:44] Vincent_Alvarez telah keluar dari server. (Terputus/Crash) [13:32:11] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{Sell}Taxi 0 insu 4up tawar minat call me or sms me [13:32:11] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Martin_Luis{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}911911{FF0000}] [13:33:10] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Sultan (plate: NA254HS) going 75 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Playa del Seville [13:33:12] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LVPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 43 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Playa del Seville [13:33:12] SPEEDTRAP: {ffff00}Police Car (LVPD) (plate: NO HAVE) going 47 MPH in 30 MPH limit zone, location: Playa del Seville [13:33:18] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Find]Dicari pekerjaan untuk saya,ada? Hub: [13:33:18] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Richard_McFuller{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}112341{FF0000}]