Stalingrad Ruleset - 18 PLAYERS MAXIMUM. --------------------------------------------- MAJORS need 700+ hours. MIC required for EVERYBODY. Listen to host mid-game, if you fuck up. Host will make 10 savegames due the game and actual check if exploits are used (ie. Warbonds). Allies/Soviet vs Axis as in WW2. Stay in ideological Factions! Accept Rheinland / Sudetenland / Czech / Tanks. NO WARS BEFORE 1938 - NO FOCUS WARS, NO JUSTIFYING WITHOUT FOCUS, NOTHING. Volunteers only to Spain (no Resend, and check "Spain rules") - no Coups - No Releasing Countries - No Unwanted Boosting - No Civil Wars - max. 20% carrier overstacking - max. 4 carriers per battle - min. 100 Airwing - No WT spiking - if encircled, no deleting units, no switching templates - No EXPLOITS - Air Production banned - Fort LVL 5 maximum - Totalmob only as Japan - Nukes only in 1944 - "do not engage" is banned DIVISIONS: no CAV and no INF in T/TDs - max. 6 ART/AT/AA as line - max. 1 AA in line - min division size is 10 width (for paratroops it is 4 width). No Special Forces Exploits = Ban. Mixing Inf with Special Force banned. BUYING CIVs is only allowed if a) you need the resources or b) if you are trading 1:1 -- :100: STRAT BOMBERS ARE BANNED. FIGHTER 3s / NAVAL BOMBER 3s BANNED. NO KAMIKAZE if you are not Japan. Stalingrad03.01.2019 GERMANY/ITALY: 1. War is Poland by Focus at Sept. 39, must do Molotov before, must attack Soviet in 1941. No Vichy. No Jägernotprogramm. Tanks can only be send to Africa if Italy is at war with Allies. Ethiopia must be finished within 6 month and cannot be used to bypass focus. Yugo/Greece must be ended within 3 months. No East Sea / North Sea Raiding. Atlantic Wall is banned - max. Coastal Fort Level 1. All REICHSKOMMISSARIAT banned. AXIS: Germany rule over you, follow Germany, so f. ex. you don't click on Habsburg Prince or Balkan Dominance. SOVIET: In 1939 allowed to take Baltics+Bessarabia/Bucovina (can be taken until WW2 broke out) + WHITE PEACE Finland - !!nothing else!! - YOU MUST send Ultimatum to Baltics! Finland war must be ended within 3 months and cannot be done by units with less width size than 10. NO ALLIES/CHINA Units in SOVIET! Soviet may attack Germany in 1941. No lendlease to anybody except China/Spain/SovAC. Afghanistan/Iran can be a player ONLY if Sweden is a player, see below. ALLIES: Garantuees cannot be revoked. All Minors can join ALLIES WAR after France fell but cannot justify by themselves. NO COMMONWEALTH/BR UNITS in FR except UK! Nobody may guarantee except UK. Brazil may not lendlease anybody and must go democratic. UK Intervention Focus banned, UK may guarantee Greece but not Portugal and not Yugo. Portugal cannot join Allies and only Axis can trade with Portugal. FRANCE: France must accept Indochina. France must stay with Allies. Cannot lendlease to anybody! No Franco-British Union or Little Entente. Cannot built new naval bases in mainland France. USA: USA no Venezuela War. USA may join Allies or justify 6 MONTH after France fell! USA cannot place units anywhere except in the UK before joining the Allies. USA can join if Axis landed in UK. SPAIN: No tanks as Volunteers in CW Spain. Choose wisely: Spain can join either against Allies 6 months after France fell AND if Italy/Germany have taken West Africa OR is allowed to send Volunteers (max. 4x 40 Width) to Germany (any time) and join against Soviet in 1943. If NAT Spain loses CW, the Axis will acknowledge that Soviet won the CW and now REP Spain can switch to Facist by Demagogue/Boosting and will send 3 CIVs to Soviet. Portugal may taken after France fell but ONLY the mainland, no Africa (no Puppets/Satellites). Spain Civil War must end in 1938. JAPAN: Must attack on China on January 1938 and must call all puppets in. Can justify against Allies in 1941 not before. No Japan vs Soviet until 1943. Must Purge. Kamikaze only on your coasts around Japan and Taiwan (if USA complaints about Kamikaze = insta ban). CHINA: No "Subjugate Warlords ". Must do "United Front". Only Soviet lendlease to China - max. 100k guns, 700 Fighters/CAS, but no Strats and no Tacticals. China no Allies. Do not request military access from anybody. SWEDEN: Banned. IRAN/AFGHANISTAN: Can join the war against Germany. If nobody plays Iran/Afghanistan, nobody plays - do not expect it. And if it's not a player, it is neutral. Neutral: Finland, Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Bhutan, Nepal, Sweden (Switzerland may be taken by Germany because Hitler's quote in HOI4 loading screen). Israel can be released. Banned Countries: Banned countries are banned. Supreme Rule: Your country can do everything it actual did in historic WW2, limited by this ruleset.1