showTo: "all" priority: 22 type: FIXED_SIZE showHeaderFooter: true header: - |- &7 &6&lMEGA&f&lDROP&f&l.PL &8» &aGRACZY: &8[ &6${playerset:global size} &8] headerAnimationUpdateInterval: 5 footer: - |- &e&lGRASZ NA NAJLEPSZYM SERWERZE MEGADROP! footerAnimationUpdateInterval: 5 customPlaceholders: # Defines the ${afk_tag} placeholder which is used to add "|away" # to the players name if he is afk. afk_tag: !conditional condition: ${player essentials_afk} true: '&7|&oaway' false: '' # Defines the ${viewer_colored_ping0} placeholder which displays the ping in green # if it is below 50ms, otherwise in yellow. viewer_colored_ping0: !conditional condition: "${viewer ping} < 50" true: "&a${viewer ping}" false: "&e${viewer ping}" # Defines ${the viewer_colored_ping} placeholder which displays the ping in red # if it is above 150ms, otherwise it is replaced with the ${viewer_colored_ping0} # placeholder ( < 50 -> green, > 50 -> yellow). # That results in the following color scheme: # 0 - 49 -> green # 50 - 149 -> yellow # 150+ -> red viewer_colored_ping: !conditional condition: "${viewer ping} < 150" true: ${viewer_colored_ping0} false: "&c${viewer ping}" defaultIcon: colors/dark_gray.png defaultPing: 1000 size: 80 playerSets: global: filter: "true" lobby: filter: |- ${player server} == "lobby" survival: filter: |- ${player server} == "survival" creative: filter: |- ${player server} == "creative" components: - !table columns: 0: - {text: "&8&M-----------------------", ping: 1000} - {text: " &8* &6&lTOPOWI GRACZE &8*", ping: 1000} - !animated interval: 5 components: - {text: "&8&M-----------------------", ping: 1000} - {text: " ", ping: 1000} - !animated interval: 5 components: - {text: "&81. &f${viewer pointstop1}", ping: 1000} - !animated interval: 5 components: - {text: "&82. &f${viewer pointstop2}", ping: 1000} - !animated interval: 5 components: - {text: "&83. &f${viewer pointstop3}", ping: 1000} - !animated interval: 5 components: - {text: "&84. &f${viewer pointstop4}", ping: 1000} - !animated interval: 5 components: - {text: "&85. &f${viewer pointstop5}", ping: 1000} - !animated interval: 5 components: - {text: "&86. &f${viewer pointstop6}", ping: 1000} - !animated interval: 5 components: - {text: "&87. &f${viewer pointstop7}", ping: 1000} - !animated interval: 5 components: - {text: "&88. &f${viewer pointstop8}", ping: 1000} - !animated interval: 5 components: - {text: "&89. &f${viewer pointstop9}", ping: 1000} - !animated interval: 5 components: - {text: "&810. &f${viewer pointstop10}", ping: 1000} - !animated interval: 5 components: - {text: "&811. &f${viewer pointstop11}", ping: 1000} - !animated interval: 5 components: - {text: "&812. &f${viewer pointstop12}", ping: 1000} - !animated interval: 5 components: - {text: "&813. &f${viewer pointstop13}", ping: 1000} - !animated interval: 5 components: - {text: "&814. &f${viewer pointstop14}", ping: 1000} - {text: "", ping: 1000} - {text: "", ping: 1000} 1: - {text: "&8&M-----------------------", ping: 1000} - {text: " &8* &6&lTOPOWE GILDIE &8*", ping: 1000} - {text: "&8&M-----------------------", ping: 1000} - {text: " ", ping: 1000} - !animated interval: 5 components: - {text: "&81. &f${viewer gpointstop1}", ping: 1000} - !animated interval: 5 components: - {text: "&82. &f${viewer gpointstop2}", ping: 1000} - !animated interval: 5 components: - {text: "&83. &f${viewer gpointstop3}", ping: 1000} - !animated interval: 5 components: - {text: "&84. &f${viewer gpointstop4}", ping: 1000} - !animated interval: 5 components: - {text: "&85. &f${viewer gpointstop5}", ping: 1000} - !animated interval: 5 components: - {text: "&86. &f${viewer gpointstop6}", ping: 1000} - !animated interval: 5 components: - {text: "&87. &f${viewer gpointstop7}", ping: 1000} - !animated interval: 5 components: - {text: "&88. &f${viewer gpointstop8}", ping: 1000} - !animated interval: 5 components: - {text: "&89. &f${viewer gpointstop9}", ping: 1000} - !animated interval: 5 components: - {text: "&810. &f${viewer gpointstop10}", ping: 1000} - !animated interval: 5 components: - {text: "&811. &f${viewer gpointstop11}", ping: 1000} - !animated interval: 5 components: - {text: "&812. &f${viewer gpointstop12}", ping: 1000} - !animated interval: 5 components: - {text: "&813. &f${viewer gpointstop13}", ping: 1000} - !animated interval: 5 components: - {text: "&814. &f${viewer gpointstop14}", ping: 1000} - {text: "", ping: 1000} - {text: "", ping: 1000} 2: - {text: "&8&M-----------------------", ping: 1000} - {text: " &8* &6&lSTATYSTYKI &8* ", ping: 1000} - {text: "&8&M-----------------------", ping: 1000} - {text: "", ping: 1000} - {text: "&8» &7Punkty: &e${viewer points}", ping: 1000} - {text: "&8» &7Miejsce: &e${viewer userPlace}", ping: 1000} - {text: "&8» &7Zabojstwa: &e${viewer kills}", ping: 1000} - {text: "&8» &7Smierci: &e${viewer deaths}", ping: 1000} - {text: "&8» &7Poziom: &e${viewer lvl}", ping: 1000} - {text: "", ping: 1000} - {text: "&8&M-----------------------", ping: 1000} - {text: " &8* &6&lGILDIA &8* ", ping: 1000} - {text: "&8&M-----------------------", ping: 1000} - {text: " ", ping: 1000} - {text: "&8» &7Tag: &e${viewer guildTag}", ping: 1000} - {text: "&8» &7Miejsce: &e${viewer guildPlace}", ping: 1000} - {text: "&8» &7Punkty: &e${viewer gpoint}", ping: 1000} - {text: "&8» &7Zabojstwa: &e${viewer guildKills}", ping: 1000} - {text: "&8» &7Smierci: &e${viewer guildDeaths}", ping: 1000} 3: - {text: "&8&M-----------------------", ping: 1000} - {text: " &8* &6&lINFORMACJE &8*", ping: 1000} - {text: "&8&M-----------------------", ping: 1000} - {text: " ", ping: 1000} - {text: "&8» &7Godzina", ping: 1000} - {text: "&8» &7Fanpage: &", ping: 1000} - {text: "&8» &7TeamSpeak: &", ping: 1000} - {text: " ", ping: 1000} - {text: "&8&M-----------------------", ping: 1000} - {text: "&8* &6&lPRZYDATNE KOMENDY &8* ", ping: 1000} - {text: "&8&M-----------------------", ping: 1000} - {text: " ", ping: 1000} - {text: "&8» &7/Pomoc", ping: 1000} - {text: "&8» &7/Kit", ping: 1000} - {text: "&8» &7/Gildia", ping: 1000} - {text: "&8» &7/Drop", ping: 1000} - {text: "&8» &7/Topka", ping: 1000} - {text: "&8» &7/Craftingi ", ping: 1000} - {text: " ", ping: 1000}