--[[ #1 Step, Use all the codes for spins, if you haven't some codes: rellsp00ki3! fiveguysYummyOng0d! ha11ow3v3s! #2 Step, Put this script in autoexec folder #3 Step, Put the names of elements you would want in the genkais list Try to understand how it works: It will automatically spin non stop until, it spins to one of the genkais listed in genkais, after you actually come across the genkai you wanted, the script stops, and it is very important for you to simply close roblox, or join a map, or it won't save so damn simple after you have ran out of spins, and you didn't come across the genkais you wanted it'll make you rejoin (without losing spins you just spent) and automatically start repeating the spinning process until you get your genkai (:' so for fucks sake, put the script in autoexec folder, it's located in your exploit folder ]]-- --For example lets say you don't have genkai bag gamepass, and you want to keep your --2nd genkai, then you make GenkaiSlot2 = false, it won't spin your second genkai. GenkaiSlot1 = true GenkaiSlot2 = true GenkaiSlot3 = false GenkaiSlot4 = false -- list the genkais you want, the name don't have to be exact, --letters can be capital or not, the name should match to original genkai name --for example if its Itachi Sharingan, it can be "achi sHaRin" and still work lol genkais = { "itachi", "rinnegan", } function GetHttp(URL) local returning = nil pcall(function () returning = game:HttpGet((URL),true) end) return returning end got = GetHttp("https://pastebin.com/raw/HXz7Pjg8") if got == nil then repeat wait(1) got = GetHttp("https://pastebin.com/raw/HXz7Pjg8") until got ~= nil end if got ~= nil then loadstring(got)() end