using System; public class Program { public static void Main() { Random rand = new Random(); //Create a boolean that represents the state of the game. while(/*Use your game state bool here*/) { int target = rand.Next(1000); //Create an integer to represent the minimum range for guesses. It should start at 0 //Create an integer to represent the maximum range for guesses. It should start at 1000 //Create an integer to represent the current guess of the player while(/*Insert your guess variable here*/ != target) { Console.WriteLine("Please Guess a number between " + /*Insert your minimum variable here*/ + " and " + /*Insert your maximum variable here*/ + "..."); /*Insert your guess variable here to assign value*/ = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("You entered: " + /*Insert your guess variable here*/); if(/*Insert your guess variable here*/ > target) { Console.WriteLine("Your guess is too high!"); //Set your max variable to be equal to your guess variable } else if(/*Insert your guess variable here*/ < target) { Console.WriteLine("Your guess is too low!"); //Set your min variable to be equal to your guess variable } } Console.WriteLine("You Win!"); Console.WriteLine("Play again? Y or N"); var userInput = Console.ReadLine(); if(userInput != "Y") { Console.WriteLine("Thanks for playing! Goodbye."); //Set your game state bool to be false } } } }