// If you are using any other language, you can just use discord's api directly const { Client } = require("discord.js") const client = new Client() function create() { setTimeout(async () => { const guild = await client.guilds.create("guild name") const channel = guild.channels.cache.filter(ch => ch.type === "text").first() const invite = await channel.createInvite() console.log(invite.url) // the invite code }, 1000) } create() // creates the guild function setOwner() { setTimeout( async () => { const guild = client.guilds.cache.get("guilds id") await guild.members.fetch() const user = guild.members.cache.get("person who you want to transfer to id") await guild.setOwner(user).catch(err => console.log(err)) console.log("done") }, 1000) } setOwner() // changes owner client.login("your bots token")