[salapin@salapin-pc ~]$ pacman -Qi vlc Nombre : vlc Versión : Descripción : Multi-platform MPEG, VCD/DVD, and DivX player Arquitectura : x86_64 URL : https://www.videolan.org/vlc/ Licencias : LGPL2.1 GPL2 Grupos : Nada Provee : Nada Depende de : a52dec libdvbpsi libxpm libdca libproxy lua52 libidn libmatroska taglib libmpcdec ffmpeg faad2 libmad libmpeg2 xcb-util-keysyms libtar libxinerama libsecret libupnp libixml.so=11-64 libupnp.so=17-64 libarchive qt5-base qt5-x11extras qt5-svg freetype2 fribidi harfbuzz fontconfig libxml2 gnutls libplacebo wayland-protocols Dependencias opcionales : avahi: service discovery using bonjour protocol [instalado] aom: AOM AV1 codec [instalado] gst-plugins-base-libs: for libgst plugins [instalado] dav1d: dav1d AV1 decoder [instalado] libdvdcss: decoding encrypted DVDs libavc1394: devices using the 1394ta AV/C [instalado] libdc1394: IEEE 1394 access plugin [instalado] kwallet: kwallet keystore [instalado] libva-vdpau-driver: vdpau backend nvidia libva-intel-driver: video backend intel libbluray: Blu-Ray video input [instalado] flac: Free Lossless Audio Codec plugin [instalado] twolame: TwoLAME mpeg2 encoder plugin [instalado] libgme: Game Music Emu plugin [instalado] vcdimager: navigate VCD with libvcdinfo libmtp: MTP devices discovery [instalado] systemd-libs: udev services discovery [instalado] smbclient: SMB access plugin [instalado] libcdio: audio CD playback [instalado] gnu-free-fonts: subtitle font [instalado] ttf-dejavu: subtitle font libssh2: sftp access [instalado] libnfs: NFS access mpg123: mpg123 codec [instalado] protobuf: chromecast streaming [instalado] libmicrodns: mDNS services discovery (chromecast etc) [instalado] lua52-socket: http interface live-media: RTSP input libdvdread: DVD input module [instalado] libdvdnav: DVD with navigation input module [instalado] libogg: Ogg and OggSpots codec [instalado] libshout: shoutcast/icecast output plugin [instalado] libmodplug: MOD output plugin [instalado] libvpx: VP8 and VP9 codec [instalado] libvorbis: Vorbis decoder/encoder [instalado] speex: Speex codec [instalado] opus: opus codec [instalado] libtheora: theora codec [instalado] libpng: PNG support [instalado] libjpeg-turbo: JPEG support [instalado] librsvg: SVG plugin [instalado] x264: H264 encoding [instalado] x265: HEVC/H.265 encoder [instalado] zvbi: VBI/Teletext/webcam/v4l2 capture/decoding [instalado] libass: Subtitle support [instalado] libkate: Kate codec [instalado] libtiger: Tiger rendering for Kate streams sdl_image: SDL image support srt: SRT input/output plugin [instalado] aalib: ASCII art video output [instalado] libcaca: colored ASCII art video output [instalado] libpulse: PulseAudio audio output [instalado] alsa-lib: ALSA audio output [instalado] jack: jack audio server [instalado] libsamplerate: audio Resampler [instalado] libsoxr: SoX audio Resampler [instalado] chromaprint: Chromaprint audio fingerprinter [instalado] lirc: lirc control libgoom2: Goom visualization projectm: ProjectM visualisation ncurses: ncurses interface [instalado] libnotify: notification plugin [instalado] gtk3: notification plugin [instalado] aribb24: aribsub support aribb25: aribcam support pcsclite: aribcam support Exigido por : elisa Opcional para : kdenlive En conflicto con : vlc-plugin Remplaza a : vlc-plugin Tamaño de la instalación : 57,87 MiB Encargado : Levente Polyak Fecha de creación : mar 10 nov 2020 21:47:37 Fecha de instalación : sáb 02 ene 2021 00:50:16 Motivo de la instalación : Instalado como dependencia de otro paquete Guion de instalación : No Validado por : Firma