Items: Kits: Enabled: false Name: '&aKit Selector &7(Right Click)' Item: CHEST Slot: 0 Menu: true Commands: Commands: - 'console: All commands in this plugin have PlaceholderAPI support' - 'console: This command is run from the console, you can use %player%' - 'player: This command is run from the player, you can use %player%' Enabled: false Leave: Enabled: false Name: '&aReturn to Hub &7(Right Click)' Item: WATCH Slot: 8 BungeeCord: Server: Hub Enabled: false Commands: Commands: - 'console: All commands in this plugin have PlaceholderAPI support' - 'console: This command is run from the console, you can use %player%' - 'player: This command is run from the player, you can use %player%' Enabled: false Combat: HitSound: Sound: BLAZE_HIT Pitch: 1 Enabled: true ArrowHit: Message: '%prefix% &b%player% &7is on &c%health%&7.' Enabled: true ArrowReturn: ItemName: '&eReturnable Arrow' NoSpace: '%prefix% &cYou must have at least one slot open in your inventory for you to receive your arrow for your successful shot.' Enabled: true Kill: Commands: Commands: - 'console: All commands in this plugin have PlaceholderAPI support' - 'console: These commands are run by the console, you can use the %killer% variable for the killer name' - 'player: These commands are run by the player, you can use the %killer% variable for the killer name' Enabled: false Death: Title: Title: ' ' Subtitle: ' ' Time: 0 Message: ' ' Sound: Sound: THUNDER Pitch: 1 Enabled: false Commands: Commands: - 'console: thor %player%' Enabled: true Messages: Player: '%prefix% &b%victim% &7was killed by &b%killer%&7.' Shot: '%prefix% &b%victim% &7was shot by &b%shooter%&7.' Fall: '%prefix% &b%victim% &7fell to their doom.' Void: '%prefix% &b%victim% &7died from the void.' Fire: '%prefix% &b%victim% &7died from fire.' Explosion: '%prefix% &b%victim% &7blew up.' Unknown: '%prefix% &b%victim% &7died.' Enabled: true Respawn: Commands: Commands: - 'console: spawn' - 'console: These commands are run by the console, you can use the %player% variable for the player name' - 'player: These commands are run by the player, you can use the %player% variable for the player name' Enabled: true GiveSoupOnKill: Amount: 1 NoSpace: '%prefix% &c%amount% soups could not be added to your full inventory.' Enabled: false PlayerTracker: Tracker: '&ePlayer Tracker' Message: '&b&lTarget: &3%nearestplayer% &b&lDistance: &3%distance%' NoneOnline: '&cNo Players Online' Soups: Name: '&aRegenerative Soups &7(Right Click)' RemoveAfterUse: true Lore: - '&7Use this item to regain health.' Sound: EAT Pitch: 1 Enabled: true Commands: Alias: Spawn: false Kit: false Kits: false Stats: true Storage: Type: YAML MySQL: Host: Database: kitpvp Table: kitpvp_userdata Port: 3306 Username: walrus Password: supersecretpassword Arena: ClearPotionEffectsOnJoin: false ClearInventoryOnJoin: false ClearInventoryOnLeave: false ClearInventoryOnRespawn: false ClearInventoryOnKit: false ClearKitOnCommandSpawn: false PreventBlockBreaking: true PreventBlockPlacing: true PreventHunger: false PreventItemDropping: false PreventItemDurabilityDamage: false PreventChestOpen: false PreventFallDamage: false PreventDeathDrops: false ForceSurvivalOnJoin: true KeepWeatherAtSunny: true GiveItemsOnClear: false NoKitProtection: false FancyDeath: false Spawn: Time: 5 Enabled: false Arenas: Spawn: world: World: world X: -1523 Y: 109 Z: 683 Yaw: 268.10364 Pitch: 90.0 Centrum: World: Centrum X: -143 Y: 7 Z: -69 Yaw: 65.99954 Pitch: 37.200073 PlotSquared: World: PlotSquared X: 0 Y: 66 Z: 0 Yaw: -90.450874 Pitch: 1.2000144 klify: World: klify X: -152 Y: 52 Z: 168 Yaw: 269.85 Pitch: -0.15