Ever since I entered higher education, my motivation for pushing forward was my ambition to become a person that people could rely on - a person capable of assisting others. It took me six years of studying at a university to mould this urge into my current goal, and that is to work within the HR industry. Not only does it comply with my career aspirations, but I also see it as a measure to make the most out of my key attributes. I see it as a perfect fit for me and a path that leads to exciting opportunities. Having studied Psychology for the past 4 years and getting my bachelor’s degree, I am confident in my ability to read, understand and critically evaluate research papers. Critical thinking was a fundamental skill taught in my degree. Most of my courses required me to write detailed essays grounded in empirical evidence. Furthermore, during my last year of studying, I worked under the supervision of Dr Devin Ray, a lecturer at the University of Aberdeen with whom I further practiced the evaluation of scientific theories. I was tasked to write a critical review of the theory of universal dimensions of social cognition and was awarded a First-Class Merit for my work. This was a valuable experience where I got to prove my ability to work independently on a given project, while at the same time I was adapting to weekly feedback I was receiving from my tutor. I believe that the critical thinking skills I acquired during my stay at the university will further assist me in researching topics related to HR, and that it will allow me to better implement relevant theories into the work environment I will be responsible for. During my last year at the university, I also worked on my thesis which was a group project supervised by Professor Patric Bach and Dr Katrina McDonough. It was a practical examination of the knowledge and skills we acquired, and a chance to learn from the professionals. Together as a team we had to come up with our own research question that was compliant with the area of expertise of our overseers. We then had to design our experiment, conduct the study, analyse the collected data, and present it to the public. It was topped by an individual write-up that followed a structure of a real-world scientific article. I was awarded a First-Class Merit for my work. Overall, this was a valuable experience that allowed me to expand on my teamwork abilities such as communication as the exchange of ideas and knowledge was required, time management where I had to comply to a set of agreed deadlines and listening as it was important to consider everyone’s point of view. My suggestions and ideas were acknowledged by the team and implemented into the final experimental procedure. I was not afraid to put my ideas forward and face up to the criticism and comments of my colleagues, and my words were heard. In my early university years, I was a co-founder of an online e-sport club where I was responsible for the recruitment and monitoring of the behaviour of our members, ensuring they comply to the club’s rules and values. The club constituted of about 40 members at its peak time. I was involved in building the relationships with other e-sport societies by holding talks with their representatives and organising mutual online activities. A big part of my work was acting as a link between our members and the rest of the management team, making sure everyone was heard. I was helping with organising events and resolving in-house conflicts. It was a great experience and I enjoyed it thoroughly, and I am now looking back at it with a hope to make it my career. The HR sector is now my goal. I feel the thrill by just the thought of holding a position that is central to a success of a large organisation. A position that carries a great responsibility and requires an individual to exhibit clear leadership attributes, as well as compassion and understanding of individual and organisational needs. A position that promotes one’s growth and self-improvement. This is what I want to do in my life. I want to take on a role that will enable me to assist a large group of people in their everyday work, ensuring their wellbeing and job satisfaction are at their highest, leading to a positive work experience and their best performance. I want to make their jobs more enjoyable. This is my idea of a fulfilling career.