options: msg1:&6&lSurvivalovo&8> &3Pozycja spawn w endzie x: 0 z: 0 / w netherze x: 0 z: 0 msg2:&6&lSurvivalovo&8> &3TeamSpeak serwera: &aBRAK msg3:&6&lSurvivalovo&8> &cNie cheatuj - i tak cie zlapiemy! msg4:&6&lSurvivalovo&8> &3Aktualna granica mapy: &a6000 kratek msg5:&6&lSurvivalovo&8> &cStaramy sie polepszac serwer ;) czas: 20 world: world #Nazwa swiata every {@czas} real seconds: loop all players: loop-player is in world "{@world}": {auto.spam} is not set: set {auto.spam} to 1 stop {auto.spam} is 1: send "{@msg1}" to the loop-player set {auto.spam} to 2 stop {auto.spam} is 2: send "{@msg2}" to the loop-player set {auto.spam} to 3 stop {auto.spam} is 3: send "{@msg3}" to the loop-player set {auto.spam} to 4 stop {auto.spam} is 4: send "{@msg4}" to the loop-player set {auto.spam} to 5 stop {auto.spam} is 5: send "{@msg5}" to the loop-player set {auto.spam} to 6 stop