/*If we keep holding onto yesterday, what are we going to be tomorrow?*/ #include #include #include using namespace __gnu_pbds; using namespace std; #define int long long int bool debugg = false; #define dbg if (debugg) #define F first #define S second template using order_set = tree, rb_tree_tag, tree_order_statistics_node_update>; bool valid (string &s) { if (s[0]!='R') return 0; int cnt=0; int g=0; for (int i=0; i'9') cnt++; if (s[i]=='G') g=i; } if (g>1 && cnt==2) return 1; } int32_t main() { // ios::sync_with_stdio(0); // cin.tie(0); int t; cin >> t; int T = 0; while (T++ < t) { string s; cin >> s; cout <<"Case " < '9' && s[i + 1] <= '9') cout << " "; } cout << "n"; } } }